Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Spotlite 1965

The annual publication of the students of Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1964-65) f The important thing is not so much v/here we stand, as in what direction we are moving Annual Publication OF THE STUDENTS’ UNION □ F THE Lethbridge Collegiate Institute 1965 ENROLLMENT 1080dimi...

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Main Author: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Lethbridge Collegiate Institute 1965
Online Access:http://digitallibrary.uleth.ca/cdm/ref/collection/haig/id/3534
Summary:The annual publication of the students of Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1964-65) f The important thing is not so much v/here we stand, as in what direction we are moving Annual Publication OF THE STUDENTS’ UNION □ F THE Lethbridge Collegiate Institute 1965 ENROLLMENT 1080dimiisui zivtgzjjoj zgpiuqijizqA MESSAGE F R □ M THE PRINCIPAL The students of the Yearbook Staff and their advisor. Mrs. MaePherson, have presented us with another interesting and attractive edition of the Spotlite. We realize that its publication requires a great deal of effort and careful planning on their part. We extend our appreciation and gratitude to them. The faculty and I are particularly proud of the attitude, interest, and co-operation exhibited by our students over the past year. Wc are indeed pleased that, in the main, you have shown an earnest realization that an education has no substitute for successful living. Because of mechanization and automation, a high school or an equivalent technical diploma is necessary for most occupations, and university educated men and women are in increasing demand. Two prime ingredients of success are ambition and the ability to think. Someone is always offering in an advertisement or by a demonstration an easier way of getting on in the world than by study and labour. Indeed they make work appear repugnant. However those who climb from obscurity to * Who's Who" do so by hard work. Success is not achieved without effort. No matter what vocation o youth chooses, he must use his brain. It was thinking that put Aristotle far ahead of others. Perhops in terms of quantitative knowledge many of you know more than Aristotle. You would be fortunate indeed if you were to have the qualitative knowledge of that greai scholar. What one learns in school is capital. It is an investment which can be drawn upon throughout life. I request every student to make the most of his best. Churchill advised, "Pray do not let it be thought that you are satisfied with such a result. If you simply take up the attitude of defending it there will be no hope of improvement." I extend my congratulations to the graduands and express the hope that their success and ideals in life will be high.W. R. ERICKSON, n CO. M. to. AMliTAHT PRINCIPAL 7- cult cV K. V. RODIN. B. CO. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL A. RCA L. SIMPSON A. F. PASKUSKI C. C. TMUSCOTT J. O. STEAO B. A. B. AC. B. CO. B. SO. B. SO. B. A. B. KO. Pago Three R. DUNN a sc. d. co. B. R. JORDAN o. CO. MlSS M. SMOIMHKtD m. sc., a. co. J. WHITKLAW 0. CO. M. CO. MRS. M. J. UCNNCTT II. A. MISS A. r. KUNST D. CO. E. L. LONGAIR 0. SC. 0. CO. T. C. SEOSWORTM OR. I. WILKINS M. A. PH. O. R. W. POLACHIC O. CO. L- n. sr AM AN 0. A. M. 0C. MRS. D. J. THOMAS J. L. MCALLISTER 0. COMM. D. O. WIGHT 0. SC. P. R. WALKER A. A.R.C.Y. A. MUS Pog# Fovr W. D. HEYLANO MISS M. J. CLARK 0. CO. V. SEMEN IUK H. W. DEWAR 0. a., n. co.H. ANDERSON O. W. UAMHUS W. N. THOMAS L. DICK o. 1C. o. CO. n. co. V. O. VAN ORMAN a. CO. MRS. N. C. ISLZI.AU MRS. M. WILSON n. CO. Pog# FlVO PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE The curtain has fallen on another year at the LCI. It is the hope of your Students' Council that this year has been an enjoyable and rewarding one for each of you. The aim of the council this year has been to attain a new high in school spirit by providing many varied clubs and activities. Each of our endeavours, ranging from football and basketball to dances and an evening of variety entertainment, has met with unqualified success, which is due not only to the work of the participants, but also to the support of you, the students. My only wish is that future Councils of the Collegiate will be supported equally as well. Participation in the school clubs reached a new high this year and inter-mural activities were never more popular. I hope that these activities made your year of studies a little more exciting. I would like to thank all those staff members who gave of their valu­able time to sponsor the various clubs, to supervise buses to out-of-town games or to help in any other way. Congratulations are in order to the players and coaches of all our interschcol teams. Their record of victories and sportsmanship again points out that we can be justly proud of our school and its representatives. I would like to thank you for the honour and privilege of serving you this year, and I hope that the year 1964-65 has been as memorable for you as it has for me. Page Six STUDENTS' COUNCIL Poqo $©v#nEDITORIAL The 1964-65 term of the LCI is over. Thinking back, we remember the football and basketball triumphs, the dances and the proms, and many other personal events. With this annual we hope to keep the image of these memories alive. We hope this yearbook fills that purpose. This year we have endeavored to increase the yearbook in pictures, as we feel this is what the students want. Therefore, the Photography Club is due for a round of applause. Their work has helped produce ail of the candid pages in this book. In this account we must not forget Greg Sereda who slaved unceasingly to set up our candid pages. This issue contains several commercial notices. Most of our readers feel negatively toward them. This is not surprising os the rectangular ads do little or nothing to enhance the beauty or the purpose of this annual. What also is not surprising is the fact that many of the advertisers arc not entirely overjoyed to have a yearbook advertisement requested of them. These ads have little advertising value and are often overpriced. What is surprising is that many of the businessmen who are solicited come through with what really is a donation to the school. It is these people, many of whom graduated from the LCI or who deal extensively with our students, that we owe thanks for preventing this yearbook from being a burden on the students. These gentlemen deserve our appreciation and our patronage. Under Mrs. MacPhcrson's guidance, many helping hands have worked together to produce this publication. For all their time and ingenuity we can only say "Thanks". Pogo CigSt YEARBOOK STAFF MRS. 0. VjcPHERSON Advisor JOHN KIM3ER Editor SUSAN DAHM Co-Editor CRCC SEREDA Candids WENDY JORDAN GifH' SiOtrphitt SHARON VjcKAY lay-outs JACK C»AVE* Advertising USIIE SMITH Advertising JEAN STEPHENS Activities JANICE ACCUSTOM Activities IINDIS EUIOTT features TERRY MflNYK Boys* Biogrjphies NANOOR KCRfK Advertising JUOY FAIRFIELD AdiCftis ri Pag* Nin* VALEDICTORY Here we ore, almost finished Grodc Twelve, the end of High School. Only one month to go. It is graduation time again, and this time we are the graduandt. We are the onos who won't be hero next year. We oro the ones who hovo completed our public schooling. This, our graduation, marks the completion of nearly twolve years of school. Up to the present, this for most of us has boon about seventy per con: of our whole lives. Sovonty por cent! It's hard to bofievo. Just think of how far we have gone in those twelve years of all the things wc have seen and done, of all the things wc have learned. We take many of the things we do now for granted, not stopping to think of the slow, painful process we went through to learn to do thorn, to say nothing of the many teachers' hearts that were broken in the attempt of teaching us these things. Just think, for instance how far we hove come in the mastery of our native language! When we started school, it was a struggle for us to learn what the different letters meant and were supposed to sound like. Out of this mass of unfamiliar