Magrath Trading Co. Ltd. Store News (May 29, 1953)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. THD MAGRATH TRADING CO. LTD. STORE NANS STORE HOURS: 8 am. to 6 pm. WEDNESDAY 8 am. to 1 pm. SATURDAY 8 am. to 7 pm. TELEPHONES: Office...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A.�Ririe 1953
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. THD MAGRATH TRADING CO. LTD. STORE NANS STORE HOURS: 8 am. to 6 pm. WEDNESDAY 8 am. to 1 pm. SATURDAY 8 am. to 7 pm. TELEPHONES: Office 21; Hardware Dept, 34} Grocery Dept. 4; Dry Goods 124. MAGRATH, ALBERTA. . .Friday, May 29th. 1953. 14- F-A A: We still have a few tomato plants and bedding plants left. // At the I "Hdwr. Dept.” Mesdames Majry Erickson, Marian Law­lor, Irene Sellens, Flora Austin, Nora Laur­ie, Marian Rice, Belle Harker, and Mary Phar-is were guests at an Afternoon Tea given by Mrs. Mildre" Rice at 'her home Tuesday after­no m. A social afternoon was much enjoyed. 8 foot Servel Propane Refrig-? c r erator. Full width freezer c t compattment, Adjustable shelves. * REG. with various prizes being awarded, took place in the Second. A very delicious lunch pre­pared by the Sunshine Committee was served in both wards. Mr. G Mrs. Jim Fellger had as their week-eMd guest their daughter, Barbara who is a nurse in training at the Calgary Gen­eral Hospital. HERE IS A REALLY 3SAUTIFUI /A .A; , y v. Door shelves. REFRIGERATOR U’y. MsClary’s VS'.’’-? 9.2 cubic foot re fngerator Push button '/i _ A ? Temperature con- /-*■' tr61.Butter conditioner. Green with gold interior.,. $399.00 gAVE YOU. BEEN IN TO SEE THIS DEEP FREEZE HOME r~ rj r- r~ “7 E” D ni- cul3^c r I \ L_ 1 J_ L_ r\ UPRIGHT Deep Freeze Home Freezer with door shelves. $499.00 IDEAL FOR -xLL YOUR NEEDS. FOR SALE; Milk Cows, also large De Val Separator. Cheap, Clyde Bennett, Rhone R309. Saturday evening a Farewell Party was held for Mr, G Mrs. Max Anderson at the Wayne Robinson home with the following friends present; Mr. 1 Mrs. Leonard Whitt, Mr. R Mrs. Allan Owens, Mr. Mrs. Russel Rice, Mr. Mrs. Bill Minor, Mr. fc Mrs. Leon­ard Hillmer and Mr. de Mrs. Wayns Robinson. After lunch Mrs. Allan Owens presented the oouple with a beautiful red lamp from their friends. — Philosophy enables us to view misfortune more calmly, thereby helping us to be unhap­py more intelligently. STORE CLOSES TUESDAY, June 2nd. "CORONATION DAY.'" — SHOP EARLY! Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Murray (nee Anne Spencer) of Yellowknife, Yukon are receiv­ing congratulations on the birth of a daught­er, born Tuesday, May 26th at the J ocal hospital. Miss Emma Arndt, nurse in training at the Calgary General Hospital is spending a three weeks vacation with her parents Mr. .e Mrs. Hugo Arndt. FEALLY BEAUTIFUL IN UNBEELLiiS Plain and Rayon Plaid Covered Umbrellas for women. 16-rib metal frame; wooden rod; assorted plastic handles, tips and ferrules to con­trast. SOMETHING $3.95 & $4.95. The Cancer Campaign is now complete. $793.00 was realized this year, while $740. 00 was la t year's donations. Mr. Caudwell, Manager of Lethoridgc Division wishes to thank and congratulate this community—also all those who donateand the Canvassers f -r their time and efforts. Ladies 100% Nylon / Panties. In colors / of Mauve, Green, / Yellow, Pink, Blue, 4 White. $1.35 - S,M,L. Ladles Rayon Panties trimmed with Nylon lace. All colors - 98£. Kiddies Kujfle Panties Sizes 2, 4, fit 6.Asst, colors.59$ ea. The Second Ward Beehive Girls enter­tained the Boy Scouts at a Bonfire Party at De Vere Chipman’s Farm, Friday evening. Out­door games and refreshments were enjoye’ by Misses Ruth Norton, Ruth Steele, Elsie Mollar, Sharon An’arson, Erva Dean Sabey, Elaine Hark er, Ardath Bly, Bessie Taylor, Brenda Colenan, Sheila Harrison, Clara Blumel, Donna Wocknitz, Labena Bossart, Dora