Magrath Store News (June 13, 1947)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. Hardware 34, Dry Goods 4r3 Groceries 4r2 "A good place to Traded Wed. 3 a.m. Sat. 3 a.m. p.m. to 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. :::::::::: GIFT S...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A.�Ririe 1947
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. Hardware 34, Dry Goods 4r3 Groceries 4r2 "A good place to Traded Wed. 3 a.m. Sat. 3 a.m. p.m. to 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. :::::::::: GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOP FATHER'S DAY co {zd o - O h *» t J u N E 15th UNLINED STRAW HATS FOR DRESS OR SPORT $2.35 SPORTS CLOTH HAT with bound brim. Beige $2.56 SHIRTS by "Arrow" In all slses from 14£ to 17 inclusive. Dress styles or Sport style. Assorted plain, stripe, oheok or fancy pattern. $2.25 to $5.00 NOTIONS Wallets. . . . . . . $1.95 to $5.00 Key Chain, gold.,. . . $2.00 Key Case*, assorted styles 150 to $1.75 Tie Pins, with brilliant stones, horses' head, dogs, etc. $1,00, 1.50 FANCY TIBS. . . . . . 500 to $3.00 Suspenders, plastic. . . . $1.00 Belts, plastic. . . . . . . $1.00 MEN'S SOCKS Fancy Dress Socks. . . . . . . 750 to $1,00 Diamond Socks. . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 a pr. The Helping Hand Club met at the home of Mrs. A. B. Critchfield in honor of Mrs. Emily Lindwall, on Thursday afternoon.Those present were Mesdames Louise James, Leona Loxton, Harriet Palmer, Marinda Bradshaw, »/ Flo Palmer, Margaret Meldrum, Elsie Murray/ Martha Miller, Nora Ackroyd, Hilda Rainbow, Emily Lindwall, Mary Nelson and Miss L, Hall. Delicious refreshments were enjoyed. Jen Bone, charter member, is still holidaying in the U.S.A. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Grant and son of Medicind Hat, ane guests at the home of her brotheh, Roy Ovem. Their father, Mr. Ovem of Wetaakawin is also aisiting here. Mr; & Mrs. Pj Patterson, their son Clarence, his wife and children all of Eugene, Oregon^ were weekend guests at the home of Mr; & Mrs4 Soren Anderson, Mrs. P. Pattersori is a sister of Mr-, Anderson. Mrs. Dean Bennett returned home Tuesday from Salt Lake City, where she has spent the past month. She was accompanied by Mrs. Bert Despain and daughter Carol* Miss Dorothy Baxter of Lethbridge is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. G. Lawlor, and Mr. Lawlor. i r LADIES PRINT PYJAMAS, butcher boy style. Small, Medium, large. $2.45 & $2.95 NIGHTGOWNS:- Satin in plain blue and tearose, and floral on white background. Medium only .$2*95 to $3*25 Nylon in ice-blue and pink* Size 20 @ $7.95 SKINTEES PANTIES! Whit4 cotton in Small, Medium and Large. Individually wrapped. 890 SKYBRITE UNDIES, Attractively wrapped. Rayon stripe in tearose only. Medium size. $1.50 BRASSIERES: Grenier in pink and white.$1.00 Gossard in pink .$1.35 Charme (French style).$1,35 and $1,00 In all sizes. MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED. "A good place to Trade." FARMER: Let me tell you my friend, that FRIEND: Well, don’t tell anybody elsejr horse knows as much as I do, you might want to sell him someday. HAND LOTIONS: Olive Oil.500 Italin Balm.250, 500, $1.00 Jergens.290, 500, 980 Hinds.490, 890 Cream of Olives 290 HAND CREAMS: Noxema, .200, 590 Pacquins. 590 MAYBELLINE MASCARA and PENCILS, Black and brown. 250 each. FOR BEAUTIFUL LIPS:- Lypsl: White and Red. 250 a tube Chap-Stick. White only. 250 a tube WOODBURY LIPSTICK All the latest shades. 