Magrath Store News (March 23, 1962)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: STORE HOURS: OFFICE 21 GROCERIES 364 ■ Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday . Wednesday «•.••.3 A.M. to 1 P.M. DRY GOODS 124 HAR...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1962
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: STORE HOURS: OFFICE 21 GROCERIES 364 ■ Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday . Wednesday «•.••.3 A.M. to 1 P.M. DRY GOODS 124 HARDWARE 34 ,.,. .»3 A.M, to 6 P.M. ,.Saturday «.8 A.M. to 7 P,M. Friday, March 23rd, 1962 ,,. .Magrath, Alberta. • ••••••••••••••«■•a • • • a o Upstairs dept. » a a • • • a • • :«X«A».» ::aa**S «aaSa3a*; t*»•a•S•*;»*a ■S•«*a**a*a>. .•.•.•.•.•.•.•. •••••••. . » « • * « » • a • • • •••«••»*• • • a DRESSES • Ulti I IIIHIIIII DRESS COATS Beautiful new Spring Dress Coats including Sealskins, laminated Fabrics, Bengaline Dusters, Wools, portrait necklines. Popular new |795to 5500 SPORT COATS Smart new Sport Coats featuring new laminated Jerseys and nylons. Also tailored Utility coats in becoming styles. ’ Short and three quarter length, full length in utility' styles Spring shades including Beige, Gold, Olive and Neutral 1^95 to 2995 We have Just unpacked a new shipment of Spring and Sumer Dresses. Lovely terylenes, linens, drip dry cottons, arnelfl SIZES 9 to 24| SLACKS STRETCHY SIACKS - black, very popular this spring, (^95 SUMMER SLIMS - Available in plain shades as well as gay figured numbers. ^69 SIACK SUITS *• smart as can be in a variety of styles. Q Q5 MATERNITY WEAR I SPRING SKIRTS See our new numbers in Maternity Wear. Inducted are Maternity two piece sets, skirts, tops and slacks« PRICED FROM A 95 UP. I WHITE ARNEL •» box pleated. 95 I COTTON STRAIGHT * oorded cotton in black, I brown, blue and green. ^59 BLOUSES GIRIS .«•••be sure and see our new blouses ••'TWIST BLOUSES,.OVER BLOUSES, ANGEL BLOUSES - yes, the very latest fashions, ^98 up. Funeral services for the late Mrs, Amy Fossey were held in the Mhgrath First Ward Chapel Thursday afternoon wi Bishop Ernest Briggs officz ting* Fern Bennett offered the family prayer in the Relief Society'Room prior'*to the service* Opening prayer was by lie C, Fletcher, The choir sang the hymns "Sometime We111 Understand" and "Rest For the Weaiy Soul" accompanied by Mrs, Ririe and conducted by Mrs, Della Holladay, Special musical number was a Male Chorus "0 My Father" accompanied by Mrs, Afton Keeler and conducted by Orson Bridge, Speakers were David Keeler, Willard Paxman, C, C, Spencer, with remarks by Bishop Briggs, Closing prayer was by George Thomson and grave dedication was offered by1 Joe Critchfield, Pallbearers Were Eugene’and Roland Dudley, Blaine Neilson, Eldon Coleman, Russel Blumell and DeVere Chipman, Interment took place in the Migrath cemeteiy. Funeral services for the late Horace Fredrick Blumel were held in the Ifegrath First Ward Chapel Saturday afternoon with Bishop Ernest Briggs presiding and Watson Ririe conducting, Friends'met with the family'in the Relief Society room prior to the service at which time Jim Blumell gave the prayer,' Mrs, J. A, Ririe presided at the organ and accompanied the choir when they sang the hymns "0 My Father" and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere", conducted by Mrs, Della Holladay, Opening prayer was by Arthur Spencer',' Special musical Lumbers were a vocal solo "The Old Rugged Cross" by