Magrath Store News (February 9, 1967)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. RATH TRADING C STORE NEWS PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 ®0CERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, T...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1967
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. RATH TRADING C STORE NEWS PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 ®0CERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY .8 A.M. to 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY .8 A.M. to 1 P*M* .; 4SATURDAY. 8 A.M. to '? P.M. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 1?67 6383268 MAGRATH, ALBERTA. Dept, SIMMON'S MATTRESS SALE SAVE 2455 QUILT TOP "DEEPSLEEP" Luxurious lock stitched Quilt Top with auto lock coil construction. _ . qe REGULAR $89.50.04^° SMOOTH TOP "DEEPSLEEP” Button free smooth top Mattress with auto lock coil construction. REGULAR $79.50 i"" I I VAPORIZERS | i HANKSCRAFT Vaporizer — with 14® ounce cap- I | acity and 8 to 10 hours continuous 5 I flow. = iHUMIRIFYFR^ I h *■«««* \ 2 SPEED Keeps the humidity of I I your home in proper I R P A "] TV ¡proportion. 9QQ6 i \ I I I pGULAR $39.95. IUJACLJCDC II ROOM HUMIDETTE; | gg & 5495 s i I= z = i VAPORIZER FLUID HANKSCRAFT "Mentholaire Vaporizer Fluid - | a specially formulated medication for Use j in Hankscraft Vaporizers. Soothing medicat-f ed steam brings quick relief from nasal congestions and^cold symptoms. i/Q I 2 iz size. «390 . ez. size ~ 1995 I in« != | Add water and |connect. . I SCOTCHGARDS I RAIN & STAIN REPELLER; Prevents : I stains on furniture fabrics and I wearing apparel. Do it yourself I spray can . .398 ICAR SEAT STAIN PROTECTOR: Heavy | duty "Spray On" protection from | stains including grease and oil, *1. . HHIlIh- 'HillllllliHIlKII 'HlllftnillHIliHltlllltttltlWUUHIUOmtlUIIHH« I I Ii II The Beatty Wringer Washer surpse-p-’-. ah others in its ability to wasn dirty clothes clean. It has the famous "human hand” washing action. Chrome tub, wringer lip and trim. $50.00 TRADE IN ON YOUR OLD ONE O°° per Month 219°° I MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. STIRLING GAS The Store News under the above heading of January 26th printed an article entitled "Gas at Stirling". We received a long epistle of five paragraphs with the request that it be printed in the Store News, The writer states ("I was chairman of the Southern Towns Chamber of Commerce Committee who was instrumental in getting the gas program set up here more than ten years ago", etc,) A few questions: What is the Stirling gas program now? Who is chairman of the com­mittee? If the owners did not go broke why not dig a third well? Quote; ("xf we as people in these towns are interested enough in a guaranteed gas supply at a much lower cost, and if we can make a deal satisfactory to both parties," etc. etc.) In the first place how does the present contract read between the town and the Canadi an Western Natural Gas Co. Ltd.? We were told that someone borrowed the contract from the Town Hall and never returned it. What price does the present Gas Co. have on their trunk line and di «t.r-i system? To duplicate it would no doubt cost double what it did ten years ago. An unproven source, no facts or figures as to the cost of the proposed gas program is forthwith coming. "Better remain with the ills you know than fly to those you know not of," t Ten years or more ago an article in the Store News objected to the rates between Leth­bridge — 120 as we remember^ and the rates the Gas* Co. were asking here* A ratepayers meeting was held. The Canadian Western Natural Gas, Co. took objection to the article, sent two of their firm to Magrath. They had the Store News with them. They didn't like the article and they told us so in no uncertain terms. No ratepayer came to our rescue, they all wanted the gas and were willing to pay the price asked by the company. . During the past year the Trading Co. paid $733»4L for gas. We