Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Spotlite 1994

The annual publication of the students of Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1993-94) mmsig nwHwn KING OF THE JUNGLE “IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE!" What an expression! And yet, as we come to the end of another school year, for some of you the 'out there' has arrive...

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Main Author: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute 1994
Online Access:http://digitallibrary.uleth.ca/cdm/ref/collection/haig/id/3551
Summary:The annual publication of the students of Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1993-94) mmsig nwHwn KING OF THE JUNGLE “IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE!" What an expression! And yet, as we come to the end of another school year, for some of you the 'out there' has arrived, and for the rest it is just around the corner, as you, too. will soon graduate and move out into the real world. The world you now or will scon enter in many ways is like a jungle -- full of unknowns, adventure and, possibly, some risk and danger. It is my hope that your educational experiences over the years and. specifically, at the L.C.I. have prepared you well for anything that might be ahead and that success will be yours in what ever you may en­deavor. It is definitely my wish that you will be able to 'tame that jungle out there'! On another vein, however, it is also time, perhaps to recognize that the jungle has begun to intrude into the ed­ucational setting, and that there are imminent signs that the safe, secure, sheltered world which we have had in education may not be with us much longer. The great good fortune which you have had to attend a high school in a school system where students are provided many opportunities to try to reach their potentials, and then be rec­ognized for their successes, may not be quite so available to students in the future, as we face substantial cuts to funding in education. We will deal with those reductions and attempt to continue to provide a quality education to students who come under our care and teaching in years to come. What I would like you. the present students of L.C.I., to do, however, is to appreciate what you have achieved and received during your years of education and then, in future, do whatever you can as citizens to help educators to keep up the high standards which we have had. Let’s do everything possible to ensure that the 'jungle out there' stays 'out there'. Mich Forster. Principal 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE To my dear L.C.I. It I were to describe this school and school year with one word it would have to be, excellent. Our entire school, every part, is built on excellence. Whether it is in fine arts, athletics, or academic achievement, we provide competition and set standards for other schools. As we examine the roots and beginning stages of this excellence, evidently, everything begins with a teacher, coach, or instructor of sort. We must give and expound our most gracious appreciation for these wonderful individuals who. year after year, provide L.C.I. with the best of the best. Each of them plants roots in his or her own way. These beginnings, or roots, start to grow in each individual and eventually become strong and immovable forces, in the likeness of a tree. After several “trees'' grow and become steadfast, a jungle of trees soon appears which influences and engulfs everything and anything that enters its realm. The awesome spirit of excellence rubs oft on every individual and felt by all who enter our jungle. Grade 10 and ll’s, you are all part of this extraordinary mass and you must always remember your cause and in so doing catch that spirit of excellence that is so much a part of L.C.I. Fellow graduates, the grade tv/elve students. To you, I ask that you remember this spirit of excellence and continue to use it in your lives. On the other hand do not dwell on the past. Look forward and never turn back. “Green and Gold will put the rest to shame!" Sincerely. President Scott FletcherSTUDENT COUNCIL Student council members said they enjoyed having a chance to become more involved in their school. Through being able to plan various activities such as school dances and sports events they were able to participate more in the outcome of their high school years. They also valued the new friend­ships as well as the leadership skills they acquired for the future. Learning how to take charge is a great experience, and in this way and others stu­dent council has much to offer. top from left to right: Kristina Diplock - Grade 10 Rep, Alexis Puffer-Ross • Grad Committee top, Darwin Baines - Boys sports rep., Melanie Wilfong - Secretary, Lora Lee Merkley - Grade 12 vice- president, Jennifer Wolsey - Girls sports rep., Noah Puskas - Grade 11 vice-president, Jamie Mcdowall - Grad committee rep., Donald Spackman - Intramural rep., Scott Fletcher - President, Bonnie Pollock - Arts coordinator, Mr. Forster - Advisor, Kimberely Nelson - Grade 11 pep club rep. Heather Hamilton - Activities coordinator, Alicia Meeks • Grade 10 vice-president. Sarah Thomas - Pep club coordinator, Marnie Fletcher - Treasurer. right: Heather Hamilton 5 YEARBOOK: CREATORS OF THE JUNGLE 6 Erin Hasinoff • Editor, Lisa Hickman - Co-Editor. Ryan Trofanenko - Photo-Editor, Jennifer Tamura - Artist, Jackie Carney, Robbin May, Gillian Epp, Susan Russell, Leslie Lui. Jen Kenzic, Jennifer I Juzil, Tanis I luzil, Daria Kubara, Jennifer Tomomilsu, Leah Sheer, Courtney Rennie, Kelly Cameron, Patty North. Mcagan San­dusky, Becky Goth, Karla Bookers, Carman Sawasty, Ms. D. Hedley - Supervisor, Mrs. T. Dcmas - Supervisor, Mr. T. Bell - Supervisor. 7 NATIONAL HONOURS SOCIETY right: Jamie McDowall, Susjn Russell and Erin Hasinoff: Encounters With Canada (missing: Lisa Hickman, Jim Stewart, Karla Bosk- ers, Cameron Steen and Elizabeth Ann Wil­liams). below right: Joslyn Conley: Forum For Young Canadians. below left: Karly Staffer, Erin Hasmoff, Lynettc Bradshaw and Leah Sheer: Leadership Confer­ence. j n *r i irrwW VC 11 'mu i WA vJT iAK, nv n* vfB. This past year was only the second functioning year for L.C.I.'s National Honours Society, but the number of mem­bers was almost double that of the first year. The executive, (consisting of Karly Stauffer, Susan Russell, Cam Codd, Stephen Ney, Jim Stewart, Lisa Machacek and Cara Lacey), worked together along with the faculty council, and close to 70 members to plan many activities within the school and our community. Together we accomplished much more than noon hour meetings. Members donated their time working at the soup kitchen, fundraising for charity, canvassing for various associations, carolling during the Christmas season, and numerous other activities that greatly benefited our community and school. We hope, in the future, that NHS continues to grow both in membership and recognition. 8 STUDENT CONFERENCES fight: Jamie McDowall, Susan Russell and Erin Has- inoff: Encounters With Canada (missing: Lisa Hickman, Jim Stewart, Karla Boskers, Cameron Steen and Elizabeth Ann Williams), below right: Joslyn Conley: Forum For Young Canad­ians. below left: Karly Staffer, Erin I lasinoff, Lynette Brad­shaw and Leah Sheer: Leadership Conference. Encounters with Canada is a program that brings close to 140 students together weekly to Ottawa, from across the country’s language and territorial barriers. The students experience the essence of Canada’s culture and people, while exploring the city and parliament, visiting museums and attending cultural events. The International Seminar on Youth and Development takes place for 3 weeks in the summer. 185 Ca­nadian students and 100 international students spent their time kayaking, repelling, sailing, and seal watching. Together they become aware of many global problems and potential solutions. Stu­dents from L.C.I. attended a day long leadership conference held at the U of L. The students spent the day listening to speakers, and talking to other students. The stu­dents acquired many worthwhile skills. Forum for Young Canadians is an incredibly intense week long study of the Cana­dian government. Upon their arrival from points all across the nation to the capital, the 125 students participate in election simulations, federal-provincial conferences, and receive speeches from M.P.’s, Senators, Ambassadors and sometimes even the P.M.! All of the above conferences, bring diverse Canadians together to gain a greater understanding of our country and each other.