Magrath Store News (May 7, 1964)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. EHONES: STORE HOURS: OFFICE 21 GROCERIES 364 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Wednesday . 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. DRY . GOODS 124 ■ HARDWAR...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1964
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. EHONES: STORE HOURS: OFFICE 21 GROCERIES 364 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Wednesday . 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. DRY . GOODS 124 ■ HARDWARE 34 .8 a;m; to 6 p,m. • ••••Saturday.8 A.M«,to 7 P.M, Thursday, May 7th, 1964 Magrath, Alberta "Upstairs 1 PRINTED SILKS up. 495 up. LADIES LONDON BLOUSES 9 50 LASSIE COTTONS.,. 298 up. WHITE DRESSY BLOUSES . ß49 up. fA^JT COSTUME JEWELRY Beautiful Pins and earring set or Necklance & earring sets in assorted styles •Mt and colors« 798 SKIRTS . Aljean Terylene Pleated Skirts, Linen Pleated Skirts, Serrano Linen Skirts in straight and pleated styles« QQQ SLACKS .Q- , ladies Stretchy Slims and G.W.G. Slim■ in popular styles and colors« A style to suit you. DRESSES Ladies Summer Dresses in prints, "wash and wear cottons, ginghams, cotton terylene, printed silks, etc« co to35 PS Kayser Roth nylon tricot and satalene slips in white or black. Lace trim. ¿98 & Q98 DUSTERS Please "Mom” by giving her a lovely cotton duster« A nice select-tion' 298 to 998 V i / f ,t f i t SWEATERS * BULKY KNIT CARDIGANS Soft luxurious woolo — and high bulk Orlons in button frontsi In assorted styled. White, Beige, ' Honey, Gold, Blue, , Rose« Black« -7G& / ^Uup. LANSEA CARDIGANS Fine English wool.' Plain button'front,' Oyster whits, BroWn, Black, Blue, Rose, Tan° |Q98 ?EE THE NEW ARRIVALS 1N LADIES UTILITY & RAIN COATS« P | LLOW SL I PS; Lovely embroidered Pillow Slips for ’’Mom”• ■ Assorted colors and designs. Gift paokaged. |9Q to 39S LUNCHEON SETS: Linen Luncheon Sets - matching cloth and 4 napkins. Tan, White Pink, Applique design. VANITY SETS: Linen Vanity Sets, Nylon Vanity sets for dressers, vanity, etc. 393 PLACE MAT SETS: linen ^Lace Jfet Set in attractive plaid design. Blue, Green, Tan. 8 piece set. ^95 pr. TOWEL SETS: Thick, soft, absorbent terry towel sets ’ colors. Plain or figured including screen printed designs. in an attractive array of 35O to 398 - set.- • 325 each. NIGHTGOWNS: Nylon tricot and arnel tricot Nighties for Mother. Lace, embroidery, net trim. Assorted colors. QQO1 PEIGNOIRS.- Filmy tricot with sheer overlay. Shirred bodice with lace and embroidery trim. 795eaoht SLIPS NYLON TRICOT; 100$ opaque tricot. Lace trim on bodice and hem. Ad­justable straps. White. ^98 ARNEL TRICOT; Easy care arnel, pleated bodice with lace trim. Scalloped, pleat­ed hem. White. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mat­kin had as their gdests during the weekend, Mir. and Mirs. Ashley I&shal of Seattle, Washington. tcostumL i JEWELRY “ Handsome two piece |j| sets - Necklace and,’’ earrings or pin and’-1' earrings in a nice .:Ji selection of design Sc. color arrangements^,- 98C»o4tO iji FOR SALE Theatre. Magrath Park Avilda Harker Weather per-the Magrath and Guides NOTICE;' mitting, Brownies will conduct their ann­ual Cookie Sale Friday night and Saturday. Please welcome ’the girls when they call. BLACK ARNEL TRICOT SLIPS; Soft tricot with pleated bodice and hem line. Lace trim. Sizes 32 to 36. KAYSER NYLON TRICOT; Exquisitely styled slips, well tailored. Lace trimmed bodice, lace hem. 32 to 40» /9S& COTTON SLIPSJ. A choice of fine’quality cotton slips, A choice of cotton eyelet or lace trim. White only. Sizes 32 to 42. ^50 to 349 HALF SLIPS . . COTTON; Assorted styles in