The Log Vol. 19 No. 06

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersv...

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Main Author: Champion Paper and Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1937
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Summary:Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. • ' . c N Nt.AR C A N 1' 0 N. ll 0 R T H CAROLINA • . ~· -. - -. • • • - The Wood Cleaning Depa:rlmeut oi the H-ouston Division oi The Cbaro;pion Pqp&r and Fibre Compctn·y is on'8 oi the most modern in ihe United States - JULY, 1937 VOLUME XIX NUMBER 6 Th-e paper for this issue of this magazine is made in the Hau dlton, Ohio plmJ t out o1 wood • hom the forests ol North Carolina. The cover i£ Satin Refold Enarnel and the inside pages Vlh.ite F ale on Coated Encnnel. We manufac-. tw'e many grades of bleached Sulphi~ papers, Machine Finished and Super C«lelldered. B lesse€1 is the n1an chat walketh not in t he council of the ungo dl y~ nor stand­eth in the \i\,ay of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the lavv of the Lord; and in his law dot h he meditate day and night . He shaJl be like a t ree planted by t he rivers of water, thal bringeth forth his fruit 1n his season· his 1eaf also shall not v;ither and \·vhatsoever he doeth s ha 11 prosper. --T he BibLe. • • • , REUBEN 'a. ROBERISON. TR .• Assistant General Mana qer of The Champion p-aper a:nd flbre Company . Canton D'ivision, as Chief Mar­sha.\, lead.inq the Rhododendron Parade . T. H_E T e-nth Ann~tal ~hoJoJcndrun F~stiva l. held in :\ s hc­nll\:'. \: nn h Carol111 a. -June 14-18, wa s attended b~.· dn:ru~anJ:-- of pe01"'le. P e rl1ap · the la rgest crc:)\nJ of people • • t"ve-. .~. ath<.: reJ on the s treets of A~he,· ill e to witnes · the -·Grand Para ic·· on \\'edncsda\·. l vnfortunatel v, sho"'ers • • dampened 1 he ardor of the mcrn' makers a wdJ as the • • Hc-ab and ht!autiiu1 maidens tha t adDrneJ the n n~llS . The ;zt'and paraJc '' as led by R e uben H. R obertson, .J r.; \ i( e-Pres1Jcnt oi The_ Champion P a per and Fibre Co mpany. numbt:r of the ftoat · \\ere ve rv loveJv and o f unusual • • ue-.i~u. The pc·ople of A~hc \·i ll e a re to be cong ratu lated . Th; R hoJntlcndron. the quee-n of a ll flowe ring shr-ubs, zrfJ\\;:: in !!reat prnfu-5ion in the tnounra in ~ oi the '' Land of dte . ·k\·: · • Durin¥ the early ;,pring as one tra ve·l:; a long the mo,un­taitt rra ib. c~pecizdly 011 the lofty pea ks. it is not UI1U$ual Rfzododer;dro11 at Asheville, N. C. UJ'ze 14 to 18 19 3 7 ' to set.: the whole mountain side Li teraLly covered with 6aming blossoms four inches. and large r, iu dia meter. T he clu~ter of beautiful ::;ilken petal;; s urrounded "·ith large Jark leave.; is indcsc rjbable . The nJost beautiful ptu·ple TZhodoclenclron in \Ye~reru 0:onh Carolina g ro\vs on the highe ~ t peak.s-Craggy1 Pi . gah. lhc .rnOk\· ':\ fountains and !\fou nt 11i tchell. 1. .1 u: • on the front co"'·cr of this issue of THE Lo<. shcJ\VS a ft\\' of Lhe thousand · CJf -rhodode ndron bus he ~ on the 'lopes of :\ lou n L ~ 1 i tc he 11. • A picture or the Aoat of The Chcunpion Paper aad Fibre Company; Ca nton D1Yision, in the 1\'!olh .\ nnual Rhndn­clendron 'Pa rad_e is shown belo,,·_ It repre ~ cnted a large pipe o rgan in the fore ~ r. 1·"he pipes we re coo5tructetl ni Cha r:npion Paper and the organist wa . :\lis-5 Betry Buell. emplo~·ed in the ~lai n Olliee. I players in action on the Champion Diamond in Canton. • • Wtf. zam tOll tliZS \Vho Is Respon ible For This Accident? 0 \ J l ne 1 L \'\'C J,aJ .1 ~cri(JU . lcciden t iu the plant. \ ke <:~ OL.r cmpluyct.:- fdJ about t \\ t.rny feet. ~trikj ng a~ai1"~t a brick ".\'4.1. :Hld th t>n Jro1 peel into tbe ash-pit of ar: (•ld fur~nace '-'·hidl "-ll~ l c:ing Jemoli;;h~d. 1 fc wa:- re1;1u\ :ng a \·n h e Ct>nnc:ctl?d to the ;:,team header \·rL id1 e:-. t ·nJeJ aCI o s the: top of a l"atLc:r~ uf boi l e r~. I-le ''.:' ~l . t'thn~ on a natrc\• pladonn \1\·hiLh ~pannt•J the ho:1u· ''-'ttin~ ·· fun~aet.· . and in some \li·a ~ \\a:;. knocked off the r,r•r.,!. _\~ ?. rt.~ult hi~ ri~ht le!!, ri~ht :>boulder and <. ' o l c. rib \a fructu ted. 1-le will be off tluty, on act:ount of hit. :nj t.r,e~. at lc~ t four mon th~ . He has suffered . and will f~. . r ~om.c tin1e :ret ::utTer un told pain. Does safety pay? J f the platform on \\ hich he ''a~ "or king haJ b~en ,,-ider or l1aJ b~en pro,·id\:~.1 \\0 ith a hanJ.raiL rupe O L somt;t hi ng he coclJ ha\'e held on to. or if he had been standing in a di:ff~rcnt pojtion. he 1nighl not ha\'e been injured. \~1 ho was. at faul · ? \\"ho is responsible for this inj ury? The _afet-v Code sa.v s: :{The ~uperintende nt will b~:: hdd rc ponsible to tht: 'Nlana~ement for acciJent ~ occurrin~ in his de­partment and for the enforcement of sa fcty rules.' "lt shall be the duty of the foremen to in.strucr their men rn reg-ard to specific hazard and the sa fe way \O do their wc;~d·. ·· "Safet.y is to be the first consideration oi ever,v r.:rnplvyee. therefore~ you a re urged tv be careful in tl1e performanc~ r,[ yot~r work." ··Tile Cornrany does not , ,.i3h or expect i t~ em­nloyeec; tu takt! unn~ces~ary cha nce". You are ex­pened to pcrf0rm you r duty saft ly. withmll enda n­~ erin1:?' yoorsdf rJr you r fellow-worker. ·· \\.·a. the .accident caused by tack of supervi sir.n or ~· rope r ,.~re <Jn Lhe part of the in jured wan . or was he w0rki ng on an 11nsafe platform or star,ingr Ac~jden t <: do not j u~ t happe n~ they a re caust:d; 1h rc­fGre. orneone, or more than one person. i:s rcspc,n :\i b)c for (3] S OfTB.\ LL scen1s tu ~e ~weer-i1! ~ the countrY like H \\.est 1 ndic hu rricane. 1 f <me ~:a n juJge the ·real plca.,trrc dtrit·ecl from th<: g.tmc b\ tbe rl' i. ~ ntadt: bY tan · anJ :'! ~l.- \: ., ., . . cr . . it mu~t b~ J(,t. of f110 ~ Look at the J'lC.tllrC alK,\e! . t.t the crO\H1 u1 i\H'n J.nd \\'Omen~ .\ nd \\'hl'n tht:.v ct11 y. di at 0ncc. the en. oi 3 h11n-dred h\ enas \\uulJ suund Jikc ~ lnllab\ c. ' . Enjo)' it: \\elL I say l ht:) do. cd1d jl Jne~ Sl-c:m t(l b~.: a prelL} good gan1e. IIcw.eY<'r. it ll·mJnJ$ u~ ni the Jar~ of "-:ore. '~'hen i1zteen or rwenL.v ~cort:s f~)r ea&;h qJt· \\\1~ not lunsidercJ dS exciting as d1iny nr fort~ . Jt i:) '"• good dean spore good e x:erc1~e and brings ern­r l oye~s an.J their fam.iljcs together. and instead of discussing their neighbors Lhey Lalk abo\lt thL· good and baJ plays. Thc)T may cuss the fcllc,w wlH:.>m tht·} think ~ hould ha' e done better. but there isn. t much harm j n l hat. r~rhaps he shot1lcl have done bet ter and a liltlt ru:sing mar pt-p him up for a hencr race lhe nt~XL t ime. \\'e an· \\ ri t in~ thi~ a~ the pia~· 1-!ues un. T h\:'r\: is 111.) u~e. to t ry to sleep-too n1uch noi se. ~<> usc to uy l\.J read: can\ <7eL you r mind ou a nything. E\·en tht: r~1 Jill se(·ms tn han! ~·aught the epidcmic--.o mllch nc)i~e ( . wtic l can\ hea r a nythi n•r but "'Donald Duck., squawking. ~'e ll we a re glad 1 he~,. are enjoying thcmseh-es. Bener be at the ball game than some other p lace~. _ 'o dnuht the g-ames ha\·e kept ~v mc people OUL nf mischief. 1 f rhJt is t rlle we don r care: how much o(l!sc rhc:\· ma kc-\\ t: can • stay up as long as they can. though we e.:-.pect they wi ll s leep beHer than we do. bc:ca usc t hey ha ye rclax~J a ntl fo rgon en many of the perplexing problems of Lhe Jay. Perhaps forgot) for the moment, the pay n:ren( which is Jue on tFre car tomor row o r somet hing else that \-vas worrying them . Vole wish you good luck. boys, and are glad ro cc you enjoying you rscl\'cs! th is acci<.len' , which mierht twve cau"cd the Lie a l h of the injured. \\'c all ag n:r.: d1at th ifi '"as a preventa ble acc.: id.ent, therefore, proper ca. re wnulcl ha\'e prevent:ed it : then ,·o m ~­uHe i~ responsible for il . vVho? 