‘J • • ' « CWarUti Ccv>/-«( Uw t i,u“< l- T/V. ^pUTuVo (above) (lop row): Darrin Parkin. (middle row): Danielle Pool and lennifer McArthur (from row): James Chang. Joanne* Moyer, Alishea Inman and (right): Darrin Parkin (far right): "Don't feed the animals!!!" - Alishea Inman and Rick Knidebelt. The Students Alive Club is formerly the Inter School Christian Fellowship. Mrs. Rohovie is the teacher advisor and Darrin Parkin is the Youth Worker running the club. This year, they have sponsored various events including the horizontal bungee jump and Loonie Sundaes. They also hold regular Bible studies on Thursdays in room B208 and encourage student leadership activities. Their aim is to explore how God makes a difference and adds meaning to their lives. 10 AGAINST IMPAIRED DRIVING (top left): "Beauty and the Beast (Fraser Erais)" (left): Some of the members of S.A.I.D.: Mrs. Rohovie, Angela Fretts, Jennifer Anderson, Jennifer Willoughby and Crystal Majeran (below): Amber and Leslie acting like monkeys - as usual!! STUDENTS S.A.I.D. is comprised of grade 10; 11, and ^stu­dents. attempting to communicate to others in our student body and community that impaired driving is a socially unacceptable form of behaviour. This is Students Against Impaired Driving’s first year as a registered chapter of S.A.D.D. They meet twice a month with Mrs. Rohovie to plan activities (such as the bake sale shown) and to go over new and old business. n HIKING CLUB Though the hiking club is very new they are leaving their tracks all over the mountains. They have accomplished a number of trails including Logan's Pass, and Goat Lake. They aspire to do some cross-country skiing and even an overnighter. Hiking, snowball fights, awesome fun! . . . Soon we'll see these guys atop Mount Everest. top: A view of the majestic mountains, taken on one of the hikes. above: left to right: Mrs. Marie, Cristy, Tarzan, Shayne, Ingrid, Cristin. Susan, far left: "I'm the king of the castle." 12 ENVIRONMENT CLUB Aikamotsiphitakiks (Those Who Are Commited to the Survival of All Things) back row: Joanne, Jenn, Jill, Robbin front row: Daria, Brin, Jackie As their name suggests these are students dedicated to the survival of all things. Not only are they an environment club but also focus themselves on ethnic and cultural issues. This group hopes to increase awareness for the protection of indigenous peoples, and preserva­tion of the environment for future generations. 13 THE SAFARI CLUB The travel club is a group of students who have an interest in the area of travel. This year the travel club journeyed to Spain and France over the spring break for a total of 12 days. More specifical­ly to Barcelona and Jaca (both in Spain), and Olo- ron, Archachon, Bordeaux, and Paris (in France). The students took the pleasure in viewing many touristic sights and historical mon­uments. Amongst them were the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Pilat Dune, the boulevards of the Champs Elysees, the site of the tomb of Napoleon, the Barcelona Olympic Park, a bull fight and many others. Prior to the trip the students show­ed great enthusiasm by at­tending weekly meetings in order to learn the basic languages and cultures of Spain and France. The students hoped their trip would be full of new ex­periences and adventures. And they certainly did en­joy themselves! The sights of Paris: the famous Louvre Museum which houses the Mona Lisa and the Tour Eiffel 14 L.C.I. TRIBAL PAINTINGS Through the direction of Miss Ichino students at L.C.I. have shown a promising future through their artistic abilities. 15 THE NATIVE CLUB Pictured to the left are some of the members of the L.C.I.'s Native Club. Members of the club are Eugene Brave Rock. Brenna Yancey, Kasey Russeu, Marty Steele, Lea Buxton, David Fox. Julia Warme. Cyrus Weasel Qat, Roger Hunt, Trevor Healy, Douglas Many Bears, Roy Weasel Qat (J.R.) Susan Many Fingers, Jina fox. Russel Red Crow. Kelly Ann Healy, Jason Crow Chief, Cameron Longtime Squirrel, Telly Hunt, Tisha Bromley and their advisor Mary Ann Crow Healy. The Native Club’s purpose is to foster an appreciation for aboriginal people's culture and values. Activities undertaken by club members promote pride in one’s own heritage and cross-cultural awareness. This year the focus of the club is to establish the Dream and Dance Troupe. The members practise weekly at Allan Watson school. They are learning the Tradi­tional, Fancy, Jingle. Grass, Round. Owl. Snake and Rabbit song and dances. The Troupe will be participating at the Gathering of the Nations Pow-wow in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 23-24. Club members need to sell many, many, many avajo tacos for this trip. The club’s Native Awareness Week (April 25-30) activities will also feature the Troupe as they will perform in the schools throughout the city. In sports, co-ed volleyball is still the preference and club members work in conjunction with C.C.H.S. and Winston Churchill high school Native clubs to make their team competitive enough for the Native club tournaments held throughout Alberta. 16 More of the Native Club above-left: Native Club Executive front: Tina Fox, Vice President back: left to right, Cam­eron Longtime Squirrel • Grade 10 rep., Russel Red Crow - President. Kelly Healy • Treasurer, and Sheri Wodsworth. above-right: Susan Many Fingers posing with her daughter who is wearing a special bell dress that Susan made for her. right: Native Club after a lunch hour of selling tacos. • 1 1 1 ' *% 4 4 tBILL WALTON SPEECH Bill Walton was the greatest COLLEGE PLAYER OF ALL TIME as he was not only selected to an ALL AMERICAN for all three years he was also voted as the MOST OUTSTANDING PLAYER OF THE YEAR EACH of those 3 years and lead UCLA to another 2 consecutive NCAA championships bringing their total to an unbelievable 7 straight. NATURALLY IT WAS NO SURPRISE THAT BILL WALTON WAS THE NUM­BER 1 DRAFT CHOICE IN THE NBA WHEN the Portland Trail Blazers (the NBA's worst team) chose him in the 1974 Draft. In only 3 short years BILL WALTON led Portland to the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP and was unanimously selected as the playoff MVP. In 1978 Bill Walton was selected as the NBA PLAYER OF THE YEAR and clearly was Basketball’s most dominent player. It was in 1979 that MOTHER NATURE entered the picture and did what other players could not do; stop Bill Walton. Bill suffered from stress fractures in his ankles and an assortment of knee injuries. These injuries were so severe that many doubted that he would play again. However with the same dedication that had made him the great player he was, Bill Walton perservered and was able to come back. While his physical limitations never allowed him to play the same number of minutes, his inten­sity and desire still made him the greatest in his shorter bursts of action. He was so valuable coming off the bench that he was awarded the coveted NBA’s Sixth Man Award in 1986. However, MORE IMPORTANTLY he was a major cog in the BOSTON CELTICS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP YEAR IN 1986 and he retired, ONCE AGAIN A CHAMPION.Acharya, Sheila Adnilt, Amanda Aguillon. Karen Alexander, David Ali,Saqib Allan, Amy Anderson. Devin Anderson. Jane Anderson ('odd, Jennifer Aoki, Tomoe Arjannikov, Tom Attridge, Cheryl Baceda, Melissa Bach, Jennifer Baker, Shiloh Balderson, Stephen Barton, Jamie Bashforth, Leah Baskerville, Rol>ert Bateman, Kinberley Bechtel, Nicole Beerling. Erica Bengry. Jess Berreth. Shane Berry, Adrian Berry. Dawn Bester. John Big Throat. Euiallia Big Throat, Raechelle Blakeley, Heather Blenner Hassett, Jaclyn Boehme, Wallace Bohachyk, Shelly Bokvist, Ian Bonneville, Paul Boora, Parveen Boskers, Nathan Boutland, Stacey Brandley, Lindsey Braund, Danielle Brave Rock. Eugene Brooks, Tamara Brown. Clayton Brown, Tamara Bruinsrna, Jackie Brunelle, Michael Brust, Tyson Burns, Tracy