The Log Vol. 17 No. 11 (1935)

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersv...

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Main Author: Champion Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1935
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Summary:Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. . . • • • • • • •, • • • \ • • • • • • • • • • ' • • . • • • • • • • , ,. • • • • • • • • • r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • , \ •• • .- • • • • • • • • > • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • ,. • ' • • • •• • • • • • • • \ • • • • • • • • • . \ J I • • • • ' • • ' • • ' • • • - •. • • ' • -. • • • • • • • -. • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • . , • • • ) • • • . • I o • • ' • • • • •• . ' • • • • • r t • • • • • < .• • • • • • • ' . - • • • • • • DECEMllEfl 19:15 No. lt 1.'HE P r~ R EOlt 1HIS 1\f_ GAZI E I MADE IN 0 R PLANT OUT OF WOOD FROM THE FOREST OF 1 -oRTH ~ ~ROLIX '" \ rE lANtTF .ACTlJRE M Y GR~DES OF BLEACHED SUlPHITE PAPERS, . ~b CHI E FLWSH9 AND UPER~.ALE1\TDERED . • ,. • •• • 1• I . _.I • ._ e • e 4 t e •• • ., . l 1 I • 8 e a I 8 I •• I I W •••• e e1 ell • & • I e e • ,. . I a • I . . . I a J4. . ., • .~ . e 4re • ,_.~ . fit e • • S I e .; e e . f . • CO . rTE.IT U:r-l-St.'f-8] J1li:11!.: tl{1 PJan~s Of b1t rP. \. ln . -o h Page Garr, ·~a . --· ······--· --- ·2> a· • - --·4··-···- -·-""·--- -···· ·-··--. -. , . -. . 5 m~flt: . _._ . . . J-16~t-nt!ials . . -···-- . .•. . . s, 9 . fh ,. · N' ot ~oin? . . . . 10 I1. ot ~dul u:; ~uHt ·· J,. ,, u , my son, I charge you to keep at a moderate hei:f!h ~ tor if you fly too Jow the damp will d og yot!t w iLg 1 and if too high the heat ·wi ll melt the ·wax a.n1t ··,ur -;rings will fall to pieces.' ' You recall, Icarus di~t,uer d hi3 father's in ~t.ructions and was lo t. Daedalus aad .Ica rt:s en1oarked Qn thE,oiJ· fi'.ght. fuY)_ljl we are told, "as they fle·w the pl nugluuar~ •-rtt.lf\pe.i -bl . work te gaze. and the ,~ l ephm d leaned f\n hi. ~ ~ ft ~unl .w·atched thetn, astonished at the ~i ghr .·· There is a striking similarity between thi~ n1tf !,. t story of Daedalus and Icarus and the \\' rin·h t hrdth·"> 1i1•st flight on a po'\f\·er driv~n airvlant , D~en "' · ~-. l9Q3, at Kill De-vil lli ls. Kitty Y.{:!lWk. : T\W<h Cat iina. The monument ~hown in tht' picture auo\ e ' n ~ e:ect­ed by the 'l~ nited . tah•s GoYel nn1ent in 1.:);'~ ut ~ ~ (\~· of $2&,/tiO j n conrnH~tnora tinn o-f the ti .;t --.u ·c~s ful human a tt Pntpt in all hi tory ilt 1 w~r-drPtE.•n airp\B,u:~ flisrht achic:•\'<'d by Orville- \V ri,,.ht ou D")-c'-=nl ~-r l t 1.9 . . · Th~ n1onUtnent st.a nrl ~ on t <)P of • u {!i' t \e ~ n dun()!'\ kf'H)\\"n f\S Kill 0 ,vil lliH~. ~'f'lH~r' ~ ~' 1 'P.:\ thl fJ ~t (hn· in ~ t-h<1 (lighte<'nt h cenhu y, KnuggiPl'" \<\'h)- t ·ud ·~ rnrn lv lh fi ~h ~·m u :llnng tlt t) t.'Ot, t ~\n. l t:. m1 t·~"' ,.,~. r the tna'in1:\nd fPl' Hs;h~ tobac.•to anif t•th (:'r 1'' ~ · lH't.-~ u. d lhf\M1 Jdll ~ H:-l lt I' 'lH{t.t1.V()l~. "\lhl i1 i ~. ~del th~ lll'tli :· I f t h( 1 l' llftl \Ul ~0 vilt• it WH:'-. (·rtli :d •· 1--: ill }) V d' ' J .,- l t ' n~d i\ .~,. ( ·nt.~ :-- qU nt.l.'. U\l t ~an d tltn ~ . n· .- Hl l ht1b Wt. l't' c·alh·rJ 1 til I · il 'f lilt:' • • • ~ 1 tlantic ~an and Albeo1arle S und is ~epar;tt-ed l~,'T ·~ .:tl in of l~nd sc,·eral rniJ(! \\ide. c lllDH~ed ) . J 11 · ,Jite sand, ti en tl.v dep )sitcd tt~re ·L>, ~h"' ' f L 1J • .t\ t tan tie. "t)ne r(tn tr.1v·d f ot 1n it e. and lUl t 'ti all ~ n\l S('C iS \\'lUte ~0-Htf, not a il ~\ st.fl'~·ul) ' 01· ll~ vdl. ~ ~prig flf . . It i . : 1f tJl._rt \~hen A.n1eric.a \va. in it ·-- infanc~ a.nd t1el dnn ~till fh7ed on Ct.lJ·ritucl penil1sula, " 'ild gee e lo rn f O)\l )e Xorth j.n th ·au of the ~- a · tr) the \\r.Jnt ·r i 1 the Da~r and on the ~t1 nc1~ penin­. ut. \ ·1 t:·n the honk. honJ ~ of the gcc~c ,,. r" heard. • • t 1 ~aP~ ' ·t.luld Sa;,. 11h.illy J:I nl- •· that j~, ki.JJ a ·f' e . l d ~1s a l'{ u1t the !--h·ip of b,u·ren l,1nd nr pe nin­sirla ~ ~11t11 t)f Cul-rih.r { S!oun~ anrl be-t,,·oon AJbenJMrlc "" • t ~ •t.lnf:1 an :l tlH~ . t ant1c O<~ean " 'a ralled I\.iJl~ I-Ionk. !"'itt: f.Ionk an-i r itt, r lht~,k. . 1'h :l fiJ·~t · Eixi "'r-t han-nir Po\\·e ,;~dl·b; et n1a-chine tc) :tct~tdt · fn e the ttrounil -and fl.~ ,,Jth a' 11Hot 'as 8i h::ill 1le\ H lFIHJ . .e~r J ~at~ · ra,, k. X rth C Y.insr sever·al f eet A.U·~1ry-r r~il' l fore the northeast g.ale. Therefore, the first r'~t ~'}len1 iJc.fp:·e J1e ereetion of the Wright n1en10- ia' ~ the n~net~ . fi,-e foot l{ign sand dune 011 which the DJ nlunen t " as. to ~ pta.ced h~d to be anchored to pre­tnt th~ fu:e white sanil.s fr-om being moved by the ;. in. d. Fir~t, tl,e h ]; "as cov~l~ with woods mold and • t"'1e' nd t~1old wa~ ~o ered ~th brush to keep it fro1n ' a a~ . ~-a ive ·wire grass and bitter tannic w:e e t\;le gr;.lS~es founa n1ost ·suitable for clothing the • bilL • • ,. • • • • • • ' - 'I'he g:r.anite mo~1un1ent, atOI) Ifill Devil Hill. i~ sug-gestive of a. bird about to launch itself into space, and it js said) in the opinion of hlionned per.sonsJ ,;nO'\"here in the ·wor1d is thel're an\ thing eon1pa1·able to this n1on­ument.'' The n1onu1uent i~ si."Xt;·-one feet in height. The con­~. rete founda~ion llenetiates into the center of the big sanrl dune a dh;tat ee of al>oJt thirty-five feet. The base, vd1ich is sta -"haped, L ahoat t'velv€ feet thick . The entrance, with its n1assive stain.le 's steel doors, t.he co. ~of \\'hieh. was $3:000 is on the luu:k of the Jnon­unH~ nt. These stainle s st eel doors are or-nnmented with eight panels, syml;olh:ing va:rious steps in h tUlll\n e-fforts at rnechalJica-1 flight. The dooxs axe a wol--~\: of art. As _you pass through the door into the roon1 on the first floor you will note in the \Vall on either side and in fro11t of the door, are recesses in \Vhich the bust of 01·ville and \Vilbur \Vright ~n1d a n1odel ot: their first ~irplane will be placed. _ Curved stone stah·s le~td to t he second floor. On · thi ~ floor is a 111ap of stainless. steel t y· Band & ~1.c­N'ally, n1ap ntakers. about o:ne yard squar e. It is a map portraying all flights fron1 19-03 to 1928, and is titled ~ he C(Fi-rsi 'fweJlt\'-Fi ·e Year$ .of .Avjation." An iPon sl ~ ir\Vfl.~.,. lc1Hls to the th il·d ht ndinp.- nnd ·H · ~ piral s~tAir vay to tl:H' l<•P qf the 11\t}nunlt'n t. 'lne H1nb . • • • ;' laboriou, . but th ·d€w up n the Lo1) of the monu­ru~ nt i :o\ certain ly worth the effort. 1h t·ce-q na.1'L<:~t o( a n1ile to the Ea. .