Magrath Store News (August 31, 1956)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. H TRADING LQ NEWS Phones: Office 21 Groceries 4 FRIDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1956 Hardware 34 Dry Goods 124 Store CLOSED on MONDAY MAORI EH, -AL...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1956
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. H TRADING LQ NEWS Phones: Office 21 Groceries 4 FRIDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1956 Hardware 34 Dry Goods 124 Store CLOSED on MONDAY MAORI EH, -ALBERTA i i >><>>. •! .Ml . INMI . ill.?.».» NEW PAPER MATE PENS WITH TWO REFILLS PRICE. $2.49 dlJHilKiilllillliiiiiiliilllKiliiUiHI iiilllHUIHlII Hl ffiiii«lMillliliHilll<HI<> .* . * . « « «x»* . • *« . « » •• a a > a < i 11 i I « i i i i i > i « i i i lUnllHHlIlUHlUiiilUIhHlIll I I l I i Hhllll liH H H ill IIIIHUlihlJHIIJmlH NORTH-RITE PENS,,.red and blue.35$ «i i i i i i i i i ■ i i i * i i i M i i i i i«. **••<• at«*«« <HltttH(aaaa<»«>HI mil «rtiiKiilUHIMh ••<»»» •h<MIH«<»*» •»•<!<< ><<<<<•«« «ut.<<<<<«. FOUNTAIN PENS eagle and venus. 5$ .«**«<<. . . . . .Ii.HilHI. .»on. PEN SETS -• 3 for $1.00 duplicate of paper mte. WITHOUT ZIPPER. S9£ GENUINE LEATHER ZIPPER BINDER. »$3.90 BINDER WITH PEN AND PENCIL CASE,.,.4,75 LUNCH KITS CHILDRENS WITH THERMStt.*«.$3.50 LARGE KIT. . • • . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . 1 «6^5 i i . • SCHOOL BAG.fl.55 Protect your childrens eyes by buying a desk lamp for them I I SALOME SAUSAGE tasty per lb. VEAL EAK round, sirloin peir lb 55Í .59 ¿ BEEF ROAST S BEEF STEWING MEAt . , . . PORK PORK ROASTS & DRESSING LOAD.sliced.per lb shoulder round, bone shonQdde. .pel' lb per lb Ms. Jennie Bone had as her guests on Tuesday heir daughters Mrs. ¡Kay Cornaiisso and Mr. & Mrs. Fi?e^d. Horgard and children of Claresholmi. The Lutheran Church in was the setting for the August 25th wedding of Eve­lyn Gladys daughter of M. 1 Mei. Erven Loose and Keemeth R . Palmer, son of Ms. Rena gainer of Calgu.ry. Ulmer of Sincher Creek offic- Saturday rites at 12 noon. Loose, sister of the bride bridesmaid and M. Vern Jones man. Rev. John iated at the Miss Carolyn was heir only of Calgary acted as Ms. J. . Ririe at the or ,an played the hymn "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" and the "Wedding ¡Mirch" as the bride entered the Church on the arm of heir fath­er. The bride looked lovely in a cock­tail length gown of Wi'te nylon net over satin. She carried a Bible boquet of red roses an:1 for kerchief made er Ms. Agnes For her going "something ole"1 a lace hand-and carried by heir grandi ioth- Kincheloe at heir wedding, away outfit the bride chose a tan tweed suit with pink and Mite acc­essories with matching rose corsage. A reception followed at the Flying Club, Lethbridge for immediate mernmers of the faiiiêly, After a short honeymoon at Wattrton M. f. Ms. Palmer wll make . their future home in Calgary. There were out-of-Oown guests attending the wedding from Lethbridge, Granum, Vulcan, Creston, Calgary and Ensign, M. & Mrs. Clifford Hood and family of Carbon visited last week at the home of her sisters Mr. Roy Sheridan and Ms. Hull Poulsen. FOR Si.IE: No. 2 kharkov winter wheat 90y bu. at bin. P. R1016. 7|,?