Magrath Store News (May 22, 1975)

An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. MAGRATH TRADING CO STORENEWS PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DEI GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758 - 3065 STORE HOURS: MONDAY« TUES...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Magrath Trading Store
Format: Journal/Newspaper
Published: J. A. Ririe 1975
Online Access:
Summary:An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News. The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content. MAGRATH TRADING CO STORENEWS PHONES: OFFICE 758-3033 GROCERIES 758-3535 DEI GOODS 758-3252 HARDWARE 758 - 3065 STORE HOURS: MONDAY« TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ••••••••*•* 8 AJf. WEDNESDAY .•.*. . . • ••. ® to 6 P. Mi to 7 P«M* THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1975 MAGRATH, ALBERTA . r.v'«:* v.v.v V v.v.w.r . r.w.».v.T.v » » » » - »■ » * w « * . <r » . w r r ■»».». r. ». y. ».y.», g. g.«.», b ■ g. g. g . g.» . 1-g. T.T I.«.», i-1 Ladies and Giris MMM*<Ht-MM»MftSMMMK*M)Hi-. MMMMMMXXXMKiHiMMkMMMMMMMMMMKMMMMKMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* LADIES’ PANTSUITS matchmate outfits Check our very snartest PARIS STAR Co-Ordinates in Slacks, Skirts, Blouses, Vests, Knit rTops and Sweaters. Feature colors - Mint and Coral. LADIES’ SMOCK TOPS Short sleeves. Assorted patterns. Sizes S-M-L. JhCKCTÇ Kiddies Spring Jackets in Nylon and Denins with flannel lining. Infant Sizes: M.L. XL. or 2 to 3X. 4.98» 5-95 DRESSES Lovely new styles in ladies Spring and Stauner Dresses - just arrived. Fashions are the very latest, in easy-care fabrics and styles and colors that are sure to please. Dusters New Arrivals in Dusters by Morson. Included are Cotton/Polyester Printed in short style and Mu-Mus in popular colors. LADIES’& TEENS’ SWEATERS AVON SWEATERS in popular Ban Lon Knit. Two smart styles in long or short sleeve fashions. Colors: White, Red, Brown, $9.95 * $10.95 32 oz. 1# **•«» :! GRttN CROSS CRMN CROSS Weed’nfeed £0-10-5 WthKUlEX & * .wn. Vegetation Killer Granules c • Easy to apply — Just shake it on. • Positive action — Does not require watering in. • For use on driveways, patios, along fence lines, etc. Deritox—Insecticide Refill fc* garden guard squeeze duster KILLS: Aphids, Caterpillars, Beetles, etc. • Ideal for vegetables and fruits — no poisonous residues. • Acts as both a stomach and contact poison against insects. • Will not injure tender plant foliage. • Contains: Rotenone. Maggot Killer c In handy shaker package KILLS : Soil Maggots on onions, turnips (rutabagas), cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, radishes and other cole crops, carrots, parsnips and corn. • May be used on all types of onions including green or bunching onions. • Economical granular formulation goes further than dusts. • Positive control — kills maggots before they attack plants. • Contains: Granular 10 oz.••••. ïÿgon 2E* c Systemic insecticide A liquid systemic insecticide for control of house flies, aphids, leaf miners and other insects and mites on certain ornamental plants, apples, pears and some vegetables. • Systemic action — will not wash off in rain. • Can be used as paint-on treatment for birch trees and roses. 0 One of the best controls for birch leaf miner. insecticide. 9* Weed 'n Feed with Killex • Use Weed-N-Feed with "Killex" to fertilize the lawn and kill weeds in one easy operation. • Non-burning Ureaform gradual­release Nitrogen. • Formula: 20-10-5 plus Killex. • 22 lb. bag covers 5,000 square feet to feed the lawn and kill the weeds. • Famous Killex controls hard-to-control weeds such as Chick­weed, Clover, Dandelion, Plantain, Knotweed, Black Medic, Creeping Charlie and many others. • Lightweight — in easy to carry bag with handle. 16 oz 8 oz* Ant and Grub Killer . In handy shaker package c KILLS: Ants, Cutworms. White Grubs, Cockroaches. Crickets, Spiders, Earwigs, etc. • For pests in gardens, lawns, homes, restaurants. • Ready-to-use shaker top container. • Acts both as a stomach and contact poison against insects. Contains: 5% Chlordane Dust. 1#. Garden and Fruit Tree Spray- c • A general-purpose insect spray in liquid form. • Controls insect pests on fruit trees, flowers, ornamentals and vegetables, leatherjackets in lawns. • Controls a wide range of sucking and chewing insects. • Powerful contact action with long-lasting control. 