Summary: | An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: OFFICE 758-3^33 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-3065 STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY.8 A.M, to 6 P.M. . WEDNESDAY . 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7.0, 1974 . * . i. .MAGRATH, ALBERTA. DRY GOODS DEPT CORDUROY: Fancy wale -Cable patterned Ccrdurxy in Grape or Brown, 45" wide, regular $5.95 ya. 299 yd. NYLON VELOUR: A rich textured fabric with velour finisho Rich shades of Gold, Blue, Red or Grape» wide. regular $5.95 yd.¿[,75 . L U R E X______CRIMPLENE: A luxurious brocaded fabric with metalic thread. Two lovely pieces to choose from. 64" wide. REGULAR $10.95 yd.P) 50 yd. FABRICS lUIIIHHIIIIIlUUinuilllllHllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIItlHlUHIIIIIIitlliUlllHillllHIIIIinili [SLEEPWEAR | = i-Jsses and Ladies Pyjamas & I I Nightgowns in Flannelette, | | Snuggledown and Nylon Tricot<| | Assorted styles and colors. I RED CORDUROY - oombinatirn wide/m'edium wale. 36” wide, gggjjRAg í2.95 y¿>. I 49 BEDSPREADS yd. Handsome Esmond "Scotian" Bedspreads - ne iron, Maahine washable, pre—shrunk, stain resistant. Needlewoven. Double bed size. REG. $16.95«. Floral patterned Perma-press | Sheets for single & double 1 beds. I REGULAR $7.95 eaO(O J I inHiBiiiHnHiiiihhnniitiiMiiiHfUtiiiiiiiiiHniHiiuihHiuHiiiniiiHtihiiiuiiiUiiiviutiwi TOQUES^ MITTS Assorted styles in Toques, Tams and Caps, Mitts and Gloves in assorted fabrics and styles. $1.50 to $3.95«. 20 % OFF CAR BLANKETS - assorted designs□ Size: 54 x 72. REGULAR $5o94o.$3o99 HALF PRICE BASKET - Slips, Gowns, Leotards. Values to $(L95o ONLY $1.50. No returns. ACRYLIC PIIE BATH MATS - $3.99 SER THE' $1.49 SPECIAL OF TOPS, T SHIRTS, BLOUSES Values $3.95 - $4.95n (No returns) MAGRA I H TRADING CGM PAN Y LI D. HARDWARE DEPT A S T R G T U P, F X 2¿;-c, EEGULílR $1,79 MATS . R I1 S •• huge Tceal for out-door etc $6.„00 Value»» _________________________ MATS - looks like veal green lawn» Hoses clear ?.n seconds» Stays flexible in coldrest weather.-. (We have had one by the South He 1-’-?e Door .•’or over 5 years and it is still in good conditionSIZE: 36 x 22» REGULAR $9^75 o,. IN GOOD WORKING ICNDTTTny nA ~ _ BLACKDECKER TOOL SPEC SALS ~./.G 2 P P E E D DRILL; Pick the speed to do the job, high speed for wood and compositions, low speed for metal and piasti< Eurnout protected motor, Rugged m-n-grip handle., ONLY »»»»,» I /I QS MANDER Ideal for general purpose sending. Perfect for finishing wood, metal, plasticso One hand operations Over 25 sq.- in. orbital action, ONLY O Z W '■ O ~ 1788 A CITIZEN ARREST Tom Percel lived on Pothole Creek near I the road by the Taylor Faim0 In 1888 EdI ward Austin, known as the Kid, stole a [ horse in the Fort Benton area, rode it to f Lethbridge and sold it» Then he stole a | horse from Tom Percel and rodd-back to Montana» There Tom caught up with him. He told the Kid he could either come back to Canada and be turned over to the N»Wc M»P, or Tom would tell the American ranchmen and let them deal with him» The Kid returned north and Tom turned him over, apparently to the Milk River Ridge detachment who brought him into Lethbridge (inspector Deane, files)» Don’t wonder why your nice story wasn’t in the history when the book is done, if you haven’t turned it in to the office at the Magrath Trading Co» along with any old time pictures with names, dates, etc» on a slip of paper taped to the back of the picture NOW» There are two histories, the published history and the file for Government Archives and the Library» Send in al1 you have for the files. It will not be changed. It’s your story and your dates» The published history must be abbreviated and we must do that because there may be a dozen people telling the same thing - so send it all, %A, Spencer, Pres, Magrath and District History, o • • • a ATTENTION TO ALL No doubt you are aware that the Magrath and District Historical Society is presently compiling a 350 page book with illustrations dealing with the complete history of Magrath and District which