Institutiones rei herbariae, Volume 2

Volume 2 of the third Latin edition. First published in 1700, Tournefort's principal work was the 1694 Eléments de botanique, ou Méthode pour reconnaître les Plantes (the Latin translation of it Institutiones rei herbariae was published twice in 1700 and 1719). The principal artist was Claude A...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, 1656-1708
Format: Text
Published: 1719
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Summary:Volume 2 of the third Latin edition. First published in 1700, Tournefort's principal work was the 1694 Eléments de botanique, ou Méthode pour reconnaître les Plantes (the Latin translation of it Institutiones rei herbariae was published twice in 1700 and 1719). The principal artist was Claude Aubriet, who later became the principal artist at the Jardin des Plantes. The classification followed was completely artificial, and neglected some important divisions established by earlier botanists, such as John Ray's separation of the phanerogams from the cryptogams, and his division of the flowering plants into monocots and dicots. Overall it was a step backwards in systematics, yet the text was so clearly written and well structured, and contained so much valuable information on individual species, that it became popular amongst botanists, and nearly all classifications published for the next fifty years were based upon it. Tournefort's definition of botany strayed little from that of ancient botanists. In the preface to his history of botany, Tournefort divides botany into two parts: the knowledge of plants, and the knowledge of the uses of them. — SeitenSe enteat ee UNIVERSITY OF UTAH L I BRARY Sn eee ea Boox & Eten Se Seaaoe De vsu Puiu e Tab.2. , < floscut Lb S$ gina, Capillamentum Somiflosculus, J(AC e : ys De VIU Filosculorum } Calycas warta Jcones. yf no A My K Flos p talod =dis A Flos Avene. Tab. 8. Flos sump lea . Flos. Hy oscy am. Flos Sabviz. Flos Cerasc. Flos Statices,in Flos Statices iv ce wpitudum collectus . capitulo Separatus. =i ay ¥ Statices, 7 of) Petatum-, Flores Vtatices . Floris Statices, Flos comp osttius é Flos Cy ant . Flos Crant curr Wes C.aly ce. 3 x, \ cum C alyce. Vv Flos cates Floris Dorontcé . Tab.9: Flores SUM lice. 5, monop etall. Flos Flos Fize Je t umean : A | i \S. B ‘aN Campane- a mi ' feb infunde « 5 buliformas ‘ Campanifornus e globosus. SQ " Flos 5 SJ rmis tubulatis. y Flos “4 c Up Ufornus poelens 3 Flos Hypocra Ff & PY CTITUS « ——$<————— OK Es \ 5 Sumpuces, Poly etal . Tab.2.4 Thalamus Floscutorum wie ai - 4 S Semunts . Flos Sem iflos culosus. ea ¢ ‘alyac ee . Flos radvatius. + t Corona’. | losculus Disce. *\ NY Embrya ¥ Semenis. « “ap tla mentum. Thalamus Semiflosculorum. Mandragora i Mandraqore e Tab. a Tah.14. Lilium Convallium. Mucguet Poly eonatum. Seau de Satomon ee Ruscus L Howe-/ek IL. Menyanthes \ 3 > ral Oa ~ is ev = EF S oldanella. Bre] 01 |) Soldanele. G H Convolvulus. ds US 21’OTe. * . Apocin A he cyn un : : re = So OE ATR I c. nym ee SZ op ene ities A ON eek eer AEi cS id Te : 3 a = — se” a 7 1m . Apocin ‘ ry Asclepias j Domtevenin. > eileen el at aoe iB 4 eater deae Malva. Mauve 3 f Malacoides. on as > ig a. Zz < ia oS en Abutillon. } oe =a aneee eis Bryonia Coleuvree. io Sicyoides . BW —— alas et e Momordica. Pomme de Mervetlle . (Ns rer { Si ‘ | Pe ~ Momordica. 