Hamilton Highlights 1958

The annual publication of the students of Hamilton Junior High, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1957-58) e To You The production of a yearbook is no easy task and as v:e scan this edition I am certain that all readers would want to join me in saying "Thank you" to Mr. Dick, Mr. Robin, Mr. Saint and M...

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Main Author: Hamilton Junior High
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Hamilton Junior High 1958
Online Access:http://digitallibrary.uleth.ca/cdm/ref/collection/haig/id/3489
Summary:The annual publication of the students of Hamilton Junior High, Lethbridge, Alberta.(1957-58) e To You The production of a yearbook is no easy task and as v:e scan this edition I am certain that all readers would want to join me in saying "Thank you" to Mr. Dick, Mr. Robin, Mr. Saint and Mr. Watson. Many hours have been spent by these teachers and others to give our students a tangible and lasting record of life in the Hamilton Junior High School for 1957-58. It is the hope of every staff member that you have become a better citizen by the training you have received and that you will be the better enabled to make a worthwhile contribution to society. So frequently do we hear the statement that you will be the future rulers of the country, but this is only true in part. Unless you are willing to overcome the hurdles and obstacles in life you will not have proven your worthiness for great responsi­bility. Therefore let us realize that we owe society an obligation rather than society owing us. A nation :s as strong as its citizens, and let us hope that we shall continue to hold the esteemed position which our forefathers created for us. Oliver W. Holmes penned the following grGat lines: "The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.” (J - ' K. V. ROBIN ft. Co. R. D. CARD S. J. SALTER C. L. HARVEY M. HAYNES F. D. SAINT ft. Co. C. L. DICK ft. CO. B. R. JORDAN ft. Co. J. A. CA5HORE n. co. C. A. PAX MAN E. E. BLOCK B. A. SPRINGMAN P. C. OBORNE ft. co.Mr. Goorgo Duff Program Convonor Mr. Fred Edmundson President Home and Schoo Mrs. Willa Waters Hospitality Committee Mrs. Joan Findlay Hospitality CommUtoo e?iOi§3 Wo. the Executive of Hamilton Junior High Home and School, feel that the 1957-58 year has been one of the most successful years since we have had the privilege of working in this organization. Programs have been exceptional and attendance has boon above average. The highlight of the year was the success of the plebiscite, regarding the new addition to Ham­ilton. This proved the people of Lethbridge are in favor of bettering education for all, not just a few. V/e would like to thank all the people who worked so hard in putting this plebiscite over. The teachers and pupils of Hamilton are always willing to assist whenever asked to help make Home and School Meetings successful. V/e certainly ap­preciate the co-operation v/e get at this school. We hope the parents will continue to give their support to the Home and School Association. Only through their help can the new executive for the coming year, bring you the programs and give you the things you wish for the betterment of your child's educaton at this school. Please come out to next year's meetings and see for yourself v/hat goes on at Hamilton Junior High and what a fine teaching staff there is avail­able to teach your children. They are always happy and willing to discuss Johnny's and Mary’s prob­lems. Good luck to the Hamilton Junior High School in all its future years. Mr. Jack Gard VIcoPrealdent Mrs. Irma Bikman Secrotary Mr. Wilfred Shrecvo Treasurer Pac;o FourA. C. Anderson. Chairman H. C. Nlvon G. G. WOOLLEY MRS. E. J. KIPP, R.N. G. C. PATERSON. Q.C. School Board Another year has rolled around and now it is time ior the Hamilton Highlights to go to press. Through­out Canada and the United States junior and senior high schools have been scenes oi feverish activity for the past few months. Graduating students have posed before cameras with the hope that their pictures will make them appear more mature than they really are. Youthful editors have aged prematurely when articles did no! appear on time. Student typists have used up innumerable erasers correcting the many mistakes that seem to appear on completed manuscripts. Fin­ally the yearbooks have rolled from the printing presses, students have gathered autographs from all their colleagues, even from teachers who were re­sponsible for the many detentions which students are prone to collect. L. H. BUSSARD. M.A. B.Educ. L. H. BLACKBOURNE. Supl. B.Se., B.Ed. Asst. Supt. Then years later when the students are older, certainly more experienced and perhaps wiser, the yearbooks will come out on a rainy evening and be read with an ever-increasing absorption. Faces long forgotten will be recalled and incidents of long ago will livo again. Studc-nts will remember that in i9S8 Hamilton had a student body of 560, that there wore only 5,300 students in the Lethbridge Public School System, and that was the year that Hamilton got its new auditorium. Perhaps when memories are relived more than one student will express the opinion that "1 am glad that 1 was a student of the Hamilton Junior High." P. Kyilo Ana!. Sccro'.ary Paqo Fivo A. I. WATSON. B.A. Sccro!ary*Troa4urorTell Ballmer GRADE IX VICE-PRESIDENTS ROOM REPRESENTATIVES Room 31—Doug Fleming Room 27 Donna Farstad Room 2$ Joar.no Marshalsay Room 21—Duncan Glllespio Room 24 Gail Arthur Room 26—Joanne Hedonstrom Room 17—Nina Hughes Room 19—Jim Tennant Room 22 Miko Moscovich Room 20—Bill Wing Room 12—Harry Rims tad Room 29—Kitch Wilson Room 30 F;o:< nco Konzio Room 28—Lorotta Mansor Room 6—Jerry Bckor Room IS—Margaret Frame Room 14 Sandra Snow Room 16- Linda Slovack Pago Six Address to the Graduating Class. Mr. i. Williamson. Post President, Hamilton junior High Home <$. School Assn. It is with mixed feelinqs that you prepare to leave Hamilton. You all have thoughts of the many pleasant associations you have made during the past three years. These are memories that will never leave you. These memories are a part of our education, for what is education if it is not the sum of our experiences? We only become truly educated when wo evaluate our experiences and profit from the lessons we have learned from these experiences. Our future paints a very rosy picture for us. We are a part of a growing and expanding court- iry,a land of youth. Our country urgently needs leaders who will blaze the trails to the glorious oppor­tunities ofiered to us. Whether your goal in life is honor and prestige, wealth, or happiness; the future v/ill offer any or all of these to you. You can take advantage of these offers if you have a goal in life. A goal will make life worth­while and give you a set of value. A sense of achievement and happiness will also be yours. School will help give you a goal in life. There are three stages in our education before university. You have met the challenge of the first two — elementary and junior high school — but the third stage is needed. Can you meet the challenge of high school? As you pass through the journey o: life, never be satisfied with the average in life. You never build up if you are content to be average. Wo need men and women of vision who can load us on and upward to greater things. This then is my plea to you. Do not be content with the average, and set your goal in life. EDITORIAL CLASS HISTORY The pages are fast closing on another school year, bringing many related events such as the editing of Hamilton Highlights '58. The month of june is a time of varied activities—exams, gradua­tion and fond farewells. Many of you still have a year or two of Junior High School life ahead of you. I would suggest that you use these years wisely. Hamilton Junior High offers fun as well as educa­tion and i: properly utilized can assure you of a firm foundation for future experiences. To the graduates who are leaving—-the very best of luck in your final exams and future endeavors. Remember you have become a part of Hamilton in the past terms and as a result will take a portion of the school with you when you leave. You have become the mouthpiece of your school which will be judged according to your recommendations. This is a responsibility which cannot be taken lightly. The teachers have invested in you the best of their knowledge. May this investment pay off in dividends of happiness and success in the com- I years. Let us romember that education is the key to progressive development. "In the lexicon of youth which fate reserves for a bright manhood there is r.o such word as FAIL." Cardinal Richelieu JIM MOSCOVICH Graduation closes another chapter in our Book of Life an interesting chapter, filled with now oxperioncos and fun. punc- tuatod with spurts of hard work and moments of anxiety. Turning to tho first pago. wo road tho dato: September 6. 