Bexar tracks : the newsletter of the Bexar Audubon Society, Vol. 04, No. 09

Bexar Tracks began with Vol. 4, no. 1 (January 1986). It continues Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society). VOL. IV, No.9. PRESIDENT'S LETTER The Growth Of Bexar Audubon Dear Members: As I begin the last third of my third and last year as President of Bexar Audubon Society, I find myself reflecting...

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Main Author: Bexar Audubon Society
Format: Text
Published: San Antonio, Tex. : Bexar Audubon Society, 1986
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Summary:Bexar Tracks began with Vol. 4, no. 1 (January 1986). It continues Newsletter (Bexar Audubon Society). VOL. IV, No.9. PRESIDENT'S LETTER The Growth Of Bexar Audubon Dear Members: As I begin the last third of my third and last year as President of Bexar Audubon Society, I find myself reflecting on the growth of this organization. What began as a handful of dedicated dreamers has blos­somed into a productive society of many hundred. The recently held retreat (First Annual Planning Conference) impressed upon me once more the poten­tial which this group has for promoting its goals of environmental education and species habitat con­servation. The energy, enthusiasm and creativity of the folks gathered there were inspiring. We examin­ed the many facets of the obstacles facing BAS and came up with a plan for overcoming them in an organized manner. Once this plan is well estab­lished it should serve as a guide for solving the pro­blems'which Bexar Audubon will face in the future. A plan, however, is only as good as the personnel available to implement it. Like all volunteer groups, Bexar Audubon Society will always need people wil­ling to donate some of their time, energy and talent to make its plan work. Many of you may think that you don't have the dedication, ability or time to contri­bute anything to Audubon. You are wrong/Most of the help we need is in the form of small tasks which any ordinary person can do in a small amount of time - writing a letter once a month, calling a few people on the telephone, running an errand in the middle ofthe day when many of us can't, or meeting with a small group of people with similar interests one evening a month. These are the sorts of contribu­tions which Bexar Audubon needs from its members - small individual efforts which have a powerful cumulative effect! Elsewhere in this newsletter, Pat Honsberger has asked you to submit names of people who would be capable officers/board members of BAS, or to run for office yourself. I wholeheartedly support her implied view that the efficacy of this organization is directly linked to the degree to which members participate in its work and its leadership. As part of our plan for achieving our goals, A Bexar Audubon board mem-gTacRs SEPTEMBE 1986 ber or committee chairperson may be contacting you individually in the near future to ask for your assistance with specific, limited projects. I hope that you will see that you do, indeed, ha'.'e something valuable to contribute and that you will say yes to our invitation to participate more actively in furthering the Audubon cause. •••••••••••••••••••••• Sincerely, Byron Stone BAS GENERAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 18 "WILL OUR SPRINGS GO DRY?" Although we have recently had a small reprieve from the long, hot, dry summer, we are all aware of the desperate water situation with which we live. Each summer there are announcements about the dropping aquifer levels and water usage. Often we are asked to conserve water in an effort to reduce the stress on the aquifer. Have you ever paused to ask yourself exactly WHAT IS THE AQUIFER? How does it work? What does it mean to stress the aquifer? Can it really be drained? This month you can find out the answers to these and other questions. As you all know, water is the life blood of this region, and water plays a significant role in local politics. Here's your chance to become aware of the how's and why's of the water problem! An Open Letter To Bexar Audubon Society , Membership Last month we invited all members to participate in the Bexar Audubon Society First Annual Con­ference which was held on August 17 in Kerrville. We now solicit your participation in placing into nomination names of BAS members to serve as either board members or officers of the Society. The election will take place via a ballot mailed to you in the October newsletter. Consequently, it is impera­tive that any name to be placed in nomination be received no later than September 14. This