cotton half slips with eyelet or lace trimmed hem lines, |98 • ARNEL TRICOT; scalloped pleated arnel hem lines, PYJAMAS . Stanfield*s Nylon Tricot tailored pyjams. Pink or turquoise. Sizes; Small, Medium, Large. £)50 T FOR SALE; Girls navy blue laminated long . summer coati Only worn a few times, like new. Size 10 or 12. Also boys Scout shorts and shirt. Size 10 or 12. Good condition. All half pricei ’ ‘ Mrs. E. Ta law. . REMEMBER MOTHER SUNDAY . THE FAR NORTH Driving East through Del Bonita and Twin River our chauffeur mentioned three or four farms that have changed hands recently. The former owners having sold'out and moved North into the Peace River district. We wish them well and the best of luck. . Peace River was dry in ’63 while Del Bonita had splendid crops. _ Our family arrived in 1899» Not a house or fence between Stirling and the Pot Hole. It was then the Narrow Gauge Railway (Turkey Trail) between Great Falls, Stirling.aiid Leth­bridge’ at that time. We were all sick and weary of travel1ing. A train of cars, sheep, cattle, horses etc* Most pioneers came overland with horses and covered wagons. No doubt some passed us on the way. No plans nor any desire to go farther North. We were close enough to the North Pole. The L.D.S. pioneers were visited by Church Authorities three or four times a.year in the pioneer days* Their sermons, as we remember, were either on the "second coming" of the Messiah, or the return of the Ten Tribes from the North, Just how far North no one seem— ed to know. As a teenager we had an idea they were farther North than the Peace River, region. Then we learned that most of the ten tribes were Scotch Jews waiting for to flow down in order to get a free ride* Timp. and sermons change. You never hear the two subjects above mentioned any more. . The Ten Tribes lost their identity somewhere'and as for the "second coming" of the Messiah that may be ten thousand years or more hence, who knows? The sermons of the brethem to­day, they come in pairsj one speakc on Genealogy, the other on Welfarei As for our f ami 1y tree, if we trace our pedigree back to our grand parents that will be far enough* Now as for welfare) the word seems to have an impoverished ring attached to it* It is in the mouths of everyone. In our youth they gave without thought of any re­turn, long before anyone dreamed of welfare. But it is the trend today. "Everyone works bpt Father". Some comment has been passed of late regarding the condition of the paved main street, of Ifegrath. Hans Pfeffel, President of the Magrath Chaitiber of Commerce states'the follow­ing letter has been forwarded to the Dept, of Highways, Government of Alberta, Edmonton. "We once again wish to express our thanks to our Provincial Government for the work which they have done for us, and seeinf fit to route Highway #62 through the business section of our town. We wish to draw to your attention the condition of the road at this time, Al 1 curbs were in place during two heavy rains of 311 and 4" in July, drainage worked very well and no water was left standing, . ., . . Last fall the contractor’s paving equipment did break down several times while in town and one side had to be held up by a separate road grader. At that time it was noticed that the intersections were not finished properly and low spots were left a few feet from the curbs leaving large puddles when it rained. This was drawn to the attention of the resident engineer at the time. This Spring the road through town has settled in many places leaving no crown and con­siderable water standing. Perhaps before the road is accepted from the contractor it should be given a good in­spection and once again thanking