The Log Vol. 16 No. 10 (1933)

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersv...

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Main Author: Champion Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1933
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Summary:Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. • .' • • ·. - • • • . • • • • • • • - - Tl E P RER OR 'FHl~ MAGAZINE lS MADE IN OUlt PLA· T OUT OF WOOD FROM T"HE FOREST OF ~ -o.TH CAROLINA. WE MANUFACTURE ~,- GRN~»·~ {)F BLEACHED SULPKrt~ PAPERS~ ){ CHI!\"E FINISH. ~ D SliFEIVC.ALEJ. DERED. ~ ~_.4:-.__:.,.,.;;:.;;.;. . .,.:,.o~---~._.;,~ . ~._., __ .__~ ,.,.,.~ . "'--~:-. . . . . , t . 1 . t t • . Ex\:~Tpt £t"Qm Hpt , J c1m~ ,1\. ••ma. f'lt.}' ., Adf l1e:, . ·· ·--·• • · · · ) • • • 12· J" • ' • • • ~!hoeve1~ ean. turn his weeping eyes .to hea·ven bas lo~t nothing; for there, abov·e is eveiything . he ean wish for here below. He only is a loser, \J.iho persists in looking do\\711 on the nar:ro\v plain~ of the present time. • - Richter. • • • ' • ' ' • I • • ' i t ! • 1 ' '' ~• • ,: £ . • t ;. I '• ' e ~ ••• • .I. t. •' •-•• •• • i. • 2 f.:y 1l·\. 1l<'tP';).· E it< \1 C ~at~on·~ Hu ~ 1n '· ~ d ll H ·t r d .,t thl' lndu . tl'ial ((t11f~r-en t' July 1-. 1ue ltidg , ·. \ :;a" 1 1 "1 · tht.l ind u ' Lrjal r elat iun., ' ·ur1· thai 1 a.-; 1 e~ n d 1ue- i11 the htst t'v ~nt - ye::t~ ha:-; b · t1!-!ht forth vcr,\' great fruit rtt thi~ titrte. h LJ,t ~ ·at de res~ion s that ~ e have han in the l-ni Pd >S, all of th 111 had the . arne ba~is for the r ubte t ' e1 ~peculation. over production and labor cLspuie,. 1-;hi depre .:ion has had the two, but not the third . I thin)- this is due to the fact that we have a b tte1· ·pirit of a co-operative nature between em­p'oyer snd en1ployee today. It does uot take a very Jong n1en1or~ to go bacl. to one of tho e depressions ,,·h.en '~ e had to put Federal troops on the trains to get then1 through, when the Penns rlvania station vvas dynan1ited. So. despite the very blacl\: days \ve have been throug-h. V\'e have something to be thankful for, na1neJrs that employer and employee relationships have improverl. I am to speak on the state of the nation: I ~·ant to speak about the state of business, bec~use it is true that the state of any society depends ·upon the state of its busjness. Our educational institutions our churches, our government, depend upon the state of business. 1 like the good old .t. \.nglo Saxon word that defines busi11ess, namely; trade. Because business ac­tivit. T is nothing more o1· less than trade. Trade is ex­change of goods, commodities and services. Every ex­change whjch yot~ have to give society and which I ha e to give, that makes but.: ines :-~ actjvit.v. Trade in these days of complex living, has come to the point he1 e mo~t of it depends UllOn confidence. In the bc­ginnfr, g "'·Jv~n Y.'e wjshed to trade comn1odities '"e used \\ ~unpum o1· beaver .::skin, u1· son1e oth ~r such comtnod i­ty. \Ye fina lly e~Pl1e to monc:•y bt1t we (lirl uot stop t.hcr·r. We hu iJt up th(• g t'uHtest credit . y8tent th;:a.t the . t,rtd h , s e1v·1!1 ·.en. lu t ll P hcgi fluit g wh~n \V~ \Vi hcd t~, , . Xdt(.L •:.J" '>Uf f!(;, , ls, 1Ne c·nt: tlJ the HtHrl f\t plat!', .&.tH1 aJrJund th cern ~r of th t .;quar f'},(ltt.:. \\'< r ~ hop., trrJl<l ~rni tla s, th; JVJti<·~, tc. You wcut to a , tall nr l,ooth, and l'i<•}<c;J HJi t 1 .; tl1 ing thn L Y<)n 'vi sh~·a t.o buy. Yt} ~ 1f,~!:C t lv~ t HI u <.·t)in. ~\I J,ith }n" pr<rlll}1tly hit to rn l<f· : Ul"O it l · <"1od ou L<·ld .on to tiH• gundsf nnd H~ · t s f lt (1 \t:J .~r ··-~ fh" f ttud~d . FinallY tonfid n(•e • • (';f IH~ . WP IH ·~,; n to 1Jt1.'1 b Ut f:. l vlt>. Vlt h;arl full (~(Jtlfid c !J r>( th · t H lr :tu\1 ru ·t UJ"•AI would .~l ·Ud fj, ar­ticl( s ;.H:('( )Jdi:JJV tH th\) · aJfr}J I• ·. 1 h· did not . ay '*Pay nu• fh . t 1 ~ ·:1 1 nc)f, tJu ·t VtJU, I t'HUJtot dfud 1< t il " fol" uul• t t.• u11 · :t ,, ' llr.,y rn v b1l )(JI', · [I It'f •• P1>t:\ on Pc·lt v l~l . ' A Jittf ,) late 1 w•- •!;-~n •;# to l y 1, p ·{~&fl atiCJn.· 71 itL 11 (JUt in :t ·u1 :d(J;' t Hn 1 ' ' c· ft. d tl · f u hi n · t bat It ". ~ultl ·om accot·ding to tl o e ~ ifieati ,n . "·a:1 \'f ha\, huilt up thi rganiz tin. " ' have fort v billion. on devo~it i he all Wl:!nt t r, the balfk~ at ()flee. , ~ithdra"· th · · o \Ve 'Otlld have anc>t'h(·t 1arch 4tb hat•I r1jng . ~ame i R true 1n our )jfp in urance fi<:l . . e lla: e th l C Un tr~\r n •a.rl,V' tY.'e TI ty t iII' f1S re C•JU 1 Or-r \V on our life in urance poJicj ~k uppu "e an rushe.rl tlJ the life jnsuranf;e com:panie: mo O'N nd ~a id ·~Gjve nH! the loan on lTJ ~ · policy.'' IVhe1e could thev fir,rl the ntonev? f:,<)f·au e these dolla~r tlTP not • allo'A·ed to rest in th~ v·a uli ·, they ate ( , ea:rning in-terest. rfhey mu~t be put t0 ~OT}< if th~ inSUl'anC-=~ companie: are to fulfill their con .ract . In thi . .:tifi Ia­tion you see the backbone of it is c0nfldence. Confi­denc, e in yot1r fellowman that he ~·ill d0 rhat l1e ~;s he \Vill do and that he \\·Hl be aole to fulfill hi . cantrac and his agreement. We gone through a period when that confi­dence \Yas badJy strained, " ·hen it \va acking. lt as not the :tockmarket thal hroug:ht about hi de .,acle. The stockmarket was the re ult not the ca . e. It \Va~ the 1·esult because the people at once lo ·t fai h in lie future, and faith in them ·elve ·, and faitl11 in the .()ther fello·w to do \Vhat he pronuseti to do. ~ s a result fn1t . yea1·s ago \1'e began to paint dire pict e of ~ha "'·ouJd happen. Hi_ tor · "~ill record it th i. way. '' E! began saying, HTh.ere are going to be 1x millions of unemployed this " zinter . , Then it got into pt)}itiest and the patty out of po\Yer said, ·'The adm1nl.:tra ion does not kno\v the dist1·ess that \ ·e are going to hn\ e this '"'inter, thet·e "rill be seven million out of "·ork:· Thi:t 'vent on until "'"e had 16 nuUion ~ ou1:. Qf ,. rk. I have searched ruv records. and I ea11 find no record that • ho\VS at au v time that \ve had rno1·-e than nin n1illion· • of people out of 'vork. \\re h:1\ ~ . aid ··\\ e hav ov ·r production and the people cannot bu.