can be accomplished by calling one of the members of the Nominating Committee: Susan Rust, 826-4698; Stu Birnbaum, 697-8093; or Pat Honsberger, 695-8254. All names placed into nomination by the member­ship will be personaly contacted by a member of the Nominating Committee to insure that, if elected, they would be willing to serve. The only requirement for nomination as a board member or officer is that both nominator and nomi­nee be members of Bexar Aububon Society. No special skills or education are required, just a hardy enthusiasm and a willingness to participate in pro­viding direction for the Society's projects and activi­ties. Positions which will require nominees are: President: one-year term Vice President: one-year term Secretary: one-year term Treasurer: one-year term Members at large (3): two-year term Remember, this is both an opportunity and chal­lenge to you, our membership, to actively participate in the direction of BAS for the next few years. We urge you to work with us to keep your Society and its projects on the course that you recommend. PAST OUTINGS Sincerely Pat Honsberger The 2nd Annual "Bats and Botanizing" trips were great fun, as expected. The weather was hot, but the Leslie Ranch is always cooler and drier than San Antonio, and Dottie Leslie greeted every­one with iced lemonade and tea. Participants felt comfortable whether relaxing under the big trees, walking in the creek or swimming in the lake. Some folks collected Bois d'arc fruits, others "deer hearts", and all were appreciative of the work of the bats in keeping the air virtually insect-free. Puffy clouds and blue skies gave way to inky skies punctuated by bright stars and lightning as evening settled in, and the calling of screech owls and the blinking of fireflies signaled the close of a lovely afternoon. In late August, two trips were made to Bracken Cave to view the flight of the largest colony of Mexican freetail bats in the world. Both outings were well attended, and it was a truly inspira­tional experience to witness the millions of bats exiting the cave in endless streams for their nightly forage. Beautiful Hill Country scenery and other assorted wildlife were part of the back­drop for this incredible natural phenomenon, one that must be seen to be appreciated. *************** Join in! 5aturdav, September 20, 9 AM-Noon On Saturday, September 20, from 9:00a.m. to noon, Texans will have the opportunity to help clean the beaches, learn more about the increasing problem of ocean litter and get involved in doing something about it. Thousands of volunteers are needed state­wide to conduct a successful clean-up. Help protect marine mammals, sea turtles, birds, fish and beauty of the Texas beaches. Don't forget: WORK GLOVES ARE REQUIRED! Local volunteers will include members from both Bexar Audubon Society and the San Antonio Bronco Club. We will be departing from 2922 Oak Leaf Drive at 6:00 a.m. and will convoy to the beach location at Padre Island National Seashore. Participants not going with the group Saturday morning need to take the first beach access road after entering P.I.N.S. The importance of the work could not be more clearly stated than in those words in the article "A Tide of Plastic" which appears in the August issue of Audubon magazine. We urge you to read it. The work effort officially ends at noon. Feel free to join some of our BAS members for a fresh seafood dinner at the Big Fisherman Restaurant, by finish­ing out the day enjoying a clean beach, or perhaps participating in some bird at the nearby Aransas Wildlife Refuge. For additional infor­mation, 'call Nancy Kent, 824-8199. YOUR EFFORT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE! * September 27 (Saturday) BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Byron Stone will lead a birding trip to East Southside Lion's Park. We will meet at the south end of the lake at 8:30a.m. This is a good trip for beginners. The walking is level, the pace is low, and we are never more than a few hundred yards from the parked vehicles. Fall migra­tion will be in swing, and we should see about 40 spe­cies of birds. The park is located in the southeast side of town on Pecan Valley Drive just north of South­cross Blvd. Plan on being there until about 11:30 a.m. If it rains, call Byron to check for cancellation - 699- 1971. 1- CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 11 San Antonio Audubon Society gen­eral meeting, 7:30 p.m., Witte Museum. 16 18 20 Sierra Club general meeting, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church Bexar Audubon general meeting "Will Our Springs Go Dry?", 7:30 p.m., Witte Museum. "Beach Buddy" event (BAS outing) · Call Nancy Kent, 824-8199. 