Magrath Store News (April 27, 1989)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. i i MAGRATH TRADING CO. STORE NEWS PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 UPSTAIRS & STORE...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1989
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. i i MAGRATH TRADING CO. STORE NEWS PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 UPSTAIRS & STORE NEWS 758-6377 ' - - - STORE HOURS: Monday,- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. THURSDAY, APRIL 27 , 1989 .;. ,.___.,.„MAGRATH ALBERTA ************************************************************************************* See the New Arrivals in T Shirts. Assorted designs as well as plains. SALE Ladies’ Slimmer Fashions WE HAVE A NICE SELECTION OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES INCLUDING: B L 0 U S E S & TOPS S K I R T S S L A C K S & SHORTS s W E A T E R S s w E A T S E rJr s D R E s' S E S K I D D I E s W EAR FLANNELETTES REGULAR $3.95 m. Come in and see our selection of flannelette in an assortment of colors. We have floral and animal patterns. 115 cm. Great for baby quilts. MAGRATH SCHOOL proudly presents DISASTORAMA a Musical Comedy in Two Acts. The cast includes nearly 100 students under the direction of Mrs. E. Olsen. Performances will be presented April 26, 27 and 28 (Wed., Thurs., and Fri.) at 7:00 p.m. sharp in the Band Room. Seating is limited so reserve your choice of performances in advance. Tickets are available by ordering from any Elementary student - each home room is in­volved in a conpetition to sell tickets. Your child's teacher or Mr. Dan Baker will gladly assist if you have any questions. Tickets may also be ordered from Junior and Senior High School students under the direction of Mr. West. • Adults - $3.00 Students (Grades 1-12) - $1.50 RESERVE EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. , Cutting Mats MAGRATH LIONS CLUB 50th ANNIVERSARY CHARTER NIGHT - Tuesday, May a6th at 6:30 p.m. at the Magrath United Church Hall. Tickets: $10 each. Guest speaker will be Judge Brian Stevenson, Past President, from Calgary. We have new Olfa Cutting Mats to help you with your sewing . They are 17" x 11" and are disigned to be used with an Olfa Rotary Cutters. Protects your cutting surface. Green only. 2 Only. _ T.V. CABLE HOOK UP: W1 Cable will hook you up for $27.50 (usually $50). $23.05/month for 13 Channels. For more information and how to get hooked up call 1-800-661-8011. Regular $24.95 KTrotarv OPEN HOUSE: There will be an Open House held on Saturday, April 29th to celebrate the marr­iage of Jamie Halvorsen and Clayton Peirens which took place on March 4th in Lethbridge. It will be held at the home of Rene and Betty Peirens from 1-5 p.m. Everyone welcome. CUTTER Newly designed for cutting cloth, leather, paper, vinyl, film, etc. Can cut in any direction, backward or forward, straight or curved. For left or right-handed persons. Refillable with replaceable Refill Blades. Special safety cover over the blade. FOR RENT: Available May 1st. Newly renovated 3 bedroom apartment. Stove and fridge included. Also, hookups for washer and dryer. Private entrance in rear. $275/month. Damage deposit required. Phone 758-3188, Craig Godionton. REG $12.98 *************************************** X . SUNTANNING SPECIAL It’s time again to start thinking about that beautiful tan you would like to have this summer, and before we know it. Summer will be here. This year "Just For You Hairstyles" is having sone super deals on tanning! $39.95 for 400 min­utes, that’s right! You get a Bonus of an extra 100 minutes. Graduates spec­ial is $37.95 for 400 minutes. We will be openinh evenings for your convenience starting April 4th through td June 30th. Please stop by or phone to reserve your time. Remember, it’s very busy during those months so don't wait too long! Phone: 758-6350. REMEMBER, BROWN IS BEAUTIFUL! ROTQTILLING - $15/garden or $20/hour. Phone 758-3107, Robert Tanner. WANTED: A small pasture for 5 yearling heifers. Phone 758-6753. HELP WANTED: Young person to help on the farm. Must