Magrath Store News (March 13, 1969)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 STOKE HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY aND FRIDAY . 8 a.M...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1969
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 STOKE HOURS MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY aND FRIDAY . 8 a.M. to 6 P.M. WEDNESDAY „.,8 A.M, to 1 P.M. .SATURDAY A.M. to 7 P.M, THURSDAY, MARCH 13th, 1969 .MAGRATH, ALBERTA „ ** PRICED FROM,. Q Up LYONS CASUAL SHOES ' KORET SPORTSWEAR Co-ordinated Slims, Skirts, Shells Jackets, Cardigan and Pul1 over Sweaters in new style creations for Spring ’6 9. Navy, Loden . Brown, Coral, z-95 • Popular "Happy Hoppers11 for Spring in Suedes and Leathers^ Natural Linens, Bone Quilted Linens, Metalic Gold & Silver Stretchies. Step lightly and comfortably in a "Lyons Casual". JOo o TO RO oo PRICED FROM 00 LADYBIRD KIDDYWEAR Irdybird T Shirts to please any Girl. 100/i Nylcn in attractive stripes, round neck, turtle neckso Plain nylon T Shirts in assorted col­ors and styles including turtle necks. Souvenier "Ifegrath T shirts too. up CHILDREN’S LADYBIRD JACKETS, JUMP SUITS IN LEaTHER*LIKE VINYL SEE THE GIRLS SLIMS IN ASSORTED COLORS. SIZES 8-14. $ 6.95 CHILDREN’S "TUFF ’N TIDY" DENIM JEANS IN STYLES FOR BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS. STURDY STITCHING, STYLE WAIST. BLUE, COPPER -ND LODEN. Qr ~ Sizess 4 - 6X | GIRIS RUBBER BOOTS | I Bright Red Bcctinos I I in sizes 12-3« 1 Just the thing for | i Spring’s slushy I weather, ! .TiunuiiiiiiiHiiiimhiiitiinmiliHiiuitiiifiiiiHiiHHiMHt'iiHi.i! MAGRATH “RAD I NG COMPANY LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE Patients in the Magrath Municipal Hospital during the past week included Blair Beswick, 1' , Jack Hocking, Mr. Bruno Brandt, Mrs. Lasca Jensen, Mr. Paul Taylor, Rick Strate, Mrs, Doris Larson (Twin River) Darrick Passey, Nick Striped Wolf, Robert Clifton Jr. Mr. George Henry, Mrs. Maxine Gast, Mrs. Mildred Scout, Katherine Chief Calf, Willie P. Hofer, Christie Blumel, Mrs. Carol McCoy, Edalgard Widmer, Lorna Scott, Betty Secretan, Mrs. Stella Gibb, Danny Antal, Mrs. Joan Miehe and son, Mrs, Dual- Mbriyama and daughter. • • • • lfe.rch 2nd St. Joseph’s Parish held a farewell party in honor of Father Palardy at the Lions Club Rooms. Mr. John Bevers presented Father Pal» ardy with a gift in appreciation of his work done in Ifegrath. Cards were played and a pot luck liinch served. On Jferch 3rd St, Joseph’s C.W.L. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. John deLeyer. A group discussion was held on Sex Education. The next meeting will be held in the form of election for 1969» lfe.rch is Red Cross month. The Canvass this year is being conducted by the Dfegrath 2nd Ward. Our quota this year is $750*00» Please be generous when the canvasser calls Help us go over the top. C. S. Matkin, Regional Chairman. The Public is cordially invited to attend the Gagan Oratorical Contest on Wed*- nesday Iferch 26th at 8 P.M. in the L.D.S. Church. Grades 7 and 8 will do poetry and Grades 9 through 12 will do speeches. Two ministers of different faiths were the best of friends, but often disagreed on religious issues. One day they had been arguing more than usual, on a theological point, when one of them said: "That’s al­right, We’ll just agree to disagree. The thing that counts is that we’re both doing the Lord’s work,.you in your way, and I in His. • • • • • DON’T MISS OUT tJN THE WEEKEND SALE OF MEN’S WINTER JACKETS REDUCED TO HALF PRICE. Men’s & Boys Wear Dept, a • • * Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whitehead were visitors at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Harris. Mr. Don Briggs of Salt lake City visit­ed relatives, the guest of his mother Mrs. Emelia Briggs. Mr, and Mrs, Jim Sugden and