The Log Vol. 21 No. 07

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersv...

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Main Author: Champion Paper and Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1939
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Summary:Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,, • • •• • • • -:. • • • ' • , • View 1rom Clinqman's Dome in the Gr~at Smoky Mountains National Park showing the highway up the North Carolina side of the Park. AUGUST 1939 •• - - - VOLUME XXI Number 7 Established 1914 - - - - - - - - Twenty-Filth Year ol Publication Published by "The Champion Faiilily" CA JITON. NORTH CARO LINA: • • • H 0 U S T 0 N, T EX A S • A THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Bless the Lord 0 my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bleas the Lord, 0 my soul. and forget not all His benellts. The Bible - Psalms 1 03: 1, 2 The paper toz the cover of this maqa~ine ts Champion Cordw in Emboss d, and is m.1de in our Ca.nton Divimc>rl p lant out of W1)0d frC~m the forests of the s ou tJulrn &tate . The paper for the inside paqos $ Champion W]lile Sat'iu Prooi Ena111 J maclo in our HaJI~iltoo plant. We manufacture many C]l'ado_s of bl~acllad p;;pe1'1:1, M~c:btno r'irushod. Super Caland(trecL and Col.l ted. • • - J I I • j • • l ' - ' • • - 1 d I L.\ I." I·. \ l F ~ \ l F R I 11 ) . J St) '-. I J •• , l . • • t \ 1. ·r • • , h ~Hfll~ :qll f ~ rtll ·t· · ~ r. \ lt< · ~tr'id · r \.\ .r t (ll ~ \ eJ to ' f lK. 10 . 'lU, Ch ·tt t P tpet u t ··~ ~ n t .u ." '' d aP ;nn ~ .of ~ ~\'l rnl ' . .n ~ ~ n . '' n t h :.n h \\h : a \Ys:o~ a ~,J:hKl. \Q JH wh~ k01.'W 1 ·· · ~J?icu a .tl.i~l) p ., "t' i 1 t.he hus-in. ~s ~ . .,~ ~h ),:' g r "~t 1 c . t t~rih~H <·atit:~ n r,f ~i pufr· n~rH, \'\id1 rL'fefJ1 t H.' tu ~ll~ nbt.111d.anL bUJ·tply CJf J fl.~ fu,;tcritd-~-­that is t 11 • p rup Ar k inc.J tl)f \~ ootl. • 'j h tint L,er rc')nn I'C<'$ of 1 h ~ Sou Lh 1H HtC1 (;d hi~ atte n- ( \, . tion, aHd du ring rhc ., u n:. ttH:.:r of t<J05 the: laH.: P ('t\:r (,, ' l'ltonJ - son on l hi: son, k·"\anJc1· 'fhom~uo, \'isited \rf•stcn ;~ -tf·r·rl .:\orth -carolina, lexander wl'hon1;\0·rl and h!., fa ther rfl3<~e l}l<.lOY frie.ncls- ~ nil a favora ble im press.ion )ft Lhe peopll! of thlS sec~t10n of ~he- .taunt ry, ,,rhich se::nnc uf the t;Jdi.::r re. iJt!nrs re n1~rnb€r with pleasure. .Dth:ing tl1e hour w b f,Je- the f uocra l ,se r·vice \.\~a8 bei og hefJ • in Cir:rcinnaLi <J.hio> a s·bort scrv·ice, in hi~ hf,nvr~ v, a!) held jn the N[aill Otlice here at Canton. ppn;>xi tn.ately 75 or 100 attended. . • "Apd the tear that we hell, though in , ecret it rolb~ Shall long keep his tnem ory green in our sou}·." ' 'The Champion Family, Can con, t -<'Jrt h Ca t'O~ in a. D~ar Friend$: J ttl) It 1939 ~1orher anJ my brc,tbcF:-, juin n1e iu expre--i n-g o11r fih)~t grateful app-t·aciation [Qr thr kind th Jti&ln that pr<>n'lpted, you lu sc·ad us : -t tnentVl! .,hc.~t dd ~o lo th~.· Ho') ~< (,ur:- in C :.tnt\JlL You <.:'Ju li.l nut po.:- jhly hu\-~ d oJH~ ;uly·Lhin:l t h l w·oul i hen·'-" plea· . ("J hi ru TJli.Wc . nd ·,vt· ln ti ~ ""C s d y. p lt,; 1 !ittd l (') t, Htt\\· th; t t h~ Bov . ·.1t1L hloven1~: • t "ill 9~ St) berH h t •.d. • 1 tJHi~ wi. h rh"'t f :~uld ·h kt,. th'' h nJ ~uh.l . ~ ''th . ,uk Hr·· {O ql\. h and t;\ 1y otti.:,, b t1t ~ thi.s js iut}'O~· ihl .I i u t rcsr~ t tb fhi c: 'art (}f e(pr• ~> iH 111: v \ •. an~ ta~' f·uni lv' · J pt{ci~liun '(tJur thor.J G• hl ~ ·tn utH , ,., u c tr' al"'l' , at \\Ill ·o.ntinu to b~· ( '«Jur c ~.:tl • • • ' • • --- ·· The Champion Group at the Blue Ridge Con1erence. The Conference on Human ·Relations . 1n Industry at Blue Ridge Ti <.: c()J,f,~rcnct: II] H uma u Rd~tiOII S in l ndustrv \\t\S ,# };c~cl ar BluP Jlidr, . J,tt~ 11-15. 'J !a- wcc·i:1~ v ,. ~ t c.dlcd ru orJcr b~ the Chairn1an of th~ J'r'Jifi'J ·,;JI CrHnC:1llltt', Rtu l,cn .15. Rob~rt:>uH of ' l'hc <. · oJl'ij)J'/T P~th~ r ancl I•ibre Company. I rt his o1wning re­n p rk .f\. Jr. J{')Dt:.ll , ,r, !!a to: R. b. Robt~tttvn 4oti vvrbt(l th• open\f'~ ad(.h Conf.r•"te. (4) "This meeting of the C(Jnf~r~.·n('r> \.Ill ll unr:tn P dati. '·'3 complcLes its (\\ enlil,;th year uf al'ti\·it~. Thr"'ugh , 1 r 1 l~ . · twc nt r )'Cill ~ uur tupic: . ·for discu~.> iou h.t\ ,. ':tri e~.t """(.' :t wide P~lngc of ubje~ t s btll llnd crlriug ~t ll l\'l'tC ' h.~ h"·~ n rhe b ~.;k cunc~ptinn t h:u rotJp£ratiuu. 1\0t rfn•fli,·l. i~ tht• <•t ·:H e"~cn t i~d fur t't'Jtwm ic surccs.;. \\ ' · h ;H't been di ,(. u ~ in 't! \\ . l\ ~ and uh.· lib b\ '' hi"·h t: 11\­ll i\ t ( IJUid be: :n uic.kd, peac:~· d th.l h~ t l'thlll~ ,, ~.;un.·"l in lnlu.;­'') ~ b~ . t\\'\'l'Jt t·ttlplu~ t.'l ttlld t''l1li'IIJ) l'l'. ) HJ (._tJOfetl'Jlll.':-. lt , t \'\.' bn•rl diJ'1 u~ , i,JtL t'!>Hf~.·r\•1\\\., 1/il/ tJt/1uJJ t~ •llk'tt" ll\' t.'~ i 11 tl1 .1l lhl tt\~P ill ttnlls l1a\t' b~.·ta j'.l"'\'d-t iiJ l'lctll lot <. nlh~o.' t hd .htidll, f'11hLic.d lll ~l\1\<'t\\i . :. lht\(' bt ,•n d, ., ,.f.,ped . ""'ll h .tc tl fl tl ' " '' ·'" r-.• . ult~.d ft Pill \It(· \;'~oltl f, ·tt ll\' t' •) lhlh i . r dtlt' ltdtH dw iu ' l'it:Uif •ll d(·ti\'1.'1.t lt'otn the.· 1111 etin;.; tlf mind \Nit h llllthl .tnd h•t:. I ·~·.,, L tllireh- \ \. 11tllll II ) . . ,.,)1. I ••ll ( t: l ( ' IlL \' b .I s "'l' l \ \\d .l •• l I, .t lilt t ,, Hl'o\. till' Ill l olll li'tlj•H) i i N \II lut\\J lu sh l.n nr,c\th lthlu ~H ri.d t~·l.\ ti1111 . ·~ JltH· J. t\&• fti\IHd ~o' Utlli tiiUl iiiH 1\l liH'II (},, 1ri1.· dtillll •IJ , "'l'l'·" i ·UII \dtlr th · \'.\ J •t.' t j , · n l't·~ (If \'dwr< , ,titt'l~ ' ' ,, . ' " ~If\ L·1 "'" "'(' Ldl~H'j,., llr tl".'' pt~ ·. r1,"." ·h tl~t· l1.ttd tutt,•lclt ,ul •· c,l \'j(' \\., th 11 1 \11 I \ J l Hl u~: t•i"l-'('. \ t''l ll'l' I' .d ~ I t'1.Pfd n) llh)t' t • diM lh ,·,.\ ll \ tl j,l\1~ lilltt .h,•\\, thul \\'&' lt .t\ L In•, 1t It• I t,,· qu.dditd ilhl ~· p1.~ l~'lll l'd 111c' lJ ill :51 1' lr t \\Il l,·\ .I I ll I\ t\ l IO(Ii\ ~ .h \ ~, i,J,'Ill Pt. \ ' t"IILI•HI lltt •t h('d. ~ ( , •d i d f lt.,jlt't ' fliHl, ll t,;pil·tl \ ~'Sdt'ttlitll t !'i ( ',,.tit l niun . I J t.t lll : <d \~ P 'l, J ', ~n ._i, ,u fll.tu. l ;1,111p ln . Ill 111 , fru Iii,• lw:ddt :tnd 'll\ Hktll \\ 1 '\' l mc.nt i\t: 1 ('t••iit ~;h·tliw wd \ t1,; tti . n \\ith !'.1 . \ II'" dh l•l.n ), '' IH 11 tu It d r 1111,1 . J ur.l.H H'l nn·ut ui th"· ~·ltmiu '"''" ,1f l n,Jir,ui I Cnul) ic.;;t ~utd to 1 (u\idu d11: -~·~., urll) 1, 1 th~· l'lll pk.~\ i'l' Whl, h is ~on~idf'! Ll th~ great~· l S r cg ll ~ltd t\g~UU I di co . T' e l u~ .1 rd f 'l:""'~""C" ~r L h io't. hav·e com ~ t• ~1., n 1.- :a1 \ l~ • • nd tH { il - t1 b~ lihn:u: ;-. ir"~. . a .d h-' ~ t 1 • u ·ial R Ja ioi . "Jl·e . ciea ·) h J~- the ~r\.\;rc~ . ·ll H tn!1(!1 Rdaiiwl in Ind ·,t;~ tl a Hl t c n acc0· n~1 i 1 ed i:1 i til· 20 ·en r~ ·in , · t i1e • • ·nt'e \\ ~ ~ i t~nd~· . { i~ I r c ,, T c hard ·o nl . u e lh . rcci e ' l ~ ~ of Otlr .rnec· i· g · tH he l !On · ·'{ . 1l' n1 · ~iittec ha .one ati . f:ac·;on in t~le f:.t·t · h~t " _-'On~ ~.:. cc-. l1 \e ~ur ·i cJ bo .l th" ftr·~e.aJ <d p nic a 'd tl e o d ~1 (.'\f pr ' 'trit . f r lik"" t 11e fa· mer ·: h Ill" I' k , roll~. '~e · nc I J.t ·lv. 10 fc;il hat in ~c ,. . l tinu~ weuoootnctU ~l ird : · ua.l rl~·iau p,Jj\,;} aacl in bad < u tt' ' e c.a: 1't a ff~ i·d it. \ e l di \. i ha · he unbroJ:en nt'"nt :.,. pf tnc tir z• ior ~·, ·n".). ' ,· ·~-- ( w·ith the' teadih.· ;nt:r ·~- ine- :H n~ . t tbar ha.:: . ocn rnanife ted r'r \C here i an <;cia u a einand for ·he k:ncl of information a\·aiJabJe at the e me tintr . l t ~ -tt . I . en . : i that ~a!\·tat" \ iiJ chokt' dn~ i ro11d n1an jf · c "' ~ · ·'"' he n 1 t c· at it. w ' ttnern 1 ndu, L , has a ri h to I ,c nron ! { { it~ .:a rh • • rc of7n.hi~n of tl leed of a ta d l ndo . u iaJ Rcla ion Prl1- • ·r~rn. f'rt ud , f \\h~t it ha-- done o mdk<.: ~uch 'f<'"~r In-ef1e_ c{i t. anl c~·;-,etiaH;.