350 and 650 * that made him take the second look? Suntan shade. Easy to apply. Liquid form. 850 a bottle. .Dry Goods Dept. Magrath Trading Co. Ltd, Phone 4r3 Gifts for Dad. GOLF BAGS, large hood and pocket. $22.95 GOLF BALLS: 500, 750and 950 GOLF TEES, plastic and wood. GOLF BALL WHITE, 550 a bottle. GOLF CLUBS: Pro-made Pendulum Putter with corrected grip. Also a good selection of "Spalding Bobby Jones" Irons and Woods. Mr. & Mrs, Frank Minor were honored at a Calling Reception, Friday evening at the Assembly Hall. Misses Ethel Gibb and Marine McClain rendered vocal solos, during the evening. Mrs. E. L. Ririe assisted the bride and groom in receiving the many guests who called. Miss Karen Ririe, sister of the bride, was in charge of the Guest Book, and Mrs, Mamie Bourgeois presided at the gift ■table. A dainty plate lunch was served by friends of the bride. HOUSEHOLD AIDS oo POTATOE MASHERS 450 to 650 | CAN OPENERS 1 100 to $3.95 EGG BEATERS 450 to $4.25 ) CREAMERS 600 r LADELS 450 J) STEAK FORKS 150 to 850 r" SPOONS 150 to 850 PIE SERVERS Z" SUGAR SCOOPS (' WHIPS 150 to 1.75 ) 150 to 250 ) 150 SPOON HOLDERS 2 for 250 JAR OPENERS 450 FLOUR SIFTERS MEASURING SPOONS ’ 900 & 1.50 \ 150 EGG & TOMATOE SLICERS $1.35 RUBBER PLATE SCRAPERS 150 HOUSEHOLD SCALES $8.45 BOTTLE OPENERS, Rubber 120 KNIFE SHARPENERS < $3.35 ) DUSTING SHEETS 650 a roll PLASTIC TOWEL RACKS 750 SKREWERS 4 for 150 CREEPING APPLE TREES At the Russian government agricultural station at Omsk, Siberia, it has been found feasible to grow, apple, pear, plum and other fruit bearing trees in the north where temperatures drop as low as 45 to 50 below zero. These trees creep 15 to 20 inches above ground instead of grow* ing vertically. Although the only protection against Siberian winters is a light cover of straw and a heavy blanket of snow, these creeping apple trees produce more than 160 pounds of fruit per tree every year, . The Budget. . . A NEW SHIPMENT OF SCATTER RUGS, and LARGE FLOOR RUGS HAVE JUST BEEN PLACED ON DISPLAY. CALL AND SEE THEM AT THE MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. I ‘ I The Dance Review sponsored by Miss Dora Woolf on Saturday evening at the Assembly Hall was well attend­ed. Many children participated in the costume dances with Miss Lucille Matkin and Mrs. Hazel Cook presid­ing at the piano. There were sev­eral Cardston artists present., Mr. Jack Beacom of Raymond was a weekend guest at the J. F. Spring home. Jack is employed at the Bank of Montreal. Mr, Gordon' Forjrsth has returned: ’ to his home at Kalispiel, Mont. Gordon has been visiting at the home of Mr, & Mrs. B. W. Dow. Mr. Thos. Dudley and Mrs. Roy Langworthy are hospital patients,r. J Mrs, Emily Lindwall was honored at the home of Mrs. Harriet Palmer on Wednesday afternoon. Guests included: Mesdames Martha Miller, Nora Ackroyd, Marinda Bradshaw, Elsie Murray, Leona Loxton, Beth Lacquement, Louise James, Flo Palmer, Mary Nelson, and Lettie Critchfield, A social afternoon was onjoyed after which a dainty lunch was served.,.,,. Miss Jean Blumel of Calgary spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. 0. R. Blumel, WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF CHILDREN'S AFTERNOON DRESSES. SILK BROADCLOTH: In white, pastel pink, pastel blue, and corn-yellow. Sizes 1, 2, and 3 years, Smooked with contrasting colored threads, $2.19 PASTEL BLUE, PINK and WHITE in Silk with embroidery trim. Deep hem. Sizes 1, 2 and 3. Shirred across the shoulders. $2.98 2nd Floor at the Magrath Trading Co. Ltd. " A good place to Trade." Mrs. Kathaleen Carlston of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Grace Peterson of Cardstonj Mrs. Leona Harris of Chin; Mrs. Bessie Marshal of Vancouver, B.C,; and Mr, Earl Hojraan of Lethbridge are Magrath visitors, due to the illness of their'abther,-Mrs, Phoebe Holman. Mr, & Mrs. Fred Strata and daughter, Mona of Etzikom were recent guests at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs, E.' L. Ririe, they also visited his father at Del Bonita. MOTHER! MAY I GO" OUT TO SWIM YES MY DARLING DAUGHTER YOU'LL BE A SENSATION ON THE BEACH AND A MERMAID IN THE WATER _. . TRADING CO. LTD, Mrs. Violet Coleman had Mrs. E. Lindwall as her guest for a weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Seward