'The correct 4l nswer w i l ~ be the ~el u tion to simila r probl ems in the f\.ltur\:. Remembe r. hu r1\an life and l11 nb is more irnpnrtajn th:tn all things els<:! • • -~ VIEW OF THE GiREAT SMOKY MOtTNTA.lNS NATIONAl PARK. MADE POSSIBLE BY THE LAURA SPELMAN 'ROCKEFEllER FOUNDATION T ha" been ·aicl. "Great rnen are not born great they achie' c ~reatness.'' l n this story we wish to mention at tca~ t p.·:<J m~n \dll)~ t! pa rents ,,·ert> poor. but. by ha rd work. pcr;,e\'Crencc and th rift they a mas ·ed a fort une and ,J . eJ it \\·i~d\.' . Hcttry \\'a rd 13eccher. one of _ me rica· · g r~atest preach­ers. said . "~om~ ("Ji Goers n oble~t souls. 1 think~ \1 ill be se­' ccted frrJm thnse that knuw bO\\' to take wealth , with aJI its tempta tion·, and mai11tain Grx.llincs$ tlh:re\\·ith.'' In the :-.tillnC' ~ o l the early <.bwn on ' undar. l\ [ay 23, '-'· hen John D. R(,r krfdlcr. ·r.: perhaps .\ merica's first bil­lionai. re. pa~. c: . l av.:a~ at his winter home, ··The Ca:cmcnts,' in Oun:.tnd. r lr,riJn the "llrld' - g-r~atC!>l phil~nthropi.;t was U!d1cred i ru,.~ the f're cnce of tl1e Grear Creator, Lo t-"ive an accnunt rA l.i ~ lt:V{;,u-d ~ hip. _ lr. Rr;ch::fdk:r. t.hc: !011 nf a puor cou ull"}' dol'Lor, amassed '}"'·' oj th~ Hiu· l cQlcJ private fonune') in lht: wurld. ··11 i du.ri t!! ],j liferirne .t: !a\'1.: mvil' than a half billion <:c,i!a· f<Jr 1.J ibntb ropic.-hospital~, libraric~, lllcdical re-l: rc' \• tJ1 t ( l·tHche!l a i•O dni',ens of Olher \\Orthy objects. Jjr d011E.ilt'·d JP:·· lHifliou dnJJah tq the S1110f•v 1\·JountHill!\ • ·a t i 01• a I J>:. rlc .1 J RrJCk. ·f •Hc•r has J~'l1\.:,_d inl•J •lw g ~t:"t bey0nd. but wit, l1 <· thr<1 rg-!l 1 hr• t ,:m 11rit. i11 hi t> \.'0'~d du~·d s. 'T•fJ, I .t'-~ l<r r{l(" H. J>tJk ·. 1 Jil n•Ju <l tltt: Uu~ · HtJspital and I t · ' ' , i t y a J f > • 11 J, !l : n : . r r, r d 1 ( .:- 1 ' J I j "'' , . i II l' · r < • '-' t n d by uffe~il• • JniJJL.JUil; ·hruugh futtll<' ~' ' l )c l ~ ti r,ll . A g• c'it llla 11y I'' t.Jpit· in t ht t Jld ,,, 1 h · t 'll • ItO'.•· ht!.tr I ,,f dt•· J }uk H1, ,,ital. i ·· t ( ,. •• llv kill ,w v• r}' m\t« ), 1h •Ut it . • • tan , The will oi J ame - l3 . J ukt:, a native of :-:orrh Car.Jlina: dated December l l. l<.J2-L item X£IL reaJs a~ ioliO\\·!) : c'The tru st esta bli shed br me by l ndenture dateJ D ecember 11. I 92-J.> whe rein sa ill tr ust i~ denorninlt­ed the Duke E nJowment. the sum of Ten ?\lillion Dollars, to· be added to and becoo1e a part of the corpus o[ said trus-t es tate anJ to be held. useJ. man­aged admi n i~tcrcd and di sposed of. as V\ ell as rht. . income,: revenues and proflls ari$ing the ref rom .tnJ accruing [hereto. by dt~ ~aiJ uust~t!:' ot .-.aid trUH under and ·ubjccL to all the term:. of said trust inden­ture. except that (a) said tnt~tees shall usc lnJ 1.:':>.:­pcncl a · soon as the~· rcasonabl~ can after {he rc~eipt of said ·um not ~xc~cding- F,,ur .\l illion Dolhr~ tl'~r\:- "" of in erecting a nti cq uipping. :tt the Dnk~ l. ni,·ct~H~ men1 ioned and dc!lcribcd in ::-aid buiiJing' ~uitdhlc l·•r a :\ leuic;tl Scho0l, Ho~· rital .uH.l ~ur'l.!" llorn.c " 1'he Duke ll l)spital i~ ~.·d1s.truncd nf nati\ \.' $\\)n~ frt~tn rhe th~ qLlarrics clt llillsboro. lhirtl't•n mi!~!) '' l'~l ol Dur­ham. ~onh Can.,lina, nc~r tht· sc'-'n'-' (•f the hr"l bl ou~.-l spillcJ in cll·k nsc of .'\nl ~rie:m libl."rlY agaitt~l Fm,Ji ~ h CJp re sicJil, and v. h.,·n· tlw 1 \.·g ttl ato•~ wen' h Hlged In- ( ;\)\­(• Jnor Tt~On , rile Brili;, lt l"l')\ l l!M'IIWli\t' or K in~ Ccon.·c tiL rr hc Dukt: Ho. pit.d h n~ .l d tilr \.'apnciP <'f +:;t> l'l'dos ,u1d 400 arnl•ttlitl,it', c'r . Sinct· Lhat tituc ntrH "' dt.w :-:o.unn p.l l i,·uts h.n c.~ l'l'tll c.·\.llni rh. d, .wd tt,•<H<'tl. 1t:u lr t!nO,tl( lll p-tti~·nt tb~3 .,[ ~ l'l\i\·c· II· \t' lwf'n gi' lll. tll { ll'l' th 1n ~ t )(J,l)tlll bhnl"l l(ll \ l'.\.uniunti,,lh nt.~t.h• :tnd w·Hf\' _, 10fl() "lh'l.llll•ll" JWdtllllll'o.l { 1] • • • THE DUKE HOSPrtAL. DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA. MADE POSSIBLE BY A GIFT FROM JAMES B. DUKE a1z ze J!fl 1 t i~ said about 14 pt: cent of the p3tients come from \V!~hin a radi\l· c f twenty IPiles. the remaining 86 per cent c')mc from. ·on:. Carolina an<.! 22 other states and Canad. a . During the •a:t se~·en } ears the hosrital and Public Dis-pcH, ar:~ ha~ sper.t nearl~ ~2.000~000 more than it rece1ved frern patients. :'Jr patient. i: admiued absolutely free. Either the pa­tit'nt. S;O!ll~! i e:-~on. charitable organization or go' ernment i ~ req,Jired to pay a nominal cbargt:. · Sr. me of d tt~ \·ery best physicians c.tnd su rgeons in this , ountry are -· •!":!H!Ci.ed \\'ith thi~ institution. coYering the loi i CJ'~'in!! : c~eJ.eral ~1cdicine ( ;eneral ~1arf!ery Ob:,tetrics c:tnd Gynecology Chi!drrn ·., Di cases l·~ar. ~nse and Th roa • D·~nii~tr'. 'T llta . or g ora: and .I r ji n t D i ,c a '•'-"' t riJ a rv and K.idnc\ JJi ea ~e~ ~ . Pnc:unt(.~dJora x E nd(JC lJ riJl!.~ Jt ~ in,~)(~ ~ihl<: Hj l':.tim:tte th · .; ufTcriJJl' Lhal has been and \:.ill hl' allc . !a•ed b} rJH: D1tkt# I ndt , ~rnc:JII. . "fnc!'Udt-d iu rt.-: btJ hu.:i li tie~ rA tit · laospiLal arc )(J ba~­. f,e~ ~o: f~lf n~\'. 1 } _-br;rn_ infants: rf herc; are 82 pri\ate and enu-pnvah: r:ub1des. I '~per a ran ~! roc•m . fr,u r nb. t ·t ri c-a 1 de- [5) liven. rooms. and accommodations for a ~ taff o( 50. Offices and exami ning rooms for members of the medical facultr are located in the hospital. The building is equipped with every modern convenience for the diagnosi s, proper care. welfare and comfort of patients, both private and charity . ,~ The Duke Hospital and tvl edical School +25 persons employed. have a staff of • Recently, one of our former employees, suffering from a brain tumor, was operated on ~nd treated in the Duke I-Iospital by Dr. Dcryl 1-lan, one of the finest neurologis ts (brain surgeons) jn the United tales. The man mentioned abo,·e had been unable to work for two yea rs, and before he \\ras operated on by D r. Hart, he w·as confined to his home1 apparently destined to remain tolally and perma­nently disabled for life; however, today he is &ble to walk abvut: rhc house and yard and wc are in h'-lPC thac he will be able to return Lo 'vork some day. 'I'hc two men referred to above, as well as hundreds of others who have accumu lated large fonuncs, it seem~ to the writer, are a blessing to humanity. Tt js rather diflicult for us to deLermine \\·hich is the greater blc~s ing of the two the philanthropi ' t or the emrloyer of labor. lndt:pencknce is the dominating s pi ri r of a ll r\ mcricans, and should be, therefurc., lhe employee with a job, earning good wages, is ind<:pcndent-and the crnploy-er is fostrring that spirit. The ph iln nth ropist, wilh his millions, can, and m man~ case:, hao, madt· it possible for science to discover· and dcs. llu~ Jn (tHy c•f tht dead !) perm~ lh ~t ptey ur:un vur bodic~. Th erefore~ it !-.t'crns th rtl we need bot 1\ the ern­plnrl'r uf lab )r and dtc philan1hrupist. • ll s 11 The .han1pion Paper :dHl Fihrc Con1pnny, 1 Toustoll DjYision r\ . A 1. I o ll r y and ( ' . R . P. l : ash H. (· p n r t c r-. • }h \ . .\1, ~'-.Il l~\ E \Rt 1 ~" dh: lllt.'rnin~ 1.'f \ ·fa, .:!7rh r. t-J. 'fhnm~"'Sl''IH, 1. J. .• 1nd ]) C. 'I'homi'Sl•H ~·.nht• t eJ their col­lc.:~ n,·r t1$lling ~t'ar and jour11eyetl to Hay City, s0mt- 150 p-. :IC:- fH"n1 ra$adt'nrt. \\"hl'i"C th~y embarked 011 th~ ~OUU ~b. r R\.'141 nadh: a.nd ~\:!t fun h tn sea H:h 1.) f ~ r 1.:'1\' of (he li 11 11 v : . ;bt' P' i;,-.:-.~'-1 b~ •"~ttr P :"t:'siJ<."nt 0n hi~ rc ~:nt 11sh ing cxl.'t' rsio;1 i . the.· CulL ) '-'ur rept'~ncr ~t·t'~l ms.: "'JUllC \\ nrri'c.·d the nighr t f r.e _:-.tL \\ hcu Tnmm~ fuileJ ro ptll it't Hn :).ppenranrc. et:t d.,~ '";anu~ {:iYen Ch:llllf'h.)ll Em. {'lo;.:ee~ l had U J1J~.,.•rslol,J t:hat nnthing :;h0n nf a ,eril1t1S irtjury ·C!)ttlJ keep him awa> 11·c·n· c. 2lllxi s,l,l.lte Jano. ' . b1n it ecms T umr:ny r~tUrr\c<.l htr~ll JUitc c~hou~teJ from hatdlng in I 00 Jbi. q-f Lruut. reJs. tl'.:: . t-1 haF f'PUnd :~t a lime). while sitting in tbc \'Clflr. 