Magrath Store News (January 19, 1945)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. !\ /I // I i< A' MAGRaTH. ALBERTA. FRIDAYf JAN.19/45, STORE HOURS: ' TELEPHONE NUMBERS:- 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office,.,,.,,.,.,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A.�Ririe 1945
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. !\ /I // I i< A' MAGRaTH. ALBERTA. FRIDAYf JAN.19/45, STORE HOURS: ' TELEPHONE NUMBERS:- 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office,.,,.,,.,.,,21 Wed. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hardware.34 Sat. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Grocery Department. *4r2 Dry Goods Department.,.,.4r3 PRINTED' x^COTTCN SPUN 3/ Colors: Grey, Blue and red background per yd, / , ' "A GOOD PLACE TRADE, Mr, f Mrs. Horace Rrie end Mr, Chris Jensen left Wednesday by plane for Oak­land, Wiere they will attend the funeral of Mrs, Ririe's brother, Guy Taylor. Mrs, Blanche Scorille of CyLgary was y Mrarath visitor Tesdaya. V " VK. T ••> x. --r;~ / 0RESSES SNOW-SUITS e CO A IS/ HI A15 BLOUS ES Wenns^t^Iyy night saw the M^g^E^'th Liens Baykka-Ball Squad bow to their perreM-al rivals, the Raymond Onion Jacks, to a score of 39 to 43, This game was a sub­stitute exhibition scheduled wth Pearce Professors (A.^-Fo^caSj however due to a last minute cylneSlatI-n by Pearce wo were fortunate to get Raymond to pinch hit, The game was featured by the usual early saason g*od and bad baskeebaai, Both terms lacked the polish and the drive they are sure to oxhhbbt wren the league gets under way, Mchelson from Stirling was high scoror for the iLSItrrs, w,th Weley Rice taking the honours for Mgrath Watch the news for future games and give Senior Baadkaball your best suppoo'tl —Dean .emmet, Maa^er, RED CROSS The annual meeting of the Maarath Rod Cross was hold January 11, and out of 797 maimers there were 19 members present, , A vary poor showing! Pres­ident G.V, Balderson who presided gave a brief report of the accomppishments of the Red Gross in Maarath, and across Craiada, The Financial Statement was given by Secretary Sadie Tarlor, a sax­ophone solo by M, L, Johnson accompan­ied by Mr3, Grace Peterson, the PeUbic-ity Report by Mrs, Melva Clhistsnsrn, and a piano duet by Misses Nola and Luc-eille Matin. , Mr, George Thomson received word in a letter that Lindon Johnson, brother of waiace Johnson, both former resid­ents of; dropped dead in a Salt LOie restaurant before eating his moIyL, INFANTS DRV 71 O 71 ‘ nSS 1 0 o Deanty frocks in whhte silks only, Sizes 1 and 2's, 51.55 51.29 SATIN BBS. ,,250: SATIN JACKETS for Infants; wihte mly, wth quilted design,,3390 each, X Word has been received by Mr. £ Mrs. Alma Miler that their son Clifford of the Canadian Army, has arrived safely overseas,.00.0,. CROCKERY MIXING BOjLS, 250 and 500 Dr, £ Ms. Ernest Poulsen and family of Lethbridge spent Tuesday in M.grath„ "^UICK-FIaE" LIGHTsR FLUID ££ metal Can with spout. 350 per tin I aRRO A SHIRTS just arrived. All sizes. $2.00 each. Assorted coj.oi’s. Blood Donors last Monday at the Mun­icipal Hoop^al weres Mrs. Sarah Eilert, Clarence Sheet, Mrs. R, 0. Wnna.s, Carol Weenas, and J. W. Aston, of Maagrath; Mr. A Mrs, A.B. Robinson, Kenneth Robinson, Mrs. J.C. Athen, Le Roy Athen and Mis. A, L, Larson all of Twin Avers. Lunch was served to the donors by the Rod Cross under the direction of Mrs. C.S. Mutkin and Mrs. S.J. Tooner. . The executive of the Maagath Rod and Gun Club, Mess's. Vera Heeton, Fel 3aldor-son, Rondo