you for your'kind co-operation, Town of Magrath, K.K, Balderson, Supt, of Public Works. . < • «. Patients in the Magrath Municipal Hospital during the past week included Mrs; Gladys McCue, Mrs, Sue Kado, Mr, Ken Robinson, Mrs. Marion Bis sett, MrS. Leah Hamilton, Mrs. Ina Blaxall, Mrs, Helen Hingham, Baby Shirley Bird, Mrs, Marie Card, Mrs. Claudette Seward, and Mrs. Deanne Atwood, PARK THEATRE NEWS: Friday and Saturday May 8th "PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND" color starring Troy Donahue, Connie Stevens. Two commedies. Coming - The Great Escape. FOR SALE: 1952 Chevrolet, Good condition. Phone 289, The following Magrath musicians were in­cluded in the list of winners at the recent Lethbridge Musical Festival. Boys vocal . solo'- Kim Taylor, Eva Kay Harker - piano solo, Plano Duet - Eva Kay Harker & Bonnie Brewerton, Boys Violin Solo - Kim Taylor, Chamber Music — Nyalene Fletcher, cello, Kim Taylor, violin; and Eva Kay Harker, piano. We extend congratulations to all winners of the Festival, NOTICE; The U.C.W. will hold it’s regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Virg­inia Hillmer tonight, Thursday at 8 P.M. with Mrs. Sharon Owens and Mrs, Gayle Ste­phen joint hostesses. Roll call - used clothing for Overseas Relief. NOTICE; The Women’s Hospital Auxiliary will hold it’s annual "Florence Nightengale" Tea Bazaar, Bake Sale, etc. Saturday, May 9th in Sherba’s Cafe commencing at 2;30 P.M. NOTICE; Change of time of worship services in the Magrath United Church Pastoral Charge beginning' Sunday, May 10th: Del Bonita - 9:00 A.M., Spring Coulee - 11:00 A.M. and Ifegrath - 12:30 P.M. • • • FOR SALE; Former residence of H. Oi Bly. Chuck Sephton. Contact Ken Miller. MOTHER’S DAY PLANTS ARE NOW IN - Begonias, Geraniums, Mums, Dahlias. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Adams of Washougal, Washington are the proud parents‘of a dau­ghter, Barbara Jean, 7 lb. 15 oz, bom ’ April 30th; Grandpatents are Mr, and’Mrs. John Moors, Magrath,’and Mr, and Mrs. Lem- rel Adams of Raymond, , , . REMEMBER MOTHER’S DAY, BUNDAY, MAY 10TH.t • • f » • M1w0yoth»r U . “ • ' ’ RAI • •¥WWH» Bridge, Msgrath Jfanleipal HMty&ttl Hoard member to say a few words of welcome, * * Visitors included the Hospital Administrators and nurses from Rlaimore, Piheher Greek, 3t0 Michael’s Hospital, Lothbridgej Milk River, Vulcan, Bow Island and Idtonton« .Drc R,A, Duncan, director, Emergency Health Services, Dept, of Health, spoke briefly on emergency health services, followed by Mr. W. L. Beddy, Health Supplies Officer, Dept, of Health who showed slides pertaining t® Emergency Health Services Supplies and wae assisted by Mrs, H, Morris, Nurse Consultant to Dr. Duncan, ’ " A brief outline of the Magrath Hospital Disaster Flan was given by 16% Gerald Leishman, fallowed by an informative film entitled "Improvised Hospital”« At 12 o’clock noon lunch was served in the United Church Hall t© visitors by Jfct« Lei­tha Leishman, Chief of C3 D, Welfare Feeding assisted by ladies of the Hospital A»pH 1iAry, Mrs, Ruth Hovey, Assistant to Mrs, Leishman and aided by local members of the 0. St Welfare Services served lunch to the casualties in the Assembly Hall« At 1 o’clock word was received by our local police of a serious accident "* a trelfb* school bus collision (presumably)- Twenty casualties wore reported. This information was immediately reported t© the Hospital Officials and te the e.O. Bo-ordinato^ IW Hospital officials immediately called in all off-duty nurse», nurses’aide and other help« Within half an hour preparations were completed t© reeeive the casualties,, As they arrived they were inspected, sorted and then taken by litter