~ t berond the ~hining white , and. are the llling \V~,·e ~ · of the ALlan tic Ore."ln nGd.h rut l $OUth one can see for miles aud n1iles 11 t.h ing but ·und dunes glistening under lhe s tn1's rays and on the ' (:\St :Kith- R:nd- Ba\' and tbema.rl" ~ ou nd. • • 1'b~ n10nl.tUlE'nt i ~ cou. truel ed oi l ou n L ir~· , n~n-it~. It js s;-tid that iiYe thousnnd tons of crJ'an it \\ E- t e required. Sometii11e when ~ ou car~ lo .: e . on' )thing out I the rwdinarr, run •lown and clh'uh l~ill Devil Hill s. You " rill e.nj ny it. SAFETY CONTEST !\oY0nlbei~ 1st the foUowjng l e~te r was issued to a11 employees by the superi ntendents of th.e various de­partments of otn· plant. TO ALL E~IPLOYEE-. OF THE CIIA.l\1PIOI FIBRE C0)1P .A1 ~-: • SafetY Contest- • .As -YOU kno\\r "e have entered into the Safetv. Contest of Western Carollna Safety Council beginning Novem-ber 1 . t, 1935 unt il Noven1ber 1st, 1936. vVe must make the best safety record in the histol'y of the Con1pany lo ,,.in this cont est. To do so ·we must have the utmost cooperation fron1 each n1an toward the eliminati<;>n of 'C . SAFE PRACTICES and CHANCE TAKING. A ward for Safety Suggestions: During the next month the company wi11 award Speeial SuggeBtion prizes to those reporting, where lTKSAFE CONDITION OR PRACTICES exist and sug­gestions for correction. These suggest ions will lead to no disciplinary ac;tion during this period, as t hey are :3lrC1plr to h(!lp uncovex t he hazards and correct them. The suggestion a.w;nds in each department will be dA:t.erm.ined by a comnuttee of the Superjntendents, a r OY~man and a Councilor from that de:pa~tment in con­} unction with .11r. Phill ipt;. In r Departmental -Conte t at1d Award ·: During "hc:a ~ arne }JP.d()d ()f tin1P, as Lh Carolina Safr-t~r Coun<'ll en Jte ts, th~re w11l be a <·ont~ t between r,ur ,,wn d .: ')f.uTtr• P.nts. A\VAJtD:t 1. F'or he dep -Rd - ITr J v.r~Jl'fl t'>-eJ 'e an .,n tf >lt ul. 2. The depa1tn1ent t--;howint! the i t ~t gai11 b1 safety record n'le•· the past three y r r c 1 ~ will a:! I) t· ceivc a dinn r ilDd etnbl~m . F ore111en ~ill .;up ply "- Ugge.~ tiun f <>r'T . ifetp it•-­plny ~ Rfc. Rl~ UBl·~ B. l~OUE RTSO~ I .lH. A st. c ~a~rn l ~ i aUH$r :t)", C. \\ . PHHJL1P. \ The pdn1a ry plUT•O~ , r)f a ::;a fet~· Conte i. t_;o pre­vent jnjuric.-.:. Of C''ur . e, if we do 1ot have i nj ur ·~ \Ve have a good r c.'Cord, whi·ch we are alwa.r · pr011'1 of:. H.e1nen1l)er. t is the inj nri~s we want t J pte\'(1nt. and we hope evet'Y employee M1ill enter into the a fety cam­paign wholehearted} y. Each en1ployee shQuJrl be the guardian of his (jwn s afety. Don't depend on Romeona else- Alway h ar io mind that wrhe Ue: t ~afeguard is a C~u·e f1:1I :Y.'orkman. ,. lt js better to be safe than son ·y. . To have a good safety tecord we mu_t eiinJ inat~ un­safe practices. Recently we had s~veral near-acr;iden t- r or accidents ""hich might have re~uJted u1 serit1U in­jurjes. The only reason someone 'vas not inj a ed. ' a mere luck. Don't depend upon luck; it might Le had luck. - The chance-taket· is a potential hazard and can "uunt on getting hurt sooner or later. Therefore. don t take chances. The following are son1e o:f the unsafe prac­tice. s 110ted recently. Man trying to thl'OW belt off wull-ey while bt>li: \Y< ln m·otion. Em'ployee cleanjng off 1·oof and dropped bag of n1< ­teriaJ thr{)ugh skylight. Millwrights repairing machine and left tool and parts of machine on stail-way. Men working on unsafe stepladder also vrorking on section of extension ladder at about 45 degree angl\?'. Chipper knives and boxes placed at foot of tair.;:. Electric \velders \ hie1d to p1·oteet emp l o~ E'e, from glare. Laek of proper cro·e :\;Vhen handlb1g large roltb t f paper. Men 011 roHs of paper 1'l~ iug 011 floor w1th ut a seotch t1nde~r then1 to pr~vent then1 fron1 rolling·. - Two men were working on purup. One of thf\ 1 n~u told th~ other 1nRn to pull shaft oat of bearing". and 'vitllont thinking of tht' danger, the mftn wh had l 'C­quested hi · ht'lr> >r to r n1ovc the . haft frorn b ~ l iT• st uck his finger~ bL•t Wt u coll<lr ant1 be~u·ing. Th l - suH \·va. a nut. h(-ld fing\'1" . 'L"h . P, nn.d OU\OY nth~r lii'\.~Li f pra'-·tk~ . Ul\' l iltrlu~ttd in br rmplo~ ~t~R : \Yhi~h . if «Jontinuc-,1. c an~t a s riott$ illjHl .\' . • • • • - ~ nor .~ . FET T co~t~1IT1'EE r~ SES . 'I0 1 T. 0. Thnmp~on~ \\'. 11:. \'Ve~t. A. P. \-Vilson. T. B~ \''all\et, . L. Johnson, Gladson Ii:aynie1 J. II. Stan1ey, .J. F. Qut-eJ .• ). AL \rGli~nlo;', J. E.\ 7ell , '\t. L. Heno, F. W. Veto, \V. 17• Ivester G. \V. Phjllips Chai1man. HE nu~n in the pic.turc above are n1en1bers oi ·he . l1op Safety Cotnmittee. This con1mittee 1s co1npo ed f ~n enlployee fron1 each depaJ:~t­m . .~nt in the plant. M eargs are hel<l at eleven o'clock each Tuesday Inorning, at v;hich time each member of the c nm11 . tee repc,rt.s on the conditions .of their respee­ti, ·e de1)artn1ent, \\ ith e~1)ec1a1 emphasis on unsafe ~ practlt.e:s. The re~pvn ibilit~' of accident pl"-evention rests heavi­ly upon this conrinittee and depends largely upon t he t~ ,_,-,A.oughnes.:: -u~ith \ ,h. ch each n1ember covers his de-c. U'ltment ''it 1 reference to unsafe pracbces and unsafe con.ditdons. 1Iere!y reporting everything- OK is not enough. 11 tl·H~re \\~ere no un ~ afe condition or prac­tie, es t1.1e1·e '· ~.nud be no acc1dent. and unle ·s the1·e are accider;ts there "·ill be no injurie~. The General vafet) Cornrnittee con'lpo ed of the . u- • ~'erintPndent::; r,f the depar.-iment; of the plant, n1eet in eonfe1·ence at noon on Tue da. · \ ·ith the Goneral Man­ager acting ~1s cJ-:~innan, at h ich tin1e un afe condi­tti< ms and un~afe p t'attice are di~cu s"'e<L f tha-e nre any "'~ faty problents t roubling you, we ~ugge~t th~t .'·Gn di~eu. s tbr·rrt v.'"ith your superi nten-dent or n1ember of the hop Safety Con1n1.i tte~ from your department. They w'ill be glad to b elp you solve any problen1 or take such 1natters up -with the Shop or General. afety Comnrittee. GLASS EYE ELECTRIC EYE OR YOUR EYE·? ID you ltnow that you can ·purchase glass eyes any shade or size'? You1· eye can be matched almost perfectly. In fact, you can be fitted v ith a.1.tiftcial eyes so that a stranger might ne. er suspect that your eyes were 1nade o E glass. The Electric Eye is a D1aJ."Velous invention, and pe).·­haps e en faster and more accurate than the hun1an eye. Electric eyes are a little n1ore expen ive than glass eyes, bnt 1nass production will place then1 vvithin reach of most everyone '.vho should 11eed an eye. Ho\v­ever, the wiJ:ing and battery will be cumbel'sotne and disfigure one~s appearance some\vhat. But, \vhen you are properly equipped writb a good e1ectrjc eye, and A • lan1u burns out or is knocked out, all you 'vil1 have to do is to scre\v in a ne'v latnp. What about the eyes you novv have, don't you like the1n ? Oh! I kuow when you get something in them it doesn't feel very good, and if you ~vant to keep then1 • "t ~ ~y ~ • f) I"' I J l) ' \ 'l C) ) ll I ' • :f!l tn• I , A-'1" I ':., < • • • · .'