Summary: | An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY STORE NEWS . 7TR 3033 Groceries 758-3535 Hardware 758-306o Upstairs & PHONES: Office 758-3033 Groceries STORE HOURS: monday, Tuesday^WedCsdav Thursday, Friday and Saturday - 8 a.m. to b p-m. **** .MAGRATH, ALBERTA ******* jsc ’’Spring Into Spring Garden Seeds BBuullkk Garden Seeds will be out soon for you Early the same fine Gardeners. We have quality seeds. Cultivator/ Mulcher rotary cultivator A copy^of the P°?_ ular "Weasel" but much cheaper ir> ARMORALL price. PROTECTANT 500 ml. jib COUPON M&U/g á(í COUPON VALUÉ¡ 11 RUBBERMAID ROUGHNECK REFUSE CONTAINER 17 gal. Sage COUPON VALUE $7.00 REG.$18.99 110“ [limit one flag per coupon • SAVE 4°° NYLON CANADIAN FLAG 27' X 54" 5429-262-1 ONION SETS 0ni?n Sets are now in. I Plant early for Onions | that will be on your S table soon. ¡CATALOGUES i OUR SPRING & SUMMER CATALOGES § ARE NOW OUT. IF YOU HAVE NOT -i RECEIVED ONE, PLEASE PICK ONE > UP IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT II COUPON VALUE $1.50 REG. $8.99 I SAVE .50 HOME WOODEN CLOTHES PINS Pkg. of 48 4427-445-12 LIMIT 1 PKG. PER COUPON $2.00 BRITA WATER FILTER & JUG EAR TAGS Order your Alfex Ear Tags NOW. Do not wait until the last minute to order when the Suppliers are busy. PRICED FROM COLORS PRICED FROM . WEEKEND DEALS CO-ORDINATES 50% OFF 1 RACK OF SKIRTS, KNIT SUITS, JACKETS, TOPS, 2 PIECE ENSEMBLES, etc. Assorted fabrics, sizes, styles. SUITS Petite 2 Piece Suit CO-ORDINATE5 "SNAZZIE" PETITES - in becoming English Garden Floral Prints. Skirts and tops in a cascade of beautiful colors. Co-ordinate the skirts with Blouses in plain shades of Sage or Fuschia. SIZES: S.M.L $60 up OUTFITS LANA LEE 2 PIECE ENSEMBLES IN WITH. NIFTY NAUTICAL DESIGNS. OF NAVY, RED, GOLD. A GAY ARRAY OF PREDOMINATING COLORS 9/10 - 11/12 SHORTS & SETS Smartly styled Lana Lee Sport in popular Light Blue Chambray. Included are Walking Shorts, Blouses and Tops. Sets Slacks, SIZES: 10 Spring Fling LADIES’ SLACKS Ladies Smartly styled Jacket with Skirt in new Sage Green- New Winter White Dress Slacks that co-ordinate with the new 2 piece Suits in Navy or Pink with White trim. 6-16 . SEASON'S CLEAN FRONT PANTS Nice summer weight fabric in Hot Pink or Navy. *165 SLACKS Matching Sage Green Slacks to match the above Sizes 14-18 interfacings PELON Various weights and kinds in Pelon - a handy interfacing and handicraft item.2” sewing aids STITCH WITCHERY A handy sewing aid for doing your hems, handicrafts, etc. 13.5m x 1.88 cm. 319 SPEED SEW Liquid Sewing aid for all kinds of uses - hemming, seaming, etc. . SENIOR TRAVELLERS Here is a tentative list of outings for the Summer: FRIDAY, APRIL 19th: to Cardston for the production STEEL MAGNOLIAS. Cost: $8/each. Please phone right away as seats are reserved. The bus will be at the Senior Centre at 6:45 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 4th "Tatoo" at the Lethbridge Sportsplex in Lethbridge. The Magrath Band is taking part. Cost: $3/each. The bus will be leaving here at 4:30 p.m. so we have time for supper before the program. JUNE (SOMETIME) (we're having trouble getting exact dates) - to Kalispell and the stage production at Big Fork. A 3 day outing. TUESDAY, JULY 9th - Calgary Stampede on Seniors' Day. Reserved seats for the afternoon and evening performances. Prices are up this year (G.g.T.) Total cost is $60 each. AUGUST ?? a one day outing to Cypress Hills - probably a picnic lunch. LATE AUGUST/EARLY SEPTEMBER - Waterton lakes and a delicious supper and entertainment at Ben Olsons. Total cost $25/each. thread INVISIBLE THREAD Available in White or Black. PER SPOOL . needlework fabrics AIDA CLOTH 14 count for handicrafts and