19SS. Excitement ran high as tho longawaitcd, yot fearful moment arrived. Timidly we scannod tho posted lists cf namos to learn our room assignment. Inside the school with its un­familiar rr.azo cf roomn and hallr., wo felt small and lonely among tho "smooth" Grcdo "Ninors" who took it all so casually. Un­accustomed to P A. systoms. wo woro almost startled out c! our wits the first timo Mr. Miller's booming voice grootod us. Three minutes seemed :.o little time to find tho right stairs and chango rooms. Our bewilderment was shortlived .howovor. and wo coon adjusted to our now school routine, and lovod it. In Grade E.ght. wo really woro in tho swing of things. No longer were wo tho "small fry". Detentions. Eastor oxams. ro- port card "chock days", failed to dampen our onthusiasm. Like oagor beavors, wo preparod for assembly programs, variety shows, orchestra concerts, school parties and dances. Our school spirit was wonderful. Tho teachers woro wondorful. Our now romancon woro wonderful. At kaskotkall game.-. wo choir­ed cursolvos hearse. Wo laughed, wo dancod. wo sang and occasionally we studiod. Life was wondoxfull This past yoar. wo hav© boon tho upper-classmen, and porhaps a little too improssod with cur importance. Our en­thusiasm and school spirit havo boon Just as groat, but they have i C‘on temporod somewhat with tho thought of departmental oxenr. and twinges cf sadness as wo ccntomplato loavina Ham­ilton lunio: High. Our Graduation Banquet and Dance aro tho highlights—tho climax of our story. Altogether, it has been a most mtorosting timo :n our lives. Tho chaptor commencing in 195S and concluding in Juno. 1958. eoplo and places. Its contonts will bo permanently irnpriniod upon our hearts. Tho lessons wo'vo learned, tho oxporioncor. wo'vo enjoyed, the pp-p’.o we've known, all will live on in loving memory. LYNNE ELLISON Pago Sovon Pago Eight Room 21 HERB FLETCHER Favorite spoil • "door" hunting. DWAYNE HAMMOND Ho certainly has good taste In choosing girls. MONA MATCHETT "Run up a tackl" HUNT Tho nickname "Spidoi" gives him no lnio:ic:ity complex BETTY HORII "Cno dcosn’i know, and when cno dees, cno isn't suro." SUSIE NAKAGAMA Hides her light ur.dor a bushol. PAT HELMER Hands cff. good-lcckm*. don't you know she's looken?" DIANE FRANKLIN Loads tho most happy. unperturbed oxtstcncc imaginable. ELEANOR URCH Our pride and icy in the athletic field. GORDON BROOKWELL Cemposos pootry. Ask him about it somotimo. MURRAY "Worry." she say. "keeps mo in fine fottlo." TELL BALLMER Our mododt littlo boy! DUNCAN GILLESPIE "111 wrap this chair around your neck!" JUDY KIRK "Goody, goody for me." RON PAULENCE Give him a gun and tho wide open spaces. RON PRATT Wants to ho a stand-in fc: Sitting Bull. BILL McCANN "I say old boy. don't you know I'm a Canadian?" MARVIN IMESON "I fix hoom!" JO ANN WILLIAMS Favorite garno • ono. two. throe. O'Leary LINDA MILLAR . Wants a baby car • MG preferably. NHL EVERNDEN Strums his guitar and sings under HER window. SHARON BIRRELL Avorages two working half-hours per day. A1LEEN MEECH Locked herself *.n her locker and began yelling for h$p. HENRY BOSMAN Joalaus friends call him *‘to«chor's pet!" MICH ELL FORSTER Loves that rip-snortin' gamo of ping pong. TOM YIP "Novor give a sucker an even break." SHARON UMBER "Pinch hor to seo if sho's awake." cays Mr. Watson. LORNA PARK "You're nutsy coccoo!" PHIL EDMUNDSON Favonto haunt - the Roxy, for educational purposes only.Room 24 LOUISE MACKENZIE (Skip) Louise caxno !o Hamilton from VauxhalL YVONNE ALEXANDER (Squook) Yvor.no was our room secrotary. TED JDLARK (FordyJ Tod is tho quiet, brainy typo. BRYAN MEDHURST (Mud Hon) Bryan is a quiet. dopondablo student. URANIA DONG (Rao) Urania is bright in all cf ho: subjects. GORDON ROLFE (Gcrdy) Wo all like Gordy. JIM RINGLAND (Ringy) Jim is ou: room's groat piar.o playor. LORNE REID (Roody) Lorno just couldn't go* along with some o! tho teachers. LYNNE EASTON (Skoczo) In track, especially running. Lynno excels. SHARON BARNETT (Tansy) Sharon is ono of tho school's host track stars. TERRY WRIGHT (Kip) Torry just lovos (?) Heme Seencnv.cs. GAIL ARTHUR Gail was cur room representative on tho Council. GAIL SMITH (Smitty) Gail was known for ho: baskotball skill. • IETF WILLIAMS (Scottor) Ioff is a very avid motorcycle fan. WILMA SANTA (Billy) Wilma was our nowspapor rep. and "Miss Hamilton". 3ARB KEYS (Bubblos) Barb was ono of cur room representatives in baskotball. JUDY KANDEL (Kandy) It rooms that Judy was absent mo3t of tho timo. DALE LEFFINGWELL (Laffingdalo) Dalo loaves hts mark in Hamilton's Hall of Fame (dosks). GUS MELLOS (Menace) Gus is a mombor of the orchestra. Ho plays tho violin. CARCL PARKER (Parky) Carol camo to Lothbridgo from Granum. LARRY JOHNSON (Drummer Boy) Larry played tho drums in tho school orchostra. PAUL ELLIOT (Paullco) Paul has doparted from our fair midst. PETER LEGGETT (Poggott) Peto is our "Drill Squad" fan. CLEMIS CHERLENKO (Bud) Bud go! good marks for anco. on his driver's tost. FAY MILLER (Toots) Fay was ono c! tho "Schaufort Sisters" in cur assembly. DOREEN SORENSEN (Derry) Doreen was a member c! tho Senior Basketball tocm. JERRY GRAY (Chcaty) Jerry is tho room's sports fanatic. KAREN CLEMIS (Clem) Karen was in charge of money from the ticket salos. BILL STYNER (Sauorkraut) Bill Js a noted athloto in tho school. KEN BAKER (Smiley) Ken has his own methods in Math. Pago Nino Room 25 KEN SMITH "Persuasion lips his tcnquo whono'or he talks." LYNNE ELLISON "Whoro'd you got Ihoso dimplos honoy?" PATSY SCHINNOUR "Froo as a lark mounting a: brook of day." MAVIS HART "A sweet disposition iiko birds that sing." PAT DOWNS ’Tow things aro impossible to diligonco end skill." DENNIS SORENSEN "A littlo nonsense now and then." MARGARET McISAAC "Gaioty without oclipso." BAWNE ROUT "Ain't she sweet I" KARREN WILLOUGHBY "Thou art lovely, thou art fair." VIM HILL "Ho salts his feed with humor, poppers it with wit." MYRA BLAIS "Hor tenos aro Iiko tho echoes of a murmuring stroarr." SHARON GEORGESON "Sharon is a worker with a disposition like the sun.” KAREN PRESTV/ICH "I can be happy. I can bo sad. it all depends on Lon." LEROY HOVEY A follow responsible for half tho room's "goof offs". TONY WALKER "Ho works quite hard, end plays well, too." ROSANNE BROWNE Wo lost th*.3 girl and hor witty remarks to Burnaby. JO ANNE MARSHALSAY "Jo" was born a Jester, she lovos to tease and postor. DICK WEVERS “His disposition is marked by fairness and willingness." TOM TOMASOVSZKY A commendable linguistic ability. LOIS DUFF "Thoro is no fun until she comes." BLAIR PEACOCK in twenty years I'll settlo down and work .work, wcrkl WAYNE SPACKMAN "I tako my easo and r.ovor. novor hurry. WALTER BLAIS "Ho uses his hood for moro than a hat rack." KENT SNOW "Not too good to be a good follow." BILL WALDIE "I make 'em believe I'm bashful." SANDRA GREY "A happy girl with stop as light as summer air." DENNIS BYRNE "Good natureJ with a smile that laps ov<^ and buttons." DIANE COOK "My tongue within my lips I reign." Pago Ten Room 26 RUTH LANGRIDGE Our faithful room reporter. ROSS WILLIAMS Our candy bond. FRANK BEERLING "Ravo cnl" KRISTINE ASPLUND Kris is our rodheaded drummer in tho orchostru. PAT WILKS Culot. Pat. MARGARET BAILEY This is ono girl who will novo: step talking. DON HIGGINS "Holy cats!" TOM CAMERON Tem is our toaso from Wilson. LORRAINE JARVIS Hor homo oconcmics aro tops. ERNEST LAWSON Playboy of Room 26. JOANNE HEDENSTROM Joanno was cur Students' Council