-Jr ttl ol the f~c t that . ucJ accon1- p~i.~lunerl·~ h:a\··~ b~en cntindy \ ,!uraary an J '"~· lJ oJlr without ler:t Lhive I?{ rD.i. t:tLion:' 'f he n1c · !r~t! ,.a a \·ery 1n· .~ r ·"tin,e one. an'-1 \\t bcli Ye hat O) :Jch f.!<Y\){1 ~a . a ('OO't pli~hcd. fhe foB ·w; n z . u biect, " etc di:\cll ,•d : ~"f\\e H~ Yea r:f j dn~{'·ial P ·l.tin11 tJl -.'~llthcrh I ""'.Ju- • tr. ~ by L ttLcr 1~1. · f!!t" . (J~-::0 ·r;tl \I Uh1f'e1 :\ J 1r h~IJ 1· ield n'\~an . ~ f l1ndamt' ltaJs .f an l ndn · Lri,t l P ei:Hit1fb PrnQrnrn. h. r 19.~9. b" l'-lrroH E. :.enclJ. :\'e'' ) n d~ it\. Putt.:1, I nd~l . t ·i:ll R ct~t.ion · P{lrcit· u) ~Vo rk , h,· C. R. J)ooh~\-. ~ C\.\ '\ OTto. (_ 1 t\ . . The f] 11.:~meiH Factor in l ndu. tn' h,· \ .i<:tor . !u ,,, Spria?iidd . I a~. acho ctr". . . _\ L c" \head fo1 "' utht•n1 l ndn~tn. bv . .' :tmuel b-bau~ ·b . a . h,ifk\ ',ee~ · · ,., 1bj·('" t.-. fnr the grn~tp mc~ti n g:- wcr'-' : ~ . n, 11c:: rn J T.dlt~t n :lnJ Public Rei a tinns. \ \\-LH R( .~nded ·F:Ju~at'cn:d and Tt3;nin, Pro r:tm . r u - vlllh: J vc ())' k. Th~ . B. C. of ·he . . x:ja ~ .fotc th n ·:a·ce h~1nJrcd tth :-e ion~. "'f'ho e a~ tuH.!i ng fron1 The Cc·olp ny w =-~· ·ecu rit.'. Plan. aoJ tift\ delec-.u" • o;: a uc.:n"kd hampion P:tpt.'r and Fibre J·lamiltc· . l) ivi . (on: T-1t:nry ~l J ver. \railer •lt7. 'harll' · Lane . .,o,rd<•n Btn nctt. Charles _ l o,·~r, -:\Iilla rd Il tH . t,. tao­ton ~e\\ ki rk l · . ic } cJne~ and \ nJ." .\nde1 ~utt. l RJt·on Diri icJn:· \Jr. and _:\-f t :. Rcubcn B. Rtlb 'n.on, CJ~Hicl,· H ,nzcla''· Cul. \fo y, P. L. ~1 ccl1't,rd . • ~.~n1gc J0nes: l::1nr ty Jatl~t:., Car} P~tintc:-r, Cl ;n1de H.lnks, ft. E . .'herriJl1 ~;u· 'udy. fl. C;. <-\tark("~·. J. E. \ r ilk insonl L. ,\ . Conl«n, 1~ . .f. f .:1itbr rlll~r. E. E. Crdlle~. R ~ty Fo ter, \\~ . . \ hhntt. . lr. Jnd drt). H. \\ . ~ lank), (~. ' . . llttks. (;. C. ~\ rthur. Harold 1 I an~ ·n a11J . \\ . Pl,i Jlil . Qfj :AmuJ P/alj /Ja./f Jl .\l.g\.il, t 5. m<·mhcr~ (•f the Old ,.1 intt:l'~ • 'lub \\ill playr oftbaiJ at ;he bnJt r ad· . \ len1her" of the OIJ 'Timt·rs· 'lul>. hr;\ !n~ thi:-t)' :lnd rnclre rear ~r.> n icc \.; ith thl· C'r>nlpany. . \tll p~.a) the t ve n t~-fi \t: }ear ."' <:"ni~t: rn L"n. ·r u II J a m i on i ~ . a p t a i n o I d w f o r n h .! 1 t c n m • ~u hI F r a n k •• ·r th~: tau~ r. ,. c('()Jdi n2' trJ .\ Jr. Jami on, JJlt . n a rc­lclnnt• lWO-lrCil t~ (·n the th irty )t:<Jt H1Cil. Jio" 't\t'f , \ \ l! ~all .,, ,o for ti.e ft nut "\lore b fotc "'l' p1cJicl th · wi n,H:r. (5) ~\[ j,:;, I ~.1IJ ··in is 1 d·nt•"hcer f \{s. a l ~I 1:-. L. ff. BaJJ,\in :ttL' i . rhe onh ,t rdt."nr in Jw Pet.n.::\ hran1r .\\·e- • • nu Schuol l O n1nkc tbc lifth uaJt. \\'i hout bcint.r .tb . cnt or ~ ta rdy. ' !' hi~ i~ a pk~ n !id n:.·'-·<.~rd . • tn~.J ,tH· ~r which 1e aud hcl parent~ hould reel prnud. MY W 0 R LD \\ 'hen l f:tr~ fonh in tht:- n1 o rnin ~ \\"irh ri1L' firm re . /vc. ··Thi~ d:"·· • By (~oJ ' s ~ood ~r:~ -c. with a plca~ant bee I ''ill foHn\\' 111\ { ht•')cn w:n. ·"; 'l'hcn tlh.: " orld ~l!HI~ kith.{ a;1 l nH·I}o,\. \\.' ith thC" ;~ ktl' "'t'I CI H:' anJ brigh. .\ ntl mv rhn11t hb .lr' bknl \".'ith u fuJI cont<:u t \\ he;1 I con ~.: to nn re . l ::tl ni~ ht. • \\ hl'JI I ~ t .trr tht: da,· half-hea rted. ?\ u r p a us i n.t! l n q tit:. t i, )H \.\ h y . \ \' i l h a t h Cl tt kl t· ':) ~ i r :111 d .t Io ."." '~ k of (.'a r L • T hvn lhc \\ or1d S<.'t"J n , 2ll :·urn·. Th~ ptr.tplc I nH:et :-ttc li' ' le-;s · • \ 1 h.l c" J d 1 o l ~ tt I d e g-t e ~ . Fnt the lu, k (If phi ~·u that 1 ~i\'(; to t hun J. dt' louk th ,. i::i' ~ to tnc. f ha,·c 1 oud,·rc . l tl 'c m~ner decpl~· . \ 1hJ this i the truth 1 find: 'J'h ll rny c:arth nnd ~ k \' arc color . · l hy \ I r a tttl tt tk of m in d . : o l u) <:-a n. hen u· i C\ 1 1 h . 1 o f n .·hi ou \ pit' ~1 ~ 111 t: r place t n be, F(lr 1\ \:" ~Olllt' tL) know thar \\h~ll l b(• ~ t ow . ~J'he \\ orld give, \qrk to mr. - \ 'i·r,>n Jf't llt'l man. • . The Formation and Derivation of The States of Con tinental United States and Its Contiguous Territory Author~s Note J 1 th" Ai riL 1 o • S . , uc of T H & LOt". we be an a series of :"trthi~.: nn h(' l"nit~ . l ,'tat\!S :~nJ its Contiguous Territor}". h I i~ :.nd fmurc t"''IC:> ""e shall gt\·c a ~hort hi~tory of e. ch tate. ·1 his will r~q ire a grca~ dc:~l of rc!;carch work. l h')~\C'1. ! . \\C ho; tLH. these articles will be helpful to some readers of \his 1ru1-~az\nc (PART 13~-SOUTH CAROLINA) Ut'TJ:i '.\ROl 1:\".\ . J'Opularly known as Lhc P almetto te f . om the abundance of ralmcno on Lhe coast is (JBe , f the uri ~inal thinl'~ll sta Les. It i:; hapcd like a iriaa~le. with it . highe:-t point in the Blue Ridge .\ Ioun-lhus A& a p1C1u.r c.f thfJ flrat r. ani)'O mad tn tbe Conlod orafo St~loa. u id t9 0 1~ fir t tHie Cdt\llt)l' mud m A mertea. Jt 9J 1 112~de by Archibald Corn flr l lor omotlv on 1h South Cllrohncl ~u , o , d tains in the north we ·r. while r he J\ danlit (J.eau form:: it base. T he :Hale i.: ap}'roxim~ttcly 19() mile long and 160 m· a­wide, conta ining ;1hnut 31 .400 :-.q nare mile . divioed in o ;!J counties. ln 19.>5 the c timatcd pr.pulation \\a 2.0 12. . ·r he racial compo~ition of the p•)pularirJn i.; ap ro:xima· ·'r J :060,000 whites. CJ()Q,OOO ncgroe~ and ('Crhap:-. 800 lnd1an:s. Charlc:.-ton. the la rgc:-l cii} in the caate. ha3 a popul· ion of about 65.000, and Colu mh1a. the Caoiiol. S2 000 . • The lirst scttl cmenL in the . tate \\ as c ·t abli ::hccll\Ia,· 21. • l-62. by French 1:-l t~gucnot · at Port Rn;.al Ha ·bor. Th·~ colony was a failurc-hatJ ~ bips and mi~fonune cau;;ed the colonists to return to f ranee. 1 n 16 70 the flr~ t perm an en L seulement wa ~ established on the shley River a few mile~ distant ircJm the prt:~cnt city of Charleston. and was called Charle ~ Trw. n aftc Charles 11, 1\.ing of England. J n 1680 the pr~:--c n t ci~. of Charleston was founded by English Coloni~r-- whr, tame over 'vVith \ViJi iam Sayle. Jn 1 6~ 5 a large numbtr c,f Fr:ench H ugue nots came to Charle:ton ~oon after the Fd'ct oi :\autes. 'The new Charleston -600n g rew into a ciry oi im~"l)rtance in the . ·cw \Vorlc.l, and to lay it is the fir . t cit~ . and port of entr)' of outh Carolina. Charlc·nnn ha~ onr ,f be ,nfe;:t and most commodit)u · harbors in the ( nitt?d S1at~ . T1' harhor i surrounded b) bnc.l on a ll siJ<:::-. rxl·cpt tz,~ r.:·l­t rancc, vvhich is about one mite \\lOt. F rnntin~ the \d n t"~.· and extendi ng nmthward. js SulliYtl n' 1.-bnJ. ab \ ~ . ), miles loog · '•nd ou Lhc oth t•• : ide c)f thl· ('ntt ,nh:t· i~ \J ~>nt~ I sland \vhich l'Xlt' lltb s<>uthw(l rd. 1'lll' turb )r j, well '"le fendl:J by l"orts ~urnptcr =tnd ~ loultri<:. 1 F ori f\ Joull•ic, nn Sull i,a n '~ lsbnd. a1 l'h~lrl· · tPn. d iC.: (ir t dc~.,.i,t\" C \ il.lun ,,f till' , \ R ·'''l· ·· n ''~' gai ncJ \\h en in 177f> Lh<.· Hriti:h \\ etc tt'}'lll ·1. \ t d·.tt tirnt·, d t"• ron "'" ' il :::.qUail: of It)~, with l.l ~ti ,m .: .l dh.h CtHJlt: r con trur tt•d of lues ~t"lu.•d ~ IXIt'~ll fn:t di'Ht .tnl thl· ( .he hll(·d , •• it h ,.,lfh.l · r (h.l ·-t). tlu~ l nitt·d ~h ~. \ l'lt\ rn :li ll t:tiu rl un it ,lt I tHl \ l l)lll ll it·. whil h i . d:-. llldtz\·J ,,., Th ry or WhH t' uH t •. td n te t tb soul!\• "" lnt••llt)• o t \h c,ry of Ch ,1 to u. Cll\ 11\lOklny \h It Y~ ( ) a tA:.:t n n!? ~,; ~,n~ f\;1r dh" \.<H · ~Hl ~.d (~nard!' R··'r' ,,e Otll\.'( r's l"tr-iia:nc ~· •! '!, (tlld 'itl ~11 ~ \f )ll1i') 'TI 'UlHll~ ' :nHJ'. In 16,' i . ' (, n ,tfr~1 l ,,: FJ\,.ih.h Hu Ut'HI.)l~ st:ttkd in ' h. d ~·vn . . · t'\ ,1o-:u1· .:."' f ~hurcn. \\ hich ~ t 'Jny th~· cHll~· . \: ! : \ ' rln_lJ< !!•. \.·lhl.tYh in .\ 1(\ri~Jl. 1 ·, ~ t1rsl dHuch w c:b t'll nted in l :40. ~ Pd . . "~ c·nd ,Jn"· .:~ ~ l urn t- l in 1796. h ,, . ' th ~it ~b L)' l( ' :: ~ ' :t.r Jnd enlat~::ed j_S it no\-v ~ta 1 HJ: j~· ~:--· •. 1·tt:$ ~.'i urri L~.:. ·'< ntirHt . >u hi · [\)l\'. nn 1he , ame • ,: aho "'\ o ~ 1.J .