The Log Vol. 23 No. 04

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas an...

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Main Author: Champion Paper and Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1941
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Summary:Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. • l I • ' • • I MAY 1941 • • CONTENTS Paqfl Growth ot Ou. Co'Unt:y 2 Ll' ll Printed on Cba.mi)ion P.Clp T ••. ~ • . . ~ • • • 6 u Old Tuner Moves O.Ji • . . ~() EDITOlH Al.S £llll'rUl-~l'f"~C::V 'Must rsa Pr i;:VCd 8 op We Shall Not waken too Late . • • . . . . -~ • _. • 1!) CRA.MPION FMULY NEWS D. ~ • 1 "UilOft ••• - • . • • ~ . 11 25 or. Divisicn . . • . . • ~ _ . 34 ~ oersv•·n e V:~'"'.l! V• l:.• ton ~ • _ ••• 40 l 9 4 1 VOL XXlli NU1\1BER 4 - PUBLISHED - - BY • ·' ·. \\ i I h d 0 111 l il l h.l rJ i s n W )" ) o ll :t f(' S tTl j I I e fl ) \.JU thi11k thcrr· no ch111Ce for ~IJ II 1 •,on ? \\"fn. tlt t" lw . t bl.'Ok ' h:t vcn'1 hl"en \\rill. ,~ " ;t'ltL b.:~t r:l c l' h 1 .~ n't been run. The btsL ~((•J C lu~ n·t bct'n made )'Gt. The h e~ l ~ ·m g h.t. t t'L h<.l'n '>llltt!'. The hc"t llllW 11asn'1 h!.·~.:n pl,tyed ~,.,_ Chl·cr up. fur the \\·urld i ~ }~'ung ~ • o (Zhance? \ \ 'hy th~ world i ~ ju~t c:.ger F ur thing~ Llua you ou ~ ht tu create, h s ~ ten c of uuc weahh is sti ll mragrc, Its needs are inLc~sant and gteal, ] t yearn for more povrer ~ nd be .H ll Y' J\lorc laughter and )o,·c a nd. romance, ?\ Lore lo,·aJ.t\, labor and dutv, J • ' ~o cham. :c-t·dn, · there\; nothin.t_l but chance! For the be~ t \·l.'rsc'r bc<:n rll\·mcd vet. • • T he bcsl house hasn>t been planned~ T he highest peak hasn't be(.~n climbed yer~ T he nlightics t rivers arcn\ spanned, D on ·t worrv and fret. faint hearted. J The chances have just bc:gun, For the Bes t.: jobs haven 'c been Ha rtt:d, T he Bes( \·rork hasn \ been done. - Berton B ralev. ~ • ''THE CHAMPION FAMILY" •• HOUSTON~ tEXAS •• CANTON, N. C• •• SANDERSVILLE. GA. EmblJued 1914 • - . - • . • • • • • - . Twenty-Sev&nt.h Y ea.r ol Publfcatfon '!be paper b lhe C09et al fbi• maps!ue S. ChamploA Corclwaln. and ta made ln ou.r Canton Dl'rialOD plat out oJ wuad &w:o dae to . ll of the 801lthero •tate. The paper fol the iulde pavea la Cbamploa White Hbl~eJold l••meJ ~. lD ov "am\ltoD planL We meauta~ many trad4ta of bleached papera, Nachloe PlDiahed. hp• Catendere&t •nd Coa1•cl· • • • • Author's Note ·­• ' - Bothlnq 9irls at Venice Beach. Los AtH~9l s Cou.nry. Cat TompeTalwe o f lh.o w ater ls of t).rimo cortcetJl to the h1U'fdr~ oJ thousands who avejJ th~olvea oi the hatbiaq b:illtle of Los Anqoles County• beachc3. Her a mammoth thor4 momote:r is seen as tho focal polnt of aUontlon ~ the baac:h beauties w ho wlll determ.:i.lle b7 the fjqutes on It whethln . . . - ~ tli&y should really gel " all wet'' . • - Io t.he April, 1938, issue of TaE Loc or: CHAMPl0:-1 ACTln­TlES we began a series of articles on the Urured States anti its Ca:1~iguou s Territory. In tbis and future issues we shall give a short histc.rr of each sutc. T his will require a great deal oi re~r-:h work However, we hope that these a:-ticles will be helpft:l to some readers of thi& -·· - - .,r.: ~- ~ • • • ~I . - ~ :. -::~ . . _. - .;1 . • • •- • # I • - The Formation and Derivation of The States of Continental United States and Its Contiguous Territory (PART 32) - CALIFORNIA 0 S J.l t,;lo h(· f 'J I 5)0, < ·, d if•,!ni ,,~. I,'(,,,,,. t IH· tit it I } tir t S l illt" (Jf di t" t •fHI/1. \1 •b f.! clr;:<;" IJI d ll' 1 )I Jfttd l u•f\\( f • tt tla. l u1ts.:d "''' u· ·lm,l • 1·· " I( IJ Ill I 'M t ' H du• { tl il,•d Sl ik j•i ll l lc·. lc fJ f)),I J!J{),U()ll itttd •t llfr'lt .J ft.'l I till dcti llt PI Anwrit·au ag: l t• ~,L tl tc· .lc ti i l'd l t ( ,, Vt·tllUH' IIt, f ,, dw l t'l'll I•Tl~' VJic,;Wil :,. dtr• J.c); t 'llll { •· ic •n l.lllllJHi i ll}' dl'l ' l• ' •Jll Sl :tt n• o1 ( ;t}jJ,, r ,,ia • . r•. " h, :.a nd l :ri:ih , IIII I I •Jf · · ·~\ J, H ,, UJH.l rri'fiWl t:li.1 jM if c.( ( ·,~,,,, ., I I) ond \'\) IJfciiJ•V· H. tory ( 'alffo1 ui ti, p• Jl n da ,]} ( irll~ J t1, • ·•t ,, ,Jd 1 t St a l <" ' i, " 1{.11 J liJ I IIH; PrH.:ihc C1a 1. bcJW~;~u lJ1 ~ 1' 1tdf •h, of ~ hid k! (2) d "'H'~';, n~ )rt It l;u it tJd c.:. T h~.· wt rtH l ',dii Pt lll:t ,.«, fir·.:t us( d • in ~· pt~ J H li .H IJutlk pttbli :. lt\·d in \l ,tdrtd, ."p.11n. in l)l\l, t.dkd " J'ln l•. ,ld 1ih• nf lilt' \ l' l .\ \ ;4li \ Ill l'utgh\ l··"'l'h • tt It I t r I h l J.' X 1 ' \ ·ll \ II £ J'\ I U {.' \ ll \.l\ It ._ I t f t ~.I l d" . \IH.J \\ I I\ fl ll h \ t:,u . i.t ()t dPtll •' dt \ Jutll.d\P. ' f hc.· 1\ , \IIH' t '.:.di l•\11\j,, \\ d~ :q 1'1; ·I h ~ (, q t t ,·. '" hn\(., l .dtlut ni ~t in I ~ 17. ur :dl IIH· I,,,., , ( tlll. \ tw·r il'.tll l . l\ltltl ;trhl ,· • Hllll f i\.· ~ ur tlw \\•tdd . '"' p l ~tct t. qui~c: ,., " "II L'"·'''n : . th<.· .'<· "f t ldtJrlli .•. \\ 1,,.11 1111 · thllak ~ ,,l 1hl' ·-< ;,.lll t'lt :'t.n,· · C .dli·•Jili ' · ''"" ""tlt . tl~· l ) .1 J li\' t lll l' ,.j , . , n lr" 'l ''<.<nut\ n' I ln. c ltttt hiJ 1h · 11\illd llll ~h l &h.', lltl\\1.' 1 ::-., r··tl l\1:-o. l tHI t1.·. l>c. lllliiUI W\l llt ('lt. ) :t._lttin ·, Hl llf i!IIJ.~·ht CHI th ~· \\' Ill .IH l 1 fH· l) ) 'itit C1f I IIIIW l il C. Al,uul J :J' I tin: llt t Fur'[ •·tn 1 ) ~i . it \\h<11 i;) n '"' t '.i li" fr>rni ~ Wh l\•-t l l~ t dti • ll' l 'lbrill(:J. 11 • . nik,l .J\,•TH the o asi 'l' { \ , , P<~ 1 1 ) ;, ~ J't. (',•nc '}titlll and di·l•>\~H·d "":\ll I )u' •' • l~ H > . • \ nu· • •l h 'I · 11 l ~ c.:~.J ~In1 t·r~ whu '1 i r l'd t .d 1 ittnl.t ''~;;" n.·; l "uh·i~ l) r tt ~ in 1: '~. Vt tn\.·iTo de' ~ ~1111 in 1; ,·4 : T!v1nw ··\~:'l•di~h in J) ;~ ~ ~··b.lll.m p. ,d t i·~ut·:c, d-0 l , 1nt · H 'l. I "\1 '· ,i!hl ~\+•a-.t •. ul \ 1 , .un• in 161 2. T he .fi,- l s ·ttl,~ m n '' 1. nuuk it I tt•J ~H Sn" I ) j"· •1) h\ • ~ .ui "h f' ti . ·· t ~ r,, n. \I< iu >. 8 ttn I iq~'' is ~itu.llnl ~,n d11: P . ("i~; c C'o~ t a bo.:ttll t'H HI · fh' \.' ttllkl'\ nmth (,f t ht' \l t . xic"\11 • { ) i ,,. 1\ ·.- ' '~ - IH1{ 1.1 ~, ;,,,,, ''~"'11.' ~ "--.thli . hcd ,d, ng tlh' ,·, , . , l' th · :--; ra ,~i:nJ , in an :ut(tltJt\ tn 'hri~tiuni lc th luJHl . f hc-s · nu._: . ,, n ~. ~ tt·nth.,J t1• 111 ~,rn l it~n l< ~:tn l· i !fh i:C'o. n ~._) i , .~ nt \' <1f rn( ··e dtan tl\~.,.· huudr~.·d mik ·. ~' l. e a 'f tl ~ • 1 1 < ·:-t : "-n . 1 h k 111 i ·,; 0 ns •'-" l' ~"' n .l tl o1 n ( .11, i'"' l r J 1111. P~ tt·n ~ ~ 'IHU ra . ~ nt :~ It th1.1. :-;(ltl \l icat·L . ·11' F r.:t- • n nd Rt"'', dnd C. tl ,cl,), l lh· t•ITntt ~ nl th~ l' t a,- (h~cked fo1· ' ( TH~ time. ll uwe,·cr. abOllt 1 "'30 · ' l u.· -tf t. 1rc: 1. and d; .,:ni,facti<."'n dc\·eloped in the pro­' ioce~ a.n-.i ~ ·'t: \\ : eat s laLcr .\h:arado succeeded in obtaining cr.·ntr l tiff tbe G n~ry "ith th~ )tion of the region about Lo' .~ n~de-s 311ll s~n D.t.: . O. In 1(;3' .\lvarado \:Vas rccog­U: Zt;d oy tht: !\ e.xic an g-n' ·rnmenr as consticutional governor. t thi"' tl~1e a large manher of _\ merica ns had cmigrat:ed to tl. ~ 'l · cs~ (\ a::.t ~nd st:ulement prang up Lh rouahou L the pro\-ince " Caiifnr 1i::1. especially in the acra 111ento \ 'al­ley. and !n June 1h.46. Jc hn C. Frecmc,nt in~n1gorated the "'i!."ear fla ~ Rl.volr'-. ~., ::; l'ttl . ecl the town of Sonuma. and on 4~ j-~ued a or -h:- :ati ~ ,n dec1a rin f7 California free and l nd~i ·~dent. _\ t. time tre t ,nited ~tares was at \:var \' ith ~le . ico ~ d C ~mmnd orc Sloar actinz under order$ from "-' ·.b.:· ·nitecl • fJtf4 ~ rrc velnTHent tuok j:fJSSeg "lOn ()f :\lonterey afJd .:.~rl f ra. 11 ci~co (kno\\D as \ erba Buena ). England 1 r a:rre and rhe t . nitecl ~· tares all (LJ\de<.l the territorv and a. cla~h:ng~ betwc~n ihe \r!l~rit::uls and ~lex.ica n~ became re 1r(;qucnt G~rmed fl .;;cb 'n~re sen to the coast from t n.!land. Franc\: ar:d \1\.