Magrath Store News (April 27, 1978)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. ■ST •> TRADING CO STORE NEWS OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 STORE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Th...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1978
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. ■ST •> TRADING CO STORE NEWS OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 STORE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday . 8 A.M. to 6 F Wednesday . g m • t0 p THURSDAY, APRIL 27th, 1978 . MAGRATH, ALBERTA **********4***********************************************************^^ HARDWARE DEPARTMENT GARDEN SHOP Come in and see our selection of trees and shrubs! EVERGREENS Cedars & Junipers Spreading Juniper Bushes Ready for planting. —q PRICED AT . . . 4*Mth CEDAR, SPRUCE f"9Q PINE 1 GAL. POTS. . . •V « CIRCULAR SAW Rose Bushes Handsome Bushes in popular varieties . and shades ,. 2 ? 2" Gladiolus Bulbs MIXED CHOICE VARIETY PER PACK. 0M0N$n$ We have a good selection of Black & Decker Power Saws, 7 different prices $34.95-$169.95 TOOL BOX PICK UP TRUCK' Heavy duty Tool Box that fits the full width of a Pick Up truck box. 159” Mm's REGULAR A Sturdy Guverulls CARPENTER OVERALLS REGULAR $23.95 White Dack Coveralls for the Carpenter. Well tailored. 1 group of Men’s Work Shirts in sturdy twill. Well tailored, full cut. Students who have returned home from B.Y.U. for the summer months include Mr. and Mrs. John Baldersor Tim Tanner, Deedan & Sheryln Atwood and friends, Mona Karren, Lance Harker, Cindy Riqe and friend Jeanie Weaver of Roy, Utah. Miss Karen Nagai of Provo, Utah visited with friends in Magrath during the weekend. ‘ ' Mr. Roy Sheridan of Calgary was a Magrath visit - last week. He attended the Magrath Lions Club 40th Anniversary Charter Night. THANK YOU: A sincere "Thank you" to everyone who particip­ated or helped in anyway with the Magrath Lions Club 40th Anniversary Charter Night. Charlie Matkin. WORK SOCKS Men's Stanfield Work Socks in wool blend. Grey with white. 2 pr. pack Mr. DeVar Dahl left Saturday for Hawaii where he will join his wife Shirley and son Ian who are visiting'relatives and friends. Randy Davies is enjoying*“ a week's visit at the home of REGULAR $3.98 . Batiwbss Ì.3GULAR $25.95 Men's Terry Towel Bathrobes in two colors - Brown with White, ?31ue with white. Just the to relax in after bath. T-SHI Young Men’s T Shirts Terry, Velours. $9.95-$29.95 in Cot iion/Polyester 20% OH his mother. Randy is employed in the Magnetic North Pole. WANTED: Work of any kind, planting gardens, cleaning lots housecleaning, painting, mowing lawns, baby sitting, etc. Avail able after school and on Satur­days. Lori Dudley, Ph. 758-375’ Kathy Davies, ph. 758-6796. FOR SALE: Boys 3 speed bike with banana seat. Ph. 758-3261. WANTED: Land in Welling, Magrat Spring Coulee area. 1/2 section or more. Dan Atwood, Box 245, Magrath, Ph. 758-3174. WANTED: Odd jobs, garden work, lawn work, etc. Ph. 758-3474. LOST: Girl's bicycle. Gold in color, with banana seat. Finds.' please call 758-3272. BASEMENT SALE - call at your convenience - Randall Payna Residence. Ph. 758-3064. FOR SALE: 1973-3 bedroom Knight- Schmidt double wide home - to be moved. Excellent condition. Phone 758-3086. _ LADIES OPENING GOLF SOCIAL - will be held Wednesday, May 10th at 2 P.M. All ladies ' interested in golfing are in­vited to attend. LADIES FUN GOLF - every Thurs­day morning at 9 A.M. cdmmenc MAGRATH ROD & GUN CLUB ANNUAL BANQUET & AWARDS NIGHT - will be held Saturday May 13th at 7 P.M. in the Magrath United Church Hall,. Tickets $5 each, avail­able from Keith Sabey or John Bourne. Everyone is invited to attend. A most entertaining evening has been planned - " A night with Andy Russell" well known wildlife ’ authority and author, who will give commentary and show films. Reserve this night for the whole family. LOST: Coil back Photograph Album, blue s-atin floral design. Contains photographs and cert­ificates. Maureen REMINDER: Everyone is reminded of the Friday, April 28th Drop, In Centre. 