-tl ',\ ' 11 , ~ trhe. t:· J~'1f\f )· aJ b ::: g) l'. . U1 a~Uo ~ uf f.i ni.nn OLP" iJ'{l if· ln. ''"h ~ \t ust0 \\'"~v ~o ked \vith lin ~eed f)Jl m., \ and ~t c l t) aCv· el4at . o . i if.l tl l}j. l 1f '~ tltan ~)1\ hfHt.r ~UlQ {C } P~ f f.i1 .:t, u1 ·he 11!ln . , not hi11 ~ vCll)' w~· r­;{ u .:. hcwe\er 'A·e te?li.zt~ ibn.: th l "' ~s ntight Ja· v \ lleell llltU~h o·~eatel·. Tnt>:"" C)) \ it lkht·~\)\C~ ~r) of th. • ciL'l \'tv t ·w ca:n to linuu~t v~ fu haz~L t·d~ of evet\ n . ture. ~ ~7;e told tl1 .::pr nt :u,eou~ ignition 01 spontt-.,n eOllS 001nbu.:tii.!Jn ·~ a con1n1on catl~, ot fires in. the 1acto.L."'· .a v. ·en a:· · n il1 e hmne. ) 1-, ll"t<llleou~ co.h bu~' i ·1 i~ d ~ft ued a , "1\.e igniti"'n of a uJ'\ ta.nee bJ ti\~ at generated in u~ o:ddatlon . 0~ 1, Hon i~ tL.e c . En . e.a.i hang:e · ' ·hi~h gh1'es ri ·e to t! e r .rmati n. of oxides, 200 v.Jtie·h is brought about b.{ t e a t.r n of 01-: -ll'en a~i~. · ;sl:"rODbln~au.:: jgnitK·h or c·on1 bu~tion n1ay be caused b~ r· g.s or "·raste so3t~ed '"ith lihseed oil and turpen­t[ e. tluite of~ oi( :~ ag·s o.r \Ya "te 1s left in )Yera1l poc1<et. 1~.,. ·'11 in corn~ r of building·.: or cans contain­h. J.~ other sutJ.:taltCB hat '~ill barn. and 'dth:i11 a few h t r'"" the ·ags or a~te btu· . t :nto fta.rne. T:h . Fa{!to~- l\1tli.ual 111gaz~ne of Octobet·, 1 ~33, . nat. ·4:fii t!te 1ast .::ix Y ear~. :ponb.u1eous combu:::­tian as been qai~:e J~ fin.ite eause of ~ ven hun­dr~ tt~wl~ ~- :~ ua: fttes in Fac:rtor~ )J utual plants, ·wi'th an . ggrega.te 10~ ~ of over ·1.CGU.OOO. ~ pon t · neous C01ltbastion is i .sidious l;et . u~ it o.fte11 ~.t~n ls f11:es in -out-·Jf--rrte- ·~ a~ -places, frequent! ~ 'hen no one i n eal·­!, ,c to @. C(!lver them pr.ornp 1~ . • • :!.·J. a fu.~"ruxui~e .factory, · -n en1 plo~ ee placed ""orne p&ti bing ra;g.s m an t.ncc e;ed metal rontaitH?•·. Tl ,e)· igp) ied s~ htaneuu.::;1J, ~prinkl12r . ogened, and en1p ny,. <:es to la e :--t. hose st~e~•rn lo co.np1etely ext1ngujsh the 11 , i!ll ic1 . d . 'lcaJZed ~I (ttt-d f ur 11i1 ure t.o th~ xte11 l of mo1·e t n $12 000. A a JH;thel plant, oily Hl'>PS in a small un. pnnlled 'trood~n clo et. ignitt·d spontaneouf­l. r ',". .a. B v~" ~Gil"~'-"'- -'---··-· . - ·-'---·-. -··--·~ --- '- F_ •· n- I- •aLuL~-•• B TB"B- COLO~ ________ .,._._ . _ __ .,. _ . ,.,. . _ __ ._ . ._ . --~···--,- -B.:tr.aci D., G. KJ:N~ _._. ~··· . ·· --- ·-····.,__··-"'"'···-··~---·· ··-·--""'* . -· • .-··--·---···-·---·~SOlla Mill NELL B.&rGBT ···-··· . -··---·····-···~--;;-· ---~oo. -·"····-··-····· --- ·--··-·-·-.Co~e MR. PETER G. THOMSON, SR. - · N coromemoration of Peter G. Tb.o.n1s.on, Sr., decease~ founder of The Chan1p.ion F):bre Company, on December 16, the date of hi.s , a b0uquet o.f pink roses "\Vill be placed by the pecl­estal on whleh the bronze bust of 1\tlr. 'l'hon1son rests in the lobb.f o'f the Y. 1\{, G. A. ~!r. I)eter C. Thomson, ~.:r., was born Decen1ber 16, 1851. Died July 10, 1931. :He was bu11.1 ~ poo1· !Joy, but b~atne a gJ:eat power in the bu:siness wotld. He faupci.ed The Chan.1pJon IJapc.1· and F'ibre C()mpa.ny, flairilt-0n, Qbi(J and 'fh~ Charnpion F ibl'e Cotnpany, CantOf4 NorLh .Cal'<>hna. 'fofla;y, · pe1hap~, th i·r~y-five ihoUA-and lJ<,:.<,pk· are li\ ing on 'va~-e~ pai.d to en1pJoye~ ·in the Hld u~tries f '"JU ndtJ!l L,.;: LVll·. Thorn son. Qui~ often v:c hear rncll {·nnd~tnuiug lha fftllow who ba arau.mulal!ld g"l'e~' t weel,lih~ liH\l~ver, wh n WP Y'?'al.lZf . that thlvU~1't •\Jt. Thotu·«tJ11 ~ &lt<";e . -:; r'l•t>-at rn u) . l~itudes ~t~! gi-ven . -rn}Jlr>vtnPHt and t \llK o{ tho 1 ~. nil:S at e, ree we. t of the Elue Ri<J,ge than any ett.1.f·r one rcl=·\.i£. ThiJ t-·y ~ ea.1 a~o \then he c~n e to \:' c;-;tern • ·or ,h Ca ~, lh a se kin.g a sit for The Gh!trnpjf)n P'Hne Com:uan(:. ~:x­pl' ·eascit i11 th.-~ wol'U~ of lJ . . J. Ke11". '"lt \. ~u a h·1 ·l\ng "vi lde1 nl.'h~." ~;ot ')\lite lt•at had or course h•' ·t er. th ~ rr1i lliuns o.r rh)Hu,r::; ~xpt:nrled fot labor a1Jd :n utt?'.J."~ 1 bas cwrlerl greatly iu the dev~loprnent of the "·e~tern p{lrt of the State. ".Lhel·~.fcne, we re~l th~.t Mr. 'Dhoxn son and what be haa dvne for thi~ secti0n of th-e .=tatP ~h ould not lJe forgotten. The bou<1uet of pink l''oses his bhi.hday "vil! r.e­n1inct us that, although. h~ js dead, ) tt hit;; meHl rir:· llng:e.t'S still. WliERE CH.Jit CHRISTMAS CU TOM.':> C. ME FRO'f =:::tt AVE ~'Oll ever stopped to wondet· why, at Ch1"istmas t1rne, people nut gaily detorat d pine tre·e:· in tl1e1r homes, bedeck theu- roomG and 'windows w.ith mistletoe an<l 'holly I send g1. catds to friend~, a.n.ct finjsh of! their \vith gt.'<>r! mince pi€ ? These a.nd other Chris~ CU$t~ that seen1 so natural and ageless to us, all had a beghrnint! .,orne­where,. and the origins of mo~t of then1 are v·e1 i in­t~ pestin:,g. The praetiee of putting up evergxeen traes.t for e.x­a'Utple,_ was originally an ancient Roman custom and W>a>S Once roundly denounced by 'tertullian~ an e:tr'ly Reman wr1ter. In the Rome of the Cae~1·s , the vagan . . citi?;ens. adS))l;t).ed their hot1ses vvith sp1·igs of e\rergreen at. ~he ~ime of the New Ye'ar festivaL Iu Germany and HolliR:d began the custo1n of decor ating· evergreen tree3 dtit.ting sw;rJ.1ne1~ fe-.stivals, and in ~ci ent Alsace, the celebrati<m ,of the N.~w Year was marked b tl\e er~, tion of an ever~ tree in fountains and public squa1·es, Tllese tree~ were decoraied and -wete 1<'-~1 in plaee the entir~ year. Gr adually. tfl:e eus.torn WJ.S adopted for Ctlristlua_s and the brte hee· ll~e a ··t,h t'~t­n1as tree.u Seandi11av-ian a_.nd Gern\an c6u1~trf s ~ ~.- ~ the fit;:)t to make much of the Ch rt . tnm, tree. · n.d in tho e cou·nt ries it v;1as first hghted with. tnndle ·- Jn \Vinte1·, rnost plants are lf*'fles-s. si:1ple -r:. bn w 11 <~lHl dead. But TlOt lnistletoe rutd hon J>-. rl'll ~ l·~tnt" 't"~ not only gTeeJ\l in " Lnle1·; they b M' fn tit nl~!.). 1 f>n.:e .it was o:Llly .natur-nl that o'Ur f I l1e st.J.vifiitt~. tht'tt for . '~h:ri~t;~ J'H~!i. , • • • • ' • ' • . ~aa.~,ng und-er tli ~1· tletae i ai1 old EngJ· l n •l':. :th a fO s for e~·e~,~ r ttnt! U1 • • . • • e a e llf#tteJ· men, t ·oe.r u - "\o-~.c~ tent girl . oo · · an · • . g • u of:- B'r nih~e pie, '-'hen ateu in c~ difl ¥en · . h'~-.--·",;; ~ , e ct' Dt the "l\\·e-lv ~<£.\. ~. b~ouglf <J hap~··" • 't ) i;or eli tia) . F 0011 tJ L. L b ,J ·t'f date. t1te · The fir~t 'fh~ nk ·g i\·i g 1n A.Iuerica tr, E o~erved o . fbe Pilgri 1 [ratne at. P1yn1vuth in I tt~ I-~ he !