23 Native Plant Society general meet­ing "Cosmetics From Nature", 7:00 p.m., SA Botanical Center. 25 Bexar Audubon board meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thelma Nungesser's home, 2922 Oak Leaf Drive. * 27 Wild Basin Walk (BAS outing), Call Jim Beall, 657-9655 27 East Southside Lion's Park (BAS outing) Call Byron Stone, 699-1971 30 Outings meeting, 7:00 p.m., Susan Rust's home, 168 Chevy Chase (Marguerite Burt will show slides from her recent Antarctic trip) *tentative OCTOBER 1 4 4 9 Conservation Committee meeting, 7:00p.m., Susan Rust's home, 168 Chevy Chase. Annual BAS Yard Sale, 9:00a.m.- 4:30 p.m., 2922 Oak Leaf Drive. Honey Creek Ranch (NPS/BAS outing), Call Jim Beall, 657-9655. San Antonio Audubon general meeting. 16 18 18 21 25 28 Bexar Audubon general meeting Native plant Society annual meet­ing in Houston; call 821-5115. Sierra Club annual meeting in Kerrville; call 226-6069. Sierra Club general meeting Texas Nature Conservancy an­nual meeting m Dallas; call 224-8774. Native Plant Society general meeting. PLAN NOW FOR NOVEMBER: 1-2 7-9 15 Native Prairies Association meet­ing in Dallas; call 826-4698. National Audubon Regional Con­ference Audubon Council of Texas fall me~ting held at Mo Ranch; call 699-1971. Texas Legislative Workshop in Austin; call 826-4698. 21- 23 Annual South Texas Trip to South Padre Island; call 826-4698. •••••••••••••••••••••• THANKS -To Nora Driver and her family for hosting the BAS planning retreat and barbeque. - to Susan Hughes for single-handedly undoing much of the bad press damage to bats and getting the correct information to the news media . -to Dottie Leslie and the Leslie family for gra­ciously hosting two consecutive "Bats and Botanizing" outings. - to Paul Vordenbaum for his invitation and gracious hospitality in hosting the Bracken Cave trips. SPECIAL FUNDRAISER! ANNUAL BAS YARD SALE Saturday, October 4 2922 Oak Leaf Drive (near Harry Wurzbach & Loop 410 off Vandiver) NEEDED: Goods to sell, salespersons and buyers! The value of your donated goods is tax deductible. Items may include anything of value except: - clothing (we will accept infant to children's size 6 clothing) - foodstuffs -magazines -non-portable large items Items for sale may be delivered and stored prior to the sale day by appointment. Call Nancy Kent, 824-8199. Delivery of items on the sale date must be by 8:30 a.m. at the sale site. Any unsold items will be donated to Goodwill. Volunteers for salespersons are needed in 2-hour shifts, four per shifts, on the day of the sale, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. To sign up, contact Nancy Kent, 824-8199. Spread the word! Tell your friends and ask them to tell their friends. Let's really get the word out. Get those buyers to the BAS Annual Yard Sale! DON'T FORGET Our conservation bulletin board is set up at the general meetings to keep you up to date on environmental issues. Please feel encouraged to bring clippings, pictures or jokes for the board and come early so you can read the materials, sign up for outings, and meet other members. BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIE1Y P.O. BOX 60R4 ·SAN ANTONIO, TF.XA~ 7R209 LETTERS NEEDED •. TPWD has over $30 million worth of bonding authority to use for natural areas and parks acquisition. So far they have failed to make any substantial purchases. The funds wiil be lost if not utilized, and the state will have lost an oppor­tunity it may not have again.Matagorda Peninsula, one of the longest sections of undeveloped land on the Texas coast, and several other sites are available at low cost, yet debate without action continues. If you feel that action or public explanation are warranted, please write to: Texas Parks Commission Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78244 BEXAR AUDUBON SOCIETY Officers and Board Byron Stone, President Nora Driver, Vice President Russell Smith, Secretary Thelma Nungesser, Treasurer Manuel Flores, Pat Honsberger Marge Flandermeyer Sherry Stone Nancy Kent Committe Chairman Outings, Jim Beall Memberships, Bruce Makuk Conservation, Susan Rust Finance, Starr Kavanagh Education, Starr Kavanagh Adopt-a-park, Bruce Makuk Programs, Stu & Netti Birnbaum Publicity, Nancy Kent 699-1971 826-8531 734-7184 824-8199 695-8103 695-8254 684-2668 699-1971 824-8199 657-9655 523-2555 826-4698 822-4827 822-4827 523-2555 647-3524 824-8199 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U. S. POSTAGE PAID SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Permit No. 590