Collectanea, volume 12, part 3

A volume of a periodical of the Grand College of Rites of the United States of America published in 1986, with volume title, "The Royal Ark Mariner Degree, part III, Maine," with transactions of the Masonic lodges at Oxford, Readfield, and Freeport, Maine. THE ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE PART...

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Main Author: Peacher, William G.; Freemasons. Grand College of Rites (U.S.)
Format: Text
Published: 1986
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Summary:A volume of a periodical of the Grand College of Rites of the United States of America published in 1986, with volume title, "The Royal Ark Mariner Degree, part III, Maine," with transactions of the Masonic lodges at Oxford, Readfield, and Freeport, Maine. THE ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE PART III-MAINE OXFORD LODGE, No. 1, Norway, Maine KENNEBEC LODGE, No. 2, Readfield, Maine FREEPORT LODGE, No. 3, Freeport, Maine by WILLIAM G. PEACHER, M.D. VOLUME 12 PART 3 Published by the Grand College of Rites of the United States of America THE ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE ROYAL ARK MASONRY PARTIll MAINE A. Oxford Lodge No. 1, A.M., Norway, Maine B. Kennebec Lodge No. 2, A.M., Readfield, Maine C. Freeport Lodge No. 3, A.M., Freeport, Maine THE COLLECTANEA INTRODUCTION been planned This is the third part in a series of four that have parts pul two The . degree er Marin Ark on the history of the Royal lished previously were Part I: History: The Royal Ark Mariner Degree Scotland, Ireland and Canada Part II: The Diluvian Order Degre« The Sovereign College of Allied and Christian Henry Van Arsdale Parsell Half Moon Lodge, No. 1, R.A.M I want to take this opportunity to thank all the brethren | their Oxford Lodge No. 1, A.M. of Norway, Maine and particularly secretary, Edwin E. Cummings, for all their cooperation, not only in personal reminiscences, but for allowing me to review all their ar chives, including their minutes, which were photocopied subsequent) and sent to mefor a final and moredetailed review. Due to the time (active practice of medicine) and distance (CA versus ME), this help in bringing the minute books and memorabilia to be studied during the A.M.D. meeting in Washington, D.C. in February andlater for warding the photocopies to my home for added research, obviated an otherwise rather lengthy sojourn in Maine to complete my quest. W« yuld ROYAL the history of the Lodge and have grown much in my knowledge of the Royal Ark Mariner degree therefrom. I hope that I have imparted a sufficient amountofinformationto be of some interest to those who might read this publication. MARINER DEGREE OXFORD LODGE, NO. 1 NORWAY, MAINE The correspondencerelating to the organization of Oxford Lodge No. 1, A.M. hassurvived andis currently in the Archives of the Grand Secretary of the Grand Council ofthe Allied Masonic Degrees of the U.S.A. It was reprinted in Miscellanea II, 10: 156-160, April 1938 excepting the dispensation and Charter. A copyof the dispensation is in the first Lodge minute book. The original Charter and some copies of the letters are in the historical memorabilia of the lodge. These significant data will be outlined, then reprintedin full. Carmichael appointment of Drummond: I.G. at large: 5/6/1896 Carmichael to Drummond: 5/6/1898 Drummondto the Sovereign College: 1/14/1897 Drummond to Kimball: 7/4/1896 Kimball to Drummond: 7/24/1896, 8/1/1896 Petition: undated Dispensation: Carmichael: 12/15/1896 Charter: Carmichael: 12/12/1896 Drummond to Kimball: 12/10/1896 Kimball to Drummond: 12/12/1896 Drummond to Carmichael: 1/13/1897 every Masonichistorian have such valuable, total andselfless coopera tion. And of course, may I add, I thoroughly enjoyed my path through ARK Richmond, Va., May 6th 1896. office of The Grand Master LETTERS TEMPORARY WEHartley Carmichael, Sovereign Grand Master of the S. College of Allied Degrees for the United States of America, do hereby Respectfully submitted, empowerour beloved Brother, Josiah Drummond, as our Intendant Generalat large, to receive petitions confer degrees, and constitute William G. Peacher, M.D., P.G.C.,G.A K.G.C., P.S.G.M. Chairman ofthe Publications Committee tions recognized by us; and weespecilly empowerhim as Intendant lodges, in full confidence in his loyalty and wisdom, in all jurisdic- 202 COLLECTANEA THE representativein the Generalofthe State of Maine, and let him be our the state of Maine in us tedto state, havingall the powers that are intrus Given under the Grand Seal. S. G. Master. Hartley Carmichael. G. Recorder General C. A. Nesbit ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE I appointed him my proxy to confer the degree upon other brethren in Norway, Maineand to take measures to form a lodgeofthat decree at that place, a full account of which accompanies this report. Fraternally submitted, Josiah H. Drummond. SEAL i May 6th 1896 Dear Brother Drummond, A letter fromthe Brother Kimball of Norway Mainehas troubled me. The Brother has been forall long time anxious to have a lodge ith of Ark Mariners in Maine, and we have had some correspondencew him. He writes, dated May 2nd, that the Grand Lodge meet next week,-hedoesnotgive the day, and asks meto send all the necessary matter along with the information of the Lodge of Ark Mariners. I have sent you the secrata, and some time agothe ritual. | am sending you this with full authority as our ‘‘Intendant General at Large,"' to receive petitions and communicate degrees. I would be glad if you wouldstart those brethren in Norway, and you may assure them that if the Ark degree grows, as it ought to grow, everyprovision has been madefor an American and democratic governmentofthe body. I sent you the forms of petition which the brethren ought to make to you. Ever Yours Fraternally, S.G.M. SOVEREIGN COLLEGE OF ALLIED DEGREES FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. To Brother Alfred S. Kimball. WhereasI have been appointed Intendent General at Large to confer degrees, by the Sovereign College of Allied Degrees for the United States of America, and for other purposes, especially in the State of Maine, I do hereby appoint you, my proxy, to confer the degree of Ark Mariner, otherwise called the degree of the Ark and Dove, upon such Brethren in the town of Norway, Maine, and vicinity, as you shall approve, and make duereturn thereof to me, with the original petition signed by the Brethren upon whom youshall confersaid degree. Dated this twenty fourth day of July, A. D. 1896 Josiah H. Drummond, Indendent General. MASONIC HALL Portland, Me., Jan. 14, 1897 NORWAY, MAINE. To the Sovereign College of Allied Degrees For the United States of America. Illustrious Brethren: - To Josiah H. Drummond, Intendent General, Sovereign College of By virtue of my appointmentas Intendant General for the State of Maine andas Special Deputy of the Grand Master, I have to report Allied Degrees for the United States of America. In pursuanceof the authority conferred upon me by the commission to which this report is annexed, I have conferred the degree of Ark that on the 24th day of July A. D. 1896 I duly conferred upon Brother .Mariner, otherwise called the degree of the Ark and Dove, upon Alfred S. Kimball of Norway, Maine, the degree of Ark Mariner and 204 20. , THE COLLECTANEA Brothers Howard D. Smith, Irving Frost, Horace Seward Eugene Merton E. S. F. L. Mixer, Stearns Smith Kimball, Vivian W. Hills, Bial F. Bradbury Harry P. Jones Charles F. Ridlon, Lee M Smith, George W. Holmes Maine all of Norway in the county of Oxford and State of Dated this first day of August, A. D. 1896 Alfred S. Kimba TO THE OF ALLIED DEGREES COLLEGE SOVEREIGN FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Wethe undersigned Master Masons, in good standing, do hun ib y petition the Sovereign College of Allied Degrees for America, in the person ofits Intendent General at Large,-representing the V ery Venerable Josiah H. Drummond, toelevate us to the Degree of Ark and Dove; it being understood, thatit is the purposeof the Brethren, whose namesare here annexed, to pay due obedience to all therules and regulationsof the Sovereign College, and said Sovereign