~ne l lttl!­dre ~nd t ·o p ) ple \ ·J~o landed ft!om he ~layfll)'\-el a Pb vutJ enif>n. ~ in 1620. L_~j ce P:re.,ident LiueoJ ·.~ 1 · \lantatinn jn l 6;1 PrMir-Jent~ of t.he -_nf.te l r'tta s ha~c ant1uaUy i ~ u.ed a pr~la-rr.ll. tion . the tjnn ht 1-#JI.':'Jla!:.:j ./ ('tf til e. te pi c: ' lla.J f • 1 J 1,. ' · r·r'l r · ~ 1 ~ . g·reetJJag card~ came in ar a ·s knu rn, ·he tlro>;t a ~·t el''- p.t111 t . . !at g . , ut·giog the ob: ervance nf the fa t Thurs Jay of ~{)ve.nJber a' Thank:-giving ay . . • OOl>t i 1 !6. Up to thjs ·rn•"', o1: linar) vi. i-tin 7 ca .d s ~ith h .\ i'iem~ Gbri- tmet '"'~· \l .dtten u on Jr. .e m a mt tl~- • lliJ1e ne·w card ~ bore ('1~ rea· hrt tnl~ • ~(~1 e J :litd WC tu1 e · of l'Obin. - . . e " - CLl . sf n CtL'torn . }Jtohhlitl r . de 7eJ iJJ • . t :n'g us .Lodc:. . Ne " ,,,.a~ . · lea{ to tl \V I abit., e\\; ' ~hits -:J n:e · trarl it i m . bul \v·e ho,wd 11ot forget th · r'hri t.J& ~ i ~ iJ.1 coz uen1o1·atio l of tt~ hrist ,,. 10 cart i ,l ( . he ' ·o hi nearly t\\·o tbow a nd year . ag•). 111 · 1~;~ ;~:nd death h l.>J hr ught ,n1oxe jo",. into th.e " J'J tban ah eke e.t >rlbined,. th.c l·eJo-re n·e -h.oulU r Plun on t: Jt ay. . - • . , . • e~::l HA·T abo at ~he (Jfa-ia~.hioned Thank~giviug Dar l?r cl.;1t:nat1 u t ~iuee lihSH, uutJ.l reeeni years, 2tedt~l4&1, state 4;lnd wuniatpal g10v~rnrnent ex­ecut. l \ es haYt;. of i ·iallj prt<:laimed th ~ last Thm· ·day in . So\ ~ntbel' as a legal holiday, to be set apart .for thank~- . g· aJ!d p ai~e to Gud for the ble~"Sirigs ,of _the past :,ear. . Is i" JJO~ 'ble that the men ~ ho ~c\ipy the.')e exalted tl~itio. heb~\~e tha sue' procDtmation~ are­' at:y--too old-fa.sliioned? ~haps the'iy .are . r igb.t, hn evt-r, those ho at~ at all sen-Qitive to the divine in­flnen~ e iltoneJ~ life~ a:re iMpired by au earnest exhorta­ti(; m f · nt the 1 uler:5, of the gt'Catest COLt11tr y on eartht • •• to ·•prai ~e the L<• ·d for Hi~ goodue ssJ and Hi \vonder-ful 'rorKS to the children of men., . Gratitod,e is one of the first dut ies of life1 and should nd e.xpte!'>Si()n in word~ Something 1ttu$t be \\Tong ;wit tho e who are not grateful for f~tvoP,s or do not cte.­'"' ire tv express t ltanks for blessing& lleCei ed. 'hen ·e pltu e to Hoount our blessings one br one·· ''"e te liiie that God has indeed. been good to us. Pe1·- • haps it is health and str.ength, man's greatest ble sing ;er lo ed unes an-d friends, one s rieh-est herifage. If we. h.a~ a job and are able tG . :upport ourself aud fa.n1i­} j, \\·e ~h ,uld be thankful indeed. · "'"rliose \Vho ha~6f Mt Leen regularly employed have had food and clothing . In fact ~hen we pause. to think we TeaHze that God has been good to u , therefore. we should return thanK . - If we keep alive in o-ur hearts the spil~t of gratitude , • • • . OVER THE TOP :r-===~ t~ R.U \" G the 01· peri d, front Octoo~ 14 to -ov­em'bcr 1 u, the JSoot{ ~fill an all-time •·e­coJ ·d i11 pr- ,d.u.etion and lo · CQ ·t of tepai . and su:pp~ie ~ 'fhlS i certainly a .roc·ortl o.f ~hieh ~verJ· eu1pJo ee in the Book ~lill shoUld fe J p1~ood. bec~u e ;ueh a record could not have L.een made ·ithollt the coop~ration of e -ery<Jne in the departrnent. Cigars wete pas~ed out oy tho l\Lmagement t.o tlte emplo,~es as an express,ion of appreciation fol" the e ~­eellent 1·ecord Sueh a Teem-d. is evidenee of ·hat can be accomplished b - ' ' rholehearted cooperation. We hope t hat the e1nployees in the Book .Mill show the same interest and coopel"ation in our Safety Con­test. 'I' he san1.e re . ult can he acc~Jmplished in safety, and \\'C f eel . ure that vhen the cont-est co.o1e.;" to a clo e t he- Book l\liU will be in ·th€ very forefront. , When the Champion famil deeides t o do 3nything it is going t-b be done j t i . the Champion spirit the spirit behind eve~ :-uccessful endeavol·. \~'e mu t keep up production, -a11d \-e n1u t keep ' eef value and h·i1uself a corner in the weJ1-stocked ice box of Cham­pion Employees· Store. WHY NOT JOI ·7 0 you ever expect to get sick or becon1e inj Ul'­ed? Do you ever expect any men1ber of your family to get sick or hurt? Do yvu suppose that an~ member of your fa1nilr or yourself ,,·1lJ ·ever need an operation of an.'' kjnd? Foolish questions you say. ~laybe so, but these things do happen, and since we n1ay expect to get sick ~ome day, or !Y2rhaps inj ured, and the chanees are aLout eight to one that we will, \\'e may need hospital care, and perhaps an or>eration or the scrvke" of a sur­goon. Therefore: ~who.t arrangements have you znade to meet ho;:;pital expenses a11d professioi)a) . ervice fees? You are peJ'hav. thrifty and have saved a go<Jdl~ amount for. such entt'rg~ncie.s . and feel that you are a ble to ta!~e care of your ·elf and fan1ily. \<Vell, tha.t's tine. but on<:: neveJ' k1J O~ s hat is going tc) ho rr, .,n. A ntnHber of (Jur· en1pJ tj~1 et.):; have had t wo o1· thr~e mltmbel".s ,,f th,!ir fart1il) in th htJ Jtital '~ itllin a l!ihort fJeritJd nf t.·: elvf; t.onth . y,)u J' il'· uudt!r·. tfn1 l th~ t. thr} e:· pt n.::e was .e 1' lr e:CiVY, SJ,Pf~ ia11 v iol' a \\Ul Li ng rr.u1r1, aud nr~ douL :.ifl <Jf thf"'il" ·a\ in~rys 'I- l' "~· Lh' i up, ur tft(:y n1ight hav~ . b< <:u ,.,(~vc•nd yeat· tl1c b1H · • in monthly in U.Uirn.(\n~. Tl1o purpose of l h :~ .flvspi~tlizati<m ·· ·n 1on 1 tc' · nHlke 1L en· ie!' f r < hrunpiun e.tul 'i ~ ee~ to p. ~· !:Io ;p1 aJ Ltli~ aurl profe i•Jua.l servic~ fees . • .!\.re _ ou a roentoot· oi the As-'v ·iati\.'ll? lf ~·.ou are JH.:ri .) {·U should juin Jm.o1e :iiately. Don't pllt ft oit,_ W:­nlotl~<,\ V n1ay he too late. 'fl1e aHHJUnf. ·' ~ P' . .: a · l p . .,·da) i~ .·c, SHtaU yc)u wdl hardly llllS. Jt, but hd\ u··r th · · · nce thH.t Yvll and m 'Ulbers o~ ~ uur L.tnu•y w·e entitled tn lto!:::pi t~ l can~ und Uu! servke of a ~ 1.H 'A"'.!'Jl1 when neerledf .ts c;ertaiuly '~urth ntOl'e tfP'l1 t'he J:tic~ j ou ha\rc to pa). You IJelje-ve Jn in s urance t)f co ur~e. 4.1•·1 no doubt ca:z:­rr all YOU <H~ a !Jlc. l\Klen1ber sl1ip jn the Chantpi ·n ]los · -­j} iLaliz.c.ttlon As.s<,ciation l:) the best inso ·anre you e_, n carry. vVhy not jum IJefore ) ou e>r menll.Jt!l" of ~· or family are laken sick 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE READ CAREFCLLY CH~lPlON SAVINGS AND LOA1' A;:)30ClATI~)~ To Applicants for Loans: 1. Do not innocently forge the name of any per. n on a note. Several cases have come to the attention of the ,''l­pervisory Co.thrnittee in which it is apparetJ t th~t a man bas written the name of his wife or of another per-.on on a note. Such practice might lead to "\ el~Y set ~ous consequences. Signatures of all endorsers n1u~t be wl~itten by the endors·e:r's own hand. 2. Please answer all questions oll the app ication blank. Failuxe to ans·we1· all questions sometimes results in delay in securing a loan. ~. Avoid falling belifud in pay~ instalhuent:. on your loan. Remember that the money which you are borro ,._ ing represents the savings of your fello'\\·-worker~. T(lC ot!ieers of the As~oc4'1.tion ro·e respon@ble Lu vnem and tlley cannot fully discharge this r es.ponsib1lity unle'"'' the affah·s of the As~ ociatibn are conducted i.n n th r­ough and business-like n1a11ner. Your promptness in repaying a Joan wiU aJfeet >-our fuhn·e credit tanding. • Secretary Savi.ngs and Loan A~$(')ciati<-.n. --'~ --- .