The Log Vol. 23 No. 06

Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas an...

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Main Author: Champion Paper and Fibre Company;
Format: Text
Published: Hunter Library Digital Collections, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723; 1941
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Summary:Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. CONTENTS • ~ ampion·s New York: Paqe 2 Sales Offi.c~ • . _ . • . . ~ ~e Fa<:l6 bout South A.m~rica r:ni:19 1or Defense -. . 1 8 r;la,ss -··-·· . ___ •. 10 CHAMP JON F 1\Mll. Y NE\VS Hamilton Division _. _ . . . 11 r.:. a:lton n·1'1 :'1. .on _ _ - - • - - - 27 Koustoc Oiv:sion __ • . 39 - - - . - 44 J u 1 9 4 1 VOL. XXIU NU~ERS • • PUBLISHED BY "THE ., , t tf'Oltfj n /:~,~ \'01( 1 /'(' up (l!;ll·ill-.1/ (l trou"le., j\rf(<:l it 'tfUOrf'IV . fate t'J jllf c.~· • Lift '\'our chin tJttd .\'PI vour sholllder1, J)ia . tlf you1 }l't'l Clnd t(1kr' r1 hr(lce. Fflh ~n it'.r t 'aru fo '''' to dudgt. tl, ~ flo the /JPJt thr;t yo1' toil c/1: r ou ma-v fail, Inti \'(}II may f' , 'tc il through.' B!ark 11Zt1-\' be tl1c cloitd' about yo·u And .\'OI'r future mtty JPent grin1 But don L let your ner·ue deserl you; K eep yourJe!I in /ightin8 tri11·z. r.f the 'lC/OtJ(J is b01111d iO h.a.p'f>t/'n, Spite of allt hat you n~n do R uunin.g fro17·1, it w·ill uot Ja~Je yo·u., ee 1t through.' Eve-n. hope -may seem. b11t ]'1Mile1 1-Y he-n with troubles you re beJet) B ut re?ne,mbr'r yon arc faci11g ] u,st 'what other men have met . 1-ou, ntay fa1J, hnt falL >till fight ing.; D on't give 11p, r.uhate'er you do; E·yes !1'011 t, ltead f21:g h l o the finish. S ee it through./ Ed g tz.r A . G1~test . CHAMPION FAMILY" HAMILTON, OHIO : HGUSTON. TEXAS : CANTON. N. C. : SANDERSVU.I.£, GA. £stabli.a1Jed 1914 . • - . . . . . - . - • • Twenty-Seventh Y eu ol Publication 'Dae p·pu b the cnet af tJill mequble Ia Ch••p1oD Conlwain, and 1a made in our Canton Dlmlon plallt oul OJ woe~4 frOID IN fareata of the aouthem at&lea. !be paper for the tnaide PICJet i.a Cham.ptoo Wbite Hla9efold lfa•u el ande \Dour Ra-UioD plaat. We 1blauJ&ctv.q •aor q,a._ of bl.aohed papua, Machine FlDllhed, Super Ceh •cleu ic', auel Coati d. . • The Formation and Derivation of The States, of Continental United States and Its Contiguous Territory Author's Note In the April. 1938. issue of TRE Loc o:t CuA.MPlON Ac-rt: •­Tr£ s we began a series 0f articles on the Unjtc,d Sures and _lt:s Territory. L1 this and Juture issues we shall gave a short history of cac::h state. This will require ~ gre:n deal of research wc,rk. However, ~e hope that these articles will be helpful to some readers of this magazine. (PART 34) - OREGON T Hl:. ''ord Oregnn, is pr0bably of · pan[.sh o r~ gin fror,n the WPrd Orfgonct meaning big-eared n1en. Thi · n:.tn1e v. as appli~d by (he J esujt pri e~ ts to Lhe l ndj a'n-s found in that territory. Ore?on is in the nonhwe_tern a;Jd j~ in (he P acific tate$ group. . tate heeause a large parr of the waL~r, tTitJOr. n1arsh, etc. part: of Lhe L'nited Stares lL is calle<.l the vYeb-F oot lo'v ]and is covered \<\ of Oregon and \Va . hingLon. fhe diJu<:n-.ion~ of the . 'tatt?' of Ore?on . are ~ 7 - tn ilcs f ron'\ ci~l to ;\c~ L ~nd 2r10 m il e~ "ide. It has a t oL~d area of G:Jf:>.6'19 ~quare Jn:J(i!~ . of ''vhich appro~ima tC'Iy 1200 are ,~· ater­== ~•rfaccd. 'l'he -rate \.nt ~ a Jtnincd to the 1 ~n ion F ebrtHHV J4. 1 :59. • History rfibttbh J ~c JJr r f, . 'Tn.:ignf;r til VI ~til Orcg".,o n .\ c.J~ Bctrh.'l-l;• rH: l?~·~r~. nr Ferrc.::k.~. in 1543. _·ir F ranci£ D r~d;"'·~ th(. Fncr- Jr sh Uit~f~:fl(A. 0 11 tTfl.~ r,f i1tz. \·(, ·~a~<.·~ t·d the .,;tall,! in J 779. R ,l)f-r' ~r~ \' ': di.,cc,,\ •.:r\' oJ{ r L• . Ct>lt.tJ~1lHtr~ Rn er in 1 7t;2 '' a,$ - J t f• b~l . · ~ ui tll • l .'1uh:d ~taL c._' daim !1 1ha1 n . lll-Jl i11 Ll.e di 'r hr•· "-·ill G··~at t~rju.irJ dunn~ the l';th C" l'hr· ( }~·•. ;;t''iJ) rrf,'•i f. l1Vt'f whit h tf (: (;! til l·.nr \.\i;'IL'J)D' fof­}( t\\.•\"({ ir. ,1.,!i1 rck lO lh<! ·• lr: =-gt1l1 ( 6w1r:1 · ~ {u: .tn ~t JruJc:p(:!Jdt'J, -c . • r;~uri. BTr f Juf W"lrdtWt•:-t I IJ llh. jun 'lion .f.f lhc' . crd1 ClJ.) d Sl•Uih f'l tlt! Jl!·rr . 1~:' ,·l~ r ., I.J, theun; S(.rttlht\ ' ' ( ;d,(>J E' tlF • :"\r\'<'• r .vnlc r · 1u:,S drc (. ·tHUintTJJ (d fJi".:idt • (~ l,.ntl H .·idv~. l·•·•·n l··Irr H.,f.,tJ'; . the.,. 11 ol rurnl"'J I <:> r:d } 1\' <:" t_ l<.•aJin~ 1 tJ t fa ( r,I\JJ ~hJ ~ i< i\ (' f • • f II '"~ I" ;)Jl'-'• o\'d J I' i t 1 a : I t.\' a tt f ~ 11" 1W 1! J i } L· fit s i 1 · ~ t 1 ~ ( 'J 1 t ' 1. H I \ J 1 • I u l facf,h AF>L(If ~1rd rJt,hrr 111 ;F II . !'11<· J!tt' ihf' FUJ (' . qu} a.ur f,,Htd( d a P( ' t •~I d t t•Jt.Ud' '-'· llv• ColttruhJ • f<•\ ,_. \' hic.:h \,. ~ narrH·d :r lh. f }•.JI.n J ~c ·nh • ~ t ~ .' · J".rc. !-.' 1. 1J1 "1 rlw P,!tlf l c' f' u t ( r,, Jf>81Jj . In f >-, l.J, dw f :f11h:· 1·\u 'C•d rlJ d l} "', "'' kl l•, ll•c.: ~uHL~ t ( \.rn[>-luV. J r) l '21 tll · ll.tldS·m H~.i'\. l •m~ t FIJ1\' :tc<.p:ir.·d rl t·· b1t ·i1w " , ,( th :\lo tr.b\\f f (Jtnfl ;., , tnd f 0IJ11d.t • f ·r ('}J l \ '~ fl1 fJ l, \,' r~ f. 1n 181 ' the t 'nited :tates ~111d Great B ritain decreed that all the terri ton-· west of Lhe Rock.v .\Ioun laJn:, wa~ tu be left oren to 1 ratters tJ nd ~ cttlers of bc,.t h counLri er- for ten year:S. rlO\Vever. the C(H ncl. on Bar Company soon obtained a C'Oln­r'lct. e monopolr of the fur trade, and rhrough its chiei facto:-~ J ohn ~ Ic Langhtin> exercised a potitieal and judicial aurhor!ty o'-'·.er the whole region. > l n t zq the first ~etdcnlent 'va~ fornlcd by retired lrap­per · of the Brirish Company. T he ::\I cthodist .\fjssion . in d1c \Villi anlctte Vallev . 1vas founded in 1°34 by J a~on Lee. E mi gralion increase<.( rapidly after 18-1-0, a nci in I S4J rhe ~t.\ me~-ican sertlers fo rmed a prO\'i sjonaJ gc.vernn\enr for the p. ro·t. ec~ion o ( property righLs and the administration of JUS nee. T he controversy between British aad American fur tr.c;iders th rea.tened ·tO cause se rious trouble bet ween Great Bt-itain and lhe t rnited States. The d lsrute~ in,·olving the ·Oregoli Que:uon · that is. the boundar: be­vween British and J\ mcric:an territory on tbc Pa(:ir!c CQasr \Vas settled in ·1 ~ 46. Ore?On ,,·as made a terrilory August 12. 1 84-~, and i~, l\1a rch. ~ 1 4 0. J O$eph L aue. the first territorial g0\ ec lor. iari,·ed. D uri ng the 'Gold 1Zush . in C a lifornia~ Or~on ktst a lar g-e pa n of its n1a le popula tion; but lhe m.ajoriry of tht·m ret u r~1ed ro their fa nn· later. In 1 S-0, a Ct)n ·cntion \Vas cal led at . alen1 and a constitution was fr:tmt;~d . In tl ' $l? \ cr~' \\-a~ rrohibited and free n~ (?roes \' t.'r t! denied the right (O ) hc1hJ . prorcrt~· Or e~ectne COllLr·actS . I t'\ l 923 the : . late pa . se~.l a ls,v '· atrnin~ ro pr '' e'lc h.e f.c.lldint! of lands b~· a lien:::. \Yho were in~hgibk ior citi:.:en­.:- hi( '. In 1 ~35. RcY. Samuel Parker and f>r. \f~t~u~ \\.'hitru:u1 "'llt r,- ~.:orn t nt~s i tJnt·d tl1 e.,rklr": and plant a mis ~ i('ll in ( t e.,!nn. Jn J 1 • 6. U •H.l~,.; r cnU\l'' f the- '\ n1e1ic.1n Fu1 Cnm!'Hnv. Dr. rJ ntl \ Jr.,. \Vhittntln, R ' . H. lL :~·al,litw and \ L r~. Spaldtng r 1 u.:-.:-( ,d l h c phi ns-t ril ,-~1 in !.:. _ . 1 OU mi k:. f roru t h . • ~I i ~M.m ri Ji1•~ int1> t'~•'lCJ n O c·t.~)n tu bt.'L"iu n'li-.~irsn \Vl?t k ~lllt(1ntr dH." ~ l udi1n . \11:1. \' hit·nl:-tn :tnd \1 (··· ~pc;tklint \\CI.: tht· rir: t ~Y itiL~.· \\'Ciflh:n tL' c l n:'., th~ l.t ~ kv \lrHtlli 1ins ill{~> tln•1.•rm. ( ln , o\ L"tnh t .:! • t ~ 7. l> r. 1tHJ .\ I h. V\ htlll1 ~111 , it dudin.l.!. 1\.\ch • 1ltiH!6, \1\ t:"H:' n1UrJ · t~.l h1. lh · l ncli,ln. . \.',\1.: "'ar ' :tfh I \ \ dl' ht~t\\ t.'1.' t\ tit l rtd 1~tl 1S ,'lt)d white {1{'0 f'h: r in eli.' lJtp t ribt- ~\<.'TI' [ \l.l\"t. "'f ll[ )l.llt rc'~\.:f\ tiu.JI~. ,lf'H.l llUd •~l' t'j\h,'(l ­! l(Jt\ ,.1 :ntt~ ll'ldthttbl ~· ~unin !!