Hall Poulsen accompanied by Richard Poulsen and a Male Quartet’"Not Now But In the Coming Years" by Wes Rice, L, B, Tanner, Elden Coleman and Cal Alston, Speakers were C, C, Spencer, John H Bridge and Watson Ririe, Closing prayer was by George Thomson and grave dedication by R, E, Blumell, Pallbearers were Russel, Emerson, James Blumell, Karl and Reed Blumel and Roll Head, Interment took place in the Magrath cemetery, Mr, Blumel passed away Thursday morning in the Magixith hospital. He was 63 years of age, Survivors include his widow, the former Ella Toomer; one son Fred; three daughters Mrs, Mary Jane Rice of Santa Rita, Mont, Mrs, Mhrgaret Ann Sugden of Lethbridge, and Carol at home, three grandchildren; two brothers William and Walter of Mhgrath and one sister Mrs, Helen Bingham of Magrath, -X aX -a _x Camera Club members and friends enjoyed an evening of slides and movies Monday night in Sherbals Cafe when Alva Bair and Iawrence Halmrast of Milk River were special guests. They showed a beautiful variety of pictures including a wide range of subjects from Color­ado Canyon, ancient Indian dwellings, Mexican scenes, Yellowknife, Northern Indian Burial grounds, Great and Lesser Slave Lakes and the Jfackenzie River in the Yukon* Ifery" of",the scenes were .of hunting and fishing exploits'/“Both men'ars'celloctors of gamo trophloS, guns, and Indian artifacts and are interesting commentators. At the close of the oveningj-those present enjoyed cake and beverages prepared by Mrs, LaVonne Thompson, M, B, Pharis, \ '* The Assembly Hall was tastefully decorated Wednesday night for the annual 17th of Mhroh program'and dance sponsored by the Magrath First and Second Ward Relief Societies, Luncheon arrangements were in charge of Mrs, Betty Harris and her study class, Mrs* Mary’Dudley, president of the Mhgrath Second Ward Relief Society, welcomed the guests and Mrs, Phoebe Borton, stake president, gave a short talk of the Relief Society!s origin* Blair Sahey was Mister of Ceremonies for the event and introduced the following numbers": Vocal solos by Miss Gwen Legge of Lethbridge accompanied by Roberta Dahl; Tap Danoe numbers by Miss Sharon Miller; Comedy number - ltrs, Maureen Tanner and Mrs, Alice Stevensen; Irish songs by the l&le Quartet Darwin Johnson, L, B, Tanner, Elden Coleman and Cal Alston^Uhicken dance - Darwin Oler of Stirling, The evening concluded with dancing to the Raymond orch­estra , A team of ladies and men from the First Vfeird LDS church conducted a blitz of the town last weekend on behalf of the Red Cross, This organization wishes to thank them for their co-operation and nothing remains now but to tie up the loose end. There Were quite a number of people who were not home and we are going to endeavour to call on them next week* If you were not approached and would care to leave your donation at the Bank it would be app­reciated and save collectors considerable running around. The Red Cross has set a quota for Mhgrath of $1,200 and during the past two years we have oiily collected $755 and $633 respect­ively, Let us get out and give generously so that we may make our objective for the first time in many years like many other communites are doing, S, Terris, CARD OF THANKS: We Wish to express oUr sin­cere thanks for the many cards of sympathy and the acts of kindness which were shown to us during our recent bereavement, Mrs, Ella Blumel and family* CARD OF THANKS: Our heartfelt thanks