C« lege pledgingitself to watch and guardcarefully, all the rights and privileges ofits subordinate bodies. Signatures - Alfred S. Kimball Howard D. Smith Irvin Frost Horace E. Mixer Seward S. Stearns Eugene F. Smith Merton L. Kimball Vivian W. Hills Bial F. Bradbury Harry P. Jones Charles F. Ridlon Lee F. Smith George W. Holmes ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE A charter was issued to Seward S. Stearns, V.P., Eugene F. Smith, Ark Master and Bial F. Bradbury, Ark Mate and other brethren on December 10, 1896 and signed by Hartley Carmichael, $.G.M., William Ryan, D.G.M., Josiah H. Drummond, Grand Almoner and Charles A. Nesbit, G.R.G. Letter of Dispensation Under the resolution of the Sovereign College of Allied Masonic Degrees for the United States of American created St. Pauls day. 1893, and renewed at all subsequent convocations. I Hartley Carmichael Sovereign Grand Master do grant Oxford Lodge of Ark Mariners No. 1 Maine, the right of taking in to the Degree of Ark Marinerall Master Masonsthat they may think worthy for a sum not under two dollars for each candidate. Signed Hartley Carmichael Seal of the Sovereign: College of Allied Masonic Degrees Dated this Fifteenth day of December, 1896. at Richmond, Va. A true copy ofthe original letter of dispensation attached. Attest Merton L. Kimball, Secy. THE COLLECTANEA IN THE NAME of the GrandPatriarch of the Universe of We, Hartley Carmichael, Sovereign Grand Master ad Vitam ra Cathed whose , Degrees c the Sovereign College of Allied Masoni Ryan m Willia a; Virgini of is at Richmond, in the Commonwealth Grand Deputy Grand Master cum jure successionis; Frederick Webber Senior Warden; Alfred R. Courtney Grand Junior Warden, and the residue of the Fellows of the Sovereign College of Allied Masonic Degreesin High Convocation assembled, to Seward S. Stearns, Eugene F. Smith, Bial F. Bradbury and other Brethren. * GREETINGS * ByVirtue of the Authorityin us posited, We do hereby grant unto you and unto the brethren whose names are appended to the humble petition presented to us, full power and authority to haveand to hold in the Townof Norway, inthe State of Maine, as long as you and those who constitute your Lodge shall be of good behavior, or until such time as for lawful cause the power nowvested in you may betaken away, a Lodge of Ark Mariners, entitled Oxford No. 1, Me.; and we do hereby appoint you Seward S. Stearns Patriach thereof, with Eugene F. Smith as your Ark Master, and Bial F. Bradbury as your Ark Mate, and weauthorize and empoweryou to appoint the following officers to assist you in the governing ofthe said Lodge of Ark Mariners - to wit - Irving Frost as Treasurer - Merton L. Kimball as Secretary and Horace E. Mixer to performthe duty of Tiler and we furthermore empower you and yourso constituted and instituted Lodge to elevate to the degree of Ark Mariner such Master Masons in goodstanding as you and the Brethren of your Lodge think worthy, with the proviso that no Masonshall be elevated byyou to this degree for a less sum than Three dollars, of which sum Fifty Cents shall be paid by your Treasurer to the said Sovereign College of Allied Masonic Degrees. Wefurthermore forbid and discharge you fromgranting or issuing any Patents or Charters to any Lodges of Ark Mariners, or any diplomas to any members of your own or any other Lodge. All such diplomas can be issued by the Sovereign College only, and are so issued 208 ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE on receipt of the necessary fees in the case of a newly-admitted member, free of further cost to that member. Wefurthermore charge you that every year, on the Twenty- Fifth day of Januaryin the year, you shall cause your Lodge to meet and proceed to elect officers, who shall hold office for the space of one year from the date of election. Theseelected officers are the Patriarch, the Ark Master, the Ark Mate andalso the Tiler with the addition of a Treasurer and Secretary. All other officers shall be appointed by the Ven. Patriarch, and weshall call upon the Secretary of your Lodge to make due return of such elections and appointments, giving in full the names ofthe respective officers. Wefurthermore make knownto you and your successorsin office that if you or your said successors shall be disobedient to the Laws of the said Sovereign College of Allied Masonic Degrees for the regulating, ordering and governing all Subordinate bodies of Ark mariners, this Charter and all powers conveyedbyit shall cease and determine. Wecharge you to make yourselves by-laws for the governing of your Lodge, such by-laws to be submitted to the Grand Recorder General for approval, that nothing may be contained in such by-laws contrary to the Laws of the Sovereign College of Allied Masonic Degrees. Andfor every authority, power and privilege herein above mentioned, this shall be your sufficient warranty and Charter. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands andseals this twelfth day of Decemberin the year of Our Lord 1896 and in the year A.L. 5896. Hartley Carmichael Sovereign Grand Master ad Vitiam SEAL Wm. Ryan Deputy Grand Master cum jure successionis Josiah H. Drummond Grand Chancellor Test: Chas. A. Nesbitt Grand Recorder-General 209 THE COLLECTANEA of $20.00 had been The Lodge minutes indicate that the Charter fee ents on this sub comm 's mond paid on January 25, 1897. See Drum January 13, 1897 ject to Charmichael in the letter dated SOVEREIGN COLLEGE OF ALLIED DEGREES FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To Brother Alfred S. Kimball: Whereasa charter has been issued by the Sovereign College of Allied Degrees for the United States of America, for a lodge of Ark Mariners at Norway I hereby commission you to organizesaid lodge underits charter andinstall its officers. Please make return to meof your doings hereunderafter you shall have performed the services Dated this tenth day of December A. D. 1896 Josiah H. Drummond Gr. Chancellor and Intendant General for Maine To Josiah H. Drummond, Intendant Generalofthe Sovereign College of Allied Degrees for the United States of America. In pursuanceof the authority conferred upon meby the commis sion from you dated the tenth day of December, A. D. 1896, to which this report is annexed, I have on this twelfth day of December, A.D 1896, duly organized Oxford Lodge, No. 1, of Ark Mariners at Nor way, Maine, underits Charter, with the brethren whose names appear on the original petition as members thereof, andI haveinstalled Brother Seward S. Stearns as Patriarch, Eugene F. Smith as Ark Master, Bial F. Bradbury as Ark Mate, Irving Frost as Treasurer, Merton L Kimball as Secretary, George W. Holmes as Master of Ceremonies, Harry P. Jones as Assistant Master of Ceremonies, Lee M. Smith as Inner Watch, and Horace E. Mixer as Tiler, all having first subscrib ed to an oathof fealty to the Sovereign College of Allied Degrees for the United States of America. Alfred S. ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE Portland, Me., Jan. 13, 1897. Rev. Dr. Carmichael, Dear Sir and Bro:- I have your favorof the 9th inst. requesting my attendance at the annual convocation of the Sovereign College on the 29thinst. It will be impossible for me to attend and I presume you scarcely expectthat I will be there. I herewith enclose a report of which I have donein relation to the Lodgeat Norway. I have been so exceedingly busy in my professional matters that I have been unable to work evenings and have not given the attention to this matter that I would have been glad to have done. However, I believe the matteris all in accordance with Masonic usage and the laws of the Sovereign College. I allowed the brethren whoreceived the degree, including the one upon whom conferred it, to retain the fees to assist them in the organization of the Lodge, stating to them, however, that if the laws of the College were otherwise, I should expect them to conform to those lawslater. I have also in bank $20 which I received for the charter and for which I will forward a check to such order as you may designate, upon hearing from youthat is the proper fee and the full amountthat underthe circumstances the Sovereign College will accept. [have recently also received letter from the