·~ tlt ·} !t-tY(" b\x·~'nH' pao::ful l11d 1 dti."' ll';- t If 1-llf' J 'urtin _t~. ' l'la: l a~h~ttl~ .11c t·~nJ in ~ n . lHn ti ) f, Jt their L:.ncL Topography 'J lH • r:dt111 ~ ~ t Or i"!l ·•n i~ ltt, -,l.!nl n inoq; . 'I Pu mc~tlOf itl r,f n · ~ . T t1HHt•l \d rf, tht'' l.a s t , ate thr : & t>'t',l~,h • 4-. nd (\ :lt Ran•l: 'llw ( \\C~hk \f•)nu1.1i,, \\hi,IJ tn• . :-. lilt'" ' . {-:!\(' lt«'lll th'ld in P\l h. all"' tl •lll l 'U lllil ~ f\( Ill tit~· ~,·, c. t. ·rhi "''l '-\.' lt'V· in nnw l 'lll· . \( dt\." I ·v~.·l u t 1 c 1 - rH.'tth: l ~l\{ '"' \l > 1n1 t h' 1d. in tlw P••llh. lt"'ll· lw . 111 .tl t itu d~.· ;,f I L.:'~' i '• t. n.' h·,·ntiqt} r dw t ~ . ·dl' ln tHH.tin~ i. f,•Hll 4.PCJ( Hi. with lt'lltll llw ~,.{ dw hH h~·; L. Par~.illd \\ith ~1:1"'1 llt .ll\l th(.· 'H . . t . lhll't.", .tl t' llw l\·n~ I' .•n.::''~ '' ,l~• ·1n "', t4s~. . , ~h.-, . tio1 ('\f .'L~Ofl re .· t ' l in.· Cc ~.t. . t l ' ::1 n "" · : l • \ d \. . , 1. .1 d '~-' !'\ 1 'lHll ~ 1 i n ~' ·' n.· j uj ll d w i t II I' n ) i l' t•li '"'lt t< lh~ ~--~c {'\'~I\,: \I,•U \ll~lJ);-, l!C ll' tl1~ U'l!(~"l ,1( tiH~ ~(,t(t• lh•inr.; '·n~ l~lu. .· t imi"lll \cdll. fhc Rt>~IH. 1{;, \'!' :lnd si,ki) \)ll \ l(•ll n­u ·n . in t1h· ~' uth .:il:-.,: ,~,•.tch quite n hi).,h cf\.·'·'tit'HL l'\·twccn tht• c!hl,'~l\.t' and ('c !J,f R. .d)'~t' ' li~ thC d\ILI.' llllj'tll{ ti lll V~ll­\._\:' f Pagt n- the\\ illt.lnt~dL . l "ntJ'qua . H1,1 th'-· Ru~11· " 1') i'·"·t \. 11<.~\ :-. • ll th· thJrtic,·t tlh''all i ~ ns·cd l,,. t h0 l31ue ~i ~.wta1n . , rca ·hin!! ~ a.:~n~·r.d t>kvatit'n (\f -.nnn ft•t>t. ll{n\ ­t\(' 1. jn th· f, .thif].; .HC :1 nmnher t•i f~,.tiJc. \,t:J~- '\'Jtc ~ 1u;h ·rn half f th'- t~thtc J~ttld ft~ll \~ithz n dtl' ( ~ 1 c.1 l H t"'in. ~nd i. co\(·t.·lt ~.\;th \ol~.-.tni,· ~· ii atHl l. \a t~.d:'. · tne lake" : d1.l 1n t 11. .i J' I !t i n := • Vt r ·,)0 ·nil<'~ the C(•lumbia l' i' et tlc.I\\'S ~dPn~ the ttorth ­<." rn 1-.\ mh.l.n ,J 111· :-{3\t' . and i~ HA\I.L. ahh· wnh the c.\- . ~, ri.1n 1,1 the oL, . •J ul· i.m~ .:1l th~ d.Hn: in \~·nst.·u Cu ullt)'. fl.(···p , h. : ··un,bcr ,,f lake· iu tht" , Put h ce ntral pLJr­tis: m ,f d·<: . t .1\:'. CrcHCr La~c i. <l!llOth.!. the most remark-ahl~ . c··ni(. f"·attllv uf .\ tnerit:<L Agriculture \\'e,t o the ·l~:tdt" \1\)unt~in s in the l~iver \ :tiJc.\ ~ . abi 1.:bo~e and \'rt'h. . ., , f cro.o s arc ~rO\\ t'l. In the t!a~Lcrn ~ p nion ]P.··_.-e rnnd1.:.:- are ~.~.mmm1. The diiTerencc in tcm-p~ rat n·. ra:nfa1!. a :h. "(1il itl the porti()n~ o i the state. ca~n a:sci '.\:t::~t , f the Ca,.(-. . J.e _\ldunLain3, make. quite a <.liffer­{' lJCc: in th .· adar. tal~ilit'. nf the east and wc . t to agriculcu ral ~ L'U'I ., :,. J~. \\~\er. t~·day a CJnsidcrablc area in the ca~n ha.: b{·vn ir62ated and r;n~ cror$ are gn.n\'0. The total ac1~&.~t!e c·f hrm land bas increased from about l ~ U!''lO,OOO in }G22. ttJ abm,tt L 7.000.000 in l930. Or abou t '2~ .r cr('e.nt of t! ~ t•Jlai acrca.~. e of the state. On~£'011 rank. Vr·"t in tht.: production ,,f hoi's and prune$ in tb{" ~rate.:. 1 iH· J rincipal cror$ are: har, wheat. oat~. P' tatncs. r:,c. b3ric~r. flax and corn. Bcnreen the Cascade a.rd oa. ta! ran!!<:::- qu('nltiLic~ of fruit. such a· plums, pru ne$. ar! (.":;, ~ ea('h~. ,tncl 1 ~:ar~. arc g.-ro''· n. PonlanJ i the leau­in:! iiYt. t xk mn rb:t aP.d r:rckn1g center on the P aci rlc Coa~L. Th ~netat"e tempera! urt alon2' the C(Jast is 65 dt:"r~,:cs Fah­r~ I.' ci . \Iikl \"t'int~r . and n1ild :;ummcrs make c 01 e!!on a d Ii,•htf t1i ::pot for tOL1ri t . , '· Manuhctures and Transportation Or . ,1 11 i~ ir.t:n.~ . a~ir~! in imp<~nam.:c as a manufauuri r1g . !all. a d:ro~u~l, lltdu~rnally the stcrt e lias n0t bt.;cn developed ;1 e; t: r. wt . i}' ;,~it mid11 be. '] he railway mileage in 1030 '''"-::- 4.97J. bu~idt.::' 5~0 Hlik~ t,f dc;ctric ra ih"av rraclc r umh,r ( f t! uuk !ine:-. ere,$~ Lht ~ta te. l'ltc Pacific (kc~ n. CrJlum1:>ia. ·uai·(•. ( ·JHPl!tl n fel'L board mca,urc. The entire wooded ar<.:tt is about 2+,000,000 a<.:re s. The watcr-powet of tht: numerous mourHain streams ha\ c not been d eveloped to any g reaL extent. !\ccorJiu ~ to the l " tlil~d Stat ~s ren us nf )tJ/<J. there \\:J.S in the s tate 2.4b3 ma nufacturintr t=-'\tabli .:-hmcnt ·,employing 65,505 wag~.: t.:arncr$ and 'J 7J sa la1 icd . Education ']'be public schools h~v e a uniform · L~ te cour e of stud y, and must be open a t lca:H lh rec months a nn u~llr. Eight years are given to the grammar grades and four Lo th~ high school. The course for the hig-h school i ~ plann.cJ .lo give a vvdl-roundcd cducarion. in ca e the ruril is not able co study in a universtty or college. l lliteracr in 1930 was <1ne per cent. Attendance is COll1 )) UI o r~ fOTr all chi ldren of ·tgcs irom ejght to s ixteen. '1'hc L"niver5ity <,f Oregon is sit·uatcd aL Eugene. and the Oreg-on .\ t{rieuiLural College, at Corvalli~. Other i nsti Ltt tion of hil(her lea rntn!! are Paci fie l' ni ver~it~ , Vv' illan1cttc t · ni ersitr. Li nfield Colle(Tc, Pacific CoJit:~e . Col­umbia l 'niversity, Al ban}' Cullege . :\onh Pacific Colle~e anc.l Rc~d Colle~e. Cities 'alem, (ht.: capital of n, i · itU(tted 1.111 the ca ·t bank of the \ Villa mette Ri\'er, 4~ miles sou th eas t of Pon­land. l l bas witlc. wdl-shac.lcd ~ LreeLs and a number of be:!utir'1d park, . Salt.:rm i the Lracl~ center of a r;ch ngricultu ral di stri ct. J t wa ~ here: Lhc first st.:tt letn cnt \\':)S m"d in lh~ stare. In 1X3 4, J ason Lee opc.:nt:d a rrti $· iou whid1 \\fa:S thl: nuclt:us for t.hC" 11r~ l !'1.·ttkmcnt. Salem b0ca ml! the capital in 1864-. Pc,pula tion i~ abCill l 30,000. p,J,tltwc.J is the l a J g~;;$L ~i n in th~ stat<'. Lt is :tbout 100 • 1nde ~ I rom tl11.~ P acilic ( k~an and T:2 miles north t~i Sa ll F ra o ~iscu. J t i:\ llll."ated :11 tih· hcaJ of deep water n~n i~a­ti on on tlw Columbia Ri' \."'f :-.~ st ·m and h:1s t egu l ~u \.fall't "'OmJJlUJtiL "Hi< ,ll with P ctgt.·t StHlnd, Califor nia, Culf and .\ t­bJIIti~,. · C• >D.~ l pnrt~, ~nuth r\11'\cti\.·;t , Europe and d tl' Ori t: IH. Pl; rtl::tnd cuve"' ~ll a.n .• 1 (,roo s fU::lrc miles. Th\." dinwh· ((.ontintu•d on J>agf 4) • ENLIGHTENED INDUSTRIALISJ ( t;.1::. ri 7.1 . , ·n .J/, It ':~iii: (.'ifl"l.~'iiT. / luJf' I i . J<J.J I J 'Tl ~ ~.i~n - S<.:t.'< l l . h.l hrrth l:n. · ,,f R\.·ubc.·n B. Rnh~rt ~c.HL S1 . 'e i t.1 '' '' c, ~- Th~ . "'~lJ't r"\~i"''r y l'Ct ~ nn'-·1 nf the Ch.u npi<.>tl l JJ 'C'J' : nd l tbrt" (', Vlp4lr ~ 1 ~·l k aJ,·.Jntagc of the orca~io n i t; d~'' it::. i n'-l i\•iJu~ l ,utd '-ullec ti,·c 1<.\ .• pc:ct auJ t•s­! 4'\e~n f\ r ·he m::tn. fh \! ~ -- n 1 ~ ~urpr isiH g l'~u t of the: t:C'lt:b ra­ti~_, n ·:.- thi' (J~t that ~l r. Rnlwn ~ o• t is si. ty-two y ·ars oJd. Jti::- 't· ~a at e11<:r~ic:: th.l :.' pi t it bdjc: hi ' r<-'n r· .· ~ t' one \. h · k'l _ \\ ~ J e ltt ituJe \)f t ht' h.t tnpiun employes tO\\ a r d ~-i~l ;_ !-llrrti~eJ l\.1 k:arn rhat the :;upe tTi~o r y prr onnel ~\.;.:'7cd t hj:: IJ'f'L'rtunit) t(l $ ihl ',, the hi£!h reua rd in which l . 1. • , .e •~ T1~. u. . lf tl en~ i ~ ~ rno re cnlig-ln~n~d indus[ ri al i · t in .:'\:orth Caro­lina or ~n t 1 Suutb. for that m.:nrcr, than Reuben Ro bert o n. • sr~. 1 he Cittz.c11 Joe~ nt)t k nt"'W that tHHl . ua l pcnson. Al- '-.''--ugr h1~ i~ a large corporarion and his rc . ~unsibili ti es a re nen:~'ori!.v (•1:erou . he has never fnu nd it necessa r.v o r wi e to r~duce hi~ 1·elations w·th the con1pan ~' employes to an :impc.:"r~0nal basis. For dH. rn he has untlersta nd i ng f ricnd­ship :tnd j~::-t t rea tment. F o r him they have a ffecti onate c :· . :JeratioH. ln the I! day· of clanging indu t rial wa rfa te1 it !s te-a suring to find a man ,,·ho has managed "·ith such : ,m~ll ~ucce.: :> to keep c m p loye r-e rn p loye relations on s uch a h\Jmd.J1 and t!'-1uitab lc footin!