Hamilton Junior High School Highlights 1969

The annual publication of the students of Hamilton Junior High, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1968-69) X PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE At this moment, Grade Nine, your Spaceship of Life is poised and the countdown continues. With blastoff, your rocket will leave its Junior High launching pad bound for the far-off...

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Main Author: Hamilton Junior High
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Hamilton Junior High 1969
Online Access:http://digitallibrary.uleth.ca/cdm/ref/collection/haig/id/3499
Summary:The annual publication of the students of Hamilton Junior High, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1968-69) X PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE At this moment, Grade Nine, your Spaceship of Life is poised and the countdown continues. With blastoff, your rocket will leave its Junior High launching pad bound for the far-off wonders of High School, or for the world of work outside, or maybe an un­decided destination. With you go all the hopes of your ground-control team of parents and teachers. They have helped you get where you are today. You have been equipping yourself with formal education, which can be compared to a set of navigational charts. In itself knowledge is like a chart - of no value except as it is used to steer your vehicle with understanding and judgment. Never under­rate the value of an education. When we look at education today, we find that these are times at once frighten­ing and exciting. Frightening, when we survey the wrecked computers, bloodshed. Fires, riots, and demonstrations at many of the large universities of the United States and even some in Canada. Steer clear of these navigational hazards. Don't let them spoil your flight. Although they are indications that our educational system is deeply in need of stimulation and reform, they arc also the result of student protest carried to extremes. There are nevertheless many hopeful signs as well. Changes in the length of the school year, whole new areas of study being opened, and such new teaching techniques as team-teaching and the use of single-concept Films will all help make your voyage more meaningful and exciting. The trend toward more pupil involvement in planning and decision-making means that you may have a hand in charting your own course. And surely understanding, mutual respect and common sense will triumph over the spectre of chaos. I challenge you. Grade Nine, to establish your ultimate aim in life, a worthwhile goal to steer towards. You must have a purpose. Remember, in order to navigate safely the mysterious outer reaches ahead, you need to keep your charts at hand and up-to-date so that you can use the stars to guide you on the course you have set. The promise of tomorrow is great for those who ap­proach it prepared in knowledge and in spirit. Where will your vessel set down? You are your own pilots. Grade Nine. "All systems are go." Finally, a sincere vote of thanks on behalf of the school to the Yearbook Staff, Mrs. Lester, Mr. Carlson, and Mr. Springman for the part that they have played in producing this Annual. Poqo TwoMrH Thomson MrG A V/rfscn Mr. J E UntffOrtJ NVTOfani Mr.R JBuOCkcn vw# - rw «»«/ fv-'cvu/ MniROLetacr V'*; P ?/cAii>!»v f.VLAK'ouSO jUHIOR IIICl/ Mrs HI OimpbCO WrsMA Shwvjom Mm L Coe MrE Block Mr. LS Carlson PA GDOiaxWw ••V RI Stonctiockcr • .Vs E Jof*>son Mr C C Hiatt MSS M A IkAUvzor* Mr DKosoko Mu E Kisic/hl Mr.s WFEP.*ncr Mss * Y;m:¥r»oeo Mss M J Snvth Miss A OQvfctSOn Mr 8 A Spr svjnwi MrsM L Lowry MCE Your*) Mrs N Bczcmu Mr&ARPCXMsy P/rsPMCKcnr<*STUDENTS' COUNCIL t MON CONG Pf#i#d«M KAR6N MINATSU T'Miv'**' TOM OJOUY ICEANN WIGHT Ui'Itt'T OAIYCC MARTIN Otot* 7 V*« P*««W»ai JOAN GUNN G’e-4* 7 8 Twowkw joanne CHRisre G*c'# 8 V**P HOUSE MOUff NO. I TrllWwf • S«<r«*ory • R>1 Po«ro Yk« » »**•••'• Oo»# «*» tdl* KASfN IJACKN ‘ D.H yew »oo Hr-. DON PAlMfR OAYf WILLIAMS •Vo*** MU Q'*»**> -Ho* M*. Mien . . r K-jk**. Mill Obe***! ’ tYll lAQUA "Pwf «jf Qwm wUi* AO*. Cool- toPAC JQIVINA7Z0 YoK. la»*o. bv» d.d ye# • ► .* b«fc#V «C» SfCKCS OIANM SKlfA u<v? l,# <*••> U\#o {?#•) o-» ,|tbo rf„#. •«N«4 (*♦). UtfiY WILSON W',K<«» SWy? MARIA WKlTI N0-/0-, don l b# BARRY PCAT SHy boiHM. MARILYN MCtNAR WV>*ev* f*!*» tobb.fl JIM NOLAN J •»> Nv*k o Nil? OAWNA OOSJt* Iffy b-ify o —i proMy. ROCIR SCOTT •If* >t(k *% O+r 4or o$eW*. OA1L PASKUSKI .M ‘pUk 00 *03#' «$oyV* OAN SCHWAtlZ •O-ly 99A\? brovnir TIRCSA JONIS * Ob — yo.ro my Urol" MAURUN HIP1UR W.fh «cj*.m UNIX 1 5M IN< W.fV^vt b.tbL -3 po«»0^«My? SUSAN V**NIGHT •Wbof yew 301 *0 »»i?' R O O M 14 *AT*| lAUtMACC ?*•<*««.»• — /, Hok IO** OUOUT M Km **4 »»wU#i. M Ao~ o~4 K**kWt . . . MCIANII WlBIB U •*»'• • K«*k i* a# I Vory •A# Ao***» '**37 UN MfTZ "N#t f*gM. pl#ot#r* “At U! MOftSCNICK SN’» Ul •A#- i« fom*. *♦ bt»l. wf«l BOft UOGCtwOOO o.' §14 b-»* l#*M. tANOT TOGO* TV# Mil* i» #M fCO^ UNOA CIAWIOID •Ay bv» •*•#!» oian couince w* (M<d *©t 4# 0*0*1 i****l#A«. AAC9A GYCNNfS *•«•.*#• *#^*g kv* *x-l "oki U oB Km iOHN CXAGA UkV'. m* Am ir-« NIUIC CtTING HUO Mm C##‘> (*•••••«« kvMr AUIIT Hull C»m*OA>y k#Ow« #« AW* ItfNf IMS V*v* *■*? 3pt W*T A M(0 CHOMIAC MWw bv* ol-ay» -J *• Wk# pott ll>* VAN OLMAN A Mf loti kt • *»-•' #1 >»##§* t# «vr tMO IIIAN tlNKfTT H.I M •# U « b#M •hgbg po»*i*W* KAUN ICKUTH AKrCjn K*MM Am MotK. tlC* tACCOA TV# t*lf kKt «H. blo*d# l*oU* U UfKi.^9* NOtA HUNT A-*-*7* r*odf M b* A*V^ ClAllVSI SIVUK MIAN tllllNO A Ko'tf WMkM ■'Ao <5om ao* l* tlf. H* It k*#w» iMfe Im Mi •• MWk Q«.»;p Bill KUCHUAN I .#*« o *‘Tr«MMpK"l R O O M 1 GKADUANDS ROOM 22 IYNN HUNT Omi oil **ope~ *K* INI l.<kc*d. *00 8ACC0A Net b.i K*ord "1“. WINOT CUUlft w« C^'t B#» oW*g w.tkovt M* e*d Mi fvm. tANOY HKTh Tko wc/d^ofto* d *o«»*d M Km or* **»Kvtvp~. ccaaisc komctz i"»*t «vi «9 o!l h#i doiw*n FAUl KOIK N*f#» ih»» *o b*» o«*r witK gv**» <h#wAg. *KK lA ISOM TV®*e r*dk*od»* I DAE if Nf HfWAftD Mrs. Co«*» Gw**-. HINT VUCAN K* v*" *o*d **o*S«. bvt o U- *#p/l-vj*d» too IYNN OtNNIS M*r tovgb«#f odd• to Ov* 9«*t'ol k!u. soar hooks u,t UllfA lllfAlf TH COIkOCK IWlI •• • WMia V>ok ©bovt K*r. saoii jam toih Will. o.brOAt 0Ad atvodnt. |K< odd* H »♦*>*•'• 0A-*0»pK**« OAlf MUMIO Co«'t »*v *v>; "t OoW w.*k o CKol't USOIA IAIIIY Ov «t bvt gof naar MO#Cl A !«•<«««< *A lot* Ml, bvt ^•••d i# K* wit OCIIIC SMI* SKy. bvt w« l-o~ »M‘i St*». DfNN.S KfNNA Ic-I'l' by o’ I tko t#otk«'». •tern sAstY *•5 M.>* o# loom 72 (M«*V b*o’i km vp J Jill emur ©*vl CO'-if 0/0 bo# Iv—iH kobb»o». •Ill IlKNNfft MASSin O./ fo#Of.«* p/o*hi'*f. etYNM MALUldO CftOyt ird./wj D-o ’o (vt to tKo Mqfk Id. #old .CAN OANIIISOM Add* pOliOAol.ty to Ovr »MI« room CMAMOm TCTZlOlf Ovot o*d r#B##.*d. bvt c* ottot to A* (Ion. JANtCf Ilf A{»» OA Mf*tl t'OIO. OAVIO MANN Doit d*<»d#d to U<0"« 0*0 ♦It#/ kl fo.lv** •< (K»td*A{y. FAIICIA ;a*vis S***. o*Nd K*o*d o«m* '.a o wV*W ■OMIT MOST • « » aq glHs -Irotl" b*«o. MAtK MIKtOWS DWAIIA HAtVK Min Obc/A* W**t pot"tr.<*g CK«*rf«l, M/o. Coo t 8od Girl- Kim lo> *et*o. for cM-Iaj gvm R O O M 2 2 KOIANO STONHCC A follow. o !•*»!• bo*hf*4. o lidlf »Kjr. ItVftlY SUNlKK AUoyi .* O flood •» I,.*©.* KfVi.S AtOOUS AI.oti wp h.» • pio«k. -o»id r*- b#U** • ClNlCe MAMIITON n’-OOl# »« Kfi »o-o. b«|i o^‘«. go-w. AllAN CtOVt A p^ikr it hi* d«ti'», of ^lt. ho*-* •>#. UlCH MAjuU if ;»'• *w* notto Wo-». tolUng *1 hot 80*«. CIO*Gt M .a .my *oy. oa4 chooff J. hoppr o*4 901 OA«Y COC« Nm' »••* • K'* ip'tod—3 i-»f to oil f#a IUN.CC ITNN HANSON •* ^ *h# ^1. H^K Av;-ki hat '-Oft* PAY SCAI'JM K* to* k«h i« h^h. b*<*vi* ho roothoi v9 *0 SMIfiftY JOHNSON Kojvr uo l*kr or to* Lf#. »>o «•! meW o ploo*©** MA*TT MAX Wilt Ht • O 4ho»t*ot. AO om’i »"*Wt 1* My •O'-**' HIIIN JANG A ft*-' o K*lpAj ho-J. *h#TJ f .1*—J toss AlTttN I *• •• *N only -Of, To Q«1 **'OwS^ MO*Kt* day. lUAtr McAtiSTie A l-loftf typo, -*•••» h«o*d H p>ipo NOtMA IlCHtNOOtf Wc-t Kv*«1 yov'U l*<ceod. itt*. to bo Mf •o*y ctood. It.AN GRANT Tv# joW* ol too-* Jl. Mil. o iVy. ftody fo* *<-# TAT JtNSiN t*it«o« to »h# local O.J/i. I'O" *v# todo Mftf l»'Oyt. tANOY ASCttACHU* In ipof't N a o.t k-*g. «c*y pee-*** do -• i MI9A»A IBICKSCN Hot portoW.r* fo* w» oil. if l* t.ovbio. ©•*• ho* o cell till Htmt food obovt INUSSI. —3M bwo**a o Ivtion C»«». toettT uwco HtAAj voAtv'od. *P,k**g Coined, it Kil fllfOA tlAtl DONG Co*t% o-i, o*| gloc-n. .to* iho •'■#*. .