R^o^inson, H.C. Paulsen and Jun­ior Timor, motored to Cardston Weennsday night to vlBit the executive of the Card-ston "Rod and Gun Club". A very success­ful meeting was held at Chl.rlit Cheese-man's Barber where a report was giv­en on the annual Aberta Fish and Game AstttCarion. Monday night, Mr. Hanson, 000:^- ial Meander of the CAgary Power Co. net the Town Coouncl in regards to get­ting a better rate for the town. The Calgary Power decided to raise the ninin-um to 2.40 instead of 1.50—all over 20 kilowats would be 10. A petition, which has yet not been started, has to be cir­culated before this goes into effect. Mrs. George Thomson was "the guest this week of her laugHer and son-in-law, Mr. A Mrs. Muray Holt of Rynond. jvE itRS HaVING A oALE ON LaulEo SHOEo COME UPSTARS aND SEE TRIM. LuiE YOUR CHt^iCE WHIlE THE SELECTION IS LaRGE. Miss Pearl Heninger returned h ao from Raymond after spending a holiday wth her sister, Mrs. Lottie Knight and Mis. ' Knnghh’s dauggher, Charloote, of New York City. . Mrs. Virginia Wide and dauggher, Kristine of Raymond are visiting with her laroe^t5k Mr. & Mr3. J. A. Arie». * . ■ SOIL -OFF that is "Bought by millions, because it cleans like a million". Used on painted walls or wooddtork, No water, No rinsing, no drying. Saves time, Labor and energy. Noon•inflamablt. Removes furnace grease, smudge, cooking grease, smoko, all dirt by wiping it off with first application. Price 650 per botklt,(32 oz.) Mr. D^eTjc^e^'t CCl,iskei3ei of Lac-La- Biche, Aborta, is the gueot of Mr. £ M-. Saren fender a on. Delbert recently received his discharge from the my.,,. G.rt.G. £ MASTER MECiLiNTC KITCHENER OVSRALS. Wo have your size in one of those brands if not in all. Ask for them the next time you are in. $2.25 P.O. John Autin, R.C.A.F. has been offered the rank of Second Lieutenant, by ^0^1^ to the Canadian Army. , Boys in the Service hero on Leave include; Smth Cooour, Jim MccCAlan, Dobulat Bly-Al of the R.C.a.F. ANTICIPATION /RvCKS. >. Wo have maternity dresses in sizes 15, 13 and 20. Plain or Polka Dot a. $4.55 and 8.95 Ill P.0, Francis Spencer,R.C,F,, sta­tioned at Charlottetown, P.'E.I. is spend­ing a leave ,?t home. L'r. ft Mrs. R.D, Bradshaw and daughter Jane of Caldwell visited vdth relatives in .agrath Saturd^iiJ. ».« WALL PICTURES in assorted sizes and designs. Including floral, animal or scenic designs,.,. Priced: $ ,85 to $3,95 25^ POCKET BOOK EDITIONS 35^ Popular novels including mystery^ murder, fiction, humorous stories, Kandy sewing g.ids, cook books and Many others. All well-bound. Mrs, Olga Cull returned hone from Spokane, Washington -where she has spent the past few ’weeks visiting v/ith her f at ner. Visitor (in lefonse plant); "Look at that y -ungster, the one with the cropped hair, cigarot, and trousers. It's hard to tell .whether it's a b :y or girl." War Worker: "She’s a girl and she's my daughter." Visitors "Do forgive me. I didn’t know you were her father!" War Worker: "I'm not her father. I'm her mother'. ’’ WE HAVE A COMPLETE SUPPLY OF LACO LJLPS. All sizes. \ ALADDIN BRINGS YOU OF THESE .ADVANTAGES, tone ivory and protector), in green. Priced at $6,50 Burns 50 hours on a Gallon of fuel} Fenous quick-light> Absolutely safe5 Lasting^ Depend­able, Gasoline Lamp is finished in a copper- Price. ,$6,5O (plus shade Kerasene Lamo finished The Red Cross is daily appealing for more blood donors to meet the urgent requirements of our wounded men on the fighting fronts. Consequently it has boon decided to switch tho blbod donor clinio from the hospital to the Assembly