Alitta succinea Leuckart 1847

Alitta succinea (Leuckart, 1847) Figures 1 A −C, 2 Nereis succinea Leuckart, 1847: 154 −156, Pl. 2, Figs. 9, 11; Ehlers 1868: 570 −572, Pl. 22, Figs. 18−22; Heinen 1911: 60, Fig. 21; Gillandt 1979 a: 43, 1979b: 23, 25, table 1. Nereis (Neanthes) succinea Hartmann-Schröder 1996: 207 −209, Fig. 90 (pa...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Villalobos-Guerrero, Tulio F., Carrera-Parra, Luis F.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: 2015
Online Access:
Summary:Alitta succinea (Leuckart, 1847) Figures 1 A −C, 2 Nereis succinea Leuckart, 1847: 154 −156, Pl. 2, Figs. 9, 11; Ehlers 1868: 570 −572, Pl. 22, Figs. 18−22; Heinen 1911: 60, Fig. 21; Gillandt 1979 a: 43, 1979b: 23, 25, table 1. Nereis (Neanthes) succinea Hartmann-Schröder 1996: 207 −209, Fig. 90 (partim). Alitta succinea Bakken & Wilson 2005: 516 −517 (partim). Neanthes succinea Sato 2013: 35 −42, Figs. 3 D–F, 4 B, 15–17 (partim). Type material. North Sea, Germany. Lectotype (ZMH P- 25975) and one paralectotype (ZMH P- 25976) designated by Sato (2013), both incomplete, damaged, Helgoland (no more data). Topotype material. North Sea, Germany. ECOSUR-P2729, 30 specimens, off Dornumersiel, 53 ° 42 ’N, 07° 28 ’E, 2008−2013, oyster Crassostrea gigas reef. ECOSUR-OH-P 734 -P741, 8 specimens, off Dornumersiel, 53 ° 42 ’N, 07° 28 ’E, 2008−2013, oyster Crassostrea gigas reef. ECOSUR-P2730, 4 specimens, NWO Terminal, Jade, Wilhelmshaven, 53 ° 33 ’ 27 ’’N, 08°09’ 45 ’’E, 2011. Re-description based on atokous lectotype (variations for specimens indicated in parentheses). Lectotype incomplete, with 67 chaetigers (n= 12, µ= 99.0± 7.2, ran: 80–119); TL= 50 mm (n= 12, µ= 67.6 ± 14.5, ran: 32−115), L 15 = 17 mm (n= 43, µ= 14.7 ± 1.2, ran: 6.5−24), W 15 = 2.5 mm (n= 43, µ= 2.9 ± 0.3, ran: 1.0−5.0). Prostomium anteriorly complete (Fig. 1 A), 1.4 times wider than long (µ= 1.2, ran: 0.8−1.4); mid-dorsal groove present. Palpophores suboval, as long as wide (usually slightly wider than long, µ= 1.2 times, ran: 0.9−1.5), 0.7 times width of prostomium (µ= 0.8, ran: 0.6 −1.0). Antennae close together, short, conical, not exceeding palp tips (Fig. 1 A); extended posteriorly, reaching one-third of prostomium (µ= 0.3; ran: 0.2−0.4). Two pairs of eyes, similar sized, medium, dark, rounded (anterior pair occasionally reniform). Upper peristomial cirri reaching chaetiger 2 (n= 38, µ= 3.0± 0.3, ran: 2−5); lower peristomial cirri reaching palp tips (occasionally shorter). Upper tentacular cirri reaching chaetiger 4 (n= 38, µ= 5.4 ± 0.4, ran: ...