-xico. ~·"'"hTua r:, 2~ 1 84~ . a tr•ary ,;f peace wa ~ s l ~' n ed at -Guada. or.~:: Hidal!!o. '!\·lc.xict, ~::nd r~ttiflcd b} tht.: l 'nitc:d La c . ~ larch Jf. 1";4 ', and b~ !\ lc:xicr, \Je:q 24. I '4,. \ fextC'(I rcLuni:Dt' aU claim tc , d1r> t ·rr!turr wJ . ich we t.all Calif(,rnia. {m J une 3. 1 ~ 4-9 . a pr r:-.danHi\tf.,.n was is ucd applJi ntinS! Abt .s: 1. 1 8-+~ . f'lr rl~ e dectioo of dcJ ,·u;ates t•J :1 ~·o tl v~nt i no tu :rnec· at. ~ (jlJtC ie'\ IX, fr:;mc a (fJft tiruti(,n ctucl est:thli')h • a ih:rritvnal ~o . .en uucnt. The Cfo~n\ t·nt.ic.n met . lnd acted. li' d Cf'n1 • rn~.::m ~ r 1:3. tne coni)tilUt!{J~J was aJt,ptt.d and ft ~- nror ~ nd member of tb.: Lec'i::-latur · dccteJ. P<'"tt·r 1 J. l~ u . tl e! ~.~;.:J:. s au~n ra pd the lit t ~,·cnt cJl· ,f ~alifcJ rllicJ. T d Cai ! for n i~ vas adrai1t ··u v} the l '11inu <)ept(· tt'be, 'J l F. i(} · U· ht<.:r;ml: ~- ' t e 3l s · t;atc 'Jf the 'nitccl t t • qf ;\Hwti t:~t. Cnlii . nni:l rank ~H:~cmd 111nng th•· . t :.ttt'S itl ·, r~.,:, I t'Xt ' t\d ~ ft (IJll !l)L' Or,.· )Jl I ill. on d ll lliJfl h Ill t},. \ h i cll1 hPrder \ ll'l tiH ~plltb_ .t ' ' nr th ,,f .q j'l(l\jtn;t(f'ly tiglH hiJnJtc d 111 d t •: "' n d t fH-. Ill ,I \ I ITlll H 1 \ j d t h j :-l 2 J -) Ill i if' ;, f H ) Ill f It C w·~ I I' . t thr· P;Htlh. n ( e,1 n 011 tlt •' \\il'~l I () llw tr<:. l (If thr Sit::ll'll n\·ad,l \l, ntnt.Jit' > (ll} th . l.'c.t.l. l iS I HI ~tl ~ til fact: i I -~L2J7 ~que H' mi l ·~ . inclu ltnl. ,, wn~<; J ,11( \t c.f "Z,<,45 •1u~re uade ,. 1 l ~h(' ~l"'ttt · i di \ id( d ill It) ~f( c Olllll j,, . ( ':tli i<H ni;r i ~ l wo nmf Il l h' h \til ' Ill \' ~ ;l . I :u g L: cl ~ .til ''\ l. \V I· I 1\ \! b n d . Topogtaphy 'T'h l' ~ ~ Hl' h;I-- 1wn ~\Le n "' i' t m 1·<.· tlwn 10.0 li) feet in height. TlH: Ct rtt l \ ·a lit' \- bNwu~.·tt the Sier ra '\cvada and tht: • Ctlr\St RangC" i:. appro~im·t td~· 410 miles l()ng a nd 40 miles \\'iJc. T hi~ v~llt.: ' i-. rcmarkr1hlc fc,r it fc:nilit\'. 'j he nr.,rth- • l!rn sccunn is knn\':n .t s the ~acram~nto \ .d k .v . aud rhc ' ;:,nuLhern ~<.:c rion as t he ~an ,l naq11i n \ 'alley. J ~-, notthcrn valley is dra in c-<.J by the SacrarrH·nto R.i\·er flowinR south- ~ . . ward and dJL' sou th ~rn \c,tJey by the San J c>aquin River ilo\\ing north"'" ,·J. The coa~t line is inc~ular, with nurncruus cal'cs ancl ba}s a fT ordi ng ma nr good ha rbnrs. San ·Fra ncisco Ba ~ i,-; the largest a ncl be=>L harbor on tho P aci ftc Coa ~H . T he wide \'a ria ti o n ~ of iL physical fea tures tog<:thcr v.:i t h the length of the . tate t!Xtcn tling north and SClUth provides Califo rnia \\ith a ~rca tl ) di ,·crsiflc:d climate. In the moun­tain regi o n ~· oi the norLh the \'\'inters are t'CV~.: rc, while in the soH th crn part o f che s tate the winters arc extremely mild , except tlj) l) l1 the mountains. anta Ba rbara . San Diego, Los 1\ ngeles and :\ [ontercy nrc popular wjntcr resort, . :\ long the coa~ t a brisk ocean breeze blowi ng inland dur­ing the day, ten1pers the surnme r's heat. and at night the air is reversed the cool air from the mountains flon·s vvesL­ward tov.ra rd the sea producing cool pleasant nights. The rl infalJ va ries greatly. rrom abou t 60 inches in Eu reka in the north, Lo less than 10 inches aL ,'an Dieg-o. Mining. Oil, Gas rr he Jiscovery of gold in J a n nary 1 4 , started the great emigralion in to Calirorni a. commonly ca lled 'the gold ru sh' , and ever since dla l time gold n1ining: and lhe mining of Sutter's Fort, Sacramento, California C3.illorn.ia State Office Building No. 1 on the le£t, State Capitol in t~e background. other meral:> ha . been an in1portant indust ry. 'Cncil J 897 tl'te ~tate held first place i~1 gold output. The a·nnua.J aver­a~ e ba~ been about $18.000.000 hut i-t '\\as more t han $30,- 000.000 in 193 5. California is richly en<lowcd in naLLJral wealth-gold ., sih:cr . .cor per. lead, q u icksi 1-vcr. coal; rna nganese and sal t. The 5rs.t oil \Yell in Califon1ia wa · drilled in 1870 bv the oid spt·ing pole method. Oil was ftrst di scovered in ·1 f¥65. by a :.\lexjcan deer hunter, Ramon P erea. Wh.ile hn ntiH.g in Pi co Cany()n he sa \V a sticky black :fluid seeping OU·t o.I 1.Le e-arth. Pt:!rea did not kno'N \vbat jr was so he ga thered a small quantity of the stuff in his canteen and gave it to ~ man in an Fernando. \\'ho later gave it t o DF. G(dsich who recog-nized it as petroJeutn. :\ company vvas fonued, tl-ie dai1n staked off and the first \Yell drilled in 1 ~ 70. 1"'his \V-a ~ .near Los . \n,r_ rdes. The pr0J uction of crud~ petroleum in Califnrn i:t in ] Q2,9 wa'-' 2Q2,53-k00\J barreL,. I t is e~timatecl that the na tural ga:; vf the K eHleman J-Lils \\"0\tkl supply the needs of: the "l"taH~ for ha lf fi century. Agriculture f ~r ~O '"ne tinl•' mini 11~ q.fft:red ~rea lC r n ll racrions {han at;ril.l;!! u~'"'· hv~ ~\·r:r. '~: ;, h the incrca;:,ed p()p\J lation a ntl .the cr.)Ji~r,_-u<.:Wttn oJ 11.1 Jf!aurm ~<! n a!s, ~J:t .i cu h~tn.: h a~ d~,~ l rJped ~!.&ltJ! n J'(l · },\ r-t rnr prc-entnv·nL. ( ~lrforf\la ha<" «n HHI'IH:nse area r;f f("t·t!Jc wl. 'Ill, ~ · c~n U'Hl ra·l Yi:l lle , ftJmlcrl v a fl~G •.re frJr iH-~f•, h.a.: bcu,uw va llja blt: f.nrms: o•ehards ~nd " ""·'\. . 'T'he 1-; liit•~ h un ''IJJ- J tlw Hl(l in" t 1 <•p·, .\ t'tiHH J. (l, . lj~,(;; r{!. :tp• d.t;,\.l~tt:d HJ dJ!.' ndti\ •Ji ff tJl uf IHC! j l l :-i. ' l lw t.rJ.; trnd ("J ' if' Ita, ;{FJ,'vP • 11 ,,, JtJd I} ·1 h1Htt .2·l(J_{)n(J a<.t«'S art'* d' l'(,, .j ''J 6J,IflVd; 11 ~,n• d1 ~1 11 50,0t:Jll ~1\ tcs tn k·nt,u•. ,'H U J :~ (j(}() .~H' II H [l .;.'Jit1 i ' fl Jil,- ()r h•r (f'~l J (•! \'dtH' "'' . 1.1i i rl ~. : li~, ii iL J m I . fWAifl~ 1 r rJI.Liql • t 'Jftill). :q •J ;I. t ' f i.'~ rl•t.· . • i ,f;:H~ , -lJ 'H ''' •. t\U \\' :sl ~ rltl ~ 'j I · por fl• y if!dn rry ih (l'4.ft1A d IJit 8 ir~nti '' lf!Dl~-' t:h:tJJ [1 million d· ll.!l . . Ill I L (jr I, ,, ,( . I lJJ(!• sa ll )' . l l lllfll ') . J f k ~. dhr aocl • 1 ,., ~d ttc nl A s ' 1'1)( 111 1 d by lte I); t•tll1 rt •• i) t tJl .-\lt lr l4)1tn't .,,II J . Ht- 1 , ·" . r 1 • 1 il 1 " , Y\ " 1 t • 2 ? '1 JJ• 11 J J H ,, l ;., .,. , , h " , 1 w . , td e . 42,1Jf)(J Jlllll( •: II illt 'IIW , c.l1 ( 1nt} dl ba.U it•> I t--. 1 Oflll· ~J.l c •\•}• , 4) 1'J,0()() '-111J ··.~hw, 5 1·2/JfJfJ. {4) Manu.fae:~ring · rt l'l~ Ill uutaa i 11 ;. 1 1 f"a n l ~ <,f ( ~ 11 it .r n1 a h(n c hr:ca :J r iJi;: · t<• furn.i;;h prn"' ('r to a la r~ rPri nb,·r ~·f,•q)t is~: . £ ' n <:­qtu. nllr thcH' wc.:tc IZJKJ1 m;J n•lhH.:,u r1ng c~. ~bb hmcnt tn the ~ ~at e in 1 <JJO. rn~e n&IJnbcr nf . '-fa ,·i~d offici~i~ ar.c.d eiA IJ" ICI} t:es ·rnJrnhe r al> 3 miles of clcctri€ railways and SOL auto and -sta~e hnes co"er-iog 6 337 miles. c Cali fontia controls a large per cent of trade bett.• cen :.Le ·(Tn ited Stales and Asiatic counlries, on account of its e-c.nh'ra - l position . - Education .It is said! California operales one of 1.h~ n1ost efficient educacion<d s ystems in the L·niled . tates. In 193-t-35 there were 1) 93 ;401 students enrolled in the puhlic vcr.()(_.!. throughotlt the Stare and rhe expenditures ior t:h~ ~d:oal yeaf' were $] 25,847 57 t. Compul"ory educ~tion vYas introduced in 1 '~ ;" -t ir i · ::'ree f<;:>r a ll over. the age of four. anu CU01pulsory fnr alL bctw . en etght ~nd 1xteen ~rea rs. Thcr~ a . re 4:6 L- pnbiic eh.·lnentary and h1gh sch0ok •n the state. State te;\cher's cvlle£cs arc at a n F ran~i co. anta l3 ar~b a· r;,L ~ an Jos, San 't>iero. F resnu. Arcata and Chico. · - The r ·niversity of Califnrnia is a L Herklt.·y : 1 fniY er~itr of Southern Califo rnic~ is CJt Los An£tcles ~ the L~·bud 5t~nft1r~l l 1ni\·ersi t)' at P cdo Alro the une l~oh·tt'chnic . · dh ol at ·an Louis Obispol and d1e Coll eo·e of the Pacific at Slrlckr<'n. ~ Iount \\.i lsc)n 1bsen:nory i. l )"~tt e.d (ln the .nnnnir \.)f one of Lhe p~c:aks of thl; :·icr.ra !\ [adra R an,.e. aht-.