have driver's license and some mechanical knowledge. Call 758-6753 and leave message. GARDEN CITY GYMNASTICS Annual Show - Friday, May Sth, 6:30 p.m. Big Gym. All Students in the club are participants. Parents, Friends, Grandparents - all are invited to attend. MacWest Desktop Services - Laser printing for resumes, advertising flyers, newsletters, post­ers, banners, peel n' stick labels, business cards, flyers, etc. Phone 758-6309 (Business) or 758-3072 (Home). WANTED TO RENI’: Responsible married couple, non-smokers, want house to rent. Will take care of house and yard. No pets. Call 328-6536 evenings. Ask for Trent. ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT: Two Bedroom apartment over PanTree Foods, or one bedroom apartment at the Fourplex. Phone 758-3530 COME TO US FOR: LAWN RAKES & GARDEN GARDEN TOOLS Potatoes GARDEN TIME REG. ssr 11.99 HOME GARDENER 21-4-4 LIQUID fertilizer To green up your home turf. Covers approximately 400m2.4 litre. MURPHYS O’LSOAP Fresh smelling - not harsh. Cleans most surfaces 475ml size. 4520-511-12 Total Lawn Care Program Easy-to-use . 4 -1 Litre bottles in handy carry case Complete with hose end syphon spray nozzle. Step 1 April through June^x fStep2 . Spring Blend ¿L* J15'5-0.Weed ’ |$tep 3 August « -15-5-0.Weed 7 Step 4 September ’5-25. Winterizer 9 Garden Seeds OUR BULK GARDEN SEEDS ARE NOW IN. WE HAVE THE SAME EXCELLENT QUALITY OF SEEDS AS IN OTHER YEARS. A GOOD VARIETY TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION FROM. DEL BONITA LADIES AUXILIARY - will hold the Annual Grandmothers' Tea on SUNDAY, May 7th from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Del Bonita Ccmnunity Hali. Admission: 10 & under - 75C; Over 10 - $1.50. Magrath General Hospital requires Re­lief Personnel for their Dietary Department. Training supplied on the job. This position would be on an "On Call" basis. Interested applicants may apply to the Personnel Office; Magrath General Hospital, Box 550, Magrath, AB. TOK 1J0. STAMPEDE WRESTLING: Stampede Wrestling is coming once again to Magrath on Thursday, June 1st at 7:30 . p.m. at the Magrath Arena. Tickets will be available shortly. MAGRATH UNITED CHURCH REMINDER: May 6th - Swimming Party. 6:00 ~ 8:00 p.m. Nicholas Shoran Pool. Call Margo, 758-6709 for more information. MAY 7fch: Pen Pal Party - everyone bring a photo' for your pal if possible. Class pre­sentation. Jessica Marie Papp would like to an­nounce the' birth of her baby sister Salina Rae, born April 10th, 1989. Proud parents are Eton & Noreen Papp of Magrath. Mrs. Bertha Evans of Salt Lake City, Utah has been visiting relatives and friends in Magrath and district, including Stan and Sarah Hoare. . Rory and Elaine Ross and son Nicholas of Lac la Biche are Magrath visitors, guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Paul. • • • < • CONGRATULATIONS ! ! - Since April is Dental Health Month, the Chinook Health Unit Dental Staff held a Grade Two Coloring Contest in the Magrath Elementary School. We would like to thank all the., students for partic­ipating and send Congratulations to the following winners: From Mrs. Dahl's class - Ciana Barnett, Cindy Anderson, and Juli Zobell. From Mrs. Neilson's class - Shran Wilde, Matthew Alston, and Diane Smith. Blair and Ann Murray invite relatives and friends to an OPEN HOUSE honoring new­lyweds LARRY AND BECKY MURRAY, Saturday, April1 29th, 1989 at the Magrath L.D.S. Stake Center, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The man had just been pulled over to the curb for speeding. The officer, pad in hand, approached the car. "Ôkay, you," snapped the officer. "What's your name?" "Aloyicious Gloucestershire Merkow- itzskyitich," the driver replied. "Well," the cop said, pocketing his pad, "don't let me catch ycu speeding a­gain." LADIES SOFTBALL Ladies Softball Fun League begins Thursday, May 4th through June 22nd. All. games are in Magrath every Thursday evening at 6:30 or 8:00. Some Thursdays your team may have back to back games. If you haven't signed up, you have till Monday, May 1st. Team captains will be calling you after Monday