>n ~-h H ct"'nt 1rie-s. ·~ t. ~ ~ = -~ ,. ,· o.; FJ.,·~\.·q ' ~ .: t"~ urch : VI~ BroJd a nJ \J e~ung . ~ o:'c ~ - ' , , ~. , n1le! d :n t7ol. 'l'he an:· hiter lure re "e n1b l~s , "H': ~ , na·ch.c:·. bod· h~ ~ir Christnphcr \Y ren. 't'he · t~i't' : . .• p:r'rOx~ 'lah· ~ J40fr.··t tli~ 1 r. :n1J fo1 v\·cra,cntu ry • ~h ~h . ".J \u•:: tJ, . j ~. a f1: ~ ~iq-n al staLion. T t is saiJ tlw r a n hted l:an· ert \n~ 1 nntr t r< ;n1 th\? . pire on a pole pointing 1 1 ' "~6\'\~;tl ~ H~ t.n. Cl a,le-.t n i::- H • ··d for its be.1utiful hand-made \Vrought­: rl:1 __ , '"el.\;l ,. 1:._i d ' !>:'\: rei) . Today, i;. )s a qu~int hi toric city· with .:: nar rCJ.\\ ~tree~" and a.lLien t bu:lli:ngs. Here the trad i Lions ".LJ &:.,: . ton.: 0f -.n1l'ni at cla\· · '"fore de \v ar.~· sci ll liYe and H u.n h a~ · n n ~.:~ \ · 1-,er . ct ion of the Southl and. ~r ~ ~ "" "'oa--t of _:r. J; h Ca :'ol na~ like other places along the ~o. t!l .\ tlantic Coa't. i ~ u bject LO ,. j(Jlent -rorn'l$ and ome­tlme~ -tornadoe-~ !&. d '-yd ouc ~ - On the ni~lll of .:-\ uousr 31 l . 6 C tprl~>- ton .1\ C~t~ \·i ~!teJ b:' an earthquake '~ hich ca u$cd .£.;;n~ derahle Lb ma.6 •, destroying ;.•roJ 1ert}: ki!Jing- about fort)' pcuplc a tl inju ri r:~ a l·.rgc th lmbc:'r. '~'e are to)d that crevices . \et:i1 ;·ar<:t . i ;~ l en ~n.h . ttnd varviutr from one tu ff)Ur inches ~ . H1 t• rdd.; £t} pe: red in the S' r ~e· s ~ and \,-aJcr glJ::,hc~.-l OliL Surface , J •• ie ~'ate· c n~:~ 0 f l\\'~ dis ;net belts, the cCla~tal plain .anJ Piedmo· plateau. and id naturall~1 di\·ided into section · kr v,.n ! ."'.ally a ir~ lo\\1 COlJl1 t ry. and t!le up-cr;untry. 'f he i!!L ~--t point ·l the ·ta te i~ 1\1ount Pinnacle in Pic kt:n · Cuun- "' . .; . \1\ kic?~ 1· ? .436 f~ct ;.b<"J,·e 3eC! Je•.,·»f. River System :] he l ilain ~ \"t"r ~. ' lt:nh are . antt'-e Sch'culn(;lh, anJ P cJ~e. rh~: c ·i c izt ~he p:al~<lhian . l 0 untetjn5 of ~ 1urth Can)lina. f 1.' "'' 1be ~ rinc;pa} ri·n:t of till ">t.lte, i 1 )0 ln ;}c.;; fr1Hg> ;rnd tc: fr>rrued by. t ht: ·Jun t i<;n \A l hea \1\ iHCH"t' and Cune-tA ree. ~ ther tmp( r ta.n ri~· e r~ a ce (.',,r-)pt'r and .•\ hl~y, <:ll~pryln~ illt<, C"h etrlt! ~'ljufl 4-rb{_ r. ' J'h ·r, :1rr. a HHmh :r c,f miuor \ i,·c:rs. Chmate ·J he cimatle iii te• l )C:rc i 1-.C.:rl!t ~,;. 'A· hal b}~ the: in J1ut'7Jtce r>f the ra_.·tnt.a}n rn UH; P.'fJ)' i iH\ P.b{ auu hr rht.! S!:a-bJ'eeze:> in the OiJtlea . l. II ~ ·d:h: .ttlOVIHain ar~ i~k~saHt t:r!l rn.:r re:5r1n • wf; J,c t.he .J · :, a t mo~ph e; ;e and the lc,nv . )c·af pitH· f ,r­e · · cJ m~ s~a d-hil l naaJ. <: thai sec . irJr. au ;dl al witPt--r hosnt· tor iJ \ aktL :J.:lH:l pl~ :tJ.; uf~ \~ekers. Resources 1 Le 11eld a1 d fo s ~ l J(.Jti~j.~ :,re ,·aricd. 'TJ r Culr tr:cas; temper~ tl.e ea.;inz a cltmatc suitaole fw the (7) • Huguenot Churchr Charleston, S. C. The only Huguenot Church in Ametica. producti on of rice, rye, ba rley and whea t al o, a \'ariety of fruit:>. • J\ <r ri cultu re is the leac.l ing occupation. Of Lhe 19,516,(10] Q c res i n t.h e s t a l e. 1 0, 3 9 3 J J 3 a r e i n r a r m I a n J . 'f he v a lu c r o f a ll crops livestock and live Lock products marketed in 1929 w as $15 7 ~93 5 ,000. The ;; tate is ll<.:XL Lo :\ l as~wch U5d L:> and \:orrh Ca rolina in cotton mill spi ndles. In 1')33, "'t ~ o1anufacturing e tablj shn1ern pt·oduteJ gnods ,·alue.l at $257) 44,21 7. T'hc fore st trees are cyprC$$, hen1luck, ashr white and oU1cr \'ariecies of pine . 'ou th Ca rolina ha$ sotne d<:'po"'it' oi golJ, rich deposits of kaolin and brick clay, (!XLenJi ng aero~ the 5tate. Cranilc quarric::>l tin, iron, manga nese, a , bc sto~ mica. nickt'\l and other rni neraJs uf cornm ercial value ~ re kwnJ wiLhin tht.: ~ Lat~, a l ~o valuable be:th of phosphat~ ruck. Education F ree s( hu(JI~ arc providf·d fur etll cbi Jd rL'n bl·twt'l'Cl tlh' a:0<:~ of 8ix a1ld f,ixtcen. 'l'h<: ~l.:tl' t: supptH L~ four instiuHions fur highc:r cduL~a,ion of the white p<.·OJ k: South :trolina - nivt:J">itr. at CnltJrnbia; Sotllh Can_,lin:J \ l iht:lr) . \cad~m). a 'I Ch a tl,·!\tnn: Clt nhon A v ri(tdtlt nd "nd \~I ccha ni~(1l Col­kge, at Ckm . n ll lfll.l \\illtllJt)p ~OttHal .~1\d l rH.lllSlftHl ( \)1 - l u~e, for girls! •u l <. od~ ]! ill nnd r)ne fur th<: cq!t,rt"'d pt'l'pk, buth 6c.;xes. f!L Ut ·uH!l·burg'. r'h(' ini\Liluti•H1 fDr th(.· dt\af, dua1h a1Jd hliHJ i-. :u C~,·· l ar Sp,.inQ~. ' [' h~,: fir~t t<.:'\lil<.· ~din~.>l in tlw { ·,Jjtc;d ~ H#:, wa~ iotrudrJ~·e,I at Clt:Jusuu ('qlk~l· . l n l ~J}5 ~ ' tltt'!l' \\.i'H: I(~ l'liblic. l ibt".tt"il·~ in the ~ tat· with .3(.}-t, i '-6 v ol tunc , Tne W a.r oJ Independence ·' 1 11 I 7 7 k r h ,; fj r<; 1 a< 1 \ \i u :;, 1) . t . 3 t~ \.I to c •!> 1'1J · l· r tt) a I tr -; u r· f' 'l - tion by forct:; ;.Hld ~he y<:a1 ft.:,llu'"' iJ1!) dtc· ht :H 1niliuuy fou:t: t • • (j,. wlh o wa~ ra!\:ed to. dcfcn~' t'f tht' ~nlnn ~ ~l{!Jin :t the J-:n ,)li h tro.v-er: · m.en . .1 n. 1 1·' t" t• m 'Pn,;n·r n t"'•l• .nv.l '·t n· : 11 vo•JU.r :.i " '"'Q l pro h'YJ bJ• t . ed . r ~r~al s l h fiL t i ·n r H taut \'iCttJt' - ol the R\·volution­ar~ \\'at wa~ won~: Fnrt ~l nl!lt t ie. l une - ~ . 1776. 1"h • tide \\as H"h\ ,,brc.JI ~ ttlntc\.t at 1\. ing', ~f ou n tai n. St!n~ rc b<:ttth: ,,tre d $\.) fvn . ~H a- t Cvwpeus :1nd Cut:tw ~·prin g$ . which we re -~ n b~ the t•nl mi 1,· . ~onth Caruli nian w~rc a conspicuous ~u:d po·~.~·n lc. ·u:>r in the \r ar for l t~dept'1H1 ~ nce. contributing t r~dy r)~ n1cn anJ n1eans. During tlle Sen1 inolc and t\ lexican wa' $ Lhc ~ta'.t: \.':as equally r rtnni nen t and patrjoLic. 'Yhen <h"' goYernment under the Federal Constitution had been e~ · abl i~h~d, , outh Carolina , under the.: direction t f .J C. . alhoun. oon became d1c leadi11g exponent of .,t:.ue-.: ;\·erel.g. nn"' · . Charle~ron is fa rno\Js for its cxq uisj tel y beauti f u I gaJrden-·. 1 b~ \l a~nolia. ~ 1 iddleton anJ C~ j re . S gardens are renOWt:l­c 1 throu . .Jhuut th~ world. T he city ha~ the finc~t exan-tples of handwrought iron g:r]h ar~J crat(•,,·a ~ :; to be Ic-Ju !'ld an ywhere on this C011Linent. 11.ese were hanJ hammered by lave labor during the 18th centurv. . . T Le 5rH cotton to be sent f rorn , \m.erican colonies was ~h;pped fr0m Charles To,.v·n in 17.84 to England. "T!~e fi r~t s team locomcJtive train ever to ope1·ate with vas:>en~e rs and freight was ·T he Best Fri~nd, from Ghad es-tc:, n to I·Ja :nbtJrg. . C. 1 in 1 3 I. ~ --T ~e first su bmarine eve r used in warfare ,,·a·.s 'Hunleg~s B0at; t:ed b) tbt: Confede rates> ] >63-1 865 jn Cba rl e~ton .Harbor:' ll'f }H: firq legitima te theat re in the 1; nited States \Vas tl e .: _ · e K Theatre., in Cha rlc:iton. Here a tr ag<;dy known a ~ · T~lf' (Jr;-,han:., '"-'a~ perfnrm.ed on }"ebruary 23 1735. In 193)) :.he or· t!'in.a J bu!ldir.g wa=> renewed and Lhc original play, ~-'fhe Orr·~an :· ~:a~ pre ·en ted on the st.aere. 'fhe ~H.alc Cat~itoJ i :-~ CrJlu mbia. 'J~e stale tlo\ver is CarrAtna I e~ma·.~ . a HJ 1.he nick n·a me i " Palmetto State." • _ ounct The Cflampion Associa tian, Nos~itei Inc. A'.:~ Dr ·r R .- ~>rJI<1. Fi·uahtial C'cJrH.lition,_ \ ·f;,y _2.~. rr1J'l CCaasshh oonn fD-ite\ pndus i-t --_-_-__. -_-_~__--_-_-__-"_"_-_·_·-_-_-_-- . -_-_-_-__-_-_- _. r· t l ~ tliJ.C;?:::, --- --- -- --- .,.-- c nexpircd 1 nsurance - - - - - -- ______ ______ ____ _ · ccru·eJ R ese r\'e SurpJu$ rf otaJ --- -- ~ - ~ --- Liabilitie.r L . b't• . ta 1 1t1e-s --- - --- - - - --- --·- for J)epreciation --- --- --- --- • --- -- - - --- ~-- --- -- --- -~- - - /:, H. 6 -,¥- ,, • ') /. J 25.:1- L5 .2C () 2.71 6.~6 5,869.:6. T otal --- _____ ~6, 1£.6) • T here has been ~ subsequent rea ~e- in ~ urp-h.t-s J $4J596.54, as of July 7. l 939~ due LO an abnonnaft_.' 1ar,;e number of hospitalization cases ar both Housl<>n anl Can tt.~n d ll ring th: e month of J u n e, R ece ipts Profit and Loss Sta t-ement ~'J.a y 28. 