Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Yearbook 2006

The annual publication of the students of Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta.(2005-06) Lethbridge Collegiate Institute 1701 5th Avenue South Lethbridge, AB, T1J0W4 http://lsdwcb.lethsd.ab.ca/LCI/home Student Enrollment - 1567 Published in Canada Printed in USAMB** The beginning o(:...

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Main Author: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute 2006
Online Access:http://digitallibrary.uleth.ca/cdm/ref/collection/haig/id/3562
Summary:The annual publication of the students of Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta.(2005-06) Lethbridge Collegiate Institute 1701 5th Avenue South Lethbridge, AB, T1J0W4 http://lsdwcb.lethsd.ab.ca/LCI/home Student Enrollment - 1567 Published in Canada Printed in USAMB** The beginning o(: any school semester has its growing pains as students and teachers are getting used to a new daily schedule and a new set of routines. Early mornings, new classes, new teachers, locker combinations, identification cards, new bell I imes. and new and old friendly faces arc all a part of the exci I cmen 1 and anxiety that make up the first couple of weeks of a new school year .We hope 2005 - 2006 was a great experience for you. - Yearbook Staff Above: Welcome Aboard-Brand now grade nine students line up to get a some free grub after opening day registration. Right: Do you hove your ID card? Mrs. Mine brings herclass down to sign out their math textbooks during the first couple of days of semeslor one.“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."- Anatole France Above Left: If you feed them, they will come. M&M Meats prepared burgers and hotdogs for all who participated in the Terry Fox Run. Above: Hey, it's an easy mistake! Even veteran students make mistakes the first week. Eva Switzer catches her friend making an unusual mistake. Just don't be late for class’ Left: First Assembly. A large group of grado nine students and some anxious parents listened carefully to the opening message by Pnnciapl Groft. Student Lite - 3The LCI pep rally’s were fanl us lie this year. The one in March was bused on the recenl Winter Olympic Games held in February. The pep rally was to suppor I our a I hie t ic teams who hud jus I comple I cd or were completing their season of play. The pep rally featured scverul LCI main events, like Sumo Wrestling. Foo l ball Toss. Roller Blade Speed Skating. Ska I cbourd Slalom and the ever popular teacher figure skating. All I he events were judged by teachers representing various countries. Allan Puvun provided great spirit during the pep rally and a great time was had by all. - Mr. brack Above: Oh Yeah!! Witch Keslor, Bob Ferguson, T ylor Boese. and Jason Derricott get pumped up tor the pep rally. They show us their school spirit as they Ilex. Right: Mrs.Schaber, Mr. Spring and about 200 students had to lird a seat on the tlcor for this Pep Rally.“There is nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply."- Josh Billings League Champions tapper Ojc ootbal • League Champions Student LiteThe relationships that you develop Ihroughou I your highschool years carry with them the most lasting memories. The difference between a good day and a bud one can be a comforting common I from a friend. During 1 his school year we hope that you have created many new relationships that have turned into lifelong friendships. Although a true friend is “DARE” they are worth searching for through all 1 hat are “WELL DOME”. - Yearbook Staff Above: The drama begins! A group of drama studenis havo a hcot hang ng out in the green room'. Right: Girls In the Hood! Ke'sey Koegler. Megan Anderson and Christina Ellis buddy up fer the Terry Fox Run!"Remember, the greatest gift Is not found In a store nor under a tree, but in the Lett: Cam langhofor. Jessica Payne. Jamie Hynes. Dexter Hamilton and Tyler Cowo hanging cut during the Terry Fox Run! Studcnl Life - Abovo Lelt: Karmyn Skura and Melissa Bosch take a minute out of their busy day at th8 Girl's Conference to peso for apicture! Above: Jill Johnston, and Amanda Rcllag have big smiles for the camera. hearts of true friends."- Cindy Lew Halloween is traditionally one of I he besl participated in events throughout the year and this year was no exception. Hundereds of very unique and immaginative ideas turned into very funny costumes. The teachers went exceptionally all out to produce some of I he favorite costumes arid the overall winner. A great day shared by all - even those that didn’t dress up. I bet they do next year. - Yearbook Stall Above: A costumed group gathers for a photo on the front steps on Halloween Day. Right: One of tho favorite costume duo's was the Sister Nun Act that Mr. Brack and Ms. Yanota created.Left: Mr. Ryan Smilham, a U of L Art Intern teacher and his band of Art 20 Halloween Hoodlums gather lor a delightfully-spooky photo op. I Wonder if tho U of L told Mr.S about this? Above: Napoleon Dynamite • Ms. Hogland and Ms. Sanderson teamed up to win the best ovorall costume as Napoleon Dynamite ar.d Pedro Sanchez. Student Lite ‘)UMQtd 5. .4. 3. .2. .1. .Hie lunch bell rings! Doors burs! open and a Hood of s I udents tills the halls. Everyone on I heir own mission. lobe first in line for a bowl of homemade soup from I he cafeteria, investigate I he lunch mom packed, beat the rush I o choir practice, or head over lo Burger King. The air is filled with (he aroma of freshly popped popcorn, cinnamon buns, and fries and gravy. Students scurry past munching on carrot slicks, pizza pops, and apples. The odd bologna sandwich not having made I he cuI is slam-dunked into the nearest garbage coni ainer. Whether si udents are looking forward to catching up on last nights homework, mingling with their friends, or taking time to silence their tummy grumblings, lunch hour at LCI is a welcomed time to regroup and refresh. - Nrs. Layton“You can tell alot about someone’s character by the way they eat jellybeans.” - Ronald Reagan Above Left: There's nothing setter than sharing the lunch hour with a friend. Above: Mackenzie Pulic and Nick Vedres l-o-v-o hotdogs! They share this passion with us at lunchtime. Left: A group of LCI sludentsare onjoyingtheirlunchesinthegym. cheering on their favorite Intramural competitors. Student Life - nh§w!mfar Ufa Vfje it Ukc a Box o( Chocolate*- you never know quite what you It fond untilyou bite in ’ -Forrett Gump we never quite know what, to expect, it’s always better to be prepared. What better way to prepare t han to mix in the classroom? Begin with a fresh assortment, o f \ aces and backgrounds, stir in a wholesome dose of learning and information, a heaping handful of practice and reviews, teachers wise and otherwise, laughter, excitement, tears, failures and succcses. add your own personality into the mix- Simmer for three for four?) years and. The resul I is always a per fee I blend! Used wisely, it will last a lifetime. - Mr. Wet lerstrand Above: From eating worms to drinking unknown mixtures. English 30-1 students enjoy watching Fear Factor events in Mr. Wetterstrand's class. Don't think they have it easy though.It corresponds with a novol they road. Right: Grade 10 Autobodyl Clifford Rcckorbic and Nathan Anderson crowning the panel and learning techniques v/ith the hammer. Their projects turned out amazing. Gcod-jcb Boys!“Education, therefore, is a process of living and not only the preparation for future living.'