Summary:Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue. • CONTENTS Pa~e Annual Reporl sa ety CQnt~st By Dw' qht Thomson ____ _ 2 13th field Artillel}- Eb,;amp. d iA p-s')ah N H-onal Fo~l . _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . Our rr::. • _. __ keland _ _ __ tditorials _. . . . _ Inle.resti~ tetter _ Can t~.n . _ Ho.:.sion _ Sa.nder:sville . . - --. . -. -- -. . -. . -- . • 5 7 8 -· --- - 10 --· - - - -- 11 . -·-- 27 • - - --- 38 - • -. - - - 44 OCIOBER 1941 :voL . xxnr Nl 1VIBER 9 PaBLISHED . • . - BY "' -· --: Champion's Annual Report Distributed The 194 J Annual Report of The Chan:1pion Pd-per and F1bre Cumpany w~s recently dis­tributed to Hs e:rnployoes. On page 2 is an encoLtraqing repo1l from lhe President Logan G. Thomson. Mr Thon1son states: "We can derive considerable satis!aclion from the progress made during the year 1941. In tons of paper and board sold, we registered a gain of 20.8 per cenl over the previous fiscal year and the output of our pulp mills reached an all Hme high_" The increase, he s lates, was due to efficient operation, improved equipment and our competent sales force. The annual report tells the whole story in an i.l1.teresting, attractive and shnple n1anner so that a 11 Chaxnpion employees n1ay understand . "THE CHAMPION FAMILY" HAMII.TON. OHIO : HOUSTON, IEXAS : CANTO!f, N. C. : SANDERSVILL& G.L £stabUal.ted J9f4 · • • . . • • • • • • ·• . fweatv·Seventh Yeat ol PublloatJoa The pa;er . the . ., of U,Ja •• ., •• 1 . Ch•"lPPoa Kromekota, and tlle papat b the mtde Jta911 Ia Cla••ploD Whu. S&tl.a llefolll !remel, both mtde ID our H•mlltoa pla.DL We M•nufAetu.te IDI.,Y trad• of bleached pzJUII. Mecibtn• f'tntebld. 8aper C«'•Dd•eel. and Coal•4- r I• II· • • • • ' l- • • • • • • • • Near ( End of flrst Leg • • • • ,\.itJ) , ~·pH}:\;!" ,H ··} tm,• l'nt rHh ,f the 'lll:'L ll'fl' r,l d " Intd-J)i\ i-s~. ~! ;-.;"'{t"1 . <._"',,o,t~.l lc.~ln\lttin 1 th~ l htni iH111 -~\ :i, 1 ~ te- st- ii~tir.:al rr.·,,,·(, < • d:tr ·ont<" . ' l \tf' to the pn--~ nt • l't' J, · . l '1 ): 'ntin~. s:nc.· .non:. of th~ tlu· ~ divhrions h ~n~c ~t't; ·1(1 ~ ,- htl. r·njuJ of. 1 $. !'l.op.t"-~.; [ I at e\ ''! ~ fU}l n . ~uxf. 'W(•man ·in l he Clwrn r~on , n. ~ n: i.!s· P. '\\:i! i\~ his ~1tl her whf)kl vart~d rooperahon }~ l ' • . ·.\.t t ll~r . ~t t: . . ~r :ur· ~ c1 th ::lt in rhe. f utl.ll' e " c \\"'; ll t'etu rn to ·f !''Per t>:\celJeJlt rc-C'ord ·. ti': tt ~ r h· tr !,7foi:H•h 0 11 tlre Cpp -:veri'R' c'et~ , t th(; -!~· r~f the Inter- D1vis~ooal_ Saiety C nr "Sf, w. h;'(!t be.·: an -\ pr;1 ? ·: 1941. ~ L' e ~a:ver c11p on he .:it: k ,,.,;11_ be e1vitrded t.r the pia nt :.a···;ng the !'t<·.:t tre~t.tJh . y record ch ring the cont:c, t. Both 'he. \!".!t:"'~C} "'u':f s t·er~ly r "CnnL will be determjned by ihe n~ 1nber uJ h.:·· t tiru~ot ~(.~cidentb awJ tJ:e tnta} numbrr of driy Jc.sL ~. n ac--udH \'lf inj u;ic . Th~n.~ k·rc, oach CJn('loyec . ,.< id r~ct:'l·.,. n.Y;.e . :::.Ci.fctJ •• a"· a, majur rc .ronsibilit-y. . ·e ~ u:: i.flh.·re.:.:t\!'cl ir. actr ent pn:,~eutiott f Of . {' f.JU r:e yoi. itrC 'If :tt 11; {rt m a ~dfr ~ m.otive-j u.:t t~ ~a\e 't<( ur en lnde. ;~-c-b . .B ut~ •,·d'lat • bo\l;t tire ~af~tN ()f v:Qur felh9w- • II • ~ · r (;ke:r? y ,,u Gk·J.t 't w'u 1. him to hurt. c,f cour. c you ii-<H·~: !l~f"n . ·. ha a ·r: .\ vU d ILt!g tr; crt'a' e wrthin tJ,e mind ,.; --r ~ ~(IDr ~IJ.r Hlan ·he ,r·i:-i vf afp-fy: l)o you con. icler icci~1c.n! ! .r -~encion rJi maj' r !n~ { J tal,llc? · . ·~., .oru \.':.cH~i ~ cJ or.l(rt hurt, n<.J one 1he &rher f~ llt)\\' l .> ' --t ttl a rv. ii!Je elK f c'-'.: ' ~ '!-~ get . J.l.rt. nctr ex,pects hi {:elk, w.-r~·:r t1) gel bcJrt : ,c~, ,rl'sequear:ly one j u.~t drtf\s with the ri£lc.u:n il .e j,. a 'ak· 1.r:x1 ftf.JTll hj_, 1 dr.aso,v hv. a seriou~ :,,jur.v. !! . u:YSdt ~ SO'! eu11. e u'fW. tn tar.· (Jr;r et: w~ 't.: nt~ A .\•ukt.n ' ! ''-'?: Tc,~m.(jrt'uw rna' be • c • • '" !a ~" '"' a ·-e y 7·. r ,·lf r,t . ifl,I"C ot h~ r empl( 1Jt:c R<.-JJ ~m-t er. tl:e tc- '11Csttti .!h ) f yr,~d a 1. ·; an~.i 1 h"' j .e \Yit:flt "h,·HtJ ~b'i '(~J~ i.·. U~(}~ ~l~ . (.)t, t !f) tv ,<:.Xer.~ . ~ }.(1lH'SCl f: • • ,. .- • • . (0) . . • • See Historit Mines . . • • , • • II V H 1tJ t•n r)/~ l< ob 11U" !l ~ 1.(', 'd l} {;. Th r~t u ~u u . f' , csidc.: nl ,tf Clw·uJpi,fl , ·l r:. Thum­St~ ll .1 11d rhd r du ~tviHc ' J ~ nt·, h ;t•. ·~ jn, .t ret,l n H·d fj 'Jfn n v:t al ton wltich ttrul the111 to ltv · ll'ltlml :d tHrd 1\ l ,dC' J';ir k ~ Itt t h<' !HI' \rt'':'l l , ~ i\ lr. Tlw i\1 ;()Jl ~ :liJ ( II)C crf tbt· r' llr)F. l intt'l't'~ lin~ f'~r>i rn~ f $ 16 ln rht lt)n l•t,w taken frorn the few rcnt (l ining ani!le:; wh ·rc mining- j, (VJt' .iblc. .\uotht' r i nlt>res tin~ trir was d1rr:J ir?h '\ 0 (·miLe Vafley nnJ llu: b i ~ tree Cr:>\n1try i r1 th~ ()rant anJ S€·q11oia Na ti(Jn&l P<l rks. 'fht n~ they saV\r (hi: great ( lcncral Sherman tree, 0fJ est and h trg-C$l }n th ~ W'C1:rkl 4 ()fJQ years old ~ nQ ~till ~.,.row i11g. T 1 is 27 2 feet high nnd 36 feet in dia rncttr. f-low­eYer the high<~"t tree i ~ in a state park sou lh of San Fran­cisco. Tt is 300 feeL hj c-h and about 20 feet in dia tneter. -~ rfhey a l ~() vi ~ ited in CJrson City, Nevada, the smaHe . t $lale capjr:al in the natinn, \· ith a population of 1>500. _.A fteJ a s h(J1~r vacation in Bevcriy HlJ1~ , the si.ght-:.sceing to ut~. a l$ej took th .~Bl ·LO San Francisco, anta Bad)ara and Lake Tahoe. ' • . Low at That P a--Johnny . . ,what is th is 60 on you r· rerort ca rd ? JQhQny-l- 1-~th-think that,s the tempertttu re of ·th e. scho0L room' .-· ., • R1tuner-U p · 1~he school conte t wa ~ o, ·e r> and li tde To1nmr returned hQme t>rn bri ~htly. . ~wcJI. Tommy," sai~l his mothe r, t'did you grt ·a pri'ter: "(N.o, ·Olq, but I got horriiblc m_eori.on, said Tommy brami·og w~th prrd e. . ''Hey, JVloik, and phw·at do ) 'C eink of the~e new sa nitary drinki n, cup · ;·' (<StJre, Pat> and soon we'll have to spit on our hands whh an eye drorrcr.'' Vaiee of I l1e Ptropl~ -~ J a r1~o l d-Yuun,g lady, Pll h ~H e roiL titnd r~tttnd my wotJ is law. Sally-\Vell. lu:re's whc:re l make a few amcnutnents . . • • , • It i~ d~(· "p p('. of flHHlltpt·Jil t'J\l 1 hat . ~ ·~tt f: t1t tll iuj u ri ~ ·. i11 ;tH ul our }'UitJts "haH tw n~.llct+dl) rt:-(.!1<: d . :\l ~ rw 'Ctr'H~nt J · ca1Horr npon <·V t-~ J d -hlcJ,;~,h:d C'1J:Hn.J).Jnh l·n1pln~ c(' H, !114 ki· .·of~'\ Jt i~ F.;nl Cr-,nricl rufJ,III. \:\"rU yutt j•in \\holc­hcar:( fL. d Jy in fiJ. ~"tfdY, /(_f/• ~rl t r' pn~Vt;lll c'H.1.' iJ ·nts: \\.i> J~,·fr~v~ ;DU wtiL ~n l<~ ·:s ~ C.:1 . eH·tybrJdy. anCt dri\c.' (}/, .,.\ f'a.t · CareleJ)!lc~.r ~ 111 t)l lhat~jj,i l•ll ('bu1 ·~ aJJJ ~(·p him t.'\it . • • • • • • • • • Memb.ers of the Briq ade Staff~ Lieutenant J. R. Sheffield, Captain E. B. Anderson, Major T. A. Rober ts; H. P. Bosworth, (Mr. Rosworlh l:s in charqe of the CCC Camp), Brjqadie:r-Gena ral J. A. Crane, Lieutenent-Colonel E. L. Greene, Captain Johnston Hayqood. Jr. Th.c i 3th f·idd Ar6 H~r}' which lcfl F ort Bragg. ~orth (~,,,.En.a. \Ic •nday. S~·pH' mher X. for a .flv~;; day trip l l1rough . hr~ IIUtJIJ'jlCJ.fl.6 r,f \\"(··.IC.:rn ~onlt Carolillcl. carnred in .Pis,gah asi(JiliJJ J- ~,r ~ ·~t Tuc l:1: 11ighl, September 9d1. and sraned f,n tln.:· ll•'mt::v. . e~td rn+ Th ur'day. JOt)rnin .t -r. 1he l ith. 'fht.; 1 Ali t t1r.,. (· qf t!w u ip w::t" ' 'J male a p r attice fll<n.l Tn ::! J'c h I') V '! !' I 1 ) ~J ~.d ~ 11 ( II I f It :'"t j II I ( '~i tl' j II J' H . .' p a 1 ~11 j flll () f t It <: lj t· S t J\JJ IIY !l1d.IH!IJV(.'f;, ~1,j,J, v:ill l atl uf this secliut'l. as \i\ l'll as for th~ ll\ ~ th~lll $:t nJ snl,iic'l s. nHU)) of whom h,.tc.l ne\(r \-i:itcd this r'clrt of the bc.·ia rr'-. Dtn in~ L he l ,, . ., day~ e uca mpn,t·ttt itt 1 :-~t".,.:(l h '\ tr it 'tl.l l fn 1·e~ t the ~niJier~ wcr<." f rel· h.J ' i~lt \~h {·' dk .utd ''tht'r l'fli lll nf iHLL'rt'SI . ' l'ltl' ·· j eer~" l ' t' l"l'Ctlf\ l! lk l'lll ~ t.