Northwest history. Women's clubs.

Urge refuge for former convicts Urge Refuge For Former Convicts Mountain Home, Idaho, Sept. 25,— W)—The Idaho Federation of Worn* en's Clubs urged today legislation designating the southwestern Idaho state prison farm on Eagle island in the Boise river a refuge for pardoned prisoners who are un...

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Published: 1936
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Summary:Urge refuge for former convicts Urge Refuge For Former Convicts Mountain Home, Idaho, Sept. 25,— W)—The Idaho Federation of Worn* en's Clubs urged today legislation designating the southwestern Idaho state prison farm on Eagle island in the Boise river a refuge for pardoned prisoners who are unable to find employment. The 22nd convention closed with the selection of Payette as the 1937 meeting place. Other resolutions asked equal representation of women on political boards and committees; additional legislation to provide better library facilities in smaller communities; and creation of a separate department of j public health and divorcing its functions from the public welfare department, of which the health division now is a part.