representative. LYNN LEONG Dark and small, sho's liked by all. JUDY GARD Judy is our bubble-gum gal. BARRY K1MERY Nopo! Gotta slay for oxtra help. HAZEL KCLBERTON Our oxpert seamstress. DENNIS WILKINS The wit of 26 BILL COOPER "Love mo. lovo my scooter." is Bill's motto. JUDY MICHAEL Expert typist cl Room 26. BARRIE LEWIS Our man with a limp. DON HECTOR "Put up you: hand when you want to speak to mo." GARY McNAIR 9:02 — hero ccmos Gary. ANN BRECKENRIDGE Ann is our faithful desk-book carrior. DONAH PALFREY Our port and protty secretary. LOIS DOM El EH Lois is ovoryono's friend. RICHARD COLLEY He's always in tho teacher's hair. RON HARDJE "So! Ya wanna argue, oh?" Pago Devon 27 rcss McKenzie "Goo whiz, Mrs. Cco. net again." CAM POWLEY "Wow .look ai thorn bootlos!" CAROLE CAMPBELL A school teacher is hor aim. GERRY WHEATCROFT In Potroloum Er.ginooilng he'll gain lame. LORNE DARLINTON Searching for success and lame. BARRY ANDERSON "I'm going to work in a hamburger stand." ELAINE BAMBRICK "Oh yah! Tony." BARB NUT7ALL Science • "It's cold in hero!" TOM McNABB Always trying to play tho drums. BARB ROTHE Our rivorbottcm gal. BILL PEARSON "But 1 loft thorn a: homo!" LINDA HEBERT Tm finally going steady with Leroy Hovoy." HOLLY LAINE A shy. fciondo girl. MARCIA STEPHENS She is smart at any game. SHERAN EWING The girl with tho r&nglots. GERRY MARTIN Known as "Cheaty". DARI BROWN Our short, blende scholar. JACK WILLIAMSON "No. I can't lend you my Math. 1 might get in trouble." DONNA FARSTAD Our swimmer, piano player and baskotballor. CAROLE STRONG Our Math, genius. MARGOT LUKAS Our Home Ec. girl. LEROY ERLENDSON Undo Leroy, our "Purplo People Eater." JIM MOSCOVICH "Big Guitar". PHYLLIS KENZIE Plans to bo a nurse. DONNA ROSSITER Is cur oal. and in Room 27. sho sure is our pal. JOE HOP? Mr. Dick's favorite mumble:. MICHAEL HAMILTON Out Community Ec. boy. LARRY YUCYTUS Larry, our auto fan. wants to be a policeman . BRIAN SCHEIRMAN Briar, was Room 27's treasuror throughout tho year. MRS. COE "Tho Good Sho.ohord cf Room 27's herd." Room Pago Twolvo Room 31 BILL GOODFELLOW Ho was our room secretary. MARJORIE PHAPF Sho's our Room Ropertor. JOANNE ELHERT Sho's a favorito with ovoryor.o. JUDY PRATT Judy is Iho girl wilh loads of crinolines. PATSY MARKER Pat is known for hor gift to gab. JIM ROSS Mo's Mr. Dowar's ’pet peeve*. LARRY WYATT Larry's a friend to ovoryfcody. DOUG FLEMING lie's following In his brother's footsteps. KENT OLIVER There's a nonso of humor behind that quiol smilo. INGRID LUKAS Sho has mado a lot of friends in Room 31. TOM HAMBLIN Tom ts our brainiost student. CHERYL ROBINSON "May I please borrow you: ink?" BOB CRICHTON His quick tompor makes h:m well known. BOB SAUERWE1N He's the villain in cur room. BETTY HALVORSON Betty Is a xnombor ci Iho nows paper staff. WAYNE WINTERS — Hero's a boy who loves his hockey. MARVIN McLEAN Marv's Iho guy who enjoys his weekonds. VIRGINIA KRISTON He: senso of humcr is woll known in cur room. LEWIS CHOW Here's a guy who lovos h:s scionco. JOAN BREHM Sho came to us from Cran’orook. ED GORZITZA Ed is ono of our most lovable students. LAUREL PAUL His nicknamo is Sparrow". GARY BIKMAN Ho always has some smart remark. BONNIE PERRY Sho was an active mombor of the Pop Club. DOUG SALT Doug's cur littlo man. SHARON BOLEN She's rmall but she's cute. DARLENE SALAMON Just call hor "toughy". SANDRA MILROY "Deo* my hair look alright?" BOB SNOWDEN Bob occupios his sharo of the front desks. LINDA ROBINSON Sho's forever talk.ng about Medicine Hat. Pago Thirteen ROOM 21 LIFE WITH 24 DUNCAN G1LLESP1L Would liko a ccroor in tho Navy but has u hc:ror of having to walk tho p'.ank. His ambition is to own a soa floa and hop tho waves at Chin Lake. WENDA MURRAY Ha3 manifold accomplishments such as playing tho radio, watching T.V. and collecting bobby pins. Hobbies: Chas­ing side-hill gcugors. DWAYNE HAMMOND Did not require an early education just picked up things as he wont along — bottle caps. etc. His themo song: ‘The West. A Nest and You." sung to the tuno of "Bury Me On tho Lono Prairio" or sumpin*. RON PRATT licldi to the belief that gontlomon profor blendes, but will :ako whatever they con get. Aspires to boinq a great Shakotpoarcan actor. Emotes by the hour and in sccrot. Mr. Salter, watch to your laurels! SHARON UMBER Would like to warble hko a nightingale any kind. In­tention: "Sweep ’em efi their feet' oven if sho has to use a broom SUSIE NAKAGAMA Sho came. saw. and conquered the students of Room 21. Most enjoyable hobbies are all mild sports, such as har­pooning ar.d shoopVnocnng. BILL HUNT Born tired. Wants to operate tho first horizontally-run ele­vator. Until thon. i3 content to be rolaxin*. just rolaxin*. Wo predict a great lulure for this lad . AI LEE N MEECH Claims sho’s just a little girl trying to got along. While taking a golf lesson: A. 'Tm hitting the ball ovory tlmo on the top." Pro: "Bettor turn the ball upside down." Allcon did! HENRY BOSMAN Comes from tho land of tulips. His childhood was spent looking 1 c: a hole (finger-size) in a diko. Wo hear that ho was caught trying to make one. Poor Henry he did sc want to be a horo. PAT HELM EH Gavo a good account cf herself a3 a lady wrestler. Can throw all corners up to and including fifty pounds. PHIL EDMUNDSON Can repeat tho Charge cf the Light Brigade backwards, and chin the window of Mr. Miller's offico or hang by one feet with his eye to tho keyhole. Prccticising to bo a private cyo of the whe-dun-it variety. MONA MATCHETT Gurglod hor way into existence in Calgary or.o blustery m?rn. Definitely doesn’t kollevo that 'two can livo as cheaply as one. and would liko to prove it somo day • ray in eight ycar3 or so. MICHELL FORSTER In this boy cn n runs rampant. Favorite sports is yodel- I r.g atep any mountain — proforably not over fifty feet. Early in the morning approximately 11:30 c m. SHARON BIRRELL Says a synonym is a word you uso whon you can’t spoil tho ctho: one. Ambition: To grab all chances or. thoy appear. HERB FLETCHER Lovos to skate horizontally ar.d is a wizard at marbles. Overheard in repartee: Herb: "That moans fight whore I como from." Henry: "Well, why don’t you fight, thon?" Herb: ’ Bccauso I ain’t where 1 como from!" (Ccntinuod cn Page 25) !: is 8:45 ar.d oarly comors such as Caro! Parker ar.d Judy Kandel. still rubbing the sloop from thol: oyer., are stumbling into 24. Numerous othors in approximately tho same condition are now arriving. By 8:50 most of tho class has put in an appearanco and the noise increases to a dull roar. Such diligent workers as Bryan Mcdhurst ar.d Urania Dong seem quite dir.gustod with tho class. Jerry Gray and Petor Leggett are work.r.g deliriously to finish tho Social assignment with help from Gordon R Wilma Santa has lust borrowed Doreen Sorenson's locker key ar.d is making her way to the back cf tho room. It is now 8:59 and In saunters Larry Johnson and casually takes his place. !n a terrible last flurry Gail Smith and Gail Arthur are rushing for she doer jus! as tho 9:C0 bell rings. A few moments later and in walk Gus Mellon and Cicmis Cher- lonko. late as usual. Lcrno Rold has just road the Bible to tho class and is taking his seat. Earlior in tho year cur secretary. Yvonne Alexander, would have read the minutes, but now wo just sit and catch up cn tho gossip. Tho bell lings and wo depart joyously (?) for our first class. Language, whore Karon Clomis and Jim Ringland shine. Science is noxt on tho agonda with Mr. Robin presiding. Ken Bakor is up a: the front of the room trying to squeeze a fow mere marks. Toil Clark is sitting and reading over his $9% correct test paper. Dale Leffsngwell is busy carving his initials into his dosk. while Bill Styncr gives Terry Wright a friendly (?) punch to keep her awake. In cno of our next classos. which is Physical Education. Sharon Barnott’s team consisting of Lynno Easton. Louis Mac- Konzlo. Barbara Koys. and Karen Clomis havo taken a small load over their opposition in a friendly gamo of basketball. The bell has fust rung and all that is left in tho hall is dust as students hurry heme for lunch. Tho roar of Joff Wil­liams* motor bike Is sounding in the distance. Paul Elliott loft us carlio: this year so wo suroly wish