have had excellent serv­ice. The present schemers, some of them don't live in the district, haven't any facts or figures as to costs, and whose only resource of money is increased taxes, a mortgage on our homes - we want nothing of it. How much does our town protect local business? I have been informed that two Dry Clean­ers from Lethbridge obtained a license for $15.00 for soliciting business from house to house in the town of MEgrath. It took me several thousand dollars to establish my local premises, besides I pay over $300.00 a year on business and property taxes which is all business expenwe. A declining turnover which goes out of town is ny lost profit. Hans Pfeffel, Magrath Tailors and Dry Cleaners, ATTENTION MAGRaTH & DISTHIC BASKETBALL FaMS L.D.S. Zone 31 Tournament - Magrath Gymnasium Friday and Saturday Feb. 10th & 11th. Game Time — Friday 6:30 P.M, TEAMS: Taber Jr. vs Great Falls Jr,; Calgary Sr, vs Dillon Sr. Edmonton "U" vs Missoula "U". Game Time Saturday - 5 P.M, This tournament is a 2 game total point series with the winners in each case travelling to Salt Lake City to partici­pate in their respective division in the largest organized basketball tournament in the world. Price: $1.00 per evening Adults; 75$ per evening 14 yrs and over students; 50$ per evening under 12 years. Everyone welcome. Come and support this tournament as a high calibre of basketball is guaranteed. It includes 10 Stakes or Zone 31 ~ approximately 35,000 people. Cal Alston & Committee, One man was killed and five others hospitalized in a two car head on e. oil i si on which occurred Saturday afternoon on Highway 5 two miles North of Magrath. Louis T^-rm' re of Cardston died instantly while his wife Sophie was seriously injured suffering mul t.i pl e lacerations and undetermined injuries and is a patient in the Lethbridge Municipal Hospital. Driver of the other car, John Minor is in fair condition in MEgrath Hospital as are pass­engers Mrs. Helga Rose of Lethbridge and Vincent DeGeorgio of Del Bonita. Mr. Minor* a wife MErgaret was taken to Lethbridge Municipal Hospital in serious condition. Both cars are described as total wrecks. February 2^7 New Elm Colony. Horse Shoes.$2.50 Nails .$2.25 Calks .$1,40 $6.35 First sale of horse shoes in a long time. This sale doesn't happen often. We still have plenty of horseshoes on hand. Mr. and Mrs, Garth Coleman are holiday­ing in the United States. ATTENTION: The Magrath Golf Club Association is having an Auction Sale tErch 1st to help finish our Centennial Club House, Donated used articles would be appreciated. If you have something you don't want and it is too good to throw away, give it to the Golf Club to auation. Eiden Coleman, Ken Balderson, Reed Coleman and Gerald Leishman will canvas for articles. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Cameron of Edmonton are the proud parents of a son born February 6th, Mrs. Cameron is the former Shirley Arndt daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Arndt> MEgrath,MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. Another iery successful annual Men’s Bonspiel has been concluded in the past week, 34 rinks were entered in this Centennial 'Spiel which had an added Centennial Event as well as Centennial flags for each event winner. Winners of the events are as follows: 1st EVENT: Magrath Garagemen's - 1st - Harvey- Bourassa, Ft. Macleod. 2nd - Jim Nakagawa, Magrath; 3rd Shige Nakagawa, Magrath. 4th - Jim Nätkin, Milk River. 2nd EVENT - Magrath Trading Co.: 1st - Alec Commings, Lethbridge; 2nd - Bob Wright, Cardston; 3rd - Phil Sheer, Magrath; 4th - Dean Bennett, Lethbridge. 