daughters of Red Deer were Magrath visitors during the weekend. They were accompanied by her mother Mrs, El Ta Blumel and sister Mrs. Car®l Wright who had been spending a few days with them. Mr. and Mrs. J»e Gibb had as their weekend guests their s®n—in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paulsen of Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Tony $fe.nser and family ef Calgary were weekend visitors at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Taylor. Winners of Zone 31 L.D.S. Basketball Tournament held in Magrath recently — Helena Juniors and Dillon Seniors represented the Zone in Salt Lake City vhen they played Monday. Mr. and Mrs. DeVere Dudley and children of Eugene, Oregon are visiting relatives and friends including his mother Mrs. Cecelia Foote, Miss Lois Meldrum was home from Rick’s College, Rexburg, Idaho during the weekend guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moldrum. Mr. Russel Davies of Toronto is visit­ing with his brother-in-law and sister Mr, and Mrs. Byng Beazer and his mother Mrs. Davies. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hillmer and son of Rainbow lake, Alberta have been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs, Orville Hillmer. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Seward had as their guests during the week their daughters Mrs. Eloise Nagy and son Darcy and Mrs, Dianne Thompson and daughter Drianne of Lethbridge, Mr. and Mrs. George Shanks cf Lethbridge were guests during the weekend at the home jf her parents Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Bondy. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Andersen and children of Blackie visited with friends and relatives guests of his sister Mrs. Mina Arndt. NOTICE: Everyone is invited to attend a Card Jbrty in the United Church Hall Satur­day March 15th at 8 P.M. sponsored by the Magrath Stcwafrds of the United Shursh. Lunch will be served. •••••••«a I Rack Dresses etc. 595 | I Rack Dresses etc. 995 I .UPSTAIRS.I'MAGRATH ,’RADING COMPANY LTD. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE The ifegrath ladies Bonspiel took place at the local Curling Rink Iferch 7th, 8th and 9th with sixteen rinks from Lethbridge, Milk River, Cardston and Magrath competing in the three event ’Spiel. Winners of the First Event and captur­ing the Nhgrath Trading Co. Trophy was the Mi 11i r Snowdon Rink of Lethbridge with three other Lethbridge Rinks filling the Event — second place was claimed by the Lfyrna Me Wuarrie Rink, third - the Kaye Redding Rink and fourth the Barb Howe Rink. The Alma Bentler Rink of Cardston tcok the Second Event and Alberta Canning Co. trophy. Second was the LaVaun Thompson Rink of Magrath, Jean Schmitt’s foursome of Milk River took third spot and the Winnie Sparks Rink of Magrath fourth. The Third Event - the 77 Oil Go. Trophy Event - was won by Elsie Brown’s Rink of Magrath with three more home rinks fi11ing the event — Doreen Gurney’s Rink won second place, Vada James, third, and Elizabeth Schneyder’s foursome fourth. The first Rink out of the Bonspiel was the Flo Zimmerman Rink. The Magrath Ladies Curling Club would like to acknowledge with sincere apprecia­tion the following donors who made possible a very successful Bonspiels The Magrath Trading Co., Alberta Canning Co. and 77 Oil for the trophies; Cash Donations from the following businesses: Denny’s, Ty's B.A. Arndt Motors, Carter Garage, Ken Harker, Tanner’s, Magrath Pharmacy, NKgrath Co Op, Canadian Natural Gas, Lester Hillmer, M.P. Crushing. Gifts of Merchandise were receiv- ea from Ken Balderson (2 electric clocks) KI lions (4 hampers) Sick’s Brewery ( 4 steins)., l^TIGE: The Ladies Curling Club will hold a Closing Meeting with election of officers at the Curling Rink Tuesday, March 18th at 7:30 P.M. AU ladies interested in curling are