bearers to previously dosijputed or coded rooms as outlined in the plan. Within 20 minutes th© casualties bad all boon treated sufficiently and taken to their proper rooms until time for further treatment by the dob-ters available- ’ At 2 visitors, Hospital Beard members and casualties returned to th© Assembly Hall where-Dr, R- Duncan gave his critique of the Bnercise» Ho had high praise for the Hospital staff, doctors. Civil Defence and the Auxiliaries involved» On approval of th© Hospital Disaster Plan, the hospital received a Hospital Biergeney Kit and two aluminum*handled’ litters« A film "They Call It Fireproof" was shown with clesins remarks by Bn, Duma an, •tfo V9 E, Behnet thanked all who participated in any way for their time and cb-op®ration in making this exercise the success it was. 0.». Director V.l. Bohnot, FOR SALE: Two geldings full brothers two and three years old« Half Arabian and thorough- 1 red breeding, very gentle. Also black thoroughbred nare t years old» Broke and very -•’00a Lloyd Sabey, Phone R8O3- JVlen STANFIELD'S GOLF- SHIRTS ’ "Grand Slam" Golf Shirts styled with short sleeves, r-olTar, two button throat opening. Knit of two play lisle honey comb mesh. Patented free swing underarm gusset. Nylon reinforced. Extra long shirt tail that stays in your slacks. Machine washable* Guranteed not to shrink out of fit, COLORS: White, Tan, Blue, Cocoa, S, M, L* *.x.,.* STANFIELD'S SPORT SHIRTS; Combed cotton short sleeved sport shirts. Styled with popular rolled neck. Cotton interlock knit, Elasticized non-sag neckband and cuffs. Black, STANFIELDS. T SHIRTS; Short sleeved T Shirts with non sag neckband, nylon reinforced. Finest combed cotton. Black or White, STANFIELD'S 'DICKIES cotton knit, rolled Collari all. Black or white. | A very successful Cancer Campaign has **■ Fine combeA. been concluded in IfegrathA Results are . One size fits very gratifying with $670 already turned ’ in and three more books yet to be reported. Sincere appreciation to the Canvassers, these who donated and anyone who helped ‘in anyway with the campaign. Hazel Dudley, YOU WILL FIND A FULL STOCK OF MEN’S AND'BOYS RUBBER FOOTWEAR INCLUDING CANADIAN MADE AND IMPORTED RUBBER BOOTS, LIGHT WEIGHT OVERSHOES, SIDE­WALK AND UTILITY RUBBERS IN REGULAR AND STRETCH STYLES. Ask for foam or felt insoles for your Rubber Boots, we can fit you with either. JUST ARRIVED: White terylene short sleeved Dress Shirts by Forsyth, No ironing needr-ed. poo O each. Mr, Gerald Leishman received the fallow­ing letter of congratulations - "We wish to congratulate you and your staff on the ex­cellent preparation and attention given to detail during the exercising of your Hospital Disaster Plan. The co-fiperation of the Emerg­ency Measures Co-Ordinator and the whole­hearted co-operative effort of both hospital personnel and community to make the Hospital Disaster Exercise an integral Hospital and Community effort, to meet with any emergency is to be commended. We wish to thank you for the kind hospitality extended to us, . R.A, Duncan, CD MD CM DPH, Mr, and Mrs. George Haag and son Roy of Scandia were Magrath visitors Tuesday. RUBBER SLICKERS: Weatherproof black rubber Rain Slickers, Two slash pock­ets, Buckle closing, y P>Q LIGHT WEIGHT; Weatherproof nylon slickers, light weight, folds’up convenient­ly into matching carrying case. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hohm of Spring Coulee and Mr. and Mrs, Ken Balderson attended the recent Field Trip to Edmonton, an’ann­ual event of the Lethbridge Engineers. They visited the "Brazeau" and "Wabamum" dams West of Edmontwa which were developed by the Provincial Government and the Calg­ary Power Co. Mrs. Mary Cork of Vancouver B. C. is visiting with her brothers-in—law and sis­ters Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mikado and Mr. and Mrs, Sam Mikado. ^Hardware dDept CHINA GLASSWARE SNACK SETS.