The Log Vol. 8 No. 04

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersv...

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Main Author: Champion Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1924
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Summary:Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. • • • '\'"OL. VU • CA.Nl'O.~ , N. G., li)ECt, 1921. NO. 4. ~ . . . . • • •• -. ~,, • ' .• • • . ' . . . • • • . , . ~ . . ' . .• • • -.•. . . . ' • . • • • . . • • . ., • •, • . • . . • • , • ' . •. . . •. • . . . f • • 4 . ~ . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . .•. . ~ . , . • . • • • •• ~ •• • • •• • .· . . . . •. • ' • • ' · • • f . ' • ' ' . ' • t -~ . ' ' • . . ' ' . ' ' ' -. f I •' ' ' • ' _! ' I 1 ', • • .• ' . • " ' . ,_ ., '· . ' ' •• . ·' • t ' 0 P P 0 R TUN I T.Y ·. (A Thought For 19'25.) ' They do me wrong: who say J no more Wh,e.a au:Be I knock and fail te finS! "you in; FQr 'every day I stru;td outside. yol:tr door . :A-nti bid you wak-e. aQ;d riSe .to ftg'ht and wia. W:ail not fllr prec;ioJ!s e;ttanbes- pas!l-e~ away;! Weep '!lot for g()lde• ages on -'fb;e :-tv~! . Each ni.ght •I burn w~ roeeol:~ ~f ~e d\iy-. •• .A t &unruse every seu:l i'S· . . ag,a. ' ' . . ·, Dost them behold ~Y los -x lilatA aU : ag\l~s;f? · DQSt 1reel .from tighte. ous - ~tribu~r:f~· bfoiW'? ' ' . 'Eh.en turn from b ot,te,d a't9lii~ri of the pQ$t . _ And find ' the t\ature's pages: Wp'itte. SJS sn:o:W~ Art thou a · mou'l"Jler? R:ouse ·the!! £:rom th~ spell; Art thou a sinner?' Sins may be· f:o-rgf'V:en; ·_ Each· morning gives tJtee , wil'l~ to. ~lee from hell, . ~clt night a. star to guide th';y feet to heaven. . . ' ' Laugb like a ~t>:oy at s.plecn-dors thV' h-ave spe~ · "Tp. '*f.O.isfi.ed joys he b.llind and d.eaf and .ctumb{ l\1¥ judgments seal the dead· .p~S:t w'!th ·its · d,.eiul -B>ut -n,ev~r 'Diad ·a moment y~t to come. . . . . . . Th.oup deep in wi~, wring ~ot you;t ~andS an~l weep; · J lend m¥ ar-m to al' who say "i . can!n ·· Na aliam&.fa.ced outcast' ever I'D deep . But yet mig&ct rf:se and · be agai•i:t"' a man! · ' --Walter Malone (t8'6'6·19Ul;>'\l ' . ' ' ' . ' • ' • ., - . ' ,. ' ' • r • • ' . ' ' . . . ' ' ' • • • . > . •.' . . '· • • r . YflL Vlli .· DECEMBER 19Z4. N0~4 - . - --- -·---~ . ,._._ ~ --- = --- =-·--'""'""-~ --- ~-= --- --- ·__,. --- . --- . - - P~blished b, ~e Ghampi-on FattJily" as a Symbol of the Co-operatio~ and Good Fellow­ship Existing at the Plant of the Champion. Fibre Compa~y,_ 'C~nto1;1, North · Carolina. CON CElt. "'J G THE rE\V BUILDrNC· . . t v . that Hll. nC'w rn:H·hin<? r. ·:»um. roo1n. a nd flni. hin~ ' h e act a ai ~·r:\' Jea.·~ we nc> d.:;,uJ. ~ dl'C iHlcrc ·t c1 ~ n l<no,,~ . i · •1 · (' •1: ·lhh ~ aht\u.t tt· thne a·n~i Jll~•t(-.rj· ) o,; r eoqHil't'tl 1o <:.'<'H I~­. ' t • L : t t ~ : h n 0, li n q . . . -orl\ W\1 nc:tu~l·lr hv!!un on - ~l~(\" :-th. an(l V~Pt'r \Y~\. n)tHle on t e ~ He • l•Htt: ~''' · Than~:s~i ,·1t1:,5 d~l ~' A'})pH,)Xi!n· lP!y Ql)(~ 0'lolls:tu:ul ~t lokd~ or cilrl \Vett~ fi\OYf"rl in . r{ ('r ~ ~<·t 1,1 ' ttt·onHd in" ·to b g1 n "(lr~ I~" l." ·· tflot 'a"d ni~t~ hundtt>-d lcl l\~ o "llb.iP. y~u·cls of r,Au.foYCed < .e~ \\'(tl'(~ peurGt 'hkh r'-·quj r~d ~il~X- h:l!!.:: qf (~· t ·.ubic· ~rds ~f :-,And (1~ <~ l<l-fhb:) ?8.Hi tot'~ of ~torttt (160 ~ati~) and :~:~ tf•JN 1' 'f1inf0rc.:ihg ·t~t J. ~ lf a iJ oJ the stee] h aij. r n a::.s irtf'h ~izc and tJNl.l 'l'(f end to l 'Hd Uti~ wnuld hrn·e l c~ '1 1.7Gt.,.~tf~O Hncal ft . ct or ztl•ottt ':!~a:; t,nH~s .bl : t~l. l 1 (') tor l•.l hn ~"t· lh.~ huitd1ng pr-oJ') · rt., J · gh tt'il Sfi5U window light. gli•~ 2W'xJ I''. 8{ 0 p(J n<.h vutty fl'llrl l~:~.){ s ttu~H·t \ fl~·t .-~i ~ t~et ~tsh " ,crP- ns~,d in Uw. hui'Ifling pr.oper' ith ;}Ofttl stpwre. f f•ct fif lfl ·.~ 111 h :~\\-t,\t)lt s {llnnilc").r~. l.l t' lu rnht.• r 1'or thts<.~ hni in~ \YO· nc) . nu-tJl Ht·t·n, ·tllth~\ _ the bt-tildi tj.: 1\t't; .1J'tO~t l y con- <·rete a ~ - f~ ·I a~ th~rc '' ~ · rnlr(•liascd .JO;-tl~Jt) boarfl fe ·t nf llilHl­tJp ' . (! .fit}<:) of th ~ J~lng H~ I ftJr H~mn. , . :ti ti.S t(J~ ·u .oou quar • f ·~ o X.;>. 1 tnav-le u~)t1-J fn.g 811d?\lj l'2C lit i"n I fl' J Yf spl i flf'S. Tht t i:t: i . hht ~ 1, nt u ~-~"')fi n;>rp · r(:(;l :.JitdUliJ l f'i · . ntsd ti206 ihs. )f i( l.s-tl.t;t·lr s hdn ' :L!5 r_ Cl Llir~t~fJ tr:t ~tajn tl~ .• 'Utnrtn r rt>tf. ·ou . \.:,;tt1Lr.~3.Jily S.\: tL~tt ~nnte 'knclt·k'li tq~ h:1- bt·~n ~·0in« 011 M·' 1 l ·n .: 1 t.n w Htat ili.;Q I ~h" . l"lf th.Hth[P l•~H:rlf·tl :)d \\'ttre 1 _f- \1 b~ .- f · tli :!Ut • lb . ur hl n~ c,f eonnunn naB~. T-r cG1trr- ff.!)r be ,·al<~r :- .nlu d ill:Hi nhrruf tb .,~ hllit!;U;(l~ Hl70 in :al l-· Jf .if~ in.,ll coic·r 1.c lioil' . ~W.CJ' 1500 f N~t of- 1 itu·h U ;!t~c~tll{HY'tJ dr.f.r'\ iH~. lt 00 f.L.oet of tt0W1Jl oSj.OHl . 1 l'" SUt {• ij . - 1~ !. P."~ h i lfn:a~ N"ttn f ·efil tl1, ~ tlv_. new wt·U undt.'r ,, . t :r ho]n~ ·onh;: (,. - JIW:l ~(' departl a Jlf ·UJ g:f\ a~ t\ 1 r1h·k· for t · e n r )e' tc lh\g \~1.Ult n,e nH.t '•bu, ~ urc «lujag. j [ (JJ" in,bau '+", ' Hh JlH)ttl '6~{/' arHl '"'if)r r• fling br~el fjf lltllief t appro itn~ttc ly 50f) oot tJer. m~hl'ute b ""' lqn J \\ iH il take · thern t •) ru~d . e a ~lte ·t n·hi<:-b would rea-ch <' {\ve.und .the earth and if the r\~ ,,·as onJ Y one s.peek · ~;isihle t n the n:a}<etl e. ·e in O'\"'ery len s~] ua rc f \:fd, . 