him a lot cf success. All m all. Room 24 has had a good year. Wo all would liko to thank Mr. Schauioil arid tho rest cf our teachers for being so patient with us and for making our last year (wo hope) c momcrablo one. Good luck to all th N r'.o's on tho finals. Thoro's no thrill in easy sailing When tho skiou are cloar and blue. There’s no loy in merely doing Things which anyone can do. But thoro is seme satisfaction That is mighty sweet to take. Whon you reach a destination That you thought you couldn’t make! —Anonymous "Hew did you happon to hit tho pedestrian?" tho policeman asked. "But 1 didn’t hit him." declared tho motorist, ”1 came to a step sign and stopped. I motioned to him to go across and ho fainted." Page Fourteen ROOM 25 ROOM 26 Mothor draped mo up to Granddad Hcvoy's tho other day. Bored? Say. I was bored through and through by his foolish, forward tales cf his old Junior High days. Which Hovoy? LoRoy. cl course. You knew Grandpa LoRoy. that litllo old wizonod. bald-headed man with a whito board, rod noso and rqulnty bluo eyes. Ho is novor without his cano now -— yet ho lolls storios cf how ho and ‘ Pep” Wovors wore such great players on the basketball team. Ho loft mo in tho don and. not knowing whether or not to bolievo his stories. I gazed about tho room. An eld win© and grey basketball uniform was wadded up and piled in one corner. A bookcas© containing yearbooks from '55. '57. '53 plus a dozen or so eld battorod school papers. Itnod tho ether wall. On an old shoot of paper, yollowed by time. ! found a sonic: logacy reading as follows: V/o tho students of Rocm 25 ©f tho Graduating Class of *58 of tho Hamilton Junior High School, after three yoors cf diligont (?) study, many detentions from Mr. Watson, squares from Mr. Schauffort. linos from Mr. Dick. Mr. Harvey, and so on. are satisfied to loavo our Dear Old Hamilton* and our 'bolovod' teachers, and thorefere. we will tho following seemingly ambi­tious Grade 8's cur prize belongings or characteristics that aro either tco undignified to request presence In a higher state of being c: that aro so worthless that thoy would net be worth their transportation: "Margaret % Mclscac loavos to Sherry Bilten tho ability to laugh at anything, funny or otherwise." Patsy Schmnour wills to Jo Brooks tho honor of being tho only cno in school who can laugh and be hoard all over. "Pat Downs deeds her ability to got H's in all subjocis to Nina Hughe*.-' "Lynno Ellison loaves to Lou Nivon tho effect cf her dimples." "Kon Smith wills to Kon Hutton hts ability to trade girl friends without hurting tho feelings ci any ccr.ccrnod." "Lets Duff" loavos to any particular person, with nervo enough, hor ability to ask quosttons." "Blair Peacock and Co. bequeath tho parking space tn tho roar of tho school to Alvin Toitz Ltd." "Karron Willoughby loavos ho: smilo and quick temper to Pat Qualiy". "Bcwno Rout cannot docido to whom to will her love cf argument, so will leave it in tho care of G. C. Milor for any aspiring Individuals." "Karon Protwich and Len roluctantly loavo any parking space r.oar tho school to any two who aro sure to ontoy it as much as thoy have." "Sandra Grey doods hor vitriolic tenguo to Linda Davies." "Jo Anno Marshalsay wills her freckles to Maureen Pawley (sinco Maureen doesn't have any)." "Sharon Goorgoson loavos he: sweet smilo and gontlo dis­position to Cheryl Pilling." "LoRoy Hovoy and Dick Wovors leave their basketball glory to anyone who can win st." "Mavis Hart bequeaths ho: modesty to Sally Scott." "Jim Hill willingly leaves tho ribbing he gots about being a Sea Cadot. to anyone who wants it." "Tony Walker and Dennis Soronson dood thoir ability to Walk In at :0! almost ovory morning, to Kon Hunt and Dior tor Sauerwein." "Bill V/aldios bequeaths his front desk in Mr. Watson's math class to anyone lucky onough to got it." "Wayne Spackman leaves to Dorsey Asplur.d his 5-yea: eld textbooks." "Kont Snow leaves to Spencer Williams his violin which has beer, doing its squeaky part in tho orchestra." "Donnis Byrne wills to Harry Rirnstad his ability to bo tho friend of ovorycno." "Myra Blais loavos her shyness to Margaret Draper, bocauso aho doesn't went to use it in tho L.C.I." "Dion© Cock bequeaths to Harlan Houso. the ability to keep quiet in class©* (sinco Harlan might need it)." "Tcm Tcrr.asovszky leaves hts desk in Room 25 to tho lucky person who will go: it next year." As wo near tho ond of another school year, we look back on tho many pleasant memorios of tho toon. Mr. Harvey was cur homo rocm teacher (poor man) and ho had quito a time trying to toach us some literature. Ho also had quito a timo keeping us qulot. and wo usually ondod up with "writing oxorcisos". On November 30th. 1957. the room presented our assombly to tho school. Called "Cupid on tho Loose." it starred Donnis Wilkins (Cupid). Lets Domoier. Barrio Lewis. Gary McNair, ar.d Judy Gard. Mr. Robin, sooing his chance, pounced upon :t and procoedod to call Donnis Cupid. This was net appreciated. Mr. Robin kept us constantly rommdod of the final exams, dos- peratoly trying to teach us onough Science to pass. And wo might at that. Then thoro is Social Studios, and Mr. Saint. Our "brains" in Social and Mr. Saint’s only comforts aro Gary McNair and Den Higgins. Tho rost of us aro hcpolossly lost. In the northeast corner cl tho rocm. wo havo Ernest Lawson. Joanne Hodonr.trom. Lynno Locng. and Bill Cooper. A ND-, in the southeast col trying to cut-talk them aro Kristir.o As- plund. Ann Breckonridgo. Pat Wilks and Ren Hardio. Cf course, thoro are sovoral ether neutral corners about the room. Our noxt class is Mathematics. and Mr. Watson, our famod philosopher. In this period wo find Ross Williams and Barry Kimory earnestly trying to lock intelligent. Hero wo havo a barrio:. On cno sido of tho room aro tho brains, who manage to got over fifty per cent. On tho other, most densely popu­lated sido. wo havo theso who. for scm.o reason or cthor. got under fifty per cent. In Physical Education class Miss Baird patiently trios to koop tho girls quiet so as to teach thorn a few rules for gamos. Margarot Bailey and Hazel Holborton. although thoy talk as much as anycno. aro good in this ponod. In typing, our friend (?) "Oscar" the alarm clock, stops us in tapping out cur speed tests. Tho only person who comes cut with 30 words per minuto or better is Judy Michael, with Don Hector not far behind. In Home Economics, quito a few girls do net onjoy cooking, since thoy have to oat everything thoy cook. How over. Lorraine Jarvis and Donah Palfrey are "at homo" in Home Economics. Twice woekly. Mr. Dowar gots a visit from Rocm 26 who havo come to rocoivo instructions in Community Economics. This is one cf Frank Beerling's and Tcm Camorcn's favorito (?) periods. But to round off a week, there isn't anything hko those on- lightening poriods afto: 4 o'clock, with Mr. Watson in Room 16. Of ton mombors of Room 26 are seen unhappily trudging in. and happily skipping cut of detention. Oops! Wo almost forgo! to montion Language, where Ruth Langridgo strivos to Uvo up to hor name, ar.d Richard Cclloy strives to hvo up to Mr. Saint’s standards. While wo aro forgetting what we've learned, wo try to forge- oxtra help, whore teach©:3 try to force or.ticing bits of knowledge into our overworked brains. And. of ccurso. only a fow manage to get out cf oxtra holp. Yos. at tho ond of this school term, wo will be saying good- byo to cur classmates, to Hamilton, and to a way of lifo. There were bad and good memories during the years, but they wore good years, and wo sincerely thank cur teachers fc: patiently bearing with us. helping ur. and teaching us. And now we say: "Gocdbyo Hamilton - - Hollo LC.L" "Walter Blais reluctantly doods tho ability to understand goemotory and algebra to anycno tricky onough to got this precious thing." Wo hereby attest that this will is valid, and that the hoirs will rocoivo thc»ir legacies 5uno 30. LYNNE ELLISON JO ANNE MARSHALSAY Pago Fiftoon ROOM 27 ROOM 31 This year Room 27 brings you oxciting opisodes from be­hind tho doors of fabulous "Dizsyland". To guide us through fantasy lend is dainty Caro! Camp boll os Tinkorboll. Cur first step will ho at tho gorgoous