Magrath Store News (November 11, 1960)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. OFFICE 21 GROCERIES 364 • 11th, I960 PHONES: "" ( Friday, November DRY GOODS 124 HARDWARE 34 . .Ifegrath, Alberta REMEMBRANCE...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1960
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. OFFICE 21 GROCERIES 364 • 11th, I960 PHONES: "" ( Friday, November DRY GOODS 124 HARDWARE 34 . .Ifegrath, Alberta REMEMBRANCE DAY i960 How snail a thing" "it is this act - Remembrance: A petal taken from our""flowering thoughts, A sigh that narks a nonent of crur breath. How snail a thing it is this act « Renenbrance: For what we owe to'"those whose thoughts once flowered, Whose shining dreams were spent for us - in death. STORE CLOSED FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II TH. IIMlilllHIliiHliMIIHUIIIIIHIiltHliniiHllillliHMtlhlllMIKHIIHIIIUHillilliUlllHlllilHHIIttilllHIItHHIIIlllHllillllllHimilillHI E.N’S^ BOYS' WEAR BOYS TIE ENSEMBLES STRETCHY SOX WITH MATCHING BOW TIE, gift boxed. DOW TIE, TIE, HANKIE, TIE BAR & CUFF LINKS, boxed . 150 295 790 WESTERN TIE with LEATHER BELT, cello boxed . |69 DRESS TIE with GOLD METAL TIE BAR, cello boxed. 79 0 BOW TIE, MATCHING HANKIE, nicely boxed BOYS SHIRT SETS DRESS : boys handsome white or figured dress shirts, nicely gift boxed with gay bow tio and cuff links, | ^g ^98 SPORT Smart figured sport shirts, nicely gift boxed with attractive western tie. Assorted colors. Here is a gift that is sure tp please. T-lf BAR,CUFF LINK SETS Handsome tie bar and cuff link sets, nicely gift boxed. Assorted settings and designs in gold plated metal. |QO TQ WALLETS Leather wallets, suitable for either boys or girls. Contains 32 picture windows, change purse, identification window. All leather, handsomely' finished. Truly the wallet with the $5.00 look. Black or brown, ONLY. appealing Sizes: each. BOYS' SWEATERS COMO CARDIGANS : Orlon Cardigan sweaters, three button front with trim, COLORS': Gold, Olive, Grey, Small, Medium, large, ¡5^0^ COWBOY BOOTS Cowboy Boots for the little ”Buc]aaroo,,. Assorted designs in tones of brown or black. Children’s and'Juve 5 to 5i. $6.95 to 511.95. I/ BOYS LEATHER BOOTS Boys’ Brown leather boots «• here is a real buy, Neolite sole, Mooaasin stitched vamp. Neat in appearance, long wearing, SIZES: 13 to 3.Zj.98 WHEN SHOPPING FOR MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR, WE WILL BE GIAD TO ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR GIFT PROBLEMS. HARDWARE DEPT WE INVITE YOU TO USE OUR PAYMENT WILL HOLD ANY TOY "LAY AWAY PLAN". A SMALL DOWN OR GIFT FOR YOU. HOSTESS CHAIRS ROCKERS: Smart host' ess rockers on stationary legs . C omf orta bly sha ped arms and back. Finished in cotton and nylon frieze COLORS: Toast* Turquoise,’ ? ^^95 REGULAR HOSTESS I Armless hostess chairs, deep cushioned seat, comfortably carved back. Green shade. The annual fall supper held at the Ifegrath United Church Saturday evening and sponsored by the W A groups was an outstand success’.