Summary: | An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. IHGNES; OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY. 8 JI. to 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY. g JUM. to 1 P,MC A «M. THURSDAY, JULY 28x 1974 •MAGRATH, ALBERTAo * MEN'S BOYS' WEAR 1 COUNTER OF YOUTHS & MEN’S CASUAL/DRESS PANTS IN POPULAR CHECKS, PLAIDS, PATTERNS & PIAINS IN FASHIONABLE COLORS, NEW STYLING IN A CHOICE OF STRAIGHT OR FLARE IEGS, HI RISE OR LOW WAISTED. ¿195 Regular Values $9.95 to $17.95. YOUR CHOICE. O I SWIM TRUNKS ( | Men’s & Boys5 Swim Trunks in assorted styles, fabrics i j and colors, .pg Qfp j STRAW HATS WESTERN STRAW HATS IN POPULAR STYLES AND COLORS. INCLUDED ARE THE FASHIONABLE HICM ' _ r~ • $1.98 io $5.95.¿0 % OFF I fs EI Z SANDALS Men’s Brown leather Sandals 9 three strap closing. Cool & comfortable. I REGULAR $9.95. T SHIRTS lllllHlllllUHnilUfHKIIHHU'tlHnilltllHnHIIHIItiiinlUHHUWIilllUIIIIHlMttlHHIHIlia I JOGGERS | . ’’Northern Star” Suede Jogg- i f ers with leather trim. Crepef 1 sole. Brown with beige. i 17^0 i 1^l .umUR\HEUG|WUUULHlAUURHU HI$»U2U\U2U.\t9UH5UU inU.U.UH.M.U» HU’V HU'H UlUHUUHI|»HlI-Popular Summer T Shirts, Golf Shirts Pep Shirts in a variety of styles Q °£ f") f- i— and colors. $4.95 to $8.95 C, 1 I j WESTERN SHIRTS | I GoWoGo Western Shirts in Blue or Red Plaid. ’ Western style yoke, Regular button front. \_j 9 5 Regular $1T »95 ■ i<<«iiiii(Uu>iiiiiiiiKii>u>*iiiiT iO;u 1 fTi111 iXii>in 1 •«TTrn<rfv1»• 1iitti|li• t*• • 1<• • t• • • mi• • 1 1 • •• • 11 •»•• • •• 11111111111 i11111«i 1111111m 111• 111 u 1 < 11« 1111111t11111111 n• 11 ■ 111 1 1«11111t■ MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. HARDWARE DEPT. ' GARBAGE BAG RACK ROLL & RACK WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - always a fresh bag ready) next one rolls up. Saves space, off the floor, out of sight. Rack is easy to install* Fits on inside of cupboard door) etc. REGULAR $5,79. 488 LOST: Blue and white dress, borrowed by Weeling Ward for the Stake Gold & Green Ball, Anyone knowing of it’s whereabouts please let me know* DeAnne Atwo*d* Ph* 758—3174* NOTICE: Will the person who borrowed our hyd-allic jacks please return them as se have a chance to sell our moving equipment* Dan Atwood, Ph, 758-3174* . .kill RIUIIUHIIIIIIIIllll (stock waterer . tFOUND: A pair if bifocal glasses, horn irimmed, taped at side - infront of Ray ¡Harkers* Owner may claim at the Harker home. 2 compartment Automatic Waterer for hogs, cattle, sheep or horses. Size U"x26" • Simply attach water hose. Built ■. in float value .***i**4***.**. GARDEN HOSE FOR SALE: Eggs, yard run hens. Contact Ann Murray* Ph* 758-3471* FOR SALE: 1 used Berkley pump, 2» suction li” discharge* Direct drive by 3 phase 3 h.p. Century motor, in running condition. Apply by phoning G-.W* Lee, Ph* 758—3008* NYLON REINFORCED HIGH PRESSURE GARDEN HOSE -3 PH CONSTRUCTION. 1/2". QQO 50 ft. IENGTH. REGULAR $10.88.O . . WEED N’ FEED I WE HAVE A FEW NO MORE STOCK 5OOO sq. ft* coverage HIIOI III I llllimilllllirnlllllliimil WANTED: Room and Board, *r room only, Al 1 an Cooper, Materials inspector, Dept, of Highways, Maintenance ^ard, Ph, 758-3555 WANTED: Used Refrigerator in good condition. Dean Anderson, BAGS OF "WEED N’ FEES" LEFT. I AVAILABLE FOR 1974* I (598 2500 Sq. ft. o69 [ Lu coverage | 111 nit 111 iHii 111111 ihi it t nun« 1 hid 1111111 it it 111111 h 1 111 Wi nun tn 1111111111111 in 11111 n 11» 11 m 1 at ti 1 < 11 iuh 11 i FOUND: Ladies Wrist Watch, Owner may claim by identifying. News Office, COMPOST MAKER FERTOSAN COMPOST MAKER ROTS DOWN AU, WASTE VEGETATION, PEA VINE, POTATO TOPS, BEAN & TOMATO STOCKS, Lawn MOWINGS, HEDGE CUTTINGS etc. CONVERTING TO RICH HUMAS LADEN 990 MANURE IN 5 - 6 i s £ E PRESSURE SPRAYERS: 3 gallon Pressure Sprayer for spraying potatoes, gardens, Ums, etc. Qjjjy .