1J!l 'the a\·eraa,d,. "· ~Hild "IJHJ fknzing ~ti fl con1e ~·roun tl and ::in~·: f·Hoys, just tn· a littl-\l h~·rrl~r. and )'O'l.J'll JU~tkc a cl ean ~ h t.·c t. H • - --- The fuiJ(n\'in~ cht!\~"; nre nmv me- ting re~ul a rl y and the :lt t(~nthHlCt' i · Vt ·. · ~· , u .i£:~·<~ tory'r incl ic11ling that th ~ In<·n ~.tre int(1JH! ~tc-d nnd f~\;' t th~tt th t"h' tin1e is b~Jng ~·-e ll spe nt. 3:00 to :l:tnJ.P. 1\I. D~tih" ' Uhu~ Pril'll li1·:ttlin t~ ft'ltt Jtlr:Hl"' 'ht in ~ 0:1 j to {) :=15 P . . I. Tues. an tl T hu r s. / ::ln to H:ni) P. ~I. \\"'"(~d. nod Fri. 7 ::~t}: to O:OU P. :n. !\! n. and T hurs . ril ft tnt't h·. Stl: tl·p tl):\\"U :t"'''s 7:;~0 t ! ) :t~O P. ~f. To •s4 and Tbun:i. lenin P:t1nt Pra ·t ir e . · r t. fHI't~ t Cl~s . (•S wHJ f t'! org~'ln i-:~d ~d t~'r th · holir.:ct;r.s lo :n••"t t 1'\: l~.t d n· lH.'TlL. --- t)zH . 1'->t"kl<, ., nntor:tl boru flul ~ 2 or 3 hi g t.ll'inkS of l.t{ld l1qt1or) (Jut• f(t. t l1 ilJh l_.}Owere.u c·11r, StJnk t:he fool iu ~iquor, -p1$ce :tn th-e . t'tc r u~ tl iht(\tl bux aud g.arnj ·n Hh flowers. ar and let ltjnl go, pla c~ i.u hl ncl satin By R ~11uest of Dr. f. M. D ·\ VlS. ' • _2 _ ~ --- ~T~H~E L G --- ~ --- ~ --- J. R . KELLY, JR. Twenty-Three Months Old, Son of J . R. KelJy Machine Tend r on "C' ' Machine. CAMPAIG. ffiTTED TWO HUNDRED MEMBERS The 1 mb r. h i:p Car. pa ig.n, which ~ml ed AOVember 15th. n-:1s ~ ~pi,.-ilt•d on from <.tart of fin i. h. Two 01' l11e cun le ·tan t · who w ri' olkil in.! mer: b rs ' er " necJ;. awl Heck" 11;p to th · ln t chi.'' and it s.e-emed for .a tlnt· d." 11 it n1 i <~ ht be n ce.;;;; ary to d h i(le t h , main prize. but ' Wash " • li I£'. put a Jo t o f extra effort i.1lo H final purt and :t~r'otopli . ilcrl r is som thing rc·:Jily remarlwbl . . bou.t Lh • ' nrl · ~lm c I y lite, · hnJ men, for ll cy :ll' no t lral n<·ll soli ci to r: . ll mav- • I >, how Y r, that bi<; worl< in t~ J c er ·w t' T. l . 0 ,- n; ~av . ·h. ~· til. . an "a-rweli ngt' w:1 ,, anrl iJ i: nc .l h i1 ~ cw fo r L· n1nk G-riffith te i-iJJow u. a •·, -ncr<'t xampl '' of hi. v. rl~ . • Our ~ld . tand-by, . ~" ~ ~ hi. ylo1' math• a ~ ~ ro1 :• s hO\ in g: it ' the ont st Jw hrin in~ i 1 thirl. ni I' ~t~ em l wJ . . I' ly · •I;,; would tuwc. br(Jup·hi ;,t gr · t m uy nwrc> h t h · hn · I,· ·n bri n g­ing n mh . rs to th " '' rj_ 1hl along for <;e ' t·al m . nth.,; nnd t lw r l' \'f'r nol man.· n n mcm l t>rs 1 ~ fl in hi'> d pa1•tmcnl Itt :c"lieH. r he . pirit 0 CQ-O p Pf"liliQR li.Ud C'J( (f-f JIO\'\' hi]) [ getJlt'r '\ j[) t, lh , sphit '>f t?o-~et-' m -sm~1- h l}J '·m wa mnnif~>, l d tlnott oul the· cont ~st. ' ltt>rc' \\ere m*•n.r nwn ill llli' m i ll, •h o \\O'lJld . li p in lhc •y•> \ •ith nn appii · t.i n 1Jiin1 sl t1 d b_ sou fl•ll q vv (•rnpl o_yee, 'ho id o>t. \ i,.;h tht'il· ·s n.t('li i•Hi •d iH tlw C'o n-lc• sl. They v r_ ju-st 1mx i• l · tt d(• !> .rn 1e1hipg t, h,., •·t 1 1 · . y" • nu it. \\ ork. T<) lh ~t lc>ya I Ill n th "y·· Jll LtHI"' Jn( jJ ( '\ · j:he:-> to <,(l a oro f th n a d tlfJlJf ' ifil IU~l. h Uulr l C)f Directors re juhilont <n ·r th fad I tat o n f n H1 mhc•t . were nrnll<•d tn ~o .'>hort a t imv, 1 1 d II c·.~ thank t•,·,~r \ rkf·r who h: lwhtc<l to mol c tlw tid <' lor llW ll ,. 1 . ll 011 • Thr•y abo) \ :tnf t lr ' I h IHl't Ill I tlH I 11 i h r fo r tlw 1 . • of 1 •ml c·r.· antl U «:'.' ' ·.:Jnt tn ll "'' c '' 1 _t m• 11 t·t' to ma l e n. e of his. " Y" lb tloln~ wh lb t tll t;P L fol (lJfl. m mlwr~ hip . Corru~ in ond find out ·what thc.P. t it I. for, nn.d you wUI Un<louht~dJy find J)Jnc(_• _c•u_ w_I ll just fit In. ., __ BO\VI.J.NG V1 r men n n ~l women ~. llltJtt ~ our mt:lllh"r:t wn11ld mal1 u. • or u,. HlH lin(! Al ley if Lhe one .· l"(~lit, •f [ )J IIIV l i\Wh ftttl lhc t ' i: in H l •o \'Hn f ptn ty. ll',s a !{.01Jd 1<!t , nnr! it m· lwo.: ·• s tro ru~ appt•nl L< th • a l:'rn • • man. Lt. vHI hl"in : out a st 'Ad ·y , !ru(J u'm, con lroJ of til t H~ c.; nud wil1 briw.! into play (Htd tl ·v •lop n t )Sdt>S w·h kh ha v . p r cJJ n hly h('P>I l>tylfl 1 lorrm•••t in yotH holly for many y ur~. Tht> ;'nnl ' arc (·h at~t:·d fo r· ut lil tfl(c r.;u fi1 ir•1 t to pay tl . pin h "y.· · nd n p a rl o · ll tn a1n t ·JHtJWl'. Durin!4 lJJ • ·h uol t1·rm 1 o_r . . w ilt b • on h anrl f .r pin .·p i tin fr~m . c· to ntn lhirt·y Cc.t.t.:h oighl i.n th e \'.cf' l< f! cevl St tn d :<r •. [! nll .ys w ill , how ·cr, he )'> ll f 1' p ia, Nld• 1by J"ron one lhirt r U1 fi '(• in th e t'l ftNnoon , for player ,<; w ho prtJvl rfc their ()\ ·n JJt tl set ­ter ·. These h o.r can he pnh l f rom th pr •<' Nl. n th ' ~n m-­which are ·paid f( r a t th ' tL 11< 1 ra t , ten c nts a gf• 1e, lh::- · game. for a quarter. Twice. recently a team from As heville 'Y" defea d n tetnn of our pick.ed plAyers. It is true that our boys ·ere not pJ,n .·in r up to their usual form, but the d e feat hould 1.> • a . pur £o h" boys to try, lry agai n until lltey are able to win bac h<-'ir los t Inure! ·. The JoJlfrwin g ·core· l~: ll the s.tory of the tw gam,es. CHnton a t As-heviJJ . Canton. Asbevi.llf•. c. Paxton H -J l5q 15( 457 J. Nealy J() ) 1:2 l-' .J. Paxton 16:1 1 JO 153 ·l-iS E. Gr "-e t t }.) 15t l. J. Me a~ e 1,19 J 3:3 1!)4 436 F. Cos ctt nn 1 ~. ,_ 1~ c. Witt 194 n6 1. ;·j· .