Magrath Store News (April 29, 1960)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: OFFICE 21 Friday, April 29th, I960 DRY GOODS 124 HARDWARE 34 .Migrath, Alberta . GRADUATION DRY GOODS DEPT Now is the time to pl...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1960
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. PHONES: OFFICE 21 Friday, April 29th, I960 DRY GOODS 124 HARDWARE 34 .Migrath, Alberta . GRADUATION DRY GOODS DEPT Now is the time to plan your Graduation gown. We will be hippy to assist you with your fabric selections«, BEACH* Colorful beach towels in ««VIiM or hand painted designs, ^98 3^5 ■ 1 t. 1 , , v 1 , 1 . im L,_ BATH • Choose from, either solid colors. --- — --- --- —: FROSTED FIGRAL Pink bright stripes, or colorful hand painted or Blue background with dainty frosted floral ' ' ’ arrangement. 45" wide. | gQ WHITE FLDCKED NYLON; Rose design in frosted effect. 45" wide. I GA FLOCKED NYLON 135 ya POLKA DOT NYLON, « aosl8ns- 980 to 149 ' BOXED B4.TH TOWELS. Assorted. >69 HAND: eye-catching stripes 980 to 149 ____________ Frosted miniature dot of white on Pink, Blue, Yellow or white on Red. 49" wide. " ““ NYLON TRICOT, tricot. 62” wide 145 to 169 White or Blue 149 yd. yd. fine CRYSTAL CHARM : à beautiful backed fabric fabric for formal wear. Sa^-in in a crepe weave. COLORS White, Pink, Yellow. . . | 98 yd. --- --- -— --- : Filmy dress fabric available in all colors including white. 42,1 wide- 129 to 169 or Blue. 45" wide! NYLON-SHEFR . yd. CUSHIONS With the approach of Mothers» Day see the handsome satin cushions with frosted designs or tho ‘dolorful tapestry cushions in floral and animal designs. | I gg CUSH ION FILLERS P^LTO i_PAK: Specially processed and re­silient. Creamy white cotton that stuffs into cushions, hassock tops, pillows, toys, etc. ’ KAPOK: Filler for stuffing cushions,‘‘toys, etc. Very practical for it does not met but stays fluffy, lon REGUIAR $1.69. NOW DP. Soft terrycloth hand towels in • Small size. 40 £ FACE CLOTHS:- assortment of facecloths in and waffle weaves : You will find a large --- solids, stripes 150 to 350 TEA TOWELS , Lnm _____ : Absorbent towels in creamy white linen with multi striped borders. to55C TERRY CIOTH: Lint free terry towels in attractive designs. NEW GLOVES Nylon tricot and Nylon Simplex Kress Glaves Tn the smartest assort­ment of spring c8Tors, Attractively trimmed with pearls, eyelets. 89C ro 269 AND HANDBAGS New handbags are now on display. Smartly styled and in the lat­est shades including o , White, Blue, Pink, Beige, Red, Black Patent, Brown, Rust. 239 jo g69 ¡JEN'S^a boys wear RUBBER BOOTS CHIIDS RUBBER BOOTS. COMMODORE BEDFORD RUBBER OVERSHOE - has smooth sliding zipper ftoniit, unlined, 95 MEN’S SAVOY PULLOVER BOOT: Unlined black rubber overshoe. 250 275 WOMEN’S RUBBER BOOTS . 3 . 425 .395 MEN. 5 KISSES RUBBER BOOTS BOYS’ RUBBER BOOTS., YOUTHS’ RUBBER BOOTS MEH’S MEN’S plain MEN’S HEAVY WORK RUBBER Q/O with storm front . . ■I BOYS’ 15” RUBBER BOOTS FOR 15" IRRIGATION BOOTS (Steel Shank). 5 MEN’S IMPORTED RUBBER BOOTS (red sole) 3^^ BOYS’ IMPORTED RUBBER BOOTS (red sole) 3^ YOUTHS’ IMPORTED RUBBER BOOTS (red sole) 2 MEN’S MEN’S HEAVY WORK RUBBER Q IA front.O 1 u PIAIN. OVER RUBBER . 2^5 PLAIN OVER RUBBER . ^50 STRETCHY RUBBER 245 STRETCHY SIDEWALK RUBBER ^45 Mrs. Bill Minor and children spent part of the Easter vacation visiting with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Cliff O’Neal in Clares-holm. Miss Wendi Morris, who returned home last Wednesday night after completing this year’s term at the University of Alberta, left Wednesday morning for Edmonton where she will join the University Chorus Tour which will take in such points as Spirit River, High Rrairie, Peace River, Grande Prairie, etc, in Northern Alberta. RAINCOATS: MEN’S EXTRA HEAVY RUBBER RAINCOATS; Srap fasteners. All seams are stitched, cemented and taped for extra serviceability. FULL LENGTH. |O¡2Q'9A5 "HSALSF . /95 RIDING SLICKERS: Plastic coated, back is styled to fit over saddle and back of horse when riding, | gg PLASTIC RAINCOATS: Plastic coated over strong cotton. ^)95 PLASTIC RAINCOATS: folded in neat carrying case- 295 CAPS: The "Sou-Wester" hat of black rubber sheeting. Broad brin with long rear extension.'Ear flaps with tape ties. ^95 PANTS: Bib front, adjustable shoulder straps. Rubber sheeting, specially treated to be vaterproof. QQ5 " Open sandal with sponge rubber’sole, rubber thnngs. You simply slip your foot into the sandal. For beach wear, casual wear, showers, etc. Available in colors: White, Red, Blue, Black, Brown. Assorted sizes. . 