Magrath Store News (August 18, 1961)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. STORE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday . ,8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday.8 A.M. to 1 P.M. .Saturday. ,8 A.M. to 7 P.M. PHONES: OF...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1961
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. STORE HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday . ,8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday.8 A.M. to 1 P.M. .Saturday. ,8 A.M. to 7 P.M. PHONES: OFFICE 21 GROCERIES 364 DRY GOODS 124 HARDWARE 34 FRIDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1961 •. . .Ifcgrath, Alberta little Girls "BACK TO SCHOOL” Dresses in cottons, ginghams and amels. Smartly styled in popular colors and figured in pleasing patterns that will stay clean and fresh through several days wearing. SIZES: 5 to UK. 3^ to Q95 Girls and Doys Sweaters in attractive styles. Girls include Cardigans and Pullovers^ also Bulky Knits. Boys include Cardigans and V necks. See the new arrivals for School. School Sizes. Wools, Orlons and Ban Lons. 298 to 595 LITTLE; GIRLS: We carry a good stock of Savage Shoes for Girls including Brown and Black one and two strap slippers. Saddle Oxfords, Black Patents, Black Leather. Other brands and styles included also. SIZES 9 to 4. 39$to 695 LITTLE BOYS*: See our SAVAGE SHOES for Boys including Brown Leather Boots, Black and Brown leather oxfords. 3 98 to 598 MISSES______F. LATTIES : JUST ARRIVED “• Misses Silk Velvet Flatties with ripple sole, three eyelet tie. AISO IN STOCK: Misses Saddle Oxfords/ Black Leather Pumps, Black Leather Kid ties with ripple sole. Oyster Elk Ties and Pumps. SIZES 5 to 9. yj Qß to Q 95 . FLOWERS If you are a lover of flowers and beautiful grounds, drive East four blocks from the Magrath Trading Co, Coming West is the Crookston" "home, the Walter Brown residence. Dr, Dahls, Dewis Stevensen, Bud Strong, Wes Rice, Tommy Barren and others sandwiched in be* tween. A. worth while drive. Mr, and Mrs, Tom Dudley have had as their guests their son and daughter-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Bob Dudley of Calgary and their granddaughters Miss Dianna Billingsley of Medicine Hat and Miss Darolyn Dudley of Lethbridge, Mr, and Mrs, J. H, Bridge accompanied by his cousins Mr* Oliver Lomax and Miss Edith Lomax of Manchester, England returned Tuesday night from a holiday trip to Banff, Lake Tkiuise, over the Kananaskas Trail, Radium Hot Springs and Logan Pass. Mr, and Mrs, L. G, Head have returned to their home in Vancouver B. C," after visit­ing relatives in Magrath, Raymond and Leth­bridge, . Mr. and Mrs, Joe Alston had as their guests during the weekend Mr. and Mrs, Bill Walsh and family of Salt lake City, Utah,- - Mr. Walsh is Welfare Representative for the Taylor Stake, Fred Harris of Vancouver has been visit­ing relatives. FOR SALE» BoyS Bicycle. Mrs, Bob Gorham, . Ph. 284, Miss Shirley Arndt of Edmonton is visit­ing with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Arndt. RANGE LAWS You don’t need very many laws To keep the rangeland straight; No book to write them in because There’s only six or eight. The first one is the welcome sign, Wrote"‘deep in Western hearts, My camp is yours, and yours is nine, In all cow country parts. Treat with respect all women kind, Same as you would your sister, Take care of neighbor’s strays you find And don’t call cowboys ’Mister,’ . Close pasture gates when passing through, And taken all in all, Be just as rough as" pleases you, But never mean or small. ■ Talk straight, shoot straight and do not * break Your word to man or boss. Always plumb kill a rattlesnake; Don’t ride a soroback hos>s. You don’t need law or pedigree To live the best you can. And this is all’xit takes to be A