·. · ··OveT pro­duction hns cau --ed all thi~ tr ublt. ·· l b lieye it w had broug·h t all the t hings '' t ' aid " :\ l.arl o\ ~t· pi·o­duced, and piled thernl.lP in tht:: pui lh:. ttlctl'{, \\e C[)uld l1ave found 100 people '\\ht' d ~ll'td ea<:h of th( .:ear­ticles nnd \\·ho \Vet· '"illing tt ~' •hau~e th ir cou1nlo­rliti H. It "us not ov r producti\>U. It ,.a th f<\lnrc of ont· di. t.l'ihuting s~·~tt•nl} out· tailut·e in thi · c lnl­fJln. life io di tributt' propt·rl) tb . lt':ult: t' th 1 tlur of ou<• n u'\n for tho~ ' l'P}'CU lt.s t f a no h r n1n n. !'V e ba two rf\ftt \Vh<'t.'l~ thnt piet n•·c out· iudu~b i~tl \ife,- th product inu \\ ht't!1 and th~ ec n ~uu1pt.iou \VlH' l. \ ·htn th .\ Hrt' iu Ill h productit)ll ncv ·r "-' t:e 'tls dt'U1'Uld aud ut·v 't' \ ·ill Ulltil tiH'l"\1 is Jlt)l a f rujh in th lan,l • lhnt. \Yilt ~f. nnd up atul SH.Y ''))on't prnduH.\ any nu.1·c, \\'t.' .h1lvu all the n ~essiti(-'S of lift' \\' t) llt'ed .'' \: · h~u all tltt• (~ouv nieuc(,a ~ llr upplie,l tlu\n we ''ill u1 \' on to t hHt r.:uln\ of 1uxuri .)~t und nu nuu1 t'UI\ lin1it lh ~ pos­sibiltti ~ of h pt·otluc.·tion t)f lu ·.uri~s fol' the h tlOHl nu~ But \V) SNSll01 d tht ci f tll i. c~ ttitude t 0\V~ • • • • • ~hi e ·~di ~' ,· ern \'·nicl, is t e \ ufnlc.n e fl.,.,v ( t~ · ·1f lte ·witihnv. • of ·cou:fid nee. " ~ be4·l Yd fhe1·e '' rt-ul~ be a •t· :t ntt ll i e.· of unetnph\,. ~d ilJld '' ucgcro \iig11t n o :t' bell . ~ ttlt i.h·"' ·w~ c . l'T)e Lo. this ~ata- • • y~ 1. Trit\ny· t mt~ \' · ,-fit h ~ r etu-ned: 'Ne h~ · e the ~.P \.i !atr~ · ~ tht.ude. [v-e r~ on~ of us is a speculator. l'f-11e f~l rrt~r w h :t l~ ·t .• gr.aJn in the g1-o_u:ud, ipecuh.t,te,~ tihtlt tb:e.l"e '\ill be n ha.r e::'t that th~l·e v:;.n be .ft;un • and· th~ . .:.:t.n ill shi e. The tn ·rehant \\ l1o })ttl -~ $1'00 r ~·:th of g nd:.:. ().ft ;h i . hl1~lve.s:: s-peculates th~t there 1\VBl be a eu~tonter \\' ho ·wi ll "want the se good$. This l:--~C\HaU -~ stind l& rJ{). ': l'ettlrning and' as a result \-ve ~ ·.}'e :U t'tl nin.~, and e<~nmlt)dity price.s 1'.\ave goue np. .Ve .:~e that in the transportation fiel rl the car­kJHd:: ng. lun·e i.c'lefeasvd, and e\7en:where a retu-ru of that trading, that €Xcha.nge of co.n:nnodities that rnake f.u1· J1e ' l are ·t."'f a nation. Some tl~ing\ t hat ma.v ~v•r d.:i · 6usine. s ~ti vit~- attd may ~use it to be only a ~wnt ''· fu·-.;t of :\11 ~o niany 'fallacie . ab0ut our ee . m1omic &.y ten1. As I carne in tl1 is morni:ng I beard &>Ir-tP ~ irr·ng v.ords about ' ·I~et there be light" and I un. \ e need a great deal more ligh t on thes~ ee-. (Ul:Otttic subjects and not so n1uch heat. For insta:nee We J1&l.i that only 2~, of the people O\vkl 98% ri.f the weal ~1. • . r-t any one ·who would j ust take a little eonun:un sen~e and vie'"r that staten1ent 'vould realize huw rirlieulous it ;.s. This country has the greatest W '"'attb. of an~ r COUPt\1". 0:f aU tbnes, and j t is. the n%:fSt wid;ely dl< tJ· ·:. uted wealt h. '~' e hear a great deal about tl~ mortgaged fa1 rn . 5· % of the fa1-n1s in t his count ry vre 11 en:::t l1'ttJ€red. If you take off a few tno'rtgages of \ a1·oand . ~100 Gr a J5ttle men~. it goes up to f57~o , Thei'e r fe .,1:: ·. ~ vf the h•~n1es in the country unenc.un1bered. C)l,xt .'-fiYe nii1liOJ:lS of us have life ins,u:t~nce }lolicies. lN!.eY~ j~ tJ at m~· ~·e hav.e paid into the life in­s; ttrance eonlp&nies? rt is jnv~sted in the JJrOperty of , U1 ~ lanil, and yet \Ve are \Vllling to swalJo\~1 the theory thc-.t Z ~ o:wn 98~ of the. ·,,.-ealth of the country . What w.e need i~ more of thes.e simple ramifications of trad-e. f ead irJ the "-\•·hLViile Citizen tJ},at the oo-oi~inato.x o£ toe n1jJroacs h~· d t v1d tl'H~ raiiroad rm.esi"dents that the · wa~ dra\ving too high sala t:ie~ Who is to s-ay h(Y \' mvc~ a £nan i . ' v.orlh. I have found that eompe­t iii m p ""et :~ v 'ell taL~ mu·e of that. We lnig'ht say . L1Lat OlarUe Chapli11 is not worth $LOO,OOO a year . ·aut J think that. Charlie Chaplin. could take that furn1y · cane an(l . &.Jl\: .a.nd g·o out to the public an.d p~ s .fl't'f)tll1d t he Jlll t. anal he '* 'Oulrl pto1Jahly get the same • • arnoun,t fl"n 11~ lhe Ullb fie. B>Ut it go~s mo.t·e cbee,P),y- than t1ui\$. You het11· t his rnorning about self Justificati<m. 1lli t j u: tj,:f3c~ t i o:n cornes aloxag in th . ,.e g1·~duatwns of'ie-s. J&~>i'e1 \~·~11-ard. \\' tth $7!3.,~tJlJ a >'ear carne ~P a.~ e~ }· ho-rer on t l ,~ tr.a.t:!k. fJt1t under hirn a:r · a ~ undred v ,tfU sand !lt'H~n {Jf . n differ·~t gradtlatirJne-, Fot· m.)t n pnr t. I ha '\·e alwa., • been glad 1Jla t ~he-vti were · gh ~ klrj • e higher brackets. I fot1nd that an Italian econnmisl had wodt~d out a fo r­mula ·thi~ wa. ~ The nlft.n to earn , 100,00(J is like a marble. Ii'e must have fvur mt1.1blee uodc:r this one mar ble befoTe it can go to the pscak. There mu3t be fou.:t· men ea.Tning $50, 00 on.dPr the one e~nning $1 0,000. 'f·h,f.H.'e mus,t be 16 of lhe nexl gr~tLl uation . and 256 of tl~e nex t. but nc.x L lower thet·e ·were 400 ·who paid ·a, Httl less, ancl so on frown. 1 tried. tQ work that out in our OW11 country but you eallil0 t get f t'<Hll the 1neome lax r etur11a the ex-act ea.l."ll.ings of any nun for 9 years. l\1aking all allowances I found that .in 1928 t h.:ere ·were 253 who paid on a million doll~ll'S in­C'Ctme. it ·worked out exact'Jr aecord ing to the fo'l'1ll.t1la. l foun<l i.n 1981 that 253 had dropped to 7.- I did not ne.ed to go any· fur ther, beeause since 1928 we have some 8 or 9 nt.illion of our people who were in that · lowe~· group earning in 1927 "vho are not eAtrnjng today. li biH passed whjch p1·ovided that no ship company or ~ir~pl~ne· s ha:ll pay n1ore than $17)500 a year. I know·· that S'enator r o1tris in a bilt brought befo1·e ti1.e. Senate p1·ovided that no one employed by 1V1uscle S'ho~Js ·Shcmld r.eceive mo."Fe tJ-a1n $1CI.,OOO. When a-sked h:o"r they: ar1~vred at the figu-re of $10,000, they stated 'hat n.q Senator of t he lJ. S. made tnore than $10,000 a year~ .Some bitls have been produeed in the states as to mao.hine1·y, that ma,cbjnery has taken n1en out of industry and brought u:s into th.ese difficulties. Abotlt every te:n years since ·we have had te~hnocrats they wo·uld rise up and say that the machines are causing us aU the trouble, and throwing :ruen out of - work. 'l,'hen there is the fallacy of the olde.r man being thtnwn out of industr y. Go back to 190'0 and see how many .men over 45 we1·e ·employed, 61%. Go back to 1930 and see how man.v rne.n over 4-5 were employed, 61.0.1_%. We heal~ a .great deal abou-t child labor. In 1900 ·there were two million five hundred thousand c.hildren uJrlder 16 emplayed. In 1930, through a pro­ce ·ss of evolution ana better undel'standing less than sori·,coo . a> drop .