brethren at Rockland, and I would like from youspecific directionsas to their method ofproceeding. They are anxious to come under the Sovereign College but Ihavenot undertakentotell them the steps which they must take. You will remember that they have a charter for conferring the Secret Monitor and not the Ark Mariner. They have paid fees in England, and I think it advisable to make the changes with aslittle expense to them aspossible. Please give me your views somewhatin detail upon this question at your early convenience, for I have just received letter from them and have promised them that the matter shall receive my immediate attention. My son, who is my partner, is a State Senator and absent at Augusta, and during December and January both of us have been exceedingly busy in consequenceof his absence, and I am now very busy in myprofession andI find that since I had the grippeI gettired, Kimball 211 COLLECTANEA so that whenit comes night I am gladtosit in my easy chair and rest but I have also found by experiencethat if I undertake to work evenings whenI do notfeellike it, I cannot sleep, and sleepis an actual necessity for me. I have often said, and said truly, that if I could have on ar THE ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE shall fail on that day, it shall be held on the next stated meeting at which a quorum shall be presented. Section 3 - Special meetings may be called at any time by order averageeight hourssleep out of the twenty-four, I could eat well and workthe other sixteen without feeling it appreciably Please remember mekindly to the brethren who maybepresent of the Master, or in his absence by the Senior officer present. As ever, shall make application in writing, and upon such application a secret ballot shall be held. No personshall be eligible unless he be a Master Yoursfraternally, Josiah H. Drummond Section 4 - Every candidate for the degrees conferredin this Lodge Mason in goodstanding. Dictated. Section 5 - In balloting, if more than one black ball appears the candidate shall be declared rejected, but if only one appears a second ballot shall take place and if on the secondballota black ball appears BY-LAWS the candidate shall be declared rejected. Section 6 - The fee for degrees shall be $2.00. It was voted, on December 12, 1896, that the Venerable Patriarch Seward S. Stearns, Ark Master Eugene F. Smith and Ark Master elect Bial F. Bradburyserve as committee to formulate and present by-laws Section 7 - Each membershall pay an Annual assessment of 25 cents. for the governmentof this Lodge. This report was presented to the Section 8 - Any amendmentto these by-laws may be madeat any Lodge on February 1, 1897. meeting by a two thirds vote of those present and voting. Section 1 - The officers of Oxford Lodge No. | Ark Mariners of Maineshall consist of the Master who shall be called the Venerable Patriarch, the Senior Warden whoshall be called the Ark Master, the Junior Warden whoshall be called the Ark Mate, Secretary, Treasure! Seward S. Stearns. Eugene F. Smith, Bial G. Bradbury Committee on by-Laws and Tyler, whoshall be elected Annually by ballot at the Annual Meeting in January and holdoffice until their successorshall be chosen and installed, and a Master of Ceremonies and Assistant Master of It wasvotedthereafter that this report be accepted and the foregoing by-lawsbe adopted for the governmentofthis lodge subject to Ceremoniesand an Inner Watch, who shall be appointed by the Master. the approval of the Grand Recorder General. The minutes of February Section 2 - This Lodge shall hold its stated meetings monthly on the Wednesdayafterthe full moon and the Annual Meeting onthe 25th day of January unless that dayfalls on Sunday, in whichcaseit shall be held on the day following. If from anycause the election of officers 212 24, 1897 recorded that the by-laws ahd been approvedby the Sovereign College. THE -LAWS _ AMENDMENTS TO BY Section 9 - Members whose duesare two years in arrearsshall be notified in writing by the Secretary on the first day of September. | Section 10 - Members who have beennotified by the Secretary that their dues are in arrears for two years and having notpaid them on or before the stated meeting in November, their namesshall be read before the Lodge at that meeting and they shall be cited before the Brother Lee M. Smut Lodge to appearat the stated December meeting to show cause why their dues cannot be paid. useful to the Lodge may be admitted honorary) by a unanimous ballot of the members present Section 11 - All membersfailing to appearorreply to citation under Section 10 shall, upon the reading of their names by the Secretary in same having been made four weeks previously he shall be exemptfromall assessments and ment was adopted on February 7, 1912 Voted to DEGREE May22, 1935 - Voted to add Sections 9 to 14 inclusive to by-Laws. amendmentto the by-laws, *‘Ark Mariners v January 25, 1916 MARINER June 26, 1929 - Voted to raise the dues to $1.00 on January 1, 1930. ofofficers shall fail on that day it shall bx at which a quorumshall be present January 25, 1912 ARK February 24, 1924 - Voted to raise the fee for degrees from $4.00 to $5.00. d its 6) March 29th, 1899 - Lodge voted to amen of S line d secon the after the words full moon in Ann hthe mont h whic g except in January durin ded » the onlyone held, so that Section 2 as amen meet d state its hold shall e The Lodg after the full moon, except in January during Meeting shall be the only one held, and the 25th dayof January unless that day shall it shall be held on the day following. ROYAL open Lodge at the December meeting, be then and there expelled. Section 12 - Members who have been expelled from the Lodge andwishto be reinstated mustsendin the usual application to be voted upon by the Lodge and with the fee of $5.00. | Change the Annual Meeting to the ry Section 13 - Sections 9, 10 and 11 shall be read by the Secreta May24, 1916 - Votedto raise the fee for d the at the stated meeting in December if members are expelled from $4.00. Lodge. February 11, 1920 A member deprived « Master Mason under a Grand Lodgecan not cont in the Lodge. If a member is expelled in his craft lodge expelled in this Lodge. This proposed amendment was laid Section 14 - A copyof the by-Laws of Oxford Lodge No. 1 Ark Marinersshall be kept in the Secretary's book. on the until the next meeting held on March 10, 1920, at which time | adopted. January 18, 1922 - by-law changes approved. The elec wasincreased to $6.00and the dues set at $0.50 214 t COLLECTANEA CURRENT BY-LAWS 1986 THE Section 5: Article I Of Whom Composed Section 1: Oxford Lodge No. 1 shall be composed of such Master Masonsas have beenelevated to the Ark and Dove, and have been made Ark Mariners, and whoshall have paid Section 2: the established fees. The Officers shall consist of the Venerable Patriarch, Ark Master, Ark Mate, Secretary, Treasurer, Master of Ceremonies, Assistant Master of Ceremonies, Inner Watch andTiler. In Art I. Sect. 2, delete the word ‘‘and'' after the word Watchanddelete the period at the end andadd: ‘‘and such other officers as the Venerable Patriarch may appoint. These include, but are notlimited to, a Chaplain, a musi- cian and anassistant secretary"' Article II Duties of the Officers Section 1: Section 2: The Venerable Patriarch shall preside in the East at each Voyage of the Ark, confer the degree on the candidate(s) and superintend the general affairs of the institution. The Ark Mastershall be seated in the Westandshallassist Section 6: Section 4: Section 9: Change #5 : Secretary shall be seated to the right of the Venerable Proceedings of each Voyage, so far as the sameare proPer to be written, collect all monies due the Ark andissue a receipt for the same to the Treasurer, and shall settle his accounts with the Treasurer before the Annual Voyage. The Treasurershall be seated to theleft of the Venerable Patriarch andshall punctually attend all Voyages of the Ark, take charge of all property, take receipt for all moniesbelonging to the Ark from the Secretary and pay them outby orderof the Venerable Patriarch, keep a fair and regular accountthereof and adjust andsettle his accounts with the Secretary before the Annual Voyage. The Master of Ceremoniesis