$12.95 FOUND: anyone losing a knife and scissors from the back fender cf a gold and white car at the comer by Eldon Colanans may claim at the News Office. • •••••' THANK YOU; We appreciated so much the happiness you brought us in ccmming and making Duar.e and Linda’s Wedding Reception a happy and memorable evening, A special thanks t. all those wh< brought food and helped in every way. Thank you s* very much. Mrs. Isabelle Breen, Har.ld & Verda Farries Del Bonita. P.S. Anyone missing an infant’s pink corduroy jump suit please call 653—2506. SPRAYER REPAIR KIT - complete spare parts repair kit for pressure sprayers. Contains Nozzle, 110" rings, pump leather, pump valve. COMPLETE KIT . $1.95 □ TO GIVE AWAY: Three female canaries. Bring your own cage. Bill Thompson ( 1 mile straight West of Ken Long Seed Plant, Spring Coulee). Ph. 653-2443. CONTINUOUS PIMP TYPE SPRAYER 1 qt. nylon tank (will not rust) .$3»49 Metal tank sprayer. $1.69 HAND SPRAYER - glass jar 99Í DUSTER - fcr dusting potatoes, etc. Use only half the amount of insect dust. $1.98 1 only R.C.A. AIR CONDITIONER, 8000 B.T.U. BARBECUE SUPPER - Saturday, July 27th, 5:30 PJM. to 7î30 P.M. - Fish Pond, by 1st Ward Elders, 12 *z. Steak — $4,00; 8 oz. Steak $3.50 Hamburger Plate — $2.50 (thèse include Salad, Baked Potato and Roll). Hamburger - 75*. Teacher: "Tonny, if I lay »ne egg en the table and two in the chair, how many eggs have I?'1 Tommy: "I don't think you can do itl" MAGRATH i TRADING COMPANY LTD INSECTICIDES only good. is a dead 5 GOLDEN MALRIM SUGAR BAIT - kills flies in seconds* Can be scattered as a dry bait or dissolved in water and painted or sprayed on as a liquid. Use around dairy barns, livestock & poultry barns, feed lots, kennels, refuse pi 1 p-s, etcfr - > ■ • ■- - • 1# tin 16 oz . 579 --- --- _ 159 <45 < 5# tini.uti.i* MJ QbTLIQ D splendid results i i iv \j on evergreena. Emulsifiable Concentrate, use as a space spray for control of flies in dairy barns, livestock bams, pig pens, ptc. 298 32 oz. SEVIN 50$ Spray Powder Insecticide, Kills most insects attacking vegetables, flowers, _ shrubs, fruits, lawns, etc. Use 2 loE? tbsp, in gallon of water . ’ Uaporetfc? Strips Mini Vapona strips for use of fly control in campers, trailers, snail porches, etc. Easy to assemble .ea. 990 Dear Magrath Friends; This year is a special year in Dad*s life* He will be 80 years young and we, his family> would like to have you join us in celebrating this special event by r.alling and visiting with Dad at an Open House/ Friday, July 26th from •430 - 8:30 P,M* at the L,D*S* Institute Building,. 2808 28th St. S., Lethbridge,. Alberta». We are sure that it would be a highlight of Dad’s day if you could call so he could visit with you, (No gifts please), Harold Karren*s Family, i i t Del Bonita/ Alta, July 11, 1974, Mr. Bob Mikado, Magrath Trading Co, Ltd., Magrath,- Alberta, . t Dear Bob; I was very pleased to have.yju buy my 4 H calf this year at our sale Wednesday,- __ I appreciate your support ^n behalf •f myself and our club, - ■ . Thank you. Yours truly, Susan Barnett, jMjosqluìo Col Is Pleasant edoured Mosquito Coils that aid in repelling mosquitoes. Contains Pyrethrins. Use at Barbecues, outdoor gatherings, _ in homes, tents, cottages, etc. Pkg., qq Q B/ac/< J'lag^Products HOUSE & GARDEN BUG KUIER: Kills flying and crawling Insects in the home and garden.