**o ©V- foots IfWlS TlftAVlt Ha-- •©*'» bo.« 4"%f4 boy. f.ndo bt cVKtt o *•<’ 10y IKNOA GUOSTON! O*^' **♦ —b«t of *hf to***. *h#*i ro-t' /. 'od -.rh gloo— BCN tlCt T.tod ©• tho <44 pr.Ad. • *ho-".arw2» ho *.! *.*oljr f-*4. DO JO NttlAND A «*•■•* follow. a-TOro t»fty'l Afl v«dtf tho i»<* MAIINf SMtllA SAptT .ho* .» U*#l to til*. .rot when .f 40—a. to tyti II1 MAID D*AC.AND Ht»t* —i3 ho .i«ft o to*, tevta ho bt' t>t. in b* nj QvOf. R O O M 24 GRADUANDS ROOM 26 KIM HAGGISi >4 k*i ft* ** -K^# «»••• rettr skuth Ovf no^A/ictn' mMi''0 *1 «v* III MONTGOMltr W«nK «vtl cfcioe johnjon TH.» U C*vi;»’i tAta BAINBCICUGM AUoh f*odr to »*>W p«'1 .A -s •< 74 toittf AUDONAID A •«! •* ^ JA MAlGAtn GlfGOIT uw «Kf Mm CUNT YOUNG Wt+dt IOMH AtlHUI ItUlf Qv«*lf po**:i»i •< *N »*« .* 76 DOUGLAS tOSS TKi •• NO? G^j*i MV# tAT KtAGNUl NOtMIT BOHNlft? v#^ .*•«.,fwva Ov* l#*^* Uo*4 C^lf Nod. bv# ~k*t k ar­ia IAN ftITCHAlD H.* ItfffMII w9 *«4k* • M(#tt BAllT IWING Ww**d M O* A!.*# Gy K«l** MvCt toils SvOIII «l0 <0-4 #OtJf H Im# MAKGAKT IIANCIS W>i»f* -o.U -• b# to ims «N Kw»N>* ik if KATHY oil C«MWl *• »A #K# c‘(<4 M At ION JOHNSON T*« v* %k» .% Nl •tWSd •• C^O'Q* raui fiSHit f'lpo'd qv#i**J<'» lb# OWAYNt KltCHNt* VltNON VIAIG D.* ••7. K.i L'.jK *A tX# big «oico. OAI1IKC THOMPSON O-' do^MM lo.fOiAO bl«^« joanns sftvimoN SAf, M * ■*>» I. liNOff. *^d dtoAdlf. »ANOV OS A VS C ttv. rr^SIN K*f b^hno*. UAd m# O corob** f!ot. ^OlMl M jCv* ft/*. bONNl* MiSfAN O-' pr♦*0<0^»• b 4 •# toom 27. mrr xinny M#. Soltt' i p«t !«••• SANDY lAtlft TK# * Al H.»r* «* >04A 27 OSANNA Will I AMS "0**~ Lk*» *olktAg. . . • o*d Kom »ofl. MAtf in MICKACI lb* I *• «l toc-n 27. •Nfl» loil»» •*» Kj»o. btV. CtAWSOtO S*« Mi. Ck-oft 1*H|I «oWi. tUTM Me ISAAC “hi o*J mill, bv* Ml cl t+p ftIO TYttlU MlKOilH OCNY AOCA d.KvltOA i'Cr^J *D»»Xf'* .| frv< c* 4«k. viour hcwaRO l» W.UA9 to oid of b-44-**. MA®< YAS^USSIN (ih«» plo^iAg otovfwi WUt* •Koto it fvo. b#*» r * »* »©.«<!. IANA UMN8ACH OAN MATKlN W.«v ls^. b'o«»« Mr, ia D©*k o*v< r*o». Wi mo*r $ ♦*"OY» o>ov*4 t it 'St't Q.©f-» «• *«• Kt^d h boot. IONA HfWARO A f»4», »\y gi'l In Ht-t (< it © *•©' wkrl OO'JC DANfORTN •* o wavio* s**y, o*d -i'H fKo a •:» K* ia not t-Ky. IKUCf DOlRHIN fX# a^y « kl of Ko*t M»*r moodf «f WINDY lUtll JUDY SrAICAl CK-».»r oM bt.nC. |« a <vH yovr.a girl. wi»H oil |0f fo oil w>#n |H« it pitMM tK« bora tKt’t • u p*| ID XOJKWAN CARY lAlDmCN W.»S Kft n*»»y. boi/. -V*- With Ko.» of b*o-r*. do«an I K# t <©•*-*$. iil», 8IWAIII 1*1 ©*ytH^g g*t ».« do-n. OUR FOSTER CHILD Ronaldo D. Vidallon Hamilton Junior High sponsors Ronaldo, an eight year old Filipino, as our foster child. Ronaldo lives in the slums of Cavite, thirty miles from Manila, with his father, two brothers and two sisters. His mother died last October. OFFICE STAFF Ronaldo is an alert, healthy and now because of PLAN, a well dressed and fed child. He lives in a bamboo shack with a few furnishings that cost them 55 cents a month. Because of Hamilton's sponsoring of Ronaldo, he will receive clothes, sup­plies. medical and dental care, and monthly cash. His father, who suffers from a peptic ulcer, will also benefit from this. For only $20-1.00 a year this family has a chance for a better life and a happier future. To their sponsors, the father of Ronaldo and the rest of the MM A. O'JNilONS MJSS l. MUUIY r family will give love and gratitude. In exchange, by helping others, we are really helping to make this a better world for ourselves. RQOM 31GRADUANDS COHN SlMNCNj *11 yOv Vm *o N**My «*<• M*»l . . .** 108NA WATMOUGH A <vN Co', a K«« frovfeU *i**» MAtir V»IST SANOtA MiPKUSON Uwo r fvtfc'ng inf# «bo too- Qv*l ond w* lo *i*0. dro o»*» s-*od m©»k». WI19JUD SChtAGf flOMNCt CAfttttO.N <3v*t C#V«N»vl. l^lH.f loif f*f wWl <*«<•*•- H©rd**.!W. ® «'t©in fallow. Otic 8A IN! S "Wb*?> ! I I-Jiiid o tfif All wnII’ OOUG BAlU App*ou lo bo f'o <(.»•' *rP*. bvi •• b#? ;anit kKmoias A yc-»*Q LtH f.,***» WWir? OoSry Q«»« - «wk«'. GtltT DCJUNSlI Ov* d»c'fiK «Ao 'i «!• -«M l:ok.A9 f*» wi« c»0<kl WtNOY UfS I03'i p#«r Wo^ij ©pp*«<»o*#d • *«# >«/ *\V.*I • <*<*<« W«||. U«T IIIOGCWAIU K>» "ovkk -boo it «©•*♦» H rioo-*’»vg l/'M GUN KtNjIt Ow-«l b** i»dW A* !«'»• »iA o boldoy. 1IRI1A HAUSAUJt A 0©>7 Gv##* wo<kf/i *»«* In THUIP GOON Ovi lo»on*i HkmI, bvl »* b»n. 5AND2A metis Ow f»W> d«»Vbook ««;•» v.Ko .1 <h*i' loil we^di. PATtlCK 5PANOS Con yo- .«oj ao Pot'ita QO>a u»f«*4'» *•;■*»©*! Ki b*V#T JANE DOOTC«OM A kid work**. Ai «*♦ icp ©* |Ko !•*» ■' •••'yoA#'* JANl UtKO H«/» «a# p«iod, g»*« »S# KCN NlWINGl* Viii*» wi b«r-««n >••••* VAUt-t PATflSON *"N/. So!t«/, g*i* pnii^g ©•» *•," •ICKT PAJMCI On* ol M qv^Uir bvl 5«'» oM PAT SAUUWIIN *A*5 BitHC WM* <0*0r 0-" lodoy. P©T? N/. Sc>#»*» .«»• H*y. <©*'*• lo.» fbct to** hu'*! ©o*V ikintUt ©# **Hf. ION HAftKf I ~W««AO b»©» 0*0**' «**•»*• MllAMC NIXIHS •No. I ©•• no? Stophufcr K>*d - • j **d p^oiont. Kill KffAMMU fo il liftl#—lb 'll © lot SAWN MUClUt S-Uik# it (>V5«n NANCY SIMMONS •o* od <«k (••dvd>*g wd.id R O O M H KIN NaKAGAMA wc-d» JAY WIVGHT Ov» tffilafi Uy^Votof ViW* TtCVO* KtNSCY 8*0** «f 30b> 0#ok! JANlCf WlUfAMS ■ H#y Co*oJ. '•Kir# yOv 9«-*3 JACK VAN 101N Ui* -o’ Ag fo>rf*/5y f*' Ko<k#y uWii o»}o». JAM M<MUtllN SK* (OM#i i" »#r» of bWl^ »#d AUOtCT toi NSON VvXo .1 .» »W, •H A^Jr.,7 STAN SEMINS 'AT SKCltON A Im let*#' o* »H# bo*k«»botl "*•* 5c-b. d.«J yov IH *M floo# |K«a *X# 4lo#i«*om *♦«» sir Ul »^# Como*©* JOHN GtON v>* plot#* fo# »**♦**♦ l.k# yO*r VAlfl I MOSM tUf J^r. b^ 0*r fo* ^. doN*’ ;cai co'JItc* * fov'»# cv» of fOvf Koodl” OHO SOO&MIN G#-.o i* m» »© fAT M#NAI» look, **.» d#*a.»- *o#r CHAU TOTH V#/r *H©.f. <^t#( ^ tl,r -•? Uod by off .Wy.l. IOM*r I»AIIC< Ml Spotk ol 30b 1ITTY DONG Al«*oy» Ho* q***i OCMK GOOD w.* 30b o.ovAd Hoitf •o *Xjy *oa#. I*n‘t lit 1AM JAMISON lot* m« r*v*Ad“ tK# I''#*' oft#l • Co*MI» IA59Y SN Cl* XT* ployboy. ► # • lk*d by o : :t#o<K«i* iMf| CA»Ol SMITH G^a -3 G#*ri# 0f 3Cb VlCCY 'AtMffi '*• Ckori, lo»# yOtf rftot **• bo ft’ HAttY WflSItA ' No ytv coV» k.# •Ay of my tmvfr ’. DAUCNl WINUII N<## *H.aq* to*"# U tm^l pc«Vo3«*. MN DONG H»* o i*ob-r**j •*•«* •" v» ®U GtACl MtINTOSH IrCHAfiD ANDtfACMUK TX# LfA* S*«4«4 H-jH *.«•*#. **i fOM# ♦* K* ow’ov.# - SHlflA GtAHAM "AS »igXi yov I Cv» »S©» #w»r JUOY AITKIN D©a » b# b#!l-s**#*'» •» HI #•/*'» yovl' R O O M 3 0 6 GRABUANBS ROOM 5 IMAION VAtCAIOJON |A8I» OIANIIIC M© c*d my tkfefew. 0©,U. Solt.r. I Ik© »W«I ©If! 01AM CUU 0» >©v A©.© rny -5 K©.*»d b©ov»y. iandy rooNia Y©*. Mrs C©*» . . No. M/t Ci«!» MOM OONO OOIOTHY SAUCnIACK TA© U2© ©I Iw 1 • fo»K^* pkMtl ©I W.U%© Ho*© opp©or©d U tfc# Mwipa^. Oath ham jit on N©. M/i Co©. I en m! «fc©w*9 gvm. MVIN fAIKU Am from U**©d IIVIIIY NUSON M M/. Salt©?. I ««»§ l toAiMg •© Ul. tOY COOK Amj©m© b©o« my m©*k U Moth* laWIN If AM flCOY KINNIOY l.y K;m o Kx*© O^d H©y. I K C-M C. K©-a u MICHACI fltVflSfff Mo Ui»©*. I l©*t my book. itiNi no K©*OW. MltMl 10WAID lONSCAtf jANIT JCOfT Yvp, M/. W©<k. lot*©* l©*© rt«o« nmr ••lb A©/ <v>*«i MAHON IJCKSKIN On ©I *k© «.4H' •"'©•'b*'t rtm*. KAICN HINATSU Wo*t *©—* pv—r« •*' *mJiT HlNtY LAMI ©I rM ©iivtt ROOIS Back row: Mary Jang, Susan Worrcl. Wesley Cockburn, Die no Masson, Vaughn Boisson. Middle row: Peter Van Zual, Ale* Schwartz, Don Johnson, Douglas Florence, Kim Weir, Michael Sfockdate, Gordon Pilling, Bruce Porker, Richard Von Hoys, Mr Bucckert. Front row: Joanne Compton, David Crawford, Jackie McColl, Beverley McAllister, Guy Simon, Glen Bright. Mory Ann leishmon. Cathy Orsfen. Room 6 NAME NICKNAME FAVORITE SAYING HOBBY VAUGHN BCISSON Cavcmon Great guns of dynamite Coins GLENN BRIGHT Bright Boy 1 doubt it Golf DAVID CRAWFORD Davie Deck! Girls WESLEY COCKBURN Wes 1 doubt it Baseball JOANNE COMPTON Jo-Jo Super cool Sports DOUG FLORENCE Dougy What did 1 do? Girls MARY JANG Mce lee 1 doubt it Reading DON JOHNSON Quack You've hod the cookie Hockey MARY ANN LllSHMAN