{. Reuben Robertson i. someth ing n1ore than ~u1 urtc0m­rro: J.I_,· <;ucce~sf ul i nd u~t ri al ist. He is a good citizen. A I­t ·,. ugh he is an adopted son of i\:orth Carolina_, he has sunk } i=' rcW"•ts de~p in the li fe of th is state and of this section . lie has al·.\a}::, C(;ntri \· ·d to find orne rime out of his husy iiic i.o de,·a u.: co c.;nterpri~cs lhat haJ for their ob j ecaive the r rcmr.-~tion of cult u raJ. srJciaJ a n.c.:l econnn1 i ~ prog n:ss in North CanJlina <s rrd pa 11 il:u larly in Lh is n1ou n(ai n region. Jn e·qne.\).)ing i11 this w·ise its own admira (ion for Reuben J<.r:.hl'n . on. ~r . ·r hc Citiz ·n beliL:Ye · that it is merely r ass ing a jud~·mt:nr wiJJch i::, ~ha r(: 1 b} hundred.; uf citiz~n o f she­. iUe. uf Cantcm and of 'onh Carolina as a whole. The Growth of Our Country ( ( 'tittli ,tu,·d /rflirl f 1<11!f' f) 1nilJ. ' f'I J<· ~·u:rln•t.:t·. :ttt• r ,J,,J U1Hf t.,wfcin <,ble .1 11d th ·· wil1<·r h''' i· I ;Ji t· wid, lHtl Jiqk lJ(J\" C ( Jt ll lL d t'H·t:.t. iu 1h(· ."r/f~ l l'!lf) t'~l f £,{ dk ( ity . lflJfl I 'lftd :1 11 i tlfJ •rf· i\1' Vi1"\.\. nf rlrl' jJ·• ,ft \ d IJ,} . :. &u.i dt<• fl(' ,· :I JIJ •t.d J t.~:d t ,J \ I 1U Ill , I l(iod? I< " ' r'i' •, Adtttrl , :· 1. I f c lc-J~cJ am:l f dlf.~ l yH 1"\.V' ' ' ' n ~.- Hl Ill ~! l(t . H.'f f1 i U I•U j' b ·apt1f1 f r h :, ( Jr,~ ~(Hl ( 11 ape. {4) Champion's New York Sales Office Paper The ~c~,,. Y()rk (,ff,,· · (,f ~ ~ 1c ( harnJ tvn Pa er nnd Fibre c( rupa n ~ i:, lut.aH:d U ll the rtf Cf~ ) i h Jlt or J the - \ ·\,· Yo k Ccn(nd Bn i ldi11~. 2~0 J--',trk .\ <:IHH: \' ith Jr·'11J P. D berne, ~-I n n:tgl' l'. T he 'cw \'ot k Ce ntr:.~ l Building i!' l)nc ,,f the fi1.~r (')fficc building:; in '\:ew York Cit y, anJ Jr,c:neJ \ ir' · n ~ few Ll :k~ of the \\. . a ldor f-, \ storia, Rutkcfdlct <. _ntcr anti Radic, C:tv. . Thrnugh the \[ew y·qrk ol1ice . . d 1. 0 borne inf•Jf!U -. 1.1 3~ a pproxi m a tel r ni nl·ty t hou ~and tuns of pap<.r arc handled ct n n u a II v f rorn uur m i I L~ at T-f n mih 0n , HOIJ.sron and Ca ntc:m# The .;'\ew ·Yo rk onin; serves .\:cw York. -~\\ t.ngland an 1 _ •onhcrn .\:ew J er ey area . . 'f he ~Sew Y or.k office p0rsunncl i a . f~)u ,.,,v~ : !\s ide from ~ r r. Osboruc.:. n1a na~cr c•i the office. :;ale:, c;~n ca lling upon lhe trade are Geo rgeS. j uh nsrJn, Dak John4 on nnd ~1ike \1\' aJsh. Fred Cannon ha ndles all of the ofiice derails. ~ . v:eL as a nswering i nqui rie$ that come in from cu ~t·'Jmers by td~­phone. 1\ l i Gert rude Dothner a5si~t~ ilt rhi~ v.·ork. '"'tlm­ro erfield Eocy, Jr . hancHe · C()mplai n,ts a nd !_.Cncrai rrr,mutiun . Charles R us ell, J r., bandks the lel e r~· pe anJ gc.;ntra1 stenog ~ap hy . .\liss Ril ey is telephone operator anJ jimn ;e Toner is in charge ')[ sa mples. \i\' hen in ~ -ew l~o rk. Cit) . Chan pion t'ml lr j ec$ aitd fri ends will recei\'e a cordia l welconu~ at the .:'\cw York o!:ice. S2S,OOO,OOO fire In Jersey City Ciqarette or Match the Cause The worst f1re in J ers<'y 'ir~' ' hi 5>t:o ry oc(:u rr•ect \I a" 30th, destroying prop c n~· ,-a lueJ Jl .~ .;; . 0.000. ·r n<' tlte broke out al ) :02 P. 2\L , a nJ l'CHltinut'd lhr )u~h lh ~: ui . tlt a nd in to th ~ following- day. It is ~ u~t>"e· t cd tlt at tbt· fire, ' ' hi ·h <•Ii~in.:n~-l in a s tn"k­yard hnyl\>ft. Jll ig-hr h ~.l\1 l' b.:en \.":\\l~·d b5 ·l ,;i~nvtte ,·tub t'~r n1~ tc h d ropp ·,J in rhc h :n'. \ n11th'(.·r \\ flr nin• ro 'Jl . \)k4.· :~ aJhl th O!'!\.' wht.) cardc.•ss l} hctnd k· li~hL\.'J ci}.".t r <"tll' . tub .tnd m ~· t " I h.' :::. . \\'h ~ ll WC' t'e~ d oF Hlt:h dt' ':a:'{:tt in~ fl I L'~ \\ c· ,t t \' l'l• ni thkd tktt a sim iL11 thin{[ mi lu ~1n·tn ill llh~ (\: t~ttt pl.tut . /.n\ ttoJ l'llt I f ')' " n I) I h r r 1 u c. h . < , u N i 1: • .:. -I~· t.'-' .1. , , f' 1 :1 • ~ n' • k 1 n ~. in ti lL· f' l<•ltl j, d .ll lV\' l Ol!$ , \'~Pl'\. i .dl in l ' b\.'l'' u lwrc: t h~r\.' t~ V' ' '' l l ltiS t thl ~ JHnH-ria l. I' t'\' l i 11 llll l-h.J 1 (, • L, t 1 ha l ,, t\1 ~' 1rt Cl l lt' o f utlt jd ,lnt · 11t igl11 )'lit :t llliiHbl:r c•f 1 <' h,Hh , t• l nf l'TI'I •I(, rl! t ' IIL :Hh.l li, ·~ mi1! 1tt lh· In f. L \.' l .:') pi, ) ·,eh· ,dl rlw l t rJI(' This ' f l t( t ltlrl t lttt• t•i •fllll'd o n tht lU\ t>l l'lli Jt• \\.d._'lllll'hHI, j , l l tlntt.r • l.l'l' £•1! u l J lUl ( 1 fl lllr-'l;. ,'IJtd cl } 1\ ll hL•>U ••l l'( tl\1 ( r , 1 d l' v C cJ, t• ( • • • t • ( I ) . '"' '" .• c.· III J ·I u \' '-' d in 1 It , · \ l.t ~ 11 C ll1 · ( . I ll I 11 1) ) )jvj t-fl ll , 11 ,, Ill! • I r ,fjk , Ill I :1 t rl it 1', f.\f 1 l\hlllh(:r I I ( '• ( 'A f" , • • fl) Mr. fvho P. Os­borne. Manaqer. l~) Mr. G&o S John­ston a :t d Mr. fred Cannon. (4) Fred Cannon. Jimmie Toner. M. C. Waluh . DaJe Johnson , Sam. Eney, Ch as. RusaeU (5) r (3) Switchboard and S a m p 1 e Dept . Miss Riley, tele­phon e op era tor: Miss Mead, s tan· ographer; Jimmi'IJ T o o e r, sample boy. • (5) Ge rtrude Bothner. Fred Cannon I L • • Mrs. ~lr.xanaer Thomson Sr. Elcclt~d Pre ·itlr.nt of Wcstefln (,ollegr. 1 ~. \l t>\\l ll•l r' t '1, \ Jil •l U, i't. \\HJl•\\' of tlh• l:th.' ~h til W . lll ,41 ' l l''- lt lPJ\lul\ P~q C'l .tnd hi'H' tr' lfl l :tn~. ''·'" d t><' l -. ~ ' ( 1 i ~} tl':l ~ u \ ) ' ~ s: i .,. h" n t " l \\ ( ~ t· t n (.' uH c.: l' ( \ f o t L { ) h Ill. H \ j nn · 9: :ih~ ·)"' t 1 . , n {t u u . ·te,· ,f. th~· r ~ l11 ,, , c fnt ~ · \'l' t'.d . ~-- l i ~ \\' e'>lt f'l\ is d"\ l ' ( }, ,,e . l r~t· t::.' ·olk ";' i' l1l lltc Jtlh.ldk" l' I awl \\<1 . htlll) 1e . \: l l ~-. l '·tllr't tt t:d .1fllt \l <• tHl l ll nh• •k.:. I t iin·ut ~ ~ ~\ u k •t h c·11.h.1 ,.f l\· · 1 h·ut 3 ~ n ~i 1 ~ ~ ' m· ;u I \ ' ' i \. -.l ' I(. I !l I h c \1 n 1. IJ 'l I h.l r r 11) • tuat~ :·.·n·;~n ~ unt11 "· lhP 1'· _;\nl1,, l)i". R. ll'h f\ . l lil"'Knk. \\ !1' l ,,ht' Jl ill ' 'V ral n11 tl ' d . .•t nd ull tl l rh~ ,•nd •;f th~ .n. t. lculil· \'<.'.1 1. \: h,!n\ ~I f 1.' 11 :\ll w 3:. acli 't~ f'll tdt.' Hl. f.h~,:<H :-e )! }wr \\ : h• \''tt\nu a l b ackrr nHtth:J :lfh l het 1 Hfl\\ . l~ ' rf~ ._,j '-•oil ~{' h, , ) l ~. l'h ·) m~nn \\ .-h ! 'f~ l . ua 1-t\.1 to aCCt'j\l 'h. { r(. ~d'-'!l<"~ ;,~ th"' ln 'h c:-. . ,l ·p ~l <.' her dt ~i ndin ~ttit 'n t0 S · "' I ~ ' • l h <? ! ~ ' ' ' , l ~u I' t \ . ~ \\: i-=- "' d . ug.h;,~ , ~,t· D1 . Ch.:ul ~ \\. l Jhnc.'V. prcsid{'nl , t. t · c· · I r ~·i'h'f'\ t1;-. , t tnc _,.,.(··~l l) t \· · t sn ~ <•i tn<~Jnn:lll, :t orn1cr J'f . ,~ lent t•! th\,; ui \ et ~H ~ ,f 'l\·nn L~$l'"~, J.lhl a rvrt)\(' 1 a.s­.,)~ hl ll. se-··-r<'l . n _t .iLl'.'- l •h l lf'. \ ~i stcr. ~fn; . K a thrin ~ • ·~1n o · \\ < n:('n ot Lht~ l 1nin~ r. i1.\ of Cin('inlHtt i. L o iog Ahead Preparing for the Future B." T. Tl. /l iJ\·nc.r ~ ur-in~ lhe lle. t S("\'c;>r:;l rears the t aX p rf)blenl will dift deep :r·t-· our car:n;a.o~ . IiHinn.s of \\"3!:-re earner :-, who in. th~ fJ~ La, I aid \•t: ry little or nr) in co111~ taxes, ''"til be c.ulh:.! cr. hy flu· -: 1): ·t.~rsu1tt. nt for a IZ! r ~e per ('en l .r · thei r v .!<!~. 1fii . ! tCrea~\! ~n td x.e:: i~ gojH. ~ u hun hul there is ~ 1lj., i{).l}t,: thi·rg \\'e r . d <.Au about it. be read) ' vhen ·Cnde ::~a • ct~L- the bin. TJ1e T1.:•a:::ury Dt:part nh: n~ of the Federal CovernmenL h::~ ~'-l.,u-t re._. a \;aa.A <,f d cYt:Tl pc:r cent jn add iti c~n to the n rna~ ._ __ . ,,f f.t.1:ur J <:.rccnl sr~ntinl! with an in.:.:ome of 20( tlOO ft. T m:;.r JC.:I3 }•l:f c.n~ - nd $. tY>.OO fnr ~in de ,1c r~(Jl1S. 1"h. ~- nuld f!!(•an d ba '{; tax o{ fi fteen pe~· cent in. read (>f • • ' 'i :r<·SI"Jlt !u!Jr pc. {'"ClJL S·~!nt fllCB1b<!fS: of C Jllfi;ft!SS ha\ e S.l ~ed t_f1a1 1ncornt:.: cvl·n !.fJwcr than that s u!!uc~tcd by tl e Trca . :tlf! J ("par mcnt be t~ '<ed. . ,~If!;.!. i1\ .( ~p~cial tax J . \ icJ ;. •ainst cena in cur S~!> or 1 .crl)Oll • over nd ab· •\·e d . c-· th·r;,.l le ·y upf. . n 1 he \Vh t>lc rr(,~;} J - \ 'r.ti •l;:i.led i n C')Hl<: UJ:\ , til etc.ldi 'on tr the normal .nC'J:n,-e. :. 