98C . 890 .-750 MEN’S WOMEN’S CHILDREN’S •"fr. and Mrs. Phil Sheer and family were Eas'br vacationers in Regina when they visi ed his mothei* Mrs» Sheer and his sister Miss -hrtha Sheer. "Son," said the irate boss to the office boy who was late again, "Do you know what time we start work around here?" _ "Frankly, Sir,"1 the lad replied, "I don*’ t* . "B y t‘h' e t' im' e I get here everybody’s working.” THE MLGRATH TRADING COMPANY " A good place to trade LIMITED it BASEBALL CAPS SJG_J^I^BAgEBALLWS . .for the smajl basebt-1 player. New York Yankee style caps u Red, Navy, Black, all with white letter,, gg £ IVY_JAGUE CAPS for the little fellows, Asso-ed colors. Front band with metal buch3. ygc TIME T0 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE ’ SWINGS IN THE MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR DEPT, UPSTAIRS KEEP IN MIND MOTHERS DAY MAY 8TH GOATS: Choose a lovely spring Coat for Mother. Soft wools, sealskins, $25,00 UP, DRESSES • You will find a nice selection of Printed Silks, Cottons, Arnels and Tery-lenes. SIZES; 10 to 2^, $9,95 up HATS :* Hot her would be" "delighted with a smart sumer straw or summer fabric in the ¿TTdVeBc8 and colars* ^-95 to OL I rrLnj Delight her with a comfortable yet attractive pair of "FOAMTREAD” House­slippers, Ife chine washable, $3,98 UP. DRESSES» BLOUSES SKIRTS, JUMPERS REDUCED TO CIFAR ARE; Girls and Tad-fag Cotton, Silk and Terylene Blouses, Girls Wool Plaid and Corduroy Jumper Skirts, Girls Corduroy and Wool Skirts, Sub—teen Dresses, LIMITED QUANTITY.SAVE HERE, 1/30 Qnd ive ribboned tend. oX bUSllK8S Bishop Nyal Fletcher o .cated at a double ring wedd^^g ceremony, Saturday, April 23rd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook when their eldest son Martin Reed and Miss Patricia Gunderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gunderson of Lethbridge, were united in marriage. The bride was lovely in a gown of white nylon chiffon over taffeta and carried a cascade bouquet of red American beauty roses. Noma ZoBell and Karen Gunderson were the bride*s attendants and wore identical dresses of beige with white and beige accessories and carried bouquets of baby pink oarnations. Attending the groom were Cliff Sheridan and Burt ZoBell. Following the nuptials the wedding party enjoyed a delicious turkey luncheon. In the even" ing a reception was held in the Lfegrath Assembly Hall, Greeting the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sheridan, Donna Cook was in charge of the guest book and the gifts were arrang­ed by Myrna Cook, Pat Coyle, Iferilyn Brown"hnd Wendi Morris. Luncheon arrangements were done by Dorothy Miller, Jay Meldrum, Annie Hillmer, Fay Cook, Ila Poulsen, Dorothy Thomsen and Stella Cook and the servitors were Sylvia Bartsoff, JaAnne"Harker, Joyce and Wilma Cook, Sandra Brown, Shirley and Barbara Hillmer and Diane Meldrum. The hall and table decorations which carried out a gay spring motif were set up under the direction of Viola Miller, The young couple have taken up residence in Magrath and we wish them much happiness. PROCIAfrfl.T ION: Whereas this community can benefit from friendly relations amoung business competitors, between ottr town and the surrounding area and other commiinities acroes Canada, between employer and employee, WHEREAS this“cornmu!iity caii benefit from, hew industries, good business conditions, more tourists, civic improvements, more jobs,"better facilities for education, health and recreation, WHEREAS the Ifegrath District Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organisation of citizens enabling us all to work together to achieve the above goals and generally tb"*improve business, to build a better community and to