to let you know which team you're on and what time you play. To sign up or for more information, call Laurel Bennett at 758-6222. DEL BONITA 4-H CLUB NEWS On March 13, 1989 at 6 p.m. the Del Bonita 4-H Beef Club held their Public Speak-offs at the Del Bonita School. The Club would like to thank Patti Jones, Danette Rasmussen, Marlene Makel, Jim Newton, Paul Sloan and Gerry Henry for be­ing our 4-H Speak-off judges for the even­ing. Winners were Haley Carter - 1st Sen­iors and Scott Carter - 2nd Seniors; Jamie Carter - 1st Juniors and Ryan Rasmussen - 2nd Juniors. March 28, 1989 at 1:00 p.m. we held our first judging at the Jorgensen farm. We’d like to thank the • Jorgensens once a­gain this year for their continued help and support. Rick Hillmer was our judge. The Club would like to thank Rick for his help. A short meeting was held after the judging. The Del Bonita 4-H Beef Club provided the lunch for Randy Newton's Auction Sale on March 30th, 1989. Thanks to everyone who helped. Ed Newton's farm was the place we held our second judging of the year. Wesley Rasmussen was our judge. Thank you to the Newtons for their continued help and sup­port. Thank you, Wes, for being our judge on April 22nd, 1989. May 6th, 1989 at 10 a.m. will be our annual ditch clean-up. A short meeting will be held following the clean-up. Club Reporter, Kenneth Rasmussen. ADULT EDUCATION These will be the last classes run until Fall. They will only run with a minimum of eight students. 1. Porcelain Dolls - 4 wk. class. Can run days or evenings. 2. Scherenschnitte - this is a fun class in the German art of paper cutting. Make pictures, greeting cards, gift wrap, etc. 3. Strip Quilting - make a patch work quilt the easy way I 4. Landscaping - learn from one of the best. _ To register for these classes■phone Sheila at 758-3652 or Mary at 758-3550. MAGRATH HOSPITAL AUXILIARY is holding its annual Nightingale Tea & Bake Sale Saturday, Mayl3th, 1989 in the Trading Company Hall from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. (No Early Birds please). Lunch will be served at $2.00 a plate from 11:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Please get your Quilt Tickets from Sue in the Dry Goods or from any Auxiliary member. Donations for Bake table would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your sup-STRAWBERRIES. . 79£ Pink Grapefruit SUNKIST, 10 LBS FLOWERS DAFFODILS Cauliflower . Long English Cucumbers . Q9C BUNCH W W Jumbo Onions . 10 LBS. . . . Hot House Tomatoes Navel Oranges SUNKIST, 10 LBS STRAWBERRIES ******************************************************************************************** NOTICE: CHANGE OF DATE. The Garden City Gannastics finale will be Friday, May 12th at 6:30 p.m., not may 5th. Ttie Magrath General Hospital is now accept­ing applications for STEP & SEED Sumner Em­ployment. Applications can be submitted to the Business Office. The Magrath High School Baseball Team has started its season. April 18th they played St. Mary's Kainai & .lost 9-7. Ron Strate was the losing pitcher despite 9 strikeouts. Dan Ander-sdn was 3 for 4, Scott Carter 2 for 3, and Brent Bourne 2 for 3. April 20th the team travelled to St. Mary's in Taber. We lost 11-10. All the boys had ai| excellent game. Ron Strate was the los­ing pitcher going in to relieve Trevor Thom­son & Ron Cook. Dan Anderson was 3 for 4 with a home run. In the sixth inning we had a good rally with Shawn Salmon, Mitch Carter & Jason Millward all hitting doubles. We stole 13 bases. Everyone played a good game. Next Heme Games: Thursday, April 27th - Raymond at Magrath. Monday, May 8th - St. Mary’s Taber at Mag-rath. ' Thursday, May 11th - Cards ton at Magrath. -Thursday, May 18th - Earle Rivers at Mag­. rath. Corr^ & watch the boys & help support the team- R.S. Several bikes left here & there in town have been turned into the R.CM.P, Office. Please check your bicycle inventory at hare - we may have one that belongs to you. Cal 1 8-3488 to enquire about ones we have or to register the ones you have. Register­ing is FREE. & will help us in returning your bike should it lose