for the many expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness extended to us during out5 recent bereavement, C, W, Fossey and family. WANTED TO BUY: Home in Magrath with one or two acres of land. Phone 301, Mr, and Mrs. Diok Clark of Provo, Utah have been visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr^and^s.,^ , FTNAL WHIST PARTY - Fhrmhill Community Hall, The family of Mr* and Mrs, George Thomson are holding Open House in honour of their parents Golden Wedding Anniversary Tuesday'^ ‘ Mhrch 27th from 4 until 9 P,M, at’their home, Whey invite their friends to oall. We are supposed to be on time when we curl. We were miles from town when we turned on the radio» The announcer said Arthur Spencer will sing "There Is Someone Greater Than You and I", Then he hurriedly corrected the name "Arthur Godfrey", he said, A wonderful song. Now for the publicity Arthur Spencer received he should procure a copy of the song and sing it* Or better still get John Bridge to sing it. No fooling, Saturday nivht at 8 P.M. A, T&cKay*' ■ 4 • •4.4.4 44 4.4.44 4 4444*4444 44 444 4 4 4444444«IHH^ VEAL STEAK. 790 •'ROLLED VEAL äHOÜIDER 44444«4444.4• 44*444• 44*»»•«»•*iper lb* " jp I*» •» IÀMB SHOUIDER 441 • • « i * • • • • • • • • » 41 • • • * * 4 •. 4 » » 1 « 14* Xb* 59 $ 55 $ PICNIC HAMS - SHOUIDER . ‘ 4 6 to 8 lb, aVobago hh|* ÍK 450 BACON -BURNS sliced per lb. 59$ I Sliced (PORK* HAM LOAF | Per Lb . . 590 t ? UHMHHmi4tiMMimH4Ui44hnmilHU4lttllMt1lli4ltl4llliiltHUnifllimtUmiHtlWllt|l444milMIH|*lfill|HHItlHhHI«tflU>llillli PANTRY SALE AND LUNCHEON Saturday, Ifcrch 25th in Sherba’s Cafe from 2 to 5 P.M. Long Johns, Meat Pies. Cakes, Pies, etc. on sale. Dunoh 500 plate. Magrath 1st & 2nd Ward Relief Societies. 3urns ‘Brand UVER SAUSAGE NUGGETS . .each 300 LOST, STRAYED, OR STOIEN * from the MyU Feed Lot - one 2 year old sorrel filly* Anyone with information, please oottta8i the Offloe* Ifcgrath First and Second Wards are Spenr soring the Calgary Chorus in an Evening of Song, Saturday, March 24th in’ the tagiBth 1 Assembly Hall af 8 P.M. Admission Adults 01»oo, students 500* Refreshments will be sold, Prooee’ds go towards a as* P.A. system for Assembly Hall. .4 • The ffegrath Chamber ef Commeree Is **o«v soring a conducted tour of Oanada Packer* Plant In Lethbridge. Whteh for the dat* tn next week’s paper. -Those interested ge| touch with C* S.Mitkln. > ri I :I * M ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN IADIES AJp m vA^l MU their regular monthly meeting at’ tta httio’oC Mrs. Nettie Hlllmer, Wednesday. Marc* ‘Wlkf at 2 P,M. Ruth Salber*- See. ’ ’ • Ing their annual Banquet Saturday, March 31at poR SA IE* Weaver B 4 rifle scope with at 7 P.M. in the United Church Hall. Gift ’ Blank gun» B. B. gun. Duane Wiytne. Rlafe. your tickets early and aVoid disappointment. : * . f They can be obtained’ ffltob member or An the Hardware Dept of the ’Trading Co. W.G.R. PARENTS OF BEGINNERS* A sooaid beginner’s . registration will be held Friday. M^rch 23rd < at the Elementary Sohool at 3*15*P.M. Students whose sixth birthdate falls on or before 0ot. 31st will be eligible without testing. B, W, Dow, Principal. FOR SALE* 1 lamb. David Tanner. FOR SALE* 1952 Dodge half ton. Bob Gorham Registered Hereford bulls. G. Helgeson, Del Bonita. FOR SALE* 5 year old Gurnsey^Jersey Wilk __ Gow - to’freshen soon« Howard Holladay Ph,312 jjpS ' ’___ * ' L,' BANQUET* Magrath Rod and Gun Club are hold* FOR SALE* 5 WANTED* Housealeanlng Work. Centaet Mmrlwis, Whitehead above Gltljen’s Lumber Oe. er phone 144« ANNUAL MEETING - the annual meeting of the Magrath Irrigation District will be held in the Town Hall, Friday, Tferch 30th at 2 P.M. Horace Ririe, Seo* OWL PANTRY SA IE AND SUE OF CABBAGE J*OU£ ($1,00 dosen) in Sherfca’s Cafe Saturday £ March 31st, 2-5 P.M. Phene order* <* 181 ** 382. 