Reil, Shirley Taylor, Jean Fletcher, and Scouts Jimmy Chipman, Lloyd Spencer, Douglas Bly, Walftn Gurney, Max Bourne, Fred Blumel, Roy Cook, Reed Chipman, Floyd Harris, Gor.rge Riel, Donald Harrison, and Scout Leader, Don Johnson, Beehive Teach­er Annie Steele and V. E. Bohnet. Mr. A Mrs. Swen Swensen of Lethbridge were recent guests of Mr. Mrs. Rudolf Jorgensen. N®w Lady .ildroot Shampoo. A liquid cream with processed L.MC.LIH. Per jar. 43/ Jr. M. Men and Gleaner Fireside was held Sunday evening at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Nephi Harker with around 20 guests present to hear a very interesting talk from Glen Stringham of Welling. Mr. String-ham is a recently returned missionary from Eastern Canada and told of his various ex­periences. While a tasty lunch was being served the assembled guests listened to records of the Salt Lake Tahernacle Choir. Mrs. Ida Anderson has radishes out of ■her. garden. KIDDIES BARRETTES New barrettes to look pretty in your little girls hair. To wear in pairs or separately. 5$ * 35# Tommy was asked by his teacher, "If the U, S. President died, who would get the job?" Little Tommy pondered for several minutes, then answered, "A Republican Undertaker." "MAGRATH TRA'ING CO. LTD." All - Nylon Neckerchief to wear with your favorite sweater and skirt. Asst, colors and has the PERMANENT PLEAT. Each $1.50 HOSPITAL PATI.NTS THIS WEEK INCLUDE: Mrs. Rhoda Lane, Spring Coulee, Mrs. Anne Murray and daughter, Mrs. Frank Gatowski and son, Gloria Perry, Mrs. Olive Heap, Ersel Bourne and Mr. Nelson Sullivan of Foremost. Mr. A Mrs, Bob Pharis and daughter of Edmonton are the guests of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. L. E. Iharis. 9 New laces and trimmings have just arrived. In Nylon, and pretty eyelets. Priced from 10$ to 75$ yd. Viceroy Suction grip" Non-slip Nubbor Gloves 69b a pair. Protect your lovely hands - Curved fingers for comfort - Easier to put on & take off. I The bridge .and approaches on the St. Mary’s Aiver, northwest cf Magrath went out j Wednesday night* The river has been pract­ically dried up until new. Without warning the gates of the St. Mary lam are thrown open ant a flood of water (Johnstone Flood) takes everything before it. We had a oump- unit in the river and John Austin below will suffer a lass as he was preparing to pump water for irrigati n. Some notice sh. uld be given be these engineers before a trick like that is nulled off again. Thcrre could easily have been loss j. life. FOR SaLE: Two High Chairs. Anyone inter­ested, please inquire immediately as we will be leaving t-wn in a few "ays. Mrs. Hazel --- —, --- Crawford. FOR SALE; Round Oak Kitchen Lange. K. Yamamoto. Anyone wanting Old Potatoes, s. George fcurney. FOR SALE; Excellent Building Lot on Main Street. Malcolm Bridge. NOTICE; There will be a Bantry Sale, Sat­urday, June 6/53 from 3 t, 6 F.M. in Co-op, sponsored by Evening Auxiliary to the Ladies Aid. Barbara Anderson, Secretary. NOTICE; A Bonfire Aarty will be held in the Town Park, Tuesday, June 2 at 7:30 P.M. Program, games and the Boy Scouts will hal1 a Torch x’rads. Everyone welcome. Bri ?g your wn lunch. First h Sec.'nd War] M,I;A,, Jill Hark-r. FOR SaLE: A five year-old Holstein .Milch Cow to freshen soon. Newton Bros., Del Bonita Phone R1709, Car 1st'n. FOR SaLE: 1 Baby Buggy and 1 Kitchen Cup­board. Grant Blumel. FDR. S-xLE; Ki^ghen Range in Goad Condition. Very cheap for immediate sale. Mrs. Peter Dow. -••• FDR SALS; S’ x 22’ Store House. Any reas­onable offer accented. Apply W.S, 0rmist~n Ph 'lie 6% Magrath. LOST: In m .r neighb urh-'od, since the Easi­er H'liJftays one r'und-nosed §hovel with a short handle. Als. Whipping Cream for solo. Delivered. Kenneth Gibb, Phone l6|3 C . .1 OF TIL. KS: The First Quorum of Elders would like to sincerely