Hall in order that an increased number of per­sons can make donations every week in Mag rath. It will be necessary for the com­mittee to obtain the loan of about nine cots. Anyone having a cot that can be spared for this work notify Mr, Roby Faulkner at the bank immediately. This is urgent as we hope to make the switch by MSnday night. Let's have these cots and more blood donorsj Mr. ft Mrs. John Clarke of Leth­bridge spent the week-end at the home of Mr. & Mrs. J, C, Robinson. . . , Denzil Coleman of the Army is spend­ing an embarkation leave at home. SILK-LITE MANTLES 100 eaoh or $1,00 a doe, BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEzJli M.H.S, are presenting Their "SOPHOMORE HOP" Friday—J ossuary 19th—High School Gym Music by Nolan's Canadians. MIN*S AND BOYSj sizes 6 to 10 $6.75 Couple 650 --- Ladies 250 NovoltiesJ Prizes! Wonderful Time!I Dance starts right after basketball game! Miss Jeanette. Honing@r of Raymond was the Sunday guest of Miss Jean Ririe, BUY MORE WAR-SAVING STAMPS CERTIFICATES’. CHILDREN’S, 1 t0 5. $5.75 Mrs. Dora Coleman returned hone Thurs­day by plane, from Salt Lake City where she has been visiting wth her daughter, Mrs. Wanda Gibb. Marvin R.ce of the United States Marino Corps, Aaska, is visiting at the hone of his brother, Ur. WJ. R.ce and his motier, Mrs. Sadie M. Rice of Spring Coulee.•0. Brushed wooos, Gababdines, Melton Cloth, and Frize Cloth, Assorted colors and sizes. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1,98 Mss Marie Van Stanldrume has now taken up residence in Kaagrth, as the new egg-grader for the Alberta Pooiltry Pro­ducers. Sho is staying at the hone of Mrs« jUi^ie Blaxaal . • Meets and Boy’s Caps made from ends of Heavy Ovefcoating cloth. A.1 sizes. Meets priced at $1.60 $1.75 Boy’s priced at $1,35 Jack Rainbow of the Canadian Amy ie Visiting with his parents, Mr. ft Mrs. Rco>brt Rainbow. Jack is on Eibakaaion Lo/vi • »o . Mss Holm Spring and Mr. Fred Stan- Vincent of Lethbridge were week-ond guests of her parents, Mr. ft Mrs. J.F. Sprigg^.-co. /' MEN’S SHORT RUBBER BOOTS A new shipment has ju9t arrived. We have a compete range of sizes Priced: $2.50 MEN S KNEE-HIGH BOOTS Arrived in aJjove ship-met, Similar sizes. Priced: $3.50 i MENS WORK RUBBERS with rolled sole. All sizes. Priced: $1,35 --- 4 Patients .in the Maagath Muncipal Hos- f pital this week include: Mrs. K, Nishi, Mrs. Smth Cooopr, Mrs. Mao CCrrstenset, Mss Barbara Chabay and Mr. Roy Atdrson. Sergeant (on rifle range): "This new buHet vill pens!rate nearly two feet wf solid wood, so kl^ilm^(^lr to keep your heads dow^." Word has been klClivlO by friends in Maagath, that George 'We.]man of the R.C.- .xF. has been promoted to the rank of Fly­ing Officer. George is now serving over- £3 M.S • • •••••c•ccc•cc«# ■ MEN’S HIGH-CUT HUoE SLIPPEAo with black kltatted upper with stitched chrome soles. $2.95 ______ J — — _ __ _ . _ ___ — Mr. Ellis Hentnger, Mss. Uarva Nalder, Mr3. Mirira Peterson and daughter Marianne of Raymond, spent Sunday in Maagath vis­iting > friends. MEN’S HEAVY JUMBO-KNIT a.;EATERS that are ideal to wear under your Gmail Jumper for added warrmh, R^]^1io collar, button front, patch pockets. Sizes 36 to 44, Arforce Blue. $4.95 Mr. ft Mrs, R.B. M^lMH-et of Lethbridge and his daughter, Mrs. Paul Saulsobach of OOoooks, are the guests of Mr. & Mrs. ard Fletcher.oa.