1 RACK GF GIRLS DRESSES w Ginghams, Drip Dry Cottons, cte. Ideal for School. DRY GOODS DEPT UPSTAIRS REMNANTS:™ . .TERYIENE. .GINGHA1©. .PRINTS. .BROADCLOTH DRAPERY. .DENIT6. .NET. .CRYSTAL CHARM. .TAFFETA.DRIP DRY COTTulS,. LEOTARDS I Childrents and / | Misses Leotards in assorted styles and ool<>re REGUIAR $2,98 & $3.98.00°/ ¿(J/oUrT Priscilla Cctrtains-. Priscilla Curtains •• 38 x 84 in float! patterns. |98 IP LUg-, Cotton Piping •' all colors, 5 yards on a card. REGUIAR 25?;,., |C a ■ I SIZES-- to 16 t f !x f= Girls Cotton Percale and Glazed Cotton slips, White only, Assorted styles. REGUIAR $1,93. 75 II I EI E| e _ MEN'S «r BOYS' WEAR BOYS OVERSHOES Boys’ Black 4 buckle ovcrrLc~", Boys’ Brown pull on Flyer boots. VALUES to $5-^0 '-^99 t E 3 =fi MEN’S DRESS PANTS - assorted styles. VALUES TO $9.95 BOYS DRESS OXFORDS. VALUES TO f- cry »095^. 5°U MTNS DRESS OXFORDS «95 j XX I '•••Ml 595 DRESS PANTS, assorted styleB 77 95 and colors. VALUES TO $12.95 r\c Q9d MEN’S ERESS PANTS j assorted .s.tyles.and.colons.,.VALUES.$16.50 UttHIMIHillttltHlItllHIIIItl X iIKE Hinn LADJES DRESSES 1 rack of ladies cottons, jerseys, printed silks, taffetas, etc.' HaU GIFT ITEMS : GIFT PACKAGED TEA APRONS, LINGERIE •* slip and panty sets, Nightgown sets, etc, Your choice .20% OFF HARDWARE (gardening JMeeds t Now is the time to start vmir tomato plants, cabbage plants, pop-a-'-'er etc. WE HAVE .A GOOD STOCK OF PEAT POTS, ¿¿EDS,. PEAT MOSS, eto» AEROWAX ~ now formula. ECONOMI SIZE, Saif polishing, 'will not yellow, longer lasting. GO LARGE ECONOMY SIZE. REG, $1.98.,. GOOD ADVICE If you your lips Would keep from slips, Five things observe with caret Of who you speak, And how, and when, and where. If you your ears Would keep from jeefrs. These things keep meekly hid» Myself and I,"* And mine and my, And how "I” do or did. I SINGLE LIGHT F ¿XRDWARE DF°T BROODERS 4 LIGHT BROODER - automatic control PRICE - 1795 250 watt - . -¡r 4/0 FOUNTS. G_LA_S_S_ W_A_T_ER_ _F_O_UN_T_S - with galvanized base - I £Q WATERING TROUGH : 8 ft, trough with auto­matic valve complete with hose and "no roosting device, | yj 25 FEEDERS-. 36” galvanized feeders with adjustable legs and rotating top. P50 50 POUND HANGING FEEDERS -pz25 CORRUGATED FENCING: Corrugated paper fond* ing to keep chicks from straying away from brooder. 35ft. lengths * Q5^ QUART JARS - with galvanized fount base, BROODER WAFERS - MEDICINAL NEEDS - LIGHTS. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell of Lethbridge are the proud'parents of a daughter ( a sister for Cameron and Kevin) born'"Saturday in a Lethbridge hospital. Mrs. Campbell is the former Joyce Spring. Patients in the Magrath Municipal Hosp« ital during the past week included Mrs. Finn, Mrs. Miry Lou Minor, Miss Leslie Slndlinger, Gordon Card, Nick Ponomar, Mr. Flamin, Mr. Francis Bingham^ Mrs. Rose Salberg, Mrs. Maude Rasmussen, Mrs. Esther Anderson, Mrs. Lillian Minor, Maughn Melson, Ronnie Burgess, Larry Skiba, Mrs, Blekert, Mrs. Helen Jorg­ensen and daughter and Mr. Powell Foggin, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Miller are visiting in Dutchess, Alberta with their son and daughter­in- law, Mr, and Mrs. Kay Miller Electric Heaters with fans. Take"the chill off that back bedroom or bathroom* COMBINATION HEATER AND FAN - 1500 watt, dial the heat you desire. qe REGULAR $24.95 . "7 x AUTOMATIC HEATER - simply dial the «mount of heat you wish, qc REGUIAR $21,95 . ¡5^3 1500 WATT HEATER with automatic controls. REGULAR $18.95. | ßQ5 OFF & ON COMBINATION FAN AND HEATERS - a choice of stylés REGUIAR $15,95*. 