-.--~- 'ODE TO A ~Hlti' \VORKJ~ R· ~ "TJu~ b•~ htht b~· great nH n n ache1i an l l 'Pt. \¥ (.'1'(." not atl :t irl~d b. :suddt•n flight: nut Ult-'.\' ,,_hilt-' t.heir COJnpan i tln~ ~k· ~ t ' \\fer tl'niling up·wnJid in the nig1lt.~ · • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • H~ ;, . \ _ oluntc~ 'Jub 0 ga~iz~d B~a;,~ttng 1u.•.r~t, · \' itl~rut 1. . . ~JU'-'e gi '~t tnea: • J •. . • - • • • • . r~ rl.-w:bf.e (!toou~sio . ~ held ana as a res~t ma r "'rt pl ~- re~ g 4 t an lt~rt~]y .diif~:r nt slant Otl th€ actj ·1· ~i o · bll ir ,·e:;peeti e departmen.t<l. l.oolr ·oP Julll! J <>.t r · tn ;U').d g·et the cki · schedule thou a tttnld r gv~ ·.t~Sl·rly. Y ~lu' l1 ne-ver regret ~- Jlton.H~1 t 'yuu .:!p ~nt in yvur rx~. .· J.•eeti~e .vocn.tio.hnl da.~ ·. .hj.c.h ho~da · y~i £ur d ) .l, · f t i) ltotlll\ . · \ ·. ~r~.r ' · . fl1e(4'.' . in beh~r o£ {':P!Lun kl!l ".i .J.t.;. 'A ·1r tl i ~-- ~ . · \ rolU1tt,aei ,_1nl:Y _h ~ · 1 oc , r b~!en \rg-atlizt'!f.L . ·\ iif ~ lll{ !';!\ •P ' ' ll'l.:ecf v ' a_ I! \ld Frit1il" ro. l:. ~@\'1 H'- ' Major Bogus ~a. JU' .fiour ,, ··r 22,.11!i ~r. pt"IJ !!'; !lin. o · tr e~ .n . , r the e . 11 n , 'I iH ' en s•;h 1~'1 w i U tw au lJpl i ~d w ifih hot <4n d i loU ri:; h . : •. wn . ttw nwny mnnb ~<~ tl.t n . clul• b •ef. 1'~01~,: < ing, up '" noun l,H~ n· .e.a.cb day this wi nter as a re~u·ll to cmne . '•e 0'1' tile a 1 u, t "<JJ1tb dnl ~ruz, :~;·Qt.:: 1f ' " 1:qor Ho<>H$ • matmu· Flc:nw··. , · ns g:i &1 Uli~ t• ., M. c. -· . a: ·ect.Ol'\ «·l ~: .U~tlpl! I •t'"l' 'ifl; i\. . tlte ··y ,, a.t~dt!o~·iuu.l here s weHd nights .a,go; Tlie event Alti~Qn F. D. liP.' ;ee. . . . . li: 1,, 3 1 , pci:oce, Ji, 1 'au At _ \\ fl r (l 'I}' r '!\!l hf't'S f.l • 00 ia tion: Clrd e A. llildebraud·, ver~eiie Q. Leo.t l~ill~lC;l.'· _ ~e.,, ~'u den, F d .Mite )( I. \. ·lla ·n '1 ' and tm·cmMt :fen:. The Champion Eili!i:e Com- :; t. t!es 1 3t·., f\~. d l'~•'lbe ilt n ., 1 d. y ci~h t ~ t' ~r 11 Jr.U t.~· • .l!Uit ~ ttl! lVJ'.a .i ot· .Bo gt~S d'tl r~ ~ 1al. e pl'ogt:atn w hi e.h D.• ndle, W !foal } ··I£. J 11 Bt\wth • 1 ,., .; 111 .' rt featl:lr.OO bv :mn:g-6, ri.!Cc~t~'lltion.s a!ld ot.hor features ·md· Paul G1• 1 ,k. . · · 1Jy l~<:al talenll• ·Proceed~ fr~m. the oocMWn. andounted • . • . . to u.pprbxi'iMte.l_ $40, it was fl.inted. ·. u.;af \V tmu£ t1Uld ·es ·wal'tring · . 'l'l~ooe ~r~ ft::i wh · Jwnp .mto :Mt ir ~ution~vhlks aUill N.eed ¥onr l::lclp' Aga:hi . · .w ).'l\l the!.t '1\ ~ • " lnii.i M.cck :; . iU m tam ~1·ed on ol . ' \ . 'ithil, the next few !:lays y.oq ~ill be so.licited fol' fu• arut <:ill iill>i<!.t wn ·a,1W1s · nci ~'~' th~ ril't't.ruek.'. · • linaneiil,l. atid to.~ ard· the Allnu:al Ch.tisttrla.s Cheer Fund · tlierei.J,. tn .:r;:etE!ir.>g dt.'l t:iua fuef}gJC.ta . 1 ·a! l'J.l 0~ for local .uee~y ~an~ilies o11 thl{i tet'titory. Christmas gre;;s~ _hax-e tecell y ~n "II ~i.i<ld b)" €. L. \ · '-tmV!'t.~- baskets this Yufetide aVe e.~ed to be larger and 'ap.,-d, -cJJ 'ef o'.t th h il.l~>?n fu'C d~nt>, M hu ~>llY s fltUer ever b~&ra The ,soliciting wmmittee H.opes i\a if. t.hi 1n·acci® U ~-al:tht~ill'l tl' e-y :a1~ sub j OOt_ to · J!l>U. 'll do yGu:c {%U't 'towArd · f;his woxthy eaus~ just as ai:'l' -~: auJ. tuN n.o le~s "· n ·• lW.d the cost. · This you hav_~ >done fcl! the pa'Bt several years. A thorough : Xi"' .l11e h.aa ~;'" n xpe:-; .-!\1 .reeen-thr and •ve-~:r eft01·t . · clteck 'Will be made of 1.he home.$ jnto which these Y We- \ d~bJ;n._: ti Ot· the ." y;.~ xeefea.hiona l ~·ogr arn y -_La\S bet;~ L.£-\'J~ pa~: td, hettar ligl\~ lUl. e been jn . ,_; ~1M ~r.d g~ner-41_ re"' ai s fl\-:e beil{l fuade. The bo'\~1- ~lJa;cph.e-~:s.Q~l hq_~ just &J:ri~ed iJl a atrange ·t own,. Re­luc~ t))r .ne ~®i.e to the conc1u~6n lie w-ould. never lind ltis hotel u:nleas he ·engaged a tan. · . .A·f·ter fivs n1in;~tes . .or so the. ta."ci reaehed 'tihe top of a steep hill. rrlw dxi ver applied· !tis bxakea.; but, to the n\a.lfS i'ietrl'OI' t~ey failed to -.oj)e.rate. The taxi began . ing- z.l\es ;:;. 1i ve ta1d~t «one a. eonlph:rte ana alrtractiv~ &V~'han~ -~ ~wf1te~ · g®bl:e.x was ghr~n ~rw~Y. • to the iijdi ffl t stop the c-arr~- ~1~-pherso~f.a 1\ead w:as.out o'f the wind'Ow in a flash. "'Qa:n't ye! he :ttePli:e, any. An old fashioned picnic rlinne.r, .~el~ved on t ~-e lav.rr1 of the old DavL~ hon1E-, Wa' a f(-tatlJfC 0f tltc or.:c•a ion. We whth te, f·Xprr-R,, our Ji rv;c;tf~ thauk~ fr;r the kjndrw ··~ j'j"ho~. . n us THE LOG tluring the 1 11ne~ ~' nd death of ou1· ht1~h t rl and f ath e1 . K pecialh· rl.<• we t.ball l\ the etnpl<).ree of t.':1ch dc­pc. tl'tilh. nt 1or th"' bftautifu l flo ·a t utfering~. iM t •. '7\l. A. ~t~un ·· · • and Ch ilcl1·en. FL 'I,'H1NG ltOOM N1':. u"') y L euora Jfughe~ \Vell, it beenu; t hat Lhe ria n1ple depn.ttn1ent has ~certaini .Y lH-!t•n tak­ing Lhe Inartiage vOltYS thit> p,t$t rnonth. Several da.).rs ago 1 stepped iHto the &ample o(fice and to n1y sut­prise I heard several congratulat ­ing two young men in the office. lVly curiosity was so aroused 1 in­vestigated and found that George Smaihel's and Glenn Parker were married several days previous in Clayton, Georgja,. GeoJ·ge was n'\al'ried to Ruby Kinsland, who was nuxsing in the Biltmore Jiospital, and Glenn was mruTied to Evelyn Queen of Canton. · We are also wo111de,rmg wb.y a certain young lady of the Santple Dept. has been so enthusiastically entertaining an out of town visitor lately. (We think he is from T·en-nessee.) · There was a great suxp1·ise in store for Daisy Kin.sland' s friends when she announced her marriage to Jarnes Paxton. in retlnn, she \Vas hono1~d with a surprise show­er given at the home of Mrs. Alme­da Crumley. The Sample Office 'Welcomes Mr. Thorne Reinen1an of the Buffalo Envelope Corrtpany. ··run Vanee has just 1·eeently had an appendicitL.; operation at the W a.yne.sville Hospital We are all hop I n.g he will t cover quic.kly and lie l.nHJ· to wud\ in a f ew week: . n(~.rni • }lfcCJ·aekell has nnw re­tHl'lt<) rl tu w<J tl~ a ftctr S\'V('l:'itl weeks o f illn<. s. Dai y Burnett~ \-Ve n1· ~ :-on·y tJ,at we er~ too lazy to w.rite a (•olumu lost 1n" n h. rlhere wns 11Jenl.f or u • s too. ~J\1hll SPb u nuthPr, .J 1'. be~s.HtH: Ul n~ 1 , otf (_,f a ~f>n. ;l hcl'e a~ rand\ for the girls alln Clg;.l.J' fen it,~ . lYLtJll. th.tne P~cl< llfJS9>t th~ a~eo unting d ·p~u·Lnten t r uline by heing tl ~eYeral rla} ~. ,J~n~ "> untiog dl!