1939 --· --- --- --- Expenses Do,~ to I~ ~ ~ -- --- -- --- -- H0s pi tals, _____ --- - -- _____ __________ 0pe,ra ti 1~ g _______ ______ --- ____ --- --- __ ? -~ # . ,.).}~ .0 0 . ,~ .), __ l .o, o. 447. ' Total __ ___ --- --- 6,23-t-54. P rofit ______ --- _ --- --- - - _ --- _ ~.!J.6<1.3 4 'fhe Sec retaq~ call attention to the impona nce uf listing dependents. It is a grea-t d i"appv.inlment to lt'arn ah:er a dcpenJent becomes ho ·plea lized chat ht· or she was tlOt l ist~ and, t h e refor~. not entitled to benet1 ts. 1~ h ere have bt:c.:'n two such in stances ret:enth~ . • \Ye. he- \J lldt:r i!!ws<l UJlY.IAJllin ce, iHtvi n !! checked d1c tiCHninat iun blanks ~1nJ count<:J the ballots i11 the r(:.~ent ~ liH 7 • ('(1\JJ.~J J-J<: ·1if.JH. ~ll! Jf•tJ\' th~ ft! ~ UJL~ tl b foi}O\'\':i~ • BO(JK 11LL ~\ lAC. fT. & .bl·.J\"'J'I :. R~ j c,hrs H.srH 1 b-HJ} 'l':ufl 1'., A. c J . e11 by Pf LP J)R y I 1 ( I f. . \. . ,')· t >II L. \ . -fJ •~ ·t11 t ( tul f> airtt•·r s t; L,;/f H ' r~-. . \ OtJf) R<J( ,lvr \ :a <.1 " ~<. n '/.£ • . t· . <. la1k' B. J. 'A dl . tJttD . ,,;\ 1,. I~ I ·:C 'f J VJ-. I"'Y I•. ~. 'flu ,mp~tJIJ . Eul • ry \14:1'1111 fJ "lt If,,,.:, f I~ '\ L I 8 ( R A . ' t I: c }tl J • ' \ v (;~,_,, J! ~ H. J.Jw . TRA t. <J 14 fdi 1 'onwr H.lfkitt:O 1\: l.' d \ \ L• W ~; ill ~ 1 illl1 P0\1\1 l~ l~ I. B. H('}J ~Hl1 R. . ,. d¥g l. S . ta1nrv no,, R u M 1 J. L ' l'uffl 'l rL J tt4JH 1h R <JI.~ · tt. ~\~. vV . L\J l;u,, 1.'' l~lJ J( .\TUH. Y < •• • f!, tt th "Y f · ,, 1 , 111Hif tu 1 -. ( wt •IJ'' ll. \rt l•ur : o 1 11\ - a L. t~ t<(}D . 1), {; l\( ll ·IHJ ( ', i\ I, ( lt Jl ' t II H. I t. BPJ II l:. l ,Irl ur I{IC ~ . 1·. }' ·· ~ V. H I ' I \ : I L.l ~l\d .f 1,it }l'tfl1 Pr s t ~ '2: ·t.tlll·~·\ll v., f , c I rt.h f1 ' UJ} . • BOOK ~ fI LL r L:'\ISf·lt ~l ~ I~ . \ . ~· i ls n H. F . Sh~rrill ' I' l nll l ~ wl l llH.l \~ p \< • ' \ \ ~ l > ( '\ ~ T R l ' 'T 1 ) ~ \V. '-V. I iC\W~ '" ~ E. I\ hb~. tt T . 1. \V hit~ h.h.~ \\'On I) \ A I~}) ,;'\J,·:• e.-~ t l nl:d~.· t ~Pl.! J. . I t dl"".l !'\ .d j. •u I p ~H h l•\ )) H.: t• XTR·\ l'T I J. \\ • ~ri k L 1 a t·l d t• B n ln. J>. \ r C'Ltr~ ( 0:'\ !-' l.t ubt · 1 \ t.\w (t n • · I' l Sl~· 11 <·d ) \\', I. t '( > .; I ) II r 4 fl{H~T I ·· I llJ ·:~ l>l·J{ . U\; t u ~. R r c \ <"; 1.1. FOK'I' ~ \1 \Ti l l:RS t ;, t . · t T'l'Ll(:s . • T H E F 0 0 T L 0 G Ju~t i t:n het · 1n th . middle nf lhl.' f otk1:.! t n <l "tl\ aho t d) J'\i.idl\.' f ur11ucr. \\:tichiu Lhi liulc 'f. r<'all! hul­l . tilL. '' < 1 n in~ and nut ~ ;n y a I're nc i~ · in its ru h t•) ~<.'t "1ir&CJ'hh.,. -1 . \;~ 1 cmi,hb u. f :-.~ •m · .'\)JI, . . I h~) 1:1\ t<'i t ~-dly h l i ln~o I . nd . o! rhe cl 'k "'tllelltlCS. Lbc~ H' H1 . u-:11 a . v• t a t t , !. , t l h \ L , <.t. c t t o ~ c l t:u n rIa'" c? c ~ s u . . \\ e II~ ~ " c . ~ · d J n the 1: r t 1 lace~ dh' aim ,f dtl· l"'}')dOt! ~.: to lJll n · 1 r ~ th~ I l't;:-Ciilt. and 1~ '\. .h l".t t_nni I·1Jlltr"· r(., Lhc.r-:. \\ l' d ''t r t r un~o ~ 1 ~ '" Jc. ih l''' 1 P t \;!l.'l Lhrou~_h \\lth . m. tl~t H.! d at '"YH:l~l rc~ll~ .1" • U'L 1 l~ l craus · .'\~ dnnk \\'~ ' ant 1 11t 1 '' h u·. 01 l :-n r1 ·• l nu:: t:L-c ,,•c \ t p~a nue\.1. r l c l l~t . Ul d '110\\ n a dl. Pr~:S tH mny O"'ll ~111 n1?re of-'ni, \ fU(»OI u,a:l alden rm ln:·r, \\'if~ nl~ \Chad gumpt_JCtfl kn ,;\. it. T · h th.1~ !t''~ a.w't~ is d'' (.}'5 th<: .n;o"t un- 1 r· -ot ·nc. an. , ,,·ith =-~()thf . of th~: Pr(' ~\. ~H. (.1 he '~·r~- . ·~. nJ:: ''- h u rr t d t h ru in 1 ng l t ~et to :nmcthJ no- mort 1 ~1- '():-tn:H.~· 11Hl\ l th, , Ht'' w~ -.houl I lik(" tn li\·e nver a<•at.n. · .\ \\ell kn ,.,.n \\ ;-itc:-r 11f ~czru ~tt ~ric~ diagno:t"J our at!.~ .1ne.1: in de nea -.t phrc.t,e \\e\·~ ht-ard: ''the all-over~. \~·h~n \e ::trr- J caught lii' \\ith v. hate\ t•r we Jo, ''up Wtlb d~· 1ln'' ·· v ~ be~n o. ger the e1 11_4,)\·e r-. . . . ~(J!'le f u~ h. \C eJJj< yed our llr. t ,·acaunn w1th pa~ thts -:-urntn··:-. an.d ''e hrn·<.: he~rd . testimonia l :~ · fro1n a f~\\· a ~o how ·1t\ . pent heir in1e anJ how Inuch they enJ O~ eJ 1t. Ho'\ . i).b0u1 t.h r: weeki\· ,.rH.:a tiOlL . "h ~n we ha ,-e l wo or three d<1~. ff. •'T'he) dl-010~ n lP Ya~ations ~\~lh ray when "e - n . =det I. \\ \'\·e '' orkeJ a fe,\ ~tars af!'O. I hen we \Yo_rk-ecl "'tX or . C\ eo day a \•:ec·k. no\\· un ly fh e.~ et '' e nc\ er thHlk r:. · t. ern . , ca ·ozu. De we really take ad,·ant~e:e ~f them ·he , ·a, "e \':n:uid if tl1ey onlr came once a ~:ear~ " l.lY ?Ot tl-c d Cnl t , 1et realh· ac~t uai nted \\'i Lh the wife and k 1dJ te . and no let them hecoml.' cluttered "ith routine. In other ". rd . enj ,y thenl a . we \\ c u ld an u ncxpected . day off· noL fill hen~ •,\·1th r£:1f.Jt;'1~ .h:n~;) . ,, ~ have to do. Of course ·he ~ire a :rreat l1elp ~n gtuing .ome of the thin.Q's Jone th •Jd for a uan fu sicm. · . . . ~} . econd- Ia l: . 1-IO\\ gent!fOU.) ~ J).cl (he raue nt r~cnve r. F r r. t ~ r ~ f : . K ({'>. • L ~ f n Z(• U.) de a l b . l '"'You ·hr,u!d ret fr;ni. all in1ellectoal work . ~' : B t rm Cl C0Tl1p ht:r c.f iazz JT1U.:.ic.'' . \ elL rat. can e:o (1n wjt f. tl1~t . , • rrL stud n aJIO\,"anec· had run 0Ut, Sfl h' wrnlt' home f 1f ffit fC rJlf.H!e}, f• f"~.•Jjn.g a bit tl('f\'l)lj ~d)IJUl the illljlfC';)- ~Ofl i• \\ ;u1d ma j . llc endec.J Ill ~ Jt:lleJ : . r.). S. 1 J id Jl fJl r~ · wrhia£~ tJ ~ u. In f.:1~· . r r:tn ~ftc·r lhe nJC:ttlman to g·t 1: J, bt1ck. btJl he LaJ alrl":ndr mailed i1. ' • A '\C• k later} e ft-C•ivt:J lhc r(,llriWiJI ~ leply: ,, J.'U .'l. :H be .(lad tr, know dat J did nnt rcc,•ivc ) OUr 1 p tt: 1 . ,. (9) Eva Jane Worle y. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Worley _jj __jJ _)JafderJ Jrien,JJ _Are 1Jt/orried • ACCOP DT ::.;c; to reporl . frl)m good authority. II. .~ . 1--Iclclcr has been acti ng \·try strangely r~c c ntly. \\ c a re not fa1niliar wirh the . tories being circulatcJ and cannot ,·ouch fur them, bot like a good neivhbnr, ?, · hall repeat onlr ,,-hal we h ct vc heard . .\ r~,, \\'Cc?~ ~ ago, he anJ \ Irs. HelJcr :-.t?PPl'J at the l rnperial Hotel in a nton, for lunch, and n·htlc t~e) w~re e:1ring, atJ officer appruacheJ .\ Jr. I-leldel and s:ud , '") ou lt.:ft .,~ our car running." :\ l r. l leiJe r jumpcJ up, ran ont to ~ . . the car and found all fnur Ul)l)rs lorkcd, the eng1ne ruru\Jng-and Lhe ker in the lo(k. 1-lc had to hire a L:txi Lo t~ke him hom<.: and drt anPthcr kL'\ bcfure l1c cou iJ shu! the ignition orT. Recentlv. he \\'a., h ~ hing in L;dce Log-an, jnd il :eern., rh cll in L<:a~l c,f cal\.: hing- fish, he calches snakes. H is late t catch \\'(IS a \\Hter- llluL·~n-. in. \ ·\ c have heen infor rn<.~d th at l1i . fri~JtJ~ arc WIJrricd abClutl,im-lhink that Ill' is ho(d x,eJ'' an<.l it i \\ hi-.rwred around that his friends rctu:;ic to go !i sh­in.: "i1 h l1irn. 1 \·rhnp~. he wjll impruvr ~l ~ Lite sumrncr "t:a 1 her pa~sc :': . Tht: l ~u~-.t rcpt1r"t i·L Lh ·u lilt· of ~ 1 1. Il eldc1' · ' · hudi t·~:· a li ~ h <· r m ~Ill " i d 1 q ll it e a n: p 111 a l i o u- :. '\ c.: n t ri $ h i 11 1-! 1 c '.: ~ n t - h. ~·cJt UJ al 4 .\ . \ 1., h.til t'd hi :, hot!. , drC'J'peJ il intn.tht.· \~ ' t l ~ r . t ll d I I I t: n I r.: II cl 0) I ('1, ·p : t ll l d i d fl • l ~l\\ 'd{ c 11 llll r i 1 c1 b (J tl { I 1 \. c J 1 o 111 I ~ ~ · r. { )fl a nrltiJcr (J'I.'tbiou. ltc \\a -. lt slting f1nl11 n pbtfrJtm. td l c-: ln:p an I lti fJ:.,hj "~' t:h.kle fcl) in~o tht• lake. ~ ;11 c-.~ ~.~ \\~Hi t:lJr• l'Jlt·-.·L or lhc~ ('Uit!IIPI\lllla l ll ci!J'. tJI "IIH.Jlllil :tlll dt'\\. J l o\\'('\ cr, "c· },:'d l in\ t· ti~alC' ;t~h.l il 111.'<.~:-l\at prv\ i\lc a J (Jll:.thh:, UJfllful ~a bit· ht:d \\ ith s JJn -.; h:ldt:. - Pub:ished by uThe Champion F amilyJ' as a Symbol of t he Cooperation and Good Fellowship Existing at the Plants o[ The Champion Paper and F ibre Company, Canton Division, Canton, North Carolina, and I-Iouston Di,·ision, H~ousto n , T exas G. W. Plm.I.iPS . _ • . _ . _. __ . . . • __ . __ . ___ . _ . • _ . _ . __ . __ _ Editor BEUBEN B. ROBERTSON. JR .