8 fl. oz.2^ Weed No More c Containing 2,4-D KILLS: Dandelions, Plantain and some other broadleaf lawn weeds. • Just mix with water and spray established lawn. Won't harm grass. • Weeds disappear within 3 weeks. • 1 fl. oz. covers 300 square feet when used according to directions. • Non-volatile. 16 oz Killex Chickweed and clover killer KILLS: Chickweed, Dandelions, Ground Ivy, English Daisy, Broadleaf Weeds, Clover in lawns, also poison Ivy. • Kills many 2,4-D resistant species. • Mixes readily with water for spraying. • Does not kill grass. • The "standard" Weed Killer used by leading golf courses. ATTENTION: For the people who need my phone number for water delivery - phone 753-3161, put it in your book. ! Heber Christensen. FCE. SALE: 1965 Ford Half Ton, 2 spares + trunk with auxiliary fuel tank. $700 or best offer. Doug Anderson, Ph. 753-3235« WANTED: Summer Bnployment for teenage boy. Will work after 3*30 and Satur­days until school is out. . Phone 758-3U2 NOTICE: Piano Tuning and Repairs, Key recovering, etc. Certified service. Jerry Clark, Ph. 328-7183, 1738 - 12th Ave. S., Lethbridge. NOTICE: We will be moving to Magrath and would like, to rent a 3 bedroom home. Please call collect - 752-3122 Raymond. Dr. C. H. Norton. MOTHERS' MEETING - Mothers of Brownies and Guides are requested to meet Wednes­day evening May 28th at 7:30 P«M. in the lions Hall. All mothers are urged to attend as there is an important matter to dis­cuss. Flora Lee, Pres. E» Harrison, Sec. Treas. ATTENTION: Due to lack of support from 5 Band Parents and Students we were un­able to conduct the Rag Drive Saturday. If you have clean rags that you wish to donate, please call Barbara Ririe, 758-3598, Sue Kado 758-3136 or Ida Taylor 758-3132 and we will be glad to pick them up. Thank you for your support. Band Executive. ADULT TENNIS CLASSES - are being given each Tuesday and Thursday, 6:30 to 7:15 throughout May. Courts are re­served for these classes or until finished. PLAY SCHEDULE: Adults - to 8:30 AJf. 16 & Under - 8:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. 17 &. Over - 6:30 PJ<. on. Proper footwear is strictly enforced. Tennis or Qym shoes only. A. Stevenson. LOST: Handle for a parasol, between Church and iqy home. J. Bondy. IEFT AT MY PLACE - last summer, a bicycle. Owner may claim by identify­ing. J. Bondy. DUANE FABRIES TRENCHING - all trench­ing requirements, Vibra plowing, back­hoe, winch work, Gin poles, gas line installation, etc. Ph. 653-2470 or 653-2506. REMINDER: Entries for the Magrath and District Rodeo Queen Contest for June 7th close Saturday, May 24th, Get your entries in to Mrs. Darlene Miller ¡ at Magrath, Mrs. Sylvia Bullock, Welling PLASTIC DRAPES Colorful floral patt­erned Plastic Drapes, fully lined. A nice selection of designs and colors. Rich looking, economical too. REGULAR $1.69 pr. _ l-W PILLOW CASES 100% Cotton Pillow Slips in floral patterns or gay stripes. REGULAR $1.95 Pr« * .q I ^ir TABLECLOTHS Vinyl patterned Tablecloths with flannel becking. Colorful floral patterns. Size: 52 x 70 REGULAR $6.95 C.95 .«di 100% COTTON TABLECLOTHS - assorted designs and colors. Size 52 x 7O.$7»95* 36x36.••.$2.95 DISH TOWELS 3 for. Linen Dish Towels in striped border patterns in assorted colors. REGULAR 691 each Ironing Board Covers Teflon coated Ironing Board Covers. REGULAR 98* each. 79* 100% Acrylic Pile Bath Mats in Gold, White, Yellow, Mauve, Green. SIZE: 20x34. REGULAR $5.00 .REGULAR Tops! Ladies Pant Tops in screen printed designs - so nice for summer. Light weight Polyester knits. S. M. L. ^.95 jacket LADIES' BRSFS Misses’ and Ladies’ SLACKS Misses and Ladies Slacks in Fort re Is and Polyesters in plains, patterns, stripes and plaids. Nice for summer and holiday wearing. Ideal for camping. 95 to $14.50 99 Polyvinyl Jackets featuring the "leather look". Brown, Camel Brown shades. _ SIZES: 10-14. ) Q ” REGULAR $24.95. I' ladies Nylon Tricot knit Briefs in assorted pastel shades, also white. Lace trimming on legs. REGULAR 691. 