castlos whoro all cf our beautiful prlncossos arc found. Tho quoon of all fantasy ‘.and is. cf courso. "CindoroHy." Holly Let no. with Gus Gus. Dari Brown, a? hor hools to sorvo and comfort hor with ploasuro. Wo look across tho vast meadow and soo another castlo with "Stooping Boauty." Linda Htobort. resting peace- fully with hor Prince Charming. And still thoro is another castle which is just as beautiful as all cl the rest. In this or.e is "Snow White". Margot Lukas, choorlully mending ho: little dwarfs' torn clothing with dainty and As we poor through tho trees wo cro started to see "Mighty Mouso". Marcia Stophons. rushing to tho rescue of Little Red Riding Hoed". Phyllis Konzle from the "Big Bad Wolf". Barry Anderson. Thus thwarted tho wolf seeks ether game. lust at this pycho- logical moment Jack Williamson slide:, down his boansteck fortunately "Alico in Wonderland". Barbara Rotho. Crushing on? cf hor Gkmt pills, strikes down tho wolf, and carries Jack to safety, into tho Queen of Hearts Gordon. For cur last adven :u:e in Fantasy Land. Tinkorboll ushers us through the boantlful gardens cf tho Quoon cf Hearts. The quiet atmosphere is sud­denly broken by tho "Mad Hatter". Cam Powley. and "Scrooge McDuck". Lome Darlington, quarrelling violently ever a few miserable coins. Rocm 27 now proudly presents our stars of Tomorrow Land. Jim Mcscovich would llko us all to travo! along with him to outer spaco to help him i;nd tho "Colostial Oxchostra". At pros- ont Jim is searching for tho lest chord which is prcbably orbit­ing with Sputnick. Gerry Whoalcroft is searching fc: something quite similar and yet different from Jim. "Tho Lcnoly Planet". Here ho in­tends to rulo as a Prosldont should always rule. Carole Strong has already found ho: star a:; tho Floror.co Nightingale of Canadas satolllto. Driving hor frern planet to p'.anot in his supersonic automobile is Michael Hamilton. Wo wish thoso stars of "Tomorrow Land" ovory success in thoso activities in outor spaco. We new pause for a word from our sponsor. Mathematics Incorporated. Cur "Manners tho Butlor", Mrs. Cco. urgos you to understand Algebraic equations. "They Cling Like Cloth". Continuing cur travels we come to Frontier Land. Our hcadquaretrs will bo at "Undo Leroys" Cabin. Just boyend the cabin wo see "Davoy Crockett". Rcss McKenzie hunting down a Martin. Jorry by namo. with the assistance of that gun tottin' gal "Annie Oakloy." Flame Bam brick. Far in the dis­tance we find "Sergeant Garcia." 3i!l Pearson battling tho olusivo "Zcrro". Brian Schetrmcn on tho walls cf an ancient hacienda. Visiting tho county fair wo ccmo upen "Wild Bill Hiccup". Larry Yucytus sheeting it out with tho cn<> and only "Hoppa- !cng Hopper" for a kowpie doll. Leaving our "Wostern Heroes" behind us. we find ourselves in Advonturoland in tho doepest Jungle cf Africa. Hero wo find the "King cf Boastios". Tom McNabb reigning over his silent domain. Hark! a piercing scream shatters tho deadly sllonco cf tho jung’.o. Racing to tho troo tops is "JJutsy" the squirrel being chased by Farstad tho "laughing hyena". Peering over tho troo tops Nutsy obsorvos a quiet hair^ovorod. ogg-laying "platypus". Sharon Ewing resting peacefully in he: nost. For tho last cdvor.turo cf our travels wo take you 20.000 leagues under tho rea whoro wo oncountor a monstrous "squid". Donna Rossitor. quoon of tho undorwcrld. As wo leavo tho vast ocean dopths. wo take one !a:.t look back at fabulous "Dlzzyland". hoping to return again. DONNA FARSTAD BARB NUTTALL GARY BIKMAN When there'.-, fun around ho's always thoro. Gary, how did you say you curlod your hair? SHARON BOLEN With tho boys she won ho: lamo. This little doll causes quito a flamo. JOAN BREHM In our room sho's very quiet. Who knows, you kids, oho might bo a riot. LEWIS CHOW This charming guy. v/o'ro glad to say. Did much to premoto our happy stay. BOB CRIGHTON This young boy has quito a tompor. Sc with his mind don’t over tamper. JOANNE FLHFRT Long, tall Sally is our girl. V/e know she givo* tho boys a whirl. DOUG FLEMING This changeable guy is our room rop. All tho kids think ho's roal hop. BILL GOODFELLOW You can be suro ho isn’t shy. All tho girls give him tho oyo. ED GOR7.IT7.A This charming guy is quito a doll. Whon he's around thoro's fun for all. TOM HAMBLIN Thi3 young guy is our room's brain. With tho teachers he's wen his fame. BF7TY HALVORSON Love is divine, love is spiondor. Hor faverito cry is "Lovo Mo Tondor". PATSY’ HARKER This littlo doll has oyos cf brown. Tho kids in our room says sho's quito a clown. VIRGINIA KRISTON This littlo gal is roally noat. Lovo hor tondor. lovo ho: swoot. INGRID LUKAS This littlo babo is quito a gal. To ©vorycno sho's a roal pal. MARVIN McLEAN This charming guy is rough and tough. Ho nevor scorns to got enough. SANDRA MILROY This is tho red hood cf our room. Rod as a rcso and right in bloom. KENT OLIVER This littlo lad studios ovory day. Ho never has any time to play. LAUREL PAUL This littlo guy is fun ovory day. Ho holps us to chaso our blues away. BONNIE PERRY This lively kid is quito tho girl. Whorovor sho goes she sots up a whirl. MARJORIE PHAFF Dark and brown oyod and a happy one. In school sho always likes 3omo fun. JUDY PRATT Sho':. not so shy with any guy. "Ccmo on you guys, givo mo a try." Pago Sixtoon (Continued on Pago 27)Front Row: Keith Rodding. Albert Tatobo. Linda Davies. Carolyn Smith. Thea 31ako. Kathleen Ronnie. Joannle Caswell. Bcb Revonko. Second Row: Leonard Horrlng. Bob Skolton. Bob Adamson. Bcb Sponsor. Becky P:orson. Carol Lynno Hamilton. Sally Scott. Carlctta Harvoy. Third Row. Pa* McKonzio. Sue Franklin. Alico Rozoma. Diane Shroovo, Pat McLean. Gaylo Dempster. Jane Findlay. Marilyn Bertie. Fourth Row: M. Hayr.os. Bill Wong. Wes Kuchoran. Arno Petersen. Raymond. Cundy. Bob Christie. Dwaine Ingorfiola. David Matthews. (Missing: Dine: Allan) BOB ADAMSON Our top salosman a radio won. And nottod our room a tidy sum: Ho loves to talk and have fun— But fc: neat notes he gives all a run. ELINOR ALLAN Our desk beck carrsor is quite a gal. She really is ovoryono's pal. MARILYN BERTIE A merry life she says she's led. But serious thoughts aro in her head. THEA BLAKE Thoa is dark, quiet and protty. But ho: remarks aro really witty. JEANNIE CASWELL Cur nows roporter is on tho beam. Her quiet manner by all is seen. BOB CHRISTIE A ticket salesman is our dear Bob. Little money we'd have without him on the job. RAY CUNDY Quiet (?) and shy :3 cur boy Ray. By using his wit he'll never stray. LINDA DAVIES When you're hungry and need some pep At the cafotoria. Linda's your hot. GAYLE DEMPSTER Tall, dark and pretty with long black hair. When Gayle’s needed she’s always (hero. JANE FINDLAY Jane Tmdlciy is our Juliet. She's at the top with tho marks she gets. SUE FRANKLIN Sue is quiot. but out of school She's an exception to tho rule. BRIAN GRANT Just till Thanksgiving did wo know Brian. In Calgary now for Nino ho's trying. CAROL LYNNE HAMILTON When Card’s around wo boys havo tears. Becauso she's planning fc: future years. CARLOOTA HARVEY In ail her subjects sho deer. well. But in hor typing sho oxcells. LEONARD HERRING Leonard is tall, quiot and steady. When wo need things deno ho's always ready. DWAINE INGARFIELD Lover cf sports is cur Dwaine. Like his brothor he'll bring fame. WES KUCHERAN "I'd like a steady,” is his cry. Hero comes a girl • just watch him try. DAVID MATTHEWS David Matthews in Art is best. High marks he gets In all his tests. PAT McLEAN Cheery and bright is our girl Pat. If sho sdd us tho cafotoria wo'd all be fat. BECKY PIERSON Becky keeps us going at quito a pace. With her talkative ways and friendly fcco. KEITH REDDING A witty boy with nimblo muscles and brain. This boy will make for himsolf a great nemo. KATHLEEN RENNIE Our actross Kathleen is potito and dark. An Acadomy she'll wm. as well as high marks. B03 REVENKO His glasses give him a studious air. But don't lot thorn foci you—it isn't there. ALICE ROZEMA With smiling glances Alice daros To capture many in hot snares. SALLY SCOTT Class Secrotary Sally with hor smilos, Capluros us all in her wilos. DIANE SHREEVE Diane. Class President, with hor sweet smile. 