\tl'-, UH·J r"r tn d it ll ' tll a Clll' ktn~u h. T ht:} Cd t1 b(· Pl'('t~llt'd nt hi~h ~l'~\.'d l •\et rPtt!.!h g round. 1lrrougl1 tin.• fiL·Id: :u 1d ll\ ct dih ht·~ 'llh.l <· ~t•b :Htknu: n t.,, app.t retltl\ withutll tltt· k,t:-\t .I u1g l·r ,'lf ht ln ­in ;, U\ t ' l , Fdut 11t fj, · 1' '-·<•!'k "ut rid ~ ,.l'l.' (.'(1Jllfl'HlHhh tn u fl.t'. ' 11hc lnq•,ttlt- u l .d\( >Ut ~.t llll) ~nldh.·r-., w.n. tlfhlcl dt~· t -. nt­tll lnd •• r BJW~tdi~· t C:t•nt·tnl J a~hn -\ . Ct .uw. Tlil' t" t,i l mik­n l' ,)f tlu• r, \\·,r ~ .~ h"ttl (1(1tl .• tnd tltt' ~«'Pftn,· o('u\. utnpu"n frllnn t .j_; ()(It) gn lluus, \ ·\ l h:1d tin- fd• ·n ~ tl 1 t ul fllt •t·li liM C~·n< t :d ( l lltll.' 't nd his t.dJ \~ hd·· tlu ,. \\ ~n · ttl l . un1 1 in t lt L' Pi 1,.1lt ~.tti• \tt d L: ,,h·:o: t, ,tJ t~l v .•. \\i:oo. l, ln l'\ ( ''' ~s tlllJ tJ, C ( ' ' '11\J(;,·i ltlttH lt11 th" "-'"'tr ll 'tHl • l l'l •:t lf1)l'IJI {1 '1 ,-j\ld A r"~ idctl• t_J{ ( ;,.n ' I d$ .,, tl .~ 1 p~:\1 '• '"' d n. P·"t'''-', • lu th L· ut •l•"s ltt· p ~l Nt~ tll ' ' nt ndwt· ,"'"~f t'huto. . h, J" ~nt';r ,,lfnj • ld, iu tl~t· :trnt) . \ 111nnhe 1 ,,J hlt\ , l . k.\· lIt) b\ lt f~,·~.l {JJI tiH JJ tot tltng li t flJ •• ·rur J,nt ,, \I hlt'll \'.c \\ P I I,.' rl,u.:l 111 ~h. ~. \Vhat About lbe Morale of Our Army Some \'\ftiters say it is very low in our fra.i.ninq Camps. We do not believe it. '' l'(lJ bit:\ Gc."t'll sa!J. in fact \~L bdie\e ton rtlil\h. th1nu~h ~ HH: ~· ·lu t1111.; t ,f ~l me rh;." ~ ~·.tpcr~ auJ 11\'l~zinc.-. about d'it' {.ti . c nH~tn whi~h. il i d . intrJ. pr(.·,·ail. Qmon~ th\? ~()L dit·" in MJUH~ of Ul>l fra~nin•r camps~ c.1br) thr allqtt\.1 in­' fFi.: it' no. f\f <.t 11 a r m .\ ~ • l' k t.X.;. \\ c kd . 1 L:iL~ ~Uri~ thnt the ret drtcrs b;kd t >ext ;r true ~n. :-~--5~t ti~.n u£ thl: r11l'l1Vl~ a nit uJe c1f the b11.Y ') in t rainin~. '-' Oi ~ur . c tlH;l . art· t!HJ~\.~ \\'Lo will (omr•lain. it dt 1csn't mat-ru · if d,f'y ;1 r~ in tl1e cH m~ PT' n ny nthcr ur:~a niza t inn. \\' ~ al""<) !{11, \\ tha~ linn~ cc.nJiti~ll~ a1e nc•r t~erfect; h O\\'c?Ye r, w~: Jc knr1\\ th.a L an ann~· C0mptl~t:d of rcd-bloodt!d .\ nleri­r. l 'lS. nin ·t~ I"en.cn1 . A them :-h•.l IIJ not be cla5scJ ;;ts desert­cr . . r·1 \\(' lJ <.h•,•n at the llr~L opp\)flunity. or say '·to l-h>H "'ith !1t ~ ti ng th(,· (."01.:'m~ _. , \re bdieYe ninet:y percent \ l. at.r ~;_J!ttier;:, W( uld be w'lling to shctl the la~t dror of di<.·;r bl~"c:d t0 P'~._.n,~ tht.·libcrties [or which cur forefathe rs k•u . ht :ud <.lted. ~.!d·. ,. :" a.;,:u'a tion. it ~ccm · ro €-Orne of us. is a reflection ' o-n tll~ i atriol;~Jr, of e\eiT .\me rican ciLizen. h is absurd tv ~a~ \.h~ r tb.: ·1 ~n who c~;1nro··e the :\.nter ican Army wo\lld Jeset1. ir. ::.H h\·.~r lik~ thiQ. Even if it were true, we do think llt\\ ~1 .tpcr~ and Jnagazjnes should not publish such Soldiers' Pu.p Tents in Pisqah National Foreal. staL<:ml:nLs--::;uch propaga nda \\·ill be by the c:ncrny, a nd we may be :'ure. to good adYanwgc. ~uch statt:mcnt~ about our Army ,)meers· and soldier· lt~nd LO demorali7e rath er than cry~talii'.t: a r 4ttriotic ~pir\t which is s() t::s t:nli:d in keeping tot.1l itari ani :>rn ouL of thi~ countrY'. • J n cve:ry war in which . \me rica ha~ P•' n ici pJ ted -:.ince t h~ I)ecla ratiun of I ndependent:e, ou r .\ rmr c,1Jiccr. and ·nlJier~ ha\·e dcn'lon . rrateJ their abilitv. . ~kill and bra\-cr , and v\'e ~ are confident they will do it again when called upon. Section of l3th A~tmery i.n Camp in th.e Forest • - OIJtr:, r !l of Sond~ U llory L 1•1 B l• Ulcm ]71h I i6Jd ArUH l'/ tJI J.! II • L ft h.> tllghh f.t. H ye. 3. Clos ·UP ot J:7up 'fan,f. 4 . rou\lt\M\U Pont 13th n ld Anlllerr lie. d· Ce;mmuf"'l( 4l (i(l lr~:~ira (JWr. tJ ()I, MtCc.o. ljauory Ct.mllrlt ndc., I J. t. Me (l\\1\rl r:tS In c rnp. Pto{Jlh Ntilh:m 1 f or »1. s. 1\ c. a 'Y aud Fttond U\ Oonald on, 8 tt Hon Motor (,fh< r , ~ . Sit~ dqmlfl •· Ddt' ry. 13th J\rtil tho fo tev•ouod. 0. lo\(llor on tr naport truolc. '1. J ep. c- a· \.ll 1n ~ty Bnq de lll Comp, Piti«s.ll th th.u l /'cu · 1. }.)up 1' u t Av ) u , tho r ~ny for rtoonnlterln~ - m ldnq ll pt llln\u ry usv•y of di trict • ~ L ( ''~ lrl 'l l ' 1. n ., 1 r,; • I t·l '· n 1 I t ' • ol lllll \, f,,, fn,Ha ,j, lltl,tinlt h t\ · II \-\ I,. I J • ,,j l'r11rt' r tJw 1 n ''' M ~ )ul·l J ,, d.J dul, f . ··rl ) I •l I I ll' I f 1 1tt tui:.~h rc d:' I I ,fi ( •. • I l'rtll. \\hiJ ,, till( )tll r , Il Lli • (( ) • t rJ I l'l I I, ftcllrt • - llF \l ~l,· r.i t ·.\ tl t'.t:\lf k. L~('t"{'i,.dl y (l tll' . nldit'r h•>\s, h,iV\' J' 'lld~ h'~o.l ll nt (' tl{ ll'"·~ dhOtil C'lllt- $11'\ t t.1lltpcl.-.l - k \' ~ n · . \: u : n ~ t l c' l ~ t <. ·' . " ' I Ill ' P t h'. \ \ h t' t•P i i t • h n \\ 1.: t 1 g ( · I~ ;t, WiLl~ tJ,<. r•(lj'lt! tic•, is it w•ry , ~,)J lh 'fl:~ Ct.: \~ i, . n th'" ,,,·i·"·r ''·' ~ ~t Fntl l h· ls.~< lH: ~o uth Catolina. '\hen n~ rth -4-).1 \) :-nf t;<.·r '!' t • tiuJH.'d . 'QJHC \.ll tlt, bo\ ' e ~t\·~. •J l 1.t'ill ~:h '~ ,;,u:-; -''\\ nn . ki ''h~l ''til be t l .lll . fen: ·d t f •. .· 1~u, i .". t'f"~ l\ I:- pnlty \'(\ld lh 11.' : \~ a$t Lo .,\es t i ~ 300 L 'h.~. i "'-~ :. • . ~t. . ar.::t hr,·d !th ~uo"· 1t i · ,lbP\It the - [\ li'e than scv<:nty canhyuake v~Clt rreJ in Iceland h f!lc J;inc: · d·n~h ce1.· n. . J he . c~n~rr ' f th.e iJa od. .· e are it1 for wed, has great ntd:l.!tra1 bca\H.Y'· ll;R >'~priJ.~ ~ r\! numerr.Jus, and the gevsers a ··t;; ~;no\, ~ .for u.<:1 r t1Uermi1 eru er u ;~vn of seald: nl:! \\~ate r. • J l c~1a Jj~ :a . .fi c.:~Y~:n:d ~ n<.1 coJ,mi:zed b)' ~(;rs~.:mcn or andi !lEivJ.a,J~ hCl."\\~··.) ( :o and 950 .\. J). It is ~a id t hL· ·~r~:e t T,Ola~:~ r: :H ·· idrr~' cd in four main ;>tream.;-thc- first ancl r~l r.rt f J · ' 'l 'r;r: :ay' du; se.~)Jh.l from rh~ ! in r~ t krnj!­d~ t"B .PI I J thlin. cn:\.1 £he 1 hizJ from tbt: Orkn~vs and \\' c~ tl' rn fHe. ri(' n.) r J;;:nti~. ~bt.;.rt!r IheJt·aftc.r Q 11~cn . .\nd \\jd<.)\4 of fJ!.af the. \r: iil~', t, i.tJ ~ 1;>;-f JJ .1hlin. arri\~d with ;d~ti\'e:; ~.nd St·n:~U:i'' . ,· j ,,;· U! • · Q - !aH:r ~ JlUn.bc,!.f (A \ ikiu(•' ' • ( i ' I · f' 1 ~t-:1\LJ":.: il't~e' 1 IH1, • . P~·-<' · 1n l ccl8J d, and from rht."SC e~ rl,· id~a iU.tr1fS d!e rc·i · tbhc W'J f£,rm•:d. Ar I. r t dw fed and~;. .<:·<.Jn :1j '. u .t"d i.iLco .:~h t: ~ ir to ~ or~ <){ ~" i v 11 u. tiL rep uhl i '·:. s h ;S~ C"lltrt~l .ltHh(),)ty ··a T'l e , ! btr ''· Hul :; b >tJt 1 2(,~) i!l~c.rnal t_u,~flicr~ k l to t1 c , -Ja t.d +C:~IH!ltt tm<.kr th~ 'll f ~n:m­,. w:;tJf.the}n~·~J - ~·r\3~' · JH l)f' {'t'HJ l,t-r. 1 ·~n . h -<1 nd P.' c.,') ackn wle i1re! a sur ·re: 'n ·l ate a ~.>·l nit<!d \ ith }J(·l­/. JI' ·de. ·:.~ he ~i'HM!U;J :."' .~ rhtet aJ,d P. re (·nl ~1m~ i )~i(! r.cj be a1m ,.,.,, J)f}•tm iJ I rt.!dz;dy r cd41 t:d a 1!1 ~ tbt.! &:Jnlc as that : (7) • • ~ l.'·t tl'- ,; n :tl Lh(• uf it ~ c' fJlt.Hlii'a liwt i11 th ~ 'Jrl• ry-. dt(' :1 11cicn 1 \ nn rJc: tW ( Jf f ) ;Ani h 1 c •ngu "'. T he Sllllthrrn pan r,f th e· <~;i •.t t' rn C' Jthl r,f ln!b ud is ba r­r ·n ,lJJd dt.:ooJutc - a lm(l:- l colirl·ly covl'rcd ~i t h lt•nt str<:arn :-,. b i ~ ~w iJ nc:1dy 5.000 sq tJ:H • milc. s a JC and aL other time-, a6 lo ng as scvcnt)' yea rs. The inhabited pans run around the coast and exte1~d from the end of rhe ba) s inlo rhe interior. 'T'he farms fa r­therest inland being abou t fi fty miles frorn the sea. T he lo'r hills are clothed with grass, affording pasture for sheep, cattle and horses. 