oowboy and a man, Harry Otterson, PICKING UP BOTTLES ON THE HIGHWAY Well I tried picking bottles, Picking bottles just llke'ydu To make a trip to see my mom Way over the oifean blue. First I tried" making doughnuts Suggested by my friends Making doughhuts is inside work Not everyone can stand. But picking bottles on our highways Is like picking wildflowers gay The orange, white and blue - And yes the brown ones too. You just go up and down the way And sing a wanderers song And soon you see you had a gain While driving merrily on, WelT my friends I have returned From that flight across the sea And I have to start anew Gathering bottles one by one to see - This lovely land of ours - here. But I have run out of songs, So please, when you see me Just slip a bottle in my hand And sing a song with me, ** Eda Kosma, Mr. and Mrs, Rene Croteau and family have returned to their home in Edmonton after visiting with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Iawrence McClain. Mr, and Mrs. Me Clain also had as their recent guests their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs, larry McClain and family of Cold lake, Alberta, Mrs, Tessie Gruninger left Wednesday for Bountiful Utah owing to the Illness of; her fhther M?, Dorna rd Gull«" -x WANTED: Women to work night shift in the corn run. Apply Alberta Canning Co, Ph, 40. Mr, and Mrs, Cal Alston and family are holidaying in Whterton lakes National Park. BACK TO SCHOOL SALE - begins this Friday, August 18th through to next Saturday, Aug­ust 26th. Ifery worthwhile clothing btys in the Men’s aril Bqys Wear Dept. Upstairs Dept. See the many Dry Goods Dept. Specials in the attached Flyer. Harvesting is well on it’s way in the South Country. Spring groins - wheat, barley, etc. are being swathed and harvesting is progressing. _ Mr. and Mrs, Jin Blumell plan to leave today, Thursday for their holiday in Calif­ornia. Their trip was postponed last week when their daughter Ann underwent an appen­dectomy in the Ifegrath Municipal hospital, - THE MkGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD.DRY GOODS CiPT- X :: Si . . t -T'Af-r-—‘ Z 4z your jAJ own /' / / $ c oo! \A? * . . r*WWw** • *d Mrs. Evelyn Palmer and children of Deep River, Ontario are visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Loose, a 11 ’7\ NEW FOAM RUBBER CURLERS Sleep-ese flexible curlers of foam rubber. The curl­er anyone can sleep on. Does your hair in manage­able soft curls and waves. Assorted sizes. . qo I card. PRINTS'. Wonder­fully washable gay figured prints for dresses, blouses, etc-45C to 79 GINGHAMS : Checks and plaids in drip dry and regular ginghams. Popular colors, 36" wide, 79$ to | 3^ PAMPERED COTTONS : Plain and figured Pampered Cottons that need little < no ironing. j 29 Mrs. Joan Ririe left Sunday for New York to attend graduation exeroises of her husband Ronald Ririe, following which they will journey to their home in Los Angeles, Calif, •• .• •••«••••••«•a• or Mrs. Walt and daughter Wendy accomp­anied by her mother Mrs. H. C, Austin left Tuesday to visit relatives in Yorkton Sask. They will also attend the wedding of a rel­ative in Tisdale, Sask. Infant* s Caswler type overall with snap fastener leg opening. Dib type in popular jodpur style. Green or Red. . QQ^ SIZES: 18 months to 24 months. O V • • • • : : : : : : : Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Woolford of Smithville Utah were recent visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Nelson and Mr. and Mrs, Milton Burgess. FULL LENGTH DRIP DRY : Drip Dry Tablecloths, perm­anent finish. Famous "Happy Hostess" brand, SIZES: 52 x 52. Attractively figured, We have a good stock Slips for Milady - cottons and nylon and arnel tricots in white and colors. SIZES: 32 to 50, l9^ HALF SLIPS liAYBAR COTTONS? White with eyelet,’emrboidery and lace trim. Sizes: 32 io ^2^ ALL IACE HALF SLIPS : Lace over amel tricot white, Turquoise, S, M, L- 2&S ' ' PLASTICS : PIASTIC LINED - Flannel back Plastic table cloths, scalloped edges, pleas­ing design. 