2s tops in studios and her big bass viol. BOB SKELTON Slight and blend with a wave in his hair. Skoly's our sportsman, beyond ccmparo. (Continued on Pago 31) Pago Sovontoon Front Row: Jim Kyllo, Roger Perry. Donna Marshaisay. Loretta Manser. Lorraino Hichort, Joyce Schaffor. Marleno Chow. Donna Brown. Lonko Tarianyi. Second Row: Red Kathrcns. John Boossonkool Olympia Spoulos. Cheryl Pilling. Darlono House. Sharon Devarnichuk. Audrey Fllckinqor. Third Row: Ed. Carpenter. Gerald Davies. Ricky Thomas. Ken Hunt. Diofor Sauorwein, Susan Lancaster. Margaret Draper. Darlyn Krausher. Back Row: Richard Pittrncn. Robert Rovak. Brian Thompson. Tony Szczoony. Phil Gold. Larry Rowe. Richard Davidson. Mr. Block. DONNA MARSHALSAY :s our girl. On the dance floor watch ho: whirl. JOYCE SCHAFFER is hor name. To our room she'll bring fame. LORRAINE HiEBERT is tiny and small. But you can be sure she's liked by all. GERALD is his first. DAVIES is his last. !n ou: class play he was part of the cast. JIM KYLLO is hir. r.arne. Our room prosidont ho became. V/o have a girl namod DONNA BROWN. Who never, never wears a frown ROWE it his last name, his first 15 LARRY. He makes our room bright and merry. MARGARET DRAPER, tali and thin. Has nevor commited a r.:n. NORMAN VERDEC and BONNIE HILL. When they were hero they gave us a thrill. DARLENE HOUSE is quite a gal. She really is ovorycno's pal. RICKY THOMAS who just walked in. Sin and wears a great big grin. Ou: reerr. roporter is CHERYL PILLING. When thero's work she's always willing. LORETTA MANSER is our room rep. She ir. always full cl spunk and pop MARLENE CHOW is very quiet. And yot sho always causos a riot. Although EDDIE CARPENTER'S talking nevor stops. Around the girls he's really tops. SUSAN LANCASTER is a slim blonde !ass. As a talking oxport sho heads tho class. DIETER SAUERWE1N is a paper boy. To him detentions are no ioy Hor name is OLYMPIA SPOULOS. In our room she is the "coolest". KEN HUNT is a bey to mention. He sponds a groat deal of his time in dotontlcn. ROGER PERRY comes to school each day. To help pass the rime away. AUDREY ELICKiNGER is gay. neat and dark. And sho also really sings. )ust like a lark. In math. BRIAN THOMPSON really know:-, how to figure. After each test his marks grow bigger and bigger. TONY SZCZESNY is a young boy. Who brings tho teachers lots cl ioy (l) Whenever JOHN BOESSENKOOL cracks his smiles. AH tho girls ccmo running fer miles and miles. DARLYN KRAUSHER is completely heart. On every job she'll do hor part. You novor 500 RICHARD DAVIDSON grumbling. His nature is good and so is his tumbling. RICHARD PITTMAN is a quiet lad. Although you will novor mako this boy sad. SHARON DEVARNICHUK is always reading a bock. And at Home Ec. sho is quito the cook. HOD KA7HRENS wears a grin. When ho's out of trouble he may be going in. PHiL GOLD, oh so clever. To wear a frown, ch novor. novor? LENKE TARJANYI 15 next :n turn. Dees sho como to school to work and loarn? ROBERT REVAK is really a nice guy. Even though ho may appear to bo kind of shy. Page Eightoon 4 Front Row: Tod Lundstad. David Snoddcn. Mary Hasagawa. loan Drlnkoll. Pat Oually. Marilyn Styno:. Jack Whimstor. Byron Kunsman. Second Row: Kon Cunningham. Marion Train. Sharon Danielson. Dorinda Emory. Brenda Pago. Sherry Billon. Sponcor Williams. Mento Kendall. Third Row: Miss Oberno. Jannio do Klerk Carolo Sorenson. Donna Wintenyk. Jaunico Davios. Peggy Gtacomazzl. Sharon Why to. Bill Elliott. Back Row: Arlcr.o Jones. Rena Payr.c. Alvin Tiotz. Jim Tennant. Lynn Duff. Garry Hagon. Edward Leo. Kon Rollag. Any iirno you hoar a nciso. You'll know it comos from the girls and beys Of Room 19. Somotimes wore really net so bad. We oven mako the teacher glad Instead of sad. Miss Oborno likes us 'specially well When wo are quiet alter the bell. As tho Loam on her face will toll. SHERRY BILTON Hero is a girl with a laughing 3milo. To talk to hor is worth your while. KEN CUNNNGHAM Ken is quiet and very shy. There's mischief, howover. in tho gloom c! h;3 oyc. SHARON DANIELSON A pally girl with dark brown hair. Excollon? at studios and riding hor mare. IAUNICE DAVIES Jaunico took par: in tho play. And in class she's always gay. JANNIE DE KLERK Jannio's qutot and sodate. And as a frlond sho highly rates. JOAN DR IN KELL From Scotland caxr.o Joan one day. She's dandy .and wo hope she'll slay. LYNN DUFF A lall slim boy is cur Lynn Duff. Who efton finds his homework tcugh. BILL ELLIOTT An orchestra man is cur Bill. His horn wilh music ho dees fill. DORINDA EMERY A girl who sings liko a canary. Ho: samo is Dorinda Emory. PEGGY GIACOMAZZI A happy go-lucky girl is sho. All day long she fills you with glee. GARRY HAGEN Garry is cur mastermind. His desk in one piece you'll never find. MARY HASEGAWA Mary is a quiot girL Hor hair 13 always neatly curled. ARLENE JONES Butch Jcnos is a lot cf fun. When there's work to do. she'll she its dono. MONTE KENDALL Mento Kondall and his noise Have quite a reputation with tho boys. BYRON KUNSMAN Byron Kunsman. a friend to ur. all. He's a right good sport though not very tall. EDWARD LEE A worker of noto. an artist cf iamo. ! think you'll agree. Ed is his name. TED LUNDSTAD He's not so big as the other guys. But take it from mo. ho sure is wsso. BRENDA PAGE Many Pages you will moot. Room I9'c hard to boat. RENA PAYNE A girl fair of faco and cf quoonly height. Sh<» works and plays with all her might. PATRICIA OUALLY Pat Quully and hor hoaus. Aro often soon at tho shows. KEN ROLLAG Although his pol is across tho cislos. Ho and his friends are heard for miles. DAVID SNEDDON David's tho boy. In typing class. Who's far bettor than any lass. CAROLE SORENSEN Carolo is good at sports. Especially on tho basketball court. MARILYN STYNER Marilyn Styno: ir. good at jivin'. Many a parly sho dcos liven. (Conttnuod cn Pago 25) Pago Nino toon Front Row: Michael Mcscovich. Robert French. Ken Wong. Susie Hunter. Doily Adochi. Morlono Borgh. Holly Lyons. Second Row: Stanley Tokoki. Rosalind Russell. Mario Holland. Jeanne Brocks. Christine Van Edon. Lynn Fculgor. Lome Gray. Third Row: Ashfaquc Khan. Linda Dwyer. Georgia Hoikerton. Cher; Wiest. Suzar.no Hoyt. Joanne Rao. Marsha Burnand. Carolo Delmark . Back Row: Solomon Altai. Dennis See" Kent Terry. Jcmos Horrid. Dalo Codd. Rcbor: Barron 9. A. Spring roan. (Missing: Carolyn J.lcLoan and Brian Walker) DOLLY ADACH! Dolly s the qutotosi girl in the room. She always looks happy and never fools gloom. SALAMON AJTA! Scroo teachers disagree with Sal. Still to us ho's a pal. MARLENE BERGH This is a girl who is real neat. In school subjects sho's hard to Leal. JOANNE BROCKS Jeanne Brooks is our cheerleader star. In work and sports she'll qo far. MARSHA BURNAND Marsha Burnand lets c! iun. Sho keeps tho r>oyr. cn the run. DALE CODD Dalo is tho big boy in our class. When it comer, to shop he's suro to pass. CAROLE DELMARK Carole Delmark is liked by all. Yup! She's really cn tho ball. LINDA DWYER Linda is cuto and pert. With the boys, she scorns to flirt LYNN FOULGER Lynn Fculgor is ever so polite. Besides this she's extremely bright. HOB FRENCH Bob in school is a reachor's pest. It seems ho novor lets them rest. LORNE GRAY Lorno Gray sounds very slick. When ho appears Sparklers Clique." GEORGIA HOLBERTCN Georgia Holborton is a sport. Especially on the basketball court. MARIE HOLLAND You r.oo Mario a: all tho gamos. Keeping the sores that win our team's tamo. SUZANNE HOYT Suzanno Hoyt is quiot and blonde. Of her the beys aro really fond SUSIE HUNTER Susio is always on tho path. When he is doing Mr. Dewar's math. ASHFAOUE KHAN Ashfaque's work is so fine. As his answers aro divine. HOLLY LYONS . Holly always locks hor best. From hor work sho novor rosts. CAROLYN McLEAK Carolyn is ono of teachers' joys. So is sho liked by all tho boys. MICHAEL MOSCOVCH Our room's lucky having a guy named Mike. A brain, geed lookor. he's vory well liked. JIM NORRIE Jim is tho poo* cf room 22. After him tho girls all pursue. JOANNE RAE Joanno Rao tops all tho whizzes. When it ccrnos to school work quizzes. ROBERT RANSON Very quiot Is our Bob. Teaching him Is a rod nice lob. ROZ RUSSELL Rcz is tho girl with that groat big car. Jn this world she's suro tc go far. DENNIS SCOTT Dennis the menace is good at shop. Also