•rt t ~1 e miles from Pas~den~- T he· Oh$\:' r\'cHnrv \-\ .' l· b\tth _\nd t~ m:,"tintained br · cn rn<~ic: l n~litult:. lot~ ~·t·n'll~· a 111.'\\" te1l(.·c( tn~ tdt" CO!'C wich n rn.i rnu _oo indh~ in di.un;'lt t '' .l::i in . L>tlk~ T he 200 in ch 1:Y1irr 'If. llh' l.,trr;'-''H u1 Tht\ wv1kJ. \\,"!:> m:hlt.· from q ll I id t>tll . I ll I ."-~ ~ !• r•ld \\ t\ · d; 't ' tl\· ,-.h . d i:l t "- \ rl ltl. l n b,1u1 ('l(l n1il.·~ frtJ IIl S~n-l.a lltlntq, d lld .H~ :\ tc• :-.\l lt !Ia· tit\ \ \ ;.; hntlt Hp t :qn lh . .>\·n l" lnh IH•, hn·,tnH; dw Sttlh' l,q, i11 J\.34. PnJ r11l1'l iu t' .d~'Jlll. ~n.ou ), ' l'ltt lu ~· t ~ ~·•lt.~l l)r ' tlil <>rni,t wn:• lo~.:.l f( \.1 • r ·., ~n I' JS"'' tlt . y t tl't <. ' I11 L'I l '11t'lllf\' . f k tt·. nu l " ~btu n t ;-., U~)(),'dw I • · p h I tJ 11 H • p :1 ~ ' • ( I I l a· ll r II 1 , l ~ p 11-o rt j l , n n.l 1 l1 t• :-\ t ,u {~ J 11 t q ttH IHIJ•. IJ DWt· •t.~L ~.n t ) t)!,, \\'t-. !ItA '-k~ till t•d tt} r ·u1 iu 1l1.: C' tpit ,,l.c.ll )" Jr,,. lnHJ, t)u : l zn II. 1 ~) 1 , th~.· li ~l s.t· '"ll • 1! 1 lh I, '!fl lntlll t'" \~ ·L:-i hi·ld i 11 ~ .111 .k)~\: .tnd 1 h ~ ~t· t ol ~· t\- tbls r&~toduclion oi th& Blue Field oi \he American Flag shows the States 1n o-rder of th eit adxni ttance to the- Union. ,_:-. nm<-nr ,,~. : tr~n . f · ;-"\''-l to \ dllejt'. , honh· thereafte r ~.,_r~ '"''\.'Pll.) \,a . ch~·-.en ,1, t~le capital ci'ly. '\ . :"R \~CtS.l t) i ~ the ch1ef St'a rort of the P aciflc c( .s:-. Un t1·~ ,. ei:'t i:' I ht! P.:lci!)c Oce an ~ l.lfl t he J1c.)rth Lhe t~o-! icu l'~ te. :1 ~ · L .• il ~ Tnile:- long. a11J one tn n~o tn iles ,,:£de. hat.;'lt' fro·n the Pacii1c Ocean in to "an Francisco Bus: ~i:'!u \Jr, the.· c~'t :an Ftancisco Bar. T he city is aL the ~ ~ . . no· hen1 ~ 1J t'f the pe11in.:ular of San F t·aucisco. ~.:u-; Francts~.o !~rb( 1r i~· one of the finest and la rgest Ln.:.:~,.,~h.e~ '·rarh01£: in lhe \Yodd. h · i3 about 8 miles wide (,_- f!1:1~ lf'n~ arrd has an a rea o f 4-20 sqt.1a re miles. Built : . ~i LL· J,· "'s ,,f ··n<' ,)f {be \Yorkr$ greatc\;·t fn~s.> the result l.'f ~n n.r' :._' "kc. wh1c~ de-. tro\·ed ils entire business distri cc 1H _\ r r!i. I t~OtJ. San r r ~ n<·isco ~ ~ today the most m:odcrn of zn L\!P~. !\lad,d Strl:l:f is 120 fe~t ~· i de and e)a ends from T~v1n Pt .• k~ to t:hc Ba ,.· . This is the main busin ess street r,f the ,.-it) . TLere ar<.: more than -o parks and playgrounds iL :r he . 1 lt1! I/~ 1.1 he frt!nci,can friars. Pa]ou, found­ed the "eulem.c:rn em San Francisco peninsu la r. Here ·h-:- • bu~1t the iamo•_ts J)ol •;rc~ l\ lis:,ion and called the place Y-: ·h· B n~!la . It b\:c.ame a famous t rading post ilil 1836. P.wplll~vion m ~rc t:h:-n 600,000. LO . .\. j\~GELE~ i~ tht larges1: city west of the ~Iiss i ss ippi Rioo;:<:t etnd fifth in i~l· pt:latio1'1 jn the l ·nit.ed States. l t is s··uatt:d vn the P ~"'-:ific Coast abnut 1+0 rnilcs north of the :\1·~¥4· . .an b rcle1. ~le~m~h1p lines connect it '"-·it.h a hundred Laro 1r.:s <1f the \•;arid. Lo~· An1. !des covers ~ n a rea of 442 ~quare rn;i~. ·i.e large . l c.f a ny t'ity in the l ' nited States. 1 he Cl}' ha:- rnr,re I haJl &") rark.\. and OUnlt:fOUS bo ule­\ i: rd ,~ br;mnicai ~arden~ and ;~oolr~gica l gardens. Los An­.' d ·s wa• lhe fir~t cj1 r in tl1e l- nitecl Stat~:.:> to be li ~hLed ,. irh dt•r.J.ricit~.-. I~T( ,Jlywuod. a scctiun ,,f JI)S .'\ ngelcs, i~ the center uf tl:e Am-erica's mnt.Jon-pictu1e prudl iCtion industry. :~.:a i:~ all cJu,.crs ~ave studios in lLrJllywood . HuP : v. (,sod was choser because su nli·.rht is ncccssa1 y f01 itln rn?. und pn•ct;ced!y c . ery type of sc~nery is ''!thin ea~y r ·at h. Jr }t, c.\bv nne Gf the \YOl hfs p rcatest pla) g rr.~und . Pur ula~i<:Jn appro.xi a!llaldy I ;5<J0/"J00. Ot l~·; imr r.rtant ciucs (1['"-· : Opkland, l~ trklPy. Pa~ad~;na, fr ·~ !r 1, a.·hJl Uit,~ O SttJC.tvn~ ~n lcLe an.J LcJ11g H cG~cl t. ~· ~ 'It.(; nid HaJne is ·r;cH:l\!J,t.', nnd the State fl,w\'r is the Ca~.;vsnia Poppy. A Letter from Mr. Harry G. Pounsford \ l L ( \\ : 1;.~ h j Jl j l '~, l·'dih.ll' r)f T nt·, I ,n1: t :)J' · 11 .\.\ I Tt l <l~ \ c "I I\ 11 tl·.co; , c~l llH ' n, '\ollh C aruljJl,l. \I \· d~,.· ·u ~ l t. P hi l lip~: . I (' I tlli' llll' tu ·nrnpliJnent ) o!J on rhc In, t i ~S \11:' nr 'j lf l!. Lu,:. \ ptiJ. I'Ml. It is <'<' rt <.~i J tlr a tH~itttr i fu l puhlk:11ion , awl \ lhtrt~.· tlTt & l iL of ( 'l ttJJllpt('n ad i v itie ~ . I I,Jt' k fu rwa rd wilh pl ,~u·nll ~ r.n;h munth lC) ru~.: ei' iug the mnn tldv hnusc orvan. It ir;; , • ._.,l;tinl} a cr~.:dit to tlte <").ditori . tl ~L;tlitv of }'<>ll ct ud ~CJur a~0ciat~'"''· <. h£nnpinn i ""; in having >1cnt 'll rile ltl'Hd nf the Fdii(Jr.i ;d .'taiT. Pet mit 111e als(j trJ c\.r·n:::,-. my app1·n·a l and J•ka'} llr.r nf the ;tt'lit le on F ~Hl L!ludcrd;dc.: pave ~( LL T r<•(:r)~.tnin; e~­pecially the tW<J fi~hLnn c.:n aL l ht.: eJtd-. wf the ~ ro~Jp, "! hnvring tile larg. e ca tch . 1 th:t lll,_ ynu f(Jr ~cFtdlng me each i :~w<. of TH€ Lo0, as tl (l ('l p ~· ;1 rs . \Yith ki nd Edi lo r s nole: rt::ga rJ~ and best wisht's. r rem Ohio. ~'[anllfact urc rfi, J ()bbers. \Y~ t •·aJ1I1 of tls i::. t!_ t ll,\.l let n~.l nf u\lt '· at•· t t.'.l1.i • t~.·I"J ' ' ._. ' ' \ \'\'n: l.h is lit.' •>I " Lt f"•" l'l (1 ·~,.·,! llll~ up,,u ,.th,th . ~l \'\'HJJ II'Hth 111nr, · llta n ,• lc.·\l' tl mil·s tJHo tl•\. h1 1\('ll.". \ l ~d, I I .! llltW. ll$1 t lt:ltl 1lw \\ t.hitt g H.'l tl \1 ( 'uut~.nt. \•,l:!ch i~ ~ ,, lc.·,·t hi ~ lt; 1nU11' t h.tll II II tinH~s thl" lh·H~·I tt 't .' "'' J·h·iur\s \ l "tlliiiHfll : 11 )j ,,u. t c•n. J \~ fl , \dt1), 1- ~(\-· f\· I" , q ( ·qll~d t Cl t lw II \ i go Ill f) I h ft r J' . n II' i I l" -.; l ll ,. B lt i 1. 1. u);! ' \.' \\ ~ A I k l 1T \ ' r ls • l a JI ,· ~ l hulldin.r ill du;: \\dlld I 'IS lccl ltult\ -.t.l<.'\\;tlk lCt l i}' nf tltt ll•lllillllq tn :asl. ~ J t · 1 w• t1 l • l ,if\·" I'Ll• ,·d end t o l''lld ' ,qdd tH I·' .l ( h ~ jl\ ,,f Jl1l!' I Zi llt• 111\11\' (IJ 'IIl fNlll HJil'-•:-. l l"ila~: '\ L \t~ l l)l',lfj • 7'f. ,hll • I >11ti 11 • I 'I 10 tlPIIf' \l ,,d, ~.,.ono rr.:~n~ tli 1 'l"'·t· '\ ·H~ n-.u l i11 t hy r ·llh l ~t Jt i,,o 'f l.1k •. \ ll dl "'' ~ i~ ,~pc.·,' fh iutt:r r ~ t i ll ' I<· dw CJ,.,,,q• t•tl (• tmtl) l,-t·t.L\1 ,. Ch·mpl• n 1 'l''l i u ~ d 111 l' t··h I ll•·. \ ~ . \,. tltlllf' llu11 ,, Ot lO .I)t~} t.: ' I'll { f l it · I t.1 .t'illi~' '"II<.' )• Jin t ·d l f tt.l ~. II 11ihut -.l t hJ-.•\1 huut dhlo t lilllld .'1 1 . in ftJt n· d · ~ . Jn ,,lJ ., It) 1 \.'HJu ~plL h , u . h n ,j, •nli\. • it . 1. 111 . 11·h a:-.}, 1rt 1 t,;•ai"d 0f tiw.'. ~l (·ci.d prlntin:-. r·~-. t's ~ Tt' i~ it'tn(·d iP d r~1.lt1\1bdnted u . 1 '-l. lll: ivt ·· t d1 •. \\ lw: dh' ,.r:q,j ptr . e . \\t're Crcn''"l. i~ l'~.: ·c-lltll' ·q'1' 'lllll that a . p~cn-.1 "''~H\!U P~i ~ol \\hi,h "nul,l :1b vtb in1" Ptt~.t.h \\a th' <:.·:-o.l:ll)-· rcgul. r <'J d l' l''\'h \\(1\dd 11fls ·t, u l blur. C)ll'"''".ur:nth. ~·J1 i.i11J '\. d med•nd uf " i ~11.:! t'I).Ul~d p tp"·r rnn. t b~ ll)llth.l iJl r~lcr h' L·Pt'r·nt.: t 1 1.' P• intin.t: pre~,·.- :\l t ~ \irnun ·1 ~eJ. . uch. a fua(:hill\.' \\ClS d,•-:iuncd Snd i~ il\ npcra tion in f"'\tr 1iuu:o,\l1l1 pl.nrr. fim\' 1 n<-~,,IT'Dral cd. ru hli::. hcl' " l"i nH.' •• • . 1 ·1 .··. "'h nu.n, . ·tnd ·' \1 ·hit<Xltlr~tl F ~ rum··. Tht·~"' 1rc .1H 1 ig11 cht~=' JP;.H!rt ~!W:- 3nd m~n-.i~.·!' ' i the Champidn FRmih ~he ~"1 l,~ t•:--· ec1::lh in\.{'r ·~tt.d il' tlicm. bec<1n:-c "t: • • .:1~-. .wki11~ r .p~r for Li!e :\Js\!azin~. \\ hen ::.h0pping in-d 1 ~" ~" n c o1 1.h,: lllc1.g-a:drw::, nnhl! ·hl'd h~· ' r it 1e Inc-orpora ted tJ' ) mr plH\.'ha:u•. . - " Sta.c:.k of Lile Maqaziner, in the Warehouse of the Deuel News Co . Maqa~ine D:•tzjbutors, A£h&vllle. N. C. . . (/) /:% / /// //( // /1/t, / ///'/, / / ///, ( / // 1/ //; - - • --- --- - - - - VJ - ' • I· I s s t -z z: -- 1 t- \ I l C< 0 2: ~ - <•-I>: ~ V) ' < l I I :·- ~ LU ::1:. s . . 