54 x 72. fiQ *1 PIASTIC TABLE COVERS - of medium weight dur­COTTON AND NYLON TRICOT HALF SLIPS: A’s sorted. able plastic daintily printed in pleasing styles, trimmed in eyelet, lace or embroid- designs. SIZES: 54 x 72 cry. A style to please everyone. Plain and fancy. to Q8C t0 PIASTIC CARD TABLE GQJgRS - quilted, Coral, Wine, Grey, Green. | 2 9 ROLLED BREAST OF LAMB. .per lb. 400 LAMB LEG ROASTS. n 8.50 or Two Children $8‘,*5O. Single Perm $4.50, Cut, shampoo, permanent and finger­wave included. Ph. 233, Donelda Navratil. FOR RENT: Apartment. Mrs. J. H. Bridge. xx Overheard: "He’s got a lot of depth on the surface, but way down deep he’s awfully shallow," MEN’S WHITE MEN’S WHITE MEN’S WHITE MEN’S WHITE SUSPENDERS 1.50 MEN’S WHITE MEN’S WHITE Total Value FOR ONLY MEN’S Bow WHITE or Long SOCKS. SLIPPERS.$5.95 . $ 23^0 SHIRTS.$ pants.$ MEN’S SOYS WEAR Mrs. Joe Stanger and children of Warburg, Alberta were recent visitors at the home of her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gruninger Sr. TIES . .\?1.50 »«.IHUlHIHHtHttlUlllUMIlllUHIWlllUtMtHIIIUHIIHIIMnitlllllllHIlillUllinulHlltdUtiliMIIIIHhUMIItfhUlMHniUlMIUIIIhlltml« £ =S Î MEN’S AND BOYS’ SHOE SALE - Assorted styles and sizes. YOUR COMPLETE OUTFIT |' î* Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Coleman and daughter Betty Jane of Peace River, Alberta are visiting with relatives in Magrath and district. Mrs, Pearldean Jensen and children of Youngstown, Alberta are Magrath visitors, guests at the home of her parents Mr. ’ Mrs. Ehrl Neilson. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mat kin have as guest their neice, Miss Wendy Bonnett Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Logan and femily Vancouver B. C. Were weekend visitors at the home of her’mother Mrs. Jane McKendry, Mrs. Kay Commisso of'Ularesholm was a recent visitor at the home of her mother Mrs. Jennie Bone. and their of d xl |i. Just ^Arrived '(SEE OUR NEW FALL LINE OF MEN’S AND DOYS’ JACKETS - Nylons, Corduroys, Suedenes, Wools inrew knitted fashions. All with the latest Orlon Pile lining for extra warmth. Season’s latest shades. ARRIVED have 'just received a illl’HHIIIIIIII il 11 HUH IIIH Ill’ll li I ' MENS and BOYS’ WEAR iltllHHIlltllllUIMlli SHIRTS PANTS BOOTS SHOES SOCKS GIOVES PYJAMAS COATS = Mr. and Mrs, Nyal Fletoher and daughters and their son .Allen left Friday morning for Salt ^ake City'Utah where Allen will enter the Mission Home in Salt Lake for training prior to leaving for the East Central Mission! Field to fulfil' a*two year mission. They were accompanied to Salt Lake City i by Miss Joan Christensen who is visiting j with friends and relatives including Mr, and | Mrs. Clarence Jensen. I . . , ‘«ummiiniHiiHuiiiuHiiiiiiifiiiiHimmiiiiiH* JACKETS SUITS HATS CAPS i c ÏI t. I £ s E Ê t 5 We _ new shipment of Men’s Work and Casual Bants by famous G.W.G. to HARDWARE Dl PT : z 5 é E LATEX CEMENT (for nedding canvas) T pt IMIUH ■■l*|H|MI|||NlllHIGU>Ubl«||tini|.i|ltllUt>i*i 111 LI I III lilllll III IHIII HiHI IIUIII111II11 Itlll.lililllllllllMlillHIIIIIllIIHIIIIlliHlllillHilllHIHIIUI . X QUICK FIX MENDER - handy tubes for nonding canvas, etc. 50 C '•HOHHIIIUIltllllllllllllllllllllHlIlllinilKUIIIIIIIIIIIIllHllllllllllllillllHIimUlllllllllllllllllltllHItllHIIIIlUUlllllHIIIlHlIltllllKIHIHIIHIIIlllUllllllllllllll CANVAS STAPLES CANVAS RIVETS s E E ¿Iso in pints & quarts and | 3 5 CANVAS WEBBING SLAT MENDERS EELT DRESSINGS tllilllllllUtlllllHttllHtllHIIHtlllllHIHIIHnillllllltllllUlliniHIIHIIIIHIIIIIHIIHIlHlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIlHhHIlHIIIIIIflllllHHIIIIIIlWIIIIIllllllUHUIIIHirltUIIHntlHIIIIilllllUIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilUlltllllHHIlilUfUIIHIinHlUHIIUlllNlllllHillldlllHrilHHHIIHIHHHHl»«. VISE-GRIP