Magrath Store News (March 13, 1990)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. TUESDAY MARCH 13, 1990 Master Plan Minutes Minutes of the regular meeting of the Magrath Town Council held in the Magrath Civic Building...

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Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1990
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Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. TUESDAY MARCH 13, 1990 Master Plan Minutes Minutes of the regular meeting of the Magrath Town Council held in the Magrath Civic Building on Tuesday March 13, 1990 at 7;PM with Mayor David Lowry in the Chair and the following members present; Wayne Harris, Norma Pilling, Gerry Baril, John Brunner, DeVar Dahl, Robert Tanner, and Administrator Rodney Bly. Prayer was offered by Councillor Harris Wade Alston met with Council to discuss progress on the Master, Tourism, and Recreation Plans. In order to access available tourism grants the town must have a/ Tourism Action Plan and the first step to take to do this is to form a Tourism Action Commit­tee. The Committee would then work with Wade to develop the plan in accordance with the government guidelines. In regards to the master plan Wade indicated that it will provide a new direction for the town in all areas of activity. Some residents have expressed concern that the main thrust would be to increase growth to the extent that the town would be too big. Alston assured Council that the plan would help to bring about growth that would be appropriate to the desires of most in the community and would enhance our present quality of life. Wade requested that he meet with Council in a special meeting to work on these plans as he needs at least 2 hours to go over the material he has to date. He also asked permission from Council to submit drafts of the plan to Municipal Affairs who have expres­an interest in it. Council will meet with Wade Tuesday March 20, 1990 at 7PM to work on the plans. Minutes of the regular meeting held Tuesday February 27, 1990 were read and it was moved by Councillor Pilling that they be accepted as read. Carried. Accounts Pay. Bank Recon. Correspondence Moved by Councillor Baril that the accounts payable as covered by cheques #1079 to #1107 be approved for payment. Carried. Moved by Councillor Baril that the February bank reconciliation statement be accepted as presented. Carried. The following items of correspondence were presented to Council and dealt with as indicated: -Letter from Rob & Sharee Jones requesting that Council give them a list of areas in town where Council would allow them to move an older house onto. Council felt that it was a better situation for Jones' to locate a lot and then request permission for their project. -AUMA seminar in Coaldale on May 10 to discuss several current issues. Tuesday March 13, 1990 2 Corresp. Fuel Tenders -Letter from AUMA soliciting input for resolutions sessions at the 1990 convention in Calgary. -The Magrath Irrigation District annual meeting will be held Wednesday March 28 at 2PM in the MID office. Moved by Councillor Brunner that the fuel supply contract for 1990 be awarded to Tyco of Magrath at the following rates; 40.1C litre for regular gas, 41.1 for unleaded gas, and 29.2 for diesel. Carried. Snow Removal Councillor Pilling reported that she has received several positive comments from citizens on the excellent job the crew had done with snow removal recently and asked that this be communicated to Garth and his staff. Animal Control The animal control report for February was reviewed and it was noted that although February was busier for Melodie most problems were taken care of in a satisfactory manner. Chinook Fdn. Seminars Councillor Pilling reported that the Chinook Foundation year end report was completed and Magraths requlsitiojn-. to help offset the deficit would be $36,208.25 , up susbstantially from 1989. She also reported that the Foundation Board has now set a policy that will place a lid on future requisitions'7, so that they will not increase higher than the 1990 ones. This restraint will only be possible if the Province continues to provide a grant for a portion of the deficit. Administrator has requested Council's permission to attend the several annual seminars and workshops provided to assist him in the performance of his duties. These include; March 14 - 16 at Red Deer, 1 day in May for the zone workshop , 3 days for the Refresher Course at Banff in June, and 1 day in the fall for the other zone workshop. Moved by Councillor Pilling that permission to attend these events be granted. Carried. ALARIE Councillor Baril informed Council that he has reviewed the infor­mation on the Alberta Local Authorities Reciprocal Insurance program, with the Administrator and feels that it will be worth­while for us to particpate. Moved by Councillor Baril that we continue to participate in the AUMA self insurance program which will now be included in ALARIE and that we grant the AUMA power of attorney in regards to the disposition of the funds we now have in trust with them. AUMA will determine when it will be best to put these funds into the joint program. Carried. GST Councillor Dahl and Mayor Lowry will attend the ORRPC GST work­shop on Friday March 29. Any member of Council wishing to attend also should inform the office of this intent so that ORRPC can be informed.Tuesday March 13, 1990 3 Fire Dept. Hockey Curling Bleachers Councillor Tanner presented for review, a planning strategy for the future upgrading of