in scionco he's ono of the tops. STANLEY TAKAK1 Stanloy is a quiot boy. Few aro tho teachers he annoys. KENT TERRY Kent is a boy whom overyone likes. He's a friend to all, Jim's. Ken's, and Mike's. CHRISTINE VAN EDEN Christine Van Eden is quito the gal. She’s pretty high cn morato. BRIAN WALKER Brian Walker is nobody’s fool. He's tops m music, sports, and school. CHERl WIEST Chori Wiest is some girl, Sho koops tho boys in a whirl. KEN WONG Kon Wcng is lots of fun. Few aro tho tlmos his work isn’t acne. CHARLIE WYLD Charlie Wyld is protly good looking. Ho always seems to know what's cooking. MR. SPR1NGMAN Although Mr. Springman was now around hero. Ho soon had us all running in high gear; Learning tho subjects ho teachos so well. That’s probably tho reason we all think he's swell. Pago Twenty Front Row: Koidi Wtohlor. Jane: Clark. Gloria Kasza:. Darilyn Williams. Sharcn Til lot son. Annio Kassai. Ccnnio Mlchaelis. Second Row: John Vcndor-Huls?. Reger Chariot. Harvoy Lloyd. Grant Noidig. Brian Manson. Harvoy Davids. Ricky Ovorn, Kon Okamura. Third Row: Jeer. Grogson. Fay Barrows Janie© Salter g. Nina Hughes. Karon Groan, Doroon Wildo, Sharon Rotors. Etta Boyos. Back Row: Douglas Purkis. John Taal. Tod Piraux. Harlan House. Konr.oth Hutton. Gary S:m mons. Graham. Homes. Mies Cashcro. Missing: Mary-Lou Niven; Room 17 SWEET SEVENTEEN What happont behind the scenes in Room 17? Would you liko to know? Ringngng! (that's the 8:4S a.m. boll). The doc: is thrown open and a band of knowledge-craving students thrust ;hom- solves toward their lockers with groat cries of joy ringing from thoir lungs. First in are Darilyn Williams and Nina Hughes, our prizo Math studonts. In. at closo second, arc Janot Clark and Conr.io Michaolis. hardworking souls! Thon ccmo Harlan House. John Taal. and Roger Charlos to rush through their H. and P. D. assignment (thoy'ro Mr. Staufferts favorites, you know.) At 8:48 a.m. Grant Noidig, Ricky Ovorn and Brian Manson waltz m to liven up the party and givo tho place scrr.o noise. (And howl) About now. Doug Parkis may clownlr.qly vonturo through the doer, clcwnir.gr/ to tako his seat, and still clown- mgly copy someone's math. Entering next are Fay Borrows and Dcreon Wildo. good friends, talking excitedly abcut something. Tho hour of 9:C0 a.m. is drawing near. This is tho time when the hells rings and wo all step what wo'ro doing to allow for Bible reading. Miss Cashcro novor has to wait and tell us to close our books, ch novor. We're just born ar.gois I quess. At tho oxac? rr.omont of 8:S9 a.m. when tho socond hand is climbing to tho top of the deck, Lou Nivon. Gary Simmons and Harvoy Davids race in panting, and glancing at tho good old faithful clock. Lou. our room roperter. never makos it beforo three minutes before nine. Gary. Miss Cashcre's favorite, ar.d Harvoy. our desk bock carrtor. ccmo around 9:00 a.m. tcc. Uh oh! Now classes have started and Gloria Kacsas and Sharon Tillctson are striving to make things bright with thoir buzz of comical chattor. John Var.dorhulst and Holdi Whoile: work quit© hard all tho whilo trying to concentrate. Joan Grog- son .cm* cf tho striking people in our room, is usually a littlo hesitant at anything that looks like work. First gum chower down the hatch Karon Green. Our redhead must liko thoso admit slips. Janice Salberg and Etta Boyes are two you wouldn't know woio thoie: Reason? Sign language. Graham Homes* bright smile always lots somo teacher know he's talking again. Whilo Ted Piraux lookes around with a somowhat puzzled expression cn his face. Ken Okamura's and Annio Kassai's bright, but shy oyon observe a new day with Room 17. HAMILTON SCHOOL ORCHESTRA To all cf us. our association with the orchestra is tho high light cf our sojourn at Hamilton. To those cf us cur graduating year, it is with rogret that we close tho pages of our musical attachment with Mr. Harvoy. Each succeeding year interest in the orchestra increases and for months, luturo members have been practising thoir various instruments and will slip into tho places of us who aro leaving. To thoso our successors, host wishes and wo knew that you will be very happy with your musical pleasures ahoad. Our appreciation and thanks to Mr. Miller, our staunchost support©: ar.d most mterostod critic. To our tnimitablo Mr. Harvoy from thoso of us who are leaving, our ardont thank you for three momcrablo yoars of music and a wealth o! happy memories to chorish. LINDA MILLAR HAMILTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA Conductor • Clifford L. Harvoy Front Rcw: Bill Elliott. T< i I.unstad. Kon Bozeau. Noil Evorn- don. Kent Snow. Gus Mellos. Bcb Rovenko. Sherry Bilton. Spencer Williams. Second Row: Sally Scott. Pat Davison. Wayne Harvoy. Koith Redding. Donna Smith. Olympia Spoulos. Den Dowar. Nina Hughes. Tony Walker. Jim Moscovich. Back Row: Diar.o Shroovo. Lynne Dliscn. Kristine Asplund. Larry Johnson. Linda Millar. Den Higgins. Marion Train. Pago Twonty-one Front Row: Rcbort Dopnor. Richard Culler. Sharon Shippebetham. Kirstlo Gontlorr.an. Paul HazJott. Jim Johnson. Ken Bezoau. Second Row Sandra Russell. Joraldlno Jonnon. Maureen Pinkerton. Sharon Gray. Anno Ross. Dersy Asplund. Keith Nugent. Avis Huntor. Third Row: ?/r. Dewar. Patricia Golding. Francono Shuler. Harry Rimstad. Leslie Hunt. Denna Slovak, Earlo Minion. Larry Harvey. Back Row: Michael Proctor, Barry Tollostrup. Helon Heilman. Maureen Powloy, Victoria V/alkor. John V/alkor, Hans Pernor. Richard KondalL DORSV ASPLUND is his name. Ho almost drives the girls insane Thore is a boy named KEN BEZEAU. And in scienco bo's a pro RICHARD CULLER- name Lethbridge Station Ho ccmos to school, no: as a fool, but just for education? ? ROBERT DEPNER is quito lazy. Tho math ho claims is quite hazy KIRSTIE GENTLEMAN is her name. Ballot dancing will bring her iamo PATRICIA GOLDING to us she is A soda pop with lots ci fizz MISS SHARON GRAY, who has red hair. Makos all hoys say sho’s more than fair PAUL HAZLETT is a boy. to the teachors he's a joy. But when appears his smile, it always spends tho girls a mile. HELEN HEILMAN is hot name. To be Mr. Dewar's friend is hor aim. LES HUNT has a roputaticn For coming to school .just to fool, net icr education AVIS HUNTER'S pride and Joy. Is Richard Culler. What a boy! A port young miss :z GERALDINE JENSEN. Of whom wo think should rocoivo special monticn. About Jim Johnson I II toll you a story With his brains he'll win famo and glory. Thin cortain ''young'' boy is b.g and strong. With RICHARD KENDALL you can't go wrong. EARLE MINION takes tho rap. And consequently gets the strap. KEITH a sporty typo cl lad. Drives Miss Obcrno almost mad. BETH OLSON is tho "fireball'' o! Room Twelvo. If you just get to know her. she's really quito swell. MICHAEL PROCTOR at school each day. rays tho work is phony. If this koops up you can be sure, he'll soon bo soiling macaroni. MAUREEN PINKERTON, called just "Pinky." In a tight dross locks quito slinky. This girl always drosses r.cat. hor languago is always swoot. MAUREEN POWLEY is quite discreet. In Students' Union he's gained his fame. HARRY RIMSTAD is his name. ANNE ROSS is vory smart. In most things shell take part. SANDRA RUSSELL is hor name. In our room she is quito tame. If wo had to pick a queen. It would suroly ho Francono. SHARON SHIPPOBOTHAM has dark hair. When boys walk by lust watch her 3taro. DONNA SLOVACK is quito smart. With thir she has won Mr. Dewar's heart. Over a poster Barry went insane. He thought ho would bring himsolf lots of famo. VICKY WALKER may be tall. But sho's always on the ball. A good frior.d is HANS. In the rccm he has many fans. A now kind in Johnny Walker. He is Rcom Twolvo's greatest talker. The mystery obcut MR. DEWAR doar. Js how he put up with us oil through tho year. Page Twenty-two Editors Humor Editor ' tffihi Wect 0eCtv; Mo Ivors on Jntnjdi/ciTiq Draq. viectic Cl Korcn Prcstwic Editor J »*w Moscovicn Dear Mbs Hoirilto* (a/*/ wo So n ta y///' v1 Ncwb Editor WnitM t Oouns Art^t -Sand ro Grey t' Poet r»J Editor Sharon U*nt>Cr■n TI .UQ ' *~l S Mft-. II t • ** — fr\k y ► 1 1 - ! i: K9B«i HL --- * o-7f ^ tTLm Room 5 Front Row: Bovorly Anker. Lorraine Fullor. Lauroi Weslcott, Honriotta do Jcgor. Dalo