Magrath Store News (May 20, 1938)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. the rast seat house if you own one of of angle iron, with seats are reinforced You’ll never be without the conven­ience of an extra bed...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1938
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. the rast seat house if you own one of of angle iron, with seats are reinforced You’ll never be without the conven­ience of an extra bed -in thes&J Frame is link fabric top, with six coil springs, and covering is a gay cotton cretvnne with shirred valance^ STORE '8 to 6 MAGRATH, ALBERTI, FRIDAY, MAY 20 to 1, nice high and spring-filled rust tones« Big, man-sized ones that | ’’Father” can relax in . . . that ar© built on a’ hardwood frame with a your head on, Covered in Priced Priced $12.50. --- M --- — House Paint --- — --- M --- JOHNSON’S'GLO-COAT FLOOR POLISH. Needs no pojishing. Shines as it dries Get this extra 1/3' pint FREEJ 70p Manufactured by Stephen’s, a regular line with us, and a good value. LeRoy Wrist Watch. Swiss Movement. Gold case and -strong leather strap. Fifteen-jewel. Guaranteed. Lovely satin-trimmed case. Black With Nickel Bezel A new model, finished in black with pol­ished nickel bezel. Convex glass. Modern hands; clear tone inner bell. Stands 42,j inches high. Ingersoll Rist-Arch Watch. Jeweled Curved to fit the wrist. In case for .95 Kelton Dean Seven Jewel^ddWrist Watch Curved case fits the wrist snugly Leather strap. In case for G 95. POCKET BEN WATCH DAX WATCH - --- J i Ifegrath "A good place to trade." Trading -Co.,Ltd $1.75. ? 9 A «.I»*-. .—. . MaGRATH CURLING IRONS --- 150 & 250 VASSAR ’WAVERS - The Little Green Rubber Curler. Twelve small or eight large for 200. •RED TOP CURLERS — 3 for 100. TALCUM POWDER - Sweat Pea, Lavender, Violet, Rose - 150. Orange Blossom AFTER SHAVE LOTION --- 150. TWEEZERS - Broad & Narrow - 150. BRIDGE CARD TALLIES, 8 for 100. WEDDING, BIRTHDAY and GET WELL CARDS — --- 50 each. Sew-On GARTERS --- 150 pr. Pond’s CREAM — 150 and 350. Eaoe-Elle CLEANSING TISSUE 300 for 250. Norris Blaxall said the cure for cut worms,, as he hoard it over the radio, went something like this: 1 oz. Bichloride of Mercury to 1 gal. water and add to six parts of water. With the finger make a small furrow around the plant and pour some of the mixture into it. ________ _____ ;_______M --- --- j Mr. Lee Jensen of Long Beach, California^ is here visiting his brother, Chris. Jensen and his sister Mrs. N. C, Neilson. . M --- \ Mr. Wallace I^and of the Bank of Montreal Staff, Calgary, is relieving at the local Bank. Broadcloth 300 Cotton ? They are cut on the line, L-. --- - of Here’s a wealth of wear for a moderate price. It’s sturdy, long-wearing Cotton Broadcloth cut on the straight of the fabric to make it qufick and easy to iron. Narrow hem. Sizes Snail Medium and Large. Peach and Pink Rai o n Taffeta t Ladies1 & {Jiris* Panties in colors of peach & white. Rayon Panties0 M 'THE Lingerie. newest out; 50^ pure. silk. Colors of Blue, sleekness < The fabric is soft Rayon Taffeta The style has shaped top 2nd adjustable shoulder straps. Neckline is neatly fagoted and the bottom is neatly hemmed. Colors Peach and White. 590. i f ■4 Deceased Town of Magrath. . WANTED:- Suitable undertakers and embalm­ers to take qare of the recently deceased Town of llagrath, which passed quietly away Saturday night, May 14, 1938, after a long illness lasting for some years, Address all applications to the present Amusement Committee. The lowest or any bid will not be chosen. No inquest was held. Yours truly, The Young Folks of Magrath. i iÏ i : 5 Satin-Hit Guaranteed run proof* White and Pink. Jills Sho rt e e s 550. 