the fire department. This plan was drawn up by Firechief Bennett and includes replacing the older truck, and constructing a new hall. Tanner asked that members of Council study the plan and bring their comments to the next regular meet­ing . The Magrath Atom A minor hockey team has won the Zone 5 crown and will now travel to Spirit River on March 22 - 24 for the provincial playoffs. Minor Hockey has requested some financial assistance from the town to help offset travelling costs. The Recreation Board has recommended a grant in the amount of $200 - $400 be given to this organization. Moved by Councillor Harris that a grant of $400 be given to Minor Hockey to assist them with the travelling costs of the Atom A team to Spirit River. Carried, The Magrath Curling Club will be building a new rink on the site of the present one. Estimated costs for this project are $250,000 and the Club has raised over $40,000 to date towards this. They have al§o received a commitment from the Province for funds from the Community Enhancement Fund. Their building fund includes $9400 received from CRC funds in past years. The Club is request­ing assistance from the Town by way of equipment and other services They want the Town crew and equipment to demolish and remove the old structure, provide service lines, assist with the excavating, and to provide some gravel. Moved by Councillor Harris that the above request be granted with the town removing the building, providing service lines, gravel, and some excavating. Carried. The Lethbridge Community College has some used bleachers available at a cost of $1,000. These consist of 8 16ft units and 4 12ft units, all 3 seats in height. These could be used at both the arena and the ball diamonds and it has been determined that it would cost this much to just build the frames for what is needed. Moved by Councillor Harris that we purchase these bleachers for $1,000. Carried. NW Ball Diamond Moved by Councillor Harris that the basepaths of the NW ball diamond be rebuilt using red shale. This job will be covered in the $1500 budget for the ballpark. Carried. Block 51 The Rec Board has requested that any residential development plans for the interior of Block 51 provide space for a playground. Irrigation Councillor Harris reported that he, Councillors Tanner and Brunner and Administrator Bly had attended a meeting with representatives from the MD of Cardston and the MAgrath Irrigation District to discuss mutual drainage and irrigation problems on the southwest corner of town. Tuesday March 13, 1990 4 Irrigation Block 71B Committees The MID is working on a project to put the towns supply ditch into pipe and the MD is working on drainage for the west entrance road. These projects will tie into the perimeter drain that the town is working on and as indicated at previous meetings there is a benefit to be had if the three authorities work to­gether on this. The MID and MD have both completed the design work and need the Town to get some designs and pipe sizing for the ditches inside the town. Councillor Harris proposes that since Joe Prozniak has done the work for the others that we contact him to work out the pipe sizing for this proposal. Moved by Harris that Joe Prozniak be contacted to determine his fee for doing this estimate. Carried. Council discussed the status of the town owned residential lots in Block 71B and ways that these could be sold this year. Moved by Councillor Harris that Lots 6—11 Block 71B be advertised for sale at a price of $5,000 with the stipulation attached that construction commence within 1 year and be completed in 2years. A deposit of $500 would be required with the balance before construction begins. Failure to meet the requirements could result in the forfeiture of the deposit. Carried. Moved by Councillor Pilling that we advertise for local volunteers for both the Tourism Action Committee and the Economic Develop­ment board. Carried. Old Hospital Villa Adjourn Bids received for the demolition of the old hospital were receiv­ed as follows; Sunshine Excavating $37,440, Duek Excavating $33,900. Moved by Councillor Baril that the bid of Dueck Excavating be accepted for the demolition of the old hospital for the total price of $33,900 including the filling and compaction of the site. This motion is subject to the official purchase of the property by the LDS Church. Carried. Councillor Brunner informed Council that we must be aware of road conditions and bans prior to this job being done. Moved by Mayor Lowry that the town crew clear the parking lot of the GArden Villa seniors apartments. Carried. Moved by Councillor Brunner that this meeting adjourn. Carried 9:35 PM ACCOUNTS PAYABLE March 13, 1990 1079 Petty Cash 61.93 1080 Lethbridge Lodge 100 .00 1081 Garth Veale 50.00 1082 AB Health - February 177.75 1083 Blue Cross - April 73.86 1084 Amalgamated Beverages 368.82 1085 Provincial Treasurer 15.00 1086 AAMDC 2 085.29 1087 Baalim Automotive 1 624.70 1088 Rodney Bly 150.00 1089 Crane Supply 1 158.60 1090 Chief Mountain Gas Co-op 73.50 1091 C-T Industries 186.15 1092 CWN Gas 1 446.92 1093 Cardston School Div-Jnt Use MAG 4th 125.00 1094 Dunlop Ford 49.31 1095 Freddies Paints 56.65 1096 Gurneys Garage 215.67 1097 Greg’s Transport 75.64 1098 M. Johnston 310.00 1099 Magrath Co-op 679.30 1100 Magrath Trading Co 248.98 1101 Magrath Figure Skating-Care & Share 38.84 1102 Magrath Band Parents - CRC 3 000.00 1103 Purolator 75.86 1104 Robbert Tanner 41.40 1105 Transalta 5 165.13 1106 TyCo 440.13 1107 Western Canada Welding 221.14 TOTAL 18 315.5.7