needlework. REGULAR $24.95 m. Va PRICE Little League Notice LITTLE LEAGUE MEETING - Monday, April 8th, 8 p.m. in the Ice Arena. Information on this year's activities for all parents. B & R CONSTRUCTION - your complete Home Specialists - Custom Homes, Additions, Remodelling, Cabinetry, Tiling, Florring, Landscaping, Shingling and Concrete work. Affordable and reliable. Please give Rod Brandham a call at 758-6812. EMBROIDERY GUILD The Chinook Country Embroidery Guild is now forming. First meeting is on Thursday, April 18th at 7:30 p.m. Call Sueann Bly, 758-3608 or Pam Thomson, 758-6324 for further information. Bring stitched items to share with us. Meet at Pam Thomson's home. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th - Spruce Meadows in Calgary. Please cut out this schedule and clip it to your calendar. Because we will need definite commitments - your name will go on our lists when we have your payment. PLEASE - reservations for STEEL MAGNOLIAS on April 19th - IMMEDIATELY and the TATOO (remember last year's??) very soon. Wallace - 758-3207; Doreen =758-3218; Hazel 758-3545 (now a Magrath number) or Irene - 758-3456. LET’S GET MOVING. MARGARET LONG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP GRADUATING STUDENTS _ Please be aware of the MARGARET LONG SCHOLARSHIP of $100 to the top student entering the Nursing profession. Applications should be made in writing to Irene Ririe, Sec. of Hospital Auxiliary, LADIES CURLING CLUB POT LUCK SUPPER The Ladies Curling Club's closing event of the season - Pot Luck Supper & Social will be held Monday, April 8th at 7 p.m. at the Curling Rink. Any prospective new curlers are invited to come and join us. NOTICE: Will do typing. Price is negotiable. Phone Kim at 758-3169. LADIES GOLF CLUB MEETING The Ladies Golf Club will hold an opening meeting of the season Thursday, April 4th at 7 p.m. at the Magrath School., (tonight). A.K. FOUND: Wrist watch - on the trail along the old canal. Owner may claim by identifying. Call 758-6836. WANTED: Used table suitable for a sewing table, please call 758-3192. FOR SALE: Used upright Piano. Phone 758-6265. FOR SALE: Bulls - poled Hereford Yearlings. Phone 758-6753. . HOCKEY UPDATE With the end of the Men's Tournament March 16/91 came the end of the Hockey Season in Magrath. All that is left is memories of the past season and for most Magrathites a sense of pride should accompany those memories as all of our teams did excellent this year. BANTAMS - 1st in league 1st in Playoffs. 2nd in Provincials. PEE WEE A - 1st in League 1st in Playoffs. PEE WEE B - 2nd in League 2nd in Playoffs. ATOM A - 2nd in League, 2nd in Playoffs. Atom B - 5th in League 4th in Playoffs. NOVICE - bottom half of league - 1st on B side of playoffs. Although the Tadpoles are not part of the Westwinds League, they too played awesome all year. Hats off and congratulations to all the players, coaches and parents who made this year possible. Thanks to all the referees, linesmen and lineswomen, spectators, Leonard and Rob and anyone else who helped make the game of hockey a fun and exciting sport for our boys and girls to participate in. I would also like to thank all the concession liasons Laura Nishikawa, Rose Mandal, Marsha Ripley, Joy Christensen, Deb Henry, Allyn Nelson and Charlotte Veale. A very special thanks to all those who worked in the concession and those who did more than your share. Your time and support was appreciated. HOCKEY REMINDER This last plea for outstanding monies for Coats, Chocolates or Registration is now being made. Please turn in any monies before the banquet. Any person with outstanding monies will be considered not in good standing and will not be allowed to vote at the election of officers at the banquet. Please help us to end the 90-91 season on a positive note. Also please remember to bring your raffle tickets to the banquet. The draw | will be made just prior to elections. Tentative Schedule for Banquet - Friday, April 12/91: 6 p.m. doors open (door prize table). 