FIGURE 26 in New findings of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis in Siberia

FIGURE 26. Hierarchical cluster diagram based on the reference tooth positions of upper P4-M3 according to the extended mesowear method (Kaiser and Solounias, 2003). Distances = Euclidean distance (root-mean-squared difference). Clusters are based on a set of 27 typical extant species model. Classif...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Lobachev, Y.V., Shpansky, А.V., Bondarev, A.A., Lobachev, A.Y., Vasiliev, S.K., Klementev, A.M., Grebnev, I.E., Silaev, V.I.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Zenodo 2021
Online Access:
Summary:FIGURE 26. Hierarchical cluster diagram based on the reference tooth positions of upper P4-M3 according to the extended mesowear method (Kaiser and Solounias, 2003). Distances = Euclidean distance (root-mean-squared difference). Clusters are based on a set of 27 typical extant species model. Classification follows the conservative (CONS) scheme of Fortelius and Solounias (2000): Browsers (CONS): AA = Alces alces, DB = Diceros bicornis, DS = Dicerorhinus sumatrensis, GC = Giraffa camelopardalis, OH = Odocoileus hemionus, OJ = Okapia johnstoni, OV = Odocoileus virginianus, RS = Rhinoceros sondaicus, Grazers (CONS): ab = Alcelaphus buselaphus, bb = Bison bison, cs = Ceratotherium simum, ct = Connochaetes taurinus, dl = Damaliscus lunatus, eb = Equus burchelli, eg = Equus grevyi, he = Hippotragus equinus, hn = Hippotragus niger, ke = Kobus ellipsiprymnus, rr = Redunca redunca; Mixed feeders (CONS): Cc = Cervus elaphus canadensis, Ca = Capricornis sumatraensis, Gg = Gazella granti, Gt = Gazella thomsoni, Me = Aepyceros melampus, Om = Ovibos moschatus, To = Taurotragus oryx, Ts = Tragelaphus scriptus. European fossil populations of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis (Kahlke and Kaiser, 2011): SH_SUESS = Su ¨ssenborn, SH_VOI = Voigtstedt; S. kirchbergensis (van Asperen and Kahlke, 2014): SK_B = Bilzingsleben II, SK_WE = Weimar-Ehringsdorf, SK_WT = Weimar-Taubach, SK_U7 = UK MIS 7; S. hemitoechus (van Asperen and Kahlke, 2014): SHM_B = Bilzingsleben II, SHM_U7 = UK MIS 7, SHM_U5u = UK MIS 5e upland, SHM_U5l = UK MIS 5e lowland. Southeast Western Siberia fossil populations: SK_SWS = S. kirchbergensis, CA_SWS = Coelodonta antiquitatis. Published as part of Lobachev, Y.V., Shpansky, А.V., Bondarev, A.A., Lobachev, A.Y., Vasiliev, S.K., Klementev, A.M., Grebnev, I.E. & Silaev, V.I., 2021, New findings of Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis in Siberia, pp. 1-42 in Palaeontologia Electronica (a14) 24 (1) on page 33, DOI:10.26879/734,