and children of Ferdig, Mont, spent the weekend with her father, Mr. Chester Minor. Mr, & Mrs. Jim Minor and baby returned to Montana with Mr, & Mrs. Seward, Mrs. Dorothy Sorenson and daughters are visiting relatives at Claresholm. STAMPED LINEN LUNCHEON CLOTHS, 36“ square. White, Peach, Blue, Green, Yellow. $2.9$ Scarfs to match @ $1.20. STAMPED LUNCHEON CLOTHS, white only $2.50 Scarfs to match @ $1.79 At the local Lions Club meeting, Mon­day evening a very delicious supper was served by Mrs. Annie Steele, about 25 Lions were present with 1st Vioe-Prea. J. C. Rob­inson in the chair. The 1947-48 slate of officers Include: President, Jay Hamilton, 1st Vice-Pres. Pingree Tanner, 2nd Viee- Pres. Cliff Spence; 3rd Vice-Pres. Max Sabey, Tail Twister, Geo. Hamilton; Lion - Tamer Ken Gibb, Secretary J. T. Steele, Treasurer, Cliff Markley, Board of Direct­ors: J. H. Buchanan, Bob Matson, J. V. v Strang, J, A, Ririe, and Eldon Christenson, Pianist, RXopdq Robinson, Pinal arrange** ments were made for 10 oouples going to Great Falls to attend the Convention on the 19, 20 and 21st of June, Lion Pingree Tanner reported on the swimming pool; Hollo Harris has been engaged as caretaker. A new pumping unit has been installed to irrigate the shrubs, lawn, eto. A eement walk will Mr. & i. >. Clifford Merkley -spent-*the-weekend at Okotokes, guests of Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Balderson. Mrs. Jennie Johnson left today for Galgary, •Biltmore Hat «$6.5o ZBS, A ROYAL BILTMORE HAT Will BRING PLENTI OF W8 AND AH»6W FROM FATHER, Ritchie Oxfords A CLASSY BROWN OXFORD THAT WILL GIVE COMFORT AND SATISFACTION. REASON­ABLY PRICED, $9.95 • be put in on Saturday, June 21st, and it is desirous that all Lions that can be present please do so. It will be Ladies Night on June 23rd, so keep that day in mind, as an enjoyable evening le planned and a good attendance is desired. TWO NEW NUMBERS "GRENIER” STEPeIN GIRDLES with 14" and 159 ikirts. Waist slses 24 to 28 inclusive. $2.95 and $3.50 "GRENIER” STEP-IN COMBINATIONS with a 15” skirt, med. bust., average figure. Sizes 36, 39 and 40. $10.50 OR MAYBE UNCLE SAM We are receiving frequent shipments of Coleman Camp Stoves, Magrath Trading Co. Ltd. Client: "I want you to draw up my will, but I don’t know just how to word it.” • Lawyer: "You needn’t worry— just leave it to me." CLIENT: "Yes, I suppose that’s how it will turn out anyhow,” MEATS and FISH CHOICE QUALITY AT THE MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED. PORK:- Chops, loin.a lb. Leg Roast, a lb.42$ Shoulder Roast, a lb.32$ Sausage, loose, a lb.27$ FISH:- Salmon, a lb. 35$ Salmon Fillets, 45$ Halibut, a lb. 40$ Kippers Eastern 35$ BEEF: Rolled Prime,.,., a lb,*., Shoulder Roast, . a lb. . ,.42$ .29$ Leg Roast, any size, a lb.,.35$ Sirloin Tip, . a lb.,.40$ Rump Roast, . a lb.,.30$ BASEBA .NEWS The Magrath Eagles, entered in the South­ern Alberta Int. Baseball League., are rest­ing today in first place in the League stand­ings. Paced by the sensational batting of Walt Pashuk and Dick Sabey the locals have swept all opposition aside in their quest for top honors in the league again this year. The Eagles opened the League here on May 25 when they downed the New Dayton nine by a 7 to 1 count, Jim Blumel pitched brilliant four hit ball, while striking out 13 to gain a victory in his first assignment. Oh May 28 in Warner the locals made it two straight when they downed the Elks 13 to 1. Pashuk on the mound allowed only 6 hits while fanning 10, The Wrentham Arctic Bears was the Eagles third victim on June 1st going down to a 3 to 1 defeat. Jimmy Blumel and Walt Pashuk combined to set the visitors down with 5 hits while fanning 5. In an exhibition game played in Cardston last week the Magrath nine went on a scoring spree to defeat the Maple Leafs 16 to 5. A big second inning spelled defeat for the Cardston