'fhe ~ n o\\'-lin e is at an alt itude of 2,500 to 3,000 (eet, and in ma ny pla(;cs ,-asc ice-fields connect high rnonntaiJ1 su nlm its and ex Lend even to the. coast, w1.ere they brett k off in to icebergs. ~I any of the houses are constru cted of Ia va stones and P'¢at, and the hot water which Ao"vs from some springs is u"'eGl by the natives ro heat tbei r houses, greenhouses and other pu rposes for which hot wa ter js used. \'ery fe'A- trees a re found on the island and they a re of a stunted grot.vth. F:lo\vers ar-e sca rce a od the only fruit na Live to the isla ncl are 'crow berries and billberrie . Reindeer a re found in the interior a'nd more than a hun­dred :5pccies of aq uatic and nurnerous va ri cti\!s of ducks in habit the island. The fi shePics are among Lhe most im­portant in the world. 'fhe principa l exports of the island are cod fi:Sh, train oi l, wool · eider do·wn and feathers. All breadstuA·$ ba ve tO be jmponcd, as well as groce ries, drinks, ere. Icelanders have long been farn ous for their education and lea rning. h is said that :in no other rountry is such an amou nt of infornlatiDn found ~ rno n g the classes which occupy a simil"r posilion. A child of ten, unable to rea d~ is not to be fou nd frotn one t'nd of the i$1antl to th\; other. !\ pca~an t un de r~ tu nd i n g s<.:vcral languages i" no rarity.'' T ill wi th in th ~ la$t fc.:w years. childr n w •re L.\ught by p~re nt-> , there wc·rc n(, ckwentan schools in the i ·land. • 'f'l, "· p·•Jpula t.i(Jn of f ·eland i:; I ~ ''$ d 1H il IOO.Ouo. ~l'hc ntpi tr)l is 'Rcykj avjd, • J\ wrirtr from l rd ~m.l - : taLl'·d n·cc1HJv, '' lhc ln•ttnders ~:t rtt JlCH \•Cf}' enrhu s ia~.~ i( it lH.lllt tl1t: pres :ll tt• of th t• n ritish suJ Allt\'J'i ca n ~. J\hhntJ ~ h \ ;UYe~ havt itwr(.'a-.e ~,L p~ty· fvr tlVHlt~ {IC Jtefp l ttc.S d ou{d~ ,J - TIH! ht >tt·b ~tr' j ~i iHll •J, ~ }H.lp k{·~f)C t':; arc i1ard-pn:si)Pd ln uttTt th(,: 0\•rn:tJad,;' of the rni li u~ ' y "' .ir w.r~ and uo r.>n {' i~ nn n:lid, L1tn t h.Jt hH hn.,uglu lnllc v<·uer aJ f(:jt,i<:in.~. ll t1 I dh'v du JH . Jf•f.l' 1 he fcJ r(.:il!tP,! rs l•:ill lea' c.: after: cth\! , ntergcuc} ." · . • ' P\_tbl!~hed br (\The Chan1fion Fa~nil): '. a? a Symbol vf t h.e t.ooperati0n and Good 1' ello"~sb tp E~a~ung at tl1e Pla nts of 1~he Chamni-on Paper and F tbte Cornpany, Hamiton Ohto· Ca nton, ~<>rth Carolina; liuuston, Texa~, and ~audersville, Geotgia. G. W. pHIJ.I.lPS __ ______ ____ . _____ _ . __ __ . Edltor, Canton, North Carolina R.EUB.EN B. HOB'ERTSON, JR._ . __ _ --- --- __ --- . __ Associate Editor DWIGHT }. THOMSON _____ ______ --- .--- ~- _ . _-_- . Associate Editor EMERSON BO.BINSON __ --- _____ _. __ Assistant Editor, Hamilton, Ohio k M. KOURY _________ ____ ___ ____ . ___ Assistant Editor. Houston, Texe~s • -~,\ 11 For One And One F.or All'' W E ba\·e been he • A , \ r:u e ' i ~a • I u :. I (.,', u.l ~ 1 h t ,. ~ l i» apruhy ~nd dt unit). \\. ". lhu .• • b'-· wL ~ ,Jt·J t c-fJt i(·d l } . t.t~ bjJJd d,,. b·•tt!e lt:JJ· pt,1iti{,;;.l ft\r UHJ o.nd iwJi\Jr* ld '·" 'fl t'·, ~c· &!:odd ~L1 f~\<~•f}' C' ffrrt t1 ) }qin' fll.JliW IQ dt•: Jll tif h· r,f ~·H: t· l ·,lil:n .l , ~J~ll·. uf 1r lt ri :-t. ~ Jt•ali~ dt•n ~cJ,.,, thi ,., i , rtt·l , t h. ~-J ~\(:(1 uJ ;,Jdi ., , .p l·uw, 1 r11i, "-ltl:~ • ~lwlf · .P1d -.l11p~ t).l![ cl \ d t 1t 1cJ! i'tiJ I he J•,l)t•bt l)}' . ,tl II qfl·· I ( l lw I ,o (}f_,tJ.OiltJ J~r t,j~,,n .;,i'l•·n J ,-, Jt llHW l•J1 , -,LJ, 01 ~ 11f U · I• I ljt)J \ 1 'J \ ,_. ··v:l•t'l . \J'J r 1i1.Ud r \~'t (l) • lt1 f fqj,, ~ lq Jeit ud du. f 10 1~ . k l~lJ ·t ' t,y rh~ J Jui}IJ{ l i:H) uJ dtc L ll;l.t d .'tn l c;:-~ }uu J . dln•F ,,, .ttff f ~did ~ · 1 1l ft td:nltt •· ~ ( '' '~ H1• fir•, "( rl ,.(. It tJ l'l l •t' ll ,'- ' liT ~·s\r· i.l.l• .·f. .' 1 ~'J • . " \\ , ,,~,. I W< ft t C n '"'iH·d. !},t. • i4N . ry \·~·ill he ;tl l l'i. ' l l),(•JJ1 ;HHJ llftl} dti'll 1 '.\ill \-\'\.: ' ' ( r. H;rH~. , tj , . J .,. .,, fH.l t.:ltt U •U . H I (' • • • IJ~ I l I J ~ r( I J ( j t J; I )f ~· .uth . r, ·tj~ :t !11 f (s • l . "' tf in :511 ~rro •• 1,, st.tmp -t.HH N,~ ~.i dnt-~:JH) IJCifl. What's Happened f o Mu ssolini? D (}. ''T h~.:ar Jnuch <Lbr.,ut. ~ lus~oli~ni, trl'· N:.q. and a bear found ~he carcas·s of a fa." o. and had a long fight for it. 'Ihc C'.)nr.ts~ was so lHlrd, at las t both of them . half-blinded and Lalf-dead . lay on the ground \<\'! th()ut strcngt~ ·:o lifl a j ·.a~ aga insr the other. A fox, con1rng by at the flme. arrd seeu.g thejr helpless condition: carried off lhe bcx.,.ty." \Yhen ' talin v•·ould no Ienger leL I-Iitler play in hi~ back ya n.l~ or give )1i~1 foo? and_ ~jl1 H1tlet: detem1tned. to lla~!! it by fo re~::. K illing a lew tnilltotl Russuaru, dco>tro} 1n~ UH!if and burning their oties: means nothing tO a p~pJe: \>Vho are cle ten n ined to conquer the world regardless <Jf the CQSt. >~li Lt s ol ini, no doubt is beginning to reaJi?. . e that Hiller·" promises cannot be relied up o u-tha~ 'yhen the time ~ou.1~ -whea he can no Jonger use i\ fu soflm to advantage !rl hts eampaig:n co cenquer the wo rld: he ,~;ilJ turn his guns urvn I ta 1-v. A rev0tution in Europe will come sooner or later and f-litter will go the ,y.ay of a ll those who thoughc the~- sho-uld n Jle lhe ·world~· • Is .It Really True? A CCORJ) l !\:G to UJ<lQfficia l. n:~ ports. corning i.rom London. it j • ~ ta~ed that Great Britain is lenJiog bug~.: .3Urn · of monev r:o ~ ussia for r.hc purchase of arnultnents. The strange thlrlg about it .i$, Bri taiJ_l, according_ to tcpo~t:-_. is cha rn-l u~ Russia thf(}.e per cenl tnterest ,,·htlc 'the t nneu SuH~ ha-~ 1nade a \'::t.i1abk in dri · COl.l' tll r: fur E n~bn.-~.--1. a credit <.>f ~7 ,000.000:000 urH.! t:r the le;!,<--kn . l p hi ·h t'il1 t.•cHI s. ptJrh :tp$. a fret g.i f L _ ·r he rcp() rL sta l<'S dtnt ''(~ t~e . .n_ B1_ir~tln hd . maJ~· a' a_Lhh1e a cn .· di1 of ~40.000.000 ((.,1 l{ u ·.s1a ~ ll' the;" pur ·h .l H' ot \\";Jr m.a l t:: t'jtd ,, ·id1 l~u . re ru.nd~ fHlS ' ihk wht.~n tll:tl il\ ~()(l l,':'' T h\.· "'\.l uH.: repot't ~ l ~lf.C $ thm "H riLain prnpv.scs Lv cnliL"'t 1nt ·r~'<\ 1 fi t th e. 121tc o l thi'\.'.C l-r0r ,ce nL .'~ One \ ritrr pu ts i1 Jhi$ '"'• \ --··IJ t·:ugbHid 1s ill J 1''-)!'ition IIJ lt:- f\J tnOITc.'\ 1,1j h<'l' 0\\ H (P hl'l Wtlf cl llit'-', ,,·hy Jv1 ·~ :,. }k hl) l IU'\\.' ftc ~rn- dH: l nit l: t St.ll ~'? n, ~ if F.ngblh.l i$ usin~ • tl} p.ut 4,[ tl~<· ~7.~ltltlt)t)().~)()() t.· a· dit i!' \ uw tl >t <.i_' . 1~'~u1 l t 1 l~ll~i · t i1 tH'l g~ t11ng du \' p t' t ('t.'lll '.nter\· . t l·~·r 11, {. nc.: l\· ~ -, ru ''"I )fJ· S!··dtn "'HuH~ d •.>H• to l>t'I Lll ,\ c1-upk o t th~ \ (, rl d , IS I'' i·, \,'> ·HI c.: k \' I .;'. \\ c ttL' in~· li t tt;d ru h ·lie, c.· dh· c~: u .~.1 1 ion i ~ hi~'-·· ~un·h i.H lit~ :) r· pu·d\.llt . tillt~·\ \\h~·11 anH ill. with ,tll .dtt _hu> t)f Ia •dt· 1, t '~'Hl f·n I t:"'' J ~l\ <.d t\V-'it\81 wh .• t \\: t' h ·h . \ · I S l' l \. hl. th• Ut•fhlJt t eHii~, !'-h•~tiiJ pl 41~ th1· :unv (I t' . . \ w.i11 w~ 1H' 1 e m i ~ed d •hat "' l'h ~ It•\'(~ ni ll!O HL'' i~ tht• •~ ''l( pf .all t\' 11. '~ ·-.4 1t o., ~ h I ~ ,,. t L. ~J;J.~ I/, • () t;1 . t1' 111d .;•, 1h . J1 d\t· L,~n.l i" Vll~.hl: hl c·~;~:t~'-t is 1h t: i , LH I t h. rt ~ 1 ' u ~ '' , tit i 11 'I Ia' n - ~ I Ia t." B i b I t: · r· ., d m, i: 4 ~ R. --~-~ --- ~--~ --- ~ --- ~--~ --- ~ --- ~ --- ~· 1 ten• . · ~ ,. . c. . '" ' "' .6. -W'I'-!'"Ll'i • ,-.,. • ._ A\ • ""' . . ~. , . ~'1LL1 · 1 \I~f~EN & SONS lt11f;orlti'-J ~ tJ,'/ l1:·uh f!! Tt11tf11Jlg f.Jfrn~Jir J>t() O:R ~'~l R \, 'Ct:.: Ll lAMBCR.S. Jl J)ALIJ !'IJ Rt!H LI 'LRf L ~ • w. Ph1111pe q .• it or. 8 ! e Log" iJlB N. rtb. Oarolin.a. ir Btb Auguet , 1941 " • IA11'4 1.&1.1Y '' ·- I I l cJ'I•f ~·. Through the ery pleasant aasoo1ation wh1oh my firm has enjoyed 1 tb tbo Oba.mpion Pape r & Fitbre Company fer a numcer of yBara, I have been privileged to read toe 1 Log1l, whicb you have eo kindly eent to h month. Al hough this letter is l ong delayed, I feel I muet write to say bow muoh r have appreciated readiog th 1 Lo~. Especially interested have ! been in the articles on 6 Tbe Growth of our Country•, which have given me Bome idea of the vastness of the u.s.A . , but hat strikes me mast is the wonderful bond of sympathy ana understanding which appears to exist between .