3rd EVENT Seventy Seven Oil Co. - 1st - Owen Coaker, Lethbridge; 2nd - Tex Rothe, Cardston; 3rd - E. Hohm, Magrath; 4th - Len Whitt, Magrath* 4th EVENT - Alberta Canning Co. - 1st - Roy John­son, Magrath, 2nd - Dave Russell, Milk River; 3rd - Bob Mikado, Magrath; 4th - Art Jones, Lethbridge. Winner of the Centennial Event was Shige Nakagawa. First rink out of the 'Spiel was the Ernie Hillmer rink and the rink playing the most games without getting into the prizes was the Toots Arndt Rink of Cardston. Elsie Brown bf Raymond won the Polaroid camera. Donors to which many thanks go out because without their generous support, our 'Spiel could not be successful (please patronize them whenever possible): Magrath Trading Co. Ltd. Calgary Power; Balderson Electric; Ralph Thrall; Southern Alberta Co-Op (Lethbridge) Jfegrath Co-Op; Progress Clothing (Lethbridge); Southern Stationers (Lethbridge); Kitson's Wholesale (Lethbridge); Seventy Seven Oil Cok (Lethbridge); Alberta Canning Co.; Fletcher’s Drug Store; Tyler's B*A* Service; Warren Harris Store (Spring Coulee); Canadian Western Natural Gas Co.; Arndt Motors; Carter's Garage; Stu’s Esso Service; Denny's White Rose; 0. Hi Timer Trucking; Lester’s Pool Hall; N* Bi Christensen Welding; Karl Wilde Implements (Raymond); Majorette Cafe, (Lethbridge). Many thanks also go to everyone who helped in any way in preparing for the bonspiel and in keeping it running smoothly. Their generous help was certainly gratifying as without it, a bonspiel would be impossible to manage. Special mention to Winnie Ehlert and Gladys Sheer who did such a fine job of catering and serving meals, making our 'Spiel even more enjoyable. Pres. F. Balderson. The Nhgrath Home and School Association held its monthly meeting Monday, Feb. 6th, Guest speaker for the evening was Mr. A. Perry from the Lethbridge branch of the A.M.A. He gave a very informative talk on Driver Education in the school and showed two fiIms — "Stay Alive" and "Mechanized Death". Did YOU know automobile accidents are the number one killer of our youth? Is YOUR child a trained driver? Statistics show trained drivers have 1/3 the accidents of untrained drivers. Let's get on the Band Wagon and get driver education in our school. It may be of interest to note — no representation from the school board, one teacher from the High School and six teachers from the Public School were in attendance at the meeting. As a parent of children going to school - WERE YOU THERE?? Patients in the Magrath Municipal Hospital during the past week include Mr. John Mi nor, Mr, Roy Toomer, Mrs. Muriel Schneidt, Mr. Vincent DeGeorgio, Mr. Nick Ponomar, Mr. Archie Howes, Mr. Stuart Balderson, Mr. Dean Wilde, Mr. Ray Bullock, Miss Renae Farries, Miss Diane Tremblay, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Shaunna Cowie, Mrs. Marie law, Mrs. Marie Ribnak, Mrs. Helga Rose and Baby Powlesland. Mrs. Mary Robinson of Grande Prairie visited with friends and relatives in Twin River last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fellger are holidaying in las Vegas, Nevada and other U.S. points. Mr. and Mrs. Kayo Yamamoto and daughters of Calgary visited with friends in Ifegrath during the weekend. Mrs. Fanny Nelson has returned to her home in Welling following a visit in Edmonton with her son-in-law and daughter Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carnell of Peace River are the proud parents of a daughter born January 9th. Mrs. Carnell is the former Wendy Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Morris of Calgary. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Handley left Sunday to holiday in California, Dickson Morris and Phil Miller, members of the Calgary basketball team who played in Lethbridge during the weekend, were Satur­day visitors in Magrath and were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Balderson. Ifegrath and district residents will be interested in knowing Dr. S.C. Brewerton was recently elected as Magrath representative to the Divisional Board of the Cardston School Division. He replaces Harden Anderson. Hans Raasch and John Bourne attend.^ the annual Alberta Fish and Game Convention held in Edmonton last week. Mr. Hayes Dow of Great Falls visited with friends and relatives in Magrath this week Mrs. Elma Romeril of Nanaimo, B.C. is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Thomson. SPECIAL - Polyethylene Dish Pan»» 5 year guarantee. ONLY 97$« Hardware Dept.MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. r NEW EW3ED HOSE. A GOOD STOCK OF BOES' PANTS - CASUALS & DRESS STYLES. MEN'S & BOYS NYLON.