•. _ . •• • _ •• _ •. . ___ .• __ •. _.Associate Editor A. ."f. KOUBY . __ . __ . __ . _ •. _ . ____ •• _'Editor for fue Houston Division CAN"l'ON REPORTERS Daisy Burnette. . . ____ Main Office fr&d Dayton. . . __ . _ . Book Mill J. E. Slauqhtec. .•.• -~ -- . R. & A. Paul Hyatt. • . . _ . _. _. __ .Power o. r.otms . E. B. Dep~ Jack WiUiaiD"a • . • • • • • . Catto011ist Bill PJlen Clayton MiUer . . _. _ . Pulp Drying Almeda Crumley._ . Flnisbl.nq Room " The Colonel" __ .•.•.•••. _. El(tract Charlie No:rlander _ . . Soda-Sulphate Gladys Wright . •. . Shipping Dept. Lelia Cook __ .•. _ .•. Labor a tory •.• Board Mlll HOUSTON REPORTERS GoorCJe 'Nild Vernon Dutton G. l. Cdbhc D. C. Th?mpso.n W. f. Wlnt-c;Ta Jim Melntoub V. I. Duton Slot~toom Tommy Sinbad-Sbo-N l.d1 Eddlo Chem.oeky Wally Yates. Olflco - /J£oul '· I £~ ,. p· b, 1 yt:1' r l>y th(' c Jih ,,,HJ. -v. uuld h · \• t' h· t '' u fh ~ : o 1 tt ' 1 o · ~ y ,. "r · \\ ., ~"~ ff ,, l x1.CJI.)(J 1 t~Jit r_,ad ,.,. 1 )r ·~''''# .H I f· tf(JJ'. ~ l ,f,·;-t· . t {(lt' JII t: JJf j Iliff ,'!(' llt ' 11••1 li!J· Ii t·d I•• In '" 11l.:t1 1,,,,. dt '"hi \' I'Jll( h. J•t"t • t'llt ,f dtc Ltdr11pj in \ lr H.'rtt iJ. ;11 < 'Jt J llw vt·r~. t1 hanlo ''Pl ) . \\ !' (j,, Jlfll lwli1 \~t• flw1 !tit j flt ' I IJfH1 i t itll1 1 Ill itnplt \1 I! Jt r!tsr u ·!· 0 ltt'll)••rtd''.l.t t:rx ltttt.l,•ta tlwJ· ' IS)Il. '-'" du ·• l r,! 'T(t\•l',fH JJ('IIf ,.,.,pI ,. J I•WcJ IU\P ~ ,riJ•I r>•u P'-'dl\~ \drkh jb ''jlt I lj'UIIr1d dw CIJfl,r' t •· \\ill 'll!-ih llj)IIIJ I J ltk~ lh~; f1l ll ftiJIJI . '•\\'fl\ \\itlt IH."~ulv 3,00l.Ull0 l''~"'•ll~ . nll.:-lltut ~·~ lht· l;u•·~,.;( tHLHlh1. 1 L•f tlt \:\t' Hu t rllllft' im~.•tt'.:t.n.; h• ,li·~.,,\Qf i~., tin• f;H·l th ,lllltt,'t~· l. t ill\\ .llui ,JI ul q>., , ()\ \1) pt.·s . ~,uh. i 11 dw ttfltu! f,f dw I'I'C':-.tdcnt 1 dh· k it ' ,. t tl i\ v d<.:t 11 t ill ·ul:-. tlh•ll{ ' lldt•nl H ~ ''IH i~·., i lll l l liH' ll' ~' -.1.111\ ,• • .tJtd JlHI h·Ld bt,i n4 h l"S of t lJ,• tj(t \ c:J lllll~ II\ ,1 I \\ .J:·dlillglol\. "" I ll l'JIJl , dw J kl' tlltlll'llt "' Ju ~ \11~ lt ,t,l 1-11 ~·'l 'l''' •\t' " In \\ t l11rt~ 1 1111 tud 1 i 1 h 'I • .! , I 7 S I h ll .1 n h ~ ~ 11 1 h · f'\:,n. \ I h p.lllltl\' 111 h td ~ ~ ~ ~ i\ iii lll c'lllpl, ·~ ('• Ill \\ ,I hlllg\(11 [, 1. Jd ,l , n I, , . "111 1 1· tit r " I l ,noo 'I' It~· , · t • :\ ;n"l'l, ~ m i: Itt b, lltlti.tqlll , j !IIIII} lltllr , l 111 1 th t \ tl \' ttlc i ll ~d, l11 !'l h n \\ til,• ft l l l.!,t' · d tlUilWtll i~l, itllllll P\IJ l,dt•t,d 1•111',111 L.l<. It,~. fttl'it\·d ntt l l11 1.1 f' \t:' l 1l rlt l' lltflt•llllllhf' l\ I Hl111 .1$ \C'ID. ' I I dw li t•ilt J.' t (? tud I ~d t'IH•t1 ;, a\1 . r ~l\ II,. 11 \I i11 11 al '" Ill c• I • r I I I 'I t. c t Ill . tl I\ l: " I :r\ II II\\ d { pi' ( . I i 1\1 II tilt . I I \ r· .1 \ f' I J U It I c! l I c H l I h 1d I C I ~( ,( }l J ( J(lll l } I lJ h \ \ I 'I J I I~ I • ~ I I h 'I ll h\.• I rht i't'l JI i \ td oi iWD J'•tid ·let!. 11 ~ ~ ~(I() \ \1.11 t hh. • ··~ l llfll \ llll Ill fltllltill' '" \\ t !\ ltirl,S l tlll. l·l drl.' 1 t&fin. ' 1 1\. S., 1 tt'lr! tlt•• tJI tinw j,,, ~ . ·It 1fl . . \\ :1 btn ~f ''' !\ ltliJHI flU tltJ nt, tll t. • . I t 111t' .~ n u u h h t I' t~ t a ~ t ;1 ) ( 1 "' l ' (I()) . ~ Otar .d R : d \;\h.\ · • • }I •. l'( \ 1 \ ! . . I h \ '•I I, n~r-rt, l er tl[ I ht.a • "t If f\t • ,., \ \ '1 h ~\ 1.,' I und • I l . ,-1 • ' hi l • • ( ' \ ~ t \ • -t \ H i4 • \ 'l ~ . ~ 1 h :: 1 1 \ lt'll \' l • .tt ''' \\oldd hk. fr•l ''"' ,. , aUt1 ,r. ~11',-.u '.h_.r, Jllf'nll \~ .11 thl· • 1.\;'n I l ;f 1 l' 1'11 \ e fH ,, ( I r 1 h ' ~I \F ,I 1 \ 1l ~ IJ n / t' v "t •J ) • t 1:- P' ·- . 1 P• ~' Pl \'~' . Jt I u~,.t ·nt~. T f \',I, 1 t 1\4 t •t•d l' • I th-t l ai\;t. R ''~<:tnh( '~ il ~ (' \' . l . .;~._._fl ~,l \'~th ull in itti \ tet~.t d, Wt. • \ h,LH ·· d irnpt \l""'"'tt"'Hl dtttll!! J-0 )\J ~.n t' r ( 1.: -t t: . : I lw . .:' 1 ~ L i \ . c . t Hh' i r . ,) 1111'1 IHd f, ''I~ 11,\:·: l~(' 1 }r h' J;)ltli' :Jnd f'HI' 'l' 1."'.31 .• ,,,J 1 1, .1\, r n int :1Jl indH,ff'i·•!lo . ~ t , 'f:J l~ t:---_ Out fh:ql~ ·nc: r :J.t.t' \\':-t~ h.h, .: : ~- . Pa t~ h a ' t~l L .' . but aot {'llt) ,J nc'ttt'h ltH' i-r~ ·il!· ' U · g-n~>d • 1 ~ ~·.: ~ :1\ t~r h H.tPL' d~ ~J \\<.' $h:tll be . 1ble fl) inJ­t lf b ) I . foe~ ( td . I. ' . q ;1 ~ \ :h e b ll c r h :l H 0 r l <) 19. .\ H \\ .,__. , . !b~ e.~ 1 . ~ v. ' · let'~ ~ h t \v ~.)t tr lv\-alt t3 Jthc Ch~ mpi t.'ltl ~ ·. y i :d) ir.g ~ k all the dme. -~ --- ~ --- ~ --- ~ --- · 1 ~. t' \! l \t1~t t.\ p.-)rt \l thin~ . in life are i q,.::.: ~e\ {;! enr. : ~ fe 1\ 1nt,. is the k e_:~ton e of •r :. . . l 1' ) . l J~t" ~na~ \ t: r .-,)L u\.~_ - • ln1- our EC . \ ) ll · . l~ Cl 1\JJ . Y. _ ccJt!IH" Jestro"\· economic ~ ~.~l.L. •\. : lillioP.s ._.Jffer 1 rivatic.u and \\an: " ·he-n an acci-e:: r d.~:;~ b-ie::; • hr· brt~d- ~inner t)f -he ia mil y 0r w he11 farnily­: · ;n . =-- :r· ~ t &l L i in th~ ~ a re ui an injur:ed child. 1 D L . 'lJ~L .L EFFJCJE:\CY. Production alwa.r '" suf-f ·s ·. h . n s '\ur:-e:r :.:: hu·n . \r:d :ur t:ver~ inju ry- .accident · fj t·r ar . rn;Hj ~ other~ c.:n~ -ing uo injury; but rep,-t-"' a ~·~-~ . I}~ .J:> r ~a4 "'aste. :\A 1 f.Y', AL PR o ~. PERJT'1. . Our natir1n econorn ic. lo,oi., ,.r a . e~cl:. ·ns a n !H. tr :- 10 b}ll:uns of d~.AI~r s .aunually. P ro['­~ \ .~ d~ ~rflred , !)-r' JUC"t · , .: r·u\\er j-. curtai led, and useful • c-:: - 8s " J ~·emat.urd) nuff<: .l v l lt. P ft. R ~O~.l.\JL H \FPl ~E: S . _ ccidern Jnt_an pain and odTe.: ):' t:r.~ d,e tnjo red . a!h.l \Ou his fami1) anJ friends. ' f en;; · ~ ~nd are J.ef.- penna nt::tJdy c r\}1j.led .e tery ye"u. l i L CH \LLE. "(;J~ . : ecurit}". etficieucy prosp~"rtL}'> "t ' ·ac· ~ -~ i_, -c• B J\hi no! be . acrificed 1 hn)ugb c:tc:de~s ·· r r e· lee . \' e m ;;t~t l e ~ure chat t bit) key tone c)f ~ ~t : : . · . r ·tOTe S'ecure]}; plcr.:ed, t rtar ir dc~l4!5 11c>t safr r.H· ';.ll, !1 n:n1u·1 _ r.t f Jm su,,JJOrt ( l'J th . · fulle·t rcalr'l .• :nirm uf r,UT : t: . 1 - - \'ttt/(Jt!ai .\a/1! )' :'!/ PU'J'. --- --:;---. --- =---~--- -~-- Jte: \\ -. :n .I tand ;j,t.l~ Paul J h a 1 ;-u, I Lew I· (J\;.[e.r v" "red 1.1t. af t u~ 1.11 :u~ rt·cencl~. ) 1 r(.~r~l hjdh ·" ,_. ptudHH~e aL f-~ adcm) · · CJ'liJ ~tc:ky, \ ~t - on clo~· . r ~hedule l h1.:1 b ran~·i· :a.s i:t n1.ay se n,, ··. J-a -<~d Jtgtt' thruu~r-.h if-arlcHi ·nd dtd,, t kr~ .~ 1'. '1 · ·· ,. f.l r l r ~' c been t'J; tb: . llo~· er l r und~·r th • ~-- ~. --- ~.,. --- ·--·~- - - -• #' ) J t I I /' . 6 . ~ • ~ 3 • r (:p • I: • ~1oth r rl.r W did hal J ar ~ An~ fio~'~f t f .;; ID~'': z·~ ·n st~i:So.C-''6. (ll) T .HE gcn.dernaH) whose photograph appea r~ abvvc~ i ~ tin­played in the Board Departlnent-\\.fe rncan Paper Buard ~1-a.nufac Luring DepartmcrlL. He is nne of the ~hift fore­tnen, and a pretty •(hard-boi leJ:" fello~,-- Receru Jy he spenL his vata tion in \· irginia. " 'hile there he vi sited the old n1i ll where he u-sed t t.1 work and ~ a,:v many of bj ' o.ld friend 5. but he says there i.s no place like The Cham­pion Paper ~u1d f jbre Company and \Ve ·Lt;:rn .\<Jrth Carul!n:.t~ 1\ I r. r laJ.l is high in his praise of 'f hc Champion P ar1er and F ibre Compar:ly for giving Lhe .etnp.loyec · vn ccuion~ wi th pa~ . He ~rate d tbat the o ld Ohampion was the bc:H cornpn.ny in the l '. S. A . Completed 012 ~uilkouf an ~uwbcr I· 1ur Su.lph ilc djg<.'.~l.<.:r \vas r( . cently relined by .\ Jr. F urnes::: e re-'" '" ithont an ~cci d enr. On l\1av 15, ~dr. l/ 11 rnt!ss' r~:\;\, t>f \.\ Uikcr;o; began r~nh.l\­iJ) g lhe uhf ln1iog, whtc:ll ' a~ a \ (' I Y ditTkull a1HI hazarll,m.; jtJb, a tid a ftt:r lh ufJ l inia~ \\ ,.\:> u:•mov . l, a tlt.'\\ fi,•ing wa ~ in;,taJied. 