* Receiving the guests were Rev, Mrs, Jin Elliot and Mrs, E, E. Pharis, cafeteria style supper was served under direction of Mrs. W.J, Rice president of Senior W, A, with table arrangenents and serving was supervised by Mrs. Stu Van Horn, ing and The the the Mrs’,* Iydia Fellger was the lucky winner of the "monkey" on which tickets were sold by the Cheer Leaders Club. DOLLS 3 year old size dolls. Life like features saron rooted hair. Gay cotton dress, socks and loafers, REGULAR $15.95 . SEWING MACHINES ZENITH DIAL-O—MATIC - superb easy running completely automatic, even beginners can do smooth straight sewing. Forward and reverse stitch^ Automatic bobbin winder, built-in patchonatic and many more feat' ures. |/|_*g95 STANDARD STRAIGHT SEW: Has pushbutton forward and reverse, built-in patchoriatic, seven speed control, automatic bobbin winder, floating foot, sews over pins and heavy soams. So many more features too, come and sec, USE OUR EASY LAY. AWAY PLAN. POLE LAMPS •5W Modernize your lighting with one of these "Pole or Tree Lamps" Three bullet-type reflectors on pole with brackets which adjust to send light in any direction. ^i3^QSS finished, 2495 W FLOOR LAMPS Modern floor da rips with attractive shades in parchment and fibre glass. Stands are'*of brads, with wood and ceramic trim. An ideal family gift, | TABLE LAMPS Full size Table lamps in a large assortment of shapes, Sizes and styles. Eases are of metal, wood and pottery. Note the new deep shades. | |95 EE SURE AND USE OUR HANDY LAY­AWAY PIAN, A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE FOR YOU. LUGGAGE train case A - ' Jïi» - - '» V» « r”’.; • 'Writ it. • V < t Mr. and Debbie of Cow Island were Tbgrath visitors at the weekend, guests of the Ralph Arndts. HOCKEY GAMES Electric Hockey games that are'sure to prove 1095 PYJAMA BAGS Cuddly plush Pyjama Dags - poodles with long Zippered tummies for inserting > Pink, Blue, ¿[Q Mr’.* and Mrs. Orville Hillner left Tues­day morning for Logan, Utah where they will attend the funeral service of Mrs, Hillner’s brother-in-law Mr. Ube Johnson. Mr, Johnson passed away Saturday. TRADING COMPANY WILL REMAIN CLOSED FRIDAY, Mrs, îfcx Andersen and daughter Well constructed 3 piece floppy ears'.’ ! luggage sets with attractive Nour PJ’jQmas. vinyl plastic leather-like coverings that will not scuff. Lustrous rayon linings Set consists of Wardrobe case, overnight case and Smart colors to choose from, REGULAR $43.85 2995 THE NOVEMBER 11th, ARMISTICE DRY GOODS GIFT SUGGESTIONS, There 1b a rax-iety of novelty itens awaiting you in the Dry Goods Dept. QcdogneSi Assorted fragrances in dec­orative gift bottles 3 fragrance sets. DEPT > Included are packaged 290 to 01,85. £?f/u/TI(?5 ! Dainty perfunes in sriirt little bottles-.with fancy bell stand. 790 Assorted perfunes for the young niss and delicate fragrances for Mon. 590 UP. JiQtk : Here is an item that * is sure to please young and old alike. Dainty fragrances in Bubble Bath. Available in ’ ’ assorted containers. 690 to $1.49. G'/f Sets : We have a good assortment of gift sets for the Little Miss, for the Teenager and for Mother too. 980 up. UPSTAIRS DEPT . G I RDLES : Fortuna Combination Girdles by Grenier. Double stons ch control, two way stretch. Good uplift bra. Just the gament for sheaths, pleated skirts, etc. s$15.00 KIDDIES MITTS • POLAR PAIS - plastic Mig Fab outers with pile lining which fort# a cuff. Ski style. $1.39. - DE - ICERS - waterproof nylon nitts with ski style elastic Cuff. $1.25 each. APRONS : Included in our display are Tea Aprons in gaily patterned prints, crisp organdies and plastics. " — ‘ colorful prints . Cobbler Aprohs in to 01.25 LINGERIE : Lingerie Takes ideal gifts for the Indies on your shopping list. We have a nice display of nightgowns, slips and panties. $2.49 UP. 1 TAFFETAS Plaid taffetas in back- I -ground colors of Red, Blue or frown. 