- Spray directly on flying insects for fast action. bomb. |§9 ANT 8l ROACH KIT .TER - Kills ants, roaches, silverfish, spiders, wasps, etc. Do not use as a space spray. Eor ants spray ant trails door sills, window ledges, etc, 11 oz. REPELLENTS We carry a good stock of Johnson Products RAID HOUSE à GARDEN KILLER RAID WASP & HORNET KILLER RAID FLYING INSECT KIT 1ER RAID ROSE & FLOWER SPRAY RAID MOTH PROOFER RAID OUTDOOR FOGGER (for Barbecues, etc.) ALSO 6:12 INSECT REPELLENTS - liquid and spray bombs, etc. 99$ up/ Horse sense — the result of stable thinking TRACK & FIELD There will be a Track Meet f*r Intermediate (18 yrs, to 24 yrs) and Senior (25 yrs, & «ver) in all Track & Field events, July 23rd at 6 PJi, at the Magrath High School. CYCLING - there will be a Cycling competition for the Summer Games, All ages can compete. For further information please contact Bill Alston, Ph, 758-3590 <r Durant James, Ph. 758-3155 758-3449, Recreation Director — Durant James, • « • • • ATTENTIONjOGolf Members and Friend® are invited to a Special Evening Social, Saturday, July 20th at 6;3O P.M. at the Golf Course.- TENNIS The 1st Ward Primary Tennis Playrff took place Tuesday, July 9th. Seven girls competed in Singles and Doubles, ’ Singles was won by Kelly Stevenson^ Doubles by lisa Marsden and Tisa Stringham, " The "L»cal Girls 14 & Under" Playoffs also took place with Tina Ponomar snatching the first place f<r Singles, Joyce Ririe and Donna Bort for doubles. In the Boys 14 and Under Tournament Tom Alston won the Singles, Jim Mikado and Tom Alston the Doubles, "Thank you" to all taking part, and to officials Jim Mikado, Irene Blumel and Claire Bogden. Alice Stevenson, Tennis, M.D. Cardston, MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. DRY GOODS DEPT » becoming c daughter of Mr. L.D.S, Chapel, to 9:00 P.M. Misses and Pant Tops, Tank Tops. Blouses, T Shirts in an assortment of becoming styles and fabrics; $1.95 to $7.95 Ladies 20% OFF Misses and Ladies Shorts in plain shades or smart checks. 20% OFF Citizens 4f Magrath and district and visitors from near and far attending the Diamond Anniversary Celebration #f the Town of Magrath July 26th - 28th will have the opportunity to see a most interesting and worthwhile Arts and Crafts display being held in the High School Gym. Dhder the direction of Mrs. Isabelle Holladay and Mrs. Maiy Dudley., these two ladies will have arranged one of the largest displays to be seen in.*ur area. Paintingsj ceramics and hand pottery *f resident and district artists plus ever 140 paintings and crafts C4 Miss Wendy Coleman of Grassland i is heme for the summer visiting rel- ? atives and friends, a guest at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Coleman,, OUR STOCK OF SUMMER FABRICS - DRESS FABRICS, SUITINGS, PRINTED SILKS, KNITS, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, J35HMA-PRESS COTTONS (with the exception of Nylon Tricot) TERYLENE BATTS Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hocking have as their guests her son and daughterin- law Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hindley and daughter Barbara of Vancouver, B.C Mrs. Dawn McMann of Walnut Creek, California is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Rondo Robinson relatives and friends. DON‘T MISS THIS BIG SAVING ON 100% TERYLENE Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Miller and children of Calgary are visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs Ken Miller. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dudley include Mr and Mrs. Ron Dudley and children of Victoria, B.C. 9 D Mr. and Mrs. Gene Forsythe are pleased 4‘0 announce the their son Terry Donald, for Kelly Dean. Proud grandparents of Cardston and Godionton of arrival of a brother Mrs. Garth Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Magrath. are Mr. and citizens, especially Senior Citizens who wish to travel to Waterton Park is the follow* ing schedule *»f Kotch Bus Service. Every Monday and Thursday to August 22nd the bus leaves Lethbridge at 9:50 AJJi., arrives at Magrath Intersection at 10:20 A.M. travels on up to Waterton. Arrives back at Magrath intersection at 1 P.M. and Lethbridge at 1:30 P.M. e o • o 9 n n When all think alike, then no-one thinks very muchc Of interest to = 249 to259 BATH RUGS III TONI, Richard Hudnut "QUICK" in popular styles» 100% Acrylic Pile Bath Rugs in smart pastel shades. SIZE: 20x34" REGULAR $5.00 HOME PERMS COMPLETE Q99 KIT . <D ROLLERS Magic Mesh, Snap- On, Brush Rollers, Magnetic Rollsers SOUVEN IERS Be remembered by giving a sougenier. See our Souvenier display of Ornaments, Bon Bon Dishes, Ash Trays, Spoons, Pins, Bracelets, Necklaces, Salt & Pepper Shakers, Sewing Kits, Manicure Kits, etc. PRICED FRCM TRADING COMPANY LTD. UPSTAIRS DEPT 1 RACK CLEARING AT 1 RACK CLEARING AT 7 Í SIZES 34A-42C . MAGRAT 7 Mr Ladies Summer dresses DRESSES St PANT SUITS ON THIS RACK Anton (Tony) Navratil passed away in Magrath Municipal Hospital Monday. July 15th at the age of 49 years. Bom in Seven Persons, August 29th, 1924, he moved to Spring Coulee with his parents in 1926 and to Magrath in 1939 where he received most of his education. He was a manber of the Magrath Volunteer Fire Brigade, the Magrath Rod St Gun Club. He leaves to mourn his passing his loving wife Arlene; four daughters Rosilandjg Gail, Valerie and Marlene; three grandchildren; six brothers Frank of Magrath, Carel of Nobleford, Johnny of Coleman, Jerry of Vancouver, George of Calgary and Joe of Pincher Creek; three sisters Frances Matevic of Lethbridge, Rosy Sekella of Lundbreck, Annie Hufnagel of Lethbridge. Funeral services were held in the Magrath L.D.S. Chapel Thursday, July 18th at 1 P<M. with ingn Interment Cemetery» 7 Bishop Alan Dudley officiat-took place in the Magrath Mr» and Mrs» Michael Stevenson of Calgary were recent visitors at the heme of his parents Mr» and Mrs. Lewis Stevenson. Mrs» Gunnild Andersen and daughters of Fort McMurray are visiting friends in Magrath and district» drastically reduced. Don’t miss this sale. . IO00 .2O00 .20% OFF CRESSES, PANT SUITS, JACKETS HERE . 1/2 PRICE IHlItlllllllllllllllliHill III tlllttlllllHlItllillll IltHlIIIIIIIHIiltllllftllllllillllliillillHIIIttllHIIIIIlliiiUHIIHHII h Illi l{|llllilllll SLACKS 1 COUNTER OF LADIES SUMMER SLACKS IN , _ KNITS, POLYESTERS, FORTREIS OQ % OFF SOFT SIDER TRICOT BRA with stretch straps, stretch tricot sides. 