'f ht di~'-· ter i cr ICJ fc<'l in di~tnu:t ~r 0nd )() ft:t:t: hiuh. ' l'hc •• uld lnic.:k, ~\r. ~'dt a') the b1i~k and IJHH'L,t r ll,t·J in tht: nn~ lui l!l!!, \-\vrt: p . .i.:>~ C l thruugh lhe 4'111\ t!l l Ol'f·niut~ iu 4h . ! lhJliLlnl c.f the.: di~''-·:,)tcr. f !,c· joh \11 CJ:'-\ CtHil f •lct ~d \\'il hin 1<."!\~ I h.111 I W11 w-et:L. · ll. F 1HO't~ tlttd hi cn·w (Jr -.,, urker ,trr.: tq t t' t ' ()JlltiJ.{·nd~l fnr d ,jog a ;:;()(,d j\:;1> vi1 1tuHt [Ht :1~r ! llt1l . 1nd l'"t~rn;,h:linL• it on n:ct•rd tin,,· . __ . .,.,._ .\ 1)/ I ltl.t 'Tt;'-J u d pj},J.t: fl d),: ~·otrld ~uU likt: t11 l! ) tf. i~ f 'l r .AC httf• ~ 1 ~ ~.:Set ngP-1 : \, nt HH~ : [ llr \l.t.H j IJ in~p ! t <'1( f' Jf HI1 ttl . "'• By Y. R. 1l ~tel 1 d._. n t. :nt~ rnore han any Pill' d~\'. likl to a'-lmit ho\v rnan~· ye_ r~ l '-' n ~o tack in mcnhH ~. buL tht1 ,l m~ 1 :u 1 gp n~ and ~e if t can not C'J !l to mi11u some of the ~·ear~ 1ht.1l ha\t! i'•'' ·ed. . l_can r~call that ll'r :- '11le time .:dter July, Jt)06. the itu a­t ·un ul our tL''' n ".1~ . uch th:n in~tc"J ,)f concrete sidc\\'alk . :aa~d ra\·cd s·reet: "e haJ a on~ rl.lnk :>iclewalk laid on top ol ·oft mud lu '' .;t}k on. and btg holes l nJ hub Jeep mud t? drn e ~h ft; ugh. \\ e could not ~ nap ()!l a switch and ha ,.c l1~ht. but baJ to earn· a can \. f oil from the Sture and fill limp~ . '' a~h and d~an chim neys and then hunL a ll OYer the p_b('e for a m .,tch. \\ ·e gor ui"~ on cold morning ~ and built enl1ei a "·ood ' r c )al fire \\'hile \\'e ~h i,·c recl a round in un­me ·r :"na ble .~. a rmcnt . . · o furnace~ and . team heat in tho::.c da~ . no dect:-icit~ for lighring and evoking nor for ~trec L lamp~ . lf \\'e wanted a drink of water. out to tl1c well in the ya rd we: would gu. a;; \\ell a· for other thin~ ' · .'\o sewer aud \\·ater lines for con\·cnience and comfort Lhen. J n fact we had nor i'ling bu1 a darn good feu nda lion on which to build 3 own. but it \\as a rood fou ndation because it wa. made ~ . ' up (.r o-ooa mtn. Down in the ··Bottom.'' a;) l.he n1ill ~iLe \\~as known in L fl to t qht: BCtb li~rrla.; Jim Adam • A1 ' l. £n9ino r on con· •truc••<~n Powon, Supt. o1 C"on•truction; Tom Rem~a n , Enqtne r on c:ou­. trucUon; lc K. 11 y, Cbu f Cl rk on con.ttu.cUoo; Harold Lorick }\b ' t. lo Joo Yoll y; can't n~rn s Wh1tne:y. CdtpGnt<rr for rn~ : Jim P yn , l Lor forom n an.d t4Jlt() d ronatruction; D~sn WJld Tmt k r. r: R t.d. Main Bu ••· C•nt<~n 180 (12) Back row- left to right: Tom Remsen. Jim Adams. Da.n Wild ArthW" Freeman. Middle row: Bob Harris. Joe KeUey, Jenkins. Front: Jack Wa.nb. Lhu e da) ~:-. we had a mud hok. but that mu I hl.!le W<L graJ­ually being fi ll et! wtd1 m ~l lt't i,d and deh:rmine l tnt'II: n~ n who had tht badd"'nll l: :tnd nen l: tu make a tH:\.·\.·~ vi wn tl th~v had staned. ·no ' ou rctllcmbcr hc,w 'rn1 w . cd tu C\)ll (.• lt.l th~· \\ ;,hl''"" of a sh; tll) c,flic;c ltH.l Sl'l =t. l>r.t .;, t.:h\.l.'k tv i l·ut ·rv ~,)tl :,~ ~t lncmbvr of t 11c oq;auizatinn ,tnd :t ~tlh . ' ~ 1HJI' n. Ill· .~r t ~ '1. r · on the pa\n)ll ~ T hen at 'l'\VII \ . ~1. I \\l ltt kl 'IlL' 'l lHII n 11 th· l•'J.\ ni' tlh.: ortiu: \ll ·q~ it \\a,' tifltt' t1 ~\' lt1 \\O:k. '\nti111c d rl"l ~ .tnd \\hi . dt· . in th,, t' \.Ln . l >ut itP dtt.' m ,rn- ~ inn yl)U \\Ou ld ~\.l' lllL: in kuvt· b('ttt s "11.ling tuud h.tlf "ny L•J tll\' kfl<'t:- didn'l lacl\'<' !1> bt· '''') \Jet·p tn hl· th.n: dhHt!_!h. di~.J i.t ~ tu:u k i 11" du\\ 11 dw t i Ill\ l h 1 f \ t>\.1 \\I ,d,H.J nn (.~ h.·h :,uiJdita1• . ) 11 I :JhPll l thill\' .~l'C!Iti\J i~d~ I~ the l'Cil LU\~'" bik \\<'It' nnklld\\ll t!. ' 1\ tlld r l ill thin! "'' l' ltltdt· lt .tJ lli••I,:: I'll,.'''· n dtc trll I s ,!fld ltllJJill ·I il 'b 11l I<''"''' un l pnlt q\ nm · t>l dw dt\, ·a 1 d lhC'\ \\utdd •\;'l llj' 111 '11 '' l 1 ~,.·, 1\ 1\\" II •l rlL' !h:tl it ,\,i IIIIIC' It;!,. II . ' ] Itt• \h• ll 1g lill II t'lll "\·\11t \\ hi ft'tlllll lll \\'ul'k, tllll dll'/1 ,J••.rill .II :.j \ . d th.t l II\ 11••1 ,II thH" PI f .rtlt . 1 ~ c,i l cHl.l\ hut .11 j : \.h \ •'ll l1111 ~ h•Hll \\ .l .I \ It~ \. \' • : 1 ~ tlrt'Jl. i n J'll\ ttl II ,d tl'"'''"'"·llatp aJhl \u,lllt\l't lit•uu· tlh·"· w' , tltlll\ ul p ttll .u1l ··II· tl '"' b ·11 ·Jm•·t\l lwl\\ •~.;·n tl,,. Iff\\,, 111d n.i11 1 hut '' ~ '' wtd• 1 f ill Tbcit ,. 1n\tlh 1ll . irtt .nhl 111t•·n ,, \\, 1 lwll<·t '"'' 11 111d \\ l1i \~ct mill. \\ J 1.tlh' \ JH' l " } , l 1 h ( ., .t I ) • 11 ,, l 1 . u r' .- \ I { T ul ,! •' rt 1 \\. I (·1~, · 1 n I. t u .I 11 u , •w 1 H Utili • t •l tu"t:tlu: t lli ••1'1 r ~ · lldtlh I ,,· tio ll. in r.~ l ''''" •t.•rt no ft t: t'''' llll~t, l ll wdl' lit-t\·Hti,>tl, jc·d,.'!"' c nd h d lJitall ~ ( lblC I. \\ c• •lll••tt_!ltf tq:• dtct tlld no. \\ttl t it vth 1 . '\' · : at .n· ttl ~ • t' i hn•{: 't :1 · • . l"t t: -(tt pill' Ill\'\ n. ( :nrd • si: \h u ') :.-:.rl\1 ·~. b~ ( r t •l('lAlJj._• (Phi l.?k; htt,ll\' ~ \ :-\t.'f\ 1 ~ . • • \LH 'f J>,. ;, ~l" v '-' · ·=n · . i ~ ~ l;'l t 1 '1' ~ ::~cdly flH).II rn ~1nlJ itlt· 1 " ' d c ,. ·tnH·~·r , . Pea'!~ a 1 ;i} L\ ''~ d. out n1 ,JL b r "~n 'Hh' 1\t. ;:r. 1he b~ ·t. ~n\i \ ~:" .,:t dH' l.h . .-·t. it~ 1h-c \ ' ~1rLI. Yn.u j', \\ . ·cg·: . ;::: 1··" rn 1U-d \·ttl t'\\ .~ ~d . ·lnc ('ill<: (. . l.n~k . Vl)ll .~ll ~ !.ll ~-·1:· ''al~ <:\J Hi,,. t!IJttv \ . i\L ·ln ,1 '' l·li ,t [e, ~n J '""l ·1 tl~ I ~.ih~t' \\"h .stlc ll i ~ 'ot: l ,) H \.n .k ~ ~C\ I, n \. i\ l :\ I :-"t·u •• ,~·nr' ja-.~s t·.t:l !-J',. t: f if ,,~u 1.4-J~r tirq_r• cr!f r< n ,,ul':-· . "'' a ~"'H1 1-i~' .!' l\Ld\ t~ ' f'1Jl. "'~\ ~s ~o.l<JH(' ell tlHl'<.:~ OT If • • ) ~1.\.l ·{~ ~\Hlh t I . ·~. t' :t! 1-.r.:-h t' ,,,~ pby tW I h~H: k ot' ~ll tt )J.~· '\::"' 't:h, "1,; II\· i)lt, .'. i, '~tt·n ~r c·i~._~ -~)U t1cmr tt tct fut.H' an.l \ ;. • U l ~ i . h; tl• •h I fl .1.\' ' j~ d\ .) I '(' . 1 ~tiP~ the fi' 1ir ;I\! (\ ~ h.~.-2 ,.'-'ar~. d~i·HI ~h f~nh { \f • • (~, m!tna ~·m-eJl ~ t~ 1 ~,-l1~.etk 'r- . fl., \'r f l;l J to hie w--H:U . t~···~3 ll ~Ja r-1 r1-.·· r Jidn . t l,,.t,"' ~l~4~'" uTh)H.'.h will' d ~l) th~t I rei;ih"" Lf.W. ·-· i. lll J '~ . ' ~ l \it'rrc ~iLl!),' bani) r~: lure s :tlld ,.·h·l ·· ¥. lt~,- t'te\:. r. :.:. Ih.' tL ~ 1h: ofl't;:e fur ~ pa~ roll chc:: ·k l .a· J •.t '-1 \ \ <.: 1~ 't 1< 1., · < f Ji1·\"il :•nJ ·\ PHh~n c.u c k~n o\n1 a, {"'han"!- l"i"' 1:" • :ft~! 'i :.:. !.!i; ! . ." m ,,f I he Ch:H1l l 'ic~n i~ a 1(n!ght , dressed '1 .~ \ l t <.tt 'n. r. l1~1ri;n~ a ~j'e3 r. '' hi l ~· ·et.tred on a htHse. · , . , a'll \: ,,. \ _;. \\ . ~ t -;. h · ' ( 1't l., • ~ n1 on oll r w a l , h c h a i.n ~ a n d n1 ct n y . . ·r~:~· th ··w.rh· ,:r.;i\:ur·· t l tne rhat lh 'fS-t' of ua who have k_nf)'~X-1 ;})~ ''· J<k•n-~ '--;f t ·.,e ptt}p a.nJ raper bu·i ne."S tan. fi(:r.: cq $' {a taeir m'.nc.b. n . rlacc this ,, ith che piclure of the n!~.)-e _:. ~('IJ;. h \.:'~ rnf~lla tiH,ltnt.:iinee r~ !nstead of su it o{ armor :~ .~,'t' ~ l'\ 't~·.-~ ~·}~z·:-1d ~l -= :J;;~· !de;;. a . ~ :::t .: ·ad nf (J. iic r: :;. 1' oxen. t "'p .a;··d ~<·~ r. ;1-rr: Jnr,l.,.ltk.n tr~il~ . furnishi n (~ us wit(h lh~ ra\<v 711-= ecil · ~ ~ .a1 u:.~-. ~.e r.he e~.!stence of our o-ht pos ible and a:l' a--~ure<:l fact. r a·J.l .il(.J~ a ·,);·J Ear )J!nian. btH i·L i-- /lOt !lllf' fa ult. I ~ ipJr-0 ~ 1 lrJ\ ( o· .·!c.~. bu: ] jll:·~ ha')pened tf') be bon) there and 1 an fl<, . res~'· n:.ih!e for ~Hll. I am respon . .ible, lhongh ior ihr? fac: rha~ when ] reacl.ed n1aturity l adopted )JL,nh c~TG!ir.~ ~()r mv home. the llat.:e to rai:>e an-- ·farTtj!v. It is af,,n rny rc . f' ;·ls])iJity ~when: T pla-ce rny ioya.Jq'!, and I place i: r. r;o,t 1\' > b Chanupif)D bee a use they s.upport me and that ~·a·"·:!). ::_:c(~uJ 'N;rh Cantun. hecause ii. i, mv horne. and ~.·irha.'l. t~;at ~.;}>:alt~" g0e;:) ro ~ orrh Carolina because. it is Lk . $·., (:r::;.ga ~·!'a e of l~(;th Canton .an-d CI'\arnpion. R£-ferrin!! b.:r.: ~: to e::ond~ ticn1~ in dl1t old dars w·hen har­r. unn) ar:d ~uoJ l,,··n pre\,.tiJetL T.t ."een1~ t ~al to-d:.ay= becau. e ',f . rune \."ho hr.,r SiJ\\ 1 i,e }j~ht (1l da\ ~h<.