6:30 - Supper. 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Coaches talks. Draws to be made throughout the evening. 8:45 Raffle Draw and election of officers. Please purchase your tickets from Rose Mandal prior to the banquet. P.S. Anyone interested in letting their name stand for nomination please let Marvin Lee (758-3637 or 758-3336 work) know as soon as possible. Three new positions need to be filled for a 2 year term. You can't make changes if you don't get involved. Scott & Janice Beck of Colonsay, Sask, have been visitors during the Easter holidays, guests of their parents Ron & Kathy Beck, Art & Diane Wocknitz, other relatives and friends. The L.D.S. 4th Ward Spring Social "Variety Night" will be held on Friday, April 12th, 1991 in the Cultural Hall, commencing at 6 p.m. MAGRATH LIONS CLUB NEWS GARAGE SALE & FLEA MARKET - Saturday, April 13th, Magrath Ice Arena. Rent a Table for $10/each, and you can make your own money. Sale is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To rent a table call: Norman Robinson - 758-3587; John Bourne - 758-3431 or Dick Hellinga 758-6223. There will be Concessions, too. ITEMS WANTED FOR GARAGE SALE & FLEA MARKET Housecleaning??? Have some items you would like to get rid of?? The Magrath Lions Club is looking for items for their Garage Sale & Flea Market on April 13th. Give the following a call - Norman - 758-3587; John - 758-3431 or Dick - 758-6223 if you have items to donate. WORK AUCTION - Thanks to the Magrath Bantams Hockey team who are going to donate six bi& strong fifteen year old Hockey players - who will be auctioned off for one day's work each, at 3 p.m. This time can be taken any day the purchaser wishes, and to do anything. REMEMBER - KEEP SATURDAY, APRIL 13th FREE FOR THIS GARAGE SALE & FLEA MARKET. THE LIONS CLUB WILL APPRECIATE YOUR ATTENDANCE AND SUPPORT. THANK YOU. ************** There were more Door Prize winners at the annual Magrath & District Rod & Gun Club's Banquet and Trophy night. Missing from last week's list of winners were: Cascade Fertilizer's donation of a Thermos Jug won by Bob Arnold and "Use Respect" Cap donated by the Magrath Rod & Gun Club and won by Wayne Toly. "JUST FOR YOU HAIRSTYLES" PERM & COLOR SPECIAL In appreciation to my customers "Just For You" Hairstyles is having a special on Perms - regular wrap, spiral wrap. Colors - regular color, streaking, highlighting. All at a discount of 10% for the months of April and May. Serving you for the last six years. Thank you for your patronage. Lori Gruninger. Word has been received of the passing of Frank (Bud) Minor of Qualicum Beach, B.C., age 74. Loving husband of Madge (Ririe) Minor. Sympathy is extended to Madge, David, Helen and family, and to the Minor and Ririe families here. OUTSIDE WINDOWS WASHED - reasonable. Call Kearls Window Cleaning, 758-6467. LOST: Small red & white metal tricycle. If it has wandered into your yard please call Smiths at 758-6406. HOUSE FOR RENT: New home with new appliances, 3 bedroom with basement. Good location. §475 per month + utilities. Available May 1st. Call 758-3697 (Cooks). Abstainers only please. FOR SALE: Rabbits and Fancy Pigeons. Phone 758-3240. NEEDED: Someone to attach a drainpipe to the eaves trough; fasten a curtain rod and mend screens on basement windows. Please call G. Fischer, 758-6435. AUCTION SALE: Bill & Bonnie Cahoon Farm Auction Tuesday, April 9th, 11 a.m. 2^ m. East, 3/4 m. South of Cemetery corner.C MEAT ) Pork Loin Chops. Smoked Hams PART SKINNED Wieners SUPERIOR 450 g . [89 Luncheon SUPERIOR SLICED 175 g Congratulations to Science Fair Winners at the Magrath School: GRADE 4: 1st PLACE - Jenny Zobell, Joseph Ripley 2nd PLACE: Mandy Edwards 3rd PLCE: David Bennett, Diane Smith. HONORABLE MENTION: Joe Szomber, Jeremiah Firstcharger, Brett Gurney, Laura West, Michelle Bevers. GRADE 5: 1st PLACE - Karren Leishman. . 