­pat W.neni. ~Ve are g lad t•; have he-" IJ:-tCk. Then the nJfain Orrice girb nad a real treat a l;tand n~\' rest roum. Gee, hut it is swtHl: Sibyl \Vil on went tu . ~\\~ Y (Jt k City on vacation,. anu • · ew York re­minds us of Joe Wiliicuu ·. .Joe has taken on a job in the big cit~. Our human fly is not ours any longet. Mcintyre is in Ne~v ·yoi"k too~ Ye~, you get the picture. :::>ibyl, Joe and ~lac doing the do\vn. We hear that a lot of attractiv~ girls have joined 1. "'oland's book­keeping class. Tell us about it Xo­land . Tom lVlcCanless has been added to the :!\lain O ffi~e cre\V. \Ve e.·­pect him to get along. lVIarie Hill has been wjth us fot' a couple of weeks. 1\llr. E. 1\II. Geier is spending his vacation in Lynchbw""g, v~it1Pni~t. SULPHITE DIGE . TIJ. "GS By ''Digester" With Thanksgiving Day safely past us it is tirne to tw-n our thoughts to Chriatn1a ~ ,-vith all the prGblem.s conc-erning gi!t$ Hnd tneaJ . There is alw·ny·s a lot of confusion and iudeei ~lOll about these iten\$. but this y ~r th e· j~ one iten1 Rthont whit·h tlu~r-e need be no \\"ort·y. If rl ll ' an ~ n b.u·­l\ Y or a fa.t hen. ju t 1 t { harti Ff ~h kno i\' :.ltld he will ln-ing you one. It will fl(~t t•nu8e C'hi\rbt~ :n1 v tt~01.1ble at tlll,. so tl n't be titHi~l ubeut asktng hint. lie will j tt t i • • l ' :on. t i~ r 1 with his .tru~ty pi t \l 'll1 l'lt'if 'tlnl oif H . the' w·alk or • ~i J ~\' . \.;. . , 1 nt in your rd€ · t\:u·ly, ·, r ·t l(lo'k ·. hJ '- t\ IJhr . ea. on Htld he ~ 11l h :ve to 't·lrt ( • arJ~ . A·e h<n n·t h '~hl ~in~· ~J'l•l't$ n l1~ ht)ntiug tlus ~ e~1r, ancL thf'•r - fo1 . \Y ~ c·;)n ·t give ~· 'tl an. ~t (lJ·i "' , n hi~ .;uhjert lll 1bis i . u. : uut. it i 1 }~c~u~ ' l1~lv~n·t h~tci a c~a f c t talJ- :with '\~ h ort r'· • n~ I) i. \Vr WJ.lJ e hini .b fo1·@ the nc?xl. PYint: ·ug .and tind ou{ l1ow hio­the tk~e il~ld l>ea1 ~u· ~1 t~ '\;,. :u·. · • lw ~ulph it~-~ aeh in ' bo\\rling t e· ·.) ~ ~til eli th ~} s ~ason orr in ! ~ ~iJ le . 111 is nJ)'' 1 ~z1rlin.g: the lea uP. h<1ving d~fe(li d :1ll t Pl i­ti' ti .t'd c f· r l1 '" .: n(.)t l ~t a P•'iu l. lit Ionli now :{. if. ~de ~ rrogg·f' '' · l ''in 1-Le turk y to b~ gi ·n i.\'' tlte Y. ~f. . . A. to nh c bo" 1 e . mak­ing t!' e 1ig est s~o• e Qut side. 0f lP.agu com~ tlt1on. V\; ade roUe~ a ~ 7 a d i ro.iU h~ i 1ard to ooaot. In a fe\r. day we "'ill inst~ll a xnail x in t! : lh1hit(' ~r(,od ~;<)OOl r>hange. roon1 fer t-h puxp~se · of ~all cti g r't?.~<:;: .f 'r L et Jnn1n. te nt. ~r.: i ~ -~ttm~ har I t.o lind, ~ 1 e u1~ge everyo e \,) has any infOITUl tion abQrt !ln:rt "ting of in­tera~ t to wrl e- it do · m and dt·op .it in th . It v-: 1 not be neces­~ ar . ,. ro (;'. i if vou do not wish ' . ~0. • . • , ,. r Brn.mle tt · , Th.eT<e .,, · a gr· at deal of inter­e~ t l own m our department dul·­i ~ tl1e Ja t heav}"'veight prize f1 rht ~ d tte :\\Torld e1'ies BasebaH ' L.Je~ eral chicken dinners 'vene on ap.d lust o er the . e t~ .o e . ens.~. T:he 1n,1~ hutno:rou fea-tu. e :of fhe chle;~eu dinners ''as the 'fac+ tlu~t ~- L. Foril in the fou-ndr~t lo~t so man:y that (,n the i{( nda:r.' lie l ded up a · flock of duel- from h~ fartu and hrought • h ~'lri c"r:: . to the cafe and ._ga ·t'! t rde ro have then1 baked and , =- --~d · fJ hi ~ h.tcky opW\nent~ h! h numheroo in all about a. doz. en. -+~ n1ong he~e 11:tCKj one. ,'i.,Cl'e . ·~ Storie, t:~. 1.~. \'r~ ~tnl. >t·e1rn1d, l . Hi., n H<'l. ·nie ~ n.rl oth :.p::. 'f'h' .v ~·ll lPok ~ Jti\ iaJ ::rrHl ''ell 1 f'd ''rh en th y t eturn d, Hnd. they ag r<)f ·.1 u nn nhHtlllsh· th~tt du · J· enu1d not ' bl oxceJJcd fot delt<'i<Ht ~ c. tiJlg, t•. - peciafl~· ''hen thev '\·ere hroul( h 1. t l·o n th F'o1 d ft~ nll at p1P \ goo . c' r' . - iu .,. ('nuk cl and h(' iif'h/t l n <.HV n1nch Hb >ut th:lt llut he dit1 lmt.(\\ that Uu: Goo ~c c.,.c kf·l hi-s du ' whc11 he . Jll; ~h a the }lq,fl in Lh•.: · i~th g · tne oi~ t h,') ·t114i"'~ ~tnd \-von the pennant f,H. t l1e Thr~r ~ . Snmc ()f the l o~·~ fi ~{:1 up a nice repast of ( h ") rt\nrnan1 vf the feast nl'ld brought the,m dewn and present d tbe n to E.0h Eftu'l·l. on of t.h e lmnb · va rd~ ' ··o111e f t.he boy:; ~ay that \\'. S. ( ~'ebe) Plott. of the 1\li1h\~·ig!'1t, crew ha ~ ,:!~one into the real e tate busi­n~ .~. 'I he r gn,y that he i.· run~ing ~t flou1·i shing a.nd prosperous busi­ness 8nd that hi. office vvhich is lo­cated on the eo1·ner nea1· :t£ipp's De­pal tn1ent tore stays crowded \vith paiTons d1ning business hours, wWeh is bet,veen t\Yelve and one oJcl.ock, and f1·on1 five until_ F\ix in the everungs. l-Ie sped alizes i.n buying· and selling·to-vvn hou es and l.o.ts. They also say he i~ vor­rioo ··with pr93peetive customer~ as he goes to and from his " 7ork. Fur­ther in.formation -as to the location of the r:ea.l estate he handles may , be secu;red from R. E. Davis and· b . l\1. White. R.oy \VGtldrop ancl hi crop of po­tatoes is alw an inter.e sting. topic of conver ation among the n1i1l- "~gh t:'. It seems that Roy plant­ed a crop of notatoes 1ast spriug and they gre·w so well that he to!d son\.e of the bov~ about his nn.<".' ~ patch of . pud and that he ""·ould txave pobatoe to sell and eou.ld prohaoly fu:rnL·lt everybody '''ho needed then1 in our departn1ent ~1.11 the\' wanted. So one of the boys • happenin~ to pass br llis (teld w·here R()y 'vas har·veRting hi. • • • • • • · ~ pud s st pped and t ok a look. }Je ~:·tid HoY had his ern I) o! p(Jta toe.:s i 1 nn-e hn ·Jtc·t nn •~ tllf' burket of ~JO­tatoe'-' w· uckil.-v therr ·wa'~ no h ~1rn1 • ri l1 . n lt ern· a P 'J.' oli•"lled the pet cnt~l, r)t' t h ratli:ttor "Inti aU 'Ch<.: 1 lOt1 Co r~t n out. j\1r. ttJld 1\l[r~. 1vl'otu·r.c Parri • tfu~it· rlaugh tfjr, . ·on and gral1-<l­,1at g-ht , r rctrrrned from a vi- it ~ o th~ir dau~ht er "vho JivPs in the PanJl· ndle o11 field ~ ·c 1-DD of Tc~;,a~. 