'l c'\&t.:- --sun btJI. in~. • • -. I:ach no<Hl tht' t>mploy-ec-s who takc. ad,·anl~.gc of the meaJs s~n·ed <H the Clubhouse a rc also privileged to wit­nt ·~ the ~(Hrtiouation of a series o[ ping pong rnatcbes v,:h ich i a:- alJ the carma rk · of a i end. D. E. Cousins a ml L D. \1.db rush through their lunch, roU · lip th·ei1· sleeves, take a hitch in their belts and without fun her ado begtn slam- ming. dri\·!ng. cutting and lobbiHg ring pong ba"l'"l' s ac ross (and in10) the net at a furiou pace. T his contin-ues until b~d- cuntestanr~ . 'v.ear~- of the possibility of winning a 21-0 :£ame. and though ir aprears lObe scriOU8 bu · ine:;\5 bt:LNVeen. t} e r\' o inY•.)I\-eJ . the ·e tilts p ro\·iJe real en ten a inm.en t for Genial. likeable Da\'e Harris wa.~ a welcome visitor :chu­in.; the l~tter part of :.\ [ay and a ll t he old timers :w·ere happy ·o ~c~ h1m and \1\"e nc'"'. members of the Cham·pion F am·ily were r:rnud to han~ Lhc opportun ity of knowing him. D ave v·:a:; hvmbarded from all $ides with questions abou t the . f(,lks back home" during hi$ visir \,·ith us. "rhe weather J.)au fa\t)red us with a more moderate sun a nd e'ont1nuous cool brce;r.e:; off the Gulf dur·ing- Dave's ·tay here a nd I al­n:. tv~J bdie,:e ,.ve have at: last plea~ed a Cantonite wjth our Te:·.as 'Nearher. DaYe mt:ntioned lhe '"·eather in: a m0st l-oof1 lO ti~h J:t w. l>ttlu w ra., on [61 c(Hltplinh:1Hary r'~:)h111n and it w:-1., miglttr hcart<.nw ~ tr, lwat . l'C.\r.~) rcft'IJ'(tJ t:r, in that r.·ej JJ a1·t~r'lling tc; .t p~rt.:'' c ~li'n.:tH, \(;()\ cniur'' Dt:la wa r~. PI ttl, U)ntplain f}f th~ TlOT T cxa-, sun the \\ I·~ TT1·4~:>"1 Tc.::~a~ rain lhe "-lt DDt E~T Tex.~:;; mqL!) the eiT0n rtt'C('.:>~arr l'> au a in t ln. norntal {1mc . tiota <,f brl"il thin,g - Ci t.' - t tr \.\ dcnrne. Da,.,.r:­cotne ba:dt c ~ ftcn ~ · Your n::pnrtt:r bdi(!.TC5 1 he fr)llowmg will be oi tHter~l Lt) h!:; readers. ~\11 1'. ~- R. P . Ca . b. 1,\'hen ddcgar i ng r-art of Ill ~ rerorccJn al Ull tt ~ . LCJ t.hl ~ tCp(JJtf'f, . (; flt him fhe fol­Io\ ing io .;r ruction-;: " Dea r K.ou rv. ''l n pron)u'Jga Ling }'Ottr c;o:ntcric cogi rari(JJlS. a , su perficia l ::>L"nLim entalit ies. philnst-,phtca l Of P~>·cbuJo~inu Qb­scrva LiOil S. be\Y·a re or pta nf itudi I)OUS punclerol'\iry. Let yuur s.tatements possess da rilied ('onsciencencss. compacted com­prehensibili ty, coal e::>~enL con·i!:lc:ency and a crmcatenatt·a cvn­gency. Eschew all ~ongl omeration~ <)f het{; roc.rencous ab- - , s u r·d i ties. A a u de u t ga rr ulj l r ,_ j.c jc nne l,}a bbtli'mcn t and :;rssill in~ a ffecti on~. Lcr you r €X.tem Ji'loraneo·u·s descantings anJ. un­premeditated <:xpa ri :ni on ~ have jntelligibrlity and n:racious veracity, wilhout rh odomoncade or Lh~surucal bombaH . c­duously eliminate aU 1-olysyllahic profundity. psittaceou vactJi-Ly, ventriloqui·a~·l verh0sity. gra ruJiloquenL joco:.iry and pe. Liferous proranit}'. obscure 0 1 ctpparenL. \'ery truly yours~ €. R. P. CM H .'~ (The result or diese in:;Lructions art: contained in rile foreg{)in.g and ro!lowi ng paragrap-hs). ' * • ii jl The tbird h\11-Employee Dance was o-iven on dtc Pi~ht o[ 1~viay 27th in l.he Clubh9use and a cro'"1i of 165 Chacn­pi'ons da n~ed to the r.uoes of two band· . On one side of Dl~e huge stone firepLa-ce sa l a s·jx-piece- string band rta} in.; sqnare dance tune for the large:.-t g rollp of ,quare ~.lancer . ever 10 rn ee~ at one of ou r < . On rht! other -:iJ~ . a-t a _seven-p i ~ce o rc hestr a pl.aring modern music in a manne-r p·l e~sa n GT (0 all. Square dancers> Paul Jones en-dH1.:ia,:;1s~ and d a llC·CrS in the wWi;.m.g te.mpo WC r~ giv~:n nlll~ic in \c\·id~; var·iety and a·ll presei1t seemeJ lO enjo~- en:ry mintlle 11f the three hours of dancing and rninr.rHng wilh i1rher tth~tnlh·r~ of the Housron Branch of the Champinn Family 1"'ree. T he foH~ s 1n Cnnto11 should be g-lad. tu ht:~H [hat \f. L . • \Ve.srmorcla nd, ~ilbcrt flat d~. I. R. F r~ma11. Oli\·('r SL il<.>". R. L. Bo~gs. T. 0 . T bom pson. r:t c1!. 1J. 11 ~te\?' ~. rn;t re d.t IH.:c r-; ar:e c.~ rryi n g on Lhc·ir art in T e'{'as whee Lhey h·fL ot1 in Canton. A fe,\· lnorc ~quare tl~tnct· sr:~;;ion~ . nd the.' H"'us­lOn D1\·isi011 will b~ chlll ''ll!!ing the c~llltt"'~n Dki~:-i~m in squ.:.t rc J anc~ cntnpE't itil n. On futlt' 2·th.l th~.:· Chnrnpion $1''l l'th~'l ll rc~Hl r n~ng-t~d Lhe T e:\;,t.s Cumpt\nv rcH In <1 d,1.Hbl.l.'-hc.uh'!r, lusing the 11r:H ~;1me 111 Tl' .xac(·l by :~ .-or· uf ~ to I, nnd ·winning th~ ab­hrev; att·t.1 lil t 7 to 3. Th~,.· ('h:tmpiun · ,~·~ rt' uJwbk hl c,·m- 11L'L' I ··ll c·div -.:l} 0 1 C•lll\:l·rtt\·cly '" it h the piu·he!l (1f h. N1.H) ('J \4 x;~,·-n) tttthc fi1 lit v.t ll!t'. 1nd tht· tl1n'l' hit~ .dknvvd wert" w.·ll hi.Lttlt.'l't4 d. ThJ.: hm~.· tnll w:.1 ~ ~:u 1 ('J in the hflh in­lliliF! ttH C.urt n '~ ringi n ~ rriplf• tmd .t flt;~lch1 f' .; chuic\! qtl n ( ' rltnrnphll)\· ~ h.trd· lJil bll\l~dt.' l l\.). .S~l· )nd . • • • SWITCHBOARD. HOUSTON DMS10N L&tl to riqbt: 'MT. Vcmce. " Bill"' Mitchell. Chester KniqbL and another operator whose name we did not learn 1 n !!,<.: . ecr,nd game the ba tting order wa ch ang.::d ef­kcu, ·el) a.nd each member (.')j the Cl am rion team hit safely ~I }last r,nc,~. Ull' Cbamrivn::> garnering 10 lusty bat'e . it" and CV' n··n? ": rutJ ~ in Lhe five inn;nf! gamt. The Champion~ had r:wo biv inn ing~. ::-coring all their fllO$ in the 3rd aud 5th. ln th~ thjrJ, Land. 11rsl up~ singled. Koury C'.Jublcd v\·er rhircl and RicitarJ::-rm hued a d(Juble i n tt~ cen­lCr and SC(trcd 'JJ1 Ct;~kerti'~ Jr), t to fir~t. Af!ain in the ffd . Land upf' the inning being ca lled our on a do~c J ta:· at fir 1: F vtsry \alk(."<L Ricl.ard:,on flew cJtlt \lJ \enter <:nt. wid. rwr.• awa~. Cr.ckerel and -: in~lt·d . Car­re ·\ HiplcJ. Phillip:- ~ing l cJ. K.arna1h gained firsi r,n an error, and f0u.- nrr.~ \\e re chaJk(."d np f,,r Champion. Th(· ~ an··t' ClJ< c:d. Clt~m~·ion s 7. Texac<> 3. On J tJne 'Jr h. & determined band r,f CharoPiCJII~ aeain err, sed t ht CJ.annd trJ combat tht! Tcxau> ufru.allcr., in L' doublt-h<. ader. T he fir . t game rocked a l()ng til rou>!lt the 61P inn;n:.r with Chamr.iou r.:nju~· in? a ' l0 1 marE!in. v:hcu Te~.a· ·o hrok~ ln<.Jst '' itb a barrae-c- of 1 cne hi1 -. wh i t~h crJ­als1t ·,1 ~.em t6 d. <: c.ut a -i-1 0 3 vic ory. The secontl game was nip and tuck all the way and tlespite Chas. Schlemmer's tcrriffic home run and some heavy hitting by Coc kerel. Richa rdson and Ga rrett, the Champion ten was unable to count enough runs to win, and Texaco addetl another game to th eir win column. Fielding gems vn:re turned in by Sch lemmer aL thirtl . and Carrct at lirst, f0r Champion. The Champion team is s trong defensively but has lac ked JIO\·Ver at the pla te; however. t he boys seem to have re­gained th eir ha Lting eyes in the last fe"'' games and are Look­ing forwa rd tv the Shell se ri es, conftdent of a nnexing at lea ~t three.: wins out o.f the.- fou.r game.:!' to be playetl . ~ RAN DO.M 1< .4Nf JJLI Nr:S-f71 P~ /\. P ft· ifTc-r has a rullec tinn or \·a ri-colnrtd polo shirts r,ut nuntb<:rinL· C. 1. C1 ihh\ . tho bj:' l :·l t<· d (W!-\r/t run LO the ra tla:r '·j,,,,dp st ripes and check:, r iTec ted by Cribb~ .' • A ce rtain very a ur~u i vc lt<ll r. tun I ns~ hn" .f1na lly lUll euted to b~:lfHne \ Trs. C. f. "rihb:- ;Jt ~ 1 ire of the pulo ~ h irt~. T he evrnt w! ll tak<.: pl(.ln' .l 11 l ~ :?nd. · \\.onJ er VERNON Dtrr!ON, W. K. THOMAS Qlld G. W. HILL vrhai \ lr. t>m~ins said Lhe oLhe r day when he feund a 10 I'C'und \ i·m.tJillP ( Very n\u<:h alive) ~ haring his oH\ce: ~ '* T! 1 c~>C armo:-t!d rodents are bcginnjng to tun1 up \Jncxpcct­eri ly ra ther frequently and their appea ranee places them on i:he undesira ble };st. "" * * "You ~ve missed a treat i[ yot1 f< :.:n\ heard "t-ncJe Biur·: Banis01fs jmitation of "Srniuy'' ~ s"1ith r1f Cl1ampion~ ':\'ew ·York OHice. * ~,.! '* \Vho named Crute·$ Creek ~·· ~dr. and 1\ l rs L. rvl. P rice have bol!lght ~ a ne,,- Y~ and are looki ng fon,~a rd to a trip to )Jorth Ca ro-l~ na thi~ : ummer. ~ * Bob H.cfner p laced ao order for two ~t x~ of cigars for early July delivery. * ~ Let's all take time to be pleasatn. The s mall coun esie$ which we o:i.en omit bee au. c they are 5tna ll ~ will some day look la rger t() us, 1han ihe \H~«llLh which we co\'et, or the fame for w·h ich ~·:e "'r I.