team as the Eagles sent 17 men to the plate where they chalked up 13 runs on 11 hits 1 walk and 3 errors. Balderson, who started on the mound for Magrath worked well and should become an outstanding pitcher. We have a top ranking team in town this year, so come out and give them your support. The League Champions this year will be given a cup and there is also one for the Tournament winner, which was held last year, on Aug. 18 in Magrath. The league is also donating a cup each to the League’s; leading batter, the home-run-king the most valuable player; and the outstanding pitcher. Players must participate in at least two thirds of the league games to be eligible for these awards. T-Bone Steak, a lb. 45$ Loin Steak, a lb. 45. Round Steak a lb. 35$ itttii mi ii,i minmi n nlinn tin niinn mi niiiinnnii n iinti tin m Mr. & Mrs. Fred Stamp-Vincent are re­ceiving congratulations on the birth of a son,-Sunday, June 8th at Ocean,Falls, B.C. Mrs. Stamp-Vincent was the former Helen Spring. MR. H. Tiltson-Hones left for Calgary where he will receive medical attention. He was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Moffat. BASEBALL SCHEDULE June ljth, Magrath at Wrentham June 18th Warner at Magrath June 22nd Magrath at New Dayton June 25th Lethbridge at Magrath June 29th Magrath at New Dayton July 6th Warner at Magrath July 13th Magrath at Wrentham --- --- — - MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD, "A good place to Trade,” The Eagles 3 top batters are:- W. Pashuk A.B PCT 12 7 .583 D. Sabey 13 5 .385 W. Rice 11 4 .364 These averages include League Games only, 11111111111111 mi mi 11 mm 11 tw 111111 mi ,111 mnl hnnitu 111,11 mm mm 11 mi mi 11 CROWN ROT OF ALFALFA Winter crown rot of alfalfa & clovers has caused extensive damage throughout Alta. The cause is a low temperature fungus which attacks and rots the crowns of the dormant plants beneath the snow at the time of the first thaw in the late winter or early spring. There is no really ef­fective control measure for winter crown rot. The one hope of the future is for the development of resistant varieties, and a breeding program is in progress towards that objective. Winter crown rot damage may be reduced by maintaining forage crops in a vigorous condition. Avoid late fall cutting, frequent cutting and close pasturing. When a field is plowed up because of severe damage it should not be seeded to forage crops until all of the old diseased roots are complet­ely decayed. With alfalfa this usually requires at least two years. __________ ___________W. P. Budget. ______________ Mrs. Collett is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Bryon Meldrum and Mr. Meldrum. LEFT IN FRONT OF OUR PLAGE: A digging fork. You may have it by calling. Mrs. Geo. Thomson FOR SALE: Henry Boker Gasoline Pump (No. 2) with pipe, in good condition. E. E, Degiow, phone 156. NOTICE: Sunday School at the United Church will start at 11 a.m. FOR SALE: Chesterfield Suite. See Eldon Coleman. FOR SALE: 3 room house. Apply Mrs, Ray Olmstead, FOR SALE: Cook stove. Bert Clifton. NOTICE: Will all pupils please come for lessons on Saturday, June lftth as usual and for rehearsal at 6:30, Recital will begin at 7:30 p.m. Parents and friends are cord­ially invited. Elayne Hollingsworth. FOR SALE: Modern 9 room house suitable for 2 families, or a rooming house. Only' re­liable need apply. Mrs. Mary Leeworthy. FOR SALE: Walnut finish crib complete with mattress. Dean Bennett. FOR SALE: 1 Jersey Bull Calf, a week old. Sire and dam both registered, Lloyd Ririe. FOR SALE: Baby buggy in good condition. Mrs. Pat Chipman ATTENTION LADIES: It is desirous of the Golf Executive to interest all the ladies in golfing. A match has been arranged for 2 p.m. on Sunday. Each lady will be match­ed with a man golfer and play a 2-ball four­some. The ladies will not need any equip­ment as she will be able to use her