2 < -:~ . 0. ::;) uJ :z 0 0 UJ u < .l 0. / I w z , ~MPIRE STATE 8UJLOING 1248 FT. ). SAte JACINTO M 0NVM£NT 567 FT. -~ WASt-4tNC5TON MOWV~£1'4T S5S FT. ) / / / ~ I , l / ~1 'l. ,. Pt,bfl~:lcd by " f he h~un~"'lOn Fami ly '' tlS a yrnbol of the . C<'perlti'n and GlX>d F clh''' ship F i ~ t i ng at the P la nts of The C'h3mpt1""1l Pap~r .J nd 1· ihrc Compa ny, }{a rn iltotl, Oh it.); l ant o n. ~ o rt h Ca rolin a Ho\l~tcn. Tcxa~, and ~ a nde rs \ il lc) G eorg ia . C. W. PHILLlPS __ ____ ___________ H ______ Ed.Hor. Canton. North Carolina REUBEN B. ROBERTSON. TR . -- ___ . _. _. ____ . _ . __ . Associate Editor D\\"TGH! J. THOMSON ______ --- __ ._. ______ --_. _.-- __ . Associate Editor EMERSON ROBINSON. _. ____ . _ . . _ . _ .•. Assistant Editor. Hamilton . Ohio A. ~1 . KOURY __ ._. ___ ._ .• _______ . ____ Assistant Editor. Houston. Texas Democracy In Preserved America At Any Must Cost Be I T \\·.\-.- our pleasure; a fe\Y vi c~ ks ago, to h ea r C. D. Jack­son. \ 'icc-P resident of T ime l nc., and Gene ra l :\ fa nager of L1fe .\1agaz.ine. a nd R aymond Gram Swing a t t he \\'a ldorf A:>toria. ::\ .:.,, Yo rk Ci cv· - . dj ·cuss : \Vhat' s Ahead for Democracy··. ~vl r. J ackson is P res ident o f the Council fo r Democracy and ~[ r. . ,,·ing, a popular and \veil-known rad io ne v.-~ cnmJnentator. i$ Chairma n of the Boa rd o f Di recto rs. T11e purf'Gse of the Cou nci l i: : '·TO STR£:\'CT HE.:\ in the minds of !\ mericans their t:radiuonal belief in the value and wurka bili ry of d emocr acy a~ the be-.t '\\ ay vi life unJcr wh ich they could li,·e, '10 :\R O l ."E tht.: ,._jJJ to p romote and de fend d emocracy. ~:~nd t0 ~1Jm•Jlau: participation in t he act i,·ities essen t ia l to it , n mr,· :,~n and d\:f en~e ·. a nd ro (/Jl . ~ T F. J<.\CT the l' rOpaoa nda of all o r,ganizations &.Jld jrdi . ·iJ a~) \""'.'be).~· puq c,sc is lo unJennin<: d emocntC}'." I t'e (otllKil fl,r Ut·nl(Kracv belic, ·c& : ''I ff\ J' 'fl J E R rra-1 I' an<fpr.wer CJf the Ame ri c:tn pt:ople ton ma·) free ttJ hwlJ <.t b<::t 1xr. mote prus pc.r Jll c i \ ili z~lli u n ff r mcr!ca "nd 1hc \. hc;lt; \\urld i~ t htt·:HeHcd fn,ul wid tin an 1 wi1hot · !.~, th~ ll'lt.h<.tcc· 11[ l t~ta 1 it,ui:t ni s m . . . ') IT 'J' TU£ Ai\l f. f• JC.\' 1'1-'0PLI· are deLcrn\i uecl t o f ·n .iJr f1 ,. • Ar,d •haL tJ •. 11 ~·it it i UP'. ~ rad\lt.ill~· a,., akc tliH · i I ' d I' f.a , c i) f tb t \I r. r ' . . 'J J J (\T J J· t Ll 'J II 1:. L 1\ \\' aud refi.~·i JJI 1 ;)ci•·u(.;t: and :l J r, j 1 ric,· a.nJ . 1 em d I• c-'' I'HIJ we <:~dl 'i•;Jii.t. ll iun aJC· l H t I ( J 1 ' ri. L . . th i:.s r i_ in o . 1 r11 ! l '' 1 r . h · l j a, dIed 11) o ~"' 1 · 1 i, ~, d: l<",JI' fi•,h ll :Jl,.r f ") dt JU H.L(~ l Jf c:ll l d t llltJU 11 _"' f'{J !h•• ·lr)W< \irn~ :Jfld g ,Jl•J u ( t h<: ( ,tU IH . tl f,,l' ' j)t• OC'"Utl!f \'d.! ~]q!t•l'l'[iJt.tlly t,:r)J••!II, llt\1 l .!wiJ II ,. ! J\11 J.J~hl ' 'fH"f· It, llu•-: H' m t in th< 1Wlifn • d tl'"ll:o;(· 'i 1o•. r 11) I HI • i • I J H t It: 1· It •J \!'!'ilJI)II of dt'tll' Htl) 11 • f.ttPifl.: i ·u· § 'Jf this rn '~·-t'l.~n · · ;~jJf • ,,auin at l r)(: 1 u1 •• :."ti,f~ rm t ill tJI,j •t. \~ • ;q ,) JCJ)d t, lt·d u} dtc Wf"llt l nf ' I J • n};.~ H. , llH ittJJJ~;~, . l h.11 1 1 ht'" l1· 1 l'" ,. 111r: IJ I wl1a h d' H ·s tn lll'tk( t},, l'' n1l ha1 1 Y~ tnd kauH~ r> ht"'" r' 11 , I ' hen& hal'f'Y.· f (;i hl"'l' t ltt· i, din ti;,,rt IJ'tl !1.~: l · r ttad~<'" 'A ll~ ~Hf11{ t ' :t~'JJJC' .•llJ.l tf i, d.Clirult tu f. nd rlt' u1 '"1' ••thta fi1,n· J.Cflll.c('I ~() > ,lAIQ fl I I ,J <'rJJ{ • I 'IC; • Jq,, , (} I t It I h0 f, ,l I 1• t (nndirir•fl l,( i;j VIc.: i l J IIJf:,!c fl1 ' ! Ill~ Ji lt• n t) d , t It t• ) '"' f;t,fltl h1 J•tl J h. "'t .11 I •.trll J.,:J\' tl: J " 'JH ~L~·d 11) 1 llt l ,,j 1.,!\Yf'IY w ~r id -~fjf:firuJi (lfi'lc:u. Introducing Scott Zoller To Champion Emplo yees T ll E t rr~ 11 n:r is a very jml ,,,n:a nl p~.!r:.onrrt~c in any c)r­raniza tll iU. Hi£. dt~ tit.:s (j('{', fHJt (.tnly (} carcfuJJy ;ua.rd the m• > n c tQ q~ a iTai rs 1 ro\ ide suffir·i··nr Ill'>ncy [I'_, n1cct the pay ro ll ~. o t rhcrc wi ll be tnuLin/ in tLt. •aMr·. F o n una tely (rJr Charnr~<"Jn \\r.~rkc.r . 1 atrrA J,. hav~ alway b~t.: n ntct prnmptty--e,·cn in r he dd rk ~ t day~ rA the ".V)( ·t d c prc.:~sion:; duri n~ lhc r"'a'l quarter of a e~n IJJ')". Scolt Zoll er, whoM.' rictu re . on •he OPi c~he pa e. js tt casurer of 'I hc Chan1r i(lfl Paper and fibre Cornp~' :. 1-le jo in ed the co1npany ma ny } car~ agn and ha pla/ed r c n1all pa rt in Lhe ftna nr.:es of the o r ~anit.' tiiJn, _\ frer g raduating from chonl \ Jr. Zulle& ta.cklcd an mber of jobs be fore he jvi nt:d t he Chamt•ion orf!anizatic n. He was fi rst cn1p loyed in the 'Time Office at Harnilton, later r.e was advanced tn the Accounting Dcpar' menl, in June 1(120 was made L\ ssis ta nt cc retcHY and Trc~t>·.J rer. and ir Oc o- • bt::r l931 he was elecLed T reasurer of 'The Chamoion Pai er and F ib re Com pany. · 'I r. Zoller is cv·id entl v an efficient exccuti\·e r>r ht: "·ould J not have h ~ ld his po.sicjon so lon~. He h"'s been i 1 the emp loy o f the co m p ~ nr for approAirnatcly 33 :car ~, d t.·rc­fo re an Old T ime r in poin t o f se-n· ice. v\ ·e k now th a t. his connection with T he Chan1pion Paper and F ibre Company ba · been plea ~a n ·~ and Lnt-'le that ~1c sha ll rema in in his p rc.enL pos ilion for 1'13n~ )<.:ars to caMe. The Loc ex te nd s be t wi :hc~ . and n1a \ the fut.H ha'. c in s to r0 for hi tn an abunda nce o f g.ood h·cal(h and happit·<'-S. Taxes, More Taxes and More Taxes Even S E~r\TOR Tom Cnnna llv cxf '1'cxa~ . aiJ r(·~ n th "'Ooe can expect a UlX hill Lh . t,t " ill j l·rk the .\ mcrt .,lt; ~ . ' 'L.! o u t or th~ ir br>U[ ' . ~\[ r. C'o n n;.dl~ 's prt•~oli "tifi n - ~c~i~ to be m:ncriali r.i n•.,. fast. c:1 nd if \\'C.: ~ r~.· l0 belie\\.' \\+,tr \, • r ·ud, " ·hen we a n · r.<:> J lh L'twakt•ncd we muv r'-~!ll •z . · ;l i ~ 1 •' ni o-htrua rc, f(; r it s ~cm . th .tt utll' rnJ n i~·i!l n:i in \\ ~· ~hi n~( )j} fl n: :tt \'\'ork on ::t I l l'\\ t . lx hill '' hi~ h m:t \ e u ·'-· frOJn <,i.H J11.1 ·k 'l buo\ 'f., ,Q( {l,()()()_()(}() In ,11.' i11 1 14 l th an W •· ll d tP p:ty in J I.J4t). l n I ')40 1 d \.t~s tn("'k i'l fi ftl t 1 I 1 h • H Hit •tHtl i nl'l'lih"! in 1 h · l ' ni tt•d S t il l (' ~, ,.,l '"'" tding to tlh' ~,. ('"'"~ l't 1\' u re:p~.ttt. ·r h'-' I >l.d Lolh·l llt Hl 'i of f · J e 1 ~ d . .' \ !l h .' ._:ttd h -.d H• \ · 1HJ ' \\ ._ ~ 4.- 1! JI )J)lXJ.lJ()() . th a t IS ~ f (l> f'c.l q llt.l , Ill '\l\ ~t \ CJ". ~t: ._ ,f · ~1 ~ r II ,. (~ \ . Ll y L If Jl i I \' i 11. " lt. u .:ll i I ) l . \ l . l.l II ' I i tp_ ( ll t h t.' 1 •' f' I.H t ~.? l) "'c111 LfJ t lt l) lc· . lt-,.d f'"' t·annH nt , rl t t ' ~ L ~Ht' , ~ ~. n ~.l l-uc l • () \ • I t I 11 It" llf ~ ~·~ ~ . I 11 I t J I 7 . d I ~{ '\ l 1 n n n • Ul t ~' x li i • 1 n f, \.k r ~ll. -.r 1 h ' • n d I, "·. L l t hJk niX p ·1 t' •' ll l < f <>Il l' li't t itHt.rd i uu ·nc · l n lh )' L . \ •, 1r i ny. _ 0 I'' ' ' , L•1tt r .t ntll j, n.,l rlll'••l1 tt' u t~d r hi . " ilL 1 t Ia P", ht 111l H ·,I \ ·d I 1 1 II It- .I 1 ' 1 J < I \ ' Ill • I ll I'JI It, rlw '\ t' ll l•t: f11 r l· \\ ,. L l.\l \1\'llht· \\~,. . tfd \\1f. dw 111H• ti :l l ~ ,. , c .r ~· ~ " ,•rutl ll n< \\.1. ~ t .oun.Ol1t1Jtou. l:bt v c.ll i·( \\ I . ~ t I l I , unn. 0011. J I k f,. I v t ·· l ll \ j) I H I 1t JH.' I lt \ :, i i ti"Hlt l' . tlw fr ,h_ 1.d ,ldr\ ir f'- '' I ' f t " :•l ,' ) •.lllP.Ollil,tll)ll \\ It d • , ,jllg I•J l l df'f'l ll le t •'111' ••111\\ 1)' i . l•l i t.:Jn . uttl ~o·s, \\' 1' !t tl• IIli i ,,. , kl·· t> s p, ~ nd a n I l \. 1! tlt l l l I'> \:\ 1,' \''l l l dn Wll l•.\ut. ' I'.LL tn \IH d nv t)U d,t· \t t \· l1k l ·l,11• l . ( udt • ~ rv·. t h{t< f,,,., 11nl, s. \ \ C: ~t tl\\ d H\ tt i ll 1111 1 !