~ . na.gement and Employees. I feel sure that if the World tod&y had more of the spirit as ie evidenced in the Log' there would be little thought of war. And so, I w1 Bh you every suooees with the "Log" and look forwaro to readi.Dg many many issues. In olosing, I should be glad if you would oonvey to Mr. Pollard, who ino1d.en~ally hails from my old home town (Warrington, La.noa eb ire) and who went to my ol d sohool , uiy very kindest regar-ds and inform him that although Hitler baa trie his worst on us, we are very grateful· we have been spared to oarry on. Long live !merioa and Gt. Britain. Yours very sincerely, 7:3.~ hief Cler k. Harry Beswi ck Th i s ~1 on t h's Co v e r On ~hi month', lLI\er i.> a picture of th\.: \ Icn1orial BuiJd­inu rt"tt:d on the ~rJr 1 \\here General }\nhur .'t. Clair f unded For Harnihon in J7<Jl. 'f his b11ifJing is loca ted on tie outhca . ~ sid.c of 1hc . Iiamj Ri\·~ r nl.!ar Lhe High ,\rcct b:-id:f.! e ir: Hamih .n. OJ io . 1 ,,·a~ here, in I 7ti.'. ( •en era 1 1\ nt hon ,r \\' tt r tte nrrra ni~ecl hi ~:·I cdit!cm fsg:ain~t the lndian~ . ·hich ·drove. them farther '.\ c.;.t. On tht:- exr remt r:~t, ,,f th~ pi~urc, }'Q\1 wiJJ nb crve a repJ. a vf ·!1e •Jri9inaJ ult1 !(,¥ Fon n·cred by Ccr.era l St. ( faJr. fJuritJ~ ~hi:'i mc:::m1h \he <.i OZ w ll ~ r1f ll amilLvu, UhJc;, ,~,;n ccJ brare the J 5(,ch vear of it ')ir lh . • Jlai.r· Roi.r1·11.<g Stu r.' 'fhe He ~ton m.a . c:u . J:d < f l1is 411<1 odlt r folk.· grumrnar. asl: ~d the cledc of a rrwu C(1J.l1b. ··1 )c.; .\ 'OU 'nun a nan ow Zll7•U' ccaub ?'' dt~ tcrk a kcu . ·· -,J,·· e~:d rh .malls '·1 .\'f:JJL a cvmh k J a SL;Ut rn ::lH \ i1J rubb·~ l t:cdl.'' RuLh 1U/a Pf•ttn {;1 I Pt'lain,eJ IJ'1 Cmd·on (],.~ The Sales OUice o1 The Champion Papor & fibre Company entertained Mies Ruth Warren with a dinner pariy a1 Lake Logan Lodge on Wednesday evenlnq, Septomher lOth. Warren is connected with tho sales division of the Champion in Clnoinnali. Those attending besides the honoree were, trom felt to l'lqht; Firs1 row, Mrs. Fain Gzaqq, Miss Dicky Peck. Mrs. Robert Swiceqood: second row, Miss Bet1y Jo Peck. Miss Ruth Warren. honoree. Mrs. frank CampbE>JL Jr.; third row, Mrs. Martha C¥r. Mrs. T. A. Hat· qyove. Miss Margaret Mease and Miss Mar· garet Hampton. Also Miss Rhoda McClure, wbo took tho snapshot. I de Nti !ird • aDo you know Yfrs. Smith 's l1 uuse~'' ;;aid the stranger to r he butcher bo,·. u • 'Let me see:· said the lad. ;. 'Tain't pork antl fat.:_thac': !\o. 3-and it a in 'r n\·o pounds of steak and juicy­that's ::\ o. 7; I know-it' topside and tender, and don't pay_, :\o. 5. th aL's it, ma'am.' . Clinton Plemmons, Hamilton. Ohio Mental Attitude Plays An Important Part In One's Life D ID '01. cn:r "' n·"''' lO rhink whaL i m p re~.: i ou the lawn a r ,;, nd ynu1 honw mn kes li J'On your J1eigh bo rs a fld re ··1 lc pa.:, j 11 t; b:·: . \ n a l LraC(i \"C~ well -kept place aJ ways .rr. .) n., ke~ fa\·(wablc c:ommcnt. 3.nd 1.s us ually a preLL)' guod ind~c-~niu1 <'f the n1ental ;tttitudc o{ the people on.:upying a house which i wcll-kt•pt nr othcn \· ise. Oftxin1e \Y(' hea r pcorlc sar~ ·· ~ h e is a good house­keercr. eYer~ r.hlng i.~ always clean a nd orderly around the flace anJ the hcuse is spotless; in ract , Lhey a re fine cici­zens . ~\ .~. ood rccommendarion.'t i t ~ \~-e ll , wh at ;;1 bo ut :-our \Yorkrlace: 1, it clean and o rd crl y ~ Or is ir di rly a11d in a di_orJerlv slate? \~-e wonder if the san1.e conl- ~ ments whicb are made about a housekee per are not ap-rli.:- able to a t\ orkman? 1 i he keeps Lhe room or place .in which he \\ ork. clean and o rderly isn't it a r retty good =nciication of a good e1nployee one who is really interested tn hi~ \York and 1.he company from whont he is getting hts bread and butter: And if an employee's wo rkplace is not kept dean and t idy, how ,,·ould rou ra te h im? \~Vonder ho\Y he i- ra ted by rhe ma nagement? \~ nu are aware of course. th at the mental · at:titude o{ • an employee is reflected in the condition of the place where he "=\·r.Jrk . It doc5n't take much oi one's tiro·e 1.0 keep 011e's workrlace clean and o rderly, really it is just about a easy tO put things \\here they belong, as it is lO drop thenl on the floc)r. Let's Ln· i l anti se.c hovv jt works . • Cleanliness i" a1sn a factor in accid ent preven tion. Ob­ject"= on (he flo<Jr cause employees to stumble and fall oi I rr'ake::- the n(J(Jr slippery and d a n ge rou.~ : obj ects on sta irs art:: \ ery baz.ard0us, ere. All of vv hich refl ect, the menta l attituJe r;f emplu~ <'t$ toward the accident progra m. T n fact, one'~ Jr.ent:.a.l attitude is n1ost impon ant it will lead cmc inlfJ 1 ro .ble or ket.:.p Dllt CHit o f trouble.;. lt really mea ns suc­ce "s or fallurc:. \\ ha• j5 vvur mental a nj n 1de t ow~a rd cleardi-nes: i, ~afd). elc.: · A f£W HAMJT:fON CH A.MPJONS top: Intomtfilicm Pli!a» Ro&aU., C htl l Rwllc-hbo rd OpQrators. Ann ) e 11$}HH16. Pt :ltl ro~ Dein &t'r. OUkoJS, U n111t ~m J;)i 'filtlol,, WUHiim tl tUIUIO?. Chut htfl l' leh arJ s~m. NOTICE , !'It l.dt t u l <d ' I tl• J.n,; j~ l,tJ ht·r lltllt:-. l~nr dt1•l t , .lth.l f1l'' "l 'l ;t J) • l l tr r t)H' I jlhiH un 111.1 ;u~i(J~t.d l H1lh j lf<.'l "hh It lll'H l)~ d lt t l\" 11 t1 l ll tt l, • •• t hc\ji ii'Ud), he· Ltih·d I tt .l!l:tlllllh' l: 111 tlw '-.t•J!It·rnlh l ''""'"" t~l "1'111 '-• •• ., ll t~ll lt,·ltl•l h·,'tt l lltiJt· ,, ltd! I) • d '• •d 11 '' 11 d "·t ',I 1 bt · l I ;It 1 ti h u 1 t I 1. t 1 ~ l 'In h. ' J l~· C'J11h i:-. tlfll lj 'tt~:t•~d cd ~lll\ t " 11i tl11 · 11\t., i I'I<Hlllftr'nl I ,. I . I ' I . . I 4 ! I h • 'I 11 Jl . 'I \ II H' t 11 W T ~ l 1l I H • t l l lllf 'I l •ll t If ';{Ill£ '\t It IJl ( l ll h ~ • ' I V\~.;Jt:-,tJ> ftclllJ•lr-1 .ltH.I I' t l\id··n l ulth\· t. hrh,uf ·.,i tt t llh;:\ Cl l GcozcJo Vliid. lismtl tc:m. Oh!o, · on ol M L ~'ld t~r!S. l , • Wlli:L · rJUM. :N.C. jn dtt I(' l ,lli~ l \11' o t J 1t,.f~· ie. tl.d h 11 1~r. (I(}) • c THE • amt HAMILTON DIVI SION Rv Emc.'r.f(Jn Robin.ron . • L P · DUCHON RECORDS AT H~MILTON SMASH(O All recor-dS for production at the Hamilton plant were smashed October 14. The outp t of fhe paper machines on that date was 543 tons . The prerious ·ecord was on May 11 for 53·3. 7 tons. Congratn]atiolls to all the boys in No. 1 and No. 2 Machines Rooms! ALI. TME RECOF.D ON COATING Mill Tllll\1MER A."l all fu:ne productioil record was made on o. 9 Coating Mill T.tim.mer, -cor. veyor unit on August 2.9. In one eight hour period the pro­ductio11 was 6S,41 5 pounds., or 119 cases,. This shift was composed of Trimmer Joe W.allace, Helper Emer­son McConnick, Franklin Hobbs and William Kolh. The total pr<:>duc:tion for the one trimmer for the 24 hour pe·riod was 190,426. CHAMPION SERVICE ~SS.OCIATION 'Th~ re~ular tneeti11~ oi rhe ( llamp­; r:H l.~n;\~e A~.::th . iJt1,;n o111ccrs and cl ~ H: 1 CJ r ~ ~ ·.;. ~ he!~ · · p t em be r 3 ~ i t h Pt\ i 1uH (jnJd ,.·~·r~1 r., .resiclin·g-. !\Jin-uts;~ ol th.('. la :- 1T "'"t:• in r· :\ r: re rea J an . l • a· .: iC \ ed. rhe Ln:·aSIJrt::-·s rl.:port \\'a~ d ~ r. tf·C,~l\ ed. I he report •.Jn rne!l.bcJ h-ip t' h r.\i t:d (.j \'<HiJ of 29 bringi tJ~ the '&:Ita lic,~ 2167. Rdit_f UlS~ ~ >. 27 ~ r.~ n:t.:eive<l ;,v,n th(; J·.xec\ ti\ c AJilHl!itu·e ·id1 : c n· r)n . r.H:nclation ni. dief be ex.­h: nde:L U11 ITlf~.- icm cl C ra.' u a f r and Ro:encran . •hi rt.".(·rm n.tndatir,n was ~-ij r .i'rJ. :: J Wh ;• ~I ' (0 (! \'(H.<!. A (iraft c). -a btdictin rr, l·e ,,raced on '11 ! Nf rJ~ '\\a· J!fe>'>e11tC"d by ~(,~ . ~ rKrall$ . 'j .:U. ~'4.!> a call ft,r ~H emi.lo ;l>. .l! .vHlir,: tl be li-(od a::; hk- ~d c~wF . n . 