- - John Dewey Above: Mathematical Collaboration - Carson Bell and Max Renneberg team up on a Math 20 Pure problem in Ms. Harrison's class. Lott: Melvin Joosten pays close attention to Mr. Fletcher's lesson, while ovcryo.oe else is busy al work. • Above Left: Nikki Byam takes a break from her work to sweeten up chemistry 30 with a candy cane. Lite • ludcnl'entdim hi§rent / - A 0 This year in fashion, lough guys wear pink, the 80’s arc back, and we’re still wailing for somebody lo fell us I hat Crocs are just a big joke, huge belts, lots of long necklaces and Converse shoes are in once again. Hoodies are si ill in style, but this year they’re all zip-up. Layers are big as well, with kids wearing up to 5 or 6 at a time. Guys are still growing out their hair, and girls ure backcombing theirs. This year, it’s cool lo add your own flair to whatever’s in by doing anything from wearing a bandana around your neck, to coloring your hair pink or piercing your lip. - Alyssa NcQuaid Above: Hcodies, t-shirts, blue jeans and the odd exception basicaly describes fashion for guys again this year. Right: Mac Putici. Kaiti Johnson. Shari Ward and Elya Penner show off their layers. Layers are in for both guys and girls this year.Above: Kristen Dietz shows off her lip piercing. Left: Rebekah Hurst, Toni Vanderager, Megan Anderson, April Ccrderio and their models Chelsea Schuler. Shannon Magee. Jamie-Lcigh Clappison and Jesse Williams compete in their cosmo class's hair competition. Student Life - is16 1600 STROnG IGOOSTROnG 1G00 STROnG HUNGRY FOR SUCCESS Everybody knows that we come to school each day to absorb the knowledge and experience that will prepare us for the future. We also know however, that it is not just the classrooms that make highschool such a great experience, but rather the people who sit next to you in those classes. It is the Jokes, the laughter and the good times that make us excited to come to school each and every day. - Yearbook Stufff or me. as primarily a grade nine I cacher. I he school year ol 2005-2006 began more comfortably I hun I he si ar I ol previous years. This is I he I bird year I ha I grade nines have al l ended LCI and my comfort level, and lhal ol I he beginning students rose just a li 1 lie. All the small routines became a step easier: vve all managed lo find our way lo lhal elusive classroom in the G or II wing ol lhe school. Different students with u variety of learning styles meant lhal I needed lo change I he familiar, so lhal things weren’t desperately dull, and il look time lor I he kids to learn how lo best relate lo I he different building and teachers, too. At the same lime, we all looked forward to the year Iocome and lo making those small feelings ol unease disappear as I he challenges of the year were met and conquered. - Plr. Me Georye Top: A group ol enthused grade nines, at the first day barbeque. listen carofuliy tc the information at the opening assembly. Above: Reid Johnson, Braydon Miller and others line up for some free food Right: Spencer Warren and Brent on day number one (possibly a bribe Fikowski enjoying their hamburgers to like LCI?) Tannis Ablonczy Heather Acheson Aurielle Ackerman Corissa Ackroyd Cody Adamson Tristin Adamson Chelsea Allard Mujo Ambeskovic Tatem Anderson Ashley Aucoin Katelynn Bar.dmann Josh Barreira Ashley Bartz Devon Basham Russell Beck Devany Benis Lauren Bennelt Becca Beusokcm Brooke Binning Martha Bishop Angela Bitschy ♦t i VEaf first - EEfErrst Eat first - fir Errs/: - fit first - fit first - Eat first - fit first Stephen Blackshaw Greg Blow Jeff Bobinec 3en;amin Bchlo Daylan Bohnert Briana 3cron Andrew Boychuk Nate Boyda Nicole Bradley Jazmin Branden Johnathan Braun Julia Bronson Cody Brown Jim Brown Michael Brown Tasha Brown McKay Byam Scott Carlson Kerri Castellano Jeramy Chadney Krister. Chalmers Nick Charlebois Michael Chrapko Cayla Clemens Ryan Cclucci Bryanne Cock Taylor Cook Kelly Cooke Cody Coughlin Adam Crerigeur Sierra Dakin Kuiper Leanne Dalton Casey Davies Dylan DeGrace Marilyn Delaney Loft: A very active group of grade nine students took part in many Intramural events during the lunch hour. Taylor Varro waits for the pitch during a Belly-Baseball game.Grade Mae Aimee De Laurer.tiis Jillian Dempsey Carlyn Derksen Connor Derry Will QesLauriers Brooklyn Douccllc Kristina Ducll Mariah Duval Jayden Dyck Janna Eagle Speaker Randt Ebner □ever/ Edmonds Sammy Ekl Mattie Elliott Kayla Eng Mercedes England Jared Entz Aaron Evans Jordan Ewert Travis Fay Brent Fikcwski Joseph Fitzgerald Christopher F'avin Dalyce Foder Alexander Fong Matthew Forster Kayliynn Forsyth Colton Francis Darren Fry Tyler Fusco Tina Gaudry Sam Gosinghaus Katelyn Goldie Jonathan Gonzalez Matthew Gourley Matthew Graham Beverly Ann Greene William Groono Kevin Hall Carly-Ar.n Haney- £affrrj/t - SaffirM - £afi fir j/t ■ £afiftrM - fir j// Sarah Harland Kyle Hartley Jillian Hartwick Doug Harvie Jamin Heller Jami Hellwig Andrew Hemmerling Jamio Henderson Ted Hennigar Megan Hewko Christine Hill Brittany Hirschc Nicolas Holzmann Oaylce Howell Myriah Huls Aaron Hunt Christopher Hust Karly Hutchinson Nathan Ikuta Jason Illingworth Shannon Ingram Aimee Irvine Hamish Jacobs Jordan Jacobs Kalila James Laura Jang Emily Jankunis Blake Jensen Christopher Jensen Corbin Jensen Derek Jensen Eric Jensen Re d Johnson Saidee Johnson Torriann Johnson Logan Jones Tessa Joosten Matthew Jordan Micheal Jubinville Robyn KalauEar Err j A - Ear Err jA - Eat find - Eat fir4A - Ear Err iA - Eat fin A - Ear Err j A - Ear Em A LeAnna Kalvi Aaron Kaye Steven Kearl Allison Keith Clark Kennedy Kyle Kenney Michael Kinct Megan King Kaylee Kmniburgh Tyson Kirkvcld Kerry Klassen Jessica Koegler Larisa Kcskowich Ronnie Kreutz Co.by Kunzli Kristyn Kurio Tanner Laidlaw Dean Landry Colin Langhofcr Jason Lapthorn Brandi Leavitt Evan Liberty Kevin Lim Elisha Lister Connor Little McKayla Little Tyler Livingstone Ryan Lofgren Jessica Logue Jennifer Loula Jocelyn Low Ashley Lowe Brandon Lowe Kaitlyn Lowe Christopher MacDonald Matthew MacLonnan Kennedy Madge Brittney Malmberg Diva Mangal Rama Marino Darcee Marose Blayne Marshall Justin Marshall Brendin Matheny Jaelynn Matheson Jessica Mayen PcupteDoes yourTTom stlirmaE~e your schooriuncfi? “ Well, my Dad does. I ycl a sandwich, fruit and a juice box.” -Amanda Scquira "Ummrn.rio.” - Cassundru Parker B K “ Vcs. Always" (And vvhul does she pul in ii?; "I dunno. stuff.” - Michael brown “Ho. she docsn’l" -Stephen Schnoor "What are you lalkiny about!? Yah she does, man!” Evan Libci'I y Craig McCarthy Shawney McGinnis Trenton McLeod Brcndcn McQuaid Richard Mcllaarl Joshua Meller Braydon Miller Courtnee Miller Hyley Mitschke Oanielle Molnar Kathleen Moloney Annalee Mortensen Taylor Murakam Tanille Neufeld Scott Nickel Katherine Nielsen Kayleigh Nielson Jessica Niesson Brant Olmcck Benton Olson Raechcl OlsonGrade Mm Emma Osmond Josh Cstepchuk Benjamin Panchoshen Cale Parascak Punit Parekh Cassandra Parker Jessie Paterson Chao Patey Sharee Patzer Ar.din Pavan Andrew Pearson Erick Penner Kathrine Popper Michyla Phoebus Christian Pinncck Kelly Plausteiner Karissa Popson Paige Porter Megan Potter Liam Quinlan Andrea Qucn Ashley Rea Drew Rodckopp Jennifer Reger Steffi Reynolds Samantha Ritter Michelle Robertson 8e.n Robinson Gina Robinson Luc Rollingson Oevin Romolliwa Conner Ross Brandon Rudies Natasha Schaufert Kerri Schenk Amanda Schiichler Steffen Schroor Michaol Schwartz Ashley Schwarz Jeff SchwarzFatFrrj/f - FatFrrs// - Fat Frti/r - FitF/ri/i - FatFrri/t - FatFm/i mtm Kara Seaborn Melissa Scobeck Amanda Sequeira Corbin Shapcott James Simeon Codi Sine Sleen Skuban Janay Smith Reagan Smith Scott Smith O’Ryan Solowoniuk Colin Spitzke Paige St. Dennis Hilary Steed Shaniece Stewart Srdjan Sudar DeAndra Sullivan Brynley Takahashi Carly Takcda Stephanie Takeda Rebecca Tamminga Lindsay Taylor Casscndra Thomas Chrisandra Thompson Taylor Thompson Ali Toly Sydney Tran Michelle Tschottor Lauren Turner Jared Tymburski Nicholas Van Dale Natasha Van Mill Kirsten Van Wocrkom Taylor Varrc Majken Villiger Kassio Walburger James Ward Charlotte Wargcnau Julianne Warner Spencer 'WarrenAll grade nine students hud the opportunity lo job-shudow either one of their parents, a relative or another udult in I he community. It was a chance lor students to connect what they are learning in school with what happens in the workplace. This program si arts young people thinking about the many choices available to them after high school and helps them to have a bet ter understanding of I heir parents’work day. This Learning Par t nership program is a nut ionul ini I ia I ive I ha I has involved more I hun 1.5 million students and 75.000 workplaces since 1994. We arc most grateful for parent and community support of I his program. As is evident from these pictures, students experienced a wide range of career explorations from denlristy lo welding, to teaching