_ The wedding of Elizabeth only daughter ' of M. & Ms. Clyde C. Spencer to Dale Davies, son of M. Ivan Davies, formerly of M-llspring was performed on Friday, at the Cardston Temple by Pres. HeGeir Mtkin. A reception was held in the evening at the Assembly HU. In the receiving line ■vW/th the honored couple were heir parents Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Spencer and his father Mr. Haies, M. Duane Atwood of Raymond whe acted as best mm, his sister Hrs. Vonza Redder, bridesmaids M.sses lheurine Jensen, and Shirley Sallenbach of Ecdnooton. Mr. Tom DDvies of Lethbridue, M. & Ms, Gail Atwood and little lass Patty Hooiaday. M. Horace Ririe, uncle of the bride acted as mster of ceremonies for the fol­lowing program. Prayers were offered by Elmer Ririe and George T. Dudley. Reading by JoAnn Bullock, Violin solo by Dan Davies of Lethbridge, Violoncello solo by Mrge Balderson, comic skitt, by bridesmaids Mur­ine Jensen and Shirley Ballenbach with reac ing by CampPeU Spencer, Vocal solo by Jear, BlurmU, ists for Mesc’ Luvet. the guest book and Elizabeths friends serv­ed a dainty lunch and arian ed the many lo lovely gifts. After a short honeymoon the happy couple wll tuke their home in Cclgai "Toast to the Bride" by Bishop E. response by the groom. Accotipen“ the evening on the piano were ¡Maude Ririe, A'ton Keeler and Lin ¡•h's. JcAnne Bullock had charge of y ?' Í- Friends and relatives motored to Tiber on Thursday evening to attend the wedding reception of M. 1 Ms. Miclhel Hudson of Winniped. Ms. Hudson who before her iage was JoAnne Poulsen is the daughter of Hr. < M’S. Percy PouLsen, and grand-daughA ter of Ms. Irene Strang. Mr. HU Poulser uncle of the bride proposed the toast in her honor and Ms. Mirge pBilderson and Mr Nyal Fletcher played an instrumental duet accompanied by Ms. Ifeude Ririe. FOR SALE: C^c^'oiors. Phone R^^^. Mrs. Lucdle - Scal'd.___ WANTED: Grade 11 text books. Juliadean --- — — --- Bondy. Caumpbll Spencer is in Town from Trail, B, C, to attend Elizabeths (hilt sister) w^e^t^d^ng. Lie in Trdl but "there is so much to learn" Caj is diff­erent; some think only of a car .and a job where the Least grey mater is ■ required, (beettai ^10160^ is wdLt they seek. says he '.'’ovU-dn11 wmt to live he likes it there because boys When the Coo-urnd purchased the pick-up for th® work manager they could at least have ordered one equipped aw th a radio. — The article entitled "Payoonks Public Works Program" ends thus: "In the mean­time all streets have been cleared of rank eg■slst and weeds." Efíi3er'th streets are lined with thistle, su^ifl^ow^e^is, ragweed, and stnnlweed. The worst stink down bur way is from the sewr. If flushed out before freeze up we wll be grateful. A wedding of adde interest to southern |" Alberta residents, dspsc-ally those of the Lease country took place Monday afternoon at 2 p.m, in Southrniister United Church lounge when BBtty Ruth, oldest ^■^11 ter of ’a?, 4 Ms. Ernest HilL-mer and Ray Dalton youngest son of M. & Mis, E. B, Dalton all of Del Bonnta, were united in marriage in the presence of immediate families. Rev, Dr. Harold A. Frame per­formed the wedding sve’htt« The bride attired in a tailored suit of dor blue and carrying a nosegay of white and pink roses was att rses "The river is too high for trucks hay to cross" said councilor George Fox of the Blood Reserve, Indians horses for canners 5f lb. Two Stabdown and Jack Sarsee still 200 heqd between them. Jack’s 35. Nine of his horses did the bucking at the Calgary Stampede, One outlaw won the top money. Jacks share was $300.00 for this one. All inbred. The rodeo over the broncs were returned to the reserve. sold their Indians have over brand is Plot Tour of Migrath A H Chinook Whhat Club. Club members arej Bill Aussin, Dorothy Johns, Yevon Wooknntz, Arthur Wooknntz, Shirley Wookkntz, Donna Wockiltz Irene Hocking and Eddie Ririe. All memhe bers ¡¡made the annual tour of plots Aug, 9 The plots ajere judged by M. D, L, Steed, district grricrUtusist. At the demoontrat ion plot located about 2 miles S. W. of .