Burton, Shane Busch, Adam 20 Buxton. Lia Bylicka, Diana Carefoot, James Carey, Theresa Carpenter, Michele Carroll. Thomas Carson. .Nicole Castellano, Gene Chapman. Ian Chaudhary. Kamla Chavarria. Carolina Chomiak, Jennifer Christensen, Aaron Christie, Sheila Christman. Monte Clark. Ciana Clark. Tammy Cockburn, Ryan Collins, Tara Cooke, lindy Copeland. Scott Copeland. Tamara Cotton. Dolly Court. Robert Court, Trisha Cox, Levi Crawford, Regan Croil. Morgan Crosswhite, Michael Cultrera, Angelo Cummins. Jessica Dangas, Christopher Daub. Joshua Davies, Suzanne Davison. Jennifer Dawson, Krista De La Salle. Keith Delong, Marsha Dick, Angel Dickson, Kristy Dioszegi, Sylvia Diplock, Kristina Dixon, Paul Dobie, Guy Donkcrsgoed, Eric Dorchak, Beth Dorchak, Bryon Dudley, Melissa Dyke, Danielle Earl, Crystal 21 Edwards Lisa Edwards, Riley Ellis Toddington, Simon Eng. Irvin Erickson, Nathan Esper, John Evans, Michael Farr, Tracy Emard, J. Ferby, Cherilyn Field, Lindsay Fix, Teresa Fletcher, Brandon Fletcher, Murray Fomradas, David Forbes, Amber Foroud, Nora Forsyth, Angela Fox, Jina Fox, Matthew Gamracy, Tammy Ganes. Scott Garrett, Daniel Gash, Ryan Gerlock. Jennifer Gibson. Sean Girven. Amber Godfrey, Daniel Graham, Rhianna Grant. Mark ip itln, Dan e e Grover, Kathy Guenther, Tyler Gunderson, Jeff Gunness, Kristy Gunter, Collin Hadt'ield, lames Hagemeister, Shaun Madze, Julie Hamilton, Stephanie Hanna, Crystal Hanna, Ryan Hansen. Teresa Harbidge, Aimee Harries, Sheryl Harris. Lindsey Hasil, Troy Haskett. Sarah Hatfield. Randy Hawryuluk. PaulaHealy, Trevor I tebert, Natasha Heninger, Aprilla Heppner, Sheldon Mickey, Dan Hickman, Dean Mild, |odi Hirsche, Alanna Hogan, Andrea Holt, Rodney Holthe, Darcy Holzer, Jennifer Movan, Chrissy Ann Hover, Shayne Howe, Robert Muck, Gregory Hueskcn, Diana Hughes, Cameron Hulstein, Christopher Hunt, Roger Hunt, Shawn Hunter. Peggy Illingworth, Graeme Inman, Alishoa Isley, Leslie Ives, Jamie lames, Allan Jenkins, Travis Jensen, Lee Jensen. Michael Jessop, Jennifer Johnson. Minzie Johnson, Ryan Johnson, Stephanie Johnston, Megan Jones, Saxon Joseph, Christine Jump. Elicia Kamitakahara, Andrew Kark, Robert Kardanis. Irene Katrenicz, Robyn Kerr, Sabrina Koegler, Aaron Koeglcr, Heidi Kopf, Jaime Kress, Lisa Kristjanson, Amber Laccy, Sara Larreynaga, RcbecaLarsen, Melissa Lawlor, Patrick Lawrence. Robert Lawton, Paul Leader, James Leavens. Alana Lcclaire, Damien Legrandeur. Jane Lohbauer, Ryan Leier, Brandon Lelek, Krysta Lindwall, Darren Lister, Kathi Livingstone, Steven Lomas, Christopher Longtime Squirrel, Cameron Low, Aaron Low, Sean Ly, Phi Lyndc, Shaun Macdonald, Evan Machacek, Jaclyn Mack, David Mack, Natalie Mackenzie, Dustan Madachlan, Ian Malmberg, Christie Maloff, Kendal Many Bears, Douglas Marshall, Shannon Rae .Masse, Michelle Matthews, Sheena Maurice, Obed McCeough, Kristina McAllister, Shannon McCladdery, Dionne McKay, Lisa McKee, Melodic McNeely, Michael McVev, Josh Meeks, Alicia Mehrer, Troy Melting Tallow, Blaine Meroniuk, Tyler Mcrtz, Michael Messina, Teresa Middleton, James Mikliacva, Maria Moody, Katherine Morgan, Jeffereytftlrtto Morrow, Jan Morton, Jessilynn Mothersell, Mark Moyer, Joanne Mutch, Kevin Myers. Chad Myers. Mindy Nagata, Kristine Neill, Gavin Neufeld, Becky Neve, Bradley Nickel. Jeff Nickel, Yvonne Nieuwenhuis, Brandon Nikolcychuk, Denise Normoylc, Sara O'shea, Margaret Olchowecki, Suzanne Oler, Tara Ortlieb, Amber Page, Erin Palmer. Jennifer Papp, Lacey Papp, Nicholas Parascak, Michelle Park, Adam Parker, Gavin Paterson. Kyle Patey, Marti Patterson, Robin Pawlowich, Carmela Peacock, Brooke Pelzmann, Matthew Pennington, Dwayne Peterson, Mackenzie Peterson, Robert Peterson, Thomas Phair, Shane Pierson, Philip Pierzchala, Darren Pinder. Michael Poettcker, Kevin Potvin, Gerry Preston, Kimberly Prince, Mckinnley Ramos, Mannawai Randcll, Kathryn Rasmussen, Glen Red Crow. Russ Rempcl, JanelleRenner. Sarah Rennie. Kriston Reynolds. Sandra Robens. Wendy Robinson, Randi Robinson, Shaun Roman. Jacqueline Romanchufc. Stacy Roper, Will Rumer, Jessica Russell. Cary-Anne Russell, Kasev Russell, Sheree Rutledge, Annita Sackman, |«ison Salmon, Nicolas Salter, Brent Sand, Jonathan Sanders, James Saunders. Jeff Saunders. Susan Schaalje, Brad Schell, Darren Schlichting, Christina Schroeder, Lydia Schwartz. Tim Scott, Kim Scout. Melody Screpnck, Jodilyn Selk, Alma Selk, Christopher Sera. Janelle Sheen. Christopher Sheer, Andrew Shirley, Christian Shot Both Sides. Tanya Silver. Chloe Skeith, Christina Skelton, James Sloan. Cory Smallboy, Jessica Smith. Jay Ann Smith. Rebecca Sommerfeldt. Amy Spencer, Locke Stalker, Alanna Stauffer, Ryan Steen, Cameron Stefan, Rachel 26 Stenbeck, Shannon Stevens, Danny Stewart, Brian Shekel, Ryan Stoffer, Michelle Szabo, Selina Tagg. Bekki Tallman, Juanita Tanaka Shimazaki, Ranken Tanner, Ryan Teeplc, Christa Thompson, lainee Thompson, Shawn Tse, Wai Yue Twiss, Angela Ully. Scott Umeris, Steven Unruh, Terra Vander Hulst, Chad Vaness, Ira Vataman, Tara Veres, Katie Viola, Stephen Wadsworth, Sheri Wall, Christopher Ward, Sarah Wasacase, Kelly Waterfield, leremy Way, Brian Way, Matthew Weasel Fat, J.R. Weir, Kimberley Weitz. Bradley Wescott, Christopher Whitehead, Thomas Wiebe, Melanie Williams, Elizabeth Williams. Michelle Wilson, Amy Wolsey, Angela Wong, Stanley Wood. Carolyn Wood, Karina Woolley, James Worth, James Yancey, Brenna Yip, Jocelyne Zaugg, Brianne Zimmer. Megan Zsombor, Jasmine 27 EDUCATION During the last week in November students had the opportunity to participate in the Education Week Contest. In the categories of Essay or poem, Poster, or Creative submission students entered their feelings on the topic of "What Education Means To Me." The contest turned out to be a great success, as there were approximately seventy entries overall. Winners of the various categories were; Essay or Poem on the topic, "What Education Means To Me" Grade 10 • 1st • Morgan Croil Creative Submission - N'on-written Grade 11 • 1st- Rob Allan Grade 10 • 1st - Jennifer Jessop 2nd - John Ashmead 2nd • Amber Otlicb 3rd - Nolan Johnson 3rd - Christine Malmberg Grade 12 - 1st • Janet Miller Grade 11 - 1st • Paul Joss Poster on the topic, "What Education Means To Me" 2nd • Cindy Speelman Grade 12 • 1st • Michelle Keim 3rd - Jennifer Crandall 2nd - Sterling 8rave Rock Honorable Mention • Raj Bocra 3rd - Dinah Desrochers Grade 12 - 1st - Kerrist Resnechenko Creative Submissions - Written 2nd - Courtney Rennie Grade 11 • 1st • Jennifer Harker 3rd • Alexis Puffer-Ross 2nd - Michael Morgan 3rd - Sadie Bel1 Grade 12 - 1st - Karla Boskers Honorable Mention - Cara Lacey & Sterling Hanson 2nd • Jennifer Varzari 3rd • Roy Phelps Honorable Mention • Jaime Alexander 28 WEEK 29 "THE WORLD OF ONE HUNDRED" On Friday February the 11th from 11:40 to 12:40 L.C.I. hosted the WORLD OF 100. This was an amazing simulation game about global disparity and international understanding. Students from L.C.I., C.C.H. and L.C.C. struggled to survive in a world of inequalities. The feed back from many students proved to be very positive. Not only did they learn differences in food consumption and wealth but they also learned about the greediness of the first world. AIKAMOTSIPHITAKIKS AND W.C.C. were pleased by the success of the game. 30 JUNGLE ACTIVITIES 32 Ackerman, Kristy Adams, Jason Ajtai, Jennifer Allan, Robert Allred, Terry Ames, Christopher Ampofo Savage. Kwasi Anderson, Dave Anderson, Melissa Andrews, Steven Armener, Miriam Armstrong, Catherine Armstrong, Trevor Ashmead, Jon Asplund, Adam Badour, 8etty Baines, Tyler Bales, Debbie Ball, Cara Barfuss, Brett Beaulieu, Richard Bell, Sadie Belle, Sunnic Bennett, Ben Darren, Berent Berg, Jasmine Bernie, Douglas Bidmead, Chris Biernaskie, Jennifer Billyard, Chad Black, Cary Black, Elaine Black, Timothy Blenkin, Daron Blumell, James Bond, Dennis Boora, Navraj Borggard, Gina Bounsombath, Niravanh Bourbeau, Mathieu Bourelle, Anna Bowden, Norman 34 ^ I Bozzi, Jarrett Braun, Jeremy Brave Rock, Dennis Briggs. Kelly Brinsmead. Gavin Brooks, Dyanne Brophy, Jill Butterfield. Bergen Carrico. Dawn Carroll. Shane Carter, Michael Chambers, Kevin Champney, Ryan Chang, James Chollack, Brant Christensen, Jennifer Christensen. Marie Clarkson. Tanya Collins. Michael