36" wide. REG. 890 . F)Q(^ PRINTS, BROADCLOTHS f iou will find a good assortment of gailyE patterned prints as well as /i a broadcloths for fall sewing, ¿4^ V * I MEN'S BOYS WEAR JA J3 MEN’S Al® BOYS’ LIGHT WEIGHT JACKETS, LIr AI® UNLINED. ASSORTED STYLES lALr PR COLORS* SIZES! ni iniiiiiiniHUHui limili. . LIMITED QUANTITY OF BOYS SHIRTS INCLUDING I COTTONS, FLANNELETTE, DRIP DRY PRINTS, ETC .HALF PRICE . ,’IIVI,lUU1“1,,Utl’""lll’U,IHIUI,"1U,l'lll,"lullllulll,'ll’IIHlHlllHUIIIilli:iHHHIIIIUIIIHimillHllllllllllilHhllUlllimi CUFFLINK STOLE SET. REGUIAR -$4.50 G • : ? Indies Fall and Winter Kits in felts, velvets and velours. $4.95 to $6.95 HARDWARE DEPT PEDESTAL DESK : Single pedestal desk with 3 drawers on side and one across top. Snart netal drawer pulls. $33.95 GIFTWARE : We have on display new glass­ware, chinaware, figurines. See then soon. NORTH-RITE BEN SPECIAL . Canadian Blue Ink ball point yen. REG. 490 with FREE Red ink ball point c CLERK: "What do you want for a dine . the earth with a white fence around it?" LITTLE GIRL: "Let ne sec it, please." STORE CLOSED FRIDAY NOV. 11 th. RELEMDRANCE day. ‘ ‘ 95 November 2nd, 1959« A year ago the McIntyre Ranching Co, finished harvesting. It snowed that night. On'the above date they threshed 20,000 bushels of wheat. Three thresh­ing machines and 12 combines working. It was the beginning of a long cold winter with a heavy snow fall,” By Miy 1st there'was over two feet of snoW in the ridge South of town. We had two cats making a trail to move sheep 20 miles to lambing quarters. The following limerick appeared six years ago when Jack Kennedy, the new U,S, President defeated Henry Cabot Lodge Jr, (for Senator in Missachusetts), Lodge was again defeated by Kennedy in Tuesday’s eleotion. He was running mate with Nixon for President and vice­president respectively, . "Here’s to Massachusetts, The land of the bean and cod. Where the Cabots speak only to Lodges, And the Lodges speak only to God", A wedding of interest to Migrath res­idents took place in the Coutts United Church recently when Rev, 0, Iavene united in marriage Miss Joan Bourgeous and Mr, ' Charles Ruyle, The bride is the daughter of Mr, and MTs. Fred Bourgeous of Coutts and formerly of Magrath, the groom'‘is the son of Mr.' and Mrs, Earl Duncan of Comanche, OklA* home. Attending the couple'Were Miss Adel* ine Lippa of Lethbridge aS mid of honor . Ifiss Judy DourgeouS of Coutts as bridesmaid while Mr,'William Cook of Maple Creek, Sask", was best man, Ushers'were Mr, Dennis Fromm of Raymond and Mr, Janes Barrows of Coutts, At the reception that followed the toast te tho'bride was proposed by Mr, Mose From of Raymond, Reception assistants were Mrs, Louise Dow and'Mrs, James Robinson,' The bride and groom will make their home in Maple Creek| Sask, A family party was h'eld at the George Gurney home Monday, November 7th, honoring him on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Refreshments were followed by a program and taking pictures. Two beautiful birthday cakes adorned the tables. Those present besides the guest of Honor, his wife and daughter Leoru were Emery, Earl Gurney and Nyal Fletcher families, Mr, and !frs, Norman Law, Mr, Arch Howes, Walden, Rose, Brice, Doreen and Wayne Gurney, Warren, Marilyn and ¡Judith Hariris, Adele, Ross, Peggy Ann and Paul Coleman of, Mr, and Mrs, Glen Gurney, Mr, and Mrs, Ron Passey, Donna and Keith, Mr, and Mrs, Martin Gurney, Mr, and