and re I ail work. Take Our Kids to Work Day! November 2, 2005 Top: A volunteer trom the City of and Steven Penner learn a lot more Lethbridge helping out Tyler Fusco than proper brushing techniques, during the annual Take Our Kids to Work Day. Above: From left to right: Kennedy Right: Open wide!! Tanner La daw Hadge. Mike Jubinville, Tyler Fusco. Jerrad Entz and Brillany Hirsche. Amelle Weasel Fat Cassidy Webber Kayla Weistra Xaviera Westra Alex Westwood Jessica Whitehead Lacey Wilde Kelsey Willoughby Remi Winder Wilson Wong Aaron Wood Michael Vanish Donieile Yanke Taylor Yantz Matt Yeomans Saif Zahir Nina Zhang - u______________ People GRADE MINE STUDENTS WITHOUT PHOTOS Jared Black Plume Sheldon Chief Body Dani Conroy Jennifer Cuel Jamey Derksen Jade First Rider Cheantel Gill Warren Haayema Camille Hansen Genessa Hummello Breanna Johnston Anna MacLean Abigail McKenzie Brianna Mestinsek Christpher Miehe Sweeta Mohammad Mike Moutain HorseWillie Paksi Amy Pitre Lauren Pitt Michael Plouffe Richard Roberts Gideon Seeseequon Carson Small Eyes Skylar Wilson [ PeopleThe Amazing Race -In the fall. LCPs Mcwcomcwcr’s Club run a successful version of I he Amazing Race. Competitors ran u mud dash in u scries of Detours and Fast Forward lo complete for each leg of the race. Over a month ol noon hours, students managed lo slurp down freezing slurpees. change flu I tires, perform in I he Elementary Schools. I haw oaf frozen 1-shirIs and more! Compelilion was fierce, but all finished with a final finale wrap up parly and wet. freezing I-shirts all I he way around. Above: V/e'rc so coooooooool! First Right: The victorious! A come place until the last leg! Don't our frozen from behind win to boat the wet t-shirts look mighty lino? infamous 'BOYS" team. Kelsey Ackerman Malcolm Adams Brian Alcorn Brittany Alexander Jerrie Ambrus Laura Anderson Nathan Anderson Courtney Andreachuk Jen Arik Alisha Aspen Madison Auriette Ammarcn Baer Sara Baines Christopher Banmann Cheryl Baptiste Makenzy Barr Kelly Bartel Boau Barlhel Charissa Bateman Katetyn Beach Jennifer Beaver PeopleMM Geo/- MM Gent/- MM Gene/-MMGetn/- MMGea/- MM Gen/- MM Gets/ Deb Beusekom Fraser Bishoff Kyle Bisschop Cayley Bland Mervin Bley Laine Blood Chris Bobinec Tylor Boese Nathan Bohnert Cody Bosch Danielle Bourgon Emmy Bowen Josh Bowen Trevor Bowen Kyla Bowman Tyson Boyce lukis Brandon Annie Brewerton Peter Brook Kaitlyn Brooks Lurel Brooks Lindsay Brouwer Kyle Brummund Nerissa Buchanan Kristi Buckner Chase Butler Nicole Cady Dain Calderwood Eli Caiman Jonathan Calvert Jenalee Campbell Todd Carlson Taylor Carriere Kylco Castleton Colby Cattcni Danica Chabot-Quirante Jacquie Clapp ison Bryanna Clark Kaitlin Clark Brittany Clarke Mark Clauson Danielle Clearwater Mackenzie Coatham Stepfanie Collins Manssa Comeau Matthew Conley Bryan Cooper Michael Cowan Kailey Cox Josh Crabbe Amber De Cecco Gabo Degcnhardt Peter De Graaf Stacey Dojong Jason Derricott Brittany Desjarlais f L PeopleGrade d/t Alexander Dewar Jessie Dick Erm Dixon Cassy Dragland David Oueck Melissa Dueck Stephanie Duhaine Joel Dyck Krisly Eagle Bear Adrian Edwards Travis Elford Byron Elton Charlotte Etches Sarah Ethier Sarah Evans Jaden Evanson Alyssa Everson Sarah Falconer Tessa Falk Caitlin Fancy Adlee Farrell Spencer Farrell Jessica Follger Robert Forguson Cole Felting Danica Field Amy Fleming Aliscn Fogtmann Riley Foxcrolt Michelle Frache Shayla Friosen Stephen Fusco Carlco Gactz Quinn Gardner Stephanie Garrott Cameron Gedcke Quincy Geiger Darren Gemmiil Zachary Gibb Chris GilbertMM Geo/- MMGoa/- MM Gee/- /MMGeo/ Tyler Gilbert Kyra Gitlert Emily Gjerlaug Michael Goldie Tyler Gordon Shay Graham Sarah Grajeda Kennedy Greene Jonathan Guenler Shyloh Haberman Jillian Hacker Jordan Haimila Braden Hamilton Katja Hanebaum Simone Hanebaum Jenny Hankey Janai Hanna Mackenzie Hanna Tannis Hanna Stephanie Hansen Lindsay Harrington Sarah Harrison Mitch Harty Alicia Harvey Clayton Harvie Chris Hatfield Brandon Hawker Jcnolle Hawkins Suzelle Hebert Lindsey Hcggodal Kassy Heine Sam Helmer Nicole Hendry Adam Henmger Lindsey Heningor Ali Hildebrand Andrew Hildebrand Brandon Hirsche Craig Horlacher Eric Horvath/nMGpprf- /fjMGppt/- /rjMGpprf- /nMGpptf- /nMGpprf- MMGppJ- /GjMGpp// Bryn Hosgood Emma Hosgcod Brittany Houseman Clarissa Howells Derek Hoyle Brittany Humphries Amar.da Hurrell Marcos Hurtado Jeremy Ives Tessa Iwaasa Amanda Jeffrey Bryson Joevenazzo Michael Johansson Patricia Jones Casey Jose Kevin Jowsoy Amanda Kada Tara Kaiser Travis Kemp Robert Kennedy Mitchell Kesler Cassandra Kctchum Tyler Kiefuik Patrick Klatt Brittany Knowltcn Josh Koegler Kennedy Kolasko Ayla Kolsza Danielle Korthuis Erik Konvcr Meagan Koshman Ardijana Krasniqi Katelyn Krausher Taryn Kunz Riley Kveder Zach Laid aw Grant Lamane Shannon Lamb Andrea Lauder Kristina Laurie Alexander Lawson Dorran Layng Heather Lea Chase Leavitt Jonavin Lemay Mike LeMoinc Kelsey Lewis Joshua Link Thomas Linn Colton Logue Josh Lowry Noah Luck Kendall Lutwick Kevin Lyon Christopher MacBurnie Ryan Macfarlane [minr.If ydu could spend the night in any restaurant, which rest aurant. would it. be and why? 'Boston Pizza, cuz they have good ribs!" -Kevin jowsey "Luigi'S; because I hey make the best: pizza!” -Gage PlcJhl c "The Penny Coffe House, because it’s supposed I o be haunted." -Tina Olson ‘The Cheese­cake Cute, I love cheese­cake! -Megan Murray "Oshos. because they have really good lood. My favorite is the Beef Tcriyaki." -Bailey Poss J Olivia MacGregor Taylor Machtmcs Craig Mackay Patrick Maclean Victoria Madge Scot Mahe Joseph Majercsak Brenna Malchow Maggie Malmberg Jenessa Malone Sliantel Many Grey Horses lain Marlon Chad Martinot Aimee McCarthy Caydcn McCray Tyler McGinnis Alix McKean Lance Mehrer Kolton Menzak Steven Meyer Cameron Mills coplc ■Grade da David Milne Cayleigh Mock Kelsie Mold© Lmdsey Moline Amanda Moloney Emil Monias Jordan Mudrack David Murray Megan Murray Mwansa Mwansa Meghan Myles Dani Nalder Tyier Nasi Munir Nekmohammad Andrea Nelson Vanessa Neufeld Andrew Noh Jcsso Ncrlhey Olivier O'Brien Anna Ogden Austin Ogrins Marina Ohama Sam Oldenburger Trevor O'Leary Jill Olson Tina Olson Kyiie Orr Darcy Osmond Karen Ojimet Natasha Oviatl Darien Oxloy Eihan Paddon Adam Palmer Matthew Paste rfi old Aubrey Paul Travis Payne Jerrad Petersen Megan Pharo Michael Pharo Gage PlantemA'/Gem/- /ftMGten/- /MMGen/- M/WGea/ James Pote Josh Potvin Mathew Price Joshua Prince Tysen Pushor Taylor Quan Christy Racine Hadi Rahimi Carly Raslask Alex Rasmussen Grayson Rathv.oll Brenton Reach Josiah Read Meagan Read Bronnari Reichard Taylor Rice Jay Rigaux Luc Roberts Aimee Roche-Sinnotl Clifford Rockerbie Megan Roesler Christopher Rogers David Rogers Travis Romaniuk Brandon Romkes Kathryn Rocmo Bailey Ross Max Ross Tanner Ross Amanda Roth Chris Safinuk Paige Sauer Brad Schafer Tony Scherer Braedon Schmold Matthew Schneider Tristan Schofield Colton Schuler Jeremy Scott Tyler SeabornOn January 12. 2000 we held our first official FTIMI high School Club meeting. II was a great success, we allocated job positions I or Presiden I-Chancy (Slack Water. Vice-Prcsidcnl-Ambrayonu Baer. Secrctary/Trcusurcr-Lcilu Hoof. & Special Events Coordinal or- Lainc Blood. The clubs goal is lo promote cultural awareness by inviling all siudents lo come out and learn aboul (Fjirst (Njutions. (MX*1 is and (Ijnui I Cull ure I hrough I he dif I crcnI exci I ing ac I ivi I ies we have planned throughout I he year. The idea is I o get together as u collective student body and cs I ablish posi I ivc rcla I ions. Some of I he ac I ivi I ies planned I his year arc I aco sales, educational field trips and faking purl in numerous community events. - F/7M/ Home/School Liaison Natasha Fox Eric Seeley Kyle Selke Salar Seyeti Mahrr.oud Eric Shanks Anthony Sharp Travis Sheets Trinda Sheridan Larissa Short Chris Simmons Juliano Simoneiti Brayden Sipko Karmyn Skora Dustin Smith Tod Spenceley Nicola Spencer Quinn Ste. Marie Brandy Stephen Courtney Stinson Caitlyn Stone Kendra Sullivan Kahlaya Superkcski/MMGeo/- /MMGeet/- /MMGeo/- /HAYGee//- /MMGee//- MM Gee//- /MMGee// Adrian Sutherland Kcle Talbot Larissa Tamminga Ken Taylor Brandon Thiessen Jasmine Thomsen Amy Tollefson