3 pr. LADIES' SUMMER SUN HATS The Alberta Heart Foundation Canvas conducted by the Women's Hospital Atari li ary netted a total of $373.00. The Auxiliary thanks the citizens for their support in this very worthwhile cause. Mrs. Flora Austin had as her guests the past week her brother and sister-in­law Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen of lorkton, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilbraham of Wetaskawin renewed acquaintances in Magrath during the holiday weekend, and were the guests trf and Mrs. Leonard Whitt. Miss Ruth Peters of Edmonton was a holiday guest at the home of Mrs. Beth Pitcher. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wright of Edmonton were Victoria weekend visitors to Magrath, I guests of her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harker and her mother Mrs. Hattie Harker. Cpl and Mrs. Gary Wakely and family of Turner Valley were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mai. Mr. and Mrs. Conway Brewerton and family of Edmonton were holiday guests at the home of his parents Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. David Dudley and children of Provost visited during the Victoria Day weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. George T. Dudley and Mr. Grant Blusel. Mr. Lome Schnunk of Ednonton was a Magrath visitor during the weekend, a guest of his mother Mrs. Mabie Schmunk. Mrs. Leta Overn of Edmonton visited relatives and friends during the holiday weekend, the guest of her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson of Spring Coulee. Mr. Ron Hill»er of Edmonton was a weekend visitor at the home of his par­ents Mr. and Mrs. Len Hillmer. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Merkley and Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton of Edmonton I were Magrath visitors during the weekend and were in attendance at the Calling Reception of Denise Hamilton and Richard Sugden which was an event of Saturday evening. Mrs. Fem Cook and Keith and Mr. and Mrs. John Cook attended the grad­uation ceremonies of Kelly ZoBell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert ZoBell, in Vauxhall Friday evening. Cool, comfortable ” Sun Hats for Miladay in ornamental straws, peanut straws, fabrics and lace straws. A good selection of styles and colors. 95i to Z9* Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tollestrup had their children home over the weekend Bob and Joan McKenna from Medicine Hat, Jack and Marlene Tollestrup of Lethbrid Barry and Mary Tollestrup of Lethbridge. They attended the 50th Anniversary of their uncle and aunt, Lawrence and 'Bex McClain Saturday evening. I Mr. Max Sabey visited relatives and friends in Magrath and district during the weekend. LEE RIDERS Popular fine checked Polyester and Cotton Western Pants« Shades of brown« REGULAR $10.95 Ifrs REGULAK $15.95 & $17.95 (No Returns) 1395 Polyester Slacks by G.W.G. in handsome plaids in prédominât» ing shades of Blues and Tans« Latest styles that are sure to make a hit with the Young Men« FOR SALE: 4 GR 70-15 Steel Belted used Car tires, $40. Cal Alston« MAGRATH & DISTRICT HISTORY ASSOCIATION NOTICE: Anyone desiring a copy of our Pioneer Builder Book please contact Cal Alston before we in­crease the price. $10 in town, $11 out of town« FOR SALE: Quantity of Used Lumber: 1,736»- 1x6 shiplap, 284' - 1x8 shiplap, 1,392« - 1x6, 96« 1x8, 162» - 1x10, 126’ - 1x12, 1,000« - 2x4, 336» - 2x6, 42« - 1x4, 36' - 6x6. Also 1 - 35*000 BTU floor furnace« Phone 758-3502. THANK YOU: The family of Lawrence and Berta McClain wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in making the Golden Wedding of their parents such a memorable occasion, especially the ladies of the United Church and those donating squares« We do appreciate you all. Maxine, C.J., Ruth and Larry« Wwk Gloves WE HÂVE A GOOD STOCK OF WORK GLOVES IN ALL POPULAR STYLES. JERSEYS, MONKEY FACE, LEATHERS. REGULAR $2.95 pr. Men's Split leather Work Gloves with Canvas back. A real popular glove for comfort and long wearing . MEN'S WORK SOCKS M.W.M. BRAND WORK SOCKS in popular Grey with White top toes and heels. Wool and Acrylic« REGULAR $1.49 pr. 1” Mr. Wendell Fowler, Mrs. Rose Fowler, and Mrs« Welthea Learned all of Salt lake City, Utah were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Maud Ririe. Mrs. Alice Fowler who has been visiting at the home of her mother returned home with her husband Wendell. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Baker of Calgary are visiting at the homes of their parents Mr« and Mrs. Wallace Baker, Magrath and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harris, Spring Coulee« The Glen Bakers have just returned from a holiday in Salt Lake City, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Blixnell and the Ken Arrid family. Dr. Floyd Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs« Warren Harris of Spring Coulee has been acc­epted as Pathologist in the Royal Columbia Hospital at New Westminister, B.C. His family will join him in June. Mr. and Mrs. George Minor had as their guests during the weekend their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Collin Risk and family of Calgary, son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Jim Minor and family of Trail, B.C. end daughter Miss Susan Minor of Red Deer. FOR SALE: 10 speed bike, small size, 2 years old, in good condition. Ph. 758-3437« SEE OUR COUNTER OF HALF PRICE SLACKS. MANY I NEW ONES HAVE BEEN ADDED. Upstairs Dept. NOTICE: Will the person who borrowed our Green fertilizer spreader please return it. Hardware Dept. SPECIAL: Clematis, Day Lilies (pink, orange and yellow) Astilbe, etc. 20% OFF. Anemonies - Regular $1.39 .89$ pk. Hardware Dept. JUST ARRIVED: A number of new Spring Blouses including Braiter Bros, fashions. Just the thing for Pant Suits, Skirts, Slack co­ordinates. Upstairs Dept. A pessimist is one who expects nothing on a silver platter except tarnish. YOUNG MEN'S WHITE SPORT SOCKS WITH FANCY STRIPE TRIM. REGULAR $2.95 pr.$2.49 pr. SHOP IN OUR MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR DEPARTMENT FOR TOP VALUES AND MERCHANDISE. COMBINATIONS MEN’S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Available in Ccmbed Cotton, Cotton/thermal knit, Combination Cotton/iool, All Wool* REGULAR $5*95 to $20.00 jackefc fir Boys smartly styled Nylon Jackets with stripe trim on sleeve* Popular Spring shades* STEESi 8 to 12, REGULAR $8*95* The Antelope Ridge Women’s Institute met at the Carol Raasch hcnte May 12th* There were two guests present, Mrs* Kinghci from Kelowna, B* C* and Louise Broderson, Home Economist from Cardston, also two former members attended* The Women’s Institute Fair will be held all day May 21st at Cardston* The women will take articles they have made and try to gain points for their Club* Miss Broderson was guest speaker* She spoke on Spring Fashions* Some of the new looks are: the pinafore dress, both long and short lengths; skirts with gathers, gores or button down fronts) the Army Dungeree look* Dresses are looser with butterfly sleeves, yokes, gathers, V necks and wide collars* The ’’cape” is still in* Straw hats, lots of glass beads and chains worn around the neck, wide belts, cinch elastic belts and wedge sole shoes are "all in” this Spring* Light colors such as blue, peach, green and rose are popular* The next meeting will be held June 16th at the home of Allison Swarts* • ft ft * THANK YOU: I express my sincere thanks to the doctors, nurses and staff of the Magrath Hospital for the wonderful care and attention I received while being a patient there* Also for the' many cards, gifts and visits I received* Faye Cook* Short Sleeve DRESS SHIRTS KNIT DRESS SHIRT New Arrivals in Men’s Short Sleeve Dress/Sport Shirts in plain shades or smart figured patterns* 9.95 ‘KJ95 Fashion-wise Dress Shirts in popular knits* Plains and patterns in the very latest colors* REG. $12 & $13* ~ Western; THANK YOU: We would like to thank our families for the lovely day (May 17, 1975) given to us on our Golden Wedding Day* We are truly grateful for them and the many friends and relatives who called to congratulate us on this day* We are so grateful for your friendship for this and every day of the year* Lawrence & Berta McClain* THANK YOU: My sincere thanks to those who sent cards to me during my stay in the Clinic in Edsionton* I appreciated your thoughtfulness very much* Mrs* Kay Gesinghaus* • ft • • • NOTICE: I will be hairdressing at Ifyrna’s Lock Shop beginning Saturday May 17th* I will be working Mondays 10 A*M* to 5 F«M* Tuesdays 8 - 11:30 A*}' Wednesday 8 to 11:30 A*M* Thursday 8 - 11:30 A.M* 5 P*M* to 8:30 P*M* evenings* Saturday - 8 A«M* to 5 P«M* Please call me at 758-3437 after hours or 758-3074 during hours* Thank you* Jean Thomson* Men’s LEVI Western Shirts in the popular