thank all those who contributed bottles t- the bottle clean-up campaign and helped to make it a great suc­cess. Franklin Smith, Qliff Miller, Bill Hurd. BaSE.BR.LL GAME: Taber vg Magrath Eagles. Sunday If- - 31st» Double Header. Time: 1 x. i i. a xi 1 4 x*. i i q - - «*>«••»-- F )A Sx.L : Six Foot One Way, on rubber, Just re-conditioned. Cheap. B. W. Dow. ATTENTION: District 14. F,U.A. Convention will be held in the Marquis Hotel, Thurs- ty, June 14, R&gistr-ticn beginning at 10:30. Will all members and farm families attend if possible. Important Business to be discussed. Mrs. L. E. Ph ris. FOR SALE: Spring and Mattress. Mrs. Norma Alston. FOR S.x.lE: xi. Coal St "V- in Good Condition. Rudolf Jorgensen. FOUND: A Set of Keys. Call at News Office FOR SaLE: 600 Bushels f Seed. Oats. David Whitt. NOTICE: Beehive Swarm. Night will be held Friday, I-M.y 29th at the Raymond Stake H use All Second Ward Beehive Girls be at the Church at 7 I,M. . „ xitnme Steele, Leader. MAGRATH UNITED CHURCH NEWS: On Thursday May 21st, the Tyro United Church Boys Club of Spring Coulee journeyed to Magrath to play a Softball Game with the Magrath Tyro boys club. After a very close first three innings the Spring Coulee Tyres pulled well ahead and won the game by a sc:'re of 17 to 12. Both teams have won one game each. There will be another game in the near fut­ure . Park THExxTLJE NEWS THIS ’-EEK: FRI. & SaT. You Won’t Want To Miss this Epic of Superb Acting, "HIGH I. *0N" starring Academy Award Winning Gary Cooper—This Year’s Oscar Wimer for this Spectacular Perform­ance. MON .z TUBS. Burt Lancaster and Another Oscar Winner Shirley Booth in "COME BaCK, LITTLE SHSBxJ'. Another Must On Your The ’.tre Entertainment I This show also features Terry, Spectabular Newcomer! LOST: Part of a Hardwood Stock Rack about 3 feet square, North W^st of town. Call 21 at Trading Co. The Gagan Oratorical Contest was held last Wednesday evening in the Sec nd Ward Church. The Final Cmtestents were: Grades 1 D 8: La Rone H^rk.r, Elsie Chot- ak and Bessie Taylor; Gra des 9 D 10: Nan­cy Chetek, Norma Cook, Fred Riel and Mona Du'ley; Gra des 11 and 12: Barbara Harker, Olga Hurkat, Dianne Rasmussen and Davi.l Miachi. The Winners were 7 <1 8, Bessie Taylor, 9 .10, Mona Dudley and 11 12, David Miachi. IE HAVE A WHOLE TxD LL op xALE SHOES in the Ladies Rendy To We'.r Lept. Around 25 Pairs of Canvas Tapped, Rubber Soled, Attractive Colours selling far Only 32.50. Ai OUND 15 Pairs of Attractive Dress Pumps in Brown and Black. Selling at 32.98. — Too many people itch for what they want, but won’t scratcla f’-r it.- ■ -•■ O X </ -1•- L , ,j J. J z; ,y > s --i* ."'■ ./ I-'- 7 K / mT T .1 , i J.U j,J L . 1?L all day JUNJ 2'-a •) -•-, 'y CORONATION JJ DAY._ • ■ ' ~ ' ■ Z.?^. Mr. -1 Mrs. Milton Gibb have as their i guest, their laughter Mrs. Annetta Scov- • ille of Ba_y, Alberta. Ba; p is 100 miles i North East of Edmonton. — Nothing will age a man faster than fur-1 •i usly saving his m:noy for his old age. CQA:>tTION B NVICdiS gt United Church Services f -r the Coronati n will be hell at Magrath at 1G;OO AM. and Spring Coulee at 11s 30 AM. ?n Sunday! Lay 31st, in recognition of the Coronati n :.f our Queen Elizabeth II. All friends and members of the respective churches are invite d to share in the prayers and thoughts ~f our churhc on such an import­ant occasi n in the life of each ^ne of us. Special music for the service at Magrath will include a Solo by M^ss Beverley Austin. She will sing "My Task". The C.G.I.T. Choir will als" sing "Braise My Soul the King of Heaven." The Annual Magrath Club Golf Tournament was held Sunday at the local course. Gordon Rutten fjf Lethbridge wa.s the winner of the Trading Co. Trophy, also a blanket. Rod Me Kenzie of Mountain View was Runner -up in the Championship Flight. In Spite of the slightly unfavourable weather, the tourna­ment was a go~d success. T-SHIRTS DN SALE UPSTAIRS for only 98c Pork Shoulder Roasts.