squiggles, we strug­gled with the formation of simple words,- and then, remember our triumph when we first read some of these words in a story. "look look look. Sec Spot and Puff run. Hero comes Solly. See Dick and Jane run." This may seem funny to us now, but in our early grades, this reading was a real accomplishment. Just look of us now, with words like "supcrcolifrcgi- lisficexpialodocious" rolling effortlessly off the tips of our tongues. So you see. if wc think that wc do not learn very much in school, we aro wrong. Eng­lish is just one example. We have gained as much knowledge in many othor fields. Apart from the learning, though, is all of the growing up we have done in those twelve years. We started off in Grade One practically as babies. Wo didn't feel like babies then; in fact, wo were the proudost creatures on earth at that time, just starring out on a great adventure, and we looked down from our pedestals on those younger than our­selves. Shortly, howovor, we began to realize that some very old-looking persons were looking down on us the Grade Two's and Three's, and too old oven to think about, the Grade Six's. Thus began our long, hard climb through the ranks of school. Finally wc reached Grade Six, all grown up and ready to face the world. "Why just look at those little Grade One's." Then, hardly having hod time to catch our breaths, we were in Junior High, once more feeling the piercing stares of our elders, this time the Grade Nine's. Once more there was the struggle for suprem­acy, and once more there was the gaining of the high spot on the totem pole. We all remember our Grade Nine graduations, the farewells, the speeches, and the feeling of being finished, the sighs of relief and the hazy thoughts of a distant future in the other world of Senior High. We felt big then. And suddenly we were dropped into the swirling moss of Grado Ten, complote infants once more, looking up to someone else once more — looking up to the Grade Twelve's. And now, here we are, the top dogs again, grown up, educated, and ready to go out and face the world with our tromondous store of knowledge. In just a little more than one month, we will bo through our doportmentols. sigh­ing with relief and screaming, "Hallelujah, it's over!" But it isn't over. We have hardly begun. Granted, wc have grown up o lot, and absorbed vast amounts of knowledge, but compared even to the knowledge which we will hove when secre­tarial or university training is behind us, our store of learning now is so small, so pitifully small. Once again we are going to find ourselves in the lowest ploce on the totem pole os we move on to jobs or future training. Once again we ore going to realize that there are those above us, looking down. This time, however, there will bo no ono to guide us evory inch of the way as there has been since we started off. This time wc are on our own to take this noxt step. So here we are, just about to make this step and we will have to make it ourselves. Now is the time wo must soy farewell to our school, to the life we have taken twelve years to get used to, and to our tcochers; and let's admit it, they ore a pretty good lot. The mere fact that there arc so many of us here, right now, in Grade Twelve, shows that they have been at least partially successful. Now wo must leave them and go forward in our lives to show them, and ourselves, that their efforts were not completely in vain. We must now go out and roally moke something of oursolves. But we must remember that if we ore fo accomplish something in our lives that we can be proud of, we must strive for our best in everything we do. This is an enormous challenge, and may God help us all accept it. rllL. ^4. Jves Page Twolve ■ 11 I |■ ■ --- | . --- ■ AGRIOS, Helen Christine When Chris is finished high school, she plons to enter nursing ot the U. of A. ond do some trowelling. In her spore time she is a soles clerk ot Eoton's. Her sports octi- vlties include skiing ond flying but she also enjoys dancing ond eating PIZZA. ALEXANDER, Glen Howard Glen is o very outstanding mem­ber of the Rams basketball teom ond the 4 M Groin Club. Either the Junior College or the U. of A. will welcome Glen next yeor in the Physics Faculty. ALLAN, Yvonne Lea Yvonne is o coshier o» Kresgc's. She enjoys bowling ond dancing. Next year Yvonne is attending one of the Lethbridge or Colgory hos­pitals to take a courso in labora­tory Technology. ALLISON, David Victor A new oddition to our school from Pincher Creek. Oovid is noted for his cheerful disposition and good humor. A sports enthusiost. Oovid 'skips' curling, ploys badminton, and skis. Next yeor—to U.A.C. to obtain on Arts degree. ANDERSON, Larry Lorry is o member of the LC.I Orchestro. His spore time is occu­pied by hunting, booting, swim­ming, skating, bowling ond tra­velling. lorry plons to attend the Junior College to take o Generol Arts Course. ANDERSON, Richard Glenn In his spore time Rick likes to tinker with his car, curl ond ploy bosketboll. Although his future plons ore no! definite, he is think­ing of taking o course in police science and administration. ASHMEAD, Robert Douglas This budding young ortist reolly plons to go plocos, omong them Ryer&on or Colgory Tech., to take a course in Commerciol Art. He spends most of his time working ot Sofewoy, ploying footboll, or pointing. Graduates AUSTRING, Dianne Olivia Dionne's pet peeve is studying. She likes sewing ond is olso on active member of the ISCF. She hopes to becomo o telephone opor- otor offer finishing school. BABER, Gail Patricia Goil plons to nurse ot the Muni- cipol Hospital. She belongs to the Slide Rule Club ond enjoys skot- •ng, musk, rooding. bosketboll. ond Corvoirt. Pet peeves ore Chemis­try 30 ond spring housecleaning, lost Will and Testament is: Chem­istry 30 notes to ony ond oil Chemistry 30 students. BACEDA, Victor William Victor's greot ombition is to got out of l.C.I. before he gets pen­sioned off. Victor's main outside activity is the rvovy cadets. Be­sides this, Victor works at the Ex­hibition Povillon porking cors and taking tickets. BACH, William John Peterson B ll. who works for Lethbridge lock­ers ond Seofoods, soys fhot school starts too eorly. Bill likes bosket- boll, hunting, fishing and camping. He plans to work for o yeor, then go bock to school. BAINES, Grace Irene The boys, no doubt, recognixe Groce from Eaton's Men's woo r deportment. She is a member of St. Monica's Choir orvd AY PA. Sewing ond cooking ore her other interests. Grace plons to attend the Galt School of Nursing next yeor. BAIRD. Marilyn Frances Morilyn is very friendly ond ol- woys seems to be in the middle of some project. Her future plons, though they ore not definite, in­clude some phase of the airlines. BAKER, Kenneth Gay Ken, our only successful business- mon. monoges Boker's Mon’s Wear. For someone who leaves no will, Ken. strangely enough is interested in philanthropy? philosophy? ond psychology? ■ Pogo Thirteen I Graduates BARDOCK. Sherry El3ine Sherry wot born in lefhbridgo ond would like to get o lecretoriol job op toko on advanced secrotoriol course ot l. J. C. She is o golfer ond likes swimming. BAUMAN, Linda Lou lindo loves the fine arts and spends most of her spore time dancing ond teoching ballet. Linda's interests also include ski­ing. Next ycor she plons to go to the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School to further her studies. BICKMAN. David Michael David is one of our prire students. His hobbies include money (coin collecting, that is). David plans to obtain his Bachelor or Arts ot McGill University. U.6.C. or U. of A. BIEHL, Peter Michael Peter fills his sporo time with stomp collecting and electronics. He hopes to further his studies in electronic engineering but hos not yet decided whot university he will ottend. BIRRELL, Walter Reid Here is o young mon whom you'll find either poking ot the insides of o TV set or ploying the organ or piano. He plans to foke elec­tronics next ycor ot Co'gory Tech. BLACK, Virginia Mae Virginio is o secretary of Iho Students' Council, o member of Southminstcr Senior Girls' Choir and Hi-C. She collects all sorts of toy poodles, enjoys piono ond pop music. She