~.< :!h!d and sac rificed . '-' CHAMPION DINES ROTARY CLUB AND CITY DADS Bv C. R. P. CAs&r • P asa-dena . June 16, 1937, On .lune 4-th the Company \Yas host to the Pa~a d ~na R(Jtar~ Club and Lhe '\'layers and Corr.mjsisoners of Pas:a­G\.' rta au<.l Calena Park, at an enjoyable dinner i11 the ChtQ 1-£( •LLe. (;ue~l$ included ?v1aVOr \\(, C. ~1 cJ\{as·ters and • Commissioners E. _\{_ Barnes and E . 'VV. Blakesley of Pasa.- dena: :\ Javor H. H. Graff and CommissioHer A·l ioJ:tock and • B et~e r '.rf Galena P a ~·k. and all Chamrion foremen. ~1 r. Crute presided and immediately became popular b: anuC:t.lJlci r,g that there \VOu ld be no speeches. A r tcr a n:ry ~xcr.:Jlc:J .l dinner t,;ach gue:;t arose in turn and ann aunt­tid fl i. r1am,. and business. An en joyable movie with fu ll sc:.t.wd poff~ns, entitled r.Hc::ad:s t 'p Has.ebaW~ v.ra·s then pte­.; er ted. Thjs \\'as followed by rt1ovie shots taken in and arrJ tne tltc 1 Ja1,t by 1\1r. Kf,ury. Jn these shots many of Ut- sa'." oursdve a.<: - tlr:.: daugh tt (;t ~Irs. \1: ~Jc l.J ,,nt<·l:. and th~ lalt> ~f r. \Ic l (•nid ·of Lathr<)p, \ l l,~nt. I J L O ul bc~1 Wt ~)te~ lo fl;"'ny arld ~lr~ ~·l a~on: Flt~yJ \\' n)?IH \\a ~ f.>rOtJd ly h:wdin~ out cig~ [$ or ~\ 1 =«y 21th whc.:n h~ bc<-ame the lalppy rar.he, ~ of a bahy gaL }t Jnpany of i\ lnnroe. La. \ f"' rl OPS I •' PU ~ I HlH ST )\1 , 1'1~ ~ \ ~ f\ l1 :. P l\':~dllll Rnsdh: :1 11d \ l 1::. II. P. 1 nhe-ck~.·t :>t•enc ·n l l· J:tl d~, ., bt· r · t~ ·tH.'~a l · i.n t1 tt' ht11Ht' l'\1 i\fr. ~Hh.t i\ lrs \ J. f I. l \;c,l\. ' rltq• '~ete tl.: li ~.IHl!lll ~· ~ uq\ti ~t·d with • nr tn 11twdilttl, ~ . 1 \'l''t y flllh'~l i mpr~·~.i,c.l\.1. l"his \\" ._t . th~:•u l1rst \ i •It IJ.'I ~ . • ' , • rt~)lati(>I~ ~11. d l) · ri'y~lti()ft Hu11d1·ed (~<-)tltltties e>t' · o,t· tl1e Nt>t~tl1 • . ( PART S) '\ \'•ur ~Ludv (•f d ,.t~ ft;nnati.<\n :4nd ~kt i\ a\i,}n df dw nue hnnJ i LJ "'l Ullt ·t,~ :\f '\ 'll h ·~1 !"~lJitl ~-l \\"'t h ~Vt' .CC) \ ~· ~ cJ Otl<'-­fif. IJ ,,{ tl.JcH'. l'c: t h:q ~ou r ~:tft'"\1 ~ hJ: hl.l~n in \:lttl . h ut v;r;· hnr " tH. \L lf in c•tH ~1nd~ tlf the· t:t"~H)tit!~ ~ s};la ll snmulntr. a rft:',\l"Ct lnli,;,J e~t I •n \ h~ pil r1 01 • (Ji_)'J~(:)il(' tfl• l~}~ hi.:itor\' (1f th(' nu :\<,!lh Sta'e \h' ·.hall ne ! h.'a"Ctl. l n l)~tt .ft\'c. ''~$hall lu tve n fe-"'v WOl'tiS t ~en· d ~OtH ~onh~tnJ'h\r1~ Rt-,wan. B ah(~;., l--1e rrfnrd. Pitl and »:l c<. k-l~ llbUI .~. Counttt'S . '\orthan"'pton '.-_1\lOt)' is in the J'l(.1nheaste-t n. pnn or l!hc st~ne1 hLwdcn~;ng ca the \ -iru·inra h.tle. and i- b·tJ\tnded on the <:a. t b\ H. ·rti<."rd. ~vm h b~· Bt>n 1v l '\ 'tlli\t)' :~ n i un d1e '"' r . t ~· the-R,·'>at\oke Ri\ er. B(\l.h ll i~t.ory and tr-adit ion EH L~ ~1 1 ·n~ a~ w the origin oi it .s name. Out" h i.$-torian st~,tt~s that ''The l ~{~i~b.u.r-· mel at \ViJmington in the latter part of J 74 1, aPJ the C'omH~ of Beni'e ~;as Ji,~\leJ the upper ~·~H~ <)f it e~t.abl~hed g:- 3 nt~w cou11tV. t , which the n ~UYI<' of ':'\ortt"t- . . ~ amr't>t:"~£• \'\ 3.$ g 1\·ttn . -\ ~+c ·s His:cry of .X otft~ [ar{)JhuJ state . •· But \-\·ha ~eve!' \\i!r~ i he peq,le;}.ities oi "'OVeru;.nen,t. d1~ pl'ovlnce €ont1n u.ed to s:rm' in poputath:'n and imp<!rtaftte. Yirgi nians fror:n tht begHming had fl-ocked. acrGs~ the border, :.t11d when the olo rrec:nct~ at Alb-ernark were well ocgJ.pied. t.bese inuni­gt! U!t" fro:n the a-~.~joinin~ pro~ i ~Ke pos~-es$ed themselv~s of Jlcru~. an-.1 there th(; p<>P\>~1at.inu hcc.ame ~-o m.lroer O-us that in ! 7-H the new CotlD{Y >-ion.hamptou )a.J to be erected.' Tn~ c.a:unt,v ~eat is na1ne-d a fLer Andrew .f ack.soo d re hero of :\ew OrleaJh, aJ~o t~e sixth P resi.Q.e~t 0f the l Jnited ~ar.~s . Rtl1 ran C\.}untr \\a::- f(.)rmeJ jn l7i3. \Ve qu®te from '' !c ·kr·s lfirto·r;. ol .\·onh Ccroli-~a: t ·rho-re is no ~ouatv ~ I ~ ip rile ~tare wh<?se earl~ hi5tory and whose c!is-t:ingni-shea sons ~ifurd sc fa:r .anJ ample su bjects of hi·story· as. RoJo~a n. 1~hi;; marerb;i nf .it elL amptifif'd as it cl~rves . 'ml:lld &1.1 a YGll.i"Tle. ls it an idle hope that SG)me ~n of hers \v.i11 undertake thi:S piou. and patriotic <fhny? l t is -due tQ tbe w_r:lfJ1!y of d.e pa t: it is wortJ1y of the erntlJativn a ad. imi­tation of the future. • t. Ro-v."ap Cnunty wa.:;. funned in 17 53 from Aason County~ l .nul ~ur:r>· Cin l 770J a.rtd B11rke (in 1 777 ~ wer:e tak:€'n eff, this tnt~nly coo.tprehe1:1ded m:ost <1f the. "ves tefn pan . dt!.rhr.t$ 1 L~ 11amc lron1 the Fad uf l-htlH:tx, w11o, tfl 1 7 .~8 ~ w~ the lin~ t Lord ·0f d~<.'" go<Hd of T J<LJt•:' 1'ha na f:r~ c Hal ifa . is hii rd t0 b~ oj s~, ~nn origin I l~lt:3 hit1 8 t.hc,]y haiL;.'' tht\'C.fl a Str:if\ct of lc fi ir· takei! froHl tl•1.e h<~a·d 0f a v i rgrn ,,vhnru a young n1;HI l e-headcd hec:-tuse sh·e rt·s is ted hi ~ pa s·it.:m;. Hcnfunl c(.JH l~ t y '''(l·~ (.(>rtYI(.' (){ 111 L759, frorn Ch n~a. n , r~t, rtie at'l:<:.i NortJutn:l pton C\ )ll nties. lL \Vt\ !,'l G,l."lled H<:rr.Xord in honQr. r"'f the ~larqui s, of Hertford, an ;f•:fl.glsh nobJc::HH\111 of ' horn it is $aid o ll;~red a motion in Lh ~ House 0f Lords ~ ~ 1·166 for the repeal of the 'tamp . Act. rfhe name Hert­ford sigf-}ifics t Red Ford.') 1-ier~ford County l$ rn ,thee n c rthea.s teJ~n part 01 the SLate. 1 t .is boUiiHled on the nonh by the Virgi.fl,ia lr,n~, on the west by ~ ort lll,aropton south· by Bertie Counly,. ~ nd on the oast by che Chowan Rrver. · · Gre.~nv·i} le; the cQUntr seat o{ Pin C0tmty 7 is about one hundred miles ea st oi Raleigh) on tne Tar River_ · Pl{t Co111ntv was forJ'ln.ed from B e~t~lfort in 1760, and taWed in complintent to '\.Vill.iaro Pitl~ Earl of Chath~ro, ~ devoted f ricud to Ameriea in the ~n.glish Parliament. It is also si,tuated 1n the e~ s t~;r:n p-art of the state and s urrounded oy l\1Ia rtin, Edgecc:>,m:Pe). I-:>I~de~ Beaufort .Craven, Green and ~enoir. · ~'vf.eck.lenbut~g Coo~hty '''a~· named i.q honor of t he Prin­cess Cha rl·otte qf :t btain@d large grants of land .from the Crowril ~ was about ~ hDcat io g . them in this county. The pea­pi ~ arese in a r rns: . ei~ed tAf! su rv-€}'Or a ntl . c.ompe.llecl him to de&ist. "Her'e was the eady b\lZZing of that 'Hornet's Nest,' . • y that 1n Le·ss than t:ien ye.ars was first to .st ing t he power of ~.o~a lty itseH, in ·tl:1ese Golonies. a l t ·is the hirthpJare of liberty. Here in !VI.ay. 1 775~ the pa:t·riot of M'ecklenbu.rg assembled and re.solved to be free an.d Independent of EngJand." (To. 'iP~ co?,rued.) D ear !~di'tor.·: nl am love with a hQmely girl, bur she does-n \ earc 'for ~e·., wb,jJe a pretty gi d with lots of n10ney wa u>ts to n1.a n-y nle. V\1 ba-t ~b a ll I de:)~ ,~ Rep.J~': H~lla rr·y the om~ you l0ve and se:,Jd me rhe name .a f,)d a.dd·rcs,c; 0! the oLht r i" "' ' • , P •J"b11'h"'d l ~ .:rfl ~ ' lumpiun F amil~ ·· a a ~ mhnl o l th'-· Coopl.rat i,,n Jn I C uc)~.l FcUO\\ $hip Lxi ~ling Jl dtc- Pl ~t n l' oi The Cha•nril'll Paper anJ Fibre Company. l'Jntdn 1 :\ j,ion, Cantotl. :\nrth Carolina. :-rJ l ·l rn1 ~t"n f)j, i ~i·)n . 1-luu ·Lnn. ·r cxas G. W. PHlUIPS . _. . _ ~ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . _ . Ed.i tor REUBEN B. ROBERTSON. JR .• _ . . _ . .•. .• _. _ •.• . . _ . Assadate Editor RE?ORTERS DAISY BURNETT£ •.••••.• --- ·--··· ••. . . . .•• Main Office J. M. DEATON. ·· ····· - · ···-····· · ···-·-' --- ·-··· .