Summary: | Self-consistent source datasetfor the Shingle project -- an approach and software library for the generation ofboundary representation from arbitrary geophysical fieldsand initialisation for anisotropic, unstructured meshing (see for more information). The data has been prepared from RTopo [1] bathymetry: [1] Timmermann, Ralph; Le Brocq, Anne M; Deen, Tara J; Domack, Eugene W; Dutrieux, Pierre; Galton-Fenzi, Ben; Hellmer, Hartmut H; Humbert, Angelika; Jansen, Daniela; Jenkins, Adrian; Lambrecht, Astrid; Makinson, Keith; Niederjasper, Fred; Nitsche, Frank-Oliver; Nøst, Ole Anders; Smedsrud, Lars Henrik; Smith, Walter (2010): Antarctic ice sheet topography, cavity geometry, and global bathymetry (RTopo 1.0.5-beta). doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.741917. Supplement to: Timmermann, R et al. (2010): A consistent dataset of Antarctic ice sheet topography, cavity geometry, and global bathymetry. Earth System Science Data, 2(2), 261-273, doi:10.5194/essd-2-261-2010.