Icishkid You've got to be kidding Water skiing DIANt MASSON Di You must be croxy Sports 8LV McALUSTER Donold You're kidding Holidays JACKY McCOLL Blondie Whoopee do Horses KATHY ORSTEN Mouse Ring my chimes Boys GORDON PILLING Ray Deek Bike riding ALEX SCHWARZ Axe Dig me? Doing nothing GUY SIMMONS Smitty Suffcrl Suffer* Model cars MICHAEL STOCKDALE Mickey I'm innocent Girls RICHARD VAN SLUYS Slushohimcr Hi. Pippy Model cars PETER VAN ZWOL Dutch Ho. daddy Sports KIM WEIR Kim What did 1 do? Steeping SUSAN WORRELL Sue Howdy do Boys BRUCE PARKER Allen 1 shoil return Reading ALIEN DERKSEN Duffer You're stepping on me Growing Page S ix te en Room 1 6 Back row: Brent Clark, Goye Kinsey, Debbie Dlckout, Richord Bourasso, Cindy Bartosek. Chris Koshmon. Middle row: Greg Nicas, Diane Horhoxer, Dona Bailey, Jeff Chan, Dean Saltenback, Terry levenne, Oalyce Martin, Vivian Yellowfiy, Sheila Jensen. Miss Davidson. front row: Mol Scherle, Max Danielson, Charles list, Sharon Cameron, lorry Popion, Rick Mofmon, Betty Wiens, Evan McNeely. Room 16 DONA BAILEY is o real good pal. She hongs oround with oil the gals. RICHARD BOURASSA is afwoys into trouble. Which he tries to get out of on the double. VIVIAN YEllOW flY is a clever loss. She's the talkative one of our doss. CHARLES LIST is sometimes a sick quy. But when at school he's never too shy. DEBBIE DlCKOUT it often caught talking. When the teacher looks up she pretends to be gowking. DEAN SALLENBACK has fun at home. Talking to Morilyn on the phonv. DIANE HORHOZER is skinniest of oil. But still she it always on the ball. TERRY IEVENNE likes chewing bubble gum. And to most boys he's a very good chum. SHARON CAMERON was a new girl from Pincher Creek, Whenever it's quiet, she's the first fo tpeok. jEff CHAN is a friend to all. When at school, he hoi a ball. SHIEIA JENSEN likes the facts. Always wonts to be exact. GREG NICAS likes lots of fun. Though his work he dare not shun. GAYE KINSEY is always full of tricks. If she gets into trouble she's out of it quick. Our BRENT CLARKE is smart and bright. Every answer comes out right. Little BETTY WfINS. she is so small. She could get lost behind o ball. RICK HOFMAN in science, mode his fame At the top of the list is Ricky's name. CINDY BARTOSEK is friendly ond sweet, A nicer girl you'd never meet. CHRIS KOSHMAN olwoys wears a grin. Out of trouble or just getting in. DAlYCE MARTIN is a cheerful sight. When at school, she's smart and bright. LARRY POPSON likes riding bikes. Me also has many other likes. MAX DANIELSON is a very good sport. The only ihing wrong, he's a little too short. EVAN McNEELY creeps to school like o moil. Even if it's about to hoil. Room 103 One fine St. PATRICK'S Doy. just os DAWN was breaking in the town of CAMERON, GERRY DUBINSKI was heading with his rod ond RIEHL for his favorite fishing hole (a spot in the shody GLEN) where the BRIDGE WATER was several feet deep. The bank wos SANDY ond steep, so Gerry hod to be careful os he de­scended. Mis foot slipped ond he slid the rest of the woy. After fishing for several hours, he finally got a nibble. Just then a certain little bra! named RICKY come along with his DOG, TEROM, ond threw hit 8AlL(o) into the stream, scaring Gerry's trout, ond ran off. Jerry decided that he hod enough fishing for one doy ond scrambled up the bonk. Mis father was outside pointing the NEW WING(er) of the HAUS(ouer) ond toid his mother wonted him to run on errond. Me went to the store ond got some COLIN'S mix, SAUERWEIN, ond pork ond BAINES for his 21if birthday porty that night {sounds like some swinging party, doesn't it?). On the woy he stopped ot the KRAMER(y) for some ice KRAME(r) but found that he hod lost his NICKOl(o)$. When he got home, his father told him fo roke some lEE(vo)$. "WAT, MOUGM work?" he sold. Later that evening, just os the sun wos setting in the WEST, he wos getting reody for his porty ond he heord a door slam. "HARK{er)l Is thot them already?" He glonced out the window ond saw MELANIE roaring up on her Supc'-Twin, ond NANCY on her YAMA-MOTO:r). SANDRA M. ond BETH J were the next to arrive. Someone osked Wll(l) FRED or.d JANE ever get here?" Just then the phone rong. A lody was asking for PAT, ih;ER SON. A favorite record ployed "QUON the Eskimo". The porty broke up about 1.03 ond everyone went home to cotch up on their beauty sleep. Page Seventeen Room Bock row; Mork Huddle Fred Hill, Sidney Mose, Brian Ripley, Marlene Coulter. Middle row: Gory Wong, Woh Dong, Com McIntosh, Marleno Motkin, lorna Bennotl, Kothy Bernoth, Jan Logan, Pot MckLcan, Ken Eng, Mrs. Knight. Front row; Kim Hockson, Morgoret Delaney, Richard Schultz, Ming llm, Gordon McIntosh, Doug Jeitin, Gayle Dubinski, Brian Sutton. Milting: Barbara Caldwell, Wayne Murray. Room 17 LORNA BENNETT'S a nice pol As a girl she's quite o gal. KATHY BEP.NATH loves to chot To lorna obout this and that. BARBARA CALDWELL is Ihe type. Not to pick o gossip fight. MARLENE COULTER is best in courts. Challenged by to many tpcrVt. MARGARET DELANEY is a quiet ore. She olwoys hot her homework done. GAYLE DUBINSKI is a poet. But she's always shy to show it. GORDON MdNTOSH is our class clown. He and Ming ore never down. PAT MACLEAN is the biggest flirt. Never on© to see the dirt. MARLENE MATKIN rounds the school's track, Sho'i out front of our pack. SIDNEY MOSE it quick at wit, And never wonts to call it quits. WAYNE MURRAY runs through town, Briefcose clutched, broins never down. BRIAN RIPLEY yearns to fly o jet. That desire we know he'll get. RICHARD SCHULTZ it a quiet guy. Out of doss he's not so shy. WAH DONG is clots de Vinci, To him art comes really cinchy. KEN ENG is good to the end. Willing to moke any new friend. KIM HACKSON is always the coptured one, Becouse of quickly wiggling tongue. FRED HILL likes hockey best. He prefers Hull to oil the rest. MARK HUDDLE is never in trouble. Because he never blows a bubble. DOUG JESTIN hot o woy to think. By making notes in coloured ink. MING LlM on the whole. Is o pretty good "beau", JAN LOGAN, so pretty and foir. Gets through her work without a care. CAM MdNTOSH and girls get together. But Com and school won't, forever. GARY WONG likes to down. He leovei no one with o frown. A Day at The Races WITH ROOM 31 It's another day of MUFFET Speedway. Our first competition will start os soon os DOUG DANFORTH and his pit crew, JUDY SZAKEl and WENDY KURZE, rcollgn Doug's georbox on his Alstote Mo-ped. Mold tfI Here comes thot triumph trompin' GARY BALDERSON. Behind him comes ED KOSHMAN and DAN MATKIN on their three-cylinder, streok-lightning, spit-swapper. Following are BRUCE DOLPHIN ond MARK RASMUSSEN driving o gos-gobblin'. imokc-ipiftin', piston-poppin' snortin, NORTIN. Their pit crew ore those greoie drlppln' chicks LANA EISENBARTH ond CORAL SABEY. EDNA HEWARD is merrily walking up and down the quorter mile frying to sell her baked peanuts to theie greosy drivers. While RAY COLLIER, our faithful commissioner, is trying desperately to catch DAN PHILLIPS who come in under the fence. Ah! VIOLET HEWARD now onnounces the race is to start, and it's well on its woy to disaster. Page Eighteen Bock row: Nino Donforth, Alton Rcdckcpp. Gerold Woldern, Koto M.tGcorge, Dole Miller. Middle row: MUt Buttoxoni, Pot lost, Diane Ross. Robert Van Schaik, tidy Boon, Jean Gregory, Corrine Jorgensen. Mary Murray. Front row: Claudia fitxner, Bonnie Trcnholm, Mary Wall, Connie Aitkcn, Colleen Compbell, Nancy Foster, Kathy Buchanan, V/ilf Pclhcrbrldge, Brian Rodgers. Class 25 NAME NICKNAME FAVORITE SAYING AMBITION OUTCOME CONNIE AITKEN Achin' bones Don't have . . . Dress designer Sock mender UDY BOON Peter Mrs. Gall! Home Economist lame gourmet KATHERINE BUCHANAN Butch 1 like horses Veterinarian Stable cleaner COLLEEN CAMPBELL Campbell Soup Oh. Gosh! Stewardess Cook of stew NINA OANFORTH Banana Well, gee whix! Housewife Mayor of foremost CLAUDIA FlTZNAR Fixic Brian! Mother of 12 Mother of 24 NANCY FOSTER Fruit loops Deck! Grade school teacher Dog trainer JEAN GREGORY Jeonie 1 don't know Sociol worker Non-worker GRANT MOFER Grunt Moy 1 go For the bus? Mcchonic Screw.driver eperotor GARY