includes Welling, Del Bonita and Spring Coulee areaso In order to insure this book is published the Publisher requires X number of dollars as a down payment. To get the above mentioned money the Finance Com®ittee is sponsoring a pre-sale of these books - this Historical Book sells for $10 and will be delivered to you on or before July 24, 1974» Your order will be taken by any of the following: Cal Alston, T.lrtirH TTo "1 n n - - - o O © help you obtain generations will BELT S A N F E R Motor between pulleys puts weight where it courts, no tilting, gouging, rocking. Up front controls for easy belt installation and tracking-. Compact design permits sanding in tight places., Gear driven for rmooth power., r - 69 -5 .T REGULAR $74,50 k/_x/_x/_*z_‘/_x/_v_xz v_xz \z y.y xz w w xz xz >/ xz xz . \r \> ' zx r. it, a n /i a n zxt?x zx zt /. /Gi zx*./ zx” \ z,~/x zx“7x /T A family man is one who has replaced currency in his wallet with snapshots r Lloyd Sabey, Harold Boucher or S Matkin» Please help us to this book which in future be beyond all price. With your co-operation ■ accomplished» Don’t wait fellow - DO IT NOW! O 0 C O this can be for the other . < Q '■ % ’ : * FOR SALE: Scorpion Snowmobile», $325,00» Call Bon Ripley» 6A3-2532, Spring Coulee ATTENTION: Would the person who borrowed the Shoe Strecher from Upstairs please return it» Thank you» magra; h trading company ltd. MEN'S BOYS' WEAR Calgary, January 3, 1974= Magrath Lions Club; Thank you for supporting the CoN.IoBo through your campaign efforts,, The monies received in 1973 were above those of the last calendar year. We are certain that it takes a great deal of hard work and a great number of people to achieve such results. Therefore, we are happy to forward a certificate of Recognition ou behalf of the people in Magrath and District to show, in a very small way, the appreciation of our District Board, the C.N.I.B. Staff and all the visually handicapped peoptte in Southern Alberta. n « r* m Ben Francescone and son Michael came to Magrath to take Grandpa and Grandma Kosma to Moose Jaw, Sask, for the Christmas holidays. On the return trip Lisa and Criss accompanied their dad. Ben and Audrey wish all their Magrath friends a Happy New Year. 0 4 0 4 Dr. and Mrs. Mark Dahl had as their guests during the holiday season their son DeVar and Miss Shirley Stienberg of Provo, Utah and Mrs-«. Dahl’s mother Mrs. Ireta Head of Sandy, Utah. 0 0 6 0 NOTICE’: Brownies and Guides Mothers’ Meeting! will be held in the Lions Hall Wednesday, January 23rd at 8 P.MO Mothers of all prosp-f ective Brownies <girls 7 - 10) and Guides (girls 10 - 14) are also urged to attend this meeting. • o o a THANK YOU: We extend a sincere thank-you to s the Magrath Fire Department, the R.C.McPo and Calgary Power Co. for their assistance | in helping with the fire Saturday morning. j Your help was much appreciated. f Crystal Spring Colony. O O • fl • = Three young men left Monday morning for I the Mission Home in Salt Lake City, Utah prior to taking up missions. Ken Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Svend Jensen will labor i in the Denmark Mission, Ken Bly and Mrs. Doug Bly will go to Switzerland and Rick Gruninger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gruninger will go to the Delaware - Maryland; Mission. ! Combined monin. 1 services were held in the Magrath L.D.S. Chapel when Mr. Bob West was shaker. Remarks were heard from mothers of the young misoionaries.> Prayers were offered by Doug Bly \ and John Balderson. Special musical rendition was an organ/piano duet by Beverly Harris and Donna Kadonaga Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hillmer and family^ J\4en‘s Men’s 100$ Pure Wool Pullover Sweaters styled with crew neck, long sleeves. In shades of Gold, Green, REGULAR $8.95 Grape, Cinnamon, Blue or .»