seated to the right of the ‘‘door''. The Tyler is outside the door and guards the portal. Add a Section 10 to Article II which will read: **Other appointive officers will attend to such duties as the Venerable Patriarch may assign."' Section 1: Ark The Annual Voyage of Oxford Lodge No.1, on 5:30pm at Mariners, shall be held at Norway, Maine ble the last Saturday in January, at which time the Venera Patriarch, Ark Master, Ark Mate and Treasurer shall be s pre chosen by writtenballot, a majority of the member rs Office ing remain The choice a for ary sent being necess rch Patria ble Venera the by ted appoin be shall 217 216 DEGREE Annual and Stated Voyages The Ark Mate shall be seated in the South, andin the ‘a riarch and shall keepa true and faithful record ofthe MARINER Article Il in his absence, shall preside over the Ark. aru of his superior Officers, shall preside. ARK altar. Change #2: In Ark #2 Sect. 6. add the words ‘‘and facing"' after the phrase‘‘right of''. Section 7: The Assistant Master of Ceremonies is seatedtotheleft of the altar. Change #3 Same as #2 The Inner Watch stands in the Lodge at the door and Section 8: guards the entrance. Change #4: In Art. II, Sect. 8, delete the words‘‘standsin the Lodge"' and insert the words ‘‘is seated'' after the word ‘‘Watch'', and add the words ‘‘of the Lodge"' after word the Venerable Patriarch in the duties of his office, and Section 3: ROYAL COLLECTANEA Section 2: THE The summer Voyageofthis Lodge of Ark Marinersshall Section 1: Those whoshall have been elevated to the degree of Ark and Dove and shall have been made Ark Marinersshall thereupon become members of this Lodge, and the Secretary shall enroll them as such. Each member shall also sign the By-Laws as to signify having read them. Section 2: Anannual assessmentof five dollars ($5.00) shall be laid Article IV Installation of Officers Section 1: The Officers shall be installed as soon as convenientafter the election. Article V Candidates for the Degree Section 1: Change #6 Every candidate for the degree conferred by this Lodge shall make application in writing with a deposit of ten dollars ($10.00). Insert a new Section between Sections 1 and 2 of this Article to read:‘‘Eligibility for this degree shall be predicated on being a Master Mason and beingin good standing in all Masonic bodies in which the Candidate holds membership.'' Section 2: Whenan application is received, a secret ballot shall be had. If more than one black cube appears, the candidate shall be declared rejected. If only one black cube appears, a second ballot shall take place, and if a black cube Section 3: Section 4: appears again, the candidate shall be declared rejected. Every member present whena ballotis taken shall be required to vote unless excused by the Venerable Patriarch before the ballot has commenced. The conferring of the degrees may take place, at the ane of the Lodge, at any time following a favorable upon each member, payable in advance and due at the annual Voyage in January. Change #7: Add a new Section between Sections 2 and 3 in Article VI to read: ‘‘ Life membership in this organization may be optionally obtained for the sum ofseventy-five dollars which shall be properly invested by the Treasurer and only the interest used for the purposes ofthis Lodge.'' A Brother in good standing may withdraw his memberSection 3: ship and be entitled to a demit upon payment of all assessments due to the Lodge. Any member who is sent a dues notice tohis last-known Section 4: address with total bill ofat least twice the annualassessment and whoshall fail to appear at the next stated Voyageorreply to the Lodge bythat time to provide good and sufficient reason therefor, shall be dropped from the rolls of membership at that time for non- paymentofdues and considered suspended. At the aforementionedstated Voyage following the annual Voyagethe Secretary shall read Section 4, followed bya list of any members who are delinquent accordingto the termsof this section, and they shall be dropped from the rolls of the Ark. Any member who hasbeen dropped from therolls for Section 5: non-payment of dues may be reinstated by submitting the usual applicationwith a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) to be voted upon in the usual manner ot. 219 218 DEGREE Membership A special Voyage maybe called at any time byorder of the Venerable Patriarch, or in his absence, by the Ark Master, or in the absence of both, by the Ark Mate. MARINER Article VI be held at a time andplace set by the Venerable Patriarch and/or a committee appointed for that purpose. Section 3: ROYAL ARK COLLECTANEA Change #8 In Art. 6, Sect. 5, insert the words ‘‘without vote of the Lodge"' after the word "‘reinstated'', and deleting the words‘‘ to be voted upon in the usual manner''. Article VII Amendments to the By-Laws Section 1: Change #9 These By-Laws may be amended at any Voyageof the Arkby a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present andvoting. In Art. VII, Sect. 1, add the word ‘‘stated'' after the word "ee any. " Reorganization of the Lodge in 1974 Aspointed out previously, the lodge was moored to Josiah H. Drummond Council No. 1 following merger of the Sovereign Grand College and the Grand Council of A.M.D. in 1934. Both ceased working in 1941. It was necessary, therefore, for the Council to be revised prior to activation of the lodge. This was done through the efforts of Charles R. Glassmire (S.G.M., 1984), Donald S. Smith, Fred E. Smith and Arthur J. Hunt. Grand Council granted their requestfor reconstitution of the Council on February 16, 1974. Appropriate ceremonies were carried out at Portland, Maine by Allen E. Roberts (G.C., 1986) on 5/29/74. THE ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE Futureplansof the lodge were discussed at a special voyage held at the home of Arthur J. Hunt on 2/4/75. Emphasis was to be placed on ritual with perhaps adding some fun to the work later. The old checking accountbookwas located by Brother Dennison andcontained $90.59 which, with the $75.00 received recently for applications, represented a reasonable start. The secretary was empoweredto purchase accountbooksfor the Secretary and Treasurers. Action on Bylaw revision was deferred. Invitations were to be forwardedtoall former membersto rejoin the lodge. The by-laws were ammended on 3/27/75. The changesincluded an increasein the application fee and annual dues to $10.00 and $5.00, respectively; the first Thursday of the month wasset as the regular stated meeting; a plan to enable the Secretary to drop members for NPD where necessary and a provision to re-admit former members. 4/2/75 - It was agreedto continue mailings to AMD members for the time being. It was voted to try one large and one small dove for the ritual work. The degree wasstill being conferred by obligation only. A committee was appointedto investigate work necessary to exemplify the degree. Keith Hill August 23/38 Dear Bro. Smith, Oxford Lodge No. 1 A.M. wasre-established soonafter, its first voyage being held at the Masonic Hall at Norway on 1/25/75. The variousstations and places werefilled by five membersofthe original lodge: John F. Hunt (P.V.P.); Rupert Aldrich (Ark Master); Homer Aldrich (Ark Mate); Burton A. Shaw (Secretary) and Howard L. Chick (Tyler). The log of the last regular voyage was read and approved, following which Arthur J. Hunt (P.V.P.) gave a short history of the lodge. Ten additional members present, who had been duly elected and then obligated by Arthur J. Hunt, included: John F. Hunt, Richard J. Denison, Colwyn F. Haskell, Edwin E. Cummnings, Wilfred E. Corbett, Francis H. Bean, Nathan M. Hunt, John J. JudkinsJr., Bryant C. Bean and Ronald E. Holden Jr. Officers were then elected, ap- pointed and installed by Arthur J. Hunt. 220 Your notice and the enclosure just received, it will be impossible for me tobe present at the Meeting, but I would like to know what it all means and whoand whatis this N. C. organization. It looks as though they were ‘‘gobbling'' the whole thing. It is no waystrange that I have never heard of them before but how do theyhappen to want to absorb the Sov. Coll. whenthere must be an older organization. I had a letter from Tom Bridge a short time agoasking for information of the Ark Marinersandlater talked with him they are trying to make some connections between the A.M and the Grand Council R.