1'1', 0Et . d ~>n the ;lhJ4">11nt lh at the net in c<.dn.: of an .i.t.ds~.J·~aJ tl.c.c~d . ta-te.: I . :x rnp ion;:). h.xci.:-z.e Hrx, i'S a~ e.ciaJ t4,:1: kYi(~d on \.!t.)mllf(•Ui i~. s t,f 1tc}n•e J .r '.ut,ti J, as:rl ccn . .t•n . ,,ion-a J l ~,;s ta.·:. Jr;. is 1n_,· •i,,n , and r(l<.t;f'lH~li.:JiJ;; t iol,, rhCJ.l fill prr­"'""''. r.: :ct~ gc t a rite r,, .t1 ! a r · c:xJ. per r.n· , or bu . nt- - 'llcn. <.;p<;n • ~-·:~ {Jt.:C:OlliJ~. or il. t. oeptJSllS \ ;j h d. d r ·cr ;dit T'n­ltJJl. S , - lld }: rt. 7tlll't"c.l.t~ J .Je. ft ihl the1ir t .IP r nl \: rning ··.· tls.t h<·y wrll !sin e east~ ·on lut n I c) tn;d 13 J·tn ·m,·nt rA ft t !2J (C La :K J);j Ji • ' Am·• rira thll. :- t:t. pa.r.e for tllf~ h•u:tt: d{·f ·n c- r>f ut~ J n:1 iun, OU'r Clt:ze, -hip ~hou td f ~c a,e, tv P,lf the bi!J. • (7} Some hots About South America \~ .7 1 · . . \ l' J ·~ hl·~t_1 in, . .1 ~p·ut d•.·td t.d H> H ~o t.ll h Ant'· ~ i eit th •, 0 rv d.l\ h ilJ1d d )'flll \-\ ••I (' U ~ ~·d {11 lrtC, tl (" lJ \\' I Jlald ~ Cj(l ( ()Jl iti ·r it . 1 I Jfll1 sl1 (pw.,ttPn \V~.· ll j11 L \\ l11: 1 t• i, ir tttJ . tl'l d ( b il . llll th td dw l ' wt~·d ~ t a ( q., 1)1 j ., il /)(Jl l lt<:a .t r,r ,')llu th \H'!-11 n( th•• ~ lL li1 •\11H 1 i L'•lll cnnt 1 t tl.; III~ H YOII nrc tl n l ~ ~n~ r,J Jl , luuk u ll th. JIHtp l)r Nnrtlr and :--\nul h J\JlH' l\ra, ~111 d ' ' '" 11tay I t<.' ~ tll p 11 <.·J lu l t!tO' JI tha~ tht> ('nt it • ~rw lhl'rn nHltl n• ·JII li ~ t •;t t (Jr J· lw irl.t and lh(C'f\A foutt h ·~ td jtt, w<.·-stnn n •;.l ~ l l i e ~ l ' tt · l ol 'Nt'\\ <1rl: C11 y and lh<H Sowl1 111 · riu~ \ c:.~ .tt·ntnhltd lu,io l i;:, w·at ~r tu 1\ft it:a 1 h .111 i H i t s 111 , r l h ~ r 11 l n: 1 , l t c 1 ~ l' w (J rico : u"' s . ' l1he 1'\\0 c·<Jlltin c n t ~· , "otth a.lld ~ottLh n tri ~.;. , ~rt.: ~lJ.lli - 1. 1 in 1 1 h y~ i ~.:d chat :ttlt.:Ji "- lirs. l·:il t h i" ~ tfi clll ~ l e. bro dt. t at Lht: n lflh , a mi t h~ lft'HJ c.Jf th t: ,,e, LCltl u ,a. t n( <.:rtlh js din.~'ll )' ~ uutbc~st. t-:nclt ha~ ~· v:u:~ t rnonntai 11 Hlflgc. On ti re: W{'~tC: lll ottst. tht Rur'ky !vJotl rHaiu. in ~cJ t' lh /Hn ~; rit.:a and t IH· ,\ H<.h·~ . nr Ci'l t'dill t·r~ ~ as lhey arc e;dlrd by the 'pa ni'>h: in South .\ nteril·a. s trl' tch frr nn north to l:)tJttth . 'l'ht· lcngt h 0 f So• 11 h . \ n 1eri a is 4,.)00, mj lc,~ a 11d it g n·atest bn.::tdth is 3,200 mi.l~s . lrs ~trca js 7,300,00(J square rni l·"s. n in te1cst irl.!t physical feat ure o( S<>l.Jth mc-rica i ~ the Ande:cn1 1\·founta in 1 :1 ngc, vith an a vet age heig-h c of 12t()(X> feet~ a breadth Ya rying ft on1 fvrty to three hundred rnilcs ~1nd numbering scnrc of acLi V(' \-ok unoes. lVft. Acouagua is the hi ch~sL poi nt on tb<: \V es le ro Hemisphe re. ri&1ng to a heigh L of 24,000 feet. Th rec.:-fou nhs of the area of South A me rica, i nduding its most ferti le districts, lie within ll1<· tropi cs. 1L is important h) note tha t whi.t~ in Jonh America 1hr hca'v·iest rainfalJ .is on antl nea r the eoast1 in South Amerir.a it is heaviest in the interior o{ the conLinent. 1'hi · is caused by the trade '"~ind s ca rrying the wa rn1 mois ture-laden air inland. frotn the At­la ·ntic, until cooled by the chilly breeze from the ndes. Heavy prccipi,tatriOll (ICCUrs. aocl r assrng c~ n, the re.maining vapQr hi lls in snow on the great mountain range. Be fore 14-92 Peru\·ian or I nca T ndians had adva nced far in cul tu re and € mpire-b uil di.n g~ hut Fr:. ocisco Pizarro, a Spanish discoverer, destroyed th eir civili'zatioo. In 1550 the continent was (}enetrated to the core and European power esta blished. ('I t is not po ::;ible ro purchase inleres(. confide nce and cooperation. l ha \o'C never ~een m~! n woFk tuo-el her uccess­illlly for any con_siderable lenvth of time where their in1 erests were olely financ.ial. h i:; flt)t poss ible to buv 1ovaltY.''- Ceorge ~r. \,erity. · · · The Goat · uut wh}f J o you nlwnys bbmt me if ~Hl thing go~ wrnn¥ tn the hou_,e ~ . ' '\\' e·ll, \,rh<, <·1. e i ~ 1 he re co bb 11Jt> t • I ~·t u rat f' '•'1 h.'\t u,mpleLt.·s ) • "~ llr ttlind I'L rl din~. ~JI' . 7\ I ' k~ is » I .'' ·~ lf ' m , t h ~ t Jt)~ u ·t <'On1~th~t c it ·dl ! Jf ,,~u\ 1 n~;1l my ! ·, ~nJ fjt,.ht, }CJU,J knov. I hJ \o \.'lll or id .,; • Pub'; ~i·cd by •·The 'hanlpton l"lmtly:' 3S a Symbol of the C' ~r~ttHiL"'Il and (.,,_ d F elt(J\\ ship E:~i ' tjt1g at the Plant" C•f r:,~ C!~3lll l l(\(l PJpt-r and F ibr~ Con1pC1 I)}, FLmilton. htt'>: Cant•m, =".·onh arol ina; llou.::ton. '1 cx.t ~ . a nd SanJcrs' ilk . Georgia. G. W. PHJII.lPS. ______ • . ___ . __ . _______ . Edltor, Canton. North CaroUna REU'BEN B. ROBERTSON. JR . _____ • __ • .• ___ •• •.• _._ •• Associate Editor gwiGHT J. THOMSON. _ . _ . _ . _ . _____ •• _ . _. _ •• As soda te Edltol' Do-iE.RSON ROBINSON._ . ••. •• •••••••••. Assistant Editor. Hamilton. Ohio A. M. KOUltY ••.•.•.•• . •. Assistant Editor. Hous ton. Texas Ar ming for Defense- The three words. ".'\ rmi ng fo t Defense'·'. ex1 res~ the pu r­pose of evctr ;\meJican today. \Vc do not desire t:he a n­nexation of any territury7 to exploit the ros &c~s i oo s oj oth­ers ()r ~·~bjuucne the peoples of oLher cot lnlrie ·- we vvant tt'• 1i· e in peace at.d c11j0y the libenics inherited from ou r i<.,a:.fat her of 177c; . ~J%e P n :-.ident <Jf d tc L"niu.:d :ta t e~ in one of his .<11rcside l the ., ,_, .·. ', ·ld tJJI•• 1 ,\iII ~ ~ CJt hrH 11 rc i • :l lll.:<' fJ ')fll the Vf:c l 1 o 1ft l't'l t'.>T·ih J <'. AJllel · c·t '• rll hJ. Jtf .ts 5 l tt.: lr ~· .s n h.\ n \'~ [t,l.~rf,• lrJt rl.( fn·t dr Tfl t.Jf Jl,. 't iJi, bl;c >,~lib~ it Hit ,tJII) t h~t l ·;r iJh~ f>n •' Hutiun }p11dd ,,fHf!JJ tJ., t ;t , llt'll n.ll i,.n \.\'wtld , . v• n JaHy ruil '=r d" \\0dd. J til I>' 12. \~:h•·11 J• u ·1. nd ('j e<l r,pr l,ii· itJJJ fll<J It• J•ds•.rn ·· ~ l)j (JUI h • ~I IJI{ II , .ddl(ll l ·II ,t 1 t I, . , • ' fiT«~ 'W t (!~ t J[IfJ•, IJ , \<4.'1' dtd .Jll,l L ·~ lt id. l' tq 1,\, ,., :t ldlll)d l H•1" iu dcfcrr 't 1d '• til d·rhr , tt l d \.\:t' 'oJJ. f Jl j , 'i8 th:• ' , 11 ta.ry ,_A I r· N't y i11 l rue I ·d rlw "rJ l . tlla nl dll' ( . S . .':t)';iJ, l• J '·f'J ,,,, llh \1 •J cf tf,,. f ni1•d St lit llltU S• ~J'rh ' '' d( I ••Ji t icJTJ J,y tht· ;t ltll ·d , ,j .u II) • •I ir~ 1 J• ~\\ ,., '', CJ1 ~ · Jll(tl• W 1 Wt .ttt, •U' lc1l7 .,.•,ltn 1 tn•11 ltltll 'd J;ubau 1111 1' L ·'' L.r.~, ;.l11d \\' •· .~i ii dc 1 · , •H 'fl'· · 1 1~ inlcira~ <Jf lh•• J(.r,bjh .1•. 11 l;y ~ {,.I I ll Ill ilL! t,£1 in j IJI,L J'ft•,c Ill ' tt, j Jl'.;F' s~n· st ll'. •::· lr .II I ,, h lJI jll i I d d I ()Jt. IJ t •fl ~ \'. ;l((tl lJ • 1 ' I l,jt d JU rhr: Jll ~II r Jllll•' d ~ {>1'lJjlc· tA r;,r • I aH Cd ,")L,hf *''• w•iJf' llll'! •d J11in'·d '' ih b lfJP ll itier ruuJ hi t,irhu,, f j I 1 \ \ • ' ' · c• 1 \ .! tJd l • , v: lt.~ n lu:tu• ,• (tj) ,/ '( ' ~ . ,,, . . ,' • f,J;/, If '·I •/ ,, . I " I I '/ , ~ . 1 .f l" t r I ,. t{ ,.II" *i lcf.:';~s0:.'*f11N ./, IJ 'f(J # I I I ' , th a n ever be fo re . Armi ng for Dcfcnse-'3-.000.000 a day~ ffi( rc th:!.n $ 1,000,000 p<.:r hour: o r approximately I ~ ,000 a n1ir utt'. " e a rc inforn1ed is b e in ~ spent at the pre-;e11t tiroe f\)r n ~t·unal de fen c. \Vhcn production re:lll~· hits it , rc,\k dvrir~ thi, fa ll, or in the spri nt! of 1942, it i ~ exrect<:'a to reach ~·7).t)(hJ,­OOO. or p~ rh aps $ )0.000,000, per d ny. 'f hc cxp·tH.I irure i11 l\ J.u ~h . 194-1, \\'.b 'f,7~.t XJJOfl{). S l i~h d y xnnre th an wh,H w~t ~ spt:11t fo1 \'. ar .:tdi" iti ·~ in til<.! e nt in: ., ·~a r o f 1() 1-t. ' l'he "'mount t':Hirn .•u ·d n~l<.'. . H\ lor ~ the II ·cnl ~·car endin ' J u u\.' ·o. lt>·L. i~ six ' c~:n billt~ n doll.t . rc n :t rHoun t a ltnt'S l d ~lub lc :t il thl.' currt. '. ll \ in the t't·t.dnL • I \ ., ,o, l oli~(. l " " ' HI } la,,· but j 1 tf t in ~ · l w.t r l kl'''P Il l ) ' ' HH111 lndnwu t : Jrr1 II' II "J d a .~ t d .l ., .1 nd I Jll!~ lik~ . nd 1 '' 11 • ( lw II II h v .l d ~ 1 1 v tl1 , '\.!. • ()t\ !llh ~- I r·t·, tilt; " l ib\~tl \ n~ II' in th(• t' ' "'t'T ()~ thr rt!d :--.