HUNTER Hunt Go jump in the lokc! Commercial pilot Kite-flyer CORINNE JORGENSON Jorgy Thot's pitiful Nurso Teoc* cr DENNIS KUITGEN Kultg No! me? Teacher Maker of noise PATRICIA LAST Peppermint Blast! Social worker Drcomcr KATE McGEORGE Kitty Mory . . . Artist Fence pointer DALE MILLER Mil-broin What a dukcl Girl watcher Girl chaser MARY MURRAY More Guess whot Miss B? Horse troincr Killy litter manufacturer WILF PETHERBRIDGE Pretxel Horny tcadl International playboy Locol "hore" ALAN REDEKOPP Red Look o! that little varmil! lf.tprnatior.nl star Local clown BRIAN RODGERS Rogers Yeah!! Teacher Experienced jonitor D ANE ROSS Di Golly! Interior decorator House cleaner BONNIE TRENHOLM Barney Ah, came on! Figure skater figure watcher ROBERT VAN SCHAIK Von Is this kiddies' doy in Russio? Scientist Mad doctor GERALD WAlDERN Walnut But . . .1 Politician Door-to-door sa'esmon MARY WALL Giggles Hey, Pot . . .1 "Killing" Pot Being "killed" by Pot MISS M. BUTTAZZONI Ca va Ecoutex et Rcgardcx! Mrs. Miss Buttaxxoni P a g e Nineteen ftiBock row: Marvin Tolbof, Rat Janet, Cecil So Rodinyak, Wendy Morgan, Arfene Todd, Marilyn lee». M.idd'e row: Carol Hell, Kerry Holstein, Roberta Kirkham, Yvonne Sivyer, Lana Sobey, Darlyne Yonoiik, Kathy Wilson, M.ork Keissling, Yvonne Bexeau, Dovid Workenfine. Min W. Palmer. front row: Brian Parker, Decn Quon, Barry Salmon, Debra Knibbi. lindo Watmough, Terri Shepherd, Gorm McGeorge. Sheifo lynde. Dale Sorachan. Room 28 NAME AMBITION LIKES DISLIKES YVONNE 8EZEAU Sociol worker School subjects Teachers who pick pets CAROL HAIL Ng rte foshiom, boys Homework CARRY HULSTEIN Teacher Clothes Some people PAT JONES Archaeologist Boys, horses Smort-olecs MARK KIESLING Oceanographer Skin diving, water skiing Baseball, hockey ROBERTA KIRKHAM Sociol worker Clothes, old houses Old music DEBBIE KNIBBS Nunc 8lood and gucky things Dishes MARILYN LEES Hone trainer Horses, beys!!! Some people SHEILA LYNDE Horse trainer Grant Homework GORM McGEORGE Architect Language, Sociol Doesn't have any WENDY MORGAN Clothes designer Clothes Some people MISS PALMER Athletic competitor Physical torture Home-room doss BRIAN PARKER Actor Acting Vivacious cuties DEAN OUAN Pilot Somethings Some people CECELIA RODINYAK Teacher Clothes Violin LANA SABEY Interior designer Clothes Homework DALE SOROCMAN To be 18 Sports, girls Needless homework BARRY SALMON Carpenter Horses Hockey TERRI SHEPHERD Interior designor Clothes Homework YVONNE SIVYER Choreographer lots of money People who brag MARVIN TALBOT hippy Girts School ARLENE TODD Teacher Some boys Teachers who have pets LINDA WATMOUGH Interior decorator Boys, lots of money A certain person, some teachers KATHY WILSON Vet Animals School DARLYNE YANOSIK Vet Swimming Reading books Page Tw enty -Tw o Room 29 Bock row: Chorlenc Jack, Sheryl Wilton. Patricio Mctheson, Brenda Weadick, Sally Chow. Middle row: Terry Evans. Michael Jong, Kofhy Michrlson, Gayle Heppler. David Etheringfon, Wayne Boldrey, Bunny Hunter. Ying Dong, Mrs. Corrpbell. Front row; Kathy Kerr, Bruce Olson, lorry lippo, Jim Nicholas, Glenn Komitomo. Keith Hunt, Brian Nummi, Ronnie Firth, Barry lothion. Room 29 NAME PET SAYING PET PEEVE AMBITION IF 1 WERE RE INCARNATED 1 WOUIO LIKE TO BE WAYNE BAIDREY Left our room April 3. to oltend Wilson DAVID BUlPin Bui* offl Girls Stock-car racer A gorillo SAllY CHOW What homework? Volleyball Musician A bird YING DONG Mi, guyil Some people Nurse A dove GERAID ElURMAN Seek it to mcl Homework Oceanographic-scientist A window DAVID ETHERING70N Win one. lose a dozen Some kids Rocket Scientist A movie star? TERRY EVANS Spelling Engineer As me RONNIE FIRTH Get lost! Hunt Some kids Multi-billionoire A multi-billionaire CAYIE HEPPIER Charlene, you stupid idiot! School 8oyi A hippy KEITH HUNT Shut your facet Certain people M.D. A bath towel BUNNY HUNTER Oh, for Pete's soke School Nurse A swon CHARIENE JACK Gayle, did you iron your hair? Gaye Kinsey's shorts Baton twirler A movie star MICHAEL JANG You want me to kick you? The cow Football player A football GLENN KAMITOMO If you don't succeed, try again Some kids Electronic engineer A bath tub KATHY KERR Goyltlll Morkt A flower LARRY UPPA Weill Me started it Homework Speed car racer A tree BARRY LOTHIAN Go to Heaven! School M.D. Multi-millionaire PAT MATHESON Do you want me to jump and sing? Teachers Teacher An ont KATHY MICHELSON Hey. you guys! Wrestling Naturalist A rabbi! JIM NICHOLAS Well, you don't hove to shout. Detention Playboy A shower BRIAN NUMMI Knock it offl Homework football player A multi-billionaire BRUCE OLSON Gel lostl Some people M.O. A mirror SUSAN SPEIR Come off ill! School Teacher A horse BRENDA WEADICK Very funny! School Build a home for dogs A horse SHERYL WILSON Hey, Pall Shut upl Report cords Stewardess An ape Poge Tw en ty .th re e Back row: Alan Brown. Brian Mognui, Raymond Smith. Borry Danggus. Bob Johnson. Mrs. Johnson. fit if row: loRae Barton. Dorothy Bourne. Timothy Wieresmo. Starr Deloney. Brenda Beottie, Janet Peterson. Room 20 lARAE BARTON — laRae come to us from Westminster. She enjoys Phys. Ed. Home Ec. end Art best. She is signed up to take part in Track and Field. BRENDA BEATTY — drendo was with us until May 1, when she went to work in the dfficc of the School Board. Good luck Brenda. DOROTHY BOURNE — Dorothy is working hard in school and church. She especially envoys her work in Church Clubs. ALAN BROWN — Alan is a member of Army Cadets and enjoys it very much. Alan's favorite sport is Hockey ond he is on ardent Toronto Mople leaf fan. BARRY DANGGAS — Going to wrestling matches is Barry's great, est interest. He it planning to find a job this summer. We'll oil miss you. Borry. STARR DEIANEY — Starr's greatest ombition is to ga out to the Junior College to complete her Grode IX so she con decide an a vocational course. Her fovorite subject is Math. She is a good student. ROBERT JOHNSON — Bob is o hockey fan. Toronto Maple leafs are his team. He plays midget hockey for the Comets, he is doing well in school. BRIAN MAGNUS — Brion is the driver and supplies the cor to get the font to the Wrestling motchet on Monday nights. He plans to work on Rood Construction in Saskatchewan this summer. JANET PETERSON — Jon's proudest possession St her Pekinese dog. Jon's home is a form at Stirling and that is where the is happiest. IINDA SANDS — lindo was forced to leove us early in the year when her father was transferred to Stewort, B.C. KATHY DEVARNtCMUK — Kathy left us to take o course in cook- ing at the Junior College. RAYMOND SMITH Roymond is another wrestling fan. His om- bifion too. it to gel his Grade 9 at Junior College. We'll all miss him when he goes. TIMOTHY WIERSEMA Tim's favorite sport is football. He ployed for the Homilron Stompedcrt this year. Me is o good student and will likely get into o regular clois soon. Lea there raft Snorting in October, 25 girls gofhered in Shop 3 for ond extra-curricular closs in leatherworking. After Christmas the enrol­ment dropped to 20 girls who continued with the clots. A wide variety of projects were made including belts, woMcts, keycotes, coinpurses and book binders. The girls worked with haircalf os well os leathrr ond leorned how to carve leother, ossembfe the project. Icce it ond apply the finish. Some of the girls worked with dye on the leother ond some very creditable work was done. Leather Club Bock row: Paddy O'Connell. Veronica Freel, Oeeno Aitken, Peggy Foster, Barbara Allsop. Gwyn Bent. Middle row: Joan Gunn, Donno lendrum. Melody Ives, Ellen Homer, lindo Prince, Annette Green, Shannon lorue, Maur­een Palmer. Front row.