& S.M. or to see if there is any connection. I have been wondering for some time whythe Sov. College was not more active. 221 THE COLLECTANEA Kennebec Lodgemeets and worksoccassionally. I am holding no office at present but will present this to the Lodge when they have a meeting. I presumeit was intended for me as I happento bethe only memberhere of the Sov. College. Fraternally C. W. Crosby Kent Hill, Maine Feb. 24, 1925 Mr. Fred E. Smith Dear Brother Smith, As you see I am enclosing the returns of Kennebec Lodge. We have done nothing since your lodge was over here two years ago. Whether we everwill I am unableto say. One of our younger membershashada plan in his headto raise funds to buy a newoutfit book. I guess it has never got very far out of his head. Wehave neverreceived our charter to replace the one burned. I don't know as we would evergetoverto the Sov. Coll. meeting but they come at such a time of the year we could not get there. Wouldit not be possible to hold somekind of a meeting in Portland Grand Lodge weekif it was only a short get-together. Fraternally C. W. Crosby Kent Hill, Maine Mr. Fred E. Smith Mar21/23 Gr Record Gen Norway DearSir and Bro. os your return and dues of Kennebec Lodge. Please x,men with the copy in which I havefilled out the receipt. 222 ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE I suppose the annual meeting of S. C. has not yet been held. I should think it would be better to hold that meeting later, say in October when it might be possible for some of us fellows to attend. Anytime around this season is out of the question. Is there anything new in the order? Mykind regardsto your folks, Lee and yourself. Yours truly & fraternally C. W. Crosby THE COLLECTANEA Venerable Patriarch: Charles W. Crosby, 1908 - 1914; J. Grant Henry, 1915 - 1920; Edwin G. Palmer, 1921 - 1924 Ark Master: Lewis W. Morrow, 1908 - 1910; Hyman W. S. Lovejoy, 1911 - 1912; Merle J. Harriman, 1913 - 1920; Joshua Brown, 1921 -1924 Ark Mate: J. Grant Henry, 1908 - 1914; Edward G. Palmer 1915 1920; Freemont Hunton, 1921 - 1924 Treasurer: Bertram E. Leighton, 1908 - 1909; John S. Milliken, 1910; Charles W. Crosby 1911 - 1924 Secretary: J.S. Milliken 1908 - 1910; Lewis W. Morrow, 1911-1912; J. Warren Butman 1913 - 1914; Charles W. Crosby, 1915 - 1924 Master of Ceremonies: Charles M. Doisey, 1908 - 1910; Merle J. Harriman 1911 - 1912; Edward G. Palmer, 1913 - 1914; Fremont A. Hunton, 1915 - 1920; Leon C. Roberts, 1921 - 1924 sn ete ofCeremonies: John A. Chase, 1908 - 1910; Charles M. 11 - 1912; Lewis W. Merrow, 1913 - 1914; Joshua Brown, ~ 1920; Luther S. Russell 1921 - 1924 Inner Watch: J. Warren Butman 1908- 1910; John A. Chase 1911 1912; Charles H. Mallet 1913 -191 4;C Charles A. Collins, 1921 - 1924 ARK MARINER DEGREE KENNEBEC LODGE NO. 2, A.M. READFIELD, MAINE KENNEBEC LODGE OFFICERS one ROYAL ee oo Tyler: Kimball - 1914 Arthur S. Nickerson, 1915 - 1920; JosephC.S. Cowan, 19211908 . 1924 Thereis a brief summary of the lodge compiled by Dr. Francis of the Scully appearing in Miscellanea VI, 8-9, 1954. The minutes , Kimball S. Alfred that indicate 8 2-5-190 for College gn Soverei Ark of lodge a for Sovereign Grand Master, had issued a dispensation be known as Mariners to be organized at Readfield, Maine, to ec Lodge Maranocook Lodge No.2. The name was changed to Kenneb us fire disastro a after 1921 in d replace in 1910. The charter was d in reporte was 132 of ship member A temple. c destroyed the masoni were union of articles the time the at active l wasstil lodge 1924. The in 1933. A signed with the Grand Council of Allied Masonic degrees o Josiah movedt was new charter was granted atthat time, and the lodge KenMaine. , Norway at ed H. Drummond Co. No. 1 that was organiz River ec Kenneb and County ec nebec lodge was namedafter Kenneb which in turn werederived from the renowned chief who resided on SwanIsland opposite modern Richmond. which Its original name Maranocook was named after the Lake d into the towns measured approximately 10 x 112 miles, and extende of Winthrop and Readfield in Kennebec County. suggested C. Weston Dash, Secretary, Maine LodgeofResearch, been due have may Lodges t Freepor and that the demise of Kennebec a certain in ng indulgi their of result asa ction to the Grand Lodgea degree. ofthe l conferra the during ay horsepl sary unneces amountof quesin years the Although, Grand Lodgerecords are silent during Master Grand Powers, L. tion, Dash learned that M.W. Paul istence'' in 1955-1956 had somethingto do with it's current ‘‘non-ex Readfield. This, however, could not be confirmed. of Winthrop, Dash later corresponded with Carl J. Lindholm he and his brother Maine, who was a member of Kennebec Lodge, certain in the notbe could he being elevated perhaps in 1933 or 1934: Crosby, absence of surviving documents. He spoke highly of Charles an outstanding blue lodge a Past Master of Lafayette Lodge at Readfield by other ritualist, a Past Venerable Patriarch who wasably assisted 225 COLLECTANEA THE In subsequentpersonal correspondence, Lindholm confirmedthat the lodge ceased to work shortly before World War II, and although some efforts were madeto revive the lodge after the war, this was not allowed by G. L Hetalkedto several former members including Royal Cleaves of Winthrop whohad no knowledge of any remainingrecords. Thevarious props and paraphernalia were turned over to Kora Temple (Shrine) at Lewiston, Maine. Someofthe officers at the time of his elevation included Lem Roberts, Fred Williams, Fred Raymond, Ralph Lane, and Ernest Wolfe, Eugene York, Charles Morrison, and Claire Miller werealso involved, but all deceased. Someof the local living members included Royal Cleaves, Harold C. Carson, Irving Cowan, Clair Coburn, and the Roberts borthers, Carleton and Douglas. In talking with these brethren, they all agreed the lodge did demonstrate considerable initiative and ingenuity in working the degre e usingelectricity and various implements andstruts to duly impre ss the candidates which may have contributed to the subsequent downf all of the lodge. Lindholmdistinctly remembered ‘Mr. Bones' ', areplicaofa full sized skeleton which each blindfolded neop hyte was required to shake hands, after much to his consternation and some times ‘‘shock'' when unmasked''. No one seems to know how or whythe lodge ceased to work-whe ther it just ‘withered on the vine' ' so as to speak or was closed by Grand Lodge actio n. as raneee stated the joining fee whenhewas elevated was $3.00, lere were no dues. The candidates paid for the banquets whic h a invariably lobsters, clam s, and the customary ‘‘fix ings' '. A colaaa Coe be taken to Clear expenses if necessary. Later a $2.00 and regulationsnotevfenee ut£2Paid the records being sketchy The subsequent minutes of H. H. Drummond Co. No. 1 noted below on 5-20-41, and 5-19-42 shed somelight on the dissolution of the lodge bu tno explanation was recorded. 226 MARINER DEGREE llection joined Oxford Lodge No. 1 A.M. in 1929if he had anyreco t a sumLodgea ec Kenneb to of this lodge. He recalled makingonetrip cook Lake, on mer voyage held at Camp Maranocook on Marano Brother Hunt August 29, 1935. There were 135 membersin attendance. allowed meto borrow a photographof the grouptaken at that time while gton D.C. attending the Grand Council meeting held in Washin gh brown Althou copy. a make could (February 11, 1984), so that I int of standpo the from able service and faded with time, it was fairly wore n brethre the of member A nce. recognition of those in attenda of copy a sent was who lm Lindho but etc., a variety ofhats, sailers, oe ance. signific ying identif no had use their the photographsaid that purchase of hats ha Oxford Lodge minutes, however, stated that a the Lodge had a been madeat one time. Hunt remembered also that an lot of equipmentto portray the degree workatthat time. of the some up look to time the took kindly lm Brother Lindho as many as possiknown membersof the lodge in an effort to identify e ee ble for the purposeof this research. In letter dated ee ot si 14 addition wasable to recognize 37 menin the picture and hadin outing the d attende have known to belongto the Lodge and presumed to s of Oxford on 8-29-1936. Hefelt many present may have been member reeport Lodges. and Dove), of Tetashec Lodge Ark Mariners (Ark ae ES identified: Readfield, Maine, in photo taken August 29, 1935, =Sowmrnd9w RYN in 1977. ARK ., who John F. Hunt, P.S.M. and P.V.P. asked his father, ArthurJ - lodge members, and sometimes in exuberant fashion. He had a few old rituals and receipted bills which he turned over to Edwin Cummings, Secretary of Oxford Lodge at Norway, which he joined ROYAL i Be dvautke Leon C. Roberts Ora M. Maxim Joseph Morton Alfred W. Maxwell William Morgan Albert E. French Guy Towle Linwood Luce Carleton Roberts 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Arthur Mace Philip C. Sturtevant ? Frye Leroy Huckins Fred Jackson : Charles Morrison Douglas Roberts Charles F. Kilbreth Ray Nesbit Herbert Horne Augustus Turner COLLECTANEA John G. Hindhaugh 30. Fred Williams James Harvey, Sr. 31. H. Clair Miller Roy L. Thomas Lloyd J. Leighton Clyde E. Oakes 32. 