Mrs. Clove Fletcher and Linda C-urnoy of Lethbridge, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Wilde and family of Welling and'Mr, and Mrs, Willard Fletcher of Clnresholm» NOTICE: Pre Christmas Special at Donelda’s Beauty Shop, Pcrmnonts regular $10,00, ■ $12.50, $15.00 and $20,00 HALF PRICE,"Shampoo cut and finger wave included. Sale commences November 15th and ends November 30th, Donelda Lhvratil, . FOR S1IE: 1 single shot 22 rifle. Ph. 335. Kent Hansen, NOTICE: A few years ago the First Ward M,I. A. had 5 black tail coats, 5 tuxedo jackets, and a number of vests and dross pants. Now we can locate only 3 coats, If you have any of these or know where they are, phone 253 and will will pick them, up. They arc needed Friday for the Ward Reunion, First Ward M,I,A, The following report on a Fire Drill held in the Elementary School was written by Dallas Rarick of grade six. MAGRATH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EMPHASIZES FIRE PROTECTION: Two successful Fire Drills were oarried out in the Magrath Elementary School recently. The first drill was to evacute the entire building. Three regular exits were used. The school was emptied in forty seconds. The second exercise was to evacuate the upper floor. The two fire escapes were used one on the south side and one on the north* The studonts cooperated in both exercises* They were oautioned not to run or panie on the way out, blit to move with dispatch. The school has not had a fire since its erection in 19t?e In case of one however the children would be prepared. The teachers are to be congratulated on their response to training. President Vinessa Hamilton took charge of special Relief Society services in the Migw rath First Ward Church Sunday ovening, Speqj ial speakers were Mesdames Joyce Holladay, Rhoda. Larson, Helen Dahl and Vinessa Hamilton, The Singing Mothers rendered special voaal numbers and were led by Mrs, Winnie Ehlert and accompanied by Mrs. Freda Fletcher, Mrs, Miureen Tanner sustained the officers and Mas, Gean Wheeler presided at the organ for prelude and postlude music. Flower arrange­ments were in charge of Its, Iyda Poulsen and Mrs, Lizadore Crookston, • At the regular monthly meeting of the Evening W, A, held Tuesday evening at the home of"Mrs, Stan Morris, plans for the forthcoming play and Minstrel Show were discussod. The event will take place Friday, November 25th in the Mxgreth* United Church Hall^comnoncing'ht 8 P.M. Admission is W*s,Eric Hohm is direotor of the ehtertainnont| with Mrs, Morris music accompanies^. Following the business meet» ing refreshments were served by Mrs, Morris, Mrs, Leonard Whitt and Mrs, Allen Owens, POOR FISHING. The stranger stopped his car to watch an angler on the river bank. The fisherman caught a big pike, but threw it back. The stranger said nothing. The fisherman then landed a large trout, but threw that back also,” Finally, he caught a small perch, and smilingly deposited it in his bag, The stranger was naturally curious, "Say,11 he called cut, "why did you throw those two big ones back and keep the snail ones?" ” - — ■ The fisherman shrugged: "Small frying ran." he replied.Juicy tn flavorful, per lb. TENDER BEEF T BONE STEAKS 750 SPRING LAMB SHOULDER ROASTS 3 to 4 lb. avg. per lb,.,,,,,, 450 DEVON BRAND PORK SAUSAGES each 69 0 li lb. pkgs. PORK LEG ROASTS 590 Meaty n1 tender, per lb., '•IIIMlllllllllllMIIIIIII.IIIIIKiiUlllllllHllillinHHUIIIKIMHlHIIMlIHlIlllillllllHnilllinillllllliilllllHMHIIIIMMUOluXliHIH BABY BEEF SIRLOIN STEAKS lb,c,B,. 