Northwest History. Aviation 8. Rescue & Searching Parties, United States.

Russian Flyers Join In Search. RUSSIAN FLYERS JOIN IN BARROW, Alaska, Aug. 20. (/P)— The Russian hydroplane flown by Pilot Zadkoff, which arrived here last night from northern Siberia to aid in the search for the lost polar flyers, was refueled and serviced today to proceed eastward to Aklavik, N. W...

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Published: 1937
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Summary:Russian Flyers Join In Search. RUSSIAN FLYERS JOIN IN BARROW, Alaska, Aug. 20. (/P)— The Russian hydroplane flown by Pilot Zadkoff, which arrived here last night from northern Siberia to aid in the search for the lost polar flyers, was refueled and serviced today to proceed eastward to Aklavik, N. W. T. The soviet ice-breaker Krassin, carrying four planes to be used in the search, lay off Barrow today. Wilkins on Way. WINNIPEG, Aug. 20.—(Canadian Press)—Sir Herbert Wilkins' air party, dashing to search for the missing Russian polar flyers, passed over the *ed .Lake mining area, 225 miles northeast of here at noon Report Is False. EDMONTC N, Aug. 20. (CP) — False report that the Russian transpolar airmen had reached Point Barrow, Alaska, was made here today following receipt of an ambiguous message from that point. A check revealed that a Russian search plane had landed at Point Barrow last night.