invited to attend. TOWN OF MAGRaTH Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of the Tax Recoveiy Act, the fol­lowing lands will be offered for sale by public auction to be held in the town office, Magrath, on Iferch 28th 1969 commencing at 2 o’clock in the aftemocn: Lot 4, block 14 plan 398JJ; Lot 3, Block 99, Plan 39S5J, Lot 6, Block 13, Plan 3985J» All except W-100’ of S. - 150’, Block 53, Plan 3985J; N. 25’ of 5 Block 34, Plan 3O46H; N. 25’ of 1-^ except W. 15’ of 4, Block 34, Plan 3O46H. W.'76’ of a. 247*5’ «if S. 165* Block 54, Plan 3985JJ N. 39’ t>f 41-44 excepting W. 15’ of 41, Block 34 Plan 3O46H; 1 and S.J of 2, Block 7d Plan 3046H; E. 68’ »f W. 346.5 of S. 150« Block 29, Plan 3985J; 1-3 Block 90 Plan 3O46H. Each parcel will be offered for sale, subject to the approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs, as to those parcels upon which any person resides, or >f which any person is in actual occupation, and subject to a reserve bid and to the reservations and conditions contained in the existing cert­ificate of title. Terms - Cash. Redemption may be effected by payment of all arrears of taxes and costs at any time prior to the sale, H.C. Poulsen, Sec - Treas. The 40th annual Alberta Fish and Game Association Convention was held at the Pall- iser Hotel in Calgary February 27th, 28th and March 1st. Attending from Nfeigrath were Hans Raasch, Charles Fellger and Mr, and Mrs. Fell Balderson. Two of the main problems discussed were "Air & Water Pollution Control" and "Our Dwindling Wild Life Habitat". A General Meeting of the Ifegrath Rod and Gun Club with Delegates reporting on the Convention will be held at the Lions Hall, Monday, March 17th at 8 P.M. A good attend­ance is requested. The fifth monthly meeting of the Del Bonita Border Beef 4 H Organization was held February Sth. 0 Canada was sung and the pledge was led by David Newton. Roll Call was answered with 32 members present, A discussion on Public Speaking followed. The March meeting was held at the Ed Newton farm March Sth whioh was in the form of judging which started at 12 o'clock. Treasurers report was given. $7«31 charitable donations was collected and sent to the heart fund. Following the meeting two most interest­ing films and a talk were given by Corporal Clemence, Jfegrath R.C.M.P. which dealt with car accidents, both being extremely interest­ing, Lunch was served. Pat Bowen, Reporter. The Magrath First and Second Ward Relief Societies will be celebrating their Anniversary Monday, March 17th at the Assembly Hall, The party will have a Japanese theme and will include Lunch at 7 P.M. followed by a program and dance with Grant Erickson’s Raymond Canadians in attendance. Admission is $1.00 per person. Everyone is welcome to come and have an enjoyable evening. Pretty soon they wi 11 have to stop using the pie diagram with the different slices showing how much goes for the various forms of taxes. In it’s place, a doughnut chart will be used with the hole representing what the taxpayers have left after the slices have been removed.MAGRATH TRADING COMFXNY LTD- 149 2/149 |49 Ï s Shampoo HALO SHAMPOO - for regular or oily hair. Rich lather . Seiiznc/Toiion BRE6K SET: Setting lotion with extra hold.» SPECIAL S/ipperefte5 Fabric Slipperettes in attractive colors. Complete in matching carrying case . Rubber Gloves Gauntlet length Rubber Gloves. For all household chores. $1.98 Value. 2 pair BafA 'Brush Nylon bristled long handled 3 way action Bath Brush, Designed for comfort. • • • • Ffl©Lô©m)S DEODORANTS A R R 1 P; Extra Dry new anti-perspirant spray, 5 oz, size «. .|59 spray |49 SECRET Super anit-perspirant deodorant. New. SCOPE Oral hygienic mouthwash and gargle. 740 HANKIES New arrivals in assorted designs including plain hemstitched, embroidered, lace trim­med, maderia worked. 