33. 34. Eugene E. Yorke 35. Arthur Thompson Ernest Hill 36. 37. Fred C. Raymond Lawrence Childs Phillip Gordon Ortho Fogg ? Beedy-may be father or uncle of Dwight P. Beedy-member of Winthrop THE SS = 1. Z. 3. 4. ms 6. 7. 8. Charles W. Crosby Harold C. Carson Carl J. Lindholm George C. Lindholm Ralph Lane Morris ‘‘Gus'' Striph (Strief) Joseph Cowan Irving Cowan Clare Coburn Melvin Newton Neal C. Jenkins Ernest Rolf Granville Downs Clyde Wilson (knowncandidate at this meeting) Members joining soon after. Royal L. Cleaves Herbert E. Foster Lawrence H. Foster ARK MARINER DEGREE During World WarII, the Lodge becameinactive and although attempts were made to reorganize, none were successful. The various ‘‘props'' were donated to Kora Temple Shrine, Lewiston, Maine. Unfortunately, the records werelost and efforts to find them have been fruitless so far. Summary of Surviving Sovereign College Records (Letters, Minutes) 12-16-1920- Chapter -37, R.A.M. Members at time of picture, most known or presumed to be present at that meeting. ROYAL 12-23-1920- Blank returns sent to Charles W. Crosby, Secretary of Kennebec Lodge No. 2, Kent's Hill. Copiesof the Proceedings 1911-1920 were sent to all the Sovereign Fellows. 4-121-1921- Theelevation tax of $25.00 wasreceived from the Kennebec Lodge No.2 and deposited to the credit of the Allied Degrees. 6-18-1921- The Sovereign Grand Master granted a dispensation to Kennebec Lodge No. 2 to enable them to hold meetings and transact the annual business ofa lodge until a new charter could beissuedto replace the one lost by fire. January 1923- The return from Kennebec Lodge No. 2 at Readfield, Maine, was received and completely summarized the namesof the 16 elevations carried out on 9-19-1922, and the officers with the recapitula- tion of the years work. Brother Edward G. Palmer of Kennebec Lodge No. 2 waselected a Sovereign Fellow. It was voted to issue a charter to Kennebec LodgeNo. 2 toreplace the onelost by fire. It was also voted to remit the duesof the lodge accruing in 1921 on account oftheir severe loss. 229 COLLECTANEA THE Lodgein Readfieldin this state. Half Moon Lodge has done some work of which due return has been made from Maranocook Lodge noreport has as yet reached the Sovereign College. 6-15-1922- Misc II: 80: 2-16-1910 11-26-1924- ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE Il: 126, 1936, 1935-Brother Charles C. Crosby, Readfield, Maine, elected Grand Librarian for 4 years. Misc II: 129,1936-1935 5-8-1923: Received for elevation fee-$8.00 Elevation tax: Maranocook Lodge No. 2: 1909: $2.50 MiscII: 135. 1037-1938 1-25-1924 Return from the lodge Edward G. Palmer Venerable Patriarch Joshua MiscII: 105: 1-25-1916 Brown, Ark Mariner FremontA. Hunton, Ark Mate Charles W. Crosby, Treasurer and Secretary. Members: 132 The name of Raymond H. Eastman of Norway Lodge No. 1, A.M. and J. Grant Henry of Kennebec Lodge No. 2 were presented for membershipin this body. A ballot was had andboth were elected and received the degreesin the gift of the Sovereign College. No.2 Minutes of Oxford Lodge No. 1 regarding Kennebec Lodge Misc II: 115:6-10-1920 9-29-1915- Kennebec Lodge No. 2 at Kent's Hill, Maineis active. Misc II: 123, 1936: 6-15-1922 Edward G. Palmer, Past Venerable Patriarch, Kennebec Lodge No. 2 waselected a S.F. It was voted to issue a charter to Kennebec Lodge No. 2 to replace the one lost by fire. It was noted also to remit the lodge dues for 1921 in view oftheir severe loss. 6-18-1922 Il: 124, 1936-1938-The Sovereign Grand Master granted a dispensation to the lodge to enable them to hold meetings and transact businessuntil a new charter could be issued to replace the onelost byfire. Debit: 4-12-1921: Elevation tax Kennebec Lodge No. 2-$25.00 232 Masonic Hall, Norway, Maine. Visitors from Kennebec LodgeVenerable Patriarch-J. Grant Henry Ark Master-Merle J. Harriman Ark Mate-Edward G. Palomer Secretary-C.W. Crosby I.W.-Cyrus D. Winter A.M.C.-Joshua Brown V. Smith, and members-J.O. Newton, Benjamin us H. August , Allison Arthur en, Millik S. John d elevate Wilson, and James E. Henssey, Candidates Minutes of Oxford Lodge No. 1 regarding Kennebec Lodge No. 2 9-13-1922 a committee to The Venerable Patriarch appointed to Kennebec visit the for on tati arrange for transpor of Lee M. Smith as Lodge at Readfield to consist At a meeting of chairman and Eugene Andrews. d at Readfield, Kennebec Lodge No. 2, A.M. hel taken and Oxford Maine, on 9-14-22 a recess was ed a Lodge of Ark Lodge No. 1 of Norway open 233 COLLECTANEA Mariners without form to receive a ballot on applications. The ballot was clear and the following were declared elected to receive the degree of Ark Mariner: Charles Edward Tucker, Tyrian Lodge, George P. Coffin of Freeport Lodge, Burtin L. Dyer, Ancient Brothers Lodge, J. Harvey Denley, Tranquil Lodge, George S. Yeaton, Rabboni Lodge, THE 3-7-1934- 4-4-1934- Julius C. Besarick, Dorchester Lodge, CharlesH. Rogers, Pulaski Lodge and Roger Davis, Montclair Lodge New Jersey. It was voted to ask Kennebec Lodge to work the degree on the candidateselected 6-13-1934- and Edward L. Parris (Oxford Lodge membership lists him as elevated in 1921), and the work was done on the above named candidates. 9-19-1922- Kennebec Lodge No. 2 conferred the degree at Readfield on Oxford Lodge candidated. G. F. Hathaway 10-11-1922- 6-19-1935- The record ofthe last regular voyage andthevisit to Kennebec Lodge at Readfield, Maine, on 9-19-1922 were read and confirmed. MARINER DEGREE A letter was received from Readfield Lodge accepting our invitation to work the degree at Norway at our June meeting. Resolved that all members of Readfield Lodge attending the 6-15 meeting be quests ofthe lodge and printhat this responsibility will be delegated to the 3 cipal officers of the lodge. upon Launched in due form at 7:30 P.M. Balloted of front in ine dinl forme then e Lodg petitions. The Band Ark the by d heade and Hall nic the Maso the marched to the Norway Opera House, where No.2 e Lodg ield Readf degree wasconferred by the in a very fine manner. ved from It was voted to accept the invitation recei d their atten to Readfield Lodge No. 2 at Readfield e on degre the ing work field day to be followed by y notif tary secre the that also March 2. It wasvoted coma be o wast er memb each and the membership had suitable mittee of one to see that the brethren us help them "19-1922: I in.001-26-1921) for trip p to to R Readfield 9-19-1922: $25 follows: ‘‘They helpedus last year, let It was voted to have a field day sometimein June, ey P. Murch, committee consisting of Bros. Stanl see the date to be fixed later and the secretary was es Hammond to Raymond Winslow and Charl ield. about putting on the degree at Readf arch appointed a this year.'' The Venerable Patri instructed to confer with Kennebec Lodge No. 2 and Freeport LodgeNo. 