The Log Vol. 6 No. 08 (1919)

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersv...

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Main Author: Champion Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1919
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Summary:Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. Some pages are cut off in this issue. V LU.J li GAt TON, N R.TH C!ROLlf.l'A, DEClllMER Hll9 NUMBF;R a . ttmt AnGther year, during which you navH loyally labored, ex­emplifying in your daily life the Champion motto - - ~ . <!tn-optratinn : . ~oob 1Jellotusbip, is nearing it's close, and Christmas, the day of universal re­joicing is at hand. May the day be indeed a joyous one and may the New Year, so soon to follow, bring to you, each and all, the blessings of health, liappiness. and prosperity. -Reuben B. Robertson, General Manager The Champion Fibre Co. -· • ' . f"':ht,:~tt:tt.Ql; S . n . S. ide· 'gbb ~tt tho be$ , "ly/'j' - .a· l ·lltcll ll ~1ltion' .sa !;Jab-~ I'Ut• C' - -~ • · one, s.t.ep to vae~;l rio-'>~ t ~th, and y ur S ll •~"'"e ·twn Ch · Ch · , r,. h au,.,. a~·toq& .s . ::.b nstma~, · r1 t; s va"'l, t e hen yD~lt' name will al)- puf an :end to th diffie~lty~ you nual commemorati e -Ga of L Dnub·tnie sbse ev·e Yy readde r ·o f W t with the prize eouldn't be driv n away •. u::::. oomi 1 of onr Lord, wiil t>g . Wt . Jnteres_te 1.n that la~e with a stid~:. You'd be here. tmbbshed It of prlze- · be """ pi'OU·d "'"' "1·e fat~1e•· of "' N th ~ . 11 th Doubtlless many wm say, as step, as we ee it, is """' ., WJ • ~ o <> o er u,<\. 1 a · e yea d 1· h · d. b lly ask yotlrself, pair of twins . . Whenevet• you •· h t . d _ t t-h rea OJ. t e suggestwns ma e y mgt s f ol mthu c g\4 n s o e b . f l) k ·'I h 1 Why ]' we us thi ? b tl t l --l 0 tl ld. t en· e • w wor ·m n: . t 'JUg 1 · t u • wen~ y l a p~ace, arm sa · . . hriiit~aslO clai~t ~ ~n o ~. of that my elf, wl,y aidn't I put Why do we do it this wa.: '! . YO RTh PI OVEMEN.' in ope • -- d , f . . ire:ml my thoug-ht on pal)er and ikop it Suppese that in the Jays of ati n · you'd h ar a littL~ voice ' . a ay 0 glvl~- n on- in the Suggeshsm Bo, "? And good old dr:a.nd-flaC:h1y no one h d ~ ' , • rrng the das. by gtvmg to our th .11 . 1 k as . cl whv and every oue had away own !l'l the bott m f yonr 1 • .,.i. d 1 rl ifts some o ers wt s&y. . now a -r , • . ~l'l<l. ~n ove 011e~ g ' ex- scheme that heats any:Uling cfl'er· been corc~Um ted to 1 t things go lH~art telling YO\l about lt; ' fltl -•·r• · n ou frienl~lli~ and ed by the prize winners," along-!$$ usual. Think it ver. Yl>U1d f el n n w s ff.res.pect and ve, may we ex:en p l.tY m our . · 'f' t, 1 · d · ves the pir-it of Hun whose If you happen to be in the JaL· H .