plons to ottend Mount Royol Junior College to fake Interior Design. BLAIR. Robert Kendal fteing treosurer of the l.C.I. bowl­ing club and ploying houseleogue boskefboll occupies most of Ken's spore time. Although he is not certain of courses, ho plons to ottend the LJ.C. next foil. BOAL, Gordon Douglas Richard Gordy has a part-time job ot Colon's. He is serving on our stu* dents' council as treosurer. Gor­don plons on joining the Air Force ond taking the ROTP Pro- grom. BOWER, Michael Richard Mike, one of our sports-minded students, is president of the curling club ond skip of iho Briar rink. He is o houseleogue boskctball captain ond in his spore timo ho golfs ond ploys bodmlnton. His future plons include engineering at U. of A. BROWN. Marilyn Diane Morilyn is on octive student who likes to bowl ond to skofe os well as to play the piano. Next yeor she hopes to foke o business course at the l.J.C. BYRNE. Kathleen Mary Ann Next year will see Mory Ann madly pacing the halls of the Jun­ior College. Mary Ann was Past- President of the Kiwonis Bond, is Secretory-Treasurer of the Junior Symphony and is a member of the Southminster Girls' Choir. Among other interests, she hos skating, music ond sewing. CALDWELL, Edward Wayne Ted spends his spare time curling, ploying boskefboll, bodmlnton, or softba’I. Ho also works port time at Smith M-otors. He likes horse- bock riding, car racing, fishing ond hunting. Next year it's to the Junior College for dentistry. CAMPBELL, James Hugh Hugh it vice • president of our school ond president of the Debat­ing Club. His special interests ore Hi-C ond arguing politics. He is planning to fake o pro low course at the LJ.C. CAMPBELL, Stewart John Stew plans to study engineering fit n U. of A. The President of the Southminster Hi-C finds time to ploy his dorinet in the leth- bridge Symphony. Sfcwort's port- time iob is clerking in Eofon's. Page Fourteen i s 2 mm? ^ B ♦* o 3 < — 2 hr. * O ,2 ' < 5 ? f ??§.& ^ ‘fill* s5 r«-~i- i?:.ill ? ? ? ? 7,2 ■9 m CO O 3--0 3 * cr o o _ r. 2 - * « y S im?= *ln: 1 5.® . -e. = lo 5 0 S g PS|'3- 2. 2.5“ i?. « > o z ’ 5 *2 S 2: J - o x ^•5 ' o sirs. !|f? • A - © o a *il| l;f: 2 a © y o o • 2 _ n ? 55 C - 9 3 yh s ? j ? ? 3 S* 3 r o. ' | S - O■ x'3 3 * 5? 0 5. 3 “• Uff ?*r 0 ( 2 35-0 o0^ > 5." - jf 0 a - fs?r !. 0 2 n a 2 a 5 0 - 5 * JF © ! 5 r3j —1 a 3 ^ 3 r. 0 0 : *• r 2 * - . CO 0 3D 0 — 0 0 «3 5.5 i | c i»| 5 a - S£3'S« £ 2 «• 0 ^ 2 (^ ? •< ^ <5 M? Hir^f! 0 0 3-9 I i- ™ 0 "■ O ?£ 3 1 “■ • a ^ a 5 ?5-!“ ! j • • S-f 1 n 3 0 0 —^ O =• •• T ft n < rii rT< • 2 J“ 0 i 13”: irifji r 0 r <«• 5 ° § ?■! M r * 3-5" ~ <0 0 g 2. <r> CJ *2 0 *< n . o 1 «3 t: *• ■5 ’ s *“ *• O m * C O - 3 < Hif! n h?i 0 O* 5 S 5-^*0 • TJ O * $ O ^ ?p!o! CO 2C - c > 2 CO —< o T) If* • ® 3 * ! = 1 8.? ? | r<^3‘ o SsS a- *y|? s- < S“ 2 2 © -1 U o 3 C q 0.0 EDEN HOED. Walter Wolfcr it on avid photographer ond moy be teen with hit camera almott ony rime. Walter's future plont include o woodwork courte af Calgary Tech. Hit tpore lime it portly token up with meetings of Me Ki I lop YPU ond working ot Den Hoed Induttrial Woodwork ltd DEWAR. Suzanne Marie Sue it kept buty tinging in the Southmintter Senior Girls' Choir. Next yeor, the hopet to ottend Colgory Tech, or Henderton’t But!- nett College to toke on IBM. comp­tometer and a general butinett courte. DUNN. Alice Kathleen Kothy it the very copable Colle- gion editor thit yeor. Next year the will be welcomed at Gorbutt't Butinett College where the will undoubtedly corry on the good work. Kothy alto liket tewing ond cooking. DURFEE. Roger Keith Roger ployed minor hockey ond enjoy* moil tportt. Hit courte for next yeor it undecided, but he plont on attending the U.C. or the U. of A. EARL. Anthony Sccondo Anthony it o rool tportt fon: he porticipotet in bodminton. bosket- boll ond bowling. Next yeor. he hopet to leave hit "Rock of Gibrol tor" locker to tome lucky l.C.I. student ond ottend the l-J.C. for a tcience or engineering courte. EDMUNDSON. Robert Frederick Bob, who workt at the Morqvit flower Shop on Soturdoyt, enjoys playing botketboll ond bodmin­ton. lock of school spirit "bugt" Bob immensely. Future plont ore not definite just ye?, but Bob plont to ottend l.i.C. EFFLER. Guy Harvey Guy moved to lethbridge from Edmonton. He enjoy* working with cart. Guy plont on taking on engineering course ot the U. of A. Pet Peever The woy teenogort in lethbridge stick to fhemtelves in "clique*". Graduates EHLERT, Monte Karen Monte's only complaint it o com­mon one — homework. An active member of houtcleogue tportt. the alto ployed on the l.C.I. Vol­leyball team. Monte plant to take o teoching courte In Home Econ­omics at Ricks College, completing her education o! the B.Y.U. ELLIOTT. Lindis Helen lindit it one of our mott industri­ous students. Her chief objective it to f rst attend the Junior Collcgo ond then further her education ot the U. of A. and obtain o degree in medicine. ERICKSON. Carol Ann Carol it on octive mitt who spends her free time bowling and done- ing. She hopes to visit Erglond next yeor but otherwise her future plont ore undecided. FAIRFIELD. Judith Anne Judy hat plont to go to l-J.C. where the will toko an ortt courte ond eventuoliy Bachelor of library Science. Her time it token up with Young Peoples' ond the also workt ot the lethbridge Public librory. Added to thete, Judy ploys the occo'dion, liket to ride, ond skit. FAZIO. Judy Irene Judy, who it one of our commer­cial girls, teemt to enjoy mott everything. After completion of high school, the intends to obtain a secretarial position in lethbridge or toke on advanced courte ot Gorbutt't Butinett College. FINDLAY, Marlene Joan Morlene workt ot Pork's Dry Clconers on Saturdays ond holi­days. Her interests include tewing, bowling, ond skating. Morlene plont to toke nursing a! either St. Michael's or the Municipal Hot- pitol. FOONG. Johnny Hong Johnny, who wot born in Malaya, it on avid member of the Ham Rodio Club ond a bee worker in the summer. Hit special interest it In Electronics. John it planning to study Engineering ot the U. of A. Page Seventeen Graduates FORBES. Elizabeth Ann Rcdheoded ond petite — that's Elixobeth. She hoi o keen inter- ett in lowing, ond like most of us —hotel teiti. Next year the ploni to toko a secretarial course of the Junior College. FORD, Stephen Thomas Stove ipervdi hii spore time 01 vice-president of both tho l.C.I. Debating Club end A.Y.P.A. oi woll oi holding o port-time Job ot Jordoni Rugt. Hit future plont include engineering ot U. of A. FRAME, Marjorie Belle Morjorio ii the envy of oil the conories because of her mognifi- cent voice. She lingi in the l.C.I. Glee Club ond alio in the South- minster Senior Girls' Choir. Next yeor iho will be toking muilc ot the Toronto Comervatory. FREEL, Byron George Byron hoi o port-time job ot the lakeviow Texaco. Me ii a mem­ber of the l.C.I. Curling Club ond enjoys iwimming olio. Byron's ploni for next yeor ore undecided. FURLONG, Wilfred Ambert Bert's avid love of airplanes ond money is leoding him to o course in Aeronautical Engineering at Col- gory Tech, or education ot the U. of A. ond then o career in the RCAF. Presently Bert Si o member of the Slide Rule Club ond tho Rifle Mosfers. GEORGE, Peter James Peter, whose hobbies include fish­ing, hunting, and boating, hos o pet peeve: namely Chemistry. He works for Honcyboy Brood, ond ploni to toke on Electronic* course, but is uncerfoin of which school to ottend. GETTY, Ian The LJ.C. ond o general orts course ore oheod for Ion next yeor. He is interested In hunting ond fishing. GIFFEN, Jack William Jack Ss on outdoor mon ond espe- ciol'y enjoys hunting ond fishing. Me also ottends the "Y" ond ploys houselcogue basketball and bad­minton. Next yeor Jock will be taking forestry a! Missoula Univer­sity. GILCHRIST, Donald Alexander Don moy be seen working ot Hoef- er end Wood. Don is on avid sportsman ond lists hunting, fish­ing, hiking and boating os speciot interests. Don's futuro plons in­clude o low course ot the U. of A. GILLOTT, Mavis Louise Future ploni for Movis ore to fokc touching of the Junior Collcgo fprobobly Biology). She is Presi­dent of tho World Affoirs Club, President of Red Cross, Feoture Editor