3 and see if they would accept aN invitation to visit us at that time. 6-20-1923- ARK to be worded as transportation. The cards were Bill paid to C. E. Brett (elevated Oxford Lodge No. 2-7-1923- ROYAL mg washeld at the fair grounds with Kenge No. 2. Dinner and supper were served im heat was excessive, a ben a and though the ime was had and the degree was conferred upon 10 candidates by Freeport Lodge No. 3 234 8-29-1935- Camp Maranocook Special voyage to Readfield at ge No. 2. The afterat the invitation of Readfield Lod and other different noon wasspentplaying baseball the Ark Band. A by d sports. Music was furnishe d Lodge which fiel Read by ed serv turkey dinner was bers. The ark was was enjoyed by all the mem ee applications were launched at 8:30 P.M. Thr 235 COLLECTANEA received. The fee was $5.00. They were balloted upon and accepted. The degree was then conferred. THE 3-21-1923- A resolution was then made and passed that the subordinate lodges: Oxford lodge No. 1 of the Ark and Dove at Norway and Kennebec Lodge No.2 of 5-20-1941- Readfield Lodge was discussed but no action was taken. 5-19-1942- Readfield Lodge wasdiscussed. It was voted to take their charter away from the lodge and invite any member who wants to pay his dues to transfer to 2-24-1925- Council No. 1, and in fact has never been found. recollected that someefieeee 24, 1984) vaguely after World WarII, but nothing cameofit. He felt ek Tevivedthe lodge been mostlikely through Brothers is woul have Basons . . eer orke and H. Clair Miller dueto their interest and activity in York Rite Masonry through the years. 236 Letter from the secretary, Charles W. Crosby, to the Grand Recorder General including the return and dues for the Lodge. He suggested that the annual meeting of the S.C. to be held in October whereit would be more convenient for the lodge members to attend (no meeting was held that year) Letter to the Grand Recorder General, Fred E. enclosing the return of the lodge. He stated that no work had been done since Oxford Lodge wasat Readfield 2 years before and questioned as to the whether they would everbe active again. Oneof buy to funds raising ted younger membershad sugges stated a new outfit, but nothing eventuated. It was never had fire by yed destro that the previous charter lodge the that nted comme Crosby been replaced. ign Sovere the sof meeting attend ot memberscouldn beta ted sugges and time led schedu College at their Grand ter time might be during the the Portland Lodge week. Oxford Lodge, A. M. in the archives of Oxford Lodge No. 1 A. M. or J. H. Drummond DEGREE Smith, from the secretary, Charles W. Crosby, I wrote to John F. Huntin this regard to discussit with his father, Arthur, to see if he could remember what circumstancesin the lodge might haveled to this action. His reply was dated 9-18-1984. Brother Huntstated the only reason as he remembered it was due to the fact that the lodge was failing at that time. He doubted that the charter was ever returned. This would séem reasonablein that the warrant was not MARINER Crosby inquired if there was anaything new in the order. the Ark and Dove, Readfield, Maine renderan an- nual return on a form provided for this purpose on or before December Ist of each year accompanied by a per capita tax of S¢ for each member in good standing, and 25¢ for each candidate made a member during the preceding 12 months. ARK Miscellaneous correspondence: Minutes of Josiah H. Drummond Co. No. 1 concerning Kennebec Lodge No. 2. 12-28-1933- ROYAL 8-23-1933- al, Letter to Fred E. Smith, Grand Recorder Gener about rn conce from Charles W. Crosby expressing the plans of the Sovereign Collegeto unite with the ed that he new Grand Council of A.M.D. Heindicat ge in the Colle eign Sover f was the only membero for him to lodge and that it would be impossible ss the merger. attend the planned meeting to discu met and did the Crosbyindicated that the lodge still matter would be work occasionally and that the next meeting. brought before the lodge at the 237 COLLECTANEA THE Dimit Susp. ARK MARINER Elevation: None Exp. Last Year 1-25-1911- ‘Return 18 22 22 23 26 27 27 22 22 23 26 27 ZT 44 44 50 25 16 DEGREE Return 1-25-1910- SUMMARY RETURNS Memb. Elevat. ROYAL 93 118 133 132 132 Elelvation: Herman W. S. Lovejoy 2-3-1910 Return 1-25-1912Elevation: James E. Harvey Robert Brann Stonwood I. Mower Return 1-25-1913Elevation: Edward G. Palmer Return 1-25-1914Elevation: None Summary of Returns Regular voyages were held on Thu rsday evenings on or before the full of the moon or at the will of the op Dues to the Sovereign : College were based onanelevation fee of 0.50. Membership List Return 1-25-1909Elevation: Herbert H. Carle Elmer E. Peacock J. Warren Butman Maurice W. Crosby FrankI. Bishop 238 3-2-1908 3-2-1908 4-16-1908 10-8-1908 10-8-1908 Return 1-25-1918Elevation: Cyrus D. Winters Benjamin H. Winters George H. Sturtevant Harry E. Williams Wesley E. Comstock C. W. Colby Irving O. Gage Harold E. Brown Frank Bogrett Fremont A. Neunton Moses A. Gorden George E. Kimball Ben V. Smith 239 4-30-1914 4-30-1914 6-26-1914 6-26-1914 6-26-1914 6-26-1914 6-26-1914 6-26-1914 6-26-1914 6-26-1914 6-26-1914 6-26-1914 5-13-1915 COLLECTANEA Joshua Brown Leon C. Roberts A. H. Wilson THE ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE 5-13-1915 5-13-1915 5-13-1915 Charles A. Collins Alfred E. Fuller Harry W. Houghton 10-14-1920 10-14-1920 10-14-1920 Maynard W. Dow 5-13-1915 Charles G. Richmond 10-14-1920 Allen O. Franham John W. Newton Arthur Allison Hartwell R. Hunter 5-13-1915 9-15-1915 9-15-1915 9-15-1915 Ralph G. Oaks Wilbert A. Libby Harry D. Whitten Ralph C. Masterman Francis A. Bate 10-14-1920 10-14-1920 10-14-1920 10-14-1920 10-14-1920 oo Peray W. Maxwell 10-14-1920 Milan J. Smith (Rev.) 6-3-1920 . W. Maxwell ie C i George C. Clark Eli W. Burnell Joseph Cowan 6-3-1920 6-3-1920 6-3-1920 rving D. Lincoln Wilson A. Clement Leon H. Kelley . 10-14-1920 10-14-1920 ee Adin G. Turner 6-3-1920 LawrenceB. Hill Newell C. Weymouth 6-24-1920 Louis uis N. Redonette Willis W. Childs 46-24-1920 George C. Childs 6-24-1920 Russell E. Turner Eugene L. Millette 6-24-1920 6-24-1920 Herbert L. Raymond 6-24-1920 William P. Walker Miles C. Dudley 6-24-1920 6-24-1920 Carleton E. Turner 6-24-1920 Fred N. Foss Ralph L. Bean Ivan D. Emmerson 6-24-1920 6-24-1920 6-24-1920 Roy C. Giles 6-24-1920 Bert D. Brann Ralph H. Bowen John H. Bumford Henry F. Allen William H. Barnard Charles E. Morse Samuel D. Wordman Carl J. Bates 6-24-1920 6-24-1920 6-24-1920 6-24-1920 7-15-1920 7-15-1920 7-15-1920 7-15-1920 240 -1410-14-1920 Forrest L. Luce Carl B. Dow -14-1920 10-14 10-14-1920 F. Eugene Berry 10-14-1920 F. Augustus Turner 10-14-1920 Frank H. Bodge 10-14-1920 Elmer E. Gile George E. Coleman 10-14-1920 10-14-1920 Return 1-25-1921 Elevation: Ernest A. French C. L. Dunn Frank A. French Merton Roberts Lyman E. French Leon W. Hall Arthur A. Walton Allen H. Stinchfield Charles N. Libby 6-9-1921 6-9-1921 6-9-1921 6-9-1921 6-9-1921 6-9-1921 6-9-1921 6-9-1921 6-9-1921 Fred N. Parcher 6-9-1921 Paul F. Gould 6-9-1921 241 COLLECTANEA THE Fred W. Allen Erlan A. Gile William H. Rohr Lloyd C. Palmer Harlan K. Dow William H. Morgan Costello Western Luther S. Russell Charles B. Fifield Everett C. Whittemore Manley Haskell Return 1-25-1923 Elevation: John T. Collins Benjamin H. Turner Leslie F. Roberts Seth Blake Dean John Edwin Brown Robert Dennison Newton A. Francis Walch Fred I. Brown John W. McKennon Carl F. Fellows Clarence R. Peacock Waldo C. Lincoln Return 1-25-1924. Elevation: None DEGREE 8/27/75 - Degree workwasinstituted and eighteen Royal Arch Masons wereelevated to the A.M. degree. Thefirst section of the degree was carried outin the dininghall as planned followed by dinner. Thereafter, the work was completed in the lodge room. Roy E. Mace Edgar L. Smith MARINER Brother Clark was awarded an Ark Marinerlapel pin for donating his services as janitor until after the next Annual Meeting. Charles A. Mace Ervine A. Bean Leon R. Faramhouse ARK 5/28/75 - It was decided to work the degreeforthe first time since re-organization atthe next stated voyage. Thefirst section of the degree would be given in the dining hall with the 3 principal officers only seated at a table with the candidates with a makeshift roofto be erected over the table. The Ark wouldbe launchedprior to supper. Rehearsals were scheduled for that meeting and after, on 8/24 and 8/26. Fred Tingley Clarence L. Frye ROYAL 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 9-19-1922 Return 1-25-1925Elevation: None The various events in the lodges history from 1896 toits last voyage on 2/12/41 and following the re-organization to the