Chantelle Telman Tanner Tolman Owen Topolnisky Erin Torbiak Dallin Toth Roily Toth Nicole Trade well Christian Tran Tiana Trimble Bryce Trowbridge Kelly Tso Troy Turner Theo Van Dyke Lyndsey Van Pelt Brett Vermeersch Jordan Vigar Ben Walburger Jessica V.'alkcr Xing Yao Wang Kevin Watmough Justin Welder Steven Wells Drayden Whitelaw Jordan Wight Daniel Wilde Cassie Williamson Teresa Wong Joria Wood Cassie Woodward Lauren Wright Collen Yamagishi Shy Young Sonya Young Vanessa Young Pine Alan Zheng LIST Of GPADE 10 STUDENTS WITHOUT PHOTOS Khatera Azimi Lina Azimi Mackenzie Blackman Kurtis Bosnjak Nicholas Bullock Ethan Champion Courtney Pennington Valbon Krasniqi Scott MacQuarrie Justin Morton Steven Peters Justin Pitre Wyatt Ruttan Kyle Simon Chelsea Sutton Jordan Venning Sarah WiliamsStudents in Mr. Findlay’s Social Studies 20 AP class explore concepts like specialization, division of labour, and I he assembly line, during their industrial revolution unit. An anuul activity and one the students enjoy is the peanut but ter and jam sandwich assembly line. Learning can be sticky business, but the sandwiches were yummy! Top Right: Robyn Chalmers and Above: Jeffrey Steed. Brittany Jeffrey Steed ending off the Jensen and Cassie Maclonnan assembly line. giving their full attention to the task. Right: Chris Dcdic starting off the line. Scnia Abdul Ghafar Kirsten Ablcnczy Ryan Abulmona Chris Adams Matthew Ainsccugh Byron Albiez Richard Aldoff Jessica Alexander Lindsey Allen Michael Ambrus Pedro Anderson Danica Anderson Matthew Andrews David Armstrong-Hunt Ashley Arseneault Morgan Aucoin Lowell Ayers Brandon Badura Sarah Ball James Bannister Jody BarberZ/n ZfitZ/t ZZ- Zw Zzrt// ZZ- Z'w ZZ - Zw Zzrt// 'ZZ - Zw Zzrt/t ZZ- Z'w ZM/i ZZ- Zw ZJrt/f ZZ Ryan Barlel Justin Beaver Jen Beck Carson Bell Brittany Bergeson Darcy Best Dustin Bettger Elisa Bohnert Mitchell Bolt Melissa Bosch Athena Bottomtey Brook 8owdon Olivia Boyda Laura Brewcrton Amy Bronson Natasha Brooks Eric Brown Jason Brown James Burgess Scott Calder Mathew Calnan Scott Cameron Joseph Capatos Sammy Cardinal Kirby Carlson James Carson Randy Chalmers Robyn Chalmers Levi Champion Stephanie Christiansen Amy Clack Jordan Close Jcana Coleman Cassandra Constant Evan Cook Tyson Cook Samantha Couture Naomi Dalke Jessica Davis Brennan Do Boer Garth DeheerGrade Efcm Erin Deimert Robber: De Jong James Dempsey Eryn Derkscn Cameron Derry Jonathan Dowling Kristen Dietz Chris Dodic Seann Domoney Austrian Douglas Taylor Dueck Dan Earle Andre Edwards Jordan Elhatton Alana Eliot Devyn Elliott Samantha Ellison Bronna Emard Kelly Entz Jordyn Erickson Michael Fast Mercedes Fawns Austin Fay Stephen Fazio Benjamin Fellger Bonnie Ferguson Richie Ferguson Heather Fikowski Denim First Rider Tori Foder Brock Fo'.kerscn Jennifer Fong Justin Forsyth Annalise French Kaleb Frieson Melissa Friesen Craig Fuller Garett Furgason David Gannon Haley Gardner H Pcdple~/m Zm>/'/f- //// '// - //v /M/t ft- /'/// Zm// V/ Shaylee Garner Michelle Gehring James Gibbons Krystle Gillespie Tria Gillespie Aron Ginn Jamie Gocttel Drayton Goss Troy Graham Jason Greep Cory Grinton Jessica Hanson Kimberly Harding Shaun Harland Chrislopher Harper Levi Hart Candice Harter Elysia Hartley Cody Harlwick Jesse Harlwick Jeremiah Hawkins Meghan Hawkins Tiflany Hazell John Herasemluk Douglas Hewko Jazzmind Hicko.o Jennifer Hill Danielle Hitchner Nathan Hoglo Jon Holman Gab Hong Daniel Hoot Jason Hosack Briellc Hubbard Shelby Hubbard Jason Hunt Kimberly Hunt Cody Hurke.ns Tanya Ivey Andy Jalfrayf’w ffrt/r Zf - //// LPrt/i 'Zf- Zw Lp'/i/i Zf- Z/n fJZt/t Zf-Z/n ffrt/t Zf- Z/n fftf/i 'Zf- Z/n fj/rtn' Zf Jairr.ee Jarvie Ria Jarvie Britteny Jensen Brittney Jenson Jessica Jensen Anthony Jochem Kaitlyn Johnson Orye Johnston Monica KacJlubicki Graham Karpowich Dallin Kay Lauren Keith Elliott Kemrnet Devin Kenna Kristin Kenney Tyler Klinkhammer Brittany Kocken Jeneva Kopp Daniel Koskcwich Ben Krogman Levi Kurek Tyler Kurok Robert Kurio Matthew Kurylo Breanne Kutanzi Alyx Ladd Andrea Lapins Justin Laurie Mitchell Lawson Huth Lawson Tae Lee Morgan Lencucha Peter Lonnie Jennifer Lepage Matthew Little Logan Lizzi Derek Logan Jonathan Low Karly Lowe Wi liam Lowry Chloe Luck 1Whirl: docs the cafeteria smelfllkelo "In the morning it smells like muffins and baked food.” '■Brett Oman “A big bundle of happiness.” - Jamie Jurvic "Gross, like vinegur some! imes." - Anthony Jochcm "Old people." -Tyson Cook Alex Mabin Jared Macdonald Keshia MacKay Ian Maclean Miriam Macloan Cassie Maclennan Kylie Maclennan Stephenie Madany Vance Male how Nick Malcolm Ty Mandel Melissa Many Chiefs Michel Martel Stacy Martin Yvette Mayen Ashley McIntyre Alexander McKay Joseph McKay-Weasel Fat Alannah McKee Christina McKenzie Michelle McKenzieGrade EEm Alex McLean Alex McMillan Megan McNally Alyssa McQuaid Shane Megli Jordan Mein Mathieu Mercredi Michael Miechkota Scon Molnar Corrie Mcore Rhea Morrison Duane Mountney James Moxon Rachel Musia Kendra Nakagama Samuel Neale Ayrton Neudori Jessey Noble Chad Noren Chris O'Hara Leslie Ohcne-Ad;ei Tehani Olsen Brett Oman Nicholas Ontkean Loanne Ooms Paul Ormslon Ashley Ortlieb Matthew Ouellette Logan Pahl Salena Papp Jordan Parascak Becky Parker Tom Pasterfield Kirk Patlerson Lewis Peacock Skyler Pcngilly Elya Penner Nathaniel Pertow Jason Peterson Jesse Petersen/m Lpm* VS - //// Ltm'/t'// - //// Zm>/ VS - //H VS Kyle Phoebus Christie Pierson Kodee Pilling Kyle Plausteinor Graham Pcccck Andrew Pohl Brynna Pokarney Jennifer Pommen James Porter Katlyn Prins Kristina Pritchard Bobby Provenzano Isaac Prusky Mackenzie Putici Peter Quinlan Phillip Quon Cassandra Redokopp Jaclyn Reger Max Renneberg Ryan Reynolds William Robb Stephanie Roberts Lauren Roerick Brianne Roesler Mark Roesler Lisa Rcmanchuk Kym Rumer Jessica Sakarr.oto Kerri Schaalje Kelsey Schimpf Chelsea Schuler Chris Schultz Andrea Schulz Kevin Schuwor Brandon Schwartz James Schwartz Travis Seaborn Kyla Seipp Jessica Semach Caitlin SemagamsBrittany Sewers Kallie Shapcott Aarin Shapiro Logan Shearer Kate Sherry Mark Shields Scot: Smith Stephanie Smith Ainsley Snowden Julian Spearchief Morris Sabrina Spears Cody Spencer Amanda Spitzer Desiree Starzyk Jellroy Steed Katelyn Steed Derek Stevenson Sean Stewart Kacee Stinson Jessica Swann Anna SwitzerZk fttrt/t' ft- Zk 'ft- Zk ft?ft// 'ft- Zk '/ft Zk Lffrt/f Vf - Zk 'Zfi- Zk ‘Zf ftc^Osv Lauren Taal Thomas Takahashi Haylcy Tanner JerrkJ Taylor Jordy Thiessen Janae Thomsen Lovi Tolman Tony Tran Colin T remblay Jordan Trimble Brittany Trowbridge Vincent Trudel Ashley Turner Jactyn Tymburski Stephen Ulch Alida Van Mill Candace Van Osch Braeden Van Rce Chelsea Van Schothorst Nicholas Vedres Jordan Vonning Austin Verbrce Justin Vigar Tawnee Vincon Sonali Vyas Bernice Waldner Jan VJalicki Shari Ward Daniel Warner Austin Warren Daniel Waugh Lauren Weadick Tawny Wcathorall Patrick Wonsveen Cliff Wcstcott Tatiana Westra Daniel Wovors Cynthia White Monique Wiggers Caitlin Wilson Scott Wilson Nicolle Wojcik Kendra Wolsey Sara Won Geoffry Woodward Tanner Yantz Drew Young Taylor Zalaski Maggie Zhong 1 LIST OF GRADE 11 STUDENTS WITHOUT PHOTOS Kaylee Anderson Brad Duda Shaina Perrett Njomza Bcrisha Colinda Frank Melvin Potts Leticia Brovino Jessica Harrold Eldon Seymour Danielle Brown Morris Hume-Crow Dovena Shouting Jordan Close Tomomi Kanno Kendra Sittichinli Shayla Day Rider Dustin Linnington David Winn Eva Dominguez-Painchaud Kyle Miller People HDerek Alexander Bryan Arsenault Bobey Atom Daniel Audottc Matt Barber Kevin Blackman Robbie Blair Leti Brown Allan Buckwald Shawn Cook Lesley Cotton Cassie Crabtree Kyle Dorksen Bronwen Ebsworth Dallas Faulkner Steven Friesen Mark Geiger Jolt Hilliardfr/j Ufrfrr fciwr - 7fr/j ptf Mr lifcfrr fcit'fr - 7ty Mr kfofrr /fyiwr - ft/j tfr/ir I'Mrr fcwrr Jordan Weir Serenity Wood Samantha Young Kelsey Hilts Graham Hirar.o Janclle Hudak Phuong Huynh Bryce Johnston Melvin Joosten Kevin Kootse Duncan MacDonald Jeff Magson Mat McQuarrie Jay Menjivar Funes Kristy Messnor Dillon Molyneux Rccno Nelson Evan Oseen Gcrrick Parsons Matthew Pearson-Pnce Cody Persingor Kerstan Price Robyn Scott Willy Stewart Danielle Tremblay Aaron Ulch Jessica Ursel Grade 12 Students Wilhoul P hoi os