<. Mr. ff Mrs. Don GIruti.thlk have returned hone after a months visit with relatives in PennsylvaatLa. . lx oak's announce- J- X J - •* most of the Arrival of StnfillO’s Under­wear. CeII now* Then are only a few left but we may still have your size. "SHUBERT’S ALEY1'* a dramaa^ play in Seven Acts, is being presented by the Maagath SltenO Ward M.I.A., Weedseday, January 24th in the Assembly HTll Re­served seaats may be obtained at the Fhat'acyl—-Price 50^—Tvrorybody Cornel Proceeds for Improvement Era for boys in the Servinl BUY MORE W.JU SaVING CERTIFICATES’ i • bargain?, RRRK; per lb. Shoutder "Rass. Ry Riled Pot Rost9R Rewing Seef. . . .IP/ LLon President J,., Ririe and wife, LL n J. T. Steele, and wfe, Lion C.S* Entkin and wfe, Lion G.V. Bslderaen and ■afe, Mr. & Mrs. LI yd &aboy arid daughter Dar!enu and Lion Bob Matson attended the Lira's Zone Banquet at the Raymond Opera House, Wednesday night. A very delicious su'pi^f^jr was served to 237 people. The caterers, the Rueief Society and The Primary of tho Raymond Second Ward, re­ceived. th Li.-i's Roar, led by Raymond's Li ■ n President, Mutt RpUpU. Lloyd Sabey and Darlene rendered r harmonica d.ust. ,, ■' 'We thought the best nuw.tior on the pr g r /., Zone ChuaLman, P .ul M^uelaen of ■'< w Day­ton arid LLon Dis tri ct-Governor Phil Baier of Raymond, occupied the chor. uee of the projects of the Raymond L.n Club is c etributieg $1000.00 for repeaLrs on the Rays n I Opera nooso. This ssa unt was matched by a like an'o^t^'t from L. D. 5. Church in Salt Lake City, Uta. PORK. Ruts per lb - ■ - : ~ - Sootder outs. .25/ Leg roa.^1t. 7^/ Pork choos,.30/ Side Pook. PR/ LAMB. . per lb. Leg Ross. . 35/ Loin Sbous. 35/ Shoutder RUts .?5/ Stewing Lamb. 1°/ hJt- Sh- 1 0 O o o o o Salmon. Hg.llbut. . KiDpees. Haddie bllet presb Roe. per lb. . 30/ So. 35/ . 25)/ VRAL. roest-per lb. ShooQder cuts.?! Vea.l Shops. .30/ Stewing Veal.19/ Loose Lard. 15 Creamery Btter.3°/ Coupons 90 - 91 VaHd Coupons Nos, 92, 93 Gud Tours. IStU. BRING US YOUR GREEN BEEF HIDES and HORSE HJR. WE ?-xY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES’. Meat Market Coouinsr—Trading Co. Grant Bluml of tUo R.C.A.E,, Prince Ruueet,B.C, is spending a furlough with Uls parents, Mr. f; Mrs. Wllcr Bluml,,. JUST ARRIVED*. New HiiiK LA1E DRESSES The season’s very smatest styles* Prices,.$15.95 & $1(3.95. Visit the upstairs ladies rudy to wejvi Mrs. L. Nicols of Va^<^(^l^1r(^r,B.C. was the recont guest of Mr. & Mrs. Thm^.s Enck son. The Blood Donors Committee are badly in need of about nine coots. Now furn­iture is not required, the only essent-tLals are that tho cots must be reason­ably coai^utgblr and in faLr rep^lLt. If you have one of these please see Mr. Roby Faulkner at once. More blond d nors arc needed to, as advised else­where in this paper. Lee's have these cots. LC's have more blood nil■’f5l . Mr. ft Mrs. V, J. R.ce left Weednsdiy for Calgary, where they vill attend the J. I. Case ¥10^0^0^ C?uneneion. Mi*. ft Mrs. H. C. Auutin were host .■and hostess at Bridge Saturday night, when they served a delicious buffot sup­per. Guuets included: fir. & Mrs, J.H. B^«^l^:a^ian, Mr. ft Mrs. R, Faulkner, Dr. ft Mrs. A. Mogid, Mr. ft Mrs. Ray Overn, ft Mrs. J.C. Roinson, Mr. & Mr3. Tuos Dud­ley, Mr. & Mrs, N.E.BlnaH, Mr, ft Mrs. Curies HariCkr. Mr. Don Clarke Ls a hospital patient, having undergone an tipieddLCiis operation. Mr. KennotU Boonler left for Cagary Tuesday mooning, to raUst in the Navy. Mr, & Mrs. Douulap Bourne are re­ceiving tonniaVulvtionp over the ’birth of a dauggUer, born Weddnesslay, Jon. 10tU. Fit. Sgg, Jim MecClHan and Sgt. B.A, Mann visited this week at tUe Oom of Mr. Harry James, before being posted to Hal­ifax and Calgary respectively, •.r. NOTICE; A