()'( two million . If we cou1d explain these things a:nd show that there i a good SU;Qs,tautial reason for them we 'vould do a.V\ra·y \~it" a }Qt f'.lf tJi js s'uspiclon a:nd distrt1st. I -wish to touch on ·one thing that is giving us a-11 coneern, and that is a:bot1t taxes, "~hich are l'eacbing alarTning propoetiion a. We collect in this c<;un t.ry 15 billion dollars for go-vernm.ent overhead. The earn­ings or all of us are around 32 b:Utions; eru·ly 11a.If of ou1· eamjngs g-o fox govenunen.t over.headv :Niost of us L1e1i~ve that the rich pay the ta es. E er., law . that we put on the st.atute books carries with it ad-ni1nistt ·ation ~nd. :vln~i.nwtralli<>R co~ts something~ Ad­n- d Jti stra ion by yo tu· ncrigh bor and n1-ine CQ.IT i:es. with· it taxation. Men do no.t wot•k for nothing . • OJ., 1'fl ' 0 " 1 D W Jl\ Ll- l~ 'rJ1t\ TIC CITY ·l Mr. W. M. Benzing, left; Mr. B. S. Oles, right Mr. O!es, ·who ~it11 Bill Benzing, our Sales lVIanager, seems to be enjoying f ully the salt air of the ocean on the Ai'antic City Boardv,,al}{, is President of the Oles Envelope Corporation, Baltin1o1·e, Mary land , and has long been one of our valued friends and customers. - - · -- - One thing t11at makes me mad is the cha1·ge that bu siness got us into thiR depre sion. The busines ~ me11 \Yet·e not entirely to hlame. Vl e were told to lend n1oney to F;outh America. and Yaise th eir standards 'lJ Jiving, to help then1 so th e./ could huv the output of fJUr facto:t'iP ·. the. e Juans ·cr·e ~up r i ed by the U. S. Dep;n·trnent of C r)lnm~rce. It might hav beeu hAd j ud~rr1oot but uu ·i nesf.\ wa~ not alon in t lH:lt bnd JUdgnt(~nt. Politic:.· t )ttl ns to l e r~t JUon :.- to E urop '. l'olitjcs rnus· IJ -a r lJC.Il' of ·th blan e. J• cau ·c in the l hH·t 30 y ~ar pofitit hH · J tad ~ gJ t 1c t d :J l to do '" 1 th th . rOc 1 air . rn ·nt 1f ' V•~ l· . ' l>U ll) . ~ iJ th r l fnit. d HLat .:'). 'f oday W@ have i v ·d 1 h ~ Pl ;.sid )nt 7ith 25 rked .h 1i ·he r.:·at ~ e"Slten'ln ntt the lltu~t sac- --·~,·~a' e t·' UPf\ in an h i ·t y · this ~moc-t·a·c · of . 1. ·epr: · ta ·y·e t1t" :\\~ . ent are our neigb- · t n,. . u met . \~O ki g eon~cienti{Ju ~l y · LllU .1 :{! ;o :tntt l ~ wlU of the peup1 on tfie t.atut~ ' l?uda. hav te '~iu df th c people on the an!l if we are gOOd sportsnu~n we wjll . .o im . ent tho. la\\S. Government ad- " ~ . hould be sympathetic and have opel• r en ( i() t.he d.ift~rent complexities of in- • .,, .:to~ J> at t ~ san1e ti n.e tl"te business 1nan shon.Jd ~- ~ · ·? fit etPJ)t to follow the SJ)irit as weH as the ~ 1 tter. f the u :v;. la'\1 · . That is the teast we can do :y . e are ei~e.ns of this gr~ democ ra¢~' . U t few S, the markm, •"' . · clr Attd a uh,Jse duti&i that mu t be coordinated • • , aiJft t •· ~gnt r,~.Jl.6 it bu,~,UE;SS 'is t(1 ptQS))er. ~ ~U . . "~·· . L~ ar~ a~ · g f'uT. a ge~Jetal. hu i eo pickup. a ~,j f loa: at en:~ fn anta.z.ement,, BecaUse. there .ia no '~ ~4· !, t~ · ·ng general m1tilD~1 it fa fn&de UJ) of sm''fl ~r · . #Y te sa~ there is D.Q ['lace <for th~ sma.ll ,. . si •e · ~U1 e _·g. are a.HowQlg fhenf e ~ rget hat tJKtr ~re 470,000 corpo'tatiou ·e.a£ at . e ~a ~ th~ mter~ ReVenue .A:s iD he past we aH coming out of th de.o-ot . 1·(,_ggb thif · g bui , bUt throop tl. ~ ~b'teel e•noot c10 a thing · l ou tD BulutH liDda aa fpt titeel. ~ trom the :Ultle biliDaJa. . &me matl • • • ' ' • • • • }Ul in DuJuttJ ftnd~ . tJ ~(; f~:~r a n~ pJant (,r new ,equitJ· Ml~ nt:. which can · f u! . tht:re to cook it. ' • ' • • THE LO --~---~ --- ~ --- ~ --- · --- ·-~--~---~ I ~ t Legionnaires Marching Down Miehigan venue, October 3rd. 193:i • LEGIONNAIRES IN CHICAGO HE Annual Convention of the American Le­gion, '\\'hich met in Chicago, October 2-5, v.ras attended by perhaps 250,000 legionnaires. Hotels, JJoarding houses, rooming houses and hund1·eds of private houses \vere filled 'Yith thern. All day and r1ight the streets were lined with men ' ea1·ing uni­forms, ou L for a g(JOd tirrre. Each nighi frotn nine o'clock in the ~-venin until daylight the next utorniru;, those residing in the n1ai11 business diRt ict, \VeJ e , rr1llS<::d f rntll he1r slurnJ r by ~ ter, Hie lJvtnhu/(hn nl J t lJ., in1aglna ·y elH;)tnY, '"" it h e>; 1 ]t,sions of uracltine gun n.tpidity. ') h 1< g-io11n~dr . s tonJ f>J , fU'3Rron IJ f th · c·ity ;u1d }1011 ·e1r1 u e t fJO\\(H~­} f-'~S 1o :-.t 'l' tJJ tJrut ClJl s ~t:~'fllOn ft y lJo . dt<.unpt was Tn r"lrll' to j n h~J f• e with th , . n1 in th ·i,. teb1 a 1.1 Jll. 'Jhr; r,af'ad j• on Or·1oiH,·r iSl \VirS: ·tJi t •t fnl r~v . l. lluJ,. d.~,. d s tJf thuuHund oi :·\f r~r·t~tu1 · rack fl th · sicJ ·aH :-; alt1ng A1ichig3tJ A' . 1 <' v·!V h r lt , 1 a t4 ;-ttlP ~ > l pa · . \ d on tts Vlay tn the J t. . vi . w'u :r ~c. J( ·r, ,' ~ldi 1 '.! i'lPl<l. Morn f.httr• 120tCJ HJ (l .~.- i'~hli i · • t , w(jrtJ in l u~ litH• of YnaL th. si: I Unp- Ht I Q n'r·l( r• l in l n: lH) ·rullg aud (rill · t,inuing to 1naT d ~ J r jJ o fh . 1 ·J .il , I u ~ ga.r gHn-- tuan revel. FTom the \vindows of hotel~ paper bags fill­ed \Vith \Vate1· \¥ere dropped on pede<:>trian. . . no,,,_ storn1s composed of feathe ~ fron1 hotel pillo''Ts an l shr edded telephone directori€$ ::;,, ept th st1eet~ . . ln one instance they stripped a tratri<! cop do m to hi under\vear and badge and vr~l \r d hilu to report at the g_uardhouse. At tate and .i~dam8 "' l reet~, th t;.Y m, na_g d to con­trive a eries o.f traffic bl )tk~ dPs that 1a&tcd fron1 teo. in the ev ning until p:).t n1id11ight. Lo 1notivt'\S \\ere driven Un·ough the ~lr f 't ' \Vith clanging } Its, to Uno· of V\:hi tics . a uti an in • nnt 1 ang! b, ng! of srn . n cannon. Jn th ' p1n·nd \ \\·tre l >co nutive., ·t . ide,,·he 1 t.e· nl­. buat, <.\ " l ~eap-iug· Lflun'' tHlttHll{ uil th·tt l'e, l' d it"' lf upnn 1ts hind \\lH:'t\1~ aurl ps: rCo1·nH~d o flt t•t• in1po . sibl "' f aL!3. ' l'lt(· d f l-tfll co11):-; \ V(: r ~ tt tit~ ~d in ~· ' '.ry tfHlr i\ ble t .\ pt• z1 ll 1 t•>l O.L' of Ull if,)f'lH. )lit' tl\ pa.tnrth s : (l f;H1H"' · uni( fn) IJl r l•ru :.; l a in 0\t.: r~LIJ antl lt• \\\'hel L.', a CO\\ ­lJo. Y unit froJn 'P\ad in .·CllJ)brt r< t' : n lloHy\\' od )uttil and an l quipngc dnt\\'n b a rn •,·haHical \\ . ( d en rnul 't\dliclt bull\ · l P• riuctic<11 lH 1 (jeiH•d ., ilh itas hi 1d l gs. It h nd h•(' b ·ic· light 5 fol' t y ·~ . It '' .l · une hil 1·iou c·u·ui val. • • • • • 'EHE LOG 7 'r 0 r 17th, Qi~ " " Tter1 uarolina Saiet.v ~Ul~·f· ·1 ~ue ' th . ~l.amr'itn• Y. ~i. c . A"' at 7:. n o "o\Ocl\. Mr,. : F. Odont, ~· a~ 1 ~-RiJlmore ~1"- chai an fl£ tli GO.Ul.