•. . Book Mill M. V. BR.A.ML.LrT' . • . . . .,_ . . _ . . . • . _ . . . __ . __ . __ . . _____ _ . __ • _ . . . _-R. & A . PAUL HYATT. - - -· · · ····-···-······-···· --- ·-······ · · ····Power 0 . F. Gfi-L.IS . ____ . __ . _ . _ . ___ . ___ . ___ . _ . _ . _E. B. Dept. ''DIGESTER" •.• _ . _. . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . .••••.• _. Sulphite HABBY BOTHA, IR . _. . • _ . __ . . Pulp DryiDg LENORA HUGHES . u •••• ••• _ . __ . __ • • • Finishing Room rH£ COLONEL •.•. _ . __ .•.•.•. .• •. .•. •. . .•• .•.••.• Extract P. G. KINX.E.N •.•.•.••.• _ .•. _ . .•. .• •. _ . Soda Mill N"'EE.L BBlG tli" ~ . __ . _ . _ . _ . _ . ____ . _ . ____ ___ . _ . __ . __ -.Cone JEAN MeGRA W. __ • • . . . . . .•. __ . . •.• . •. __ . Cartoonis t REPORTERS FOR THE HOUSTON DIVlS!ON A. M. KOURY AND C. R. P. CASH D t -RJ:\t; the l'a. t six weeks. rottr people, living with in a fev.· mile-3 c1f Canwn. hav~ bet.:n eltctrocu led by com­~ n~ in ~onutt:L v.-i tl. li\ c wire:;. and one.: or her i~ suffering a . r;:, en.: burn on GH1e hand. \\ hich 1n a~ in<.:apaci tau.: him for J:fc. \Ye arc i11detcl sc'n} HJ h<.:ar of dH.:~e acciJt.:nt ·> and sin­ccn~ t~' Jlqpc tltat each Champiwt Clll f k>yet: will bear in mind ll1:rl ,) :H.:c idt!JH ~ can. and will •.JI:tu r in our pla nt u11ic¢~ \\"• C?.(:h.:i t ;h(· g n·al t:,\ pu~ sihk· t"an: in thr p~.·rform­am::•: (A • l! r . ·.,rk. H itr l r-I~;n~ic,n. rA luxh vohai-!~.- P''wc:r lin ·~.s an: orl thL: ill-id~ and ( ,m~idr: r,l lJIIt pliillt . f"'r ·n:tita lly C\'1.'1 )' lt\t.lth in · is r,; t.:r.Hc.d L;' c·lu rs ;c.if)·-SJl'rH of 1h(· \\iJc. 11t;<H dw llr;ors an' ir7 t ' JJJd. liL7 j,ut. \'\'(' slto1.dd . I•,L. > t c·, {I in 111 i11d tlt~ t 1;\ ·ry ··I ·c l ic: \dr 'llt> l c .1 l"'h.ntial ), a~n! -uta}' cat r y . nf1i-c.: wu J">W ·r 11) kill, lit., ,f.,.-~, V/•• iHJttf,J k(',~ ,. ltarld r1-H 1111 - lr· ~ . \'P :t t · { (~ ~ j-. t:> I ta l drCH~ i ,., dan ' t'r. .ttw· J•'(.~pl•· c·\ciJ ··lc:ettical c·n~i11cer,. '""dlt ~ ll ;t••U tlt~ll I j() \'( " } ~ill IH) ! ldll j IJ!J, y.~, , lltally r c·· .pJ. :JJt• t,ill~·tl li ,. l1 w J II 11 I I. t. ( { 'u Jll f y c ( 11."1, r,. [i ( }, y I , rn j It~ i II I If I I ii c I \\' i I h rfu nrdin, 1 v <!. I· ct-r.i<-' wiv ,. in '} .dll r h~Jnw. "-1 icl1 • ·1 rr · nnl }' I I {J V{Jl r ~. Rem ·mhc.:t. clcct rk it} i$ dan ~1.nJlb, it kill:; tJlld w!H kill ,·uu a ud I i I Wt: f 01 ft\ the ri~ht '-"fl ta\.1. 'fhcn.J,Jre. we ~ $ll'~.{~ 'L that Cha mpir;n t'lnrlr,ye~j) treat all dccrric \ire a~ a l'nh:nL ial haza rd. Keep away f rrJIH r hem (;I iJd w: l t:r.~· . • :r ) ou sec ~uml!t hing that seems 10 ) uu cla.n~ervh , n."r·nn ~m. h conJ.ilion to your fc~re u1an at once. and 1r he do . -: n 11t have the condition correc1cd. get the ."aft:t ~· Din::<.•(,J anJ ·~x~lai n lO him the haz-a rLl as you sec i1. D on·L "' ait 11ntif au ::~cc;iJcnr occu rs. \Ve haven't hac.l a~1 eJcct ri c-a l a~:cidenl i0r ,cv~ 1 al v~ar ,, • but. remcrnber . we can an<.! 'Arill han: them un it·~ \H: c.·.tr-cise the gt·eate t pos iblc care. Don·t think becau5c you are not an electrician you are not in claugc r. F\~ery em­ployee in the plant is subjeetcd more or Ie~s to elt:ctrical hazards: therefore, we plead Wtth yu:J to bear in minJ what happened Lo the four mcntio11ed aho\ie cau happen to each of us. The V e1zereal !VleJlace T I-f E A me rica 11 Socjal Hygiene \ .=socia lion sta te:i Lhar the re are approximately 6.000,000 men. \\ Omen aod children in the l'niteJ State ' s ufferin~ from srphilis todar. and more than J 2.000,000 ha\·e !!:lml)r rhea. ' f'l-lc A . :>•x:ia­tion s tates that although gonorrhea i. lc$~ ucadly than syph­ilis, yet it is respon si b l~e for a lor of misery. T he public · generally does not realize the.: dat1gcr oi ve­nereal diseases, cons ~quemly million:; of lllt'tl. an . l wom~n Loday are su fferi ng f rom it · effect :;. Quite often men and v•omcn ufferio ~ from injuries or other clisea es an:: ueateu for months and ~onll:timc -. \·e,trs \·\!ilhOl:ll ~ t ·~.~nitt:: I. .\ n t':\:lminati<)n showe-d a l'osi li,·e \\"3~'crm.1n: ht· \\ a~ uca£e,l il>t "'vpl1ili. anJ Lh~ injuq impr'-''·cd r'tJ'idl) . That j, ont" l'\.,tmph: pf how \"Cllt;r~.,•a ( di$ea 'CS rna)' prt~lllll~ d1sa.l ilit ~ . \Vc ~n· totd. \ .ith l'roper tr~atnli.'IH ~ ~.mmrh~a 1~ pr.h ­tic-:- tlly n th: hundr~d pt.•r c n1 r utahk. bur it ufl~n II. .' ,{Litll':­l'rul< lf1 ~d l n·:t tn w t l l. g(•tlt ~ ulPnhca ~tntl ~ ,phd, ., nrt.' tlhHl.' \t.:riou:-. \\it h rh,• it.' tMd1· dt .\11 chc 111~tl~.,• S) phil" •' d'>l'"l lt'J n~­mi lll'd fr11 ·: P,lt<.:lllS tn t ht>ir ,·ltildtrn. •hcrd,>H'. \\\' :. h,:wld be 1!1« 11t· .·a 1 • f 11!. Ct~ n \I h \ • 1111 I t~nih ph~ .·i,-i 111 . 1 tc , . , .• >ttr frtcnd .md \\ 'II a.dvi l: \uti. -· --~ --- --- ·"J), l ': n ~ li,huh'll lntd• ·r tand :\nH· t it.ul -. l:tll b!~ . · • t•IIW llj dtt"lll .ft>. \\ 11\ •" · · ~ h d , , , f h ll 1 i , 1 1 ~ l h ' ' ' 'til i cd i n L i 11 h.l11 n a n d tl ' · t , I h t ) I uiJ ,,, I 1111' ( CI l"tllll ~ .Ki ll;-. .' tlfii] • • -. • •• • ' • • • • • - .,.~iF' • 'S<>n.JH\Jl ~·lit~. 1~ -pcrh . 'lp~ t:h•" h~ t ~k'\1. ("~J' '\Till~ \ )l' \1 ' ~ m~.n ., r.)l' t h ' ;~n hn i il'l1C''~ ·ted t>~t l~ i til ' '~<~ ' ~ . t ;J,.l !.>~ . )• 'ln{.t t. be (. ;16a\ l \:· clh' . !'it\i.d < ~··\\"h()$\.t<'\-~r sh:tu , ~"11!1 - ~} tt\<'" tn -~· tl\ tni« . ~(' . \\td\ hin1:." ' ['he 'l fn .1 tl r·' r. t'liel P is ~·.; ~1 -t.~ b'i\ . h ) vilt d~) <,)nt~ th,rt ~dnc h H~ }.c-1' ~\ mak~ . , ~,., J, '\'\'ll :H'~;' y: ~v,'rn 'd hv l:n\1 ~n1d n. t by fH til~tpl e. rh: .'tvn h."'e th~t 3 i1Hl l\ b\ :i!t ttp ~I ' tl Ui"~Sl1i1'P bu, i­=~:~: HI J, }'t.Jf}f }oo~t avn b~ $'"!d . ~ i.Hl t t' (;cf\tlOl(h'q \1 _- Jt~f.kiftU . \,11-ink. He bt'\:'a ~re Nn i~t,ty pr-o~r·o\J . ~-u~d -on~ la,,. a llli:J.'tt ;n~d t~· ~im. n (\t1~·~b, Jy an Jw \tl~ a l }~OU 1~·\·{~ done. l1)U h'"~ 1:u pcH.<."'lll on 1~i : C:hi;l!\ . , .• _b-~ ckH 't rouE .c0.tll:p-~t. i·t,Jr-s sen ~ . <'il!" hn~ eqltall} as ~(')()(} ~ Fl l\Y di.1 yttlu x 1~law th~ bck \._li :\Jl')) r . tit i-I)Il ~" Th'C ~-tJ . i tk. maa ~ aiJ. ·'A nyr·h >Jy whf'l \\ ~nts to c~.n il\_; what J jtfi J~"tH{!, lnJt ·f'm lK't af-t ~id tli t h~t- The <J iffic'l1lt~' i$ the·~ dw uut ,~.-~Htl to pt1t the \JlH~l,\q 1hJt t pnt- t"1. Th 'Y d~> nt>r \V"n\t ·o· f u.t .ia A!s. mu~h .jc(\; l.i't, • ti.1 , ,,.- a JHs.h 0 [ r<"al w·hir·ped cream, ·r llQ extra. tutas­~- ·o.: uf q'Ua:T~ty , and yet qua~1ty ~ tbe dh~Jipes r t h~n-g )- O;Lf · ·t g;'\c. 'Ten ~nt~ Wur-th t,f e:st1.~ q~talitT i~ as n"l,ach, if ·n.ot 1n 1rt:. of Jt ~lc!'- !ne.~ . : boil~t:f than h: ·rnt) C~llt$ w·o·nt;, 'cJf Cl t, f!tti~h~ ·witbl nt -4ua.lirr : · · 1""hi~ i~ nt'\ d-onht t.he rbot ·of penna.u~ntL b\Jst r}css SitJ~t:~ ~\ bt~t the 'get ~·i ch qu i\k~'· prefers the Gther n.ruthod . l ~ fl \-e in Ini ~cl :1 cert.a~l'l :rest.aura n~ , .li),<1t m,.any 1n a-~· a, . that, ro tbc w-r~er''S -rnu~d i,, conducted along the En~ sugg~:s ted a b(;~,·e-quality :> servic~ and ~ desi'r~ to please tht= n~om~r. se ~" m !> .o be tE<: ! r~dorni sopirit of all connene i \\ it.h. i he- plnce c,f busit;1:es.s. If the m:en·~ 1s not e~;"acdv t'(· ila~ Ek : n.~· t).-f- -h,e nt~lVrtlor, chanRes ar-.e T<n~de " . . Witf.u~!~. a11d glacJ J3. \ s -~ r~sult . the p lace of bu~.iness ~eeT·h · to be •ruw i n·~ v6t ~ l(;ap~ ~ tlld bou.o~s. Ao eating -,}n.: ·. cvnd uc·eJ f.l!Qt~;. .~ ucl-1 l ;ne~. \Yill .a-nra.ct loveT of good • tQ eat. well r rei' afed. and sen.-ed by c:ou neous \vait- A ~ q ua~ i~ sht 's ·CUSLomer. slip. A business bufl:t . up.(!m ISO r-·r~d bus;,~ rrintiples ~'(,jfi succeed more yfte.n th~ d r.n . ~h tniatr ilirew dftess ancl · . A" !v- tl .• r hai a.n t·lr,gent phone ca.H froru a g<;rndeman < .\ !-u.