550 SOFT S11 ikk FIBERFILL LINED TRICOT BRA, stretch straps, stretch tricot sides. rn SIZES 32A-38B . SOFT SIDER - fully padded tricot bra with stretch straps, stretch tricot sides. SIZES: 34A-38B iHiMHIilHHIJIlhllHIhHHlIHIItlHIUnii SWEATERS New Arrivals in Avon Knit Ban-Ion Shells Turtle Shells and short sleeve pullovers•••.•••• White Summer Shoes Assorted styles WHITE s MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD 4H BEEF : : FARMING OUT WEST Acres and acres of grasslands and grain, Greying the vast western farmlands again« Hopes, plans and dreams in abeyance till fall; Will there be Tractors have bounty, or no crops at all? hummed through the daylight and dark, harrows, all leaving their mark, Dr, and Mrs, S, C. Brewerton and Cortney and Mrs. Lauretta Nagai have returned from Salt Lake City, Utah where they were accompanied by their son Byrne Brewerton who #111 be serving a two year mission in Denmark. Plows, discs, Working the fields, making ready to seed, Then for the sunshine and showers they needo Will there be drought, wind, hail, frost or ■ snow? just perfect to help the crops grow. < certain, the long summer through, the crop fail, what will farm folk do? Or weather Nothing is But should They tighten their belts, and they try once again, For And Hes Mr. and Mrs, May Ion Bourne have had as their guests their sons and daughters-in—law Mr. and Mrs. Don Bourne and family *f Filmore, California, Mr, and Mrs. Oreen Bourne of Winnipeg, Man,, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bourne and family of Cayley, Alberta, next year will surely bring sunshine and rain, prices will surely of all years be - this is the story of farming out - Elma Helgason. 4 B best, west. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Frenzil are the proud parents of a daughter bom Wednesday, July 17th in the Magrath Municipal Hospital. Happy grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Heinz Frenzil and Mr, and Mrs. Cal Alston all of Magrath. 3 FOR SALE: One Citizen Band radio. Pac>e model 10-2 F0R c-atF. Rabbits. Ph. 758-3016. Excellent condition. Complete with aerials, etu. Still on 2 year warranty, reception 30 miles«, $l^-»00« Also Sanyo 8 track stereo complete with speakersc Exsellent condition. $75 «00«, Darrell Heninger. STEAK BARBECUE - Fish Pond, Saturday, Jnly 27th - 5:3?) P.M0 by 1st Ward Elders«, 12 oz. Steak — $4« 00; 8 oz0 Steak — $3 <»59 Hamburger Plate $2.50« Hamburgers 75^° DON’T MISS THE BIG SUMMER CLEARANCE ON DRESSES, SLACKS, SHOES, JACKETS, SWIM - Upstairs«, A motorist had just crashed into a telephone pole. Wire, pole and everything came down about his ears. They found him unconscious in the wreckage. As they were untangling him, he reached out feebly, fingered the wire and muimered: "Thank heaven, I’ve lived clean - they've given me a harp". • • • • Shop early for the Magrath Diamond Anniversary Celebration. MAGRATI' TRADING COMPANY LTD. iiHHMlHiliUllHllIHnmwnHUUliHHilUHUIhUMiHUiUMtUHiUlUllMiUlKUiilHtiiMIUHIHiJillHiMimUHIlUliinJHHLMliHiUc STRAWBERRY JAM YORK oz» WAFFLE SYRUP, NABOB 44 oz. ¡1 BROKEN SHRIMP I 11 NOLN 4^ oz. P0RKx&^4 BEANS VEST HI'lllIllllllilNilH'HllillUIIIHUlHHHHUlillHiilllHII'UHIIIIHIi £ f .«KHiltMiHUWMimmimimUHIMttOiWimlimNiHtiKttNMHHillilHHHMMUUlHniMHUNhHfHllMmUliMMUUMUmMiU'MUU* GAINES BURGERS 36 oz. U <2 HANDI WIPES £ r *8 5 t LIQUID DETERGENT • • • • 2/j. oz ••••••••• • n o 4J- Lb, bags 99 0 GRAPES - BED EMPEROR . lb* 490 CABBAGES .aw, B C CHERRIES CELERY F ORANGES