· ~ .lQ:~ ' Grc ett 183 110 1·''''1- D. Hn rl< in 1--10 1 () ~) 1 ~\ .{ -l7 D. Hoffmnn 15-1 Hi~ f ~ ' Total 7 .I ., 7; 8 iB ~ 1R91 Tota l {I) - 'l I< • !J."; As hc vill won by ~ 0-t pin ' Ashevi lle at Canton. As ll cviJ Le anton J. Nealy JH HIC 202 .J7 t c. Pa. t n 170 }, ) E. Gre ett 171 171. .1('~ 510 J. Pa. -• on l· ' l!lO 1 F. Gos 'ett 201 24:cl 23!1 fi'~il J. .\l t; s• 1-' {'<;; 14/ ~ A. G r tts tt 202 214 2{)'_! 61R . Will .19 1".' l'll J). Hoffman 214 202 1-17 .] ) l n~ H·lrki n · ]. 1\ ll t.ll Total 961 1026 958 29"45 T )tO) 20 Ashtw ill(' 1\'0U b} 2.16" . WJUl "~'•- o nnd On H 1 -\' ear Old D u (·:;.,.o. H h t I) f. th Pap -r 1\f ill , hte-r o For m n ·ith Her- " Rtlll R• " ll.'' J I -tH .) Ill .1 ~ .~-· •- :i ·-)·· ".- ) .;.-. .'.")'" I" . ~ J 1( ,J', -) -- ' ,, .-·. - l _.,-. ~- • • • BAR THEM 8 £:\.TRICE Four Y,Aar s a nd ?Five Mon ths, an-d Her. Sister, Ju::tuH"O Lorada Ch ~:.t r ma:.n. J)anghtt"rs of R. D. ClHlfHn:ut o f t he E Jcct r O':Iyfic . JU~ach 11 pt. "Y" NOTES • - ---"'"- • ·.vc- ·-!tr~ ghuJ l~ (•lr-t ,me Hoy '~ ri!Ctt , a' Canh)H bny " 'Yho 1 ( l 1! ~lj'):V \nJI" I\ ·d j I \ t.h '! Ul { tl, '\ b,o ba f{"("f' Jlt l Y r~{ lH ne,d tO GH r t< ., 11 afitlr ~ twq ~ ·'Sl rs ~jou rn iu ruHJ ue.w1r J~ ·l~ O fl \·Hk . ' Vfu'\n H:t\ ~;~ iu• Fi< ritla ~i t y he.! t.oott an ar.: tive p~tTt in the lioy~ ' :o rk at tlte . r t1 .aud fi:_t,-; no heefl -e tupl'orc·d h ere to :t.'"'i t S~r tary aot,,.s jn th~ Uoy$ 'Vor ~ nd a t ! ht· de,k. f~ oy ' ill . ' bt:· gi: d to \ t•}c,:OH~ b i .~ ohl 1 r i~·H(1S ;IJ)d h~•J•<", thev \\' jl \ U.i'Ol) in Slnd ~:1-~ 'nPl'o: l \\'~ p .rt . Ui t lh a t t\e 1\ dt ~·~c;t .th.Pll,l \ ifh ;t s H "l c. for l'l t W("'l rs oo .-.t· t J\:c kind I ha l ~-(,,.,: t OHtC of f. ' (~DJ'l"i)HS . , rrt:) Th-t-' alJ •\'\! \'\·as btHld{!t1 I f . lUi (I w l a S tt ft- ~e~ f ion rn:u:lt< tbat \ \.) rPwtite it ft)r th . Lot'>" So her 1S the ,,·as " "e ' :unJd dn H: . H , wiH ~·(it '' ~·ich~ :llt~f r ,_.:ll ~·· t .lloug aU'-' So \.\ l"l!gltt is now l ·H · 1:ti~1~ :lit the · · Y ,. 1· .H t""$: • f.S Jl"\: f" • _.,. • Ha\7C '"OU ~ee r1 th n i1W lighting sYsh ."tn ~(·e u11} i t ~u'( . d 1.1rt the t(' llii. · t'O!Ht autl h~l~ ~·ou \vitn~ ·ttl t~tnr• ·ot t. ht· :tftf'•··· da.Tk :!iaiu.t t ~P'\ •J!;Il ,grune f1~r,·e reecu U ~ . he ·n s l a r h•< ~t l about · ve in t-1~· £· J:" n ~ug and 4'i:J1j f cd ~tim 1t ~f·Vt·sJ. .I~··•I •e rt Hl, Gr:u tc, Q~, A-ft'.ru>f!,1 )\f:t!ner- an(l TJ "ldt"l" b {t\· p-h\ d a ncJ r~· p"rt that t b~ ti ahlin i:-:. v~ . ;)~ (~ i ·-at· <:t ;y ;tnd :t h# l to~ hall .can l rP- seen \' rthou t df.f fi(>n1ty. Pht~· :r d(!Sirotng \ c."ni,_n"" t<"n~h;; cnn ~ rn·(! fflP H~ • >i tJu· f U H t .\\ if hoal ~0 b tH.a l.,i lhW J.X . :i(,' r, :,. .i JH.-. • • 3 SAFETY CON'rEST ON LUFTY OPERA.TION Oll Nove•nbcc. 2Hth tl1c superintendent er the Lufty Operati<>n, ~lr. 't". '(V. l b.unpton cnltPd aU the f o1·emen on t he Ope]Z,atlon ta ­g( t her al th'e .of£"tcc &£ 1~hc Cha ~n)) ion Fjb r~ CrJ.tletpnn:r a t S tnokc­m unl., f1)r ll\c o-ur p o~ o f d i scu s~lag utnys aod ffit}a:ns by which ~cci <1ct'nhll inj n t~· t•l ~rr<n plo~'f'CS n.light be re(luced . Aft:f"r the fig wa.s called to order 1\'It'. Han1 pton e:xplaJi ned t '1e pnvposo nnd s~t ~ gested th a t the en1J)Joyees be div ided inl() two g~Gups , to 1J\~ known as T~am. No. 1 ancl Team No~ 2. and a Snfe.Ly Contt"sl ~ pul on be tw) n t be two te:ua'i~ 'the e1nployees ~ere dlvi~ ed as follows: Team No . 1 Team No 2 \V ood Shed 1."r~ j n Cre"v Pl ani n~ l\1 iH Load~rs 1\l!'te hine lHl l~ S k.idders Y ~l J.'U I T\C 1i n 1\I e l'\ Com tn i ~a r:r C nu lc j\J n Offi e . (\cti ) J\ Crews Car peut e'r Cr~w Tn:~ ·Uc ~t ws The contesl: wil l hlst for a pe\~i'Od of Lhrt)C Jnonths, and the le:;u:a m~ ki ng the ~st :rooot cl-tha t is having• t he Jowest per­o~ J:)t or d:lys lost per thousand bollrs ,,~() rked, v;ri·U be g i,·en a banq lleL A la rge numbeJ" we1·e p~ese-n t and a very ~nth us i ~stic discussion folJowed. ~I r. C. S.,.l3adgett, GerteraJ Sut~rin tend.o nt of the ' Voo'tls Opcr . n liun ·was p:resen:t~ and ·a;~-k~ for th€ h e-ar ty co-operatiQn of nH t he foreme-n 4\ ~be c.amPJli~n· ag~ i n$t. aQCidentnl jnjury . He stQ ted thn~ ·'Vi tk the:· ~0--o:pe.r-ati:0$.1 of the &nd the men~ he was s u-re that o ~),:lendfd sbQ~ng. w.ould tte made ln accident ·J)t"e \"tHltion ~urin g 1litt n.e.J.t t h,r~ rnonrhs. · Severn.t s-bo;rf t al'~ w~re ma:u e~ a.lld jndg'in.g from the splendid in terest ~nifeste-4 sntd t11-e· g9od fe-Ho,~ship \'Vblch seems t<1 p ra vall a n1<1ng t be {~Pem!'_n, it is sHfc to ay that the employees on t lle J_tt fly >t)t•rati"'t' "'iH see to it tt1at Safety F irst is t h~ rule n tid thut E:areh"'~ pr.1tr.tie:e w ifl not be toleratetl. • T. M. RlCUtA , Jr:. · . 'e , . e-n \V~ks Old SOn o1 T. ~. Ric'ltman, One. of .,f'i.ffit tl l\t en in tbe R. & ·A. D~pa¥bncnt 'OL. Vlll. DEC., 19M. . NO. 4 Subscription Ralcs: l'e1· Cop., Oc. P e r Annum $0.00 In ' 'Hr in bly in ndva:n('C Editors now u nder senteucc aiHl uoing Lime. \VOOD PHILLIPS • TO PARENTS OF SCHOOL CJULDREN: \\ e tHe glau to r •p rint a eircnli.1r let ter from our Superin­! cmlent of Public Schnob t the p~te nts in o ur co.mmunity. O n only one point do we cliffer y:vit.h hi m. He states that at th :'11nj n StreeL ~rossjng "there is some sa feguarcl." \Ye would say that tllere m-ay sometimes be . ome sa fe noard. But that dn('s no-t aJways apply. 