1~ c it~J ~c rt, lla \ ~ [I . ~ of .:e~:c rn l h uud red lt; d nd". vn f()f any emergen~.:y \\ hich may a rise. Current biU:; from L oc.lder a.od Son. Gray and Stoll were ordered paid on m•Jtions c,f . piccr a ntl Lee. - Ou n I'"ersLei ncr, Sec. Sen icc ;\ SM)ciat iun 'T'rea~urcr\ R c­pc 'rt as fJf Se.pten1ber J. B.alauce ( J fl h~w.l ,\ug. l ____ $ 1352.90 J)t"p•JSit;. --- ~ --- ~- 652. '(l T•·l al _____ --- --- »2005.70 (_he( kr- l.~b uu.J --- --- ~ -- r 3 +9.02 Bt.d ~ncc c,IJ IHllJIJ --- 6)6.68 ScJ•I. Obli~ . ri,ns --- ___ 600.00 J"' rt·c B ed.:Jnc~ __ --- --- ~(J.6~ Re-&el \-~: f>,.u,~lc (j l· ··d . ral ."')E,viuys a11d Ll'jCJJl Assn . --- ·-- ~ 509.1<) IJ utlcr Building aad L l,iJII Ct,, I 10i.OO \\t S! Sidt! lc·t~J·ral ~nvin~ and !.halt _ . - _ --- 't)O.OO (ll) Suggestion Awards 'the (ollowjng awards for sugges­tions '"·ere made at a meeting o[ the comminee on Septemher 3: Lafe King, Research. Reverse S\\'ttch on color rcll of Drum Coacer, $5.00. l\ fark K.indrcd, Drum Coat, Splash guard tJn front "ide of coating pan under color roll on· 12' cl nlm, ~3 .00. Lafe Research. Raise hinges on top segmencs of drun1> $5.00. Frank Thompson ample Depart-men t ~ Buzze r .or horn be insta lled near relephone in 1 o. 2 1\ l ill Inspeclion Office, $3 .00. Frank Harmon~ E lect ric, To change caustjc pLlmp rn otor from present lo­catio n) $5.00 . 0LlS \\-in ~o. 1 BcatC'rs. Slush pump system ~o. 1 Btr. l'a rdbo:.~rd, '/.~5 .00. ( l e~.wge Baker, C \I Reel', ,'hell r~:tcks :i'"t'' rewed d.(:>Wn t u floc1r tn R~d R Ol)lf'l .1 t a II 0 re doors, ~3 .00. • K <·n Z\ lo"CJ. P <-sc~srch~ ~ l ove fluor­es<.: cnt ligltt :-,i'Lictt\!d on the 12) l)l llm t'ontcr 10 light pit in ftunr, ~3.00 . --- ~ --- . --- FOR S J.l •' -- Hotter. St't: Citd l .atupl. \in. l :\·lachine· Honm 0r ~:dJ :d l OJ lJ T· u.~n ldln S11t~cl ur 1043 SytH­nH.: ·s Av~'Jllll'. l)ring own cont~4in(:r. Cyril Sw-eqert, No . 2 Finishinq, bad his ccu:nera at the picnic and who should he come aacr~ l:lut F~ank Hixon and h is qr.oup. Here • • thsy are. Frank. Mts. Hixon with the qrand­son. Ed Storch, Jr., in front of her, Mrs. Roman. Mrs . Ed Storch and -Ed • atn ICC o es ____·_ . flJe pas ing of R uth Xcin cau sed '<1-rro·\\ in 1 he entire Cha n1 pion org:a n­iz. alt•:Jn-cspeciall r the P urchasing De­pan. P'lt-nt-=- whete her ~unny smile t.l. OO <. .h{:•:rful Jisp,osi tiuu \\·ere a consta nt ]0}". fda t-. fa v l la m~l~on ha., returncJ • frr m a deli ·.dl 1 ful va <.at i r:,s, t rip by auto ' t) ::\t:\\ Yc,rk G!Hd the.: ~<:\~,· Eng­} a wJ .">I. ate . ( Jf lrecial i ntr~r\:'~' fu II tATi<.:c d~'-- r~rrrs;tafHS ~\'a: dJC fc((·Jll a1tU unn~ Hr {:-Jll (Jf I h ' r ·J, g.:lj.rt!H)qjl l>f ·l, ft. .• Jd)! ., slli(Htlli, t,f Sales., ~nd L,.,,~ Rt.Alin­~( J~l r.f .t~.\: Aer;t;IJutiJJ~ f ),qall JH(!I l . ·[•rr-:.Jd_:s h;.,ppj Hcllt,; rl !,a us•dt• i J.!l a V-<· Jtc•J fl } fa ~ ~)du · . ;u,d L•tl l~ ~ '\\ill, ius kindi/ l!dliJJH:r i .~.: _. b••IH i~ lltk ­roc. h, t;ft dtt ,.,._.wd r.i lw· ,,, tl:t . c 1J:toq Jr,IJ I 1nply foil• •\\ 1 lw,n (JJ dw1r ,~.:ilv, • J c- <H Jl t <.;tL•· r ;r" !'( q i i4 it b 1r·, .t·r;,'i 11 :1f:r•r a V~H::iHirm 1 t' l IJt upp•t \ lt(h ;;~an illh.l I, ' I rr ,IJ ,iq, r! ta'l ( cdlltit-. ·r, . ,.vn: •·ll lfJ'JI•·d lti t11ric \rirgll,-h ~a iJ I ! J Ul l I t " i ll l h • r· i l t , V~cati<~n t:W3 tlc r~d lO tl~t Ch .1 · cq w.~n f, 11, f} f t)l1 f ( (JI Jlt·/~ l I dl C()tJnt ry . wi r:b SLellu Brov\'U spending a fe,v weeks with re la.ti\·es in Pit ts­burgh. Rom.ilda Blatt and T helma \\ 'ciland are b ack ~ the Ia u er having enjny!.!d lhe bn:~eze $ of l\ lichigan. Helena Orr l ra veiled to .Ke"v y ·ork . a nJ. has suffered no set ious in juri es. J) )) ( ( f( Cdi,-t l\ lb crs i- p e ill her v~<Hi 1 n1 nt hCJn11.·, t ~ kin g in intcn:!'ting sig hts in the CrJlt nty. u )) (( ((_ P .-~c-y C<Juke ~ pcnl a " eck-eud in l· t. \\ "a} Il l ' , with her rqt ,ther~· J>o . ·llrn .lll r·nt t: rf.lirrf'd 1 g 10 ll }J l)f gr d ~ Jlllfl1 tltl: n fh c~· ::t l it llld ll.'flll l_)ll \II \ I l1 s l 2 I ( . j 11 l'l ll d i Jl (.' \ 1 i c • I f . , J' . t B . I ikcn !:-.hl· ,tu._ l , \·r, io!, ll li,l n kt n\·(:lt . ( • l' It ;J ~ \1 J l~:k I h tH l ~ I . t I li i ;:. ( . B u dl (' It 't i· .It' i li1 t )T I. . 1, i • · \ Ill lr t • \V s t•rtl l." fl. I i l tl', I I lw g i d "" lt ' •IJ 1 tJ H '1 It' 1H •;' 1 .t p IJ l L I , uttl, .tl q 1•. I h< I ('q, n·111 awl <. -~ ~ ~ l urJ./ .11 a r·~rd 1 ·1 , t y I ~ ' ' • i n lt • • 11 ~ • • IJ H)Tl" t l.c t . , },l ,J I )u \ 11 :n ~11 . , ~ • \V('I . r' Jrt r. t. I hH (' J1 , \\ ho 11 l 't•fl l J•er ~nl ~l~t ' wil h h~ 1 l l llt th 1 t• 1.111d J,,-tl• IJI t .Ji n t 1 )}.;, ,, .\ f r, , fi•· vvr· J-t l (0 tl]'i\ • d tll( ;) lttt . .l \ (l, li Hllill , f ld Ia J-,,, bt I'~ nd t ~11 1 d ) .) [)CU1 d l l ' (12) 'NPCk-~od at lu" l tid·an.a ·and dune~. ( Jwrlulr t: r ;tiu . ran l.lp tcJ s~ . (',qjf. ·~J ir1n . whtlt! f q·J\.· n Ril( ' ~nd hw;- ha nd spent a f,.:w dCJj at c rn r 'lkt:. ~ J ich . ~vl r. and .\ I rs . .\ lax Lon,!·-.!_r,rtf a nd \ I r. c.t oJ A1 r . (_ b a rl "'-. Lecd.::­~ pcnt a iew dH. ~a t L(,n~;.- LakC!. ~Jid1 . and Su :10 Parter w-Lr1 .\'en£ 1 ur t ( crmrnnw e "' n h \. ~ t u rc 0n La b(.,r u~ . • came home i.A"t th ~ t ~nse tJf f-Oi D1l n ~ . Bil l 1\ rrner is prn'.!'rf''~i n~ ni~d: i:1 his campai --fll fqr the . .;r ·qu1-Cenr~n­ni a l celebrarion. H e i:) <.Jnr r~ r,ri·e ca nidate for OCR .\.\fE Rrr·_-\-.: C;IRL. YELLOWSTONE AND WEST 1~.enn eL h l?ats t,. emplvyn.~erH. AIr,, Fais t and .:\ t r. and 1\ lr5. Ceor~e J\.~"'r· spent L\ \ O '\eeb> t ra\·eling via au o­mobile to Yellowsrone :\ar ional Park . . alt L ake, D~n ,·c:r ttnd other western poi nLs. Ken . who diJ mnst o f the driving. saiJ he "~as ready to ~ta rt back over the ~a me route after iH: had retu rned to H amilton. · - 'I { I /1 (1 / 1tt 'J Of . . Y/ . A d l ~J t tnv 1trll r -~ WiJll tlnf\q" ,.,<.} • () ):tl ,ltl whh thii J.}\.,o Oll th l tt, ou. $ tf.\ l, lr-1-t thc.l. Jh.~ n._\l'll uy. to hi• 'iJl at pd, !.:h·~ n a ._.nd\Jll\1 OA' bt l lqhl, Ud livu of Sw1" ltn ''l'm to ¥ lw vin · q:ra11 d ll\ 11 1 l){ i I." " A-nd,' 1 p l)od Svctn. 'J b :a h" d Mt.J t:unt) J. t:.••d-v . ERNO ZE LNER NOW l SERVIC . INJ ORE '"'h.-tmr\i,•n f,, ~,nd $ h,,,l. b<.<.ll '"'ti 'I',! < f . • j, u~ inj111 i~_•, -.n ile cd 1 • ,·t'Hti\ L,, \ .,,,1n Z~·H th't'. \\h e, fr,nn t!sh \\;t't)llh• R ~.::cl:--. 1kha b~.'t'll : n t " • .:: 'n J T j fl in i 1c r ,, , t1 it,,,, c. 11 1 \ nilkn C',1ml' .dLtn ~ .l t\ l i~·~<-'. \ ·r h)li. ,t Ct•ri'\'••aL \\:J.;; lt.::-iding . ,Jll ,. ml'n in ·, 1i1l~llt: Hll' ~_hnirH• a (" '' nlln-u;~·~ "f rr:-t. F-:ll on ."l t rJilvt , 1 :-! trn,·k. b;~ k,., 1 1'\lt·r htm. .\ f('ll.J\\' :'< !,jj,.l l't:lkd ,{ 1~.· 'tl wl11ch (dthtd th . (l.'dt~11l. Bllth r r \ ClJ)(fl · . nkk: w h. l•rc.kt'll. :lJl in' h 'I' ru,hu.l ,: nd h "~L'$ llHL' hed . lit i:- the~< n ,f \f,-. Jhi :\{, . ( ~u~ Z.•· :l .n .· :. ._.{ ,' Cl'IHl 1 ''111l 1 ~. t n'~.:t. SAW ALL-STAR FOOTBALL GAME \\ · L.i \ nndl~. C.\1 ~'hi ppin~. \\., ~.: (July hamJ i, n to ,,·t' the . \ I . ~-. r F(lr~rt <Jll ~;une rl:t,\ eJ th~ fir~t ~''i1 1 \ ~ ·ht· m t ·h in Cbicttro. \\-in u . , -rit c i n~ ?: • • ~ •<. a . 111.1 n dnu~ and • f (; ~;·emf>nie . of indu ·tin~ ti ve mem- J.: .~·s ni Ihe ·enm int~"' t~:c ~a'· ' a' • • • 1 n· 11'1rC . :-l e:. ·CIH ,, ing hi. :ret •• rn irom Chit.·agn, h~. o t ~Jr.:. Conndi:· and thei, daugh­l. l:r. \\~initrcd. went f, r a \\Cck into the Sn1okie~ the Gne 1nou n­• a:n ::-l:t::Lerv l1r.r · . • Jac,k Reedy. MachiD(l Shop. seoe in tniti qrand on. a pkture of him.ael£. Tho same ey~ tb~ sc:m dimplt!'U, and darned 1f H isn't the oa:m- mile. Th6 ryounq fellow. a y:Gill' e-ta Iter, tha picture wu lakeo. it Clyde B fP!, If. k'noWl'! to the lA.JJJll¥ H ' L \he on of Dr. and Ml"s. C. W. Berry, WdP8· konr:ta. Mm. B\;rry belnq the lonncJ EH~ab e·h 'Reedy. fUUCJhte:c of Mr. , nd Mre. John Reedy. • Left to right, fust row-Captain C. M. Adams, Ralph t oe, Pvt.; Carl Hutzelman. Mess Sqt.; Thomas Johnson . Sqt.; .Roy Smith. Pvt.: Don Hopkins. Pvt. Second row- Don Eagleson. Sgt.; Frank Dronherqer, First Sqt.; Sam Broomhall, Pv1.; Leo Ooellman, Pvt.; Drew Wolfe. Pvt.; Thomas Fanis, Corp.; Cha rles Mc£1freshi Pvt. Creel the Hamilton Cham pions who arc member· of the Ohio , tate Guard of 50 in J-Iamihon. The rictu re wa~ taken in their new ttniforms which arriYed shonly before they left for Carnr P erry (or fi rst training :·\ ugtJSt 17 to 24. The I1amilton boys did an unusualh-- fine bit of ''ork in camp for which they were highly compli­n'lented bv the office rs • and bv ( ;overnor ) oh n • • '"· Bricker. 