faded Blue shade* REGULAR $12.95. WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK OF MEN’S WESTERN STRAW HATS IN THE VERY LATEST STYLES AND COLORS* ATTENTION: Mike Douglas will conduct Golf Lessons at the Magrath Golf Course on Fridays and Saturdays* For further information call 758-3054* - FOR SALE: Wedding dress, simple style, complete with underskirt and veil* For further Information call 758-3553» Mr* and Mrs* Don Harker had as their guests during the weekend their son-in­law and daughter Mr* and Mrs* Low of Edmonton* E * IÜ1 s PORKCHOPS .» lb« I49 BEEF SHORT RIBS SLICED BACON SWIFTS iean lb. lb» 79’ Beef Liver GROUN SLICED FRESH GROUND 4b. 69' I N 1 * The day was "perfection" for the family of Lawrence and Berta McClain as they gathered together to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of their parents« Cameras were clicking amid the sounds of laughter and visiting of parents, children, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles­cousins, nieces and nephews. The hall of the Mhgrath United Church was decorated by the grandchildren in colors of gold and white. The three tier wedding cake, baked by daughter Maxine and decorated by Bertha Bennet* adorned the head table« The table decorations had been made by daughter Ruth and her daughters« ■ A very delicious turkey supper was prepared and served by the ladies of the United Church. Rene Croteau, husband of Ruth, was M. C. for the dinner and filled his assigment extremely well Presentation of a red carmtion by each grandchild was made« David Croteau, youngest grandchild^ made the gift presentation on behalf of the 22 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild« Larry McClain, youngest child of Lawrence and Berta, made the presentation on behalf of the children - Maxine Moser, C.J. McClain, Ruth Croteau and himself, Lloyd Meldrum gave a most interesting account of Lawrence and Berta’s romance« In the evening a community Open House was enjoyed by many family friends and relatives, some having travelled seme distance to be in attendance. Sharon Meldrum and Sharon Sam rendered piano solos which were greatly enjoyed« Maxine Moser sang several songs at the request of her mother accompanied by Sharon Sam« Those in attendance from out of town were the McClain children - Maxine & Joe Moser, Daraly and Beverlee of St. Albert; C.J. and Colleen McClain, Michael, Roddy and Douglas of Raymond, Mar: and Evelyn McClain and Jeffery of Raymond, Tanya and Paul Cahoon of EAnontonj Ruth and Rene Croteau, Kelly and friend, Tim, Janette and friend, Robert, Kama and David of Edmonton; Larry and Evelyn McClain, Gordon, Shelley and friend, Charles of Calgary, Clifford and Shirley Ann of Grand Centre. Family relatives were Mr. and Mrs. John McClain of Medicine Hat, Joan and Bob Me Renna of Medicine Hat, Ihrry and Mary Tollestrup, Jack and Marlene Tollestrup of Lethbridge, Sharley and Ray Hill of Calgary, Ray and Edra Meldrum of Columbia Falls, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. Bud McClain of Pincher Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Haner McClain of Lethbridge, Mr. and Mr3. Robert Zemp of Calgary. Telegrams and cards of congratulations were received from Bert Hargrave, M.P0, Governor General and Madame Leger, Robert Stanfield, Leuit. Gov. Ralph Stenhauer and Premier Peter Loughc Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Meldrm and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Tellestrup were hosts and hostesses for the evening« Mrs« Bertha Bennett presided at the guest book, granddaughter Shirley Ann served wedding cake and "thank you" notes« Only granddaughter Ruth Moser Kosotkin and family were unable to attend due to the awaited arrival of the second great grandchild of Lawrence and Berta«•c • N 1 , - - , ' Zt I 1 xTI _ j. 1 f rtv VALUES HERE ! Fruit .Cocktail 1 x b b i • s.u » 2á95c PUNCH jKOOL AID (assorted flavors) 6i49‘ EVAPORATED MILK ALPHA tall tinw^ßl®® J SALAD DRESSING KRAFT 32 02 1”« J GREEN BEANS FRENCH STYLE .14 02. 3i’1 '■ - WAGON WHEELS .Westons 12 oz 99’ BOSTON LOAF ••••12 oz 89' PICS ■ SARA LEE qJl 02 ■129 Wafers HQiSEL GRAHAM .u. 79* SOFTENER i Fleecy • > 64 oz 99’ ORANGES SUNKIST VALENCIA.Sweet & Juicy DANANAS GOLDEN RIPE APPLES B«C0 FANCY DELICIOUS 3# bag. POTATOES No. 2 10# bag Apples »CRANNY SMITH» Fancy