1 f :;."OLH kittle eltilcl CTosses the rail:. road at this poh1t it is up to hjm to look out for biru elf, and .t 1w re rl<~\-(> hePn, durin~ lhe p3 . t few mon ths, many near acci­d< ·1l t~. D "! :1 r P['ln.•nt; - Tht· e li ief of police, ·who IS doing a ll that he can to protect chi lcJrcn coming; l.o school an l going home, T11as c~a lle:U my a lten., tion to the fact that a I< rgc number of stude n ts are comiJlg 10 !. ·h.ool and returning home by wuy of the rail road (1\'('l' t h hridgc ' and lhr0u~h the ClHHnplon F ibre Company'. !-(round:.;;. The r·ailrmHl o fficials h~n'c also ca lled nttcn t ion to 1.1e \:cry· :~ra. ,·e danf,l;c:r the ehil h·<'n arc e ·pQ ,;ed to. I can nol st res_ lhc nwtlcr too much that Utere is vc-r)- clefim itc cl~lll~er I :wt :,,ome child or cbjldnm nwv. he kill ed or i n.i ured. Tbcrc is :J vcriiaiJ!(· mesh of t r-acks. ami a brid1~e I<J cross with an en g ine and ears being co1 stanlly n11Wed DYer these tracks. The !l;ffiall <'llihl prv- ·ing this way may tv.tsily b on:te Tri gL1 te ned and run dirf'cll:: in front of a mo i1'l.g tra in. In n:d!'JHion to lh p hysi­c: d dl.lnf!;er, tbc rHilroad officials ha r torb ichJ ~ n the us of Lh·<' .·e tradts as a wnlk w n:,r, The Champion FU1re ompany has it · Jii;ronn.,d. po·,tcd, T b el Levf.>. 'hcrefore the lt.'-1 i'Jf· Lh is passn g¢­,\ ·: y is a viol:t.tlion of tb · la-w. Rut the most inqJorLnnl t hin (;{ is t !t('; s _r1,p.l)s dan~er f0r the bild, ;;~nd that is wh:tt I nn1 nwst c-oncerned alx>lJL Y~m probably rem m.bcr that it ha1'J ;lJe n 1 s~ H 1an lw0 .VNirS> ~i m.:e <me ch.i.lrl W'<~.' kill<:d whil crossing tl'tc lnwkc;, Tltt> s-om e d: 1W: r tllat caiTJe ·o thi. ch-i-l1l 'i. lurliin~ in th · path of • · r-y (·bHcl til l is go)n~ Lhrough the trarrks an.d ovc·r lhe roiJ-roa.u Lri!J .f.4 l' to <;\res t (.;anton. A titU•: prc.:.CtHi ! i( n l'Pfl J)H!V(!JTL l11l1Ch n·.! d ktlcr. \V hBve cantic Red tt1c •h i lilr" 1 Ll~t·ough t lw l-t•hoo1s, IJllt ln.;P lh;s J HL.S~tge way is nsml hy .P ople 1n fi,Pn­<' t. I, 111r fforL111 will h . uf liU:k or no fl\'~,11 m lc~Rs the pnr,·n '.> m:~l"·~ nn <"ffo.rl l)t tile f,thcr cncl .of Ute lin· to cnnt:r()l Lhh ll anf4c•r. (}f c ur;;; · it h p rfec-tly v 'dc·nt U ·e svhoo4' ( arJ n<• po} i ll:e vari tiS rot~ds to t h • !> •hooJ rt.Qr nan lh poU '(' (h• ·nt h.npe 1 o r ·nH_,vc •til ftt,\Ses of t1angi r to cltiltlr~·l'l. H · q glH It he ·usy enr~ •Jf' fol' llw iHll'('JJts to dt. . 'i~r11,tc the \ • y llh! •hihJ ._:,~uld tn:q t!l jt gvh1g to s-dwoi und col-tdng bom1•, \VJU · \ '1 uHl .kirr-dh' tl Jl"Ow N:1 is saf{lg4!rtl'd nrouncl your d•1 ld l"t n. Fo.r .somctitne there ' .as .-onw €> t.·u~ • fn·l' thl' f·hil lrf't to ll ·c lhP tr1d< owh1g to the ruu,- d· :ctnd h'l ·r. -l hl}n.s; i.hlc nntcl · nl llll;! n.nd. \\''jt h the J:-ving 11f c ncrelc un tfli:-; . ,~,·tion o t • • '"~ 'l fl jmm .<Hat ·ly vt·. t of the ri . r, 1hat xcuse js fP noved, "\\: hUt~ t-ber r ~· NO\D. sn rcu;tla •·tl.s . for tlJo ehil(L <·t·o.~ i ng at the l'l"lflirl t,g heliHV [h > hr~d;! ., llc .l.l'IO~t ' (:;:\:ITO 'V(\Y Jtes ftC • ~ Lh <' vc> J iotl htiJf.!; . T l c cliff ren('e 1n diM:fiHt.C~ ls lcgligiblc. . tho11gh nn may snv an ann, n leg or ev n n life. A . . J •. flotc.hh1 s, Stt f~Nln-ol:cn P n to be . Perhaps th:~ follo-w ing- not s or >WII' Il ing m r.Ly be appr<m ri ::~te at tbis ttme . "Do not go into de,~ts wi'th Ughted .tnatchcs- or <wnd ~ es. If ncce.ssat'Y Lo bave n" light, keep an electric torch for • purpose. "D0 aot decorate a <:bristmas tre~ with pnpcr, cottofl'l, or any other i:nflam:mable matedal. Use metallic U;ns l nn<l o h ··r nen . flamm able decCITalj0J1t! only. Use asbestos fi bre to reyrcsgnt <-now· ins tead of eotlo:n. . "Do ·not }Dermit cb rldren to light or e J: tfl\Bukh tbe c, n.dle . "Fhey aFe IUthle to set ft-re to their clottling or t be tree'. TJe ure th'lil t the tree js se cl!lr<7ly set so that eh:itdren in r-eaehing for Ulil~gs eannot ti:p it over. ~no not allow Ghris .~as trees to J:'emain rn t-dc b •t ilrUn~s }lfter tbe. holidays-. · The tree Hr:::e l:f ignit o:: read ily wh ~ n t e nt·rd­Je · he~<!une dry. ·A large number of fires usnaHy oecur in ~·u .u- . , a-ry fro rn t hf.s cause. "Do not build n fire in an open fire:plac~ 11nd ro ftway tl{lll leave· 1· i, o1· n~ ·· an op 1~• t··1_,'."" 't)l·•. ·• e ·' '"., ' ithont a suh.~h· nticJ.! fitl -fl;tcsh. . r) a . k screen. . . "Do not destroy or ioju;re 1nsulation by bna.- a:( de t 1~ li g:tl cords on nails or hoCilks. ''De> not Iea v:e ·Ug-h led k er 01 "ne h!.mps n car intl: mmn.i n1 ~1 teriai or unde:r shelves. . "Do n ot us ~ any Jlr.:lt cbes <'~e t a.ct · £na t h ''D0 nat aJ].ow chHdre.n to h ::~vc. matl'h , p~n. with thern~ "Do not throw bu:rpt ll),n.t ·hes 011 t:.h 0 r or h>tto ~ as' b.a r;k~ ~ s--, ~ n i n v er · 1, b FOW a\\ ., a burnt mat · h m"M: '1 YO~t r,1 ahsolutcly urc it h 1ds n :>p :u-k, 'DG not ha ng doth . in c n 1 a ~t ' 'th c"r "''1', lH:at· hu ~ ' ( ~ i' ' or stove-pip ·s. ··1o 1t ll'\flW fr 0z~n ~nt~r r !!.Rs plt." h.· tQrch ,, · Ol'>Cn flnm of nny kind. \\yra'(l T) ·ely witlt ond JWll1' llH hot \ t \h'l', or 'en I fo>r fl pll\n '"• <~"~"W!o(c -~"Jt>rl')' l u.rri •l . h l . h his ~w!~."' Bi ll v--''( it.l lw cl'\ft • 1ay t ,l.