its way home. Mr. William Baraniuk, beloved husband of Mrs. Annie Baraniuk, passed away in Lethbridge on Saturday, April 15, 1989, at the age of 85 years. Born, raised and educated in Romania Mr. Baraniuk came to Canada in 1924. Bill worked for Canadian Pacific Railways in Spring Coulee from 1936 until his retire­ment in 1968. He had resided in Lethbridge from 1968 until his passing. Besides his loving wife, Annie, Bill is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Gloria (Dick) Heikkinen of Calgary; two sons: George (Doreen) and Edward (Sue) Baraniuk , both of Calgary; 10 grandchildren; 2 great grand­children; and one sister in Romania. Funeral services were held in McKillop United Church on Wednesday, April 19, 1989, at 11:00 A.M. with Gloria Miller officiat­ing. Soloist Barbara Varley performed The Old Rugged Cross and What a Friend We Have In Jesus, accompanied by Marilyn Sinclair. Interment took place in Archmount Mewrial Gardens. Pallbearers were George Baraniuk, Edward Baraniuk, Dick Heikkinen, Tim Bara­niuk, Paul Baraniuk and Brent Baraniuk. Las Vegas King 8 Motel Waikiki Surf Main Kin Ha Condos Some restrictions apply. For more information, contact your travel agent. Normal terms and conditions as listen in the W estem Sun brochure apply. Western Sun is acting as a General Sales Agent for the above Holodays by Holidair flights. Hotels by Western Sun. Air Onlv from $189 Rackages from $229 Air Onlv from Packages from Air Only from Padcages from ! Hawaii 3 or 4 nights! April 16,23, 27,30. May 4,7,11,14. April 17,24. May 1,8,15, 22, 29. June 5,12,19,26. July 3,10,17,24,31. Aug 7,14,21,28. Daylight Flights! Depart Edmonton 10:35 AM Depart Calgary 12:05 PM Daylight Flights! Depart Edmonton 7:00 AM Depart Calgary 8:30 AM $399 $628 PLUS! All Western Sim Hotel Packages Include: Return air on charter flights, open bar, hots meals (Vegas flights offer cold luncheon plate) return airport trans­fers, accommodation including local taxes, services of a local rep, Infopaks and flight bags for Hawaii and Cancun vacations! Cancun April 15,22, 29­May 6. $379 Daylight Flights! Depart Edmonton 8:45 AM Depart Calgary 10:15 AM Your Professional Travel Agent MAGRATH OFFICE MAGRATH TRADING CO. LTD. PHONE (403) 758-3033 MAGRATH, ALBERTA. TOK 1J0 SENIORS Anyone wanting to go on the 2 day Mystery Tour on June 19th & 20th, please phone Joyce at 758-6484, as it is almost full. POTLUCK for Seniors on Friday, April 28th, 1989. See you all there at 12:00 Noon. NOTICE: Family dining on the "Mississippi Queen" Riverboat May 12th, 1989 at 6:30 p-m. Courtesy of the Magrath Fourth Ward. SEE Y’ALL THERE! GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY: Nyal & Freda Fletcher celebrated their 50th Wedding Ann­iversary on April 12th, 1989 in Dexter, Miss­ouri where they are serving as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Their four children and spouses (Glenn & Charlotte Fletcher of Magrath, Allen & Elaine Fletcher of Calgary, Janet & Vernon Jubber of Lethbridge, Nyalene & Craig Morrison of Snohomish, Wash.) flew to Dexter on the weekend of April 14th to be with them and helped them celebrate this special occasion. MEAT DEPT. Stsâk rie BLADE ROAST Wieners Bums, 450g Side Bacon MAPLE LEAF, 500g Sliced Bologna LEM Ham Steak MAPLE LEAF, 175g Sliced Meats BURNS, 175g 363 219 LB. 81* 483KG 1« .2« 279 . . ea . 1i 99 ea. .Vi * ********************** Mr. Gordon Vem Jenson, beloved husband of Mrs. Ruth Jenson, passed away in Calgary on Friday, April 21st, 1989. Besides his loving wife, he is also sur­vived by one daughter, Kennedy of Edmonton? two sons, Douglas (Charlotte) of Edmonton and James of Spring Coulee; his sister, Miss Col­leen Jenson of Salt Lake City, Utah; and his father, Mr. Vem Jenson of West Jordan, Utah. He was predeceased by his mother, Mrs. Louise Jenson, and one son, Robert Jenson. Bom in Salt Lake City, Gordon attended school in West Jordan, Utah. During that time he was elected president of both his junior high and senior high schools. As a senior in high school, he was ranked as one of the top five high school basketball play­ers