650. __Panties - 950. . _. ' Kiddies’ Silk Bloomers. Sizes 2, 4, 6, .8-, 10, 12 and 14 years. Colors Peach and Whit's» priced per pair —- 290. The Magrath Trading Co. Ltd "A good place to trade ________—— --- M --- --- ■_ --- - \ The Lethbridge Board of Trade wired Ottawa to.disallow the Tax Recovery Act, Securities Tax Act and three other Social Credit aots,^ but did not mention the Farmers’ 7^ prod­uction tax. The tax on the farmers is OK. j The Lethbridge member^ Petar Campbell, favored this measure. The Herald must like:- it also, or they would have said something \ to Peter. __________ „1,— : Bungalow Hemstitched Pillow Cases. Made from a fully bleached cotton of , sturdy texture that will launder up nicely \ and retain a fine appearance. J-riGed 500 prj • 9 fl J S f i 5 . I,;. , ' | THE MaoRATH STORE 1WS, FRIDAY^ ^A\2Q.<153a.-. ' -PiSe_3 ■ 2 Girls I Elk Lock- Chrome Sizes Infant’s Black stitch Boots, cushion soles, to 6. $1.00. Infant’s White Ilk Lock­stitch Boots. Same style as above ' ’ ’ i Misses' Patent T. Strap. Oak soles, rubber heels Neatly perforated and fully lined. B. and D. widths. ' $2.70. GIRLS’ $2.40. i * i Mrs. Mervin Godfrey and \ son of Lethbridge are visit-' ing at the Julia Ririe home. Mrs. Al Ley left Tuesday morning for Arkansaw, where she will receive medical treatment. ii i I1 i s I i i Infant’s Ihite Kid Strap Chrome Soles. Sizes 2 to 5. Infant’s Black Patent, Strap Same as above. 9<y. Child’s Patent Strap — Chrome soles, little rubber heels. White T.Strap. Neat perforations on side, good quality sewn leather soles and rubber heels. Lined throughout. B. and D. widths. A smart looking white Slipper any young girl would admire. $2.40. MISSES* $2.70. Mita Martha Johns, daughter of Mrs. August Wilcinsky, graduated as a surgical nurse ifrom the Vancouver General 1 Hospital on May 5• She will be employed in the. Sanatorium at Kamloops,' B« C, from June 1 to. August 15. Miss Johns will then ®om® to Magrath for a month’s viaoation. Mrs. Jamas Anderson of Raymond spent the week-end in Magrath, ”A SP9Ä P^aee ttrade Child’s Smoke Elk Bluchex* Boots. Cushion Welts, chrome soles, rubber heels. \ \00 0X I Kool-ees. Smoke colored ventilated oxfords. Rubber camp solesi Mocassin stitch. Made to give good serviceable wear.i $1.95 and 1 $2.20. Mrs. Sieve Saunders and son and daughter arrived home Sunday evening from Regina, where she has been visiting. i Mrs. W. R, Scott is spend-i ing a week with her daughter^ Mrs, Marion Schill, at New Dayton. i Until summer comes wise children will wear Cashmere Stockings. Tli&y are made of wool reinforced with lisle - :soft and good looking. They ¡are made in th® popular Sun- Ibrown shade and we have all [sizes. Price — 350 a pair. Mrs. Martha Esser is home J ' [again after spending the ¡winter in B, 0 ? : : AArbc --- 1 —1 ~ ~ J J Tailored for Hard Wear We have a new Trouser Rack which holds 150 trousers. Every man needs an extra pair of trousers, want a pair ot two, arel .and cottonad© materials, colorings and patterns. Blues», greys, browns and pairs of . . YOU will how smart they cotton tweeds. we think, when you see Tailored from smart ootton worsteds, in a grand selection of both Also’wool tweeds and worsteds tans Hooneed to be an athlete to get lots of wear from these! They’re the popular; vacation.shoe • . . lasted j with uppers of strong canvas in a stylo that laces to the toe , , . with rubber foxing and corrugated rubber soles. Small Boys’ ®iz©s 6 to Youths T a,nd i Boys’ sizes 11 to 13 Fair f J Î Youths* sizes 1 to 5 Men’s sizes 6 to 10-g-. Pair Pair Leaving Cardston Wednesday evening the Ford car of Horace Ririe balked, A garage man there gave it the ’’once over” and said it was OK, arid wished them God speed. It gave two or three spurts again and stopped Mr. C. Jensen then decided to push it out of the city limits, thinking it would re­cover its equilibrium once it got over the hill. It still f©fused and Mr. Jensen pusht ed the Ford to Magrath, Thursday