55 years of age Pot Luck Dinner at 1 P.M. at the . Those with birth­days' in April will be honored. Please bring plate and fork. NOTICE: The Band Parents Assoc, will conduct a Census of the Town of Magrath. The Town Council requests citizens of the town to please co-operate to the fullest. It is most important obtain an accurate population count. • NOTICE: The Spring Coulee Community Club will hold a dance Saturday, April 29th. The Eupopean Boys Band will supply the music. Everyone 18 years and over is welcome to attend. For tickets please ishone 758-6689 or 758-6636. THANK YOU: My wife and I would Like to express our sincere thanks to the Fire Department .¿ho responded so quickly and saved our home. Also to the many good friends for their help. Special thanks to Mr.and Mrs. Walden Gurney. Dick & Kay Gessinghaus. LAST NOTICE FOR BLOOD DONOR CLINIC which will be held Wenesday May 3rd from 12 noon to 3 P.M. in the Raymond High School. A good attendance is desired. CANADIAN RED CROSS EXPLAINS CHANGED BLOOD DONOR CLINIC HOURS. It is now possible, through collecting a single blood donation into a blood jag with attachments, that the Blood Transfusion Service can separate the ■arious components of blood into sat­ellite bags so that one uni^ of whole lood can now Serve the needs of two or :hree different patients. Unfortunately^ at evening clinics, any of these components break down quickly and extraction procedures have :o take place very shortly after the blood t ■> drawn from the donor. The equipment used Rasussen. N N E L E T T E pattern 1 fitted sheet, 1 flat sheet with matching cotton pillow slips, in Gold, Blue, Rose. Prints, Broadcloths, Suitings. REGULAR $1.98-$9.95 20% Off SALE PRICE REGULAR $29.95 Two-tone Chenille Bedspreads with fringed edge Gold, Rose, lue, Green, Mauve. REG. $49.9C Knitting Yarn —'.“X » SAYELLE SPORT YARN in assorted shades. s REGULAR 69<? .WV is not portable so has to the B.T.S. C — —. Clinic location. be done in Centre and not at the This is Why the blood must be flown to Calgary imm­ediately after the clinic. There is insufficient staff for an evening shift to fractionate blood collect- REMEMBER - DONOR CLINIC WED. MAY 3 12 noon to 3 P.M. RAYMOND HIGH SCHOG. SLACKS 1 counter of Ladies Fortrel Slacks in plain shades. Styled with comfortable elastic waist. Ideal for your Spring and Summer activities. REGULAR $9.95 to $12.95 PRICE t O .club ihe Mag co Golf Course is now ope t he publ. o , Fee Schedule for the coming year: MEN. . .$100 Ladies . $ 70 M t. & Mrs130 •Juniors (under 18) . $ 40 College (18-25)$ 75 F amily . $ 160 Gceeja Fees $3-9 holes $4 - day. . Weekend a & Holiday $4-9 holes, $6 per day. Memberships may be purchased at the Clubhous e. W. Balderson. Sec. Treasurer Fern. Cook Bourne wish to of a grandson April SHIRTS and Doug & Marion announce the arrival Vance Owen Cook, on 12, 1978 at Claresholm Munici-pal Hospital. Parents are Floyd and Helen Conk of Claresholm. 1 group of Kiddies T Shirts in various designs and colors. Ideal for Spring & Summer wearing. REGULAR $3.95 and $4.95 • 25C FOOD WARMER: Plastic dish with three .food compartments. Has compartment for hot water to keep Baby's meals warm.$^.99 and Mrs sh. and Mr. and THANK YOU: We would like to thank everyone who helped wit:?. our wedding on-April 15. Tha-i'ik you to everyone who brought gifts and came to see us and congratulate us. A special thanks to Carol McCoy and Eve Wilson for decorations, Mark & Maria Passey, Norris & Par Lei Tomlinson for taking care of things at the dance. Thanks especially to Mom & Dad for doing everything. Luar t & June Wetherelt Jack & Betty Twitchen Jim & Eleanor Wetherelt BABY'S GIFT SET Baby's 5 piece Gift Set consisting of Fork, 2 spoons, Brush and Comb in nice gift box.REGULAR $3.95.