~ LtNl'nct·. ·• • > (ie 1r~ ·- ' ·. 'o. lf:is (.' ,nt ttli'l · \:- Uu 10: '." . aJ()-pl~·in~ t ' OM ·'lot ,l,. ;\· ~ •. J. ':\f. (~ -~ n. tt!~l. ·hu tu 1l r\'~ •n. n :c r tien ut :th<" .I'.• ,. n<. '1il l"' r w" : 1I t>'>tu. a I . l1 • ·', I I t'. • . ("• • • '~l .').,.,._ t th ti' ' .L~ s U.,• J ·, hn" retur r d hcl>!Jtc ltd '1' t> nu i.;lud r ;lf: u:rt ttrat :h . i~ im~ pr•H in." 11apitU . . Xlrs. Ct vuww •b b tlH' w if' 1 · J. :vr. to 111 tbt• w'l' 1\l 1 L THE LOG ora 1:1 D. A . D FEEl' Dttrin·1 U! · 1J t sJx "('(\k~ '' ~' hoY ~ hl1d R It' rgc.r nnnlbCI' of ·u:1iJ injuPi~ thnn 'v hnd durh:tg ll1.e si tnonths \ is t h~ trf)ttl\lc? Don 'l \\'U realize the valnc of ti r1~(~rs i tl f ~ t? 'I h' in 1 i-l" ti n~ are, w do nc.'\t. ,\ . e a ct :lS i ( \VC. do n t t t' t'd th 111 tn· t1u1t we <~Hid g • n w oo '~. all that \Ve n~()d t t • 1t·o~f• :-. nt stor.:. \ ~ · dv• 'P tl r 1g fll\ tll Jll: sti ·k tbem unt,er nloving objccti r c '~t t v~n t j)J.=t !l. tr "·e ~r~re not tnucb coneerned about then\. 1! :r:o <h n"t t.lo H 1 urp~s ~ Jy of eours(3, the. trouble is, ·we only e our bead to hang (.)_ur ~ap on . \\"e do nol r alh~e th.nt Ood has placed wJ:thin our h eads • grry 111 t tter~ called '.ttlrain,~ to be u_ ed primarily for the pro­te ction ()f ut r~fl'l\ , , a kind of 4 ' teering wheel!' so to speak to du"d' our. l aRds. feet e tc., into tbc path of .safety and keep us out · f 1 o; n • e·r . • ~ e . JE. T S .\FEGt:4-\RD IS A SAFE ~1A.J.'l."' A safe man is one \vho, \J es l i head. ,,·bo thinks before he acts and then pla!'--s safe. c:1r in 1uind if we do not~ we wU1 pay for it witl\ an i!Djury. I!oie 's t~J) our feel~ bands and fingers out· of places where :n Pv " ·ill '"e b urt. " E 0F TilE «no ''T ST~4.RT" SIGNS 1'be utt<?:u ion of :~11 c:rnp)(lY · is called to the cxnd or · 1 \NGE1:l" s~ :;n iHll~ r ted on this· p age4 • 'h1s ctttd i~ for lhf,; prote tion of etnployees ,,·hen a n1.achlne n!t tl -urn a1 d lf~J):Jirr. are h~ing nHhJc, or if ;rou are working on B ~1 ~1H ·1 .r U ruo r Hnc~ '[~,. t · ~--r.P. rt a nt~chj ne is shut dow·n and you arc dl)iog , . ~ . c rep~,ir: un itt n order lo J;lrCJte{!t you from 1nju"Py, hy J .,.e,·entin t• e operatoi· from ~ta r ti n.g' the lnaehine,. :you 1nust p:iat:.e one ()f L 1ese ~ar-(1 · l (~vlth your name on t·he bottom "Of ClP--· .ard ·whc•t it ~a~ Si-F ed by) on (he c-0ntroHjng svtitch, t)b :'H1l \ nh~t· or et nrtJ n ~ hn~r. . ~ g}ect &n yOU1" part te observe H· is ··ule m•n· ,.,H.rse an injury. 1J I en wodd.n~ on stenu1 0r liquor Hne.<;, th~ san1e rule ntnst ( ·h~en (;.d. .4H 2ly . n llach OfHl of these cards to tbe va J ve "'l mnt• ~" d to th . lin · which y u are r epairing, before you at.­t l, ··t t0 ·li (~)} rl ct 1h:~ pil c )u ~. l) not d pt~nd up( . n any :sign pJa<1ed th'!rc by anQther wol'k­I l'f/.1., for H wlH d,,uhlle ·s be rt:mo ·ed n}roJl con1ple li on of his ,p:1 1'l oF n~e ·' OTk. StH)t.tld he fin i-sh his job beFore yon fl nisll ~ 't<Rl-.0. {i ·l ,. r-tno · e 11 · ~ card, you w-ould 1 c V\'Orking on the r act ir1 · i tlH, 11 pr, tf ~tion~ '!\~h ,n 't;Jl On.i h yottr p1n·t of the r ,\p~ it.·<r,, yon mu~ t N ' ­mo'l your . a~d . Hul s ttpJ")O~ e thnt s in("e you sta rt ~rl y nr joh~ Mr. . Ute ~lcc t rici~n~ H. the p,ip~ fitte r and e. the nti~lwri ght J,~-tt.·t~ 'ttLP :slhlrte'l _iubs on tht, ~.rnl<· ntaehi nc. :tnd c~h 'P f;;tc· .(t ~- c . rd fr,r llis pr-otection, H is up to t"ach one, not only t o~ rd:H;·;• lti1; ' wn ear t 11or lti pro t e<~li o n, but to r ·tnovc i t· vlt~n 'his ,,n rti •·•1 nr L!lart ot: f he w~t~,k i ~ (~t')rnp 1<• ted. Bcnr in nund ·,u, JL u~t nn1 r ·J •. H1VP t h(-" cn.rd phtt-(·d tht"'rC l>Y ·olllc olhr:r ~· or:ltt u rc ''fJp· 11 ·Jtully f( lr- the rerntiva l oJ· a f'aru i::; " ll\Il fEJ)l ­AT'E Df~CU HC . ~"' :.o<l H wftl in tlu• future, hn t·n f O'r r • ~l. l '~•rH-•rnher: '.fJJS ~· b,N l· O~ Cf._M'f~ ~. r T Ff H th~ pu,t,l,.(' l inn 9t ". u p}'~ t;$ • . )t Wt\,' SHVC YOU as wc iJ ~ ,.tl; ' utJH:r fellow, 1J·,,m a<•ci •~ n ~,J d 4tb Qr · ~·dons injury. SIM){Y S TOE OFF WKIJ . E HUNrffNC. r"u tOll . P1l1JI]Oyed on the \-\'t ad Y~rtd, was .out launt . i1 'Jn 1 0 Vt,J.fO b e r fHb nn.t r ct."ideuta11y shc•t his tot:. uJT. This is )l·obHb l ~ ttn{'l.thcr (39 c WhPrc he ·'dhln 't Hhn to tlo H"' hut l t"~ ~ur r,~ r d just t he s.un:e. ' • \ • • I • DO NOT START TI:HfS MACHINE UNTIL THIS CARD~ IS REMOVED BY UNDERSIGNED 10 DO SO WITHOUT AUTHORITY WILL MEAN IMMEDIATE DISCHARGE IT IS HERE FOR ~ PURPOSE SEE OIHER SID·E. MEN WORKING ON MACHINERY • ~ --- ~ .,. __ 5 f ' . I • • G THE L • MOTHBRS, DAUGHTERS, GRANDMOTHER, GRANDDAUGHTERS AND WIVES OF CHAMPION MEN ON A pI C:N lC ·p A'ij;TY. FATHER AND SON NIGHT OBSERVED. Father and son night wn fittingly eel hn\tcd a t the "Y' ' · S:llu rday night, November l:.ith, at "vhicl1 time t v.'o b1mdred faihers and sons, met in t:he aac:litorium :tml en te tcd into the Splrit of the affair. A gr .at many people fnil to rcR li ze what th is Fn tllcr and s n mvv ment mean · to th world. Tt h as Jwcn proven that in JU:t ny instances faU1ers nnd sons l ave he n drawrt c loser to-­get1ler , the.