350 to 25 APRONS Terry Towel Aprons in screen printed designs bright colors, 125 WIG BRUSH Rubber cushioned purse size wig brush for effective hair styling, |89 HEA£ BANDS Velvet Head Bands for glamourizing your styles. Assorted colors. 49C PATCHES Assorted colors and sizes in "IRON ON" patches for jeans, jackets, etc. 390 up (49 £ TABLE CLOTHS I LACE I Skilfully designed Cotton lace with I Jfedeira-type cutwork in floral desigri two tone Ecru. Finished with over- 1 locked edges. Assorted sizes 36x36 I ™.395 TC 1995] LINEN I Ecru Linen Luncheon Cloth with attractive I Jfe.ple Leaf designs. Luncheon Size. GENUINE LINEN LUNCH/TaBIE CLOTH 50x50. Bordered with deep "pulled thread” hem-stich design. qQC Natural shade . : LUNCH CLOTH AND NAPKIN SET - Cloth is 50 x I 50. Tweed effect in Brown, Orange or Green. A QA i 5 piece Set .z_|_= BONDED LINEN Handsome Bonded Linen for Suits, Jumpers, si-inis, etc. Lemon Yellow, Green, Rose, White, 58” wide «. . PRINTEDACETATE Floral Printed Acetate in crepe—like fin­ish. Background colors of Blue, Rose; Brownj 44” wide |L/C) LININGS Rayon Linings in all the popular colors, 54" wide. . 950 MAGRATH GRADING COL.PANY LTD. PERMA Necks Needs for spring» S□ Mo Lo .•□ SPORT JACKETS SUPER NAIL HEAD of Dupont . ntron, s.ili cone water repellent We?2 tailored in windbreaker style» Royal Blue, Brown, Green» S. M. L. :? (LEATHER-LIKE) JACKETS - brown T SHIRTS — PRESS KNIT T SHIRTS C.nmbi na+.i nn V — Turtle and crew necks - short sleeve, perma-press fini no ironing. Assorted colors in smart styles Idea? golfing and sport shirts DJ D) r IKiu Q WINTER JACKETS FOR MEN - BOYS’ Til DTI IL MiLP|/Q Forsyth Silk Knit Dress'Turtle Necks, Cotton Knits. Assorted I colors including White, Blue, Black, Gold, Jfe.uve» SH I RTS" fashion Nuhru Sport Shirts, Turtle Neck Cotton Sport Shirts, Satin f stripe Turtle Neck Shirts» Latest creatons. 1/2 PRICE PENMAN 100% NILON WORK. SOCKS - Grey with Red trim». » o•Pr o• PACK GREY OF 3 PAIR ALL. WOOL WORK SOCKS WITH WHITE TRIM, q pair PAIR. s INSULATED 1 < D A UNDERWEAR! 1^uv \A ft Ii I £ s Light weight Insul­ated quilted nylon Underwear in Jackets and Pints. Light tan shadeo PANTS TOPS - each QUILTED ARNEL TRICOT INSULATED UNDERWEAR WITH FIBREFIL. DARK BROWN SHADE. JACKETS and pants. REGULAR $8.95 pr­each. Fw5 SALE. ©a. DmriMntHutiniinHHiiHiuiiiHBtiiiiiuiHimtiiHiniiiiiinni« WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK I OF RUBBER FOOTWEAR - | rubber boots, rubbers! insulated boots, and i overshoes. I G.W.Ga EXPRESS STRIPE AND OLIVE DRILL COVERALLS. BOTH ZIPPER AND BUTTON FRONTS, ALL SIZEg . WORK STANFIELDS 3# ALL WOOL WORK SOCKS IN GREY WITH WHITE TOPS, TSES & HEELS, NYLON REINFORCED HEELS AND TOES FOR LONGER WEAR. 125 MAGRATH -RADING COI PANY LTD BLACK à DECKER 1/4» DRTT.T. A Black & Decker quality drill at a low price designed for general use around the house. Like all Black & Decker Drills, its job functions increase with the use of accessar­ies and attachments« BLhCK à DECKER 1/4" DRILL KIT 1/4" Drill complete in fibreglass case with set of bits, polishing and sanding attachments. 1888 BLaCK & DECKER 3/8" DRTT.T. Deluxe Drill with variable speed. Designed and engineered for high tbrque drillings Fully variable speed contrbl 0 to 1000 R.P.M. by vaiying trigger and rheo­static speed control - locks at 1000 R.P.M. excells at controlled screw driving opera­tion . Slow speed for dri n ing masonry and metals. Fast speeds for hard and soft woods. BLkCK DECKER 1/2" DRILL General Duty 1/2" Drill”- excellent value. Features air flow design for cool operation* Self lubricating bearings. Double reduction gears for added torque. Compact design fits in "close" areAWi REGULAR VALUE $54.95 4988 REGULAR $32,88 MANNING - BOWMAN 1/2" DRTT.T, BLaCK cc DECKER "DUAL ACTION" SaNDER 1 FINISHING SANDIR Designed as a multi-purpose sander. Dual - action control. .exclusive auxiliary