690 .HltilHIIIlUilHIillHUiniltnlllHIKHilinilinHIHIlIllIMIHMlI f I E E i I E Choice cuts, per lb. MHlIIVIMlUUlHHIUitllUUlIlUIIHHinitHIHlIlllllinlUillltHHtUI CDCCU SMOKED COD Fillets ,. .per lb^ 490 hllllllHIIIlUllltllllllllHIIHIIIIIIItllllnillhlUHHIIIIIIIIKlHUIIIIIHIIIH'tlililMHIUlllllllHHIlUHIIllllllHHIHIIHHItHHHIUllHUt iHllHWHUHinlillllHUHIIUMhlHHlHIHlHjiyUliniHHlIHHUnillimUiUUlinmillHIIHUlliHnHIintMHllHlMlUIHIWlHhlUIUMMWiMtU Ifeny requests have been received for the foliowing recipe. Any ladies wishing--to submit''further'recipes, especially for Christmas are most welcome to do so. HLEMiEh FRUIT CAKE .Mrs, Vade Drown, 1 lb. butter 1 lb. brown sugar 12 eggn (separated 4 cups flour 1 lb. seeded raisins 1 lb. currants 2 lb. Sultana raisins 2 lb. dates li lh. shredded citron i lb. candied 1 lb. cocoanut " pineapple 1 lb. orange & lemon peel 2 cups walnuts’ 1 cup grape jelly or § cup strawberry jam i lb, pecan nuts 1 lb, blanched almonds 1 tsp. cinnamon 2 tsp, nutmeg li tsp, allspice 1 tsp, cloves grated rind 3 orwage« 3 tsp. vanilla 2 sq, bitter chocolate 2 tsp. almond ext, 1 wine glass brandy (use raspberry juice) i cup pineapple juice. 4 tsp. rose water. METHOD: Prepare''fruit and soak in fruit '* • juices. Soak almonds in rose water. Cream butter, add sugar. Add egg yoks, then jam or jelly and melted chocolate. Beat. Add flavoring and omrnge rind, then flour, fruit and nuts. lastly add stiffly beaten egg whites. Line pans with 4 thicknesses of brown paper, Dake 4 hours'at 270’. Makes about 18 pounds or ¿"medium size loaf tins. Excellent for Christmas or wedding cake, a •••••••• • Mr. and Mi’s, Smith Ackroyd left Mon­day for Logan, Utah where they will spend the winter months. OUR TOYS ARE NOW BEING PUT ON DISPLAY IN THE HARDWARE, SHOP EARLY, USE THE HANDY IAY-AWAY PIAN, Hardware Dept, NOTICE»"Remembrance Day Services will be held this coming Friday, November Uth at St, John’s Lutheran Church commencing at If A,M. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. The service will be conducted by Reverend Ronald Kudick, the Pastor of St, John’s, The organ* 1st for the Service will be Miss Donna Hill* mer. The sermon topic will be "Veterans of the Gross and Veterans of the Flag, Rev, Ronald Kudick, FOR SALE: A few Sussex pullets about ready to lay, Mrs. Mhhlon Bourne, Ph, 334. WANTED» Two hundred bushel of feed barley. Joe Muzer. Phone 358. FOR SALE: Ping Pong table. $25»00, t ’’ A. P. Holladay, WANTED: Sewing and alterations. Ph, 291 ltrs. Dill Elliott FOUND: "The Children Sing”, a second Ward Primary book. News Office, FOR SALE: 1 baby scale, l'single size youth bed, girls Singer sewing ma.chine. All in very good condition, Mrs. Phil Carter Ph 278 The Seventies’ TJuorun held an enjoyable banquet in thé Assembly Hall recently when a turkey dinner was served to seventy guests, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Harket, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Coleman and Mr. and Mrs, Blaine Norton were in charge. Following the dinner a program was presented at* which Doug Harker acted as Master of Ceremonies.I GROCERY DEPT (POWDERED MILK ss ( 3 POUND SWEET MILK BRAND. 1 lb. FREE CHOCOLATE CH IPSHCONDENSED MILK ¡D®iry Nfciid •»•••••••••••«•• •• pkg• 9• • 270 Borden’s Eagle Brand Sweetened *. 350 s .OWL BRàI© . per carton GRAPES . Red Emperor LETTUCE . •.per lb. . .per lb. too 270 CABBAGE. 