2 O/111271¢ * Ei le Meri retlle z Pe | tOaia Cucumis. ( ¢ sneomby z ee eeee C ucumi s.Concombre SE = SSS S = SSS = SSS FEES S SS Melop epo. A Neuria QO Cucurbita - Calebasse . SPEeeS Rapunculus Raiponce . Po Rubia.Garence . | Aparince. Graterom Gallium. Catllelait. - Qu amoclit . Cruciata. Gentiana. Gentine . SSE, W777 | 2 ww e N otra. Meeotrane _ Hvyvoscy: ?u LIEtES. Hasqaraine a Stramonium . L o A xx Ae aw che i ca 2 aLepreve en Peerrvvin . a o Y” Y e a & j si iZ eoj Auricula Urfi. 3, - 3 = wa = ae se Ne I . > TTT ty Oreille LZ Ours. oe : Androlace Primula Veris. Centaurium nintis . petite y / Centaurce . Coronopus. Corne de Corf> or r TAT tren et CEL Rubeola 2 whee C 3 2 a : LETT TTT} e Pe = = auren ' * a AES SN Rapuntium 100199 sn B Data) Mache rey js ee Bigieee ele OWN TACILE Ks w = Yy S Buolofluun. ©¢ )\> —Y YW oO \\ VE é Borraeo . Asperueo > SS 5 I : uimonaria 3 7 . ae ULINONAIT EC. J “ = J ze . Lithospermuim _ Cremi. Symphytum, Corisoude : pe ae = Tab. 37,| Heliotropium . erbé aux Verries. t \ | . Dee A at We 4 | pill a a Ky } = > BD) . Cc vnoolollium i Naeaae de Chien . e hy 4 re Y FF nm 4350W mT © ec A Omphalodes auren ** Tae 435 i ey oO Plumba cS Anaeallis . Le Aouron — Veronica. La Veronique . Te ae * \ \ 4 mi— - p—2B we hi X \ D Ve Se < me G Chrysosplenium Ox GE Polemonimim Verbascum r kee ? / POLMMLE 2 Jf / Le Tt / * Sol anuin. ~Moreles icon Lycopert et e es Yee) M ‘ PVF a NS \ == 4 Ss = = Meloneena Caplicum . ii i SS) ilf ee 7. b.66.] Nym phoid / c's a Tak Oe Cyclamen . Pam de Pourccau . of Pimpinella B Ww _ . Tab. O”9g. Arum. Le Pred de Vea IN i eae Dts ae 7. Tab.7o. i Dracuncuius. Serpentare’ (ME Ty es eT)1 i } } ESPOLO Cita B ion a Oo nl a Dieitalis . o La Digitale < . } f Scrophiularia fe crofilatre « Le Pinourcula ttina:| Mh ih tia : Grassete SEee [hmaarcia Linatre Afarina’. Wy)} y wer) le ‘mt rn Adhatoda t Iren ET: Acanthus . e tcante ‘ Acanthus i edcante . i By bubhiae lee penenae oe NSS by ekhlomi Hormimum. BX Ornun. Fy p i Brunel a. Brunette % if he C wy N\ Y y xX Laniuum . Moldavica ? mite auren 4 LOL TT: os ot i as wane a a > cael Galeopsis a ge Tb. 87. | Cardiaca. Agripaume. 1 fla Leonurus. Queve de Lion. pe CTTTT| ee chiara hi) Molucca . Tab. §9- Mentha. Mente Sac WD War Marrubtastrum “> wy WwW Gs LVCopus e Sideritis : Crapaudine: Marrubium Meitfl a .