1295 The1 Del Bo'riita Border 4 H Beef Club held it’s monthly meeting on March 10th at the United Church. Ronnie Rasmussen gave a re­port on Warble Control, Leota Strate follow­ed with a report on”Minerals"in the Diet of a Calf", Mr, D. Steed gave more information on the Public Speaking contest. Linda Powlesland, reporter. 10 POUND The fallout,' I sigh, That causes me dread Isn’t stuff from the sky, It’s hair from ray head. 5 POUND L E I T 0 S A N Regular $7«95.,^)25 I THE T-tAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. McBrine 3 piece LUGGAGE SETS including Train Case, Wardrobe Case and Over­night case REGUIAR $42.90 SEE OUR SEED DRESSING DISPLAY IN THE HARDWARE, 1EN'S<r BOYS WEAR 15” Men’s 15" Atlantic Red Sole Men* s 12" Adanac Red Sole IMPORTED BOOTS Men*s Boys* « • • Men* s 6-12 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bullock and daughter of Edmonton are visit­ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Sheridan. RUBBERS plain, Size Imported Boots , Imported Boots , Youth’s Imported Boots RUBBER BOOTS : CANADIAN MADE Men’s Irrigation, steel shank F/L Wm. Harker and'Mrs. Harker and children'*of Edmonton visit­ed with his mother Mrs. Christie Harker during the weekend. ASUAL PANTS COMBED COTTON AND POLYESTER FIBRE - washable, permanently water repellent. Fully crease resistant, durable. In checks and plaids, COLORS» Grey, Tan, Olive Boys* Men’s plain, Size Stretch-Eez Mr. and Mrs, Joe Godfrey of Picture Butte were Sunday visitors at the homes of their parents, Mrs, Eva Godfrey and Mr. and Mrs. Elige Bourne. Miss Grethe Hansen, Miss Beverly Baxter and Ken Robinson of Jim Elliot to Calgary at the weekend where they attended a Hi 1-5 200 225 Merlin Miller returned Sun­day* to the R.C.A.F, station in Edmonton after visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Merkley returned home recently from Hines Creek where they visited her son-in-law and daughter Mr, and Mrs, Stevart Balderson and family. Work boots' REGULAR $13.50 Ideal WATERPROOF WORK BOOTS Leather liwd, gro cork vulcanized to uppers, seam-sealed process. REGUIAR $19.95 . WELUNGTON STYIE PULL Black side leather all purpose boot, pull on style. 9 95 LIMITED NUMBER OF MEN’S AND BOYS* FAIL AND WINTER JACKETS. PRICED TO CIEAR, IAMINATED JERSEYS, VTNYIS, NYLONS, SUEDES. PRICED FROM $5.95 TO $24.95 Mrs. Veale of Creston, B gisiting her san-in-law and daugh ter Mr. and Mrs. Tony Navratil. COWBOY KING JEANS -'tan in color. Men’s sizes, for spring. g xx A small fSrm boy, shop for his mother’s waiting in the beauty _ hair to dry, walked impatiently over to her and said: "How much longer will you be under the brooder?" SHOP AT THE MAGRA TH TRADING COMPANY UNITED, YOUR "ONE STOP" SHOPPING CENTRE . ‘ - or young Del Bonita accompanied Rev. C rail people. Exclusive |495 0N*S BROWN LEATHER WORK BOOT: Sturdy wtfrk boot, dure cork sole. Plain toe for roomy comfort. REGULAR $11.95. Q95 BLACK LEATHER WORK BOOT: Rugged construction with triple leather sole. REGULAR $13.95 DRY GOODS DFPT Visit our BABY DEPT. FANCI PANTIES t Aqua seal FANCI PANTT plastic pants for infants. Assorted styles including ruffled backs. Pastel colors REGUIAR . DIAPER BAGS t Roomy diaper bags in plastic'.