\cil. pre . tding. t t~·o hund ~ ~le attended the meeting. - ~liS or. the rt)t>ration, Neaoo11 }lanu-taeturing Q 4t~·1et ·\\'as .given in th.r~ acts; &.erie lL-r··· _ . _ . ---~-~-- · . ··- -~ --- . ·--- _____ John's Home ~e 11 --- ··- -~--~··-- - -·-· ··· - --~ -The Faetory (same day) Seen.e IH . -·~· -· -·-··- ··-···---Jono:s Home (6 months later) . CAST OF CHARACTERS: . "- . ·- __ . ·-····--········- - ·· . .Olyde Hildebrand · Mar. {Jehn'$ ire) --~ -- . r ____ . . . __ . M.lrs. C. K. Long Ghil~en. . -···--·--- -·-·-·--- --- ·-·-~ Wib Fisher; Catsy Bell Blll . ·· --- --·· . --- ···-·--··-···· -·--·Harry Fisher .-.- meJL . - - --- ·---····-·· . . Pal De\\'-eese, F. C. Holland Doctor . ---~ --- . ·--~-· . --- · --- -·--~ --- ·· --- Louis Gates . it. llildEbl'and eerlainl;. deserves eredit a;nd is to be ~nded -f.o-r tb_e, excellent presentation of the play­let. ~hich as not only \\·ell aeted~ but ~ght a num­.)€; 1 uf . le~ )ns. wh.ich we hope, made a l~ting · . es f)n upon every one present. The first at.t depicted a hardboiled foreman, a. grouch m t.b€ wme, hostile to the ~ afety liover.aent 'aftd witb. o sJJit p~t:,&.\h. or. rnterest in tt1e welfare &f his fellow-man • • mhe Beet"Jnd se~ne as. in the workshop. When he ~ f!S ~n tile mornip.g he .fi.rids a 14Don't Start" danger sigl) on the . ta'tter of a particular: motor which he ~to Uiie. .t\gairat the ent~eaties (){ one o-f his · n~ dd a VlJ}lation of ~tety rules, with an o&th h.e renmves the dang~1· s1gn and st«rts t'be maehiue-. Aa the xr~a h:itre gain · :rno.menttun he is !tarlled by a cry kon1 one of liis rr'en who h&.'> been caught in the mov­ing mach· a and seriously. inWr.ed. Alter the injured an u been r.eDl!:l ed to file hp pi&l the (()l'eJU•I)'a eonscienee ~n w laab him- He llO.W. realize!f .that hia itude toward safety waa respon•ible for the injury of ;pne o~ · ~ workmen. aod tha~ the mj.ured man ~. Dn' die~ (th ' ur.en1an} a, ~eeause ot safet-y t.m th foretD'Dll ~was the M aj~·. .,,- _, ttiilrd 11cene p(J,I•tlays the);- JWm of tbe fmep ' • • n1an. He ia rP.f"Hng S: f ·~' ~ ~J! 'S. Hi. famjJy, Cfll· . isting of the g,J(.ad wifll nnil a tnaU : on and dau.v,hter; wEt-re seatf:Rl ~uuud th 1lrf!*.-.;itl4J. Moth ·r i bctp!rag th.~m witl\ th Qrt was made or unllSw.J accidt'tyts rn ~evc ra! {"l:ants jn '\tV~tern C&rolina. In Ct)~­clusion,. Mr. VauderlJt.~oven, of the Arne ican Enka CC>r­P~ a~r-on_, rnade a very interestin,g talk, iHu,.;t.rated witi1 gomi~a.l ace~(lents which he had obae1-ved. E_, 0. Padgett, safety engi.neer _ . orth Carolina Com­penJtation Commission was present and ~tate.d proha~ly the 1934. State-wide Safety Congress, spon­SG~ by the _ ~urth Carolina Compensation Comrais­sion" would meet in A$he-v ille. A GOOD RECORD The Loading Crew: '·'\\·e s eldorn get our namt:t in The ·Log, but when we do, we ah~·ays crash something. Tliis time it is the record shipments. Outing the twenty-eight day per,iod endJng July 22, the loading creW:a~ both in the Bookmill and in th.~ .BoardmiU, broke the loading reeord by loading a total of 11,209,264 pounds of paper and board_. The Bookmill reeoro was 9,.2~6~9.81 pound The Boardmillt·eeord was 119.:,2,283 pounds. ltr. Brooks and ~1r. Martin gave us t'vo boxes of cia.wty and a bQx of cjgara} but they didn't know what tlley had st~d :fot· we intended to ke€p on bre;slting records • The Boardinill ~ew dropped out on us this month but the B. ookmill cre-w is ~ till holding it. O\J:n. Duriny the period ending October 14, the &okmiU ere\ load- . .ed 9.367,41iJ pounds <;! paper. This figure shows an incYease Gf 110,.42$ PQ »d~ over t.he fonoer reco.rd. 'sraip we received eaudy u.nd ciga1· . . · We want to thank Arlr. B•·ook . and Mr. fartin for tlt~ nice expression of their appreciation r . r the efforts we _ ha~·e put forth tn i muntJt. . The Loading Crew. • the Selfl h Thing t on1en are ~apidly . athieving high ~litical h ollol"~ but we nave to bear the ft t one saY. H U tl at J an:J I owe W m:y. hu nd." The. :1 usually o e ev rybody elee. • • • • . • · ht h mpEm fil-l'lU.) t-' ., 1:! ~yt, '· (,J <~f Ut ,._ _ ,_, ® d n.- vsiHp E i . ing Bt tb l~l- nt ~I Fab ~, t;u• P'l•~Y ( . :nnn, ' <J1't~ ~ar 1Hlt\. Co~ The - . ._ . - . -- -· . ~. i" l ' " '"~ Jft \ . . . -· . '" . ·-·· . . .•. . . . Edtt.or ~iate Editor . ""' Ri~l'l ~ l __ . . ,._._ . ~--· . - . -~ . - ___ ._ ___ _.,._ . _,.--. - . .-. . -. -.a· & ,. •• l - 1 · . ·--.u- _ . ~-~ . ~··~- - ··"'-· -··-··-· ---:!'., . . ~,.,. ._. . . - • .,_.~ .- --- ~-.- ·~···"'""". Pu1Ur r . ~ f'J~ ., -•~ ,_. ·-···, . - ·-·- ··· --- ··._. -~·~- ~· B. Oeut-. ~ J; . u ~-.;.;;:: . - _. . .,. ___ . .,. -- r- - ,- ._.,. - .· -- -·-····-~ --- Vocaticnt d Educ.-aHon . B. ~ ,. _.,. . --- _ ._,;.,.~.;.~ . ---~___,-~-.:--~ --- ·~ . .: . -,. . Sd4a¥8UJ~t• L. s ~A , --- ·-~---.--·-. .,._. _ __. . _____._ _· ·- . --~·--. · ·~··.,.·-····-·Lab-or,t~y ' '"Dl'G :lift~• .- . ._ __ .__._ ·-·-·-~_. . ~-·.,.,, •.• _.;,.-·-'~.-. --- . --. ., . . ._.,+ Su.lphit. " H 0NLY REMEDY t ~ I I Jf: rfS of tb . .~ '"ll e gen ·raJ natu r keep fttM.h'J:.Lag QV:e.r. unu over. V h~n an accld"-•Dt oWt.lrt.a ( clo not ~ .:n1 tv teu tiZt . tha l an a c- . . f ) t of t\, · . · rne Tlf:~lu rr? 's Hab.l t oeeur, ntHJ Uutt • ftr ';•. : (:Ve .Y. p ~Ctt \1 Liou p }SRJb t ! to gu rd lfJJG· ~ 1 HlW.!iJjl1~ Hl.d i·•tUll•llJti,!l ft< tlllZ"· l>d<. {,f a . i tRHur IJ~· u · . 11h-* :~h ~uid h 'f r~Jlle(Y ,. I:, !.Ul t•}} jll W(Jt'l i l G. bllH-~J Hl{JVJJ 'Y t t•ltii,. pYih·yt;, wJ (-'( J " '" 1·.u r ing 1 ,n ·, f I {7 f,J n utt.t. r ttH¥ving ~ f} m-::uhtn " . ., :n:(;Vl liJ! t''M ·lrif.1l,; J IJl t U (qJJd•-d ' : , ·t .i . JCt f* t·tl ~ a J· J hnhtlh 1 t h·U\i. ·t.ut ahvu.r •. ,_.,~.i t ihl I . .tu if uuad 1& U ·,·r; t h ltd{ J,,) J tH~ W' 'l ll.l,\'· "V i'1 H 1 Hl> :.- ~ not.l)/f Tf. ~-rku1 b J J1 • .; .,z, . a J; »-: t. JJ j t ~ btft. h! lUf,t·. t WU f'~ 1 t.- t h "' u i :( 11 t I H · f c n 1 u r n~ 1, r t • w I 1-tt-l fi • .d H 1 I I up 'fift.t -"tH ht { t H "J 1H f ••f4 Ut.Ol fH~ ' t:tU 11 Ot' dn tl lllJl na ~td' '(•udiLluu2j . lliillll • 71 Pe Ln ve' fiui~ 0 f" t ;ell f i . II {l ·th t n p ruinrt ·upi ill1(} tnt u ~11 nit j I t. t'1 ' t """"~·t.,~ Let not thin' ~ prln gt.-tt~ rn t Wah.:heth thn ){lUlL" .augel . oe .~a.fety. rn}e h_. ;,v h ~n tb . , . IiV Pooh-tJ4'.JOhet 1 !14Jt tt·~ If tf :cll, th t not cur the " ·ith t~Ue i iec!Jion . . VI xeameth not in tlit) ],. :· &~""'-·'"" --- 01nerts -<r.if h o~ piiai c.ot -- ~.nd t ev" ~:: \1JI ct:~ fh th y Co nn-r on- ' "".'