Conley. Joslyn Conn, Susan Croats, Christa Crandall, Jennifer Crofts. Kristen Cronkhite, Richard Crow Chief. Jason Crowe, Kristopher Cruickshank, Donald Crump, Jeremy Crundwell, Darren Darveau, Fred Davies. Philiip Davies. Sarah Davison, Kevin Decicco, Jeremy Delong. Jeremy Deniz-Coblen/, Willi Dillabough, Jennifer Dolen, Rob Donaghy, Darrell Dong, Bonnie Donison, Angela 35 Dorrcli, Kristen Doyle, Tim Dressel, Allan Drozdowski, Kelsey Dubets, Rachel Duthic, Camille Dyck, Billy Joe Eaglespeaker, VVhiley Eastman, Scott Echeverria, Michelle Emard, Joshua Entz, Laura Erasmus, Theresa Erick, Shawn Erickson, Kirston Evans, Christopher Evans, Rachel Fallwcll. Tyler Fehr. Mandi Fessler, Jonathan Fisher, Neil Fletcher, Justin Fletcher, Megan Floury, Rhonda Fox, David Fritz. Tyler Gabel, Harley Gagne, Dominic Gamracy, Crystal Gedlamen. Julie Gillespie, Karen Going, Aaron Gorda. Tanis Goth. Rebecca Graham, Jennifer Graham. Jenny Granger. Brent Graveland, David Gray, Brad Greenlee, Ada Greenshields, John Groves, Cameron 36 Groves, Janelle Gruninger, Amber Gyorffy, Jason Hacior, Monica Hackson. Gregory Mall, Jesse Mali, Timothy Hall, Trinidy Hammond, Gary I lammond, Guylaine Hanson, Byron Marker. Jennifer Marker. Todd Harkness, Tara Harms, Theodor Harnish, Marshall Harris, Michele Hastings, Jason Hathaway, Shawn Hawkins, Tara Hegland, Kristen Heinesen, Soren Hdboe, Shannon Hendry, Megan Heningcr, Jared Henley, Scott Heseltine, Gregory Howard, Allison Hoffman, Cory Holowka, Brent Holt-Baker, Eric Hornberger, Aron Horvat, Jason Howe, Colin Huff, Donovan Hughes, Tracey Huie, Kevin Hunt, Telly Hutcheson, Wesley Hutton, Brad Innes, Roberta Isaak, KimberlyIsleifson. James Ito, Lindsay Janzen, Tara Jensen, Michelle Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Nolan Jones, Wayne Jordan. Ryan Joseph, Steven loss. Paul Kaupp, Christian Koehler, Amber Kellum Creer, Alexis Kemtp, Kristy King, Cayley King. Jeffrey King. Karie King Brown, Stephen Kirchner, Kimberely Kish, Candi Kiss, Stephanie Klassen, Stephen Knelson, Shona Knorr, Laina Konynenbeli, Richard Kozub, Katherine Krampl, Christopher Kurtos, Rob Lacanilao. Charlene Lacanilao. Karlene Lacey, Erin Lamond, Scott Larko, Nadine Latta, Adam Lee, Christie Lcgault. Diane Leishman, Lindsay Lernke, Shelly Lysak, Aimee Macaulay. Steven Macdonald, Scott Machacek. LisaMack, Aaron Mack, Colin Magyar, Stephanie Mandcville, Curtis Mantler, Roxann Maslen, Vicki Masuda, Jason Mathes, Aaron Maxwell. Kimberely Mayer, Ryan Mazurat, Joleen McCarroll, Christopher McDonald. Angela McDonald, Jaelyn McDowall, Leslie McFarlane, Jason McGill, Treavor McGowan, Melissa McMurray, Ryan McNarin, Alex McNairnay, Megan McPhee, Randy McPherson, Michelle Mellafont, Chadwock Millar, Kara Lee Mitchell, Stephen Morgan, Michael Morrison, Jocii Motz, Janine Mullin, Regan Mulock, Jim Mutch, Kacy Nay, Brett Naylor, Jennifer Nelson, Kimberely Nicholson, Scott Neilsen, Dana Norgard, Kelly Norsworthy, Alysa Nuell, David O'Sullivan, Tina Olejarnik, Chris 39Olfert, Jason Olson. Erica Omland, Bevan Osborne. Michael Pace. Michelle Palin. Nancy Parkins Chad Pauga. Den ice Paulson. Shelli Peace. Kristine Perkins. Darrick Peterson. Daniel Peterson, Jostina Picnkowski. Simone Pisko. Lindsay Plaster. Carolynne Poettcker, Kurtis Pollard, Edward Pollack. Julianne Pollack, Maribeth Porter, Laura Pozzi, Ryan Prebushewski. Paul Proctor, Brook Puskas, Noah Quesnelle, Allan Quiring, Jo<Ji Rach, Jack Racz. Tad Ramos, John Ravooy. Melanie Read, Alaina Read, Angela Regier, Leila Reidel, Candace Reidel, Chelsea Reidel, Tennille Reimer, Kurtis Richards, Samuel Risling, Shawn Robinson, Cynthia 40 Roelots, Brad Roman. Carlos Roper, James Rowland, Brent Rudolph, Robbie Rupps, Tracy Russell, Sarah Sadownik, Suzzanne Samuels, Robyn Sandusky, Macgan Sanford, Brian Sawalsky, Carmen Sawers, Brandy Scheurkogel, Brian Schile, Andrea Schmidt. AJ. Schuler, Brett Scout, Andrea Scout, Olivia Scovill, Nicole Screpnek, Shjannon Seamen, Kory Selski. Stephen Sharpe. Richard Shaw, Kevir Shaw, Rick Shawanda-Bradford, Niso Sherwood, Stefanie Shigemi, Kiyomi Siewait, Randolph Steward, Richard Sillito, Dwayne Simmons, Taunia Sinclair, Scott Sjovold. Travis Skeleton, Greg Skriver, Chris Small, Rochelle Smith. Jaime Smith. Jeremy Smith. Joshua Smith, Mckcll 41 Snee. Alan Solly, Charla Solvey, Christine Sommcrfeldt, Geoff Sorge. Tobyn Soumpassis, Bobby Spackman, Joanne Spcclman, Cindy Spring, Wesley Starner, Jeremy Steen, Marty Steinke, Natasha Stevens, Vincent Stevenson, Cory Stewart. Amanda Stoddard, Travis Straga, Robert Stringer. Matthew Svoboda, Melissa Swager. Ryan Tailfeathers, Shannon Taylor, Shelly Teirle, Denise Teramura, Cori Thibert, Jaclyn Thompson. Michelle Traweek, Jackie Trofanenko, Ryan Trofanenko. Zachary Tschetter, Brenda Turner, Amy Turner. Nathan Unger, Julie Vajda, Carrie Van Egmond, Jennifer Van Nieuwenhuizen, Jackie Vandebeek, Mary Varzari, Andrea Varzari, Jason Velasquez, Christina Viers, Philip Vincent, DarleneVogt, Jeffrey Waddell, Shannon Waldcm, Jerry Walker, Vincent Walters, Wade Waslovich, Ryan Weasel Fat, Cyrus Weaself.it, Sandy Webb, Carrie Webb, Georgina Weik, Kelly Weir, Shawn Weisbeck, Jaime Weisscr, Brett Welch, Jeremy Wensman, Bryan Wenzel, Tracey Westbrook, Trevor Whipple, Michael Wiehlcr, Timothy Willis, Daniel W'ilson, Jay Winter, Glen Wong, Corey Wong, Lily Wood, Mellissa Woodcock, Jerri Woodring. Brian Woolley, Andy Worme, Julia Wright, Laura Yamagishi, Kristin Young, Chad Yung, Jessica Zaugg, Alanna Zaugg, Blake Zywina, Ihomas Bland. C. Yates,). 43 SILVER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. D.R. YATES FINE ARTS AWARDS AUTO. 22 AWARD Brad Handsaeme Taralee Clarke drama ROTARY CLUB IND. Heidi Fellner choral ARTS 10 AWARD Robert Straga Kelsey Kowal art WESBRIDGE CONSTR. LTD. IND. Kevin McGeough drama ARTS 20 AWARD Sterling Hansen Camille Mook choral & drama KAWNEER COMPANY CAN. IND. Kelly Sutherland art ARTS 30 AWARD Mr. Nick Stanley Cory Schile art COLLEGE MERCURY LEISTERS MUSIC LTD. STAGE AUTOMOTIVES 32 AWARD Brett Petrak BAND AWARD Darren Stevenson ROTARY CLUB AUTO BODY LEISTERS MUSIC LTD. CONCERT 12 AWARD Darren Berent BAND AWARD Taralee Clarke SILVER AUTOMOTIVE LTD. GERMAN CONSULATE BOOK AUTO 22 AWARD Sterling Brave Rock PRIZES CUSTOM ENGINE & PARTS Wesley Spring german 10 AUTO 32 AWARD Trevor Gorda Carlos Roman german 10 STANLEY ASSOC. ENGINEERING Lacey Mueller german 20 LTD. (DRAFT. 12) Robert Straga Heidi Fellner german 30 LCI BEAUTY CULTURE TROPHY GERMAN CAN. CLUB GERMAN 30 AWARDS AWARD Heidi Fellner Karlene Lacanilao beauty culture 12 FRENCH CONSULATE BOOK Pam Draper beauty culture 22 PRIZES Rosalinde Schow beauty culture 32 Megan Hendry french 10 MURIEL SHORTREED FOODS STU Kelsey Drozdowski french ION DIES AWARDS Trisha Kane french 20 Kelsey Drozdowski Paul Doughty food studies 10 food studies 20 Jaime Alexander french 20N Shelley Hansen french 30 QAM Paul Doughty food studies 30 ocoii uuminy Trencn ouin FANNY’S FABRICS CLOTHING & LABOR CLUB IMMERSION TEXTILES 10 Melissa Wood SCHOLARSHIPS FABRICLAND CLOTHING & Joleen Mazurat grade 10 TEXTILES 20 AWARD Tanis Huzil Stephen Ney Julie Stengl JAPANESE CONSULATE BOOK grade 11 MARGARET WILSON CLOTH. & grade 12 TEXT. 30 AWARD Sarah Maw HOYT’S HARDWARE HOME PRIZES ECONOMICS AWARD Chantelle McDonald Jason Olfert Japanese 10 FRANKLIN S. PETA LAW 30 Byron Hansen japanese 20 AWARD Cori Summerfeldt Steven Sommerfeldt japanese 35 MOTEL MAGIC LTD. ACCOUNTING SPANISH CONSULATE BOOK AWARDS PRIZES Alanna Zaugg accounting 10 Kristin Hegland Spanish 10 Lacey Mueller accounting 20 Stephen Braund Spanish 20 LUBBERS. WOODWARD] BEATON CATHOLIC CHARITIES CLOTHES & CO. (ACCOUNT. 30) Eric Matthews BANK AWARDS NORTH WEST TRUST CO. COMP. Joleen Mazurat social studies 10 PROCES. 