Summary: | An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DRY GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758-30. STORE HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY.AJf* to 6 PJ'G WEDNESDAY . ® A«M* to 1 P<Jio THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1974 .«MAGRATH, ALBERTI DRY GOODS DEPT. SHORTS MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. HARDWARE DEPT. st nee honor and Mrs. Michael Biyks, Bennett, were guests of REGULAR $13088 d n n iiiiiiiiiH _ Marie _ at an Open House Saturday, June 15th at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Ardella Bennett, Greeting the guests were the bride'*nd groan, the bride’s sister Mrs, Carol McCoy who was Matron of Honor, and the bride’s mother. Mrs. Nancy Coppieters attended the guest book and Mrs. Debbie Owens received the gifts which were recorded by the bride’s sister Mrs» Geneal Edwards. Miss Barbara McCoy, niece of the bride passed wedding cake and "thank you" notes. Lunch was served by Mrs, Lois Parkins with kitchen arrangements by Mrs, Annie Hillmer, Mrs. Annie Johns and Mrs, Mary Sera. Marie and Mike were married June 28th at St. Elias Church, Edmonton, with a reception and danceheld at St. Andrew, Alberta, The happy couple will make their heme at #10, 7227 - 147th Ave., Edmonton, Guests attended from Brooks, Taber, Picture Butte, Wrentham and Magrath. • • • • • THANK YOU: We would like to thank everyone who helped in any way with our Open House, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bryks, Mrs. Ardella Bennett, DEL BONITA 4 H BEEF CLUB The June meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed Newton. Club members tr ought their calves and Mr. Bernie Powlesland trimmed the hoofs after which monbers practiced leading as for Achievement Days. A delicious dinner was served and the regular meeting was held with Pres. Darrel Koskewich bringing the meeting to order and Susan Robinson led the pledge. Discussions followed about Achievement Days and a Club trip held June 24 - 26th, David Newton gave the treasurer’s report, Doreen Jones adjourned the meeting, Donna Jorgensen led in singing "God Save the Queen", The 4 H Club wishes to thank Mr. and Mrs, Ed Newton for their hospitality and Mr. Bernie Powlesland for his time and use of equipment» Dianne Koskewich, Club Reporter. Mr* and Mrs* Joe Pauls• o• n• •of Cardston are the proud parents of a son Darren Kent bom Friday, June 21st in the Cardston Hospital» Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibb of rv FOR THE LONG DOMINION DaY HOLIDAY. Magrath, Mr. and Mrs. Murvin Paulson of v an c 0 uv er, •G c Folding aluminum Lawn Chairs with woven poly web in two-tone colors, plastic aims0 Relax outdoors in one of ’ these comfortable folding lawn chairso REGULAR $5»S8 488 LOUNGES Chaise Lounges in eolorful poly web, folding aluminum frames, 3 position recliner, 88 PATIO LIGHTS .„;io 3n Party Lights in 4 mix and match colors, outdoor and indoor use. Smartly shaped I Globes in Orange, Green, Yellow, Violet, Set | comes complete colorful globes, bulbs and 15* ! electric cord. REGULAR $3»88 set •••••••••. 488 ONLY . H I B A C H I double Hibaohi with E 2 KETTLE BARBECUE Glebe shaped heavy gauge steel Barbecue with pedestal legs. Heat control louvres and removable firepano Upper bowl acts ■ 3 windshield. Baked cucmel Tangerine finish. 