2nd PLACE - Erin Dahl, Lyndsi Dahl. 3rd PLACE - Sterling McClung HONORABLE MENTION - Brenna Harris, Aleesa Nelson, Richard Hunt, Jeremy . Hunt, Andy Beres. Grade 6: 1st PLACE - Josh Gruninger. 2nd PLACE - James Smith 3rd PLACE - Brianne Rarick, Johanna Fox HONORABLE MENTION - Tom Karren, Mandy Thomson, Janice Ripley, Gavin Beck. Grade 7; 1st PLACE - Rochelle Norton. 2nd PLACE - Richard Hillmer, Wes Bullock. 3rd PLACE - Darren McNeely, Eric Nordquist. HONORABLE MENTION - Jenny Smith, Toshia Cant, Audrey Tannant. GRADE 8; 1st PLACE - Darby Tokairin, Sarah Strong, FOR SALE: 10 ft. Diamond Coach Camper, Ice box, stove, oven, T.V. antenna, heater, sink; 15 gal. watertank. Good condition. Phone 758-6293. FOR SALE: Mobile home 12'x64'; porch, washer, dryer, stove and fridge. Good condition. Can be moved. Phone 758-6293. Twins were born to Mark & Patti Meldrum of Fort McMurray on Friday, March 22, 1991 in the Lethbridge Regional Hospital. A boy, Miles Mark, weighed in at 7#1 oz.; a girl Mackenzie Dawn, weighed 6 lb. 2 oz. Proud grandparents are Lois & Addie Bourne of Magrath; Linda Forsyth of Cardston and Dave Meldrum of Fort McMurray. Great grandparents are Evelyn & Mahlon Bourne of Magrath; Mrs. Vera Dawley of Raymond. Announcing the opening of Tangle's Hair Fashions - owned and operated by Jeanie Thomson. Jeanie invites you all to drop in or call her at 752-3155 for any of your Haircare needs. Located just off Broadway in Raymond. 2nd PLACE - Brandon Wilde 3rd PLACE - Melissa Wocknitz, Tina Zsomber. HONORABLE MENTION - Tom Fox, Mary Thompson. GRADE 9; 1st PLACE - Robin Whitt, Lee Brewerton, 2nd PLACE - Dan Worman, Todd Robinson. 3rd PLACE - Cheri Walters. HONORABLE MENTION - Jason Ripley, Kevin Strate, Wanda Bennett. Experienced Hairstylist required with clientelle for full or part-time. Call Jean at 7524772 after 5:30 or 752-3155 days. • ■••••• NEEDED: Mean mother cat without kittens. Phone for barn yard - with or 758-6753. bred Quarter horse. Will Fee: $100.00. SOCCER CLINIC at the S.E. For all int- Come, learn Saturday, April 13th, 1 p.m. Soccer Field of the School, erested coaches and parents, about basic fundamental rules and skills of Soccer. To register call Diane Yoshihara, Phone 758-6838. Not sanctioned, so no certificates will be handed out. This Clinic is only informational. Helps parents learn more about the game. Helps coaches to teach basic skills and rules to the players. Wear proper attire, running shoes or soccer boots. No charge - Free. MAGRATH HOSPITAL AUXILIARY QUILT TICKETS-are available in the Magrath Trading Company Ladies Ready-To-Wear Dept. The quilt will be drawn for at the Annual Florence Nightingale Tea in May. STANDING AT STUD - well breed a limited number of mares. Contact W.R. Baker, 758-3207 or Clayton Bodrey, 758-6831. NOTICE; barrow, Would the person who borrowed my wheelplease be kind enough to return it. Wallace Baker. NOTICE: sale 758-3207 I have a number of chimney blocks for Any reasonable offer accepted. Phone A sincere thank you for the many shown to us in the passing of Willie We appreciated each expression of THANK YOU: kindnesses Brunner, sympathy and we thank you for them. Cheryl Pedersen and family. LOST: A set of keys. Finder please return them to