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    altae. Rhizoma crassum abbreviatum, fuscum, tenuiter fibrillosum. Caules 5-8 (10), foliis emortuis haud involucrati, ascendentes vel recti, simplices, vegetatione abeunte superne subramosi, pilis simplicibus semiappressis longis tecti. Folia radicalia numerosa, haud congesta, spathulata vel oblongo-elliptica obtusa, 2-5 cm longa, 0.4-1.2 cm lata, longe petiolata, petiolo lamina duplo-triplo longiore, pilis longis patentibus et semiappressis utrinque tecta, caulina sessilia ovata vel anguste ovata, breviter acuminata, basi lata, cauli semiappressa, pilis rectis semiappressis et patentibus utrinque, margine praecipue, tecta. Inflorescentia e cincinnis 2-3 formata, anthesi ineunte compacta, abeunte vero plus minusue laxa, brevis, caule 4-5-plo brevior. Flores pallide vel atro-cyanei. Calyx minus, quam ad 2/3 in lacinias acute triangulares fissus , florifer 2-3 mm longus, fructifer 3-4 mm longus, pilis rectis appressis et semiappressis densis (falciformibus et hamatis basi nullis) vestitus. Coroll a coerulea, limbo 6-7 mm diam., tubo ca. 2 mm longo, lobis late orbicularibus. Stylus calice brevior. Pedicelli fructiferi 4.5-5 mm longi, patentes, pilis rectis brevibus dense vestiti. Eremi 1.7-1.8 mm longi, elliptici, atro-fusci, margine angustissime alati, ventre subcarinati, areola late elliptica, canaliculis lateralibus exarata. Typus: Orientalis Sajan, jugum Udinskij fontem fluminus Issug-Sug, regio alpis 2050 ms.m., tundra lichenosa, 15/VI1961, L. Malyschev (NSK). Affinitas. Species M. asiática (Vestergren) Schischkin et Serg. arcticae incolae valde affinis et olim cum ea saepe conjuncta sed, eremis late ellipticis (nee anguste ellipticis), margine anguste alatis (nee late, apice praecipue alatis), foliis utrinque pilosis (nee subtus glabris), calycis dentibus triangulari-lanceolatis divergentibus (nee lineari-lanceolatis conniventibus), calyce pilis tenuibus rectis tantum (nee rectis et falciformibus) tecto differt. Perennial green loose-caespitose multicaulis (10) 15-20 cm tall plant. Rhizome stout, contracted, brown, with slender cinnamonic fibrils. Stems 5-8 (10), without involucre of dead leaves, ascending or erect, simple, weakly branched i n upper part toward end of vegetation, pubescent with long semiappressed simple hairs. Radical leaves many, not aggregated, spatulate or oblong-elliptical, obtuse, 2-5 cm long, 0.4-1.2 cm broad, long-petiolate, 2-3 times surpassing, leaf blade, pubescent on both surfaces with long patent...
    Published 2006
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    .... Gubellini and Prof. D. Postpischl. Successively was surveyed three times: 1990-91, 1993-94 and 1995-96...
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    by El-Geziry, Tarek M.
    Published 2023
    .... nearly three times faster than during 1901–1971 (1.3 mm/year). This is mainly attributed to two main...
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    ... than females. Males must consume approximately three times more prey per day than females. By examining...
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    ... extent of the ice sheet during glacial periods. The snow accumulation rate is more than three times...
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    ..., track a bird over six months, fixing positions three times a day. The whole unit weighs 67 g including...
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    by Thomson, Peter
    Published 2007
    ... three times the cost of the American House, where, Olga tells us, we can finally get our visas properly...
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    ... from their natal social unit and move toward the poles, where they eat and grow almost three times...
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    ..., while its maximum intensity is observable in polar regions, reaching there almost three times its...
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    Published 2016
    ... (Dialogue XII) was translated three times in 18th-century Russia: the first by Mikhail Lomonosov in 1747...
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    by Arctowski, Henryk
    Published 1908
    ... and the Magellan straight, determinations of surface water density have been carried out three times a day. Later...
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    ... to jump over a bush three times and at a wake the man seeking a wife, went upstairs, while a number...
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    Published 2008
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    by Hodgson, Dominic A.
    Published 2012
    ... the size of North America and 1.3 times the size of Europe. It is also the highest, windiest, coldest...
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    by Pridmore, Saxby
    Published 2010
    ... speaking countries, the male suicide rate is around 3 times greater than the female. Globally...
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    ... of the flexible membrane using NR937 is increased by 1.3 times compared to that using NR, while the maximum stress...
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