* Fiberglass insulation with divided compartments for bottles, diapers» ^98 PLASTIC HANGERS « colorful plas­tic hangers for Infanta With animal figure» on hanger. Carte» ef 6* REGULAR 59? Mr« and Mrs. Warren Wilde and children of Edmonton were weekend visitors in Ifegrath and Welling when they visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton, his mother, Mrs. Minnie Wilde and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilde. Mrs. Jean Blumell, Miss Jean Blumell, Mr, and Mrs. Wendall Davies and son Bob all of Calgary were Ifegrath visitors during the weekend when they attended the funeral of the late Horace BTumel. Also in attendance was Mr. R, E. Blumell from the University in Missoula, Mont, Mr. and MTS, Rex Norton recent Mxgrath visitors of Vancouver were ya ARNEL AND COTTON» Wash­able Arnel and Cotten Dress Fabric in gay­pink and white or green and white check, 45** wide ytrnel: Arnel full length slips - just in. Tricot'‘pleated bodice * and hem with lace trim. A. beautifully tail-rod. White only pleated tricot and laoe trim. Shadow pahel front White. Small, Medium, large. The closing parsy of the ladies Ourllng Glub Was'held at the Curling rink last Wednesday with 15 members and 2 visitors present. OwAlng was enjoyed aftexvhich lunch Was served and prises awarded with Mrs. Winnie Mhlert’s rink reoeiving the prize for the most Wins while Mrs« Gladys Sheer’s rink were the cheerful Toders« It Was very nice to have an ew-ourler member present, that being Mrs. Irene Johnsen of Lethbridge. ’* Speelal thanks to all who came and helped r*ke this an enjeyable afternoon. G. Mai, Sec. 750 NOXZEMA HAND LOTION-. hand lotioH for lovely hands, Ketya them soft and Smooth« 10 iX* suave hair spray» new«*ve hi» SPRAY - sprays body in, sprays control Un, sprays shining beauty in, | x£ BRYLCREEM: 12-g- fl. oz. for smart hair I grooming. Checks dry scalp, relieves loose j dandruff. | |Q [CUP SOAP: Colgate Oup Soap far shaving | Handy size, F/L Allan Coleman and son Billy of Trenton, Ont. visited with his parents Mr, and MTs. Leo Coleman last week. I FIii III I tI ♦ Ii I nylon flock« A dainty nylon fabric so nice for little ' girls’ dresses, blouse?, etc. Pink with white dot, blue with white dot? 45" wide . . 139 yd. Hr? :: tn n:rrr:: ::xxnmr:r tttHfwrrn: xx Itrs what you learn after you know it all that Counts, 3 POUND HNS «IHIIIIMHIUHiHKiliHUlloimilHiHIHIlhllllHMtIIIHHlIHtUlllllHlililUIHIllllllHNIIlliNHiHIlllllllHlIHHli TOMATO JUICE REINZ PURITAN OR BURNS ASSORTED 3 oz. tins PIE FILLINGS SUmiPE appiè | PER TIN. 2Ç 0 FORT GARRY COFFEE 750 YEUXJW IABEL ,por Uty ¿ 48 oz« tins I Mr Spie C/ean .Iargesize , cr O P CL/3.Economy Size . «« r'l I .SHERRIFF^.strawberry, & sherry • f -ft oe, faro \ c .LIPTONS OHIOKEN NOODIE 4” fcr TOILET TISSUE .Ballet 4 Paok.» rolls for 450 . . IltiHIIHUil IHJlttlllHIMH lOUillilUIMIUI Hil Jresh. ^Produce BANANAS. APPLES ,Mao Intoeh golden yellow . .¿2 ! J 1 i i i . i . «.6 quart basket ••••*»••«« t • ‘ ♦ I ! 1 ! J 1 ) ! GRAPEFRUIT. 3 PEPPERS . .«green .«•».•••«»«per lb» pinks for 290 390 WE HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF HUH) CHDOOIATE EGGS, HOILOW GOODS, ÖAMJY EGGS, BASKETS, eto.