* Ifiggath on the Shelton IRrie farm along the highway, you are invited to look this plot over as some of the newer varieties of grain is growing there. The Club had lunch and a swim at the St. River to krmoPete the day. All are hoping to increase the size of the club with new menmber. Information of mem0errhip can be obtained from any club mGmter, kindly encquLre. High Priests Party 170 present. Sunday morning a class member asked "Who was responsible for the program? It was a poorly arranged affair "real flop" he said. AnoOher member spoke up and said "three people from the neigh­boring town told him it was the best H, P, party they had ever attended. We asked a lady who was present what she thought of it, "Tables were loaded with pastry, cookkes, layer cukes of Hl kinds and there was pop and ice'ceeam galore, "men will swarm like bees when they know refreshments will be served.!' she said. "AAl they think about is their stormichs". Mr. ec Ms. Alan Anderson and family returned thig week from Utah where he attended a Saernirary convention. They visited with her parents Mr. & Ms. LLoyd Ririe at Provo. FOR SALE: Unnverssty text books for the faculty of Education. Juliadean Bondy. WkNTEB: Passengers for Provo, Utah, Leaving Sunday Sept. 2, Hermine Briggs Phone 248 or 810.floaters - savage with neolite „4.95 MiniiiHimniiiHiii. »umHluliHl»uii>i.>il»HUHiliHi».<.M«iui .num I Boys Gymn Shoes, white with heavy crepe soles 10574 ~ 25 Everybody-welcome to the Fall 1MI.A opening exercises at the Assembly Hall Tuesd-y Sept 4, Muuicul program, dance and lunch. Time 7:30 p.m. 1 st and 2 nd Ward M. I. A. Mr, c; Mi?. Joe Iiak:.rowski of Edmonton visited with, his sis ccr Mr, "■ Ms. Steve landy and fa ¡ily. ‘ ■ Y UlMI 3 (kJ / JEANS JACKETS- $6.95 .••.mi. .UCUHlUtlUVill. . .IM» 1 . . . I 1 NOTICE: The Hinted Church W, A, will be \ held Friday Sept 7 at 2:30 p,m, A good 'ateencance is rrqucstrce. Greta Mi (pres,) V-NECK SWEATERS PRICE --- 1595 ROYAL STETSON CPEN ROAD, HATS price $11.95 wlht can I do?'1 Do ' Is your child rest" and does he wunt to go to school? and have conssd.ta.ticn with me, I have excellent remedies - every mooning 9:30 to 11:30 Monday through Friday, Kind.ergarteni»L,Mo™m.e, you have that trouble? less Come some from IKndde"garten begins~iteedn^eife^&ept¿»5f Phone No. 7. Ms, Gean Wteeler Ta. ken from the telephone booth a navy umbrella with light blpe tr?mmLnig. Will the person please return it to Mrs, S, Tandy, SOCKS Boys stretchy diamond socks Nylon,.,. ,,,,.,89? Cotton.,29? Boys happy foot health sock. 89? .iJUltinnn<»i|'l'lHIIHlll»"’T»>l<lU«llltAi«lHl1HHI|l1HllhH»KMIH« . BELT BUCKLES Weesern, PRICE is reinjji styles , MkUwtUiMlHMt* »•* I * *** I * * * I I I W I I * I I I I » * I * I * I * 1 ** ** * 1 1 1 1 * I 1 * * I * I * * 1 1 1 * 1 * I 1 1 * * 1 * * * * I* 1 *** 1 1 1 1 1 * * * ** * 1 * * *** * *** 1 * U 1 1 * * * 1 ** 1 1 * 1 1 1 * 1 1 * ** ** 1 * * *•■** •***•• »° We wish to thank all of our old neigh­bour s and friends in MinggaOth for their kindness and sympathy and the flowers during the passing of our beloved wife and mooter, A special thanks to Elmer Ririe for the woonerfuL talk he g ve, It was much appreciated, The Olmstead family FOR SALE: Trailer 8’ x 16', insULatre, wired for electricity, cupboards and clothes closets, also 1 bicycle in good conSeticn. and one small Quebec coal heat­er, Dale Bly, FOR SALE: 5 roomed house wter, sewer and "as, S. Ponomaj, PRICE BAGS COLLARS BeeutifiiLly embroidered and lace collars. PURSES LADIES .C .blaHILDRENS, .framj-Whie. PARTY BA of unbreakable polythene, 52 each or FALL PLAY TOGS Fancy turtle neck swe <HIIIIIIIIHIiIiIHI1|i|H1|i|I|.1.I Hl . I H SURE Giann 100 special oj?± dean bik m Hi < iHi mi Lb ii I a hl i i ii i «11 I i| Hi I iilimin kill ii i iiminiti hi I tin ii |i ii ii mm iiii ii iiii Hl a. mi ai .Hi.ii mii i.iiiiH i mi * I hi.iih h Lili mii iii li i *ii ii am i i-i I ii*.