* Marrube ’ : Meltsse ~ . Seee oe ee et tie genet ae as SPE es oe - Calamintha. Calamrent . R . = 5 2 : Rosmarinus. Romar. Thymus . Thin a Cn ccn On: ALUN © 2 Onigan . J - =e > ee ieTF BE VBb ects) bs OLE att al ‘ous Catarta. Herbe auce Chats. = SEA Abe GAL, en eEROO IP ONT: atete ot es aiygeke pe2S ee”Sa psoo . a a PP 7 4 = Poanges as _ ee Betonica . Betorne . ST eabbaci si UCT | Ocimum , Basilic . Y és 2 / z 7 1 nedrvys. Germandree i| \ 4 , 4 } | : ae tab 97 - leucrum arene) (09198eee te f. te BBD =) y OT! aay |a i. a 7 fonthlaspy . vee CUETOEL |} laure cURL | p F Myagrum . Vs 4” Isat. Pastel Crambe eneSee +o + 550526 ee Le ae eee ates fa WY “TH By ay Y y F G ,H QY © S. ae A ys eect -= Sn ea Co chil Ca ria z Hes be alte Cuilters. J Thiaspidium Nasturtium. . Le Cresson . B i y c® IT iA hea r\\Wo i } Erucago. ~ ae S22, h nee < SL A atbe -s Bursa Pastoris . Alyilo Te. (ye \W M f yD | if wit ¢ ii, Brafsica. Chon. Leucoium.Gox ay e : TTT) fy aure O f AA a] - lees * Icon 06a| oe EN ha 1Wo Ti), pity 4 at |Vi, es | \ araqamime. Tr hl Letras a OF oF cr My im Lrium : D« hitaria rat!G0 A i Lane wk ny | . Dentaure F, ruca., Roquete. : . 4 I CELT) Lethe i di > i. Erviim um . Simapi. la Mot ade. TTT T TT] L: i i ’ } :) UMMA PL ' # Sal Rapa : i - : : ' \,; LEAT La Rave. aphanus. Raifor Pa ete 4. trun. ~ e| {AMAA : co meenr: KUN) - eaTay = wieTTT ETBVem tay NANAAAGN BAKA elidonium., E chatkee Smapistrum : Epimedium 3 “ = SS ee ee aPASEO. I i (hea bi ij mieie eet Sinks ferba Parts . A maranthus i ra @kK ee cil RE My : os : /, e UiMdaraniNe te Tanneseaeaneaelinaent oe ee tea Papaver. LLL bbc WAAL jd) RACAL Pavot- Argemone 7 po od Anaap do opphy)lion. ee Mis r 7 Eee) t AIRINe G Tab; 122. a ere a} , Lab . 123. 1 Granadilla. Fleur de la fa Passion Passi Pe em MM ee ae a 7 Pp : Tab Granadilla. Fleur dela Passion . ae 124 WLIMMda bj Tie) i 1t aia r - . Nl H \ i ilMH i S | = = | . | | : : se — | 7 } A : Ne fe SA ey) ‘ an : \ / I | i QQ \\\ Hy fy l \\ \\ \Yy, N ly Mf j ae | e— Murucuta. SS 7 ee -3 AX is (i > Wu « fi) M Lt ee \ HySK eee Myosotts . 2 = L E us f Telephium Helianthemum. Androsexmum D Qo) GY ay) | ‘ F Geum : Saxtitira a .La Saxifrage Salicaria Hypericum . Les Millepertues Asc yrum . Damasonium Oe ae tinge Be us Vek ns . = 2 ees A ue 3 Harmala. : ~ a wits StS pes a ~ ge pe~* ee Pi RES Ss = ahi Fabaoo. Corchorus. ————— A a 1 Nyvinpit2ea . Nenttfar-. ‘ oat ee Lab i435, Nyniphi Nyniphzea. enufar Nenufar. Cc apparis., le Caprier’. I) Sedum. Toubarbe , 2 s : =f csi. Barba C apree BarbIe Ee ee. Sc ee ee —— a a Vimnaria. of. (A LEVT OE) . | a ee oA wehbets nigSat eR A oo on ei s luncagco . C reranium. Bee de Grice Thalictrum . Butomus , wy eT Veratrum. OOF q YE ta yy ta Oo. Ie: op ul c te Oo Pe onia. Pivome ———S SaaS LSS } -——— eS Anemone : e dnemone> : 7) LfLegerBak© , ab. t48§.| 1 i «peels - Cogquelourde Ranunculus. 