30 AWARD Scott Guminy Stephen Ney social studies 20 MOTEL MAGIC LTD. TYPING Kurt Ciesla social studies 33 AWARDS JACK STEAD MEMORIAL SOC. 3( ) Susan Conn typing 10 SCHOLARSHIP Jason Kempt Jennifer Harker typing 20 ROYAL BANK ENGLISH Scott Guminy typing 30 SCHOLARSHIPS ALTA. TEACHER'S ASSOC. Joleen Mazurat english 10 BUSINESS ED. AWARD Scott Guminy Ken Vermette english 13 COCA-COLA BOTTLING PHYS. ED. Matthew Gordon english 20 30 AWARDS Anita Dumont Sharia Aarts english 23 Brian Boehme MARY LOUISE BRODIE ENGLISH ROTARY CLUB ART AWARDS 33 AWARD Ruben Alvarez Kristin Hegland art 10 B’NAI B’RITH LODGE ENGLISH 30 Teddi Bengert art 20 AWARD Cori Sommerfeldt Peter Christensen art 30 1940-1956 REUNION MATH PAULINE MCGEORGE VISUAL SCHOLARSHIPS ARTS AWARD Kelly Sutherland Vince Walker math 10 ROTARY CLUB STUDENT Paul Joss math 10H COUNCIL SERVICE AWARD GREEN ACRES KIWANIS CLUB Erin Lacey Gary Hammond math 13 Glenn Hunter math 14 AWARD Jason Kempt Kelly Cameron math 20 FRED SAINT AWARD Anthony Straga Stephen Ney math 20H NATIONAL SALVAGE LTD. Denton Fredrickson math 23 CITIZENSHIP AWARD Cori Sommerfeldt John Gomany math 24SOUTHERN STATIONNERS LTD. Mitchell Champney MATH 33 AWARD Chris Beckner Garrick Chow ).S.A. KYLE MEMORIAL MATH 30 Ben Gordon WARD Garrick Chow Scott Guminy VLTA. TEACHER’S ASSOC. MATH Malcolm Hicken 11 AWARD Garrick Chow Jason Kempt MATHEMATICS COMPETITION WILLIAM & MARY HAWRYSH WARD Stephen Ney MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP LP.E.G.G.A. GR. 10 MATH & ALEXANDER RUTHERFORD ICIENCE AWARD Robert Straga SCHOLARSHIPS MR. & MRS. W.S. BRODIE SCI. 10 Jeffrey Anderson WARD Robert Straga Caleb Arms l.P.E.G.G.A. GR. 11 MATH & Melia Bailey ICIENCE AWARD Stephen Ney Kelly Bashforth ?ED CARPET FOOD SERVICES Louisa Bennett iCIENCE 20 AWARD Tera Bentley Stephen Braund .ETH. IRON WORKS CO. LTD. Mitchell Champney ICIENCE 14 AWARD Wayne Jones Lisa Christman .ETH. IRON WORKS CO. LTD. Kerri Copeland ICIENCE 24 AWARD Sharia Aarts Anita Dumont JED CARPET FOOD SERVICES Heidi Fellner MEM. 20 AWARD Stephen Ney Chris Fender ELLISON MILLING CO. LTD. Jennifer Glover ;HEM. 30 AWARDS Ben Gordon Benjamin Gordon Malcolm Hicken Scott Guminy IED CARPET FOOD SERVICES April Henry ’HYSICS 20 AWARD James Stewart Malcolm Hicken ELLISON MILLING CO. LTD. Adam Hornberger ’HYSICS 30 AWARD James Stewart Rochelle Hunt VILLIAM S. BRODIE BIOLOGY 20 Jason Josey WARD Jaime Alexander Andrea Kalischuck )R. RUBY LARSON BIOLOGIST OF Jason Kempt ’HE YEAR Todd Wood Christina Kercher Malcolm Hicken Thalia Kunimoto >ERFECT ATTENDANCE AWARDS Erin Lacey Trevor Armstrong Barry Lam Louisa Bennett Andrew Lee Navraj Boora Niall McKenna Niravanh Bounsombath Carlos Roman Peter Christensen Cindy Speelman Colin Christie Jenny Speelman Megan Fletcher Anthony Straga Christina Gerhardt Robert Straga Scott Guminy Rhonda Toderian Michelle Harris Carrie Webb Malcolm Hicken Timothy Wiehler Paul Joss William Wiehler Sivaruban Kanagaratnam Mellissa Wood Jeffrey King Jeremy Youngward Laina Knorr NATIONAL HONOURS SOCIETY WARDS (service, leadership, character. :tC.) Paula Russell (outstanding service) gr. 12 Sheri Olsen gr. 11 Susan Russell tLTA. TEACHER'S ASSOC. GR. 10 AGGREGATE Joleen Mazurat S.C. PATERSON GR. 11 \GGREGATE AWARD Stephen Ney CEN WELLINGTON RE/MAX WARD James Stewart CAMPBELL CLINIC SCHOLARSHIP Malcolm Hicken E5EORGE WATSON AWARD Dawn Majeran •REATS EATERY STUDENT SERVICE AWARD Leisha Roberts 5RACE A. DAINTY SCHOLARSHIPS Caleb Arms Christina Kercher Louisa Bennett Trevor Merrick Sheri Olsen Shawn Pinder Leisha Roberts Paula Russell Cori Sommerfeldt Anthony Straga Leisha Roberts Curtis Leishman Bonnie MacPherson Dawn Majeran Kerri Martin Sarah Maw Kevin McGeough Trevor Merrick Laura Moline Jennifer Moore Aaron Nakama Tiffany Nelson Sheena Ollenberg Sheri-Lynn Olsen Bradley Pace Shawn Pinder Jennifer Patberg Trisha Pope Leisha Roberts Shawn Ross Paula Russell Catherine Saunders Mandi Stenbeck Anthony Straga Drew WaltersMR. AND MRS, LC I m :Mf-L C.l. Ram John C'anzLRam' CARLI BOltON 'll VI lui Photo shooi. OW vvas unabte to attendD. Bekkering S. Bartlett L. Baker J. Allemekinders G. Alexander S. Bouchard W. Bosehec C. Brack G. Selous MIGRATING STAFF Mark Mousseau, Rachel Bryant Pam Gramlich and Bill Wymore were Science interns from the Uni­versity of Lethbridge. Mr. Kikuchi was an exchange teacher from Hokai Japan. He assisted Tani Sensai with teaching Jap­anese class.R. Braund R. Bridgewater C. Burton 0. Burton J. Cassar S. Davies T. Demas ]. Llki.tr R. Demaere K. Emerson W. Erickson C Findlay D. Firth K. Flaman M. Forster F. Cnandt M. Codlonton N. Grainger I. Gray A. Gruscndorf ). Haig A. Hedley F. Heinen W. Heirten D. Hill G. Holland R. Homan G. Huculak 51 C. Marte G. McDonald D. Menard A. Millar D. Merrick E. Nakonechny S. Rohovie VV. Rownlrcc H. Rymes J- Sallenback K. Ichino S. Milne J. Mould L. Kempt J. Pokarney — ! L. Major J. Ramage VV. Fenner G. Pohna "TRIBAL LEADERS 1 1 P. Scarlett )• Scotter R. Seibert J. Shackleford C. Sheet) L. Simpson C. Walters 53 S. Spencer D. Stoinski M. Tani F. Torjek F. UmerisIN MEMORIUM Mrs. Beverly Jessop, a valued colleague and teacher of the Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, passed away October 27, 1993 following a valiant battle with cancer. Mrs. Jessop's career at the L.C.I. spanned six­teen years in which time she made an in­credible contribution to the school and the Business Education Department. Bev was a true professional. Her dedi­cation, expertise and caring, supportive na­ture made her a top notch teacher. She won the respect of both staff and students for her commitment to excellence and to a quality Business Education Program. During her years at L.C.I. she taught all Business Education courses and was in­volved in numerous school activities and clubs. She would be the first to attend a na­tional conference, and return with new, creative ideas and resources to share with colleagues. Her easy-going disposition and genuine concern for each student benefitted those whose lives she touched. L.C.I. has lost a valued teacher, colleague and friend. You are dearly missed Beverly.LCI BOYS AND MIXED CURLING BOYS Trevor Armstrong Ryan Young Ben Bennett Blake Zaugg Ed Quan Shane Phair MIXED Sterling Hansen Cheryl Kyloo Darwin Baines Lynette Bradshaw Matt Gordon Alexis Puffer-Ross The curling teams were very successful this year. Upor qualifying in Regionals, both teams travelled to Medicinf Hat for the ASAA South Zone Playoffs. Both teams ad vanced out of the round-robin play into the semi-finals, how ever, each team lost in very close and very well playec games.GOLF Girls: Dawn Berry (MVP) Carrie Beckner Carol Doerksen n Hanley, John V\blsey. Roy Phelps. Cory Kawade, om Thiessen niddle row): Noah Poskas. Jodie Isleifson, Andrew I egg, tike Merit, Chad Leavitt. Wade Walters, Jack Rach, xk Konynenbelt, Scott Lilly, lustin Fletcher, Mr. Shak- sord itront row): Steve Leger, Pat Selk, Chris Wescotl Ml 63 The LCI Rams are off to a successful start and are looking forward to doing well the rest of the 1993-94 season. Coach Groves oack left to right: Mr. Erickson Manager, Don Groves Head Coach, Tyler Fallvwll, Justin Farries. Gary McMurren, Aaron Mack, Mr. Flaman Coach, front left to right: John Ramos, Greg I ludson, Ryan Young, Jamie Wiehler, Steve Andrews, Brent Granger, Levin Davison missing: Quinn LyWsert, Todd Maier Coach SENIOR BASEBALL JUNIOR BASEBALL The 1994 LCI Colts team is com­prised of grade 10 & 11 players who have graduated from the Lethbridge Little League program. It appears they should have a great year of baseball and will represent LCI very well. Some of the players will also play on the Rams team from time to time. Coach Erickson back left to right: Brett Barfuss, Jeff Saunders, Nathan Erickson. Steven King-Brown, Steven Klassen, Jason Adams front left to right: Mr. Erickson Manager, Head coach, Andrew Kamitakahara, Ryan Fletcher, Kriston Ren­nie, Shawn Hathaway. Brandon Lever missing: Donovan Huff.JUNIOR GIRL’S VOLLEYBALL The Schooner Volleyball team had a suc­cessful season in the high school league and on the tournament trail. The team worked very well in practices and it showed on the court. The Schooners placed fifth in a very competitive league. However, the team did much better in tournament ac­tion. The Schooners started by winning the Claresholm tournament, played very early in the season. At our own Green and Gold tournament, the Schooners came from be­hind to also win first place. Next, we tra­veled to Brooks and dominated the tournament again returning with the first place trophy. The girls ran the League Ju­nior tournament. The most valuable player, as voted by the team members, was a tie between the two most deserving and hardworking mem­bers, Lisa Edwards and Elizabeth Wil­liams. The LCI