of the Collegion. GLOVER, Gordon Gordon's plons for the future ore undecided os yet. His speciot in­terests include bowling ond bil­liards. GOGOLINSKI, Theresa Karin "Test" come to the LC.I. this yeor from Medicine Hot. She plans to continue her education of the University of Alberto. Be­sides playing the piano, Test likes to swim ond skate. GOOD, June Carolyn Nursing ot the Golf School of Nursing or in Californio is June's future plan. At present her hob­bies are water-skiing and Mickey. GOUGHNOUR. William Lowel B-II likes bowling, fishing ond hunt­ing. He is going to spend two yean at the Junior College ond two ycors ot tho U. of A. to obtoin his B. Ed. Bill hopes to tra­vel throughout the world. Poge Eighteen GRAHAM. Douglas James Doug ho* o part-time job at the City of Lethbridge o* o lifeguard. Ho enjoy* wafer skiing. hunting and golf. Doug plons on taking either engineering or commerce at the U. of A. GREEN. Beverley Jean After a hard day of school, Bov enjoy* swimming or "babysitting". Next year *he will be taking train­ing o* o laboratory technician at Lethbridge Municipal Moipifal. GREGORY. Charlotte Marie like many of us, Chor hate* to get up in the morning. Painting, piano ploying, ond swimming occupy her free time. Next year she'll be taking a Medical Dental course at the Junior College. HAMER. Sylvia Maria Sylvia ho* her heort *et on the nursing career in Calgary or Ed­monton. Curling (she ploy* on important second position) ond swimming ore Sylvia'* moin inter­ests. Pet peeve — Homework. HARVEY, Janet Elaine Jonet spends mony of her even­ings ushering at the local theatres. She also enjoy* skiing—both woter ond snow. Next year the will be taking a lab. Technician course at Northern Alberta Institute of Tech­nology. HASZARD, Jo-Anne Leslie Jo Anne plon* to study physio­therapy ot the U. of A. This active gol is a member of the l.C.I. Glee Club ond Curilng Club. Jo works of Eoton's ond her interests include art, music, sewing, swim­ming ond judo. HATANAKA, Edith Edith enjoys a good game of tennis or bowling in her spore lime. She also does he' own sew­ing. Next yeor will And her ot the l.J.C. taking a course in educa­tion. Graduates HEGGEN, Linda Marlene Working par? time, ploying house- league basketball ond volleyball, and curling fills Linda's spore time. She likos bks’ogy but has decided to enter nurse's trolning ot either the foothills Hospital or the Uni- versity Hospital. HEPPELL. Heather Patricia Heother's plans ore undecided as yet but we will probably see her ot l.J.C. or toking a lab. Tech, course ot N.A.I.T, She teaches Sunday School ond is o member of the Bowling Club. Heather also enjoys sewing. HIGO. Matsumi Ruby Ruby is employed par! time at the Bigelow-Fowler Clink. She teoches Sunday School for the Japanese United Church ond also bowls in the school league. The Northorn Alberto Institute of Technology fig­ures in Ruby's plans to be a Diet- ory Service Technician. HILL, Bernadette Avril Bernodette hails from far-away England. Active in skiing, horse­back riding, and skating. Bernie's ombition is to take a fashion illus­trating course in Minneapolis. Her special interests include art work, sewing, drafting, fashions and doncing. HOLLINGS, Gary Arthur Although Gory's plons for the fu­ture ore rother indefinite, he thinks he will probably go to university sometime. Gary spends his spore time doing homework, reeding, or hunting and fishing. His pet peeve is simple—LETHBRIDGE! His great- est love—CAIGARYI HOOPFER. John Robert Our octive Council president spends his time boosting school pride ond working hard for the council. John olio ploys football for the Roms, belongs to Hi-C, ond enjoys model roilrooding. He plons to continuo his education, but hosn'f chosen o school as yet. HORNE, James Frederick Downer Jim is an active tropicol fish hobbyist who also plays bosketball ond the pvano-occordion. He is on the Southminster Hi-C executive. Jim plons to toko education of IJ.C. Pago Nineteen Graduates HOUSLEY, Donna Irene Donno it on energetic young lody who f.llt her spore time with sports os well os sewing and mu tie. She plons to ottend the IJ.C. next foil to take o stenographer's course. HUCKABAY, Sharon Louise In her spore time, Sharon figure skotes and tings in her church choir. Her number ono interest is Rolph ond her greotest ambition it to make the best little five-foot nurse thot the Municipol Hospifol ever hod. HUNT. Jacquie Joan Municipol Hospitol is Jocquio's des- tinotion ofter which she will study to be o mitsionory. Active Jacquie is secretory-treasurer of I.S.C.F., ond group loodcr of young peo­ple's. She also enjoys TV. biology, rcoding ond sleeping. HUTCHISON. Pamela Rae Fond of music. Pam plays tho guitar ond the piono, tries to write songs ond is o member of the Gleo Club. After graduation she plans to move to lltoh ond postbly foke further training. ISAACSON, Lenda Chrystal Lenda plons to ottend the IJ.C. next yeor. Her activities are cen­tred around her church. Speciol interests for lenda include music, drama, ba'lroom doncing ond jozx. ISBISTER. Leslie Idella Busy with extra curriculor activities including the Tumbling Club, Houseleogue Basketball. Orchestro. Yearbook, and YMCA Intermediate Icoder Corps, of which she is treasurer, les finds little time for her pet peove—homework. Next yeor. Education ot the IJ.C. IVES. William Albert 0*11, who says ho was actuolly born in a hospital, plons to ottend Trin­ity College ond mojor in languages. His activities include A.Y.P.A. ond his moin interest is money. Pet peeve: high school. JACK, Robert James He is plonning to ottend the U. of A. Calgary for a course in Engin­eering. Juvenile Worrior Hockey teom tokes up most of his time during the week and work at Hoefcr ond Wood keeps him out of trouble on weekonds. JENSEN. Larry Reid lorry works os o service stotion attendant at the Bay Service and plays pool in his spore time. Next yeor he hopes to attend the IJ.C. ond study Police Science. JOBAGY. Michael Leslie Mickey has two moin interests: Fords ond cors. However, he still hos time to hold o job ot the Royal Cue. He plans 1o work at ACT when he groduotes but we know his interests will not change when we heor him soy "Fords Forever". JOEVENAZZO. Larry Allred To get through Grade XII and study Educotion ot tho Ic’hbridgc Junior College ore lorry's ambi­tions. Other interests include the Bowling Club ond the ''Interna­tional Breath Holders Club". Thoughtful lorry Icoves his chem­istry seot to the Teachers' lounge. JOHNSON, Carolyn Jean For enjoyment, Corotyn ploys the piano ond the organ. Next foil she plans to enter Nursing at the Holy Cross Hospifol in Colgory. JOHNSON. Doris Bernice If someone is giggling, it's prob­ably Doris who storfed it. Doris swims, offends basketball gamos, and enjoys bowling ond skoting. Her plans for the future include Nursing ot the Golf School. JOHNSON. Morley Frank Beside his executive position in tho Students* Council, M.orley is olso o member of the bodm.nton dub. plays golf, pool and water skis. On Sundoys he ushers in South- minster Church. Next year he will attend U. of A. Page Twenty KEREK. Nandor Nondor hopes to offend the U. of A. for electronic engineering. Need* leu to »oy, he likes electronic! ond tcience in generol. This Hungarion lod olso enjoys listening to musk, doncing, fishing ond comping, as well os drowing ond pointing. Graduates JONES. Cheryl Lynn Wherever the Roms go, Cheryl goes. Why? She is the score- keeper. Cheryl would I kc to toke o course in loborotory technology in Colgory or Edmonton. JONES. Penny Rae Penny's pet peeve is coming to school on Monday morning. Be­sides school. Penny finds time for curling. Next year. Penny hopes to toke Business Education ot l.J.C. KHAN. Surraiya Susi Whenever you see o group of toughing people, Susi is usuotly right in the middle, reloting one of her recent pranks. She is octive in tho Clipper Queens bosketboll tcom, in volleyboll, ond in ref­ereeing bosketboll. Susi plons to toke Educotion ot the l.J.C. JONES. Philip Peter Phil is o member of the Alberto Arms ond Cartridge Collectors As­sociation. Me enjoys hunting ond fishing. Next year he hopes to attend Colgory Tech. JORDON. Wendy Lynn