-., i m Hi Hi ii inimi liiii mi ii|iii< i> i|i miulHi imi ii •! ii mi i i mi iimi I mi i|i ai h <■■ . minitn i • m ii innii m BEANS D IT A |\ | C? 15 'oz. tins. D I__/ \ I N O -Wax .New Pack, 6 tins 870 . . - » >» . . . . . BEANS .green, 5 tins 890, 20 oz. tins PEAS Mighty Manpipoh, 20 oz. tins, 6 for $H05 ilHiiHH ilniItUnUuilHlIillllmiklilkmulbliiLmlHIlIllIllLilbbllIlLiHIimillHLOiiiliiIUniimiHiiHIHimillIlllklimlkIlklkHlIiklilIilllimillIi imiWu TWIS .Hmter. Reg 250 Now .•<«mm«mmuii>>mM«m k«k«kl'«i 043 $4.29 SYRUP. .5 lb.Crown Brand •nMUVVU**U»UU>HUUUHtUHHtnUHUUU»H»HHlMHHU»UMSi1HUUUUm»»H»t»HHnt‘i«UUUbmUHUUHUUUHH»VU»IU»niUUMiHHIIUil»tiii«ilHlli<H»lllUnUHllHllllliUMi|iHiHmHmnuniuM GRAHAM WAE ERS. iimiHiiniHiinkiumHiiHiHiitnmHinmililuiuuHiuiiHiuiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiHiiuin>ltHiiiiuiiUHlimniHinHHtinnimiiHmtuiiiLiiiiiiiitiHmi«iiii<HiHiMM«i'i. 'iii|iiii|iHb«biiiiib'HHiliiiliHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiii >>i.Z. lb. tin 5 BRI.E ,<H>bHA»Ubiibnn<Diimx>u.>n \.m >.nI<Mu»h»is»‘».k b\'bDih«biubk»dbHlMexiiyi‘iusx>.n.b.H.t.bu.i.ib.n.h.n'iblnurt'Oo»wbiiinnm» >io»i>rb» bi»wi.nhitiMiutve»u.i.'».i.m.'.i.i.i. .2. f.o.r.lil . BRCCMS Bonnie Brae en ch. 4 ) PRUNES. PEACH ES. CPxANGES GRAPES. TCMATCE CCRN CN BARS. lb. 251 ■. 2 pounds.35f E COB .tout Golden RocCee.doz. O /A 221 Thompson Seedless Bundle of five for 1-fr. & I’is. Bob Wilbraham and family are holidaying in Edmooton. Too piny people rim from some tiling that I. isn't after them. Mr. 1 Mrs, Don Briggs and family of Salt lake oity are visiting in Ifegrath, guests of his pother Mrs. AmeHa Briggs. The liigrath Trading' Company Limited. fuLl fash­ioned searm.ess, pintie girdles, and girdles .-_-S5C0 SW BA 1 ERS Pullover sweeaers, these are of all-wool acri-lon and orlon knit, S^oa^’t and long sleeve styles Sizes - 14 to 20 Prices for school •f.95 to o5.95 BOYS VEST £ SHIDRT E to Z Boys vests of fine knit cotton Whhte.79$ r u E to Z Boys athletic shorts, fly front, fine co.ibed cotton - strap reinforced front and elastic band.79$ PRICE M, and Ms, Robert Avery (Vivian Harker) of Burbank, California are the parents of a third boy, born August 25th, PLEATED SKIRTS for girls for school, yrs, ' PRICE - -- In sizes 8 - 10 - Grey and brown with uhhtp-J ’ --- J b FOR SALE: tii^eacle type Singer Sewing machine, in good condition, cheap. Mrggeeite Thomson. P. 150 Hr. & Mrs. B. W, Dow are visiting Provo, Utah with their isd■•id-]rw and daughter Hr. & Ms. Gordon Forscyth. S Ms. Roy Dow accompanied them on the trip. DRESSES SIZES- 7-I4x price 4295 -$5.95 Plaids ant^! many types of Mr and Ms, Art Brown have as their .guest her brother Hr, Wilbert Hiuit of 12 Uranium City, Sask, ,Iv*N • MA• NY S - lY_ LES— - (CRINOLINES! '/A-A '* < ' IN CHILDRENS £ WOMENS SIZES PR 1 CL-U98 $595 The smart^i^'t dusters this season are new arrivals upptairs, Hade of fine cotton seersucker and some of printed cotton plisse, These floaty feminine loungers retain their crisp finish after coiuitless tubbings and wear like a dream, sizes 14 to 38, Priced 43,95 and <4,95, CR1NOLINESJ CRINOLINES.' CRINOLINES’ Our new shipment is prettier than ever, Too pretty to co^(^:r up, Tiers of biUowy frothy nylon net perm.annniy stiffened, The very latest in the new silhouette for Fll, Ribbon, Pose and flower trimmed, Sizes - smmU, med, and large, Prices - 41,98 to 45,95 Salesman: "All you do is mike a smJ^l deposît, then you pay no more for six mon­ths." lady at Dc^o^3?: "Who told you about usj' -______________________ _______ ____________ T- SHIRTS SHORT SLEEVES REGULAR-$175/ sale LADIESs-j M ISSES-íiws REGULAR . S375 NOW .ONLY ASSORTMENTS m /m OE ■—'.e.'S and panty girdles selling iX FOR 1 ;oZ