wrench allows easy conversion from stro‘’ ^ht line to orbital action. Straight line.smoother finish on wood. Orbital.less sandpaper clog. Adapts to dustless attachment that insures 90% dust pick-up. BLACK & DECKER "ORBITAL" SANDER Designed for easy one—hand control - over 25 sq. inches of orbital action makes it ideal for fine finishing on wood, metal or plastico Can be used in any position and has a built-in hold control. A convenient fingertip slide switch is located on top of the handle Adapts to the dustless sanding attachment. REGULAR $21.88 front handle for extra » 7 1/4" DELbaE Saw WITH CASE Perfect home and cottage kit. This rugged saw can make evexy cut in the book. Comes equipped with auxi 1 i ayy front handle, removable outboard shoe, diecast alirmi num angle adjustment and rip fence. REGULAR $59.95 . BLACK à DECKER JIG SAW Low priced unit that delivers profess­ional results. Efficient for any home job in wood, metal or plastics. WITT make pocket cuts without guide hole. REGULAR $21.88 . XXKXMXXXXM WE HAVE A PARTS CABINET FOR BLACK & DECKER POWER TOOLS INCLUDING SWITCHES, MDTOR BRUSHES, CHUCKS, ETC. MD GKaW - EDISON 7 1/4" SkW "Power House" Electric Saw for general home use, etc. 2Q 9O93 MAGRATH GRADING COMPANY LTD. FQK SALE: Hand operated Adding Machine. Like new. $60.00. Ph. 758-3285. Pdh SALL; Yearling Angus Bull. W. H. Foggin, Del Bonita. NdTICE; The United Church ladies Aid will meet Tuesday afternoon, March 18th at 2:30 P.M. at the home of Mrs. Kate Morrow. NOTICE; Application for the position of Over—All Supervisor of the Fhgrath Swimmi ng Pool for the 1969 Season will be received at the Town Office. H, C. Poulsen, Sec. Treas. FOUND; item's new mitt. Hardware Dept. FOR. RENT OR SaLE; Modern 4 room house, newly decorated. Vincent Kovack. Ph 758­3089. 1 block West, a block South Magrath Trading Co. FOUND; Pair of ladies brown dress gloves. Owner may claim at News Office. NOTICE; For Plumbing, Service Wôrk and New Installation — available any hour of the day. Wesley Sims, Ph. 758-3151. NOTICE; The annual meeting of the Town of Magrath will be held in the Lions Hall, Monday, March 24th at 8 P.M. H. C. Poulsen, Sec, Treas. HIKES FOR TIKES; Members of ny family will once again be taking part in the Hike for Tikes sponsored by the Lethbridge Opt.-i mi st. Club Friday, April 4th. Anyone wishing to sponsor one of the Lees, please contact my be phoning 758-3038. Proceeds go to the Dorothy Gooder School for Retarded Children George Lee. NÖTIGE; St. John’s Lutheran Nomen’s Mission League will hold a Tea and Bake Sale in the Lions Hall Saturday, March 15th from 2 to 5 P.M. MaGRaTH PARK THEATRE NEWS; Friday and Sat­urday Iferch 14th and 15th "PINK JUNGIE" a family movie in color starring James Gardner Eva Renzi. Cartoon. Running time — 121 minutes, LOST; Ify- Helsh Saddle mare, 600 pounds Chestnut, Please notify James Coleman, Ph. 758-3106. « • • * SUITOR: "I would like to nary your daughter']" BUSINESSMAN; "Well sir, you can leave your name and address and if nothing better turns up, we’ll notify you." MAGRATH GRADING COMPANY LTD. PLUM JAM I CORN FLAKES Nabob 4Ö oz. .l.itUUUilUUtMlUtUHUlUWIIHIHIHUmiUntHIHtlUlltllllllillHHlHUIIIIHIiHHOllllllinillllllllllltllllHlIlllllllllitlUUttMllllllifllj I LUNCH MEAT I f KAM • ••••••••••••■»•••••• 2/8901 KELLOGGS 12 •z. 3 for OO .<lllliallUlliallllllltaniaitilliaill44aaia>aiia«IIIUaitKllt>a44«ailUatlaaiaafll(aiaHiai(itiaflaaalltiaaallllllialiaaai4>a<l|all»»tl a<. ÌBABY ROLL CHEESE INGERSOL 16 #Z• ••••••■■•• 790 PEAS^CREAM CORN CAKE MIXES SPRING PACK DUNCAN HINES . 2/890 llHliaiiilii llilliili4><«HiiiiHlt4(i«>a a>i iix»aiaii e«a>aaiaiaalaa»aiaa*l> iiaia< - FLUFFO.1# - HASH BROWN, LOTION S F R O Z E N 2# Fraser Vale H A M P 0 0 - HEAD ¿sc SHOULDERS - large . NEW CABBAGE 49 TOMATOES - Ripe, Bulk ORANGES TURNIPS .cello bags *- Fresh. .u. 290 4». 790 . lb. 9