• F 1_ to b w· . a JUSti 1at.) prJ e tn yotiJ• a~om-. a we celebl'ate, b re- ter cla s. we. want to agre w1. t h ow u e£, u. . ,e a, .r nner IJ 11. sl nnent. n d t h a t JJ' tti- ~;> vo1• e the needy ones: pet·· you. We w IJ.not attemvt to u - Smne nta~ say. I d ltke to _woutd J;: _ ep hamm l'itiiY away at an orphan child a. wi4ow or fend Ctny ¥ot' man who· ay ~ have pl,l.Hed lo n t-w Hty-ftv or yott. pnrrir 1£ Y n ou t . g t~ afer . ome unfortunate ~erson. into "Everyt~ing i · Q •. tc. a.<:> it i~, fift "vtlar or ' ' fi e l.ll' t n." thir'!gs. In ~td of th fee ling• •hose life we e:U1 bring Christ- and nothUlg t-an b . nn ro ed m us uppose you did. :Ptm't that you wer' ,simpJ:y a cog in . . as cl:.eer, h. giving some inex~ my departmemt. '' th,irrk for a minute that pa - litH machhie aw (ijif i ~ if1 pr ~ent. We, -no lsn't it Attan~e that the u ual ment. of the l':llOtW put a e);l<l c rn r. ~'O~l' d feel as if. O:! ~we find $0me one whom way of doing things is seldom the to the matter. a. 11tr:e . of Pd r to the v hoi Claus w!H not be~ best way? lf you will ke~ t~Qy~ lf apiece of app ratu:s was giv• -v ·o~·ka. Lon after th . mnne\• - Continued ou ~nd P"rag• ior to vouraelf; "the usuaJ way ing colllta}'lt trouble and rrquired 1 ,;.v1 thnk-d o F<"urtb P:.Jge] -· - --- --- .·-- - - - -~- . - - . -··-·· ._. -·-:- 'l'BE P.APD OK WHICH ISSUE o'FTHE LOG IS PRINtED 18 MADE I'BOM CILUi.P10N 1SVLPHftE AND SODA. PULP ' tb ._.C.nw. ftNiob' ~ A.~. I f ' . - : : ! . ,., "-ode' --Clfl <~H doina:\ ~- . PhiUpa Saiassa Ooteman . our special a tentior1 i called o the eu in the ~enter of th1 ·page. It ~ hould be oar care . to ' ee t t no bing -of this kind b }We us in c~ntou. X. , • . A. BOARD MEETS. The monthly meeting of th:e Bo;a;rd of Diredm-s of The Cham­pion Y~ 1. C. A. wa held at the Cb:ampion Fi'bre Companyjs of­nee buiiding Friday night. Four­teen member of the Board were .,Pf'.esent and a great deal of basi­n ~ preliminary ta the opening Q.f ih,e new building was tran - acted. Pr-esident D. J. Ken· read the commjttee appoint­moots. which wm be in eharge et. the arious iie_partmenfu of the work £o,r the com1ng year : Eoceeutive committee: D. J. Kep-y cC~ Hildeb.ran<l, Ed Coon, R. A. Helder: Relig.iotl~ Work Committee: H. D. ·SeQr< . t, Th s. Furo~s and Lnt}l:er MeC.ay. Sooia.l Wo-rk Comml.ttee·; G. W. Pb'illips • . ,. Hildeb~and, C. En­glistk E ucatiooal Work. Commit~: . I!w '"",' ~ . I ' . > ' ' . ' l f . \ . i i ~· \ ~ ~ . ' / A. D. W«Xl, G. W. Phil1ips, Goo. ·· · · ·- --- · . Tros re. 1. RPadirtg, dting, ~! \Jatd o:f Dir ctor1'!1. that 1 ~ <}s h-i~ or h r cla$. In Phy i~ 1 Wo.f'k d(Jrrunitte~: · tic. . . . . . 