neoting of the A»F,W. Board and dolsGS-tes Wll be held in the Town HaU on S.a,, Jan,20th, at 8 o'clock. George D. Minion, FOR A*LE; 24 Rod PUlets—jist started to lay. Steve Szabo. iiALJ? Frst, Wird Go1d & Graan Bnll.! WHEN? WHERE? Saturday, January 27. Assembly HU. Corn and VaVG a GOOD THLe’. Support your "QUEEN". NOTICE; .Abeeta Poultry Market now oper­ated by a qualified grader. Support your own Co-opi Maie Van Staildrune, FOR A-LE: Boy’s All-Wool Coat, Size 12 or 14, In very good conddtion, Mrs. S.T, Law LOST; One whAte-faced Steer, short ears and tail. Branded L on left hip. K Reward $5.00 See John Koskevwck, Del Bonita, FOUND; T^irn Keys on Call at Nows Office. aLONG THE ROaD OF LIFE! Wien celebrating his 92nd birthday, the late Sir Willia bullock said; "I ami still at work with ny hand to the plough and ny face to tho future. The shadows of evening lengthen about me, but morning is in ny heart, I have ha E varied fields of labour and. fill contact vdth men and things, and have v/arm;! both hands before the fire of life. The test­imony I bur is this; The Caatle of En­chantment is not yet behind me, The rich spools of memory are nine. Many, too, m the precious things of to-day— books, flowers, pictures, nature. The best things of all is friends. The b d jf life is always further on. J-ts real lire is hidden from our eyes, somewhere beyond the hills of tine," ;z On OOtobEr 1st, another great nan, brought up on a farm, quietly passed from among is. --- Farm & Ranch Review. aT THE PaRK THEATRE; Friday & Saturday; "TWO GIRLS aND A SjJLOR'' Starring Van Johnson and June Allyson. "The Laugh Hit of the Year." Monday and Tuesday; Paulette G^ ’Warm Haris. TWO BaSKETBALL GAaES———Friday Night, Eaginth "B" TAan — vs— Wrenthan "B'"s. Mgrath GIRLS a^jains'L Wrenthan GIRLS! Birst Game at Seven Sharp! Everybody cone cut and support the GaMEs! M. H, S. "SOPHOMORE HOP" immediately after ganes——FriOay, January 19th. High-Sohool Gyn. NOTICE; Them wall be a Danas, SsI,, Jan. 20th--—Ydth Ted’s Meidy Men, in the Assembly HaHi LOST; Dark grey Saddle Pony—2 yrs, old. If anyone has seen her, wllyim please notify Don Clarke Junior ReHef Society w.11 be b^ld at the hone of Mss, Maagaret Hindley, Thursday, Jan. 25th at 8:30 PaE. L-tentim Lesson by Jill Harker. PROMISE YOURSELF TODAY Promise yourself today— To be so young that nothing can dis­turb your peace of nind. To talk heUth, happiness and prosper­ity to every person you meet. A To make all your friends feel that they are w^r^thvwhi.e. To look on the funny side of everything and make your optinisn cone tine. To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best!at the TRmDING CO. f0r FRIDAY 5 SLJURftbTj Jon, 19 ft 20. XWQT-’ I T2a SF.HCI.AL, Saturday Elue Ribbon—A- lb. . Jen. ?Otb 3> SAL AO *’ SAND­WICHES --- I'V ORmRGES Jlediun 1 SPUDS 380 a doz. 10 lbs. 250 LELONS 1 • CELERY 480 a doz. 140 a lb. GWEFRUIT t ONIONS 4 for 300 5 lb3. 230 DALTON'S BudJCE Jolly Good.par bottle.190 LIBBY’S UJSTARD Prepared. 2 jars.190 BEANS Brod»r’b,.,2 tins.20 ox*.270 PUUPKIN Broders Choice Quality.140 KRaFT DINN31 2 pkes. for. ». 35$Z Nabob. . 450 UPTON’S NOODLE oOUP 2 pkS8. . .*.250 hOT BuJiLZY 2 lbs. . . .130 PiLJRIE tiAlD PEaS 20 08. Tin . 2 tins for,. 250 aYUER’S TOiL.TO SOUP or VogotrJble.3 tins.250 ONT.JUO UNITE 3KJ43 I 4 lbs for. . 250 CHICKB2J Hj-DDIE Per tin. .270 HERRING .in Jouato Sauce. . 180 PaN-CaKE flour Aunt Jenina.por pkg. 190 % WOODBURY’S 50aP GREENGAGE JAL Coupons 38 & 37 Good.330 3 bars for.220 "UaGRaTH TRADING CO. LTD.'* '•A Good Place To Tradel"