•rt.h: (I fter those ~ . ~ ~a:·.·. :a·n.d { . .t.her-- \Yho ha' c coln<· inro both the state and the lOW:. ft,r 1 er. r·o:a1 l rufit and gain. ~he re iS! as tn"ch ·change :P th.aJ. inJatir;n a'> Lht·re has be~n in the physiccd chan~t:s in ~O~·!· :he t:u"- .l a11d th;s ntilt hu1: ~,,·here rhe phy~ica l 05 .t.<:t e been fo1 d.e enlargement ~ncl bette1 tnent, th{: 0ther chr.n~r.: . h:a\t: not bcl"'ll \\:hat I beltl'V · tr, be for the best. Let'::- Tlr,r furt;t'L d~at we are Nor.·h Ca ,·uli,'lia ,, ;:-, that we bdit'\1:· ir1 Ca1J~,a Gincl ~hat we (J\II.·c l 1Ur lnyaJty to Ch~, mpion. ---.,. --- ·---:--:-: --- : --- .:.!-·-- ~fl!(~ fir·:.} of an a ~i~ ·ant c:ar~t~ k(jf wa, t(J take the '\IVai• J, .J ,):.; ftn a tJWinl ~i1d.1 rnf:~rnir!¥ "'l1t:·n th~ weather per­uti 1~J. 'TLe nca.rt·~ suitable v . huwev(: rs "a-; a n1ilc ~ . ,. a ~,. ~ '' l l ~ e t a f'H~ t<, ~q:t t L e ~J~ I It <1 v.U ~ h I y '·'-i i I J ~ h Dt;t' , 1 h(;reby ·a\il!g" h}m~t:.Jf lot-. nf 'itn~ ;os.J trrJublc-. 0JHj ffi(JfO­" n!.' ~:i t.~ r'n11":\ ~r aj d hirn ·with ~ l\1\'Jltkle in hi t·vr: . • :'"L<.:t k 1u~r.e1 } "JC;2 fl{.;' ~aid, . 1 • .-hat ~''f.t nf w~n:r ditl the ?r.~ . W;ltl ill ! lu.;ep :twa~ frrHn odl datnpn •s.s:~ ''\\-'hal ·" ~o trJ-ugh ftiH)Ul that ? ' ' ' · Yc ·ll dnn't' kn~.H\r .ho,~ silly it mtdd·S llte feel lO .£,i l in :111 crnp t~ b;n}nub and )6'> GJY f~ t· IYty ~ c-If with a \-Zl(· uuttl t.' lt·aner.'' 03~ • - ---. . • • h~ q»~ I PH"~ .,. __. ~ • ~ ~ J. . , I ~- .-.-.n I tl - acalion J~v~ rv f.:'r\· month~ l;t)Jl'le scribe \\ rites of hi · (o\vn in the • lociiti Jt ~w~paper:,~ H fnJjr,,,.:,: ;:I f nt~r people \\ l!f <' aware: of the bea'J'~' ·A thj~ ci ty :s ud It;-, C0U lltr ysi d r: dH:y would never tal\c! dwir '-'fl~ti • Jfl ehit:w!w rt.' '1 he a unquiu11. uf co ur~c. i we "'et.;k h'-·uut iful na l tHa l C ri11~ ~ \~JJf"!} \\'P g(J (;f) :-t ltolidg_y, :•(ltnt. uf ll el l'~ pl ea~l.!d t'' {_'f' :1n· st:•·rtt·ry , In \\lJ~t -.'~· ;.,· ~nl t n l!i~L ,,f ;i ll t.lll ~.~ \J,·a- 1 inn i cha II''<'. l·. . ve n :.t cltaHg., c f,)r 1h e \\111. t.: i ;-, tJ, 1' e1 dHH1 nn ( h:·o~c· a1 ~·H. V\ l' !.fa . a.: ~ ·b lt~t'<•f \·h'W (J f.a e~1 ,Jf lo"ds•:. J (l l i\it~ . tJf rlutJJ!. (:\it•c] f;)f l ,a fl¥U:l~ t;. " \ p~r 'Ill r~,.:alf) i n't rc .• d} f,). :t \ tr,dii}Jl tJtdeh6 ) tt;! i j,, a J} r}r ltj ft~l{ IJt d~(·., hj rn $"af" I h1 1fl"~ j llh l ( IS f:tr \\' l~ ft 0111 eJt~:l. brndi-ar t't TIC ~d·Hl J"lf'f t 11 a. J,· Ult IW; •,\ ill l ,k.· l1jm. 'l"Jw d ~i ' '-' rei w 1 away c\ rttl t~tl·(~ a 1 J, ru'" ,. "" \ h t l 1t_~ lt l Jl t · at r lr~ CJid ~,.,[: 1l1 • 1 "~'cl i ., ('~ H.if• l) r , rh 11 ht.! ttl't•d ~ rt .L. J f Jw iti dt,'l 1\ c 1 1flf.H~ I II \ d With d u.: h ·~I .111d Jill'< ~l ll' l llt~ 11 • hi· de· 1111 tllflll, lw nd?iJL bclt.~· t t O)' 1'Mh1 ut hun' , "I lw id ai Li rTH' l.t ' 1 ' llflllJ 11 • r.r v:, , t '' 111 '"'' d.J t ~· .l tCJ\fl ftJlJl 1 ~--. b tifl, r tl.t; lJt t> t >cF,r u11Jj! lut l•'n •1• aHd "' 'd' tH' nO{lt I. { ' \ h(·U ~ ~ \1 be~; ,, l t) ,g t~l rr·~ tl t:ZJ oiJld t11l ~P i ll fill t ·tl It•, • , · ati~.;tn i·. ,,q~ r. \ L:JII t,~\c,; tiJKl!" d\(· l •lt' ~lid H , \• 1 ·d, i\ nt)Tc •il pb) j, i I Q DCt . 'Hh. tt>~· i ' I ;,;1 I .tl( ,,1 (\) t l~C.' f!"c(flt u l :hurl 'rfC •' f;r, . intcad tJ f 3 '1 f.X,c_., !nDJl h•t)!4 ~UC' rt()! t. ~-/ mf't!tttll Ty1tt' ~ 1 1, ted .\1 ti <'tl : j,,, . The Cha01pion Credit Union F l \ .\ "Cl \ L \ '. J> s~ r. r r;, llC\L P. J·.P(J f' ''l F rom :\ larch :) I l C))() tr.• J ~n~ 30. J ')j'J B ~\ t.,.A• Ch ~ H ~ .T / [ .Ht;l r · Loans O ut s t a ndi n~ --- --- ­Ca · h in B ::~ n k s (chcr ki ng ) ~ - - --- = - --- -- -- - C a ~ h in 13ank al f or c rc~ l ___ __ ___ ., ________ _ Cash on Ha nd --- - - - - -- --- - - - - --- --- ­furn iture & Fi xtures (les . tiepn) - --- -·-- cc ureu l nterest Rece ivahle --- - --- -- - --- ­SLocks, Canton B ldg. & Loan sn. - - --- --- ­P repaid Expenses--- - --- -- - -- --- --- T otal - - - ~ --- - --- - -- -- Ex pPnJes p 1 1 4, [ 46.01 Bond Premium --- ~ ! I. t9 Salaries: _______ ___ _____ _____ ______ ________ _ Depreciation _ - - - - -- - - --- - - - --- ____ - - - - - - _ (;eneral Expense --- - -- - - --- - --- 13-aJ.ance (Profit or Lo s) --- - --- -- --- (.2,.2., . -(· 1 .,., . J 34-.i },C)t/ \ .20 • T'otal - --- --- --- - - - $ 2.-(14.n2 L iabilitie.r Sha res - - - -- --- --- --- -- --- --- - - R eserve or Guaran t \' FUf1d - - - -- - - - - --- -- - i'\ ccored Expense -- ~ --- -- - __ --- - --- --- _ Cndivld ed Profits --- - --- - - --- --- -- T otal -- --- I ucome 1J" te r~ t r.·>cce,·\,cd :t. \,;. '\. - --- --- - - --·--- --- -- Entrance Fee' - - - --- --- - - --- - --- - --- $ 1 00,2 ~0 . ~ - . l- "{ l.i '· - ) ~ ~ .,- 1 J . ~ l 6.12-4-.tJ: $ll4-. 14b.Ul •) - l l ~ .t\ ). - 19 .)() 'l 'otal --- --- ~ \ T /\TI 'TfC'AL R t.: P() ~1 J. (UI tlJ' Loiln . ~Lt d l· iu l>erio ] --- -~ Loa rl :S RL·paid in Pt•rio.l _ __ --- Lolt n~ in Fnt( · _ --- . --- 1.0~\l T uta I Loa ru:d S i llCl' O r~n n izcd _ - l ),1 l rl'c ,t al l ,oan ~ P ~.· d ~ i nu.• cwg~ll li Zt \.l I).H'l L ~>·l n ~ f >.·l inq t.H:nt : ( \ ) · ~ lnr•t• \ f,Htth . P I' L ··~ --- ­{ ll ) \ 1, 11 e 1 h ,u1 1 [, 1rtl h" --- _ "l ,• ·ta I tnll fI "h ' l ~ d. 1'H ,ll 'l'' C•., . n ,.,,d uf )Jt' l j. ,J . -- . --~ P·1id nu ~ h · ~ ~ ~ ' iu l H ' I i~d . -- . . . \\.r a ,,,, ' •ll Sku~, · in ,,,., u.l . -- -- 1 \t r ~tl P:•id ln 1U l ~t t.JH , •, !tht' dl ~i, ;ll.l i':l:. t i Hsfl _ •• \ m1·unt -- .0- Ll t • . "1 . . ., ~ . - ,_(J 'tl).,;q I. ( ~ t,n; .t . .?t) ~ ( d '1~ \ -tl-+A7 ' I U\,tl \\ it fld '·'\VII f llJ ~h ·t h ' . l lll ,. () l'k' f( I H I ., t i I I \ - - • .~ • ~( ~ • I) I u ~-~ ln\ ~ktnl ' J ~ n P •· t iucl _ --- . .---'<' IH \~ t 12 ' ''11\.' '1\.d , I~ l\ : 1 • • . ~ f( ) p ·d ~" I ' '" c{ .:,• n .,. , ,, ~ 11re i.l hJrl _ . _ . . ' ,t,.,. l\ 1, whet ''·llh' h ••\\ il ,; t h · ' L)Jg miA'rlti· n _ __ 1.11U ' I "n , d ~ ~ u 11 d 11 1 , d h·nt l J 1 - _ - - - I . \ it l P, I ~- l{n , U { 1· , , jt~. • (,.; \\ . l' t-' 'l I \ :\ \\ . I. I ) \ l I 0 I I' • 'I It f), I ' J 1 I \ ( ' lftJ;IJ'IlJtf ,·~;• f. 1. \\ \) l 1 ' I r: U.) h 1 ., 04) ,_~pic.n Paper and fibrt! Coznpa.ny'a Clay Plan~ Sandersville. Ga. he Champion Clay Plant a n ~_I F i! re C n p . n ~ . a t :' i! n. . I c r s \~ i II e , t: nder th~ upen. · . :on of f. H. Catnp. · n c, . ·nu ·em f . ~evP.ra] mo:!ths. f . H. Camp Ceore.". ia, wa~ erected 1,hi' pi ant ha · been The Good Old U.S.A. M ,\. \ vr,l~tme \\-<:1 · written c.~ ud 'f' ~the~ " '''l'e lfWrf,. t)JI tht :--llhjl'l't ,Jf P :ttrintt 111 mo~ tl~ prlnr 'J nr dt11ing a wnr. \ t J'IC'. c 111. \.\ {' tift' flC)I ;It \\'lll: htJ{! \\(' oi .\rn<.:ril '"(, ~H' iu lh~, m)(.l •t uf:. ccHtllict of prop;1¥ it diO't t uh tu d tcrmin<· whi hIS J rtJpa~ilnd ;t ~ 1nd \VJ,ic:h j, J.Hn,.,h n ''ll ·:-. pf ~ome ,n·ittr. ' l"hr- rc<d new i not c.·­riting l·nnug-h tr1 \\arrant i1.· hein~ pill up in big headJjn, . s; thi ~ is 11 nally found nn the inside J'l~ -·5. ·r hc1 · is nothin~ u~w ·tlHJUt all thc~c thi11g-~. il has hcen goin!: on ,j n~r bc.:f, rc the RC\(Jiutionary \\'a r. ir· "tiJJ ooirrg 0 11. rfhc 0111\ difTcrt.:ll('C llll\\ anJ tht'O j.- OlJf modern lnCafl ~ • of communit:arion \\'hid1 inform. m<Jre pt<Jplc in lc$S time. 1'hc fundamcntal Jiffcrcncc beuvecn our form cJf go\~­crumcnL and dictator gO\-crnJnent i , our go,·crnn1cnt exi . ::; by 'in ue of ~II tl1<· peurde, "'·hile in a dictator g'(J\'c.:rnrn nt. the rcr;rJc cxi l I>} \ ;, tuc of the stale. 'T'h ii) make.:. qt1itc a diO'ercnce. Our · rnc:tn~ freedom nf thon~ht spec.·ch, prcss ~n l r\:litrion: while dictators tell the people ''hat the~ w~uH thcJn ro know, what rcl igic111 they tnay ha,·c aud if an} pct~on rais~;:, an ubjt•ctton. he either goe.' lo a conce1H ration Camp or c1 ig. hi O\\' n gra \'C. Bee au e of thi·. Lhere are ncJconAicting ·unen1ents in thc.:ir nC\\ paper about the government', acti,·ities . ln OUr C<JUntry) new"papcrs can print the po-.itive and neg-aliYe ~i d e of every i . ·ue throughout the nation. Account;:) of business done in Coo.crres - and 'en ate .;om(?time . ccms confusing, becau C, added tO the po ili\'C and negative side of a debate, some politic" are put io, then the ~ eparatin~ of the wheat from the chaiT ca ll for :$Om e study, the, political mo,·c~ are genera lly abviou . 