Letter Awards, again voted on by the team, were presented to Dawn Berry. Camie Duthie, Lisa Ed­wards. Kristy Kempt. Shannon Stenbeck and Elizabeth Williams. The Schooners were a very dedicated and hardworking team, showing true LCI spirit. Mrs. Burton. Camie Duthie. Briannc Zaugv;. Kristy Kempt. Kim Weir, Dawn Berry. Shannon Stenbeck, Pam Gramlich, Su/y Sariowrik. Elizabeth Williams, Beht Dorchak, lisa Edwards, Christina Skcith, Suzy Olchowechi.JUNIOR BOY’S VOLLEYBALL The Colts had an undefeated season, winning all 7 league games, 9 tournaments, and the league championship tournament. The Colt’s only loss of the year came in the Round robin portion of a tournament to W.R. Meyers (Colts won the tournament). The Colts avenged this loss by defeating vV.R. Meyers in the championship game of the final tournament 2-0 by scores of 15-6. and 15-0! A great way to finish a great sea­son! bock row left to right: Ntck Salmon, Jeff Sounders, Mark Grom, Ryan Gash. Jason Hastings. Coach Rountree* front row left to right: Brian Stewart. Aaron Low. Ryan Lchbauer, Cam Hughes. Sean Gibson missing: assistant coach Rod I alkenberg •1 i, "P 67 SENIOR GIRL’S VOLLEYBALL Highlights of the Clipper Queen Volley­ball season are: First at the Southern Al­berta High School Girl’s Volleyball League, at Medicine Hat Invitational Volleyball Tour­nament, and in the South Zone 4A Tour­nament. They placed second at the University of Lethbridge Volleyball Tour­nament, and in the L.C.I. Invitational Tour­nament. and in the League Post-Season Tournament. The Clippers placed 3rd in the Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School Invitational Tournament, 5th in the 4A Provincials, and received the consola­tion. Rachel Evans was named to the 1st All- Star team and Maria Mikliaera was named to the 2nd All-Star team. The team showed a tremendous amount of dedication and spirit throughout the entire season. Congratulations and thanks to all players on a job v/ell done and for making the 1993 Volleyball Sea­son a big success. back row left to right: Jon Hoartley, Maria Mikliaera, Alexis Puffer-Ross, Rachael Evans, Jaime McDowell, Brie Gabel, Mrs. Mackay (Coach) (rent row left to right: Heather Bekkering. Leslie Mc­Donald missing: Joanne Horyn, Assistant Coach 68 SENIOR BOY’S VOLLEYBALL The '93 season was one of rebuilding for the RAM coaching staff. Jeff Innes (captain) was the only returning starter on the team, so many positions needed to be filled. The team developed progressively, winning the bronze medal at the U of L tournament, the gold medal at the LCI Green and Gold and placed first in the league standings. Unfortunately the RAMs lost the league championship and the 4A Regional Cham­pionship. Ryan Young and Jeremy Revesz were named league second team all-stars. Head coach Howard Rasmussen and the players thank Arnold Pomreinke and Rod Falkenburg for the work and dedication as assistant coaches. front row, left to right: Jason Grant, Kick Kelly, Ryan Young. Jamie Back. Dan Brinton back row, left to right: Arnie Pomreinke, Robert Straga, Jeff Josey, Blake Zaugg, Jeff Innes, Jeremy Crump, Jer­emy Revesz, Howard Rasmussen 69 The JV Girls. Schooners, had a great year finishing first in league play. They were led by their captains Dawn Berry and Camie Du- thie. The 1993-94 Schooners played with heart. They will be a force to be reckoned with in the future as senior players. back, I to r: Sheree Russell. Dawn Barry, Janollo Sera, Camie Dulhie, Brianno Zaugg, Cliff Walters (coach), front. I to r: Suzy Olchovvecki. Susie Sadownick, Mackenzie Peterson. Christina Skeith, Carolyn Wood.back, I lo r: Sophie I licken, Dawn Berry, Jen VVolsey, Rachel Evens, Robbie Innes, Kalhey Ko/tib, Kristy Kempt. I ary Baker (coach). from, I to r: Jaimie McDowall, Candace Reidel, Sarah Thomas, les McDowall, Chelsea Reidel, Chelsy Morris, Maria Bochme. A6/bIurb The L.C.I. Clipper Queens are a relatively young team. They start four grade eleven's and one grade twelve. The Clippers have a good balance of size and speed and a strong bench. In league play, the Clippers have a record of six wins and four losses at this time. In Tournament play, they finished fourth at the L.C.I. Green and Gold tourney and captured the consolation at Cran- brook. They finished second at the Winston Churchill-Catholic Central High Schools and Cards- ton Tournament. The Clippers finished off their tournament play capturing the championship at the Walter Murray Invitational in Saskatoon. The Clippers finished their tournament play with a record of ten wins and five losses. cnzrnmcQ Tormro-rOIwtk, I to r: Rod Holt, Jeff Saunders, Mark Grant, D. Kempt (coach), Ryan Tanner. Ryan Gash. Nathan Erickson, Ian Mac- Lachcan. (student asst, coach). front, I to r: Dannt Peterson. Aaron Low, Nathan Boskers. Steven Vloca. Ryan Lohbauer, Kwasi Ampofo-Sauage. The L.C.I. colts had an excellent season in 1993-94. Not only were the Colts one of the strongest teams in southern Alberta, their performance at the Walter Murray Composite Tournament in Saskatoon proved they were on par with the best teams in western Canada. The future of Boys Basketball at L.C.I. looks as strong as ever as these players graduate to the Rams. 72 back. I to r: Rick Homan (coach), Dentcn Michelson, Jeff Pratt, Scan Olsen. Quinn Lyblx-rt, Jason Crow- Chief. Mike Whipple, Chad Billyard (manager). Rod Falfcnbctg (asst, coach). front, I to R: Chris Evens, Steve Leger. Jason Grant, Jamie Bach, Ryan Hendricks, Matt Hironaka. missing: L). Kempt (asst, coach). The Rams are a hard working defensive- minded team with a solid work ethic and a desire to do well. Their record this year includes a ten win, three loss record in league. As well they have a second place finish in the L.C.I. Green and Gold tournament, a Consolation final win in the Cardston tournament, a third place finish at the Raymond Suger Bowel and Gold metal in the prestigious Walter Murray invitational in Saskatoon Saskatchewan. They are cur­rently setting their sights on second place as they prepare to battle Taber Running Rebals. Look out for the RAMs come play off time.L.C.I. FOOTBALL RAMS ROSTER 1993 Number Name 48 Scott Henley 3 Cory Kawade 50 Alan Snee 7 Danny Peterson 55 Jody Isleifson 8 Brett Barfuss 58 Jay Wilson 12 Mike Jensen 61 Brad Neve 14 Simon Ellis Toddington 62 Brandon Fletcher 15 Tyler Fallwell 64 Jamie Klassen 19 Matt Hironaka 65 Steve Klassen 20 Ken Vermette 66 Clay Jacobson 21 Walter Boehme 67 Denton Michelson 22 Kriston Rennie 68 Dana Nielsen 23 Steve Leger 70 Jeff Pratt 29 Chris Evans 72 Chad Leavitt 30 Bill Baum 73 Sandy Tam 31 Brian Woodring 74 Phil Pierson 34 Pete Layccck 78 Nathan Erickson 35 Ryan Tanner 80 Christian Shirley 38 Rod Scott 83 Mike Whipple 42 Greg Skelton 85 Jared Heninger 43 Gavin Neill 86 Darwin Baines 44 Rod Holt 89 Quinn Lybbert 47 Rob Peterson COACHES: 1. Lowe - R. DeMaere ! • T. Takahashi C. Brack - J. Hansen - B. Wymore MANAGER: J. Lane - C. Plaster STATISTICIANS: M. Fletcher - S. Thomas 74 SOME OF THE AWARD WINNERS ARE: Rod Holt. Ken Vermette. Jamie Klassen. Denton Michelson. Bill Baum. Jeff Pratt, Matt Hironaka. Steve Leger, Quin Ly- Dert. Pete Laycock. and the most valu­able player of the 1993 year was Matt Hironaka. The 1993 edition of the LCI Rams cap­tured the Provincial Championship for the second straight year. The champi­onship drive was capped off with a tre­mendous effort from our team against a veteran team from Salisbury (48-8). The road to the Championship was very special this year because the Rams de­feated arch-rival Raymond Comets in the first round of the playoffs in a very ex­citing game (20-15). As important as winning a Provincial Championship with an undefeated sea­son might be, the way in which it was won, was also very important. As a team you put team goals ahead of individual goals all year long. As a team you won each of your games with class, enjoying victory but never gloating. You are a tre­mendous group and a pleasure to coach. Thanks. Coach LoweDRAMA The Drama Club began this year with a classic tale of the Girl from Green Gables. Anne Shirley. And in the spring L.C.I.'s Drama Club presented five performances. In November. 