Northwest History. Alaska. Science. United States.

'Killer Ships' To Seek Mammals SEEK MAMMALS ter and Gus wester gunner 01 tne Aberdeen. Capt. Albert Barron will be master of the Tanginak. The Paterson, Kodiak and Unimak will go to the whaling station at Akutan and are expected to sail from Belle- vue April 20. They will be followed to se...

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Published: 1937
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Summary:'Killer Ships' To Seek Mammals SEEK MAMMALS ter and Gus wester gunner 01 tne Aberdeen. Capt. Albert Barron will be master of the Tanginak. The Paterson, Kodiak and Unimak will go to the whaling station at Akutan and are expected to sail from Belle- vue April 20. They will be followed to sea by the Tanginak, Moran and Aberdeen, which will leave Belle- vue April 27, bound for Port Hob- "Thar she blows!" soon will be Ernest Kugler will be station the shout heard in Alaska waters manager at Akutan and M. Lagen from the crow's nest atop the main- at Port Hobron. About 160 men masts of the trim little ships of will be required at the two stations, the American Pacific Whaling including natives who cut the blub- Company, which seek the world's ber. When the whales are killed largest game, the giant finbacks, by the harpoon gunners, the huge humpbacks, sperm and blue whales bodies are inflated so they will not that play in gale-swept seas off Ko- sink, and towed to the plant where diak Island and the Aleutian Penin- the carcass is cut up and thrown sula. into boiling vats to extract the oil. Six "killer-ships " which might Exciting Undertaking be taken for small-sized gunboats, _ 7. . . before the end of the month will Crews for ,the whaling stations be on their way from the com- JflU «o north in vessels of the pany's station at Bellevue on the Alaska Steamship Company and the east shore of Lake Washington to Products of the plants oil and fer- Port Hobron, Kodiak Island and tlUzer wiU be brought south by Akutan, Unimak Pass, ready for an- shlDS of tnIS company, other whaling season in the North. Whaling is an exciting game. Chris Olsen, who will go north Wounded whales sometimes head with the fleet as harpoon gunner for the k,ller boats." They carry of the Tanginak, formerly hunted their tremendous bulk at the speed the mammals of the sea off the |>f an express train. Whales weigh- Shetland Islands and in the Ant- m« a hundred tons often leap clear arctic. He was second harpoon of the sea after they have been gunner a year and a half in the harpooned. Sometimes they take "killer boat" Don Nester, which the little whaling ship with them operated from the floating whaling <"» their wild dash, factory Soltstrif. The 140-pound harpoon shot from "I learned to be a whaler in the the "killer boats" contains a charge employ of the Westfold Whaling of powder, which is set off by a Company in 1910-11, which ope- tlme fuse after it is imbedded in rated off Cape Horn, the Shetlands the whale. Sometimes it does not and South Georgia," said Olsen. explode and the crew of the whal- 'Then I was with the Argentina lne vessel ha» an- exciting time. One Depeska and second harpoon gun- the killer boat Don Nestor." w , i9i3. morning, before he gave i Christensen Also Gunner huge blue whale towed e whaling ship from 3 o'clock in the He has"been" whaling "in" Alaska afternoon until 6 ^clock the next fight. , , . William P. Schupp, who started Frank Christensen, a whaler for his career in the marine and fire ;wenty-five years, will go north as insurance business, is president of i gunner of the Paterson and Capt. the American Pacific Whaling k. Thorvik will be the vessel's mas- Company and the Canadian Con- :er. Capt. Peder Oness will be in solidated Whaling Corporation. The he Kodiak, Capt. Alfred M. Peder- latter company operates six whal- ien in the Unimak and Capt. H. ers in waters off the Queen Char- Vsset in the Moran, as both master ]otte Islands. Mr. Schupp's home ind gunner. is at Bellevue not far from the CaDt. John Hartland will be mas- whaling station.