· it t~' 11:-\\' in J'h iUdclr·h i \. ltU i" l•l it;\ ll"(l\11'\ ron~.~ <'Lit ilh' 1"\lt'•l'\hlnlbk nh•s· ;.i' nf ·•.t ilwn~ tlln ll :·hPut tin·l ~ nd :1t1d t• .lll thv inh~hiLJlll~ i_h, . re~ f . ( . ~rh-ci t \\ i'\~ • '1'\ ,' !HInd I ' t ;1 1d ~1~1 \" -!3n-- 't ·, :: .' ~,), \ ' b '' J.), J bt•t~l s I:! p, •tH~i :1 l l . I tlh· d, ., r (_\t t 'lt. , 1\t tne~n i1 Cvn~, ~. '\O '-'ll iV the Dt:\V~, h) tb~ ( l.l h~l(_ J,IF'\,1 l)l tl tt. H , ~<":~ of I >\d,.:l\·1,'1\ta\ . ··~l.e Ht,i'~t> ' ' t·~u l n1-::t­. i ' '1:. . of t h\.• n'h.".:mhc~, ~ ( i l ,~n'2rcs~ :1ati . i£.! 1.1'-'C! the ")~d.:(~ {~, :1 ot l Hdq't~ rh.t- ;_!.\.C. 'f .-:,~ did beH-rin:,.er \\-;1 ·d tnP~ I1 r. the da"l nr . l'f Joub' :)~ hupe~ e-r,"'\. faiT''- and he \\ oud~'rLd it rl e\ W<_ ulJ '-h""' i i., bnt at la :-.t. \ i1 c ctv . ·· . u~!:!. d1, ni n-g • • c· ·t f0r Hhe•:t\ · and the ter . cr-uw c! H, ~ i ri n~ h\.l ow, • !· r~r fftr:]) !n ~d aCJda.i ·n. On Oct ~er 24. l 7.~ l. dle ~ant. hdl proclaimed the .!.: lad 11e s of the ~u r- < eader of C urrrwaHi at "' ' r I ' . 1\ ., ~· f • ·n~ H a:a m on . ~1TH ~ . J6. 1 - ~'~3. it r~ng out prn- L . • \ -{ r ~us. :-;nne r~acc ;:lt tn"' rCu Ol lne R.-e~ -;~uti.onar} Y\"ar. . cptember zq L. 2~ , it ' :-i$5 n:n.~. o.Yhen La1:. .r cn. .~ . ~ the great F r r.c:h soldier and friend vf "\mt:rica. en­tered Independence Hall in 171h.i1a.aelpma. Dn Jui:· 4,. I -·~6. j~ rang to usher in vhe ) ear of .lubilee, ul:tt: fib cen• h anni\ er$ar!-' of the rt>publjc, And on J uly 24~ '' IX.:t,, i1 tt•ll<· J r~'l thl." de{l th (If Thr)H1~1 • .II rr~nH•Jl. the Lhlrd. pr.::--1d<•1H nl 1 It ~ L l1 JH'd. ~ ~ ~_t1<•:-. . 1 ~ J'b f.:1 In . 1 n . ( \ l l d l' I I I J1 g I )) h n r l h e 1 ·' h ' t' t r ( ) (I I 1 I I J r· (! m- • nwn rr,ra l r.; I hr.- D:u. (I( r nd<:! JH'l H,JelH t' Wa~ fl11 Jltf}' 4, I ti11. 1'\·hnwt y 22 I B32, j{ I a 11 ., t fl L Oll!Jfll'frV t1t1t· I hf' d t:•nlh uf {;t;nrLe \-\ a,.h; nt!- 1f; ll. f.\nd 0 11 J•dy 2, PJ,l ~. iL lOlled rn1 the d-t~U d l ,,f I ~tLn·t: l1c. Jtdy 81 J F:15~ •Nhil<- be­in \( lt)lkd fu1· the death r)r Chief J llbtice J( ,hn \ l[a r­:; lta ll , a 1.: rac:k wtts dn.t.lnr­cd, st arlinM a.l the 1im and indtnin4 trl\UHJ d1c right in the cli rc,_~.t iun c,f the Cf(JW n of the bell. The last at­tcmpl I(J rin ~ the bdl was rrwde on F ebruary 22, 1843, nn \Vashington's bi rthtlar. 'This famous Libeny Bell which n1 ng out .:lj her­ty throughout the landn, ()n J ~tly S, 1776, was cast in • mc.:ri c:t and placed in posi­tion J une, 1753. rl he first bell for the State Hnusc cA · P ennsyh a nja was cast by­Robert Charles of London, and in AuS!ust 1752 when ' the bell arrived, it was in good order but wb.ile being testcJ a .crack was d isclosed . 1'he bell '"'as ordered re­Lurne. d to London bu t the Captai11 on the vessel V\·ho brougln it ovet refust:d tb 1 Ls were successful. Champion's Replacement Program Moves Steadily On T HE neM :-~c. 7 ~me1Ler. Canron Di . isirm, i~ t::bmpktcd a;·.d in .•J e,r"rj 1'l. ~t i~ ~aid tv b • lhc ~·.f t:t)l and ffiiJt~t t:ffi:cient srnehtr ft;f r~.;·da in 1ing ~l!lphate ~fJcJtr liquor f rr,In t~.:e SulpL:a'F• . ili t2li1 lfu: iUi1Ti:ct. lt '·as builL by th\. CunJ­bu ion r.,nt!il t.:erin I CQmt•aLr ~nd .1t:CTtlS tlJ be the La t 'NOrd JD ~meitoer unrlS. /\ half tninlc?tll dclltt~$ ito: ~ lot uf mo.n~ '{ • ;u rl "-"J~ v~·t,r:der i-1· w ldn'l 1 will 1 Uke S1J~h <l ;J flil ttJ )'a}' fer .iueif. . ·~vcnhr.•l s. rc~()rJlcss "'J .,cost. it ~ t:he polily vf Ch.c.mpit n to 1 rc.via~ J e h'-: t ~J;d !'lO t up-l ,-date t.quip,­: rnt:J. i~ . he nldn.Jifac n:.• of €h;tmp.i{Jf1 paJ er. . -('), New Turbil}e Th~;: {quoJation is corQ,p}·teu aqd \\ithin a few weeks a D1:w 9,300 K.\' . \ . C t' lh! ~td l·Jei t&ic t1trbi11c g·or- Ja t(Jl ,~· ill ~ 1<e in ta iled-mal in ~ u \I J·t;,ll vf eight UH\Ji nc gt'ner·::uors m d,t~ ( anton pia nt. Scn.:1al \l'.eek ag-o a n.·\1\ Otivcr wa h~· 1 WJ~ in ~:;ta lln.i in tlu~ Snlph~te T)('fHll llll t' t-11'. 'J hts ~s on.: d. dn: bt'sl t)'p~ vta ~hcrs and it i·; cluin~ }''Ond "'c,rk. I 11 faet ~11Hf ~1 c::~ch munth, n<.~w. t:, tJlipm en:l i:-; in ~ud l ed in r)r;J:e vf tlJ ·-· Ch ~ull pion 1·la lll ". A Good Vegetahle Garden Is An Important Part of National Defense Dt YUl h \ . a f."<l\-, l \t.~,get. bh: ~u cl c::n~ ·rhosc ,·ho at~c: \Yl t ktnt ~1 ( ' ft i!P\ JT:-- wit h lt1t~ of J c i~ ll fl.' tirHC CHI th~ir h 3 1 J" ~ .~ hPt.kl rai~e en,,,u .,h ' eg~w bles , s uch as pot n- 0e . be:tns. cabhaLrot:. t0ma tnc:, c~ rrot ~ . rorn, <.:L( . f01 Lhc fan1ii~ c! . lTin=- he ,nnhncr and r-re"en·c .,' l:Om e for the winter. _\ Yt. ~cta.l,le ~nrdt' ll wii! rcJuce ynur livi ng c: ~'c nst! ~ cun­s :dt.• .-<rh l ~-. anJ ~i, t: y ou e. lra money fo r rl e:t . urc ,r olb cr f Ufi' sc. l-L h<.'\tr~ for ~Ie~p and rccr~a tj on 'Cern . t0 be m rc tban an1rlc Eight h )Ur ~ per ~Jar fo r seven days, or .~ o h 0 t rs s'eep Jn ring each week, is more th an the r)w jori t)' ,~':! { u e-t':t. and i. cncatgh for a nv ma n · that ~iv e " (JnC 72 '-' - . hf' tH~ ior recrea lion and other ru rpn. e ~ . Suppose we should l.iH ' fift~ per cent of ou r r-ecreat ion perjod, o r "6 hours. in ma k•ng a <'"arden. the net income would, no doubt: surprise us. Recent!~- a man came to n1y office and rcque ·ted help. He stated that he did not ha n anything to eat. H owever. a fe ,~ q uesticns re\'·ealed that he W(IS li\'ing in the country. had a family . had not \\'Or ke-d sj nee )a ( December> 1940. ar11d had onl} a n~ry , 1nall ga rden was not rais ing a Cl'OP of any l~ ind. "Yet. he cou1J ha ,-e reo ted Ia ncl and made enough to li\·c on durin2" the ummer and '"' inter. ~ r rne . ,eople ~e~n1 to think the world owes them a livin ~, so v:hr bother about it. Even a t this late hour' vegetables :!~1 rua.ture . ~o let' - 2et busy now. # ~ • Never Fails Pnl!otz-Does y·ou r wife real'\· obey you~ Hen reck ·Ye.:, sometimes. 1 f I just say 'go ahead and dun:l rtJind m~. ·· EL-ie Jim i - a t rcmendously con vi nci ng ta lke r, d o n't \"0U t lJin k <,: • .re- i1i.c- rl1i is dr \· tn~•n \.·dtc) stole ~u tn (dr: • fll l nti1f- J , ·, \\ l 'n• or,, V. .l ~> Lc . fort.: d1·· ,\i t WSii·~ {I tt• f I " r (• r h ~ d :1 ( ~I I . \\. ;[t•l--1 w ,tdd l \'<' 11' , Lirl. t ' •:. r i ( vi n • ·. l.f qbJiy--1 >~-lt1tdrl , t trl ,\. ,-'t ' 1 H ''· dt :trt· f ' flwn \ ut1 c·c,•dd Jy •.ud, f )f IIH· winwr J' .;tLfltl ' it t ' t : 1i 11 • IHt ,.,,\ 1hiu ·. - No Mi)~ lloon1 'fJ,. oldHt.n u•·r<:t, ·,hJ v\.rs ll'• lhiJi,,;. ht ln t~tl\\' ol• t('" ~ r <~fJ<J. ' J·.t·:.riJ h JIJi•d, j.d,Jth.l h i 111 tfH: itnf : tienl .IJ i'rt •:O{ ti Jllf,lf,f ( ,lJ \'.'i1 ~ l JI JIJtlJ~" :n.d lt1 I Ill" Jr,t J• •C1HI l r1 j1 1., , ' l lw rAd ii1Jll uwtt h:-Jnt l't('~ fti b,tJ 1nw d > \'H j,, d t1~ h:rddh t )( t 11 t' 111:uj 1 1ll'lll f 'I 1 'JIJ at cl: ~lltd JH.3d • toi j)i!( ~d tf Vt nllt \ ~ )' t '1 th ~ , ·• r: · "AJI I i~h1 . •J ' t •J t HJI /' hr• . ,, j, f. " J ll ,•,J!J 1 11 •tllld It f t'lt .ll l '.J 11 , ~• , r., ·y • f • n, t , d I '1 p w w !'~ Glass.-.One of the Oldest ~Fats Who Invented 11? T I ILRE u·d.~ a time in the hj l)'r.;~ of 1 1:Jn \:<. '1~n t ' ear~ nf m . tkin~ ~ l .r ;) Wet~ unknnwtJ, Oil" that <l ~ 1·)'~ g; tr , a.~o. During the ,,tort<" ;•gc. wlt1 r.;.lt w<:> herr qui1e ~ t~Jt ai.0ur. hut knnw lirde o r not hin ,, f. . Jt,.,s: p<.:rhaps. Pa~ r.ut t. co. o r, (l l kn~t . not \ e1} c·'tten i\'etr. Htat in ndr r;v dern at.h.; g l as~ is e1s uni,·er~al a; pa.pcr produ-ct . \Y here. wh ·n, a ncl b\· \': hc)m £"lass '·a. ffrst ma· re. .no ' ~ one seems ln be a ble.: to ~rcrt k \\ith r e;r "ifn:: . . 1hc a1t of ma king ~l ass ,g-oes back tu anc;cnr time (lnd c· 1·1., aa :d.a: _­arc haeoJ o~rical record.:· "tates Dr. Akxa.ud('r ih er l.toa .r:. h r~ad o f t he Depat·tn'lCPl o f Cl1erni~ try. t ·nit·cr ity r)f P i 1.-bu r,;. Accord i n ~ lo those ve;r. cd in Egyftti ~dl hi to rv, .,r.