1'h Ge~t1Cn\l creun~y of the this w4y thn-e bQys and :three The.s. O,'l'ho "tl , I . A . H~J d l·, ,J . . 2 . . Iii~ eh«JOl .Phy l!CS, M tn- Y. M. . A .• lih:. M. C . . ala: S'.l, gir-l . frt.u~1 eti~eb. grad will ; lark. , 1 rna t it;:s, ( :reqm ·tJ'Y. m de ' co-mpreb :rtl'l'ive :n~fJOl't eu and ant tlirough s.tndytng a lit- Boy::{ Wol'k 'MYJ.R'liiwe: JlJd 3. PapeJ' . a d . U1}H1litlting the WOl'K as a \\\lA Ole; d1.5e\it sin-g tl~ h u:der; it mE' . Fnhel'Ship each ra R € t~1e {)1' grt'$S h i:ng tna!J~ lU th . .VAAl'. , 't'h 'BQil.l' a · l'Y heartily 0::4, ~· D~ ~00~; }l. ~· H lde.r. · 4.' · i. h. .njcal J):r wtn,g. b riMing oiJ' h now 'Y'', th a:p-- Itdopi,ed · rel'l luti n which i-. to JD.emuers ntp- U.<>tll nt:t tr~: G. i>. Tro l'iting. f>l*o'lrintHtc opening dute, th ded- app:ro f thiR l'ltl;~nre~tion and Rih.lf:lb.randt< L. Wo-rl.ey. H. A. ln t he Day Apprentilre Sc.h~lJl, 1 tion n_d OOl uin.g _w ek'~ P'l"-0- b{') sen to Ml'. 'Pbom on thank- Befder. UN foH(J~ing -OUNI£'1 wm 1Je in~ grum, a.nt4 d~;e l With th-e ·flJ)· mg him for hJs. ec nt wbioh Ladies' Wurk Comrnitt . Of- cfud:t>d s no taw m, n.t io tn B.oaa:d ?t '?. wiH ~oJ;p ancl ma:k~ tieerc$ cj-f the tJnclj s' .-lob L Industrial '·hemi!·try. f Lntd gl:t n by Mr, Pet 1 (, • eanmntK of a y tlr " m£>.nl-l:m·~ Mr. A. D. W9od, Cha}m'tan of 2. lwtu. h:i~:tl a:ntl Appliu~ l~h~r._ 1llem ·n tQ pa.y for member· in the x;. M. ~. A. to cl50 many the Educatienal Committee matic" it'icl:t. hipfl' t'ol: t'he , ix?YS and g-irls in Canton~ o<~Y~ ~iel'ld girls. a preliminary r:E!TJO· t o th 'E 1- . St ar,rn and Pipe Fitting. . th~ Pu.hhc 8 hOt)l from the 6th T.h rtwohn.g- wa.· elosed b. 1JC8.tional Program . p}a.rm d h n h~ fer the eiN:abli Jt ent of a nigMf mrtn M theM mbar hip Conm1jt- art~bjp, .t1dan e, an4 deport- irupr s ion of the recent lnt'el·· :aehooJ and a a O.J>lirn:mtk t-et• a.l~-~0 ntaaP a pi>eUmina.ry :re- ment. Th~ plan b a f~l~ national Y. ~· e. A. Conventi{)ft, schooL In the night school the oi't c>overinr tn timated low .: A y 'ar' 'tn. mbe.rsh~ wJll wh.ich met tn :D troit ~d to foDewing" c.~se wUt in an pmh- mqmber hip and annual t , b IW' to the boy end aru·J In whtel!_l h w a delegate ability be taught 'U'hieb wa heartily appf'O.ved by each .arade vel"/ threa mo~ths. · The Champion Y:. ltl. C. A. ---.--~--~ --- ~ ~ . - we • ., __________ ,, ed spea~aHst ktJowint the bo,y's P'f<\lbl~m'S wm do eV'erything tb:at ·s PP.St1ibJe t'o he1p the boy find --- 1Titn elf ttnd g.,r()W ihto·lilseful QnG .co;m ple te m~.tl116od. • TilE PROD UC1ilON UONUS. , ' ~NGO :a plae~ Will ~O()Il be a: ~ilab~e, The Onampkn t. M. C. A. ~ now neari ag conapleti:on·, will snJl)piy fer you and your bay · these opportlilnities. It is to be Some time ago. the 1.:ule~ ,goveifng l:'b ,Pn>clae;tion IX!nu.