Phenacoscorpius mccoskeri Motomura 2017, new species

Phenacoscorpius mccoskeri , new species NeW EngliSH name: MCCOSker’S NO-line SCOrpiOnfiSH FigureS 1, 2 Phenacoscorpius sp.: McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010: 174 (off Darwin Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, eastern Pacific, 01°41ʹN, 91°59ʹW) Holotype. CAS 86551, 100.5 mm SL, Off DarWin ISland, Galá...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Motomura, Hiroyuki
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Zenodo 2017
Online Access:
Summary:Phenacoscorpius mccoskeri , new species NeW EngliSH name: MCCOSker’S NO-line SCOrpiOnfiSH FigureS 1, 2 Phenacoscorpius sp.: McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010: 174 (off Darwin Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, eastern Pacific, 01°41ʹN, 91°59ʹW) Holotype. CAS 86551, 100.5 mm SL, Off DarWin ISland, GalápagOS ISlandS, ECuadOr, eaStern PaCifiC, 01°41ʹN, 91°59ʹW, COll. by J. E. MCCOSker et al. , manned SubmerSible Johnson Sea-Link , 515 m deptH, 21 NOv. 1995. Paratypes. CAS 243875, 66.2 mm SL, KAUM–I. 104643, 77.9 mm SL, Same data aS HOlOtype. Diagnosis. A SpeCieS Of Phenacoscorpius WitH tHe fOllOWing COmbinatiOn Of CHaraCterS: peCtOral-fin rayS 19– 20, SeCOnd tO nintH rayS branCHed; 5–19 pOred lateral-line SCaleS, pOSteriOrmOSt pOre Situated frOm belOW baSe Of fiftH dOrSal-fin Spine tO anteriOr Of Caudal pedunCle; 46–48 SCale rOWS in lOngitudinal SerieS; palatine teetH preSent; Small Slit beHind fOurtH gill arCH; SeCOnd preOperCular Spine abSent; nuCHal and parietal SpineS diStinCt but JOined at baSe; Head large, lOng, itS WidtH and lengtH 17.7–19.5% (mean 18.8%) Of SL and 46.1–51.9% (48.7%) Of SL reSpeCtively; interOrbital SpaCe brOad, itS WidtH at vertiCal midline Of eye and pOSteriOr end Of preOCular Spine baSe 8.0–8.9% (8.3%) Of SL and 6.2–6.8% (6.4%) Of SL reSpeCtively; pOStOrbital lengtH 24.1–25.2% (24.7%) Of SL; deep Caudal pedunCle, deptH 10.0–11.0% (10.7%) Of SL. Description. Data fOr HOlOtype preSented firSt, fOllOWed by paratype data (if different) in parentHeSeS. DOrSal fin WitH 12 SpineS; tHird Spine lOngeSt, but SHOrter tHan pelviC-fin Spine lengtH; tHird tO eleventH SpineS prOgreSSively SHOrter; lengtH Of eleventH Spine 2.4 (1.9) in laSt Spine; membrane Of SpinOuS pOrtiOn Of dOrSal fin mOderately nOtCHed. DOrSal fin WitH 8 SOft rayS (9 rayS in 66.2 mm SL paratype); all rayS branCHed, divided intO 2 branCHeS; fOurtH SOft ray lOngeSt, but SHOrter tHan lOngeSt anal-fin SOft ray lengtH; pOSteriOr branCH Of laSt ray JOined by very SHOrt membrane tO Caudal pedunCle. Anal fin WitH 3 SpineS; SeCOnd Spine ...