morning Hyrum Fromm was called over to diagnose the trouble and found the I gas tank dry and empty. Horace knows how to save gas. A Scotch man in very deed. Shirts and Shorts Rib lisle, ea. 50^. Combinations $1.00' ea Mrs. A, M, Merk- [ Thursday morning s L^ke City to at- i graduation exer- | ley left for Salt tend the cises |t th© University of Utah, ■whore their son, Marion, will receive his Bach olor fo f. fcgt s • Warm, dry feet make healthy, happy people. Make th© Magrath Trad­ing Co. your headquarters for rubber footwear. Buy them now and get the use of them all summe: 10-g*. Pair : Some people are so constituted that they would rather IQ'S©'a friend than! an argument. Coats The greatest utility coat mad®»' Cotton twaed on the outside - proofed with a thin layer of pliant rubber to a cotton lining of bold check pattern. Convertible collar. Wicely styled, roomy, easy-fitting. A real good buy — having style, service, and value to back up its ntwo-purpose” appeal, - . - Price $6.50. This Store will, be .•Closed all day Tuesday, May 24. Victoria Day[ "Double - Duty" : • Ji I The Magrath Trading Co. Ltd nA good place to trade." IU-RATH STORE NWS, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1938. Page Silex Coffee All the equipment you need to make a real GOOD cup of coffee1 Made in a six cup cap­acity by the well known: Silex Company,, J5 '■ So dainty you will buy them for gifts as well as for your own sake made'from a fine» English bone china with decorations in delightful patterns. 25/ - 40/ 50/ - --- — --- M Save your sight •— with sun glasses using* I the scientific Crookes lenses. There is a ^natural reproduction of colors. \ • ¡harmful glare l Chemically treated to eliminate'all • Positive protection for your ®yes* A case with' ©very pair sold. 50/ a pair, --- — M --- i i Mr, & Mrs, Joe Tuftland and sons Jack and sDoren, Miss Gladys.Tuftland and Mr. Wayne ^Matkin were visitors in Magrath Sunday | --- M --- - --- Beautify your garden with Gladioli \ Bulbs are on sale now 3 for 25/, \ One of our customers requested these, \ as they are from th© same house as Dr. Hall \ Dentist, orders his. They are an outstand­ing variety. Chick --- - --- M --- - The Cardston News runs a column ’’SEE® & HEARD" - Around the Town - and it goes some; thing like this;- Clyde Spenoor leaving to attend the Re­tail Merchants* Convention in Moose Jaw on Wednesday. . . 5B1© Bus Driver taking time off to fill up on Fletcher's io© oream. . • I ¡Ed. Wood planting ash trees in the park with-ihis overcoat on, • . Chris Christensen, convalescing and remembering Miss Idell ^Toomer's birthday on May 10. . . Austin Ben-^ Het walking among the rocks on his farm on i ^Tuesday with a shovel trying to hold the soil ¡down. . . Neighbors exclaiming that Gebrge ^Thomson would have to replace the bolts and inuts on his tractor, having worn them out ^overhauling it. , , Ed. James lo- sing Ida ^Anderson’s cat Micki© and family on the way to the lambing pens, and the cat didn't corned pack. . , Mr. Miller, chief inspector of Emines in Alberta, refusing Camille Bridaroli^ ^permit to install a $3585,00 coal cutting \ ^machine, . , L©vi Harker telling of loosing \ \enough lambs to build a shed from Magrath to| Lethbridge.,., . Ed. Hocking saying his hired^ ¡help when returning thanks, includes every- f gone in the universe but him, . . Tom Stephen- ¡sen "The storm delayed us until we never ¡will catch up." . . Henry Shaffer explaining^ ¡to George Turner 'his. home runs for the 1938 \ ^season. . • Judge Bingham warming up Minnie iWarren and as a side line rejoicing over the: ¡appeal to the Privy Council of th© three /Social Credit Acts. (Cont'd. on Pag© 7) ers Priced 5.95. t J i I --- --- --- --- Two entomologists were in the Store last week. They predict an invasion of Mormon -c-r--i-c--k--e--t-s- --f-r-o--m--- -M---o--n-t-a--n-a- - -t-h--i-s-- --s-u--m--m---e-r-. --- Mrs, Ar det h Walker and daughter of Cardr ston is visiting her mother, Mrs, Agnes Turner i i Rusks \\ Dr, t| Sunday at the Golf Cours®. Tombstone competition was the highlight of the day; the first prize was won by Don Harker and the second prize by Howard Flet­cher, ‘ . A large number of people were at the golf course on Sunday afternoon and they thorough-i IIi 5i f j sly enjoyed the day. Next Sunday, weather permitting, there \ will b© a two-ball foursome oompetition, j The management expect to have some kind of \ a competition going every week-end. s\ M - I r7 LI S shot out of a true. A ball . 750 each Golf B A AUTOaMJH - like a rifle - straight & for the expert golfer TUF-ONE - A medium priced ball that is an outstanding value. 500 BIHD IE - At 350 it’s chock full of pleasant surprises! A favorite. BISK - If you want real value in an inexpensive ball, the Bisk is what you will play! Priced 250 each. Drivers and Irons priced from $1.75 \ to $3.00. i\ t j i •£? I Lace Edgings - Ecru and Cream. Suitable for Contres, Runners, Slips, etc. Special yd. Ladies’ Mercury Combinations Sizes 34 and 36 Spécial 1 pc. Printed Sparva 3 pcs. Tick-Tack Values to 50/, Special - 25/ yd. Prints : i :i Tweed SKIRTS i Ladies' f . Will \ garden [ me? : —_ ■_ , 36 inch Dark Prints. J i \ \ iJ5 Faille & Heavy Values up to $2.65. Special the person who has got my one-horse cultivator please return the same to A. Miller. FOR SALE;- 50 bushels of 3rd'generation Marquis wheat. 1 good milch cot/ and 2 heifers to freshen soon. J. Rasmussen, — M — . WANTED:- 100 Leghorn setting eggs - at once. Will pay cash. Please notify Mrs. Eric Brown. --- —.— - --- M --- ■—— --- - , --- PUBLIC NOTICE Saturday the 28th day of May will be ’‘Clean Up Day” in Magrath, by order of the Town Council. All citizens are requested to observe the day and clean up front and back yards 1 and all premises in general. Teams for removal of rubbigh to dump grounds will be provided by th© Town. All those who can furnish teams notify the Town Constable. 111 11 1 Wine Crepe De Chine, size §0 — $1,95. White Rayon Taffeta, size. I® — $1.45. Green Sport Satin, size 16 --- $1,50, Eggshell Rayon Taffeta, size 18 $1,45. Special 9^ Red Paisley, size 20 — --- —~ Copen Blue Paisley, size 18' — Navy Blue Paisley, size 16 Navy Taffeta, size 18 --- —— Black.Taffeta, size 14 Navy Taffeta, size 14 • Special $2<25• $2•25• $2.25. $2.25. $2. 25 . $2.25. $1.79. Glass Tumblers 10 lb. 4 Jell-o i i: t \ , WANTED:- Two good beef and veal. .Henry Shaffer, Magrath Meat Market. j --- M --- Mr, W. C. S. Hobkir^, representing the Vancouver Drygoods Company, will be here on or about May 26th '‘Vancouver Maid”, lie Frocks”. All ladles are his samples. . LOST;- Between Trading Company and Post Office last Thursday, a new felt belt. Find? er please return to ■ Norma Thomson. \ ;: i ? with a full line. ®f summer “Lady Vancouver” and ”Til-{ STORE CLOSED The Magrath Trading Co. Ltd., "A good place to trade. " :i Tuesday, May 24th. | Open.all day Wednesday : i page 7 ■ THE' MAGRXin STORE NEWS, FRIDAY . - Page 7| Seen and Heard -■ continued. The Bone Doctor pulling J. F. Gasan’s hind leg for- rheumatism. . . Mrs. George Heathe rshaw exhibiting Charlie McCarthy. . A group of Rutterites lined up waiting for a chance to ride to Lethbridge. . • Many a drill stopping 'Tuesday to attend Court - plenty of lawyers and mountiee present. . Hyrum Fromm looking at $3000.00 worth.of improvements. . * Nick King wending his weary way home at 11 o’clock P • M. . »Harry Hillmer “Whenever you see the seagulls fol­lowing you in the field you’ve got some­thing," • • Marinus & Chris Anderson leaving for south of Raymond with the gasoline hay \ baler. . . Eric Loose asking^for anoTher half section to work. . • Morris Blaxall advocating a Lion’s Club for Magrath. , Fourteen farmers waiting for John Robinson to clean wheat. • • Joe. Alston with a big chuckle ”It*s too early to make advances on the harvest when some farmers haven’t rust- .