~ ~eot'P ;Posted 01~ · he btdletin ho r Q:S th r<:mghout he tnill: · Jf th ~ Jq stfll any da,ub in the mind rker will r :ad w ith -i;rtteYest of fh~ Jneth.<Jd whiclt has been adopted to take car of tbese ca~fl, w.hlich puts the re-­sponsibility of keeping- this re o rd in the h.Mtd-s,of the indiv'id-ual wm:ker. It works this way: The· man desiring L~ave of Absence obtains from hig 'foreman a Leave of Absence Slip, as b~lo-w. Leave of Absence Slip ,f"Of Ca~tton ·worth·? No Fa- O•n.d """'"·;I').I'J< n'e~-<~ . , • . . . • .,. . •uv ~ · e. pl "-~:~re program-s, . -er- wou:ld_ dare. answer on:_ of the _bowling alleys and the vati~ Paymaster: . . . . . . . . ~ . . , , . , , . . . , . . Dep.t • ~se question.s m terms of ao1-: OlilS loeker 00 t~.,., t. . . . ~- ts rN.- l . . r ms, ne eon ere e . . . Be ·a .r•e r ' s N 0 • • • . •. , , e • • • • · ••• . ~ an1:1 cen - · .~.ere on Y a~- tJe~tii~ eourt.s just bebmd t)le . · .· .· . . • · . , , . er he would dar-.e ~ali'e wou .G butlu·n· 0' . d 'th " b .J} . . d I h~ve today granted bearer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .t. ,A. • • th-~ . ed ~ ., an e. ""ase a an wie av~tSSlon -.- tram . athletic fi Id b · ~ · d th w k d ·proru:."J"r "'llilied the Btw e .eyon e -ae · Leave of· absence from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To _ "~ ;1 c _ . , · - Ali th~se and mo1·e. Daddy, are · ·O:P_·walol:l 1 ld ~- ~00 1. n_B ~_;1e.atest to be .dedicated to_ your ,bo/Y and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . inclusive and such will 3et, OWeu ""s lP ln lu eness to .4-.he B c· . f {'\, ' to·. 'th- .] . .,. ·"nt.1 ~,._~.,~.,. • --l·d ~ oy ro;p o van n Wl not bar hitn :f.·rom participation. i-n the production bonus, if any is "1 que.suiOlli.a:vre Ju.unwo 1t WOllH •1 . . n t. he nex.-., J41. .8W :mon ths . . t.h:e com.mumty's g reat;e$t h- . , . . . ear::ned, far this mont h. ility. · ~·.Be naol'e than his d~d ' .· , Be. a ehum. .to the lad; lt oosts a ~.Feat deal . to be a Be a part of his l ift'!, . jil father to olu~rs boy. HA~k · Everyoour of tlle d~i; . t(4 he knows'). · lt e0sts .mon- F!mi 1 ime t9 talk wi>trl him_, .- en;era-,; tim"' patience. eott• Find ti'JIJe to walk witfl }jj.r;n, • 1:>~' "'' • ,. • .,. d. • · .ll .c . A 1• ' Lralre m uJS stu , tes meqee, ant~ eemLott. .~·S 'K · ~A,~. -'.t s ha ~:.m ,"".· is p1 · ay: ~, . d. he .kb:0ws". it's b~d to T.ake hil:r.l t;o· p11Lcetl a. real Dad to the J!:rowing tad To baH game and ra_~e.s-. wa:day_s. when wndr, bt;tsiness 'l'eaeh b;im tl:le things -other asspciations keep y.ou That y,ou want JJi,rn to lnm¥v · ay from. home, 50 that yeu ~ Don'll Ji:ve apart fr'o!1Y him B hfs beet co1nmde, ·only now trod then at ~1 . · . lies needing yoo so r N.eve:r negieet I~ !'ll. · , 11!ougn yoang1 .still re~t him, eST '-- -,. -· · · · I{ - .o.;t .: J .