·ll'tHl in an I j,~_. I • \.I ·'"' · • ·t l ' r • •• u lrl n · I' d I t h • J <'. t t lt 1 fW II t " I ' 1 H• ~ • t-. ~) i u d i (.Ul. l fl I I i II .L.) I t~· ljf,;_l~t U ' l' I. ~co-r-r Z <:>LLYR: Treasun:r) Champion Paper and Fibre Company, f-Iarnilton, Ohio. (9) An Old Timer Moves Out T IIJ: Chamr i0n Parer and Fibre Con1pa ny spends h un ­dred . <1f t:hou::::anc.l.: 0f dcllars a nnua lly replacing obsolete n,ad inc=> v,·: th n1ore u 1 -to-date. effi cient cq uipmen t , be ~jdes !al re ~um· for exp.ansiou. ~J (Jf?•·ther with l:11gc cxpan~ion <:xpcndil ut·cs. im erc~n o n brJ··ro•,H::d mo11 ·:\·. and dtt: 1.''.t'f in cn:a-., in~ l'arrul l a nJ the t:tx burdr.;n . l.idl IIIllS in tc, 1nillion;, of Jnllars a nnual!), we • re C' il£',itl\?'"d d <1l dt.: -t:,JrLhokkr . ~h a r e nf Lh •. : profits i: \·en;- ntaU iudccd. J,J fact \·n: do n(,l brli~.:\C 1 b ~\· a rc c:cui n ~ - • I;; . .a fair I l'J~t 1 n the invr;.sunc nt. y l.'l. quiu. .· l ,ftl'll tho~c who J .r vid · i'~b~ ft>r us: br d~{ i r invc:.tmcnt ~, a n.: Cflntlcmned a profi te.~r . 1 n 1 icn, , ~.: : . }, •. ,.{; i an il l ISinHic.rt t1( Lu ndt <.·\.ls of ~ imil l«: t quipllll'lll 1 1·1 · ·cd \t 1! w :Jd•·rn .:qttiJ•lncnt , the I'Uijl(·~: .,f J '•' J n due• "' b t·ll r J•tt·du L aud pkab'~ ('"' '"lb-t I PI f.! I • fl I ( c1Jij •.w ~iJh~ ~&.:I I'~ ••r. ,,lti\ . ~Jgh J'IUdic a)lv :h '1fJf)l•t J'\.YT i lt•ifJ lt Hc. 1~.11 nuli)ltw ,, , k '-'I· 1lH~r tl u at tl.:p.ailtc l w 11l1 t I.e Vl'J} Lc- L nHH l,j n n.~dc, , nd 1 he 11 o 1 killed wo. k~ r ~ n i~ prJ55iblc tu !!Jnpfoy. Hope We Shall Not Awaken Too Late N o·r m a n~ ns(.;Jnrhs aor ~i lt~ Gcr:'t an p, l,fC!J!HJtda ~ L ini·t~r . (.qebb . i· . .;a id : . l'hc :\me rica of och itf nc· er he a d ;-.rtger tfJ us. Noll ir~ will be ea ~j ·r rh"n t.o prodtteC a bJty dy re· o­lwj( Jn in the -nireJ ~, , c . • -1 a her cuuntn.· has :;,() ma n'.l· ~u~ial .:tnd :-aciaf tc n ~:i(JH ~. . \\ c ~h all beI able, o .p l.a y on 1nan v s tnn ~.;, acros~ C&f' .r~&rJ tc . • Perhap~ the 7reatc~t prnblero con-fnmtin~ Lhe .\mr·rican t)eople da:t i~ nm. );at innal l)<fc nsc. bH fift a colnrnn activi ljes, n?l r1ur officia l~ don't seem • to be dnint.r much ab,,ut it. It <:tenP• to some CJf u . that we . r lUlri foBcn.{ l he example <.f the little :c1 'lclic of 1."raguay in Ollth .~\ mc.:rica. Recend~· eight ~azi leaders wert held \ ··t'nota bail on the charee of plottint'" · o\-er-thro . ,- the govc rrunenr. The ra~u an L • judge ruled that tho'e "\l:h· r )or tQ o \·c n hro\\· or chaP2'e Lhe cxi:::tin~ form . - o f government of l- r:a.(!uay. have no recourse to the consti tu 1 i0nal ~oa ran­tee:; of frcedon1. The .; U~!:-:e :::.aid: "\ \ : a re not d ealing with dclin . ]uent~ "''ho consic.ler the nation's con~titurit.ln d~·­fect i\·e a nti d a ngerous fo r the pcorl e. and ana-.:kin~ ·~ \\ ir~ the intention Of changin~ it: but Still lca\-ll\!! L ~ U't'' ll'-.! p-.'1!­J encc · what they- are anacking is th~ \ Cr) e~t:«KC (li ~'lit. e>.i srcncc a · an independent nation.'' .\ mt.:rica is pretty much in lh (.! ~me pt~ltl<~n and we be­lieve s ho uJJ l\.' ~(I.' Phc: n ' I {'t'alur \\'ho in n t<la ~ L a l a dirHh.'r in '\nr iulk. \ 1\ c.-!nia, At"ril l XI<'. ::.a id : .; Out ".''llltlt ) 1 In 1 t.' l intt:l\.'' ur:-,' \ \l th fc;h.:ig n n ,nion~ rna)' ::, lu. · n l\\' .1} ::1. hv in lhc ri~hl ~ l'uL P\lt LIJllflll\, ri ~ hl Ill W l'dl\l! ·•. 'uiunH1dun: D e~ tllll \\'Pil rn c•'!-.1 lll h i ~ lanh· luri ng th\:• fnur \ ~.-· .u u .l\~d w ~tr in tl1 t' ~kdih'll ,I I Wd tl - hh) l,iu~ th~.· • • T , i l '' •l ' f't11l-. vvht) h.ld Cllntt•d l 'lt'.l\c:o.JIL'-ill~.: ''1\ :hit'- I''''J.!· Pea h:rp hi . ~ ·~ ·a t \'., 1 iurlt: c.:'xp l~•it " ,, th~_· J,·d,iin' 'f :~ S lll'~t·~-:-. ltal 1'\{'L dtt i,Hl llll lt ' 1 \i p~tli h ~td~dl :t lh.l lH il llill~.: d , •. l nitl•, J ~(.til ') l'ri g:t l L' Phil Hh:lphi .t \\hid' dw r\ia.ll~ '··" ,·,.ptllt,·d . t ·hll l d\l tlt 1 )' ri ~ l11 nr \\ r, • n " . 1t, • \ tl d • c 1 ' n I l ' 1 Ill\ I 1 I I h {' If I I tl Plll \\ <1 ' ul thi nkim.;. . '' '\ l ltllltll~ , ,j. Fj\ ,. tth· Jlltth~.· . ·dd Ill I I~ \ I HJH ~r . ll rtt q rt \ ,, lhr<·t· tlrt ·td\ .'' l11·l' rn' th1 ·r P' .i ru <.·,{ (l tll . '• ju I t1ll.:' Jill tiL, 111 \IIIIPI\ _' ' • • ' \' ··II. 1 hi, ltlll b l 1 1•· tlw l.t l. ·• ''T htu•k } uu, tllUillllsy bm l mu l \••if! - OWI.!l'.11 • • l )' )'t"'U \ (! £Df lh} 00) c THE • amt HAMILTON DIVISION ual Hobby fair To Be Wealth with Unusual Exhibit of Color Tl.c ann, al 1-lohl')\" Fair of I-lan\il- • H•n L:ha rnr~i) 1 ''ill t.~ gi' en in lhe :\·~ Ha1l on d1c But!et~ Counr\ Fair ( ;ro~ , J~ f-.•r the k:•'r da ~ s ;;ta ni ng :.\fa~, 2.2-·rh ur~da:.-- F nJay) :'au1rday ?.'1.i 'uT1 'aY. .\:h.h.··T~h n1·1re than 130 exhibits )l hobhi ·~ c11e c\pected. conHnittee­n ~, hd1e\·t th.: number m<n exceed • ~hi and dL~tt iL ~H ~urpass anythrng ~' .~ - anl::Hipi:cd her~. F ·· r tl1e f r ~. w rne in the hi ~ton of • Cr ~mpion: tb<: .\J,·enising Depart-mer: t i~ Fiaoning for an exhibit o·f the h(\hbies of ail 1nembers of the depart­l. ltfit- C ~.anlJ•it ·n:; luvi~Y they· make tbe p:1 . •~r · nJ the:? a re att.tttain.t.:d wi'"h i- ·-~he,, i1 1eetVeE d.t• mill. but fe<;~ of 1s k-nr~w t.he many pl.irf'lJ~Cs to '"h ich i• : · ptH in ;. he pr-int~hvpo th rou~h01H. tt i~ and e:~ her countries. \1.r-1 h"t'r;. r) ( dle depar1 nlent there- { l . t. • 1 ·-.: "<rc c;ll!.lt:a , . <:Jl1tng ro {!atuer ~ l "t~cJ-L. ·T) of tlwst: t! ~es ·and they prutnise .a rt ri e 'A hich \Yjll bl· v. clci me b\- t· r··h , . <~. J ._, a11srtr.n and ca u.::.L: a ~]r"J\V r;l pr:dr.: ju l h~: fact t h~lJ tht-r r·rvHde ri t pap!:r fut· c.r, many thiJ g ' . 1Lcl<: \\'lfl b-;: se J:·ral sccJre ,,f r.hese ·1 cim ··ns, but Lhe li ~ will ll(Jt he an­i \J ••• oed in ach·~l~Cf;-i wiH ho ~·c to h~ Sr.::J.m t' t 1! ap}:r:e~ia L:cr.l l0 u~c a t"i.r i · \-r. 01 n 1 hTa~e. !\ [embers of tbe clepartmeLlL are Alexander Thomson J r. Frank Ger­hard l, J)on Ea~lcson . E lsa vY ch r, K.ay Green ancl J une CaudilL The comn1ittee als0 ha-s a rranged for a s-pecial display for crafts. ob­tained from th~ H.and icraf.ter in \'\.aupin, \Vis-. 'fhis will provit.i.e some new ideas (or Lhose Chanlpi The v.rateJ'S fu ll of shine rs., ~r e 've fed (hen1 all C>u r bait. :\ow the day is over, o this is what we s~n· _ ' \Ve c~nr ght a dozen small ones, J3 ll t the · 'b i g o n c, ~ got ~n,~ a v. ' '- - - fif'illiam ·\ ha/.(.eJ'peare>' "or.1.:der. iVfachinc T on No. 6 Pctper ~fach i oe. ·' ( suppt>se the liule \\' if~ \\ill win an Lhe ar~tumen l s in your hi) tt :;c?'} ·:\o. she'll 0 111}' Wil1 half of thetn.H ··Oh. }Oll expect Lf'l win the other halF'' · "::\' o; b tll. n 1 y n\ut her -i n-1 t.t w \\iII.'' " l st.HL ~d out on Lhe tht'Ot} 1lnt Ll1e \-\orld h.1d HJI nl\t'tlinP f\ \f m~. 3 , ~' \nd \ ntr h.11111d ir ~1 . ' "'V\ e-1 L nl t 1 w r l ' m • n tiH· I h:., lt' n v '"" . '· Last Chance to Get Hospitalization Without Examination A final opportunity is being given to Hamiltonians to get hospita llz_a tion insuTa nce ?ilith­Oltl physical e amination, it was announced today. Through a special anan gemen t m ad e wi!h the in s urance <:::ompany~ any one desiring this protection may get it up to and in c:lud ·ng May 16. withou.t the fol"mality ot being examined by a physician. This p revailed duting the e.~planation of 'he service u9 to last November 6 when it was discontinued. Because of the many requests that have been made throucYhout the mil] for the insu~ce, ar.anqements we:e made again to provide the protection w llhout tests of any kind, Champions therelore are urged to make application at the office of Pe.rsonnel activities b efore the 16ih. It also was announced that this will be th~ fnal chance to be protected without an ex­am ination. • By Bill Thomp.ron \ \" edoe~dar the 9th' ·as the clay t.h cll Ho:.