develop better citizehchip in our community, our province and our country, I, by virtue of the powers vest— ed in me, do hereby proclaim civic support for CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK being bbserved April 24th' to April 30th and call on all citizens to lend their interest, support and co—operation in waking this observance successful in every way. Jay Hamilton, Mayor. CHAMBER Ot COMMERCE WEEK: April 24th to 30th. Objectives :1V To create“a more widespread and informed public knowledge of the role and value**of the Chamber of Commerce at the local, provincial and national levels, 2, To Assist member Chambers to strengthen a’nd enlarge their membership. To increase the overqll membership of individual Chambers of Comerce and Boards of Trade by 25,00u members. 3. To arouse a greater and more active interest in, and support of, Chamber of Commerce activities on the pert of businessmen everywhere, 4. To unite the efforts of local, provincial and national Chambers of Commerce in a cohcerted drive to accomplish these objectives. The Jfegrath Chamber of Commerce wishes more participation from people in surrounding areas of Migrath. For memberships contact Roy Sheridan, Carl Baxter or Stan Morris. . . Newton B, Seward, well known farmer of the Wei ling - Migrath district passed away Sunday at the age of 83. The late Mr. Seard was born in Alberton, Iowa and settled in this dist­rict in 1911. Predeceased by his first wife Coral and daughters May, Violet, Mixine and Hettie, he is sruvived by sons Earl of Migrath, Frank of Welling, Floyd of Des Moines, Iowa, Newton B. Jr. of Jenner, Alberta, a daughter Arlene of Ladysmith B. C. and his present wife Pearl. Funeral* "services will be held in the Migrath United Church Friday afternoon at 2 P.M. with Mr. Wm, Thomas officiating. Baby Steven James Iandy, thhee week old son of Mr. and Mrs. Varge Iandy, passed away suddenly at their home Tuesday morning. Funeral services for the infbnt were held in the Migrath Second Ward Chapel Wednesday afternoon. Survivors include the baby’s grandparents Mr, and Mrs. E.E, James and Mr, and Mrs. Steve Tandy. Two farm accidents occurred in the district during the weekend. George Haag was rushed to the Migrath hospital with a broken arm, broken ribs and painful face lacerations when he became caught in the power take-off of a tractor on the JJL*. Ririe farm Thursday. The Del Bonita - Migrath highway was opened up Sunday morning by snow equipment in rUSh a criticaUy m 6 old Del Bonita boy, Gary Toews, son of Mr. an? Mrs. Edward Toews, to hospital In Magrath. He fell from a tractor onto a drawbar Sunday morning on the Merrill Ferries farm, rupturing his liver. At press time the boy was steadily im­proving. include Gary Toews, Mrs. Jennie Neinsin, Mr. Jow Wipf, Mr. George Haag, Mrs. Lil Chapman, Mrs. Audrey Brown, Mrs. Lil,Minor, Mrs. Tire Sabey, Mrs, Veta Ferguson, Mrs, Mirgaret Clifton, Mrs. Rose Salberg, Jferle Salberg, Wasel Seniec, Baby Diane Paul, Joe A Wipf, Mr. Mitch Yamamoto, Mrs. Avilda Jones, Mrs. Jolajme Robinson and son and Mary Entz, STRAYED; 1 red roan heifer. Branded — right ribs. J. H. Bridge, ■Wort, was received Wednesday morning that Richard Veale, brother of Wm. Veale of Migrath. is missing in the Mmyberries district where he has been the centre o£ a search. The 68 year old sheepherder is feared dead and buried under the heavy snow. . Patients in the Migrath Municipal Hespital moT^ J*?? Mr’ Ve*le - .1,^0 ?. had lieen found alive in a APR bunkhouse some 50 miles from Medicine Hat. NOTICE: Worship services in the Magrath United Church Will be h^Td at 12:30 P.M. during the summer months commencing this Sunday, Miy 1st. . N.O. CARD OF THANKS: We would like to thank every­one who helped with the funeral "Service of our baby, and to those who were sb kind and thoughtful during cur sad bereavement. Varge and Saadra Iandy.HARDWARE DEPT Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Loose have as their guests their daughter Mrs. S.E.A. Greene and children of Winnipeg. Their daughter Carolyn returned to her nursing duties in Calgary ** Tuesday after spending the weekend with them. limited offer WHIRLPOOL I5cu. A. ZENITH HOME FREEZER 15 cu. ft.