$3¡29 BONNETS & CAPS: Kiddies Sun bonnets and Caps in styles for both boys and girls. •Just the thing for summer sun. $1.95 - §2.95 Mr. and Mrs. Butch Nelson, Andy and Nolan accompanied by Miss Susan Harker are holidaying in guests of Mr. and C u e 11. <3 of Lethbridg: Orem, Utah, Mrs. Barry **************************************++* Sympathy is being extended to Mr. and Mrs. David Stearns of Prince George, B.C, on the sudden passing of their five month old daughter. The Stearns family were former ?-si-dents of Magrath. Mr. Gary Reid left recent! for Mallorca, Spain where he wil L be living while working ' in Algiers, Africa. Mrs. ‘Reid will join him shortly. ■ GARBAGE PICK UP - for the town of Magrath each Saturday morning. All barbage should be in boxes or bags. $3 per month. Call Delbert Dillabough, 758-3147. COOKING TIME IS COMING - May 5 & 6. ‘ Magrath Brownies will take orders by phoning 758-3126. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hofer of Hillside Farms are the proud parents of a daughter Toy Elizabeth born Sunday, vpril 23rd in the Magrath Municipal Hospital,.' TO RENT; Small home. Phone 758-3435 after May 8th. THANK YOU: I would like to thank the Magrath doctors and the Hospital Staff for the excellent care I receive while a patient there; and all my neighbors and friend for the gifts, cards and visits. It was all great­ly appreciated. Thank you. Lydia Brunner. FOR SALE: Gas heater. Herb Ehlert. Ph. 758-3467. WANTED TO RENT: 2 bedroom house in Magrath. To take possession June 1st. Ph. 758-3240, Betty Twitchen. FOR SALE: 932 Case C.K. Tractor with cab - 3000 Phone 758-6586. hrs . WANTED: Suite in Magrath for one person, 3 rooms or trailer. Contact Elizabeth Davies. Men*s Nylon Squall Jackets and All Weather Coats in a good selection of colors. soiled. $9.95 -r NOTICE: The regular monthly meeting of the Magrath United Church Women will be held at the Magrath United Church Tuesday, May 2nd at 7:30 P.M. with Mrs. Esther Toomer and Mrs. Vicki Hepburn as hostesses. Guest speaker will be Mr. J. Slusar, rep. division of Dept, of Royal Trust. He will be speaking on Retirement Savings, Capital Gains, Invest­ments, arid methods of withdrawing retirment savings. All interested ladies and gentlemen are cordially invited to attend. Mr. Sluser will be speaking at 8:15 P.M . FAMILY CAMPING IN COMFORT - • 1960 GMC School Bus converted. Frig, stove and oven. Furnace. Fully carpeted. Sleeps 7. Good running order. Call 758-3618. JACKETS Some are counter $35.00 JACKETS SQUALL DON’T MISS THIS CHANCE TO SAVE ON MEN'S FALL & WINTER JACKETS. 72 Price REG. $18.95^ 95 Sweatshirts REG. $9.95 Men's & Boys' Cottonr Polyester knit T Shirts in assorted shades. Men have white trim, Boys are two-toned. ATTENTION: The May-or and Council have designated the month of May to be ’’Family Unity” month. NOTICE: Tea & Bake Sale sponsor­ed by St. Joseph’s C.W.L. will be held Saturday, April 29/78 at the Magrath Trading Co. Hall from 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. 1 COUNTER OF MEN’S CAPS IN FALL & WINTER AS WELL AS SPRING & SUMMER STYLES. NOTICE: I will baby sit in my home during the day. Please rcall " Charmaine Miller, #6 South Trailer SLEEP COATS Print Sleep Coat up . in plain shades in plain shades attractive patterne anc Wind Just or windy days. Bonnets the thing for those wet $2.95 Queentex Lon Slips. SIZE "4-40. r1 ' " ■ ■ JUST ARRIVED: Misses & Ladies Rain Boots, in White & Black. $7.95 & $10.95 MANY NEW SPRING ARRIVALS FOR LADIES. Lovely new Nightgowns for Spring & Summer wea Soft Antron knits in becoming styles including gowns with little sleeves. Dainty Assorted shades, trim PRICED S©ft â Stoccate Gowns and Baby Doll Pyjamas Miss Teen in mind. Be sure \ to see the lovely New Arrivals \ now an display. - Populu r Dorm Sets xn two piece fashions. Priced from Gay assorted floral prints. S. M» L. . c J I t PEASANT DUSTERS Peasant style Cotto in long length. 