-5 Pc well 1nade a ma Ler n1ove. He n:ry ciefinitd y di sco\·ercd a he} pe r witl! "hom Louie Pa n ncl could co­or~ rate CC•Ol j'Jetely- that lS- a lnlOSt Ctll!J lc!:d~·. On that date Lou i e~s reg- 11.l!a r he:t-~t:r. Bill H a rrnon. could not re:)ort due t(J inju rie · ~u ·ra ined in failinz I ron1 hi s motorc,-·cle. P o,vell. the Bv=s. did not ha,·e ao,· one to re-place hdrcr Hannon and the result n-a ~ d1at PttnneJ was obJi~ed not onlv ~ . o n 11 btJ( al::,o help himself. ·r.a 1.J;;C of u \'\ hr) have ueard Abner Peabr d -\- of • adio fa me 1 alk to hiJnsel i "'i (1 .!d hayc J ,e~t rd Louie that d a\'. <)tH: «A he best c racks we heard him n't.a t e · n hi m . d f '" . a-' , '1 Lvuie, whv in cLc d<.'\ il a,jn 't ) r,u got a r~Jll ~n~ r h· re ~ I luw in tlH! dr \ il <"an \ I r. Pan­ ·ld rne&.k~ an.\" b(J JJ U:-. if \uti dou:t ~ C(Jt.:,p . ntl •" wid nu.:?"' .\1! r)f ''~hich n '" · }r g-f/.!t:> l ,, ,r,lH'>W tl ~n cowed i a 11 f.,,,u•e can· r.:,, "'H t'L altJfl2' , •. i1 h J ,wt ic. )) , ,u (( Jne dety Jl•J t •1 lr J l~ !lf)l}. C ha rJI,.,. 5 n' ': . t lperirJ'CJid•· Jl l u f tli ,-• (. r,,t ting Jtf l. v.ll mak; 11 ~' !Ji C t LC)tn4:f l\ roUlC d1rc ·L•~L llw 1nill v.lwu J; :> t1<, r•r fail . Hi~· t•a •I '';> •.!) rJJI H <.d ~ J}JH' ' ) •nni•·S tH} I J~t; fJt,( •I' it.t~iJ 'I IJ ;;' riH ' \\"• H~ . ''J ~' twa r a Jitu: j,. :IJ.u. If ,,,!. { 'IJ<JJ Jt,# 1 ;. k··d dww u1· ;Hld tnq l•iu!d )r •.Jllw ,.,f t l• ll(:!Ilf by b"t if dt • P'·uni •·a l.1 j( Jl •Y, ~ t , dJ~III . ( }flit t • ll;tlrtl rily dJt r ·pi,, wa~ · "'' ·. .( G lUt 8:l y d !<.l ~ll'.'I•J!l' \~rl I O'l • • • • • ;nt• l~<'lJntr; :11 tJ, c~ l!n.~ · ~ ;IIC' · \ ~ d11 HUt Jt I nitr y l.wA\1 . glll (d tJ Ltd\ icr tf, ( ·h,;iJ Ll j I h I \'.)u• J1 iw 1 r ll"f rl j 1 w 1 11 '(.~ , 1 t lc , · 1 ( 1 1 I i 1 , t n d CiJ t il\ I ~t ft11d ~Ill (J\• I \' l f(,J tiH 'I J, t iw t,, ~Jv J, :~ ic I rln.tJ ;. l• 1 .de, 1 ,, 11 1 j 1 1 . I ' I 1JJ .,; }" d :'lid Ytd) ''' '· \\\ ll1 • • • q.Jifl' I 'JI "" ''' ~·" IJ(J O JJl' dJl J'tltl {::>1 ~t 11 I r: b i HI I It • II 1. O, car Bi b l c~s rece1H <'shjne r' re­n1ind s us a~a in tha t son1eonc is a lwa vs ~ . ''knocking the .B ibl e" . )) )) ( ( (( One of the most a musing things to wit ne . s is the new helpe r's sea rch for that p roverbial '<wri nkle s tretcher · which does not exist. l\tierely a 1 rank of the olde r boys who ask the f re~ h­man to hunt for somet hi ng that Is n · r. )) )) (( (( qur departmen t is especiall}r proud of tts own R obv Hot1sc r. Robv. " ho has for yea rs been a g rea t pia \'l!r in h is 0 W J1 rig ht. ~ h i s yea r l Ur neJ COach. And , as coach ,~ f ou r 0 \\"11 C luunpion baskctba 11 team, he s tarted c. tr bv bringing back the C it~· : hop Lca1(u.e l i t:k. H i ~ l t:!C:lm we~ L tl • ro~t gh e\ ·c r y ­t hJng unt rl Lhe sta t<:: 1ndust na l tournc \· ' ' hen it was cli minalt~d. '"l' h i~ . ht,,,;_ t•Yer. "as no fau lt of Rnbv' ·. T w(l nf Iii. :lCC r la} <:f'') Wt; t' t! dr~t ftt:J [ {.l the ann~ just b(• l o t l! tlte 5 1J i t: l tHIIna­meu t. \\' jtJJ l lll'lll in h\ll iH'SS \\(" ft·"'l l b a t 1 b l" ~ t ;-~ l \.' l i 1 I c Ct J t d d \T 1 ' l ' n i I v h cnc I H~c·n uon . . d sq. · --- ~-~ --- ·--~ M A'AK FOSTER JOINS U. S. TfCHNICIANS ~ l :nk l'r• lt'l, R t·.v~ t t\" la, \d to l1\ tt b•r·n .•.11h ' lt.l l tl( iuo lt 11 "''' y\ • J h:ll J l •n•d• ou l"tiJ I I i••r \ \ : r ~ l r11 11 i•JH v,l~t·r . · he· \, t.• d l . .,l r.,L <"1\it' •' 1 ~ 1 L"t' h 1, H · 1 , ' ' 1 n t l u • N , q I < >t • t 1 r 1 t m. t· I )t·l' t I It I~ Ill I h· It I· Ill lll \ ;, , 11d Ill ( l, ;qq J i r 'll ,\1 ,,1 d t t•HH lt• Ill fhrr .rl l '''' dllt'II•J t lwtt {il) iwt ,· 111d !dl ill'' ,tnlt dpl l t~tg tht· \ l ot ~ o J t ltt• , .,.,, . ·~I IJ1t11 • fi .dhl I t~. 1•' ,,,.1,.( Sc, f.,, 'I i k 111 ,., 11 q 1},}:1 11 l• tt·. tlw ··nh · v.iU t l•l t~ r rht• ~o.h t r. d inn n l lfl,· \\ ll • Ill l' I ' ' I H ) • ClZJ ALEX IS VICE-PRESIDENT !\ t ~:he annu4d rJrf.'anualtOn ~. t: ·un~ nf d irccttJrs of th(; l lan.ilron \\dfa re federation April JIJ. ~\ t:xandt::- ·l n .zr.­son . T r. . \\as cho en a 1 vice-t. n:.:-idt.•nt. J udgc P. P . Boli i. pre icl~nt. The Federation is re~pon;,ibk for the Communit) Cb<: L MRS. LINN UNDERGOES MAJOR OPERATION ~I rs . :\ l arit)n Linn. \,·jft: ·~ R ·r Linn, Employn.t'nl. ~ \.lf1tk '\\COl a majo r operation jn :\ fet c~ H c.'.h l'ital ~la rch 3 l s r, rt:lllrnins to tl Lcir !n nk on .\ pril 17. The P~c~·ati n i: e.'\­pccted to effect a rerm:> n ·P t run: f an oJd ailment a ncl bt·in-! -.fb!Jtlt lll''r~ robu.1 t IJcaltb. • r /_\~ ll ty n•o ttrl SC'h l lo t PilOn o f Will I ~ CM l-tlm.m • • \tO • ' h \ P ( "• m (;.tu 1 7.o.n u w sth th C h \ mic. II W , llt t•$ l~u ot U1t I fqtC • ft. 'I tu ( w (It II) rort M, ulb bu I lc t c Wd 1 tr, n8 f tT d 1~ p •tn~U'tt d l h t rc q•Ut ~ l . Hlf3 mnth ,, ,an W 1t • r ntly to• Ctl" d lv tt t h \ w lut:h hu :.t ft~IJ , , ~hi · \0 \' 111r tho W<:JI ttl wln I lu~ \t. u q q ,l "''~ thv h~ <J h ly p t· o f tll A in tl• tn \' •.c o, \i lfi I 9 y uA"fU o l~t . 1l l, h ( u CM ,'b~ Pf\ 111 l i n unt.•l • • ERTHA BER ER LA. T C U \ i . l '•'rtli t n.:, h. ·l Ch-clrnpion ft~ t .ft' \t,l ' '- d! t•J ~ll ll t.l . l\ a fh·lnc·Jtl, • \ t. ~ · . 111 r. n ll.t n' iltttn tt. ~ 1 'it,., d ltt d {'l"t ·n~r·, l illu ·--~. Sltt• H.· ~ tdc:\.i ,, i '! -J.n , · ( n' h 1': l . \ ~.· 1: t h ~. r c d . \l J~ l~ dk 1.'~,:ttne tq Clll \T'l["inn wheu I • t • \. '•lh I' "'n ' '-IS \ (' !l n ., _, .n \ SIX y t' al'S < iu. ·1 hnt \\':1. iL l11h \ll 1'JUf) and • ~f-.~.· P, ' t . r l f 1 1. LH i l h " r t ' u tl.'d f rt' 1 n :.\. \ <. '~nh.C' in 1'~3u. \\ ~.c tl ~ht' 't' C.ttl 1l' n h~-i 111\''ion. '' '' to(i 11~ in 'lh(" lll •, ~.· C J .Hnpi 'n \\'as only :i ~.Juat i nl' n11 l1. '· . · hut!c~t in th~· CUlHHr:. tO DC ~l'l l. ,HIJ t l':-t lldin~ r"'q i !~'· Pap;.·, \\ .l:- bt i; _h1 irn 11 u~ h \:! r n1ill. -\ ~ r t'1.t · I'd l c: kL·n to r~i lro.-~ J t-; C.L . '·\ l "lau~. .,n ' •n u' r \.; • l.1 the- n<·x:t d~.·l.:ad ~.: . , ht· s·1 ~" the · r~nu 'th)tl f tJ1 • t!rt~.~t :-\c '. t and ~ '\. \, 2 l ili <'r making m~lls, nd hath.l- H:J n d 0f the corrc '(~":ndc ncc re­I': tin.\. tu :b~ huilJinl-" 1.'i t h (• Cantun r • n . ~ .:•-t "ern m '~t oi he1 time with C!1~ 1·pi' 11 ip tl e ofli~c of Scotl ZolLer, secn·· . "r ~ th~ l:Lt t\\ n Y" ea rs in 1!:·• ~un:ha ·,. de~ i!rt', .l:nt. ~twel·ai nt~rh~.:\\S a n,l nieces who 1 . "'de thei i' hc!rH.· with her. receiYed the care und a a em ion and deYolion o · a v 1 -rnhean<'cl C'n·ist.ia n. wcn1a n. _ h.,: E. 4 ! L,n '~ ::t:' a n1~: ns bc r o; tht:! ra.s!~n. ::- :- a11d ·nit~ T en1ple. he :c::a\ e.,: 1 ~d . 1tion to th~e . ne phe\\·s Gud T:it· c~· . three br'lthers .tnJ a sis­. er. F :nt:raJ sen ice~ \\ l: re hdd in the \Y.ebh 'Fm.h.:r~J l Hon1c. Burial \a' in G•c.:~JI \\OOd c~n'lclt" rv . ~l<nn c ~n.:roion .s will 'mi s ~ the • • badly 4 ct' naht ~ t. f one whv o\·er ~(1"1~ )Ca~r . !1a1.1 '' un i.heir friend!'hip a ·l . .-;teem . 1\ffiS. CA'THEBnq£ TENBUSCH :\1 rs~ Ca Lerine T e.r b'Jsch . 77, ~.-ho rcti e . as a ( han1rion _,x. ~·ear.) a~o . 1.w. :n r.t ~(' rYitc of 31 ,~ea rs, died J \~ r i1 3 in tlu~ h-o~nc oi he1 tla ~;ghte r . ~Lr ·. Ha ;T·; Stubbs, 157 \'Yarwick . \ "~nue . .