1~hc,v were awarded the regimenta l Jnarksmanship Lrophy, dona ted b\· tht: Ci nci st - • nati Club \Vomell of the \\ orld \Var. and al ~o cH\ arded 'he cardinal ef­fic. ic·ncy ~l rea rner for ~ raudanl Ji5pla~ becau~e t.Jf genera I cffiLic.:nq. I L i Lh.e only ctnHran r to have l\vr, aw~1 rtl ". and the . ccuud was presented bv ( )hiu' cli:tinguh.hNl ( 1f1\'CJ IIOT \\ !JrJ C"{JJilpli- !Jl(.lllCG Llie boy his.+dy. Sr•t.:f'ial t.:Ornmcndat ilJil ells<, \\'a,s \ c t, d ~ J (• ·ol> :-,c. ,­n ca JH f f U f /,(' j 11 I (Ill ( t If h j"' t'! \\''1d and ICJ .'\ Ic T h,Hu-son lvr hib fiu ttJv~:n·. • ( J ~) Alux Thomson. ustnq the la dJo, S\lr prlsos aH tho boys of the C(!)mpany whon, as a c:oo!c. ho fries nearly 80 pounds of ftsh a.od ma. hoa poldtoea tho.t " molt in yo\IT mouth.'' Aleat now f-s an ot~dorly ncl publ city coordinator. Carl H.uta lman looke oo. _And fiere j __A,,othu $a et'l f!eoord H-ere is another group of Hamilton Ch,am.pion·s who. com,bined, have gone through more than 200 years of employment witho·uf a single lost time accident All began their employmeQt a etwe.en Marcil aud August. 1920. Lett to right: Robert Parks, Lester MclntyTeJ Isaac Howard, Walter Tirey, Anna l1tel., Bev M-cW'horter, Mar garet Callahan ·Mullins, Mi lton Sibert. WiJJ,iam Ho-w-ard, Shelby Gibson. • oans an roans ___ _ C\Jrley Smi Lh ha rer IJ rncd rrom his • ''acatJOJl. Pc~m P(,ff.l Biucr'i tell ltS Lhnl H 1ddt~g j{,.ch dnd Cr(Jt{;u .:. arc tn·- " in~ to Inal.;c ttlf: Chit· Chat tolllrnn. tlr;·.\·\:\~< f. t.h ·~' w;tllr. fa,·nr:tbk~ &.;nm- • H. IJl. IJ, lJ!•I '.':(1Jry lH/}". llllylftiOg' tl :q \~ i1J }':J, tb~ o•n td \'ill hf;. raV(Jr­< 1 bl,,·. )) ,, (J tj f,, ,Uh; 1' 1h:nit•J . ]lr,ld i~ tru· JICW ~-~} i~ . · I 1 1 Pl o ttl c.;.1, de Tl, · Jt ttl us n ·d hg\l.r- t . ,·.<~. ir nuiJy .t· n iJI tb · ~l~i }•pi11v J< . 4:~$n'n'J)t, Is JP•'hir~g c•l r• tJ,,.t ori[J. '1.\'rt !;ttl(• Lo,r lj · lltttrng" ft•HJI hill·• t t•:.~ ,. ")n nr 1r (~ V l't t. H sth ,~ . ui Tt t' 1 \'dtJLtLtf-1 :t tt ·d~h l hulldc~!· Lilt J fc ,J.·r·t luJs I \l.t II " nl')f. It~ d t\.< j'. I ()fW • :1 r"JJ ,u c.;, II Jl U (( (; n:~t~ ' \\ d r.111 • qnly r.;HJ ~\r,;uf.iJtV 1 ) ;1 rrt u w J. t " It, , d' ~ f. tl. f1 t. T I II C J ,.,, , Jl l·" II(' ;r, t h· in dw hit•l 1fltfl cit- IIi It I ( " }, j ~\ I k • u:-js·~u (i'IJHtlh' I,Ji • C. ~r oun~ F c1r B oo~tcr Lickets. .\ d <. ( Burn Pay) . )) ).) ( ( (( Lanc.lsc~t pe g-arJL'ning . t\ nylhing from a flowL·r pot tn a qu~1rter section. 1\.icm nursl'rics. Phone 4163-\ I. )) )) ~· u • The R ns i;tn ~1nny i~ ~ jvRc>-nn .\dnlph. » )) « tl \\ c,ud<·J \\ h:\1 hHppvnl'd lo the ~hi r'­i 'l.' J ~ J'l~'<'a tH ·'\'1<":-.,k it , 1 n f·llllrmlh:'': l•i, • 1lJi11g Wt• kn(l\\ rt \\i ll b.· lth' ( fJJd lD J, l 'lOJ ,lJnOilg (IlL· h11 }a·: :l tJIJ ,lritll\ ···~rf1•J"'l" fHlltt :_~ 1i11 ~lo\1\ kt , 11 ll f( u P.dph 1. ,.,, l•a " pt1JC.h:' ,·d ·' lll't\it• C.::lltH"I,t, 'J't,1JI . IH,uld Jt11ld lt,'llJ d(,, h thr· In .\1 fHih' f{,dj•h 1 ·I f't .a LJ.,dl .:•.1 n11· IIU) . \ (rUilf 'dl\.l lldJ ~lll t ltlllll''l' lltl') \\ dl J, -~ 't> ,•vc 'I hw. lllt!h,·1 lc • •JJI 1 ol In· nt•_, l p J I'~ 'H u I ·' til I "t. \ ! I '"'' it I j i' 11 I hI lld{l 1'\\'11 ~II I 1 \ I tl l C h~l Wrt . IIU l ' t I 'l I P 1 • ti I h"'· • Ill j 1., l,tl '"ll I .!t·tll'(' lid IHI Llnet rl . {' s . ul·' ( 14) Kir1nrir:k tdl<; u. ltat m, qt1ito~ ht1v · h ~en bad 1 hi .:-JIHJ 'lt·r, Th·:! latcsl 1alk i ~ abtJTH dn h~df~r·JWn I.Jcle hat lit •JfJ the: HI)/Jr hrnr ami 11pc:ct it. ·r htn rutr""t h.a·:e bc~;.·H the. 0nc tha dw. c·d Franc; . Kiem OtH n( the bed­room dtc of b~Ar ni¥h L » -'> 4{ tl Skillet \ ladtk•J i~ d11e o ~pn.:rut a hak, !j(JtJTL Eln.e1 ha heen g0od so J uu{! h c e\·t: n . roi I e once in :; wb ilc. Reg11lar fitde an~el. 1J » " « At la ~ t Felix i ~ happy·. .\ t. 11~ last 1 have definite i r<Jof the4~ 1 : ;I r. c . R£1\ DER. \·er: no-. . · 1 kr.o.v that it is not a] I in ~:ant for m .\: effort: a:-c apJ're-ciated. as can (le s.<;en from ex- Lra.cts from the Jeu er r,f or)e ' ·bf; ~tgn' an ~' A cc i dental J-(eader: ., Quoce: Dear Feli-x. a ft~r rea . ~!n; your col un1n. 1 take J~ y pe 1 n h.a nd to suggest a couple of chan~c~. No. I : It "'~ould be mc)re ent~rta;ning il it ·were Inorc intere:-nin~. and ~0- ~: i tbat after readi"ng the ~r'>t tine. ir. • \Yas quire C\ ident that ir ~·as i:00 Lou-.:." .\'uw ain'( that jt:>t t()v ~ect ior \\ ords: l>VUC(. Ce(lfO'C '\"\·an and Ondlc. Odel: ~an tc1l ~orne- good ones abnut ;:.qnir :·e-! hunting. lf they \\ oulJ rrnduc.! 1l lea$t. oue squirtd tail per sea"t . n. tht!y JJnight bt: hdie\·ed. .lim (~ahb·lr~.l still in si~t. thar I.!\ cry syt~irrd the:~ <.'Yt'r ~hot. was decc.r~.-cd \\ Lt h a '"' 1.~c1 of milk. )) » c:c « \VonJ~r if l c~,uld ~<.\ ~$\t r:tm: of sa fen. j rl 1111 a cc rta In !.!tl." $cJ 1 ~.·ould •~ n. \\ •. tdin.,: Ln th• t\ liuni 1~·\·c.r. • )) » (( (( .\ lll CtiCtl\1:1-·-"l'he B .J1tl\.~ l!\ o,i{ the· [ '-l'Hhlic: » » t( (\ r .•• wt u WiU y an~.~ M ~ W. 'I n 'lrl"f. _pori h ie; fhHu 11~1c , lr 1 but\ ltnq_ .!lld nOW • 1t l'i~hUJ llJ • U llti 'C ~ fl. fa •n~dto\\ . f;.rst ro • kr.~olinq-Ray Linn. E.rnio Ne lson. lioyd HaqCJard f ob RoEenaans. Don Eaql e ­S¢ 1\ t don Herschel Richardson. Paul Cook. Eu9enc Camph&U and Cal Skillman. ·r.l cl~' ,, . t h1nJ ,\-!H·n Hamilton- • 1: L' .ae .• 1 , ! It- oi· B. tlcr ( ount~ arc \v cclebra1.: the f(J\Jndin~ of thr cin - l - ! i.,) '.' "l• ('( r• ~• <"•l r<r.;t ~"-f.\~ • ~ . . h~ L _ •:u:nt I e~ifo . October - and ~ ~! · ·• ,,,._ ;t r a we~k. $, n)~ uf its • . lJrt·::- . l i1. the C\ l·IH ~t.l .\Jt·)::~uder ThnrL51Jn Tr . vice- • r:~ Idt:fll '31 d ad1."Crti:';;lg rl:anage r\ j~ .!COcrat chairu1an. l-Ie lras named lllO; • than J.f rl(J Cli'JHnillce mcn1her t • C:b . j t hin1 Eind l a \H.Jrkcd nil{ht :and .la . ' f,;r more t l1dll three mornh tu J ro\·ide a f~r<;~Jtun of cmenain- ·.eJ t. ed,n ~n J the J ' ~',. ,llOtion of . . . ' C!\ Jc.: J f I Ut:. \ r~.!ean, ··.\Ju,l:cb an ~ J iarn i'' '.d]' be f rc~cn rL.I ~cL nigl1t 'A it h a Second row-Siella laudermau, Ma ~;y Baden, Blanche Newman. Pearl Steale. ·Audrey Hoehn. Frances Deinzer. Lola Shepherd, Mildred Mick, Maude Zieqenhardt. Ethel Kiser, Carolyn Leh· man, Parke Batson. ca: l of f. 'Ult mo re than 100 of whom will be CiH1mpion. . A great pa rade \'i·iiJ be g i\ en on \\'edncsday a fLer­noon in ,,·hich all organir.aLions and a rmy units \ri ll take part. Da ncing "ill be pro\·idcd eac h night to the music of 'f ommy Dorser and other nat iunal h. · known orche. strAs. A Coro-natil'n ba ll will precede Lhe celebration O.:tober 4 in .\I idd lcto,,·n when ''Our .\ n1c.: rican Cirl"' will be crowned and her attendants . ~f i s Hamilton/' " ~ f i s .\ 1i d d I e tv w n:' '· :'\ I iss .\ I i a m i ' ancl ·'.\l iss Oxfnrd , wilh 60 other !!irb \\i ll ·bc si(.'nalh- honored. 'J'be ' - . fi r-,l ft, c gee spet.:iaJ lrips. T he eV{ nt j ., expected to bring un­counted t h<>Usa nd · to Ha mi lton and h(,n1eo mi n¥ tby \\ ill ca u ~e the return here of former n.:sidenls in great uurnb<.:t:>. • Third row- Claire Plqqoll, Julia Glin.B, Louise Bri e~ . Sophie Reed, Mary Richy. Bob Oqilvle. Alexander Thomson. Jr. Doris Du.nlap , Art Topmiller, Esther Lauderman, James Sons, Grace Melton. Nellie Sowell, Clara Belle Hall . • arJ~tptonj fn the picture abo\·e a re so1ne uf the Champions who a re and ha\·e been for weeks active in doing some par­ticul ar job in connection with the celebratiun. T here are many others jncJuding Carl Kihn . I-Ierb Schmitz, Osca r ,.'tuckenbe rgc r. \\'illiam Rent­schler and Charles !