~. h.i~ ~R)aH ~6-n haJ ~\\· a.ll o\'\·~d hi~ f{JUhtetlO or em. ··AU r1ght ~ J 11 CtJifYft: ;tt c;;.nct-:;· rcpJiecl 1 he Joc. f \\! etkome was by W. T.J \VilS.on,. ~layo:~, . of v}:i,t~cdr~-S~le~; re~p< b;y J. De;\~-ey DQ rs~tt;-- a- m,e:m b~r tiJ tb€ N·qtth Car01t,t\l;-a l nd:u:s- 1 ri:al Com mi·~ion. The maia aii~:tess. Q>t the ses~ion .was by Lh.e 1-lotl. Clyde R. f l o€ly, · Go\7er.n·or of :N~0rt'l11 Car<-Yii·n.a. iilr. 1-loey made a splendid acld·reS·s---'-an i nsp i,:a~tion a ! p·.lea to. the ~eople of . onh C.arolina· to betorne :vno re s.a f·ety- ftHnd6d. a n.d s·LOp the slaugh~er of h:ufiLi'a:n· li fl! which is occurring: t.l~i·oughou t t:hef!a.pon, as a r~sdl t o:f .c :a.,r6 1'esslittes~ o r thouglHless qe:>~. T~e conference was ~i v icled in to nine secriorta, ii1d uding : I~lectdqll ~T}d Pubhc lJ tili~.i es, Nlt;!.dical, ~ nrs ii1g, Publi.c and \1unk1pal Sa fety, Ste.a,m. R.atlroacl, ,.l~exdl e; F \He a nd ~\. tood P~od ts,- Truck a)icit Bus Section, a nd T obacco Sec-ll ~.,'),n l " :Ni r. 't . 1\. \V ilsou a ttel merrt ber:) e f the NorL11 Carolina l odust.~iai Con1missi·o11 a re_ to be congratulated. oo rhe su.c­oess ·of ljbe c:onfe.rence. ·~le. a re sttre tlHlt a g n:~at dC<11 of g~od was accontplished and rn a~ny returned t0 Their res pee . ti:vll! indU~! ri es \\lith a g reater d e~er m io a ti on to sp read the Q),()s pel 0:f Sa f et)~ : A ~l) len dkl sp,if!t prev.a)]ed th roughout tl1e tHire con­ven ttioJ11 and perh ~p-!> one. of th~ r'nt;st eom nJ"e!ncl- tl f }i vis i <J n of 'Ph e C h.a. rn- · ·)"e~, r;anr.~n . 1 be ~ J ereb r j#p.J~·d; . it'H ((tl.:u}orf to' i: ~ (.JttH ~ ll:'.L h otu w y l. ;1.n~ ~' TiunJ--.1 h~' IY tP l<f."tJ-.§ On! '\ jf~ : 11~.~ n.e ., nn1 ~e is v~tr)r .;ci~n~i·fic. aJP.:orH· k.i~ the -bahv ;>~thil{: ~l·e i$ a:1·o\.snd . . H l~i4r,J : ' VIH·· ~vc.v.JJ \\r~n . t-o ?lt J) I •) a piotr Papej· kllil~ 'ft' j br€: L'~!'~ l"'a .~ r' h ~s a ri'giH to fe~ I prol:ld of tb ~ f' fJolf?ganron . J huy wer · pur:fcttJ·a l m a r­"'-~ fl:d arfce, 1 i,.,t ·ned an<gn t h . el y ·Rllid we feel Cf\,Jlte ~ U re r(."­tu ·r ed _to C~ uron intbuccl "~·i t,h the: ~ p:i ti t of ~afe ty. l~Lft• hht n.ever }.;,tt ~ We ffiU'S'l retoernb~r :l'Cctt~ W ilt p·revent~i rrn l~ t\ •)t teStllt A the ·t-.ff!,I·IS -of ·. f~\!', but the t:01rpc tt:~ti.on o_f ev:t ry <.:01- ptc,yee. • . . . [ }-; ~ ' ' • • •' - • ' • • • • • > A qroup of tbe Eledl(}lylic BJeru:.b Pla121 employees. D elegateJ to State-widt? Con :s.,-. *'\ . \1. F :\IRBROTU €R Tune 10. 1937 . • \ 1r. Robert. on . 1 r. • F OLLO\Yl~ G i. a brief outHne of the Ejgb.t.b ~tcne-vY ide a fetv. Conference held a-t the-Roben l-l<"'tel in \Yin·Lon-,~a le m. ~Iav 20 and 21th l937: • nnual K Lee :\pproximately r~OO delegates from the \Vestern ~orth \_·~ r-ohna. CenLral Piedm ont. i\ I i d-.:' t atc~ Blne R idge and .:~'"'u hern P it:dmont ·a fe.l,. Council ~ v.·ere in attendance at J the Conference. T he opening session w-a hekl on the Roof Garden of the H01:el. Ron. T. A. \~; ils on, Chai rn11an of the • Industrial Commission pres1ding. F oltowing the invocation by Dr. G. l~ay J ordon, pas-Lor o f tlile Centenary ~tethed i,st Church of \Y'ins.t on- a Ie m. 1:-lon. '"' illiam T. \Vii son. ~llay. or of \,.inston- 'alem made a brief welcoming speech. The re~poo;e to tht: welcome was delivered by 1-l on. T. Dewev Dcrsen of the Indu"trial C01nmission. The next fea u;.re of the openi-ng session ~r~s .the pr·e~ ~n­tation of the Pr,e.,idcn t's ~lcda l for Life Sa,·ing whrch was ~v,arded to Earl Pa-' ne o f t.he Asheville Dis trict \i\· . P. A. in rccounit ion of h i~ ·uccessfully St\ving (he life of a rnan by artificial re~piration. The ,·icum had heen apparently d10~'\·oed \\hen his car nvertu raed an'd rolled int > a st ream. h l\·a.s the l"Ct :>e; eren<.·c ,A ~1r. Payne in '"·orhng for ove r lhr:t!c-qlJaner,::, of 2n huur ·th at the ma n;s lift was sa ved. 'fhc guc<:t of h r111 r>r rA the mornll'tg M'a~ His ExceU~ncy) (.!~:de R. Hr1e~) (~r >vern•)r cA tht: S ate or ~orth Cardlina. ( r(J\'tf1)0f 1-Jr,c-y:!:i acklrrs.s WflS broauca::,l througla lb!.! Jocal JnCi, station, (J\tr a sta tt:-wi'-le nel\vork. Hi talk on the tl.cme <,f ~.tJf~.:t) ,,.a4 tll'.JSf impret;··ive and shqwcd cl e~rly !ri, inter~· . in ~a~l\' wrnk. • \ lN.ll: r~ t·n1tdt.-'' "Tit{' ';afc.:r.\ ~},-\line ·: b., .\ . C. Hor-rr. t. l· . l ~dui;~li(m& J Diren()l uf dt~ C,ooJyGI ! Jndu!-. tn:.t l f lt ftv'f•.r.<,. H} fJ{ / \It run, ( Jl1i0. IIOJtcJUUt d tfll" Jllc!'J I niog St' ~ iOI'l. '" 1 r. J I (.J r r (' 1 :~ 1,111 1 1 h ~ s i Z.6 d d H.! }, wn r.i:i u i l :11 jan ph~ "l' s t ) f s n f (' t y ',\ I) I k. • on tlilc roof ga rden. A \'ariecl progra.t.n by profes~ion ~L en-­tertainers w·as €nj0yed by a nJ retzionaJ, state and l1ational safet\: councH.s,. ' ' l'hc atmosphere ,,[ tht: .cfltire o1~etirl'g ~'"'as full of sob~r se riou&nes:;; a gn)ur of e ~t rn~st men trying to do tlwir hest to pre,~e l \. l s\ltJeri·ng and the ln:$ of ~if<! and limb by acci­deuts. Jo ackfl riou \:1) imh1 ~ rrial ~c~.~idc.tll pre\ ention, th~ c-nunci ls han: ah>o a~.K-e J,1)l;ed the task of tr} ing t\) re\.iucc: hidn\"a}' ac-c1drnls. The" Si~U c: Fl i.~h w :t y D~:l'a t lmvnl is (!)OiJ(;t~tin~ wi•h ,·dl sa fe ty(. tiHc-i ls in refKh rn~ tbt• \'\'lH'~ets th rou~h n1t the $tare. TOn \' i t;t tJ rOth C.:11Hptti!.!ll tO c·dttCU t ,. tltL dt l \;t'r~ \U dri\C 'tf f~th . • l t w<.• a ~ n·a t pi.::P\ Itlt' for til(. lP lntend th.i~ 11\t::f·( if'lg. a nd ;t i:-. tq he ht•Jwd \\ h ·nt•vt•r :t StAtl." ~ \\ i\h: {\.Jnt'cr­ljittr' · , . lh lrl itl tht ' \i.cmi1 ·. rlwt L·-•ery nwutb·r \)f \'liT f') l • .tu iz ti,Hl lll .t\ ,1t1 ' nd . • [l21 • • • ' v • . • • • ' ' . • . • - , - . • . - t i<'.:' n l "'tc'~'k•n• ir\th tsui· .t '~t ~ 'r~. Li• t'ts h;. vt: i n~ re' od. .Thi~ · h , t s h.'<" 11 (jlu e t.o t he i n.c n· a~ t\g .h1 • t· u f ~.~u Ill r f· 1 !t ll'~<c p ~H .l\.c.,- "' · · ~lcrrti · cd :l Ot c\:1\·'t t.i'k e<f(!~. · t"dl'\\f!t~t.!~t~d a-ir. f1ych~nr·4il. 1.-l ., 1: , An accountln of -,ur lL~nn:. rt:il~ - t;., \\t--in ,:t( ~n::· ll"'H1 where ~ attren~t~d t~- ~ t,·~*(l~\fi~it : .afety (.\)nf ~r~t)e-f ·hnuld be · nnrcJ-h. -. i 1 )r<4 'ln · ,.,hs.l!n ~Hi"-\1i1'\ tl:l<H.l ~: "t qgeth c~J ~lth t.hc h1t;h-1~ht$ ~· th~ ,.l'lHt~t: i.O: 11!}-ay #L-:,0 ~) • <)f ittt ttt't."~l to d~ ot 1~-er tr h: n bt~rs u! d:\~ l ~h ~ ·p·xt' 10t'\ F 3 ~'I i l ~ . . . - ,''~. . . · h ~n'ltdt'L ,t't ·tlL r't.)bJ To· .,:w,pt w·ith th~sc .ucw c'lFi l.-rc~l s rrt JJ"'~:: 'Y~"i ui 1),~ i · t tl tw ~ uut: . (.xi .-:.~ J"l!Q:pc r1~ uve rite~ r npt.~r~ u~J:tt . \ 1 vOJ ht"~l fU('d .}J.{'! ~·h t.:T l·h;c• ~·~ll:t l f11 i·~·J ~n~·tn~ r\• 1 \llH~ ti ~n1,~ ' ~: wc~e {a,·ort·~I with a· h~tf . !'l\[;.ur a'Cl ~,t res~ b)· Gt.>\ \~·rPiot · Cly.-.:.k· R. litl(:)". ( 1u~·l~ l no-t~ J,--1 1e~ ~·;n·c t1 ~ a brtl4d ~ uthrt~.~ 6l t h~ t1 C\'. . -i l) nf ct L'lfh;nHi'\~C t.'ffort 10 Ct''~'mb:.t•l The ( j · ing· tlrnm df ·(l,li t fil tnl'lau ~' . -.t l· n·~ due to . :'C' f'l.1 et). inS.ri.reJ L" hrs ~c~t:t: lfol1 · ~ ~:u t;h ~ sub ~\l~tn~ J'it nh:.c tlo ~ - T ir-e \ t 1 }' ·;uun to ht•· .-·p·tkr~·d \ as C.n ut::t'e ru1t;cl a ~ caH1 r+t~r:c · l"'lOS1:'\'T~· .Pl alJ a rithn-Ht r1,~. ;\ t l ~.wt ultt' year rJ4 at;~h L J , rhv ~c~, an·i.l '€he n~i -ny,, tt)~ct:her ~virh tl ~ot·rn;d, ~ i'tHIJ ~ding in a) I drc ·rnl.Nmt>l·\' · of ~11'- te · t 'l An t y l}.l \.!,\.f.>r\·""'Si(JO. the a:\;J i' In .q)f\\-"~V tb o u ~th ts . i d ~:~ attd .<.lc.:-­~ ·i r~:s0 tJrnt tJ:t(.' re i~ no ;ni. l.&nd ~ rs1:ancling~i ,~· is WcHYtt'cL is ~;h ;. ,lw e h' n<.-cct:-rs·ary. f«_,.n~,. '\\ri6° t]a,, e r B'\Jl' }i ot:'y at - ~b~ '}.'t},1k \l rS; l30U \! ·3,:> ~Ir. J~·. . Florro~ks. l:)i cec~ r ,of Educ~Ht\::,n , Go(l< l~r~ar l n-d: tJstfial L:niv~ rs i t r • . tk.r.~n. Ohio. R't" · su t"j~<:t H1 '-bt'C Safetv . Skv1inL ,"' v; a: m~-~t int~$tiagl~· p rcttrn.:e L 0 JJ tv rhc 1,~gh li,.hts can he ~'t~_~ntetf i'u th:i hri-ef ond in(;. 'Til£ ~etned ~ ·w;"n~r_(ul (!lprert u rHI.'y £or safietv: e,ngttlte r~ tn ~nUf-1'[::\,0T :H~ n:t ibeH· wn rk rhe ra~·k~ oJ hnn1an ep·gi~·H~t'rine-. The~ ~ ndu& the det0nnirutt ioa CJ~· thl~ fa.Qts that mot!varc -hun1a.n b-L~1ng~-s.ue h rh i r:r~J>S .,a, si-ckness i1) the flOI)'h.