\.I n . "Till be re­~' OO\."'red especia-lly b ,~ thost! who t-. or:kcd on tlc l'l)a ter~ .lv r it \\;'a$ there I J he t)cn· f:l'J.:tll)' hai py y ears. She \~a . the v. ido ,. of Be: . tard 'Tenbu~ch ',; h dH:d 3 7 ye~u ~ a ~ o. ,. he I eave~ d-auq\ t er · t !o)O ~on . G··onn: and i:Se.nard: fh·e ~!'a J1d child ren Zlnd fi\ , - eat ,rand d tild ten . aHrJ a b, r,th<:t·. ~ . a rh: Stubbs . .A:spha!t P:t per PJa nt, ! a gr.aud on. ' Ha ~ 01 r Lll band Ult\' hc;hhi~s ?'; a keJ.i the tlei~l,uor. · • ··~l~. aid 1 r . Tu g~le, Hl1 ~ has 1 • ~ n e~una rz a n ,cf dea l. an-\.1 hivt:.s tlfJV; ~nd ti tn, b.ui. l c a in\ J!t.:n:r had no ho?tbie . , 0 Here is ano1her of Champions in which no accident ever bas been recorde d . let's call it lhe class of ' 18 and become collegia te, since this is the time oi Comme ncements, and aU beqan their Championship in that year. Sittinq - Alvie Schrader, Coa ters, June 29; John W. Evans, No. 1 Beaters. September 7: Sim Mooney. No. l Beaters , September 21 : John Hardwick, Sanitation. Tune 29. Standlnq - Clark McSwain, CM Finisrunq, September 21: Everett Stephens. Auto Service, Janucuy 11; Hubert Farmer, Color Boom, November 16; ClaJence Reynolds , Turbines, November 18; Roy Maggart, No. 11. Cardboard. July 13. • • • oa 1n I o e s ________ By Aldridge flornsby £ycnrone realizes no one could do is entitled to under a nc\,. ruling. week in J anuary. lie • as well as \Yes Cobb on this nev;s took his first bu s i n ess~ but ''lest yc forge t" the old Coating ~1ill Corner here goes: )) )) (( cc \YeiJ now that :;pri ng is a well es­tablished fact. we can look back wiLh sympJ thy Lo the time \\~hen ])ick I-lalcom b tried to ruo>h the spring season a bi t. pc rmiu~d the radiator of his car to freeze up and burst . )) )) (( (( \Ye presume that all the e wou ld-be gcntlen1en farmers ha\TC (h ei r spring pla ntinf! weiJ under war. Earl Birch was delayed a Jiule \Vilh his potaln planting v. httn a li!:rhL s110wf:.:tll came along. Cah in .Dunil!an i& rcallv rnshcd fl (l\\·aJays, llavcling from Vcnict~ to I Iamiltou lO <;C(' his uirl fricnJ. 1 f the draft doc n't gt t. him li1 ~t . youtrr.: liable Lfl ht:ar \•'cdclin.y lJd l :o~ ringinl! auc.l d1at right 5 fJCsiL " . )) ~) ({ « Old Smi liu ~ J ~J~ 3chul~ ha5 tilk<:n his la ·t we:ek <Jf vacatiun, the f)OC hl; {13) )) )) (( {( Denny \ Vil ·on is learning to weld the hard \Va \·. I-fis Arst lt:s c;on is : ])on,t luok at the light without goggles. \Ve wonder how the 'T"ibbel boy is gctung along with that baby r~rnl he reccnd~ purchased. )) )) (( (( .J ames Allen took among Lhe hills of Old )) ) ) (( (( his vacation lZentucky. The Great 1-Iob-b.v F air soon, a nt.! the bors are readr {or it! DON BRADNER HURT STEPPED ON STONE Dun Hradner. R csc~ n:J1, has been f01-rLd to l ;'>t: a cane fullowi ng hi · return frlllll :.1 recent trip to CaliiQrnia. Dnn. who lu\ c:; walkin\!. cspcci:1l l~ in 1he u,t,nt rr. ~ tcppctl o\er a sm.t ll Slll'am ,, hil~· j,, \he \\ t: t. .t tll.\ a bone in a hl:d snapp ·d. Th\.: inj ut) is. It ~·:tli 1\¥ u icd} , bIll hu" b('c n mo-'l dis ­t<~ mfcll· un . C' ' J'Cciall) fnr on~ who do·:; a k;t of hik.i ng. Cha.mpien Boy Scouts took a prominent pari in lhe annual circus given in mid-March b y var ious troops from the entire Scout CounciL with President Cal Skillman p residing. Don Champion al Newkirk. Robe rt Crawfol'd, and Maurice Carter are h erewith shown (cen1er) giving a fir s! aid d emons tration as by the Scouts; Ernest Wilt is showing how to s tart a .ti:re • oans an roans --- , --- Bv Felix ~ Fir.· t a retractiwl: \Yc wi sh to Robert G . has requc ~ tccl that " 'e a.r-rJqg-ize t<~ \Ir. Young fCJr a state- cast a few innuendo's in this column. neat abo~n hj:S kichng a crippled So o rry Bob, but after a thorough ne~·sbo;-. lfc did not kick him. he sea rch of ou r pocket s. we find rhat nl~rt·ly 1 ricd to run c,\·cr him with "e ain't got none o f them thin gs. hi r.:ar. C• sun ·y to have rnaJc.; uch \ fatchcs is the toughest thincrs we a ,uJi""- . a tt;rnenr of fa cts. earn• . » " a « Open Letter 1•J _ l r.-.: Raines: De· r .\h~ R a ine : pI e: :, c d I ) !l r) I Ill ~lfl )' m () f \: r) f t h a t n~ ~} n,,·lli1Jg l:lLl fi r1J1 rny J,u b.:lfld. 1ft.: m~.J bad e;H.Jlifh nc. rurall}. Sif• J• ·d . .;\ f n;. J ·cli~ . Jl }l (( (( \ • ·Htl r \' 1 ut i .:1 ''11.;" wi • h tl11·.= I cJ-~· ,.·H tJ t: l tY t •J J l t . ·,, GHJJJal lturl) tl:t•f\! l ll I •• ( If'(•;) \: •• \\ j} ,fJI) t'fJ( lti:s ' . f} ~ l • t. (I I II tll (. :· II) j ( • J ll,. { 1] "' tl··nt: ~:ci-:,., 1) )) ,, « (t 'fliW (,f ;.,, i tl\ h·'n' tht· hi I jl i n I J 1. :n r • II ( I 11 • ( ~til ( d If ) I I : J~ di:il I• a lfmawr • i~.~n 1 rJ '' ' I b • 1 lj f I ' I 1f.l 1 t J l d111 I }' j 1 ~ I Jii\1 1 h ~ v.d l q,•( ·:ll111fitd (•J (~Jtd•· n ~ t( t• 1 C'l- Lh.&L IJr f I! ·t n, \'. ~tllin! I J' • }.;j JHI\ 1 .•. ,.n iJJ t f. lJ11 lt~JIJt fqr f\ 1 n '~ TJ,~r i :. ~n.•,rd liHJ \•,dl jll••l •hJ j l:tr}d '"' ·dt liiw· . I <.II< -., \ I . J•> ~!. 1 th td 1h·· J lllilt jIll! i J ~ I t l ~ h ,~I d it ( 1• ~w : •tj lli• Jlr ,i• ( t •• lll . fl ' rl'll' :,nd r lrt) j · •• , f< , . ,. dJ F r.t ~t c • 1" ic.;ru. . )) )) C( <C \\·onder where Eln\cr ~ lanox '''l'nl on his vacation~ . o Jocs Elmer. I) )) CC ct Ti: repu rtl!d that ·· Si rn o ntl'\.:~· .'rnith tl<.:li\.et~ a UbT)' Bless uf chicken. '\o n'liUIIu.:rarion for this nd. ) ~ )} (( « Onh <1 fn, ll1 c'l t.: ttH•Ilths nntil St. P.ctric.k': Unr. Ordt·r . r\11' s hallHI\Ck ;tl"f • lwi 11~ :.II I l')>lt.'d IHH\. 'I ' kt.CL' () tlkl'~ \\itlr krr v JLt111 •. l~•iul·~ .u~d Pub- • I JI)S SILt 1111 Cll J. I• (II Jll ~ . )) u « « J \' c,t•dc ·l d, H'S tlw ( \ ll . , . ·,,Ja pet•pk s plit V\ itl t ( ,Jt) l~ •wh iJn . frn :d l thu . ~ "'' 1, I lw trll, · ·'''Htlld . l ~y tlu ti111 ' thr , i .ttt• (tttrll' ' fllll ~ 1; 11, 1, \\-dl i,.,,l .tnd ~ . ,Jk h . ll ld IJ I P \.{ 11 n tl t:; l•tt·lt. St11 idt \\ill " ·" c · •Ill' !tithe! fl1.1lt t} , 11 . ,, . j (( u \\~ h :u wr.Ld I J, 'PP• 1t ir f . ) cntn • \\,,ll fd l \ J•t •JJ t<' •I tlh• lttll lw llllllal ­~ k \ lr II · &n·d 111 d H l1i lis .d 11ft H ll fl\\. 1\\ C l)l\ l" l•li t-VrJ till;'~ by friction (r iqhl} alld in p:ctute to the left Merle Baker 1s a lypo of lhe Senior Seoul; Maurice Carter the .Boy Seoul and the younq boy. a type oi the Cub. nas tv. thiiH.! ", and '\alk uts t ten minute~ latc:l ~ >>»«« I-Tcld and Yuun12 arc all \\orrie . l lT about the v:ar. ·rh in~.;. ) haven't becu •.roi t1H so well latd v. 0 /."' . » )) (C Cf Carl Robbin~ i~ ~:·nin ' awtnl dn~ ~ . Lhe:Sc Jars tin fa~t :.pitttn' ·\.)tlin~ "'·atin' for the day ftll. ·-_r,)hn" to pay off. when no n\orc hill · ~l\1.~ r<:t:.urneJ . SCOUT CAMP OPEN IN JUNE Th ~ 1 >(l\' SL·ou t c tllll' \\Ill bt• ort>n (or c.tmping pt 1 iPd-. f"'' bc"'\. t·utin!! em <"'r a.buu t Jun.: 16. 1'h · C: '-'f"t' ' ~n,l \\''-''-:\ I'<Jt t. ,'b . • • • • ervtt~e sso c1a 1011 1' \ 01 f () k" I l'lf7ri 1J (T • 'rlH• r,·~u!., r tflttlll h h me\.:t l t1" nr • til(' l ·~t ··d u1 th 1 -~.·t m . l ,, 1 h~., Ch •llp-i,, n S('l \ j \' \ :-:'Oi. i:ltlf II '\ R~ ltc.'ld \ pt il :. 1'•41. '' i ·1, l't ~·::i,i.:nt < ~i'd l\' , ·hi pn'- • t • ~hun l, ·\ tter th~.,. H'U ,·a ll. 11ltUil\Cs 11f th" l'' c\ 1 ·u~ nw ti ng ' . : 1 c rt'lh.L ::ll. i ,q' l'l ~)\ ~d . • Rd!~. f ca~ ·s n til 1b 'I 1 x. 1') . .?l \ ~tnd 21 \\Cl<' rrcst•lHt:\.! l,, lh\.· E).l'\'\lti\\.: { ,n, m i tl ec w1th ~ 1 eel,.,, 11u'nda l i l 'Jl t n u.~ll ('.~s~.: that :c mt' be 1ahi~\.L 'This \-~ ·omnh·n~lati\ It) '' .1 :-. ,lf'1'fl')\ ell in \.\.\.1· L "'F.t' \\hen l'H' <.'IH c\J to l he bPa HI. C. !:'-krHman 1 r~; . cntc { P rct't'ft t•f ~hl' 13\i\.L.t:t. Lon.m1 h:r 1 . ,,nn'h'rh.iin!! th•t t ht. ::-'. 1tl of ~3 .\ l J ht huJ{!<'LL'd '- t)r d1c \.t· it·~innJn£' h,h 1-:t fr.r '- . ~hl: llc milt m C~ 01n"un:t~ L~hc~L L'~'- (')fl motion hi. Rt)~T' Ct''t ~ cll\0 ~ ('i.'cr. L T'ie,{Jc·~t ~ . :,,\\,>1.1 (~lk.~i fllr tl Yt'llt! \\ 1 th •e . ,.lu.:d in a . Tt.tninHt~tz \ otc for tl t' t u.\Jn~r'lt"'ad. tina. \itt?r '\J.iUt.' \.li . ~,- . i"m ~oncerning t. c :~ P:i . abiiit\.~ t,f l.a\·in.~. a ho("'th at i. 1h c.nmin~ Hobh\.· Fa!r it •., as decided ~ 1131 d 1.: c-~1~11mitt~c f\.:PC.II l ot tht.:! Ex- \ cuti\ · <. o:-·-:n'!itr~.~ lK i11 rC O\Jr next ~·e_ ula r ---Lt.:ti ag a::; ttl w hct h~r or not MISS l .U.LIE EVANS ). rf. J • J• 1 ~ ., ., c h • ~ u•~ -Lt!e ·.\an: . 1. amp1on .' 1i' ~ ~ Yc:ar:-. died ~l JJl:nh· Of a h ea rt :.;·l:cl~ O!l ihc 16th. ,~bt: ·haU \Yurkecl a:-- n~ .al 1('a\·iL'! n,ili at 3 P. :\ J. ~ .:1nd '\\a::- -=· :-1ckl:U :=. J •n a1ter s'-le ar- . I I n· "' at. h_ umr::~ .,. u. -?He aton ~"' Lrect . . he· lean::~ rv·o si~lef:> . f tllteral :>er­. ct·s \~-erc hdcJ on the 19th. Pl;2'l.l'1. Hazlett. \~ifc nf Lerrf.