part­ners. All interested kindly leave word with Jr. Turner or Don Harker before or by Sat­urday noon, so transportation and matches may be arranged. Don Harker. : GRADUATION EXERCISES : The Graduation Exercises of the Magrath High School will be held in the First Ward Chapel, Friday evening, June 20th at 8:30 p.m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. : R. E. Blumel, Principal. Doug , Harker and Gold Harker motored to Calgary for the Dog Trials on Sunday, each entering a dog, Gold’s dog came 1st in the Puppy event, Doug’s dogx 1st in the Derby, and Jr. Turner's dog r 1st in the All-age event. .M. Holiday visitors at Waterton Lakes included: Misses Pearl Ehlert, Maxine McClain, Ruth Anderson Pearldene Neilson, Marilyn Dudley, LeVaun Matkinw, Mrs. Betty Billingsley, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Harker, Mr. & Mrs. Rulon Harker, Mr. & Mrs. Grant Crookston, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Harker, Mr. __ & Mrs. Clarence Ehlert, Messers. Blaine Anderson, Blaine Neilson, Jack Harker, Dick Sabey, and Bill Bizell. Don Winton of Victoria is visiting at the home of Lloyd Ririe . Mr. & Mrs. Smith Ackroyd returned home Tuesday from Utah. Mr. A. G. Broberg has returned home to Anneta, North Dakota. Mrs. Luella Turner and son, Jr. motored to Calgary for the holiday week­end, . .M.— CANVAS FOR IRRIGATION DAMS 60 inches wide and in 1 yard to 3 yard remanent ends. Dry Goods Counter, phone 4£3. Magrath Trading Company Ltd, Mr. & Mrs. Allen Coleman of Calgary were recent guests at the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Leo'Coleman. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Harker and children of Calif, are guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. Grant Crookston and Mr. Crookston. - Mr. & Mrs. Blaine Norton and Mr. & Mrs. Duane Harker left Sunday morning for Salt Lake City, Utah to attend the M.I.A. Conference. Fifteen ladies met at the home of Mrs. Belle Harker, Thursday afternoon complimentary to Mrs. Emily Lindwall. Mr. Jack Durrante of Bingham Canyon Utah was a Magrath visitor last week at the Chester Minor home. BORN TO MR. ft MRS. Ferris Nyman of iLogan, Utah , a son, Tuesday, June 3rd. Mrs. Popp is a patient at the Mag­rath Municipal Hospital. NO JOHN, ITS HOPELESS First Farmer: "But,' John, why did you give up a nice clean dairy farm to go into the skunk-raising business?" Second Farmer: "Well I thought may­be skunks would make the government keep its nose out of my business." NOTICE: Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the cement roller belonging to the Tennis Court, please notify Lewis Stevenson or the News Office. FOR SALE: 4 Baby Beef. News Office, CORRECTION: Mr. Thos. Dudley returned home from the hospital, today, Thursday.LUNCH COUNTER SPECIAL, SATURDAY, JUNE 14th "Cantaloupe Sundae . 200 /■ -/ ORANGES med. a dozen. 250 GRAPEFRUIT • 96's 2 for 170 PLUMS red 1 lb. 290 STRAWBERRIES Ripe & juicy 330 a basket ORANGES small a dozen 190 CANTALOUPE fresh each 250 WATERMELON ripe 1 lb. 100 BANANAS extra special a lb. 190 CHERRIES a lb. 400 "Glendale" CREAMERY BUTTER a # 54^ "NUTTY CLUB"SUNDAE TOPPING l’:42 CUKES a lb. 190 NEW Spuds 4 lbs. 250 "RAYMORE" SWEET PICKLES, a jar 45^ ______________________________________ I JITLIBBY’S" MINCEMEAT, a jar 5; CABBAGE a lb. 90 "EMPRESS" MARMALADE, a tin 57< CARROTS a lb. 70 "PLANTER'S" PEANUTS, 8 oz.tin 19^ "WESTERN" WHITE VINEGAR,a bottle 17/ MAPLE LEAF CHEESE, 2 lbs. 970 ROGERS SYRUP, 5 lb.690 MAPLE LEAF CHEESE, % lb. 230 CORNSTARCH, per pkg. 150 DATES, unpitted, a lb.190 RIPE OLIVES, a tin. .440 MINCED BUTTER CLAMS, per tin.300 A.J. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, per pkg.21$ KING OSCAR SARDINES,. 230 SWEET MIX PICKLES, 24 oz. 500 SWIFT'S CLEANSER, 2 tins for.230 VEL, the new flake soap.270 BENGER'S JUNKET POWDER, No sugar re­quired. assorted flavors, 2 pkgs.250