2 lb=. 13 0 GRAPEFRUIT. ¡m^,.2 fOT 250 MARSHMALLOWS - Angelous, white or colored . pkg« 300 THEATRE NEWS: Tonight, Thursday NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS with ,Andy Friffith. Friday and Sat­urday THE GUNFIGHT AT DODGE CITI starring Joel McCrea. Cinemascope, color. Wednesday MUSTANG with Jack Bcutel. Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Walt Disney’s TODY TYLER in tech­nicolor. A mother and her snail daughter were attending a symphony concert. During a brill' la nt movement, the child, who was watching the conductor intently’/ whispered: "Mima, what makes the man so mad? They’re playing as fast as they can, aren’t they?” UPSTAIRS „ „„I, r— DEPT Assorted Colors Mr. and Mrs'.' Bert Tooner accompanied by Miss Idell Tooner and Mrs. Harden Anderson returned home Monday from a holiday in Northern Alberta where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Benzil Coleman and Betty Jane in Peace River We have just received some new quilted nylon and quilted tricto dusters to add to our display. Rich colors of Green, Mauve, Rose and Pink. Ideal gifts for ladies and teenagers on your shopping list. Sizes: 12 to 20. Qg |Iq95 Special Relief Society programs were held in the Migrath First and Second Ward Churches Sunday evening. In the Second Ward Church Mrs. Blanche Tferkley was in charge of the service with Mrs. Gladys Sheer sustaining the officers. Special speakers were Mesdanos Barbara Ririe, Ardith Bly and Hazel Spencer, and special music was by the Singing Mothers led by 1, Della Ii GIRLS BLOUSES You will find a good display of little girls blouses, especially nice including floral designs and Oriental designs for Christmas gifts. Choose from either gay prints, broadcloths terylenes SIZES: > or poplins. 2 to 12. 980 to 298 . The regular monthly meeting of the Hone and School Association was well attended when parents and teachers gathered in the Magrath High School Monday evening".* Mrs. Holman was in charge of the program, the topic of which was "Young Canada Book""Month". Special speakers were Mrs". Donra Meldrun who spoke on Looks in the Elementary School, and Mr. Walter Brown who explained the Grade 12 English course. A book was awarded to Mrs.* Stan Morris1" Grade"*5 class for the room having the" most number of parents present? at the meeting. Following the program a social hour**was enjoyed when parents and teachers net in discussions and delicious refreshments were served with '* Mrs, Lucille Seward in charge of arrangements STORE CLOSED FRIDAY, NOV. 11, ARMISTICE DAY LITTLE GIRLS SWEATERS Ban Lons, Orlons and Wools in Pullovers and Cardigans. SIZES: 2 to 14. Friends will be sorry to hear that Mrs. Orton Minor of Lethbridge had the misfortune to'fall in her home Friday and break her arm. She is a patient in a Lethbridge hosp­ital. SLIPPER SOX ■ Wool slipper sox: in assorted colors, with j£.s. assorted appliqued figures or embroidered dSIeZsEigSn: s5. toP l9a.s.t.i.c. .s.o.l.e.s. .8c9\r0\^ to I 1 IQ KIDDIES PYJAMAS We have a good stock *of -Infants Sleep and Pl^y terry cloth Pyjamas, little Boys and Girls flannelette pyjamas in gay figures well as collar as in Oriental styling with neat lender- ONIY KIDDIES PYJAMA BAGS Be sure and see our new arrivals in gay Pyjamas Bags, also ideal laundry bags for the small fry to put their soiled clothing in. Assort­ed animal heads with zippered sack type bags. DRY GOOD DEPT find beautiful bath towel sets, PI LLOW SLIPS’ Cicely boxed pillow slips in lovely floral embroidery and applique designs. Sone are hemstitched with embroid­ery designs. 