-DELUXE "ZENITH" HOME FREEZER feature food baskets, dividers light, door lock. RED HOT SPECIAL. 95 Arthur Vollendorf returned hone Sunday after completing this years studies* ht the University of Alberta. He is now employed with Oliver Chemical Co. of Lethbridge. WHIRLPOOL RCA WHIRLPOOL 9 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR - big capacity with 52 pound frozen food storage space. ADJUSTABLE TEMPERATURE CONTROL - AUTOMATIC INTERIOR LIGHT, fully illuminates entire area. FULL WIDTH SHELVES, MIT,T,TON MAGNET* DO OR has a million magnetized parti»» cles embedded in tKe Vinyl gasket around 3 sides of door. Forms positive seal all around yet opens at a alight pull or ins5de late HINGE DOOR. I. see in it’s handsome styling REGULAR $339.00 . push, a safety feature parents will aporec-iate. FULL WIDTH PLASTIC CRISPER. FLUSH Mmy’more features you must 26900 LAWN MOWER 22 cu. ft. RCA WHIRLPOOL HOME FREEZER: Note these features: 1. "ALL* OVER" Prime Freez­ing Surfaces. 2. Automatic Temperature Cbrftrol. 3* Safety Burst-Open Door (mini­mum pressure permits easy opening from out­side or inside, a safety* *feature parents will appreciate) 4. Automatic Interior Light 5. Key Lock. 6. Counterbalanced*!^. 7, Con­venient storage baskets.*1 8. Removable, ad­justable dividers.** Any many more features. Come and see this model on display. GOING AT THIS WORTHWHILE SAVING. 399 Over a foot of snow was dumped of South Alberta during She weekend* ^bringing a wel­come relief'from the extremely dry and windy conditions of the past three weeks. GARDEN.TILLER With garden time so near, drop intn the Hardware and see this 3 h.p*. Garden Tiller. Features recoil starter, clutch leaver and throttle controls on handle. Cutter extends from 15" to 22". GARDENING TIME SAVER . | Q / Mr. and Mrs. Heber C. Brown of Oakland California are the proud parents of a 9 lb. 10 oz boy, Kevin Clark, born’Sunday April 24th. Mrs. Brown is’*the former Ann Toomer and the baby’s material grand­parents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Toomer of Jfcgrath. EASY DOWN PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLt ON ALL THE ABOVE "MARAUDER" gasoline engine LAWN MOWER. Easy to operate, economical to r' A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD The Misses Jean Steele, Marilyn Toomer Marilyn Wolsey, Audrey Vilde, Joan Bullock and girl friend of Raymond spent ihe Easter vacation in Provo, Utah. MC CLARY REFRIGERATOR 8 cu. ft. McClary Refrigerator with full width freezer chest, space saver door with food compartments, attract­ive colored interior. REGULAR $249.95 SIZES: 12-18 UPSTAIRS DEPT GIRLS BLOUSES Girls white cotton eyelet Blouses in sleeveless style. Attractive eyelet embroidery design down front. Two styles are available including tuck­in and overblouse. Tragedy struck again at the Mike Schney-der farm at the weekend when 5 feeder^ oat tie were electrocuted while drinking from a watering trough. It is thought a short oircuit in the heating system was the cause of death. COTTON SWEATERS We have just received some of the loveliest cotton knit sweaters for Milady. Tu-tone styling in Red and white, Black and white, Blue and white, Olive green Q9A QAQ and white . (_CJT0 COTTON SKIRTS See our stock of Cotton Skirts In PnHqM J J® ®y°y",P0Puiar gathered style or latest colors including Biack/oU^'toeen, Reindeer Brown, . . T SIZES: 12—18 •,,,,, ^^98 TO ^^98 the steaieht oiXi £ n Florence and Stan Morris accompanied latest colors Cord* bT_Stanton and Dickson spent the weekend at Miss Shirley Taylor left Sunday for Edmonton where she of teaching. will resume her duties BOYS KNITTED SPORT SHIRTS Boys’ Cotton Knit Sport Shirts in the season’s most popular styling. Short sleeves, polo collar with front extend­ing in Polo fashion and 3 button dosing SIZES| a, H, L, OQ8 NOTICE I There will be a Guide and Brownie Cookie Day, Saturday^ April 30th, with door to door canvassing by the girls. The cookies are designed especially for the Golden Jubilee Year of Guiding and are a sandwich type with golden cream filling. Watch for the girls, they will be calling at your door. Guide and Brownie Assoc. Mr. Charles S, hfetkin has retired'from the post of Assistant Provincial Commiss- • loner if the Boy Scouts Movement after 35 yeai*s spent in the organization as a uniformed Sooutlng official. During his association with the Boy Scouts, Mr. Matkin was noted for his far Northern trips in Alberta where he was responsible for the formation of many Scout troops, not only among the white settlers of the area but among the Eskimo people as well. Allan Troxel has completed his studies at the University of Alberta for the year and has returned to his home in Welling. 