• y.ou fel that your b.O~ Blip~in.g .away fro-m · .You; y.ou dian't ] . who hts \' any more<; t~at you WiLii p· · ence and pride · ·. · . t knt~w where. he ~pent bit; " ' time; that . you ·weren't H"P. about his habits a$ used tQ be? If you ll.ave. ''"~get wprri:ed too much, for ~are si'mp1:y having the scar-e has to cqrne tn!,o mast ~ lives. your b'oy need:s. i3 wh}+t_ the ooys of Canton Med.:-a to ~o where they eah hav.e pleuures. ~o<>d timet! and I ~e $u-d:l ~ :(~tfwr 1 hat wr-ten tro~ blt:s g:;J.l\\.ulr' "l.ou 'll be the 11'l'1'i o. e Fo-r counsel, h~ iQ. t,DI')l w. Y uu r.$n im1pj 1:'" ,la.i-m Witll e9 U'age1 and flw him trot. wiOJ ap:~.b!HQn F-or d~ed11 t:lla.t '1l :r; gDI'Jd~ He' ll cnr>t bet.ray y~ Nor iUy repay :. u H you !.ave- tf;l.ught. hitn, l'l•e thirt!JII that Q\i sbeuld. f'tlt~ a~Jd lli.!O · 'Must h~ aU tbirrr b~ Q11( ·~ P~torlnerr; in trout;ll$ . · Atld cu.m~l~ HI jp, . .Mote tban a dad1 ~ tlle beMt. pa.l J''IU liaa,. Be ee.h a chu.m; . ~ you}toe.w, w yout boy''. - El.l\{. Gueat. , ~ . . •. ~ . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Foreman ~ ' . c• · _ :H'e taRes this slip~ properly ·filled out and signed, to the Time Office, .and when he registers "out" he takes his card from tlle rack, and'hand:s jt, togethe;r with the slip, to the Time Keep· eX"on dnt:r'3.t tbe time, When he again reports for dut) he goes to tihe rtme O.'f&ce for his card, 'c:l.l'ld if he ha-s not overstayed his l.eaV'ey the time keepe:r Irta'tks his card 0. K. ;for bonus. If he has overstayed his ' allotted time, he secures fro:ro the time keeper an E*e euse. An:tl when he ' unavoidabl;£ -ab ··ent. M' it ha, bean iaip~!:'O ~D. lt's up tQ }lim. , !. Sa.Rta Claus ha be n good to you · -lel him ~ ~ to the chfidren,. , ________. .__ ___________ ,__ _" ':"""__._ . ._ ____- ---:'".__ _' "!'!!I"""-' - _ . ,._ ._.,.,_._,. _,.,. __. .,_. . .,. _,.,;.,J-. OFfHE LOG IS -. ' ' ' ·' . ' ' • • TilE SUGGEST r) ~ 1 F' I ,' ~ 1! . -W 1 NNE R S • PA ewe -N£.R. W M MOR~lS T Fu ~ NE: ~S A M (. A'G L.C • ' • ' .:~.· A·'\ ' ' '' .- LOU !~ C\.A RK L ~ . T RU LL E.T. SELF M- TR.L\I'HHAM .S.M.ROBE'Rl'$0:"1 .00 . Awards for Perind Ending Decem·ber 1st, 1919 ALEX'SHI1'vlOLIS-CHAS. L. SH8PPARD Suggestion fm· means of removing riugs in lime l A MILL . . - THOMA'S FURNESS·. REPAIRS AND :ALTER Suggestion for compound s11it4bie for seali,rig b6iler settir~gs against fr teakilll?: · ' ' E. T. SELF-,-M. L. TRANTHAM WOOlJ ~OOM Suggestion for improved claim crns'mer · ' • ' ' .: . . . lfi.t10 W. H. BALES ELECTRIC DEPT. ( • - • • , ' Suggestion