Northwest History. State History. Contest & Awards, Cont'd. General to Writing. Conventions & Conferences. Agronomists to Ass. University Women.

Stock Judging Title To W.S.C.: Ed Heinomen Leads In Portland Exposition- Montana Rates High. Stock Judging Title To W.S.C.: Ed Heinomen Leads In Portland Exposition- Montana Rates High. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 4. (AP)-An Alaska girl, an Oregon boy and a Washington State college student captured three p...

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Published: 1937
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Summary:Stock Judging Title To W.S.C.: Ed Heinomen Leads In Portland Exposition- Montana Rates High. Stock Judging Title To W.S.C.: Ed Heinomen Leads In Portland Exposition- Montana Rates High. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 4. (AP)-An Alaska girl, an Oregon boy and a Washington State college student captured three prized honors at the Pacific International Live Stock exposition today, while a Montana, State college live stock judging team forged ahead of other Pacific northwest schools in its specialty, Ed Heinomen, Washington State college, led individual judges in the college live stock judging contest, with Montana State taking the team lead with 4124 points, followed by the University of Wyoming, 4094; Oregon State 3875; University of Idaho 3860 and Washington State 3706. Alaska Wool Wins. Bernice Anderson, Matanuska, Alaska, exhibited the best Hampshire ewe fleece of the show, while Lee Case, Brownsville, Ore., for the second successive year captured a championship in the commerce division of the wool section. Both are 4-H club members. Trailing Heinomen in order in individual judging were Thomas Chester, Idaho; Neff Tippets, Wyoming, and Elmer Smiley, Oregon State. James Conner, Wyoming, led college horse judges, Chester topped the sheep judges and Merrill Miller, Montana State, was the best cattle judge. Other Winners Given. Other results included: Future Farmer team standing in dairy judging-. Arlington, Wash., 1981; Lynden, Wash., 1945; Monroe, Wash., 1928; fifth, Ridgefield, Wash., 1926; sixth, Chewelah, Wash., 1912. High teams, Holstein, heifers, Oak Harbor, Wash., 522 1/2.Wash., 507 1/2; Arlington, Wash., 497 1/2; fifth, Chewelah, Wash., 490.: Guernsey - Second, Ridgefield, Wash., 531; third, Ellensburg, Wash., 527 1/2; fourth, Chewelah, Wash., 527 1/2 High boys in dairy—Firlard Carlson. Redmond, Wash., 717.5; second, Bob Dennis, Monroe, Wash., 702.5; third, Jack Gray and Tom Heaton, both of Arlington, Wash., and Warren Miller, Chewelah, Wash., each 687.5. Guernseys—Second, Edwin Eberle, Sequim, Wash.; Willard Carlson, Redmond, Wash.; Howard Hartman, Ellensburg, Wash.; each 192 1/2. Colville Scores High. Team standing in animal husbandry judging — First, Colville, Wash.; second, Kennewick, Wash.; third, Endicott, Wash.; fourth, Pullman, Wash.; sixth, Walla Walla, seventh, St. John, Wash. Swine team (Duroc Jersey)—Toledo, Wash.; second, Battle Ground, Wash.; third, Grandview, Wash. Beef—First, Kennewick, Wash.; third, St. John, Wash. Sheep—First, St. John, Wash.; second, Toledo, Wash.; third, Colville, Wash. High boys, all classes—First, Fred Martin, Toledo, Wash.; second, Harold Noffziger, Pullman, Wash.; third, Robert Malloy, Prescott, Wash.; fourth, Lee Mertz, Kennewick, Wash. Winning fleeces included: Three-eighths blood combing — Ernest White, Kalispell, Mont., first; C. H. Davison, Nampa, Idaho, second; L. E. Howard, Alanson, Mich., third; W. P. Rollinger, Sunnyside, Wash., fourth. Idaho U. Swine Win. College Lad, a Hereford steer entered by Montana State college, was judged grand champion of all breeds. The Montana school also exhibited the champion barrow of all breeds, a heavy Duroc Jersey. Other winners in the fat hog exhibit included: Poland Chinas—Barrow, 225 to 300 pounds: First, University of Idaho; pen of three, each under 225 pounds, University of Idaho; pen of three, 225 to 300 pounds, University of Idaho. Duroc Jerseys—Barrow, 225 to 300 pounds, Montana State college; barrow under 225 pounds, University of Idaho; pen of three, each 225 to 300, Montana State college pen of three, under 225, Oregon State college.