1.,he t rip \\f;\s n"~arlc in their auto­lUOb~ lc and r.o :erea· a total of 2720 Jnilt~·. ~1t~. teJl~ of manv in- • tei e ~ting things which oecnu·rcd during the trip, but he quotes the . D10St htm10l'OUS as OC<·llrring while there at hi~ daughter's. He said he atte1npted to strike up a conv(H·sa­tion with the rna.n next door vvho \v&s evidentl:t" a grouch, by ~yj ng son1ething like this: f'lt looks as Lho i.t migl1t rain . ., To this the grouch t epli'ed, "Only dan1n fools and new­comers pror)hesy out here. ' It J1as been agreed upon by some of the mHhvright_ that the crook­edest trick t hat can be played up­on a person is for one of you~· bud­dies t hat v. on wor]~' 'vith ever.v da.r ·to invite you out to squirrel hunt en l1is fann and before you get there for hin1 to stuff a squirrel hide and fasten it jn the top of a high hickory tree in order that you will :fire all y-our shells a \"\ray and not aee a ingle live one and to top it all for hhn to boast about having canned three dozen jars of squh-rel hams. Further particulars about this matter may be secured from W. N. Leathet·woodt Theodore Sharp, 01 . Frank Leopard. L. W. King moved a\Vay: from his ho1ne in Phillipsville to his new hon1e above Clyde a f.e'~' " reeks ag-o. Befo-re n1ovjng he quietly vis.ited a ­n~ ighhovs home close b:v and it ~cern ~ that all of this pers<>o '-s • • • • • I • • s - • BARE.\RA of ~1r. and M~. J. C. Ritkman • -electrical fixtu:res disappea1~:ed, among w-hich was a floox lamp, light bulbs. et~. The point iS' 1\{r. King mistook . sem,e grape v in'es close b"v his home :flor power lines ~ and taking it for granted that po~\'­ ·ex lines meant electrjoj~r for hmme use he thoQgh.t he would appro­priate w'11at he needed free of charge. But to even up ma.ttexs Alex Allen. kept his piano and is using his house, rent f1·ee, ·until he is even with him. •, Am sorry to r epo.t-1t the -death of 1\il"S. Phllate 11cCracken, the moth­er ·Of Don Nichols, '~ho is eo1ployed in the millwright CT:ew. S:he has been Ill for sev~ral n;tonths anQ death was no.t onexpe12ted. Vf(Te ex­t~ nd to Don and the :whol~e family our ~eet>est S'fm:pa.tihy in their ~.t soTrow. ~ -a-Lso sorry t0 re­port the death of J. F. Smathe1·s the fa.ther of Anie F . SmatlH~t·s Wtl~ is em~loyed in tll~ oHers erew. Illit ath.'. ))()rJS ~· Wl"t~1) • r t}{.ft Sl S1t< t' ~hirikhl?' r,f geLtill.U n1atrkd '? T l}.rtf)-~-c . ta.ntliY . • • On (let~be · ~2 ~\1. .A. ,Starrioyt en1plo.vod j:n 'l h 1tepnil· & Aitel·a-­Mori j)(·r~allJl:leut, p~-;~· 1 nwn ~ at [\is tl YtU'fll o-n .• ~ ('\Yi'ound Pc:lal 1Vl1·. . ta.n~c): h atl teen s ic] Ft)r SC·Ver~l l~O.l!lt h s f),t'lOl' to hi~ df~th. ITe -sllff~re 1 frc.'tH :.t h~'~ad ·oonditior . f>e:eh-stp-s ~)f: a n18.HVJHnnt t~· p~. ~(~v­eral or\crat ions w~ere (!E.t1.'otnterl ~ithout a\ RlL lfe' "'"~ on€ r.rf the o1 d e~t en1plt'JY­eoo o{ The Gh~mpi on ~jbre CC\ln) . panr in point <l>f ser\ . iee~ a:nd w~ts a m.ent~e-r t~rf the Of:cl TinHn·" s Ch.t b. which. t.; r.empof\ed o.f employees who 'lnn"'e haem in contiMU?tlS ser­vice 0f the Com:p'&ny J0'l' twenty­five years Ol' more . I-Ie js survived ay his wife and • • eight childYen two gitls -and s1x boys. CONE NEWS , By Nill Bi i.gllt . • • B(n~n to Mt·, anGl l\iTs. Ed. Stnn- 1\l~Y of Canton~ ~ oab:Y girl. Both l>abr and :rr.t£:lther a're doi-ng niee) r . • M1~s. Samme;r \vas ·.fo)"';rly Vh~ian Caldw:ell Qt ·the €1-~n~ Bep~tp'1~nt. Mary EUan Erysolit has m.G>ved in­to her P~Jiiltiftp -:ne:w _1l.Q~e o t'ht o the· N 03!M(} O~litt0n :t·oo, . Th1s txion-~h We wtJWBle b-ack three gi}!'is fG~rJl'l~nly e.~tvh~}y-et1 net~. · Th ~v ~re.Mrs. J,ae ®ollms, (Fr-ancis Haw M1:1s:} ,. Ml:-.s. cW:@od1·oW: Pauker ~ (Effie, 'Bt.15rnel;te), ~<l ~Fts. E lvin Bright, (EJ . N. M. B.rigltt wh<'l. re:frft hn1~rtts we~·e ~erved. A ~od tirn ~ "'·a ~ ~jo~" lnr all. · R~n i nt.t;!rc~t :fa hei~ . cPn tere41 :t r(!)tt nd 11 c f o otball t.'\.n rn~ fll)\v hr.-:ill':tt !:H'P"ani:6t"O. . H i' T1 f•t~P(l . tl{-~t tl• tr.!o t&~un. ''ttl tn t~tt th~ h13lt lPag.ue. We e:x_r1~l tn he · a th.e J 0 Wt' en· !}ilUJef !?at ~j· ru.:.~ t ~ r., tt ~ an . C oi con ·r-e, re ~v~ t;.• w ff'~e r AFf,/,IP{ lD. '0 ft./l<\t 'i11e ~t ()1'k ·{bitJ:(l tilE: hc>r:ne qf J h:. and );1l'"s. 1t NI. SJ ~ f, on Oct her 12 and left . a fine JJit.b~· f'i.d, Ba:rltara .J etrn. Eiot·n to . .~Jr . a uff ~tr. , ,.J. . 1: Cham bet\.,_, ne;tob~ 11~ 'l. son . J~e;· l\llu.::;t0.A1 .Jr. We PJ.l e g~ur. . to rep_ort IDQth~r R:nd ~n (loing fi~e . . Born to Mr. and :¥h·~ - 'llan~' fL FI ughesJ 011 NoVEJnbet· 3"1 .a ~)n, George- Bnncl. :Mother attu ~n t1 ~-~ ing flne. Born to ).f.~. and 1\Irs: l\t!alr~J1al1 Cooner., on N'ove,rn·bel· 9 a da~gh­ter. Zelda earolyn. ltlotMr and d augfi ter doi:t,lg ftne. CA.R.D OF THANKS We . ~ish to than~ our. nuu1y frjends lo-r the tnany ki:ndn~:!se.s sh o\\<~ chtrin.g. t be illness and d~th o~ our bu . band anct i'tl.ther, 0. D. P~rton. We· esp e<-iaily wi~l1 t.o :thank the R & .A. Depa.rtJ-nent the 'S(!}~a MilJ:l the Stilphatet th~ B~· -­ei~ a-m ·crramr.nar c.hoo-1. Iloltztla\~' Gafe H. V. Gagle's Stor~ t~ An~- ' . plane Shoe Shop $tol 1Yhe comnnrru-ty fo-r the ~utu\11 floral utferl~ -~s. C. D. PS!1Cton and mem­ben of the- Paxton Family. CARD OF TH. NK$ .,.;.;--.- . s • . ~re wjsh to tluul.k t -ur man' fli.ell'~s f r· tMe tnany kmdne~ ~ sh (Y\vn duril\g t.h~ ifln(\8'$ ami rlesth o.f our 1'1\~r~-A}ld 1nother, l\1'r . Phil­ate !\fcCr~el«pt. W. ,. e pect·~lll ~.r ~i.~h t~ thauk the R & ~· 'P v·,rt1~ht !'Hltf ot'Ket-, for t~e t :tt\ti.t\1L fl-tln~ l nft(\rfng~. · . • • 'Phi 1~te Itrra~kR-l le k hnls Ean il~,. ' • • ' • • • • . ' ' ~ -- .~ . ' ·. PhJlh 1.)=5 . ' 'ito . t~t 1 ). J~ ' I ) o . • " I• 0}~ 1,~ · ~; " ·' :.~f~ 1 fltY ' (;13it t lPt<)yed hy 11:•~ l h.UJill­l •i' n F~h• -·c~n . 1 · tty, tttt1d f{lr th 1~ • . ~ri ~l af tin 1 i'S:\ bt\( . 1 a c-~n1 . . I • J & = ·t~n ~ ~ud~· r ""1-f 1'Jt.e Loo-., ~1h~ 1t< ·:-­luc~ l:-in;g 1'. r'r·n·A to tb~ bcgi.Duit1 r ~ ~1 ~ 1 ;y.! r.noutb \\t\ I f" ~t , U }d t'c.'a i l~ ·"<"t. &~ ;.ntd tnt;hYS the ·contPut ti~ re1 ) . . . ftJ t l ' ( . .,. Q\ .at" i . ~ u t:' ) l\ {' 1 h "nJc t.~r.~. pel h'1J •· t~ $ k1' t)W"H to r · . il:) i :ban.d-t:Cf. · 1 1t Vtln. nkc· «~ d ­. ~n t n tJ1 t MO 1 e pri tcfi. · r.l rep., .l vd • t:) ' . hang ~n.g " th~ t~'f.'i .) r.~: J·n n' . ' • . - Y~ . rf. vL A . ·EWS - -·--~ • u-EtJ 'fhe C'hampion E 1nplo:\'--· • Pe, and rn~mh~ s €Jf The ChaJnpron · . rPJn s Cli~b v.1n · d.i"Ptti bute C'firist. :~:, ~-a ke~ te the need "v' il.l ·malL~ it a re!l g $Cit~e c.l<•th in~ • ' • • . • . • . r~arnip~ . ·our . old lofhjllJ allff to.\i ~ n.~ad~ f;~e ,uhn• r<.lu ('llln ,giv(:\. th 1~ ~tH :.'uttl<).~ or t hx n tt httt.~ ~rt ' tfi\p d r ·' (li'l~t i t~ j. vdH {l Hi to .,\:' t'llfj' htt rH·' · frw \Vh(;tt \ c)u . ,. ,ufd li t €' t,n . . -gt"·~ ~ •' . CJ ~ 01 i p rs h' .Y.\.'1 . a gT( tlj) {) f l.Jo 7 . rtntd~\· to rep:-:lif t-o~ ~ and th t\ ,g-irt. ~ill fn~)1t1 th(.l cl L.hing I·<-~ d.\ { ~,., dist r~Ktr~ itJit Dno't del;,. . 't;- t • • • • • 15 • ' 'l'•JJ" ~ It D.· . eer-est, t' li l hatJ- bcex• ~ . ~ Jtl 1H J1 e;;t~ltJ\- for se-veraJ "':ve k: , ill'f in the N():rburo f.I 'J~ ib~l £oi· t .eat­nu.~ nt. x~· hop : h<: '\! i lJ ir:nr.rov~:' rn lJ !cll\r" m n rl ~ovn · t~ well ag a ht . '"J~he ;nl(lll e l f?efuN th l~;di Lr>:r r~H n p snrf ~ fll-1- ' .