- -,. ~,. rnfi rl,eth the fooL l eplenj h_ thy t ht>nr of si-ecp. . ' l:tl l ,. . H. Jn~nd Cl' al'-''{ y. ~ l ." H " are· n pr ' Ci1. tt.r a~ t t1.jon~. Btt- thuu l-"'V ·' I . atH it•ll~ pjHt:-~g of th~ N·d.('t y-.tuhul f~t)lt· ·u u • t \-\'h. t.l h •t a r:t h • H f }:t t 11 ~ r . t . 't c· t •\ •' ' · • ~" , h · u. Pd n· b ·ra w l• ~-tl unit r a anul ~ t ~ · t' • llu htu•l : ··1r , ruut \ I p h V 1 • t. J .t t+)~TP1 lt :' t'llh.: W d t • " ' '{ o u tJ d l • • . tt a\ I, " ', \v t~ f • n tH ·it cl '" 1 r u ht4ud • h t I ) . . t • • • • j --·--.,. ~ i· l1'H , n ~·s~ _::L L. ctlt h-.)_u.g+,· hut. ~ ~h ·in\­vicu f ( hr' t,i;u it.,~ . t~ q uo~ed 8,$ ~ ing {hmt · ~Lr Ctn·i~ti'~ hi-t\: i.lle e ) l\.Cs~--e lo live t.he li:(e by Chi~ "t · fU t:.tHl ~ ~v$Pt'l:£, Ute world of tJtU:'" :h .:anl:s ,\. t·u~ · on1 ~ v 1 it, and. vve slH~u l rl not ne,ed o trnt. b '· -r~t,;l a.oont p Hl.ical <:Hld ec nol:rl.ic e 1 :~J.l es. q u~u·i~ t ~eht. th~.t the pt'\n).al·~ 1nu· p·os~ of n1an - ~·a:s <> ~e.r . ~ ht ip ~cli ther t· Hve b tter and happier t\ {·~. · ~u 1. . :ta~' th:e gr ~t purp(:)~e of life is servin.g ~l . ~e!tlslnfe.:s F~l.n8 tv h ~vn:r taken pa ~es i ving pictures-. lady. and ever since I was a baby I ad.L:rved having somc(?ane r~ad aloud to 1ne. But tr e orchestra rnak&"' s.o n1uch noise that sometimes 1 :miss :oae of your ctHHes. \:V~n't you , P"eak a littlt3 louder <='rJ l can enjny them as m,\flcb as sortie of the- pa;tron:S near_ r to you ? J -e lipped~ E·uglishman, . """'~hnes. that IJ1oomin' 110ise) 'ea-r ou~ ~jrle thJ£ t1me of night~:~, An:.eri£.an: ·~\V}nT, that • an 0wtJ' • r;ng1ishraan; '·( >f OOT;lJ"&e jt i!:l; ~Ut -t~ls 'owling y·~ Satr.d Pa:per • rJ2l1 tern1 h • .:and }1aper'" is a nJsnom~ . a,S abra.<!:i'Ve .ape s ~u· -l v~ made fYt1m Sand. rhe uaw.rr:al abra.-­. , ·e . ., .s_ed a1 e cot undurn. c·rrt~ t·y , garnt!t, ~ual"b. "f>t ftint. nd for svtne pur-~s . puini.ce powder. Artitieia1 abra, . ine1ude Biticon carbidfi, fu~ed slu<J'iliJ ia, and .sorrH~ df' the hard roupa. • ~ • • • • 9 • J'<>h;nny l1e HYated ·w'h <l)n his t:.ach 1· caH~-d u him tQ Pecite. The t ench "r, vdlo \''llshed Lo et~·r'e pupil~ of blutfjr1g. s~id to h in1. ••.John, whut vouJtl vvtt call ft. r>erRon who pr·~te11ds to ''now ever) th fog ?•' Jnh11ny Om1~ned iat pel'ati )n fo1· appendicj . tis~ We exte·nd onr deepest syn1pathies in the follo,,·ing hon1e in the Jo s of their loved ones: 1\'lr. Alfred · \vangei\ the lo of a ~ . oung,er brothel:, ld Ued by a truck~ !VIr. Ch uste:r ~eule , tl1e lo s of }'lit'$ brothel\ l\1r, Chas. E_;.v,vkin\ the lo~· of fa ther and fathet--. in . lcl\ ' 1\Ir. ~l e:$se Tve~ t · t· h~l. l~eturt\e t fr n1 the :V ot·ld"'s 11 '~tir a.n cl r .\~1orts having h 'l.d a ' ofldt rful t in1e. <~· lad y~ Wright, also. ha~ h d tlt iug · to t 11 lis of the l;',~ tr. O()iag Dtn n ··ul, y · ,~• said ~11 ·s. G tigett, proudly., '-wet, n trnt.~(' out· <lflCt.~ t.vr~ bacl~ to.:--tn --- \Vt~l1 , l don't knt.H\· t"' ··a tb vho, huf \\~ •/v he •n d(J, ,·ending fot• c nturi~s." Bo~- U>n 'fntn ·r:i pt: . • • • • • LEITER Fllt>)l GENER_>\L ME'Tr ~ '~ 0, FL~I.,.FliG·H: _ ~. C . Oct. lL 1933. To Capt:. Carter :. ':::Lin~- £~. 30th ~ignal Comr.tany·, Cantf»1. - c • • lt is ·ith . much :pl~.a . u:re tl1e .~. djntant General fo'r\car.d"" r~ ~':oo ba ie eomnttnlication. It is most pleas­ ·'ng to ~!"'Uze \.:he e.xe-elle'nt ervice b. <:tnt I" oific&rs and the n}en of your c-ommand, ·which in- ~ . d:tates tne -;;·en organ.ized. disc1plm.ed and efficient ol·- -a hati :n. :J - congratnla:tions to an! 325 . 41 J . V ~ B. l\LEIT:S, The Adj utant C.-eneraL HE~DQC~-\RTERS 30th DIV . aCG Fir t ''treet ~raeon . Georgia 30't}\ August, 1933. . ttb~.J.: c~ a4d:ation'" T~ The Adjutant> GeneoJ·aJ oJ . .rgl'"'th Carolinat Ral~igh~ 1. Th:.:: Su Signal OO:ntpan\ is e._}:le(·iatly eomn-~end­ed upou -r;,.e x:eePenee ()l its wvrk duriQg the field ·· ·d·rung }'er:oo ot the 30th Divi. iof.l. 4. . 4POtJt th~ ~:JJ'11 p ~dud thJs or.g--~niza 1o-n fu,ll: su::.:ainsd i ~.stalJli '1ed r.~1mfation fo~· gene.~. l e,,reel ~En~E. I i it.-, g(;;:ne-~ trait~lng act/ ities . and in e.;;.ta ti. hing and maintaming t.h can1p me age C".ent r.: and c.oln- . ~-o:icati.c1,1 s , t.h~! 1 rfo ·ynanc~ of tne 3 th ) g , al!Y :tr·c."s VU ~ta.llding. 1U7l!lg he J"Qlfl'" dit~/ f! mmana>pr Sl t'ei'T"'8.lD f'Xe. ei e fie -g niu i< n vo th:e a.clmh·afio a t1 l~lfflCl ,_, "' atl . ·:.:.-- I· e n . 7ith ~1nitt~ pctrn tl;trt~t;l nJ i!,l-et. tuipment~ this OI aizatian pe:rf<.trn:re1f U e a b~s cJf a at strength signal ~p~m }', • • • • ' 11 - _ . _. . . . 0 ____ .__ J.orrr, \ itbvu · ,, 1nplaint i;tJ e . tahU h artd . rnajn '10 C<.J:ffimunic· t! n~ ft~r tn h'isian ove.r th~ fn j · i t~ne<~ tlxa l ·,nllt:i l>e en{:.ctmt t! in ac:~a~ oomt>a . . o et·ccrrn i g J'.!fr tan ·caJ ~ , ~ ·- ie ~jt.o ti".:.l go \\! ea: he.r and 1!lffi~ llt ter , ill, tJ• ~ ~ignal C~ 1p&1i . - me E:Vel'Y dem~ u'l ' 1nad~ u pun i-r:: by u d · HCU:t t ~ ~erci e. a J :t tn:r ()U~h its ~. ~ marte lO. l'ht(t tbe r: mp1ete sueces.~ of tt . prolJi&ttl. • 3. r~ ahjJ~·-:neh:att, ~P.d the nrrieru- f{J(l men o! ~is ovnl~alld, fully l eri ffie fH aise be~to\lf'ed Uf)J)n th¢l : the Thu: · t t: t.Jiv.i~ ion i.:: fr.;rtunat1! in iti) .-~hrrtCJ co.rnpan~: and the St.atte of N l)rth Oar~lma is LO be eong.z 4tu;u.t~ upon }ll'Odt t 1~ ex~E"Ueni orgaD.i- • • ·_ zaiio,u. HENRY 0. RUSSELL .a ).o r c eneraJ, t_"':'.!, a_ '-.'.· f. . , •. co romanr'u ' ng. - Long '\ ·a_· .tt Yirgini3 ran1ily. wa.s training a negro aid from th~ eount.r:y i& he:r do~s as maid. on ans"'·ering th~ telephone th·e first. day. ~he t.roogbt no me sage. ~"hp, 'v~ that, S.:ua ?"' r\''T warn~ nbJ:wdy~ )'irs. Baile_·, jes' a gentlenlan s,a ·. crt· s -a loll g dlstluiee from l\ e'~t York · and I says, · 7 es­sii) it ~1.1:.ainly is" n . . . A ntn\~ regut&tiGn in: a certain coal mine required that each man mark ·with chalk the number of every car of coal n1i:ned. One man named RudG1ph, having filled the eleventh ear~ marked it as No~ 1 and, after ponclering a '"bile~ let it go at that. Another n1inerJ happening to oot:iee what he thought \\as a nus~ called Rudolph''s attention to the fact that he had marked the ca:r ~o. 1 inst.ead of i. 7"o . 11. '<¥es,. I know~'', said 'Rudolph . '~Bot 1 can't h'liLLk which side de odder wa"Q go on/' E er:body's ~agazine. ~\ c;rcrup •,f !\'la!