leilama Azimi Ryar, Lowe Linda Berg Rchort Oliver Jenna Bosharah Laura Paquette Amanda Carlsen Becca Peterson Joshua ChiofCalf Cody Reid Manuchohr Dadullah Luiz Rosclon Terra Faulkner Cecilia Foist Chantel Fortier Jessica Frioson William Hollawoll Desiree Hlrsch Amy Kiofuik Merrick Sincla:rWlui I o privilege and u pleasure lo he purl ol the LCI community! In my first year as the Principal Teacher al LCI. I have learned Thai our staff and students really know what il means lo be Hungry for exceller.ee. for knowledge and for compassion in our community. This "Hunger” is a strong desire to he I he hcsl we can he in all ol our daily tasks. II means we lake pride in who we are both individually and collectively. The pursu'd ol excellence is seen throughout alio I our school programs from I he Iremendous achievement levels on Provincial Exams lo I he incredibly talented student performances in Pine Arts und Athletics. Our school has a rich tradition ol excellence that continues lo he carried forward hy our current students and staff. This was a year in which LCI really showed compassion for ot hers. In September, we readied out I o help I he community hy raising over $0000 lo support Cancer research through the Terry Pox Run. In December, vve contributed lo (umilies in need with the Power of the Penny project. In February, we were Hungry for change as many pledged to “Be I he Change” in our anti-bullying Challenge Day pro ject. Our school year was f illed with many not able accomplishment s und with the positive spirit ot school pride. I would like to I hank every slall member, parent and student for your dedication and hard work at LCI. I encourage you all lo main I aii'. your Hunger for excellence, for the continued pursuit ol knowledge und I or helping I hose in need. In I his regard may you always "Be Hungry"! - Principal Grot IThe LCI Sluf f’s Social Commit lee. known os Gang Green, organized u Spirit Spu- ghctli Dinner Might to get people tired-op about Hie big LCI vs Duymond tootbull game. The event served u dual purpose as il was also lo welcome the new LCI stall members and Interns from I he university io our school. The tood und spirit shown by I he stall was terrific. II was a greal evening all round as I lie Dams dc lea led I lie Cornels in a very exciting loo I ball game a I I lie Lnmax field. Left: Mr. Myntiio - AKA Captain Spirit • joins some o! the new staff members in a group photo shot at the Spaghetti Dinner. Above: It’s Mr. Fletcher's turn to cook at his house and so he's happy he could bring his family to the Spaghetti Dinner. Barbara Allan-Laytcn John Allemekindors Doris Anderson Louis Bardies Billy Baum Mun'al Rechtold Tim Bell Dave Bendfeld Sam Bennett Ard Bieshouvol Warren Boschee Craig Brack Stacy Burnett Christine Burton Barry By am Joe Cassar Andy Charlebois Dixie Charlebois Douglas Chccktey Isabelle Cook Tan DeregtJanine Dickie Norine Dodge Alain Dumont Mavis Dyson Janet Elkjaer Barry Emerson Elizabeth Ferroro Craig Find'ay Patrick Finn Elaino Fischer Brandon Fletcher David Fletcher Daniel Forbes Cory Gillespie Frank Gnandt Ronald Grant Erika Grintals Donald Groft Mike Hansen Kathy Harbridgc Pam Harrison Kristin Hegland-McKay William Heinen Sandra Hodge Ritchie Homan Karen Hudson Elaine Jacklynn Eldora Jensen Fay Jentink Marsha Jesperson Roberta Johnson Leona Kempt Cory Kitagawa Katherine Kill Jacquelyn Klaus Cinnamon Knibb Luanne La Fournie Darrell La dlaw Hoatnor Lambert Neil Langovin Ian Lowe Jacquie Lowe George Lutterotti Jaylene Lyons Roberta Mack Robin Mackenzie Lorie Maxwell Duncan McGeorge Linda McKenzie Donna Menard Susan Milne Colleen Morrison Todd Myers Michael Myndio Barbara Nault Chris NesbittZ'/n Zzzi/t ZZ- Zw ZJrt/f' ZZ- Z'm Zzrt/t 'ZZ - Zm Zfirt/t 'ZZ Jeremy Newart Alanna Odorski Carcle-Anne Oikawa Kimberley Orr Greg Paskuski Matthew Paskuski Jeff Payne Sharon Peat Karon Philpott Jeremy Poottcker 3etty Poulsen Michelle Provost Lindsay Renner-Wallace Michael Richey Christcphor Rogers Sherry Rohovie Diane Romaniuk Shantelle Rowland Warren Rowntree Martina Ruston-Carter Leanne Sanderson Jodiene Schaber Cory Schartner Jennefer Scott Rodney Scott Vicky Scott Glenda Scout Reid Seibert Gregory Sheen Kathleen Shigemi Val Siljak Ryan Smitham Wesley Spring JoAnn St.John Mamoru Takada Mako Tani Diana Turner Catherine Vosburgh Dale Weitz David Wetterstrand Barbara Whaley Terry Whitehead Louise Woodrow Nathan Wcrmsbccker Robort Wright Ronna Wright Dobra Yanota Max Zaug;g•■□Academics HUNGRY FOR ACHIEVEMENTPeople ■ The Annual LCI Academic Awards Night was once again held during semes­ter one and was a great tribute to the hard work that many students put into their academic studies. Awards in all areas and in all grade levels were dis­tributed by teachers and guests from the community who contribute to the programs in many ways. Here is a list of the major award winners. Governor General’s Academic Medal • Kelly Stephen Ducan Industries Grade 9 Academic Award Christopher Rogers Alberta Teachers' Association, Local «4i. Grade 10 Phillip Quon Alberta Teachers' Association, Local ff4l. Grade 11 Munlma Alam Campbell Clinic Scholarship (Grade 12) • Kelly Stephen 1979 LCI Reunion Student Service Award ■ Kendall Yamagishi Rotary Club Student Council Service Award • Jackio Peat Green Acres Kiwanis Club Award - Brendan Matkin 1971-1S74 LCI Reunion Scholarship - Melissa Yakimyshyn Fred Saint Award - Evan Capatos National Salvage Ltd. Citizenship Award • Kendall Yamagishi Lola Major PMA Advanced Placement Scholarship Evan Capatos Charles G. Virtue Memorial Scholarship • Jackie Peat Maureen E. Hvizdos Gcd'crton Memorial Scholarships Bari-Lynn Erais, Drew Andreachuk Grade S Provincial Achievement Tost Medals Kelly Bartel, Lurel Brooks,Erin Dixon, Tyler Kiclulk, Kennedy Kolasko. Kelly Tso, Christopher Rogers Anna Best-Marshall Memorial Scholarships Daniel Bremer, Jesa Hill.D'Arcic Graham, Melissa Yakimyshyn Grace A. Dainty Scholarships Erin Boe, Daniel Bremer, Evan Capatos, Selina Dobing, Michael Shaw, Kelly Stephen Premier's Citizenship Award Kendall Yamagishi Millennium Excellence Award Jackie PeatTHIS DAY COULD B Peoplewar Challenge Day was u transformational day of fun. leadership and power fhal changed I he way LCI staff arid students view one another forever. The goal of Challenge Day was lo help stop the leasing, violence and alienation thul is so deeply a purl of I he school experience for many LCI students every day. Through a variety of games, trust-building uciivi- I ics and presen I a I ions, more I han 100 LCI students were given a unique op­portunity to see themselves and I he people around them through a new sel of eyes.AUTOBODY - AUTOMOTIVES - COSMOTOLOBY - COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOBY - MULTIMEDIA - FASHION DESIBNII was another busy year in I he CTS courses. Students participated in a wide range of activities. There were a wide variety of pro jec I s and modules comple I ed. LCI students once again participated in I he Skills Canada competition a I the Lethbridge Community College. These students demonstrated t heir experlise in areas such as cosmetology, foods and fashion studies. The CTS courses continue to be popular with many si uden l s in the school. - Nr. Dai non. ers Depart men! Head ■ People b|DOGES’ PALACE - VERONA - LUCERNE - HEIDELBURG - PARIS - INNSBRUCK - STRASSBURG Travel M Germany, Italy, and Switzerland On April 7 th. 2006 the Travel Club will arrive in Frunkfur I. Germany i o begina 12duy lour ol Western Europe. At lervisting I he Neuschwanslein the club will transfer to Munich lo lour I he Olympic Stadium used in I he 1972 Olympic Summer Games. The next sl op on I he lour is Venice. Maly where I he club will sec SI. Murk's Square, housing the Sain Is remains, and Doges’Palace where I he Venetian Dukes once ruled from. The Iasi stop in llaly will be Verona where I he play Pomcoand Juliel is set.Then it isol I lo Lucerne . Switzerland to see I he la- mous Lion Monument and lo hopefully sample some of the world’s bes I choco­late. Then it’s oil lo Heidelburg. Ger­many lo sec I he 700 year old Schloss. finally, il’s oil lo Paris. Tranee where I he club will see Versailles and many other famous