Simmons. Stanley Rogers. Kcthloon Matsunaga. Socor.d Row: Garry Nioml, Gail Yoshlnaka. Jackie Aufcort. Elizabeth Vandorrnclon. Donald Dowar. Ario do Klork. Locna Dantcrth. Lynr.o Brandlo. Third Row: Trovor Williams. Bob Miedoraa. David Fairfield. Dick Miodoma. Michcol Thompson. Charles Strong. Gono Van Dyck. Craig Stophon. Back Row: lorry Bockor. Mary Schippor. Nellie Wovors. Yvonne McNeoly, Sharon Cra.g. Bob Vipcnd. V/ayno Gray. Potor Visser. Mr. Paskuski. ROOM 5 NAME NICKNAME AMBITION OUTCOME BEVERLY AITKEN Egg Hoad Glass maker Pago girl JACKIE AUBER7 Butch Bird watcher Selling candy JERRY BECKER Square Got married Dog catcher LYNNE BRANW.E Read Runner Lumberjack Lady wrostlc: MICHAEL CLARK Slim Road maker Ditch diggor SHARON CRAIG Scrowball To bo skinny Rink rat keeper LEONA DANEORTH Screw Trapozo artist Screw maker HENRIETTA DE JAGER Hairy To work in a nut factory Lady far.itcr ARIE DE KLERK Shrimp Barbara Henpecked husband DONALD DEWAR Specs Sea diver DAVID FAIRFIELD PcooV/oo Tonr.is playor Ballot dan cor LORRAINE FULLER Dazzlor Hcrso tremor Feed bag carnor WAYNE GRAY Ma go To mix with girls Hermit KATHLEEN MA7SUNAGA Mago Mathematician Housewife YVONNE McNEELY Drip Hair, ir.akor Dentist BOB MIEDEMA Nuts Baseball playor V/atorboy DICK MIEDEMA Cracked Farrr.or Cement mixer GARRY NIEMI Bean Blossom Owning hotel Bellboy STANLEY ROGERS Sar Driving cars Making gingerbread DALE SIMMONS Dusty Housewife Young maid GRAIG STEPHENS Fifce To bo husband Mad man CHARLES STRONG Fever Doctor Nurso MICHAEL THOMPSON Brain Mcuntio Garage rnan ELIZABETH VANDERMOLEN Ducky Duck farm Duck fir.de; PETER VISSER Novor Knows Camorarnan Doctor LAUREL WESTCOTT Tern Boy Dressmaker Servant NELLIE WEVERS Nellio Bell Bill maker Mountain Climber TREVOR WILLIAMS Gccly Zoologist Shoemaker GAIL YOSHINAKA Water girl Famous writer Zoo keeper BOB VIPOND V/aldo Scientist janitor MARY SHIPPER Spong Cock Dishwasher GENE VAN DYCK Kitch Good boy Crock MR. PASKUSKI Swoethcart To bo a good teacher Blackboard cleaner Room 29 Pcge Twenty four ROOM 29 NAME AMBITION OUTCOME Jane Bonnott Teacher Slavo dxivor Bob Bonnott Doctor Mental caso Bob Blais Undertaker Truck driver Ron Charioswocth Girl chaser Fcroign Legion Judy Cotteril! Stewardess Got's air sick Bruce Davies Street Clear.©: (Likewise) Pat Davison Sir.gor Cause:*, all to wear oarmul Dianno Deak Lab technician Cleans up lab Darolyn Dudley Housowifo Old maid Richard Ehlert Enginoer Plays with toy trains Brian Higgins Dude cowboy Horso doctor Janot Holland Stewardess Solis tickotr Jamco Kimbor Nurso Housowifo. 6 kids Michael K:ng Brcwn Scientist Hard working father Karen Larko Housowifo Woitross John Last Forest Rangor Fireman Harry Lehman Policeman Ex-convict from Alcatraz Juri Lilllnet Football player Water boy Grant Macintosh Scientist Garbage collector Beverly Moody Typist Cloans typewriters Rosalind Musscn Nurso You poor patients Mary Orosz Housowifo $ kids Kenny Rctho Pilot Washos pianos Leona Salomon Housewife Babyslttor loan Scott Teacher Another throat to children Dc-r.na Smith Teacher Janitor at school Heidi Van Lceuwch Hairdrosser Harbor's wife Adrian V/right Eloctrlcion Stage hand Gary Hammond Army man Potato peeler Robert Do Marsh Go to moon Gots lost up thore Marlon Gushowaty Stock car racor Grease rnonkoy Mr. Card Teacher Profossor Kitch Wilson Baseball playorBat boy ROOM 19 (Continued from Pago 19) IIM TENNANT Jim Tennant will go Jar. havo no fear. When it ccir.os to his chosen career. ALVIN TIETZ Alvin Tiotz is a star. When st ccmos to driving a car. MARION TRAIN Our pianist ci ncto. Marion Tram. Before tee long, will gam great fame. JACK V/HIMSTER Jack Whimstcr is an industrious lad. When the ten minute period's over, he's glad. SHARON WHYTE Sharon Whyte, tali and bright. Gets most cf her work right SPENCER WILLIAMS Spence; Williams, fair and squaro. Has good marks overywhoro. DONNA WINTONYK Our chattering girl. Donna Wincnyk. Provides us all with a happiness tome. ROOM 29 From Row: Brian Higgins. Donna Smith. Leona Salomon. Janie© Kimbor. Jcno Bennott. Adrian Wright. Jur; Llllihot. Second Row: Grant Macintosh. Bob Blais. John Last, Bob Bon­net!. Mary Orosz. Heidi Van Leouwen. Jean Scott. Michaoi King-Brown. Third Row: Patrick Vavison. Janot Holland. Rosalind Musscn. Konny Rctho. Dianno Deak. Bovorly Moody. Judy Cottrill. Back Row: Marion Gushowaty, Harry Lohrnan. Robert Do Marsh. Gary Hammond. Richard, Kitchonor Wilson. Ron Charles- worth. Mr. Card. ROOM 21 (Continued from Pago 14) DIANE FRANKLIN Says sho doosn’t bollovo tho old story of soiling :ci: a tors to Eskimos, but is convinced she can make a future in tho Fa: North as a fur salesman. "With all that ico and snow, won't they need fur coats?" JUDY KIRK Dosiros to o© tho first woman on tho planet Venus, if it is true it will bo inhabited chlofly by rnan. Believes in tak­ing what you can when you can. NEIL EVERNDEN Future in tho money racket is assurod. His plans are dofin- its — to be a do signor of crinolinos - any size, shape c: colour. His consultant, of courso. Aileon Mooch. RON PAULENCE Entered the world pugnaciously one dark and stormy night. He was raised with great dohcacy. Phonos someone every day whose name appears to bo “doa:". LORNA PARK Scmo boys aro born groat, seme achiovo greatness, othors aro just a nuisance. Would lovo to live whore tho tredo winds blow in tho South Pafific. MARVIN 3 MESON Fondly known as "Buttercup." Genius at knots and cresses, and can play comh3. tiddloy winks. c: London Bridgo is Failing Down. Positions hold—chook to chook mostly. LINDA MILLAR Favorite pastimo is riding side saddle and shooting from tho hip. Hopes, someday, to draw gophers and bunny- rabbits in the Walt Disney studio. BILL McCANN Breathed his first bit cf ccal dust in Aldershot. England, tho city of fog. Today Bill is one of those strong silent men whom all girls go ga-ga about. JO ANN WILLIAMS Has been practising tho Charleston in socrot. Thinks there is a groat future as a teacher of that dance. "The sacks and bags are back, next ccmos the Charleston." says Jo Ann. ELEANOR URCH Blow mto town on tho wings cf the west wind. Ambition: To make a holo in cno. two. threo. lour or sumthin'. TOM Yl? First saw the light cf day as the sun pooped over tho mountain in Vancouver. For hobbies, Tom chose singing high soprano and playing pattl-cako. His yon is to make Hko Rcmoo in Romeo and Jul'.ot. BETTY HORU Has ofton wondered if sho could grab at opportunity if it came knocking at her door. Motto: "One for all. all for me!" GORDON BROOKWELL Nickname: "Cuddles." Sputterod his way into oxistonco fifteen years ago last April. Can bako a mean chocolate cake. Favorito haunt — Mom's kitchen. Shades of sul­phuric acid, don't toll tho gang! TELL BALLMER Yippee! ! Bern on a ranch in southorn Albortc. Claims to bo c self mad© man — no ono taught him anything no­how. Hobbies aro too numerous to mention both blonde and brunetto. Page Twenty five Front Row: Pat Morriman, Jeanne Waters. Pat McCrec. Maureen McLean, Janice Gacz Ricky Sclvoy. Michael Rout. Morrison Humby. Second Row: Allan Dcmoior. Wayne Harvey. David Nattress. Robert Gunn. Marilyn Tolloy. Andrea Armit. Dcr.r.a Cameron. Bony Moltor. Gladys Elaschuk. Third Row: Miss Younlo, Sandra Snow. Jean Burnett, Adeline Lasichuk. Frances Cherniak. Sandra Kandol. Allan Hopp. Wayno Lecng, Den Moore. Back Row: Murray Shapiro. Potor Fung. John Black. Ken Fisher. Martin Jorgonson. Ivor Carle ton. Afag Khan. Briar. Gross. Murray Craig. Room ROOM 14 ROOM 30 This year cur student government was carried on woil with Brian Gross as president, assisted by Andrea Arimt as vice president, and Murray Shapiro as secrotary treasurer. David Names* was our faithful dosk book earner while Allan Hopp ar.d Sandra Snow wo to Student Council representatives and Botty Mellon paper roportor. ANDREA ARMIT Andrea Armit with eyes o! brown. Sho turns tho boys upsldo down. JOHN BLACK Wo know a folow whoso namo is John. Cf whom wo all aro very fond. JOAN BURNETT Here's a gal that's helpful and handy. When it comos to a friend, she’s lust dandy. DONNA CAMERON Donna Is a good Scotch lassie. She always fits very one'* fancy. IVOR CARLETON iver is always drawing cute angle*. But for Mrs. Cce it’s al