the News Office. Some people gain weight only in certain places - drive-in restaurants, ice cream parlors, and bakeries. Pink Grapefruit PLUMS RED CHILEAN CUCUMBERS LONG ENGLISH ea .89 RomlM Luttuft ea 99 CHINOOK HEALTH UNIT NEWS April is Dental Health Month and therefore the Chinook Health Unit Dental Department would like to thank the Flouride Rinse Volunteers for their time and effort keeping this program running: Jackie Bly, Peggy Gurney, Inez Gibb, Barbie Stringam, Denise Labbe, Debra Kinder, Allyson Christensen, Janet Thomas-Squire, Jeanine Passey Sandra Smith, Norma Bullock, Laureen Beauchamp, Ila Ehlert, Kathleen Harding, Sharon Gibb, Sandy Hinman, Ketena Erickson, Diana McKelvey, Carol Smith, Joan Bly, Judy First Rider, Karen Alston, Jackie Barnett. Chinook Health Unit, Dental Department, Magrath, AB. WANTED: A large ment. wooden box to Phone store Scout equip- Burns, 758-6894. WANTED TO TRADE for pigeons, - two Holland doves, or other birds. lop-eared Bunnies Ph. 758-6894. The Cardston & District Rotary Music and Speech Festival was held recently in March. Successful participants from Magrath in the Piano Classes were: Karren Leishman, Lisa Leishman, Angie Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, Cianna Barnett, Jennifer Ing, Natalie Heath, Jessica Heath, Traci Perry, Michelle Perry, Jodi Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, Alisynn Gibb, Heidi Warnock, Paul Hunt, Lee Brewerton, Chris Mertz, Tiare Coleman, Amber Ferguson, Chelle Wilde, Christina Brewerton, Heather Hunt. The above participants performed in Piano Solo and/or duet, trio classes. Successful competitors from Magrath in the Vocal Section (solos, duets, trios, quartets) were: Wanda Bennett, Andrea Bennett, Jennifer Taylor, Julie era Thompson, Chelle Wilde, who took part Anyone can lop off branches, but do you need any tree pruning done? It is not too late for somt deciduous trees. It's an excellent time for your evergreens, junipers, cedars and hedges. Call Burns, 758-6894. Music Festivals is "to the road to Excellence" to develop musically, and most importantly - and continue to strive A.D. Ing, Olivia McClung, Joanne Dudley, Jennifer Atwood, Tam- Jennifer Heath, Heather Hunt Congratulations to all those in the festival. The objective in pace one another on A great opportunity to assess oneself - to think positively along the road to excellence. MORE RESULTS FROM THE FESTIVAL NEXT NOTICE: Try our fresh cut Silk Flowers. They last week forever - Geraniums, Tulips, Daisies, Mums, Lilacs, Roses, Pansies - and many more to choose from. Great for birthdays, hospital visits and for all those Special People on your list. Call "Something For Everyone" 758-6273 or 758-6265. "LAST CALF DANCE" sponsored by the Del Bonita Country Association will be held on Saturday, April "Midnight Rider". Dance - 9 p.m. to kick up your heels Spring work gets into full gear. 20/91. Music by - Doors open at 7:30 pm. 1:30 a.m. Come and one last time before WANTED TO RENT: Clean, respectable 3 or 4 bedroom house, reasonable rent. Prefer Magrath or Raymond. Ph. 752-3766. Magrath Public Library has extended its hours to 9 p.m. on Thursday and to 1 p.m. on Saturday effective April 1/91. LDS SPECIAL Books A 5% OFF & TAPES <G--R--O--C-E--R--Y DEPARTMENT. FOOD ÉVALUES RELISH w F- 375 mi. . . ROLLS PILLSBURY CRESCENT _ BUTTERFLAKE DINNER OR WEINER WRAPS . 99c 129 Marslimallows KRAFT MINI JET OR JUMBO 400 g. . Chip DiPS KRAFT 227 g Vëgetables GREEN GIANT FROZEN 1 kg . MEAT PIES SWANSON 225 g . Batter Fish HIGH LINER FISH STICKS. FISH FRIES.FISH IN BATTER 700 g. 4" Alberto Hair Care Products ALBERTO SHAMPOO (300 ml) CONDITIONER (300ml) HAIR SPRAY (300 ml) MOUSSE (175 ml) . 