sights. PeopleThe funny tljirjg about high school is 1 hai the whole l ime we are here we can't wait lo get out. how that we are nearing I he end of our high school career I Ihink thuI there will be a lot of us who are going lo miss this plucc just a little bit - and we have reason lo. We have spenl three years of our lives in lhe halls of LCI. We have learned a loi. many memories have been made und many dreams created. I know that I started grade ten just a til lie bil intimidated. The Lethbridge Collegiate Institute is one big school compured lo the junior highs’ that we all urrived from und trying to run from 13100 lo D300. ugainsl the flow ol Iruf fie. is pretty difficult. However we all gol Ihc hang of everything quickly und now us I he grads, we know every trick in Ihc book. The l antuslic thing uboul our graduating class is I ha I we are a united group. We have ull gol ten lo know each other really well, even it we aren't ull in I he same circle of friends, because of these friendships that we have developed we cun now come together and celebrate I he end of high school and celebrate Ihc fuel thu I we urc moving on lo something exciting. We huve worked hard und learnt a great deul und now we huve Ihc chance to sec what we can do in the real world. Many arc going on lo university or college, some arc beginning new jobs und others are just gel ting ready to experience I he world. Whatever our plans are I or nexl year we will all succeed because we will be I rying something new. In the wise words of Dr. Seuss. “And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!’’ II has been an honour I o be par I of this gruduuting class; no one could wish f or be I ter. I hope everyone has an exciting and happy future - but never forget Ihc hulls of LCI und the amazing people I ha I you me I during your three years in this school. -Alix blackshuw____________________\ /. TOP OF THE WATER TOWER OF S006 /Icttna llcckcr Michael Beck Icy Allen Bellamy Kilali Berg Karissa Besharah Melissa Best GO GruikuilcsWafer fiver - fi/j o/ff/ze Wafer fiverGrad/M/fj&/> rtf7//r Hfr/rr 7rnvr - 7r/> rtf7//r Hftfrr fr/wrI v lt* r ( a iililu * Sc*.in C In ll W i l l C io v i'iiIo c L lo n ln n r . n h . im k a v ^ n d n r n > P ( f i i l k 'im ( !n c h llu > r Taylcr Hamilton Kyle llankey Tarilyn Hansen Niculcllart liryanne llarlcr l.aiulnn Hatch 3 70 Gruikiulc*;7fy> ^Mr Hftfrr Mrr -/?>/)(>/(Mr lifofrr fcn'rr Kelsey I loin rich Kyle llcllwig Ashley lleninger Sara lleninger l.cila lloof Elizabeth Unwell Josll Hudson Christin Humphreys l.aura Hunt Kebekah llursl Stephanie llusl Adrionno Mulchings Dcamlra Mulchings James Inglis Shanea Jamieson Kendra Jarvie Deanna Jeffery Camerm LanGnrrttaM Snliiiiiiin Jotc l*«»iiy K alegar ie llreanue Kamcnz Andrew Kay Paul Kelly I .wren Kesler Child h ikttpn Lindsay Kleiner Kyle Knudel |nn Koehler Kelsey Knepler 72 CriukiulcsAmie Parker Krupa Parekh Mr UWrr fcwtr - ftyj Ms Ufaftr ft>/w Keegan Mullin |aniic Murray Chanda Mwansa Luran Napper l.isa Nast A lyssa Ncigcl t. Jessica Payne Pcler Nelson London Ncufcld Michelle Ney Kim Nugent Tacy Olson Susanne Park Kirsten Osberg Hen Osmond Sliara Osmund Urent Pancheshcn Jessica Papp Jeff NohSteven Price M.HI Prince ■ Dave I’tveia Rylan Pushor Eve Kenaiut ^ Mall Kohcit* ■■■ laivn Hull Nicole Ryan K Kortnev Sauer Amanda Sautcr Stephanie Savage Nathan Schaiiteit a "/b Cr mil kilcs&/> rtfMr Hftfrr ffinw - fr/t rtf Mr Hfr/rr Trim l.iflvnn Sciolli I'lui* Scott lliMu Scott l>niin\ Sivbcch Amaml.i Schlcn AimhUmiI SounI.i lolvno Stun SmithKen ac Snclgnivf Kayla Sleivarl Ashley Tarbox Samantha Stupa Eva Switzer Mark 1 hi ImmIimii |u%cph I liinii|iMin Sarah Tillsley Kayla Todd Noah Townshcn<Hfa/rr fr/i'rr - fc/j Ms Ktefrr fcwr Wayne Young Kcllan Turner Toni Vjndcracgon Karlee VanMill Kiclunl Viau Johnny Vo jarah Wagner Kjcliel Wain kr Mall Walker Alan Warn I amloii Waters Iheiulan Wall Nalhan We vers Dennis Wung Unit Wnmistieekrr Clayton Willmiglihy llmck W clcGO CLIPPERS GOGREEN & GOLD GREEN 8c GOLD GREEN 8c GOLD HUNGRY FOR VICTORY VIu-IIht tii i the gridiron. I he boll diamond, or any ol the other venues I ha I we compete on. LCI is always umgry lor vie lory. And, we were victorious on many fronts and in many ways Ihls year. he LCI athletic season never ends. As loot bull starts in I lu: summer and track and field and pugby end in am:, out athletes are In constant motion. Many ol our athletes play more lhan one sporl: in fuel, sevei ul lay live or more. The opportunity for our athletes is vds I and I heir dedication und chuhce tor development cep them hungry lor victory. This is only possible because ol lhe incredible couching slull Hurl we have., tosl ol I hem right at LLI. V u lories in Provincial Curling for our boy’s I cum highlighted oar successful athletic year. Included in our >n ui was the best showing in years by our Pams basketball program. Provincial medals In wrestling, and a 1.1 rung showing u I Provincial badminton, which we has led. While being hungry lor victory is import uni. we In vi r li t the Importance ol lair play urid spur Ismunshlp be overshadowed. Case in point, our curling team in;l only won the Gold medal but they also won the sportsmanship award. /s you look through the pictures ol oar learns and individual athletes, look proudly ul our school cpresrnl ulives You can look proudly knowing I hey represented us well, gave 100% el ior I und were alvvuys hungry lor victory." Ns. Yunolu. Alhlclic IJircctoimsmmEmmditobauulIfwwvwMaliPfmnrmAVUL football football 41 Clippers were led by I heir only grade 12 and team captain larah Wagner. Clippers competed in eight tournaments I his season making it I o I he playoffs in all buf one. The Clippers arc looking I onward lo I he future with nine players returning for I he next season.Left: Technically Perfect - Laura Anderson's spike was cno of many great plays in the LCI Green & Gold Tournament. Jr. VarMPjf Girfa V&Mey'&all Overall. I he Schooners, consisting of four grade I Vs and nine grade 10’s. hud a successful season. Even I hough I hey I inished f i! t h out of nine I cams in league play and unforfunalely losi a hat'd f ought buille in I he semifinals ut I he league I ournamenl. I he Schooners showed greul character and endurance by consisfcnlly placing in I he fop three al ALL local tournaments. They finished I bird uf CCH wilh an undefeuf ed round robin, second oul of six Icon a I I he U of L. I bird a I Churchill and I he highlight ol I heir season: first uf their own I ournamenl where once again they were undefeated in round robin play. Quite on accomplishment showing that hard work and dedication goes a long way. Team Roster Courtney Stinson Sara Baines Larissa Tamminga Heather Fikowski Alannah McKee Eryn Derksen Laura Anderson Jennifer Hill Lindsay Brouwer Vanessa Neufeld Kennedy Kolasko Paige Sauer Caitlyn Stone Coaches: Dan Forbes Jodiene Schaber0 OGD VOLLEYBALL Far Right: Andrew Hemmerling spikes a ball to the tloor during a game at the LCI Green and Gold Tourna­ment. Right: Ready to pass the ball. The grade nine boys team in action at the Green and Gold Tournament. This years grade 9 team was a rebuilding year. We hud some lough competition and had lo overcome some difficult situations when Tanner Laidlaw went with a season ending injury. Team Roster Tanner Laidlaw Brent Fikowski Luc Rollingson Codi Sine Andy Hemmerling Punit Pirak Spencer Warren Mike Chrapko Mike Jubenville Jaden Dyck Coaches: David Lowe Mike Myndio m i__________ Al hie lies The boys ployed on und finished 4"’ overall in I he league evenluully bowing out lo I he champions. Good luck fo I he boys next year in their volleyball qucsl! - Coach MyndioLoft: The Grade 9 girls team did very well at the LCI Green and Gold Tour­nament held at the LCI gym. Grade Nine Girfo totteyfall vVc hud an excellent 20013 volleyball season. We competed in 0 tournaments this year and jehieved 3rd in 4 of them. At the final Zones Tournament vve played great as a team and our hard work paid of f as we got a bronze medal. The girls worked ext remely hat'd in practices: t hey gave 100% every game and by the years end we were the most improved team in the league. It seemed like every game or tournament a different girl would