-n () i •~•rt, at h un ~r :f,) "- • ub n KUber "on• . ·L cnl}l') i.rt th · ·owk~ . • • 12 - TALLY WILSON'S TWO PE,TS MAIN OFFICE NOTES By Dai . y Burnette Of course every day ought to be a day of thanksgiving for The Cha:rnpion Fibre family and pl~oba­bly is1 but ~v4C do lo.ok forw-ard to Tl'lanksgjving Day. We forget ho\¥ hid·eous the humble pumpkin look·· ed HalloweJen night and laud it to the skies when it appears as a de­licious pie. We ·scarcely give the turkey a thought all year but just before Thanksgiv.,.ing· Day the turk­ey becornes a most important bird. Well afte.r an the1·e would be some compensation in being a tiD,key~ Before '\Ve begin to sound too goofy w·e woukl lil{(~ to wish everybody a beautiful and thanvful Thanl<sgiv­in~ · Day. K. J,.\ \l.lenz ha~ )fltu1·;ned fro-m the- Father·l.a; d anr looJ ;~ M if h had a ve.ry pleasa:Llt jOUJ"llt!Y. Jlo got bat•k tt1 th-! <JfUce j u ~t in une 'tf> . IJjoy the rcpur1 tJ of the- world t>f.:.d~ ·~ Jle t; kP,~ ~ t g r ~at ttih~ · r:;f. in b!t ,.balL f.Ju; itlJ!. tht v·-n•H ~ bu \·vould ru ~b ;{l't1Und a ~k ·~· 'fins c;hll I J[ub}) .JJ tntlde u. 1:oi H'rtdo .\fll y<:t?" '\. N .-Cl (JU :\Vtl8 away 1.t r .Jw du.:vs on vacation. Vv · tnL ~sPd him If rnnHd 1 h <J office };,Jt V/ t})i nl1. tJ V&-1 cl• t ion did l1irn gocJd. We ducked into the Engineering office a few minutes th.e othe1· day and discovered a few things we never knew befo1~e. We were of the opini0n that that particular office was rathet· serious minded and ""rould not care about havi.n g. any snooping· going on. We heard Cly-de Jio,ey talking in what he con­sidered a very low and :pleasing tone, but sh1ce it sounded like ·quite an uproa1· \~e could not re­sist peeking in. It seems that H. G. Sta1·key was j nst getting ready to go on his vacation. If he takes in half the things that the fello'\VS aid he \vas going to take in, in­cluding the Yale-Army gam.e, he \\·on ,t be jn condition to work for quite a long bme aftet· he cot;ne bac]c Mrs. Starke.y. .a nd El Cal"- l" ·son vent along. El went to N. J. \\'h ilc ih e Rtarkeys wer going to ! • (J ~y ~'{ 01 'k. J;taL g t-tLJng back ttJ the };ngi­n fl'el iug 1> f.JtHtnleJlt1 1 . S. Den­n< ·tt. wa~ ~ l tnJ11tg n hjs tar tt•y lng tn (lra.\ ·t hha \ pt~iul of ~ Hlt t:hh1n, tu1 ;~;(' · id,.·Ht that ·wus to bap. IJ{; ll • ' ~' think, a nd lh vo.v~ wet") t e l ' l bittc r alJHUt tit \;\rH • 1~. ~ f oJH' ha"' 1 ho laug-h ola t,h ·n:a nt ftnat· ,o',•J<·,f'k. f( 'ltlJl f'pf·k . jn1ply couLd uot u.n . d., . ~ ~:ul d wh v nt1 ou ' could g·utJa . t: .her ~!ants \vhen he den1~.nded thu. ·orne J, inci person please get o~- row \·Vil ·on to the telep 10. .1 e. b"'in·. ly ~ on1e one mPntivne' that it mig be Woody \Villia.1ns 11elen vtranted - ~' and it was~ or "vas 1t f!eten 41 H. D. Sccre~t had a 1.;ac" don d ll·­ing Oeb)ber hut v~.:e have uot beeP able to teH j u, t whete he went atad just w·hat all he di . · Iay lin, out later. ~ Quite a nwnber of giTle axo-und the offiee have }.;een ver~r enthusias­tic about HGreen Pastu:res·J but for do~vnright interest it is amazing to notiee how many of our serious minded bu sine~s girls have turned into ''Dancing Daughters!' They complain of sore feet ju t no ·: but think \.Vhat a pretty sight i~ . Vr·iil be to see the girls glide from type­writer desk to deek aJl(t hack again. Rythm and harmony. Ask ,.Jane about the othe:r interests. PHYSICAL EDUCAT10~ T .AT THE CH.Al\1PIO Y. M. C. • By J. M. hamber"" Winter tin1e is just around the earner and gym elasse., are ~dread. here. No'v ever.v. one lrno\vs that \Ve have to keep in good condition to be able to liv-e ~·ith Old Man v\'in tel", for I;;)€VCT1.11 nlC'nths Of the year, vvithout being ~ick ~md has­ing to spend a l r.t of time wibh n doctor or in bed for ~e\~er, 1 '· ek~;. \Vhy tal e · ueh · ehance as that \Yhen yon can g~t into a re~ t g. ·n1 class at the hY" and keep in the best of con htion 't .Ia . e~ are rounding out no-'v c"L-nd · h v :t place f ar you, j.: con1<~ on df)'\\l ll anrl g t th old rnU:>~.;I ~ tv '".('rldng an•{ \'yatch. ~r nl· hf\Alth, mind and spiri. gTO\V. It' you " a nt n p:trticll:lllr ]dnd of x ;rei~ \ ·h \Yt- c·an fill th\: l HL vVe- ~\ re p ~ning Hp :l pri'Vi\t l'OOlll r 1' t.hose \Yho \V·ntt to f"01'l1 itllY lHnu· of tlte day, s ju ~ t c.: 11 ttd eJJ us U1 ltind of t:.'lfll'ise on ~· ant :uad the llJour ott \\. ant t cnnl~. Ocar hovvling a llc IJ~ n rnad . t'ltandard l.-; he P iu • ~i ze, and pH. • • • r'"uditiGt\ th . h · ve ~, . ,.-. i ~\~··. \I \ h l. . :V~ ,·ani ~ll • . ' ( ·e • ' l h n •• \ \d t ) hrn up -.i't one oi t:l~ t._.,.~t h · t.e t s . anrl 's get itt :ng f q · H l' 1 :\ 'nt l" ()1: ! . ' fn . l-~ n-r~!lt cr h<- '""'ling i ~ (!\ 1:; .,a P • 1" · · ~ tt) k \: p in cond ;t ion • th r ~,-t ~ h ~ ,~ ~ et h.ctlL nllt: : rhH .lr l ndo r bt.U In \-\ irn ·n· T a nd Div-i · ht. Jd •· ·• ttunl r:.:-- 1::\ da,\ . ott l· tOV. the more-w he "'t • ~-e l · .er \\ e can hum, so ,t'rzol~- i l n ~ . auo h . rn along \\ith the ', _1 80B.EDl'LE ~·iies flO rn J.l~ On<la~· , Wedne da~ ,., j rl frhlav. nt n :S0-10: 15 A.M. . . !lert \r. Ball :\Ionda~) , Tuesday. • • 1 \ du~da . . r] h ur~da v and Frida\ • • • at 12-1 noon. "1 e -; · ~ s ''"':"::trt . ,fonday, \Vednes- :a: and 1~ i a~ at ;j :15-3:45 P. l\1. P>O>(.r.g nnd . Iestling. Monday? f~'<lr1esda:r ana l?r iday 4-5 P. M. Olfic-e V. Bell 1onday, \N ednes­ua:.> and Frinay. 5-6 P. I. ~dies' Ba:ske t uall )1oncl.ay and 1 h. ur;. . a.a ~, oe. .--' .D1: : •• - • 1en \. G~'111 . onday and Thurs-i- J ·~,, ~ - p t1 ~ . ~ ~ ~ "'. 'Easke ~ baH )fonda~, Tuesday. .;;.·:;_~ne5day,. hursda~ . F riday, B :30 9: ·o P . . a. n r:ade ~ .v ~ 'Iuezda- J" and Thurs-da~ y e ·15-3 : ;15 :P. 1. and 9 :SO-l J: l ~ A. _tf. Snttnday. H:-Y ov . !:' 1esda~,. a.nd Tnurs­< l' 4-r) P . ~ . and 1'0 ~ 1 5-11: 1 5 A. ~ 11 F!a: u J1la ,,. • . 'f.ore GS'ril ' ue day and Th uJ·s­rla. • 5-6 P~ T. • ) ? . _ en Tu . tl , an< Friday 6-'7 P . ~ . • • . C .• uttJ~· Af} cvl . th ·.r nottH.L th~ noi. ai N '-= Y gr.o ~ l'! . --rhcn-:. i the Slund f t u .1 .cr i,n t lv.: Gym as the n1en ~n , Ill, r•ta.:r olie.' Hall. TndO<,r }.· ,.1. , · • nd r · ·t l~. Then at --.~.c.~ ~ < ·can 1eJ: ;r hrHl ~ells from t ~p: ~ nd girl ~ a hE!y vie - . - ---·- wi\b ~h <"lther in sr>ort . Again, th J i. th . ound of tlH:~ pjn~ fHH­ing at ''l h~ l~owhng JlC'y;;, a.trd uv~ n ,i:e at the four HiJiiard t::abt ~. Thi co1 tinu s ull day, there is no h t tlp. l~v ryh dy· is having a g, od . t tnH~ • There are rnan~ eomn'liti.t'e!. in ~ :l tion1 getting T out,lam nl. atui tla :)es autl clubs organized. 