Caulleriella fucata Blake 2018, new species

Caulleriella fucata new species Figure 24 Material Examined. Antarctic Peninsula, Palmer Archipelago, Anvers Island, Arthur Harbor, dock at Palmer Station, R / V Hero Sta. 721-5446, 29 Mar 1972, 64.775°S, 64.0683°W, 11m, holotype (USNM 1013891 and 4 paratypes (USNM 1013892); Sta. 731-1751, 16 Feb 19...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Blake, James A.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Caulleriella fucata new species Figure 24 Material Examined. Antarctic Peninsula, Palmer Archipelago, Anvers Island, Arthur Harbor, dock at Palmer Station, R / V Hero Sta. 721-5446, 29 Mar 1972, 64.775°S, 64.0683°W, 11m, holotype (USNM 1013891 and 4 paratypes (USNM 1013892); Sta. 731-1751, 16 Feb 1973, 64.775°S, 64.0683°W, 12 m, (1, USNM 1013941). Description. A moderate-sized species, holotype 6.4 mm long, 0.5 mm wide across thickest part of middle body for 85 setigerous segments. Body generally thick throughout, with segments wider than long; posterior end sometimes expanded, but never narrower than middle body segments. Venter flattened, with shallow groove. Dorsal surface rounded or domed throughout. Entire body rust-colored, with dusky pigment on each segment; darker pigment on pygidium. Prostomium short, triangular, bluntly rounded on anterior margin (Fig. 24 A–B); eyespots absent; nuchal organs elongate slits on posterior border with peristomium (Fig. 24A). Peristomium about as wide as long, tapering, merging anteriorly with prostomium to form conical pre-setigerous region or head; divided into two large rings by horizontal groove in middle (Fig. 24 A–B); dorsal crest absent. Peristomium followed by an achaetous segment (Fig. 24 A–B). Dorsal tentacles widely spaced, in groove on anterior edge of achaetous segment and posterior border of peristomium. First pair of branchiae immediately posterior to dorsal tentacles on posterior border of achaetous segment (Fig. 24B); subsequent branchiae in similar position dorsal to notosetae. Noto- and neuropodia well developed, widely separated as typical of Caulleriella species (Fig. 24A). Notopodia set off from domed dorsal surface by grooves (Fig 24B); neuropodia with setae directed toward midventral groove. Notosetae all long capillaries, 8–10 per fascicle in anterior setigers, reduced to 3–5 in middle and posterior setigers; neurosetae of setigers 1–4(6) capillaries similar to those of notopodia, completely replaced by 8–10 short, curved bidentate hooks from ...