20 students were on the stage in the new LCI theatre space, for “Anne of Green Gables”, which was a huge success as it was enjoyed by all ages. Many of the LCI Fine Arts students helped backstage on many different areas of theatre, and this made the performance unforgettable for the cast and crew. At the end of April “S.H.E.D. The Mask 1994" was held at L.C.I. Students from all around Southern Alberta came to L.C.I. to share their excitement for the Fine Arts. Plays, workshops, and social activities made the week­end a great time to remember for the years to come. On May 19th 1994 the Drama Club travelled to Cal­gary for the night to see a different point of view to the Girl from Green Gables. “Anne of Green Gables the Mu­sical” The 45 students from the Drama Club enjoyed the excitement of the theatre and a fabulous time was held by all. neil fisher 78 PRODUCTIONS ■m 179 A &THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Dean Lien John McGee D. Petherbridgc Ray Speaker Conservative Liberal N.D.P. Reform Carson Tannant National clockwise from left: Robbin May, Mr. I loman, Daria Kubara, Brianne Zaugg. Laura Demos, Renee Eklund, Jeremiah Renner, Darwin Baines and Cathy Maz- urat. (Some of the organizers of the Forum) LI Hi '•I .« « ' • V - — ■ i ■ijiij/j k. j/i —if © * ■ ^ 1 m 'It ^ m La i; V .»> !•’ 'Vt il 1 n “f! II • 111 sL: October 5, 1993, L.C.I. hosted an All-Candidates Forum to inform students, teachers, and members of the com­munity, about their choices in the upcoming federal election. Mr. Speaker went on to win in Lethbridge, as the Re­form swept Alberta, but the Liberals ended up forming a majority government, with the Bloc Quebecois as the official opposition 82 JUNGLE FEVER above left: DON'T feed the wild jungle creatures, bottom left: Shearing the animals - Jamie Klassen below: Recycle or no? - Lora Lee Merkley 83 ENVIRONMENT Concerns of the 90's very top: Litter is not just a global concern, it's all around us. above: Automobiles cause so much air pollution it is at least nice to know the kids on this bus aren't all driving separate cars. top: Our precious natural environment will soon be inundated with our pollution, above: The Israelr/Palestinian conflict; rising global warfare is of great concern to the growing generations. 84 WILDERNESS left to right: Hr. Zaugg, Kristen, Jill, Jesslyn, Shayne, Joe, Darci, Ms. Mane, and a tag- along. This group of Very enthusiastic wil­derness hikers tackel a trail in the Logan's Pass on a somewhat dreary day! 85 SPECIES top: The pick up. above: The feast, right: "Wow, look at that Jag!" top left: "Fine. Ignore me, I don't care" bottom left: I said EAT IT! bottom right: We're too sexy, center page: Excuse me, pardon me, MOVE IT! 86 ALBERTA SCHOOLS’ ATHhtflC SSORftTIO 87JUNGLE FEVER top left: "Wait a minute. I think they're serving the cake now!" top right: "French's mustard makes your burger sing, even if you CANT!" bottom left: "Maybe some other time boys, maybe some other time." center bottom: "Grade 10's get down!" bottom right: "Boy does this guv ever need some tic tac's." 88 m top left: "Ah, I think it's moving." top right: "Tribal departure!" middle left: "Excuse me! Do you have any Grey Poupon?" bottom left: "Look at that babe over there, site's pretty groovy eh?" m 89 "WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE" 90 "INMATES OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM . LCI's Kingdom of Life 91 aTHE SAFARI . . . We just can't wait! Whether we walk, ride, or mooch, we all seem to make it to school. right: Ten to eight in the morning, rush minutes, the busiest intersection in Lethbridge, below: After school the hord rumbles down the aisle toward their chariots 92 . . . TO ALL LANDS t - * far left: Jamie Alexander munching at lunch, left: Gateway to the bricks, Jennifer McArthur, and Carrie Webster above: Nathan Turner in the library, the fountain of wisdom. left: At every BELL there is a STAMPEDE to class, above: Darren Stevenson and Silvia Robinson; mating season begins. 93 THE FEAST m top left: Mmm, Mm in, spoon lickin' good, top right: There's always room for cake!JUNGLE GAMES above: Even more hockey. (Man do these guys ever like floor hockey!) top left: The crowd really likes floor hockey too. they're really into it! above: Floor hockey intramurals at lunch, left: More floor hockey. 95 SCHOOL SPIRIT 96 By HlK£ TeaseO-Alas, Sylvia Aldous, Robert Alexander, laimc All, Shahina Anderson, Jennifer Anderson, Michele Armener, Michael Atkins, Matthew Bach, James Bailey, Michelle Baines, Darwin Baker, Laurel Banc, Melissa Bareham, Amber Barr, Jeremy Baum, Bill Beckncr, Carrie Bekkering, Heather Bekkering, Jennifer Bengert, Teddi Bentley, Tera Bcrbcrich, Cheryl Beswick, Cunis Bilodeau, Tara Black, David Boehme, Maria Bolton, Carli Boskers, Karla Bourassa. Janay Bowns, KeithBradshaw, Lynette Brinton, Dan Bromley, Tisha Brouwer, Craig Brunelle, Kristen Budd, Marilyn Budd, Sharon Buis, Natasha Bullock, Randall Burr, Kristie Burris, Lorelei Cameron, Kelly Cann, Darcy Carney, Jacqueline Carpenter, Leanrte Chaudhary, Nisha Chinn, Jason Christie, Gregory Coburn, Deanna Codd, Cameron Cook, Rhonda Court, Lynette Crawford, Alicia Crofts, Catherine Crowe, Michelle Crundwcll. Barbara Cyr, Darren Darveau, Laurie Davies, Dylan Davies, KristinDeal, Lindsay Demas, Laura Desrochers, Dinah Dietzen, Kellie Doerksen, Carol Duncan, Kyle Duong, Minh Earl, Alison Earl, Cari Edwards, Ruston Eklund, Renee Ellis-Toddington, Riley Entz, Amanda Epp, Gillian Erais, Fraser Ewing, Ryan Farries, Justin Feldberg, Tania Fificld, Shilo Fletcher, Mamie Fletcher, Megan Fletcher, Scott Foster, Matthew Francis. Darren Fredrickson, Denton Fretts, Angela Friescn, Ladell Gabel, Brie Gaetz, Cory Gllliat, RichardGomany, John Gordon, Lindsay Gordon, Matthew Goth, Stephen Grant, Jason Granzow, John Greeno, Michael Grenier, Miranda Gullage, Ryan Gurr, Scott Hall, Niki Hall-Thomsen, Stephen Hamilton, Heather Hanna, Jodie Hansen, Sterling Harrington, Devin Hartley, Jonathan Hasinoff, Erin Healy, Kelly Healy, Robyn Hemperek, Annette Hendricks, Jeremy Heynen, Christopher Hickman, Lisa Hironaka, Matthew Hirsche, Stacey Holt-Baker, Ryan Horri, Naomi Hovan, Michael Hudemka, RonaldaHughes, Jessica Hughes, Kirsty Huie, Jason Huston, Megan Hutcheon, Kim Huzil, Jennifer Huzil, Tanis Jacobson, Brian Johnson, Candace lones. Heather Jordan, Jeffery Josey, Jeffery Jubber, Kara Kanagaralnam, Sivaruban Kane, Trisha Kawadc, Cory Keebler, Karlc Keim, Michelle Kelly, Richard Kent, Adrian Kenzie, leffery Kcnzie, Jennifer Kheang, Sreang Klasson, Dean Klassen, Jamie Knorr, Denise Koenig, Richard Kubara, Daria Kyllo, Cheryl Lacey, Cara i W w rsr *41 y a Y .» i| 1 1 M V ^ • ^ - -e ( ** "* * A.* f ^Hr .S3 / / 102 Lamb, Barry Lang. Matthew Larue, Kevin Laycock, Peter Leavitt, Chad Leavitt, Tyler Lebrun, Damon Lee, Andrew Leger, Steve Legg, Andrew Lelek, Jerrid Lennox, Timothy Lorenzi, Mathias Lui, Leslie Ly, Nip Ly. Sing Lybbert, Quinn Macbeth, Trevor MacDonald, Blain MacDonald, John Majeran, Crystal Manyfingers, Susan Marshall, Tammy Matthews, Eric Matthews, Leah May, Robbin Mazurat, Cathy McArthur, Jennifer McLean, Michael McClain, ScottMcCready, Michael McCue, Lindsay McDonald, Chanlelle McDowell, Jaime McClaren, James Mclaughlin, Kevin McMurren, Cary McNabb, Patrick McNairn, Laura Merkley, Lora Lee Mertz, Kevin Messina, Grace Michel son, Denton Millar, Janet Morrice, Chelscy Morris, James Morrison, Jodi Morton, Megan Mueller, Lacey Murphy, Terri Jo Nash, Charlotte Nelson, Jaime Nelson, Karen Ney, Stephen Nilsson, Angie Norric, Katherine North, Patricia Oler, Bradley Oler, Michael Palmer, LisaPatcy, less Payne, Lisa Perry, Bernadette Peterson, Devra Phelps, Roy Phillips, Amy Phipps, Heidi Pindcr, Shelley Pollock, Bonnie Pool, Danielle Pool, Jonathon Pratt, Jeffery Price, Troy Proffitt, Sally Provost, Nicholle Puffer-Ross, Alexis Puskas, Alexis Puskas, Noah Quan, Edmund Ramos, |ohn Reeves, Kristian Reich, David Reid, lancea Renner, Jeremiah Rennie, Courtney Revesz, Jeremy Reznechenko, Korrisl Roberts, Sandra Roelofs, Amie Ross, HeatherRoot, Andrew Russell, Susan Saunders, Tim Schwarz, Kareen Scon, Jeremy Scon, Rodney Seaman, Kristy Selk, Amber Selk, Patrick Sheen, Lacey Sheer, Leah Shirley, Erinn Sinclair, lain Siner, Troy Slovack, Ryan Sommerfeldt. Steven Spackman, Donald Speclman, Jenny Spring, Lisa