24" BARBECUE Has deep drawn bowl .?olled edge, ratchet rill adjustment Tangerine enamel finisho large 8g"xl0" adjustable plated grill, adjustable drafts. Ideal for "\king on picnics or for - 6'Lask cast iron o 1 r patio barbecuing, gsa GY OUTDOOR LIVING THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND. mr MAG R AT H TRADING COMPANY LTD UPSTAIRS DEPT Smartly styled Summer Cotton Dusters by Morsom. Lovely prints in pleasing colors SHORTIES S. M* Li XL. LONG LENGTH COTTON DUSTERS BY MORSOM, "SORTED STYLES GOLF TOURNAMENT Infant’s Terry Sun Suits in assorted colors SIZES: 12, 18, 24 months CAFTANS Beautiful Printed Caftans in becoming colors Ideal for eool wummer entertaining Printed Arnel F.i ghty-four Magrath and district golfers took part in the annual Magrath Men’s Golf Tournament Saturday, June 22nd with ten flights taking to the course in what was later described as one of the most successful tournaments held. Local golfer Jim Nakagawa won *he Champior®hip Flight with Ted Smith of Taber winning the consolation« Winners of the remaining flightswere: 1st Flight: Nick Onofrychuk, Mike Galvin runner-up. 2nd flight - Grant Wheeler, Jim Hamilton, runner-up«, 3rd Flight - Greg Henry, Ewalt Paul, runner-up« 4th Flight: Jack Spencer, Elmer Friesen, runner-up. 5th Flight: Doug Mikado, Gerrit| Nyhof, runner—upo 6th Flight: Keith Craw— j ford, Vai Kay, runner-up« 7th Flight: Van j Van Orman, Arnie Hogan, runner-up. Sth | Flight: Bert DeGrdod, John Enns, runner-up 9th Flight- Howard Francis, John Gregory runner-up. Trophies and prizes were awarded at the conclusion of the tournament by Dave Lowry with President Gary Christensen in charge of arrangements« : e • o o Mr. and Mrs. Max Andersen of High River visited friends and relatives in Magrath and district during the weekend. The Andersens are leaving shortly to make their home in Edmonton where he has been transferred with Calgary Power. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wocknitz attended Alberta Square Dance Institute at Banff, past week. Professional callers fron / U.S. and folk from all over the U.S. 1 Canada attended» 1 the the the and Misses and Ladies Pant Tops in a variety of patterns and colors« Wonderfully washable Polyesters and Knits in sizes 10 to 44 g95t0 BLOUSES Braiter Bros. Blouses in cool Summer fashions. Pastel colors an well as colorful prints — just the thing to go with shorts and slacks. IO00 to 13 CARD OF THANKS: The Smith Ackroyd Family wri'jl d like to thank most sincerely their many friends who called, sent flowers, cards and feed, or helped in any way during their bereavement. Mrs. Ackroyd, Vuy & Allen, Verna & Alice«, See our Swim Suits and Shorts for Misses and Ladies« MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. MEN'SBOYS' SWIM Men:s and Boys’ Swim Trunks in assorted styles and colors. Fabrics include Nylon Stretch, Lastex, Terrys etc» z^95 © | THONGS | | Kids rubber Thongs in assort! = cd colorso I REGULAR 39 £ & 49© ! 1/2 PRICE | ~Hill III lIHlJlIilltllUII Hill llliiilll Illi II Hill I IlillilHillilltllll HniHlliHFWIMtli I < ■ kfi < i< 1111 H ' BOYS' SHIRTS Pays’ Short Sleeved Sport Shirts in a variety of patterns and colors«, REGULAR $3.95 . . ¿2 BOYS' PANTS <111 Boys "Lovers” Pants of 100$ Cotton«, Handsome plaids on natural background in Blue, Brown, Redo Sizes 7 to 14 yrs. REGULAR $7o95 ooooo.c. & BOYS' PANTS Young Boys’ Never Pres assorted colors, Sizei . .REGJOR^^.^,, GOLF Men’s Nylon Mesh Golf Caps in assorted styles and colors Cool and comfortable to wear. 0'25 /95 O * H TEE MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LIMITED WILL REMAIN CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 1, DOMINION DAY. A “EMBER THE HOLIDAY AND SHOP EARLY. 