Summary:Compressed from .wav format into .mp3 delivery format ambient recording It is colder, the puddles are 5-20 meters in diameter and less than 0.5 meters deep. They have now mostly frozen over. Birds are here but quiet. Almost nothing but wind is heard during this session. I am seeing Lapland Longspurs, Red and Red-necked phalaropes, Northern Pintails, Pomerine jeagers, Glaucous gulls, a Semipalmated Sandpiper, a pair of Long-billed Dowitchers briefly. A pair of Rough-legged hawks had started a stick nest on the old wind tower next to our camp. They were alarmed at our presence for 1-2 days and I felt bad about chasing them from their nest site until the high winds blew the nest completely away. It was probably better that they lost the nest now rather than later with eggs or chicks to lose; Habitat type: Coastal Tundra with small puddles/ponds; Elevation: 22 Feet; Wind: 20-30 MPH; Temp: 30 F; Humidity: 76%; Local Time: 4:05 AM