-; any Jnorc. naf.t1'e ~ arownd l ~--iii ~r);. antl Live up to Hl ): repO'l"ted rtput.ation. \"'~e hHv~ ~en up tUlJ ChJl)ing in tbe I~x t r·Hct '1) r ~n:tment. dBelievc it OJ" n Jt:~ Nit~. Uob~t on ' p . ·sed th~· ci~rt<lYf ru.ottntl 1o the bo.VB f~r mal{ U.1g art H~ l t.irue record of 1 n~ .a1~,toeka Y C!' 1)e r d1llY for 07 p !lr iod. 'l~he. uext 1:ecoJ·d the Extt·art is going t o nlft.k~ is tl1e Saf,~ty R:ecord. We 11'-<lV€ R01lH3 ha'9tardouH- vvo1·k in . ' the chippef' ·rt)~f-tn~ hut ev·erv. one js going· t r1 be on hi~ toes for safetv • a.ncl ~h~ ont. Tl\e b1ggest factor for safet.\# is a safe-n1indecl n,at) . I-Iog U'Hling tfrne is here now. vVe \ ~ .~oon have some big hog .stories f9r 1;};.t~ Log. Have n0t heard Se,,·ell and Tan~Y t~lking abeut · tlneir bogs n1uch. They have been too busy brngrging on theb· eolt s . · \\t ~ . wi11 have to. a:t"'l·ange fOl-- a horse sh~'v and ·settle thjs qu·estion. V! e are . g-lad to report our sick list is good at this thne. A. ~·L. Br anson is th-e only member of the • Exf.l·a~t De:~rtroellt out. He . in-j ured ·- his foot. getting out of a car in f ront of his h~ome. I1e i~ get­ting along goQd. and· wi11 oon b:e .able to be b~ck on the Job . Jliram Yes I've seen a fevv bad Ql'OP years in PlY t ime t oo. OtH.­ ·:vcar· our str ing· beans were so poor that the crop dldn't pay fot' the •• -stxi1l~ . • Sl.las That's nflthing~ Hil~aJ~ . In · . - 1914: OUJ."' corn e1t.OP ·.-was -so bacl t h at ,JUY old da~ , '~tl1Q had a ver~' poor ap-petite ~te up 14 Ac.:re of .eor11 at a si ng1e· nn~'t , ' - • . , I l I l 16 ~Hldred Robin.SOl'l, Jnne and ~targaret l;ester , BOOKl\llLL PARAGRAPHS By J. M. Deat-on Temporarily laying aside his re­gular coal-breaking- 1ifle, Larry . High Pocket)) Hartshorn took time out to ·win a handsome 22- pjece silver set offered the hi~hest :.-corer at Skeet recently. Larry six1ashed 46 x 50 flying saucers to '\\*in the valuable trophy. Compet­ing in t he shoot ~rere Cru:J <~Hot Rock" O'J.:'en with 42 x 50': Arlie Smathers with 43 x 50 while his sou, Ead. ~rnashed 41 x 50 during the ~hoot. ~ Gl~fu1 and almost unoontrollable Harry· Hughes invaded the book­nlill at·ea recently witl1 the an­nouncement that a son, George BrJnd Hughes, had alTived at his horne. Harry m n is al­~ o th~ g.tandPon (Jf Superv js0r lfiv~ly 'WMD is J·epol·'t(Ji i , 1HH'<~ h(!en. hiJZh ly 1h.t1Jf~d over hi'J ~u<·C+-'8 ~ ful ar'l'i vaJ. 1-Ia,·y Tn~J ri@rl 1Vtlss Jrlt:tJ~Ie l J ivdy1 tiuughtQt· rJf nul • !;t)lJel vrthr. Pe • o-nal nlnlHn· ~i(a1 ttJt tt~- t "Qt "· 1' E an ~et t'J he p gbad it HH' fl.f\ttlcmtll nnlf:'hine tH'P. : t:d P •·t y n (.!'::; -4 : PI"<"); ad t :--. i\:11 . .E ·r Y a~ 1,d :Rractire \Vb~t \'Pr 1 rt~u . h .~ · I'haee ~lotr~ n~ ru·~ belng pr" p~:tXPd rinilv h.} Pmplo.' ~ t~r th~ [ ~t~ kn1ill t'l.Jl4'l i)lachin' r•>or 1 ~u· :t.~ ~nt· i'i. ving t rave t'se<l i h t' rn It .\ ra t''h i H{> a: ea l f'C<~H l b . thJ:-< rr luJ Hl ii-I un~r i') I C tl) d i~U~-" tht iuh~I'Cf->t in this d ~p~J·t· l'll~?-nt, but i11 the ~,<1o km i ll maehin~ -~ction. the daif'_"< . jd~a t>' r~rt)vjng a.l1 Ul1exc<:>U(lrl pnst.j nH~ a n.rl fa-~d nation with many g·o,)d ~ lO-gan.~ ar>l' .ating d~h· 011 tht\ bui1etin board ·. The rn.tlJ1Jf fdend$ and aS$Oe iat"e~ of G1•ad.v VVilliamson, bea.te1· . rootr.t foreruan. \Yill ,r('g-ret to lea1'rt that he i. conftned to lttis h{)rute at this tinle by H1nes~. All wish G r·ad :v ~ a speed~7 :recove-ry a11d Ln the rnea.rt-tinte those who cnme uncle1· tl'le su­pel'Vi. s1on of h H . Baldwin s.a;y:_t hey can tolerate his pi~ch . hit ting abi­lity .until Grady 1·eeove1's sutf.inient., 1y to return to the job. Baldwin can entertaiD the ,boy.s fully \Vlth hi13 dee14-hunting ya:rms ,vjth which he occasionally his business in stra~tions~ That F rank Cha:n{\bets ltills bogs that weigh way up j:nto the hun­dreds was evidenced rec.ently wh en h e explai.D_ed~ th:at 'hi~ p,h¥sicai con­dition would not permit ~im t0 handle J1is tegn]a1: 4t h. hand duties on "B" ma-ch., windeFs. It was ·' late1~ 1earne,d tftat whtle Frank along With fblrtr othel?' ·aide:s was at­t empting to lift· one .or his fat hogs ~ up to the ~'gamblin g·" stiok Frank wrenched his back m~u s~le~ Frank is 0 . K. at t his writing but is more f ully convinced :bhat. one sheuld practiee HSA FETY FlRST" wheu off as well as on the job. '11h:rooghoot the Weste1·n Nort-h Oaroliua 1D0tTntainous fields ~nd • coves many tj£ the Boilkmill out-rlooTs- men rutve bee\ S.eeld.rtA' rttt:1il . 1~ahhH~. g rot1Re nn<l 'what tnrkevs that coulcl bP lt'wntl'cl since Th nnk~­yivinr rln¥ wh . th0 ~rAFton on the h fnr(•rr'Jon·t~i on"Pn s•1H1 t-f' wa~ offiei-nlly f>.P~tH.>rl . M'M.n v 1/(tf"l i &~'\ of fnll bttf!' . i m H R h ~:t,~ l'H'f'H ttfH11 ('f'~ tn t.h h • • • ~Junn1 whiJe othe1~ rt :nen d c!~l' . th · !* are \ tn.ilit _ tp iA ate. ~f­fi~ ienl qn~ Lit ie · t ;,r l ir ·ulme? (liate c<,n.surllf).t . ifln. ;.uf m;.tn:>· . · the 'fJY~ \"lH l:tave take rre .-· hnr~ b~fnre th e~: t n end. · .1 a "' .-Hti'll tCJ p <¢ng :5ome vver t() jh, . ., . ~ g.r&tE-ful neighhot\ . The strn·y of 1 qw u: :." inwgill.t­tir, n viH r.ha:; hin: into believing th:t t rig}it ls wWJn a lid wr(Yug i . t·ight '~as fuHy :revealed ."·~nUx " J, n "A1.~hy'' Rrthmson '>r~h i,, . to the rn ill a bottle '.tf goott. r.~.J . fashion~d f!Ud pur~ spril\g ~wate · fllolb hi~ home in 01• \ 11'Je. t ill e time ' 1 Abby,., was cornplainln~ ,. ~ itr• ~re nains in the ai.Jd(Jmen which he attributed dtrectl~· to ~ d'it.," "'vnter C()ttmtmptir>n. ~.~e al ot tr.e boys, 'includJng Ed Pa,: ne. f1e~·!, ~-­ed t he pure an spar'l\lin_'-t' aqua and refilled the jt1g "'~t.h eft;-- water. Lat~in the night '~Aoby--~· wa:i ask-­ed if he tt4ought hi<:: condition had lDeen relieved as a result of mnk . in-g the water he~d brought alMg to work with ltirrL He declared t ilt :he never felt better in all ·.his lifs and that he never did .expet:-t to drink ~p.yrnere of Cant.@n,s eitv water. Later the truth was lr.evest.J . e.d to "Abby" and he fainted as T1l­pjdly as the boys eou1d bring him to eonseiousness. . Pjltfen~e and ~ The w.a~te.r had been Yerr ~Jow in serving dinner, and the diner had grown restiv~. Now, waiteT, he sru<l. bring me eotf~e, will y ou, and '\vhile youJ~ aw~y y.ou might send nle a post­e~ rd now and then. Senl'Y Bor Daddy. what'~ tJ,e· unwritten la~v ? . Daelrly tt·~ tn tt\P ranili· • date told you he was ~ i n~ to llave pa~sPd wh en yon voted for him. The 'Frntb Migbt Butt lft" ,f )\~t\n.t te\ lOl<l'\Y. Oll~ f Ot" nfl. ~h ft l~ tl:le he ~ N h, t his hn11."'t" t Sil:t" You'll be tnt:t h h \J'11i :rtf · ' t'u rtun''b- ~ to tlnd Oltt . ' • ,· • •