(lean).45^# Beef Chuck Roasts.(tender).48/# Lamb Stew.(ribs and flanks) . 29/#- Beef Loin Steaks.(tender, juicy).65/# Pork Leg Roasts.(flavorful). . </_ it Smoked Cod Fillets. o * o o o • a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 Salmon.(cohoo, sii cod). . .570# Halibut.,,.( frosh frozen).500# 3MUituiuiUtumiumnut\nuHiuutinmuHuinumuiniiiitHuniininiinHUUiiiniiiiiMuuHiutHiuiiHihiilnHHiiii u 1 I lllltIHI llllllllll IIIUI III 11 III U I1IIIHI N llllll Hill 11 Nil III 11 llllll 11111 UIHIHIIII llllll lllllli Hl III lllllllllll III Hlilllll|| ,iHH. . 11II (111«. 11., |l II111»1111, i. t. < I. i. The Magrath First and Second Ward ! Relief Societies held their Semi-Annual "Sunshine Party" at the home Of Mr. 6. Mrs. Walter Taylor Thursday afternoon with Mes-dames Emma Judd, Eleanor Spencer, Emma Ovaiji, Nellie ilatkin, Flo Palmer, Annie Gibb, Rita . Gibb, Margaret Fletcher, Olive Heap, Je^zp ell Markley, Sarah Fisher (Hillspring,) Margaret Mel drum, Afton Anderson, Susie H'11a lay, Leah Hamilton, Amelia Ehlert, Levina Paulsen, Rose Carl, Eva Godfrey, Lora Coleman, Lillian Naylor, Minnie Cock, ■Allis Robinson, Lydia Anderson, Leora Chritf-tensen, Ruth Taylor, Genevieve Sabey, and Miss Francis Tayl r and Letitia* present. social afternoon with tasty refreshments served by the Sunshine Committee, Gladys Coleman, Geneva Neilson and Lillian Sabey was had. HOMEY d-dTE CRUMPLES 2 cups Rolled Oats 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour 2/3 cup Honey 1 tsp. Soda Pinch of Salt METHOD'S Mix above 1 cup Butter like pic crust and divi .de in half. Line a pan with first half, and save other for top. Then put on stove and bcil for 5 minutes, 1 lb Dates, 2 Cups Water and 2 Tbs. of H?noy. Mash with potato masher. Spread mixture on Rolled Oat Crust. Cover with remaining Rolled Oat mixture. Bake in 350' oven 'til brown. - Mrs. Margaret Hindley. Don’t f:rget the Rod and Gun Club's Annual "Fish Derby," A Prize for every Species entered. Your membership is your Entry Fro. See Piules, regarding weighing. - Garth Coleman, Chairman cf the Fish Com­mittee . "M.GPu.TH TRADING CO. LTD." Mother (trying to induce little laughter to go to bed early): "Why even the wee little chickens go to bod at sundown." Little daughter, "Yes, but the old hen goes with them'." REMEMBER THE STO/lE WIA-L ' .•-1 ALL aAY TUESDAY— " COROitxTIuN -uY. !i BE SURE AND 7URCHn.SE YOUil SHCxRINO HEEPS NOWI G-rocory Specials for Fri, & Sat. May 29 & 30. LIBBYS octur Kraut»••««««?• 5# Rolled Oats. 2# Mazda Oil. .230 .460 .370 Miracle Whip. .O7i-850 Kippered Snacks.2/270 Navy White Beans-2^270 RICO FLAKBS - A new Cereal.per pkg. Miracle Scread. Sandwich 16 oz.490 EAKONS Orange Marmalade Bride of Okanagan Tomatoes . . £8.0.2-. JVB Cream of Mushroom 2 tins. Soup . 390 Choice Quality. P4 tins for McLarens Breeze- Mas y vamiia, olate or Butter-3 for scotch, KRAFT Choc- .47/ HBINZ KMT CHUR 310 BUDL/Y'S Whole vi/heat Bread (new wrap) Baby Roll Chooso-1#/51/ MARTINS Raisins ^shed 2 for clean, ready to use. Tuffy Scouring Pads a Magic Aid to Dishwashing . . ,, . -UflvCB COUNTER SPECIAL Meat Pies ans Set Salad with Ice Cream and Cake .per plate. 50/ Seedless. 2^/4? g; jPink Salmon .YliuiisS ____________ t' s 7 . . 2/43/ Who! 0 Boots . go. °,z< ting .19/ PHONE 4 FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES ■ Cooking Onions.2# for 25/ New Potatoes. 5# for 39/ Fresh Asparagus.2# for 47/ Turnips. per lb.5/ Cabbage. . Watermelon. . Green & Crisp.2# for 17/ Red, sweet & juicy.2# for 27/ Oranges.•0,344’s••.«. Bananas•«•••••••.• 3 doz. in cello bags,. 75/ Golden & Yellow. 2# for 49/ PEANUTS. . cello bags. .,29/ "MAGRaTH TRADING CO. LTD." "A good place to trade."