~ne claim lhat jewel ry wa. made in E< . ~ rt a early as ;:000 or 6.000 yea rs 13. C. Jn1it atinn rnbie~. cmerttl<.b, sa pphires an 1 other precoi us srones have heu1 fo•J nd in a r~ (.-i<: nt J.:.zyp~ia o ton1bs . Pliny, a famams naturali t of Rom(:, tare-. th:.t ancient Phne ni cians di covered the an of makjng gra;:,, b~. :lC.cidenr . He rdates :'Phoenician n1erchanL . while tr.:n cling from one town to a n other. stopped ro prep~rc a mea l. as " ·a s lle custon1 in those day ·. Placincr ome s tone~. a-. th e~- t r\u;th . ·which happt; ned to be na tron (:odium carbonate J. u nd~r tbe wood to pro,ide a bcucr draft fo r the 11re. the hot tzre caused the unj on of , and and a lkaJi to ' i l ri i'. \tYhen the fire had cooled down they no ticed shiny particle: in the a::: h.c:-. In sub, equent effo rts the)· lea rn ~d co produce g ~ as,' ''· are . \"Ve are informed that during che peri0J \Yhen Lg pt was a pa rt of the Rornan Ernpire: large quanti tie . 0f ~b . ~ were produced in the ::\"ilc \ "a lky. B ut, ir ce m ~ a . l h t: p;· )­duction of gla sware declined in Rozne. "irh the dec~ ,· ,.f the Empire, the an CJf making (•lar \\a~ transfcrrL·'-l to Cons La nti noplc where it i.s said it Hou ri ~ hcd during che . ~ :Hk a.ges . 'Ihe first a tten1pt at the tnano factul'c I.Jf gb$" iu the l ;nited Swtes wa" 3t .f ann:st"'wn. \ "in:i nia. in lntJ"". 5-hPrllv ~ afrcr the tj,-,H l~ nglj s h ~ ~.:ttk tn~nt in ,\ m"rtL·a. H'-"' 'H'\ ~l. '.: ar~ infnrmeJ that tc'l l :tv the 'L'nited St.JlC' nl .• n t tfac t u n.'.'i . . enou~h w in dn ,~· and p late gl.t~$ t'~l ·h day t (' t"'n e I(}.J H'\\.' boult-vdrtl <Huund (he \\ c•rld . \Ybik thts :st<llt.nh.· •t ~t·t·m ' fa r-fet ched . ir nl<lV. b~· true. Jil0r r~,• ntllri ·:-- g la$ · h<1: bt·t•u tt.$(:'1.{ fur 1. rn, nth l\'tHlH\ n hl<' ~ inc h I'll:­r , ll ~ ll·k ~t~.,pt' '' , IS (\Hl :"tJ ·r ·d .1 ;.:rt· !\ ~ t\.\. '"' tl\('fl~hiHt.: n : bt:t r Tl' tllly ~ 20il inc-h l{·n · - tiH b al•{'$ l in th · \\1.•rlJ- - \ , $ m.tdt- for t h~· t\J c"'unl P~d .,nt.~ C)l, . t.t \ t1.11' \ Hit .-.t qu;u t ~ qu:t tdL·,f in ~<,tth Cnt ••hll.t . k :-.:-. th .tn :~.· '"'IH\ the mile.'~ f) I tl}l .U If I ) ll , . "}'\ d,l \' WI!" liYl: IH J!LL•S }tou:; ~; \\' \ h1k1.• tt) ' ' f'l''\ uf ~ f.J, : r l 4 i.') Wt>\l.'ll i ntu l ~t bth'" : U S ·d , l ,s in ' \ll:Ur\ ll f t"H f'lntrh \\IJ"t• · ·L · ' 111 lw lll .(dl' t P th.,,,rh lwa( ut 11aru il ;I'.Lt); d H.· Ia ~ h )J (·t kt. in tht• l'l1u t . ~f . 11 rdighr ,,,. Jl\ l., IJI ·, t, ,U u,l j, U n.f Ill tJ I"' II tllh) 'ql \ U tt llUill. ' fl)\1 " ( C. • • h lt llfi • Jl. ( ~I u fY 1 Jl ~ I),( If J(l • 11! u r h •nt· ~ . .,n1d llr • J lr i~ · 111\." fll tbr \"' llit ;ll l rn ., till "Ill h t Jt tl h.~ I .r i\ ' p• ,, l Ill P'- iriuu 11, '"'''1 l '' 1 "' '"·1,1. \\'t.' .Ji t' (tll~,l. r .• \llltlr·\\~ ::l1ud tn1-. 1t1 Home \ J.n . • llr .l k \.:.t whit,• ~J111the t \Ulll • \ \ , . ,. . , .,r,J,:tl I ' 11ltl )' ht 't' llltrlll ~ ' " l d ll'll tb th alh ult:L n i •J cfiiiJ"t!P•• ,. I t'll fl r, · t'll.d \-t~ t·,'. dl !JI.t ·,. CI 0) - c THE • • ~am l OI/t amt • HA MILTON DIVISION • va1a e or . \ opportt!J'lity for Ci Jan1p i on ~ to c.:r-;::t addiri<:n~a i J if c: in:-, u r all ce f cH· pro­tec-; i~n · f tLe1i. familie;:., i~ ~j , en i11 an ;trl!J:Ot~K''"Jve~n jl,;:,t m1J • br Logan C. T'ht rns ,n. pr.::.;;H.ieac. (-;1\ll.lj !n$Jr,nKe iirsL ·,\ tt~ in;-tituted iJ. CtHUflT'i0 '1 for bcncflt ._,[ ernrloyees· • ape.~ tht~ir de~ cndt. n· !'- un December L l'-d 7. ~in~(> ·Litc~.t tinH! ~ grand t1)r al of ~31 ~.noD lt a, ht·(·n pai~ol tt, bl:u.cflciaries · J dte ].,., ('rrq lo~ .:e~ who have dicJ. n):i.l tf,t:<:O:L' bi~ lllmp =um l'ayments rd1cn::J t.!- ~ ~ln.::.~ and financial worry incit~em tc> :t hcH: rr pctn;. .:ts~u tni t, g 40 ct.·nt'- a11d the :::mplt l) ~e f.h c ~.:n t ~ . ln ar.ldi'i<~J . an ann Hd Ji,;i~,.ll.'nd hr th~ in.: .f4lll\:t: C~"'JilJf'ailY \·.ri!J lend to re­, luce th1w rate. Sn~ h di\.·ich~JJJ~ rccci\·- ·d. \',iii he pu.:.rah:d. 00 J:H·rccnt HJ co t wf i'f.'duci 1\~ r=nq1-)r_,_.,~e. pa: m;t•nl~ and 4(J ('\;~C"id.; U.J r•~{bJc:n~ cvn 'J-1~\11} pay­rm.: Bl1. .'fr. 'Th«;JLS00 4H1l10!HlGl'"' d 1t- 1}1-cJLI r.:a:nnot be<.:umc effecri,·e unless 'JO per-cc ·nL o f those now insured, ac{?epl it . :\ rr~n ge mcnls have been m.ade with the in surance company to have em­~' 1')) l'CS get this added prot€ct)on v~· itb­nut any 1 hysical examination whatsQ­t:\ ·er bet ween J u] y 1 and the nvo wGeks following. The pulicy is~ l1ed to the employt;e is payable in case of death from any cause ~- h~tsoever and to an~r beL1e­ficia r~' named by the 1nsured. Empluyees '~' bo arc not now jnsu reJ may accep t t he new pl ~n providing they a re uncl :;r 60 years old have been vvorking 1for 60 days p rec~d ing J uly 15) 19-f L have been in good health and have nut previously- been rejected by the Equttable because of phy~i cal <.::on­dit ion. Jf acceptance of the pla.n is del a ycd for 31 day-;. the hlppli cant then must submil tu a physical cxami nacion aL hiii ov~n c:.:p{;nse in order ru get the tnsu ranee. l. ~nde1 the inc rea e.J ins urance phw., enl l' lll) t·c~. cla s~ i ficJ by income, c.a n re~ J'nJkct.iun in thr foUowing atnou nts <.tnd fur the [ollov.·ing t'<Htrri Lution ~: A nuua! Earni n ~,J Lts~ dwn i l 5tJO ~ I 51 I{ l-~2fJ( JO ~2000-~2 )00 $250U-~10DO $3000 and oyc r J NHIJ'dUfCif $ 1250 2-uo Hl) 3 500 4000 5000 Jl O'Jtl hiv • J-~ayment $ .75 1.10 2. } () 2.40 3.00 CHAMPION PICNIC AUGUST 22 -ARRANGE SPECIAL TRAINS The annual Champion picnic will be held at LeSourdsville on August 22 Friday, it was an-nounced today. · The mill Will not be closed hut .the picni<= will continue through the day a:nd evening and give all an opportunity to attend, no mat· ter on what shift they may work. It also was emphasized that spe­cial trains will carry Champions to the L-a:ke, should they desire to qo by that method of transportation. The complete schedule will be published in the August issue of the· Log, when complete deiails of the big event will have been cu~ ranged. A, as usual. will be a display of· fireworks. .1\.n AFnerican judge was repr<:,Ying (.\ man for deser tir~ c, his \\rife. "v\'i fe desertion is soJ.neLhi ng l mu ~r deal wi th scvcrel.v .) he s.aid. ~· .r Ieel v~ry ~ lrong ly on this subjcct., '·But. ] utlge)·~ expostulated tJte E• f­f end cr. ·~.y f ) LI don' t kllu'-<\r tha t '" Cn1a n. ' I ai ta'r nt~ d e~<.:: rtt.• r 1'1,11. a r~fugee.'~ K no" i ng nut h ing but yuur wat k is (JJlC of the commone: t b1Js takc~ .-/ da tW. Tarbt>ll. T rrr: Sf' trit and arpr ·ci6Jt iflll ~r ha ,npinn F:mpfr<· f!t!. fc-~( t h<' o pr o rtuni ty tu cxt cnc.J their kn( "'"·h;J~c O" '~: acqt:i­iti c.n uf n <~ ~v knowledge th1 ott,h the \"t.~_attcJ Ji .J l '>r lt•Jui · ·~a~ cJi xcJ by commc nct·nlcnt c;n: rci ~e~ h~·l · l !•O } 10. Th\! c>.e rci $<:!S \'\>(' rC held In r he \·Vilsr,n J 11n ir)r Ht~h ~ LooJ and the Loutln urn ber nf cc ni licatc: ~ and dipi(~wa . 1 n:bL'utc:d ',\'t.:re 243 from d even differcn1 cour ·e~L 'f'he ex~ rci scs upenecl with a chicken din •'''"r iu wh1rt­men1bers of d 1e school were g.ucsl ":> (,[ che ,,r,mpanr. .·\ . ·./· ~ nd erSOfl, pers()noel Hla na gcr. was t fJ mptu toasts. T hey we n~: Charle-::- 5·:nde. J-lomer La Li mer, Beulah \Vh itc~ Richard Bett . . a oJ D tn;"ht 'Thomson. 'f he d.inner p rog ram ended by the ~"•rr)up -,II £r;ng <'Cod Bless merica'' then a d j <;u rnin ~· l . the ->Chl' audj tori um. The graduating memberg marched in proce "ional to their chairs \•Vith GeraJdine Rai,nes as lhe ace<•Jnpanist . ' f he 1941 Top Picture Reading left to R.igbt: Robert Scbawann.