- Instructor R. Stonehccker. Marlene Coulter, Goyle Dublnski, Colleen Campbell. Connie Aitken, Monette Me- Neely, Karen Krommcr. Alice Vender Hcide. Page Tw enty -fo ur dlBeck row: Debbie Farrell, Randy Olofscn, Roger Stcwort, Tom Hamilton, Tom liltle, Debi Prowse, Karen Motto It, Jane Foggin, Veronica Free!, Rosemarie Buchanon. Middle row: Jim Burris, Cory Goodman, Rod Plesko, Van figensheu. Croig Cockburn, Peter Jenkins, Eddie West, Gordon Thomas, John Milroy, Cothy Bissett, Susan Hunt, Margaret Thompson, D. Kosoko. Front row: Leslie DeArmond, More Satlcnbach. Debbie Robinson, Debbie Milbradt. lindo Adorn, Geordie Peat, Manetfe Me Neely, Harry Smith, Doug Stenbeck, Jone Van Ormon. Room 12 NAME LIKES DISLIKES AMBITION FATE LINDA ADAM Boys Jim C. Artist Mother CATHY BISSETT Music Block licorice Foreign sec. Tcocher ROSEMARIE BUCHANAN Boys Neil Foster Stewardess Land-lubber JIM BURRIS Girls Bucket-scots Photographer Math teacher CRAIG COCKBURN Sports Teachers Stock-car driver Grease monkey LESLIE DeARMOND Boys Not talking Artist Hippy DEBBIE FARRELL Everything Nothing Symphonic conductor Housewife VAN FIGENSHAU Girls Goodie-goodies Sex manioc Scholor JANE FOGGIN Boys Quiet periods Fomily of IS Spinster VERONICA FREEL Cycles Exams Sports teacher Out of condition CARY GOODMAN Colleen Anenc Necking lawyer Tall, dark handsome ployboy TOM HAMILTON Girls Non-drinkers Radio technician D J. SUSAN HUNT ? (boys) Exams Olympic swimmer Drowning PETER JENKINS Nothin* Karen Moffat! Prime Minister Street sweeper TOM LITTLE Motorcycles Exams Get o motorcycle Tricycle champion MANETTE McNEELY Horses Thoroughbreds Jockey Stable-boy DEBBIE MILBRADT Boys Creeps Air Stewardess Housewife JOHN MILROY Girls Mouthy people Ployboy Fother KAREN MOFFATT love Feor Scientist Scullery maid RANDY OLAFSON Girls Beons Vet Dogcotcher GEORDIE PEAT Cars Moth Drive rocing cors Go carts RODNEY PLESKO Girls Tricycles Playboy Bum DEBI PROWSE Motorcycles School lawyer Jailbird DEBORAH ROBISON Sewing A mess Nurse Hypochondriac MARC SALLENBACH Girls Work Firebug Extinguisher HARRY SMITH Sports Present rone Commercial pilot Submarine commander DOUGLAS STENBECK Money School A.G.T. lineman Politician ROGER STEWART Morijuono Bets Hippy Professor GORDON THOMAS Studying Swearing Orthodontist Tin Grin MARGARET THOMPSON Hoving fun Being bored Tcocher Drop-out JANE VAN ORMAN Wotcr guns School Dentist-assistant Teacher EDWARD WEST Sports Vegetables lowyer Peasant's job MR. D. KOSAKA Holidays Tolkotivc sludcnls To survive Blank Page Tw en ty -s ix Room 1 9 Back row; Lori Tooks, Deena Aitken. Poddy O'Connell, Kent Montgomery. Lee Stevens, David Robin. Gory Fong. Jolcne Adorns. Morgaret Foster. Middle row: Jeonette Biesbroeck. Robert Ivison. Douglas Polmer, Wes Olson, Rondy Stevenson, Holly Morris. Shirt Stevenson. Tom Skeith, Thomas Olson, Roger Brown, Lorraine Fontana, Marilyn Anstey, Marjorio Ross, Mrs. Davey. Front row: Kim Mendenhall, Judy Hautour, Debbie Firth, Kathy Piller, Barbara Allsop, Niel Foster. Tim McElroy, Gory Wood, Sherry Pratt. Room 19 NAME CAN YOU IMAGINE PET PEEVE FAVOURITE SAYING JOUNE ADAMS Being noisy? Squirt guns 1 "doubt" it DEENA AITKEN Without o bunch of boys around? Pimples Grow up Dougl BARBARA ALLSOP Blowing her cool? Buckshot Suffer! JEANETTE 8EJSBR0ECK 3 feet toll? Brothers Shut-up ROGER BROWN Taking homework home? Homework You're dumb. Skeith! GEORGE CASTLES Being bod? Raking leaves Well, you know . . . DEBBIE FIRTH Talking out in doss? Moth No-no GARY FONG Net thinking? First school bell Pardon me? LORRAINE FONTANA Not giving out gum? People who bug her Randy, stop itl LORI FOOKS With black hair? People who borrow things Glcep? MARGARET FOSTER Without a clarinet? Brothers How was 1 supposed to know? NEIL FOSTER As Mrs Stringam's pet? Sisters If yo gotta go. ya gotta go! JUDY HAUSAUER Being rude to a teacher? Pen borrowers 1 don't know. ROBERT IVISON Not knowing ell the answers? Acting 1 told you so! MARK LITCHFIELD Not dancing? Tests 1 didn't get that one TIM McELROY Not thinking about Jone? Clothes Wouldn't you like to knew KIM MENDENHALL Not studying science? Grcosy hair Oh brotherl KENT MONTGOMERY Getting good morkt in spelling? Lillie brothers 1 dunno? MOLLY MORRIS Being ot school on time? School * doubt itl PADDY O'CONNELL Not footing her horn? Fresco One, two, three, tchl WESLEY OLSEN Being praised by Mrs. Von Orman? Social There's this guy . . .1 THOMAS OLSON Without red hair? Dirty old men Thot's nor nice Rondyl DOUGLAS PALMER With o brush cut? Girls with short hair Yes ma'am, yes sir KATHY PILLER Saying something stupid? School Act your age DAVID ROBIN As a dropout? Stupid mistakes What's wrong with you? MARJORY ROSS Not Hying in o plane? language Good grief TOM SKEITH At the prime minister? Band Of course I will LEE STEVENS With a soft voice? Work D'ya wanno see a no-no RANDY STEVENS Not liking M. D.? School You're gonna die! SHIRL STEVENSON Without a lisp? Short hair 1 don't have o book! GARY WOOD At Wilt Chomberloin? Being small Honey! SHERRY PRATT Playing o tuba? School This isn't happening! MARILYN ANSTEY At on expert skier? Crew cuts Droll COLLEEN ARSENE With long, long hoif Home Ec. You bug me! MRS. DAVEY Not utterly charming? Lethbridge In YOUR icotsl P a g e Tw enty -se ven Bock row: Colleen Artene. Cheri .McKenzie. Annelfr Green. Melody lve», flora Heword, Ion tewko. Gront Dixon. Middle row Gory Keller. Peter Elkjor. Peter Cook. Don Bowmon, Jerry Kliporchuk, Ston Horffelder. Brenda Hood. Brian Konrad. Mr. Hiatt. Front row: Donna lendrum, James McLaren, Kim Speelman, Jolene Fletcher, Marg Ron. Shannon loroc, linda Mann. Bruce Ainscough. Cotey Stone. Room 21 NAME LIKES PET PEEVE AMBITION PROBABLE FATE BRUCE AINSCOUGH Small people Big people Giont Midget DON BOWMAN Go Korlt Community Economic* Go Karl driver Tricycle driver PETER COOK Medallion* and turtle neck* Suit* and ties Beatle drummer Oon Messer replacement GRANT DIXON long hoir Short hair Beatle Bald barber PETE ELKJAR Coutts Lethbridge Mayor of Coutt* Mayor of Lethbridge JOLENE FLETCHER Gypsy Rose Leo Prude* Burlesque Quern Old maid ANNETTE GREEN Boons Bad tmell* Beanery owner lady wrestler STAN HARTFEIDER Dee no Tricycle* Motorcycle driver Unicycle dcoler FLORA HEWARD Chewing gum Getting rid of her gum Juicy Fruit solesman Folse teeth owner BRENDA hOOD Horses John Milroy Jockey Married to John Milroy MELODY IVES Animal* Snake* Veterinarian Snokc charmer SANDY KANIUS Basketball Martin Replace Chamberlain Weight lifter GARY KETLER Hot Ford* Good Chov'*. Ford driver Chev. driver JERRY KUPARCHUK Girl* School Playboy Teacher SHANNON LARUE Mor*e* Cow* Stable owner Milkmaid DONNA LENDRUM The hot dog »tand in orena Other hot dog »tord* Owning o hot dog »?ond Homburger IAN LEWKO Good typewriter* Bod typewriter* The head of Remington A typist cn o cheop typewriter LINDA MAH School People bugging her Teacher A teacher of Hamilton CHERIE MACKENZIE School holidoy* School day* To be filthy rich A broke teocher james McLaren Forming Big cities Former Owner ond moyor of o metropolis MARK NELSON The ovont garde band Juit black leading a rock band A deaf piano tuner MARY ROSS Boy* School Happily morried Health teocher CASEY STONE Short girl* Tall girl* Married to a short girl Coach of a female bosketboll leom KIM (Spin) SPEELMAN Volleyball Wre*ll«ng Greotcst vollcyboll player Wrestler with couliflowcr ear* KATHY ROGALSKY Dancing Schoolwork Go Go Doncer Homework BECKY YORK The Cream The Monkees Model Mammy Yokum replacement BRIAN KONRAD Hockey Not laughing at hi* joke* Comedian Social Studio* teocher DAVID PARKER Food Mr. Hiatt bawling him out and not Brian Civil Engineer Lady wrestler Page Tw enty -eig ht Room Back row: lynn Kandel, Coro! Andreachuk. Joan Holl. Debra Johnson. Brenda Mac Donold. Sheilo Johnson, Undo Bryne. Middle row: Andrew Lcnseth, Guy Burbonk, David Howe, lourin Mono, Janet Finley, Ilona lintermon. Lorry Phillips. Tony Chon. Terry Roberts, Bonnie Dowdell, Valerie Depner. front row: Cindy Potterson, Myrno Tyson, Ernie langrldge. Ian Kergan, Wendy Corney, David Baines, Berry Erickson, Valerie fowcett, Valerie Skrelting, Chris McTIghe. Room 101 CAN YOU IMAGINE PAUL ADAMS — Doing his homework. CAROL ANDREACHUK — Not going to the Olympics. DAVID BAINES — Knocking down the high jump bor. LINDA BRYNE — Not interested in social. GUY BURBANK — With straight block hoir. WENDY CARNEY — Not defending dumb animols. TONY CHAN — Flunking P. E. JO ANNE CHRISTIE — Auctioning off livestock. VALERIE DEPNER — Not talking, writing, or lip reading with Sheila. BONNIE DOWDELL — Without her crazy lough. BARRY ERICKSEN — Without on injury. VALERIE FAWCETT — Doing