\ foyers. ROSENCRANS IN SESQUI EFFORT Bob Rosencrans. job analysis, i.;; co­chai rman of a J unior Chamber of Commerce Coznmiuee which, with C1eneral Chairman . lex 1~ho m so n. l r., • has a rranged for th c \·isi t here of a gigantic a rmy air display duri ng the celebration of 1 he cit y's . esq ui cen tcn­ni al. T he exhibit uf plane ·. bomb s i ght ~ photographic cq u i pmcnt. etc., is ,-a lucd at murc Lh an $.'00,000. • Vtew of the City of Hamltton., Ohto, f rom Hilltop 111 the Dlatan~& (1 5) IPWA~\PlONS PLAY r~)R DAt ER.rvEsr flo\iCuAM•C. t< Th. 'f @--.,.pi £ C.YGtoNE. ANO f:JN n I r c X~ L E ~A\ 11\16- MA ~v 11'11 H A'l'€ S THO VG-1-\ T HE:' R ~ ALV WA O ONt: WHEN IHS Ltl\l ~ 13E'CAME E/V7A N G:le0 1"-' IUE PAo P£'Ut=R OF T ~ e- l\1o"ro R <Ji \\hi \\ \ li~.: . • :;eck .'1 h ,r .l 5 a trir r ~·.~ h\ I t ·was 1nnnu'n'-·~' I \ 1 d) n :'lll rn \ Jitl .\ W\.mkl /Jy S/•I: 'IICt>r Jlfal.::.oe/1 T hl: " - Fiui h b~tll tt'!Ull chltnit ·, unJt•t I)J'v• urc·. th:H i· ' ill n . ~t com­pl: H' in rhc Lrl~ .;,:ri s . . \ 1 -c.:r .1 br;Hidlt s t trl. '' .n111nt? a ~-h h' l ~ ic at .,L tl t) ''-<:'Ill ( tJ b:l\'t' k'l tb ir pl . 1.: ~.·~l·~ trtH.l~o.'l tot' ~h ._.<,r'llJ'•'lltl• u ;tnd \l'r·· un.thk (,,\\in ~Ul\t hin' l'lH nH.r.d \ t • rcz11;;. w:\ cr c.q:wt:rcd that Rr)l­l~ r.u) would ~o I i~ far. ~i u c:c R c1lli11 ~ 1· ib.:. _ fiUv. ri:-r}lJ . i H!.J !rm~cr a IJJC IH-l~• tA d~t. jJt CuU l h.:i l ~ '" c· felt he I i)i 'Wv1 J•.) J ~ lJ!' 1 ht.: dign ity ~HlU f'<Ji :o,e v. ],;d. .ah.v.a y 1 a . c.: b ·<.:H t1 1 a 1 l oi him. Jft)\~' .\1.!1. \\'4 W<:f'(• S! lt ptil>td wh 'f) in fr,J 1l1C.-- dt ~ ,JJ Ul• tJ} , 1 \ ( nl~' r '.tl h. \'~ to iw c· H cl into 1 I I I • I 1 VJ• ,. • I I IH •fH' ~. 11 .l! \'.l: I } J I 'I r u~ · a1d ( J1'7lt't $HAII :u.a 1,j l hd of n~·luin;.r Jndinn . . li11all) bit the J11 s l. \h l'r a hri11iant sea 1111 com­lJiJttn~ (CJJl:ll';-;s li L~. raillt:.'d out a fT~i ~ ~ and fn·~.·-f•>l-al l ~ . 'l'rue .end }II :> UO\'$ liJially \\l'J'~o.' (·lintinatt;d ~l St1nH:rvill t:. U u t rJ 1 tl )' ,i f l e r i"l t t , u 1.!'1 1 ~ r 1 u U' g ll•. I· 1 r::. t I h v, c.1 1 <.: \\ :t l >\ < • ~ t In: n " :; \1 d d l' 11 do\\ 11 ~ . r(Jitl' Jll'l.l.:l). it,ul.d the ft111)1' lh.·in ' l ' tll- ,.d ;t nd in dn: pi 1< n tlt. F .tl\,llliS f,) nl Ll11 lJJ lht ''fl tlt l' short t:uJ ,,f ' lrntc { ''' nt. f j,,wt·\ ·r. 1 h, \' l t 11111d 11 h ,. i !I be Ill ~ I il . h J }' ~ tJ Ill)' l111 H' H ll' ~-1 f il t h••t J \'llllfl' llli\'(.' t! l'llit ll h .l d !11 ~ 1 r J l I t Jl I I I h i !" ~ ll I II 6 i H \\- hi ( It I Ill \ c n.dl· cl. 'J 1.(' ~·l l •·~w·tft&.J , n ud> lu II b) 1B ,,,j,, , 11! ~· \ I.Jf tirlt d•'j''lll­f), r 11 tl 1'ih 1tl llll i' \'- 1 , lit I Ill It I\,, f <' H 1Hjll •1.dl 1' \ljtJ) :d 1·. \ Jl'llalh't ~ '' i ifal " '' Jl• d guc \ \H 11· • 1 ht~ " ' (JI I' ltL l I tltl' llif)HJIII ( c ill ell ill·•, k J l \ , ~ ,~ddt, • ill 1••:td11h'n lrl& dH 111 • J 1 1 I , I }I 'I I k l C I t I I I j r l J J ~1 II I \I I It ' 1! ' ffllti ( u~·, l tHII l •••ll' , 1· 1 \ It J • ' { • 1 hI \\ 1 J Ia fl r n \\ 1 t•. h .J It m 1 n g rJ t lllllt I d lt .PJI . , wnll I t•! I •!-il llll t• n[ :. {I; f! \ 1\ (:]I II ( I I ( f jJ 1 rJh JJ l d 1\,! [r; I I II I C (115) • • \ ic tnr i l'~. \\ i Ut 'lith st l 1!- 1:.- \ l t.' 1\.i Ill bh·. nut •I . ~( I 11.:1.~;.'1 •• 111\!f!\. r ~h tl .· t .twi Ht~ Ut·d (. ,nr~.·tt, it i . ltnl to llg"Ult' '"1\ lhq \lid llt•l t\n':.h .1t t in· t ( 'I \ d l l~e ,, ' . l I". l it \\ \.\ I. I • d ll"· ~ I l j ll\ tlw\ nul. ,,. l l' ;, ''' n but n '~.·r :ntr \. )\\ tlnL Lil t' b\l\\ lin · .,. , •JII i~ ,,·dl ' ' llll li S \\ I\ tltt~ I 11\\i.'l lt'llll ·· till dt.• ( Lll't' II ~ i t Hc.:' lllt• J O (I 111111\ill ~ tll tht• I ,, 1 1" , '~t. l d t h 1 i u l' 11 i 1 ~ "P l 'tlltt ·n r:s " i 1 h l tlll~o. r1 r J '" \ J, f1 t dllt .\. . t ;~ '1'd \Jl\ \ n,l,, ''~ p•n,.·, It •11:-,· 1\lh.h •1 111 .n. · ''t',tt dt ·l! l1i::-. -.h•t· .uh.J .'\' ~.h:lt\: t\ ht>t 1.1 b ti"¥ ti ll· d\·-:.i1 ,1l 1 ult, .ntd r.s lit Llwtt I'"' l.i'h' \\llh IJ~tl d '1111 dtd \i ~ rll . 1 \:h~ \lt -.~t·~ i l1i'b t'cl l .,.(~ 11 , l:q lllllllli rlh I Ii . hi 1\\' llhlf't ' d \I jb 'tlt Purd t 'h" nd t•'l·· ! h t' " 1\ u i"·~ th 11 ht.• \\ dl LJ·· ,d , llll!J I ht• l d~ 1 I \\ ht-':> 11 d t. , _ tt< p• sh ,r s'' "c.· ~h,rll hidt. , ur lJillr: .tnd ,lh '\' i.t.t ld p .d" f1 1r d If; 11 , s d l' I · t • u 1 ~ , , I ( 1 11 d t I i ~ 1 n u -l t . • • 1·2--'Mazjorie. 10, and Mildred Jnne Bal· linqer 14 months, childrec of He rbert Rallinger, Millwrights 3-Edclie Scbenc~. son of He len Schenc~. Ho. 2 Sodi:nq : 4- Mary 'K. Frances P1e:peT. daughter of Bob Pieper, Coafulq Mill. nie~e o~ Frances Smith. and qranddauqhter of William Coop~r. Chemical; 5---Toan Lee Hea­t> el.brook. dauqhter o1 Anthouy. Unlo~dinq. and Mildred Ker&cr,}y of No. 2 s~tinq, and cousln of Norma Schnrid t. C M Sortinq, and Marcella Schmidt. No. 2 Sortinq; 6-David Everett Carle: . soD of Everett. C M. Calend ta. and E.-a . torwer)y ol Al Ru.dd lt:s oHice, qrand· scm of U:l Carter. No. 2 Machine Room, and 5. f. hqlcy. No. l M•chine Room. and a aepb6w Cli Dorothy Hw:ley. C M Sortint;ri 7- Joo.Jl Hlx<m. tbr. apple of the oyo of her qrand· dad. Frank Six:cm. anddauqhtor of W:illiam Hixon: 8--Molvm Pc:ntl Budor 20 months, gra11daou of 8iU Maupin. Ca le r.d&ra. and hia gTandmoUJer. fon nMlf P. uqu.ata J(lne6, oJ Sort· inq: 9- Bob Renie, formerly of No. 2 Mill. now at Camp Shelby; 10- Dr. Frank Qluhm. Veterinarian. nephew of Hilda Lenhoff, C M So.rti.nq, and son of Mrs. John Banowcliff; 17- Beatrice Brockman , C M SeTting, posed for p icture with Ch ero ~<ee Indians on reservation durinq vacation; 18- great lor Father and Son , Wayne Williams. C M Calend ers. and his son. Jimmy, a t a fa vorite s port; 13-Before Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Graham and their son, Nils Maaon; 14 Ch arles King, Jr. 19, son of Ch cirles. MUiwri~ht, qradua te of Hanover Schcol; 15-Paul Lewis, son of Nell Lewis. No. 2 Counting, a,nd brothw of Ha rold Lewis, C M Calender&. graduate oJ McGuffey School, Oxford, and now a Champion himself; 18- 0z~e Landrum, forme rly of C M Calenders, ® W tn the Navy; 1 1 - Harold Hackt)nberq. now at Camp Shelby; 12- No1ma Schmidt aDd her bro her. Raymond, who 11 now at Plno Camp. N. Y. (17) ® MRS. HORNSBY CALLED Delbert I-Iornsby, P ower, ,·vas noti­fi ccl on the 8rh of the death of his n1orher, 1'\'Irs. Drucilla ~ I. 1-lornsby in the fam ily home in \fill .PoncL K.y. . he also leaves her widower. r\ lcc c. Hornsby, four oLher sons, a dauglHt:r a nd a s iste r. MRS. MARY F. KIEFER • JvJrs. !\ leu v F. Kiefer. 76. moth er • or ~ f rs. Ccn r£.~"c Steiner. Ji cd on the .=\Lh in th e: h t)Jn ~ of H son, ( ~cn rgc. ll l6 CoocJrn ~n ,\ , c tHil'. Slw sluJicd mu ~ic t ndy if.l life and for 50 ) t· ~rs taug-ht spcri,d plt('i ls in 1lJ n,ih•HI. She lcttVL'$ lwr dall l"hu: r, fou r ~n il s , a h~t>l h <:t . l Wu sis1crl) ~ 11d fou t g r \t iH.I childr en. Uy Hill Thomp_,ull .\ 1 ~, l ~;a f · t t• ri 1 $\. c H t' : C:d "'thlE'r hdt'Lr: <.;t\'l' me nne , m a H be r r y 1 i <.'. :\ ''\ wctitrt~ · ~: \\'t-. l an~ black-t • . . 1 ,._·rr~ 3 n~1 r a~! berry r' lt' Htl <1ft.! OUL of :mall berry pi t>s.·)('i Ciaude Hakomb a1wa\S ha . heel ,'on,idercd calenckrd()m· · ~11igh t­ie nnnler. trarre r. ft -hernlan and !!ene,·al outd«"or:' supcrn\a n. Dick was ra eJ tC'J'S and his car was ~ uppo~ccl t-u J-1n! indd1niteh- on fi,·e ga llt"~n · of !ra. T his n1o<kr; Da ni el Boone be­~' 1\e ,o m uch of an authorit, on the • £>reat dren ~races , his fri end- forgot f1i!n a~ ClauJc and tagged hin1 '·big ll • ., . cnt<>1 . l . o harrened that .