\ ' Haz- .e 1 Ht :-. . hcp. utTered a hroken ann :n a 'fn11 at the I~C1111e., 3~ Hil!h ueet. SLTE ANN NOE ILL • :U\~ .\ !'l.n ~oc~ ~ 1 nvJnth (lid dau~h ­tl: r of ~. rr. ar,J .\ l r:-. Ha rrJid ~<Je. i.:> " . . . rec. enn~ t ron a cno IS - ll . ge nt '}J • J ! 'nes . Sue m 1 ~.:.:onr ract\· mea~lc$, v,hor~ in r C(Jii'Lh ancl pnt·omunia abntt l he amr· tirnc and h.:r cr.ndi ti(JJl \Vas c 1 it·! fc·r e. ~ral d;J\ :-. J~fc r father • • I • • J J!l H1 p1 CtlfJJ,. --- P. L ROLFE ILL I Roltc. ~UJ crir . t erjdt·nt cJ( I ,a!-! n·_, \\ 4.~ r:c ,n fined to his ,. . \'cr~ l dcH. '. •xith iJln • . paper h Jlll C. 1hi ' \\' £.'llld h ,Jc.; it.thl ,· l ' llll'lnt bill •: .l~ f,,lt t ) \\ S \\"l'n· ntd t· •­t ~.1 I" tid . ,l< •hn Lnddt·' & SPn~ . ____ . _)'; 7.?}. sc t, ( ·11· ~ - - . - - . -- -- -- - • - - 7. 2' 2 :~ ,. ·~ ____ ,. __ . _____ ~- __ J 203.r'2 l'hl! Secreta ry rq,ortcd a t-!ai n of ~0 n\!\\ m<:n\bCr$ during the mc'rllh brin~in~ ou r total up to ~027. He also repon ed ha\ ing recciYed a J(Jnati(IJ) f fOfll a ~fOll~' Of fnCmhcr~ who held a fa rC\\ Cll party for ' f'cd Chenu,·$. 1\ n1ou nt donatt:d w~ ~ un- • cxpendeJ bala nee o ( $2. )0. \\'e '"·ish t C't e)-tend ou r than ks to th em f o1 Lh J'c.' ll\L~mbrartCC vf US. Chapter .Jn Cwt-p fo lj-lnent Here is the third pictorial installment of "Bob Gets a Job at Champion." Last month we lef1 him, ready to begin his employment. Now (photo No. l) he was a full fledged mem­ber of the Champion family an1 was escorted to a foreman where he -was properly in­troduced to the foreman and a job. He was (photo No. 2) i.m,pressed with the friendliness of the employees- for one can travel far before finding any · group of more loyal. friendly group of workers. They are always ready to give the new man a llit. Help your buddy -aassist lhe new man. Prac tice safety- warn and advise your buddy as to saJe ways to do his job, etc .• are really practiced in Champ· ion plan1s. Bob was very happy with his ~ob and through contacts made in the "Broke Box" (photo No. 3) i.n leisure hours at a game of cards e lc. broadened his acquaintance and be began to bear more about tb\s job of making paper. Funny how a bunch of fellows getting toqether always let their conversation drif1 to ··now down on my job" e tc. etc. Bob recalled during his explanation dis­cussion priot to goinq t.o wort~ a mention of this thinq called CHACO (photo No. 4.) a.nd d.ocided to ~n9esliraate and pel'hapa s tart a small deduction in hi.s pay toward a sav1nqs account. Darn handy to build up a nes t eqg c1-nd then borrow againat this account in an emorqenc7. Furthet'moro. its Sl.J.TPrh&inq how a small amount Laid. away each pay qrows to qulto a & savinqa . (15) • • ~.·--<. :- nt J ('hn P :li .'-!'11~. SllO t"'f .faek PJr!'<.'ll" . rn;lh\ ~-i\!ht. . h1.:' xec~ t'ld~ bc('n a: 1"' 'lnt . 'd lflHttt(tor in the tr:'lini n ~ s ' b, I .1t [·\·rt .}{ cnnin~ . (;\L T his i:-' 3 ~.l!srtn'-·' }h ll' 1r ftH' tlh' ~ Ptlt1b 111an on .a& th whh;d blow~ ~h d v you ca.n .: u Rfllph lfc~n ia. Boator8. ru•htn9 " t tl., doo,. Thv 11 IJO, I wni)W th t hl d rhnq d.euqhtur, Ch~rl no G"'}l . ho• W itlUfiCJ lor hun. .JJ rl~u e .~t) t.- tku U.t<»ld 4 ughtor t>f J.U Ha tiM. (.;.-r , t r Sho.p. ing the b:\11 \'\>ilh n \tn gc~ n cc, Ill: a l~-pa •·cntly dr,es tH.Jt kn<l\~ his O\\ 11 5ll l'flgth . i \ fLC r ~ rev,r ll'lo rc g~1 m es , \'\e beJ ievc he wi II •·WC\.:eed in spJi lli11g the pins or at lea . -( pu t t in g~ d~.::nt in one o f the pin bc,~rs . T ake it <.:GIS}'. CurJ on. i t"s 0. K. for )'Oll to geL nlad at Yuu rself. for vou·rc the one who·.:> ~ ~ $U ffcring. )) )) « (( ~O\\ that :\krle Sla ter: mill wright, has prn\·cd hi abi lity as a deer hunte r dduxe. \\·e now are wondering wheth er he will hct ve his pi cture snapped to p ro,·c his prowess. as a flsh erman. i\ fa nr o f the boys bt'licve his " ta ll rish'' tori es will even outdo those wild hunting cxp l.oits. :which he unrav ·led in Lhc dcpartLnent- by reques t, s.orn e­t im<:s. And :!VIe rle's vivid description o ( his h u n.ting t ri ps have been. ~ o ex­citing, he, for one~ believes them all. \\·e · are eager to lea rn how Bob Zimmer's vYet End Control team " ·ill fa rc in the in ter-depa rtntental base­ball league. Bob tells us he has ga thered a formida ble a rray of stars and conledi a ns which 'vill be a joy to behold. \Vith such plavcrs as Elbert "Flash'' Sned eker, a nd ~.zB oots' trick­er. not to ment ion Tohn : P oison , E.imble, in t he lineup~ it is harJ to figu re ouL how th ey'll staHd in t he official cou n l i n g~ but ies cen ain Lhcv ll be fi r~t in the field of a musemenr. ()n the other hand '~Je all1.eel th<" kip1 cr a nd hi !\ maU»s will g ive a good account of Lhcntsclv~s anJ finish s trOO ~I • · feU \ it·ti1 11 tu t "mpl ic . tlinn ~ l.\· l1i{ IJ (qiJ~n\(•d .111 lii H' l'lHion [ (l l tp­pndi. ·i l i ~ Is ~ \ · • 1 n d u.: 1 lu r d h r p d" · l R c i I v ~, lt ural. llH· Lutlil~ li \ i,w ll'lt o -.f,"~.i. fll d 1 t , 11 'l hi 1 wd • J ( i llu • ~ \\ h t' 11 :-; h · (J l I i I. ' • d l1I H I ll' i (l dH' , d t c l ll C1 11 I l , ' 1'11 1( fc 11u i.n ~ d ~ Ill· IHhh~ t ,., •'Ht.: 1 ht' - lj('"l, tllllll. J fl ddilitJII ,,, tltt." l ~t't r ·~n.·t•d J' lf' •) ll t ., It• I \( i .·r, t•' '·:r:-o. ~ l. u > nu.l L qhllit. ud I"'' ln utlt•·r ·, I< ,h, •tr tiPc l \\ illi 1 11 .d t,l lu 1 'l.flulf t!hn . \\Jill !Il l \\ tiJ \.,-_ I II IH I d c l\• il'(.' ,\~H h··l l I ll dlt: ( ,;, llll't ( 1 1111 I ll tl ,· 1 1 ~tttl•1 ::nl itt \\,i. l•uti··d i11 ( I ! I l: j I \ ~ I .IV J ( I I I tt•l f. f\'. • _A ::bar~n.g Remember about two and a half )Uonths aqo when Joe McQuee n. No. 1 macilioe room~ was passinq o~t cigars? The above shows why the ciqars aDd why Joe is so proud of his only qrandchild. Joe never misses a day without seeinq his qra.nddauqbte.T and when Joe has to leave her to come to wo:rk you. can just imaqi:De what a heart hreakinq job it is. Joanne Kay is the dauc;Jhter of Bert Mc­Queen, No. 2 calenders. MRS. VERSILLA SHARP ~[ rs. \' e rs ilia . h.~ rr. -10. w if ' f,. r Ra} mon<.l . ·b.1rp, C~ f Fini~ltin~, <.tiL''-1 . rril 9 in a Cincinnati H\:>$t'i' Ill. ~ ~. nlsn kan. ~ i'our ~,ms, I t., I lt., . , • l ~ nn cth, H.o\ anJ l brold. the ~uu~r in the t ·. s . .'\ . 1,., . ,lnJ lliUl ll.tu• 1, t~. Dorudl\ .Hld Shirl.-~\ ~h ,r '· \l r,_ 1da ~· lrilrk ·and \ lr. \lu-_irlrh.' t l.rti \ l. Fttnn',d s.t.·tvit·,·;:, \\l'r\! h<.·ld ou thr.· t l th. -- -- - MRS. KElM ELECTED \ft ~. f tnw·i~ I l'im . "'k df tit~ \H' Il knu\\11 l'f\f ~ hil'pinK lh-p.ll\tlW I t tHan. \v ;., ~ hPfl oh.•~. l rr.·t:c.·n l h l1v b,•i 11g ( ht~bC.' ll !It :d\.h.:nl ~ It I lt l' l).tl<. .' :t11 . .' \\· \ h ~ t'l s . \ :-;~l~ti.t ti• ~fl u( the· Bw.h ·" ''ltt l'-1\ he H II. -- - - _ _._,._ __ ,__,;,;. . NOAH SELLERS ~\tJ h ~ttl ~,~,.,, ll l r\ l 1-i ttth\.·, l\ \, d1 •• I \ l ru~·h -~ i J1 tl 1:-t\ 'tt' l ll· '' .t t hl· l. 1t lh' 1 u l 1\ .ttl S ll,·t "' ~ \ .,u r . - ~---.--- . '\ O tH t· : ·• J)p )' Ull k IH H \ I i tl r ll ~ I i ,~ I \ r ' I \ ( L y ~ , \ . I t \' i 8 : ._\\ t·l L .ll ~· I I I H I tl1 i U ' \' n \1 • ' 11, l d I J .' • o .,, <.-. E7~· drf.cUJ .\",;:-.liliCid~l "' P. " " '"' " .JQI! ·~::.::_. --- ! ·~{' u \>at.oE"" ,.~ £· ~ ~ . ' "'.>Tf._,, tHt l u. "'ta Tw• c f •11N,.te ~ , ,·-~·4C ~.,_iOO k1~H c" M ~OM C ( ~ VIi• t l. •~ Po ~ ~IH!A t=4:.1" "E'Fv ~ C: 0 . .)'(" "'~ ,~ ~ ;:~;>t.~C: --- .~ _.,. { Jo.-.1') -. Ovflt<.- D-O G ~ rtl S .S PRttJ~ tl'l CI W\._.G (; - - ~N OUfb{AM t 1\' s. P cc rs New .Svtt He H S\1 PPO" ED TO UIEJtR. c.q F c: ooPc-~ , LEe P<l~l f\tl ti\·N 1 CA tk l(€'f.4R , AND A L R \l bOt.e PLA'f SOO - ··ANO ~t. tr'i woAtH Bs R ussell j ones ~-ei;c~ that. bore a faint re '<~mbla nce 1"he nying 1 ri shman: "~v£a c' Mc-ro tho e of zr.o0d ulcl Qt,een [Iizabeth's Elravey i~ nov.· in secret spring tra in- ( urt i