'I~ ey ~ne all happy to s erv-.e the in i t~ pr grrun of service. The Y's !\len's Club und£-r the lead~rsllip of \Vi11is Ku:kpatTicl- j , doing spendid work in pron1 ting the intere ts of ti1e Y. The Fore­men's Club is get ting into action again under- the le-adel'shjp of Wm. 'l "obertson, and an boy's Clubs are holding r egular meeting~ again . Think about it, Clubs and s-peeia I gr.-.up:s are meeting at the Y for G. . ,rnt wot·k, Bowling, Billiards, Sup­pers, Clubs , shows, discn.ssio.ns and other thipgs and rn:aybe you are missill.g all this. .~e you inter est­ed in some sport or hobby1 or may­be, you would like to get into one of the classes . clubs, or Leagues, if so, see the Secretary and get into the games and enjoy the fun and. th.i'S ·wilJ make y<>u enj,oy your work n1ore~ Tune in, Let's go. OUR SICK Mrs. Vv. B. Willianl-s.on has re . turned f1·ont the Mi.s$ion Hospita: in ASheville, where she underwent an operation for ma ""toid. We are glad t() report ih at she is recu per­ating rapidly. We are glad to see Dr. :Murdock, dh·ecior of the Resea1·~h Laboxa~ tor.v, in his offic ag4in after a.n or.erat.ion for avpendicitjs. \Ve \\'t:l'e -=·orry to l<~u11 that 0. ~f. Sc:rog~ had sutf~red an acci­dent in which he . u~tained a frac­tured &t1ll . Wf• are glad to repvrt that he is g along nlct-lJ . Mrs. B. F. ( ;reen htlli return<?d f tnrn. the A ·ton Park I l<J!" pi tal \\her . he s}J(; nt a few clay . M r :-. Gt·een hatJ been sick for a long time anti we s ine r~ly hope that . . ' • • h r hcmlth itt improve. 1 h •;, (; j;n tde f'nrJJ~ )I ;~ · t et ltrnect ft~oJn t h > 11Hl"'"·"ood 'tJlll l t / fi''J pi­al .-n nr.h int pl'ov ed. vV. ~ . HrownJ 1 cunva!f's.<ring f oJlO\\ ing ~ n operattn11 fit the !lay­wood Count ~r Hf>s.pila l. l >avid !licks, em p :rJ) ed f>'n the vVn" d \" ~u--rJ 'Na_s repc,rtC;;rj vn t he ~dck Hsi f, ~r a few days. Joe Ni<.:.hul ~ r ct.urnefl ho m ~ after an oper·nt t Jrl for appenrl if!j . ti~ . W under~ta n d th (o\t he is get­ting along fin e . Luch Love ha. been ou t . ick f or sorne tiJne. \-Ve hope that he ·wiH soon be able to return to hjs work. E. B. NEW . By 0. },. Gillis The men of this departrnent take this opportunity of expressing thelr appteciation to !VIr. Reuben B. Robe rt son fo:t his appointn1ent recent ly of Mr. W. r tf. Cogdill, one of Oill' co-workers, as a n1ember of the North Carolina Safety Ccuncil. During his several years service in this depal:tment MT. Cogdill has always taken a deep jnter~st in safety, and his views on safety are always sought \\~ ithin our depart­ment \"\'hen any worker is in doubt as to '~hat course to follo'v along safety channels in the dischaxge of his duty. We feel that Mr. Robertson has n1ade an e. cep­tiona lly profitable selectjon in plac­ing h in1 on thi$ very important council. We \' ete e1· glad to ~ee so many n1en from oUl' depa1-tment at t.he safety meeting the othet· night at the Y. M. C. A. Thit "~a. a very tinE> 1neeting and we feel . ure that i t wa. profitable to an who att n - ed . Thi d 1'artn1 nt ha a p1·i at~ clean-up and . :af~t.y dri e «Jn whkb i ~ beginning t, · show t' sult.·. ~1r. ;r. C. IUJet· tn1d i\lr. Ffm.vatd Picl cus ~ l .:tHhd th~ lniti da pro­duction ' '#a · 650 t n~ for the per­~ t>d a ne reror d) flowf1Yer., ' "'lth th t'~ ju~ taJbttion of the 11ew GOGO nn1 p: ;ll'e lVl. (r. th~R recnrrf · will _ t">Ot 11 1 (? topp .d. chat-~gft Of the eh s ll·j} UtlOll C.Tf " o-Hy \Vas ma;cle the pa;:;t few rnonth . .&'lr. G. A. lJeland of A_shevi11e heing th.e sole dist.ri bu­t or for both the .Asheville an.d At­Jant< il tli t l'icts. l\rlt~. IL IJ. Beckhan is in charge of the Atlanta district. Mr. J. H. n1ith of the E . B. dept. is in ch.arge of tbe making and bot­tling of 'o-Hv. Many people ~u:e nO\¥ fr.atniliat: -vvi th Lhe ma.ny good qnalities of So-Hy., consequentlr the . aJ es are increasing. STEAM PLANT NEWS By Paul Hyatt We. are fate in doing· so, but the old bo.v. s in the S-team Plant are glad to \vele.ome the following n fnv men as.: a J:esult of the NRA. · We do Ol.1r part. Douglas :2adget.t, Jack Felmet~ Hugh Terrill, P. V. Hamric~, AnGly Johnson, Paul Med­ford, Frank Cogburn, C. G. De­board, W. L. I~ eed, .J. K. Do\vns and Re1n~.Y Blyth e. B. B'" Gregory vvas recently call­ed w Win~o: ton-Salen1, his oJd hof'ne to H ttend hi father's f uneral. He ha$ o·ur de-epest syn1pathy. fi n1d ~· ltogers ha.s been ve1ly sick 'A:ith pneum nia. bnt \ve t-u·e g1ad to· J~evu rt t.hat :rad., i · no\-\"' able to he up and \V · hope '"ill be at \vork soon. fJnug laR l)adgett rcc ntJy under- < nt ttn opt • ra ~ iurs for tt@l'> ndit!iiis hut. j · l'(·z~ovt 1·tng nic·,.\1.\. V.' Uh . rh·t': 1and h(· t vi ·iting his honlc foik i u \V ~t Vi :g i Ill it b ron~ (Ll 1tl\: in~t h. ·t tcJ '\ )rl~ . 1h ·. llnh ·s h f•Y on r •turning f H~Nl HlP Wodr1 tt iltl' ."'aid he need· ~d nHtri• t'} · • IH· (1Ht1ldn't s~(' .v <fl ~ r·y Ua1 H1l \~ i Uh twu. n nn fl t \vc II JH u st h t ~ t"·o~ .r· d 1• t • f t Jititbry \\t·h i1 un hiD \'a,., • • . 3: ·-· - \\ .l. . ::k,hl tn , J. L~ s,\~:t ·nui~ . t binsol~ J~"~ J'&.l," Ii; 1· L . 1 ,a-t n {< ~)h \ \~r1t ~· . i ten (l c·~ \: 11r 1 ~ eric- aseL·l·, :g·a1 h.'s at . V -: . h;· ~ ton 'll t 6th ,tJ"L~.1 'ft ' ·. ' l'll l 0 ~11· . Cotnid " h~- . . e. M. . Drn'\ t:.e oe )ht: I ' 1; t.h . ;A on. ~1. d 'J1 · \ l il •Ut:· l et:n QJ'\, the • · ~ck h :-:t fo ·· ~e\ :- r~l da.: ,. due to a on::iH ( ye~& t.i on. ;)lf·r c.ttd , r . B. ' . 11~ Us ~n1d • ~ · . nd ~lL, J. 1\L Ale. ;. nder 1)10- 001 .a tu \ la. :tin:gtonf D. C., to at­h. ~ 'the \ ~m'id·~ :: ·ies Oetobe:r fi h, ~th and "th:. Frien~ s are _glad to Iea.Yn that lru.€. ~ ~ l ·,t.h·. il~ v.-:ho rece.ntb Ull­deN. ·e!H . 1 (\per-atiou at VVa~ nes­'\; ·llie h'rrtsn1'tal for appendl eitis js OOl~ t'tng now and will be back on 1he Jnb again soon. ~y Cqgwheet: r e are vel.: ~rr~· to rep-.itt t'vo ~ ;,-~}r-,us accirlents in this depart­ment. 0,. M. S<.;:rol';-rgs and J enni:ugs H U hat,-e met "~th lost tjme afx.·-t\-.r;J1t&. " •e hope . hey :H1 soon t bi~ w l* bac"k fl n the job agai~ ·we r,r that thi:(: ~ill b~ Q ~,.arn­\ n g; to B\"eJ.",\ . bCtd)r in th.i:- itepa.r1: - . er t. ~ . th.i ·ik ou1· mB to should 1·~ -: wt ~11 'h-r. ur ~.t~p_.~, ' ~ 11 l:"f\ c;u r)·d ~ t J Je:- rn that ~ f c. ~ rIa . lJ6 ~ VJ."t COllfirle.o.:ee 111 ·c 11a. 1 H c 1 " ari:·ving. ,~ . e .: n t ea:ru t !la.t . he r~d L('. \ a Jk mwk ft· rn ~n ;;w i om!J i le ·ride <Jv:er • Th it:. -ety nviunt11!11. ~r . ·~r . t . ~vh· t:.e and .