299 ******************************************************************************************** HANDIBUS SERVICE SUNTANNING SPECIAL" The citizens of Magrath have an opportunity to borrow a HANDIBUS for a 6 month period. We are looking for funding to cover operation expenses. The bus will be available for Seniors for local transportation purposes, eg: Doctors visits, banking. We are planning a Bake Sale and have rented a table at the Lions Club Garage Sale - Ice Arena, Saturday, April 13th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donations of Baked Goods or money would be appreciated. Laverne Critchfield, 758-6343. Donna Kearl, 758-6467 or Shirley Clifton, 758-6733. GRADUATION BANQUET The 1991 Grad Banquet Committee has decided on this year's menu and we are taking bids. The menu includes: Chicken Cordon Bleu with Mushroom Sauce; Mashed Potatoes; Mixed Baby Carrots & Peas; Corn; Fruit Salad; Tossed Green Salad; Buns & Butter; Angelfood Cake with Strawberry Topping and Whipped cream; Punch & Coffee. The banquet is planned for Friday, May 24, 1991 and will be for approximately 250 people. You can send bids to the Mag-rath School % Suzan Szewaga, Box 250, Magrath, AB. TOK 1J0. Thank you. Deadline Date: April 19/91. HOCKEY BANQUET Attention Hockey Parents: Hockey Banquet- Friday, April 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the Elementary School Small Gym. Roast Beef Supper. Cost: $7/plate. R.S.V.P. by April 7/91 to Rose Mandel at 758-6540 after 6 p.m Yes, you're right, it's time once again to start thinking about those golden tan legs that you would love to have. Do you find that you just don't have the time to lay out in the sun for hours. Just stop on by and give us a call and book the times most convenient to your schedule. It only takes up to 30 minutes of your day. So treat yourself to a golden tan and get the relaxation you require, while getting your tan. Spring is just around the corner and out comes our summer wear. A golden tan would add the finishing touch, a little bit of colour always looks great! "Just For You Hairstyles" always offers SPECIALS to the tanners and will be open nights April, May and June for your convenience. Specials include 400 minutes of tanning time, for the price of 300 minutes, all at the price of $39.95 (tax included). Grade 12 students will receive this special offer of 400 minutes at a reduced price of $37.95 (tax included). This special offer lasts from April 1 to June 29, 1991 - so take advantage of the savings while they are here! We would appreciate that you use up your minutes from last year before December 31/91 or they will be expired. Come on by or give us a call, we'll be happy to help you book your tanning time. Call us at 758-6350. Dr. R.R. Bourne has opened a Dentistry Practise at the Magrath Clinic. He will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. each of those afternoons. For appointments please call 758-334^ A mosquito is like a small boy, the minute he stops making noise, you know he's into something. Palm Ice Cream of SAVINGS 1. BIG DIPPER 4 litre . COTTAGE CHEESE aLPHA 2% 500g . YOGOURT ALPHA SLIMLINE 175 g 69c hamburger buns OR HOT DOG W.F. 8's 75c Cake Mixes D.H. 500 g 139 FfíOSTING d h- 450 « 199 PUDDING JELLO INSTANT 1.3 g 79c Chicken Needle Soup LIPTON 4 pk PINEAPPLE DEL MONTE 398 ml W.F. 400 g 89e |89 POP TARTS 400 g 269 Spaghetti Sauce RAGU 750 ml 2» Rice Krispies KELLOGGS 700 g Tide, Oxydol Dishwasher. ~ CASCADE 1.4 1 Liquid OR 1.8 kg Powder ULTRA TID (4 litre concentrated) or OXYDOL 399 6” 549 Cream Cheese PHILADELPHIA 250 g £19 Cheese Slices W.F. 500 g . , . Plus Root Beer » : 480 ' 24/300 ml Coke Coke 1' Plus . 79 D2EûPcO SIT PRODUCTS JI QQ 12 Pack Ay?*** DEPOSIT 299