Margaret Wendy devotes her spore time to our yearbook, ond enjoys sewing os o hobby. Wendy plons on ot* lending either IJ.C. or U. of A. to toke Educotion. KALLAY. Joseph George George IColloy hopes to enter the U. of A. ond mojor in Educotion. Presently his interests ronge over football, chess, ond soccer. This year he wos fullbock for both footboll ond soccer. He is olso his Home Room representative on the Students' Council. KAS2AS. Marilyn Janet The thing thot bother Marilyn most is hoving to go to the boys' locker room to get Mr. Whifelow's typing. What she likes most is hoving wiener roosts in the summer. She hopes to find o secretarial job in the city ofter she groduotes. KATANCHIK, Sharon Kay To go to the Oentol Assistont Troin- ing School in Colgory is Shoron's moin ambition. Shoron works ot loblows os o coshier in her spo'e time. Shoron enjoys oil sports. KILFOYLE. Adora Mildred One of our industrious students is Adoro- She cloims she has no particular hobby, but is very inter­ested in cooking. Upon completion of high school, Adora hopes to find o job in the commercial field, preferobly o receptionist. KIMBER. John Edwin John mixes his activities of Scouts. Yearbook, football ond A.Y.P.A. with cars. Speaking of cors, his pet peeve hoppens to be women drivers and, if he should die, his cor will go to Gary, John plons to go to o militory college under R.O.T.P. KIND, Judy Lynn Judy is o young miss whose inter­ests range from sewing to dancing. She porticipotes in a non school bowling leogue. After this yeor she hopes to find a job in a secretoriol position. KING. Diana Lynn Diane is kept busy typing for the Collegian and the yearbook. She olso sings in the Southminster Senior Girls' Choir, ond figure skotes. Her future plons include nursing. KIRKHAM. Susan Ruth Suson is on one of our curling feoms this yeor ond olso spends time skiing ot Fernie. She plons to take a course in Medical Tech- nology in a B.C. hospitol next yeor. Page Twenty-one Graduates KITCHENER, Judith Marilyn Judy fill* her ffte time with point­ing, crocheting, sewing, writing letters, bobysitting ond growing ivy ond gropefruit trees. She plons to toke Commerciol Art ot Colgory Tech., or Education at U. of A. LAWRENCE, David Stevenson Dove it ottending the U. of A. next year to take engineering. In the meontime he is President of the Chariot Cor Club. Hockey olso keeps him busy. LEBENHAGEN. Rudiger Reinhard Rudy's plons for next year are rather uncertain. This year he is spending most of his spare time with I.S.C.F. projects or working ot Riethmon ond Hudson. KOCH. Verlin Harold Verlin plons to toke a course in engineering or geology ot U. of A. when he graduates. He enjoys reoding, stomp collecting, and model building. He is o member of the Chess. Debating ond World Affairs Clubs in the i.C.I. KOYICH. Ronald Edward for oil you girls that liko Beattlo haircuts. Ron is your mon. He is president of Southern Alberta Ama­teur Radio Club and holds o horn rodio license, VEdAJK and olso has o darkroom (photography). His future plans include electrical en­gineering at the U. of A. KRISTJANSON. Wendy This popular miss with her dovilish grin is known for her hilorious sente of humor. Wendy would like to toke a secretarial or Bache­lor of Arts course. Her spare time is devoted to the Clipper Queens basketboll feom. Pet peeve, people. KUNSMAN, Grace Gertrude Groce plant to go in for teoching of the lethbridge Junior College ond then Edmonton or Colgory. Her tpociol interests are horse- bock riding ond bowling. Groce's pet peeve is writing essays ond her fovorite saying is "for heck soke." LANE, Marjorie Ruth Morj plons to attend the U. of A. to major in Art ond English. This octive gol participates in syncron* izcd swimming, is o YMCA leader, ond it a member of the Glee Club. Also, she likes to reod, draw ond participate in sports. LARSON, Kenneth Gilbert Ken, os most of us know, is the little fellow who is manoger of the Roms football feom, Colts basket- boll team ond of houieleague bas­ketball. Ho is olso the captain of his bowling team ond a basketboll referee. His future plons include chemical engineering at U. of A. LEGGE, Diane Margaret Sometime within the next two or three years Diane plans on going to England ond studying Physio- theropy. In the meantime she will attend College in the Stores or work in Calgary. Diane likes "ony. thing different", dances, parties, ond Mr. Roe. LENNOX, Melvin Clifford Cliff, a "genuine" girl hater, plons to attend the Junior College, major­ing in Science. He is interested in sports ond cars. LEWIS, Catherine Jane Aiming for her B.Sc. in Nursing, Cothy plons to attend lethbridge Junior College, then the University Hospitol in Edmonton. Noted for her musical talent, she is o church organist. Cothy participates in houitfeogue sports and enjoys ski­ing in her spare time. LITTAU, Dennis Wayne The name is l-i-t-t-a-u, ond don't you forget it becauso Dennis* pet peeve is people who misspell it. Donnis enjoys bowling. His fu­ture plons hove not been finoliied os yet. LIVINGSTONE. Louise May louise is in the church chorus, likes swimming and woter skiing, but dotosts sardines. She is a mem­ber ©f the Slide Rule Club. Ele­mentary Education of B.Y.U. is whot lies aheod for Louise. Page Twenty-two LYBBERT, Robert Jay Bob como to us from the U.S.A. this year and his interests include bosVetbotl ond track and field. He has decided to toko Genetics o» Brighom Young University. LLEWELLYN, Robert Frank Fronk is o fishing ond hunting en­thusiast ond olso o grcot bosket- boll fan. His pet peeves are women ond boggy ponts. Next yeor. he'll be off to Veterinary Col­lege at Washington State. MACDONALD. Gail Louise During her years of high school, much of Go'll'* handicraft work hos been displayed. This fascinating pastime occupies her leisure hours. Upon completion of her high school term, she intends to enter Mount Royal Secretarial College. MACK. Robert Wayne After completing high school, Rob­ert is of? to Colgory to take o course for IBM. Although ho claims he never works, he is keenly interested in sports. MACKAY. Sharon Lee Shoron is o girl of mony folents. She is secretory-treasurer of the Badminton Club, likes sewing, at­tends Southmlnster Hi-C ond works os receptionist for CHEC Rod»o. After getting her BA in Edmon­ton. she hopes to do UN or civil service work. MACNEILL. Timothy David Tim ploys minor hockey ond house- Icon vie bosketboll. He enjoys working on cars ond ploying pool. He is attending the U. of A. ot Edmonton next foil. MALCHOW, Harry Eaton Horry plays minor hockey ond botebo'l. Ho is especially infer- estcd in othletics and auto mech­anics. Next year Horry is going to join the Armed Forces. Graduates MANERY, William Robert This young men's activities include woter skiing and bodminton. He wos the l.C.I. representative to the l J.C. His pet peeves ore French and golf. Next yeor he will be taking engineering at the U. of A. in Colgory. MANTLE, Glenice Ann Born in Estevon, Saskatchewan, Glenice would like to further her business courses ot tho Junior Col­lege. Glenke's chief interest lies in sketching and she is an active member of Young Peoples where she is secretary-treasurer. MARSHALSAY. Barry Scott Borry is presently interested in cors ond his hobby is orchory. Borry is hoping to take Civil Engineering ot the U. of A. in Colgory. If this is not possiblo he will enter first yeor university at the lefhbridge Junior College. MARTIN. Dale Edward Dole spends his time with boskot- boll and tho World Affairs Club. His future plan is to become a teacher. MATTHEWS, Peggy Christine Peggy's future plons include years ot the LJ.C. to receive her B.Sc. Peggy l» kept busy with A.Y.P.A. (she is secretory), choir, Badminton and Slide Rule Club. She olso hos a part-time job ot Safeway, her greafosf love. MAY, Patricia Jean Pot. o sports enthusiast, is mon- oger of the ICI Clipper Queens ond a member of the Lethbridge Track ond Field Club. She also Serves as President of CGIT. Pot's future plans include o degree course in nursing in the Lethbridge Municipal or Edmonton University. McCUTCHEON. Margaret Jane Jane hos not yet decided what she wonts to be. but she hopes to ottend the