695 WEAR Funeral services for the late Smith Ackroyd were held in the Magrath L.D.S. Chapel Friday afternoon, June 21st with Bishop Tyler Alston officiating. The family prayer was offered by Wynn Fyfe. Afton Keeler presided at the organ and accompanied the choir in the singing of the opening hymn "0 My Father" conducted by Gean Wheeler. Invocation was offered by Blaine Harker. The biography was given by Charles Ackroyd and speaker for the sergice was Ferris H. Nyman. A vocal quartet - Maureen Raanussen, Charlotte and Glenn Fletcher and Moyle Pilling sang "How Great Thou Art" unaccompanied. Closing remarks were given by Bishop Alston and the closing song was a vocal solo "Abide With Me" by L. B. Tanner accompanied by Vinessa Hamilton. The benediction was offered by Jay Hamilton. Ushers for the service were Eldon Coleman and LaMar Bennett with Garth Coleman in charge of the parking of cars. Honorary Pallbears were the High Priest Quorum and Active Pallbearers were Max Ackroyd, Grant Ackroyd, Amman Ackroyd, Percy Poulsen, Eldred Hudson and Allen Ackroyd. interment took place in the Magrath Cemetery with Allen Ackroyd offering t he graveside prayer. Funeral services were held in Christensen Chapel Saturday morning for Dorothy Dudley, aged 37, beloved wife of LeRoy Dudley of Lethbridge, who passed away Wednesday, June 19th. Mr. Bill Calderwood officiated. Interment took place in the Magrath Cemetery. The late Mrs. Dudley is survived by her loving husband, three children Cheryl, Gregory and Jeffrey a 11 of Lethbridge, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Champion of Ridgeway, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dudley of Lethbridge, formerly of Magrath. Of interest to friends and relatives is the following telegram r eceived in Monday morning’s mail from Buckingham Palace;, London; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bradshaw, Box 69, Magrath Alberta, Canada; "The Queen sends you warm congratulations and good wishes on your Diamond Wedding Anniversary which you have recently celebrated. Private Secretary. WANTED: Someone to swath & bale 45 a,cres hay. Ph. 758-3‘'-78 MAGRATH TRADING COMrANY LTD, /rom our .Hardware T)ept. ATIENTIONll ATTENTIONH The j annual Blood Donor Clinic will be held at Welling on Wednes— f day, July 17th, 1974 from 5 P,jMl to 8 P.M. j Will you be a donor? If I you are in good health, between! the ages of 18 and 65, you can ! become a regular donor, I FOUND: Child’s bicycle, Walter Brown, WANTED: Contract Roof and Barn [ painting. Ph, 758-3587 and ask for Norman Robinson, FOR SALE: Size 9 Golf Shoes, i Ronnie Balderson. ATTENTION: The Magrath 4 H | Beef Club will be taking their j calves into the Achievement I Days at the Exhibition Pavilion! to show and sell. They will j be showing them on July 9th with the sale taking place on ! July 10th. Anyone wishing to f see the show and sale is wel- I come to attend, Colette Christensen, Club : Reporter, | FUND RAISING DANCE - for Grand i Opening of Raymond & District | Ice Arena, Saturday, June 29th | 1974« Door Prizes - Dance - Games, Doors open at 7 P,M, | Dance - 9 ’til 1, Music by 4 K’s. Admission: Adults - i $1.50, Students $1*00, Under | 14 - Free, YARD RAID OUTDOOR FOGGER - kills and repels insects. Kills on contact up to 20 feet away. An outdoor spray that r. c reaches beyond ordinary insect sprays and kills flies, mosquitoes, ants, moths, wasps, hornets, etc. 21.1 fl, oz. REPELLENTS Insect Repellent« to make outdoor activities more enjoy- . LIQUID & SPRAY 6:12 . 85C up. OFF - spray form in assorted sizes. MOSQUITO COILS New pleasnat. ordoured Mosquito Coils that aid in repelling mosquitoes. Contains Pyrethrins, Use in homes, tent.- cottages, trailers, patios, etc. Contains 10 coils and 2 metal stands per box, OQ A FLY BAIT GOLDEN MALRIN SUGAR BATT - kills flies in seconds. Can be scattered as a dry bait or dissolved in water and painted or sprayed as a liquid. 