· hav been 1<'d to underslnnd ~ ~.::h other a'LHl Padl o ther - problems, as a direc t result of meetin g,<;;, such as the one which W<~s held h ere i n . tbe "Y" gym. Then~ is nothing th a t a boy likes b ~ttc r thao to be :able lo do the thin~ his daddy c:'locs and to go w here hl daddy goes. The WTiter was fasciunled i,n . tudying the boys <'~ nd llw ir 1'<'llb rs gathered ,at lhe banquet table. The boy ~ was ;>rou<l to he th r wit11 "Dad'' and Dad was proud of "the Bo •." This fe ling s houlu b fo."; lc T·Nl. Har d SJ1effielr1 spcoke Y'ry ctfed iv ] y of wl!(lt a grc·nl h c:lp father arc, of 'the ~r>fl t assi~ t a.H ·c tlH·y o 11 ghl lo tw to ! he h o. · w ho is meeLlng lhe probl ms of life, ph y~> lt :al , Jllcnt~1 1 nnd phituaL T. L. Jamison, in hi>'l in~n'ofil!1b l c ' :1 . , R ok· Dn th :mbj •N . of. \1 h. t boys Jl1ean to th ir fatn.cor . He pol·e J'ran l • .ncl feeHngiy, admiili:ng thnl ma ny fat he rs, o; cu:nc tinu .s f•nm p11r•' ·s I fJ s h1 2 , .n ~ I eel lh ·i r .hoy: . t tne u~·~- w h~n t h. • • .n. s JWt't l f11 €'m th Jl1(,~ l. . R ''· lr. Gibbs, pa. tor of t l RnHlh wn • tp t II -~(ns l Church~ ably vresiderl as toasl m st r. Jn h ls r •t l.fl rlf~. <HHl in llt in ­v ~·at.ion o e r d y · v. ' lr. ik ~s, wlli :h " as fJ. p-rny 't for Fathers ari.d on .• tb z· , . a¥ ft dignity < n I imvr"S"'j" n •. " whil• • louched ruany a ll a t. ~ec•r tary Jo-oes 1 d th in gin ~ on(\ 'ft r ~l f<• \1 l1ld tim song. , th speal er- f the • en ilfg, !\1 r. J\kC:u•ty, ti rwt·t I c · t·r~. tary of th ·ville " '{", W<: illifi'Hiu( •'(l. Tlw Jl ': er knew his Sl ·hj c t he as had nl <Hl. Y{'(trs VXJred ' IW iH h y: od~ lr Atn r-i . ·~l, was hH' s v .rrJl .'~'• r!ll enga~w~t iu I Ia=- "\"'' ,, o k jn In lia, and hi t a l w n fc.1n·dul 'lll l to t ht' l> in I. Jh• 1• ~ p~·~•h t1 • • · to each fl'l to gh·e more attention to bi son ."i;)a]" of the b t:r:r, to help him de ·elop in!t) str,.(:)n<1, hood. Tl1e banquet ' as served b_ the follo·wing l atli commit Le(' is deeply 1 nclebted: l\'lrs. 'Ted l· umess i\ lrs. F. \V. V toe M1·s. H. A. Ilc!d 'r l\1 rs. Claude l\fitt :\lrs. C. V. Hampton . . lr ·. vV de Ifi ll :T r s. vV. S. !\'La r li ri 'frs . \\.·rn C~1·h· in l\f L'> May 1\fr -. ' : . E. 'h if! ~d l\1 is!> lb.' "li ":' to nuk-e a <·I '• n man-to ·hom th ~d"OO'k5; H !l iLt 1·ton Cnl ·in Bwuw on Perr. · \\' t· ar1· .\ ~- ~ Jh i n •~" 11 <' ·• I Ll· 'U 'l'~ wh' j t>ht:l. I l 1 " .,. l •t rin . • llw th t IH'ilrt -J.wd •hn J·,· ~· h ,\ t' U1,. com, ~ o.t ·tuJ• ·•r u.f tfh~ b i~1 e t ( 't' · ~•nl , tl'\ • w .1ny ww r.•lll­. ·,•nt {ri ' l'. • n [ ' ' lth t ) •t : • '\1 l h.l . h ·­lt t ur y ~ H' inforn n th n tlw 'l. , r. .\. in o ll t ••rka lon llih p ot ••t·ty 1 •1 (· t uii}Ult.'nt •lrl !t ' • · •J •• hun.l ·cJ 111.iUio , nl 1.1•'-. If Ita· : t-th'Ul , j' n •·,.rh 1 rl:t" t. tiUion nu·n a l , ,.,_ ;\ ntl }i.; t t t h , '~, m Hl ' •Jwn .' \ll tr ' •1, wb · h r lt 1>1 ~ it ' ('H th \ m n t:t Lti tl l . ', ·i, , \fd . , or u. trali.:r .• u < e u llll'Oltt.• 1-tJ' t he'\" l )Jut itt""l,,o,} 'llHt ltf IIIli bP:r ·hip {i~·l,et il.~ lh~' "Y. r ~ant 1 .\ott.u,. l:z ~<lliwt. \ill J : rll'('t·f' t'1l • - 7 • • ·rHF SA 1E C ~1PJ:;\fG p_ 'RT'r WITH ADDTTJO TS- NOTE THE EFfECT., ON TilE CAMERA. /L t h f~ c ', fu ~ 1V\ hont t•'c.l in ~ny c.t Jwr ' Y."' lf 'VCHl ~o :to '- ~n ni:•, tc Chin~ •)r to tA r-nfi Iotii:l the J) re~ctn t Qtio n of yonr ~ick r·t t:,si\· ·u to ~:oh h 1·~ wi1! a:;~ur(.• ~·op •)f ~ ~ '.\:-trrA \ \·e l('ome ·":u1· ly ;\ ~ h,~-uld be proud of ~n ~ff ilt:H·iott _n<"h ltS t!Jj ·~ \V,~ n,1s.,. ·.J orii· old ri .nd Ltlthc·r !:iny·d f>r n·~C'nt l )-. He"· .:oRH't LtH h( r, v. ife hnrne? _1e1nh~r Po · t ---ns us l b o4 ~1 • used t n he :J IH1 tn d j ngc r ;-! t ht'H tin:g fJ' H L \Vt; bcli~e tltat for he ··t r:·ar down'' Hoy 1\ifn l­ti. ,n qnitc t.~tteA. flo:\. Hbc>ul it ,. Hoy·? , 9t!h• Burn tt<"' fnt he ~ ick. Jf(:• P"-t''~d sr:vcn lllitH.Jlcs the .o. f.t~,;- day withnl l sayi:l•~ !t ~·c1rd and the ll ~uducnl.r atn"~ t rotlh '.\ Hb: '·J 11 J,l "' any U1 r8 .tneu in the l.lj 1 d in~.~: (Snyder, Sor­rt ·.!,:o; ftl d H.: r ing wH1 p i,aasc stt Uf} Hnd take ttotj(•f') · ·:d filu.dodt i· ii gnod S-ant a,ril~n. lie ""li')£·.~ 1t ' t J11illd f,c}nq ti•iJ•Hne(1 It\ hi~ l~ffi;Jl,'A r , .·nrt t f \<\ant tu If :t:U :H in the fatnily, d•>n· \'"~1H F;cj~ ~ . --- ·-- . ihc . etHt<H""S t• tn!.· l.!l~ n . ·\'•r h ·•·d tl1c f(1 Jirl\~tn·r n(;)tc•: \ \"'.arn•JJ hw· ~Til(H'ny c~cT J,,. tnHh·l·tu1Jy (in i}.,o)J la t< l lT· 'Votult . r w h•tl it j .• \ 'f! v ntt•rt· 1u gucs.'\ J"l")S J~ BOY. " i t I a· t • t;; t 'l:J'~ a n \ i J If ~l 1 ill I t:' m y · H li 1 J • "q t v w t m t. 'W :1~ ntt1a ,, . \'\. tric•-tl 4u rind '• lt t i ~\•'" t'tt('l{C'd n u1• hr:du , \ H.: lJ' i.:c! to f 1J11k \\h{t{ f .Hl-!; ibtc r•! l t\l l i ~l·ti.{ li iJHf~ f"rJtdt l he f;c ~ f\-\ f' t n tbP efl t­r: l\:·;d of il l,n~r :a1td i lu· inql•·c; : p ttt•;tt nf lth f~ad's ~,o,,f ·1 tlltt<;. Th•· C!ltl_~ Utiflg \\ t., (.: OUid lbi.ltlt of ' l $o\ th~1 t HH·y '''t'<l In ''hiJI \;. If'( s'7 (Lad v• • rd-, ur ."\ } Ill' Edt l nf ~· J~. •t h to It~ \dH·H 011 1 Jrnbit·~ ~ . <lrriv d. \ ill • onw r ·f\dl.:!r uli ~hlc• n tt b. \\ 1 It n t h .fl s t . ( <.•( ~ i H' t() r }t~ 1 l r i I •J I d ~ ~ u t h . {"'? \ \' {' }I ~ ·~'I y 0 n , ()I d L•• ·. \' . ,. tH·t 1·!tin·! JH~ I f. \ ' J. ·.l ~ thr• nud tt~ r ? Tnnlhh~ t111 f h ) j ~ () r.r . s '! ~' ~1 i (."'(;_ how kn<.'tW th('l Tf'~l OI J. - -.-,.- v~l h . f if ~ ~·lH:#~ { }an, l'Xf,.:-lH led la tc ·fy. Yo,\l ·'"Cht · l '' (;,') ,.