~ Tacit Mullen, Marvin Wynn, Eamest Davis, Elbert Scrivner. Second Picture First Row- Le ft to Riqbt: LuciOe Burkart. Rosella Schwab. Dorothy lsseman. Jewe l Dickinson, Lucille Ree<L Alberta Young. Willie May Lee. Second Bow: Sally Carter, Eva Sue Price, LencleU Hubba rd. Buth Odell, Katheiine ProescheL Eloise Weaver. Margaret Osborne. HeJe.n Tepker. Back Bow~ Bu1h M_. Lewis. Hazel Arnold. Hattie Rohbins4 DoYOth"f Johnson, Lelia Lillard. Louise Dornber:}er. Ja11e K~ ShameL Elbabeth Demis. Third Picture-FirJ;t Row- lett to Riqht: En %-aheth Boss. Ruby Bo~s . Atha Lo,n_q~dorfi Wilma Cooke. Rutb Kiel;tl. Middle Row: Rowena Wbita !teT. Matlne RHoy . I rw: Sally Campbell. Jeanotte Pokoo. Marlo Bow lm~. l.Ql Wdghtt LJllian Campbell. t'owtll Picture- Front Row- tufl to .B1qh.h Ar\hu't 'Bela r, B rtnln1 Co.lvert, Pa\al H&?.tdt~t&r. John R d le, Paul Sho.llanbazq T. l~n Sand\dg• · W ltar G&m.bto. · M'tddJ,e Row-J~o fl to tUqht: Sylvitstor Blohemann. ti.U'l\ " C aTVt.lnle.r. Satnu l Broomhall, J olt Seqera. Mlne;std SclHuor. fltola 'rd Q,rolh l,l!l. Anc::k ftQw-~ Loft to ~ t~t:U• lolrn And l"b lt \1, Lloyd :PhlJllpe, Fr-od Buell. Ben Bultm Jl. f'ontet Tan~oa. Wilbur lruholt ]ohn Sehu~l\olun. Luc ·n.- $t!h eller. 8<>UCJtfj Pi~tUl: front Row L It lo lllQhh \Y loy Arbuckl.,, ltob •1'1 Boyd, JCull•t U.t /.-c-k on. fohf\ R Uf. Join, Aldv.r. Con D~uq(ft. 11. Cb ulua La no. Middle flc.w L.~tl t-o 'tUahh M ~ V'lll Ho_riiJW. 1\ob ri llrti tn e&;\ lhal. R v ;td:Ubu, H ~y C a:p n t r. lr• h:u tltnt, p , 11l 0 Qg, Albo 1 Wl• m o. flo' ·thd wf.t! "· Haole How - J~olt to R19l• t: k onn th fl~l> •.rtar fr tl-'k 0<1 •Qy. ltall~n·~ C.h e },., DutuaJ,d Cv"mic« n. Pa1.1t C.:o"ftC)VO"r. &dw· :rd A )\ford. W rt.,:r l;'i) . al\aU. h .r leit (.' 1't(,1r , in\ n.~ari, ·n wa~ ~rlY\' 11 b\ t ht' R~, . \\ tl liarn \" 1Hhis, Pn·,.ident pf t~t 1-l t.~.mill~·· ll \l in·I~tct i ,'1 1 .\ ·s,l(:to.tinn. l td .~ki tl m~1n. Cll1itn,rtn t.f t! ._. Ct."llnmitu·c fiJl Def<.:n.e T1 at ninF. ~ ~ oke nn "\ ( ;ttiLl n:tl 'l't ai r1in~ ". He ontlincd the IH'tt"H'Y l·f \".ocattt)n­;. 1 l r·l in~ U1.! f n nn i h;· Pri ~in in l t.'J 11 R nd told how i nd \1, try h:l}' hl~lll) tu rc:n.lilx ib ,·al11t: as a ~ rcdfic t r:'lin\ng pt nr•r;\m. 1. F. Biehl. St<Hc C'on.rJll1;1t•,r of \ \,(:nicnal Tr~tini n g in ~.-.u.tht:n. Uhic . !rtt~\.led th~ \·oc~tit'n~l training a t Chamt1 inn ~nnt J't•inic:'-1 <)tll that 1-l tJJTtiltnli ha s. d·~.c lar~-c·.st ltai_nin? pr·-~­o,: t:J. !l'l i 1 ~t.'llT hct n Ohio. Clarke \lanon. \'ICC-J'rt'~ hl ' nt a.nJ mill n.·!'cr. ~a\c a bri~:f talk and Cf"~ntr~ ~ t \"d the c~l u c.aLio_n a l . , ~ uv~ 0f t h ~ . lem0cra• . :i c.: and t h ~ · d i n<n(Jr-n 1 kd cntr tn n cs. ·rhl.! ptin\·ipal J.Jdrc,_s "a~ ~.i 't:r' hr, J ud~l· ~- ~- Boli, of the c, HP1l~'H1 pJt:>a~ conn tn Hamdtnn. J he dom1naung thcnu~ ni h::-. ~hldrc . ~ \\·a~ . lhai. (()~mencernent $h(Jllkl J1()t bt: the <:nd ,f ~rJn.::h f,_~, kn<.11wlcdge hut ~hou ld be th~ C01\'l­~ IE:\CF\1V'-T rf the future in their li\e .; . C. \\ ·. \Y1,irt:, ~urc.:rin ·endent of Ilamilt0n Public Sdl<'ols, r:rc~.ntcJ the Jlpl~mw . anJ ce niftcale~ to the graduates. The h.c\. \h. \ .-,rllj . prf1nounccd the b~nediction. top Pidur~-Fr-ont Row-left to Riqht: Howard Ma11in. John Rowell. Louts Fisher. Back Row-J.e.ft to IUqb.t Harold Diehl, Jenold Moyer. Nathaniel Pexhy, l:Dstructot~ Robert Gilbert. Sec:ond Picture Front Row-Left to Ri~ht~ Michael Schobin. Joseph DUyerd, Winiam Asher. Wendell Boyd. Lee ErteL WalteY Schallip, Francis GambrelL Middle Row-Lett to Riqht Charles L:ovell. Graham MacFa,rtane. Bay Dare. Dtew WoH. Luther WHlouqbhy. Warren Troutman. Charles Mcintosh. Back Row-Lett to Riqht: Melvyn Baker, John Parsle y, Burl Bake:r. Buell Balun. Amo!d Chapen. Thomas Cooney. Lee Doellman, CliJford Re~ers. n»Ni Picture Front Row-Lett to lUqht: Roqer Sm.ith. Francis Schwab. Thcmas Ziliox, Boherl Begley. Edqar Hively. lnstructoz, Robert WiUers, Clifford Bamm$1 Middle Row-L.eft to Ri9bt: Stan.ley Cory. Joseph ~ton, Frank Thompson. ln6fructor, Leslie Mains. John Williams, Alphonse Sauer. Charles Leeds"' .B.arry Pe ters. Back Row--Left to Ri9ht.: Harry N'eaL Thomas Gilbert. Thomas Adel· sperqer, James Wright Donald Junkins, Ro9er Co-rnell. Lawrence Reiter. Clarence Peters. Tcnu1b f 11ont Row -Left to Riqhl: Joseph Ap,raden. Thomas Stewart. Howa rd Lipscomb , I.ns tru.cior. Arthur Gardner, Elmer Lemp. Leo GoqqiiUl. Arthur Thurn~ Middle Row: Burton Wintel'halte"t. Ferd Wagner. Harry Bruck. Albert Andes. Joseph Senger. Marcus Prat~, Paul Brecht. Back Row: Walter G~u. Stanley· Keller, MaTV'in Hayes, Ma.rvin Puckett, Woodrow Hammap, Het'U""f, George Henninq, Earnest Davls. &tto-.rn Picture ru-st Row--Le£1 to Biq-bi: Louise McK.niqht, Helen Schubert, Leitye Schmn:er. Bertha Peru:e , Mabel Morqan. Mane Berry­man, Helen Hammons, Fra~ee~ Sm.Hh. Second RoW1 Vkqinia Kadle, Ruth Brunck, Maude WeisJPeyer, Bessi:e Hull, t:orit P. Gabba.r<L Catherine Marvin. Mabel Alloo. Thlrd Rcw: Marcella Schmidt. Eileen Poehard. Mary E. Hussey·. Loraine Schneider, Mary Smith, Hortense DeWitt. Vida Adams. hone Helton. More fhan GZOO P·aid In Hospitalization Claims U o \\· l· tl<~mrt,)l\~ \\ lh"'\ l1s,·e t&kt'n ad' a rnc:~.c l"r hv.~ l;,:ital i ,.Htiun h an~ hendi tL<"d '-iurin: JH' ~ C 4f l~ \.!i-: ·f~1• :tJ in ,l 1.'011l1 H.·h~ns in.' I'C"pOrt jll r.t C0ll1f'klcd'. J\J,.lrC d ~n . ~(\) h~" ~'e:~n.: •Hc""'h.~l in the l a~1; "'"~h" mo nths ~·nd f• .tr 1he ltlf1M t.h enditar; J •n' 10. it w:1.: :l.l'tll)ttn,·\.•d .~3 cbiln~ t\)tM ling 2.100.50 J,od been pnid . Th " HT. t\rt f!"r the .' c.a t' is : 'P rr:·,,d_,· Iv4:1-fiJ41 Se, ·' d- l ~uc 1-- 3. irK. T l.; r"'.- ~; nc 2 +-T uh: ~ J. inr. F ounli - ~uh· :?2-__-\t·l ~. l~. i nc. Fiirh ~ \ ;1g . 19- {:f't. 1). inc. .:<~J;h-.:· ~·rt. 16-t)cc 13. in~. .::'\t:nth-0et . 14-. 1 0 \'. 10. inc. [i~h· h-~oY . 11-Dec. . inc. • ~inlll -Dec. <J-J an. -. j nc. Tenth-Jan. 6-f cb. 2. inc. E:e,·f'ntl~-Feb . 3-:'d ar. 2, inc. T'-'elfth 1Iar. 3-30, .inc_ Thirteenth :.i\Iar. 31-A rril 27, inc. T'otals ]041-1942 F"rst-April 28-\1ar 2 · , inc. • ou - Fam il\' • . -\-,. ~4 m!. 7 $202.50 20 520.00 24 742.00 21 60 1.50 30 1206.00 1. 670.00 l ] 7 $3942.00 8 $47c.OO . :ingle 7 -() . rl llr.t . I 6 2 ~ J J 4., J 4 6 4· 4 - $3,'0.00 259.50 63 .~ 0 J 5 1.50 49.00 19'9.00 192.50 275.00 18o.OO 2 13.00 239.00 125.00 52. ~233(}.00 $195 . 50 T ot tJ/ 1\ -o. 4 mt. 7 $380.00 6 251.J.5 f~.) 2 6:}.50 3 151 . .50 f 49.00 4 199.00 10 39 ~ .00 2~ 795.00 32 930.00 27 814.50 34 1445.00 19 795.00 169' $6277.00 16 $671.50 lh · 'pe"uter }.1[ a:n.aell Cad R df£. Old P a Ref· . y ~ te m.; 11 as Fit\ t te rake tla.e f. a taf sLer "''-ras l T on r" ret rPeJ from a 1ery 1nte r e~tiH.g vaca- Vaughn. Ffe · Wa~ followed in q1.1ick i.f 'Jll to~ ·orf<'Jlk, Va. Carl had a most order by J o h·l'l !fP o:ison' K imble, stelta r e r· jr;> ab7e VJsit with a <:Otil who bas moundsn1an fo r Boh:>bv Zimmer . base-been j. t-he ·avy six yea rs: ~IJ.\V s.ta- ball arti st. Nel'\t to <"~'~asp the . p iri t of ti . ned aJ -orJolk on r uard duty, he n1ndern ti mes. was Nfark < Jl j~ ~\f:ll ~'/{)I'SP. tft Hl d • :,.1 '1 f '' 1 r 1 rt~tl h, 'u in 1 a l h ·d . J•. rv:i, ·~• lfc •d Jl:"flit· l.t11 t:<.Br llfHJ)') b '">l.J I 1h·• iT.Jkt.d ~;_, If 1r , <rJrn~t 1111n!.lugf1. 1·Ht>~ ~ y. . fef!JJ <.\ l DJtJ. h lJll lJ.Hd IJ<,rf ~ I:, ' . r) h ~ · a h: ·, • J • h f. ~ :a ' ~. :-.c k. ·. r: .r 1, '-· ~:.e fai!JiJ}(, ~ blt%Z, '!' lwH . t ' fld•J) y :., j~ 1 If' rt n.e l1 H~ H, · d J/1 4,tJ lr1 fu 1 1 ,.J l. 1 ~ 1.\ ~ ~ f ll' t td r P I i ls ! ~ w J• j hr , l l . ' ~ t' .i 1f.t1J Call h 1 help bt? t.tlli' ) rJ ;Httn lf)(~L·dc hud l ~ f ·d J!J !tH. INJJd . cvr•s·d ,,.j1,·s i'rr,m 1, \'.\ ·n,f, cJIII l,,r th ~ t 1.1· • I Cllf. Bc. r!t i"tr· ~ rl tL·· \~'· • 11.n l ( ,0 tJ,~l J 1r•f ''lriW 1 nt· {,t J t · HljJi~fi.J du"-lppr 'l.l l 'l.!. )) » ({ lt R ~l r Dlac.k'.V<·II, furmrrh · j l'l$j)Orl01' in . ~o. J \.J ~chinr· R c.~orn ,. ·i$ -~ft~<'r (o h<::a t f.rc11n ltis nld' bqddh:s ·ion; his in.­d w:. t j Ol) j tl t CJ dH:· ~4 n~ 1 f . .R a )' t S <; ~, I · ti JfH· ('L with i'\ 11nrt in '\!:~,,.,,. \' (•rk s.rate. ~H • r } rrfru~ f •) i fHnH f.t'j.Hlrfb. :•J dJ., , w ;ty ~.\. ob1.1 inPd frt~IO the wdrt·t· '.\ hn i:- : lHt. . l{:1,~r \\."j}J (l,, •'J' l'' 't Cf.i't lt \ (' ' J d J ~ \\ I i tH · ~> f M:'' Jf)! l ( ) • t'l ·c I ,-1 11 n u 'll , n }.,., · ,f tht• old;.