Rhamphomyia (Pararhamphomyia) subfilicauda Shamshev & Sinclair & Khruleva 2020, sp. nov.

Rhamphomyia (Pararhamphomyia) subfilicauda Shamshev & Sinclair sp. nov. (Figs 41, 42) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 27AE8916-35F9-42A2-BD16-692DADF550F9 Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: [RUSSIA, Chukotka AO (Wrangel Island)] “upper flow of river Neizvestnaya, 71°13′N 179°19′W, BT 2, 3.vii.2006,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Shamshev, Igor V., Sinclair, Bradley J., Khruleva, Olga A.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: 2020
Online Access:https://zenodo.org/record/4477226
Summary:Rhamphomyia (Pararhamphomyia) subfilicauda Shamshev & Sinclair sp. nov. (Figs 41, 42) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 27AE8916-35F9-42A2-BD16-692DADF550F9 Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: [RUSSIA, Chukotka AO (Wrangel Island)] “upper flow of river Neizvestnaya, 71°13′N 179°19′W, BT 2, 3.vii.2006, O.A. Khruleva ”; “ Holotypus / Rhamphomyia / subfilicauda / Shamshev, Sinclair sp. n. [red label]” (INS_DIP_0000621, ZIN; terminalia dissected, in microvial pinned with specimen). Diagnosis. Mid-sized (wing length 4.3 mm) blackish flies of the R. pusilla group. Scutum uniformly velvety brown, without vittae; postpronotal lobe and mesonotum with numerous uniformly very long fine setae (including acr and dc), main mesonotal setae undifferentiated; hind tibia curved inwards closer to base; halter brownish; wing whitish, CuA+CuP complete; phallus well exposed, very long, mostly hair-like. Description. Male (Fig. 41). Wing 4.3 mm, body 4 mm. Head with brownish pruinescence on face, frons, postgena, ocellar triangle and occiput; dark setose. Eyes holoptic, touching on frons. Ocellar triangle with several long fine setae. Occiput with numerous uniformly long thin setae, including postoculars. Antenna blackish brown; scape and pedicel short, scape slightly longer, both with short setulae; postpedicel conical, 3X longer than wide; stylus very short, slightly shorter than postpedicel basal width. Palpus dark; with numerous long, dark fine setae. Labrum 1.3X head height. Thorax densely brownish pruinescent; with black setation; scutum uniformly velvety brown pruinescent, without vittae. Proepisternum with tuft of several long fine setae on lower section; upper proepisternum in front of spiracle without setae. Prosternum bare. Antepronotum with numerous short setae. Postpronotal lobe and mesonotum with numerous uniformly very long fine setae (including acr and dc), main mesonotal setae undifferentiated; 6 sctl; acr arranged in 2 irregular rows, absent on prescutellar depression; presutural dc separated by bare space from ...