298 t0 3^8 SLIPS^v SHEET SET: An iten-will be sure to please the lady of th'e house a full size sheet with colored hem, embroid­ered in floral motif with matching pillow slips. Border colors - Green, Pink, Blue, or Yellow. 598 PILLOW SLIP9 You will find attractive naderia pillow slips in one and two tone colors. 210 2^9 LUNCHEON CLOTHS There are two attractive gift boxed Luncheon sets for you to choose from. See the Irish linen cloth with matching napkins, both hand embroidered in floral designs.25 Cutwork Luncheon Cloths, pastel linen with white or self color embroidery. 4 matching napkins. ° TABLECLOTHS Pure Irish Linen Table Cloths in popular damask. White only. Cloth is 60 x 80 with 6 matching napkins. |p)95 CIVIL DEFENCE: On the 2nd of December a talk on Civil Defence will be given in the Lion’s Hall, Magrath, under the Sponsor­ship of Itegrath and District Chamber of Commerce. Guest spea.ker for the evening will be J. G. Robertson, officer in charge of Southern Zone. Ample tine will be alloted for a question period and a very interesting evening’s entertainment is anticipated. More details to follow at a later date. F. II. Movstt, Sec, GIFT BOXED «you win — . nicely gift boxed. In plain and figured soft, thickly napped terry toweling. Assorted colors. . |0g to COMBINATIONS : Here are some novel gift items with Bath Towels combined with face cloths attractively display­ed in brass baskets. Also hand"towels combined with salt and pepper shakers, catsup and mustard dispensers, glasses, etc. Assorted colors and gift items. | Qg to 3^8 DISH TOWELS « Colorful dish towel gift sets’'combined in attractive gift boxes with pot holders, place mats, dust pans, serving sets, etc, | 2Ó to 2 98 INDIVIDUAL TOWELS We have a very nice assortment of bath towels in plain'pastel shades, two tone and multi . stripes. Thickly napped, very absorbent. to 3^5 TACE CLOTHS’ Soft terry cloth, assorted colors.^£ up. The annual Fall Baaaar held Saturday in Sherba’s Cafe by the Second Ward Relief Soc­iety was an outstanding success with a com­plete sell rnit reported before the close of the event. A large display of home baking, home-made candy and handwork of all kinds was offered for sale. ickly i 198 VO98 “ Mrs, Dill Elliot and children of Okla­homa arrived in Jfegrath Thursday and are guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Baxter. BATHROOM SETS Chenille Bathroom Sets, two pieces consist­ing of cover and rug. Pink, Blue, Yellow, Green or Turquoise with pastel colored trim. 2§8 Patients in the Magrath Municipal Hosp­ital during the past week included Mrs, Katie Wurtz, Mr. George Henry, Lonnie îîidison, Orene Bourne, Jacob Wipf, Neil Bourne, Harold Kimball, Brett and Jack Holladay, Kevin Burgess, Mrs. Rita Gibb, Mrs. Ted Harker and daughter, Mrs. Muriel Schneidt, Jimmie Mik­ado, Peter Entz and Mr. Garth Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. G.V. Balderson and Mr. and Mrs. George Gygi of Lethbridge were Tfegrath visitors Saturday evening. GLOVES. - . We have just received a shipment of ladies wool gloves in novely •waffle knit. Solid colors in B.ed, White, Black, Olive, Gold, Drown, Tan, Turquoise, |zj-9 GIRIS’ WOOL GLOVES - two tone combinations. Attractive bead work design on back, xx A dog is man’s best friend because he wags his tail ins tea. d of his tongue.