~ overburdeoeJ fin ancial: \'ib] iga'ti-ons: jo h . fe at• a n~l _\ 11 .f-ot·~·rut:! tl , <.:.rew lea{jers ~11cl key rneo 1H) Likl_ be a~­s:~ 11h l cd fm l' pe ri~ ,lit n1e~tinigs. Th · gt! p ~rt>t l )lot.ic i (~ S sJ,unkl bt?- ·k ~r't ~u tJincd t r) them- the d.o~tor . h<J'Hld give r,_a.lks 0 ft the Q~ t:>[ health: precewt:i-' ~1)~ 1() be ~ ~ k~·o-; etc. T h ~ &i~)in,t a nd .i1ntell igellcc tJ)i' the 1rrta11 ~ ge nYe ~tt ~hcru ld be .made 3va-ilab.le . the tr·-<Hl.~l~S of th.c tiJifi\ es ~re t.:X·tJ'l:tt1ael v irl'l­I? OJ~t~rn tQ fh.-€ emp1'?._~tt~s ·and ~}" wot·king throl\g:h the lorerHen ldh~e- - bet\ t health a-od b\,J·q1el1s- p·laJ'l c;ln be tun>· m·ined to rh-~ L'lilf l yees, 1hey a rc g faJ1 rtb gee. the~e- It~ · ped0Gs of b ~t s iness \i!p&wi-.t).;g t hey J~ould be efl('() llrNt:g~d to , a' e aad huiJcl up. rest:1rve. None· e-v tl of socie1.~· ~ro~rt:. ·. · · . . H t~ ~·v·(~) actjC'H shou1d be intelligenr and s,incere. Tlv~ rtt"1H th m~s -should .at ~ li times g-~1·id~ his acti.o·As. Tl-lre 3~·swer t r, rhe sir:n~t.e q·uc•st ion ~ "Is it r ig:hlf : · ~ s h ox~ kl \1Z lt~d_e ihr.n rn f:Y{:.<·y- decr::·lOl'!. . . Th-e ~.i'end iB· re(e·nt ) ears toward futur.e i:nt l"e'a·ses" in the. .k~1S'Ure tan ~ of ~rnploye'ts rrcsen:-t golden f>p fl .:. O-fUI J1ljt ie$ I l.l) f . . A~ a:l'l t1 n-r~ 6ho,u1d dil-e (e, re-n} ~ f\ be kep't trhc S( 'ea rheacl . 'rl~c )~ rop~r t-ix:r~:s oT for~ura.rls.h-~J;) s:houtd be m.ade aYaila.bk tM 'h1 m at all tu:ne'S. 'I :b ~. e:ffet·t 0 f t!!YCf'Y word cr ac.t on t'eJ} I.'ft_-.~ t-i~)j) S sbou'l:t1l1~ <C G\tC t:hat ~he~·e jf$>, .s_o ~mttch strff.;~J"f,ni i11 {l;ri·s. WC'~Tld to thl.lught - l~s H<;:'ls a'lad '~tcls. . .- -· _In arl'Y aott~k ~r p:F~\iLt~'t a, 'G.OTl~t m:ie:ree· eom:pos.ed of th~ f'Ofenl all, the b~:St ~t~.tkei··~ .tll~· ·~st t€acher of rh~ clepa;rt­In- ent ·cf)itcern:e'd, t'®gfe:theJ; -witlb the _sa-fety dir--ector, ~a: n gen­erally Rrnduq~ tbe. r e&liltts 1 :t~i.t-ed. ".Phe--re ~h o.~dd pe a V.·L"1\­tem oHtline- ~f e)Vc:t;y j ~b. Thi~S, t:G Jlro~ricle a g· (or the ernriQ~'ee bein~ t:-"r' ailt e@.,,a,s \i\.t·ell ~s a cous tal'H re!il~'inde r to. the tra tl!ed . It s bpl:)}'"f he- i·.ctv i:sed period ic.all y a ne \-\; e xp.eri­( t,nt.~s cl1cta te. T'he :afety director whe meets tl ~e pr0blem·s of J) is w0rk, } ifm~ foret:nan a.~, the $nearh€ad,,- hirns~lf" ahva-ys ·in the ibacltgl"O~nd ) realizjp·g t'l\.a;t ·hperfection \V~d ks slow Jy~· Will ha v~ it"-' enyiaole 1~qo cd b-~ti'l t up for bin1 in ser~·~i ce t0 his f~ll p"v er.r1.Rl'orees. ' ' ~ 1r. j. W., A:l:exauder ·~f the N. C. Ex.plonHion Qc ., to: • _-Yman er.t5!tneenng. The encourag.ert1ttr\t of pr0per aetivi­t •e$ wht!n not &l work p ro\: ~dct$ a. \\ ·i.dt? fie!~ of endea,y or . ~ fc."F. sh1 . ulcl be enrGuraged to Z>(> s.p1encl their Lttis t-Jr~ tifll~ .­i~ t liJcy arc- improve~i iu m<>raie, }),eali hie; in ho~,y an·d. s-o,inder jn P1in.d \~ .he11 th<~Y re~ll.r'A tro l hei:r t · Omly whe11 thes~ obJeCLH-~e.s are at t:.atned . t~:.i t4r~ Jei,:Ltl·c rime been (Jf J'(:a} ben~fiuaJ. va l ~:te to rh.e ern p-10 \'6(: : ~hri tl!? btrt1 t.ha:t jt ,yfu} ini ti·a~r:ve- t~, ((tt<h.'k J-,~s u.~. . ~k: rh:at t h!-gr~ffoi~t 1--,vo- · utr<:,:~ r~uh _-< that :ntYJtab lv leacil -~1ln to t=h~ 1: p 1-\t~ rna.rJ~ l n.-t-nl& of l.ts v-ocauon. ~ eth e r . "rilih tlwee r.'>toher ~r·n~k))f@€S, ~ _gJaph.ic ill us·tra­ti( l)ll ~r ~n e nle~ b o~l s and d,irftcultrie.s ~ f ~ FoJl<JWin.g Nl r. ~Jexa::nder's ge·n~ra li<$atio~ of d:t.e .op~ration: ea~b of the . .a1en ."tl=l . tum~r1 ,;v,.em;t mito d~uatl. sl:iOWt11lg ·how the ore was m ~;ved 1 rranl) l;h ) how~ ) ~ GJ the etNtd\ to ihe c-~:rs f·Hl t.he r~ il- • ·~lle }, urrHni eh~inee r pn~-res-~tt~. Ide kee 1;~ leadi n ~, tl)\·et.~. {fJ~Hn?' obs1 ad es. bu ild~ up Lji · stJ;-cngth. Ghal1eGges tlu; ·i m­att. matJoo, _ ~:t_nd al aU un~. . .k et]l.S .tb~ ~kyJiJ~ Qf safet;-~,,.-.- ­' Lar .of <.t ~n s mg sun-rH?t ;t· ~uti t>lg suo~) . !h~ ff.AJ01wjng d_aJ.' ~fr~ J{otrocks gav ~ an:<,J~h.(.;r ap§irress ·~n:nJcd. :~Au ac.l< ·w1th t.b~ Sp·~r·b tt'£u.1. o,f F() ef'nan&:hip:1 1 n t:1ll£ t::tl k. tt wa$' br~:nrgh:t. 04ll t ~b.~ the mi ni1num req .u~.r¢tfte~t-s t{) he -dt:rnanded of r0fCl!.iE:tl h a~:t jnc rea ecl -as ttle. c:~)mp l~tx i- HYd!i si GLi n g . · · In a,;;l~fi~i tJ n t;O the sessions1 m ee.ti t~s we re h.e1d m ~he -S"ef')al'il l ~ sec-ti.<.ms: Eleetri u-bhc CriUt.ies, F~.trni rorc and \~: nod l~r0ducts~ T<;~tile. 'T'ruck., B.u~ tl~Jil cl 'x' oha CC() SeC't,l (i)IJ s. . 1~ ~ll t:he~ d'i st tl·~s.i<;ns t+rer&<:l to l"c ~ L1lilanin\ou~ tJ,plnl<e>n ~hat throu~h rhe t-t>r~m1a n c< 1ald bt:: t? xen ed the rtl'Ost eft:eetivt .; itl~}~ dtrj ve t"OW~l'~U tne t1Ulintennlil~C o:f sa(~ optir­~ tion_, ' • • {13] . ' • ' . ' • • • . . • ·.• • • . ,• • • . • • • • • • c~1n \,. () u 1~\\ \ THU\. \I a\· 2""; -'"liP \ . ht'" ;nc uf t h~ c~ld ·w1m- • • n'ing I~P!t' . •· the \\ a rninl' '1 l1 1. lohu Bnmn. j 1. '. .ni m:d ) .\LC ·\ . Ph) s; P tt Ct'h•r. " \\ ith rht' .~,p~n ing ~"f d~c- ~·o:i r·,,nin~ .,.<;a ·on. '<'Ycral t huusc.LnJ Jrowninl! wi ll ' ' b( n·rH.lrh:J ~.hntng dw comi n ~ tn nnh . .'' Dr. Urc ,, n tJt\i nted ut in 1-d ea~Hl;. a ~t~lt ~- tn<:"tll. at 1. h~ na • i, mal ht·a.,.h.flt<\ rt 1.'1'. n I tht' \ .\ ·f.C . \ . \\birh nrg~ A~''k:i .·.u ion$ in 1.200 ct tie~ nnd •• !'\\"'nS in drC l ' ~- \<) gi\t: sreci.ll OtlCllliOn l l/ IHH1-:;will\· m~r . nJ J'OOt' ~'' :mmcr ct \1nng Lhr comir1, week~ . ( k . 1 n L! 1h(lt n{.·arl} ".oon.ouo p~?r:\)1) ~ ha,·c bt·en taug ht sv. im­mmf :uul l i:~ :-a\~t\_g in Y.)J .C . \ . pnol~ durin~ th~ ra st H\e~u:-fin· ~e:u ·, and ci ted llgu t ~' to sh()\\' how rapidly . \ tnl'ri a i~ b('tflming ··~wirn con.sci<' ll~ .' · ··The grt:n ~.ian1.{cr in any ~ '" lltll'ning hnl ~. i~ the boy hi.m~l"u.~· Dr. Hrnwn bdie,·e. .". ,. ·'Punr tc o(ten r-un health r;l\k~ hY "" irnwing in water that is contamiHated," he saiJ. ~ ~. ··bu ~y far t ~c ~rca tes t~ ri: ks are those taken by boys-and adults-v, h0 'do nnt kno,,· h0w to handle thcm . chrcs pre rerly in the \\'ater io case . of erra ergcncy. Li tera lly mil­lion.:- nf people ar<:· ·r'oor' or ' iair' swimmer. To these pco­rl<> a :-uJJ~11 J rol' otT. an ltildenow or a mouth fu ll of wa­. r from an unexpected '"'a 'te ma} mea n pani_c and tragedy.,. 1 r. hn '\,-n fo res~€. in Ame1:ica'6 growing in terc:\l in S arnjng bo" to swirn. a les~ening of water tra£cd ies, wh ich ""e e~t imated cau ed ~ .000 or more deaths in 1936. He rc- 1erred ro comrara i\·e S\Vimnling S l~ ti s tics of the Y.iVI.C.A. 2- y ~ rs ago and now. ''f n 1 909~' he said. a there were 15,­i ", people taught . wimming and life saving by the Y.~'l.C.A. 1 "-~ile the total for 19.' 6 was 93 f! 93. Since 1909, a total oi ;,83.::.685 indi\·iJ.uals have been taught swimming and life . avin2 in Y.~LC. . s. Over 6.2'00 examininers have <. na~sed 3Ht 722 lifC' sa\·ers.H • Dr. Bro .Y n e · ti mates that (Wer a mill ion boys and young men. nearly 3.000 a day. \\·ill rccci \'e t ra ining in swimming arci life ~a \· ing in Y . ~l.C. A . pools d uring 1937. The ~-Teach ,\ merica to \vim· campa ign st:aned by the Y.~ LC . :\. in 1909 has now become. in cooperaliou with the AMerican Red Cross. a ':T each All Peoples to Swio1~· effort, acc(.>rding Lo Dr. Brown. : The Y.1\J.C.A. has t-~ ken swi.m­r. . in? and liie ~a ,·i n g into Cbina. Jaran. the Philippines, In­dia and 'outh ;\ me rica. The ,·ictorious J apanese Oly mpic Swimmin~ Team wa trained in the pool of the T okyo 'Y.~1.C.~1. under t1te direc1ion nf .\ merican trained i n.~tru c- •• tors. . cw ti re ratnre and te t: on s.wimmiog and life . aving, ha,cu urnn rccommtnda tjoos made at1 the ~ationa l Y.M. C.A . ~ quatic Conf<·rciKc h.dd in Chi ca~o earl ier this 1Honth (\ 1 a~} are in ;"' r('para rion. Younr mc.:n and boys a re urged f <.· inquire .the-hl. ~))! tt! T rnn­than; _ . J ~ck Ruf.:.~·rs, ="It. 1nd ~Ir~. H. P~ ~math-en: llarol\i Bayfh! . " .\n­nii? Lt'C 1:\.e::;-iah. \Jr ·. \r. H. Kez.zi:~ h. \{herr Bt.rnette . .t \1hH fiatL \[r. e1Hd ~dr~. (,ecil-·<' ~n~atht·r:.