stand Lip lo lead I he team. This was evident by having Ashley Lowe. Kelsey Willoughby. Jillian Hart wick. Brandi Leavitt and Kirstyn Kurio all receiving All—s t ar awards I hroughou I I he season. This was a good bunch of girls und we hud u real I Lin year together. Team Roster Ashley Lowe Kirstyn Kurio Ally Toly Lindsay Taylor Brandi Leavitt Jillian Dempsey Kelly Cooke Jillian Hartwick Mariah Duval Kelsey Willoughby Carlyn Derkson Coaches: Derry' Kolody Logan ChekeBLUE & WHITE FITNESS CENTRE Right: Throwin* it Down! Julian SpearChict Morris thrilled many a crowd during the year with two-hand slam dunks like this one. This years LCI Rams buskelball I cam has established an expectation oi excellence that hud beer missing for the Iasi lew years. Although we suffered numerous injuries through out the year. Team Roster Jason Peterson Ben Osmond Alex Luu Matt Roberts Matt Little Byron Albeiz Julian SpearChief Morris Devon Alexander Chance Lemisko Clay Willoughby Coaches: Mike Hansen Mike Myndio Jeff Payne Robert deJong - Manager Athletics lining of our role players stepped up und gave i I 1 heir all. As u result. we t inished \vi t h u lull'd I ough I 20 win season, which could have easily been 30 il we hud everyone heal I liy. We I inished one gome out of being league champion and come lo within 4 points ol defeating the event vial provincia finalists. Mol lo mention a trip lo provincials lor the first lime in many years and a close loss It I lie eventual provincial champions. Most impressive ihowcvcr. is that we were vmdeicatcdal lionu and look it lo teams I hat wc have hud difficulty with in the past. The future looks very bright for flic Rums and we would like lo thunk our grade 12‘s lor set ling the standard of expectation success und restored glory, buck info the program. Those following your tool steps will not let your efforts be forgotten. All I lie best lo our seniors and their future endeavors: Chance Lemisko. Mai I Roberts. I3cn Osmond. Clay Willoughby. Alex Luu und Devon Alexander. You ore forever purl of flic Ram family and vve welcome you anytime! Come cheer us on as wc make a ran at the Provincial Title next season! ‘Tradition never Graduates!" - Coach Hansen.Left: Time Out! Coach Payne making sure the boys staff focused in the final minutes of a league game vs. a tough Warrior team. Jn VarUP^ BabhePbalP 'he Junior Varsity Rams hud a very successful season in 200!5“2006. The l eant finished second in I he league with a record of 12 — 2. Things go I even be 11 cr in I he playoffs wi I It I he boys winning a thrilling overtime victory al IheEnmax Center lo claim I he league championship. Congratulations boys oit a terrific scasoit. - Couch I->uync Team Roster Braden Hamilton Beau Barthel Travis Payne Will Lowry Ben Krogman Tyson Pushor Andre Edwards Dallin Toth Mike Johansson Jan Walicki Coaches: Jeff Payne Sam Bennett Athletics0 0 BASKETBALL Right: Varsity girls taking a well deserved rest during league action in the LCl gym. Varsity Girls The senior LCl Clippers started out slow but have shown u great deal of improvement in the 2ndhalf ol the season. After losing an integral part of their team. Jarah Wagner, due lo un injury Team Roster Kortney Sauer Ang Hurkot Lauren Taal Shelby Hubbard Christie Pierson Kaylee Anderson Britteny Jensen Cassie MacLennan Cayleigh Mock Coaches: Ronna McKay Lynnette Taal Manager: Kylie MacLennan The Clippers proved that they could overcome adversity and bounced buck with () players finishing 2“’ in the Green and Gold tournament. 3rJ in the Victoria Tournumcnt in Edmonton. Consolation winners in Magral h, and 6,hout ol 16 t eams in I he Jasper Place Tournament. The Clippers are small but extremely last and cun be oik ol the toughest defensive teums in our league. They arc an unselfish team who hud 4 players averaging 9- 11 points per game and also received 4 all-star nominations. This seasons Senior LCl Clippers huve en joyed u very successful season I inishing 2'-' in Zones and 6"' in Provincials. - Coach McKayLeft: Jr. Clippers in league action agamst WR Meyers. Jr VarMPj GirfaBaikePiaU 'he. )V Clippers Baske I ball Team hud a very successful season. We played against some very tough teams throughout I he season and we learned to work through a lot ol adversity. The girls ended up second in I lie league and won Silver in I the Zone pluyotfs Congratulations on a terrific season. - Couch Lyons Team Roster Kim Harding Vanessa Neufeld Laura Anderson Jessie Dick Austin Ogrins Alannah McKee Sara Baines Courtney Stinson Meghan Hawkins Shantelle Many Grey Horses Coach: Jaylene LyonsThe Grade c) Mams Basketball team had a very successful season I his year. They were a very hart working, motivated group of guys who played I heir best. They finished their season with an 8 Team Roster Ben Robinson Connor Little Benton Olson Matt McLennan Luc Rollingson Andin Pavan Brent Fikowski Chris Jensen Darren Fry Travis Faye Trenton McLeod Blake Jensen Coaches: Glen Bowie Gary Bowie Wes Spring Athletics record in league and they received I gold medal and 2 silvers in tournament winnings. The bog finished second in the Green and Gold pre-season tournament here at LCI. A few in juries let I thci short handed for the Imul game uguinsf cross-street rivals St. Francis. The bogs played thci hearts out but came up short in a close game. LGI finished second in the U of L tournament losin to a strong grade 9 team from Raymond. In Cardston. it was Raymond again that narrowl defeated the boys leaving them with consolation. The boys went undefeated at the Tube tournament lo win I he gold. Tire Rums finished city league with 6 wins and 2 losses. The Ram worked hard through pluyof Is to earn a mulch up once again against their rivals. In an cxdtin game that went to the final buzzer. I he Rums came up 2 points short after leading for the entir game. It was a hard loss for the boys but they can be extremely proud of how well they playci Every day. on and of I the court, the grade 9 Rams conducted themselves with integrity and clusv There is no doubt that they will deliver great things in the years to come. - Coach SpringThe Crudec) Clippers hud un excelled I 05/06 season, f inishing second in league play, us well us winning u tournament in Cardston. We started I he beginning ol I he season strong und continued lo grow throughout I he year, highlight's of I he season included beating Cardston in I he final game of I heir tournament und beating Raymond in the St.fruncis lournamenl .lt was a fun. successful und memorable year lor all a I hides! - Coach Scot t. Team Roster Emma Osmond Shares Patzer Jessica Whitehead Kelly Cooke Kelsey Willoughby Ali Toly Brandi Leavitt Kristen Chalmers Cayla Clemens Jill Hartwick Ashley Lowe Coaches: Jen Scott Joni Heggie I i i if53 %LCI Gfftft Team This year was u rebuilding year for Hie LCI Boys Goll Team. Two grade H’s and I wo grade 10’s headed lo I he Nani on Goll Course I or I he A5AA South Zone Championships in early Scpi ember. Determined efforls in less Ilian ideal conditions were noi quite enough against some more experienced competition. Team Roster Boys Team Colten Schuler Travis Kemp Scott Smith Doug Hewko Coach: Darrell Laidlaw Girls Team Kirsten Osberg Sydney Erais Vanessa Neufeld Heather Lea Kailey Cox Coach: Leanne Sanderson Col I cn Schuler pu t in u st rong per I ornumcc und advanced I o I Kc Provincial Championships in Grande Prairie. Some good experi­ence for ovir young team, und u great crop of grade nines on I he wuy mokes us very anxious for ncxl year’s season. The Clipper Goll Team had a fanlaslic 2005 season. II sfurlcd in Nanlon where I hey pulled together lo win the Southwest Zone Cham­pionship. Kirsten Osberg earned the individual bronze medal a I I ha I event. From there they traveled lo Grande Prairie to participate in provincials. All members ol the learn posted consist ant rounds, and af I cr I wo days of play they emerged as Silver medalists. Vanessa Neufeld finished in Ilu: top Ion as an individual. Congealulutions fo the entire learn.LCI Cmntrif \fc were able lo compete in 3 runs I his season. The first was I he Lethbridge Cily Neel lor I he grade 9 studcnls eld at Henderson Lake. We had 11 girls and