(no returns) . MEN’S PULLOVER SWEATERS - Jantzen and Temmy Knight styles in Turtle Neck, V Neck or Round Neck. COLORS - Navy, Brvwn, Red, Maroon, Here is an ideal Sweater to wear when skidooing or other outdoor activities. REGULAR $12.00 1 COUNTER OF MEN’S DRESS GLOVES IN SUEDENE. rRATHfSP ITkffi VJHII. A CHOICE OF STYLES AND COLORS. REG. $1.98 - $2O49 returned Saturday from visiting relatives in Coronation, Albertac PRICE MAGRA'! H TRADING COMPANY LTD. HARDWARE DEPT JIG SAWS to 4995 . HUSK! PROFESSIONAL MODEL . CIRCULAR_____________ Black & Decker make3 in th<* popular sizes. A LaRffi STOCK <3F BLaCK & DECKER TOOLS WERE ON THE CHRISTMAS FLYER, WHILE STOCK LASTS PRICES STILL APPLY, Black & Decker Jig Saw with tilting shoe - one hand operation; Calibrated shoo tilts for making bevel cut up io 45’, Makes straight, curved or scroll cuts in wood, metal or plastic, REGULAR $17.88 . |^ 95 RADIAL ARM SAW 8" Cobra Radial Arm Saw by Black & Decker. Powerful ball bearing motor gives dependable long life service. Fully adjustable for accurate, fine settings for bevel, miter and crosscut worko Light weight, easy to move about, Autcmatci positive locking positions for 0’ and 45’ bevel, 0’ and 45’ miter and 90’ ripping positions. Perfect for home owner who does his own work. Ideal for contractor for trim work or aluminum siding installa-t, lon* REGULAR (This one left from $139o95 Christmas flyer special) 99 R EVERSING D RILL DELUXE PROFESSIONAL REVERSING DRILL Reversing action perfect '' for removing jammed drill bitso Double reduction gearing and powerful motor provides torque needed for difficult jobs. Top mounted auxiliary side handle, 95 Extra heavy duty capacity. Reversing switch drill bits. Removable top handle and handle gives greater control. Double removing jammed auxiliary spade reduction gears give tremendous drilling power, ^^Q5 POR TaB L E POWER SHOP Black & Decker 3/8" heavy duty Drill complete with stand, 5" Circular Power Saw Attachment, Jig Saw Attachment and Sander Attachment. 22 pieces in all. Just the thing for thd household hobbiest, (junior has one and all tools work fine. You can saw through a 4' sheet of plywood Ln. nothing flat,) /I /I 95 REGULAR $57o55 . H H SMALL HAND DRILLS - Black & Decker . IO88 FOR RENT: New 3 bedroom Mobile home, unfurnished, fridge and stove included, Utility roomo Rent - $125.00 plus utilities. Located in Magrath Trailer Court, Fur further information contact Juliadean Bondy Ph, 758-3541o NOTICE: St. Joseph Catholic Church will hold services for the month of January Saturday evenings at 5 WANTED: Assistance of the Public in writing a history of the Magrath Fire Department, Anyone who has any stories, pictures, incidents which have happened including dates, please contact R,W. Thomson, Fire Chief. NOTICE: Town of Magrath By-Law dated December 10, 1973 makes provision for a 5$ Tax Discount on Prepaid 1974 Taxes up to an amount not exceeding your 1973 Tax levy if paid on or before February 28, 1974. The by-law also makes provision for a 5% Penalty on all 1974 Taxes not paid before Sept. 1, 1974. H.C.Poulsen, Sec. Treas, Town of Magrath, (Mun.) NOTICE: A number of Hemeowners in the Town of Magrath have failed to submit their application for the 1973 Homeowners Tax Discount. These applications should be filed at the Town Office immediately, H.C. Poulsen, Sec». Treas, (Mun.). Town of Magrath Congratulations to the winner of the Stero sponsored by the Paris Project, Winner was W. Holmes, Box 1030, Coaldale. Ph. 34594693» Our thanks to everyone for helping to make our French Project a success. Paris Student Expedition. NOTICE: Any kids who are 7 and under interested in playing Beginners Hockey contact Cst. Koons - 758-3525 or 7583053. All required is a helmet and hockey stick, FOR SALE: 2 92 c.c, Arctic Cat Snomobile, $275.00 ph. 758-3218 MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. UPSTAIRS DEP I ladies, Misses and Children’s Winter Coats and Jackets - latest fabrics and fashions in the smartest shades* JANUARY CLEARANCE 20% OFF c o e a o PARTY DRESSES Inng Party Dresses in assorted Fabrics, Styles and Shades« So pop-ilar for party and evening wear. Many are suitable for the Hostess who wishes to be properly gowned for her guests0 JANUARY CLEARANCE . •• 20 % OFF ! i i. / Z " A ZE . SHUTTS GIRDLES BRAS BRAITER BROS. BLOUSES SWEATERS JE. A NS SLACKS - REAL RARGAINS ON SH I RTS ^SWEATERS I?sorted Styles and Colors□ A 1 co cn this Table - IS PANTS (up to 6x) . NT SETO 2 -• 3Xo 2ooOFF ■ A.ISO i~QME SLACKS) A lovely wedding took place during the Festive Season when Marilyn Hamilton, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Read Lamb of Lethbridge and Dennis Dahl, son of Dr. and Mrs. Mark Dahl of Magrath were united in marriage Saturday, December 22nd in a ceremony performed in the Alberta Temple, Attending the bride were her sisters Wendy Wall and Sheryl Lamp and Ireta and Nola Dahl, sisters of the grocm. Best man was Phil Woolfe and groomsmen were DeVar Dahl, brother of the groom, Wayne Lamb, brother of the bride and John Wall, brother-in-law of the bride. A wedding reception was held at the Lethbridge Stake Centre Saturday evening with some 450 guests attending. Greeting the friends and relatives who called to congratulate the happy couple were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carter of Raymond and Mr.’and Mrs. Gayland Pilling of Magrath cousins of the bride. Parents of the bride and groom assisted by the bridal attendants and grandparents Mps. Lauretta Dahl of Magrath, Mrs. Ireta Head of Sandy, Utah and Mr. and Mrs. Iieth Johnson of Lethbridge receiver the guests. The Lethbridge 3rd Ward Elders* Quorem catered to the event with friends of the bride from the L.D.S. Institute Branch, Lethbridge, serving the reception luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Dahl will make their home in Edmonton where he is attending the University of Alberta. 0 r. ■-iABANCE »ö<ioo»eoo * PRICE . .Ill I lillllll titflll I illllii III I lilt mill IHIIIIIIHHIMH lii HiiJI I llliil f III I If ill 11 HiHIIHiiJIllll I III llllilll 11 lili lllllllllll SLI PPEcS-SHOES I USE RLIPPERB, LADIES & CHILDREN’S SHOES | < ° °BASKET . o. 0. . o TABLE, -I / 2.PRICE.I Miss Jane Alston of Edmonton was a visitor during the holiday season at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Alston. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Christensen and family have returned to their home in Hawaii following a three week visit at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. George T. Dudley. I magra; h trading company ltd. MEN'S BOYS' WEAR r à T M4en's Men’s Winter Jackets in a gsod selection of styles* Fabrics include quilted Nylon (100% down filled included) others •with Orlon pile or quilted liningj Wool plaid Jackets (some in bomber styles) Suedes and Leathers«, • REGULAR $16.95 to $70.00 •••••••••••••• 1 rack hoods, Boys' of Boys Brown Wool Plaid Jackets with knit cuffs, Parka adjustable draw cord, zipper fronts* SIZES: 8 to 14* REGULAR $27*95 *. ID95 BASKETBALL NEWS f Over the weekend the Magrath Eagles and 1 Magrath Zeniths travelled to Cardston for | an invitational Tournament* i In the first game Friday, Cardston Wild-f cats edged the Magrath Eagles 41-39* Tom Alston was high scorer with 11 points and Tiu Tanner and Barry Mehew netted 8 points each. The Zeniths played Raymond in the final game Friday and won ever the Comets 58-52. Tim Rollingson netted 21 points* On Saturday the Eagles won over Catholic Central Flyers in the consolation final 43-35o Rob Rollingson- sunk 15 points and Vince Harker added another 11 points* In the championship game Zeniths lost to Cardston Cougars 55”35® High scorers for Zeniths were Tim Rollingson with 12 points and Ron Harker with 8 points* Allstars were awarded to Tim Rollings rm and Rob Rollingsnn. The home game scheduled for this Friday between Raymond and Magrath will be postponed until February 8th* This Saturday Zeniths and Eagles travel to Lethbridge to play Catholic Central in league games* n BeB* 9 O • • The families of Robert, Sylvia, Bert and Kitty Clifton and Mary Korsa wish to thank their friends and relatives in Magrath and Lethbridge for their kindness and contributions of food, flowers and gifts »f money during their recent bereavement. It was much appreciated and will always be remembered* ’ HlltllHHIItHnillliniHlIhlllltiHlillHhiltltlillHIIIIIIIIDHIUllllllllllUiltMiliiHIHIIIIHilllllinllHIIIIililHlIlltllllUHlIinhiP - R UN NERS Youthr’ Joggers - white with blue stripe* sizes: 11^ - 4. .q REGULAR $10.95. MEN’S SHIRTS - INCLUDING DRESS SHIRTS, SEMI-3RES3 SHIRTS, SPORTS SHIRTS, WESTERN SHIRTS IN A GOOD SELECTION OF STYTRS, MOSTLI PERMA - PRESS FABRICS IN PLAINS, CHECKS, PLAIDS AND PRINTS'. DON’T MISS THIS WORTHWHILE SAVING - SdME ARE JUST NEW STOOK BROUGHT IN FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON. REGULAR $4*95 to $15.00 Miss Donna Heck returned to Calgary Sunday having spent the holiday season visiting relatives and friends, the guest of her parents Mr* and Mrs, John Heck* MAGRA. H TRADING COMPANY LTD. 'Q—' U QQc '19 Temole was the setting for the marriage of • • , .A.G / / .1. .S.L.ICED lean, cubed .3 HEXD'CHEESE - SHOULDER SLICED 6 oz. pkg., Saturday, December 29, 1973j the Alberta Marianne Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs* Gill Evans of Raymond and Kimball James Taylor, son of Mrs. LiTHa.n and the late Walter Taylor. President J. Golden Snow performed the ceremony. , For her wedding day the bride chose as her attendants her sister Miss Nancy Evans as Maid of Honor, Mrs. Evelyn Robertson, sister of the bride and Miss Maureen Bridge as bridesmaidso Best man was DeVar Dahl and groomsmen were Kim’s brothers Robert and John Taylor„ Following the ceremony a lovely family dinner was held in the banquet room of the Assembly Halle Gill Evans offered a blessing en the food. John Taylor was Master of Ceremonies for the short program which included two vocal solos by Jeanine Jensen ’’Sunrise Sunset” and "Count Your Blessings”. Nancy Evans played a piano solo "Preluded. Shirley Bennett and Bessie Cook and the "Taylor - Bennett - Cook" nephews and nieces performed a skit and song about the lives of Kim and Marianne. Maureen Bridge gave a reading and the program concluded with a vocal duet by Bessie and Shirley "Wedding,Prayer”. Dr. Mark Evans, brother of the bride, proposed a toast io the bride to which the gr«Jm responded. A "surprise" Duet (especially to the bride and groom) "Let It Be Me” was sung by the bride and groom. A Calling Reception was held that evening in the Raymond Second Ward Church, beautifully decorated in pine, poinsettia and holly following a red and white Christmas theme. Mr. and Mrs. Them Evans and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Cook welcomed the guests. Miss Tanya McClain and Mrs. Ruth Ann Anderson presided at the guest book. Parents of the bride and groom and Grandmother Leavitt, together with the bride and groom and their attendants received the many guests who called to congratulate the happy couple. Gifts were arranged by Miss Virginia Watson, Miss Judy Ackroyd., and Miss Peggy Frcmm passed wedding cake. Mrs. Jeanine Jensen supervised kitchen arrangements and was assisted by friends and relatives in serving refreshments. hosts for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Bennett. The happy couple will make their home in Edmonton where they are attending the University of Alberta, MAGRATH PARK THEATRE' NEWS: Friday and Saturday, January 11th & 12th "WATERHOLE NO. 3” starring James Cobum and Carroll O’Connor time - 8 P.M. Running time - 120 minutes. SATURDAY MATINEE 26th "Tarzan and urday is 2 P.M„ ADULT RECREATION for this season. o Rated A - not suitable f«r children« Show Coming Attraction - Jan. 18th & 19th "HATARI" — January 12th "Sea Pirate”. January 19th ’’Greatest Show on Earth” January the Jungle Boy” - all ideally suitable for children. Show Time each Sat- Don* t Miss ThemJ - Every Wednesday nighty Big Gym 8 P.M. to 10:15 P.M. Fee «f $1.00 Volley Ball, Badminton, Table Tennis. No racquets necessary. Recreation Committee. MAGRA.H TRADING COMPANY Ll D. MIRACLE WHIP CHRISTIES CRACKERS! 1 16 03, 550 2 lb. boxes 990! ¡ORANGE JUICE AYLMER SOUPS 2 for OO TOMATO or VEGETABLE 6/790 IPEAS^ CORN IBEANS PORK 59011 2/8901 n_n 28 oz. FAMILY \ . G.-. 2# bags . WESTERN y In Eë) HALVES or SLICED ÀÏIMER 28 os r CELERY HEARTS -jumbo. 690 APPLES -MAC'S .4 lb. bags. 990 ON IONS - JUMBO .lb. 190 TOMATOES -bulk.ib. 4jv BANANAS -ripe.ib. 190