- led their seed yet,“. • L. R. Jensen with so many lambs the reserve isn’t large enough Arrangements for the twins had to be made with W. T. Passey for land on this side of j the river. • ."Mrs. Louise Alston losing her pension for six months; too long in California. . . Bill Passey with 47 pigs from 5 sows; the old ones thrive on soured \ oats, on part oats to five of water. • • Kate Steele wanting a dollars worth of groceries and no money. • • Melvin Godfrey \ drawing his 290 pounds of flesh into a new | Chev. . . Verd Bennett, after doing a good job of garden levelling "They tell me I have an eye like Brigham .Young,” • Priced each Stylish little dresses, nicely made from good looking prints in dainty pastel shades.;’:/.'. Children's 1 i i Arthur Grihfield sezs "The Lethbridge Herald noVer mentions one by the name of Peter Campbell as having voted for the 7$ production tax on the farmer. Had Hans Wight been so brainless the Iibrald would have printed daily a yellow editorial of the rascal,” FOR MW DEMAND THE BEST. The great Western Garment Co. Lto. 88888888 --- --- M --- \ We are proud of Mr. Marion Berkley’s record» Judging by seheol standards he was one of twenty chosen out of 2000 to join the educational fraternity« --- m --- --- Mr. S. M. Schumers of ‘Welling was in Town’Tuesday, which reminds us that in April we were travelling through Wiling and not too fast', but the roads were grtasy and be­fore we know it the car was partly hidden in. a. bar pit full of water. It TOB late and Mr. Schumers was the nearest'"farm home. He was busy doing chores, the team was in the field, so a big International truck was . I brought Into action? but the truck couldn’t navigate the big drifts so it was abandetlecLi&nd a tractor, Which was stored away, was taken down off wooden blookB, filled with water, etc. and after nearly one hours preparation was on its way to the scene. back A few pulls and W0 w®re on’the highway of life again,■ We had three one-doll&r bills in our wallet- and we gladly tendered it all for the help rendered, Mr. Schumers Said ’’No, give me one for the gas and then,you will feel good and so will I” and that is that. ' . . frI ! I envy the beasts two things — their ignorance of evil to come, and their ignor-ance of what is said about them, Voltaire. Try a wear-resisting Habitaut Work ‘ S H I'R T. Priced only $1,00 each. t ‘i What is your Kitchen liko? There* s no rea-son why it should not bs the.homiest and pleasantest, spot'in all the house. Brighten it upj '.Why x}­juvenate your chairs and cupboards with a coat of varnish or enamel, especially now - that all paints-are reduced, in price for the Special Spring Sale?. ' ’ ' The Kagrath Trading, Co'. Ltd.,, I »"A good place to trade. "__________ j Sweet Biscuits 21/# I 3 0 IF S Plum Jam r- -g 39/. | Lifebuoy 3 for 22/. Corn Starch — - 10/. ¡Pearl --- 10 for 41/. i Pink Salmon 2 tins for" --- 23/. gKfOW WHITE Peainut Butter in tumbler --- JW' Burn’s Lard 2 lbs. for --- 27/. |Chipso 21/. FRUITÉ Lemons -- doz._ 31/. Rhubarb 6 lbs« 15/. J t s Apples - Yellow Newtm# 6 lbs. for - 37/. | Green’s Puffed Wheat Bushel --- : 55/* Marshmallows Lowney’s Angelus. Cellophane,- Pound pkg. . 21/. 1 5HOUSE ‘OFFli tins Oranges - Medium 24/ Large 37/ doz. I Ellison's Best Flour |24 lbs. --- $1.05. I Burn’s Salad Dressing 32 oz. Jar --- — 45/. I ■ Pacific Milk I 3 tall tins — 27/. | Cowan’s Cocoa 23/# am 9 Meat Specials I Choice Mutton 16/ and] . .IP/ | Beef.| Tender Pot Roast 10/# | <3 Steak 12^/ and /5/ 'lb. Saturday at the - Lunch Counter. Tuna Fish a la King 10/. The Magrath Trading "Co.’ Ltd "A good place to trade. " Young Fork and Veal. • « ? 5