-~,·r ll:LOlhr:•r ·. A llH {;ny; \\~ n-.f a~ Heard in the Lohhy: «Heroove our h ats: Eh! \YelJ, w hy don~t they gJve as s<:>-i'ne hat racks?" . 01 ' Tfrnt'r Blra.y 1ock sh·owe1.· his teeth for n while nnd had llle other fellows gu-e ·sing. l\Iore power to ou n~xt ti me. Nels. 1'1•irly nine 1a~mbers nrc not to be snee7.{.)d at, C;ID}'Wi\_v. HlDDLE: \:Vhnt makes !fur ry Bly the n1ad \vhcn anoth('r f~l­lovv gets a ntn ()f fiftet' u balls? A ~ s \ r E l ' : J i Ill 1 ht f''d in g. Old M:1n Griffiths st art Pd tlH! ball rolling; 1J ~Hl the othet boys gtn'ssing for quite a 'vhilc. l\Ilght1y fine ' ortt F1 FTY 1\II~ \l'Ht:: ns. {)nr: thing thal makes the boys fo Jlow Griffiths i~ lhnt he is tilways d c licfhtfully Ffl:\Nf\ . n~ ;u· Editor: l lt~ ,.~ h<·en noticing 11 --t.-cry n tL'C young nu\n in IIJ L· ··Y ' ' whont 1 would liJ,e to- t)1e-et, but he ~tcn1s to he \ c r·y lJa--hluJ, so s hy that 1 haven't been able to arrangt~ for Hn intrndot·Uon. l am ~d'raid to be. bold, for 1 arn su l·~ he \voultl lw f rh:.htr·ll t 'd HY\';t.v a~hi J \\0\Jlrl nc\'e r -~('l tiH l'ha.ncc · to Jll<:.'l. . t hinl ~oule c·a ll hin, Don, othrr;-:; (·:1H hiJft J'la.rris or ~ mlc ~"H'h n,')nu· h •1t J A";l ft hint too c;;'\Yt:C f i'or anyth in ~. HtlW unn I lllt't~ t " - hull. S igtH ll ~rh~ Uoh Hair. . \n ~w r-r: Try "tc ndillt!. hi!H H box of ' ·Euts)• ~uu1e night \' h('A IH, is \\'( ll'k1 n g lht" gr:n·e~ at·cl o;;lli l'l. SOtlk t)( th~ n· . t or ns w h(l ntH'(" ,,~vrc ha heru t gnt b hnnn. l,nls o f fnH clli LI no b il­l t) I' I H . ~ ' . ,I Hs l f U t L, l h a { 1 ."'> n lJ. Pt·l'fHt P" il w r J1 ht• H hH\g. h:nd \Yi ll h.~ l· (h prftJ), but l h:1l "on' t inl('rl ( 'l'~ wi th tl.,hin g liUI ( r 1·:(1 fila.)• to-ell ''ho11t thnl .\ lin st1·d ~how that will be put on \\-itl l hwue lalt!nl en rty in l ~):~rl. u ~:r will ~l f •w ('(}td dt~ys pr ).v,·nt t ;,·n llc>ntc·n ff(llll rc­nHH ing lht ir h u t s- w iH'll th• ·.r u r in tit (: . y·,. Than! \\ut ! · lU~ q, ' ' • l 1 h ('H. H H1t t yiu g.'' sHit! \VJ1 H~ H. C<r-i1tc, '"1 hh k th ,.·,·e fip t I•. itu~ i t nlt: ml l 1.~1'1 in t ht' p nJwr lh i r (h¥~ Hl'!t~ lnf !'i llln t , And h tH' twcn ·irH'. lu l t> i1~ Uw l·'a1l. \"t,'H put iu t h<J l~t-n (\Op a hi ~ ' l N~fl·i · ~ ~ Ill, 'J'o l Ufi!l ht'll lht•jr d ay I. in' .,.,. fillY s h-ntkl't tlu h• l)l t{ t.' ' ".Hhc I . ru t t nt :nul bmt ~lt L · rt HH1 HE. ,.hi:ch ht' set f H an c"!irlv , k H·Il.t • 'Will . trirP to tht. ·witch ' " h idJ w td ( t u·rn on tlw lrl4htr .An l ! rigl t( n t h in g." all round Hn:• fn'l'fn l l tl -<'' ·.v flf't't l 'i u1e !hal t 1 urrC'rtt vnc:: ,I . cd flte h~t S l l UU't" ~l tta~h oll.l :r UQfJ C:OHl(' ff t l} . POO'S t . • • t) '\-H te t G.rut ~tid . Tl1 r~r<· n w _ gett in ,.( 'll !>. Unt tb ·/ g t o a.riy lo b.#>iV' So h(· I H th li•'hl r1 in the h ick n coop 1oft 'Ti I ten <:' - r ', .·:0 •u- . 'Til t'U r -nt for eL! .·'1 (}{)f"' n H •' would a., " o _om\~ of lh b n ·ouhi lay tw-o .gg,s n day. · Cl • rli" \-\~:t-mor l.:Hl' ,~- hu ngry f r e g g.-.; Bul no n fr b ep-_•T .:>uuld h b 1. Tilt he. l e· rd about ••\niH ·' bi«~ e~ plant antl sai!,l, . n ::t .k. Crut'; "l w.on't hu.M 8'-1e to try .' t~ mte ho ·it b. Charlie is Jik _ a fir. t Cotl .to. ~. id . Sur ,., and the next day h b ro:ogbt 111m a 1l o?.e-il. The ' ''"I'Y next m r-nin<"~ \Vh n CJHtrTi ' goorl -. if · ·~ fr\· n fl'l , 4g5 qom 0 Silf'k I 1• und tv tl w;it,h tou• h s elc tbat 1lidn't Ai v<· ~vny in . i1. t tSJ y ~-·r •{uit ·hard to 'raek; .:\ud 1!11 A~wrf:l· l)l)k ~d, be .·aid . ~o, t he,.,.e r o t. spoH tl, $•lf, ' •if, . , J t(•l yc~u. tl ('. •,. . tudy ll.flr l )Hit •I/' And hi is HH. p-robl n an-.c.tH~ uH the br:.~·s, n llj l"OOro n · ·-i b En~inM CrtJ[ D· l keep h-e r G( r d i ken. i.n 1 o.t 'I! 1 r t ,.u, A n.d "Jrk thr.m Jo-n t nrs t•• bl .Jt? . T t.' Ute •. • n t· '"<~.v,. tlv•y ·· y, ">Witb ~., an, we'r Jl(J t s pn ll u, · .nt 1 ·t ott> •Iur d£partru. nf h ~ct Ong hard h vHc ,'' • -.• n o( h . ~t thr:mn~ ;-u rl·l l.h ihtli·Mt e er 1iv a irt C nto • pull tl off !Jy H rr · J I 1U, o b r 1 '- L.'lCJ\'\> n u · "S€bo," r. . f . ., n· · t~ a•'() 0) t 1e • '" l'fi.T t.f. f~. Som folki­cl im tl a · O!ll ~o·' ,,not gn lft;tVJ I it cella nnu !l,v . ~ ih , but f'nn. £><-&t'l gt•t tndt!.r tlt•- T Jr ~r c;)J ·\ an l , .:JW t ·y -u i ~ H '<; an artist .at it. H:r· 'h-1 (• U.£· ~UH n t 1 f (' JJltJf'f·lt <·Ht Ht:' t i lu· ma ·n offt<:t·, .tod atchNJ ~ n fU>d •le f · <!mi-rtn ( rlll - s~ t~ . \ bo idn' t kt o. · <>lf • (' t abc~t~t t .('fl l J ·eh ft:tf rt.I-t than · ht 'd . fH· l, ~ tu .ant"' . i e t •w t ·1'1 st .a- <~1 t lm k Nfi 1'1 ·, UHHl 1. h· t. :tich t· 1 J! th of U J'-' ,r h ".d~.g, ·r ~·ltlp t , hi- n tfl ~t~ r o T~ t J<;Jl() t· .J h1 ' j e 'h.J l ~ J) ~'1>1 i. t !J1 ~ h:rj · rtlJ f H 'l''t 1' b • (':Ol•;n¢ of Uu: . . 'Hv · hittl twd ro.; tl r t i<• , t 1t': L\>. J i1 ~-· f.H lh · \ A • It· ·l• THvm.l .u 1on td ;•T < • irlt' :t h lfH), frH1d . f Jt {, \tt-1. l•• l tt eat , ffn<! .t , it! t "' t·fu~ c d ,, u. c m t tprop • >1 to :. Itt e i r ui ( ·' ta;J.d 11l •ttl t f , tl\) ·t lin;rl . i\.1. UJ ' ' t~ •• l not ll IJ.I iu t,_ u.