98 BENGALINE DUSTERS Girls Navy Blue Bengaline Dust­ed Goats. Smart as a button styl­ing, with gay ’’back” interest SIZES: 8 to 12. Alliance, Alberta, where they attended the 10th anniversary Charter Celebration of the Alliance Club, Stan was originally respons­ible for the organization of the Club, District Governor Stan and his wife expect to attend Charter Celebrations at Edmonton this weekend. They will have as their house guests the Leo Murphys of Choteau, ¡'font,, who will drive to Lfegrath on Friday and leave With Saturday morning, returning Sun» GIRLS a^ernoon? CAR COATS '•Red, Beige',' Gold Button trim. Girls Bedford Cord Car Coats in Olive Green, Reindeer Brown no4~„-- J sizes: 8 to u. 5^5 T0 Q95 MISSES CAR COAT: and turquoise plaid on — - ———. 4 I WHITE PEARL CAPEHIDE JACKETS: Gives that uine leather look. | p gg Reversible with one side, beige sateen drill on other wine 1298 -J gen- TOP QUALITY STRAYED: 1 red roan heifer. Branded right ribs. J. H. Bridge. STANDING AT STUD: Registered Arabian Stall— ion.'Ered by Washington State University,** Pullman, Wash. Cone and have a look at him. Ernest Briggs. FOR SALE: 4 roomed house with porcht~TnTly wired, built-in cupboards. Mist be moved. Carlos Harris, Ph. R903. FOR SALE: 5 feeder pigs (60-100 lbs) Best offer. 20 tons Alfalfa hay in stack (loose-have* fork will load) Seed wheat, Thatcher, from registered seed. Fre'Sh cream pint delivered to regular customers. Interm-hion« al "C" row crop tractor, hydralic drawbar, hydralic jack and hose, live pump; row crop cultivator never used. Ttegral 14" 2 bottom plow. Bob Rasmussen, Ph. R716. BURNS BEST „ II gru)e P&r lb. ^BOLOGNA THAT NEW HOME: We have just received a quan­tity of plans for new homes. Some split­level plans but mostly pda ns for two and thbee bedroom hones. If you need that new home this year call and see our plan books. Citizens Lumber Co. Ltd. Ph. 379 Jfegrath FOR SALE: New Hampshire hens, (Heavy) 1 year old. Cliff Whitt, Ph. R813. ’ NOTICE: The Spring Coulee W. A. is holding a Tea, Bazaar and Bake Sale in the Memorial Hall at Spring Coulee at 3 P.M. Wednesday, ffey 4th. Tea: 40$. Everyone welcome. Lillian M. Beswick, Publicity, CARD OF THANKS: Mr. and Mrs, Norntm Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gunderson wish to thank all those who helped in any way with their reception for Jfertin and Bat. It was deeply appreciated. NOTICE: Anyone wishing sewing donj, women’s NOTICE: Dr. Clark, general Secretary of the And children’s dresses, etc., please contact Alberta Teachers Assoc, will be**guest speaker me. Colleen Brown, Ph. 332. ** at the regular Home and School1 neetingy being held Monday, May 2nd in the Big Gym at 8 P.M. His topic will be on "The Cameron Commission’.! %\»' Prem Coffee - NABOB 79/ 72/ Corn - GOODNESS ME,.cream style Javex Peaches - pride of okanagan, Crisco Swift’s 12 oz 1 lb. 67/ HALF GALLONS $1.19 99/ 79/ 41/ pink 65/ 3 for tins 3 tins 2 for 2 for 62/ 89/ 3 pound tin Tomato Juice - hebe Jam - ALLPE AND STRAWBERRY Shredded Wheat -nabisco Salmon - pink seal MARSHMALLOWS per lb 39 C no room. HE’S BEEN DETAINED. At a recent* convention, a delegate arrived at the hotel to che*dk in. Unfortumtely, the clerk informed him, there was no reservation for him and no room. "Tell me," said the undaunted one,“"if the Prime Minister should arrive today and ask for a room, would you have one for him?" "Yes, I suppose so." the clerk replied. x± - "Well," said the delegate, so I’ll take his room." reaching for the register, "the Prime Minister isn’t coining