\ bic Barger and c(\i~er . tamper. who are hunts­T: l~n C)f l!reat ren0\\ n in their owu --·!ghJ. cts ked the big chief to accom­j: ·an. hi!.ll c1n a hunt. H e readily agrct.-d. 11-e trio ~et out i o the chief's fa m­ou~ car vci h the ~I S Hal five ga llons and reliable old Dick-the superdog in tbe n.:a r. Th e ~· ~ topped up G ratis a~· ;.ntd d1c:- hunt began-Dick ran and t'a . ked half the nighL but treed nor a (.' ,(m. Colrr.~r a ncl Abie sug­ge;;. Lc'l the\ ~i\·e jt up an.d return h (. 3)(•. . Hc_m ,.-.,~·an.J Lhe~t srart t•d but ju st as l h t'Y \\"('I L' well Lh I OUJ.dl S ·. \~(' n ~ l il C _, thl' ~.hicf' s ca r beA"an rn sruncr that well t nun-n ·•nu t nf ga "" 1 ttnc. 'hie-( !'l Jod in midLll<: of the rcn~d ;\ IHJ \\':JVC'd a fH)\\('rfU I nash light UU­tiJ a V<.HI I1g \.n .,nwn drivc·r '"·as fo rced tO $U;i' t O·~ rre\'Cnl hitting him. 1'hc ~ t ory goe' that as he app roached her window to a . k fnr a ''lift, to a gas " t:rnjoo. J1e ga n:~ hi nt a rcsot1nding slap and sped a\\'ay. ;;\ bic fina lh-· thumbed a ride hume • Lo g~ t his own car and r e$<.:Ue his comna nion"' about da v. break. ·r hc boys have for gotten the Big hief who is just pi~ in Claude to th rm nrnv. Claude in turn ha c:ea ed calling- his fonl)erly fa mou dog. Dick. l t i ·· uow Richard. » » (( (( I ke J-lcn-·es and \Y av. ne \Villiam ·- t'Yo of P o-,Ndl'$ boys-were ru hed to hos pita ls '-Yith se rious a ilmen t , . \ \" ayne was bothered br gall diflic ult;;­and v.ras a ble to return a fter treatment but }iayes was considered in a grave condition-as this wa \, ·rit­ten. Friends wi sh him a ~ [ eedy re­covery. )) )) <l (( L arrv R eiter alwnv: brin~ his lunch rn a brown paper hag. 'l-le hjt a new hi p-h i 11 ~o n1cdy n:ccn.tly when he orcncd his lunch sack on ly to find • e ar men s --- ~- Hv" R u I ft II .I rntt'S • 'fhu ·eJ ,i . iJntw~l \i\'fJ r ~ . J . 1 ·ta I BeJ del s. anrl ( ql· If f ) (.i ll lu.; ro :- :n.:iaf wa~ h(·ld ::.t gqi, f J tl_v ·: Camp rc' ./fl' ly , .,.j,h •· \.'c• J'-'rw wht~ ~· n rrj''l'iJ t ­wi :<"f•.Jtllng rlwy la ~d n i lt•a ·.uli •: \:'~, I f:lj:'. )I ,. l.• (I Hdl Jf ·rror·1 the a•ll. e \N,•:•n c,f ( harHpl ,,., 'l<,fd>::dJ. opitwli tl,:tt ""' n· 'rn ''' 11d I If;" l iJtJC h l't,w:nd 1 it• hin;.'~ ;u thu1 tl :!f \'a7iH' ,n,w fl ,, ., .,,c • • [J!;.yj J, i1 1!,, ,} a~ if 11,, J-if.f l1c"r 't l Jit •t_; idu,-ta cJ'). 11 Jl'r {;<. llt ;JJ tltr l li.itd 1~11 ,.d.,,, \\ 'h t~ q )?111ht•Jifl;· ~ff)\IIJtl f.,;, tf 1 • lldf.•Jt . 1 ~1 i •· 1 ;1 &IH· p i(A; . •Jll j tittJ ' \ .t l t"t' '' ' •: HJ!I l rd l 111 ·I' o r "11 r( , ' ·." l d d I "d ~ I t, , . > i 11 ( !J, ;.,!W ) J t ' .1 n. l pni rd oltH !1, (f J', IJ ] J, ,} t h. t·l,. ~'th ,j ) l\ 1 {I I 11\ld 1 1 ' ""' I [ nadl , fl H11 l ·:n~r.<:ll l~ri~_, , l•a'" jnsr rrf~tt • !1 ~d f ru-m b~$ \ a\.lti'JJJ pt·n• ;n,nd ~h· !a dri\i11r! bct,t:cen fl :uT'lilu .rl aod 1- umhu . . ~ ., •< u \ \ 'onder v·h-tJ '" \\ atchin~ Bi 11 1-fa rde­hcc k's mu;-,},rr;nm-. whil· he i, ~o ne. T-Le went to tlw , PH>kies. ' L,<J\J [hickt,er i':l a b t5,\ ' man tJH!:::•.: clays, and the vn l ~· place tn tn.d hjm >Nhetl not al th<:· plant i.s a . .tat n~ •,' home '' hil'h be i~ buildin~. .d rc "• powe r 1 o you. L,.,u. )') n « a \ 'acationisLs: H ansford Landrum tou ring the ea~t \\here there ·w.a <£ '"gas s hnnage ·~ . . . Ch a rlt:~' Pierce waJkinv ~t bouL the fann in old Ind1ana . l.:::a rl 1-k Jt!'t$ tnl\·cdin~ throuah '-' '-' :cction of Canada . . . Gcr:>r.~. e !\ k- Cla nahan. francis tephen 3Dd Boo B l~(!l e r j u st go~ u ~ r· lac~ . OUt he: h ~H.l l'iC!x<>d ur• a doz ll e., g:; h;· mi ~t akE:-. )) » (( « Rnl J) \)\\' l'l :v. . anJ hi~ \fr$. su the :-. ton. '~ ul'!) , re'-·~ru h. went t c~ 11 c~ rni- \'al. s torping a t ~' chnn~.·":' t.'tkan~ b~ '•th with 12 huck;;. \ --~Prt tim~ l1l<.:r they \\'t• nJ ~d tht"ir \\ j\ qnit'tl~ ht. . ,~­\\' Jtd . .·~tl t\' H,: ld k)n thlrcd th n B i~.: I lt·nr Sntith ' \\'b \\~.· a rin·· C·lh' r .Hl .t n~l '-'nt.· bl.h.k ~h ''"' l l t· " · t·lain~.·l: ln tlh· (j,,, pi.Hc I W . llll t ' \ '<-' I YPl h.' t ~.l know t h ' l\(,' lll ltJ 't! tll'l ll \\ l)\' r' ·tir \ f "' h, "• .111\,1 I 1\ dw ~\'(" 11hl l 'Ltu. r h l \ \' .m lidll." l ' J•.lll :tt ltt~IH~' hk t• dh.'~l :· n ,, " ,. Lnu i{· p ~Hllll'i \ ctll l'd I me i I i lll t• l ndltllt fd •t~o.'t hi:.' ~ ,·.:t, n II • " l I c ' I tJ ) u ~ l ~ i\ q II .1 1 tl' l Itt· , t h.L ( ll.' l tl ti s: fttd ·· l h l il lsl l ll s '-t\,L',' hi ~ , J, .,., . ~,,~. ,,tt tlw ·r,"llt l' . ,H h wm . h ith \ ll '> <. tlfll!l\ i u - i ttttti••!" t),,· r n i lltP ­lj I Ill• , II " Il l d hd lit ·b l i '1 PI: "'. . J h u . ~ ' 1, · 1 1 I n· j ",J. ~,, : s I wl! t ' I • I 1 1 : • ·' 1 ' •• I· t 11 d \ I, h 1 n, \ l1 s ~ I, h i a. . < j l'll• •• • X1 I 1 t1 t" i, It· 1 • • 1 1 l I \ Is . ~. It n < • i . h. 1 • t • . It h HI , ~'IH• tlt 1l•l· I. rl'L<f I \a l luh.l.n l 11 I 1" I i tll .j, ' 1 1 t 11 1 ~ i ll ~1 1 u1 : . i • II and 'I' 'II,. Jl .llHt•, INOUSTRI ,~t llASEBAI.l[RS WIN FLAG ) ~ S tfn:'Y 1!l bit \ ht:ir ~ ll idt'-- '-' t' • h(:'J't.'. \\ .1' lht' lH~:tdilH ('\( t Ul Ja~t n.~., nth\ ,. 1lumu in l '' l}'fo~ Ll'l< . :llld \\<.' h~H·l ~··,ih: lll"t th . ~ HcU e1 :l~iH Jl Julihcn L'Lsm1'irn1 £i lr~n lr has tl'\: Jndu!-:n:i I I «:.H?tt.' ILt. ~If" t:t['l'~d hr' "· ull't'l 1.~111. v ~i t h l·J i11 i he • • .~ t ll~l' t\rf''- l •.lr ,t JI• t 1 t.'l \'t' n • ~iLK<. <)U r 1"1 ~ l \\· 111; ni.! w r !>.a' e • f11}\\'d dn\\U tfh' ('H''ll1\ lu tll(' \tlllt.' tl i intlr i1' d u~ \r!.,. .1. t".i~ ket 'ti- ~\ ,, ~"· . :. \.:~ • h t h l' fnr \l < ( a Jh.'- l,in"''· \11J \\ c ~ hink th.~t {•nlt.~ nf I""(' 'I(\' indudin.:! Fal 'I' auJ c 1~t:l- '11 jJ I . l\ : . "l '• ( u .:.~ ~ , tt"'' l ttd::-"' c~ ~ I J'qJn ' tht" \ ch tt1e\ la'-~.·,i th1 1 '1f'!'St.:hidc <"Ut at n,.l·t~1 "-'1~L SLnJ3) . Scpternbe:•r l~. Ar an;· 1 J: ~.· ·, .t~n t ne '11h)k ~o.• had • ·.t::&rcd n\av. . rid t 11~ c~citcnlent h:-tJ di ·\.~ du\Ytl \\ t' l.Jtl z. nnc:x<.:d the ~ e-cond .dl'"' r.nal .~. amL of t~c :'cries for the tb . i•1 a i s.rd f.~ u.~ ln I al l {!am~.:. "il- ~ Ik:~ ~ •)v ~· 1h. fr'lur lhc.H.:incl ian.:. • J n i ~,t' \.~;:!t,~rnei.r at home plate af:er the in.1l nn~ i"".i been ·cored ·we ~a\\· ~la!'. ~t>r Jo h~ . hnl ing hand$ anJ r.H1:il ·~ Q'l{~ ~ ~·0 tlH~ l'aLk thlt he had 1~c~ ~r :l:"~n ~fore . t'v e.o \Ve got ~(J ~-'>·ir~d i.ll~l \t rid\.t:d tq:' half of dw ('lH: nl\ ·s hJ. l ~ •• ln;.-.t ''' o h ~tll, , amJ lunud :1 11 l•kl s hill' in \\ h lT i, ld t uf OU I h ;H l't \ ~1111. h J!W tJa: . •'iiMitl t'ntb p~t·tl y -.o. 11. 01 \\' wiH h ~·' c to han ;:t nt \' orH.' m:! dt•. 1 t f-i{' t.:m:-. that a tlHrJ h~l)o,l'llliHl ou our te~un ha ~ a kH«l(k fl•t l. ick:i nl.!. ltult"'~ in CJUI ba l bo~ (' \Cl} lill h.' ht~ strikes ntll or geL'\ a b I : nl· \ d l' c i;:. i ()( l r rc ' I n l II l.' I till p;.:. . • l f-e-e h' the dl)(k thal it · ti tue f<",r \\ indh:ll. ht.• b:1ck in fifteen m in ttlC:;. \\'in('h ·II ~cl:tn . d pr~.: t ty d ry noth ing­much hut '' ar JH.·w c., ~v idcntly ha, nr hea1J abnuL u.: \\i n ni n ,~ that Aan-, at le:t$i. he didn'r mention it. a nd Junes • a nd us thinking all the time it mi¥hL mC!ke a l!Ood scoop. P c rhap~ it will if we go oo from here Lu win the City • • • ~n e s; we rc 0\1( to tr~ ll ~ n yvYay. Vrav;:ing fo r the S (.~ri es round robin \\' e:l S held i ll Lhe ~ f llfl ici pa l bui Jdi n g, bel\<\ een t.h<.: team ~ "·ho ha,·c qualifi~J for the scrie~ . ther a re Champion . "tedjng Pump, . .' c. Ann. \~ 'est Side Ba pr.i ·t , a nd the wi 11 ncr uf the Champ­ion ~ lil I lc~ -roe. which as veL ha been • u ndecide·d . From where we sit it looks li kc we " iII be telling you in next month' i$~ue ho''" ' ·e won the city series; that ·s croin (t pre(tv far ou t m1 Lhe C> 0 . limb. 0 e w s~__,;.,_._-~____.: Tl· e Jll:W~ \ •i l l1c . •!JJ~n Jcath of · ur '!?<r ~:orkcr Cb:tr!c~ Gr3'.f \Yas more 'tJ.n a :-:·nck !<1 ail \\urkec in the Pi . .: D.:j ,ar·ml