-n l fw f llH~ b~· . iJ Sd.t6 (; ! nt• £ r, ·l>t <l ;,J1<l r f,. n d H.; ·i 'b• ilit J ,,,} ·r to 1· 'iJ1l' t in 'k · . • - • I hi h1• r n n ll 11 c~mpt ln pul th hidrr hlj4t-l b••r? lt I , did ,.tfJ lhlllk 4u~tkr or h hr If h" tlltl not, tr l1t• ltt'll ll·t lt ~o ftl «:! I ff it In . n~Ht· hL f ·~ t " tu rr•p !r nurl p y for, w J ~ •rw he wiU ht\ · a ·IHuhh· oT l~t .rrt • 111l mnt> t:tro.llct ~1 Mtd UJ HI«: •( · 1 tn l'lfH'llf' '\·tty, { 0 uti hr . .,. utptn('nt t' t . t <~ .r :d IUI')tl{'. . rul fl In Of it Js .J'A.lkl 'Ji ·Hitt tlnlft rn. d Htrn tn -t"l~ Jmbf , ff tl · I'H' .-. . ( o.:J _A_ lSH STO .,_ h"< '('i n .v !Ill !'(• f}1H1H•·rl ln the V-.ul s• Hh• J·:~n flh\ H<, l , Loxd ~v illt.•, h. y., I l}l(')'l'l tniltwti!:' l l'l.'ry or ho J ' P V. H. J. Hunt r, :i Po i*Hl ·•"r ~rn: 1'1'1· 1f ilw l'n· hYlt r i:,n ( J 11HT' (tl t11ls ltJ', llti.V p 1l ~ lt H' or tb.t~ H('tJhib p,., ·;;l-l'yt •d a n Ch-tHr.:h tl:t Ft nr Cref~k, y., ln"i ! h i~ " 1, ·. l $)1 11 1.h y .·uH.'' \.Vh{i •· lh ~l (lcJ')i ~ n~l <;, • Ilit lf. " fi h" '' . t'rf , • •· n'l' · ,,f n n pn' ~ ll ilut to rpa:!IIH,,n .lht> tr11ttd''utn s uf H . IH· . r . rv j.s ns I olio' .,: • Orw ( ' \. *;' ll i tl!~ h-t t . ·kA Hu J' ' · J•. J. l h !H "·t"~ r~. tm: nf tb l t'! lJ Lt-th 1 '!-f'~ h y t (· r i t~ n <·ll t.~rr•ll 11~ F r•t11 ~P ~d<, · ·t·t tl a t ·k ~r t f'~:~O p n:L, m tb d t >l' of' h i . ho r , hif>1i i!i l• ·:1 !'t1l ' ~ d 'li~ ol Hw I'Lill ll x-t d0 . r t o th C"l'tnte'lt. , _ mm!1; m ' • L' JI-ft !;."et a ' l ift'" J"e atJ•{ th l' d ~u-in the da:r if he enuld o nl • td a fJbt . to . ,~ (or 1 .n.igM. i"It . fi:u;nte.r, who i. a ~t i ve f. ~orUt C· :roH t. h l h. l-n­l OtJ~ instJn~t of $mtt he_rn l o:spi.t li:ty stirred. n t . o h . i 'i * 1 't:tie s tr:.r.ngor in anU ga-1\·e hhn ~ bed. Th m n ~ ar~ a ~ l.aH qa R g . ' 'Vht:n morn-i ng r ri erl tn~ }lost r e. ti hi t. , h-:<>. H rm t.ol'. J't1:1.d met v H h 1 n fl • 'tlf>n l h ) h r f 1l ft• ! a., p · v)r~ui> l .Y" ft:~.t <.l Wl'l!; . unuhl.e to a tfcnd to b · • ·~l•J . J.~it-s • mi1~ i'l;i t c r, t iter !o.rc . I t't . f r . J t'o :Yo to I) · · lil~ h d n It ' l'll'l <Jollt tl:) t h.<• k it ' ht>n and pr pared fl n • 1 { ~ Hl · b-{.,.,(. ~ • ftt<' ~1 appt t' • ba<·~m. • ml C'OfC< .• , p·p , t-ent( · Itt" ,.;o ~t n~:s ~t f l H1 :-~t " 11C WOtl~d I :I f f t (ll h-1 J'lh" "}'() dn te the Jnlni tcr n. s n t bt'· ro rwn hba. dCJlil ·t ur l\fr. Hunters t ~ t uit- th ltU . _ --- ~ I .E C n t o , f~tb. t •' • 'NH ll t fh dnfl r 1 r "-t'l d u tw ltitc iH • ~ t l • '\VtX d It om lo\':.tdH. di \·I • l t ut I l t t~ f ·r, t ·Jlin-g th · t. n • ,r " u n• l ud fll~rr' il, '· Un1- on t"( •n o ru t . t:lj)f'titlt 1Q l!l , . t) t t h J) 1·t t t: 'I - S -. tl~ - o~ ·nltll l ' . •H.l • ·r.tfftbnu.t ul f 1 ' tl • 4f J1 I t'it\ tlhl\ : t l oom t tJ, • 'i tp' l. H ~ tl OOht 1f 'I' Ul(U !h f.l • t >.;. ,.,._ tlif tl ~'" -H I hn.,. J. ~ ·. ""l- ' . !!) t il>< ti. t ~,;.t.'¢1, t n ' ¥ktO~it l .,t,l, tb . it~ \thl d i • > ufl .b · ' . • • ~ . •u r u b I -\'!1 rk l> [ u l • • • • • - •. The Chri"stmas Success · • ' BY. ~ ''METROPOLITAN'' MAN Chri'"'tmas Day is the g"reatest ·universal success in the Christiru1 calendar . The npirit pervades the four corners of the earth and reigns ev.erywhere. It is re e 1t it:t the greetings and gifts everyone sends. The advent of the day is ~­n un<;ed ·n carols and· hymns, and it is advertised from one end of the world to t! e other. Its emblems, the Christtnas· tree. the Yule log, the holly \\rreath, and tbe rnistl toe , are present i~ every hon1e, but greatest of all,. the spirit of help­in is in every heaFt. - Ghristmas Day is the greatest n1onutnent of co.-operation in the modern. ~.,rid . The spirit ;whie~ prompts a common hun1an feeling, a . feeli~g of helping·, 1s spr·eading to extend itself throug·hout the year. . ' . ~ '"l1ile the sp~rit of Christmas reigns just {)ne .day, co-operation is ~eginning an endle s reig!n in the ir1dustrial world. It has come . to be · most powerful factor in business progress. The employer who refuses to co-operate with his ~·or~e1 . s ana the workers who refuse to co . operate with thei~ employer today :fi11d tb msel~es in the positio11 of the h,orses in the Aesop Fabte. Tl1e hor . es re­. .'u e<i to l1elp a druaging, burde11ed ass, but '\Vhen tl1e ass fell dead by tl1e. way­. 1 e the l1a-ughty ho.fl1se was compelled to carry the entire bttrden. himself . . Gr.oup Insurance is a g·reat burde11-sharer.~ · Jt is 0ne of the keynotes of co- J)er tic n and ane thing which an e1nployer inay l1elp his employees to secure, \vl ·ch ill be elVidenoe every day in the year of the feeling of helping which .e l1as fer his wor kers. ~ - G <Jup Insur ance keeps alive tne spirit of Ch1istmas in i11dustry:, .and helps care ·io, ·he family of th. e wonker· in case of unexpected happenings. . ' .ur Group Insurance Plan is a syn~bol of the hunlan feeling which is help­ing ~wrr. out th Christma;o) feeling through the e11tire year. I ,I, . I • • • • ' I I I t I I I i I l • • ' -- . --·- -- - . A Y! What about the banquet for the deparln'ell making the best Record during Contest? L . you interested1 , OR you will interest others if y-ou are in dead earnest yourself. . ACH accident is a "Set baek." . ·. THE accidents PREVENTED count in your favor-. . . . ' OUR deparfmeot can win. . - • • FmsT, play safe yourseif and say: · ''I WILL obey safety rules, cut out a11 • OUGH stuff, tell my fellow workers about . . AFE practic~s, and tben we can go up l - HE banquet." • • ' • • • • • • • • I '