U. of A. or B.C. Uni­versity. Her sports activities in­clude swimming and skiing. Her othor pastimes ore the piono ond YMCA where she is a voluntory leader. Page Twonty-three r Graduates MCDONALD. Dale Lome Dole enjoys the more exhilarating iports, such os hockey. golf, ond claims to bo on expert at numerous unspecified activities. He hopes to become a chartered occountont. McELROY, James Russell Jim is o busy young mon who takes part in basketball, and works port time at Kirk's Tire Sales. Next yeor, he will be foking o course in commerce. McLEOD. Dorothy Janet Good marks and Dorothy go hand in hand. Reading and spectofor sports ore her mom interests. Doro­thy enjoys sewing ond mokes most of her own clothes. Her future plans ore indefinite. McLEAN, Donna Jean Donna enjoys most sports, espe­cially swimming and skating. She plons on attending Gorbutts for executive secretarial training, then taking an IBM course in Calgary. McLEAN. Kenneth James Ken is one of Alberto's future oil- round sportsmen. He ploys de­fence for o local hockey feom. Ken also finds time for wafer ski­ing, hunting, fishing, swimming, pool ond records. His pet peeve is getting o hoircut. Ken is not sure of his future plons. McNABB, Harold Allan Horold, o member of l.C.I.'s Roms football Team, is vice-president of Southern Alberto in the Boptist Youth fellowship. Harold plons to ottend U. of A. for a degree in Philosophy. McVEAN, David Reed Our cleverest of the clever—David always heods the honor roll. Al­though much of his time it spent pouring over books, David likes fishing, especially fly-tying. A guy with a great future, David plans to take on honors course in Chem­istry. MEADS, Arthur Mickey Attending the University of Cali­fornia is what is in store for Mickey. His special interests ore the Rot: ng Stones. Girls (with o copitol G) ond cars. Pet peeve: short hoir. favorite soying: Gospl MELNYK. Terrence William Terry, whose interests ronge from tropicol fish to cars, plans to attend the LJ.C. or R.O.T.P. for a course in Political Economics. He is o members of the Student Militia, A.Y.P A., ond works for the year­book os boys* biographer. MELROSE. Alan William Alon's pet peeve is making out­lines for his yeor book biography. His spore time is taken up by Metropolitan Stores and sports. He enjoys hunting ond fishing. Alon's future plans are, as yet, uncertain. MELVIN, Rick Georp.e Rick wos one of our ICI Roms lost year. He enjoys volleyball ond most other sports. Rick's course is undecided but he plons to ottend the t.J.C. METCALFE, Donna Marie Donno's hobbies ore sewing and curling. She belongs to the Curl­ing Club ond works on the year­book in her spore time. Next yeor she plons to toko first yeor edu­cation ot the Junior College. MICHAELIS, Sandra Lynn Sondro plons to toke her Nurse's Troming at the Muncipol Hospital. She is an octive member of the I.S.C.f. Club and enjoys reoding and biology. MICHAELIS, Wayne Daryl Wayne spends most of his spore time after school working ot Cut Rato furniture. He olio enjoys hunting ond fishing. Next year he will bo going to the t.J.C. Poge Twenty-four MICHELSON, Diane Attending the 8.Y.U. in Provo it the future Dion* con to* ot the moment. While there, the plons to toko o secretarial cowrie or on interior decorating course. MOORE, Linda Marie Jeanne Undo it a proficient drummer, and on excellent ttudent. In connec­tion with her musicol abilities she enjoys the piono and jarr. Next year she hopes to toko on od- vonced secretarial course. MORGAN. Dennis William Dennis is a likely condidot* for the IJ.C. noxt yeor. He is plonning on o course in accounting with the hope of banking in the future. Other interests ore cort end horses. MOSCOVICH, Leslie Ann Leslie hot tome unique interests, which include flying, chest, ond billiordt. In her spare time she is a dentol assistant for her father. Next year she's off to the U.B.C. to study onthropology- MOULD. Peter William Bill's greatest d.soppointment in life is woking up in the morning just to Pnd himself in physics clots. Physics is his pet peeve, but he doesn't think much of chemistry, either. His future plons ore to toke engineering at the U. of A. MYERS, Patricia Ann Pot's speciol interests ore swim­ming and boking. Next year she's off to the Junior College to toke Education. MULLIN, Donna-Gayle Donna Gayle hos o unique hobby of writing letters. Next to licking stamps, her fovorite pastime is doncing with the Jo’liffe Acodemy or ploying in the Symphony Jon Band. Next yeor she hopes to toke music at the U.B.C. ond then in London. England. Graduates MURRAY. Corinne Lynne Corrine, one of our very success­ful, well-known Clipper Queens, enjoys oil sports. Next yeor, she plans to enter nursing ot St. Mich­ael's Hospital. future plans in- elude nursing in the Northwest Territories. NAKAGAMA, Carol Kimiko Co'ol cloims thot ort is her pet peeve yet she still must enjoy if os she is on excellent artist. In con­nection with her artistic folents. she busies herself with needlework. She olio enjoys Young Buddhists Association. As of yet, her future plons are undecided. NAKAGAMA, Mary Mariko Mory belongs to the Y.B A. club and enjoys most sports. She plans on foking a Generol Arts Program of U.B.C. NEWART. Barry Barry is very octive ond takes part In boseball and hockey os well os holding a part-time job ot Safe­way. After groduoting ho hopes to toke o technical engineering course ot U. of A. NEWINGER. Patricia Ruth Plonning to ottond Junior College, then the U. of A. in Edmonton. Pot will toke educotion, majoring in English. Morsebock riding and skating help occupy Pot's leisure hours. NEWTON. Sandra Susan Sondi enjoys horsebock riding and roller skating. She p!ons to take a business course at the IJ.C. this fall. NIVEN. Barbara Jean Borboro does "Campus Directory" every week on CHEC Radio for the l.C I She is president of the Soufhmins ter Senior Girls' Choir, o member of Hi-C ond a Sunday School teacher. Barb is interested in folk singing, riding, skating ond skiing. Page Twenty-five Graduates OKAMURI, Midori Jane Next yeor we will tee Jone wolk* ing the halls of the U.C She is o member of the Bowling leogue end th# Young Buddhist Aiio ? o v * «< f y5 S- o ? ?-• *‘ S-o S' .— ■© ** 5 t'-'f 21 ’ iir o 3 2 ^ £ Lft) i 2 8 « *- a> 'O 3 'tS- y® CD r !•' IAhJ* “ C/> C --;2 „ - i In. i ° n§ r 2S1Ji S’ 3 Fo 2 I 5 ;sr* l?L# a ■» a a a c o # i -*» • ^ na < n - x ^ o 5 t* 3 o -m 3 r * -c j olir2 = 2. ^ * - - O 6 3 X o ie* w 1 * 3 ”0 <*5* n>< cr I $:? C =• ^k*r g.?T3.2 ? 2 ? ® i o §. I IIs 111 •r - 5 £ S * UK If £8 s | 2l2Cp?l 2i?^^s ?27:r--s b - z r 3 - ?. Fa =" H-o 0 ??" P-;2- c £ n r-3 H?M * S3 > £ ? 3 ° r ^ . ^ r?rl- O -• o' 2 3 • Ss:?!: '^3' -■< c sin tU\ ■° ?2.f L? = «r$ S-fS;. IfU- •< CO y *r«> - - 5' x -. sru's Kh* lj,f* - • -n *■ ° 3 ? O • a. * * j o8„2 3 -r s *r 3 L - *£ - * - • 5- 5- ° <33 • S 2 2 £ ill? m - r rji l*Z-' r5? pi kl x- c o > z 12-4 s -c - X> ■< O o c ^ _ Hit £:' i? rll = ?* «3 -. .1: is I X?Z Q O fl-T sir ill'111 Sll'l.l *• 8 o • a. J 2 ^ ' ' o I rS > 8 T I-1 -2 o-f5-r o c/> |3 P~ y I ^ ^ - 2 s § ?? : — C O « U §ii- ®iC • «o « s>?WEITERMAN, Ken Paul Ken's moln interests ore in golf ond fishing. He owns his own business. "K ond R Delivery", where he works port time. Ken is planning to attend the Southern Al berto Institute of Te<hnology to foke Petroleum Engineering. WELLINGTON. Mary Margaret To toko on IBM course in Colgory is Peggy's ombition offer groduot- ing. She occupies her spore time by cooking, sewing, ond being em­ployed os a waitress ot the El Roncho Restaurant. Pet peeve: do­ing fractions on the full-key in Business Machines. WELLS. Stewart Ian Ian is an outdoorsmon: his hobbies include fishing and hunting. He is also a member of the YMCA Ion's future plans are os yet un­decided. WELSH. Gerry Wayne Gerry is a very octivo player on the Lethbridge Sugar Kings. He is olso interested in cors ond pool. The U. of A will be welcoming Gerry next year, os he plans to foke on Engineering course. WENNES. Shirley Mac Shirley plons to take her first year of o dietition course ot the Junior College. Strangely enough, one of her pet peeves is eating! Sewing, hiking, booting, curling ond sing­ing in the Junior