1 lb, tin FLY STRIPS VAPONA FLY STRIPS - for use in homes, cottages, diary houses, etc. Included is hanger to place Vapona strip in. Kills flies, mosquitoes, etc, effectively. Q 0Q FIRE LIGHTER THANK YOU: The Tennis Club wishes to thank Reid & Irene Blumel for the help they gave with the Tennis Tournament held at McIntyre Ranch recently, It was much appreciated. FOUND: Brownie Tam, News Dept. QUICK - LITE - by Coleman. Clean to handle,- lights easil’ and bums with a hot flame to light campfire, charccal or provide emergency heat or light, 10 cubes per packageo ONLY.450 CHARCOAL LIGHTER - for lighting barbecues, campfires, etc. Liquid. .49$ SLOW PITCH: All pre-registra- f tion forms handed out to teams! wanting to participate in the | Summer Games, please fill out | and mail to Rod Bly or Durant | James by July 12th. Thank you. | Durant James, Mr, and Mrs. Rod Meldrum : and son of Fort McMurray were | visiting friends and relatives( in Magrath last weekend. 1 PLANTERS Large octagon shaped Cedar■Planters measuring 15" in diameter. Ideal for Patio, Steps or Walks, 775 LAWN MOWERS SUNBEAM TWIN BLADE 18" cut .ELECTRIC MOWER GASOLINE MODEL - 1 only left .8995 MAGRATH TRADING COM, ANY LTD MEN'S en BOYS' WEAR : JUST ARRIVED IRRIGATION BOOTS Rubber Irrigation Boots including Canadian made with steel arch . Men’s 100% Polyester Double Knit Dress Blazers in handsome Brown or Blue plaids® Light weight, comfortable o Will easily co^rdi n— ate with the Fortrel Dress Slacks. Men's Polyester qnd Nylon Dress Shirts, long sleeves, fashionable colors« DON’T MISS THIS BIG SAVING1. REGULAR $9,95 I095to I395 /SO £.95 -795 AT and U to / Regular Black Rubber Boots . The annual Magrath lions Awards Day was held recently at the Magrath High Schoolo Student Body President Tom Sparks officiated at the ceremonies and lions Co So Matkin and Jay Hamilton together with Cpl«> J.Koons, R.CoMcP® were on hand for the presentations® Magrath Junior High School Awards for 1974 were as follows: Social Studies Tina Ponomar; Outdoor Recreation - Margaret Gruninger; Phusical Education - Deena Mehew, Rob Ripley; Math - LeRoy Rasmussen, Band - Randy Haynes; English - Nola Dahl; Science — Mark Lowry; Health — Cam Cook; Home Economics - Dana Davies; Industrial Arts - Barry Gorham; Baskethall - Tom Alston; English Literature - Christine Cook; Social Studies — Robert Mendenhall; Typing - Leanne Zimmerman; French - Lana Cook; School Spirit - Rod Ririe. Outstanding GLrl - Christina Peterson; Outstanding Boy - Allen Wilde® Divisional Track & Field Aggregate Winner — Ted Haynes. Magrath Seinior High Awards for 1974s President — Tom Sparks, Secretary - Treasurer — Kennedy Jenson; Valedictorian - Janet Nykyforuk; Yearbook - Susan Harker; Typing - Sheila Owens; Business Education — Joanne Passey; Band — Janice Wilde; Curling - Karen Hillmer, Danny Gruninger; Basketball (Zeniths) Kevin Anderson, (Eagles) Vince Harker; Cheerleader — Debbie Hillmer; Home Economics Mona Karren; Industrial Arts — Kerry Dalton; English - Gloria Schmidt; Science Bob Bullock; French - Bobbi-Iynn Rasmussen; Physical Education - Joy Walburger, Ted Haynes; Social Studies - Cindy Rice; Math — Keith Cook; Biology — James Mikado; Social Science - David Kolasko, School Spirit - Diane Schneyder. Outstanding Girl - Winuna Salberg uutstanding Boy - Melvin Wong. Mr. and Mrs. Johnn Sterzer announce the birth of their daughter Melanie Ann bom May 28th in Logan, Utah. Janice and Melanie returned home Saturday after spending the past week and a half visiting with Janice’s parents ^r. and Mrs. Wes Rice. . RUNNERS BASKET MASTER RUNNERS — real Summertime comfort. SIZES: 6 to 11 . 895 WORK SOCKS Stanfield’s Work Socks, nylon reinforced® Heather toneso 2 pr. per pack. R.-GULAR $2. 89.$2.69. i> v « « • a « a • e 'rtm plastic w ,5let contain-'a ~ pL’c 1 ,ip-rt . O''-'sn Cai.yn Rico. i.u.ex- please call Harriet Strate0 .':58-~6684 -Ivn is visiting fr^m Meirf.e.-) Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dyson and children Tamara and Vicki Ann of Kelowna, B.C. are visiting her brother-in-law a nd sister Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Thomson and mother Mrs. Elma Romeril, Friends were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Jay Meldrum* s mother, Mrs Roblin who passed away in Swift Sask. Monday morning® Current, irriga-dis- WANTED: Pump to pump water from | tion ditch, approx. 1" suction, ’ charge. Ph. 758-3588« i Eegistration forms for Equestrian Events for Summer Games available from Ivy Nishikawa MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD, - BEEF ROUND •u >•••.lean BEEF PATTIES II LUNCHEON MEAT 1 25II arJ i FOR BARBECUES lb. i 5 12 oz• tins 'v* = The Magfath Elementary School responded enthusiast- | ically to a "Clean-up day" at the school grounds and the fish pond,- Every class dutifully brought hoes and rakes and the day was spent cleaning up the grounds, scrubbing the kitchens and making everything clean and tidy& As a follow up, essays and poems were written and art posters were displayed on this cleanup project. The best of these were chosen, prizes of $5.» $3, $2 being given to first, second and third place,! The first prize in poetiy class was awarded to Miss Callee Davies of Grade Six for the following poems LEAN TO LIKE CLEAN On a beautiful day in May, We decided to have a clean—up day» This news got around from Weat to East, It reached Mr. Wind while eating a feast, "This must be stopped," he raged and fumed, "If they pick up garbage, I’ll be doomedt There’ll be nothing for me to blow away. I must make a plan this very dayo ^e called Miss Sun and told her the news. "You poor Mr, Wind," she fussed and cooed. "You’ll have to go out there and blow and blow, ¿nd maybe, just maybe, they’ll decide not to go." But we did go, in spite of the wind as it blew. We took rakes and shovels and a few brooms too. The wind was furious as mad as could be But we raked all the leaves that were up to our kneel When we were done the wind settled down He saw the clear fish—pcaid and saw the clean ground He looked and he looked and he liked what he’d seen The Sun smiled sweetly and shone where he’d been. "Mr Wind," she said softly, "has learned to like CLEANl" | Callee Davies, MISSING: Pothole Trail Riders Parade Banner. Contact Markf PARENTS: Playground ’74 will be starting this Tuesday, July 2nd on t he East side of the Elementary School. Times are: Preschool (ages 4,5 and 6 who have not been to Gr, 1) - 9 A.N, to 10:30 Aji. Ages 6-8-1 P.M. - 3 P.M. Ages 9 - 12 - 10:30 AJi, - 12:30 p.m. Playground ’74 offers a variety of fun activities for your child this s umroer. For further information and registration call: Janice Toomer - 758-35&1 Virginia Bennett - 758-3-112. SWIMMING POOL NEWS The Swimming Pool is now open«, Family Season Tickets - $25.00 Individual Season Tickets - 19 yrs. & ever - $15.00, 18 yrs. and under $10.00. Single Swim 19 years and over - 50^; 18 years and under — 35^» Lessons begin July 2nd, Price of lessons included in season ticket. Please register for lessons now. Ladies swim classes will be announced later. Mr, and Mrs. Barnie Ririe vf Qualioum Beach, Vancouver Island have been visiting friends and relative's in Magrath and district. .Passey "r Myrna Cook if you know where it is. I . ’i MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. . = .MttlMH BICKS DILLS | 48 or. 890 | •HliHIH.UlIHMllllliHU*. . RITZ CRACKERS) BICKS RELISH i?. 2 / 70^ CHEESE SLICES 16 oz. W. F, Singles 570 SALAD DRESSING COOKING OIL W. F. 32 oz 690 W. F. 32 oz» •k^^^hhhhhwbbhhhkhhhhhhhhhhbbhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhwhhhhhhhhhhhhhí* NECTARINES - CALIFORNIA . lb. ORANGES - VALENCIA . .4 lb. bags. 590 790 ON IONS-local. . . 2 /27 0 GRAPES - GREEN. . . lb. 590 WATERMELON - MEXICAN. . 2 lbs . . 2xjC