·Bve1·a.J oth;:,.·· clu - r - qrne. h,1 ·e j u .t :nerur:n~ ! . r.1 <llong ~QaL. J h ant. i g ttirL fJ:!On'i 1 he irs f4Ull na tir'.t u- h ath~r ~d H. wvulrl lw hnrd to teB j' t:t :~ ~ hJgh t 6)t had to ~ · to ' . t he '"'fill: i••ve-J·. .1\ t }:Qc.t.St t.i.,ar'.; 'J· rt~" · ·rJ,c.t.n:Y b.,H.lit·rel · kiJJ . -'i. !ett~L· hit k l ~ te tln•f" b(J.V:L h. . . l~J·gan 1 vlalifJjng on '"'~. .· ~·-~·H,g;; J;:t~ _g•:- Ct l\?w· cibout . v­fft~. u ~ . tr.nd4) an in~i-t~ t.io11 ftJ all hif. t'e; ~tiv ~ utul fJ'H'nd~, ~u~d 1night c.Ul-d fh.ttt h ~ hn, no ct Prnies. T'h~ nNtsorf f1 ,,. id~ ~ CPl<:>LJr~,ti )J'i h:. · not i}(~tl l e; \nJ ~ J Y (·l~· but w~ thin f< i 1. i :-; t.h e el o~fl tf n '1 ol\eu rr . · seHsun . \\ ~ n( Lice in t:he ~)apers thuL tltP "' t-id fHh· Rt Ch icago rnay bi?. eon­tb'lu() d OVHr n~ ·t SUl11llH)L ]\;l t'. ht bert Co1~ le. LoHk sorne apple~::~ to the fair as san1ples oi vvhat rnay b"i' g'l"o·wn fr()tn spr-oll ts so1cl l.>r t)tlf g-ood-looldng baa tel' 0-nginecr. 1\lt'. R. D. Plen1n1.onso. \~'e have b-een -l1rForn1e-d b.\" B. L. L yons, t.l;\at tl~e Bmplo:reesl tore recei ed an-Ol''d'er a fe""' days ago from Ab. BtlTch :Lo.r ~'.one load of BLOCH woo€!-. '~ lt seen1:s that the store· doesnJt understand wh~t ~ ~!1·. Blli'ch de. sires. A. b' ;:; fr:iends say that he was n~t dttl·nk, but :&lr. Lyon's sa,Ys he had be:en dr·ink­ing something besides huttern1ilk. .ARD OF 1'HAThfKS VIle wish to thank Olll' f1:jer1d s ann e~pedally the Book MiU and R &. A ~mployees fOl" the fl o·~vers a."'ld man•v kindnesRes .sho\vn do1·- ~ng the illness and dea-th 0f ou1· father, Harley WeHs. Nell Curt is J. , ·. vV ells. Charlie V\'~lls • 11·. & M1· . Tt. Ha v11P.tS & ·Parn4l v. ~ . 1 RJ) OJJ' 'fHANKS · • \·Vt9 wiih t~ U'lank (}lH" rrHUl\' -- fri nrls ht1d n.elg-ldJDl'.$ tor thP 1, i•ld-nes~ · lt-@ \\Jl 1;1:.-; rlurlng- U1~ ~·id\­Ht . and d~tu:th of t tn· ff.lth+:-r and l .t·o her. V\ e a l ~0 th, nk thP £od.n ~1 itl for th ~ lJ ,au.tiful flo \'('t'~. ~- 1\I. Harkiu3 a(LtJ f}lroiJ· • --- ~ --- ~ --- -- 1~ 1;.nm aH a<'i'Cc}nnf. · '(n,~ bu ~ iJ1 t. s d•·prt-., · t n h :1.-i ~trtl~'k l foll y\vvocl, cltJ1.fl lrlr 11~· Olh\1 tf~ rj tJ8 ctlfi\ w·ill }Jp 1oH:ed f.v- J.(lep the b. fl}(~ hu~bauJs thef had la ~t wJ n~r. ' • • ---.: - .15 \Vild . · ~ r d Cp {.()rner: " l w-~nt A 't "\ (.J ) V( 'l", it •. f'{)t• JrJ 'Y htl F.})'llld '~ ~hor' t ~.i~f ,( r : ''Hid :i our hu O'iJarul t !ll ~\ o 1 ,t·h;rt kJ 1rl to burr·. ·Cu~tc.,,nf'l'! : Hr ~huuld . a .v t1 (1t. J lc· rJOt '. tl 't even kno\\1· ['n1 f!Ojn;.! t() shoot h hn .vet~ . - rl he EnameH. t. · Why \VoJ·ry? H•f'omm~, ;~ ~ aid the t eacher, t"{\· · hat h; one-fifth of tlu~ef}·~Cl ven­tec nth~ ?' • .tl don'L know ()Xactly ,'"' replied 'T'<)n'lmy, '~Jut it isn' t enr)ugh to WOlTY about.'• ·Which rero fnds us of another one. Tbe teacher was drilling her elas · in tb e principles <';f su htr--ac­tion. ~ ow., if you su htract 23 fl'nm 3:3, what's the rlilference '?n HYeah1 that's w·hat T say,~ an­sweJ" ed one of her pupils. ' I thiuk i t~s the bunK, too:, Kindly Sug estion TYaveHng man: '-·Waitress, all J W~lnt for breakf&st this n~corning is two soft boiled eggs, a chp of coffee and a few 1dnd " "ords. 'J Tbe waitr~"$ returned witlt his O·Pder whereupon the tra-veling n1an sajd: rtV\ren, he,re are the egg . and the co·ffee bu-t \vhere are the kind words? ' Waitress : "Don't eat then1 eggs.', - See YoUJSelf As 1 Others See You. · I • • 1-6 KENNETH Son of ~1r. and ~rr . H. P. Presley DOLLY MADISON, EARLY WHITE HOUSE H.OSTESS, F.'.I._RST TO SERVE ICE CREAM Son1e int eresting facts regarding the first festive .serving o-f ice, ct.,eam in t his country have been 1·eported to the National Dairy Council. It seems that Dolly Madison was the charming eolonial hostess who first introduced this delicious and healthful food to a White House table. Let us read of this eventful n1ght when ice crerun was first served, as It has been described in courtly f!tshion by one of her dis­tingujshed guesls : "Last night I was bid by ouT President to the \Vhitc House. and it was a most unusual affai t·. Mrs. A1adison a] V\rays entertains 'v.ith grace and '"'ha:rm, but last night th tc v.ras a s pfl1,lde in her eye that set astiJ~ ~1 n air f '•,. pecta11 . ~unong he guP.sts. "~ hen fina11y t he bl·illiant as . semblage Ant dcc-t \ b . t.-~u t r ­od th J diJ1 ing ·oont tlu:.y f,•,.held ta ble 3et '~ ith ., r.<·nf'h chi ua * 'nll English sjJ~ . J', lad Jl •. it h ~rc t,d thrflg · 1 o eat, n.d in the r·f:•Jlf •'t. l1 igh on n "\ilV.e plat e , ~ b :f . t-', ~ hinittg donH! of })inh t r •· . tn•. ''\Vh;it i ~ it? I a. Jt~ d .\ti tt . - --THE -L-OG . __ -., ,__.,. ____ .__,. _______ ,__,,.,._ _____ .-__ 11'et\r me. " .A ~trrpri se fo1· this oc~1s ion, she ~· aid. 'lt is iee cream. The cr an1 i l' fron1 our nwn dairy at M onf;pel ie.t·, ann that exqui~ite cGlor and ftavor is the essence of strawberries :f1·om VirgLnia. Is it not a t en11)ting di~h ? "Indeed, madan1, 1 1·epbed. i t~ beauty i rivalled only by your O\Vll, '"''hile its flavor I am sure ~rouJd have made mere famous still Hebe~ s cu.p of youth. May I ex­press the hope that ladies every­where "'rill adopt yotu-- cham'ling surprise custom'?" In the comparatively short .span of a lifetime it is now pos-sible to serve ice cream the year ~ound in every portion of the country. ''No,_ young man, you can't b.ave my daughter. I don't \Vant a son­in- lavv ·w·ho's such a fool that h~ contemplates marrying a young woman who hasn't got m \vhether the fate was five or ten cents. Finally the ilisgu ted con­ductor picked up the Scotsman'"g suit-case and tossed it off the tram, j ust as t hey passed over a bTjdge. l t landed ""i th a spla h. 'l\1on,n screamed Sandy, :'j sn't it enough to try and ov·ercharge me, but now you try to drown my litt!e boy." Royal Arcanum Bun~tin A meek little man was \valking home from the f uneral of his big n1asletfnl wife. uddenly a tooling tile feU and· str uck him on the head~ '~Gosh.-" said he. "Sarah has ar-rived already.*' Political Speak er "l'n1 pleased to . ee uc.h a dense crowd hexe t o­nigb; t:' \T oice -(DOl1·t be t oo pl~ased. ''' e ain't all dense.'? Baltimore South­et ·n Methodist. The little on of Ml". and 1Ir . . ,¥. J_ Dan1toft " "ho ~;as. opera ted on for appendiciti:s at the BHtmore RnspitoJ tee.ently .i in1prov-ing and. \\'e hope that he 'vill ,_,oon be well. ANNI-E LOU U,altJJhl~r (tf l\lr. and Mrt~. Hub~rt Par