Choir ot Cormon- goy occupy her spore moments. WEVERS, John Henry At present John is employed os a steword at the El Roncho Restaur­ant. John enjoys mony sports, one being basketball. Future plons include first year Commerce ot the LJ.C. WHEELER. Marilyn June Morilyn will be in troining at the Municipal or St. Michael's Hospital in the foil. She enjoys voUovboll, sewing, ond sketching. Pet peeve: verb charts. Graduates WHITEHEAD. Kathleen Sarah Kathy is a badminton fan who works port time ot Kresge's. After finishing school she wonts to work for a few months ond then fake a hairdresser's course in Leth­bridge. WILLIAMS, Patricia Lynn Court coptain of the Badminton Club ond secretory of the South- minster Senior Girls' Choir is effi­cient Pot. An ovid woter skier ond tennis player, she is o member of the Hi-C group also. Pat plans to toke o medicol lob course either ot the LJ.C. or U. of A. WILLOUGHBY. Jim William Jim ploys football for the Roms, hockey ond basketball. Hr enjoys skiing ond hunting. He plons to offend the Missoula University but is uncertain of courses. He Is very interested in cars and he dislikes long hoir. WILSON. Terry Allen Terry, whose pet peeve is police tickets, is very active in curling. Bi liords ond hunting ore also among his interests. Next year, Terry plans to go to the Univer­sity of Howoii. to study politico! science. WINTER. Darlene Margaret Oorlene is on othletic miss who porticipofes in houseleogue bosket- boll, volleyboll, frock ond field, ond olto bowling. She hopes to be on oirlino stewardess ond is ot present working port time at the Municipal Hospitol. WRIGHT. Blair John In his spore time Blair ploys hockey and football. Saturdays ore spent with Young Soldiers. Blair's plons ore indefinite as yet. WRIGHT. Lynda Dianne Riding, showing horses, reoding, cooking ond sewing ore Lyndo's hobbies. She also participates in the Collcgiofe Bowling league. In the future, she hopes to toke a sec­retarial position ot the Research Stotion. Pogo Thirty-one Graduates WYROSTOK, Elaine Carole Elaine is on avid sports fan who come !o us from Tober. Nexf year she plont to toke Educotion ot the l J.C. She has not decided which major she will toko. YOUNG. Gary Charles Gory is o true sportsmon, os many basketball ond football fans know. He p I o ye d wingbock for the Roms ond forward on the ICI boskefboll team. On the week* ends, he supervises boskefboll ot the Civic Centre. Next year he will be taking physical educotion. YOUNG, Susan Suson teaches piano two nights a week offer school. She is attend­ing B.Y.U. nexf year to mojor in music. Susan claims to love every­body orvd everything. n Pogc Thirty-two ROOM 1 MR. VAN ORMAN Bock Row Andy Shorthorn*, Tivy Erois, Don Farrell, Bit! Palmer. Chariot Murroy, Gory Hamilton, Robert Kennedy, Brian Cook Third Row: Darlene Rodgers, Roe Hy- dcchuk, Marion Marti, Laura Poterson, Annie Schwartr, Sharon Cook, Gwen Edwards, Wendy Korth. Second Row leonord Filmer. Jon Cooper, Herb 8rotherwood, Mr. Von Orman, Bob Mocker, Neil Court ice, Doug Jock- son. Col! n Watson front Row: Colleen Brown, Pat Chessor, Janice Bissot, Linda Roe, Jocqu'c Mor­gan, Kathy Rowntree, Sherry Brown, Roto Vujick. GRADE X ROOM 5 MR. WALKER Bock Row Jim Gilmour, Leslie Boon, Jake Von Bredo, Brion Cook, Fred Bailey, Glen Voriari, Bernard Schmed, Greg fisher. Third Row Dorole Grouette, George Moore, Dennis Nyhof, Dennis Carlson, Edd e Wong, Murray Ayerhort, Roy Lewko. Brent Russel, Bill McCaffrey. Second Row Ricky Rout. Linda Stevens. Dicmne Britten, Mary lane McDonnell, Wendy Cornine, Fay Hunt, Jennifer Skeith, Goil Coyle. front Row: Bill Davidson, Diane Camber, Shoron Hudson, Mr. Walker, Judy Mil­ligan, Dorla Bai'ey, Gene Mortini. Missing: lindo Brookwell, Margaret louder. GRADE X ROOM 7 MRS. BE2EAU Bock Raw: Cohn Vince, Howard Schuf- for, Randy Ha’et, Brian Redgwell, Dave Stewart, Fred Lewis, Grant Ford, Don Ross, Murray Anderson. Third Row: Cindy DeGaust, Phyllis Nieboer, lynetfr ALaynord. Debby Mc- Cu'loch, Marda Mitchell, Kathy Rots, Christina Dubefi, Marjorie Johnstone, Connie Ens. Second Row: Calvin Ing, Ken Svoboda, Bob Gordon, Mrs. Beieou, 8»yon Fran­cis, Cl»nt Diener, Ken Wong. Front Row: Susan lepp, Helen lepp, Bonnie Hollon, Lynda Modill, Louise Erickson, Down Rithop. Ann Marie Mc­Donald. Janice McIntyre. _ r ri I* A £ 1 i II k 1 ivn i :J > ( m Kjrvk> .4 ., y fg . i t mb ■' vV :}i dljw 1^.^ | 1 ^ Pogc Thirty*three R O O M 1 1 MR SEAMAN Bock Row: Rot Cowon, Trevor Bennott, Bryon Smith, Terry Koshman, Rodger Conner, Jim Ehlort, Mortin Wevcrt, Oovid Sired. Axel Biehl. Third Row: Francis Wilkinson. Brendo Kwosnie, Debro Bikmon, Karen Comp* ton, Janet Hodge, Diane Frouws. Den­ise Durfee, Chery Livingstone. Second Row Carol Mocleod, Betty Smith, Brian McColl. Mr. Seaman, Jim Coupe- lond, Warren Voile, Margaret Peters, Norma Hoyt. front Row: Kathy Palmer, Bonnie Cot- troll, Diar.e Mi Ms, Morianne Ludwig, Suson Toth, Shoron Newton, Eloine Murray, Del Tatebe. Cindy Wrote. GRADE X ROOM 13 MISS McCULLY Back Row: Bob Gooder, Allan McCreary, Michoel Agrios, Peter Mkholovsky, Ken- doll Thompon, Roro'd Boll, Bob John- son, Dovid Smith. Third Row: Sandra Bossett, Donna Pholen. Shoron Prowse, Suson Otten. Peggy Svennes, Christine Stringam, Georgino Mctlroy. Second Row Jim Stewart, Patrick Mc- Tighe, Garry Andersen, Kent leishmon, Wayne Noi-'so*i, Noel Mariyomo, Ray Harper, Gordon MocPhcrion. Front Row* Debbie Bernie, Jerrye Hol­land, Glenndo Rutledge, Miss MtCuIly, Judy Beoton. lindo Morquordson, Judy Barnard. Missing: George Sherring. GRADE X ROOM 14 MR TRUSCOTT Back Row: Ken McCroe, Blaine Nedd, Tim Skibo, Doug Word, Doug Kone. Dove Groves. Dove long, Robert Dav­idson. Third Row: Randi Mone, Linda Houser, Bonnie Mclorcn. Monta Byom, Brendo Mcloughlin. Penny Williams, Chris Adorn. Chorlene Hughes. Second Row; Rick Rislor, Gory Bird. Le­roy Schow, Grohom Bechdholf, Ron Brown, Ron Berlondo, Dove Gibson. front Row: Paulo Carroll, Jemice Sak- omoto. Joanne Hryunak, Marilyn Mol- ocko, Mike Jones, Pot Orsten, Ralph Solmon. Poge Thirty-four R O OM 25 MR. McAUSTER Bock Row: Bill Postoor, Rick Smith, Bob Holl# Darrel Robinson, Roy WooIIiscroft, Go»y Copron. Daryl Ferguson. Third Row: Bryon Goolding. Pot len- nox, Cheryl Mueller, Arlene Thomson, Dionno Sollenback, Undo Thurston, Ivey Mol. Second Row: John lengyel, Melvin Middle- fon, Yvonne Workman, Mr. McAlister, Ar!o Novfold, Gordon low. front Row: Arlene Coghlin. Mavis Cor- ter, Goil Effoda, Sandra Penrod, Olga Schwori, Solly Kohler, Sharon Ston- beck. M-sting: G.’enn lyons. Anito Nicholos. GRADE X ROOM 106 MR ANDERSON Bock Row: Dave Rossiter, Fred Bodie, Dole Court, Bryon E-rcrling, Darryl lis­ter, Frank Crooks. Third Row: Milton Herman, Oovid forry, Fred Cameron, louie Sollenboch, Richard Von Horne. Second Row Colleen Vince. Garda Ston- iey, Jocm Fulton. Joan Croik, lynn Ston. ley. Front Row: Dovid Sylvester, D e n n is Becker, Gordon Yoshinaka, Ron Morg. on, Don Sibbet . Missing Undo Clark. GRADE X ROOM 118 MR BARRUS Back Row Brian Holland, Laurie Bowms, Gory MocDono’d, Bob Common, Ben Fitjnar, Brian Derkson, Mike Georgeton, Ron Gregson. Third Row: leola Cutler, Joan Rus­sell, Margaret Moneschyn. Heother Bed- well. Barbara DeMunck. Candy Weir, Carol Bogner, M.ory Ellen Mohe. Second Row: Brion Bo nes. Jim Ewing. Terry Hudemo, Richard Storke, Gerry lone, Craig Simmons, Jim Edwords, Stan Johnson. Front Row Sh rley Revok, Myrna Aus- tring, Judy K Hoyle. Barry Broderick, Mr. Borrvs. Allen lewko, Valerie Void, Gladys lake. Page Thirty-five MR WIGHT dock Row: Robert King-8rown, Grant Olion. Erik Peterson, Andy Nicos. Gron! Cook. John Dohm, Robert Ross, Vernon Jobber, Jock de Klerk. Third Row: C o » h y Mi'.lor, Virginio Frecl, Betty Dunn, Borboro Meredith, Pot Williorr.t, Kothy Stevenson, Morg* oret Welth, Ann McCtenoghon. Second Row: Borboro Popmo, Gorth Vick­ery, David Burrow*, Russell Wilton, Syd Klinger, Ken Rosct, Herb Culler, Pot MocNIftl. Front Row: lynn Wo-kcr, Jettie Groham. Soton Motthew*. Soscm Smith. Mr. Wight, Louise Kirkham, foye Drinnon, lo'roine lew!