& BAN LON STRETCH SOCKS MC GREGOR WOOL & Xi Blacky Blue . SLIM KINGS; Cotton twill by G.W.G. Low rise, skin tight. Black or Blue.YOUNG MEN' S - y g^ BOYS' - g95 TEEN KINGS; Cotton twill in the slim styling, hipsters. Popular shades of Black or Blue. 695 FULL CUT CASUALS; For men who want a more roomy fit. Rugged fabric blend. COLORS; Olive, Tan, Blue . .895 COLLEGIATE CASUaLS; Trim cut, a great favourite. Blended twill. Jan, Olive, B^ack,.,. •••••.795 Action styled Shirts in the latest "Mad Mod" look. Mod puts you in the swing - get in the awing in a new California styled LANCER SPORT SHIRT. Three popular styles - The R.F "3 in Line" and "Dino" collar. Hot dots, Action stripes and Paisleys FORSYTH DRESS SHIRTS IN THE LATEST FABRICS FORSYTH COUNTRY CLUB — fine English broad­cloth . ^50 FORSYTH "LAUNDER—MATIC; Wash it, Spin it 600 Tumble itr. Ready to wear . FORSYTH "SMOOTH SET — permanently pressed ' Dress shirt . QOO I MEN'S & BOYS WINTER i -Jackets and coats re­i DUCED to clear, includ i ED ARE CORDUROY aND I SUEDE JACKETS & CaR I COATS} TERYLENE QUILT i ED JACKETS — p~l ai n or 1 Orlon pile lined - 1 ORLON PILE JACKETS, I NYLON QUILTED JACKETS 1 QiOUP OF MEN’S SWEATERS - PULLOVER and Cardigan styles in bulky knits. PULLOVERS aKE ROUND OR V NECKS. COL­ONS INCLUDE THE POPULAR HEaTHERTONES oo UP IIIIIIHItllUUllUHUIIIItlUHtlinilllllllllliniUllUIIIHIIIItlUIKtili MOD STYLE G.W.G. TEEN KINGS; Sanforized Cotton, skin tight, low rise, fully washable, wide belt loops. New colors of Medium Green, Chi 1 i . YOUNG MEN'S SIZES . .f)95 BOIS .495 BIG MOD BELTS; popular 2 inch width. Reversible simulated leather to printed paisleys and figures as well as all simulated leathers. 295 YOUNG "EXEC,! CASUALS; Popular Never Press Pants by G.W.G. Cactus Tan, ■ 995 MAGRATH TRADING CCMPANY LTD. Dry Çoods Dept. NEW and tricot 980 to I50 VALENTINES Individual Valen­tine cards. 10- 100 295 325 ants .ÿ Many more interesting and fascinating books available. Browse through our Book Department. THE RESTORED CHURCH by William rett. FASCINATING WOMANHOOD by Helen FAMILY STORAGE PLAN. SLIPS Arnel Tricot Slips with nylon embroidered bodice, daintily trimmed with lace, lace on the hemline. Adjustable shoulder straps. Shadow proof panel ' * SIZES: 32 - 44 . PANTIES Stanfields Panties in a number of styles. Tar.a trimmed briefs, panties and bloomers. White. Pink, Blue. _ Small, Medium, Large, XL. . SANITARY PANTIES Dainty form fitting pantie gives absolute protection. Has pinless slip proof fasteners. By Kelton . Small, Medium.; Large Handsome "Park Avenue" lined Plastic Dfapes that are color fast, will not crack or peel. A good select­ion of patterns and wolors. SIZE: 72x84 . VALENTINE'S DAY IS CUTOUTBGDK9 Make your own Val­entines. Complete with envelopes to make. BOOKS . .29C .HiHiiiiiiMiniiKiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiKiiiiHiHitiiiii LIVING TRUTHS - from Doctrine and Covert- 215 Edwin Ber- 425 B. Andelin I 75 Thick Terry Bath Mats that are reversible. Easily laundered. COLORS: Pink, Blue, Yellow, Green Nylon Simplex Dress Cloves in assorted shades of Red, Turquoise Mauve, Pink, Tan Black, White. Shop now at this big saving for Spring. REGULAR $1.25 MAGRATH TRADING CC JPANY LTD. HOWICK HIP RIDERS SWEATERS 1/2 PRICE 1 rack of ladies Dresses including Wools, Crepes, Arnels e Extra slim cut, continental pockets in good, quality cord Cotton Knit short Sleeved "Poorboy" Sweaters that are so popular, CuLORS; Pink, Blue^ Yellow0 Sizes: 8 to 14 ■ Orlon short sleeved and sleeveless Poorboys. Assort­ed colors.»