in the state of Utah. After four years at the University of Utah, Gordon served two years in the U.S. Army as an officer in the artillery. In 1954, he was married to Ruth Long and moved to Spring Coulee where he has farmed for the past 35 years. Gordon has been very active in sports, basketball, curling and golf during his life in Alberta. He was an active community mem­ber and a successful producer of pedigreed seed. The funeral service was held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26th, 1989, in McKillop United Church, Lethbridge, with Dr. Alex Lawson officiating. Interment followed in Mountain View Cemetery. DAYCARE - now accepting children on a full or part time, basis. Large carpeted downstairs playroom - educational toys, legos, puzzles, paints, play dough, dollhouse, etc. and poss­ibly hamsters. Outside - fort, sandbox, ham­mock, sports equipment. Daily storytime. Nutritional lunches and snacks. Can't promise motherly love, but it's safe and friendly. University degree - Psychology and Child de­velopment. Children must be out of diapers. Joanne Dever, Phone 758-3631. FOUND: Keith Lowry found a sum of money on the road in front of Arlen Bennett's house. Owner may claim by phoning 758-3120. NOTICE: Last Christmas I had several re­quests for the Advent Calendar Nativity Set (25 pc. Dough Art). I have 1 set left and will not be making more. Phone Terry Clifton at 8-6881. FIGUR SKATING NEWS The Magrath Figure Skating Club will be fund raising until February 1990 by part­icipating in the Palm Dairies "Care & Share" program. We invite everyone to clip & save the bright yellow "Care & Stere" seal on cartons and bags of Palm milk. To make saving those seals easier, you can get a home size "Care & Share" col­lection bank free by calling Lise Thomson at 758-3209. Comnunity Care & Sharp posters & collection banks will be posted at var­ies town businesses as well. If there is enough interest and group participation (school classes, church group, business, family, etc.) prizes for most seals col­lected will be awarded. Thank you for your kindness & cooperation. The Magrath U.C.W. will hold their monthly meeting Monday, May 1st, at 7:30 P.M. in the United Church Hall. Hostesses are Winifred Sparks & Margaret Schneyder. Allyn Nelson will be the guest speaker, giving an address on "Choking Conscious." Mark & Judy Ratke are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter BRAELI CHAYNA, born April 14th, 1989, weighing 81bs. 4oz. Special thanks to Dr. Dennis & the Staff of the Magrath Hospital. HELP!! The Umpiring Equipment from the High School was loaned out & not returned. Please check you basements. The safe re turn would be appreciated. Yogurt 175 g Cottage Cheese ALPHA 2% 750 g Heinz Ketchup i Litre BARBECUE Sauce Robin Hood Flour io 455 ml Vegetables GREEN GIANT 398 ml COTKIES »RB 400 g Cat Food ' PURINA ' ¿ - Tide or Oxydol «utre TENDER VITTLES 500 g Fabric Softener boo N C E 40 pk Scott Family Napkins BATHROOM TISSUE PUREX Taethpaste oæsT 180 pk 4 pk PUMP 100 ml Hsh In Batter HIGHLINER 350 g Popsicles ? a 2/99c . J98 349 |99 . 59S 2/189 249 .I98 439 . 249 L M mnRRSTCr.RS - popsicles - REVELS - CREAMSICLES 12 pk . — 149 £49 J49 249 **************************** Left on a sinking ship were the captain and three sailors, the captain spoke first, "Men, this business about the captain going down with the ship is nonsense. There’s a three-man life raft on board and I’m going to be on it. To see who will come with me, I will ask each of you one question. The ode who can’t answer will stay behind. "Here’s the first question: What un­sinkable ship went down when it hit an iceberg? The first sailor answere, "The Titanic, sir." The captain continued: "On to the next question: How many people perished.?^ The second sailor answered, "1,517, sir.’ "Now for the third question," said the cap­tain, turning to the last sailor, "What were their names?" MAGRATH 3rd CUB PACK BOTTLE DRIVE - Tuesday April 25th, 4-5 p.m. Please save your bottles. All donations gratefully accepted. Please contact DeNai Harker 758-6477 or Karen Alston, 758-6894.