72 Lt enoncute Filipendula Clematitis 4 as & arioph yllata 72 Dee - Tak Q uinquefolium. Tormenitilla. —, e Quintefeulle. Tormeniille. Tab 2153 3. Christo phors alia. Phytolacca. Asp ava ous oO e lsperges / « a 1 — =< s aa5 Ae i e Tr, se = a iat eae Wille (ZZ — = a = en — . aN A ae 3 Cumunoides . Ao rimonia . « tigremotne Chamzenerion fi‘leurs et « graunes en pai asot ee a acd a eee = es Rng ee Se i ae - Ss eS ee os i = , s co = Le. ei ee ae 7 aye a Cigue € a a b= ste gs, grt we = La terre-noix 13a Bulbocastanum 4. song ees c Phellandrium Daucus. . a ee ee a Se Pe os ae = ae a Sisarum. Chervt : Tracoselinun. Buplevrum. Foentculum . Henoull . SS ee Se Ee a en Oenanthe. Astrantia 1verophyllum - Le Cc Myrrhis . erfeut L A noelica £ © lAngeligue « Tab . v¢ Smvrnium . Maceron . B (a Go €. Cc & ec ete e a 2 : “) fee Coriandrum .Cortanare . A CN f F Ay Ww Imp eratoria. Imperatowe a | | | | | C rithmtim . SEK ] Anet. Anethun. Peucedanum . Pastinaca : | ees Thapsia Cicutaria La Qcutare . Liousticum Sue LLaserpitium Sanicula. la Sanicle oe. . 4 A Panicaut 1( ) H ydroco tyl e By ee es nee ee slic ee lan aeeee ee luvohnrs - Cucubalus . a ee ee leita Cs tee aaa eee Lelin : Linum Limonium Asphodcelus = Lihasphodelus Lis-Asfodele . c Tab 176 efit We Ww FIT } J acute Acinftiws Hy re ry = eae " . 5 9 = oo Saa a a ee ee ee Tab. 2he. Colchicum te Colchique inate r eT aeee Colchicum . Le Colchique: iA Crocus 3 Le ayafran c . ails: tO a or a é Eo fsa a, 5 lllee ed ea Se ne J _ es ee oe en ae F gtmalgg ty = Narcissus. Le Narcisse . Le Leis Flambe Ivts. FHlambe —— ee rteeIRE Ss as =e a ee ee ee ———__——__-— Gladiolus. a aiaDra > bite a Re a Feare ne ae ee Cannacorus. Pha lane1um s <—aes eee : SAee ek eae ae ae Seene * =a oer = Sees eneneetinienneneneeeesseeeneneneeeeiireenenenmnnentnnneneenitimsnreneecaneeee tnee ee a Sener ineinellineneeniaeenneeetemeentieeenenRERERRTGREEREnEIE eeeae Scere cei a ee Lilio Hyacinthus. Le Jacmtey | ourorle | Corona Imperialis . C | L npertate a Corona Imperialis . ( ‘ouronsmne Impertale Fritidlaria.- vertsepar eapempes csge a a Seanne a . ee Tt oe ere et ~ S ac me ae ans Dens ‘C ahs . Pate m (Oe oe ele ae Ls sac em ee Porrum./? ure au Cepa: Ognon ° Tab. ws-Narcisse 20 5 Tab .208 Nar issoleucoium ) LL eC Percenege e Bermudiana . | l {r if Pl ~ un Y Wy Onobrychis Dorycnium .- — ————————— | /upinus. Lupin 3 ~eKe ) Ochrus Ervum. . ab 223 | 4 Aphac a. ane eeen eee f ~ i = sa aw <_ e \stracaloides ~ PRP pees em teenpeeTee 2 Snae agen ree Rosi Hedysarum . y / ~ YON! 1 01% ee 2 7 Trif oO lium : Tref Te e e SM MNCCH uM” e Aas — — fenumoer “Cum. © & MMGL EC . Medica . Te USeVvite - Medicago . © Q eee ———————_ vita yas ren r agacantha . Barbe Renard. Pelecinus. Tab .294. ie Babeaniins. Dalrasnese a veh Fumaria a Fumeterre Reseda - Gaude» . Luteola wr: Bs epee: ae AAS a Eran ae e e wT Aconitum : Acont . Tab - 239. ene Aconitum . Aconit-. he } { phiniu ul. Pre dAlouete lab v0) NS es aide SSS WES Gs WG Cardamindum Capucine Tab . “44, — = wrS — Melianthus . Ey big “i 1lmi Hj”I i | J GY { ' Hy Mh, Hh fii yj vi eee) 10S Orchis . ad MOCEH ————— Telleborine. Elleborine H Calceolus. Sabot. aT W she ((_ e {| S prt ete ea, i) Limodorum Ophir Ss. Doublefenitte 4, f Tab. 25.0.5] ai e stae Flos Floseulosus: (hs es A Dease “dl i Wh, il lll AN) \ NGA\ . we aC NSILS i BAerane eeees + At nbrof Ka. Ambrosie Tab . 2 25 2.