¡i*. i. 1 counter of Pnllover and Cardi ga,n Bulky Knit Sweaters. VALUES TO $12.95 20 % OFF! DRESSES I NEW ARRIVALS Ensembles for Spring, Silk knits and crepes as well as bonded fabrics. SIZES; 10 to 18 . KIDDIES GIRLS COLLEGIATE CASUALS Cotton Twill in slim styling, continental pockets. Olive, Turquoise SIZES: 7 to 14 . KIDDIES BOXER JEANS Cotton twill with elastic waist, 2 front pockets. Blue, Green, Red, black and white check, SHAGGY PUPS ladies stack heel Casuals in assorted styles. REGULAR $9.95. 695 SPECIALS 1 table of Children’s & Ladies Casuals, Kid­dies Snow Boots, ladies Foamtreads, Boys and Girls Savage Oxfords & Slippers. London Lassie Cottons in your choice of plain or figured, Terylene and Arnel Blouses with lace trim, SIZES: 10 - 20 MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. i £ I UNION EVERSICI h‘A.T WIENERS BACON SWIFT'S SAUSAGES BULK UNION BRAND NOTICE; The Fbgrath Rod and Gun Club -will hold a meeting in the Lions Club Room Monday, Feb. 13th at 7:30 P.M. Reports from the annual con­vention in Edmonton will be heard. All members and interested sportsmen urged to attend. PaNTRY SALE; The 1st Ward Relief Society will hold a Pantry Sale Saturday, Feb. 11th at 2 P. M. in the Lions Club Rooms. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER — the annual World Day ®f Prayer for women of every denomination will be held Friday, Feb. 10th in the Magrath United Church at 2:30 P»M, All women are cordially invited to attend and are invited to stay for refreshments following the service. Magrath U.C.W. FOR SALE: Fully modern home, centrally locat­ed. Roy Sheridan. CENTENNIAL GREEN AND GOLD BALL — sponsored by the M.I.A. will be held in the Magrath Assemb­ly Hall Saturday, Feb. 11th. Dancing to Ernie Block's Orchestra. Semi-formal. Floor show at 10:30 P.M. Everyone welcome, CHUCK'S RADIO aND T.V. REPAIRS, MaOEaTH. Satisfied Customers are happy ones. And happy customers keep me satisfied. Bring me your troubles or phone 758-3274» Government licens­ed Technician. Chuck Sephton. FOR SAIL; One Gurnsey 3 year old Milk cow, milking now and going to freshen in June. W. J. Anderson. Thought means life, since those who do not think do not live in any high or real sense. Thinking makes the man. A. B. Alcott. NOTICE; Slides and Commentary on 4H Ifejor Awards trips to Washington D.C. and to Toronto by Marland and Lily Larter of Pic­ture Butte - Saturday, Feb. 11th in the Del Bonita School at 7 :3» P .M. sponsored by Del Bonita 4 H Beef Club. Everyone wel­come. 4H members please turn in your record books, Ed Newton, leader. FOUND; Child's red and black plastic wallet containing some money. Owner may claim at R.C.M.P. " FOR SALE; Acme Oil cook stove. Good condi­tion. Ph, 758-6658. Jim Ratke, Spring Coulee. ANNUAL MEETING - of the Ifegrath Community Savings and Credit Union will be held in Sherba's Cafe tonight, Thursday, Feb, 9th at 8 P.M. Speakers will be present, lunch will be served. Everyone cordially wel­come. Sec, Treas. R, Wenaas. LOST — in November - 2 - 809 lb. steers. 1 white faced Hereford (dark red) branded T X on right hip, the other steer probably Hereford, probably branded T X right hip. $50»00 reward for safe return of each to Jack MacKenzie Farms Ltd. Spring Coulee, Alberta. L. Stanford. MAGRaTH Park THEATRE NEWS: Friday and Sat­urday, Feb. 10th and 11th - "SHENANDOAH" the outstanding family motion picture, in color, starring James Stewart & Grey McClure WEEKEND SPECIAL - MOPS - while they laart. Regular $1,10 - Now 79^. Also Sponge Mops Regular $1.98 - Now $1.49. Hardware Dept. MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. . • . . . ■■■■.in it in 11. imi mini. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiifiiifHiiiiiiitiiiif iiJiiiiiiHaiipmiiixiNtit« PEANUTBUTTER II CREAMED HONEY SQlUIKSSL b • • • • e ¿pÖ OZq » » t i « « i t Ì.109 ALTASWEET 4 lbs; 09 t I PINEAPPLE JUICE s CHEERIOS CEREAL DOLES.48 oz. 2/7901 10 oz. pkgs. 2/690 ISUN-RYPE NECTOR STRAWBERRY JAM ORANGE COT OR APPLECOT 2/790 SILVER KIST 24 oz. 5501 - ROUND TINS FRENCH MAID . .64 ox. VALENTINE LOG ROLLS (Free Samples on Saturday) pRESH [Produce GRAPES - Red Emperor 033520 BANANAS .Hip. 6 lbs. 990 TANGELLO ORANGES.^. 2 290 POTATOES a • • e Gems