Squire, Terri Steadman, Glenda Steele, James Stewart, James Stewart, Robert Stoffer, Kariy Stribbcll, Derek Slubbings, Scott Sturgeon, Aaron Sutherland, Rob Sutherland, RobbinTalerico, Terri Tam, Sandy Tams, Tony Tamura, Jennifer Taylor, Graham Taylor, Jennifer Thibauh, Jessica Thomas, Sarah Thompson. Paul Tolley, Tracy Tomaszcwski, Jeffery Tomomitsu, Jennifer Torh, Rachellc Trenerry, Thomas Tymensen, Cindy Umerls, Clarke Vanderheide, Bradley Varhaug. Shelley Varzari, Jennifer Velasquez, Geovanni Vermene, Kenneth Walker, Ingrid Webb, Brenda Webster, Carrie Wenning, Sally Wiehler, William Wieler, Jamie Wilfong, Melanie Wilfong. Sarah Dawn Williamson, TeresaWillis, Mark Willoughby, Jennifer Wilson, Corey Witbeck, Jessie Wolsey, Jennifer Wolsey, John Woodrow, Jennifer Woolley, Camilla Yales, Jill Yawney. Matthew Young, Kori Young, Ryan Youngward, Jeremy Zaretski, Dana Zmurchyk, John MISSING GRADE 12 STUDENTS Alexander, Timothy Herget, Jason Pope, Amanda Asuchak, David Huber, Jennifer Poulson, Quinn Barnes, Jeremy Iwaskiw, Roman Psikla, Cory Bates, Keith Kary, Jody Rathgeber, Blaine Bernhart, Troy Klause, Jeff Roman, Gus Bland, Chris Kuntz, Jason Roycroft, Daymen Buckingham, Wendy Larocque, Marcus Rutledge, Chris Court, Trevor Loewen, Jillian Sackman, Shane Dahl, Karen Long Time Squirrel, Pam Schulz, Michelle Derochie, Bob Ly, Duncan Shakleford, David Desjardins, Mark Mackenzie, Ian Sinclair, Trevor Duce, Kara Manning, Dan Spielman, Heather Dumont, Anita • McKiel, Michelle Sturgeon, Matthew Dunn, Kurt McNabb, Jeremy Tomiyama, Brandon Farrell, Kevin Meguinis, Jodi Vandenhoek, Shayne Ferby, Justin Mutter, Troy Vanderhilt, Toni George, Shawn Norsworthy, James Veres, Jason Gibson, Erin Oleksiewicz, Chris Waldie, Scott Grover, Richard Olsen, Sean Ward, Robby Hacker, Scott Pederson, Catherine Waters, Sherry Hanna, Curt Phipps, Wally Wiebe, Sarah Hansen, Dereck Platz, Robin Winter, RobGRADE TWELVE LIFE left: Carrie. Jamie. Lynette and Leah enjoying their noon hour. below left: Jeff Kenzie ready for another day at school, below right: Jackie and Jenn out for a stroll.VALEDICTORIAN It's a jungle out there. It's mysterious. It's intense and even frightening. In the dim light, its uncertainty seems to stretch on forever. Finally free of the sheltered stability of school that we have occasion­ally appreciated and often taken for granted, we exchange our familiar linol­eum hallways for uncharted forest trails. It’s exciting! Staring into the wide expanse of the Amazon, we realize that, all of our lives, we have been educated for this day and these choices. Nov/ we can finally dust off all the knowledge we've filed away, and put it to use. But, though the timeless “Law of the Jungle" that we must come to grips with as we leave our school years behind may seem unalterable and inescapable, each of us must aim to leave our corner of the thicket a little bit different and a little bit finer than when we arrived. The LCI class of '94 has already proven itself more than capable of making a difference - we have welcomed foreign students, set a new standard for high school football, sung out together for hundreds of eastern Euro­peans. and given back to our community through groups such as SAID and the stu­dent Crime Stoppers. I believe that each one of my fellow graduands and friends has made an important difference at LCI, and that, with time, we can better the farthest reaches of the dark jungle. We must only be sure that we don't leave our high school determination, sincerity, anc gusto behind with our tattered textbooks lonely lockers, and tired-out teachers whc have influenced us far more than the> realize. "The woods are burning, boys, yot understand? There's a big blaze going or all around." Our new friend Willy Lomar recognized the tremendous opportunities around him. I am confident that, whethei we quench the flames or light fires of oui own, the Amazon v/ill never be the same once the final school bell releases the LC class of '94 into the midst of lions, tigers bears, and even job interviews. Grad Directorate After twelve years of school based education, the graduands of 1994 deserve to graduate in style. This is just what the Grad Directorate of 1994 has attempted to do - an evening that will be remembered! The group of eight has collaborated since the beginning of the 1993 school year to plan and organize. We feel that the Grac' Directorate represents a broad spectrum of interests and ideas, which accurately reflects the diversity of the class of 1994. The Grad Directorate hopes that the effort we have put intc grad will result in a night that students and their families will never forget. MEMBERS: Jenn Varzari Jenn Anderson Jenn Willoughby Crystal Majeran Carrie W'ebster Kristy Seaman Jaime McDowall Alexis Puffer-Ross noAnderson, Wes Andrews, Michael Bach, Angela Bachas, Man meet Baines, Chris Ball, Amber Barnes, Eron Beck. Chad Becker, Dale Bellerose, Chad Borezay, Steven Bier, Awa Blacklaws, Ian Blair, Tara Blaylock, Kevin Bloomberg, Cordell Boyko, Christian Brave Rock, Sterling Brothcn, Brendan Brown. Rob Bruchet, Nicole Burnes, Kyle Burton. Danielle Butterfield, Patrice Canard, William Chabot, Joel Choi lack. Shad lee Clifton, Greg Oegraff, Rick Denecky, Douglas Dortch, Wayne Dubois, Marc Dumas, Jaime Dzioba, Anthony Eaglespeaker, Kurt Eleason, Damon Eleason, Doug Ellingson, Kirsten Entz, Jason Evans, David Fabro, Lauren Fazzio, Bret Finch, James Forget, Chris Fox, Brett Galusha, Shanan Gibboney, Scott Gitlarski, Chad Going, Jaymes Gregg, Christopher Cridley, Warren Gudmundson, David Guminy, Steven Gun ness, Richard Gunter, Jamie Hackson, Dereck lOPRfrrHaitel, Rod Hall, Jamie Haskett, Joshua Haugen, Trevor Healy, Bill Hendricks, Ryan Hild, Chris Hildcbrandt, Chris Hillmer, Jeremy Holloway, Malt Hornberger, Lindsey Hughes, Trevor I lulstein, Joseph Hunt, Erica Hutchinson, Rodney Innes, Jeffrey Ives, Jeffrey Ives, Spencer Johnson, Jamie Johnsrude. Nancy Kasner, Karen Kojos, Michelle Klassen, Jodi Krausher, Tracie Lamers, Ray Larko, Curtis Larson, Lisa Lau, Winnie Lenzen, Maria Mack, Andrea Lowe, Rowan Macpherson, Daniel Maple, Jeremy Martheinsen, Michael McDonald, Kerry McMane, Kimberly Megaw, Sean Merasty, James Merrick, Todd Mitton, Julia Mozgala, Elizabeth Mugford, Isabelle Mullen, Shawn Murray, Kim Murrell, Lynette Nagy, .Marlene Neddo, Tracy Nind, Alyson Ontkean, Aaron Papp. Richard Paskuski, Ramie Perdue, Catherine Perley, Beverly Peterson, Melissa Pierson, Michelle Piettell, DavidPozzi, Aaron Price. Michelle Reddaway, Carl Reed. Kyle Roman, Jorge Sandusky, Cameron Scbroedcr, Jeremiah Kit _ tv €> {- M £3 (5 Schroeder, Karla Seely, David Selk, Barrie Shay, Amber Shields, Sherry Skretting. Raelenc L ^— “ y’ \ . r" p > f « { — J, 1 t \ c A - V fL 4 Smith, Brandi Smith, Dana Smith, J. Smith. Peter Solvey, Michael . Sovka, Jason Spooner, Timothy Y$ MV4 * \ rs l£)| <L u , ~ • - (1 / Stafford. Kim Stanley. James Stepenoff, Troy Sterling, Richard Stevenson, Darren Still, Shawn Sweetgrass, Harvey ft a A> f j] J 0 P Ad % •* ^ \ Ad Switzer, Trevor Takahashi, Bonnie Taylor. Darren Thomas, Jaime Thomsen. Randell Tollcsirup, Tim Tschetter, Darlene - ei a 13 p1* 1 n PI a u 0 Twigg, Lisa Van Pelt, Patty Vandenbergho, Matthew Varley, James Volk, Michelle Walker. Ellie 1 Walker, Jody 1 rl v 1 n ft JR1 Wall, Jesse Whitney, David Willms, Lonnie Whilbeck, John Vip, Greg Yoshinakj. Jesse Zufclt, Mel iJ r* i/ o V n Ad gTHE GERMAN CLUB The German Club offers a variety of activities for students studying German, on a German Exchange or simply interested in the German culture. This group meets weekly to experience German culture through media, food, music and hu­mour. Many of the German club members participate in the German Alberta six month exchange program. 116 JAPANESE CLUBTHE CONCERT CHOIR CONCERT CHOIR MEMBERS: Jennifer Bach, Sheila Christie, Tammy Clark, Rhianna Graham, Aimee Harbidgc, Sheryl Harries, Alishea Inman, Stephanie John­son, Carolina Chavarria, Dolly Cotton. Margaret O'Shea, I leidi Koegler, Stefanie Sherwood, Bekki Tagg, Shannon Stcnbeck, Rachel Stephan, Kristin Yamagishi, Brianne Zaugg, Mike Brunelle, Michelle Harris, Eric Holt-Baker, Aron Hornberger, Denice Pauga, Andrea Scout, Shjannon Screpnek, Christine Solvey. Amanda Stewart, Amy