Summary: | Hold Servicse Tomorrow for 4 Lake Victims. Hold Services Tomorrow for 4 Lake Victims Rites for Those Who Lost Lives Will Be Held in Spokane; Motor Blamed by One of Survivors "When the boat was turned o there were several boxes and p Triple : uneral services for Ken- ows floating around and Mr. Tracy neth D. Wilson, 30, and wife, Mar- was swimming from one to the garet, 21, of Spokane and Bums, <****,? those looking for V 1 ' , who, it was later found. Was Ore., and her mother Mrs. Rena jng to the boat. Wergeland 42, Kellogg, three of the "I saw a woman swimming out four victims in Sunday night's toward the middle of the lake about ,»; tragedy at Fernan lake 30 or 40 feet from tne boat. but I near Coeur d'Alene, will be held couldn't tell who it was and the last from the Hazen & Jaeger funeral * saw of her she was floating. We home in Spokane at 1 o'clock hollered and yelled and made a la afternoon. Funeral s„i-|lot o£ commotion, but she didn't vices for the fourth 'victim Alice IPa*" any attention. She was the Danton Philo, 21, Spokane, will be!01*" one ahy trace was seen of un- held from the Smith funeral home til J,he bodies were found, in Spokane at 11 a. m. Thursday. Chlld Under Water Wilson was a member of the U. "While Mr. Tracy was swimming S. naval reserve and a CCC campground he came upon my at Burns. He is survived by '3-year-old daughter, who was lying but a few inches under the v Wergeland is survived by her hus- He got her to the boat. By hanging band, John, captain of the Sho- on to the goat while Mr. Trai shone county fire department, who i his son propelled it by kicking with -, the boat which capsized I their feet we finally got to shore i l i L0 occupants, and by a son This took an hour. My watch stop- Robert Dillon, Spokane, one of the Ped at 8:45 p. m., which must have m Miss Philo, a bookkeeper ibeen about the time it happened, for the Old Dutch Coffee company "We found my mother's body that in Spokane, is survived by her par- Eight. She died of heart failure. Mr. :, and Mrs. James Philo, and Wilson, my sister's husband, who a sister, in Spokane. couldn't swim, died of a hemor- T^lls Of Tragedy rhage of the nose and. mouth, I "was Further light on the tragedy was told, possibly caused by high blood shed by Dillon. He told reporters pressure and the shock. My sister that the boatload was about 300, and Miss Philo were drowned. Miss from shore before M step- P1 ilo's body was found not far father, John Wergeland, started their 16 h. p. outboard motor. "Altho he (Mr. Wergeland ( had said the boat was supposed to carry that many people (ten), they must have been distributed so in the frcm shore, indicating that she had been swimming in the right direction when overcome. "My sister was a good sv - but may have become confused or tve been trying to find her. Hat most of the weight was little girl when her strength gave toward the bow. For when he started the powerful twin-motored en- out. I can't understand why she gine, the bow nosed down in the | didn't heed our cries for she was water and the water began to roll i the girl I saw swimming out toward in over the bow. | the center of the lake;