- Plain and figured glass tray and cup sets in oval and square styles, also Fire King sets in floral patterns, /J CHIP- DIP SETS: Lovely clear glass bowls with attractive colored leaf design enhanced with gold. Brass trim, etching dip tray,yj SALAD BOWL SETS: Cleat4 glass bowls with decorative designs that match Chip and Dip sets. Plastic serversj CRYSTAL -CHROMIUM SALAD SET Beautiful crystql bowl with chromium trim and chromium servers I CRYSTAL-CHROMIUM SERVICE. Chromium tray with crystal salt and peppers, vinigar and mustard containers. I FLOWERING SHRUBS, Spirea, Snowp^ ¡69, eaoh-'| ¿all, Persian Purple lilacs, -*x- ’ ‘ . _______________ _____ ____ # ROSE BUSHES : Beautiful red, rose FIGURINES; Aiik^, designs.^to|98|CdGUC^S.'.98L.L!°h:. ' . . up. SUNBEAM MIXETTES; Handy, light weight mixers with three speeds, MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL. FRY PANS: H'l Fry* Pans that are completely immers-able- 1595 VACUUM CLEANERS Hoover Vacuum Cleaners in the three most popular styles - Canister, Upright and . Portable, Please Mother with a new Vacuum. 5995 TV TRAYS: 4 piece set, brass trim with enamel figured trays. Complete - IAAQA. NESTING CHAIRS : Plastic basket weave chairs with bronze coated metal legs, 3175^. CLOTHES HAMPERS «• Wicker, plastic coated and quilted plastic covered Hampers in attractively designed & popular sizes, nice selection to choose from, $12.95 up. LONG PLAY RECORDS : Something that "SHE" will enjoy - Moddm and classical L,P,’s by favorite artists. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Blumell of Calgary were Magrath visitors during the weekend, Gordon reports his mother, Mrs, Jean Blumell and sister Jean of Calgary are presently enjoying a holiday in Scotland. ATTENTION ALL INTERESTED IN MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL; A meeting will be held Thursday night at 8 P,M, in the Town Hall to organ­ize Pony and Midget League Ball - boys 13 through 16 years. Parents and interested persons pieawe attend if you want the boys' to have'an organized'Ball League this year, K,K, Balderson, K, Yamamoto, CAMERA CLUB ENTHUSIASTS — The Camera Club are sponsoring a showing of slides by Mr, K,B, Owen of the Lethbridge Color Camera. Club, He has a wonderful collection of close-up flower pictures which he has been working on for a number of years,'also some prairie and mountain scenery. Every­one interested in flowers or color camera are invited to attend. There is no'admis-sion charge, DATE - Friday eveningj May Sth at 8 P,M, PLACE - Sherba’s Cafe, R. Robinson, X . I. . . himiih.hi.i.uitm z = AYIMERS i.,15 oz. tins 4/1 I BLUE MOUNTAIN 15 oz. tins r (I lllll II III I llllll Ullll 111*11II III III Uli IH1IJI lllll ilill 11 lilllill I ■ II DUNCAN HINES EARLY AMERICAN» 2/7901 iHUIUlHHHUHltUlini’HHHltUUUmilHUiHlIUHlUlllHItlUI HUI 111 Mil 111 lllllll 11111 HI U1111 HU liltIIIIIIIHI1111II HI ill 1111II I ll II It (I IHIIIUH11111 llllt II1111111 «11.IIIIHIIII|llllllllllM|llll|l|llll|IIIHUl. . = ALL FLAVOURS ».»AS oz» tins».». 3/1 i LARD IMAPLE LEAF |1# pkgs. 3QC DELTA LONG GRAIN- / n CI A I 2# boxes. <* /¡J J y i OR QUAKER BRAND ,.12 oz. pkgs . Presh [Produce ASPARAGUS - fresh cut . ONIONS — TEXAS medium . CELERY HEARTS'-orisP. ORANGES — CELENCIAS .cello bags APPLES - FANCY WINESAP.cello bags . LUNCH COUNTER - FRESH FRUIT PIES — Apple, Blue Berry, Cherrie. FRESH CREAM PIES — Banana & Cocoanut, ’ Pumpkin and Lemon Pies, ENJOY GOOD EATING, TRY THE CINNAMON & CARMEL BUNS - HELICIOUS.