95 TERRY Lovely Terry Housecoats in light weight as well as Terry Towelling. Fantasy Pant Suits in popular Bomber style Jacket. Two styles to choose from. COLORS: Coral. or Khaki. $'¿9 ’■* Vaii' MATCHING KHAKI SKIRTS $12.00* Turquoise New Scarves as well as Scarves in various designs colors. J59 Headwear Fashion Pork Chops FAMILY PACK , .,,LB J69 Pork Roa$ BUTT, LEAN/ LB, J19 PICNIC HAMS S//IFTS SLICED . Breakfast Sausage B U R N S i,,, ■■i,«, ,,,, I I I t f I I I I 1 I ■ .LB I29 A**********^**********************************-************************** A very pretty Spring wedding was ' olemnized in the Magrath United Church Saturday, April 15th when June Twitchen, daughter of.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Twitchen if Magrath and Duart Wetherelt, son of Nelda Nelson of Medicine Hat and Jim Wetherelt of Nanton, were united perform- G! Mr. and Mrs . Coaldale proudly of a son, Trevor born April 15th. Grandparents Johnny Schneyder Mr. Jak; Martens Gre-jt grandparents Mrs. Mike Schneyder Sr. and Mrs. Maria Sera of Lethbridge. Butch Martens of announce the birr Jason, 8 ob. 3 oz the are Mr. and Mrs. of Magrath and of Coaldale. are Mr. and of Magrath, Henry r s . ’‘i r. in marriage. Rev. Howard Usher id the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Irene Ririe presided at >rgan for the wedding music. Matron of honor was Margaret ith Linda Brunner as bridesmaid. Best man was Stan Jensen of Hill­rest; Danny Twitchen was groomsman, ihers were Lorel McNeeley and Rod rrzey. Miss Kendy - Sabey presided at the ¡test book. , Following the wedding, some one mdred and twenty guests enjoyed a •ast beef dinner served in the United lurch Hall by members of the U.C.W. •ír. Pete Enns of Coaldale was Master : Ceremonies for the occasion. Toast j the bride was given by Mr. Ed Wilson ith the groom responding. Saturday evening friends and rela- Ives called at the Hall to offer their ist wishes and congratulations. Miss obey presided at the guest register id parents of the bride and groom, ogether with the bridal attendants id the bride’s grandfather Mr. Ed tssell and Mrs. B. Hite, greeted the . e s t s . Gifts .were in charge of Misses Lori : Ison and Nelda Wetherelt. Young idles of the Pothole Trail Riders lub served refreshments with kitchen rangements in charge of Mrs. Carol Coy assisted by Mesdames Terra Heggi, e Wilson, Cartel Malmberg and Joan rvey. .’.he very memorable day was climaxed ith a wedding dance in Sacred Heart i?l, Raymond. The young couple will reside in ':^grath. whose names have been the waiting list will be application forms without Forms obtained from Ron , Magrath Housing Formal application forms are now avallab e for cavancies in the new Magrath Senior Citizens Lodge. In­dividual s placed on forwarded request Beck, Secretary Administration Society. WANTED: Matron for new 44 bed lodge in Magrath. Residents to be self sufficient. Some nursing experience helpful. The applicant should be capable of organizing and handling staff. Apply in writing statihg experience and qualifications to Ron Beck, Secretary, Magrath Housin Administration Society. Deadline for applications will be May 15, 19 NOTICE: Will do roto-tilling and mowing. Prompt service. New equip­ment. Contact Craig at 758-3188 or Arnold st 758-3012. FOR SALE: 108-8 h.p. Case ride-on tractor and mower. Very good condi­tion. Contact A. Godionton. 8-3012. The Provincial Dept, of Agricultu: has appcined Mr. John Nap as Co­District Agriculturist at the Cardst Agriculture Office. The area which he will 'elp service will include the Blood Indian Reserve, M.D. of ■Cardston and Towns and Villages in this Municipal District. INSTANT COFFEE, western family m oz. ORANGE CRYSTALS western family oack. . . 4” . 69* iom on the Cob FR0ZEN'4 PACK. . . 99* , k. ORANGE JUICE WESTERN FAMILY frozen 12.5 oz. . 89* DOG FOOD TUFFYS 8 kg. . . . 5« Spic’nSpan 1LITRE.„. |29 Dream WHp 60z. . I1’ PEARS MRS MILNES CANNED 19 OZ. a 79* FACIAL TISSUE tmTIU ;oOs . . g5e 60'8. v. . 1« 10(99* «kOM ««« PRODUCE Bm ^rspofnilt TEXAS PINK 56's. . Oranges size 88's. . . . . Si 99« ILvIIlOnS ' SUNKIST . . . . LB 39« Carrots 3« bags. . DOLE I > ! : I f ? ■ « < 3 t > I s I t 1 « ( t 1 < . t : . 1 , J E 1 S f 1 t S . . .LB 33$