· 111~. "11 J'LII ' \ rfp 1. ( ;(. tl" r :n•ll r~q(t f\\, llt.ln ~ ~•~<.>t rJt r h ~ · F :d · ~''' . •~· . Jh h . t ~ hi J,u,•·; 1 Ll) 111 • h :ntg. UJ • h.dl t Ju,l\ fl'l ' l'rll h tJ,,. li.IJ<l jrrtJ fJt ;;.·~':L f ' ' ' tu~frH· I\ dl,· t~1 ~ ·ll 0 f r t t I' l I; j i I • 1. I" l I f) t h c I 1.: , ph I • .1-Jl 11 X I f i r,r f t~ 1 prtJ ~.t1 1 OHi J •IJ t· . JJ j'111\' t ~ I "'l r·u 1~t t t<w"l• !1 . ~ L,nnl.'h t . I k II'J'<n l ·d ~.t ,,•1. t(_.d , lrlJ< h ' t fl h 1d (, tJj <·J 1• }, • Ill ,Jt;,~.,t• ;, rh.f {'r• •fll1 ~ i ~ th·· ( ufllh' ll \\ ill h~ I t> t ' J? ~' I I~ ·~I lt)i ht!.ll d f. • • ' Eh~ s a Bru.nne-.r, b 'qosh. a.nd il y,ou have. any doubts asl.& his dacL Merle 1> . No~ 2.­~ bing. OJ' his uncles. }o.seph, No. 2 F'.mJshi~,g. Ar:nold. No. 2 Machine Room. or CarL No. 1 Machine Room. And n.o l onJy that, but Hazle. . Jr . named fo.r his da<L q.Jves amp)e evide.oco at four: montas~ that he'1l .be a bo.wfe't ud a baseball player. GEORGE JOHNSTON~ JR. IN AIR CORPS Ceorg.e John: roll. Jr. (\)H~ C(·,_ o rd i n.a tor. is 1·<1 ,~( n ~ li.a 11.\ •ll11n ft"t' Cha rn ttc Field. R anl 1uL I lL. h~ will become a tin\t lietHt~H<lnt in tbe !' ir Co-rp · Te('hnic~1l .:·~·honJ. it! th <? adrn ini ~( rative o fft c<.'::;_ c:\::f'IJ:~\. ha ' ' bc·(•f1 in the F ield .\ nillctT. Re.~ ~.·n<.· a nd n:"·\;t\d~· gc"~ \ hi~ tr:tns~·cr ~·'l.f'~ . Gt· 1 \ .tC:it!.)ni l · ~ ,n bt . t'h' l.'• ~t~.· l lmh.:u1<·. \",ll :\11:· l Ju~i1"1 .,. ~d<'tlg ,. "h ~:L"\,. in ·\l · lll\ ln.·Pdwd Hull P ·n hc1ptt!f! ·1, , r k·· l--1 . :!'{'f' ,11)0 b('llU n:dll\ 1. ~ 1 J) t t ffih.' k, )tt' !'3 per ~ . "H:dt . p llt 7 ~ l-h.t.rr ! "'l t·n1ks \'\.c)tH.Ier · \\h.) l ,.,~ : h(.' t hl ~1l t · pttd• :1 "in ctit'g 'll u .:tl: g.-t.f1,L . t \ n·a 1 ' ~t h · b. H. k "[·ur~ I'ill'"'ht"J ,t n,C,•·hlll'-.'! l\~1 ~.tin J'>1• (h. nh t•.~ r.un int<. •·\Vin t\'" (;jj • iUJll ·, nn-hiu .:1 an0 1\J~, 2 tn l . u l < << fbc 1~r~t. ~' :.!€ >lb lll burn, f th . ' "'t'.l-.c~n '''a . .SJ'l·rt~ll hy ~Iikr C1.'H<~i. :\ d he d: ln't a~. '-ll!ir.~ 1t J'it hin\2 and '\ i." tin'- :n t~ ( Ttcrs Pal k. l rlt nn an ~til • \]J f\:.h · :1g trip. E· . ~ba:-r,t:~• · H! n1~,l!l'l nt . . Yl·~. it t'cl('~t~s r.) .tl•"'t.e oth r t1 an "R.lbbi.t' ' L u Rde ~ ud th~ ni .!ht he f:l iled to ' c •01c : :~ an \~ ork 12 -t • Yrht:n Bob \\ ~ , el" ll.a)a~h ruused hin1 · tH of bed c 1 1 a. n.1 . tlH.· --R~bbii." sle~piiy asked , . ,,. n,· . .,,-ha 1 ti ;t~c i~ it:., \ Yha t h~ did Ar -~id . luting the neAt ·ix mintllcs is bL·.l.'!,now• 3:n.l urpt inlable. but in ~11 l h::t ~ h(Ht ~p?cc uf tim.~ he '"'a .; at Champions Stepping ~ l any l-lamiltvn Champions are • t ·rpin~ up their ~cars o.f employ­m . nt rJ"' the m!ll anJ as a I€ ult arc . _·eh1~ t!~( ,;n.e bo11US additions to l ~ .eir .p .n. c!:ccks. \\ e ha\'(: ivr Sl'\ eral month . been ca:·1·ying a li:;1 oi theH: who have en­tered <;;_i.h. ele\cnth. ~ i.xteenLh. twen­t ·· . ~1rs:. and 1'\oen~' -si. th l·e:.H:- of ser­\ ·. c ··. Hert- is anoliser li ~l~ but w·ithuut tt .~llJl<; nt;In rta~hing the sHver an­Jl< i\ e1~a1} cl at<:. ·nl(l.:)e ~l1o beca rnc Champi0ns in J ne~ f•J3h. and the date ,.Jf thc::ir em­plo . merd. 3Pd wl.o th(;r<;fure are <Jn tHeir ixth •, cer arL: \\t:,.rren . f. TrO\Jtman ) 2nd. Arrhur \~ 'ilso14 12th. John \:. Sb ai"p~ 16th. lh'lljamin H. Dirks, 17th. f'ld.rt·n ~ L. Cauiff, J7th. ~ 1 yn l::: Pa(·c. 1 ')th. ki.:~jn,a V'os , l ~'t.h. (, e-•J:r~.,· - H'a ke. 20th. R. H. S:.~.: arr. 24;t,, • . 1 ho.~ who i t~u n W(',rl: i rJ J u ue, J *13 i . ~nd a r: hf'~:fil!I 1nv their e l ~ve.nlh ~car :an·: J:.r ma .l<HHs, 2nd. nls! Dwwld " p, ,, . f rnut m n ucad!{ ~;."lllJ\ Ullt:.' t1liH(.~ .\' C::Il (1 f ~ ht~ulj)l 'g· ll> ~( n1pkr"~ hts l . t" ulH< <lliun. :wJ he tlit~i hh h1J t ~ ~ Hnin;tli(ltt~. , " (l «' ( "'\)d -ku I'' "~ l1hil :i ngkt nn. roat-t11l2 m . .tnuf"' turc. left f(.•r \\ i chit ~t , • J\ a n ~.t~. n lune 1!--l LO r.-Jlt<;r Ll 'lining • in ,ttl . \ ~·tOll ntti~·H I i\kclwnic ~d1LH.,.'l. l· ' c 1 .' on P i n 1 bt ' Hu ll P c n w i s h '-' s l-' h i I l he b •,t nl '\'~n·lh i n" in hi · II C\\ liTle • of WOl k\ . )) (( {( Ken :\ Jo!\Cr 5pc·nt his vactu il>n motc:>r­iH~ t h rou~h the southltu1d bv wa v uf • • • \ ·irrinia ~nd Juwn through su 11n )' fl orida. 'fhc only '(nul r~· to his rip ,,.:.l: in the b<lck ~.· od of 1 en s ca L • \\·h<.·tc , omet)J1e fornot to e.xe rc i ~c lhat \Y(•Il known out bern hospitality­much to Kenneth s. di m.av. . )) » « (( !\ T ark Kind red i a ~w in g rh-ythm fa·n.~ and can tell you all the wh, s and whcrefures of "upbeats" and O: 7tll. Ccmstan<l U ru g ni ~Ln, l 4th. Clarence .Vk l asson. 14d1. EJwarcl }lou~<:, 22ncl. loscphine Brown. 25th. l.{ull Earhan, 2Gth. ·r h(>Se who ~n l c n:d ha mpi!Jil it• jun~; 1921 and hegi 11 th eir 2 1sL \ear 'lrC : • 1ltt.)Jrta:\ t r. Gc,, n1r.t11. 2nt.l. Ct~f.; tge \Vittt:ubt·r~') 1 rd. ,'\ t.d, , ty <.:. Critvt·: . 13th. \\'a lter Ucavia, 2lJth. (15) . • i) 11 knn k ·1 J nnH tt111 (Jill u rn wi1lr the b;t c•· '"' lt '~ a g,v:· . 1 \ lJiv J , n,·1 t {J Rrd ~ ~ ~ ~ }; ((II tl1 o.~ !"\ell . d l1im \ i!l1 ~ hq\ l•ab~ ou l unc 6th. ,\ ll(l y( tt'n· tip:ht, rht• red~ fau:d lil!k k iJu\\.- IIH 1vd bu11' j11sr ltkc.: P" ptt R ( ,h~·' I . » n " u Ltlth· · t P t~ t e~ s \'ol u n I <'C rL!(j f' 11 :t \ ·u,r 's tt ~d n r n~ undut t.h t• ivt: scr~ \ ril l ', ~ ucl h·ft ea rly lfl~ ' nwn£h. LuLh­t'l \.\.ill IJl' m i ~.etf u t1 tht· bi~ dntm; bttl \\.l' won·, nti ~ i!im h<d( a ' much a~ Jte'll mj ~s the ft:-.hin1:! out ar Symmes L:1kc. T hl' t•e's one hoy wh(l r('ally likt~s 1n fish. ( Bi p- P ete'~ futu re wife wi II need t c) dCJ hilt one thi nQ' to make him IHtppy let hio1 go ti~hing \\ hL·ncV(;r he f<-cls 1 he 1.1 rgc). 1 f Cupid hadn't 1 h rown Lcs \ Va in., ­c c. tt for a I o s when h c. w a s j us t r, u t of knee bre~chcs, the big rangy boy- tnight have ~n.adc a nam~ for himseJf in ath­letics. L cs moves about with the natural ca ·e and f:racc that Hamp . a born a rh leLc. B'Uffing the drum . Bob \Vea,·cr has gone a nd bol1gbt himself a new car . . . \\' ell-placed ambition- R<>)' Keller -ays that when he buys. hi~ new ho111.e he is going lO air-condition hi·s bedroom . . One of the best-dressed n1cn in the buJI pen is the ever popular \'ince Laudcrman . Paul I-Iain is in on the happr epding of a love affa ir th aL would make good fiction . Tay- 1 or Cou7.zj and Si n~ l cton caAtgh t 2 7 Yz rounds o( catfish in one forenoon at Cactus Lake . . . J)oug Donely has th at wavy black hair that o-irl:s just love to touch . . . ha rley Reynolds likes his milk ~:0 well that he bas a bun.Eh of the bo)i~ buying it by the pinl and qu~nL . . AI . taarman is look1ng forward to a bttsr sun1mc r. as he plans ro build him.self a new ho1ne out at .\ Jillville. » )) «. cc He~ r crack of the month . \\.h(;n sorneone tnlJ the i rr pre lble ~)fa rtin ~ lkk th ~H IH. was b~hind che -bal l in tl~e UlallcH of the d r:l rt. ~t kkev r ·­pltC'tl, "Y~-nh, rm behind it bu·L it's ll\OVi Jt ' :, "\Vi ll i.<~, '"'It a t is :.t n ad ttlt :, '· :\_n. adu h is one rh :1l has sto~ peJ gr<.n' tng ~-'cep t in the miJd l ~.'· • • DiH I l< ~kt ~ 1s I ·~tdin~ f,,r t\\P '" t.: k ~ rH· f . fun _ . 1 h ~. n ' i f d u.· ' c a n be: ~. :an~ht t ltt' ·~ !H:':q r, r~.~il \·rn. ] l ~,.,r~,··., !• lcntv \"')f Ju"'~· btu '-.1\·c :1 k'"'' f 1r nt:\l tn ~nJ ·. » u c. l ·,, · i ·~ \ l . uln·n~ ~l'l'JH hi.:- nh.' J- , n : . ' \ (' l f \\'I I I k j f'\ l! I l 0 h j~ h t.lll.'l' , n.JI i ~ '1i!-> _,, • de'l. » u « \ ~ t' h i n , 'I, \ ·l • l.: e r i 1 H u1 J ::- h ) f' a i nl his hvu ~ w.1 ;~ O l J h~ \ :tc-:u ic,n. .J ohn R >It • ~ 1 • J y Hl?! : • t' 1 r )J ) H « a ud L lmer C nuch \ aL.tli< n:- at thi: n >» « « arc en- • • '' nung. ""e_rha rdt \\ ue"-lt i~ Jea,·in.g. for the \' ·il · ~f northern Canada on his ,·aca- (t.n u cc h()w man \' bj,, Esh he can . c . :1ag. Heuer 1.1kc a picLure of thc;m or ·.,·e ·on't beli