for imt:J.rctvement. in Wood Room ch;ives S. M. RO.!BINSON • Suggestion for ehans;eiu pj·pe li:oe to eliminate shive& LOtJIS CLAR:K ~ Suggestion ·ror improvement i1n di·n~e:y car elrr,tft riggjng ' ' ' . W. H. ~ORRJS . Suggestion for ,gavmg- ef l.i!iuor l0s:t by ta.nk 0ver:fiow . •· ., . J. M. M\JLL ' . ·• - •- - I Su:gg.estion for p,rotection of band saw in, log mm ' · SERE. P.LQTT Sg.ggesti<m for rearr~ngement of aitcl!llating pwmvs in ·digestet .~ooni B. M. STAMEY AND I?RANK SMATHBRS . ' _$~ggesti9n for improJ i:J. dampe.r nent't'ol S0IJA MILL REPAIR. AND ALTHR &ODAM1LL WOOD ROOM ' SO·DA MILL IRO - WOBKERS .• .$ 5.00 P. A.W6KNER SULPHATE DE.P'l' . ' • • Suggestion fQr improvement in ventilawm ' ' • ' . - . A. M. CA€lLE. "EXTRACT DEPT. Sag:gestion for improving signalill!g system 0. E. FERGUSON BLA,CK ASH Su:gg;es-tion for b~tter tu:<:rangement o·f etean out dears HARLEY WRIGHT PRINTING SHOP for · · form,g ~ =~ ~ Sor,~e $ide-Ligh·t• on the ate a th'orou~h master of r It is the d sJpe o.f e,;very loyal Me Woq/d Nei>er be th-e. Sfi.ll6e8lton:s p.reaent job. B~t rn ~U1' earl memh r oj' th~;: Champion Fa.J'IB- • Have J>OU say , . . . claY'fJ ~oa bad ltttle cb;ance fo-r ily, frott1 d1e ' neral Manager fore yoU !eave the :\tancl ?' 1 {Contmue1.1 't'"rom Ft;r&t l'litge~ sd!toalmg; atil(l altlilon~h oo down, t o. boo~t YOW' idea iC the}7 ~d thil judge, after }}ad been spent, and the suit of knQW of some 101P1"9Velitlent k t: • . , , Wt: . the d~ath seut61nee upon a clothes )'o-1.1 bouf(ht with i-t res.te,d wh;ieh w~aM be of ·alue. yolil naa e or oett 1 rnt~nt. · · . l~n murderer. . i.n the rag bag. you'd still enjQy !.eel as jf you oouldu.'t expja.fu YOU 01 ke a sug"gestu:H'I, and tt 18 "Wt!ll. j.ud~e."' $(lid th.e that feelinR of pride and Matie;., J·u«t what y:o want t saY n fuHow: ~. yo-n b c.orne Otlle wbQ it~ er., . ·~lf J can sayi!J ,~hat f acti·o n w t· ~:J .eh- comes to· ·t .1t.w- . paper, .I f th·i • is . you:r case, g-o o·J rect 'a ng rt l" le 8A'# I:lJ•_ r",.' o~ll +"'h e C,o m. WJJI De a Je.s .s· on t~ me. . tor. · to Uireetor of .Silf ty antl Wel- P ny. 't ou ar.e not only one o;J · David Grayson s~ : "II Opportflll.itia in . tile C/aijrn- fat-e, who wl11 give ~o ~ l'l . c. th. · Corup~ny but you •re one see a friend sli,Wi·ng away"-'- pwrt Ftllllil¥· essary a&ttta.tance or put yo,u in of th Board o" DireciortJ. you, drop whatevet you ar~ · · · · · The sugg ti<ln contest opens and CATCH. Rill. He 18 Maybe 1ou )lave · workeo i.Jl touch w1th aome one whP a a able . . v . omly thine in this world you you.- departiuent for .tears and and aoxiooa w help yow. tbLS e~J)Ortunuy to J OU. aifonl to lose.~· --- ·~ --- ~ --- · --- ~--~ --- ~- QJi WII'CR THIS IDGI8 II '