'l'hcse are a ll normal and hca lthv wa,·s of arrivinv at the • • facts for legislative maner" \\·hich warrant · our lnyalty and cooperarion wiLh tho ewe elecL to reprc ent u ~ in the \·ariou ofllce of city. county, slate and nation. Our country ha . with tood all kind: of hard knock , from propagandists and ·political wild cats" si nce irs br~jnning. In sritc of it a ll , we are going Lrong and getting- $lrong:cr, aJJ becau~e the ~ood th i nk in~ reople have confi fence in the enduring qua lities of our democratic form of go,·ernmcnt. l t \.viii not gn wrong Cl long a · people can li ve. think and wor­, hip as they choo c. A grcH I many pt:uplc do not ~ top to con ·ider PUJ' p.;trt i11 v:tching In} ·tfl) llJ nut fla ,l.{ and a r>~JJHJ} lt> tl•t· ,·hildtlll \'t.,lllin~ alnn~. a1h.l it '' t; I{' our J':lfl Wt) n~<:d Jtf-ll fc•·Jr tht· 'JUI.corne d l<.!n they L·tkc lhtir Jd.tu: in f"liTJOitl • Lhc· lt ~HilHl. {15) Judith Ann, d auqhte.r of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Blazer flew cfi'Jht Riua~ ICoof a~ in Brighfne!Jo, /J,tL iJ a C-t-cu.l'n bel"" S A~ f (.J~:L G. HJBHf.' ~. JiH·ClPr of arr·l;,.d llglniug for \\:".; ingh lf>t: Elcctrk ( (Ill cJJat icJn, ~Ull<'cl receuLlv, 1''l'hc JtH:~ rc ury iam1 . th.e&r tt:\·. d~ dt" ~111 in br)il 1lltY ' Ill I {~,_·c>me '~ ry ll c'ul. h 1 ttr idt C•Jol ~1 1ifrci~l dny li~ltt of hit;:;h in . reJi ai t) and biJ f.:tir t1 he .dw o tr: t a nd jt,~ Ltlt1J• fo1 llllurt· tr~·~t a11<.; f,·~t! v. ·.:' Iicht in". be. ;-;u c il bll'tJd , . ~ il) w;t lt da~ li,gh· ~ m!r1i fll7!lt~ ,1, _ dalr"Cr uf da" 11 Hlld du t, driv:in~;.,. ,, . 1 h~ fluo~c ern. la f•ll' in :>!'\ •'Tl 1 1 1lCH' ," it(• ~HJ. ''ig \ t}tJI a u d a a r tt: , d L u it ' l hI ~ I r ,, a i 1 c•1 >t H.J i t i r •u i 1 1 • a rt d 1 .~ f Ji f! l • f 1 i '·, 11 . f' gi\·(~s 1 h(· grc :-.tll·st f(lltllit ) t~f lifiH ) cr v:f.ll t k11•J\.u ~(.• 11 :lh . it 1 lill' trt'4Ur1li11 <::d ligftl , ,urc.- n' t••ll tt.11f \'\4, . 1 [Vft. Jr ibj,(At L:t~fll<n (l dta t ;r r:tJ''<" fl lll' t 11• ' \\ \I ll ui cnftJr J l)l).d.riitt<' ifJ 'ltt. tit~. (t!f'" l nJ~r ,, t,;~trll ~ lllllJ tiJr· ru hl • ,f C:!•fHHl ·r··1. ;o,~ f irt lJJ ty, ' l it • ult ' ~' \ rol t !l l lflj• ~\'i ll lw II r.; I i n d a }' I i g J, l t I r, b f l J I~· I ) \1 t f I j i II I I 1 i II \ . a I J, Jl iJ I t c I I! I Ill ~uiJ; nr·· :lud f.L'''. Ht:d lf1 hm'l'' 1\IJI th~.· l,;,rd, ,1 lu1Ji!). .S. t rCt H-Jl' r : ··r,V t : ,c I i,. t • • \V d 1. • l,:;;ll lllt • fJU l Jt l' I C l i.J rtltd !.' ll} J1tH h~ !IJt"l~ S ltttl JllliClt l.f.JTIIj t'filfotj.'1 l l ~vi u '· · I J l ·t t11 t ( a f H ·t <: a mi11 11 Jf)fJ ) • ''l\ 1.t . I u n . · u h t ' J II·· * "' • I ~(!I ll lc ,!, t •l JfC;IL (>I tt' · P ~l' •nl · ·• f ah'" ,lt,~ n v. 'Jttdt•l n l wJ, .l '''~,;:I· 11 t ,, h('f\\}: (I~) -.Attrmlion / Clampiou Wvel: U.1fu.l Jhi!l ~otHI't t J/pp~f Lo '!jo1 • ~od _/}Jvice [ j DOR l'll\r DTX. a \er} p0!'tllar cOl!Jm.n:ist. rn:adc this. statement rccenth- : ,{ ,\ man wiHJ is a1 thr head -0f one ~ (1[ the largc:>l indusrne:, in America 'a} that he ha~ nercr known a hrn pecl.:ed man who wa::, a succe. ~ - :tod that he nev~r cmploy "' a man \vhose wife bns~c~ him:· ~ rhat being true, the manner io which a wife ir:ea · her husbanJ ccrns to ha,·e a direct bearing" un \\~h;!dacr o" n, he makes good in life. Dorothy Dix ·'ays ''the \\ ar a man's wife tr~a;.s her b:u~­bamJ . goes a long way tn,\arJ dt•termin ing ,,·hcther: IH: ~el' a raise in sa lary, or i . passed o, ·er \\hen th c.:re i' pr{lm0tion in Lhc office or on the joh.' . . .'uch s tatCnlC IH~ . we rear, will detract ttom L~ur-tthr·~ • popu la rit)', especially with rhe fa jr-·ex. but she wilL no douh~. add quite a large number of hen-pecked reaJcrs tO her lis·. She a lso says. •: J t actually never occ urs to the na r· ~!ng vvive~ or the peevish fretful and complaini ng and disconrent.­ed wives that their husbands harriness i something that has a financial va lue. That when they browhcac and miC\uSe­Lhe men they are literally killin rhe goo e that lay-. the golden. egg-there is nothing that paralyzes a man's ener~!e5 and makes him say. <Qh. what·s the user a · to t- ~n~c a \\ 'fe who is querulo:us and fault-fi nding . lt de ·tr(•y$ :l man·s confidence in hin1 elL ·urelv~ if the~ c \'-' i\·c:; conlJ he n~1~ • to see that they are bl ocki ng all of thrir husbauJs' chancr:.· of ever being aJ1ybody: or achieving a n~thi n ~, the~ \\.,"l\dJ be more merciful.·· V\' ell. Dorothy it seem to us you ha\ 'C "srill~d tlH' beans,~: and how you ever e=< i'<'Ct tn re~:tin rhe ('on!lJ,·:l\.'{ or some of the good ladie . . the LorJ onlr kt'""' s. :."\." J\')Hf)~. you flgu rc there i ~ uch a fl'w iH d tt.· cia~ :' ) l\U refe& h> tt doesn't mancr. llo\\ e ,·cr, h~ qualil!~ · the ~ t ~HI.'I'Ht''t ( rith these wo rds. which put us poor fe ll ~)\\ ~ ~)n the 'l'PL ·· t 'rohabl~ the hen-pt·t·k ·d m<>-n who let their '' i' f'~ tell thL·m ''hat 1 h~ ~ha ll caL hu' thcit dorlu.:., for thl·tn, '' ho maht' the hu~b~uHl.: • •tn: (l ll a.fil1i for t.·Vef\ hour the .1f<.! ,t\\ d\ ih'ltll th 'Ill: h:l\ t.~ l wc \.1k .:.u ·akin dwr\l , 0 1 (·l· t· tlllr \\l>ul l rd1l'l ,. \ \\ ·11, th~l ·· thtll . J c•ll.llh Y, ;,~ott :s tid d flh).nthfuL,. .lll: \\< lwlteve it i~ \o 1 ad\·j\·t•, and \\ l h''l'l! 1h,tt 'r•ttr ru ~ . ,.til~ \\ d l I w ,, r J 1 \1 i l • A dt 1 tllt • nd .t drll~ ~ mnn nl thl· .·Hilt<: n.utw ln ~·d on tin~ il rr;, ro,tt.l. .I u. t ,t !> tiH· dth 1 )1 gl)t jnb in \ ft i,·:l, tla"' t It-t"~ ll) a ll ~.l i t •rl. f )u r l',l h:ltt' ln \ll·, till t inn. th~ lPdUl ' Ill a ( d.t·· to J, j \.\ik, IHtt i l " dt· l t \•~ t ~d [\I the d\.!r:gy""' Ill (,t fl ' \\ j ~_j' '\\ I H I I I i l:l l \ . ftJtfl ,t f,,l\, ,\\ " \r fT\t•d <·d cl\ l l ·, tiJ ,•slift~· \ f 1 '• \ h\. c'IL l W.r!h l t'•l if dH· d 1ll ~\If:. Wllt' rtl ' flll l\1) lltrr1 1, r •Ptl d Jll l:\l tt l I\\ ( 1\\ Cli» \\ h \l di<f itt ~ I { ~ I I () WI'! I !:'he \ . mit· hi ll lr tt I p.l \ Lht·n , ,l visic ( llt•ll\lt' ( h.t\ :11. cl H•\Jgh . }, \'e } . 1 . ,v. l ·uht~t , I''"' rll Ilntl t.• J 'a~ns . I~ tt be 1 S Ill t: \ Is v ? \ u .,. rvnH·t I .~· 11\l t p dc: fnHI 111 ' ·t:.Jt. .l" • •. No. 1 • \Ler 4.{ f~\" Jav :o. ,f \a-~"'; 'n the "·rit u : t:,L it . t b.!.~· di 11i~u-lt tu fi aJ 'U'l) lh"W , , , ! ·~ r~.: und f t h . ' . ~ JlU ~ uft~ ,: '~.; i dlkcJ ~ C\.t.r !n, . '"f'lt' tl~e.rn ·. Htt r se-~nh t\1 ht: t h.:. t:"ePu~r ,,f at·enti .n anJ \\hen 't :JtJe. l . \ ~ll<-= ~,- "'ilt.Y ~ ;~to L'\ l :·' von tl kes on . ' . ~""' . l• l '" ' tl .y • "' '" ."I) 1' • ' :rhest n~ountain bn·e?.- j . ~. I . " ) , . . . 'I,. 0 , po. t t.,. , I. W~"' " a ".reat to h3n.~ the Te'\:as v"'i ~ ir i.l!' ·~,·hh t~ ft l J ~ e hope -, e will s"'e o . ny !"11 • •. , be ere the summer i ~ 0'.'~- ~S th Ru · \J ·ase and R obert Ca!~\'~ in rli { t .e-a~ch".:s prouJ anc.J cv . ·:r ' .:ne Qlled i! =td . thed O\'l' r th .:harm- • ;t ~ brjdei. the~ . rt.sentc-.:i ro LiJ home fo!k. » » « « 1\lf. Ctute \\3: '~i·h us for a few da'\'S bu~ \\e rnt~ t adnvt he ~eerntd a bit. 1 1on~e idL (Yc)u \Vin K<.,ury. it J.7z !A~ :s Lke 1: ~ 1- a dit-d-i.11-the-wooi Tex­as ma1. l;ecall.:;e we mi~ed Geort'-!;e :J 's intere::>t!n:, ink . .Jin:)'i ng in 1'»£ L c ., c dcci.deJ thal he must be on his ·.zn' r·o Cantvn. One took ~t lVfrs. \\7~icr s fa . t told us r:he '>.ad . rorv. c:~Jf edid no cr,n·c thi" .tirne. \~;atch '" tit Ct' ,ri~rma~ tin1c~ J elc (. rrcu ~ gave us a ntce trpri e. \\ e s ·nt to toe :. :11 pioye~.' tore for c ~; u >.al te· o'uo;. :.C. cr,ffec. , a oJ th er.e !. ·o