present time will be summarized below. ARK MARINER BAND The records showthata band wasorganized on June 22, 1932 and remainedactive until the lodge became dormantin 1941. It functioned at all lodge affairs, led parades from the Masonic Hall to the Opera House, provided music and concerts during andfollowingtheritualistic work andat the summer meetings. It was customary to remit the elevation fee ofall participantsat the start and the dues were exemptedalso beginning on June 30, 1937. Following resumptionof lodgeactivities in 1975, entusiastic support was given towards reviving the band on January 29, 1983 which was consummatedon July 30, 1983. It con- tinuesto generate considerableinterest among the lodge members and contributes greatly to the success of the summer outings. Forty-two musicians were listed on 2/15/86. THE COLLECTANEA ATTENDANCE Attendance duringthe yearshas varied considerably and has been associated primarily with special events and entertainmentusually in association with degree work.In the early years, there were parades from the Masonic Temple to the opera house followed by band con- certs, degree work accompanied by music and soundeffects, dinner at the Masonic Hall after degree work or entertainmentat the opera house, such as Vaudeville showsthen so popular contracted through companies in Boston. Following revival of the lodge in 1975, the greatest attendance has centered on the summeroutings and the degree work at Washington, D.C. in 1984 and 1985. Someselected figures included 5/24/16 9/13/16 1/10/17 5/29/18 11/8/18 6/14/22 6/10/36 6/19/40 2/11/84 2/9/85 9 officers 9 officers 9 officers 9 officers 8 officers 9 officers 9 officers 9 officers 5 officers 5 officers 111 86 70 99 90 175 170 230 200 200 members members members members members members members members members members 35 candidates 5 candidates 7 candidates 31 candidates 9 candidates 42 candidates 16 candidates 22 candidates 154candidates 69 candidates 11/4/21 6/17/25 6/29/27 2/11/84 2/9/85 ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE 71 25 35 154 69 125 33 40 228 101 CHARITY Oxford Lodge No. 18, F. & A.M. was rightly proud of its exten- sive Masoniclibrary. The Ark Mariner's Lodge Contributed $25.00 annually to the Craft Lodge's ‘‘Norway Masonic Library Committee towardsits upkeep andfor the purchase of new acquisitions from 1891 through 1911. It was voted to donate $5.00 to Red Cross through Grand Lodge to relieve the sufferers in Florida on October 3, 1928. Contributions to various charities have been madesince the lodge was re-activated in 1975, e.g. $30.00 was donatedto the K.T. Eye Foundation in 1980 and 1981; $30.00 to the Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Fundin 1982 and 1983; $30.00 to the Grand Council Charity Fund and $25.00 to the Arteriosclerosis Fund through Greenleaf Lodge No. 117 at Cornish, Mainein 1981; $30.00 to the Grand Chapter Charity Fund in 1982: $50.00 to the Masonic Service Association for Hospital Visitation and $50.00 to the Grand Master's discretionary Fund in 1984 and $100.00 to the Statue of Liberty Restoration Fund in 1985. CANDIDATES The followingselected figures give an overall perspective ofthe numbers ofcandidates during the years: 5/7/01 9/29/15 5/24/16 5/29/18 Class Peak 78 30 34 29 244 Annual Total ~ . CONDUCT There have been occasional problems with conduct during the earlier years, primarily associated with degree work. This has been teflected by discussion and correspondence with some of the older members and occasional mentionsin the minutes: 1/23/35 - Voted the following resolution be spread upon the records and a copy be sent with the June notices. 245 CO E-C TAN E A is Whereas, in times past the decorum of some membersofth THE ROYAL ARK MARINER DEGREE Lodge may have overstepped the bounds of temperance, and whereas, prospective new members may be unfavaorably influenced by the wrongfulacts of its members now belonging; now thenbeit resolved; That each and every one of us as membersin goodstanding of a subordinate Lodge of Ark Marinersbe especially carefulof his conductthat no act of his may relfect unfavorably on the standing of any Masonic organization anywhere. H.K. Bickford 4/27/32 - Bro. Fred E. Smith gave a talk on the Ark Mariner Lodge and the parent organization. 6/15/38 - Requests had beensentout with the notice of meeting ask- 6/17/25 - A banquet was served after the degree was conferred on ing that the members deport themnselvesin a mannerthat wouldbring twenty-five candidates with over two hundredat the tables. no disgrace uponthefraternity. DEGREE 6/14/22 - The degree was conferred on 42 candidates at the Opera House in Norway with 175 memberspresent. A banquet followedat the Masonic Hall. DEGREE WORK AND LODGE ACTIVITIES 6/16/26 - Supper wasserved at 6:00 p.m. and the Ark was launched at 6:45 p.m. The degree was now worked at the Opera House with present. 180 . The degree workthrough the years had been commonly associated with banquets, parades and entertainment muchto the pleasure and enjoymentofall participants. This is reflected in the minutes and there 6/29/27 - After supper, the parade was formed with the drum corps in the lead, and the brethren then marchedto the Printing House Square never seemed to be a dearth ofcandidates in attendance. Some excerpts from the minutes include: and back to the Opera House wherethe degree was worked onthirty- SPECIAL VOYAGES Perhapsthe greatest years of propserity were achieved in the preWorld WarII years, 1936-1940. These were marked by many candidates, large attendance, sumptuous dinnersatthe Masonic Hall, Thefirst special voyage of the Lodge was held at Masonic Hall, Portland, Maine on May 7, 1901 at 1700 (5 p.m.) persuantto a dispensation issued by Brother Josiah H. Drummond, Intendant General on May 6, 1901. Seventy eight applications (receipts $262.00) were received, balloted upon and the brethren then elevated to the degree of Ark and Dove. The Venerable Patriarch, Frank N. Barker then gave a briefhistory of the degree andits organization in this country. The minutes were read, approved and the lodge was anchored at 2345 (11:45 p.m.). 9 3/2/10 a It was voted to observe the installation by a smoker instead of a supper. five candidates. outstanding band concerts and vaudeville shows contracted through the Yankee Network Artists in Boston, all held at the Opera House, e.g. Yankee Network Artists: 6/30/37 and 6/15/38; R.K.O. Vaudeville: 6/14/39 and the Pine State Ramblers: 1/31/40. Thelast 6/ 19/40. Thelast event eventprior to the lodges remission washeld on at Poland Srings 6/19/40 Ptior to the lodges remission washeld on conwhere over 250 participated in various games, enjoyed a band cert which was followed by a turkey dinner and degree workat the Play House. After the lodge closed entertainment followedby the J.C. McCabe Co. of Portland. THE COLLECTANEA Thefirst degree work since re-organization of the lodge in 1975 wascarried out on 8/27/85. It was agreed that the members of Josiah H. Drummond Co. No. 1, A.M.D. couldvisit the Lodge Meetings, but without voting privileges. The custom of combining summer outings with degree work has continued and, again, with muchinterest, attendance and success. Thefirst was held at the Cinnamon CampClub in North Norway on 7/29/786with 13 candidates. It was held on successive years thereafter at the American Legion Hall in So. Paris on 7/29/78 (29 candidates) and 8/18/79 (10 candidates) and at Greenleaf Lodge No. 117 at Cornish on 7/25/81 (49 members andcandidates) and finally at Presumpset Lodge No. 127 at North Windham starting on 7/26/80 (22); 7/24/82 (28); 7/30/83 (2); 2/28/84 (58) and 7/27/85 (25), the latter with 91 memberspresent. sia ~ Special voyages were held during the annual sessionsof the G. Co. A.M.D. at the Hotel Washington in Washington, D. C. on 2/11/84 4/26/1898 - 1/25/00 - ect unpaid dues some of which extend back over a period of five years. 248 G. H. Holmes: 1 board and plank: 0.90 W. C. Leavitt: 1 axe: 0.60 T. Lewis: aprons: $5.72 6/10/01 - Albert J. Stearns: ribbon for collars: $1.50 10/30/01- M.R. Kimball: seal and express: $4.53 3/10/09 - Lee M. Smith; material for new Ark: $8.02 4/7/09 - E. F. Bickwell: oil cloth, painting: $4.00 1/14/14 - Somehavenotpaid dues since 1910, but