her spelling. JANET FINLEY — Wearing the same dress two days in a row. JOAN HALL — Ploying goo! for the Sugar Kings. OAVID HOWE - Without a smile. TOM JENSEN — As a midget wrestler. DEBRA JOHNSON — Not eating ccndy in school. SHEILA JOHNSON Keeping her mouth closed. LYNNE KANDEL — Without her wisecracks. JUDY KASZAS — Failing a test. IAN KERGAN — Being a good little boy. ERNIE LANGRIDGE — Toking bollet lessors. ILONA LINTERMAN — Going on o diet. ANDREW LONSETH — Without his little curl. BRENDA MocDONALD Foiling moth. LAURIN MANN — Raising her voice. CHRIS McTIGHE — Being crowned world's heavyweight champ. CINDY PATTERSON — Being ot school overy day. LORRY PHILLIPS — Without hair in her eyes. TERRY ROBERTS — Walking to school. VALERIE SKRETTING — Six feet toll. MYRNA TYSON — Not running home to feed her puppies. Room 306 Once upon o time in a well known Lethbridge school, there lived the kindly old gentltmon of books, Mr. Springman. As we look in on him this doy we shall see just o few of his fic­titious and nonfictilious characters. The first one we see is the Pied Piper of Hamilton, Pot McNair, voinly trying to get Dennis H. (LCI) to follow her down the holls of HJH. Giving her greot en- courogcment it Cinderella, Vicky Polmer ond Snow White, Audrey Robinson. In the far corner we spy Rumpetstiltskin (lorry Snider), Jock the Giont Killer (Trevor Kinsey), Prince Charming (Richard Andreochuk), ond the Scarlet Pumpernickel (Robert Fralik) trying to subdue the giant, Jock Van Eden, who is puzzling out the disappearance of Alice in Wonderlond (Jane McMuIlin) down the robblt hole of the Mod Hatter (Greg Boughen) into Never Never Land where the is consoled by Hansel (Harry Weistra) and Gretel {Darlene Winters). Meanwhile, tho Bobbsey Twins Barb Jameson ond Pot Skelton ore trying to attract the attention of King Henry (Derek Good) and Richard the Lion-Hearted (Stan Siemens). As olwoys, they are hindered by Snow White's dwarfs Grumpy (Janice Williomi), Sleepy (Carol Smith), Doc (Betty Dong), Droopy (Jen Coulter), Happy (Volerie Horne), Gromps (Sheila Grohom), ond Sncezy (Jay Wright). All this time, Confucius (John Quon) and his assistant Kubla Khan (Ken Nakagamo) ore becoming very confuted over the cctions of ledy Godivo (Chori Toth) and her aid Mary Queen of Scots (Groce McIntosh). Alio, we see Jock {Ken Dong) and Jill (Judy Aitken) going up the hill for some woter to wet us oil down. But now we must leove this goy con. glomerotion of people as we hove come to the end of our story, so, goodby from all of us in 306 ond HAPPY END OF SCHOOL TERM. Poge Twenty-nine Bock row: Efden Motchett, Roe McColf, Kenny Jerri. Terry Kutfgcn, Henry Workentin, Mrs. Stringom. Front row: Stephen Evins, David Floo, Francis Preyer, David Oliver, Bo.* bora Mealy. Room 705 JOHN BAKER if happy and goy. He fools oround every day. If you give STEPHEN EVINS the axe. He'll do well with gum, cors, art ond lax. DAVIO FLAA come to this school late. With the other student* he really rates. BARBARA MEALY it pretty and neot. As o true friend she con't be beat. KEN JONES wants lots of farm fond, Some pretty girl will fit into his plans. TERRY KULTGEN con reod you bet. If he keeps trying he'll moke a man yet. ELDON MATCHETT with his car. In moth, won't go for. It's horses ond motor bikes for RAE McCOll, Broken legs, and girls, and that's not oil. There are things that DAVID OLIVER likes. It's not moth, it's motor bikes. FRANCIS PREYER from Calgary come. She's fun and pretty and will rise to fame. HENRY WARKENTIN does slow steody work. At school, his duties he should never shirk. MRS. STRINGAM is o reol good scout. But she'll surely be glad when school is out. Wednesday Noon Discussion Group This yeor, as in post years, our discussion group was co­ordinated by Mrs. Bezeou. Under her guidance, the executive wos elected ond the programs decided upon. The executive for the 1963-1969 term consisted of: President — John Quon Vice-President — Derrick Good Secretory — Jeri Coulter Publicity Officer — Fred Tyrrell The executive wos aided by Mrs. Bezeou. Without her help, our club could not hove functioned os well os it did. During the yeor, we hod speakers every Wednesday. Our topics varied from politico! problems to ESP. Our speokers are lilted below. TITLE SPEAKER 1. Nigeria - Biafra Dr. Ted Orchard 2. Nigeria • Biafra Lorry Wecvers 3. Free Schools Dr. Kuijt 4. Hypnotism Dr. Lowings 5. UFO s Dr. Earl Milton 6. Wildlife Conservation Gayfond Armstrong 7. Prisoner Rehabilitation John Howard Society 8. "Is God Dead?*' Forum — Six ministers 9. India Dr. Anont 10. The United Nations Mr. Von Orman 11. Israel Mr. Mowers Mr. Jim Wilson 12. Music in Education Mr. Salter 13. Juvenile Delinquency Constable Dunn 14. Alcoholism Alcoholics Anonymous 15. ESP Bob Gaul 16. Communist China Mrs. Muckvale Discussion Club Back row: Derek Good. Fred Tyrrell. Front row. John Quon, Mrs. Bexecu. Jerri Coulter. Page Th irty Room 203 Back row Bob Prcpchuk, Diane Melvin, Sheryl lamb. Susan Goskcll, Bill Moson, Peter Vender Heide, Gillian Frey, John Wildman, Keane Shore. Middle row. Ken Wells. Ross Jacobson, Oahlin le Boron, Lorry Kennedy, Kim Aldred. Korin lobuhn, lindo Redekopp, Normo St. Dennis, Sheila Meoly, Jo Frey, Beverley Johnson, Mr. Otoni. Front row: 3rod Bengry, Andru Teleris, Markus Niito, Caro Currie, Sheryl Williams, Gwyneth Bent, Kerri McIntosh, Cheryl Wingfield, Peter Crisfield, Duane Gurr. Room 203 It is 8.45 ond Room 203 comes to life for onother day. LARRY KENNEDY is still trying to sell Simon and Garfunkef his pigeons, to MR. OTANI. KIM ALDRED. CARLA CURRIE, and CWYN BENT are spreading gossip in one corner while SHERYL IAMB, KERRI MCINTOSH, and CHERYL WINGFIELD a'e cruelly (?) boot- ing up helpless (!) DAHIIN LE BARON in another. KEN WEILS is possing on some of his jokes, ond making another voodoo doll. In search of his missing pencil cose MARKUS NlllO im­mediately turns to ANDRU TETERlS who produces it after a slight scuffle BOB PREPCHUK is studying the clock ond trying to figure out the longest route to the room across the hall. GIUIAN FREY and SUSAN GASKELl ore catching up on their homework, while JO FREY, and KARIN LABUMN ore engaged in idle chit-chot. JOHN WILDMAN our faithful doss president, ond Bill MASON ore orguing with JAMES KIRKMAM ever which of the Armed Services is superior. DUANE GURR «s os usuol in o fran­tic search for the deskbook. MONICA NEUFEID. LINDA REDEKOPP. ond SHERYL WILLIAMS enter, olrcody started on their second pack­age of gum for the. morning. PETER CRISFIELD ond KEANE SHORE ore discussing some topic related to SCIENCE (girls?), when PETER VANDERHEIDE and BRAD BENGRY come storming into the room to brook the silence (?). DIANE MELVIN is telling BEVERLY JOHN­SON. SHEILA MEALY, ond NORMA ST. DENNIS about her lotest adventures with o good friend. Ah yes, ROSS JACOBSON is still trying to fit his motorcycle helmet into his locker. The morn­ing interlude ends with LARRY KENNEDY still trying to sell his pigeons. Radio Club Although the radio club got started lote. it was still fun for the "electronic's bug". During the club's short life. Jim Nolan wot frying to get the conglomeration of tubes straightened out in his Grondmother's radio, while Vernon Floig was trying to jump his voice through o record player and found out the hard way that o record ploycr wos mode for ploying records. Most of the time Fred Tyrrell wos in the cafeteria frying his hand at being a woiler. I'll soy this much. I've got to give him credit for trying. Brent Sabcy wos olwoys doing his moth homework. Brion Prysiomny and Greg Boughen were conspiring to get ports for their battery charger. Dole Monroe finally got wise and stripped his rodio for parts. Dwayne Kirchner tried to find a woy to get into his 12 inch speaker so he con fix it. As for me, yours truly John Quon, I made o beautiful crystal radio, lost but not leost we must thank the person who claims to be the handsomest guy in the picture (cough, coughl) Mr. Young. The dub could not have ex­isted if he had not contributed his material, parts, time ond know, ledge towards the club. Thank you