PLIERS - by Dowidat . Pr» • tllllltllHIHII|tULM1llllll>llinnHlHlltlillHMIIIIinillllll|IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHiniHIIIIIIIIUIIIIIhlHllllll IIIIIHIIIHnilll«llllll<llltlliniHnilllU GREASE GUNS É x a I:E E X Bz ■z WE WILL BE GIAD TO ¿SSIST YOU WITH ¿NY OF YOUR HARVESTING NEEDS, TOOL SELECTIONS, ETC . . |lllllllHlllllH|lllllllillllllllllHI>IIIIHIH>lllllllllllllll1ll1IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIllllHIIIUIIHHHIIfllHIIHI4lirHI | ) C O I — ‘J U <0 t Lovely "Lovlee Lfeid" Slips for girls in full length, -talf slips and . crinolines. SIZES 2 to 14. 9g£ to 3 98 YO* ^0 i Girls and .J Mis'Ses Shorts, Peddle Pushers, Short Sets, Clam Diggers, Crop Tops, etc. OFF I I - ¿A* F1 I LADIES SUMMER DRESSES - Assorted styles | fabrics and colors. SIZES 10 to 22% iz HARDWARE DEPT i LUSTRE GEESE SHAMPOO in a 1 Special for School Opening JREGUIAR $2.50 Value . liUlHllUlHUIIIlUliKtUlUHHhttUtlUUl HUHHIHII HI Ittlltlltil Illi MEN'S c Assorted styles,. BOYS' WEAR IH fabrics and colors. YOUR CHOICE . BOYS SUMMER J ~. ij colors and fabrics YOUR CHOICE . 350 Filters for the price of 300 o: BONUS RAPID FLO MILK-FILTERS. = ELECTRIC RANGE. USED VERY LITTIE I COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC OVEN. E IMENIS ANB DOYS ASSORT- |ED STYLES & SIZES. - - (SCHOOL SFECIAL. -. niunuhnHiinuhiumiHiiuHUuiHinuHUiiuuiuiiiuiiiiuukiiiiniu Assorted stylos, HARVEST SPECIAL . “ THE RIPER YEARS little more tired at close of day! little less anxious to have our own way,, little less care for gain,""or gold!. broader’view, and a saner" mind! '. little “ ‘ little little little little little little fiore fiore fiore more Tess fiore more love for all mankind! love for the Friends of Youth, zeal for established Truth! : charity in our views! thirst for the latest net/s! leisure to sit, and dream! real the things unseen! THE MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED .■MlUKUIH1«IIHIIUIlUUII>ll1IHUIlimilkHUIllUlllllllHUIÎIlHlll lUIHUIUnhilHIlHHnillnlHniHIlllUiniUUniUlHIhtkHlHIllHMlnHIlunUtlllUllilllilHIillUOiniltHlliniUnilHHIllllllllUlUi HI. nillllllllllllllllilllllllllllKIHIIIMIIH.Illlllllllllllll. IIIII1II Hill IIHIHIII HUH.HIIHIIIIIIirlllllt.IIIIH.HINilHIIIIHIIIilHHIIIIlllllllllllHIIHHMIlHilHHimiHltllHHJHIIHinUHIHHIIllIHllIH.».IIIIHHHIllilHHIIIHIIHIOllHIIIIHIHIIHI. .iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiiiiiiii. .hiiiidiiiiimii. iiiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiii. . 6£ il Oft.eSILVERKjST Strawberry and àppio «.4 lb, tins '.lllMllbllllllllHllIlltllHIkll Illi I llllllllHlliklllllUIIIIIIII1llllllllllHllilrillllllllllkll»llll I lllilllliillll Illi Illlllllllllllll IIIHlilllJIHIilHItllHllllllllilllUlllllli IBI II tnillillllllllllllln Illi ll«Hllill II llllllliillllllllllkllllHIHIIIIIIhilllllHIIIkllllHIlIHlIllldillHIIHIIMIIIIUHIIIIIIIHHt Happy Henri t 1HS Ç ü O • ••••• « « • • 0 ORANGE EASE Henri = bfekos 32 oz• •••••«•••«•< 2tiM290 >7il Illi III I llillllll UHI I Illi llltllllllll If llllllllil UH I Illi IllllllilUlllilllllllllll lllllllillltlllf llllllliHI lllllllllll lllllllf HIlllllallllllHIIlllH* .•il I Illi Illi UKIIklltHIIII III Illi Hill I lllll 1111III1IIII lllilill I Illi III Bill Hlllll ItllHII 11 II IIHIIIHII Ulti I IlillUl II llllllil II Illi. Illlllll11 llllllll II IIIIIH lllllll I ill I I1IIHII llllllll IlilllHllHl^HtllMIUHlIlillllill II IIIIIIIIIII1IHIIIH111IHIIIIIIIIIHHHIIIHI IlillllliniilllllllltlllllllllllHlIt .7 g h ki 7 i' • • o .white or colored £ & 11 3 Giant size 290 POTATOl—O cao.ce.»cello bags c. IO pounds 450 G PAPES o. 0. .Red and Seedless *. CANTELOUPE . .2te 450 TOMATOES . »field.ripe o. GREEiN PEPPERS. . per lb. ¿00 P t AC 1 II— S - for Canning . . 299