*, Edith Wroy. R O O M 206 GRADE X ROOM 208 MR. SIMPSON Bock Row: Philip Illingworth, Bill Roy* croft, Dwoin Sheldroke, Don Holme*, Bob Smith, Gory Honion, Kevin Antley, Don Foxio, Ion Wilton. Third Row* Ru*t Stogryn, John Firm- ing, Sondra Hunt, linda Gregory, let- lie Hughet, Dixie Cray, laRcc Mottey, Hugh Arnold. Jim McDonald. Second Row: Bob Smith. Rkhord Cooper, Melvin Thorlow, Shirley Cord, Mr. Simpson, Goil Bkkmon, Denni* Met*, Ion Mcleon, Bill Goodmon. Front Row: Joorme Kosowich. Hcother McDonald, Alice Spencer, Sue Bell, Charmaino Witharl, Carol Segot, Jo Morgan, Jane Rvttell. Misting: Roi* Bornoby. GRADE XI ROOM 3 MRS. BENNETT Bock Row: Bill Hawkms, Ron Harris, Denni* Dyck, Robert Popton, Ralph Holt, Danny Shapiro. John Morgon, Hugh Johnson, lorry Stevenson. Third Row: Barb Hill, Linda Hoopfer, Joyce Guthowoty, Uyo lopoinis. Pot MocKay, Beth Bryont, Goil lone. Janet Palmer. Second Row: Phil Foulds. Bob Marshall, Reed Spencer, Jim Gunn, Ivano Gir- ordi, Gary Anderson, Cliff Anderson. Jock Cromer, Brian Garrett. Front Row: Noncy Calrnt, Pot Fleming, Colleen Kotting, Mrs. Bennett, Donna Specimen, louro Pierce. Evelyn Swan­son. Leslie Story. Poge Thirty.six -* >• S £ £ £ «:? * _ <* £ ^ , o s -* >. o O^c •• &. I >.§'.£ “ r c .*155 O < I' 5 o.S 5 > 2 £d!6 Jsi **: - 2 1 “ -a £ ■ tii < s * 4!j . ■% ci i l*I» ^ 2 J.2i ui 2 v _: / J , > > % © £ s s t li-s ! °v1 *l|i ;g-n * . £ ® o “■ S c-5 S«s si ■o .£ -c %: .b -* * * «] !l« $vi : r?? : « r ® 5 ! 9 £ i o o | 5 1 -5 o *2 ! faff* ►- Bf Mb X LU Q < E □ o ► - b r G uj C v> O C w Si s IJ * i: ct .r o* >: ^ oli - ^ w X ?E s o ra o a.MR SAINT Bock Row: Alon Boon, Tom Costles, Georg* Holmes. Glenn Alton, Brion Cook, M-kc Kerfoot, Don Scheurmon, Brion Seovill. Third Row: Eileen Bennett. Mary Hen netsy, Monica Pohl, Liz Borrett, Rose* mory Alton, Helen Reogh, Tonio Kor- othenkov. Second Rowi Mkhoel Moll, Alon Mc­Pherson. Bob loco, Bruce Sherley,. Mr. Saint, Gordon Elford, Ken Bowman. Ron Ito. front Row: Jonis Cottrell, Mymo Short, Eileen Honey, Wendy Cockroft, Georg- io Blair, Wendy Ulmer, Colleen Coe. Missing: Keno Stroh R O O M 17 GRADE XI ROOM 21 MISS UNDERDAHl Bock Row: Dennis Leavitt, John Young, Don Connor. Jock Carnoy, Ron Sendo, Dorryl Al sop, Rod Dudley. Jim Dewar. Third Rowi Heother Kirkhom. Koren Girard, Karren Boldry, Pot Rylonds. Marilyn Noss. Roberto Allison, Susanne Purkis. Second Row: Kothy Porker. Corol Soph- ton, Ann Erois, Diane fc-dcr. Miss Un- derdohl, Morgoret Anderson, Gerda Oostlo nder. front Row: Borry Hunt, Ernie Stokes, Martin Dixon, Dorrel lewko, Tom Hunt, John Martini. Missing: Gory Cooper. GRADE XI ROOM 24 MR. MITSUNAGA Bock Row.* Glen Glduk, Ken Morgan, Mike Robinson, James francis, Jim Wolfe, Jack Gront, Ken Carroll. Third Row Lois Horker, Linda Holl, Suson Hooper, Gordon Stead, Ron Faulkner, lindo Neale, Morgoret Wood, Jan Rarrage. Second Rowi Marilyn lamb. Norma Kov- kh. Joanne Pongmon, Jennifer Hawn, Mr. Mitsunogo, Sfor Selby, Louise Cropo. Arlene BolokoskS, Giselo Dyck. front Rowi lindo Mortin, Irene low- rente, Billie Jean Hover, Koren Mullis, Carolyn Peat, Beverley Soto. Jolone Pilling, Doreen Grouette. Missing: Richard Van Orman. Page Thirty-eight MR. HEYIANO Bock Row Roger McMullin, Bo try Butlin, Bryco Grey, Don Wolker, Norm UuH> mon, lorry Bouck. Third Row: Dove Peters, Robert John. Hone, Corol Henry, Undo Fog a I, Gory low, lorry Sakamoto. Second Row: Shirley Clark, Karren Fitmer, Mr. Keylond. Dixie Wilson, Diane Sounders. front Row: Pot Prepchuk, Ellen larson, lo Roe Williams, Foye French, Koren Porker. Missing Pot Dwyer. R O OM 27 GRADE XI ROOM 108 MR POIACHIC Back Row: Jim Barr, Harvey Downey, Ron Wcitcrmon, Stvi Waikor, Dick White, Tom Prott. Third Row Ron Coss'dy, Don Mclnnes, Dennis Barbour, James Mack, Myron Wiiliomton, Allan Bird, Fred larson. Second Row: leonne fawns, Denise Siv* yer, Marlene Carter, Mr. Polochic, Joyce Miller, Marilyn Bohne, Sandy Fergvson. Front Row Shirley Aitkin, Sheilogh George, Kothy Terry, Edith Chombers, Jody Archibold. GRADE XI ROOM 215 MR. MEED Bock Row Ron Trcnholm, Jim McConn, David Wilton, Derryl Schlelke, Philip Skriver, Dave Bernie, Roy Donforth, David Von Horne. Third Row David McArthur, Shc-lo Dkk, lowno Portor, laraino leRoy, linda Se’mon, Susan leRoy, lindo Shir* loy. Second Row Ron Wcstling. Don Deal, Pe?e Anderson, Mr. Steed, Dove Dowd, Richord Thompson. Don Norrie. Front Row Bette Coirns, Jody Giffen. Susan Horty, Wendy Todd. Valerie Stevens. Susonne Shaw. Missing! Sylvia Hunt, Jean longridge. Poge Thirty*nine MR. DICK Bock Row: Alden Bourne, Dovid Sykes, Eldon Sandusky, Don loncaster, Stan Bryant, David Rolfe, Jon Foulkner. Rob­ert lo'ng Third Rows Terry Burt. Pot Smithson, Terry Negoard, Gary Orr, John Thom­son, Ken Perdue, Glen Barton. Second Row: Glorio Bogden. Sharlene Currie, loreloo McKcnz:e, Shirley Fifth, Terry Fleming, Joanne Findlay, Judy Smith, Pam Goundry. Front Row: Ken King, Bo'boro Wheeler, Morion Patterson, Virginio Willie Mr Dick, loit Crawford, Francis Kethler, Ston Brown. R O O M 219 GRADE XII ROOM 23 MRS THOMAS Bock Row: Susan Hudson, Undo Moore, Joon Smilhion, Lynda Wright, Peggy Wellington, Shoron Katonchik. Glenice Mantle, Dione Michelson. Third Row: Diane legge, Bernadette Hill, Morn c Skelton, Joonno Tuk, Adoro Kilfoyle, Jody Fazio, Audrey Stickel. Second Row: Evelyn Sokomoto. Corol Nokogoma, M.orilyn Katzas, Lorna Cole­man, Karen Montgomery, Corol Young, Angela Baird, Pat Cooper. Front Row: Bev Protf. Shoron Storyock. Carol Bulpitf, Mrs. Thomos, Morjene Matsunogo, Gail MacDonold, Doris Smith. Missing: Linda Smith. Pot Ross. Sherry Bordock. GRADE XII ROOM 107 MR. SCGSWORTH Bock Row: Jim Willoughby, Bob Duncan, Dale Coupland, Bill Ives, Brian Phillips, 8«rt Furlong, Gary Hollings, Bill David­son. Third Row: Bob Christopher. Nondor Kerek, Terry Melnyk. John Kimber. Mick­ey Meads, Jay Pritchard, John Foong, Boyd Sillito, Second Row: Marilyn Wheeler, Grace Kunsmon, Alexandra Schoptolo, Movis Gillott, Sylvia Homer, Roxy Rhodes, lindo Crobb. front Row: Larry Joevenazzo. Greg Seredo, Mr. Segsworth, Pat Masson, Peggy Motthews, Susan Dahm. Missing: Leslie Isbister, John Hoopfer, Wendy Krist}onson. Page Forty MISS KUNST 8ock Row: Robert Thomsen, George Bor- rington, Pawl litt.'e, Tim Stuckerf, Gory Peocock, Mwrroy M.cClenaghan, Bob Ashmeod, Ron Russell, lee Schoof. Third Row: MicVey Jobogy, Randy Morgan, Gordon Glover, Coos Von* derhulst, Ted Bochan, Dennis Morgan, Peter Rowe, Mike Willioms. Second Row: Rvby H'go. Tonyo Wallace, Co'ol Erickson, Mcriliyn Whitmore, Pot Sendo, Dianne Burnoge, Shirley Senda. Front Row: $ton Rogers, Morilyn Baird, Miss Kwnst, Jwdy Kind, Pom Hutchison, Ron low. Missing: John Brocklesby, Gordon Todd, Bruce Kown, Bob Mock. R O OM 116 GRADE XII ROOM 117 MR. STEAO Bock Row: Ken Davids, Don Colley, Tom Hudson, Dave Gold, Jim Cousins, Trev­or Agrios, Terry Watmough, Don Me- Koy, Lome Coyfe. Third Row Dennis Pafmarchwk, Betti Ann Simmonds, lano Gorgichwk. Gloria DeBoer. Pot Newingcr, Virginia Wesley, Barb Smith, Judy Hornsby. Second Row Neil Thirwell, Greg Cork. Don Oliver, Joy Tompk'ns, Greg Dick, lorry Anderson, Dove Gillespie. Front Row Samuel Tsong, Myro Toth, Sandy Revdet. Mr. Stead, Ethel • Dell Cantelon, Morilyn McTovish, Donno Housley, lloyd Sillito. Missing: Jon Redfern. GRADE XII ROOM 119 MR. SIMON Bock Row: Roger Cicon, Gerry Sivert- son, Doug Moody, Bob lorson, Borrie Onofrychwk, lowrence Van Home, Al Rolfe, Philip Jones. Third Row Donna Mcleon. linda Ford, Erie Schmidt, Woyne Stonley, lorry Sxcresny, Roy Ross. Borboro Chisholm, Dawn Schoening. Second Rowi Doug Wolloce, Jock Von- derheide, Cory Chute, Reid Birrell, Walter Den Hoed, Ron Sf.ckel, Dennis Coburn, Ken Hannon. Front Row: Pot Salmon, Susan Mawghan, Kothleen Whiteheod, Mr. Simon, Jean Hid, Pot Myers, Michele Cook. Missing: Armo Nosh, Pat Cherlenko, John Trovers. Page Forty-ore MR. DUNN Bock Row* Don Peters, Ron Tobo, Louise Livingstone, Kathie Bercnt, Sondro Corr, Marjorie lone, Dorothy McLeod. Cothy lewis. Monte Ehlort. Third Row: M.ory Ann Byrne. Doris Johnson, Bill little, Borbo?o Niven. Moureen Risler, Ion Getty. Rudy lob- enhogen. Michoe! Ford. Second Row: Down Chester. RSto Robert- son. Kevin Sirrrronds, Jo-Anne Moszord. Mr. Dunn, Heother Heppell. Goil Boker, Leslie Smith, Virginio Block. front Row: Pot Otoni, Wendy Jordon. Donno Metcolfe, Jone Okomuro, Judy Fo»rfic