Mr. Young for an inter­esting year. Glee Club Bock row: Mory Jang, Violet Heward, Vivion Ycllowfly. Debbie Speir, Gaye Willioms. Edno Howard, Joan Moll, Debbie Johnson, lindo Vair. Middle row: llono linterman. Flora Howard, lenoro Bailey, Morion Johnson, Brcndo Pierson. Linda Prince, Sally lim, Jonicc Bly, M.ourine Polmer, Brenda Woll, Mrs. Stringom, front row: lourin Mann, Cathy Orstcn, 8e!»y Wiens. Debbie Kn.bht, Sadie Toth, Marine Smcllo, Koren Krommcr, Gwyn Bent. Page Thirty-one 8ock row: John Goflih, Alton Mutch. Lorry lengef. Norman Wolfs, Roger Harly, Cheryl Eklund, Satan Hofmei. Collette Lewko, Diane Shirley. Carol Baker. Middle rowi Ranald Bernoth. Kerry MacDonald. Gordon Dickouf, David Barton. Mary Ann Wilton. Sondro Richordton, Lorraine Snider, Allyn Greenwoy. Debbie Crighton. Debbie Calhoun, Kothy Schoepp, Debbie Brown, Mr. Kfoute. Front row: Laura Kirchner, Loyne Whipple. Tom Schultz, Don Comeron, Richard Nwmmi. Marilyn Yathido. Marcia Schworlx, Janice Bent, Marion Kolk, Richard Quon. Room 205 ACADEMY AWARDS Acodemy Pret. — MR. KLAUSE M.C. — RICHARD GUON Now a word from our preiidcnt: W equals V timet A, W equal i 110 timet 3 _______________ Awards are: Beit Actor — Unanimous choice ALLAN MUTCH in Chorly Hone. Bett Actrett — Nominee! ore AltYN GREENWAY in Sportt a-Plenfy, MARY ANN WILSON in Duh ond Huh, LORRAINE SNIDER in Skip It, MARILYN YOSHIDA in Broint for Two — But the winners were MARCI SCHWARTZ in Funny Bird and DEBBIE CRIGHTON for laughout in Summer. Best Theme Sang — O CANADAI of course. Supposing Actrett — SUSAN HOLMES in Funny Bird. Supporting Actor — LARRY LENGYEL in Deekl Bett Foreign Kim — Parle* vout Froncoit with RON BERNATH and TOM SCHULTZ. Wort! moke-up - JANICE BENT in Plonet of the Students. Interlude — CHERYL EKLUND on her intellectual piano playing Kitlyl Kittyl Popl Pop! Bett Director — DAVID BARTON for Perfection. Wert! Producer — RICHARD NUMMI for Hop, Step ond Jump. Interlude — DON CAMERON whittling Tiptey Toey Through the Two-lipt. Bett Costumes — MARION KOLK for Riotl Bet: Comedy — COLETTE LEWKO. KATHY SCHOEPP, ond SANDRA RICHARDSON in Party for Twol Best Intermission — DIANE SHIRLEY in her promotion of the Oscar — Meyer Wiener. Interlude — LAURA KIRCHNER tinging For love of Garlic. Bett Short Subject — The winners ore Three for Pop with KERRY MACDONALD, ond Pop for Three with ROGER MARTY. Beit Picture — Nominations ore: Ouchf Ouchl with NORMAN WATTS, O' LIVER! with DEBBIE CALHOUN and DEBBIE BROWN, Jock and Jill with LAYNE WHIPPLE and CAROL BAKER. No lip from GORDON DICKOUT. ond Fight to Rumble with JOHN GOLISH. The Winner it — 205. A SCHOOL ODDESSEY. Interlude — Godl Save the School. Charm Club Every week on Thursday or Friday about 25 girls come dur­ing their noon hour to be present for this activity. In it we learn­ed how to wolk, sir ond stand correctly, we learned various table monnert, at well os general manders while talking to people on the phone ond while you ore with them »n person. One week was very special to us. in thol, Mrs. Ellison of Merle Norman Cosmetics come to talk to us on makeup, how to wear it ond whol type to wcor. All in oil, I would say the facts we leorned while attending this club were very useful to us ond if you get the opportunity be sure to join next year. Charm Club Bock row: Miss Smith, Deena Aitken, Poddy O'Connell. Jo Frey. Gillian Frey, Debra Johnson, Lorraine Fontono, Marjory Roi, Mrs. Dovcy. Front row: Morilyn Anstey. Borbro Allscp. Lori Fookt, Sherry Williomt, Volerie fowcett. Sherry Pratt. Page Th irty-tw o Room 206 Bock row: Bruce Atkinson, Terry Wills. David Voir, Shannon Malkin, Beverly Toylor. Dorothy Hobbs. Joan Gunn. Brian Worrell, Marvin Ritchie. Middle row: lavcme Carter. Greg Goulding. lorry Alton. Bill Stephen. Ken Knox, Emily Beth Stringam, Sheila Anderson, Norman Trainer, Rod Pocza, Craig Slawson, Rich Wolton, Mrs. Von Ormon. Front row: Gory Kenno. Suion Cassidy, Judy Cheyne. Yvonne Nei/son, Shelley Neilson, Brian Cave, Sharon lothion, Phyllis Adams, Leslie linn, Shcun Robinson. Room 206 PROMISES, PROMISES NEXT YEAR PHYlllS ADAMS: Promises to grow her own hair. LARRY ALTON: Promises to tokc running lessons. SHEILA ANDERSON: Promises to toke P. £ regularly. BRUCE ATKINSON: Promises to change his lough. IAVERNE CARTER: Promises to buy new glasses. SUSAN CASSIDY Promises to come to school. BRIAN CAVE: Promises to be quieter in class. JUDY CHEYNE Promises to be cheerful to Mr. Otoni. GREG GOULDING. Promises to stay awake. JOAN GUNN Promises to swim 500 lengths. DOROTHY HOBBS: Promises to speok up more. GARY KENNA Promises to buy his own paper ond pencils. KEN KNOX: Promises to stoy owakc in closs. LESLIE LINN Promises to concentrote on growing. KAREN LOTHIAN. Prom.ses to jump 14 feet in the brood jump. SHANNON MATKIN: Promises to be not so shy. ShEllY NEILSON: Promises to never breok up with Jim. YVONNE NEILSON Promises to do her homework. RODNEY POCZA Promises to beot up Shoun. MARVIN RITCHIE: Promises to otwoyi wear his cowboy boots. SHAUN ROBINSON: Promises to try and beot up Bruce. CRA!G SLAWSON: Promises to not to wear his green turtleneck. WILLIAM STEPHENS: Promises to never blush in closs. EMILY BETH STRINGAM Promises to never wear the some dress twice. BEVERLY TAYLOR: Promises to grow her hair long. NORMAN TRAINER: Promises to keep out of trouble. DAVID VAIR Premises to buy tighter ponts. GAYLE VARZARI: Promises to boy more new clothes. RICK WALTON: Promises to bother Barbara A. TERRY WILIS: Promises to be a better person. BRIAN WORRELL: Promises to stay out of miichief. Room 5 As the bells ring to stort a normal Monday morning, Kow Chew Yip is happily swinging from light to light after Dorothy Sol’enbock. Peggy Kennedy, Irene Ito ond Karen Hinotsu are clus­tered around Bev Nelson's desk trying to muddle through last night's moth homework. Wilma Soop, olios Fred, ond Jonet Scott ore entertaining Barbara Hunt and Marian Buckskin with a few of thoir better jokes? Suson Christie is perched on top cf her ort magazines carefully guarding them from ony would be thief. Meonwhife, Roy Cook, E. J. Lonsdale, Mickey Perverseff and Benny 8cll are terrorizing the neighborhood on their motor­cycles. Ed Byom is sitting in the comer, koeping Dionne Clark spellbound with his many "Life as a Cowboy" storios. Gayle Ham­ilton ond S! aron Vplgordson ore orguing over which one of them is going to graduation with Kevin Porker, henry lamb is busily distributing candy from his store. As Gilligon, or better known as Randy Bognor it ttonding on his desk turning the clock bock, Barry Granberg is busily stuffing Jim May into the garbage con. Hon Dong is on Mrs. Golfs desk taking pictures of the ever-increasing excitement, right ond left. And Rod Rutledge who has just wolked into the room after his month's absence is looking cn in bewilderment ond wondering what had come over his closs since his lost visit. Page Thirty-three Room 208 Bock row; Kent Bolty, Colvin Carrico, Robert Anderson, lorry Evons, Miles Godlonton, Shirley Von Wieren, Marilyn Dragland, Bob Hamilton. Judy Pickett. Middle row; Lome Kemmef. Ccrby Ponkhurst. Dovid Shcrr.'ng, Robbln Va'gordson, Roger Carrier, Michoel Gillett, Gene Tacke, Stephen Coopor, Judy Gronlin, Sherry Johnson, Brenda Wall, Maureen Polmcr. Richord Peake, Mrs. M. Hoynes. front row: Aileen Metcalfe, Noncy Gunn, Linda Voir, Suson Solvey. Heather Dick, Kimboll Sauter. Edna Dong, Karen Krammer, Robert Warburton. Alice Vonder Heide. Room 208 In the Lethbridge Herald, 1979, appeared these nomei. which were familiar to us of Room 208 doss of 1969. On the front page we found several noted politicians blast­ing their promises os candidates in the forthcoming Foderal elec­tion — CORBY PANKhURST (remember our gum chewing friend), and RICHARD PEAKE (who always had plenty to soy). Promises! Promises! On the sports page we read where LORNE KEMMET hod captured the Olympic swimming title. ROBERT WARBURTON and BOB HAMILTON were ploying for the .Canadian Golf Championship. AILEEN METCALFE had just taken the Women's Golf title. HEATHER DICK was at the Olympics in Track ond Field. ROGER CARRIER