>~ Hekn Hirt-)F. \'\ ('CA~r ;w rcJ.rker. Luke :mather~. Ql a-. ~math:,•t·:-~. \1:-. anLl ~\f rs. \\'. L. St~dc-. (-:; C~ Sunl"'"'"' and Fran·k Bat­t;~. ,,f \\ a~ nt"''~ in~. c~tHcr. The fir . t ::.;('.lp r, a.-. a ~n141l1 tv\n'l rn 1\.e;Jt Jd~ ~. , . he,·e r he grl dp ~roppcJ ft r knch. They- rn~Je a d~an ::weep ::;£ tr·e food at this clacL'. leaving noth­m~ f·)r dil~ rcsun;ra-Nt·~ res-ular cus­: lllh' t'~. Th~ big h,d nexl t·oHt!J into­Y: He. \\her:<.· the ra,·ty put l!p for tht' ui;ht. f "'Otn the-re thn:ru~h lndiana !1) lndian:ir•.Ais and on 10 Chicag-o, ar­t~; vin late: Thur~d~,. · - .After rezt$t~ r!r. t.:- at the Y. \1. C. A . H(•tc-~ tJ t gruup ha-d ·s:urper and then hUSl kd l() the o~ ·.:hes~ra Auditoriutn ,-;,fh#:-e they their appea rance on d~t ~atioual .FoH~ Festi,·al prog~am. Tnt;> Canton youth! rler,pl.e rece~ved rVimd ahe1 nn1nJ t:.f applaHs.e a they did Sflmc fa$t ~tepi in~ to the mu·"'ic: c/ -;mar-her~ Strin~ Band. \:rer drt f esti\·al progran~, the t:~'tiH· group n !turned to the fri.cndl~# l'.!\I.C. \. Hotel and frr~m rh€re vut to the shnw:. ~ nJ 01 h ~ r place~· oi· in­tercsL Or1e group, kJ. by .A.1bcn. Bur ­nett~ , jo•trne~fl.::d ewer L(J the f am <JUS .'\rat:vn Dan('e Hall. AJbe-rr as.k~d the bdy in charg~'! jf his pa n~· w~s dreS:>eJ alJ ri.-!ht to a.nend this dan('e. Her replr was. (i_\H tbat i require.d i~ a neck.tir; and you have dHn Gm g.r.1 right ~heaci .n Alben was in a u·aJlCe fr.r t!le r.ext three min utea. On Fr+day the ~ruup 'vas c)ut ·ight­~ 4-n~ aJt day, and in the even it~ ' a~ain appeaH;d r.Jn the . ~ Folk Fe . ivai program to a l!'r.awdt.~ ~HI $e. • I'Jt ~ ( 'ha mr'i~Hl t; t'OU {'- rc··{· j\·t~ ~tl in ­\ 'll ~niq11 l<' app\!:u l!m d:w -~ nJiooal 13a rn I a nee pr·)g ~·~Hn, and r •mo itwd IY\.~ r r~)r 1h!::. O t1 t hj -6 l'l")g"ra:m ,hey wen· au2l~ grct''l<::ll \;~,· ith m\J'rh ap­ptnt ~. "I hty rq~ t 'ndc 1!~7. ret . the HCHlsie r Clodbu&kl s an~i rn.:tHY Thi':i \\ a~ (I H~o.~<"ll tl~<lJ Lhe ~.roung,, r-eo,­ph~ wiU long rem ·mbcr. On the Hfi rn ·Dance progra1n, t·he ('~flt(>U ~H.H1f1 1)8.\Vt:! an exhibi ti.on of . - \ re d3 ncing S!l-ch n.s Chicago lt~'H.i nc\ er ~ocn . t'C(C l~ ing- rounJ a ftcr round ' ~ ui 3pp l au~{t. T he next n?ornin:g thi~ artide a·pp~ared i.n Tlw Chicago· Daily Tr?bu~r: . ~ 10 l" .\'T A l ~ 1• OL LJ A R R I \. E. DRESSED AS CITY 'l.ICKERS ;.A bus toad uf mo1tnt.~n folk from the h.igh .c-learings of the C •.;ear Smokies ~·- rived in Chicag0 la>te yesLcnlay .te take pan in the e \·enit~g sc. sioH of d~.e ~ati mJa l Folk Fe,vtival at­tfa Ha.f'l . They had been rc~nt '~ted f ror.n the COtlll try arroQIJU A s JleVI rlt: ;r. :\'. C . and ~cnl here by. th~ Ch:a.m.ber of Corruner<:e G>f t;hat city. (.~ f an\~ ·of the mot"'n ta in folJ{ ·were racher aJ shock to 1hose of the aud1- ence who had C:\-pec.ted black ~lou4 h:at$ aud bare feet. The men wpre 'W'h i:te trot'ls.~ rs and dark o;a.ts, the girls mo:ii . h '~'7 hite d.r€S es. :All t his a. r0u:;ed . '• a ::;us ricion that n'la ny o.f ~he n~ may be ·tucle-uts or worker-s- of A beville itse lf. ·~Bur no matter. ·rheir d. 'a' nces are prlmiLive aJi1d authentic, the m.usic un-ruistakenly ·f0lki-sh. 1,he~€ S L~p s ~ nd .the"'e tunes '-Vere hidde.n beyon:G the ra ~;e~ of the · JQOki·es for cen ttl ric.$) anJ \~es::e k l)ew.n tn the fo refather~ of these gay 'boy:> a·nd girls long be{o r~t rai lr-oad and h i-gh\1\:~y b;r0~'"h t the out·­side worl<3 tlJ the Sn1ok ies. Tl'le$.e shu C­ihng square d PHH.4es~ with rnt tsic tha.t bet.::r.:rrmes 'iflto,:Ucatirig b:y its very rnon- · <)tQny and cea . :ele~ rcpetir.i0u. were loAJdly. applauded,'"' R.appy aptl .t ired. Lhe C"ntrJil grol'Ip h\.:aclrcd fc;r ho.1:1H:: ~\l rly S:tVlda_ mor~ inf!. 'J'hey· were fo~· t~> ;:, I E'' Y ®'V~T­nght rfl Cif• cion~ti 'Q'-~ acco t~ lH <ll,f a br<:~kd ;wn of lh · hig b u ~. :r hcy ar­ri x:e<J home T uesday PQO.rni n.g. Th~ ycJtlllg people will n ev~ r forget this c,o . jr)yahlt.: trip r,, ' he Windy Ci.ty. [ 15] s Atl1letics at tl1e Y . Te!lnis-s- \~·e H LL' ·btH' i '~ !'l7lvr'~ .r.<: uni: thi 'Seal>r.>n than evt.:r bc.:torc. f hti:> c~n'len1 cnurl at· huikling i~ nn~ d ed frtJn'l n'onti ng Ulllil· r;) i ~ b t \1·ith m.~>;t every ~a n,1~ l>eu\g p l ny~·d <louble~ , ~I he courr in } ib 1·evill.e is hcinp- f.,.U.l w h ne. "hapc­~ n d a1 pre~-~ tl:t it is lakif'lg n trc !)t many rucko.t pu~ h ers. vYc _e~ p{!'ct . to h ~v¢ t l 1 ~t new pfl:s. t~ and w II'<:' up tn a I €W days. l;·re<J ~!itl.·hdl has· charg~ of ten J~ i ~ s.o if you have any s ug:gt:~ u on ~ plea-t~ take rh~m rv him. Baseball- ~ Oll r baseball \Ht ~lcr the managcrn~:nt of l ·l atrv Hat.vki ns and La rry \:V~st­rnurelarrcl i$ doing very n·kety . They have nq,t Wl1-n aU of the ~ame¢ pJayed but in ~h e l<~ s t two w.€ek~ have tm,­J" rnved the te·am and w l.l~Jl' t:h~ sucond ·half s t.;trtS ou r boy·$ wdJ be !U there 1i.glH ing fo1· ·fl rst place. \V'e: A&\:e many 'b;~l$·ebafl hw.ers. bnl we deeply leel that d~ Y are · not ,backing our tenm. We · ~ltt<.~ensta·ud rhat inan); -.)f thcrn go to A~-t·1e·wilte. vc:·r~ o ften~ to s,ee a gam;e; ~\' h::v. n ~L se:€· ·omc ol the g~ mes , Y·eLl krm.'-'~'- it t_8k&; a winning crowd to • • - I h-a:'Xre a team . HoTsesh<:>·Eili- . At this vv rit.iRg we a rc 3taru ng a lez.tgue in the· R. & A. Depa r tt~ent. 1'h·i's leaO'ue wi·ll coo; ist of eight teams. They will play at noon ~rbc two tour.,ts ~H the sofrball fl·eJcl are- being .put in shape and you ~r ill fmd them rea·dy· [o r ~· ou at a ny t1-me. Softball- He-re i , the srandit"'lg for the plant leag;r:l'et th tn June 15t h·::; N at~otuJ.l L ett f!;ue PP on . ' C. E. Store City c. c. c. Fini shing La bota t~ ry Ex,t. lVIac'h ines llnrerica?1· Leagu.e R . . & A. .Book lil:~ iII Launolry S.S.S. Gas '1' •. t.!. .u1 ~ . 6 4 4., .) 3 ~v f)?l 10 7 ,5. ) 2 l Lost I 3 6 6 6 6 Lost 0 3 7 9 01u ,-\ 11 s,~al r r eau~1 unck1· t.h€ man­~ 1H,t~ctn\::n r. of Peery Co~[!),," n: T~t ll Jam . i·sc>r' a r~ d . ·. C. '"'a r<.l(ln \$ ma king a ve ry g·o(~d shnwing. ·r·hey b<lve woo rhrce games a r~d tosL no ne. • • E B Items • ~h. Phillips: \\"hen i\ lr. ) ork came back from Texls he:· ba Lu'lg Jack . ""ceil" Robinson hack wld1 him: perhap you seed him a rt)nnJ wh1lc he " as here. \\' e :eed him ~e' Lral time.: a11d h . told u ~ all aht'\Ut what the fe ller~ in Texas i . doing. \Y~ shore air dad to h •ar that "' . th<.:y Jir all gcttin ~ l on g so good. Old J ~ck looks ic~t ~bou t like be did ·whet1 he '' or!._t:d · here in this tlerartmcnt~ but he talks a little ljkc a . fankee. Hv~Yard Pickens 'drapped in to see U $ for a l.llinm.e also. H.ow:ard is a­look. in good but he has turned a little dark and talks soncr like a 1VIexican­but "·e ·was glad to ~ce him. Did} ou see Elac Garden's ~ye while hit ~\'"a s so black? That: beat any­thing I e\'er seed fu r an eye. He tried to make his wife think h€ got h it done playing soft balL That sorter reminds us of \\""hen he w·ent up on Beaver Dam to get some co1-n and brung bit back in a jug. only he got both eyes black hat time. The.' ~ent T ull down to Greenshoro la~ t week to au end a save and loan mcetin . The) mought learn hin1 to sat'e hut clanged if they can ever teach him V> loan any thing to any body. I haYe been a-knowin him -all his life and J aint oe.,.·er knowcd him to loan any reL. \\"e was over in Asheville one da~,: and ] wanted to borrow t hree dollar. . and I was a needj n of hit bad; h<· :::\rOrc he didn t have a cent. and ,,_·h~n he ~Ol a little drunker I seed him v.·it h ' at leabt five or six dollars. That j5 the kind of man that thev air • a-rr"·i:1 to teach tv sa\·e! • Ha ,.,. you pa;)3ed Bill Cogdilrs place latdy! lie i~ a-fi':in hit up bettern aJJ} pla<.~ vn the hnle clanged river. You take a Jt1ok at his grape v ines and ¥,arden .t~nd ki 11 e n(, what vuu think ~ . abr,ut bit. I -.a-, up :.a. t ~' alter Brr;\\ n's plat c. ''JU; B"''"'.,, i-. fl~;n thing