l> boys entered, four boys and three ol our girls qualified lo go lo our one compel il ion held a I Echo Dale Park near Medicine Hal. Well done! Team Roster ^petition nos lor grades 9-12. This meet is vised us u quulificr lor the Provincial Neel .01 the 27 runners LCI had at I he inecl. five were asked lobe pari of I he Soul h Zone Team and go Io compete ul Provincials. Way to go! The Provincial Neel is for grades 10-12 and was held in Grand Prairie uf I he Nordic Centre. Who I an incredible place for- a cross-country run. wide trails and rolling hills and great weather. We didn’t bring home any medals bvil all ol our runners had good strong runs. As u couch I was extremely pleased and proud of all our runners I his year. Thank you Mr. Scharlncr lor all your help. Benton Olson Ryley Mitseke Andrew Hemmerling Willie Greene Alex Fong Sierra Dakin Kuiper Brandi Leavitt Jillian Dempsey Cassidy Webber Mattie Elliot Steff Reynold Leanne Dalton Brittney Malmberg Ashley Aucoin Charlotte Wargenau Cariyn Derksen Cliftord Rcckerbie Bryanna Clark Mackenzie Hanna Simone Hanebaum Caitlyn Stone Kailey Cox Jerrie Ambrus Peter Quinlan Elliot Kemmet Darcy Best Nick Ontkean Eryn Derksen Christie Pierson Lauren Taal Jonathan Kowgler Kent Atchison Phillip Rockerbie Cammeron Evans Esther Bishop Emily Travis AI hit- i icThis year was a good one 1 or I he LCI Wrestling Team. We doubled our numbers from Iasi year • up I o 30 a I hie I cs! We have a s I rong base of young a I hie I es moving up I he ranks in I he wrest ling spor Team Roster Esther Bishop Laurel Brooks Eli Caiman Cole Fetting Matthew Gourloy Shaun Harland Clarissa Howells Derek Jensen Eric Jensen Micheal Jubinville Andrew Kay Dallen Kay Jon Kcegler Josh Lowry Matt Lowry Brandon McQuaid Josh Princo Carly Raslask Eric Shanks Ccrbin Shapcott Codi Sine Scott Smith Tanner Tolman Daniel Waugh Taylor Yantz Coach: Rod Scott und strong leadership from the seniorut Metes. We ul tended many away tournament including Edmonlon (twice). Welaskiwin (twice). Grande Prairie, und High River (twice Wc lookout' fair share oi medals from these tournaments including I he highlight. Mut Lowry's silver and Curly Ruslasks' bronze a I I he Provincials in Welaskiwin as well a Matt Lowry’s gold. Tanner Tolman’sgold. Esther Bishop’s silver. Clarissa Howells'silver Curly Ruslasks' bronze and Eric Chunks’ bronze in Rural Provincials in Grande Prairk Next year’s compcI i I ion should prove t o be u good one. Wc will head ini o ncx I season wi 11 ull ol our wrestlers one year older, wiser, stronger and luslcr. - Couch ScoflLCI Badminton he Senior High Badminton learn excelled I his year. The athletes (raveled lo three out ol town tournaments nd amassed 8 Gold, b Silver and 3 Bronze medals. At I he completion ol City’s, ten a I hie I cs qualified for !oncs. with anticipation of qualifying for Provincials, which arc tobchoslcd I his year by LCI. Great job learn, vc’re proud of you. - Coach Fong Team Roster Senior Team Chase Butler Jon Calvert Tyson Boyce Colten Yamigishi Bob Ferguson Byron Elton Steve Fusco Cameron Mills Brian Cooper Alison Fogtmann Teresa Wong Alicia Harvey Sonya Young Tara Kaiser Jeremiah Hawkins James Gibbons Kevin Schuwer Jennifer Fong Ashley Jones Wayne Young Jessie McCarthy Graeme Glaister Peter Nelson Paul Kelly Our Players bring a wealth of experience and skill lo I he LCI's grade S badminton teams I his year. The a I hides have brought home numerous medals from tournaments and we look forward lo winning many more. - Couch Orr Grade 9 Girls Team Reagan Smith Kassie Walburger Jill Dempsey Cariyn Derksen Michelle Robertson Christine Hill Kristyn Kurio Lauren Pitt Jaelynn Matheson Grade 9 Boys Team Willy Greene Mike Chrapko Doug Harvie Nathan Ikuta Kern,' Klassen Alex Fong Ryley Mitschke Jayden Dyck Nick Charlebois Connor Little Coaches: Denise Fong Bob Klatt hlcl.lcsThe Boys rugby learns arc off lo a great start. Both teams are undefeated and the Senior Boy have beaten Vulcan und CCHS by a combined score ol 78 - 10. Boys Team Roster Senior Team Alex Dewar Allan Pavan Andrew Kay Brad Floming Bryco Frisky Cory Grinton Dallln Kay Dallin Toth Daniel Waugh David Cassidy David Ptycia Drew Young Elliott Kemmet James Inglis Jason Greep Jessie Hartwick John Holman Jordan Mcloan Jon Koegler Kevin Couglo Landon Hatch Nick Ontkean Stove Curran Tanner Telman Tom Pasterlield Travis Seaborn Will Lowry Jason Peterson Matt Lowry Junior Team Andan Pavan Brian Alcorn Curtis Lintick Dan Wilde Devin Rcmollina Doug Harvie Drew Boychuk Drew Redekopp Eli Caiman Evan Liberty Hamish Jacobs lain Ferguson Jordan Wight Josh Bowen Josh Koegler Juliano Sirnonetti Marcos Hurtado Matt Scnlder Matthow Price Mike Jubinville Scott MacQuarrie Taylor Yantz Ted Spe.nceley Trenton Mcleod Trevor Bowen Tyler Seaborn Josh Lowry Tyler Cheifbody Chris Simmons Coaches: Doug Checkley Justin Masson Allan Hansen Nevin Morrison m Athletics We also have an extremely good sho I a I provincials I his year I hunks lo our experienced players und some great new standouts. This is I he first year rugby has ever hud a provincial final so vve hope I o do LCI proud. - Couch ChecklyClipper Rtt#6jp The lust three years have been pivolal for the program. This year is even more promising. Losing key players has not crippled us because ol new and upcoming talent. We feel thal Clippers has never been stronger. Girls Team Roster Senior Squad Kaytoo Mcleod Nikki Byam Cathy Frache Kortney Sauer Esthor Bishop Cotia lawtor Lauron Jowsoy Rachel Waridd Taylor Hamilton Ambrayona Daor Raquel Steed Jotynn Shaw Jen Hill Ashloy Ortlieb Krstylo G lospio Annalisa Fronch Chhstio Piorson Miriam Macloan Hoathor Fikowski Kim Rumor She by Hubbard Lauren Roerick Becky Parker Kyko Madonna n Kristina Pntchard Brittney Jonsen Austin Ogrins Paigo Sauor Carty Raslask JV Squad Jasmine Thomsen Kolsey Willoughby Paige Porter Koitoy Cox Amanda Sequel ra Chariotto Etchos Anna Macloan Lurel Brooks C'arissa Howe'Is Jossica Follgor Tossa Falk Martha 8;shop Ashloy Lowo Micholio Fracho Maggie Malmborg Oaytoe Howefl Katja Hanebaum Shareo Patzer Jessi Whitehead Cassandra Parker Amy Florr.ing Christina Pinnock Jerrio Ambrus Emma Osmond Coaches Melissa Lowry Dani Whitehead Alaya French We expect nothing short of success fhis season. It is a unique experience being challenged with so much depth. We arc privileged to be a part ol it. Entering our second Junior season we see gr eat benefits already and great potential lor the future of Clippers rugby. To our gruduu I ing core, we wish good f or I unc und encourage the same work clitic and at tifude demonstrated on the pilch in all your future endeavours. Thank you for making our experience such an awesome priviledge. Mow drop, and assume the position." - Couch Hick Cur Iter Coaches Randy Whitohoad Rick Cartier / i hjc I ic sLCI Rams baseball learn has a promising season ahead ol them. Willi several reluming players and a number ol fresh talented players new lo the roster. LCI Rums will have u good, ye I competitive season lo look forward loo. The season has Jus I begun with 2 games on their belts. The Rams pulled o( I a crashing victory against Coaldule in their Boys Team Roster Cody Persinger Kyle Brummond Jarred Peterson Peter Nelson Beau Barthel Mark Clauson Spencer Farrell Paul Kelly Jamin Heller Matt Roper Nathan Schaufert Reid Johnson Taylor Novak Pat Maclean Coaches: Jeff Baldwin Kelly Gregus Mike Warkentin Jordan Rice Manager: Robbie VanOrman opening gome. Unfortunately llicy were not able to pull of f the same magic in I heir second season gome against Winston Churchill. In addition to regular season games. LCI Rums will be playing in the local Bulldog Classic Tournament hosted by Win ston Churchill Muy 4-6. They will be heading cast IoMedicine llol I lie following weekend of Muy 12-13 torcprcscnl LCI in (lie Cast vs. West tournament, hosted by Medicine Hal High. All but 5 players in grade 12. will have an exciting 2007 season lo look forward loo. With a high returning player rulio. the Rams baseball team could be as good as il ever has. Another 2007 season highlight lo look (orward lo is a team spring break trip to California. Come out and support our Rams!\s with every year, the yearbook goe