hod signed with the Colgory Stompeders Foot* boll Club. Scanning tho Soclol News, I read that SHERRY JOHNSON, Air Conoda Stewardess, and MARILYN ORAGIAND, wore in Leth­bridge on o brief visit. ROBBIN VALGAROSON. Matron of the Municipal Hospital, wos to receive guests at the "Open House" tea. A large ad displayed an attractive blonde, ALICE VANDER hElDE, singing with the MILES GODlONTON Donee Band. NANCY JANE GUNN wos being featured with her twin JOAN in the Musical Swim Show. Invitations were out to the new Beauty Solon, in the College Moll, eperoed by LINDA VAIR and SUSAN SOLVEY. The "ANDERSON-BATTY" Construction Company hod o show of new homes advertised. DR. STEPHEN COOPER was to bo the guest speaker at the Medical College of the Lethbridge University. Prominent visiting professors were DR. LARRY EVANS and KIMBALL SAUTER. Several Lethbridge teachers were to appear on a panel at the Heme and School Convention KAREN KRAMMER, BRENDA WALL, and EDNA DONG. Speaking for the parents and School Boord were GENE TACKE. CALVIN CARRICO ond DAVID SHERRING. A drug store on the University-Campus odvertised the owner. JUDY PICKETT, ond her two assistants SHIRLEY VAN WIEREN ond MAUREEN PALMER, ond coshier JUDY GRANLIN. I reod Dr. MICHAEL GULETT'S ad for his new Animal Hos- piol I'll bet MRS. HAYNES' cot is his best customer. Greatest Event of Room 26 It all storfed with a head of long red hoir. George, the cross­eyed lion, was hoving his yeorly haircut. He hod hired Dwayne, the retorded pygmie, but Cathy, the caterpillar, hod come olong to see what wos going on. Flying overhead. Pot, the pigeon, soared off to spread the news. M.crion, the ostrich, arrived first with Arthur, the German goose. Next, of course, came Bob f. the monkey, who just swung in uninvited. When Chnt, the missionary, come olong to supervise. Of course, he brought along his assistant Soro. the crocodile. Seeing he hod such o lorge fon club, George began to get nervous, ond so Morgref, the "Mama" elephant, hod to stable him. Just in time, Brion, the genius Italian ant, come with the hoir style. "Short ond sweet". Somewhere during this essay. Scott, the bookworm, sneaked in. Vernon, the wounded water- buffalo, come staggering in with a brand new nose ring which wos actually Ed, the pirano. The vompire bat, Paul Fisher, fluttered down on George's stomoch ond Barry the baby elephant, had to come help his mother settle George. Brion P. the olbino platypus, floored Jo the top of the river to see, just as Kim the parrot come trooping in behind Terry Wheeler, trying to imitate his "Cock-a- froodle-froo!" Clark, the turtle come shuffling in showing Norbcrt the lost Viking the woy. When Bob M. the jungle dentist thought there wos o big enough oudience, he entered to entertoin the troops. Bruce L. oil the time hod been sweeping up tho long red locks to sove for lee M. the witch doctor's collection, end for the witch's cot Joonno who wos going bold. Bruce the robin, chirped constantly to Margy the pcccock. And of course Smoky Skeith the bore bear wos there too. Barb the lioness come prowling in at the 'ast moment to save George from ony further scalpings. P.S. We almost forgot Doug the lime green fluorescent Buddoh Priest. Page Th i/ty -fo u r French Singing Group At The Funny Farm Bock row: Miss Buttazroni, Miriam Johnson. Donna long. Brendo Person. Undo Print*. Solly lim, lenoro Bailey. Tront row: Gerald Woldern. Violet Howard. Velma VViens. Goye Williams. Debbie Spenr, Robert Von Schaik. Absent: Be tty-Moo Weins, Susan Speir. LES INCONNUS . (FRENCH SINGING GROUP) Milt. B. - Altenlionl Nous ollont commencer, mointenont. Co vo. Un, deux, fro»s . . • "Plontons la vigne. Ah! voyer la jolle vigne . . Mile. B - Robert, un peu plus doucement, s'il vous plait. "Bleu. bleu. I'omour est bleu Bleu comm' le del qui jouo dons tes yeux . . Mile. B. - Vous over bien joue cette foil, Kerri. Groupe, folles attention a la difference enlre "coeor" et "court". "Dominique, niqur. nique, s'en olloit lout simplement, Routier pouvre et chanlanl . . Mile. B. • Pos mol. mois il faudro encore protiquer cette chonson. "Mon merle o perdu cinqu plumes, Mon merle a perdu dix plumes . . ." Meunier, tu dors. Ton moulin vo trop vite. Meunier, Iu dors. Ton moulin vo Irop fort . . . "Sur le pont d'Avignon, tout le monde y posse . . Mile. B. - Bienl Une Ires bonne vivacity. "Mon pays, <* n'est pas un pays, c'cst I'hivcr Mon jordin, ce n'est pas un jordin, c'esl lo plaine . . Milt. B. • Ah! quelle belle chonson Vous, oussi, aimez celte chanson de noire pays, n'est.ce pos? Monsieur longford: Qui fait foul ce bruit id? Groupe (svrpris): Vous ne saver pas? Monsieur nous sommes IES INCONNUS. The Hamilton Halos 68-69 The Hamilton Holos hod an enjoyable year as they ployed in the city league and Ihe Wilson Junior High tournament. Fight­ing throughout the entire basketball seoson, they managed to come up with second place in the city league. The Halos were defeated in their first game against Paterson in the two doy tournament ot Wilson, but still managed to win the consolation. We would like to extend our thanks to Mr. Conodine for a great job in coaching, to Jeri Coulter who helped in managing the team, and to those faithful supporters at our games. ROOM 22 Mrs. tester, the funny farmer, briefing the new botch on everyday asylum life. They see . . . MARK BURROWS standing on o choir with his teddy beor reminiscing, "Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou, Romeo?" RORY BROOKS bottle in one bond and innocent nurse, JOAN DANIELSON in the other, as ho Icods the congregation in prayer. ROD BACEDA recently released from Provincial Pen. on "osscult" charge, committing hit wife DARLENE HEWARD, the compulsive giggler olios Pueble Indian experl! LENORA BAILEY the chief cook, bottle washer, and diaper chonger for BRENT SABEY who has frequent problems. DALE MUNRO trying to get o charge out of life by building himself an electric choir, BRYNN MALM8ERG in charge of horse core. This would be great if only we hod any horses. PAUL KOLK. the Flying Dutchman, sticking his finger in o socket, trying to plug the dike. BRENT MACLEAN and ROBERT FROST, the Arnold Palmers of the form, managing to leave a few windows intact. LIBBY CORNOCK, head psychiatrist, screeches impatiently ot RICK LARSON who refuses to learn the alphabet. RANDY FIRTH, standing in front of the mirror singing "I've Got to Be Me". Poor guy — he really needs help! DEBBIE SPEIR and JANICE BLY, sewing straight jackets for eoch other, who! friends! BILL BLENNER-HASSETT. skating down Ihe hallways trying to score his 60th goal. This mokes DWAUA HARVIE, janitor, very perturbed. "Yo know?" She wonts to keep it clean for frequent inspector BILL KUCHERAN. LYNNE DENNIS, stomping around grumbling 'This dump it nothing tiko the one in the 'East* JILL CUllEY, concert pionist in disguise, trying to tcoch SADIE TOTH the fundamentals of "Chopsticks" and exclaiming "Off with those nails!" DENNIS KENNA tporring with his partner, CHARLOTTE TETZIOFF. PAT JARVIS, mod mad beautician, finally discovering the secret of CORINNE KOMETZ's hair holding power . . . bubblegum DAVE MANN, broin surgeon, preparing TERRY HOFER for broin surgery ond comforting him with "Don't worry. I've chopped up things like this before!" LYNN HUNT, who thinks she is a chipmunk, really pocking those nuts awoy in her cheeks. In conclusion, the Funny Former, is trying to drag WENDY CULLER off the roof, where she sings. "If I could talk to the onimols." Man what o croiy form; no animals!" Team Teaching Discussion Mr. Carlson, Mrs. Lester. Mr. Springman. Mr. Wilson Poge Th irty - fiv e Chess Club Mm. Daw, Ken Nckagomo, Rodney Plesko, Warren Boistrn. Chess Write-Up If hoi been o very good year to for for the Chen Club, in ift debul yeor in our school. Its members hove enjoyed infinite fun in ploying many gomes and the rookies in ploying chess of leosl know how to ploy, which is something they did not at the beg-.nning of the dub Our first meeting was on o Thursdoy, in the library, ond we elected cn executive consisting of o president, (Rod Plesko), a vice president, (Ron